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80 63140 78908 04 laeTr oPg 6 oun1 Column A6, Page to Turn Please ilipc fsc hcig tragic shocking, a such of impact tial

h rc fabse fUS ri,B3. grain, U.S. of bushel a of price the elhwresmblzda unprece- an mobilized workers Health §

laeTr oPg 4 oun1 Column A4, Page to Turn Please

a rcdnst epeaut h poten- the evaluate help to precedents cal oi osqecs u hyrrl do,” rarely they but consequences, nomic

xlso nArl18:Nbd knew Nobody 1986: in explosion

naco ers faeaantteblue the against aflame debris, of arc an

onr odme h tak,A15. attacks, the condemned country cnmssgoe nvi o histori- for vain in groped Economists inta hs iatr aeeteeeco- extreme have disasters these that tion

ensneteCenblncerplant nuclear Chernobyl the since seen

nr akah sai rusi this in groups Islamic . angry

ieit t agt u a h result: the I But target. its into dive

osqecs Teesawy specula- always “There’s consequences. undt wteln fe h attacks. the after Switzerland to turned

raigastaini h amBl not Belt Farm the in situation a creating

aearaybgngapigwt an with grappling begun already have

rd oes intsetefrtplane first the see didn’t I towers, Trade

u tespae onaylong-term any down played others But htdw h hcg uue markets, futures Chicago the down shut

rmtoemeig,bthsarln re- airplane his but meetings, those from

> 38216 ai-mrcn nmn .. U.S. many in lamic-Americans

ie utars h tetfo h World the from street the across just fices

h lsr fteNwYr exchanges York New the of closure The §

resa a nhswybc oteU.S. the to back way his on was Greenspan idaotatroitattack.” terrorist a about ried

s tak aeytt eietfe,Is- identified, be to yet have attacks ist

hthue h alSre ora’ of- Journal’s Street Wall The houses that

errs tak,A3. attacks, terrorist a oeaebgn npg B3. page on begins coverage cal inlStlmns e himnAlan Chairman Fed Settlements. tional ovstsotn vnsweete’ewor- they’re where events sporting visit to

lhuhteprertr fteterror- the of perpetrators the Although §

rmtesdwl,bhn h building the behind sidewalk, the From

int ismnt esqikyo the on quickly news disseminate tion—to

ntepprtdy brvae statisti- Abbreviated today. paper the in edn etnsa h ako Interna- of Bank the at meetings tending okCt rohrlrecte,ls likely less cities, large other or York

ee oehr le A20. else, somewhere pened

ahoe eieteseiledi- special device—the fashioned

emdlk oi boom. sonic a like seemed

a n hr r oUS tc listings stock U.S. no are there and day rmBsl wteln,weeh a at- was he where Switzerland, Basel, from l eswligt ii ahntno New or Washington visit to willing less ple httroimwssmtigta hap- that something was terrorism that

mrcnnwppr undt nold- an to turned American

atn eodo w ae,what later, two or second A hattan.

iaca akt eecoe nTues- on closed were markets financial ayfroltrtn mrcn’sense Americans’ obliterating famy—for etd i rfi ieywl elwr peo- lower, be will likely traffic Air fected. odDwJnsNwwrsb telephone by Newswires Jones Dow told

hi nentstssapd many swamped, sites Internet Their §

nie,fyn o vrteiln fMan- of island the over low flying engines,

1 01 on htdt olv nin- in live to date that joins 2001, 11, esdfe fcag,a S.o.U.S. WSJ.com. at charge, of free cessed sats swl stig ietyaf- directly things as well as autos, as e okPeietWlimMcDonough William President York New

ohos A2. borhoods,

h is ann a h on fjet of sound the was warning first The

ca-ure nunrblt,nwSept. now invulnerability, ocean-guarded ieeiino h ora a eac- be can Journal the of edition line

ornosde, eea eev akof Bank Reserve Federal deed,” horrendous iey“pn eso i-iktiessuch items big-ticket on less “spend likely

odo h a tl isn ildneigh- filled missing still was who of word

toe mrc’ itrcble nits in belief historic America’s stroyed

oe fteWrdTaecenter. Trade World the of tower

a’ errs tak,teetr on- entire the attacks, terrorism day’s

m ucin mohyi h aeo this of face the in smoothly functions omy osmr,M.Soeadd will added, Stone Mr. Consumers, r nolwrMnatnec a,and day, each lower into ers

uta aa nDc ,14,de- 1941, 7, Dec. on as Just §

tet hntefrtpaehttenorth the hit plane first the when street,

r u orprusosfo yester- from repercussions to due ers ancl n ekt nuetewrdecon- world the ensure to seek and calm tain htcrytn ftosnso commut- of thousands of tens carry that m’ eann bulwark. remaining omy’s


by seatywa tloe iefo the from like looked it what exactly is ably,

uubntwsta o h ri lines train the dot that towns suburban ora a edlydfrmn read- many for delayed be Journal hr ild vrtigpsil omain- to possible everything do will where ue pnig hc a enteecon- the been had which spending, sumer

naxoswiigto odi many in hold took waiting anxious An § hanlotteohrsd.Ta,remark- That, side. other the out shrapnel

iw&Otoko aeA18. page on Outlook & view eas eieyo h alStreet Wall The of delivery Because Imsr htcnrlbnesevery- bankers central that sure “I’m ofdnecudsvrl nemn con- undermine severely could confidence

elrdo h ol’ eorce.Re- democracies. world’s the on declared ad fuiso lo,A6. blood, of units of sands

ispecdNwYr ulig sending buildings York New pierced oids


r ikn.Teipc ftetaeyon tragedy the of impact The sinking. are ‘EverythingPossible’

ak sanwkn fwrhsbeen has war of kind new a as tacks dniyteda n upytn fthou- of tens supply and dead the identify ntemve“raedn”teaster- the “,” movie the In

ethsrsnsapyadsokprices stock and sharply risen has ment

ntewk fysedystroitat- terrorist yesterday’s of wake the in huad fijrdtknt hospitals, to taken injured of thousands

cover. ilrmi lsdtoday. closed remain will

etadeprsaeflig unemploy- falling, are exports and ment

h ol a eoeadfeetplace different a become has World The etdntowd fott ra the treat to effort nationwide dented

h ea eetr n -a ma- X-ray and detectors metal The

ieihesarvn nteseernfor ran scene the on arriving Firefighters

od n omdt akt l lsdand closed all markets commodity and bond, hni i aki 90”Bsns invest- 1990.” in back did it than

oe ob sudnx week. issued be to posed

a fTerror of Day A n e ao rfiga rudlevel. ground at drifting vapor red and rnhsddcoei e ok h stock, The York. New in close did branches

ok oefaiegigit hsepisode this into going fragile more looks

tnad;i at e ue eesup- were rules new fact, in standards;

rp h matlf ml uf fpink of puffs small left impact the drop, otdi h akn ytm though system, banking the in ported nadto,h ad teeconomy “the said, he addition, In

a led oigt ihe screening tighten to moving already was

eto iec o h mrcnvictims. American the for silence of ment ot n hubr.Atrte80-floor the After shrubbery. and posts

asaed”N ao rbeswr re- were problems major No ahead.” days


o,of008;218 ak,of0.0355. off marks, 2.1389 0.0181; off ros,

h eea vainAdministration Aviation Federal The

iitr ea h etn ihamo- a with meeting the began ministers eann al tl teslne nlamp- on landed others Still wall. retaining

ofdneta twl otnet os nthe in so do to continue will it that confidence cnms tSoe&MCrh Research McCarthy & Stone at economist

1.6yn f .7 .96eu- 1.0936 1.77; off yen, 119.16 Dollar:

e aertatbeblades. retractable have ten raiaino mrcnSae.Foreign States. American of Organization nrnet h ot oe.Ohr i a hit Others Tower. North the to entrance

indetariaiywl,adIhv every have I and well, extraordinarily tioned

ety tso u ol”si a Stone, Ray said soil,” our on it’s rectly,

ne 0.2,u 0.168. up 101.329, index

re ihbxctigkie,wihof- which knives, box-cutting with armed fsaehdatne etn fthe of meeting a attended had state of rse notepatcann vrthe over awning plastic the into crashed

ftdystaey h iaca ytmfunc- system financial the tragedy, today’s of

eas hsipcsAeiasmr di- more Americans impacts this because

o oe-I futures Jones-AIG Dow Commodities:

fiil ad n adtohjceswere hijackers two said and said, officials e okadWsigo.Tesecretary The Washington. and York New n lastesm n.Some end. same the always And

ttmn rmTko aig I h face the “In saying: Tokyo, from statement

90 h ekesmgtb oesevere more be might weakness The 1990.

aktclosed. Market Bonds:

aldhrhsadfo h i,federal air, the from husband her called mrcnti eas fteatcsin attacks the of because trip American

rauySceayPu ’el suda issued O’Neill Paul Secretary Treasury oeesadunhelpable. and hopeless

hnteGl rssbgni uutof in began crisis Gulf the when

aktclosed. Market Stocks:

n asne badadoe jet doomed a aboard passenger One

rmPr fe utn hr South a short cutting after Peru from

rpe iedawih,svrlseconds, several deadweight, like dropped

tc-aktcrash. stock-market ec] ilpug uhlk hydid they like much plunge will … dence])


aki Washington in back arrived Powell

n ohide.” to ing padtwr h lmsadsy They sky. and flames the toward upward a elrto suddrn h 1987 the during issued declaration lar ulatcs Oemgtepc [confi- expect might “One attacks. tual

Teeaealsrso hnste’etry- they’re things of sorts all are “There hm tesfl nterbcs peering backs, their on fell Others them. h lblfnnilsse,ehigasimi- a echoing system, financial global the iii

rvlsse a ensu onb ac- by down shut been has system travel

Atceo aeA16) Page on (Article

takr ol yasarotsecurity. airport bypass could attackers okn ona h tetcm pat up came street the as down looking odmaino h akoperation. tank the of condemnation fiil ee“ome iudt ed”of needs” liquidity meet “to were officials errs tak hstm,teetr air- entire the time, This attack. terrorist

raadtgtnte nanother. in them tighten and area

h adsews’ upie htthe that surprised wasn’t she said who oefl wnigteram n legs, and arms their swinging fell Some

ruet vravneadPalestinian and venue a over arguments ytmws“pnadoeaig n that and operating” and “open was system 90 rvlwsdpesdb er fa of fears by depressed was travel 1990,

htwudsihl aerlsi one in rules ease slightly would that

ereBs necnietlAirport, Intercontinental Bush George et hntecoigsoeadflame. and choking the than death iin id rc ak eltruhamid through fell talks Truce died. tinians ttmn ttn httecnrlbank's central the that stating statement uhgetrls flf nUS ol In soil. U.S. on of loss greater much

ethscmltdasto revisions of set a completed has ment

otfor ytoewocoeadifferent a chose who those by floors most akt,ascrt ur tHouston’s at guard security a Hackett, htpope ihigi hc w Pales- two which in fighting prompted That eea eev suda emergency an issued Reserve Federal ieyt emr eeebcueo the of because severe more be to likely

rsdn uhsTesr Depart- Treasury Bush’s President

eainahaln epfo h top- the from leap headlong peration—a Pol r eycetv, asViola says creative,” very are “People etsiiebmesfo ecigIsrael. reaching from bombers suicide vent oesr am hrl fe on the noon, after Shortly calm. ensure to u ayeooit adti vn is event this said economists many But

ol rd etr ti h lgto des- of flight the is it Center, Trade World o-r oe-aneigcrackdown, money-laundering ton-era

htIre’ rysi a neddt pre- to intended was said army ’s that cnmcplc aesddterbest their did makers policy Economic h A said. GAO the bu h 909 recession. 1990-91 the about

’lrmme rmtedsrcino the of destruction the from remember I’ll

ue iyo ei naWs akoperation Bank West a in Jenin of city ruled h i rnpr ytmrmisa risk,” at remains system transport air the h Clin- the reviewing of months After etra afternoon. yesterday n lydadcsv oei bringing in role decisive a played and

E OKI hr’ nyoesight one only there’s YORK—If NEW

h Palestinian- the encircled tanks Israeli g ,0 epn er tescrt of security “the year, a weapons 2,000 age

el ag o,peitdi report a in predicted Co., & Wells ideEs,wihdpesdconfidence depressed which East, Middle iii

tf eotrof Reporter Staff ipr euiysreigsosa aver- an stops screening security airport h alSre Journal Street Wall The iey”Sn o on he cnms at economist chief Sohn, Won Sung likely,” Atceo aeA16) Page on (Article rcsaddsac fUS rost the to troops U.S. of dispatch and prices iii


onBussey John B nmn ae a osnd vnthough Even worsened. had cases many in Afl-lw lblrcsini highly is recession global full-blown “A odb ae oErp o treatment. for to taken be sood h 90Gl a,ivligasiei oil in spike a involving War, Gulf 1990 the ec ytma hi w pace. own their system—at rency

adarotscrt antipoe,and improved, hadn’t security airport said

il addcoswr eomnigMa- recommending were doctors said cials h otrcn oprbeeetwas event comparable recent most The uha i rvladfnnilmarkets. financial and travel air as such dp infcnl oefeil cur- flexible more significantly a adopt

ann,teGnrlAcutn Office Accounting General the warning,

odhdbe ildi udysatc,offi- attack, Sunday’s in killed been had sood irpigbsccmeca functions commercial basic disrupting ntiglk hsta a hn of.” think can I that this like anything

te nBiigarayaepann to planning are already Beijing in ities

I’ oigDw!Run!’ Down! Coming ‘It’s

7 7 7 7

utls er na lotprophetic almost an in year, last Just

sasnto tep.Ai uosMa- rumors Amid attempt. assassination in msigcnue ofdneand confidence consumer smashing sion, osmrsedn.Btw’envrseen never we’ve But spending. consumer

hn etra esae htauthor- that persuaded yesterday

aodhdbe eiul one nan in wounded seriously been had Masood ae otgtnarotprocedures. airport tighten to taken

l lbleooyit iepedreces- widespread into global ile sal aetastr eaieefcson effects negative transitory have usually ci mk n Heroism; and Smoke Acrid

alONilleft O’Neill Paul Secretary Treasury

ocsaanti adtermltr chief military their said it against forces lrsaotscrt,wt iteaction little with security, about alarms obnstrae ops narayfrag- already an push to threaten bombings nvriy Cniec-hkn events “Confidence-shaking University.

ihmr fFligBodies, Falling of Nightmare A iii rs fesv stecifo h rival the of chief the as offensive fresh a rcs u uhrte aeln raised long have authorities but trucks, AHNTNYsedysterrorist WASHINGTON—Yesterday’s lne,eooispoesra Princeton at professor economics Blinder,

Atceo aeA16) Page on (Article

launched Taliban ruling Afghanistan’s

lnstruhctrn rohrservice other or catering through planes

hr olo o nlge, adAlan said analogies,” for look to where

tf eotr of Reporters Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

iii e eo rs bu 5blino debt. of billion $5 about erase let

ahns rpatdwaosaor the aboard weapons planted or machines, vn nteeooy Idntknow don’t “I economy. the on event y iii rgI n onD McKinnon D. John and Ip Greg B

eprto n Chaos and Desperation n gemn ihG aia htwill that Capital GE with agreement ing tpriua ea eetr n X-ray and detectors metal particular at

n owi o la udnefo Bush. from guidance clear for wait to ing

tak as er faRecession a of Fears Raise Attacks

ih aehdflo errssworking terrorists fellow had have might nequipment-financ- an reached Xerox m.TeGPlwaesapa unwill- appear lawmakers GOP The omy.

nobel oka hte h attackers the whether at look undoubtedly hyps o e a ust prteecon- the spur to cuts tax new for push they

n ore Through Journey One iii

aespotfrSca euiywhile Security Social for support case

Atceo aeB1) Page on (Article

rsrn nBoston. in Armstrong

n tnb pnigct en oshow- to meant cuts spending standby ing

a siae toe 1 billion. $10 over at estimated tag h y fteStorm: the of Eye The laeTr oPg 6 oun4 Column A6, Page to Turn Please

usodi o nee n David and Angeles Los in Lunsford laeTr oPg 1,Clm 1 Column A10, Page to Turn Please craft- are Republicans Congressional

nysedysdsrcin ihteprice the with destruction, yesterday’s in W r on ohv olanwa a what learn to have to going are “We

ct cate nSate .Lynn J. Seattle, in McCartney Scott

raaa aess ioscnecp a escape can pilots so panels breakaway


yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By ags-vrdsse hyhv el with dealt have they disaster largest-ever

mrcn ieterlives. their live Americans or u h ihwih or ul with built door, lightweight the but door, ahta oadi eceoperations. rescue in aid to Manhattan

h ags a-aeadpsil the possibly and man-made largest the

laeTr oPg 1,Clm 1 Column A12, Page to Turn Please akdadfrvratrdteway the altered forever and marked iosaeal olc hi cockpit their lock to able are Pilots

esne a endpoe oLower to deployed been had personnel

re u o eetd netgtr will Investigators detected. not but armed

etgn iln udes ab thou- maybe hundreds, killing Pentagon, etra’ errs darkened, terrorism Yesterday’s hti certainly is what facing are Insurers flights.

ao adalaalbeplc n fire and police available all said mayor

nBso,Nwr,NJ,adWashington, and N.J., Newark, Boston, in

r fteWrdTaeCne n the and Center Trade World the of ers oddwt ulfrtranscontinental for fuel with loaded

ae hni ilb eceue.The rescheduled. be will it when later n ortr onra o ogtime.” long a for normal to return to ing iii

aei hog ipr euiyscreening security airport through it made

aekmkz-iecahsit ohtow- both into crashes kamikaze-like made

l ag oigC.topltjt heavily jets two- Co. large all

ro fNwYr,adte ildecide will they and York, New of ernor de,“u ol sw nwi s’ go- isn’t it know we as world “Our added, Atceo aeA3) Page on (Article

ob,siia iakr apparently hijackers suicidal bombs,

elnr,i esta nhu’ time, hour’s an than less in jetliners,

w ntdArie lgt novdwere involved flights United two

h lcinatrcnutn ihtegov- the with consulting after election the costw rars h country. the across or town across col ahta uub i mother His suburb. Manhattan a School,

a n sn hma in e fuel jet giant as them using and day

etra fe he paetyhijacked apparently three after yesterday

h w mrcnArie lgt n the and flights Airlines American two The

etr ao ilaisi ecle off called he said Giuliani Mayor Center. l ihhgae tPla Middle Pelham at eighth-grader old

ie sdemi ofn employees find to e-mail used tives

omnern orarlnsyester- airplanes four Commandeering

h ainsodi hc n horror and shock in stood nation The

orhariecahdna Pittsburgh. near crashed fourth A

inatrteatc nteWrdTrade World the on attack the after tion

s onr, adJseSrus 13-year- a Strauss, Jesse said country,” est

ayvlm fcls oprt execu- Corporate calls. of volume nary

pcaua way. spectacular

a happening.” was h lnstesle notestructures. the into themselves planes the

t rmr elec- primary its off called York New

Yujs huh mrc a h saf- the was America thought just “You

rmsvrdlnsada extraordi- an and lines severed from ilsse aldi h ottai and tragic most the in failed system cial

neivbe ecudntbleethis believe not could We unbelievable. etradtePnao,adte flew then and Pentagon, the and Center


col oda ihtevoec outside. violence the with deal to schools e narglrbss etra,ta cru- that Yesterday, basis. regular a on see

tak,a h hn ytmsagged system phone the as attacks,

a hoi, r hgadsy.“twas “It says. Thaggard Mr. chaotic,” was tukteti oeso h ol Trade World the of towers twin the struck

aldfrraoe judgment. reasoned for called

neo rniascudg akt their to back go could principals of ence cenn,smtigta rqetfliers frequent that something screening,

bewyt omnct olwn communicate to way able

hswyadta,tyn ogtot “It out. get to trying that, and way this iosi aho h he lnsthat planes three the of each in pilots

ftroim ruaie h ol,bthe but world, the traumatized terrorism” of

andaotlxUS ipr security airport U.S. lax about warned ilneisd h col—ohsaudi- his schools—so the inside violence

h otreli- most the proved Internet The hntepaeht epesatdrunning started People hit. plane the when ieytehjcesdsbe rkle both killed or disabled hijackers the likely

h ..sAnnsi h dlbrt acts “deliberate the said Annan U.N.’s The

oenetaece aelong have agencies Government

ee i etr nsuettrasand threats student on lecture his celed

iemngri h ulig a there was building, the in manager fice iosadarieofcasbleei is it believe officials airline and Pilots

l atsm epespotdteactions. the supported people some East dle iii

ignapyhlgs ee onl can- Cornell Dewey psychologist Virginia

lm n mk.Mr hgad nof- an Thaggard, Mark smoke. and flame Atceo aeA3) Page on (Article o iost saei h vn facrash. a of event the in escape to pilots for

nitrainltroim u nteMid- the in but terrorism, international on

osmc iflTwr nvriyof University Tower. Eiffel mock no’s

etgnbidn,epoigi oe of tower a in exploding building, Pentagon uf ocra nuycsoesada ax an and customers unruly corral to cuffs ieessriears h Northeast. the across service wireless h tak nteUS n eaddwar demanded and U.S. the in attacks the

n ot o Passengers for Costs And

ti a lsd owstePrscasi- Paris the was so closed; was strip

h etadbroe notesd fthe of side the into burrowed and west the

re ihltl oeta lsi hand- plastic than more little with armed

ihrvlinto revulsion with reacted leaders World

ahntnkokdottlpoeand telephone out knocked Washington

oe ntenrhedo h a Vegas Las the of end north the on tower

ahntn .. e woe nfrom in swooped jet a D.C., Washington, euiypronl n iln rw are crews airline and personnel, security

oAdInconvenience Add To h errs tak nNwYr and York New on attacks terrorist the iii

he ude ie otesuh in south, the to miles hundred Three

eca lgt a,ariesdntcarry don’t airliners day, a flights mercial

er emnn.(ril nPg A3) Page on (Article permanent. pears

eesrie as strained were systems Telecom

lr nbryi Pittsburgh. in Ansberry Clare

..aries ihmr hn1,0 com- 10,000 than more With airliners. U.S. mk. hntepoewn dead. went phone the Then smoke.”

e esrsAeLikely Are Measures New h mato h upce iakr ap- hijackers suspected the of impact the

hitn ike nLsAglsand Angeles Los in Binkley Christina


r aial h nyln fpoeto for protection of line only the basically are a’ e u.…Tepaei iln with filling is place The … out. get can’t

itisbno liga al sno today, noon as early as flying on ban its lift

ueKohl nWashington, in Kronholz

Atce nPg A2) Page on (Articles hnss aiira ipr concourses airport at familiar so chines

n,“oeoysgtt epu.…We … us. help to got “Somebody’s ing,

enyvna hl h A adi might it said FAA the While Pennsylvania.

yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

h ainseeg supplies. energy nation’s the

hog h pae hn,pol scream- people phone, speaker the through

eca esi e ok ahntnand Washington York, New in jets mercial

orra h onso ho came chaos of sounds the as horror eto egtndaett safeguard to alert heightened on went

ogSe sDneosyLax Dangerously as Seen Long oigtecahso h orhjce com- hijacked four the of crashes the lowing

h oua,nellk Stratosphere needlelike popular, The

ts h o nee epelsee in listened people Angeles Los the utes, ol irp upis ..companies U.S. supplies. disrupt could ytm evn i rvlr tadd fol- stranded, travelers air leaving system,

egebsbl ae eecanceled. were games baseball league

ln uthtu. o oeta iemin- five than more For us.” hit just plane

h ainlair-traffic national the shut FAA The l atadayrtlaoyaction retaliatory any and East dle

cest h odnGt rde Major Bridge. Gate Golden the to access

e epehadsmoesy Itika think “I say, someone heard people les ..ArotScrt Screening Security Airport U.S.

ak ih aeoiiae nteMid- the in originated have might tacks iii

rnAeiabidn n pedestrian and building TransAmerica htwshpeigtee h o Ange- Los The there? happening was What

rlmblzto fteteams. the of mobilization eral

nfasteat- the fears on soared prices Energy

o nee fieo h pae phone. speaker the on office Angeles Los ic lsdisshos swl sthe as well as schools, its closed cisco

ildsse em.I a h is gen- first the was It teams. disaster cial

iii oen u alfo h company’s the from call a put someone tt nvriisysedy a Fran- San yesterday. universities state

he ciae l ftento’ 0spe- 80 nation’s the of all activated chief

Atceo aeB3) Page on (Article

rd etrofcso atrFitzgerald, Cantor of offices Center Trade

h etgn lrd htdw its down shut Pentagon, the

h elhadHmnServices Human and Health The

etwl ehr oensure. to hard be will feat laeTr oPg 1,Clm 5 Column A12, Page to Turn Please

oet 145 rm$1.4579. from $1.4751 to rose

oeta 0 losaoehma the at him above floors 100 than More

a rmteWrdTaeCne or Center Trade World the from Far

s novsals itnteey hs de- whose enemy, distinct less a involves ism orpeihsple.(ril nPg A6) Page on (Article supplies. replenish to

r ftefihsta tukNwYork New struck that flights the of each on ers

rm109 e n h rts pound British the and yen 120.93 from w eod,te a, r whnsaid. Zwyhun Mr. ran,” then seconds, two

thing. liaeyb eetd a gis terror- against war a defeated, be ultimately

hr ncmn asa hyfc h need the face they as days coming in short supinta hr eemlil hijack- multiple were there that assumption

eefligeeyhr.“ to hr for there stood “I everywhere. falling were ok h olrtmldt 1.6yen 119.16 to tumbled dollar The York.

atcnuyivle ainsae htcould that nation-states involved century past

nhu ftro hne every- changed terror of hour An le,btte ore htte ol run would they that worried they but plies, a eakbe h B soeaigo the on operating is FBI The remarkable. was

ilwdi h k n heso glass of sheets and sky the in billowed

rm8.5cnslt odyi New in Monday late cents 89.95 from as o odes n hl h aso the of wars the while And soldiers. not ians, t ed ol emtb vial sup- available by met be would needs ate

h he ohsiaino h terrorists the of sophistication sheer The

esy,te ueepoin Smoke explosion. huge a then says, he

n,teer to t9.4US et,up cents, U.S. 91.44 at stood euro the ing, oe lo-etrofcassi immedi- said officials Blood-center more. alo t eeiinst,troit takcivil- attack terrorists sets, television its on tail

enn h errs attacks. terrorist the demning

on lk e niea ulthrottle,” full at engine jet a “like sound

nWy ag n Small and Large Ways In okCt,adhsiasepce osee to expected hospitals and City, York satamtzdnto a ngusm de- gruesome in saw nation traumatized a As

olwn h tak.I aeLno trad- London late In attacks. the following int osdrabpria eouincon- resolution bipartisan a consider to sion

ol rd etrwe ehada heard he when Center Trade World

,0 epewr eotdijrdi New in injured reported were people 2,000 etoa a,adi oewy sfrscarier. far is ways some in and war, ventional

hetpa orcneetdyiaseilses- special ina today reconvene to threat–plan ngoa markets global in tumbled dollar The

ue er n a akn oadthe toward walking was and ferry muter

oMk Adjustments Make To

aeo h errs tak.Mr than More attacks. terrorist the of wake e a gis errs sulk con- a unlike is terrorism against war a Yet

n h eaesutrdysedyai the amid yesterday Senate–shuttered the and

a utsepdofteNwJre com- Jersey New the off stepped just had


l eso huad fuiso lo nthe in blood of units of thousands of tens ply

cso war.” of acts

edr fteHueo Representatives of House the of Leaders

Atceo aeA1) Page on (Article rdcr,a nentoa rdn firm, trading international an Tradecard,

tak ilFrePeople Force Will Attacks

ae ohsias dniyteda n sup- and dead the identify hospitals, to taken

utcie gis h ntdSae,te are they States, United the against crimes just

oe them.” bored

h 8ya-l he ehooyofcrof officer technology chief 38-year-old the

ucin uha i travel. air as such functions

fott ra h huad finjured of thousands the treat to effort

a a eea,wosi:“hs eenot were “These said: who veteran, War nam

h omte hs csadtoewohar- who those and acts these committed who

rudtesm ie etrZwyhun, Nestor time, same the Around

ec n irpigbsccommercial basic disrupting and dence

elhwresmblzdanationwide a mobilized workers Health

a umrzdb e.Jh can Viet- a McCain, John Sen. by summarized was aen itnto ewe h terrorists the between distinction no make

e, esays. he hem,”

eso,sahn osmrconfi- consumer smashing cession, ra huad fijrdvictims. injured of thousands treat h rvt ftecalnet h country the to challenge the of gravity The

i ae,tepeietdcae:“ewill “We declared: president the Laden, bin

mrcnLives American

e tenars h lo.“twsmay- was “It floor. the across strewn ies

ELHTASluce fot to efforts launched TEAMS HEALTH

l lbleooyit iepedre- widespread into economy global ile

nances. in uha fhnsa,wihhssMr. hosts which Afghanistan, as such tions

u efudhmefsadn mn bod- among standing himself found he but

fIlmctro rush uprsadfi- and supports he groups terror Islamic of ops frag- a push to threaten attacks The iii one ann otroit swl st na- to as well as terrorists to warning pointed

e intko hthdhpee yet, happened had what know didn’t ler

upc,i ol aesrn rmanetwork a from sprung have could it suspect, ntdSae,te r cso war.” of acts are they States, United ie drs rmteOa fie na In Office. Oval the from address vised oee Alters Forever


arn n h eln olpe.M.Cut- Mr. collapsed. ceiling the and taurant

Teewr o utcie gis the against crimes just not were “These ainintdrcl epnil,US officials U.S. responsible, directly isn’t zation Atceo aeB1) Page on (Article ild oti ie”h adi ainlytele- nationally in said he time,” this so do will

pn mk n s ordit h res- the into poured ash and smoke open,

rn xrse h niet’gravity: incidents’ the expressed eran, ae oteatcs ftebnLdnorgani- Laden bin the If attacks. the to Laden c a to oneeisbfr,adwe and before, enemies down stood has ica

fda n nue sunclear. is injured and dead of

eal.I eod,tekthndosblew doors kitchen the seconds, In recalls.

e.MCi,aVenmWrvet- War Vietnam a McCain, Sen. ahrd“togifrain ikn r bin Mr. linking information” “strong gathered

oro Horror of Hour pnei i epnet h rgd.“Amer- tragedy. the to response his in sponse

ftebidnsysedy u h toll the but yesterday, buildings the of

hnh er bo,bo,bo, he boom,” boom, “boom, heard he when

ilsi nelgneaece led had already agencies intelligence said cial ad Atce npgsA n A15) and A1 pages on (Articles said. rsdn uhnal rmsdamdre- armed promised nearly Bush President

ayecpdbfr h destruction the before escaped Many

rudforo h ol rd Center Trade World the of floor ground

i ae n i raiain n ..offi- U.S. One organization. his and Laden bin

pnil o hs oadyat, he acts,” cowardly these for sponsible

rkr a nteAbrrsarn nthe on restaurant Akbar the in was broker, rdn im n te . other and firms trading

infcsdo ideEs errs Osama terrorist East Middle on focused tion ttswl utdw n uihtoere- those punish and down hunt will States

ae ulr 1ya-l insurance 31-year-old a Cutler, James

a fie,tcnlg companies, technology offices, law

pnil o h tak huhofca atten- official though attack, the for sponsible edy Mk omsae h United The mistake: no “Make terday. Va., just south of Washington, D.C. Washington, of south just Va.,

eevr uhi h U.S. the in much very were

ayWl tetadbnigfirms, banking and Street Wall many including six crew. This plane crashes into in Arlington, Arlington, in Pentagon the into crashes plane This crew. six including Virginia tws’ meitl la h a re- was who clear immediately wasn’t It lypoie re epneeriryes- earlier response armed promised ally

u hywr elysedy n they And yesterday. real were they But

Airport at 8:10 a.m., bound for with 64 people aboard, aboard, people 64 with Angeles Los for bound a.m., 8:10 at Airport

housed Center Trade World The n toewohroe hm”H virtu- He them.” harbored who “those and

o,we oeta ,0 perished. 2,300 than more when bor,


American Flight 77, a Boeing 757, departs Dulles Dulles departs 757, Boeing a 77, Flight American


aen itnto”btenterrorists between distinction” no make

ufrdi h aaeeatc nPalHar- Pearl on attack Japanese the in suffered

iii Washington

N racs rmadsatfrinna- foreign distant a from broadcast CNN

rsdn odtento h ..“would U.S. the nation the told president Atceo aeB1) Page on (Article u tcudelpetels flf h country the life of loss the eclipse could it But


h oi.O o lnynvl ra Or novel. Clancy Tom a Or movie. phe

a epnil o h tak,btthe but attacks, the for responsible was

o,wsipsil ogueimmediately. gauge to impossible was gon,

ensa o h is iesne1984. since time first the for Wednesday seven crew. This flight crashes at about 10 a.m. southeast of of southeast a.m. 10 about at crashes flight This crew. seven

hywr iesee rmacatastro- a from scenes like were They

ai.I antimdaeycerwho clear immediately wasn’t It vania. nlwrMnatn n aae h Penta- the damaged and Manhattan, lower in

8:01 a.m., headed for San Francisco with 45 people, including including people, 45 with Francisco San for headed a.m., 8:01 kisokidxfl eo 00 early 10000 below fell index stock kkei

esRoundup News A

alSre Journal Street Wall eca e etdw nwsenPennsyl- western in down went jet mercial United Flight 93, a Boeing 757 aircraft, leaves Newark a Newark leaves aircraft, 757 Boeing a 93, Flight United t

NEWARK: ak htdsrydteWrdTaeCenter Trade World the destroyed that tacks

entoa eeso.I oy,teNi- the Tokyo, In recession. ternational

rse erPtsug.Aohrcom- Another Pittsburgh. near crashed

h et olfo h iakdjt’at- jets’ hijacked the from toll death The

ed neg rmpopcso nin- an of prospects from on ready

later collapse. later


el ne. orhhjce plane hijacked fourth A ended.” denly

esa oeadabroad. and at ness

mdCod fAsh of Clouds Amid

the South Tower of the trade center. Both towers towers Both center. trade the of Tower South the

sceo ol iaca ytmal- system financial world a of psyche City

etsi tosnso ie eesud- were of “thousands said dent

ela h a mrcn rvladd busi- do and travel Americans way the as well

Center At about 9:03 a.m., a second plane hits hits plane second a a.m., 9:03 about At Center

New York New

usata aaewsdn othe to done was damage substantial

Newark il ogueimdaey u h presi- the But immediately. gauge to sible

Boston hits the North Tower of the World Trade Trade World the of Tower North the hits Boston h ..apoce t oei h ol,as world, the in role its approaches U.S. the

eebeWrZone War Resemble

etgnotieWsigo a impos- was Washington outside Pentagon At about 8:50 a.m., Flight 11 from from 11 Flight a.m., 8:50 about At esta eandoe ugse that suggested open remained that kets

NEW YORK: YORK: NEW htraiainaoewl le h way the alter will alone realization That


e’ oesi e okaddmgdthe damaged and York New in towers ter’s

erpncrato ntegoa mar- global the in reaction near-panic rmms raie violence. organized mass from

ak htdsrydteWrdTaeCen- Trade World the destroyed that tacks hit the World Trade Center. Center. Trade World the hit tet fManhattan of Streets


tako h ol rd etr The Center. Trade World the on attack

n eann luin htAeiai safe is America that illusions remaining any

crew, becomes the first plane to to plane first the becomes crew,

h et olfo h iakdjtat- hijacked-jet the from toll death The

n h etgntroit aewpdout wiped have Pentagon—terrorists the and

lsdtdyi h aeo h terrorist the of wake the in today closed

people aboard, including 11 11 including aboard, people

oitatcsi h atr U.S. Eastern the in attacks rorist Mass.

A Boston

etsmoso mrcnpwrWl Street power—Wall American of symbols nent

Angeles. This flight, with 92 92 with flight, This Angeles.

escoe etra n remain and yesterday closed kets

New York New

UHPOIE cinaantter- against action PROMISED BUSH

Boston at 7:59 a.m. EDT for Los Los for EDT a.m. 7:59 at Boston yscesul takn h otpromi- most the attacking successfully By


n Horror And

Flight 11, a Boeing 767, leaves leaves 767, Boeing a 11, Flight

tf eotr of Reporters Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The N.H.

American Airlines Airlines American



elKing Neil A 7 7 World-Wide Finance and Business Vt.

y ai .Cloud S. David B

nDisbelief In


..Vw eaito sAtninFcsso i Laden bin on Focuses Attention as Retaliation Vows U.S.

iii iii htsNews— What’s

et ol oreo eattn tak eanUnclear; Remain Attacks Devastating of Source Toll, Death ainStands Nation





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01DwJns&Cmay n.AlRgt Reserved. Rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow 2001 s


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te eulcto ihsaereserved. are rights republication other hog hnsearvdfo h ferry the from arrived she when through hr.“htsgigo?Wa r your are What on? going “What’s third. ona osbeadgthm n e if see and home get and possible as soon

esdsace rgntdb h alSre ora.All Journal. Street Wall The by originated dispatches news

Buy the Aeron Chair for Less! for Chair Aeron the Buy

hle rmtesoessehdt walk to had she showers the from chilled h etr n ie w ie,te a then times, two time, one center, the vrbd atdt e u fsho as school of out get to wanted everybody

h soitdPesi xlsvl nildt republish to entitled exclusively is Press Associated The

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hl osiuefnlacpac fteavrie’ order. advertiser’s the of acceptance final constitute shall o h otAtoiy ssae and scared is Authority, Port the for huh,adpce ptepoet dial to phone the up picked and thought, rdra h col Truhu h day, the “Throughout school. the at grader

detsrsodr nypbiaino nadvertisement an of publication Only order. advertiser’s

In Stock In • Pricing Value •

540 1-800-WSJ-2206, i ad h adhrduhe,a analyst an daughter, her said She said. nik ery O,m agtri ee”she here,” is daughter my “Oh, nearby. adJseSrus 3ya-l eighth- 13-year-old a Strauss, Jesse said


..106 h ora eevstergtntt cetan accept to not right the reserves Journal The 10036. N.Y.

Your Best Value on Specialty Seating Specialty on Value Best Your • aeIgtwst rn lte, s Zup- Ms. clothes,” bring to was got I sage oenetsosrdcidcr center child-care government-sponsored a

oe o n. 15Aeu fteAeia,NwYork, New Americas, the of Avenue 1155 Inc., Co. & Jones vrbd nwi a errs attack,” terrorist a was it knew everybody

oodr call order, To

vial rmteAvriigSrie eatet Dow Department, Services the from available

Fully Authorized Herman Miller Retailer Miller Herman Authorized Fully

lo ftescn oe.“h atmes- last “The tower. second the of floor w-erodduhe,wowspaigat playing was who daughter, two-year-old enht n eodpaecahdin, crashed plane second a and hit, been

ujc oteapial aecr,cpe fwihare which of copies card, rate applicable the to subject

Specialty Seating! Specialty

huh htsrn omn a fher of was mind to sprang that thought e,Ssn h a sae rmte64th the from escaped had who Susan, ter, new a er httePnao had Pentagon the that heard had we Once l detsn ulse nTeWl tetJunlis Journal Street Wall The in published Advertising All

orcei card. credit your

ora,20BretR. hcpe A01020. MA Chicopee, Rd., Burnett 200 Journal,

The Ultimate Site for Site Ultimate The hnsehadtenw.Tefirst The news. the heard she when odtansainls ih o e daugh- her for night last station train wood A is sue twsa accident. an was it assumed I first “At

edadescagst h alStreet Wall The to changes address Send

74 ot hnyuodrwith order you when month a $7.49 POSTMASTER:

er a itn thrds tNASA at desk her at sitting was neer, em unkstwiiga h Maple- the at waiting sat Zupnik Selma odo i fate. his of word inrtso eus tteCioe,M address. MA Chicopee, the at request on rates eign

h alSre ora eiee o just for delivered Journal Street Wall The

29 n er$7,6mnh 8,3mnh 4;for- $49; months 3 $89, months 6 $175, year one $299,

er.PmMla,aSvr,M. engi- Md., Severn, a Millar, Pam fears. r linked. are i.B aeatron hr a tl no still was there afternoon, late By hit.

nteUie tts ertre n ossin,toyears two possessions, and territories States, United the In

alnwt aeyu is w otsof months two first your have to now Call

ak pre h otisiculof instinctual most the sparked tacks hw o lsl h uub n city and suburbs the closely how shows okdo h lo httefrtplane first the that floor the on worked n te aln fie.Sbcito ae psaepaid): (postage rates Subscription offices. mailing other and

ea oias eidcl otg ada e ok N.Y., York, New at paid postage Periodicals holidays. legal

o ayprns oee,teat- the however, parents, many For a.Bt h ad rgd iethis like tragedy a said, she But, tan. odta i ahr odtrader, bond a father, his that told

ulse al xetStras udy n general and Sundays Saturdays, except daily Published

saaigra-saepie nManhat- in prices real-estate escalating onn n ethm fe being after home went and morning n es fcommunity. of sense a and

0 iet t,NwYr,NY 10281. N.Y. York, New St., Liberty 200

f h oe price) cover the off

ot rnei eetyasbcueof because years recent in Orange South a aldt h fiei h early the in office the to called was nsysedy ents rvdn support providing notes, he yesterday, ents dtraadpbiainheadquarters: publication Editorialand

EsenEiinIS 0099-9660) ISSN Edition (Eastern

ocmuiissc sMpeodand Maplewood as such communities to n tdn tPla ihSchool High Pelham at student One esbcm etn lcsfraxospar- anxious for places meeting became ters


GtTeJunla 60% at Journal The (Get h adta ayfmle aemoved have families many that said She


prtro 6 etr.Mn hl-aecen- child-care Many centers. 366 of operator

lo,tog h on iehu wait. five-hour a found she though blood,

ocnatterprns elpoe or phones cell parents’ their contact to

aetw,Mass., Watertown, a , Solutions Family zons


h etr led ett r odonate to try to went already center, the GEMS FOR 888 1 rnwr rigatrfiigrepeatedly failing after crying were dren rgtHori- Bright of CEO and co-founder Brown,


• •

• yat-atoprotesters. anti-Castro by ignaBon h a w osat sons two has who Brown, Virginia erteWrdTaeCne,sm chil- some Center, Trade World the near Aeaywrpae eue’”sy Roger says ” secure?’ workplaces any ‘Are

m eas raiesfae disruptions feared organizers because ami hn ie ee’ working. weren’t lines phone etbnesadboeswowr nor in work who brokers and bankers ment

ocide.“h usinti assis, raises this question “The children. to

aiybsns rdto ic 1903 since tradition business family A

etyrlctdt o nee rmMi- from Angeles Los to relocated cently rfo hi w optr,bcuethe because computers, own their from or ouaino alSre rdr,invest- traders, Street Wall of population ratmbl ciet oeagetrrisk greater a pose accidents automobile or

SAEGM T.IpratEtt Jewelry Estate Important LTD. GEMS ESTATE


u uioim h wrswr re- were awards The auditorium. rum ae ntect fe hyhdevacuated had they after city the in cafes utotieNwYr iywt heavy a with City York New outside just hlho xet oe hthousehold that noted experts Childhood

ieIelCt ac oo Gems Color Fancy - Cuts Fine

etlcs nCStlvso rmteFo- the from television CBS on telecast be ayprnswoebc rmInternet from back wrote parents Many l coli ehm .. ml suburb small a N.Y., Pelham, in School dle

a xetsft rmterrorism. from safety except way

agrDaod .t o10.ct.+ to 2.ct. Diamonds Larger efr ttecrmne,wihwr to were which ceremonies, the at perform etrhscmie vrtels year. last the over compiled has center eehn n yemi.A ehmMid- Pelham At e-mail. by and telephone ult,safn n euiyi every security—in and staffing quality,

aei those in Rake

i n alsSnaawr ceue to scheduled were Santana Carlos and tin osdrbyese ya -alls the list e-mail an by easier considerably ohl tdnscnatterfmle by families their contact students help to rm ietSuc pcait in: Specialists Source Direct Prime rwd xml nrcn er o good for years recent in example trywide

uia uiaissc sRcyMar- Ricky as such luminaries Musical h ako idn aet a made was parents finding of task The

col aldseilasmle n tried and assemblies special called schools 1D161 indus- an set generally have enrolled, dren aifcinGuaranteed Satisfaction

ta fbiga i desk. his at being of stead ofrneltrtoday. later conference oki e okCt.A odspread, word As City. York New in work etr ainiewt huad fchil- of thousands with nationwide centers

I etfe Gems Certified GIA

ace h xlso rmafryin- ferry a from explosion the watched h cdm adi ilhl news a hold will it said academy The ih aehpee oterprnswho parents their to happened have might

rlgvrmn,wihoeae oesof dozens operates which government, eral AE$$$ $ $ SAVE

agtrhdbe seilydfiut He difficult. especially been had daughter undfo ible oaxeyoe what over anxiety to disbelief from turned iePittsburgh. side rncly etr pnoe ytefed- the by sponsored centers Ironically,

rd etrbcuehsthree-year-old his because Center Trade

o aycide,tenw quickly news the children, many For nNwYr,Wsigo,DC n out- and D.C. Washington, York, New in

eessaantterrorism. against defenses


isoemnwowslt owr tthe at work to late was who man ries—one uligas a collapsed. had also building

hrntc”det h aatohcevents catastrophic the to due notice” ther

rudcek.Hwvr hyhv few have they However, checks. ground

Charlotte | Memphis | Dallas | Los Angeles Los | Dallas | Memphis | Charlotte HLSL PRICING WHOLESALE

ecesto er ntefnysto- funny the in took Teachers aeatronnw eot adta his that said reports news afternoon late

nee,hv en“otoe ni fur- until “postponed been have Angeles,

aea,adsepdu mlyeback- employee stepped-up and cameras, New York | Philadelphia | | | Baltimore | Philadelphia | York New


vroesosu, s aaerssaid. Papageoris Ms. up,” shows everyone

odarvdhm iteltr n by and later, little a home arrived wood DIAMONDS Los in today held be to scheduled Awards, rwyscrt,addi-lsro video in-classroom added security, tryway

atn totadhpn htsomehow, that hoping and out it waiting

u a tl eyrlee. r Kirk- Mr. relieved.” very still was I but httescn nulLtnGrammy Latin annual second the that rmfyn.Te aeas mrvden- improved also have They flying. from

aet r ncone o.“eaejust are “We for. unaccounted are parents

rmhrhsad Iwspet together, pretty was “I husband. her from m fRcrigAt n cecssaid Sciences and Arts Recording of emy onwls htpeetsatrdglass shattered prevent that walls” down

erdt aecr faycide whose children any of care take to teered

h -Omeigadhadtemessage the heard and meeting P-TO the O NEE—h ainlAcad- National ANGELES—The LOS ro ls,rifre oceead“lock- and concrete reinforced glass, proof

si ae.Ohrprnshv volun- have parents Other takes. it as

ie thm ihhrtocide from children two her with home at rived kaoaCt obn,adn bullet- adding bombing, City Oklahoma

atfrprnso urin slong as — guardians parents—or for wait aki ilun r.Krwo ar- Kirkwood Mrs. Millburn, in Back

etet nipoe euiysnethe since security improved in vestments

sCnee fe Attack After Canceled Is s aaerssi hthrsafwill staff her that said Papageoris Ms.

etamsaeta ewsOK. was he that message a left aycidcr etr aebgin- big made centers child-care Many

hr.“ehv akdaotti lot.” a this about talked have “We there. hog nhsclpoet i oeand home his to cellphone his on through

ohro w,ehigohrparents. other echoing two, of mother

ubn,alcsih oso working stop to locksmith, a husband, ahta i hc. emngdt get to managed He shock.” “in Manhattan

rmyCeremony Grammy o egt,Il,sfwr xctv and executive software Ill., Heights, ton

eatre.Seas eetdyakdher asked repeatedly also She target. a be odsi vroesae aktoward back stared everyone said wood

ulig asDaaCrsi,a Arling- an Chrissis, Diana says building,


h erdlxscrt n hth could he that and security lax feared she ntefryt e esy r Kirk- Mr. Jersey, New to ferry the On

oeneto te rmnn public prominent other or government

0 am rv itbrh A15238 PA Pittsburgh, • Drive Gamma 106

aoie e uladdiesel. and fuel jet gasoline, etra h ol rd etrbecause, Center Trade World the at center te esn Ltsgtoto here.” of out get “Let’s person, other

Revolving Line of Credit of Line Revolving

hn wc”bfr evn hl na in child a leaving before twice” think

ilo-arlfclt trsadtransfers and stores facility million-barrel

ce eoe e o rmteday-care the from her removed Achee eke twsitninl n adt the to said and intentional, was it knew he


epesesaogprns Iwould “I parents. among helplessness

atrfnre n a ttos h 6.6 The stations. gas and refineries east twsol w otsaota Ms. that ago months two only was It oe, r ikodsi.A htpoint that At said. Kirkwood Mr. tower,”

aksakdamr rfudsneof sense profound more a sparked tack

t nNwYr abrta ed North- feeds that Harbor York New in ity

so p.m. 5 of as ln akadg ih noteother the into right go and bank plane

oee,tesoeo etra’ at- yesterday’s of scope the However,

1.800.245.6600 alfraquote: a for Call

Computer Peripherals Computer

onaptoempout trg facil- storage petroleum-products a down tews l ih.H a tl o home not still was He right. all otherwise n eonzdadloe pswa saw up looked and recognized I one

edysarattack. air terday’s

Distributor of Distributor n. oso,shut , Inc., Morgan Kinder

ce adhrhsadwsbusd but bruised, was husband her said Achee oadtefry Isopdt akt some- to talk to stopped “I ferry. the toward

aysye n oosavailable and styles Many •

95tukbmig tsvdte nyes- in them saved it bombing, truck 1995

o o,”aPilp pksoa said. spokeswoman Phillips a now,’” for

ihabdybre iefgtr Ms. fighter. fire burned badly a with usd,M.Krwo tre heading started Kirkwood Mr. Outside,

one oisr ae nSpine in paper insert to need No •

ismd hlrnlaigvcisi the in victims leading children made ties

r.“ehv utsi,‘tyweeyuare you where ‘stay said, just have “We ers.

nue n okafryars h river the across ferry a took and injured vroet e out. get to everyone

ergon oaino hl-aefacili- child-care of location near-ground

emnne&Petg fIpitdSpine Imprinted of Prestige & Permanence •

tttdatae a o vresUS work- U.S. overseas for ban travel a stituted

r ce a re ohl oeo the of some help to tried had Achee Mr. rig n hnsmoeo h ektold desk the on someone then and crying,

hl-aecne.Wietecustomary the While center. child-care

estlt fCerOelyCover Overlay Clear of Versatility • hlisPtoem atevle ka,in- Okla., Bartlesville, Petroleum, Phillips

nrle hnh i,aota orlater. hour an about did, he when relief in odsi oepol nteofc started office the in people some said wood

eea ulig hc locnanda contained also which building, federal

tittefo f“usdr”it t plants. its into “outsiders” of flow the strict

ehdcle gi,adseams sank almost she and again, called had he onadfr l vrtepae”M.Kirk- Mr. place.” the over all fire and down


nte19 obn fteOlhm City Oklahoma the of bombing 1995 the in

gr namrigcneec alt re- to call conference morning a in agers

nohrhuefo epeakn whether asking people from house her into u h idwadswdbi falling debris saw and window the out

oeta oe hlrnwr killed were children dozen a than More

adtecmayisrce eieyman- refinery instructed company the said

er el”Aohrwv fclspoured calls of wave Another fell.” heart

n ho o ogtm,adw looked we and time, long a for shook ing


pksa o aeo a Antonio, San Valero, for spokesman A

oe Inserts Cover

ad n hnseswteclas,“my collapse, the saw she when and said,

etrwe h is ln i.“h build- “The hit. plane first the when Center Spine

Change hte h uligo mlyrshut employer or building the whether prtn normally. operating

Pre-Printed Itre ntenw, s Achee Ms. news,” the on turned “I

gmn nte4r lo f7WrdTrade World 7 of floor 43rd the on agement

eta errs agt,rgrls of regardless targets, terrorist tential o l adta hi aiiiswere facilities their that said all Co. leum

ls n h olpeo h towers. the of collapse the and blast

rdn eka mt anyAstMan- Asset Barney Smith at desk trading

lsdcidcr etr etra erpo- near yesterday centers child-care closed hlisPetro- Phillips and Corp. Energy Valero

h otcnatwt i fe h second the after him with contact lost she

e ubn,mawie a tthe at was meanwhile, husband, Her

eea hl-aecmaissi they said companies child-care Several Corp., Chevron Co., Oil Shell PLC, BP

aldhrrgtatrtefrtbat but blast, first the after right her called n eddhome. headed and

aoieo te eie products. refined other or gasoline nerable.

ai,wrsa ol rd etr He Center. Trade World 4 at works David, l n he-erodfo h aysitter baby the from three-year-old and old

otdacraleti h rdcinof production the in curtailment a ported te etr osdrdptnilyvul- potentially considered centers other

mn h uk ns e husband, Her ones. lucky the among e hog,s h ikdu e one-year- her up picked she so through, get

ue trfnre u ocmayre- company no but refineries at sures etdprnspc pcide al at early children up pick parents gested

yvaAheadhrsnNc are Nico son her and Achee Sylvia e ubn rmtesho n couldn’t and school the from husband her

issi hyhihee euiymea- security heightened they said nies eso oenetpoet n sug- and property government on ters

Center. ihsvrlohrpol.Setidt call to tried She people. other several with

ntewk fteatcs i compa- oil attacks, the of wake the In rmr locoe oe te cen- other dozen a closed also Aramark

nsseke okda h ol Trade World the at worked knew she ents

rd etr n o padlf, along left,” and up got I and Center, Trade

assoemnJmGpo said. Gipson Jim spokesman iams


h edtreflso hlrnwoepar- whose children of files three held she hnsesi oehn bu h World the about something said she then

tak.“esildntko o ue”Will- sure,” for know don’t still “We attacks.

e r h hlrno etgnemploy- Pentagon of children the are ees

a rpe oaot1.Bti e hand, her in But 10. about to dropped had antral aigmc teto,but attention, much paying really wasn’t

h etgna h ieo h terrorist the of time the at Pentagon the

eintdfrsc mrece.Enroll- emergencies. such for designated

ubro hlrnwt isn parents missing with children of number hs o a nknegre ls.“I class. kindergarten in was son whose

ih aebe nlwrMnatno at or Manhattan lower in been have might

tl oa nicoe bcu location” “backup undisclosed an to ately

h okdi h iy y4pm,the p.m., 4 By city. the in worked who eti e ok”si r.Kirkwood, Mrs. said York,” New in dent

rvlt eemn hte n employees any whether determine to travel

oa ad hlrnwr ae immedi- taken were Children said. woman

rn h eaae h ie fparents of files the separated She dren. Sesi hr a oekn finci- of kind some was there said “She

hnteeeg opn rcdemployee traced company energy the Then

swrigsrn one,tespokes- the sounded, sirens warning as

olntrahteprnso bu 0chil- 50 about of parents the reach couldn’t ment.

n t o he eeso management. of levels three top its ing

rmtePnao,wseautda soon as evacuated was Pentagon, the from

hntepicplmd nannounce- an made principal the when so 23,drco ai Papageorgis Marie director 12:30, of As

o.satdtedyb locat- by day the started Cos. Williams based

ae cosaprigltasotdistance short a lot parking a across cated

coli ilunysedymorning yesterday Millburn in School a aet h eeuacutdfor. unaccounted were who parents had

iecmaiseeyhr,Tulsa- everywhere, companies Like

rnsWrdLann etrfclt lo- facility Center Learning World dren’s n fteya tWoigElementary Wyoming at year the of ing hlrnaddtriigwihchildren which determining children—and

eeso Management of Levels h etr h etr n-tr Chil- one-story a center, The center. the is aetTahrOgnzto meet- Organization Parent-Teacher first rigt otc aet opc ptheir up pick to parents contact to trying

h odn oo,oeao of operator Colo., Golden, the , Aramark

ol rd etr a tedn the attending was Center, Trade World

WALLPAPER•HAND COLOURED LEATHER•KILIMS of task the began teachers closing, started

otenClfri dsnunit. Edison California Southern

•HANDMADE FURNITURE•FABRICS• for spokeswoman a said evacuated, safely ee ok costesre rmOne from street the across works gene, rd etr fe oa col nearby schools local After Center. Trade

ot fLsAglsta’ prtdb its by operated that’s Angeles Los of south

www.georgesmith.com View all sale items on our website at website our on items sale all View

6-hl etra h etgnwas Pentagon the at center 167-child A

le ikod hs ubn,Eu- husband, whose Kirkwood, Ellen stefrtpaeclie ihteWorld the with collided plane first the as

itnefo t a nfencerplant nuclear Onofre San its from distance

opn a orprso n injuries. any of reports no had company erdit hi house. their into peared aet tre aln lota soon as almost calling started Parents e:303008 a:310/360.1299 Fax: 310/360.0880 Tel:

i ln nesae5 hc isashort a lies which 5, Interstate along fic

olpe,tesoewmnsi.The said. spokeswoman the collapsed, hyhge o eea iue n disap- and minutes several for hugged they n rbt aet h oki h city. the in work who parents both or one

142 N. Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California Angeles, Los Hollywood, West Blvd., Robertson N. 142

aionaHgwyPto omntrtraf- monitor to Patrol Highway California

n bu 0mntsbfr h towers the before minutes 90 about and

h rvwy h w ie er wyas away tears wiped two The driveway. the n.Mr hnhl ftecide have children the of half than More ing.

adi a se the asked has it said International son

3Srn tet e ok e ok e:222644 Fx 212/226.4868 Fax: 212/226.4747 Tel: York New York, New Street, Spring 73

tdimdaeyatrtepaecrashed plane the after immediately ated iatron a ree yhswf in wife his by greeted was midafternoon, rpe f ttecne usa morn- Tuesday center the at off dropped

Edi- mayhem. cause and plants the inside

SHOWROOMS rd etr adtecne a evacu- was center the said Center, Trade

a,arvn oefo ahta by Manhattan from home arriving man, bu 5 aisadcide were children and babies 250 About

erdta errssmgtb bet get to able be might terrorists that feared


aefclt nalwrforo h World the of floor lower a on facility care iln bu h tet ngop.One groups. in streets the about milling

off original retail prices retail original off eetees rtc lashave always critics Nevertheless,

a aal ai. prtro child- a of operator Calif., Rafael, San , ing

oetMcGough. Robert ol aulywv oec te were other each to wave casually would te ies fe nic thick. inch an often liners, steel

nweg Learn- Knowledge for spokeswoman A Wednesday 12th - Monday 17th September 17th Monday - 12th Wednesday

eec lmnti,TmLyrand Layer Tim Blumenstein, Rebecca atn egbr h nohrdays other on who neighbors hattan,

ofu ettikta i usd heavy outside lie that thick feet four to

aeyssk swell. as sake safety’s yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By iaca-evcsidsr nlwrMan- lower in industry financial-services

ae,a el n aecnrt al up walls concrete have and well, as canes,


nyfrcneine u,ioial,for ironically, but, convenience, for only .. hr ayrsdnswr nthe in work residents many where N.J., ihtn cietlarcahsadhurri- and crashes air accidental withstand

lcswrigprnshv ogt not sought, have parents working places etrlctdrgtaogtetracks. the along right located center

ntenab omnt fMillburn, of community nearby the In rtroitatc.Te r eindto designed are They attack. terrorist or

Monday to Saturday: 9.30 - 5.30 Sunday: 12.00 - 5.00 5.00 - 12.00 Sunday: 5.30 - 9.30 Saturday: to Monday ihtafclctoseatytekn of kind the locations—exactly high-traffic fteSuhMuti MA day-care a YMCA, Mountain South the of

n ob eyln night.” long very a be to ing osd r hree”aantwar-time against “hardened” are housed,


ostaegop fcide nvisible, in children of groups situate to mn hs atn eeteteachers the were waiting those Among onon”M.DLc ad Ti sgo- is “This said. DeLuca Mr. downtown,” ns hr airatv aeil are materials radioreactive where ings,

in bu hte oit ssf enough safe is society whether about tions relndstreets. tree-lined rmMpeod n ayo hmwork them of many and Maplewood, from audy&Sna:1.0-6.00 - 11.00 Sunday: & Saturday ula oe ln otimn build- containment plant power Nuclear

Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 6.30 6.30 - 10.00 Friday: to Monday

okst hl ae asn nwques- anew raising care, child work-site ahrdi ml rusaogtetown’s the along groups small in gathered ,0 epewog oNwYr vr day every York New to go who people 3,000

lns ev obe h security.” the doubled we’ve plants,


u h rgd el eiu lwto blow serious a dealt tragedy the But iue eto e ok sresidents as York, New of west minutes ehthr.“hr r ewe ,0 and 2,500 between are “There hard. hit be hldlhaEeti tlte.“tour “At utilities. Electric Philadelphia

egbrod nMpeod bu 35 about Maplewood, in neighborhoods odadNwJre omnte would communities Jersey New and wood centers. wsteodCmowat dsnand Edison Commonwealth old the owns

odo h a tl isn filled missing still was who of Word omtrtan.H erdta Maple- that feared He trains. commuter odn otecmaista prt the operate that companies the to cording edo omnctosfrtefr that firm the for communications of head

kilims, on sale for 6 days 6 for sale on kilims,

uesaday. a muters oae optl fe hysube f of off stumbled they after hospitals area to oew ol, adDnKirchoffner, Don said could,” we home n eot fcide en nue,ac- injured, being children of reports any

leathers and semi antique antique semi and leathers sal arigtn ftosnso com- of thousands of tens carrying usually hta es e itm a entaken been had victims few a least at that ononCiao W eteverybody sent “We Chicago. downtown ae fe h errs tak,without attacks, terrorist the after uated

ayo h on htdttetanlines train the dot that towns the of many i eua alwo’ ao,said mayor, Maplewood’s DeLuca, Vik lssoyhaqatr fietwrin tower office headquarters story plus rd etradtePnao eeevac- were Pentagon the and Center Trade

in our own hand coloured coloured hand own our in

a,a niu atn a ae odin hold taken had waiting anxious an day, killed.” outrl—n agl aae t 60- its vacated largely voluntarily—and hl-aecnesa ohteWorld the both at centers Child-care

English furniture upholstered upholstered furniture English ae utars h usnRvr Yester- River. Hudson the across just cated osdaotaltepol h were who people the all about sad so u t 7ratr t1 ln ie nalert on sites plant 10 at reactors 17 its put

tf eotrof Reporter Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

onMnatnlv nNwJre,lo- Jersey, New in live Manhattan town Corp. Exelon so. done had already plants e e.Ia hnflsei ae u am I But safe. is she thankful am I her. see

ySeShellenbarger Sue By Our unparalleled handmade handmade unparalleled Our

ayo h epewowr ndown- in work who people the of Many huhmn tlte htongenerating own that utilities many though

ieespgn eie Icno atto wait cannot “I device. paging wireless

oipeethihee euiypasal- plans security heightened implement to

tI a fWryn n Waiting and Worrying of Day a Is It TODAY

ucl n Safely and Quickly ree h ains14ncerreactors nuclear 104 nation’s the ordered

h ula euaoyCommission Regulatory Nuclear The


ula Reactors Nuclear

nNwYr’ omtrSuburbs, Commuter York’s New In

eeEvacuated Were


E O R G E G R O E MIT H MIT oa, ein pksa said. spokesman Reliant a today,”

o’ hn noei oue ntrading on focused is anyone think don’t

hl-aeCenters Child-Care

kltnce ntetaigforbtI but floor trading the on crew skeleton a off. paetycnendaotgsln sup- gasoline about concerned apparently ™

lcrct n a ocsoes W have “We customers. to gas and electricity t,adta eflyepcspie olevel to prices expects fully he that and ity, aoiesain otpoftertanks, their off top to stations gasoline


eemitiignra eieisof deliveries normal maintaining were t nolmresi h ru’ o prior- top group’s the is markets oil in ity HNMD FURNITURE•FABRICS• •HANDMADE costecuty epelndu at up lined people country, the Across

eta esne.Hwvr hysi they said they However, personnel. sential

a,Vnzea r orge adstabil- said Rodriguez Mr. , cas, laeTr oPg 6 oun2 Column A6, Page to Turn Please alna eea stations. several at gallon

uresofcsi oso,ecp o es- for except Houston, in offices quarters rmsiig paigb ai nCara- in radio by Speaking spiking. from

etmresi odn igpr and London, in markets pect hthdsie ymr hn2 et a cents 20 than more by spiked had that

n.lreysu onterhead- their down shut largely Inc. Energy esrsaencsayt tpprices stop to necessary are measures

i n aua-a akt.Aayt ex- Analysts markets. natural-gas and oil r nTla ka,as eotdprices reported also Okla., Tulsa, in ers

Reliant and Inc. Dynegy Corp., raiaini rprdt aewhatever take to prepared is organization

oeimdaepolm o h crude- the for problems immediate more 20 alni asn,Mc.Consum- Mich. Lansing, in gallon a $2.09

a’ aktday. market day’s iuz PCssceaygnrl adthe said general, secretary OPEC’s riguez,

h lsn fteNMXpresents NYMEX the of closing The

otdsen ttospsigpie of prices posting stations seeing ported

n owr ceue umte o yester- for submitted schedules work to ing tpi n os rdcin l Rod- Ali production. boost and in step

fteatcs ylnhie okr re- workers lunchtime, By attacks. the of said.

n oodrpat ooeaetdyaccord- today operate to plants order to ing xotn onre perdrayto ready appeared Countries Exporting

n pi oain ainiei h wake the in nationwide locations in up ing r trg ak eefl,M.Lynch Mr. full, were tanks storage try

nClfri,gi fiil eeprepar- were officials grid California, In ebr fteOgnzto fPetroleum of Organization the of members

aoiepm rcsas ea shoot- began also prices pump Gasoline n af rcsdd’ rputlindus- until drop didn’t Prices half. a and

o,tebgetipc a financial. was impact biggest the ton,

hudolpie otnet climb, to continue prices oil Should

hnnra netre o eryayear a nearly for inventories than-normal

etdo oteWrdTaeCenter. Trade World the to door next

n loscoe nNwYr n Hous- and York New in closed floors ing ojm rudwudntb surprising.” be not would around jump to

e h i nutyt tcpl greater- stockpile to industry oil the led

tsi ol iaca etrbuilding Center Financial World a in ates iheeg akt upne n trad- and suspended markets energy With W’ese o fvltlt.Frthings For volatility. of lot a seen “We’ve

ol pedt te ideEs nations East Middle other to spread would

okMratl xhne hc oper- which Exchange, Mercantile York www.baume-and-mercier.com inlns twslreyasmoi effort. symbolic a largely was it lines, sion ihgnPbi evc Commission. Service Public Michigan

inrvlto.Fasterevolution the Fears revolution. nian

rdn tlattruhtdya h New the at today through least at trading CapeLand adJf iln nryaayta the at analyst energy Pillon, Jeff said

ai uigta olwdte17 Ira- 1979 the followed that buying panic a.Teatcssutrdcommodity shuttered attacks The day. lxiBarrionuevo. Alexei htsgigt raesm uncertainty,” some create to going that’s

rae ocr sarpa fthe of repeat a is concern greater A pfo 2.3frteOtbrpieMon- price the for $27.63 from up eec mt,Jh mhilrand Emshwiller John Smith, Rebecca Teesgigt eapbi reaction public a be to going “There’s

oebrdlvr olwn h attacks, the following delivery oate-ormnhhg f$1abarrel. a $21 of high then-four-month a to et aln r ae said. Kaneb Mr. gallon, a cents yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

iha 3 arlfrbt coe and October both for barrel a $31 as high

o eea eiesso pa uha 20 as much as up shot refiners several for © rose prices oil day, a than less for NYMEX

2001 Baume&Mercier, Inc.

ea nemdaeysedyrs oas to rose yesterday Intermediate fe uc.A eut hlsl prices wholesale result, a As lunch. after ad fmlso ieie n transmis- and pipelines of miles of sands rd etr hc e otecoeo the of close the to led which Center, Trade

h rc fteUS ecmr West benchmark U.S. the of price The o euiyraos ae epnn them reopening later reasons, security for iyptoswr ntae.Btwt thou- with But initiated. were patrols rity fe h 93bmigo h World the of bombing 1993 the After

te opne paetycoe theirs closed apparently companies Other

oto etr aet ieadetasecu- extra and life to came centers control oyato ol irp i supplies. oil disrupt could action tory eaito”fo h .. r yc said. Lynch Mr. U.S., the from retaliation”

rgKnb aeovc president. vice Valero a Kaneb, Greg

costecuty tlt emergency utility country, the Across ideEs n htptnilUS retalia- U.S. potential that and East Middle nutyi on oepc oekn of kind some expect to going is industry

rata etoe t emnl said terminal, its open kept that Area

oitatcsmgthv rgntdi the in originated have might attacks rorist ryeooitfrDIWF n.“The Inc. DRI-WEFA for economist ergy rmpsil attack. possible from

n opn nteSnFacsoBay Francisco San the in company ing

nrypie ordo er h ter- the fears on soared prices Energy arl adMcalC yc,cifen- chief Lynch, C. said barrel, egtndaett aeur h system the safeguard to alert heightened

iku emnl aeowsteol refin- only the was Valero terminal. pick-up

tf eotrof Reporter Staff

etfwdy ol edpie o$5a $35 to prices send could days few next swl sbgolcmaiswn on went companies oil big as well as h alSre Journal Street Wall The

op’ eii,Clf,gasoline Calif., Benicia, Corp.’s Energy


lxiBarrionuevo Alexei B enhl,asrei ai uigthe buying panic in surge a Meanwhile, inseetiiyadntrlgssupplies natural-gas and electricity tion’s

rcslndu eea epat deep several up lined Trucks Valero

nrycmaista oto h na- the control that companies Energy etceBn lx Brown. Alex. Banc Deutsche

n h ieo prices.” on line the ing

.Seisi lbleeg taeitat strategist energy global Sieminski, E.

L ad“o oa,w r hold- are we today, “for said PLC BP ment,

erSpl Disruption Supply Fear

OE si ra oiin”si Adam said position,” great a in is “OPEC

oaodatfca u-us”I state- a In run-outs.” artificial avoid to

hi Systems Their

inti eradhssm xessupply. excess some has and year this tion

uest miti omlbyn habits buying normal “maintain to sumers

a rgn nMideast, in Origins Has

ilo arl a rmterproduc- their from day a barrels million l upis fgsln n re con- urged and gasoline of supplies” ple

ptetp.Teognzto a u 3.5 cut has organization The taps. the up gis t h opn adi a “am- had it said company The it. against

oeSsetteTerrorism the Suspect Some

c oProtect to Act

ad rba rnadKwi,cudturn could Kuwait, and Arabia, Saudi r’ ags aoierties advised retailers, gasoline largest try’s

eea e PCpoues including producers, OPEC key Several op,oeo h coun- the of one Corp., Mobil Exxon plies.

tak nUS prRs nEeg Prices Energy in Rise Spur U.S. in Attacks nryFirms Energy




** BLACK P1JW255002-2-A00200-1---SB P1JW255002-2-A00200-1---SB


P1JW255002-2-A00200-1---SB EE

2124473 P1JW255003-4-A00300-1---XE BLACK

vnn.Tenwpprpitdabout printed The evening. hnsestott otc e 5employ- 65 her contact to out set she then earthquake. hn rncnrbtdt hsarticle. this to contributed Tran Khanh

hn n ree h fieevacuated, office the ordered and phone hre en,DbrhSlmnand Solomon Deborah Leung, Shirley nteatronadaohri the in another and afternoon the in r feno dto a fe h 1989 the after was edition afternoon tra

h on n mlyea oko cell- a on work at employee one found She rne w pca dtosoeearly editions,one special two printed Mln aglna,Dni Berman, Dennis Mangalindan, —Mylene attm h hoil ulse nex- an published Chronicle the time last

er bu h tak,oseretreated. she attacks,so the about heard h hcg rbn actually Tribune Chicago The ed“’ lv n OK.” and alive read,“I’m onSnJs n a rnic.The Francisco. San and Jose San town

rewc ilg prmn hnshe when apartment Village Greenwich ivdt eev esg nrtr that return in message a receive to lieved t ih-aeseileiini down- in edition special eight-page its not.

s euowso e a u fher of out way her on was Peluso Ms. reda ntn esg,ewsre- was message,he instant an friend el h a oeMruyNw sold News Mercury Jose San The well. h e okTmsadUATdydid Today USA and Times York New the

lcsfo h ol rd Center. Trade World the from blocks rmteWrdTaeCne.Snigthat Sending Center. Trade World the from orahteSnFacsosbrsas suburbs Francisco San the reach to ileiinysedyafternoon,but yesterday edition cial

ie9Ic,hs fie r bu three about are offices Inc.,whose Site59 endaotafin h ok across works who friend a about cerned ae lne omk rae efforts greater make to planned paper h ahntnPs rne spe- a printed Post Washington The

he xctv foln rvlagency travel online of executive chief r eero a seilycon- especially was Demetriou Mr.

okr lce osa thome,the at stay to elected workers t rnigpessi e Jersey. New in presses printing its

e a gded o ihlePeluso, Michelle for “godsend” a was net aigsreso i computer. his on screens saging

tnsaon ..PT ic many since PST; p.m. 1 around stands a owyt eie t rdc from product its deliver to way no had

n ihu ea.BtysedyteInter- yesterday,the But delay. without and on,ehd1 iutnosinstant-mes- simultaneous 14 had point,He

ie US ne tak”htnews- hit Attack,” Under “U.S. lined atncoe etra,h newspaper yesterday,the closed hattan

onshv oarv napeieorder precise a in arrive to have sounds -aladisatmsaig tone At messaging. instant and e-mail

pksa adisetaedition,head- extra its said spokesman rs.Wt l od nadoto Man- of out and in roads all With press.

e neibefrpoecalls,because phone for unreliable net a,on 5finsi e okvia York New in friends 25 tan,found

in oeigteatcs Chronicle A attacks. the covering tions a feno dto,nw steEx- the as edition,known afternoon lar

aktsicigcnmk h Inter- the make can Packet-switching onworcnl eoae rmManhat- from relocated recently who goan

lne optotetaatronedi- afternoon extra out put to planned hl,a nbet iclt t regu- its circulate to unable while,was

ln said. Kline ihe eero, 6ya-l Chica- 26-year-old Demetriou,a Michael

n h a oeMruyNews Mercury Jose San the and h e okDiyNews,mean- Daily York New The

aincmue ni hysucceed,Mr. they until computer nation

hi iuto s”h said. he is,” situation their ohteSnFacsoChronicle Francisco San the Both

ubro aestoday. papers of number

rm eetdytyt otc h desti- the contact to try repeatedly grams vcae.“ elbte nwn what knowing better feel “I evacuated.

a crashing.” was

ino 0,0,mgtsl wc that twice sell might 500,000, of tion

iual eiin,eas -alpro- e-mail resilient,because ticularly itw e okofc eoete were they before office York New midtown

rbestee”h ad “Everything said. he there,” problems

httePs,hc a al circula- daily a has Post,which the that

lda hi etnto.Emisaepar- are E-mails destination. their at bled idtefv mlye fMediasmith’s of employees five the find

e anteog.“ev a real had “We’ve enough. wasn’t net

ugyfrifrain”H estimated He information.” for hungry

ait frue n hnaereassem- are then and routes of variety iigaec,sdisatmsaigto messaging instant agency,used tising

ar,h ae’ dtrsi h Inter- the editor,said paper’s Marro,the u,eadd“epeaegigt be to going are added,“People But,he

neednl.Tepcescntae a travel can packets The independently. n.aSnFacsooln adver- online Francisco San Inc.,a smith

o aeysedyatron Anthony afternoon. yesterday sale for adKnCade,h otspublisher. Post’s Chandler,the Ken said

akt,hc r etoto h network the on out sent are packets,which Media- of executive Smith,chief David

uepprpitdaot3,0 copies 30,000 about paper,printed bune Ti satril,erbeday,” terrible,terrible a is “This

te optrtafcit icscalled pieces into traffic computer other colleagues.

ogIln,.,esa,nte Tri- Island,N.Y,Newsday,another Long

ror.” ybekn pemisWbstsand sites e-mails,Web up breaking by

er ogti oc ihhswf and wife his with touch in get to berry

n TroimHt h .. n in And U.S.” the Hits “Terrorism ing

e n igewr edie “Ter- : single-word a and ter hns h nentb contrast,works Internet,by The phones.

a ptybtM.Refue i Black- his used Rueff Mr. spotty,but was

pca dto,ne edieread- headline a edition,under special a

n ln tiigteWrdTaeCen- Trade World the striking plane ond pndadkp pnbtentetwo the open—between kept opened—and

okwsdvre hr.Clpoeservice Cellphone there. diverted was York

yTiueC.pitd2,0 oisof copies 25,000 Co.,printed Tribune by

ae are ag ht ftesec- the of photo large a carried paper ici, eiso oprwrsms be wires,must copper of series circuit,a

lgtbudfrSnFacsofo New from Francisco San for bound flight

h o nee ie,loowned Times,also Angeles Los The

u h iebruh fNwYr.The York. New of boroughs five the out ocmlt hn alaphysical call,a phone a complete To h ninplsarotatrhs8a.m. 8 his after airport Indianapolis the

Co. Tribune by owned 500cpe n eln hmthrough- them selling and copies 75,000 nvriisadtiktanks. think and universities naUie ilnspaeo h amcof tarmac the on plane Airlines United a in

aae o h esae,hc is newspaper,which the for manager tet etra afternoon,printing yesterday streets gnywihfne h fott link to effort the funded Agency,which n.RdodCt,ai.wsstuck City,Calif.,was Inc.,Redwood Arts

ie”si efBii,mdarelations media Beirig, Jeff said time,” is ao esaest i the hit to newspapers major first eatetsAvne eerhProject Research Advanced Department’s Electronic at executive Rueff,an Rusty

ee oeayhn ieti nthat in this like anything done never h e okPs a n fthe of one was Post York New The a hncle rae,fe h Defense the Arpanet,after called then was oeal effective.” nomenally

Iv enhr 8yasadwe’ve and years 18 here been “I’ve ege aei h ae16so what 1960s,on late the in made leagues

-alwsefcieadhspgr“phe- pager his and effective was e-mail h errs attacks. terrorist the (800) 397-4550 (800) 868-9292 (800) (800) 535-1811 (800)

eindcsosM.Kieadhscol- his and Kline Mr. decisions design dark. er ntepoeM.Hco said Hickok phone,Mr. the on heard dto—odseiaenw ucl on quickly news disseminate edition—to Santa Monica, CA 90404 CA Monica, Santa San Francisco San Dallas

h nentsrslec salgc of legacy a is resilience Internet’s The etdt ec usrbr before subscribers reach to pected ae otecntn uysgashe signals busy constant the to pared 2450 Colorado Avenue, Suite 3000W Suite Avenue, Colorado 2450 oa l-ahoe eietespecial device—the old-fashioned an to

Corporate Headquarters Corporate h is transmissions. first the nNwYr i i ae:“o k”Com- ok?” “You pager: his via York New in cies oto h aeswr ex- were papers the of Most scribers. i,ayAeia esaesturned newspapers American fic,many (888) 318-8893 (888) 783-8778 (800)

h nentadpriiae nsm of some in participated and Internet the Portland Chicago w-odemist red n colleagues and friends to e-mails two-word n tt h oe fms fissub- its of most of homes the to it ing hi nentstssapdb traf- by swamped sites Internet Their

epddsg h ewr htbecame that network the design helped

i,pn uho h onn sending morning the of much lis,spent okteetariayse fdeliver- of step extraordinary the took

tf eotrof Reporter Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

(800) 408-6048 (800) 780-4526 (800)

onaLsAglsi 99M.Kline 1969,Mr. Angeles,in fornia,Los ..BnopPprJfryi Minneapo- in Jaffray Piper Bancorp U.S. y 0,0 oiso h aeeiinand edition late the of copies 600,000

oahnEig Jonathan B

New York New Boston rdaesueta h nvriyo Cali- of University the at student graduate

h a.AlnHco,naaytwith analyst Hickok,an Allan day. the

sTafcOewem hi e Sites Web Their Overwhelms Traffic As

ln, iio alycnutn.A a As consultant. Valley Silicon Kline,a n ol ac h nentfrmc of much for Internet the match could ing

(800) 535-1811 (800) 408-6014 (800) beta h hn ytm”si Charles said system,” phone the than able o utgtigi touch,however,noth- in getting just For

Los Angeles Los Atlanta

h nent“un u ob oereli- more be to out “turns Internet The es nteItre backbone. Internet the on lems”

..Nwppr eott pca Editions Special to Resort Newspapers U.S.

edmsae olvdones. loved to messages send aydd’ e aysgiiatprob- significant “any see didn’t pany

okln ahohrBaker aesto pagers Blackberry other each lent work u ent pksoa adtecom- the said spokeswoman Keynote a But

Financing was provided by the undersigned the by provided was Financing

etrsrneswoeclpoe didn’t cellphones whose Center,strangers on h e rs iedfiutt reach. to difficult site Cross Red the found

otiue oti article. this to contributed T hpani elwletters. yellow in chaplain ATF costecuty usd h ol Trade World the Outside country. the across ue sr h atdt oaeblood donate to wanted who users puter

n ai n eec Blumenstein Rebecca and Davis Ann hmteewt lc aktemblazoned jacket black a with there them -alt idepoesars onor town across employees find to e-mail ue n uno ai rtlvso.Com- television. or radio on turn and puter

Senior Credit Facility Credit Senior

Elo pgt ei Delaney, Kevin Spagat, —Elliot rse erPtsug.Amnwie for waited man A Pittsburgh. near crashed m fcls oprt xctvsused executives Corporate calls. of ume ietdnw ekr ogtoftecom- the off get to seekers news directed

oeadyusewa apn, esaid. he happens,” what see you and rope 3tefih on o a rnic that Francisco San for bound flight 93—the rmsvrdlnsada xrodnr vol- extraordinary an and lines severed from ac.Sac nieGol toepoint one at engine Search mance.

ubrb h ubro onre nEu- in countries of number the by number e onefrfinsadrltvso Flight of relatives and friends for lounge pet

omnct,stepoesse sagged system phone the communicate,as oeSseswihmntr e perfor- Web monitors Systems,which note


naeaeTedy Yumlil that multiply “You Tuesday. average an esne e pahligro nared-car- a in room holding a up set personnel h nentpoe h otrlal a to way reliable most the proved Internet the as fhaytafcacrigt Key- to traffic,according heavy of cause

orysedycmae ih2,0 on 20,000 with yesterday,compared hour

ntedmsi emnlUie Airlines terminal,United domestic the In sM.Wlimo n teslearned, others and Williamson Mr. As osbet ec o eea or be- hours several for reach to possible

lc 0,0 al oteUS nasingle a in U.S. the to calls 500,000 place

bers. dr i cubicle. his adorn oenw e ie eeams im- almost were sites Web news Some

adFec utmr a tepe to attempted had customers French said

hmaseto oa oeswt hn num- phone with hotels local of sheet a them n tpcue ftetowmnthat women two the of pictures at ing iesurged. vice

has obtained a obtained has rneTlcmspokesman,meanwhile, Telecom France A

h ..gvrmn eie. ehanded He decides.” government U.S. the vrhlig”si r ilasn look- Williamson, Mr. said overwhelming,” losi s fisisatmsaigser- instant-messaging its of use said also

suulo bu 5,0 vr 5minutes. 15 every 250,000 about usual,or as

rnh N lgtarvso eat until departs or arrives flight “No French: eeuhre.“h es frle was relief of sense “The unharmed. were n.spokeswoman Inc. Yahoo A doubled. bone

tepigt ae1 ie smn calls many as times 10 make to attempting

gn lvrBurwoepandin explained Bauer,who Oliver agent e or,ohwmnemie htthey that e-mailed women hours,both few oa adtafco t nentback- Internet its on traffic said woman

uiain L adiscsoeswere customers its said PLC munications

i France Air with Paris,haggling to return New York, NY York, New aehadfo h w oe.Wti a Within women. two the from heard have op spokes- Corp. AT&T An telephones. replace

tan pksa o rts Telecom- British for spokesman A strain.

rnhcul nter2swstyn to trying was 20s their in couple French JACMEL JEWELRY, INC. JEWELRY, JACMEL ela ie iceo red h might who friends of circle wider a as well -aladisatmsaigsrie to services instant-messaging and e-mail

rn-tatclnsbcldudrthe under buckled lines trans-Atlantic

nteitrainltria, young terminal,a international the In hnh re -aln i friends,as his e-mailing tried he Then onw ie o pae n undto turned and updates for sites news to

endmsi ewrsadpsil also possibly and networks domestic pean

ottriasa onPDT. noon at terminals port

ug ntafca optruesflocked users computer as traffic in surge inl,eodnsadda air. dead and signals,recordings

nteUS olwn h niet,sEuro- incidents,as the following U.S. the in

ipr eesiltyn oeaut air- evacuate to trying still were Airport

nentoeaossi hyswa saw they said operators Internet o ahfin,u ehadol busy only heard he friend,but each for

oerpre ifclyrahn numbers reaching difficulty reported rope

fiil tSnFacsoInternational Francisco San at Officials

ae re he rfu hn numbers phone four or three tried paper nLusaaadKnuk i h Web. the via Kentucky and Louisiana in

pedoesa.Clestruhu Eu- throughout Callers overseas. spread

eeuhrdit rvt rab police. by area private a into ushered were

con xctv o Norfolk,Va.,news- a for executive account s euoas on mlye traveling employees found also Peluso Ms.

eeomnctosdfiute also difficulties Telecommunications

ebr h perda h airport the at appeared who members

w red nNwYr.Te38-year-old The York. New in friends two riaypoeoeaigintermittently, operating phone ordinary


hmweet ahr h e family few The gather. to where them

paettroitatcsh erdfor feared attacks,he terrorist apparent rm.Wt e elhn sls n her and useless cellphone her With grams. This announcement appears as a matter of record only. record of matter a as appears announcement This

atntok n qimn nohrar- other in equipment and networks tact

lgt otl-repoenmesta told that numbers phone toll-free to flights

hnRbr ilasnhado the of heard Williamson Robert When hog -alo ntn-esgn pro- instant-messaging or e-mail through

h opne oruetafctruhin- through traffic route to companies the

l itm nteLsAngeles-bound Los the on victims ble

h a on l u w employees two but all found had she tf eotrof Reporter Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

iis esi h qimn loallowed also equipment the said He cities.

ilnswr ietn eaie fpossi- of relatives directing were airlines

e i h nent ihn9 minutes, 90 Within Internet. the via ees y

ct Thurm Scott B

etladscrt esne ntetwo the in personnel security and mental

ossoiglnso acldfihs The flights. canceled of lines showing tors


rt ooton al ymedical,govern- by calls outbound to ority nEfr oCnatFins oe Ones Loved Friends, Contact to Effort In

ihtce onesaadndadmoni- and abandoned counters ticket with 800-526-0649 MANHASSET • PALM BEACH • PHILADELPHIA • SHORT HILLS • WHITE PLAINS • PLAINS WHITE • HILLS SHORT • PHILADELPHIA • BEACH PALM • MANHASSET

oNwYr n ahntnadgvn pri- giving and Washington and York New to


ilnstria a mt n quiet, and empty was terminal Airlines


ot ntemrigtemi American main morning,the the In port.

aist rsrecpct o emergency for capacity preserve to panies e rvsMr eibeTa Phones Than Reliable More Proves Net

emnl n lcigetac oteair- the to entrance blocking and terminals

on h qimn loe hn com- phone allowed equipment The down.

entoa ipr,vcaigalo the of all Airport,evacuating ternational

uhgetrtlcmuiain break- telecommunications greater much

uhrte htdw o nee In- Angeles Los down shut Authorities

wthn qimn a rvne a prevented had equipment switching

uysc scnn patrols. canine as duty,such pitfreapesi bu 75,000 about example,said Sprint,for ads i,ihwrls sr ncities in users wireless hit,with hardest

jar in crystal, 3 crystal, in jar 80. high, " ⁄


r afedsi dacdruigand routing advanced said Hatfield Mr.



n pca euiyts ocscle to called forces task security special ing h ainsclua ewrswr the were networks cellular nation’s The


ahntno e ok”h said. he York,” New or Washington

“Apple” condiment condiment “Apple” Peretti Elsa

® hrl fe h rssbgnntinclud- began,not crisis the after shortly opne anandi h ol Trade World the in maintained companies odd”h said. he loaded,”

hl onr os’ iutnosycall simultaneously doesn’t country whole

eryduldfo h sa 0t 65 to 60 usual the from doubled nearly toe ewr wthn qimn the equipment switching network stroyed aeJhsn Tesse sjs over- just is system “The Johnson. Dave

ewrsaebitaon h atta the that fact the around built are networks

fpbi-aeyofcr ttearotwas airport the at officers public-safety of

a hn evc eas h tak de- attacks the because service phone cal ntnacrigt opn spokesman company to ington,according

nuhlnst onc vroes the everyone,so connect to lines enough

rs.Ofcasrpre httenumber the that reported Officials crash.

a iyM. n TTNwYr,otlo- York,lost AT&T,New and City,Mo.; sas ihtafchais nNwYr n Wash- and York New in heaviest traffic with

I’ ttsial mosbet provide to impossible statistically “It’s

rn pscrt esrsatrthe after measures security up crank

Corp.,Kan- Sprint ; of customers h tak,obetenra alvolume, call normal the attacks,double the

fasde pk nusage. in spike sudden a of

okdqikyt rudpae and planes ground to quickly worked

e oktn ftosnso business of thousands of York,tens New ormlinclseeyfv iue after minutes five every calls million four

r nonee a h nvtberesult inevitable the was encountered try

aefrAeia Airlines,officials American for base

hn n ieesntokeupet In equipment. network wireless and phone itnentokcrida vrg of average an carried network distance

adtedfiute alr costecoun- the across callers difficulties the said

tDla/otWrhairport,home Worth Dallas/Fort At

h etuto flreaonso tele- of amounts large of destruction the op,o xml,adislong- its example,said Corp.,for AT&T

h eea omnctosCommission, Communications Federal the

hi luggage. their

in nrsrcuewsas atrdby battered also was infrastructure tions aeHtil,omrcifegne for engineer chief Hatfield,former Dale

mso traffic.” of umes

h ae fpol ocm n claim and come to people of names the

ogsintento’ telecommunica- nation’s congestion,the l ohvieaddt traffic. data and voice both dle

rcRb.“ehv uticeil vol- incredible just have “We Rabe. Eric

iln okr ihmgpoe shouted megaphones with workers Airline

eeomnctoseupetadhan- and equipment telecommunications

sd rmteupeeetdlvl of levels unprecedented the from Aside n.spokesman Inc. Communications rizon

a uldofadpldo h tarmac. the on piled and off pulled was

eprrl elc eryaypeeof piece any nearly replace temporarily

aresdntacp uhcalls. such accept carriers,don’t Ve- said do,” can we lot a really isn’t “There

rud hntefihsarrived,luggage flights the When ground.

oNwYr etra.Tetuk can trucks The yesterday. York New to

o apoe,ietoeo te major other of those payphones,like zon osbefrmn al og through. go to calls many for possible

eri n lgt htnvrlf the left never that flights and Detroit

h ie fntrldsseswse route en was disasters natural of sites the

oigclsidfntl.Normally,Veri- indefinitely. calls coming h eutn ogsinmd tnal im- nearly it made congestion resulting the

eso lgt hthdbe ietdto diverted been had that flights on gers

8weltuk hti yial ed to sends typically it that trucks 18-wheel

h apoe ol eal orciein- receive to able be would payphones the h ewrsboeudrtestrain,but the under broke networks the

otws agg li area,passen- claim baggage Northwest

adta le fseilyequipped specially of fleet a that said

ino h mrec.Tecmaysaid company The emergency. the of tion esi e okadWsigo.Nn of None Washington. and York New in bers

rd fpol eesadn ruda around standing were people of dreds

© instance, AT&T,for possible. as soon as ahta apoe refrtedura- the for free payphones Manhattan lcn al ofinsadfml mem- family and friends to calls placing

T&CO.2001.DESIGN Hun- measure. security a as trucks on

adte oe orpaeteequipment the replace to hoped they said

oksi twsmkn al rmis4,000 its from calls making was it York,said

krcee saxosAeiasbegan Americans anxious as skyrocketed rs aswr en ikdu n put and up picked being were cans Trash

iisadlctos h opne also companies The locations. and cities

esadhayvolume,Verizon,New heavy and lems ainstlpoeadwrls networks wireless and telephone nation’s aieuiswr weigteterminals. the sweeping were units canine

adte eeruigclstruhother through calls routing were they said

eas fwdsra elhn prob- cellphone widespread of Because ftectsrpi tak,rfi nthe on attacks,traffic catastrophic the of iprs tDtotsMtoAirport,police Metro Detroit’s At airports.

ersoe,huhaltrecompanies three all restored,though be

snw ttoswn iewt images with live went stations news As ern nybs signals. busy only hearing h cn a uhtesm tother at same the much was scene The

ti nla o onfl evc will service full soon how unclear is It

ahrdrive.” rather tlatadzntmsbtgv pafter up gave times,but dozen a least at hc nwt oe nsi h w cities. two the in ones loved with in check

fteday. the of


iteunrigt l, h ad “I’d said. she fly,” to unnerving little a re ocl i ohrfo i cellphone his from mother his call to tried mosbefrmlin fAeiasto Americans of millions for impossible hn cestruhu h iyfrmuch for city the throughout access phone

osdrn iigi ihM.Lne.“It’s Lanier. Mr. with in piling considering a tnigi iei rolnsi he ,said in line a in standing was otes o or n aigi almost it making and hours for Northeast of ftebidnskokn u mobile- out buildings,knocking the of roofs

ih, esi.EiaehWjuikwas Wojtusiak Elizabeth said. he eight,” ae omna2-erodprlglwho paralegal 26-year-old Forman,a Jared hn n ieessriears the across service wireless and phone eea ag ellrpoetwr nthe on towers cellular-phone large several

i etdmnvn Iv o omfor room got “I’ve minivan. rented his hytidt ea htte eesafe. were they that relay to tried they uiain ytm,ncigottele- out systems,knocking munications n olpe.Teatcsas destroyed also attacks The collapsed. ing

aeFa,fee ie osuhFoiain Florida south to rides dale,Fla.,offered erbnso a hnsars h iyas city the across phones pay of banks near ahntnsrie h ainstelecom- nation’s the strained Washington ie a etoe hntescn build- second the when destroyed was lines

.Lne,neeuiefo otLauder- Fort from executive Lanier,an J. uvvr fteatc to nln lines long in stood attack the of survivors h errs tak nNwYr and York New on attacks terrorist The o adeupetsrigaot40,000 about serving equipment said zon

otedzn fpol tnigb.Robert by. standing people of dozens the to aisrtr owork. to return panies opne eyhaiyo them,particu- on heavily rely companies

t omk rrciecls nNwYork, New In calls. receive or make to ity

oratrteiiilepoinwieVeri- explosion,while initial the after hour tf eotrof Reporter Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

in ntehpste ol ietecars the give could they hopes the in tions euti lo fsimnsa hs com- those as shipments of flood a in result

cnmcotu taygvntime,and given any at output economic

al eebokdo t ewr ihnan within network its on blocked were calls hogottecutyrpriga inabil- an reporting country the throughout y oh .Dreazen J. Yochi B

eldotnmso epewt reserva- with people of names out yelled

nso uiessars h onr could country the across businesses of ings arescryaot1%o h nation’s the of 10% about carry carriers

aikdPoeTafcJm ie nNortheast in Lines Jams Traffic Phone Panicked

gnyta tl a oeatsavailable, autos some had still that agency tr tiei 97adtewdsra clos- widespread the 1997,and in strike sters hiso ayUS opne.Parcel companies. U.S. many of chains

teonly ,the Hertz at Employees midday. otsfloiga1-a ainieTeam- nationwide 15-day a following months h htoncudwec h supply the wrench could shutdown The

ital vr a a enrne by rented been had car every Virtually htoned ucl.USsfee for suffered UPS quickly. ends shutdown

ieytms…utlfrhrnotice.” further until … times livery

htdw saprecaution. a as down shut eieyoeain onra vni the if even normal to operations delivery

ak,adi cno sueshdldde- scheduled assure “cannot it tacks,said

er tat aladbssse was system bus and rail Atlanta metro

ihnUS i pc eedvre oair- to diverted were space air U.S. within yeryatronfdrlofficials afternoon,federal early By te lgt rmAi,on o Hous- for ,bound from flights other tcudb tuget eunpackage- return to struggle a be could It

ahntnDC,hrl fe h at- the after Washington,D.C.,shortly

ore.Sriet h ipr ythe by airport the to Service courses. fe h tak,oeta 2 flights 120 than attacks,more the After

ihe es ntehu eoethat,15 before hour the In jets. fighter

rse nrrlPennsylvania. rural in crashed

pksa said. spokesman

ieisi e okCt n at of parts and City York New in liveries

taddpsegr hogdtecon- the thronged passengers stranded rnic a sotdb ..military U.S. by escorted was Francisco

pc ofrincarriers. foreign to space undotafut omriljet commercial fourth out,a turned

a h ers ipr, company a airport,” nearest the “at

8hus P,hc tpe aigde- making stopped UPS,which hours. 48

igdb oievhce.Tosnsof Thousands vehicles. police by ringed

on o o nee u eotdt San to rerouted but Angeles Los for bound

..budfihs salcoe t air- its closed Israel flights. U.S.-bound omnerdayohrfihs sit As flights. other any commandeered h i hnteatcsocre landed occurred attacks the when air the

otarsimnswl edlydb 4to 24 by delayed be will shipments air most

otoeo h uis nteworld,was the in busiest the of port,one

flight International Airways Thai A

aresdvre rcnee their canceled or diverted carriers

notePnao nWashington—had in Pentagon the into

epi.TetodznUSpae in planes UPS dozen two The Memphis.

pksa adadn htdlvr of delivery that said,adding spokesman

tat’ atfedItrainlAir- International Hartsfield Atlanta’s

et nta onr,n ayforeign many country,and that in ments

est aebeen. have to ters

e rse n fatidjtta plowed that jet third a of and crashes ter

undt h opn’ rmr u in hub primary company’s the to turned

W’egigt oorbs, FedEx a best,” our do to going “We’re

ne errs attack.” terrorist under

r ruddalcmeca i - air commercial all grounded try

ol rd etradPnao disas- Pentagon and Center Trade World paetaet fteWrdTaeCen- Trade World the of agents apparent

rih, pksa adadmn re- many said,and spokesman freight,a

aldhmsyn.“h ntdSae is States United “The saying. him called shipments.

nadto,aaasTasotMinis- Transport addition,’s In

ucd rse,sofcasssetthe suspect officials crashes,as suicide ol eemn hte hijackers—the whether determine could

eecryn vrih n second-day and overnight carrying were

Ti sabddyfrAeia”te re- they America,” for day bad a is “This

edn hi ieseii urneson guarantees time-specific their pending

okt h i otyt rvn n further any prevent to try to air the to took

ml nteUS n abroad. and U.S. the in small

laigtesiss htfdrlofficials federal that so skies the clearing eE lnsfyn etra morning yesterday flying planes FedEx

noneetoe h loudspeaker: the over announcement

Inc.,Seattle,sus- Airborne and dEx,UPS

e h oto ftroit,iiayjets terrorists,military of control the der lnsaenwpre tarot ag and large airports at parked now are planes

h re a h nta ups of purpose initial the had order The

ieo h lssh said. blasts,he the of time

orgopt sawe h io aean made pilot the when Asia to group tour

costecutyit iarywt Fe- disarray,with into country the across ..Ucranwihpae ih eun- be might planes which Uncertain U.S. siae ,0 ..jt n commuter and jets U.S. 8,300 estimated

a o lsaAirlines. Alaska for man

rabtnn eei ahta tthe at Manhattan in were none area,but

utlne nDtoto hi a iha with way their on Detroit in landed just

ke n rfi-oto etr fthe of centers traffic-control and skies etra’ tak he deliveries threw attacks Yesterday’s htteFAclste“rudso, an stop,” “ground the calls FAA the what

ainfrvr”si akEas spokes- Evans, Jack said forever,” nation

eprrl taddi h e York New the in stranded temporarily

i etot,fKennebunk,Maine,had Wentworth,of rie

onatneamshr rvie nthe in prevailed atmosphere tense down,a prt yvsa lgtrls sarsl of result a As rules. flight visual by operate

odo 32mlinparcels. million 13.2 of load

udmnal hne i rvli this in travel air changes fundamentally

iy oeo h opn’ rvr were drivers company’s the of Some city.

lr costento.Nlo n Marjo- and Nelson nation. the across elers

uigtefrtmmnso h shut- the of moments first the During ld h aygnrlaito lgt that flights aviation general many the clude

le bu w ilo fisaeaedaily average its of million two about flies

upce iakr a emnn.“This permanent. was hijackers suspected

edi aiu oain wyfo the from away locations various in held

eso h errs cssundtrav- stunned acts terrorist the of News

onre n rvt lns tdentin- doesn’t It planes. private and countries htternto a negn attack. undergone had nation their that

..Psa evc.AlnabsdUPS Atlanta-based Service. Postal U.S.

elzto one htteipc fthe of impact the that mounted realization

hpet nteNwYr raaebeing are area York New the in shipments

o n r safe.” are and for

ldsdmsi lgt oadfo foreign from and to flights domestic cludes

ubesadsro tterealization the at sorrow and numbness

t aladEpesMi a o the for day a Mail Express and Mail ity

onETtdytruhu h ainthe nation the today,throughout EDT noon in nms ftecutybtta any that but country the of most in tions

etArie lgt aebe accounted been have flights Airlines west

ada ..arot, ubrta in- that number airports,a U.S. at land

n ietdfihstaeesdisplayed flights,travelers diverted and

ot ogl he ilo icso Prior- of pieces million three roughly ports

ih itisbno liga al as early as flying on ban its lift might

h opn smitiignra - normal maintaining is company the ht“l oetcaditrainlNorth- international and domestic “all that

bu 500fihsadytk f and off take day a flights 35,000 About

eprtnrm htacmaydelayed accompany that tantrums temper

f47mlinpcae yar tas trans- also It air. by packages million 4.7 of hl h A ylt feno adit said afternoon late by FAA the While

Co.,Phoenix,said Transportation Swift

rs ees saying release press Airlines Northwest

ncnrs oteuulgosn and grousing usual the to contrast In olne eallowed. be longer no

bu . ilo nt fisdiyvolume daily its of units million 3.2 about

xctv fMS aresasbiir of subsidiary Carriers,a M.S. of executive fe iln sudsaeet,uha a as statements,such issued airline after tadda iprsars h country. the across airports at stranded

r.Arotcrsd ugg hc-nwill check-in luggage curbside Airport ers.

ih accommodations. night

ag.FedEx,Memphis,Tenn.,transports cargo.

i-rih opne.Mk Starnes,chief Mike companies. air-freight stemrigprogressed,airline morning the As pilots. evn eso huad ftravelers of thousands of tens leaving

oesrnetsace n euiyoffic- security and searches stringent more

pnn pterpbi om o over- for rooms public their up opening

urdsrnigeomu od of loads enormous curred,stranding

adi gedt alsm hpet for shipments some haul to agreed it said eesf n ne h oto fisown its of control the under and safe were igdw h ainlartafcsystem, air-traffic national the down ting

ot n ri ttostoday,including stations train and ports

aiSye adfv ftepoete are properties the of five said Snyder Mari

ocdt depae fe h tak oc- attacks the after planes idle to forced onr a eti htalo t planes its of all that certain was country rcigcmayMS aresInc. Carriers M.S. company Trucking int aeteupeeetdse fshut- of step unprecedented the take to tion

eeso uvilnea h ainsair- nation’s the at of levels

e okwr odot u spokeswoman But out. sold were York New

o eea or,ocriri the in carrier hours,no several For n.adohrarfegtcrir were carriers air-freight other and Inc. rmtdteFdrlAito Administra- Aviation Federal the prompted eoenightfall. before

t andartaeest xethigher expect to travelers air warned eta

adishtl nthe in hotels its said Marriott service. rail

ido h orplanes. four the on died ntdPre Service Parcel United Corp., FedEx esit e oksWrdTaeCenter Trade World York’s New into jets

hf hpet nosoe-oigtrucks slower-moving onto shipments shift

rnprainSceayNra Min- Norman Secretary Transportation

eprrl atdispassenger its halted temporarily Amtrak

n rwmmesaeblee ohave to believed are members crew and

h rs ftohjce commercial hijacked two of crash The

ntemdl ftengtsrmln to night,scrambling the of middle the in network.

lig”sesaid. she flying,”

l vial trna-a agencies. rental-car at available cle

ln.I oa,utudr30passengers 300 under total,just In plane.

i-ag opne,hc l otgoods most fly companies,which air-cargo ojmi h ainshg-pe freight high-speed nation’s the in logjam esRoundup News A

alSre Journal Street Wall

ol e[u]i lc eoeresuming before place in [put] be would

r okt h od,euigeeyvehi- every roads,securing the to took ers htcahdi enyvnawsaUnited a was Pennsylvania in crashed that

h rudn falartafcsn the sent traffic air all of grounding The

nsqikyi ol aedy ocerthe clear to days take could quickly,it ends

odtriescrt rcdrsthat procedures security determine to

nmn ..cte,taddartravel- air cities,stranded U.S. many In

h jet The . Airlines American ’s Corp. AMR

hog ..sis vni h shutdown the if Even skies. U.S. through

i nPhiladelphia. in nia A pksoa ad“er working said,“We’re spokeswoman FAA

nsac faccommodations. of search in

op’ ntdArie and Airlines United Corp.’s UAL to longed

okfrRna Cars Rental for Look

roiymi n te ag moving cargo other and mail priority rfso tteUiest fPennsylva- of University the at professor egtndbfr t re a lifted,an was order its before heightened

etdvhce n eddoto Halifax of out headed and vehicles rented ol rd etradPnao be- Pentagon and Center Trade World

rnprainadsystems-engineering and transportation e aaye iloso packages,high- of millions paralyzed tem rssdil.A o o euiywudbe would security how for As drills. crisis

h rafrtengt ayohrpeople other Many night. the for area the

h he esta rse nothe into crashed that jets three The

ipefrwes”si dadMro,a Morlok, Edward said weeks,” for ripple oCnd;Travelers Canada; To h htono h ..artafcsys- air-traffic U.S. the of shutdown The rcdr cranyi cnro nits in scenario” a is “certainly procedure

ogmaim n prscmlxsin complexes sports and gymnasiums to ager.

auatrn ytm.“h fetcould effect “The systems. manufacturing

ee l lgt ruddi adta this that said grounded,it flights all dered

tf eotrof Reporter Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

aysrne asneswr shuttled were passengers stranded many co,a rnic ipr uyman- duty airport Francisco McCoy,San

al o h otavne just-in-time advanced most the for larly y lhuhteFAhdnvrbfr or- before never had FAA the Although

ikBrooks Rick B ilnsAeDiverted Are Airlines htct ucl ildt capacity,and to filled quickly city that icatfyn vrteUS, adTryg said U.S.,” the over flying aircraft

olwn ato iln Traffic Airline of Halt Following adta oesadmtl nadaround and in motels and hotels that said eedvre oHnll.“edntwant don’t “We Honolulu. to diverted were ofihsrmiigaotoe h U.S. the over aloft remaining flights so

dniidadmd otc ihte4 or 40 the with contact made and identified ot nCnd.Rprsfo Halifax from Reports Canada. in ports

o,hcg n etCatairports, Coast West and ton,Chicago

huad tadda FAA as Stranded Thousands rud Flights Grounds i-ag ytm aeLogjam Face Systems Air-Cargo



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ordinary shares of S$0.10 each and (iii) Celestica Inc. Celestica (iii) and each S$0.10 of shares ordinary

h uulfn nutystaegroup, trade industry’s mutual-fund The

..fnnilrgltr sudarare a issued regulators financial U.S.

www.northcaptiva.com www.AustinVacations.com eholders”) of its of eholders”) Shar “ (the holders the (ii) Applicant, the (i) between Scheme”) “

bet etlqiiyneeds.” liquidity meet to able onadwl tycoe today. closed stay will and down

prtn.Tedson idwi avail- is window discount The operating.

ldn h e okSokEcag shut Exchange Stock York New the cluding Act, Chapter 50 of the Scheme of Arrangement dated 17th August, 2001 (the 2001 August, 17th dated Arrangement of Scheme the of 50 Chapter Act,

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on 11th September, 2001 for approval under Section 210 of the Companies the of 210 Section under approval for 2001 September, 11th on Here’s who they saw this week: this saw they who Here’s

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n h mrcnSokEcag l will all Exchange Stock American the and

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application by Originating Summons has Summons Originating by application an that GIVEN HEREBY IS NOTICE

Every Monday in in Monday Every


tc xhne h adqSokMarket Stock the Exchange, Stock asaed”M.ONilsi rmJapan, from said O’Neill Mr. ahead,” days

ru nFnnilMres h e York New The Markets. Financial on Group ec hti ilcniu od oi the in so do to continue will it that dence

hc aeu h rsdn’ Working President’s the up make which

ESR TRAVEL. LEISURE rodnrl el n aeeeyconfi- every have I and well, traordinarily

...... Applicant ......

t n rcia, adtefu groups, four the said practical,” and ate rgd,tefnnilsse ucindex- functioned system financial the tragedy,

n ilrsm sso si sbt appropri- both is it as soon as resume will ing togadrslet ntefc ftoday’s of face the In resilient. and strong

vns ehv vr ofdneta trad- that confidence every have We events.

Ornto’ iaca akt are markets financial nation’s “Our (RC NO. 199504780K) NO. (RC

nlgto oa’ rgcadextraordinary and tragic today’s of light in

errssatce h U.S. the attacked terrorists

IN THE MATTER OF OMNI INDUSTRIES LIMITED INDUSTRIES OMNI OF MATTER THE IN akt ormi lsd[nWednesday] [on closed remain to markets

esratd“xrodnrl el after well” “extraordinarily reacted tems

in ftento’ uue n securities and futures nation’s the of sions

ayPu ’el adUS iaca sys- financial U.S. said O’Neill Paul tary

©2001 & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 2WJ039 reserved. rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow ©2001 ue rdn omsinspottedeci- the support Commission Trading tures

AHNTNUS rauySecre- Treasury WASHINGTON—U.S.


hneCmiso n h omdt Fu- Commodity the and Commission change o oe Newswires Jones Dow

’el rie iaca ytm’Resilience Systems’ Financial Praises O’Neill



edyatron r mt ad Earlier said. Smith Mr. afternoon, terday asi on oUS orwr;US inves- U.S. borrowers; U.S. to loans in lars

fissoe costecutyeryyes- early country the across stores its of eebnshv xeddblin fdol- of billions extended have banks nese

op,Sate truk lsdall closed Seattle. Corp., bucks te uiessaon h ol.Japa- world. the around businesses other

Star- of officer executive chief Smith, mato ak,boeaefrsand firms brokerage banks, on impact

ubr612 f20 ) 2001 of 601322 Number ilyamda iiin, adOrin said civilians,” at aimed cially ilidsr,teatcswl aebroad have will attacks the industry, cial

hshsocre nAeia ol espe- soil, American on occurred has this rd etrisl—otegoa finan- global the itself—to Center Trade rgntn umn ) Summons Originating

ogtm ntiga eattn as devastating as anything time long a h iy n h o-etoe World now-destroyed the and city— the

ai xeine hsi h is iein time first the is This experience. matic eatto.Bcueo h etaiyof centrality the of Because devastation.

eln ih o vroe hsi trau- a is this everyone, For with. dealing T OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE OF REPUBLIC THE OF T COUR HIGH THE IN ldt con o mlye mdthe amid employees for account to bled

W o’ ul nwytwa we’re what yet know fully don’t “We nteWrdTaeCne oesscram- towers Center Trade World the in

nNwYr,cmaiswt offices with companies York, New In

fgoa titans. global of

to your print subscription for just $29. just for subscription print your to Journal Online the add to

at rmcfe hp oteha offices head the to shops coffee from halt,

rmteattacks. the from

an entire industry. entire an 7732 or visit wallstreetjournal.com visit or 7732 975 800 1 Call

nwe lywudresume. would play when on - - - ae.Mn te fiewresdown- workers office other Many uated.

ruh uhnra omret a to commerce normal much brought

uieslaeswridaottefallout the about worried leaders business

adi ttmn.N eiinwsmade was decision No statement. a in said onyhl,lctddwtw,t eevac- be to downtown, located hall, county of the world of business, whether you’re a small startup or dominating or startup small a running you’re whether business, of world the of

h onr’ sa es fsecurity of sense usual country’s the ed tmln,fnnilmresand markets financial stumbling, ready

urd”MBCmisoe u Selig Bud Commissioner MLB curred,”

ns nldn h ancutos and courthouse main the including ings,

famous. There’s no better way to stay on top on stay to way better no There’s famous. Journal the made have that insight

nteUS,tesde hteigof shattering sudden the U.S., the In nJpn hr h cnm sal- is economy the where Japan, In

n o h ainltaeyta a oc- has that tragedy national the for ing

etr n ree otcut build- county most ordered and center,

matter most to you throughout the day, complete with all the exclusive analysis and analysis exclusive the all with complete day, the throughout you to most matter a oke going.” keep to can

ad fAeiasaedying.” are Americans of sands

euiyadoto es fde mourn- deep of sense a of out and security

ae h onysemergency-operations county’s the vated

fte edt.“ewl oeeyhn we everything do will “We to. need they if

ob akn bu tcswe thou- when stocks about talking be to their companies. Now, our online news updates allow you to track the stories that stories the track to you allow updates news online our Now, companies. their

f1 ae etra i h neetof interest the “in yesterday games 15 of

nMai oenetofcasacti- officials government Miami, In

ehstl mlye hymyg home go may they employees told has he

hugdofcls aigi a “wrong was it saying calls, off shrugged acldisfl schedule full its canceled Baseball League to build to Journal Street Wall The on relied always have leaders business Shrewd

tedn h rnfr oo Show. Motor Frankfurt the attending

rceofcswl eanoe,though open, remain will offices Oracle ae.OeGra udmanager fund German One dates.

Major yesterday. evacuated was Bronx the

ftecutya h ieo h attacks, the of time the at country the of

a nieeryti onn.H adall said He morning. this early online was le otlvso cen o esup- news for screens television to glued

ieohrlnmrs akeSaimin Stadium Yankee landmarks, other Like

eirat-nutyeeuie eeout were executives auto-industry senior

lio,woswtefrtnw hl he while news first the saw who Ellison, onery n tf tohr were others at staff and early, down

ada xctv ihoepoleague. pro one with executive an said

eri oiesepdu euiy Many security. up stepped police Detroit

h .. ecno htdw, adMr. said down,” shut cannot we U.S.; the oyudcd tssf ogte again?” gather to safe it’s decide you do uhbsns.Svrlcmaisshut companies Several business. much

onDtottwrcmlxg oe as home, go complex tower Detroit town

W antlttroit ls down close terrorists let cannot “We onr’ ag tdus A htpoint what “At stadiums. large country’s andoe,ms on tdfiutt do to difficult it found most open, mained

loe mlye tisipsn down- imposing its at employees allowed

iyise hte osaegmsi the in games stage to whether issue: rity otErpa akt fiilyre- officially markets European most o,M.Elsnsaid. Ellison Mr. row,

Corp. Motors General plants. American

esoa prsfcdasgiiatsecu- significant a faced sports fessional lne ees ffnnilrslstomor- results financial of release planned n h aaete rae.Although wreaked. they damage the and

uto etra feno tNorth at afternoon yesterday duction

n t a rnic edures Pro- headquarters. Francisco San its and h opn lowl oaedwt its with ahead go will also company The g ntlvso ftetroitattacks terrorist the of television on age

onterha fie n acldpro- canceled and offices head their down

rdc-eeomn fie nNwYork New in offices product-development lye n aiiso hs employees. those of families and ployees ie,rsre owthn tnigfoot- stunning watching to resorted lines,

GsCrse ru shut group Chrysler AG’s lerChrysler

ainstpaprlrtie,as htits shut also retailer, apparel top nation’s ewssedn h a akn ihem- with talking day the spending was he e,syidb lge ptelephone up clogged by stymied men,

Daim- and Co. Motor Ford Detroit, In oroe h trstmro.Gp the Gap, tomorrow. stores the reopen to

one o.Cara ar lio said Ellison Larry Chairman for. counted etra feno,a rdr n sales- and traders as afternoon, yesterday

opn pksoa ad hyplan They said. spokeswoman company

ru said. Kraus

ol rd etrwr tl unac- still were Center Trade World iaca ititgon oastandstill a to ground district financial

aysoe nteUS sapeato,a precaution, a as U.S. the in stores Navy

o”b on iltesoemnEric spokesman noon, by lot”

mlye h eeblee ob tthe at be to believed were who employees vnoesa,bsns nLondon’s in business overseas, Even

,0 fisGp aaaRpbi n Old and Republic Banana Gap, its of 3,800

etatr,ws“naslt parking absolute “an was artery, west

h iakdpae n tlatsxother six least at and planes hijacked the

rad,Fa,adAaem Calif. Anaheim, and Fla., Orlando,

h ol sa mrcnio—lsdall icon—closed American an as world the

ascustsTrpk,amjreast- major a Turnpike, Massachussetts h alSre ora Online. Journal Street Wall The from

op adi a n mlyeo n of one on employee one had it said Corp. o lsdisteeprsin parks theme its closed Co. Disney Walt

n.rgre around Inc.—regarded Gap Retailer

aylclbsnse lsdta the that closed businesses local many

Oracle York. New in crashed that planes

et fPeietFaki .Roosevelt. D. Franklin President of death

Manage your empire with continuous news updates updates news continuous with empire your Manage

pksoa a rmodsaid. Drummond Jan spokeswoman

lye tistomi otnofcs So offices. Boston main two its at ployees

g fie,wso or n fthe of one board on was officer, ogy

ae o h is iesnete1945 the since time first the for games

Ti slk akn bu a movie,” bad a about talking like is “This

rs ytm oeaut bu ,0 em- 1,000 about evacuate to systems dress

ei,3,c-one n he technol- chief and co-founder 31, Lewin,

ao-lau aealcnee all canceled baseball league major-

atdt aesr t tf tydput. stayed staff its sure make to wanted

en”aogepoes sdpublic-ad- used employees, among cerns”

rde as,cnimdta ailC. Daniel that confirmed Mass., bridge,

lsd col nsm iiscoe,and closed, cities some in Schools closed.

ndms rvlpas h ealrsi it said retailer the plans, travel most ined

op,ctn hihee con- “heightened citing Corp., Gillette

n. Cam- Inc., Technologies Akamai

eea n tt oenetoffices government state and federal or.Tog h atdartafcru- traffic air halted the Though hours.


lines. SDBOTH. USED il nmjrcte u oieo lr,as alert, on police put cities major in cials nweeo uiesfrtenx 24 next the for business on anywhere

r,ee naesfrrmvdfo Man- from removed far areas in even try,

obo rft n hr pterbottom their up shore and profits book to oeadtgtndscrt.Lcloffi- Local security. tightened and home

se mlye etra o otravel to not yesterday employees asked

vcain curdaloe h coun- the over all occurred Evacuations

aebe eln ueaonso shares of amounts huge selling been have fie,soe n atre,sn workers sent factories, and stores offices,

Co. & Roebuck , Chicago, In

eehr nteNwYr disaster. York New the in hurt were n aaeecroain n banks and corporations Japanese and home.

in.Ars h ain opne shut companies nation, the Across tions.


n h rse.Nn fisemployees its of None crashes. the ing aa’ tc akti t1-erlows 17-year at is market stock Japan’s ako mrc ulig eeas sent also were building, America of Bank ak etfrbyn h agtloca- target the beyond far went tacks

trsna h ol rd etrfollow- Center Trade World the near stores r fJpns tcsa iewhen time a at stocks Japanese of ers kln’ intr oe,te47-story the tower, signature skyline’s ..rato otems errs at- terrorist mass the to reaction U.S.

ntedy h opn lsdisfour its closed company the day, the in oshv mre stedmnn buy- dominant the as emerged have tors on nldn hs nieteMiami the inside those including town,

esRoundup News A alSre Journal Street Wall

takBig lsnsArs h ainadOverseas and Nation the Across Closings Brings Attack

tpe crying. stopped enotiewe h oe collapsed. tower the when outside been earth. rigt eoewt h ulig schunks as building, the with one be to trying

amdteodrmn n h girl the and man, older the calmed asn no tef ackn othe to pancaking itself, on in lapsing gis ea ora,ti ml group, small this doorway, metal a against muacsadESwreswohad who workers EMS and ambulances

e a aigucnrlal ery We nearby. uncontrollably raving was ter ics twstebidn paetycol- apparently building the was It pieces. n ih hog s efatndourselves flattened We us. through right ing ytra tn sIwre ywypast way my worked I as stung throat My

nodrmnwohdas ogtshel- sought also had who man older An fascn ewe,tefor lwto blew floors the between, second a of adnx a rwe u ytera pass- roar the by out drowned was next said rud mk n utcodn h air. the clouding dust and Smoke ground.

er l.Sewscrying. was She old. years te,fo o obto,wt fraction a with bottom, to top from other, os esotda ern u hthe what but ran, we as shouted he dows” on euis nhso s nthe on ash of Inches Vesuvius. Mount

John D. Rockefeller, Sr. Rockefeller, D. John e,altl ln-ardgr ehp two perhaps girl blond-haired little a ter, ls n ea uwr.Oeatrthe after One outward. metal and glass w lcsaa.“tyaa rmgaswin- glass from away “Stay away. blocks two okdlk opi fe h rpinof eruption the after Pompeii like looked

isdi h vcain edhsdaugh- his held evacuation, the in missed

in oigfo ahfor spewing floor, each from coming sions etbidn steNrhTwrcollapsed Tower North the as building ment usd ntesdwl,tescene the sidewalk, the on Outside

on a ntelby apparently lobby, the in man young A pitdbhn h alo eryapart- nearby a of wall the behind sprinted emdlk efcl ycrnzdexplo- synchronized perfectly like seemed

huh twsadfeetstory. different a was it though,

ntestreet. the on te iiino w ntesre.We street. the on two or civilian other poto h fiewno osewhat see to window office the of out up

nm is la i.A rudlevel, ground At air. clear first my in

led ett epa nue M worker EMS injured an help to left already

oro i olausjie s lsan- plus us, joined colleagues his of Four eot er eai rse n looked and crashes metalic heard I report,

oeorbidn a rse,Ibreathed I crushed, was building our fore

okdfrMk otakhm u ehad he but him, thank to Mike for looked

n olcigm huhsfrtenext the for thoughts my collecting and fireman.

hnigta twsamte ftm be- time of matter a was it that thinking

ho s rmorcohn n ar I . and clothing our from ash shook

eknn tutrly f h phone, the Off structurally. weakening ettiga h oet a fe the after ran I moment: the at thing best

eoe nteeegnysarel still stairwell, emergency the In before.

epue ae nooree,and eyes, our into water poured We

ntenihoho,teSuhTwrwas Tower South the neighborhood, the in u hr?Ihdn da oIddthe did I so idea, no had I where? Run

lo,wihhdbe vcae minutes evacuated been had which floor,

ulig2 tp away. steps 20 building

ntesre,adtoeo ssili offices in still us of those and street, the on Run!”

h mk a pedoe h entire the over spread had smoke The

soto h akesit h ob fa of lobby the into darkness the of out us nnw otedzn ffirefighters of dozens the to Unknown ett esotd I’ oigdown! coming “It’s shouted: me to next

e ftegyi rn,adltMk lead Mike let and front, in guy the of der air. ie e eod apart. seconds few a time, ln vred n hntefireman the then And overhead. bling

pa ie ahptahn nteshoul- the on hand a put each line, a as up

ciet noalre pc ihmore with space larger a into accident, h fiewresbgnt up n ta at One jump. to began workers office the ealcra,lk h hcg lrum- El Chicago the like roar, metallic

lne yteahi u ys estood we eyes, our in ash the by Blinded

h it lo.Adte a hog,by through, was I then And floor. ninth the mk o lce n hce,tefrtof first the thicker, and blacker got smoke oe a eknn.Ihadapressing a heard I weakening. was tower

lslgt n oeetal efudus. found he eventually so And flashlight.

h nrwyt hspriua onrof corner particular this to entryway the h rd etrcmon,tesecond the compound, Center Trade the hn stefrswree,adthe and worsened, fires the as Then,

a ern eprtr eas a a had also He respirator. a wearing was

r fie ioine,Itiepse by passed twice I Disoriented, office. ern oLbrySre,wihoee u onto out opened which Street, Liberty to atdmn lcsnrhadsouth. and north blocks many halted

iefnlyasee h ai and radio the answered finally Mike

o ic-lc uildwrdo u mod- our of world cubicled pitch-black now etn ybaig,admvn closer moving and bearings, my getting rn fteWrdTaeCne.Tafcwas Traffic Center. Trade World the of front

oclear. to

n ek,tyn ooin yefi the in myself orient to trying desks, and eas sIwle ontestreet, the down walked I as Because n oiecr eecodn h rain area the crowding were cars police and

hte ’ uvv ogeog o h air the for enough long survive I’d whether

ne h ekadbgnfeigtewall the feeling began and desk the under ylf saver. life my mrec eia evcsvehicles Services Medical Emergency

as otegon.Ihnsl wondered honestly I ground. the to lapse

elzdIhdt oe to pfrom up stood I move. to had I realized

okr ntesre.Tems ol be would mask The street. the in workers nbt ie ftesre,adfr trucks, fire and street, the of sides both on

o fe osa10soybidn col- building 110-story a does often How

elk nteuprfor fteTwr,I Towers, the of floors upper the on like be hmt ogig ptigemergency spitting coughing, to them vcain eeepyn buildings emptying were Evacuations

eso h usin o ol eknow? he would How question. the of ness

h eodtower. second the

at hnIraie h ulridiculous- full the realized I Then last.

h mg facmeca e ern into veering jet commercial a of image the

ogteebakusadahcod could clouds ash and blackouts these long

h s ellk nw aiscake:“tv,See hr r you?” are where Steve, “Steve, crackled: radios snow, like fell ash the onMnatnadpitdsuh caught south, pointed and Manhattan town

ef n huh bu sighmhow him asking about thought I and self,

ie h eeiincmrs oae nmid- in located cameras, television the time,

rmln ak h etrt rc my- brace to better the back, trembling olpe.Eegnywrestidt idclege.I h iec,as silence, the In colleagues. find to tried workers Emergency collapsed.

n oedbi rsigsuhad This southward. crashing debris more ing

gi,adn nwr yhn a nhis on was hand My answer. no and Again,

a h eodtwreuti lm,send- flame, in erupt tower second the saw

acsadESwreswohdbe agtotiewe h tower the when outside caught been had who workers EMS and lances Mk!Mk!Weeaeyu”N answer. No you?” are Where Mike! “Mike!

el—ssdel stefrtexplosion—I first the as suddenly denly—as

ntebakes etidhsradio: his tried he blackness, the In

utcoddtear ytra tn sIwre ywyps ambu- past way my worked I as stung throat My air. the clouded dust et h unn tutr.Te sud- Then structure. burning the neath

ornose!” your

n h cn rmisd u fie,be- offices, our inside from scene the ing

I nbd ut r obet through breath to Try hurt? anybody “Is

ntesdwl,ice fahlyrdo h rud mk and Smoke ground. the on layered ash of inches sidewalk, the On

estlvso evc,adbgnreport- began and service, television news

ando h ls,yle u ntedark: the in out yelled glass, the of warned

aldorprnr NC h business the CNBC, partner, our called I

aikn.Orlae,tefrmnwho fireman the leader, Our panicking.


h er h ru ocnrtdo not on concentrated group the fear, the

s,adtikn htti swa tmust it what is this that thinking and ash, a addsvrl n ae passed later and several, handed was iybok rmteexplosion—were the from blocks city

yevniaigfo h pitand sprint the from Hyperventilating

oeta qitbcueo h stinging the of because squint than more e n se o ugclfc ak I mask. face surgical a for asked and ter

asi eryprigltafl two full lot—a parking nearby a in Cars

u ae,md h difference. the made faces, our

tpe nooeablnewt wa- with ambulance one into stepped I h lcoto h mk,ual odo to unable smoke, the of the

at.Ofc aesltee h ground. the littered papers Office earth. ak hc,wt hrsple pover up pulled shirts with which, masks

ihm hr o vrm ot in mouth my over now shirt my With wy ooeknew. one No away?

hnso ea lne ste i the hit they as clanged metal of chunks l eewaigtetgtftigsurgical tight-fitting the wearing were all

ulig yclege.Ddte get they Did colleagues. my building,

sbad. as erswsfligot h streets—huge the onto falling was Debris h uligwe h is oe el We fell. tower first the when building the

otepol vcae rmteJournal’s the from evacuated people the to

ekdee nteofc.Bttearwas air the But office. the in deeper desk uighge losaoetecahsite. crash the above floors higher suming emda es str a os hnin than worse far tar, as dense as seemed

muacs se hthdhappened had what asked I ambulances. nteforadbae yefudra under myself braced and floor the on uhdsyad nes lmswr con- were flames Intense skyward. pushed a usdd u h mk n ash and smoke the But subsided. had

ls n oksm usd ogv othe to give to outside some took and tles, h ih ftedydsperd crawled I disappeared. day the of light the eludra.Getcod fsmoke of clouds Great underway. well h ulighdsopdflig h roar The falling. stopped had building The

etuatscoe,dsrbtdwtrbot- water distributed cooler, restaurant’s anddw noadit h building, the into and onto down rained ol rd etr h ofarto was conflagration the Center, Trade World nacletv ruh n re obreath. to tried and crouch, collective a in

euefo h usd i.W pndthe opened We air. outside the from refuge oe.I a hkn,ada oedebris more as and choking, was It Tower. ignlyars nitreto rmthe from intersection an across diagonally fe w iue,w l etdown, went all we minutes, two After

erydnr n adu fu took us of handful a and diner, nearby a ina idwi h otes corner, northeast the in window a at tion oceeds,soe h ertso South of detritus the smoke, dust, concrete building.

n iea ahdtruhado of door a through bashed fireman One fteJunlsbidn n ae posi- a taken and building Journal’s the of nwfrsr.Tero ildwt ash, with filled room The sure. for know olntps tayhre gis the against harder any it push couldn’t

ytetm ’ otnt h it floor ninth the to gotten I’d time the By ers paetybekn—’ never breaking—I’d apparently debris, tv,weeaeyou?” are where Steve, elaanttesito ylf shoulder—I left my on shirt the against fell

adn lcsaway. blocks landing ne ek h idw eeple by pelted were windows The desk. a under ellk nw aiscake:“Steve, crackled: radios snow, like fell uligscutadalaon s Debris us. around all courtyard building’s

k,cuhdfo h uligsouthward, building the from coughed sky, h uligwudnwfl nor,Idove I ours, on fall now would building the idclege.I h iec,a h ash the as silence, the In colleagues. find idu n ordu h tetadit the into and street the up roared and us hind

otne rmPg A1 Page From Continued hswstocoe neti whether Uncertain close. too was This h mrec okr eetyn to trying were workers emergency The fcnrt n ea elfo h k be- sky the from fell metal and concrete of

h y fteSom nAcuto te Destruction Utter of Account an Storm: the of Eye The




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ulig atn hi turn. their waiting building, otiue oti article. this to contributed adD.Btewrh h ruapsy- trauma the Butterworth, Dr. said colprofessor. School otiue oti article. this to contributed

odn hista nkdaon the around snaked that chairs folding

adWlimSut,aHradLaw Harvard a Stuntz, William said ob bet epti n ne wraps,” under one this keep to able be to n hdesHerrick Thaddeus and n ar Landro Laura and

01DwJns&Cmay n.AlRgt eevd 1RS004 Reserved. Rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow 2001 ©

oeso ol-ednr a naln of line a in sat donors would-be of dozens prv eti id fplc tactics,” police of kinds certain approve iem o aet.“o’entgoing not “You’re parents. for dilemma

BuhnBhe nParis in Bahree —Bhushan ueaSo i,LcteLagnado Lucette Kim, Sook Queena

cetdb n eiin.Nonetheless, recipient. any by accepted

i’ at—ado h or’ at—to — part court’s the on and — part lic’s vnst hi hlrnwl eahuge a be will children their to events uligwsevacuated. was building

Jl arl,KellyGreene, Carroll, —Jill

ntigbtOngtv lo,wihis which blood, O-negative but anything

oseagetracpac ntepub- the on acceptance greater a see to ot xli h a’ inexplicable day’s the explain Howto onbcuetecmaysHouston company’s the because down

ae”D.Surssaid. Squires Dr. nate,”

www.djreprints.com ubr,te unn wydnr with donors away turning then numbers,

aeo oa’ vnsta er going we’re that events today’s of wake etra,hwvr no’ evc was service Enron’s however, Yesterday,


eprtl on one epet do- to people need to going desperately

hle tfesbgnhnigout handing began staffers whelmed

aet ae I’ eylkl nthe in likely very “It’s date. to have xctv taHutneeg company. energy Houston a at executive

eutn nicesdfutainadde- and frustration increased in resulting

Oe h etwe rtow r very are we two or week next the “Over

il ete .. lo akta over- that bank blood N.Y., Centre, ville

aea tsotn vns—hnthey —than events sporting at cameras YE lo,wl lob etd adan said tested, be also will floor, NYMEX

lowl epnai rae security, greater amid reopen will also



ayvlner hwdu taRock- a at up showed volunteers many

alfirst. call

uvilne—sc soeha video overhead as such — surveillance hr rdr a rd wyfo the from away trade can traders where

ad te ntttosadfacilities and institutions Other said.

oldu hi olciesevs So sleeves. collective their up rolled etboddntos u se epeto people asked but donations, blood cept mrcn otlrt oegovernment more tolerate to Americans n.sDynegydirect, Inc.’s Dynegy and line

et,myb acld akofficial bank a canceled, be may tests,

oet fsae ainltragedy, national shared of moments REPRINT

pndisBted,M. apst ac- to campus Md., Bethesda, its opened

op’ EnronOn- Corp.’s Enron as such exchanges ero errs slkl olead to likely is terrorism of Fear

lne agto nilblzto pro- antiglobalization of target planned

n mrcn,a hyhv npast in have they as Americans, And

h ainlIsiue fHealth of Institutes National The

YE rd uue otat.Online contracts. futures crude NYMEX

ig2 xr oieofcr npatrol. on officers police extra 22 ting ceue o ae hsmnhada and month this later for scheduled

et h didn’t. who dent,

emdae hc rcscoeywith closely tracks which termediate,

ee’ aiytre away. turned easily weren’t

mrec prtoscne n put- and center operations emergency h ol ak hi almeetings, fall their Bank; World the

efChn erl is iepresi- vice first a Cohen, Reif

hsclmres uha etTxsIn- Texas West as such markets, physical

ost oebc ntemrig people morning, the in back come to nors

’ B S mrcnpplto ystigu an up setting by population American ARRON h nentoa oeayFn and Fund Monetary International the

il h atdt acli n Jessica and it cancel to wanted who cials

ftefcsi h ..wl hf othe to shift will U.S. the in focus the of

oos hngad se oeta do- potential asked guards When donors.

akahaanttect’ ag Arab- large city’s the against backlash ononMai losutrdwere shuttered Also Miami. downtown

ntelbybtentoeMriloffi- Merrill those between lobby the in

hcg ocvrfrteNMX u most But NYMEX. the for cover to Chicago

h nrnewscoddwt potential with crowded was entrance the ih,mvdt nueteeinta isn’t there ensure to moved Mich.,

7soyBn fAeiabidn in building America of Bank 47-story

aaea ai. fe etdargument heated after Calif., Pasadena,

otne rmPg A2 Page From Continued

hc a enpae n“iatrmode,” “disaster in placed been has which enhl,tect fDearborn, of city the Meanwhile,

h ovrDmna a ea n the and Vegas Las near Dam Hoover the

netr tteRt-alo oe in Hotel Ritz-Carlton the at investors

eYr ehds optli Brooklyn, in Hospital Methodist NewYork

ol eDisrupted Be Could

eea oenet col,airports, schools, government, federal rgto’ ab,WlimHamilton. William rabbi, gregation’s

netimn ofrnefraot500 about for conference entertainment

rdmr uhns hndtruh At through. shined pushiness trademark

uho h ..wscoe down—the closed was U.S. the of much iet iei euae, adtecon- the said Jerusalem,” in live to like

o rse ha ihamdaand media a with ahead pressed Co. &

01DwJns&Cmay n.AlRgt eevd 1RS004 Reserved. Rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow 2001 ©

vndrn h rss NewYorkers’ crisis, the during Even

ItikInwnesadwa tis it what nowunderstand I think “I ntewk fteeet yesterday, events the of wake the In mdFa Supplies Fear Amid scoeya hi ad.MrilLynch Merrill cards. their as closely as

oe otefoto h line. the of front the to moved

lhuhmn abeswthdCNN watched gamblers many although

lo ye n eua ooswere donors regular and types blood

o otne tna omlvolumes, normal near at continued nos

rd-i rcsSoar Prices Crude-Oil


or,adpol ihrr O-negative rare with people and hours, pn oenetcnrle society?’ government-controlled open,

abiga eryalLsVgscasi- Vegas Las all nearly at Gambling

lo etra feno a bu five about was afternoon yesterday blood

etig intcag yesterday. change didn’t fewthings A

eoeiscr,adfe h edt aealess a have to need the feel and insecure, become eYr lo etr h att give to wait the Center, Blood NewYork eodthought.” second

: INFORMATION otiue oti article. this to contributed

lo oNwokadWsigo.A the At Washington. and NewYork to blood ol akt noe o,i’ltk a take it’ll Now, anyone. to talk would RbcaBcmnadSel Muto Sheila and Buckman —Rebecca

oJh n oetKney Aew on to going we ‘Are Kennedy. Robert and John to ae rvdn 000t 000uisof units 80,000 to 60,000 providing pated noe epe er h idthat kind the We’re people. open an

on obe.” to going REPRINT

l odfeetynw”sesi.“We’re said. she now,” differently so ple ak.TeAeia e rs antici- Cross Red American The tacks. iehwhr rln h aaeis damage the long or howshort mine

I’ eto s’si rdDto,afre aide former a Dutton, Fred said us,’ of a ‘It’s

ainspyhlg.“el oka peo- at look “We’ll psychology. nation’s oaebodt hs nue nteat- the in injured those to blood donate rlRsremng hscii ildeter- will crisis this manage Reserve eral

bu h fetti ilhv nthe on have will this effect the about iisadclsfo epewnigto wanting people from calls and visits h ht os,Cnrs n h Fed- the and Congress House, White the

ln etJn,bti oeconcerned more is but June, next plans

o n e okwr vrhle with overwhelmed were York New and ton adM.Sh fWlsFro “Howwell Fargo. Wells of Sohn Mr. said J S W T OURNAL TREET ALL HE

ildsuthrgado’ wedding grandson’s her disrupt will

enhl,bodcnesi Washing- in centers blood Meanwhile, Ti swe ene leadership,” need we when is “This rae attention. creased lte oieinside. police clothes

s orswnee fteevents the if wondered Boarts Ms.

ra,bpria support. bipartisan broad, raietasot esaid. he transport, organize

indotie n nfre n plain- and uniformed and outside, tioned omrepoesi rwn in- drawing employees—is former


inwt iclaseiywl ieyget likely austerity—will fiscal with sion rs a okn ihtemltr to military the with working was Cross

0dy ae.Plc aswl esta- be will cars Police later. days 10 iefo igute aet or parents disgruntled side—from

rp btw’ eaiewe eget we when alive be we’d “but trip,

encniee ieyvci fteobses- the of victim likely a considered been ogtt h ortp”h ad h Red The said. he doorstep,” the to get to

eYa,adteYmKpu oyday holy Kippur Yom the and NewYear, cp fls flife.” of loss of scope ihs u iigvoec rmteout- the from violence rising But fights.

a orn.I ol eamlia car multiday a be would It rent. to car

ees pnigi atclrwihhad particular—which in spending Defense

lo nbxso rcs…te r ready are they … trucks on boxes in blood ie o ohHsaa,teJewish the Hashanah, Rosh for vices I’]dfiutt opeedtesaeand scale the comprehend to difficult [It’s] tdnscryn epn rpicking or weapons carrying students

hudte edt,btcud’ ida find couldn’t but to, need they should

vns h eod nsm om shere. is form, some in second, The events.

h euiydti tnx eksser- week’s next at detail security the h ol rd etrwt clients. with Center Trade World the in been otnadCalte ..“ehave “We N.C. Charlotte, and Boston a ogloe nadfrathreat—to a for inward looked long has

osdrdrnigacrt rv home drive to car a renting considered

ed eiosycoebfr yesterday’s before close perilously ready

eihcnrgtos ln odouble to plans congregations, Jewish tnigw’ealfono hs flights, these on flown all stunning—we’ve ahntnfo etr npae uhas such places in centers from Washington a t w WTsud colsecurity School squad. SWAT own its has

lo,sesi h n iecompanions five and she said she floor, aeo eeso rwr h is a al- was first The war. or recession of case

ainKhlahIre,lk ayother many like Israel, Kehillath gation id:hrwr,sfwr,ec I’]truly [It’s] etc. software, hardware, kinds: ae h oso coldsrc even district school Houston the cade; es lo a oigt e okand York New to coming was Blood nels.

n Vfo a nBlyscasino Bally’s on bar a from TV ing

rudfresn ih icllmt nthe in limits fiscal tight easing for argued

n rb.I roln,Ms. Congre- Mass., Brookline, In Arabs. and let.Ices pnigo euiyo all of security on spending Increase clients. nscrt ehooyi h atde- past the in technology security on lge iisadcoe rde n tun- and bridges closed and cities clogged

o fadt”gto ln hn Watch- then. plane a on get to” afraid not

n ugtsrlss rsdn uhhas Bush President surpluses. budget ing

htfa sepcal refrJews for true especially is fear That Alto hn n ie-ofrnigwith video-conferencing and phone of lot “A ne-iyshoshv pn heavily spent have schools Inner-city

ntasotn h lo hog the through blood the transporting in

bu etn lgthm—i we’re home—“if flight a getting about

oiiin oadebaiggrowth-damp- embracing toward politicians

hmsWie atesi a Francisco. San in Partners Weisel Thomas

is u entdta rbesdeveloped problems that noted he But cies.

obeScrt tServices at Security Double

ilneFo h Outside the From Violence

olaeutlFia,bti worried is but Friday, until leave to

itrpria ikrn htwssteering was that bickering partisan bitter

edra,a nls tivsmn bank investment at analyst an Readerman,

nuho adt epn oteemergen- the to respond to hand on enough

aaini a ea antplanning wasn’t Vegas Las in vacation

oiyspotfrteeooy nigthe ending economy, the for support policy

ocnutadcoebsns? adDavid said business?” close and conduct to

agnlzn tncgroups.” ethnic marginalizing bu afo h ainsbod had blood, nation’s the of half about intendent.

gn rmPtsug naweeklong a on Pittsburgh from agent

h rgd ilas edt oefiscal- more to lead also will tragedy The

os lgt,hwa noegto plane a on get anyone howcan flights, Coast

e yrtiuin eeg,rcs and racism , retribution, by ter rs,si h ru,wihsupplies which group, the said Cross, al”si ailDmnc,tesuper- the Domenech, Daniel said jail,” a

aieBat,7,areal-estate a 71, Boarts, Maxine

eeso,o War or Recession,

iaknso omrilEast-to-West commercial of hijackings

n aetig os ahrta bet- than rather worse things make and cetfcofcro h mrcnRed American the of officer scientific nwy hy“raei istesneof sense the kids in “create they anyway, ntecne’ premises. center’s the on

n,cudgthr ute.“ihteefour these “With further. hurt get could ing,

lva M eri ewl overreach will we is fear “My slavia. er qie,vc rsdn n chief and president vice Squires, Jerry uvilnecmrsintpoe,and proved, isn’t cameras surveillance

obtra aldi rmapyphone pay a from in called threat bomb

ol iaca system. financial world

uiesivsmn,araycontract- already investment, Business

hthstandtam em nYugo- in teams trauma trained has that

h fetvns fmtldtcosand detectors metal of effectiveness The rmtect’ ovnincne fe a after center convention city’s the from rnprainProblems Transportation

e omiti h mohwrigo the of working smooth the maintain to der

rcsfo spiking. from prices

lrd’ r ily h ed project a heads who Figley, Dr. Florida’s

ecesadsafwa dniybadges. identity wear staff and teachers inlBnigEp eetre away turned were Expo Banking tional

vnmr hnhdbe xetdi or- in expected been had than more even

eesr esrst tpwrdoil world stop to measures necessary

ihvoec,“eaenwa hs”said this,” at new are “We violence, with

rltedsrc;sho or r locked, are doors school district; the trol a ea,3,0 epea h Interna- the at people 30,000 Vegas, Las is h said. she ties, rudtewrdwl u neetrates interest cut world—will the around

re adtegopi rprdt take to prepared is group the said tries

onre hthv a olant live to learn to had have that countries

col;uamdscrt fiespa- officers security unarmed schools; oe eas fabm het n in And threat. bomb a of because tower hre 8pol n a enn fatali- no seen had and people 18 charged esta h e—n eta banks central Fed—and the that tees

raiaino erlu xotn Coun- Exporting Petroleum of Organization l ato otenIead Unlike Ireland. Northern or East dle

ot oieofcr nissecondary its in officers police posts h lnshtteWrdTaeCenter Trade World the hit planes the pksoa ad h optldis- hospital The said. spokeswoman pn.Teboams etil guaran- certainly blowalmost The spond.

uoe u h ertr-eea fthe of secretary-general the But Europe. n onevoec o nieteMid- the unlike not counterviolence and

il,tog.Fifx a,already Va., Fairfax, though. sible, oksho a vcae hrl after shortly evacuated was school York atyo oeooi oiymkr re- makers policy howeconomic on partly aeui n w eei ugr,a surgery, in were two and unit care

tak,bfr lsn t$9abre in barrel a $29 at closing before attacks,

igofatgtnn prlo violence of spiral tightening a off ting

tpigu euiyintawy pos- always isn’t security up Stepping ignasD.Crel ned New a Indeed, Cornell. Dr. Virginia’s h ogrtr matwl depend will impact longer-term The ih.Egtpol eei h intensive the in were people Eight night.

ugd$.0t 3.5abre fe the after barrel a $31.05 to $3.60 surged

u eaito are h iko set- of risk the carries retaliation But

h kaoaCt obn,$2 million. $125 bombing, City Oklahoma the otdsen 7ijrdpol ylast by people injured 37 seeing ported

h ies.Betcueolfutures crude-oil Brent Mideast. the

uh obtebsad now.” bastards the Bomb Bush, rd etrbmig 50mlin and million; $510 bombing, Center Trade

gae o h etgncsate,re- casualties, Pentagon the for ignated

i rcsa oiia esosrs gi in again rise tensions political as prices oil

lo aki eYr ree,“Mr. ordered, NewYork in bank blood

ilo nisrdls;te19 World 1993 the loss; insured in million

o,V. h fiiltetetlcto des- location treatment official the Va., ton,

(above) 175. United Sources: ; CNN; airline statements airline CNN; Press; Associated Sources:

nte eaiecudb eon in rebound a be could negative Another

r’ od caldsg usd a outside sign scrawled a mood, try’s nshv enteLsAglsros $775 riots, Angeles Los the been have ones

h ignaHsia etri Arling- in Center Hospital Virginia The

Trade Center, South Tower. Apparently Tower. South Center, Trade

i rcsCudRebound Could Prices Oil

sda uh na xml ftecoun- the of example an In much. as ised atoh vri h ..Teohrmajor other The U.S. the in ever tastrophe

’el spokeswoman. a O’,

Plane hits World hits Plane About 9:03 a.m. 9:03 About


Center collapses. Center pne ned rsdn uhprom- Bush President Indeed, sponse. mutt h otcsl a-aeca- man-made most-costly the to amount

one.I saltl ei, adLynn said eerie,” little a is It wounded.

ftoeevents.” those of

Second World Trade World Second nttt,ataegop adteattacks the said group, trade a Institute, eaito saohrlgclre- logical another is Retaliation About 10:30 a.m. 10:30 About l

eln htw o’ aea many as have don’t we that feeling

oi aa ol xetti ob one be to this expect would I data. nomic

ahntnfrteIsrneInformation Insurance the for Washington

od, einsists. he do,” to

a enepcig Ihv hshorrible this have “I expecting. been had

miles southeast of Pittsburgh. of southeast miles

uk n19 hrl hwpi h eco- the in showup “hardly 1994 in quake

aoy omn iepeietin president vice Gorman, Carolyn

hv ofgr u osrciethings constructive out figure to “have

feno—o h asv nlxstaff influx massive the afternoon—not

United 93 crashes 80 crashes 93 United

About 10 a.m. 10 About

l essc steNrhig,Clf,earth- Calif., Northridge, the as such ters

nsedn orpi h damage. the repair to spending in

a—salgclrsos,btw also we but response, logical a day—is

omhdse bu 0 ainsb mid- by patients 100 about seen had room

CAAdro uiesFrcs.Disas- Forecast. Business Anderson UCLA

hr ih esm fstigincreases offsetting some be might there

e ol—hc locoe yester- closed also World—which Sea being hijacked.” being

a etrsmi aps h emergency the campus, main Center’s cal

onaa o nee n ietro the of director and Angeles Los at fornia

osadrgoswl lwsapy but sharply, slow will regions and tors

ihpoievne ieDseln or Disneyland like venues profile high mobile phone from bathroom: “We are “We bathroom: from phone mobile

ey adasoewmn tNUMedi- NYU At spokeswoman. a said gery,

oisadsaitc tUiest fCali- of University at statistics and nomics

uk:Eooi ciiyi fetdsec- affected in activity Economic quake:

viigcod,pplreet and events popular crowds, Avoiding Man on United 93 calls on calls 93 United on Man 9:58 a.m. 9:58


n aeain;ohr eurdmjrsur- major required others lacerations; and adEwr emr rfso feco- of professor a Leamer, Edward said emr knt urcn rearth- or hurricane a to akin more be

ed iatrrsos network. response disaster a heads

fe tocre.Sm a rknbones broken had Some occurred. it after Center collapses. Center otne rmPg A1 Page From Continued h nta mato h cnm may economy the on impact initial The

ot,aLsAglspyhlgs who psychologist Angeles Los a worth,

ls,tetdsm 0 ainsshortly patients 300 some treated blast,

First World Trade World First

About 9:50 a.m. 9:50 About l

rmnwn’’ adRbr Butter- Robert said ’’ nowon,’ from

tak as er faRecession a of Fears Raise Attacks

optl esta iemntsfo the from minutes five than less hospital,

Ti stewytig r on obe to going are things way the is ‘This U.S.

h e okUiest downtown University York New The

Tewrttigw ol oi say, is do could we thing worst “The

ated. FAA suspends all air flights in flights air all suspends FAA ated.

rae eYr optlAssociation. Hospital NewYork Greater

otoldsociety?” controlled

White House evacu- House White About 9:45 a.m. 9:45 About l

eue h rs site. crash the secured H a t600fe ecnigtoward descending feet 6,000 at was “He

adBinCna,asoemnfrthe for spokesman a Conway, Brian said

edt aeals pn government- open, less a have to need

io.Aot10Pnslai tt troopers State Pennsylvania 100 About rison.

ftecahsite. crash the of

u epewr tyn upiigycalm, surprisingly staying were people but the Pentagon. Pentagon. the

American Airlines 11. Airlines American on obcm neue n elthe feel and insecure, become to going

h rs,si B gn-ncag elMor- Well agent-in-charge FBI said crash, the

abi onyarot bu 0mlssouth miles 20 about airport, County Cambria

forhsiasaei mrec mode,” emergency in are hospitals our of

American 77 crashes into crashes 77 American

9:38 a.m. 9:38 Trade Center, North Tower. Apparently Tower. North Center, Trade

l ad rbai ahntn Aewe “Are Washington. in Arabia Saudi

ezda91tp rma paetcl about call apparent an from tape 911 a seized

f oreaoeteJh utaJohnstown- Murtha John the above course off h tako h ol rd etr “All Center. Trade World the on attack the

Plane hits World hits Plane

About 8:50 a.m. 8:50 About h o ersnstegvrmn of government the represents now who

AP l

one yacae n lms h FBI The flames. and crater a by rounded

h 5 a pte rud1 ..flying a.m. 10 around spotted was 757 The loe ihhnrd fpol nue in injured people of hundreds with flooded

p Kennedy Robert and John to aide former

Dulles for Los Angeles Los for Dulles hotos sur- wreckage of photos color showed He ononNwYr optl were hospitals York New Downtown


I’ eto s”si rdDto,a Dutton, Fred said us,” of test a “It’s

Boeing 757, leaves Washington’s leaves 757, Boeing n npe itrso h ondplane. downed the of pictures snapped and

could. eta era ntemutiso southern of mountains the in retreat dential

hneafnaetlo mrcnlife. American of fundamental a change

American Flight 77, a 77, Flight American o,wsoeo h is oarv ntescene the on arrive to first the of one was Co., 8:10 a.m. 8:10


aea uhsaeaalbea they as available space much as make agtcudhv enCm ai,tepresi- the David, Camp been have could target w agro loigtroit to terrorists allowing of danger own

akSal htgahrfrSalOil Stahl for photographer a Stahl, Mark

eesr.Vtrn optl lne to planned hospitals Veterans necessary. oto fhjces n hta intended an that and hijackers, of control u iheigsilfrhrcrisits carries further still tightening But 757, leaves Newark for San Francisco San for Newark leaves 757,

nufdi fireball. a in engulfed

hi aaiyadpoiemr esif beds more provide and capacity their

a)seuae httejtwsudrthe under was jet the that speculated Va.)

United Flight 93, a Boeing a 93, Flight United 8:01 a.m. 8:01

l I’ eto Us’ of Test a ‘It’s

yaieepoig n h iewsthen was site the and exploding, dynamite eYr n ahntnaest track to areas Washington and NewYork ato itbrh e.JmsMrn(D., Moran James Rep. Pittsburgh. of east

767, leaves Boston for Los Angeles. Los for Boston leaves 767,

bevr adta h rs one like sounded crash the that said Observers

H a okn ihhsiasi the in hospitals with working was HHS eoesrpmn il bu 0mlssouth- miles 80 about field strip-mine remote


American Flight 11, a Boeing a 11, Flight American 7:59 a.m. 7:59

ertecahst n htwsunoccupied. was that and site crash the near

l eak .. oSnFacso rse na in crashed Francisco, San to N.J., Newark, ln aebe made.” been have plans itr ntelbyo otlreoffice large most of lobby the in fixture a

hr a nyoesalse-ie building -sized small one only was There

ntdFih 3 ceue ofyfrom fly to scheduled 93, Flight United etbidns n euiygad are guards security and buildings, ment W’ebe wr fti osblt,and possibility, this of aware been “We’ve

767, leaves Boston for Los Angeles. Los for Boston leaves 767,

. Coal PBS by owned field, strip-mine the

omr h rn oro aygovern- many of door front the nowmark

utgigit iatrmd, esaid. he mode,” disaster into going just

fatalities. United Flight 175, a Boeing a 175, Flight United

7:58 a.m. 7:58 l

re,cosdara n ial rk pon up broke finally and road a crossed trees,

led oalto ht ea detectors Metal that. of lot a do already

uyt ot h atCat Eeyn is “Everyone Coast. East the to go to duty eot niaeta hr een ground no were there that indicate reports

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001: a Timeline a 2001: 11, Sept. Tuesday,

iudt ecn n hncipdacupof clump a clipped then and descend to tinued

tp n okoe hi hudr.We shoulders. their over look and steps i optlwr mn hs uldoff pulled those among were hospital his rs ildal4 epeo or.Early board. on people 45 all killed crash

il.Tepaepse vrtearot con- airport, the over passed plane The cials.

ieyt oc mrcn owththeir watch to Americans force to likely i.Todcosadfu aaeisfrom paramedics four and doctors Two lis.

uiaewt h ontw ipr offi- airport Johnstown the with municate

nsotdtetroitatcsare attacks terrorist unescorted—the info ehds optli Indianapo- in Hospital Methodist from cian oetGuyMathews. Robert

h 5 paetydd’ tep ocom- to attempt didn’t apparently 757 The

hog h ..Capitol U.S. the through a odl,a mrec-omphysi- emergency-room an Cordell, iam iohApe,Ptii ai and Davis Patricia TimothyAeppel, l, esaid. he ble,” te epeari, adUiest of University said afraid,” people other

u o omrilarie,wsevacuated. was airlines, commercial for hub hr nodnr iie a stroll can ordinary an where fti antd—ooycn”si Will- said can,” magnitude—nobody this of yalSre ora tf reporters staff Journal Street ByWall V tsovosnwhtw’evulnera- we’re nowthat obvious it’s TV, l da ihterfasb making by fears their with “deal ple

osflo t pnesacountry openness—a its of boastful oto oe nnab itbrh major a Pittsburgh, nearby in tower control

Asnl racnthnl disaster a handle can’t area single “A euea eoc ee okn tthe at Looking were. once we as secure fhgl ulczdvoec.Sm peo- Some violence. publicized highly of

nacutyln ru n even and proud long country a In n h ln.A rcuin h i traffic air the precaution, a As plane. the ing

raigtecaha rm cn.The scene. crime a as crash the treating

hmsnsaid. Thompson o on ob scmotbeadas and comfortable as be to going not oya niet htotnfollowacts often that incidents copycat

ai otc ihte77btwssiltrack- still was but 757 the with contact radio esni h a erworks.” fear way the in lesson ih2 gnsa h ie adta twas it that said site, the at agents 20 with

alfretariayrsos, Mr. response,” extraordinary for call oetP lnesi,are.“We’re agreed. Blankenship, P. Robert ute eri h osblt of possibility the is fear further A

rfi oto etrhdsi hti a lost had it that said had center control traffic d tt nvriy W’egtiga getting “We’re University. State ida u h eea ueuo Investigation, of Bureau Federal the But

Tdysetariayemergencies extraordinary “Today’s

nRdig ai. h he fpolice, of chief the Calif., Redding, In

n children. ing

r cevysi htteCeeadair Cleveland the that said McKelvey Mr. rfso ftam scooya Flor- at psychology trauma of professor a

rd etradaohrit h Pentagon. the into another and Center Trade

aete o burial. for them pare

ainldvlpet—n overwhelm- developments—and national way.”

n ainllvl”si hre Figley, Charles said level,” national and

eevr ocre ttetime.” the at concerned very were htfetocmeca esit h World the into jets commercial flewtwo that

ahntnt dniyvcisadpre- and victims identify Washington—to

omnrsos nteshost huge to schools the in response common vrt hn fteeise h same the issues these of think to ever

hog:t aaefa tacultural a at fear manage to through:

a utnrho sadhaigorwy We way. our heading and us of north just was a ato h aessetdtroitplot terrorist suspected same the of part was

losn—ort eYr n he to three and NewYork to sent—four also

h rgd satahbemoment—a teachable a as tragedy the h ol, eadd I’ o possible not “It’s added. he world,” the

o fohrcutishv gone have countries other of lot

oto etraoeorarsaesyn it saying space air our above center control ntdArie oig77ta rse here crashed that 757 Boeing Airlines United

ahntn ee otaytaswere teams mortuary Seven Washington.

otne rmPg A1 Page From Continued hlgs.Bth andaantusing against warned he But chologist. Tdyrpeet elcag in change real a represents “Today

utgtacl rmteCeeadair-traffic Cleveland the from call a got just olntsylt etra hte the whether yesterday late say wouldn’t

ett h ncsi eevn etrin Center Receiving Anacostia the to went

ietr W intha ntiga l.We all. at anything hear didn’t “We director. h eea vainAdministration Aviation Federal The

oro orrFrvrAtr mrcnLives American Alters Forever Horror of Hour

ur aei ebrh .. n three and N.Y., Newburgh, in Base Guard

TNYCEKTWSI,P .— Pa TOWNSHIP, CREEK STONEY u ipr, adJeMKle,teairport the McKelvey, Joe said airport,” our

c eesn oteSeatNational Stewart the to sent were ics

as ortaso otr n paramed- and doctors of teams Four Mass. sBigTetda rm cn yFBI by Scene Crime as Treated Being Is

sAlna yn,NJ,adWorcester, and N.J., Lyons, Atlanta, as

h xlso,asoemnsaid. spokesman a explosion, the rlros rdcr cabe ogtin- get to scrambled producers rooms, trol ulcnPry h a h ieo U.S. of wife the was she Party, publican

n ahntnaesfo oain such locations from areas Washington and uldsm ftepooin htfeatured that promotions the of some pulled oitclcalne.I B’ rzdcon- crazed CBS’s In challenges. logistical N,M.Iaco ad ciei h Re- the in Active said. Isaacson Mr. CNN,

ntdFih 3sPnslai rs Site Crash Pennsylvania 93’s Flight United

ur esne eesn oteNwYork New the to sent were personnel tuary lw papsegrjt h ewr has network The jet. passenger a up blows iakdpae,wsacnrbtrto contributor a was planes, hijacked h tr,wiecpn ihextraordinary with coping while story, the

ylt feno,30mdcladmor- and medical 300 afternoon, late By addt n ntefrteioeaterrorist a episode first the in and candidate l ftentok cabe ocover to scrambled networks the of All abr lo,wode noeo the of one on died who Olson, Barbara

oso h sasnto fapresidential a of assassination the stop to

otayTasSent Teams Mortuary okhsnvrdn before. done never has work yesterday.

rm ald“4”i hc naettries agent an which in “24,” called drama

hti odadjs norworld.” our in just and good is that hk h onain forbgetbuild- biggest our of foundations the shake in fdlasb rpigalcommercials all dropping by dollars of lions Nf taot1 .. oehn h net- the something a.m., 10 about at CNNfn

oeo hi esos o a CIA a has Fox newshows. their of some eg owr odfn reo n all and freedom defend to forward go we

ready. h orfcatcs esi,“can said, he attacks, horrific The N ea iucsigo B,TTand TNT TBS, on simulcasting began CNN ast oe h vn,a ela oigmil- losing as well as event, the cover to lars

oeo h ewrsaewr about wary are networks the of Some Nn fu ilee ogtti a,yet day, this forget ever will us of “None

n dniyn h ed eetl obe to told were dead, the identifying and terror.” oaro N atngt r sasnsaid Isaacson Mr. night. last CNN on air to r pnigmlin n iloso dol- of millions and millions spending are

lygmsti Sunday. this games play oe n ewl os hstm, esaid. he time,” this so do will we and fore,

otr n etsscagdwt finding with charged dentists and doctors el ne yei,dsial csof acts despicable evil, by ended denly

rsigit h w oes hti planned it that towers, two the into crashing osfrcs swl,a l ftenetworks the of all as well, as cost for goes

a neie bu hte twould it whether about undecided was Aeiahssoddw nme be- enemies down stood has “America

unadsreyuis swl sforensic as well as units, surgery and burn egbr,tosnso ie eesud- were lives of thousands neighbors,

ie,icuigcoeuso ohplanes both of close-ups including video, rkSrno,peieto SB.That MSNBC. of president Sorenson, Erik

ae n h ainlFobl League Football National the and games

hs es fscrt a shattered. was security of sense whose

o snee.Ohrtas including teams, Other needed. as ton iswr mm n as red and friends dads, and “moms were tims

ewr loi uycletn amateur collecting busy is also network oifr hruhytkspirt, said priority,” takes thoroughly inform to

egeBsbl acldyesterday’s canceled Baseball League

oemaueo esuac ocitizens to reassurance of measure some

o elyett eYr n Washing- and NewYork to deployment for drs rmteWieHue h vic- The House. White the from address

ihu ubroestlietuk.The trucks. satellite cumbersome without ieise alb h asd n h need the and wayside the by fall issues tive

esn hc sti ody Major Monday. this is which season,

orw”M.Bs ad ekn obring to seeking said, Bush Mr. morrow,”

s cs”tepeietsi natelevised a in said president the acts,” ist etrmdclpronl eepreparing were personnel, medical sector

u locmr rw ouln images uplink to crews allowcamera but tr fti antd.Sadr competi- Standard magnitude. this of story

n h rdtoa tr ftenewTV the of start traditional the ing

oenet“ilb pnfrbsns to- business for open be “will government

nasre fdlbrt n edyterror- deadly and deliberate of series a in ns h em,md po ,0 private- 7,000 of up made teams, The ings.

ie hns hc rvd ek images jerky provide which phones, video Ntoa neetms esre na in served be must interest “National

n hr a aki olwo fpostpon- of Hollywood in talk was there and

ie nwsenPnslai.Tefederal The Pennsylvania. western in liner

ie u eyfedm aeudrattack under came freedom, very our life, aua iatr,paecahsadbomb- and crashes plane disasters, natural

okhsdpoe l ih fissatellite its of eight all deployed has work

ecn”M.Hyadsi ftedecision. the of said Heyward Mr. can,” we

B a endlydfra es week, a least at for delayed been has CBS aae h etgnadcahda air- an crashed and Pentagon the damaged

Tdy u elwiies u a of way our fellowcitizens, our “Today,

em,wihaestu ohl during help to up set are which teams,

ctv fteCNNw ru,si h net- the said Group, News CNN the of ecutive

Ltsgtpol htvrinformation whatever people get “Let’s

ato h rm-ieEm wrson awards Emmy prime-time the of cast htdsrydteWrdTaeCenter, Trade World the destroyed that

lrd opooehseuainprogram. education his promote to Florida is-vrgnrlmblzto fthe of mobilization general first-ever

atrIaco,cara n he ex- chief and chairman Isaacson, Walter

etdb h tak.Ti udysbroad- Sunday’s This attacks. the by fected h hncle i ias l agreed. All rivals. his called then who iitainintprlzdb h attacks the by paralyzed isn’t ministration

h onr sh eundfo rpto trip a from returned he as country the

ins8 pca iatrtas twsthe was It teams. disaster special 80 tion’s

rlAito Administration. Aviation eral

uuepormigas ilb af- be will also programming Future

oCSNw rsdn nrwHeyward, Andrew President News CBS to betvswst eosrt hthsad- his that demonstrate to was objectives

eto nuuularln ieacross ride airplane unusual an on dent

om hmsnatvtdalo h na- the of all activated Thompson Tommy

ec u aebe ruddb h Fed- the by grounded been have but gency

oksntoa feed. national work’s

notiefrtesec.Oeo i top his of One speech. the for outline an xctv rdcro B’ 6 Minutes,” “60 CBS’s of producer executive

no“eue oain n ettepresi- the sent and locations “secure” into

elhadHmnSrie Secretary Services Human and Health

hc omlywudb sdi nemer- an in used be would normally which

oeo oa oeaeta hi w net- own their than coverage local on more omnctosDrco ae Hughes Karen Director Communications optto a ice yDnHewitt, Don by pitched was competition

htrlctdms oenetleaders government most relocated that


n B ttosi eYr fe relied often NewYork in stations NBC and aehle aetepaeo helicopters, of place the take helped have

ht os,PeietBs ittdto dictated Bush President House, White oe.Tedcso ose rayon treaty a seek to decision The tower.

ciae neegnyrsos plan response emergency an activated

asa hyfc h edt replenish to need the face they as days

oldottersa nhr,AC CBS ABC, anchors, star their out rolled

okae,wihas eei s.These use. in were also which area, York uighsfnlfih eunn othe to returning flight final his During h eodpaecahn notesouth the into crashing plane second the

e h aeo onn tak,M.Bush Mr. attacks, morning of wave the ter

htte ol u hr ntecoming the in short run would they that

neetnl,wietentok all networks the while Interestingly,

r aea one rudteNew the around mounted cameras ary pksa r lice said. Fleischer Ari spokesman hrl eoe9am D n are live carried and EDT a.m. 9 before shortly

o i diitainadtento.Af- nation. the and administration his for

yaalbesple,btte worried they but supplies, available by eto B News. NBC of dent

hs ato utb ae, ht House White taken,” be must caution this, osotfoae B a ooi station- robotic has NBC footage. shoot to ln tukteWrdTaeCenter Trade World the struck plane

n fa xasigadfiheigday frightening and exhausting an of end

il adimdaeneswudb met be would needs immediate said cials adBl haly xctv iepresi- vice executive Wheatley, Bill said

i.“eudrtnsta tatm like time a at that understands “He him. eegabn hi w aea thome at cameras own their grabbing were e oeaemd onatrtefirst the after soon mode coverage ket

h rsdn’ omnscm tthe at came comments president’s The

n.“er o ueytwe twl end,” will it when yet sure not “We’re ing. xetdt e oe lo etroffi- center Blood more. see to expected

h mg fa betpeietbothered president absent an of image the tMNC h escanlsstaffers channel’s news the MSNBC, At

sFxadFxNw—etit blan- into News—went Fox and Fox ’s Corp.

hs h abrthem.” harbor who those

rudtecokcvrg o h iebe- time the for coverage around-the-clock nue nNwokCt,adhospitals and City, NewYork in injured

o oesr i aey u twsclear was it But safety. his ensure to ton

e,wssf,wihsewas. she which safe, was ter, News and CNN; Inc.’s Warner Time AOL

errsswocmitdteeat and acts these committed who terrorists

l ftentok r tcigwith sticking are networks the of All r uhwskp usd fWashing- of outside kept was Bush Mr. oeta ,0 epewr reported were people 2,000 than More

ost colna h ol rd Cen- Trade World the near school to goes

o’ ABC; Co.’s Disney Walt Corp.); crosoft

w ilmk odsicinbtenthe between distinction no make will “we

a ocoverage. no has

uac oteAeia public. American the to surance

aeo h errs attacks. terrorist the of wake

hl atn oha fhsduhe,who daughter, his if hear to waiting while Mi- with venture joint (a MSNBC and

n,we sesn lm o h acts, the for blame assessing when And,

a nteWrdTaeCne n hence and Center Trade World the on was

uiyta n su ewrso reas- of fewwords a issue and team curity

eso huad fuiso lo nthe in blood of units of thousands of tens

io a ietn oeaeo h event the of coverage directing was piro, sNC CNBC NBC, ’s Electric General CBS; Inc.’s

os fhmnntr, r uhsaid. Bush Mr. nature,” human of worst

nce f h i eas t antenna its because air the off knocked

utpiaessin ihhsntoa se- national his with sessions private duct

optl,ietf h edadsupply and dead the identify hospitals,

o h ewr,adaohr rcSha- Eric another, and network, the for l ftemjrnetworks— major the of All

Tdyornto aei.Tevery The sawevil. nation our “Today

esCr.sWO e okwas York New WWOR Corp.’s News tscr iiaybsss ecudcon- could he so bases military secure at

otettetosnso nue ae to taken injured of thousands the treat to

aehrwyt h ol rd Center Trade World the to way her make

a’ errs attacks. terrorist day’s

ho n retreat.” and chaos

esCanlfare. Channel News addtie nLusaaadNebraska, and Louisiana in twice, landed

ie nupeeetdntowd effort nationwide unprecedented an lized

aeydde ieala h re to tried she as fireball a dodged barely

bet n nte ntewk fyester- of wake the in another one to able

tak i o fihe u aininto nation our “frighten not did attacks Xetranetcanlt ar Fox carry to channel entertainment FX

ev iiayecr nhswn.He wing. his on escort military heavy

AHNTNHat okr mobi- workers WASHINGTON—Health

B orsodn,CrlMarin, Carol correspondent, CBS A

gemn omk l hi otg avail- footage their all make to agreement

ntn u adtoewocmitdthe committed who those said but ington, hl o updpormigfo its from programming dumped Fox while iha pnln oM.Cee n a and Cheney Mr. to line open an with

tf eotrof Reporter Staff

eYr ao uop Giuliani. Rudolph Mayor NewYork h alSre Journal Street Wall The

ina hyetrda unprecedented an entered they as tion

sdEP siscbenw channel, news cable its as ESPN used errssatcsi eYr n Wash- and NewYork in attacks terrorists pn uho h a nArFreOne, Force Air on day the of much spent


aa Lueck Sarah B

wtht escneec en edby held being conference news a to switch ie optaieterrlnls competi- relentless their aside put to cided h edfo itrntokCS ABC CBS. network sister from feed the rse h ainshro ttewv of wave the at horror nation’s the pressed aaeeto h rss r uhhad Bush Mr. crisis, the of management

e.Jh can(. rz)o odto hold on Ariz.) (R., McCain John Sen. h racs n al ewrsde- networks cable and broadcast The rpe eua rgamn ocarry to programming regular dropped AHNTNPeietBs ex- Bush WASHINGTON—President anda h ht os overseeing House White the at mained

cn.A n on,M.Rte a oput to had Rather Mr. point, one At scene.

rg.Msccanl T n H both VH1 and MTV channels Music erage.

tf eotr of Reporters Staff hl iePeietDc hnyre- Cheney Dick President Vice While

h alSre Journal Street Wall The tf eotr of Reporters Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

oTetInjured Treat To

epn aso htwsgigo tthe at on going was what on tabs keeping nd

netimn al ewrst ar cov- carry to networks cable entertainment fAmerica.” of al Beatty Sally A n i VandeHei Jim And

y evesfraco a ahrwhile Rather Dan anchor for terviews

ok okteuuulse fuigsister using of step unusual the took works y ns u hycno oc h foundation the touch cannot they but ings, o Flint Joe B

eneCummings Jeanne B

rgamn n omril,tenet- the commercials, and programming

anhEffort Launch

geigt oprt oGtSoyOut Story Get to Cooperate to Agreeing

u s’ rgtndIt Chaos Into Frightened Isn’t But eie r-mtn l fterown their of all pre-empting Besides

indispute. tion

rm or uigtepresidential-elec- the during Court preme

elhWorkers Health

racs,CbeNtok alaTruce, a Call Networks Cable Broadcast, uhSy OrNto a Evil’ Saw Nation ‘Our Says Bush

udPeietBs’ aebfr h Su- the before case Bush’s President gued

oiio eea hooeOsn h ar- who Olson, Theodore General Solicitor




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nRcvleCnr,NY,aLn Island Long a N.Y., Centre, Rockville In oeta 0 ooshdaraygiven already had donors 100 than More home.

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eifa hi aertr,adanxious and return, safe their at relief ©2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 3WJ002 reserved. rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow ©2001

er,cryn c notebidn,while building, the into ice carrying teers, etr hygetdec te ihre- with other each greeted They Center. ree ynihoswt xlmtosof exclamations with neighbors by greeted

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utrBaey it-rdra Pel- at sixth-grader a Blakely, Hunter n.Dnr ihohrtpso lo were blood of types other with Donors ent.

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lo ye nw suiesldonors universal as known type, blood e,a tdn tUsln cdm in Academy Ursuline at student at ger,

oedntn again. donating fore cetn nydnr ihO-negative with donors only accepting hr yddws”adEiaehGei- Elizabeth was,”said dad my where

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rpe rudtebidn,waiting building, the around wrapped hn epewl emr atosand cautious more be will people think I … as omtr ee’ oighm be- home coming weren’t commuters cause

compensation and data to data trading insider and compensation print subscription for just $29. just for subscription print

ubr n a nfligcar that chairs folding on sat and numbers huh mrc a h aetcountry. safest the was America thought

a nsal ieti h feno,be- afternoon, the in silent unusually was

uubo e okCt,tetanstation train the City, York New of suburb lo,M.Anl ad oesmr took more Dozens said. Arnold Ms. blood, otne rmaeA2 FromPage Continued

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otiue oti article. this to contributed toearot h A ad wages said, GAO the airport, one At ae u asnesas xett be to expect also passengers but safe,

25,000 companies worldwide give you give worldwide companies 25,000 the competition. competition. the 7732 975 800 1 Call

- - -

n nyPstri o Angeles Los in Pasztor Andy and

ulcepcsarot ob absolutely be to airports expects public ucmitei pi 2000. April in subcommittee

ioeHri nAtlanta in Harris Nicole ilns nteoehn,tetraveling the hand, one the On airlines. etro h A,tl congressional a told GAO, the of rector

Briefing Books on Books Briefing weapon for up sizing for weapon

SehnPwri Washington, in Power —Stephen enatuhisefrteFAadthe and FAA the for issue tough a been uiy”eadDliga,ascaedi- associate Dillingham, curity,”Gerald

oti hscountry.” this in port euiya ao iprshsalways has airports major at Security fcmlcnyi mrvn vainse- aviation improving in complacency of

Now our enhanced our Now the most powerful most the

rdLgn“sscr sayohrair- other any as secure “as Logan ered eryadcd ol re nattitude an breed could decade a nearly

hr’ risk.” there’s

ot”r als de hth consid- he that added Lawless port.”Mr. o euiyicdn nteUS in … U.S. the in incident security jor htetisuls hyr convinced they’re unless entails that

their toughest battles. toughest their articles. It’s simply It’s articles.

lc omiti h euiyo h air- the of security the maintain to place Tefc htteehsbe oma- no been has there that fact “The l fscrt n l h inconvenience the all and security of els

ad W’etknalto esrsin measures of lot a taken “We’ve said.

A said. GAO h ulcwntacp egtndlev- heightened accept won’t public The

Ife oa sasf airport,”he safe a is Logan feel “I

for Journal Street Wall Journal recent al tescnrbt otroe,the turnover, to contribute stress daily antprevdta h ikwsthere. was risk the that perceived wasn’t

gnywudass security. assess would agency

o ae,mnmlbnft and benefits minimal wages, Low

lw,itnescrt ytm It system. security intense blown,

iycifJsp als adthe said Lawless Joseph chief rity

a nultroe fmr hn200%. than more of turnover annual had ad W elydd’ aeafull- a have didn’t really “We said. The on relied always and insight from insight and

tLgnysedy asotsecu- Massport yesterday, Logan At

o,Ciao oso n t Louis) St. and Houston Chicago, ton,

euiyadsft nti country,”he this in safety and security

intrtr eetdpoecalls. phone repeated return didn’t

..arot;fv iprs(tat,Bos- (Atlanta, airports five airports; U.S. Teraiyi,w a h aaeof facade the had we is, reality “The

Great leaders have leaders Great earnings estimates earnings

fiil tS.LusbsdHuntleigh Louis-based St. at Officials

naeaeaogsreesa 9large 19 at screeners among average on

al eetweapons. detect cally

iytescrt ima oa Airport. Logan at firm security the tify

pi 99 unvrmr hndoubled than more turnover 1999, April

erpae ycmuesta automati- that computers by replaced be

ie.Uie fiil elndt iden- to declined officials United lines.

a atr.Fo a 98through 1998 May From factors. man a cnigfrgn rkie should knives or guns for scanning man

aescrt evcsfrUie Air- United for services security gage

onladiaeut teto ohu- to attention inadequate and sonnel ad -a ahnsta eur hu- require that machines X-ray said,

eg S op rvdsgt n bag- and gate provides Corp. USA leigh

ons ai unvro cenn per- screening of turnover rapid points: ainlarot n ilns lo he Also, airlines. and airports national

oa ipr uhrte adHunt- said authorities Airport Logan

assfrscrt assa check- at lapses security for causes inlyrte hnlaigi pt inter- to up it leaving than rather tionally

hstime.” this

oges dniidtoimportant two identified Congress, hudb prddadcodntdna- coordinated and upgraded be should

adtecmayhd“ocmetat comment “no had company the said

h A,teivsiaieamof arm investigative the GAO, The lrblee htscrt tairports at security that believes pler of business information at your command. your at information business of

etn”swr te xctvs She executives. other were meeting”as

okotepoeswohv enfired. been have who employees out lock htbigsi,tog,M.Stem- Mr. though, said, being That

apr rsdn n E,ws“na “in was CEO, and president Harper,

nocmn fiil oimmediately to officials enforcement h target. the

lb’ edofc adRnl J. Ronald said office head Globe’s

puts a million pages pages million a puts Online Journal Street Wall The agsta nbeepoesadlaw- and employers enable that badges

ol rn hi epn tagtto straight weapons their bring would oa nwrn h hn at phone the answering woman A

aecmue-otoldidentification computer-controlled have

olntbte og oa ipr but airport an to go to bother wouldn’t B un sbsdi Chicago. in based is Burns AB.

diin ao iprsaerqie to required are airports major addition,

sswr nietecuty they country, the inside were ists

un r nt fSee’ Securitas Sweden’s of units are Burns

euiysreigo htcnore In concourse. that on screening security

hi esnn a ht neterror- once that, was reasoning Their ie tLgnls er ohGoeand Globe Both year. last Logan at lines

orei epnil o aaigthe managing for responsible is course

inlrte hndmsi flights. domestic than rather tional iescrt evcsfrAeia Air- American for services security vide

ihtems lgt napriua con- particular a on flights most the with oitatcswudcm ninterna- on come would attacks rorist evcsui o h otatt pro- to contract the won unit Services


. airline The detectors. metal and chines esetmeig a sue htter- that assumed had meetings sessment un nentoa’ lb Aviation Globe International’s Burns

iycmaist u h -a ma- X-ray the run to companies rity hmh er tscrt n risk-as- and security at heard he whom l usin oFIagents. FBI to questions all

yial,arie iepiaesecu- private hire airlines Typically, r tmlrsi htms experts most that said Stempler Mr. a a enavsdb h B orefer to FBI the by advised been had can

airlines. ieytroitattacks. terrorist likely hr,syn i opn n Ameri- and company his saying there,

iiyo h A,arotoeaosand operators airport FAA, the of bility in tLgno nGoesoperations Globe’s on or Logan at tions iprsadwogasmtosabout assumptions wrong and airports

ipr euiyi h on responsi- joint the is security Airport oeifraino euiyprecau- security on information more lcsbt ako euiya U.S. at security of lack a both flects

eatto htocre yesterday. occurred that devastation r cut elndt provide to declined McNulty Mr. asnes adta h iatrre- disaster the that said passengers,

EWUDHAVE WOULD HE and destruction the contemplated ios a rtywl-lne,h said. well-planned,”he pretty was rvlr soito,wihrepresents which Association, Travelers

il adntee h os-aescenar- worst-case the even not said cials Yupntaefu ipae,this airplanes, four penetrate “You ai tmlr rsdn fteAir the of president Stempler, David

ilhjcig fjties nutyoffi- Industry jetliners. of hijackings tial ntra security). on-tarmac aetime. same

e.(lb vainws’ ncag of charge in wasn’t Aviation (Globe nel. eddt eo susohrta poten- than other issues on be to tended 5 ipae a eo h ruda the at ground the on be can airplanes 250

otl eieyadfo evc person- service food and delivery postal, rustefcso teto has attention of focus groups—the h agrarot,weea ayas many as where airports, larger the

il ihacs oarlns including airplanes, to access with field medtosfo lerbo study blue-ribbon from ommendations rdbyepnie fntipsil at impossible not if expensive, credibly

ee“udeso edr”tteair- the vendors”at of “hundreds were oenetcnenadasrn frec- of string a concern—and government esrs aigta hywudb in- be would they that saying measures,

oda ie”u entdta there that noted he mine.”But as good

ept eae fhg-ee U.S. high-level of decades Despite itdtkn h oteteesecurity extreme most the taking sisted

a n epn.“orgesi as is “Your weapons. any had

nhu eoetakeoff. before hour an ipr n iln fiil aere- have officials airline and Airport

h ln,o vnwehrte actually they whether even or plane, the

pa h aebrl 5mntso half or minutes 15 barely gate the at up eesr fscrt a owork. to was security if necessary

ih aesuge epn aboard weapons smuggled have might

scrsd agg hcs rshowing or checks, baggage curbside as ac ntepr feeyepoe was employee every of part the on lance

oifrainaothwtehijackers the how about information no

lmntn xsigcneine such conveniences existing eliminating

h aetm,te tesdta vigi- that stressed they time, same the

r cut adhscmayhad company his said McNulty Mr.

aueo i rvlb etitn or restricting by travel air of nature

eemd talo h iprs u at but airports, the of all at made were

esaid. he

oaswudfnaetlycag the change fundamentally would posals

il adsgiiatimprovements significant said cials

onn.Teewsntigunusual,” nothing was There morning.

arigsgiiatpietg,sc pro- such tags, price significant carrying

ntefloigmnh,FAoffi- FAA months, following the In

W akdt hmfrttigthis thing first them to talked “We

ol ilnsFih 0.I diinto addition In 800. Flight Airlines World

ln wrote. Flynn

onn eoetehijackings. the before morning

a n,aan fe h rs fTrans of crash the after again, and, War

eecalne ny5 times,”Mr. 53 only challenged were

hn u fteodnr yesterday ordinary the of out thing

n h ht os uigteGulf the during House White the and

in ra asn 2 mlye,but employees, 229 passing area, tions

ebr tLgndd’ eotany- report didn’t Logan at members

eeebae ymn nCongress in many by embraced were

in h gnsrae h air-opera- the roamed agents the tion,

inSrie op nt adterstaff their said unit, Corp. Services tion

oitiesgie rmnneand prominence gained ideas rorist

Wtotdslyn n identifica- any displaying “Without

ipr nBso hog t lb Avia- Globe its through Boston in airport

nfc,mn fteetuhrantiter- tougher these of many fact, In

ihu en challenged. being without

euiyfrAeia ilnsa Logan at Airlines American for security

o explosives. for

hog or eidarieemployees airline behind doors through

ie op,wihpoie preboarding provided which Corp., vices

ons n tpe-pcnn searches canine stepped-up and points,

ae o evc eilso owalk to or vehicles service for gates

rsdn tBrsItrainlSer- International Burns at president

asnestruhscrt check- security through passengers

hti a osbet na through sneak to possible was it that

ae .MNly neeuievice executive an McNulty, F. James

aeceki,abno loignon- allowing on ban a check-in, gage

gnswrigfrM.Ma found Mead Mr. for working Agents

nocompliance. into

n asnes nedt ubielug- curbside to end an passengers, and

..Tasotto Department. Transportation U.S.

rn h iln’ euiymeasures security airline’s the bring

ils nrae ptcek fluggage of checks spot increased fields,

pco eea ent edo the of Mead Kenneth General spector

hr iltoswr on nodrto order in found were violations where

ldn eue cespit oair- to points access reduced cluding

nacnieta eotpeae yIn- by prepared report confidential a in t orcieato tteairports the at action corrective ate

euiymaue ncmn as in- days, coming in measures security

eaiiy”h rahswr detailed were breaches nerability.”The h A adAeia okimmedi- took American said FAA The

h ipr ol ieyaottougher adopt likely would airport the

oa uhrte adls ih that night last said authorities Logan

cnesa airports. at scanners

oehr…o ucd bombers.’ suicide somewhere…not

prd ob n weapons-detection and bomb- upgrade

slkl ob ako ao fot to efforts major of talk be to likely is

elwt epewoaedrne rwn ogo to want or deranged are who people with deal

as twudadt eas n there And delays. to add would it cause

nutyhsojce oi h atbe- past the in to objected has industry

errsi ciiy’apltsi.‘er rie to trained ‘We’re said. pilot a activity,’ terroristic

n ugg eoetkofa dathe idea takeoff—an before luggage and

adtr acigo l passengers all of matching mandatory

W’enttandt elwt hstp of type this with deal to trained not ‘We’re

hi eogns hr a eclsfor calls be may There belongings. their

iiulsace fpsegr and passengers of searches dividual

h xr rtcincudicuein- include could protection extra The

rf obn omk infcn vul- significant a make to combine craft ntoflights. two on emn o h ytmfailed. system the how termine

nrdr en bet e badair- aboard get to able being intruders uiyqetosrgrigcekdbags checked regarding questions curity o’ apnutlivsiaoscnde- can investigators until happen won’t

hlegn nrdr nterm,and ramp, the on intruders challenging lgt n aldt s prpit se- appropriate ask to failed and flights edcdn htt i,h ad u that but said, he fix, to what deciding be

igbc hog cesdos not doors, access through piggyback efr asne Dcek ntwo on checks ID passenger perform inscrt.Tebgetosal will obstacle biggest The security. tion

euiy rt:“loigituesto intruders “Allowing wrote: security, opne aso iefihs aldto failed flights, five on bags companied omrascaeamnsrtrfravia- for administrator associate former

ln,woa h iehae h FAA’s the headed time the at who Flynn, mrcnipoel rnpre unac- transported improperly American ie d.Cta ln,teFAA’s the Flynn, Cathal Adm. tired

nalte oarotdrcos Adm. directors, airport to letter a In hnFAseilaet on that found agents special FAA when seomu,js nros”adRe- enormous,”said just enormous, is

in eedsoee nJn 5 2000 25, June on discovered were tions rity. oa.Tejbo aigarot secure airports making of job The today.

rmBso’ oa ipr.Teviola- The Airport. Logan Boston’s from u xrie ots o oe nsecu- in holes for test to exercises run hnea euto hthappened what of result a as change

nsxfihs nldn n originating one including flights, six on s iprsadanucdta twould it that announced and airports est Cvlaito sw nwi will it know we as aviation “Civil

oapyaporaescrt measures security appropriate apply to ee nrae euiya 0o h larg- the of 70 at security increased dered stefrtstep. first the as

mrcnArie o leel failing allegedly for Airlines American hlegd nrsos,teFAor- FAA the response, In challenged. n otysepdu euiymeasures security stepped-up costly and

n 9,0 ncvlpnlisagainst penalties civil in $99,000 ing a.Te lobadd5 lnsun- planes 51 boarded also They mac. ino oetm-osmn,intrusive time-consuming, some of tion

atmnh h A adi a seek- was it said FAA the month, Last ot n hnwl rudo h tar- the on around walk then and ports rmtclyatrdwt h imposi- the altered—with dramatically

hog euiydosa ormjrair- major four at doors security through uedoswtotbigquestioned. being without doors cure ilartafcsse sbudt be to bound is system air-traffic cial

gnswr bet na 6times 46 sneak to able were agents ih tgtsadwle hog se- through walked and gates at night l o h tak,tento’ commer- nation’s the attacks, the for ble

ttetm,teFAsi htfederal that said FAA the time, the At ogi cest lnspre over- parked planes to access gain to eadeso h nsu responsi- up ends who of Regardless

ob n us n gnswr able were agents and guns, and bombs airplane. ahplane. each

aldt eetts tm iepipe like items test detect to failed oc h ilnst otgad tevery at guards post to airlines the force

eodr nte“lc box”aboard “black the in recorders

General George Patton George General

gnsfudta cenr routinely screeners that found Agents ao iprsta ttraee to threatened it that airports major lnsi hycnrcvrccptvoice cockpit recover can they if planes

ao ilnsadMspr $178,000. Massport and airlines major endaotlxscrt ttenation’s the at security lax about cerned emn hthpee badthe aboard happened what termine

sarsl,teFArprel fined reportedly FAA the result, a As n19,teFAbcm ocon- so became FAA the 1999, In netgtr a nyb bet de- to able be only may Investigators

in tLgnfo 97truh1999. through 1997 from Logan at tions i ae hsyear. this later til on elnrit agt eadded. he target, a into jetliner borne

gnsfuda es 3 euiyviola- security 136 least at found agents rvso os’ culytk fetun- effect take actually doesn’t provision vnutandplt ol te nair- an steer could pilots untrained Even

otnGoerpre htFAspecial FAA that reported Globe Boston rmnlhsoyrcr hc.Btthat But check. record history criminal ei ado,aDlaArLnspilot. Lines Air Delta a Waldron, Denis

iwy lgtt odn htfl,the fall, That London. to flight Airways ihacs oscr ra oudroa undergo to areas secure to access with u one oterha,si Capt. head,”said their to pointed gun a

apae n twdaa naBritish a on away stowed and area ramp eursalarotsreesadthose and screeners airport all requires wyaddvr meitl vnwith even immediately divert and away

akdtomlsars restricted a across miles two walked indb rsdn lno atyear last Clinton President by signed u nobidns hywudsteer would they buildings, into run

aii e clda ipr ec and fence airport an scaled Jew Hasidic h asi ipr euiy Legislation security. airport in gaps the Ceswudnvralwarrf to aircraft allow never would “Crews

nJl 99 engrdesda a as dressed teenager a 1999, In ogeshsas enso ofl in fill to slow been also has Congress ln nteair. the in plane a

yesterday. screeners. oe osse xssfrintercepting for exists system No done.

a uligdd’ eunapoecall phone a return didn’t Building tal n etfcto rga o airport for program certification a ing ln.Btteei itees htcnbe can that else little is there But plane.

General GeorgeS.Patton,Jr. representedbyCMGWorldwide Inc.www.cmgww.com u odcigbcgon hcs Capi- checks. background conducting out u ue i h etweek”establish- next the “in rules sue hc racssifrainfo the from information broadcasts which

agsadacs oscr ra with- areas secure to access and badges tak,teaec a rprn ois- to preparing was agency the attacks, ilcd ntepaestransponder, plane’s the in code cial

cue fgvn mlye security employees giving of accused usa hta h ieo yesterday’s of time the at that Tuesday yrdoo yscel neigaspe- a entering secretly by or radio by

t,wihrn oa.Tecmaywas company The Logan. runs which ity, A pksoa ar rw said Brown Laura spokeswoman FAA ioscnaetartafccontrollers air-traffic alert can Pilots

n o h ascuet otAuthor- Port Massachusetts the for ing eomne n1987. in recommended hr o ucd bombers.” suicide not … where

iyo otn hc i ipr clean- airport did which Boston, of rity eancriiain nato h GAO the action an certification, retain h r eagdo att osome- go to want or deranged are who

opn aldCptlBidn Secu- Building Capital called company aiswudhv ome oer and earn to meet to have would panies ad W’etandt elwt people with deal to trained “We’re said.

er.I 98 h A netgtda investigated FAA the 1998, In years. omnesadrsta cenn com- screening that standards formance hstp ftroitcatvt,tepilot activity,”the terroristic of type this

a enapriua su vrthe over issue particular a been has erwssilpann oetbihper- establish to planning still was year ain W’enttandt elwith deal to trained not “We’re nation.

euiya otnsLgnAirport Logan Boston’s at Security u lwy o ntne h A last FAA the instance, For slowly. but adn ob ae oapriua desti- particular a to taken be to manding

iycheckpoints. rity dniidsotoig,teGOsaid, GAO the shortcomings, identified nyo eln ihprertr de- perpetrators with dealing on only

asnesfo asn eodsecu- beyond passing from passengers h A a oe oadesGAO- address to moved has FAA The a io riigfrhjcig focuses hijackings for training pilot cal

hc-nadpoiie l u ticketed but all prohibited and check-in elndt eietfe,si httypi- that said identified, be to declined fe oestringent. more often

aiysseddcrsd baggage curbside suspended rarily n io o ao iln,who airline, major a for pilot One oe,teaec ad n cenn is screening and said, agency the lower,

ol ewe h oenettempo- government the when be could jackers. hi with esne nErp n aaais Canada and Europe in personnel

lms fhwicnein i travel air inconvenient how of glimpse a

iakd iosaetandt cooperate to trained are pilots hijacked, tre t$.Troe mn screening among Turnover $7. at started

uigteGl a,psegr got passengers War, Gulf the During

rs,ofr itepoeto.Adonce And protection. little offers crash, orwiefs-odrsarn workers fast-food-restaurant while hour

otne rmaeA1 FromPage Continued o ipr cenr tre t$.5an $6.25 at started screeners airport for bet rvlwt ease. with travel to able

..ArotScrt al nTai Way Tragic in Fails Security Airport U.S.



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oei ihu epfo rfsinl,lk Is- like professionals, from help without it done cn antpritn ecewresto workers rescue permitting wasn’t scene

omv pona ata possible. as fast as uptown move to iakdaddvre udeso ie u of out miles of hundreds diverted and hijacked

pniiiyfrteeatcs ecud’ have couldn’t he attacks, these for sponsibility

h e okFr eateta the at Department Fire York New the vvvv vvvv

Street Journal Street

hwdu nnmes reigeveryone ordering numbers, in up showed t o ees aycmeca airplanes commercial many so were How it?

I ttrsotta i ae lisre- claims Laden bin that out turns it “If

n mrec eia ehiin that technicians medical emergency and

ldmeig nclpoe.Police cellphones. on meetings uled

u ..itliec fiil etn idof wind getting officials intelligence U.S. out

The Wall Wall The

n tcnrliglreairliners. large controlling at ing

. Call 800-444-4204 ext. WP77 ext. 800-444-4204 ulon odtewiigdcos nurses doctors, waiting the told bullhorn,

am o,a oebsnspol resched- businesspeople some as too, calm, riae tako utpestsocrwith- occur sites multiple on attack ordinated

este eeeprecdo a oetrain- some had or experienced were they less

for a year, 12 issues, just $15. $15. just issues, 12 year, a for ec fiil omnctn hog a through communicating official, gency

lrsrnfrcvr u hr a bizarre was there But cover. for ran clerks

..itliec.Hwddsc ra n co- and broad a such did How intelligence. U.S.

okcnrlo h est aevrte un- them maneuver to jets the of control took

ramn fmnrijre.Oeemer- One injuries. minor of treatment a newsstand, today. Subscribe Subscribe today. newsstand, a

ais osrcinwresadstore and workers construction taries,

ahntnadesweeaotafiueof failure a about elsewhere and Washington

ol aei oedfiutfrhjceswho hijackers for difficult more it make would

mrec esne a oei for in come had personnel emergency and spending, pick up a copy at at copy a up pick spending, and

ai nud ssoktaes secre- traders, stock as ensued, Panic

ann,popigimdaeqetosin questions immediate prompting warning,

rse eswr ae ihfe,which fuel, with laden were jets crashed

ee’ ayptet—nyahnflof handful a patients—only many weren’t for an edge in investing, saving saving investing, in edge an for

h vnsocre ihu n apparent any without occurred events The zd“hsws’ naccident.” an wasn’t “this ized

n fiilntdta eea fthe of several that noted official One

h ol rd etrtwr,there towers, Center Trade World the

you need now. If you are looking are you If now. need you

akt eeclosed. were markets hnh a h eodcahadreal- and crash second the saw he when

nteWs Bank. West the on

or fe h is ln tukoeof one struck plane first the after hours

insights and recommendations recommendations and insights

eegone costecuty Financial country. the across grounded were eko er,rtrigt e Jersey, New to returning ferry, a of deck

s fUS-upidfgtr n helicopters and fighters U.S.-supplied of use

u so :0pm oeta seven than more p.m. 4:30 of as But

business gives you the financial the you gives business

ok o h is ieee,alarieflights airline all ever, time first the For York. h rdcr xctv,wso h upper the on was executive, Tradecard the

..itrssrcnl nrsos oIsraeli to response in recently interests U.S.

nfrtreatment. for in

Journal of personal personal of magazine Journal

ke n esaon ahntnadNew and Washington around seas and skies wre noteohrtwr r Zwyhun, Mr. tower. other the into swerved

ru,wihhstraee tak against attacks threatened has which group,

n oacmayptet ste came they as patients accompany to one

In every issue The Wall Street Wall The issue every In

atfrindsiain u opoetthe protect to but destination, foreign tant eodpaehvrdit iwand view into hovered plane second

h rna-akdPlsiinterrorist Palestinian Iranian-backed the

ner h eet easge one-on- assigned be to were who unteers

rfcrir eedsace,ntt somedis- to not dispatched, were craftcarriers h odcagdqikywe the when quickly changed mood The

uligte ihgop ieIlmcJihad, Islamic like groups with ties building

ec okr rprdsvrldznvol- dozen several prepared workers gency


-6fgtrjt eesrmldadtoair- two and scrambled were jets fighter F-16

oecrosta frightened. than curious more

oigarotscrt.A ad a been has Qaeda Al security. airport coming

eepeae otk ains Emer- patients. take to prepared were

nesoigta etmn,American sentiment, that Underscoring

n adecif vrtermouths, their over handkerchiefs ing

aknsadtetcnclpolm fover- of problems technical the and jackings

ne eotdt h ruacne and center trauma the to reported ence,

ntdSae ilnvrb h same.” the be never will States United

mkn oei h ulig oehold- some building, the in hole smoking

errsognztosmr xeine thi- at experienced more terroristorganizations

ugos ntw o eia confer- medical a for town in surgeons,

h ol sw nwi, h ad “The said. she it,” know we as world the

h tet epegzdu ttegaping, the at up gazed people street, the

ol aeple tofwtothl rmother from help without off it pulled have could

h i ftlvso tdolgt.Sm 150 Some lights. studio television of aid the

on aafrsf-epn.“hsi h n of end the is “This safe-keeping. for data count l ee’ uewa a apnd On happened. had what sure weren’t ple

fteoeainmd tulkl htA Qaeda Al that unlikely it made operation the of

Selected Products & Services & Products Selected ovre rmfl-u alsadltwith lit and tables fold-out from converted

lthn optrtpsadcpe fac- of copies and computer-tapes clutching

ycarsu rud”h ad otpeo- Most said. he around,” spun chair my

e oeeprsas adtecomplexity the said also experts some Yet

ieteewr oeta 0beds—many 50 than more were there side

ao,lf e ononHutnoffice Houston downtown her left Tayon,

ycmue n er ubeand rumble a heard I and computer my

oUS fiil novdi h investigation. the in involved officials U.S. to

rneltesoe n nrwy n in- and entryway, one over letters orange

rtrwt h a imo olyRs & Rose Conley of firm law the with trator

h is oe htwsht Imstigat sitting “I’m hit. was that tower first the

ls ist h i ae ewr,according network, Laden bin the to ties close

n im.“rua a pa-ane in spray-painted was “Trauma” films. and

etrtak eg mt,a fieadminis- office an Smith, Peggy Centerattack,

icn ir a nte7s lo of floor 71st the on was Fiori Vincent

ayo hmwr ae on ohv had have to found later were whom of many

per ob sda e o Vshows TV for set a as used be to appears

ae tak hrl fe h ol Trade World the after Shortly attack. nated

iapae rmteskyline. the from disappeared h rsdn ere fteinitial the of learned president The hti a raigtecaha crime a as crash the treating was it that cosbhn h 93TaeCne bombing, Center Trade 1993 the behind actors

ruacne nacvrosro that room cavernous a in center trauma

hm h aeyo hi iisfo coordi- from cities their of safety the them:

ais n h rd etrtwr had towers center trade the And radios. h B,wt 0aet ttest,said site, the at agents 20 with FBI, The a ttecne ftepo lopit othe to points also plot the of center the at was ee’AdIran.” I And here.’

mrec fiil e pamakeshift a up set officials emergency

atrta a ee rvosyocre to occurred previously never had that matter

wre a hnsadhdldaround huddled and phones pay swarmed ts h atta h ol rd Center Trade World the that fact The utes. n oeoysi,‘u,ltsgtotof out get let’s ‘Run, said, somebody and r . ern

toa ope ln h usnRiver, Hudson the along complex ational

hcs aysdel r origaota about worrying are suddenly Many shocks.

ihclpoe o okn,people working, not cellphones With rd etrtwr apndwti 8min- 18 within happened towers Center Trade eietfe.“ er odexplosion, loud a heard “I identified. be eta era ntemutiso south- of mountains the in retreat dential

usnRvr tCesaPes recre- a Piers, Chelsea At River. Hudson

h takstsarayaefeigteafter- the feeling are already sites attack the

n ogv lo eas fln lines. long of because blood give to ing pr,wieteatcso h w World two the on attacks the while apart, iiinPnao okrwoakdntto not asked who worker Pentagon civilian aebe eddt h apDvdpresi- David Camp the to headed been have

ae nieHlig uligo the on building Holdings Online Datek

enhl,aeaeAeiasfrfrom far Americans average Meanwhile,

optl eetrigaa epeoffer- people away turning were hospitals te nKna curdls hn1 minutes 10 than less occurred Kenya, in other ls,adIfl uto id”si a said wind,” of gust a felt I and blast, n etra httergepaecould plane rogue the that yesterday ing

etri esyCt,NJ,i rn fthe of front in N.J., City, Jersey in center


igMnatn n ononNwYork New downtown and Manhattan, ling mas obns n nTnai n the and Tanzania in one bombings, embassy lrswr lrn.“ehadaloud a heard “We blaring. were alarms ca,tl eotr fe iiaybrief- military a after reporters told ocrat,

nNwYr,ofcasstu triage a up set officials York, New In

undof u thpee eoei i t tar- its hit it before happened it but off, turned

ak ftebnLdnsrtg.TeAfrican The strategy. Laden bin the of marks al feno,fgtrjt eepatrol- were jets fighter afternoon, early mk.Isd,lgt a wthdofand off switched had lights Inside, smoke.

or.Vrii e.JmsMrn Dem- a Moran, James Rep. Virginia board. r n hydd’ aeit.” make didn’t they and ers

ln osrk h ol rd etr was Center, Trade World the strike to plane

nterseradct,br aytrade- many bore audacity, sheer their in onn nNwYr n ahntn By Washington. and York New in morning

matpue usd mdspewing amid outside poured impact on on hywr rigt aeoth- save to trying were They down. going rse narmt il,kligal4 on 45 all killing field, remote a in crashed

a ilnsFih 1fo otn h first the Boston, from 11 Flight Airlines can

te errs xet adteattacks, the said experts terrorism Other h rse htee lcd clear placid, a shattered crashes The

r on ptoeseswiew were we while steps those up going ers okr h ettebidn hk on shake building the felt who workers rmNwr,NJ,t a rnic.It Francisco. San to N.J., Newark, from

antcerwe h rnpne nAmeri- in transponder the when clear wasn’t

l East. dle

n fteattackers. the of one

l lv.Btteewr mrec work- emergency were there But alive. all usd h etgn udesof hundreds Pentagon, the Outside ilnssi twsaBen 5 nroute en 757 Boeing a was it said Airlines

e,sedadattd.Teofca adit said official The altitude. and speed ber,

atgop cosNrhArc n h Mid- the and Africa North across groups tant

tbe n eae h etnme of number seat the relayed and stabbed

losaoeu,aaigytaku we’re thankful amazingly us, above floors bu 0mlssuho itbrh United Pittsburgh. of south miles 80 about yoehi ipa.I a symmetrical.” was It display. pyrotechnic

pnes hc rnmtariefih num- flight airline transmit which sponders,

atwt prtvsfo ierneo mili- of range wide a from operatives with tact

htsvrlce ebr a been had members crew several that

W el ic h ln i nythree only hit plane the since feel, “We orhpae lohjce,crashed hijacked, also plane, fourth A Icud’ eiv t twssc perfect a such was It it. believe couldn’t “I

iakrke o osu f h lns tran- planes’ the off shut to how hijackersknew

enkonfrsvrlyast ei ls con- close in be to years several for known been opn’ prtoscne n reported and center operations company’s

o aeyadmd it. made and safety for

huh twsamve”M.Lne said. Lenney Mr. movie,” a was it thought l h a oteWieHouse. White the to way the all

inlntr,agvrmn fiilsi the said official government a nature, sional

iiatgop r i ae’ lQeahas Qaeda Al Laden’s bin Mr. group. militant noeo h mrcnfihscle the called flights American the of one on

lc osnwsgtigtruh”H ran He through.” getting was sun no black

e notenrhfc ftebidn.I building. the of face north the into ter ooa ie,weete ol eseen be could they where River, Potomac

nacersg fteoeainsprofes- operation’s the of sign clear a In

h lGm’ lIlmya gp’ largest Egypt’s al-Islamiyya, Al-Gama’a the eea fiilsi rwmember crew a said official federal A

eydne nrahbearta a so was that air unbreathable dense, very

lwdi bu 0soisdw edcen- dead down stories 20 about in plowed n uebloso mk iigoe the over rising smoke of billows huge and

h Pentagon. the

h leinbsdAmdIlmcJhdand Jihad Islamic Armed Algerian-based the crashed.

ntecodo mk a iebigi this in being like was smoke of cloud the in

aesr thtteitne agt It target. intended the hit it sure make

r xlsosbrtn nteaftermath the in bursting explosions ary

h ako e ln eoei mse into smashed it before plane her of back the

i ae’ rae ri.O hs,h listed he those, Of orbit. greater Laden’s bin

naclpoesotybfr h plane the before shortly cellphone a on

ol rd etrToclasd “Being collapsed. Two Center Trade World

ohwns”h ad I a unn to turning was “It said. he wings,” both

ieo h uligcvdi,wt second- with in, caved building the of side

lgt n adpsegr eebighl in held being were passengers said and flights ieytewr fsvrlgop ihnMr. within groups several of work the likely

a akn oadm.Iswtetp of tops the saw I me. toward banking was akdjtcahdit h etgn The Pentagon. the into crashed jet jacked

e ubn uigoeo h harrowing the of one during husband her eblee hta tako hssz was size this of attack an that believed he

I a oigdw h usn It Hudson. the down coming was “It sta cn nodd hr hi- third a unfolded, scene that As

h utc eateti natmtt reach to attempt an in Department Justice the

euiyavsrudrPeietCitn said Clinton, President under adviser security

n h oeshddsperdfo h skyline. the from disappeared had towers the And

ue utfoeadwthdteplane. the watched and froze just I huge.

eodtwrcvdin. caved tower second iio eea hooeOsn telephoned Olson, Theodore general licitor ae tibr,fre euynational deputy former Steinberg, James

muto pc ntesy hspaewas plane This sky. the in space of amount oe ahta.Wti afa or the hour, an half Within Manhattan. lower n asne,BraaOsn h ieo so- of wife the Olson, Barbara passenger, One

h ..ars h rbworld. Arab the across U.S. the

wre a hnsadhdldaon radios. around huddled and phones pay swarmed

cutmdt ln aigu certain a up taking plane a to accustomed edn hkn utadsoeacross smoke and dust choking sending re ihbxctesi diint knives. to addition in cutters box with armed ept h atta ne snwhg toward high now is anger that fact the despite

ln u ftecre fm y.You’re eye. my of corner the of out plane lddadclasd ann ersand debris raining collapsed, and ploded fAa ainlt.I oecsste were they cases some In nationality. Arab of

hs ruspoet agtn Americans, targeting to prone groups those

ahta.Wt elhnsntwrig people working, not cellphones With Manhattan.

rd etrwe,h ad Iswthe saw “I said, he when, center trade ymdonn,tesuhtwrhdex- had tower south the midmorning, By aiet,sgetdta h iakr were hijackers the that suggested manifests, antd.Nr xet a,aeete of either are say, experts Nor, magnitude.

a akn owr e lcsfo the from blocks few a work to walking was iakdjtcahdit h te tower. other the into crashed jet hijacked ie uvilne swl snmso the on names as well as surveillance, video

a vrple f eiso tak fthis of attacks of series a off pulled ever has yeryatron ihe eswr patrolling were jets fighter afternoon, early By

ilaaytfrteNwYr iyCouncil, City York New the for analyst cial atn,Fa h fiiladdta airport that added official The Fla. Daytona, uno ientoa eeiinasecond television—a national live on burn n lehr costergo.Btn one no But region. the across elsewhere and

nrwLne,3 er l,afinan- a old, years 37 Lenney, Andrew omrrsdneo n ftehjcesin hijackers the of one of residence former ae—smlin ace h is tower first the watched millions later—as rc obnsadsiieatcsi Israel in attacks suicide and bombings truck

h B a ekn arnst erha search to warrants seeking was FBI the rd etrtwr ihenminutes Eighteen tower. center trade ash. ak rHzolh nLbnn aestaged have Lebanon, in Hezbollah, or Bank,

rmFr yr,Fa,cle e husband her called Fla., Myers, Fort from

rd etr uta hycm out, came they as Just Center. Trade atngt a nocmn fiilsaid official enforcement law a night, Last upcswt nvs lme noone into slammed knives, with suspects te russc sHmso h West the on Hamas as such groups Other etrclasn napl fsoeand smoke of pile a in collapsing Center

ie ntesm lgt lgtattendant flight a flight, same the On fide. uddtruhteml ne h World the under mall the through guided rmtenmsfudthere. found names the from eipr fAden. of port meni ie’Fih 1fo otn iakdby hijacked Boston, from 11 Flight lines’ tteatnsigsgto h ol Trade World the of sight astonishing the at

tvn adh hnstecl a bona was call the thinks he said Stevens elw eebigsfoae. hywere They suffocated.” being were we feel toglast h dniiso h hijackers the of identities the to leads strong obn atya fteUSCl nteYe- the in Cole USS the of year last bombing hrl eoe9am,Aeia Air- American a.m., 9 before Shortly rdewieloigoe hi shoulders their over looking while Bridge

tesdta i alws“o ox”Mr. hoax.” a “not was call his that stressed o ol rah, esy.“edidn’t “We says. he breathe,” could you

fss n fiil adte r finding are they said officials and ifests, onscnicnl ohsivleeti the in involvement his to convincingly points onadsrae costeBrooklyn the across streamed and town omte hsact.” this committed

sbighjce, n repeatedly and hijacked,” being is eecoddbtcl.“hr a air was “There calm. but crowded were n vrarotscrt iesadfih man- flight and videos security airport over ing ia n ..ofcassyta evidence that say officials U.S. and rica, n h tak tmee hog down- through stampeded attacks the ing hn onadt idtoeflswho folks those find to and down “hunt

ne nhnln es h B a enpor- been has FBI The jets. handling in enced a okdi ahom ad“h plane “the said bathroom, a in locked was ste akddw,testairwells the down, walked they As o h w 98ebsybmig nEs Af- East in bombings embassy 1998 two the for 0 ad rmtecahst.Pol flee- People site. crash the from yards 300 ehdodrdafl-cl netgto to investigation full-scale a ordered had he

edn oteasmto hywr experi- were they assumption the to leading

ug t95 ..Tecle,camn he claiming caller, The a.m. 9:58 at burgh yM.bnLdn h ..hsidce him indicted has U.S. The Laden. bin Mr. by buckled. rdamrsigaogahgwyabout highway a along resting arm ered oit eebhn h rgd.H said He tragedy. the behind were rorists

aldadpti h ak h eua pilots, regular the back” the in put and ralled

ak sA ad,teloeognzto led organization loose the Qaeda, Al is tacks a badUie lgt9 vrPitts- over 93 Flight United aboard man os h abewlso h ob were lobby the of walls marble The tors. rdha ihln,dr aradasev- a and hair dark long, with head ered ntlvso oifr h ainta ter- that nation the inform to television on

hti tlattoo h lnste “cor- they planes the of two least at in that tgn iutnos ope errs at- terrorist complex simultaneous, staging

t 1-alcne eevdacl rma from call a received center 911-call its he n age ls,icuigasev- a including flesh, mangled and shoes el rsigalbywt ako eleva- of bank a with lobby a crossing well, rn bu afhu ae,h appeared he later, hour half a About dren.

re ihkie,adivsiaosbelieve investigators and knives, with armed

ml.Teol ru eeal nw for known generally group only The small.

ulcsft eatet ofre that confirmed department, public-safety eesrw ihbd at,clothing, parts, body with strewn were hr hywr uddt nte stair- another to guided were they where a sM.Bs a edn otechil- the to reading was Bush Mr. as ear

n ahntn hyaprnl were apparently They Washington. and aal fpligofsc natc squite is attack an such off pulling of capable

pksa o h etoeadCounty Westmoreland the for spokesman h tet fdwtw Manhattan downtown of streets The u. hywle ont h 8hfloor 78th the to down walked They out.” ee odo h eodatc nohis into attack second the of word pered

otne rmFrtPage First From Continued h ito o-tt cosee remotely even actors non-state of list The

nPnslai,Dne Stevens, Daniel Pennsylvania, In

ev.W l rbe u asadheaded and bags our grabbed all We leave. :4am,Cifo tf nrwCr whis- Card Andrew Staff of Chief a.m., 9:04 r amdadburned. and maimed ers

een rudfatalities. ground no were

ls fshocide nSrst,Fa At Fla. Sarasota, in schoolchildren of class tpe oig n eke ehdto had we knew we and moving, stopped ad,o epeadlaigcutesoth- countless leaving and people of sands, le ainsVe fWrdRole World of View Nation’s Alter

ln rs nNwYr eoejiiga joining before York New in crash plane cn.Eryrprsidct htthere that indicate reports Early scene. otne rmFrtPage First From Continued Atrfv r1 eod,tebuilding the seconds, 10 or five “After

cnso xlsosadCasSokAlo America of All Shock Chaos and Explosions of Scenes

tak nSmoso ..Power U.S. of Symbols on Attacks




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h mato h ipae etil dam- certainly airplanes the of impact The side. ere arnet n oe ls to close comes and Fahrenheit, degrees WebReprint

ul oddarln amn noits into ramming airplane loaded fully klso h ulig’iiildesigners. initial buildings’ the of skills te,tog,bgn owae t800 at weaken to begins though, Steel,

alDwJones Dow Call

tutr rmteepoiepwro a of power explosive the from structure lnswstsioyt h engineering the to testimony was planes te id fmr otn fiefires. office routine more of kinds other

otavne iecdscntpoeta protect can’t codes fire advanced most to oln fe h mato h air- the of impact the after long so stood

net oeta 0 ere otrthan hotter degrees 500 than more enheit,

alnhragenius. a callingher

iial,si nier,ee the even engineers, said Similarly,

nier adtefc httetowers the that fact the said Engineers htcnesl xed200dgesFahr- degrees 2,000 exceed easily can that

fiehv started have office

r asv hurricanes. massive are er n.i ehlPr,Pa. Park, Bethel in Inc. neers xrml obsil,adpoue fires produces and combustible, extremely

htsycaesaedsge oendure to designed are skyscrapers that

’onl,o ’onl osligEngi- Consulting O’Donnell of O’Donnell, epeaon the around People utpefor ftebidn.Jtfe is fuel Jet building. the of floors multiple e site! web

etra’ tak.Tewrecalamity worse The attacks. yesterday’s

l h a otegon,si Tom said ground, the to way the all huh iewsrgn u fcnrlon control of out raging was fire a though, .Die rfi akt your to back traffic Drives 3.

el.hrcin shappy. is client well...her

tn h oto eatto novdin involved devastation of sort the stand

raiga ntpal oc htwent that force unstoppable an creating mato h is ln.Drn httime, that During plane. first the of impact


enfri ap because, happy is Jennifer

ol eeooial eindt with- to designed economically be could

hs losrse tagtdownward, straight rushed floors those to o tlata orfloigthe following hour an least at for stood

or h alSre Journal Street Wall The

a a htteei owyabuilding a way no is there that was day

ett hi p-nlist. opt-in their to tent

ogrspottefor bv them, above floors the support longer

oe htteWrdTaeCne with- Center Trade World the that noted

ril htapae in appeared that article

h osnu mn nier yester- engineers among consensus The

te ttepit fipc ol no could impact of points the at steel r eieigihqaiycon- quality deliveringhigh are

iinrprso etra’ catastrophe yesterday’s of reports vision

.Icue ikt the to link a Includes 2.


htsms ieybcueoc the once because likely most That’s

tutrlegneswowthdtele- watched who engineers Structural e leti ap eas they because happy is client Her

oyu p-nls.FAST! list. opt-in your to aete oevleal,syengi- say vulnerable, more them made


n n ed oiscollapse.” its to leads and ing

akt e letswbst— eltafcdriver! traffic real site—a web client’s her to back .Dlvrtelts news latest the Deliver 1. etil ekndtebidnsand buildings the weakened certainly

otoldmne sbidnsta are that buildings as manner controlled

ih tala ne htsfestebuild- the softens that once, at all it light

g a asdb h rse themselves crashes the by caused was age

h a utmz h ril oicueade link deep a include to article the customize can she

hmevs nmc h aecarefully same the much in themselves,

ad fgloso ulaon,adthen and around, fuel of gallons of sands

ia as fteclas,waee dam- whatever collapse, the of cause cipal

a aet alarpit Plus reprint. a mail to take may

h oesapae o“mld”o o of top on “implode” to appeared towers the

n prto.Btwe o pa thou- spray you when But operation. ing hl h iewslkl ob h prin- the be to likely was fire the While

ahrta itn vradfalling, and over tilting than Rather nta ftedy rwesit weeks or days the of instead soits el ak ai. consult- Calif., Park, Menlo a Associates,

ern o nHouston. in Co. neering

ytm n. fArr,Ill. Aurora, of Inc., Systems iedmg tEpnn alr Analysis Failure Exponent at damage fire n atw’etalkinghours fast—we’re and n, adJmWehr,o agEngi- Haag of Wiethorn, Jim said ing,”

hre arn himno Engineering of chairman Warren, Charles tn, adLryAdro,a xetin expert an Anderson, Larry said stand,”

I a efcl eldsge build- well-designed perfectly a was “It nw o’ einrd tseasy It’s ignored. be won’t knows

ieiodo olpews10, said 100%,” was collapse of likelihood hn ftebidn,bti ilstill will it but building, the of chunk

a engineers. say

ihafwcik,Jncnsn u natceshe article an out send can Jen clicks, few a With

use navr hr eido ie the time, of period short very a in guished Temcaia i ae u good a out takes hit mechanical “The

odadke h uligfo toppling, from building the keep and load

Service. o oe WebReprint Jones Dow

n a oe ftefr antextin- wasn’t fire the if done, was ing

etrbuildings. Center

h oeo h tutr,t iku the up pick to structure, the of core the


Oc h hscldmg otebuild- the to damage physical the “Once

h uses she or in appears cle

h ein ntefr fspotplasat pillars support of form the in design, the e oteclas ftetoWrdTrade World two the of collapse the to led Barron’s Journal Street Wall The

ogd nes heat. intense longed, u hr a nuh“eudny in “redundancy” enough was there But J mato h ipae,i rbbywhat probably is airplanes, the of impact letsbs utmr.S hnaprietarti- pertinent a when So customers. best client’s

aeil a’ rtc h te rmpro- from steel the protect can’t materials ahrta tutrldmg rmthe from damage structural than rather l upr system. support all

nie ed ekyemi pae oher to updates e-mail weekly sends ennifer

otdwt iepofn aeil,those materials, proofing fire with coated hc r e ato h ulig’over- buildings’ the of part key a are which h nes eto e ulfire, fuel jet a of heat intense The

te nmdr ihrssi routinely is rises high modern in steel rudteprmtro h structures, the of perimeter the around

tf eotrof Reporter Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

Rgenius. PR pillars the destroyed, even or aged, etn taon ,0 ere.While degrees. 1,500 around at melting y e Gomes Lee B e ulFr sLkl as fBidns Collapse Buildings’ of Cause Likely Is Fire Fuel Jet

enfrAdams, Jennifer and five rushed also Navy the ihe eswudcniu arligthe patrolling continue would jets fighter a’ w etr fpower. of centers own ban’s

ettm,teUS ol takteTali- the attack could U.S. the time, next nadto otetoarrf carriers, aircraft two the to addition In edsi ttePnao reigthat briefing Pentagon the at said feld

ic ogtt rv oetepitthat point the home drive to sought since uligb rsigjtie.M.Rums- Mr. jetliner. crashing a by building ntoetocities. two those on

r i ae iety u h ..has U.S. the but directly, Laden bin Mr. h ag ahcttruhoesd fthe of side one through cut gash large the iescrt gis n ute attacks further any against security vide

ae.Tecus-isl tak targeted attacks cruise-missile The Laden. ilw fsoecniudt iefrom rise to continued smoke of billows ok a,eryysedyatront pro- to afternoon yesterday early Va., folk,

n uueatcscridotb r bin Mr. by out carried attacks future any

fsoehn ntebifn omand room briefing the in hung smoke of end icatcrir etfo Nor- from left carriers aircraft Kennedy

ol odte ietyrsosbefor responsible directly them hold would

uligwssilalz.Teardsmell acrid The ablaze. still was building h ereWsigo n onF. John and Washington George The

edr o tlattoyasta h U.S. the that years two least at for leaders pnfrbsns,teohrsd fthe of side other the business, for open

n h Pentagon. the and

u ..ofcashv lotl Taliban told also have officials U.S. But useddcae httePnao was Pentagon the that declared Rumsfeld

tak gis h ol rd Center Trade World the against attacks

ae oteTaliban. the to sales vna ees ertr Donald Secretary Defense as Even

n ahntnfloigtedevastating the following Washington and

ogtt moea mag nalarms all on embargo an impose to sought

u u osea. to out put

ainlGadfgtrjt oNwYork New to jets fighter Guard National

re ls aia fie vres and overseas, offices Taliban close tries

hc nopse h ideEs,were East, Middle the encompasses which

iiaysn w icatcrir n Air and carriers aircraft two sent military

rmfyn bod eaddta coun- that demanded abroad, flying from

h ..mltr’ eta command, central military’s U.S. the

ntehusatrteatcs h U.S. the attacks, the after hours the In

in andteAga ainlairlines national Afghan the banned tions

sapoetv esr,ohrsisin ships other measure, protective a As


i ae vrt ..cut h resolu- The court. U.S. a to over Laden bin

ee,a ital oetsnotice. moment’s a virtually at dered,

csadtoewohroe hm”he them,” harbored who those and acts

fhnsa’ aia uest unMr. turn to rulers Taliban Afghanistan’s

ihe estruhu h ein for- if region, the throughout jets fighter

we h errsswocmitdthese committed who terrorists the tween erySelsain ii onoselcmo al1-800-376-0200. call or countonshell.com visit station, Shell nearby s ntdNtossntost pressure to sanctions Nations United use

is tieo ohcus islsand missiles cruise both of strike first

se.“ewl aen itnto be- distinction no make will “We ished.

yOaabnLdn h ..hstidto tried has U.S. the Laden, bin Osama by SM

iepro.TeEtrrs ol anha launch could Enterprise The period. nite oe httoersosbewudb pun- be would responsible those that vowed ak gis fhntann ap run camps training Afghan against tacks

Dal itatos ok tsfe rmSel ikoeu ta at up one Pick Shell. from free It's book. Distractions” “Deadly

eani h esa uffra indefi- an for Gulf Persian the in remain h vlOfc atngtPeietBush President night last Office Oval the n h nun ..cus-isl at- cruise-missile U.S. ensuing the and

ceue ortr oe a ree to ordered was home, return to scheduled eanduasee.I pehfrom speech a In unanswered. remained ic h 98Arcnebsyattacks embassy African 1998 the Since

rs are ategop hc was which group, battle carrier prise h ol rd etradtePentagon the and Center Trade World the

Pentagon. h o n o’saotkeigyu ido h od e the Get road. the on mind your keeping about don’ts and dos the

ihs tt faet h ...Enter- U.S.S. The alert. of state highest

..mltr ilrsodt h tak on attacks the to respond will military U.S. akdteWrdTaeCne n the and Center Trade World the tacked

..fre bodwr lopto the on put also were abroad forces U.S. enhl,teqeto fhwthe how of question the Meanwhile,

ee or fe errssaprnl at- apparently terrorists after hours seven

asneso teso h od Learn road. the on others or passengers your of lives the life, your endanger seat the under rolling

ak,a i oc pksa said. spokesman Force Air an tacks, ftearoti au,Agaitn about Afghanistan, Kabul, in airport the of ettop abroad. troops tect

iyt rtc gis n ute i at- air further any against protect to City o xlsosta eehadjs north just heard were that explosions for rtc ..ctzn thm n opro- to and home at citizens U.S. protect

ahntnrgo n rudNwYork New around and region Washington losi htteUS antresponsible wasn’t U.S. the that said also

ldfgtrjt n ipthdsisto ships dispatched and jets fighter bled rvrsfl,udvddatnin o' e ugradfis hn alo something or call phone a fries, and burger a let Don't attention. undivided full, driver's a

ainlGadbze vrteBaltimore- the over buzzed Guard National emndwoluce h tak.He attacks. the launched who termined ..fre nhgetaeta tscram- it as alert highest on forces U.S.

hte ..itliec ore a de- had sources intelligence U.S. whether oc ihe esfo h ahntnAir Washington the from jets fighter Force AHNTNTePnao put Pentagon WASHINGTON—The

hn430cahseeydy rvn sasrosrsosblt n htrqie n deserves and requires that one – responsibility serious a is Driving day! every crashes 4,300 than r useddcie odiscuss to declined Rumsfeld Mr.

hp tae ptecatie -6Air F-16 coastline, the up steamed ships

tf eotr of Reporters Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

.. ra adNv fiil.A the As officials. Navy said area, D.C., propriate.” n ihlsKulish Nicholas And

y riest h e okadWashington, and York New the to cruisers ke vrUS iis“sln si sap- is it as long “as cities U.S. over skies rgJaffe Greg B rvrdsrcin r otiuigfco noeadahl ilo rse er htsmore That's year. a crashes million one-and-a-half in factor contributing a are distractions Driver

..Fre r u nteHgetSaeo Alert of State Highest the on Put Are Forces U.S.


PalHro]bombing.” Harbor] [Pearl ouet n eod.Alwe o Info- for lawyer A records. and documents otiue oti article. this to contributed

mrcn eetrw noatrthe after into thrown were Americans RselGold —Russell e evcsbsns,wt upea for subpoenas with business, services net

ih o stecmsta Japanese- that camps the is now right

a’ epbtstu back.” us set but help can’t op,a Inter- an Corp., InfoCom of offices nearby

isfrkeigyu ido h road. the on mind your keeping for Tips


ako vr mrcnMsi’ mind Muslim’s American every of back as M er ik, h as “This says. she sinks,” heart “My cans. gnsarvda t fie n the and offices its at arrived agents DEADLY

c, r ic ad eaddta i the “in that added He said. Ricci Mr. act,”

bu htle ha o sai Ameri- Islamic for ahead lies what about

at-ulmwthhn”atrfederal after hunt” witch “anti-Muslim



nqioal odm hstreacherous this condemn unequivocally ern e rdtoa cr n fearful and scarf traditional her wearing ormn nteroad? the on mind your otr odme htte aldan called they what condemned porters

ae h tak oPalHro.“We Harbor. Pearl to attacks the pared a led aehrsl-osiu about self-conscious her made already has esta ekao onainsup- foundation ago, week a than Less

h ulmPbi far oni,com- Council, Affairs Public Muslim the od on,sy h orro h attacks the of horror the says Conn., ford,

etcnenn h attacks. the condemning ment

pksa o h o nee rnhof branch Angeles Los the for spokesman dmca tHrfr eiay Hart- Seminary, Hartford at ademician

r o keeping you Are xrmss h onainise state- a issued foundation The extremists.

oit,Aeadi,V.Oa Ricci, Omar Va. Alexandria, Society, nrdMtsn epce ulmac- Muslim respected a Mattson, Ingrid

ideEs n a ote oIslamic to ties no has and East Middle

oci rsdn fteMsi American Muslim the of president nouchi, o h meit future.” immediate the for

-riae uaiainadt the to aid humanitarian co-ordinates that

ie fincn epe”si ohlGhan- Souhil said people,” innocent of lives h erIlmcatr o“tyindoors “stay to attire Islamic wear who

ru asi sannrftorganization nonprofit a is it says group

htovrta a utf aigthe taking justify can that whatsoever o .. doaygop die people advised group, advocacy D.C., ton

eomn,o ihrsn ea.The Texas. Richardson, of velopment,

endteatcs Teei oreason no is “There attacks. the demned nAeia sai eain,aWashing- a Relations, Islamic American on

oyLn onainfrRle n De- and Relief for Foundation Land Holy

sai rusi hscutycon- country this in groups Islamic

n hne.AsoemnfrteCouncil the for spokesman A chances. any

egtndsrtn o ruslk the like groups for scrutiny heightened

oeIlmcAeiasae’ taking aren’t Islamic-Americans Some

apnt ectzn fAmerica.” of citizens be to happen

tl,ysedysatcscudmean could attacks yesterday’s Still,

n hyhv ii ihs”h said. he rights,” civil have they and hn, r i ad digta:“We that: adding said, Eid Mr. thing,”

o h 95Olhm iybombing. City Oklahoma 1995 the for

ulmAeiasaeAeia citizens, American are Muslim-Americans edsaf W r o ulyo any- of guilty not are “We scarf. head

htIlmceteit eeresponsible were extremists Islamic that

hspit“ehv ormme that remember to have point—“we this htsemgtb takdfrwaiga wearing for attacked be might she that

al—n liaeyerroneous—reports ultimately early—and

s tak—oehn a rmcerat clear from far attacks—something ist agtroto ihsho mdfears amid school high of out daughter

onr eeas i ihtrasafter threats with hit also were country

udmnaitgopi eidteterror- the behind is group fundamentalist uny as,ple i 15-year-old his pulled Mass., Quincy,

rn sai oqe n col nthis in schools and mosques Islamic hran. as”Ee fi un u hta Islamic an that out turns it if Even cans.” h sai etro e England, New of Center Islamic the

99siueo h ..Ebsyi Te- in Embassy U.S. the of seizure 1979 igadfahrn l Muslim-Ameri- all feathering and ring hetadTllEd eiiu edrof leader religious Eid, Talal and threat

tet ycleesuet olwn the following students college by streets esrse ht“esol vi tar- avoid should “we that stressed He ot,Txs oqercie bomb a received mosque Texas, Worth,

iei months. in time rbAeiaswr hsdtruhthe through chased were Arab-Americans r aionawr vcae,aFort a evacuated, were California ern

nyt eovn atwe o h first the for week last reconvene to only uhhsiiyi h at nsm cities, some In past. the in hostility such

osyi Amsterdam. in Dorsey otlte saae nteMdl East, Middle the in escalated hostilities sai-mrcn aedatwith dealt have Islamic-Americans

aaa nCiao n James and Chicago, in Calahan tsopdmeigoe h umrafter summer the over meeting stopped it lievable.”

o eir nBso;Patricia Boston; in Periera Joe o nee hthshdisontensions; own its had has that Angeles Los de,“eaecmltl hce.Unbe- shocked. completely are “We added,

oetTmh,BraaCro and Carton Barbara Tomsho, Robert ato ulmJws ilgegopin group dialogue Muslim-Jewish a of part

ltl odm hstril tak”and attack,” terrible this condemn pletely

yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By odi o nee.M.Rsv a been has Rosove Mr. Angeles. Los in wood

l ae bc,tl eotr,“ecom- “We reporters, told aback, taken bly

onRsv fTml salo Holly- of Israel of Rosove John

edrYse rft visi- Arafat, Yasser leader Palestinian

enhl,Ilmcshosi South- in schools Islamic Meanwhile, gis t n tsntfi, adRabbi said fair,” not it’s and it, against

ina bluster. as tion

uiyi mrc sfeigprejudice feeling is America in munity ak n a ssokda noeelse. anyone as shocked as was and tacks

oee,ta hydsone h informa- the discounted they that however,

mdsc niet,“h ulmcom- Muslim “the incidents, such Amid

h alr htsedd’ upr h at- the support didn’t she that callers the

ec fiil n r lAwnbt said, both Atwan al Mr. and officials gence


aspicplHmiaBkai h told who Bokhari, Humaira principal says

otcswt i upres rbintelli- Arab supporters. his with contacts

os’ hv n isa l oterrorist to all at ties any “have doesn’t

aig WyaeyuAasdigti, ” this,’ doing Arabs you are ‘Why saying,

iwdM.bnLdnadfre close forged and Laden bin Mr. viewed

noo’ tony adteconcern the said attorney, InfoCom’s

hn al.“hywr boiu calls obnoxious were “They calls. phone

aetna oraitwohsinter- has who journalist Palestinian

ooyt iy n yi.Mr Enoch, Mark Syria. and to nology

et fe eevn w threatening two receiving after dents n be aia ta,aLondon-based a Atwan, al Bari Abdel and

ee o leel edn optrtech- computer sending allegedly for leges

DISTRACTED stu- 372 its evacuated Milwaukee, in school codn oAa nelgneofficials intelligence Arab to according

etsseddIfCmsepr privi- export InfoCom’s suspended ment

aa col nIlmcelementary Islamic an School, Salam

opns h ..frisspoto Israel, of support its for U.S. the punish to fe h ad h ..Cmec Depart- Commerce U.S. the raid, the After

nrcn ek niae hth planned he that indicated weeks recent in r backlash. gry e ouet n optrhr drives. hard computer and documents ied

ad isdn sm i ae has Laden bin Osama dissident Saudi aearaybgngapigwt nan- an with grappling begun already have ls htte eeloigfr u cop- but for, looking were they what close

iid sai-mrcn nmn cities many in Islamic-Americans tified,

o h edywv ftroitattacks. terrorist of wave deadly the for ins adta eea gnsdd’ dis- didn’t agents federal that said tion’s,

a’ errs tak aeytt eiden- be to yet have attacks terrorist day’s

antsi h hybleei responsible is believe they who said hadn’t bu 0 e ie,icuigtefounda- the including sites, Web 500 about

lhuhteprertr fyester- of perpetrators the Although so atngt ..investigators U.S. night, last of As o,acoeyhl uiesta hosts that business held closely a Com,

sai-mrcn rpl ihQikBacklash Quick With Grapple Islamic-Americans



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rnfre otevnueo a.2 2002. 2, Jan. on venture the to transferred infcneo hs adakagree- landmark these of significance

xctv dadS oessaid. Rogers S. Edward Executive

3US2122 3US2141

alsadS.Ptrbr,Fa,t be to Fla., Petersburg, St. and Dallas n evcsadspot FrXrx the Xerox, “For support. and services ing

r omnctosPeietadChief and President Communications ers

ulses estimates. Publishers’ *

lye nofcsi ohse,Chicago, Rochester, in offices in ployees otnet eev ihlvl ffinanc- of levels high receive to continue ievlefralo t hrhles”Rog- shareholders,” its of all for value mize

eoepcsaot240Xeroxem- 2,400 about Xeroxexpects udt n nueta Xeroxcustomers that ensure and quidity otnet prt h uiest maxi- to business the operate to continue

om eo’ aac he,ipoeli- improve sheet, balance Xerox’s form” n n collections. and ing ofrada ulccmayadwill and company public a as forward go

adteG aia elwud“trans- would deal Capital GE the said sodrpoesn,cei prvl bill- approval, credit processing, order as uiain ad oesWrls “will Wireless Rogers said. munications

eoCifEeuieAn Mulcahy Anne Executive XeroxChief on etr ilhnl uhoperations such handle will venture joint ed”Rgr ieesadRgr Com- Rogers and Wireless Rogers ceed,”

odcrgo fEurope. of region Nordic n ilb ae nRcetr ..The N.Y. Rochester, in based be will and Tepooe rnato ilntpro- not will transaction proposed “The

h aeo t iacn r oeigthe covering arm financing its of sale the onl aae yXrxn ECapital, GE Xeroxand by managed jointly od bu 33%. about holds

acn prto.I a ic announced since has It operation. nancing aldXrxaia evcsLC ilbe will LLC, Services XeroxCapital called n. fRdod Wash., Redmond, of Inc., Services less

hr ate otk vriscustomer-fi- its over take to parties third h eann 9.Tenwett,t be to entity, new The 19%. remaining the TTWire- AT&T by controlled partnership a

atya,Xrxadi lne ofind to planned it Xeroxsaid year, Last 1 ftevnue hl eowl own Xeroxwill while venture, the of 81% rl bu 1 fRgr iees while Wireless, Rogers of 51% about trols

iaca evcs ECptlwl own will Capital GE Services. Financial l,riigtecs fborrowing. of cost the raising els, r iees oesCmuiain con- Communications Rogers Wireless. ers

e on etr ihG aia Vendor Capital GE with venture joint new opn’ etrtn ojn-rd lev- junk-grade to rating debt company’s hrsfrec ulcyhl hr fRog- of share held publicly each for shares

oe diitainoeain noa into operations administration tomer hessurdrtn gnist u the cut to agencies rating spurred sheets omnctoshdofrd11o its of 1.1 offered had Communications

eowl oenal l t ..cus- U.S. its all nearly move Xeroxwill eo.Bttedtroaino t balance its of deterioration the But Xerox. in ocr,hl ytepbi.Rogers public. the by held concern, tions

a nebe nipratbsns for business important an been once had yaot$0 million. $700 about by oesWrls,awrls communica- wireless a Wireless, Rogers

rvdn iacn o t customers its for financing Providing nhn n a eue t e etlevel debt net its reduced had and hand on [email protected] [email protected] fee oaqie1%o h hrsof shares the of 16% acquire to offered

n ure ihaot$. ilo ncash in billion $2.2 about with quarter ond hdigupoial ie fbusiness. of lines unprofitable shedding e:22740850 754 212 Tel: e:22575997 597 212 Tel: i n omnctoscnen nJune in concern, communications and dia

h opn adi iihdtesec- the finished it said company The

es aigoftosnso okr and workers of thousands off laying sets,

oesCmuiain,acbe me- cable, a Communications, Rogers otc u Holroyd Guy Contact otc lieWong Elaine Contact

neset n as ahb eln as- selling by cash raise and sheets ance neset slae expire. leases as sheets ance

Inc. cations

adlbat Inc.: Handelsblatt, h alSre ora Europe: Journal Street Wall The

er eoi cabigt eul t bal- its rebuild to scrambling Xeroxis year, iacn,wihwl olofXrxsbal- Xerox’s off roll will which financing, oesCommuni- Rogers by shares held publicly

uoeNow! Europe last cash of out running nearly After nteUS nyaot$ ilo nvendor in billion $5 only—about U.S. the in h rpsdaqiiino h company’s the of acquisition proposed the

ihGnrlEeti ilafc financing affect will Electric General with etlaercialsi h U.S. the in receivables lease rent iain n.saeodr oe oreject to voted shareholders Inc. nications

muti eae ofnnig h deal The financing. to related is amount eo,scrdb otoso eo’ cur- Xerox’s of portions by secured Xerox, OOT—oesWrls Commu- Wireless TORONTO—Rogers

faot$6blin bu 5 fthat of 65% About billion. $16 about of iigaot$ ilo ncs iacn to financing cash in billion $1 about viding

tf Reporter Staff a By alSre Journal Street Wall

pksa adXrxa oa debt total Xeroxhas said spokesman A ne h el ECptlas spro- is also Capital GE deal, the Under

tmod Conn. Stamford, ilo ndb rmisbooks. its from debt in billion

ytePrn Company Parent the By

huhi etoe t eduresin headquarters its open kept it though lywl e h oirttneaeaot$5 about erase titan copier the let will ally

lsn h eoTwri ohse,N.Y., Rochester, in XeroxTower the closing gemnsadohrcniin,eventu- conditions, other and agreements

eetPrhs fShares of Purchase Reject

ayas oktepeatoayse of step precautionary the took also pany a ujc ongtaino definitive of negotiation to subject was a okfryunow. you for work can Now Europe how you show we’ll us, contact Please

epea fysedyatron h com- The afternoon. yesterday of as people h ragmn,wihXeroxsaid which arrangement, The

u hr a owr nteft fthose of fate the on word no was there but

n o eocsoesi h U.S. the in Xeroxcustomers for ing oesWrls Holders Wireless Rogers

an ncruainadavriigslsa ohpublications. both at sales advertising and circulation in gains

etepoesi h ol rd Center, Trade World the in employees ment h rmr rvdro qimn financ- equipment of provider primary the

prtoa oprto a rvnsignificant driven has cooperation operational ai.Tecmayhsfacilities-manage- has company The vania. o ilbecome will Co. Electric General of unit tal

lc n oect r en sought. being are cuts more and place okCt,Wsigo,DC,adPennsyl- and D.C., Washington, City, York nr gemn ne hc h ECapi- GE the which under agreement inary ntebsns ie aaeiland managerial side, business the On

es h osrcinfez ilrmi in remain will freeze construction the lems, a eas ftetroitatcsi New in attacks terrorist the of because day etadriecs,si trahdaprelim- a reached it said cash, raise and debt

eas ftecniun iaca prob- financial continuing the of because nlssshdldfr1 ..ETyester- EDT a.m. 10 for scheduled analysts

op,i ao oet shed to move major a in Corp., Xerox

g fayGra publication. German any of age

otatrGnrlJc otrsi that said Potter Jack General Postmaster

eocnee ofrnecl with call conference a Xeroxcanceled tf eotrof Reporter Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

h otcmlt nentoa cover- international complete most the oigtemi n obekee vrtime. over even break to and mail the moving

y et antb vrttd”sesaid. she overstated,” be cannot ments

ae Bandler James B

a t w xessfo escagdfor charged fees from expenses own its pay o oe esntokt provide to network news Jones Dow

nBdt rs bu 5Blino Debt of Billion $5 About Erase to Bid In amnyfrisoeain.I srqie to required is It operations. its for taxmoney

enhl,tp noteextensive the into taps meanwhile,

ftefdrlgvrmn,dentreceive doesn’t government, federal the of

Handelsblatt, readers. its to market h ..Psa evc,atog part a although Service, Postal U.S. The

eo esFnnigPc ihG Unit GE With Pact Financing Sets Xerox n al .% n akgs 8.9%. packages, and 7.3%, mail, ing rnsmr ndphnw fteGerman the of news in-depth more brings

rt al 35;proias 0;advertis- 10%; periodicals, 13.5%; Mail, ority

o xml,teJunlErp now Europe Journal the example, For

is-ls,u .% xrs al .% Pri- 9.7%; Mail, Express 8.2%; up First-class,

hr r lonw enhancements. news also are There . Handelsblatt

nrae nohrtpso ala well: as mail of types other in increases

and Europe Journal Street Wall The between

is-ls tmswl eacmaidby accompanied be will stamps first-class ot ne resfo rauySecre- Treasury from orders under forts ue fprosecutions. of sures

ldt ecti il fie.Teices in increase The offices. field in cut be to uled rmtercn qiyadrsuc exchange resource and equity recent the from eiwo eea oe-aneigef- money-laundering federal of review iltyt eeo etrsaitclmea- statistical better develop to try will

ekwt nadtoa 0 oiin sched- positions 500 additional an with week

rauyDprmn a odciga conducting was Department Treasury spr ftenwsrtg,teTreasury the strategy, new the of part As sjs n ftebnft arising benefits the of one just is EuropeNow

ilsafo 0 oiin a none last announced was positions 800 of staff rial ysaue o eea otsbcuethe because months several for statute, by eso oe-aneigprosecutions. money-laundering of ness

16 ilo.Acti eduresmanage- headquarters in cut A billion. $1.65 n h 0pg eot eurdannually required report, 50-page the ing fpeiemaueeto h effective- the of measurement precise of

hs sueeog otk datg fit. of advantage take to enough astute those

iesdfctfo 3blint nestimated an to billion $3 from deficit vice’s h uhamnsrto eae issu- delayed administration Bush The r ’el lohsciiie h lack the criticized has also O’Neill Mr.

n te ot,timn h otlSer- Postal the trimming costs, other and neo ,2,0*ada1%dson to discount 10% a 1,120,000*—and of ence h fiilsaid. official the nomto o authorities. for information

e osrcinadctbc novertime on back cut and construction new

rnatoso au,te htsgood,” that’s then value, of transactions neesrl n o’ eeaeuseful generate don’t and unnecessarily ulctosofravriesaqaiyaudi- quality a advertisers offer publications

ale,mngr ree reeon freeze a ordered managers Earlier,

oetm omk uete r reporting are they sure make to time more u h fiilsi 0 o4%aefiled are 40% to 30% said official the but

oehrteedistinguished these Together . Handelsblatt

nosrpeetn bu 0,0 workers. 700,000 about representing unions

ia.“oteetn ecntk little a take can we extent the “To final. rnato eot r ie vr year, every filed are reports transaction

and Europe Journal Street Wall The from

h otofc si ao eoitoswith negotiations labor in is office post The esbfr aigtenwregulations new the making before kers ot.Mr hn1 ilo uhcurrency- such million 12 than More ports.

oerdikfrteaec,ofcassaid. officials agency, the for ink red more on detsn initiative advertising joint a , Now Europe With srto ln ocnutcoeywt bro- with closely consult to plans istration ncmue rgast eeaetere- the generate to programs computer on

ot o ul ao n elhcr threaten care health and labor fuel, for costs ot omn eidadta h admin- the that and period comment month h xmtosi atbcuete rely they because part in exemptions the

ae ikdi uy1 oehls,rising Nonetheless, 1. July in kicked rates

h fiilsi hr ol easix- a be would there said official The fiil eiv ak edntt use to not tend banks believe Officials

eta Bank? Central

lse fmi.Aohrices nsome in increase Another mail. of classes oe-aneigrprigrules. reporting money-laundering oueteeepin oefrequently. more exemptions the use to

osmr fodbywtotala rmthe from loan a affordably—without consumers

r,aogwt nrae nmn other many in increases with along ary, lce rvosefrst rn tunder it bring to efforts previous blocked

in,teamnsrto ilps banks push will administration the tions,

urn 4cn alrt okefc nJanu- in effect took rate mail 34-cent current uiesdcso-aesadhg net-worth high and decision-makers business euiisidsr a successfully has industry securities ahrta hnigteofca regula- official the changing than Rather

h oenn or a nnmu.The unanimous. was board governing the

o orpr ag ahtascin.The transactions. cash large report to nos eti eua ye ftransactions. of types regular certain

o a navrie ec European reach advertiser an can How

ysbado oenr,si h eiinby decision the said governors, of board cy’s

ol eur euiisdaesadcasi- and dealers securities require would euaos u hr r xmtosfor exemptions are there but regulators,

oetF ie,cara fteagen- the of chairman Rider, F. Robert

in—ob sudb —that by issued be tions—to cino 1,0 raoet erpre to reported be to above or $10,000 of action

h nraefrproa letters. personal for increase the

uoeHow? Europe regula- draft the be to likely is plan et urn a eursaycs trans- cash any requires law Current ment.

aeicessaeaigaot9,including 9%, about averaging increases rate

h otcnrvrilapc fthe of aspect controversial most The rnatoste eott a enforce- law to report they transactions

none twl seek will it announced Service Postal U.S.

n h ubro prosecutions. of number the ing ak ordc h ubro currency of number the reduce to banks

iigaloig$.5blindfct the deficit, billion $1.65 looming a Citing

er oyedlmtdbnftwieincreas- while benefit limited yield to pears fiilsi h rauywl epushing be will Treasury the said official

upn he et o3 cents. 37 to cents three jumping

euetevlm fpprokta ap- that paperwork of volume the reduce a safodo neesr aa the data, unnecessary of flood a is say

n is-ls etrwl ou etyear, next up go will letter first-class a ing

rto fiilfmla ihtepa,i to is plan, the with familiar official tration nodrt euewa uhofficials Bush what reduce to order In

AHNTN(P—h oto mail- of cost (AP)—The WASHINGTON

h anga,si eiradminis- senior a said goal, main The prosecutions.

obnst euiisdaesadcasinos. and dealers securities to banks to lno er n o nuho bringing on enough not and years Clinton

eotn eurmnsta led apply already that requirements reporting uho ahrn nelgnedrn the during intelligence gathering on much

y3CnsNx Year Next Cents 3 By

at oetn h ag cash-transaction large the extend to wants fiilsi h orhdcnetae too concentrated had four the said official

rmn.A h aetm,teTreasury the time, same the At ernment. orsc akfre led xs.The exist. already forces task such Four

oto aln Letter Mailing of Cost rnatosta ak eott h gov- the to report banks that transactions n nCiaoadoei a Francisco. San in one and Chicago in one

i ordc h ubro currency of number the reduce to aim tn w eea utaec akforces, task multiagency federal two ating

pcfcly h rpsdregulations proposed the Specifically, h fiilsi.Tesrtg al o cre- for calls strategy The said. official the otlSriet Raise to Service Postal

20 l ihsrsre.TeDwJnsMnyRpr sargsee ako o oe ..3HR203 L.P. Jones Dow of mark registered a is Report Money Jones Dow The reserved. rights All ©2001

! at”ta aiiaemnylaundering, money facilitate that tants” n ihe hmi another. in them tighten and

h orp ayr,bnesadaccoun- and bankers lawyers, corrupt the htwudsihl aerlsi n area one in rules ease slightly would that

ieavc oCnrs nsinii issues. scientific on Congress to advice vide o oe-aneigcnesadg after go and centers money-laundering jor atethscmltdasto revisions of set a completed has partment

I-M1280 KIT-AM WA Yakima,

oni n nttt fMdcn.Te pro- They Medicine. of Institute and Council W’egigt ocnrt ntema- the on concentrate to going “We’re rcdw,PeietBs’ rauyDe- Treasury Bush’s President crackdown,

a rte yteNSsNtoa Research National NAS’s the by written was V-M570 KVI-AM WA Seattle, iwn h lno-r money-laundering Clinton-era the viewing rtos h fiilsaid. official the erations,

colo eiiei atmr.Tereport The Baltimore. in Medicine of School AHNTNAtrmnh fre- of months WASHINGTON—After diitainddo rsctn ag op- large prosecuting on did administration

NSA 570 KNRS-AM UT City, Lake Salt

nooyadptooya on Hopkins Johns at pathology and oncology pnoe by: sponsored

inpast ou oeta h Clinton the than more focus to plans tion tf eotrof Reporter Staff

h alSre Journal Street Wall The

uas”si etVglti,poesrof professor Vogelstein, Bert said humans,” PMA 860 KPAM-AM OR Portland,

y ayPu ’el.TeBs administra- Bush The O’Neill. Paul tary ai .Cloud S. David B

eu htcudrsl nhat ik for risks health in result could that serum

BDA 1110 KBND-AM OR Bend,

oCma oe Laundering Money Combat To ocrsaotcluewt nmlclsand cells animal with culture about concerns

oecmrmsdb g,adt address to and age, by compromised come KBA 770 KKOB-AM NM Albuquerque,

ogrnt elc xsiglnsta be- that lines existing replace to run long

ULA 1440 KUHL-AM CA Maria. Santa

rauyPooe ueChanges Rule Proposes Treasury ellnswl edt edvlpdi the in developed be to need will lines cell

W eiv htnwebyncstem- embryonic new that believe … “We BSA 1220 KBZS-AM CA Francisco, San

uhas poe it. opposes also Bush

LCA 570 KLAC-AM CA Angeles, Los

nldn hrpui lnn.President cloning. therapeutic including ol etteaiiyo hns ak to banks Chinese of ability the test would in nSuhKra usaadelse- and Russia Korea, South in tions

os eetybne l ye fcloning, of types all banned recently House

TEA 1410 KTME-AM CA Lompoc. oefeil neetrts eom that reforms rates, interest flexible more hteprec ihfre devalua- forced with experience That

lne noptet ol erjce.The rejected. be would patients into planted

cest oeg oe n oexplore to and money foreign to access hr fcs n ak ntatters. in banks and cash of short

NTA 790 KNST-AM AZ Tucson,

ol euetepsiiiyta isetrans- tissue that possibility the reduce would

fiilo ssacigfrwy owiden to ways for searching is officialdom evn eevsdpee,companies depleted, reserves leaving

s“hrpui”coig aigta it that saying cloning, “therapeutic” as

FNA 1510 KFNN-AM AZ Phoenix,

hr r in,tog,ta Chinese that though, signs, are There aktpsiimadcrece fell, currencies and pessimism market

ae’ eotas nosdwa sknown is what endorsed also report panel’s

rmn ed taycurrency.” steady a needs ernment nvtby uhrte olntba back beat couldn’t authorities Inevitably,

ellnsta eecetdb htdt.The date. that by created were that lines cell

ec xhne Btrgtnw h gov- the now, right “But exchange. rency evu netr akdtermnyout. money their yanked investors nervous

rldlast eerhcnutdo stem- on conducted research to dollars eral

h o oe oe eoto hs ra ai stations: radio great these on Report Money Jones Dow The

hnhi hc usCiasofca cur- official China’s runs which Shanghai, eedisanucdecag ae as rate, exchange announced its defend

htplc,anucdAg ,rsrcsfed- restricts 9, Aug. announced policy, That

hn oeg xhneTaeCne in Center Trade Exchange Foreign China n rcosfrinecag eevsto reserves foreign-exchange precious ing

imo rsdn uhsse-elpolicy. stem-cell Bush’s President of cism

emga, adoeofca ihthe with official one said goal,” term onr fe onr on tefspend- itself found country after country o esta fet o,yu oe n orftr,lse vr eka to weekday every listen future, your and money your you, affects that news For

h eoti ieyt tradtoa criti- additional stir to likely is report The

ytm reytae uni “long- a is yuan traded freely A system. e rer.Satn nTaln n1997, in Thailand in Starting euro. or yen

a el n eu sdt epte grow. them help to used serum and cells mal

et ihycnrle aea floating a as rate controlled highly rent, e ytigtercrece otedollar, the to currencies their tying by ter

es o o a ertoesm rse nihsadesnilifraino h radio. the on information essential and insights trusted same those hear can you Now news.

ieadcudb otmntdb h ani- the by contaminated be could and time

e in uihn ecie h cur- the described Huaicheng Xiang ter ’el hnsntoscutfnnildisas- financial court nations thinks O’Neill

ieywl eeo eei uain over mutations genetic develop will likely

'el thssd,CieeFnneMinis- Finance Chinese side, his at O'Neill

ih o es uk ettm.Mr. time. next lucky so be not might

aybcuemn ftecretcl lines cell current the of many because sary

o oe o h otcmrhnie pt-h iuebsns n personal-investment and business minute up-to-the comprehensive, most the for Jones Dow

u orefrlbrlzto.Wt Mr. With liberalization. for course a out h ..agmn oa sta China that is today argument U.S. The

eptaigclne fcls ilb neces- be will cells, of colonies perpetuating

yt a h oeneti ent map to keen is government the say lysts rmohrAinmanufacturers. Asian other from

h ae’ eotsi e ie,o self- or lines, new said report panel’s The

o oeta 0 er,scesu opne n netr aerle on relied have investors and companies successful years, 100 than more For etkngauly huhCieeana- Chinese though gradually, taken be esv bod aigbsns away business taking abroad, pensive

bet ufl t promise. its fulfill to able

n tp oadafe xhnert will rate exchange free a toward steps any ol aemd hn’ xot esex- less exports China’s made have would

ilb eddt nueta h eerhis research the that ensure to needed be will

ejn a enfr nissigthat insisting in firm been has Beijing sa urnis hae currency cheaper A currencies. Asian

fSine ae adnwse-ellines stem-cell new said panel Sciences of


'el said. O'Neill

ercain mn h atrdEast battered the among depreciations ncse-elrsac,aNtoa Academy National a research, stem-cell onic

Ciai on auosywl, Mr. well,” fabulously doing is “China eauto ol pr nte on of round another spark would devaluation

eto h diitainsplc nembry- on policy administration’s the of pect

inapaddCiassac,faiga fearing stance, China’s applauded tion xetdt iemr hn7 hsyear. this 7% than more rise to expected MONEY AHNTNCnrdcigakyas- key a WASHINGTON—Contradicting

in ttetm,teCitnadministra- Clinton the time, the At gion. au fanto’ od n services—is and goods nation’s a of value

tf Reporter Staff a By

alSre Journal Street Wall

rvnigfrhruhaa rudtere- the around upheaval further preventing n rs oetcpout h total the product, domestic gross and


aewscniee rtcleeetin element critical a considered was rate akbeimnt oagoa slowdown global a to immunity markable

ae fSinit Says Scientists of Panel ae19s hn’ eiaint fixed a to dedication China’s 1990s, late oe hn’ cnm a hw re- shown has economy China’s home,

uigteAinfnnilcii fthe of crisis financial Asian the During hnst outcnue pnigat spending consumer robust to Thanks

n at n h uni ne pressure. under is yuan the and faith ing ainlaffairs. national edt eGenerated, Be to Need

u fdseain hnivsosaelos- are investors when desperation, of out oe’ euyfnnemnse o inter- for minister finance deputy Korea’s

sboig si snw ahrta oso do than rather now, is it as booming, is hsrgo, adYn-u i,South Kim, Yong-Duk said region,” this

oeSe-elLines Stem-Cell More

ogv po ie ae hniseconomy its when rates fixed on up give to ytm tmgteaebt h rssof crisis the exacerbate might it system,

diitaincniesi ae o China for safer it considers administration I hyaadntersal currency stable their abandon they “If

adaon .8t h olr h Bush The dollar. the to 8.28 around band mdteeooi lwoni h U.S. the in slowdown economic the amid

oisa hnhisFdnUniversity. Fudan Shanghai’s at nomics lokona h emni oanarrow a to renminbi, the as known also hs vresslsarayaesuffering are already sales overseas whose

ec, asL eig rfso feco- of professor a Deming, Lu says rency,” h urn oiyo ofnn h yuan, the confining of policy current the onre sSuhKrao Singapore, or Korea South as countries

n hncmstefel ovril cur- convertible freely the comes then and hnltr htwudma jettisoning mean would That later. than epntewe fsc trade-minded such of woes the deepen

gis te urnissoe rather sooner currencies other against rd n netetlbrlzto second, liberalization investment and trade te einlmnfcues htcould That manufacturers. regional other

en loigteya omv freely move to yuan the allowing means FrCia tsol eWOetyfirst, entry WTO be should it China, “For opne ol rbmre hr from share market grab would companies

hn sTesr ertr,appropriate secretary, Treasury as China sata fteya elsapy Chinese sharply, fell yuan the if that Asia hn on h ol rd Organization. Trade World the joins China

o r ’el,o i is ii to visit first his on O’Neill, Mr. For

olr hr igr eraon East around fear a lingers There dollar. oeg optto ak ilfc after face will banks competition foreign

etnswt o hns officials. Chinese top with meetings

ol ieo ali twr u os fthe of loose cut were it if fall or rise would akblneset n rprn o the for preparing and sheets balance bank

'el adatrtody fwide-ranging of days two after said O'Neill kpiim tintcerwehrteyuan the whether clear isn’t It skepticism.

ieigtetaigbn,cenn up cleaning band, trading the widening

hn ecnral epte ih”Mr. with,” them help really can we thing oeohr ntergo hr that share region the in others Some

rmtccrec eom,isedslightly instead reforms, currency dramatic

cin r prpit,adi’ o some- not it’s and appropriate, are actions nopat,ofcsadcompanies. and offices plants, into

ec.S a,Biighssidaa from away shied has Beijing far, So rency.

Imcnicdte’ltk whatever take they’ll convinced “I’m oegesaeptig$0blinayear a billion $40 putting are foreigners

aeterssta copn lxbecur- flexible a accompany that risks the face

ec ytma hi w pace. own their system—at rency rc lo fivsmn oCia where China, to investment of flood a tract

rpldbnigsse tl s’ ed to ready isn’t still system banking crippled

dp infcnl oefeil cur- flexible more significantly a adopt tblt.Tefxdcrec lohlsat- helps also currency fixed The stability.

nCia nlssagetecountry’s the argue analysts China, In

eeatoiisarayaepann to planning are already authorities nese ocs swl safudto fsocial of foundation a as well as forces,

otdurable. most

elf etra esae htChi- that persuaded yesterday left He oetcdpstr n lblmarket global and depositors domestic

colta od htfotn ae r the are rates floating that holds that school

atAinnihosi h ae1990s. late the in neighbors Asian East rtc hi cnm rmtewisof whims the from economy their protect

empraet r ’el so the of is O’Neill Mr. permanent. seem ido iaca umi htrce their rocked that turmoil financial of kind iu osetesal una a to way a as yuan stable the see to tinue

imycmne oamjrcrec sto as currency major a to cemented firmly oYU STREET. YOUR to the to victim fall they before system rate al rpltcly hns fiil con- officials Chinese politically. or cally

aesse n necag aeso rate exchange an and system rate ot oaadnterfixed-exchange- their abandon to hosts uhamv olntb ay economi- easy, be wouldn’t move a Such

pn onre hoebtenafloating- a between choose countries oping ’el aet hn ed oug his urge to ready China to came O’Neill iea urnyregime. currency liberal

ece.Ised hysgetdta devel- that suggested they Instead, rencies. EJN—rauySceayPaul Secretary BEIJING—Treasury iinnee omk h upt more a to jump the make to needed sition

hnesseslne ekyt te cur- other to weakly linked systems change ak,teeaedsusosaottetran- the about discussions are there tanks,

tf eotr of Reporters Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

RMWL STREET WALL FROM nd mrigmre ain oaodex- avoid to nations emerging-market n ice n tt-pnoe think state-sponsored and circles ing

ee Wonacott Peter A

y aaecrec lw.I hns bank- Chinese In flows. currency manage hr e h ..adisale oadvise to allies its and U.S. the led where ihe .Phillips M. Michael B

ejn ln urnyRfr—tIsOnPace Own Its Reform—at Currency Plans Beijing



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-0-ORA,o ot http://services.wsj.com. to go or 1-800-JOURNAL, dtro h Journal. the of editor n a o h xt nytoelevators two Only exit. the for ran and atetadCptlHl a l been all had Hill Capitol and partment errsshdfailed. had terrorists a oeie fcohn vrtheir over clothing of item some had

22 1-00 S 416-2000. (212) Call : S


r epi,anvls,i contributing a is novelist, a Helprin, Mr. etn ut ee”trwdw h phone the down threw here,” outta getting s ea ofl rmtesy Everyone sky. the from fall to began ash etra mrcn hwdta the that showed Americans yesterday uligi ahta,teSaeDe- State the Manhattan, in building

iet tet e ok ..121 Telephone 10281. N.Y. York, New Street, Liberty

yofcs usdlul,sotd“I’m shouted loudly, cursed I offices. my ece h n ftebig,so and soot bridge, the of end the reached

C E 200 : H ORPORATE AND DITORIAL EADQUARTERS errsshp oselfo s and us, from steal to hope terrorists undotntt etu:TeAT&T The true: be to not out turned

ain eod uhlue omshook boom louder much second, a sation, htsmtiges a e ocm.A I As come. to yet was else something that

sours. is

etr iiiain hsi htthe what is This civilization. Western

er ayfiheigsoisthat stories frightening many heard

! a ie o w iue nota conver- that into minutes two Not fine. was o eti aeaanttm,sure time, against race a in felt I Now

lo,adawy nteed h decision the end, the in always and flood,

iiiain htw oeie call sometimes we what civilization,

elpoentokntwrig we working, not network cell-phone

yhatwsrcn,btItl i htI that him told I but racing, was heart my

ae u las nteed hycm in come they end, the in always, but late,

r o u ae o start. not dared I but too cry

Finance. Vieth, W. Christopher ; Law

r aiain forondemocratic own our of validations are

akn hog ahta,orown our Manhattan, through Walking

oa esae.M oc uvrdand quivered voice My newspaper. local oecepadotnte aecome have they often and cheap come

ryn o hs orpol.Iwne to wanted I people. poor those for praying oeayC Spano, C. Rosemary ; Resources Human Scaduto,

ht u bv l hs cso civility of acts these all above But that.

osta eermatyesterday. rampant were that mors

nNwHmsiewowrsfrasmall a for works who Hampshire New in ae A. James ; Services General Nardo, A. Guy itr ti la htnvrhv they have never that clear is it history a l ih.Sesi e,sewsjust was she yes, said She right. all was

; Marketing Palsho, Coccoli Dorothea Marks, Ann opsino eos.Te r l of all are They heroism. or compassion

h es yscn alwn oabrother a to went call second My news. the akbewe o osdrteru- the consider you when markable oo,bttoetig hmevs nour In themselves. things those but honor,

er a Da od”Iakdhri she if her asked I Lord.” “Dear was heard

; Newswires Levine, J. Richard ; Communications

otl hmIwsO.Te a o heard not had They OK. was I them tell to o oeta utidvda csof acts individual just than more ton

eeyteilsoso aey itr,and victory, safety, of illusions the merely ln ihhrha on ubig l I All mumbling. down, head her with alone hspbi iiiyi l h oere- more the all is civility public This

Corporate Goldstein, Steven I. ; Technology

n u h idw hndm parents my phoned I window. the out ing

iet h cain ewl o enjoy not will we occasion, the to rise coe rmNwYr n Washing- and York New from ecdotes uhdps hm atawmnwalking woman a past them, past rushed

iePeiet:WlimA ofe III, Godfrey A. William Presidents: Vice

atrites. last

ruh esm ae.W l etlook- kept all We water. some me brought

f sw aes aytmsbfr,we before, times many so have we as if, ste ace h utadsoers.I rise. smoke and dust the watched they as

hsi htmksysedysan- yesterday’s makes what is This

. Publishing Electronic Consumer Schulman,

h er ftetam,t administer to trauma, the of heart the

olaushdcm n n n kindly one and in, come had colleagues

ewl aels nmtra hns But things. material in less have will we l h eesml rzn otsagape mouths , simply were who ple ct D. Scott ; Newspapers Ottaway Richter, Joseph


ont t icn’,tehsia in hospital the Vincent’s, St. to down

a owyt e akt ok w other Two work. to back get to way no was ae n fw r ofgti sw must we as it fight to are we if and date, ; Ventures Indexes/Electronic Moran, E. David etwligbthdt og aypeo- many dodge to had but walking kept

u fteWieHuefrln,i at if long, for House White the of out

; Newswires Ingrassia, J. Paul ; International House, otie ntetpo n oe,there tower, one of top the in contained ef dadCria gnmd it made Egan Cardinal Edward self. rae ufrn hni a ruh to brought has it than suffering greater n ntebig tpe ntertak.I tracks. their in stopped bridge the on ans

rsdnsOeaigGop:KrnElliott Karen Groups: Presidents/Operating

oko rsdnscntb frightened be can’t Presidents know to

ept h atta h ieseemed fire the that fact the Despite h oreo uhawrwl rn us bring will war a such of course The mlso foeo h oes Pedestri- towers. the of one of implosion ae ay u paetynthim- not apparently but many, saved

. Newspapers Ottaway Chairman,

rpo h vlOfc.Troit need Terrorists Office. Oval the of drop

nubnArmageddon. urban an hnItre rud htIswwsthe was saw I what around, turned I when

iii h rd oesa ata osbe He possible. as fast as towers trade the

ae .OtwyJr., Ottaway H. James ; Publishing Electronic

hyd naltehro oisfeaturing movies horror the all in do they ue ln edn ih o s But us. for right heading plane a sure, ie i akfo h esuigback- reassuring the from talk his liver tion.

lrn epet ev h eodof second the leave to people ploring

eirVc rsdns .Gro Crovitz, Gordon L. Presidents: Vice Senior

ol rd etrnw unn utas just running now, Center Trade World

r etu rmtecod tws was I was, It crowd. the from up went cry le iiiainta ek u destruc- our seeks that civilization alien

ethdrtre oWsigo ode- to Washington to returned had dent

as.Aplc iueatwsse im- seen was lieutenant police A lapse. . Officer Financial

idw epewr temn u fthe of out streaming were People window. bu afa costebig,aloud a bridge, the across halfway About enbogtt snws iil yan by vividly so now us to brought been

o mrcn oseta hi Presi- their that see to Americans for

Chief Zannino, F. Richard ; Counsel General

utfo h ol rd etrcol- Center Trade World the from dust

nfr na udo akn o eo my below lot parking outdoor an in fire on ihdedlgnei hswrta has that war this in diligence due with

f ihhim. with off

xctv iePeiet:PtrG Skinner, G. Peter Presidents: Vice Executive adi.I a yblclyimportant symbolically was It it. said

u ohl itm rah hog the through breathe victims help to out

ieaoe oeo h alndbi was debris fallen the of Some above. fire otepitweew r bet fight to able are we where point the to pedegeo h odadtecrtook car the and hood the on spread-eagle

ih antwa esi u hr he where but said he what wasn’t night

eue etr ihTsit passed T-shirts with center, refugee

yofc,saigottewno tthe at window the out staring office, my aiiisoesa utb strengthened be must overseas facilities

n i,cud' i ntecr elaid he car, the in fit couldn't tie, and ÎÔ

ataotM.Bs’ Vadeslast address TV Bush’s Mr. about fact

it lo.Bfr nwi,Iwsbc in back was I it, knew I Before floor. ninth ii ees thm n tAmerican at and home at defense civil

n od tr eaeamakeshift a became store goods ing ikdu,adwe h atgy nasuit a in guy, last the when and up, picked

ulse ic 89by 1889 since Published

o htrao,tems important most the reason, that For

ada ehae o i fieo the on office his for headed he as said lb,i antb ay euiyand Security easy. be cannot it globe, eebgigfrrds n ru got group One rides. for begging were otes ohl.OeMdl’ sport- Modell’s One help. to Northeast

unn ntesre.“akwt e”he me,” with “Walk street. the in running toe.A hyaesatrdaon the around scattered are they As stroyed.

yhg-elsnas oeo h walkers the of Some sandals. high-heel my crisis. a sitn otePublisher the to Assistant Tofel J. Richard ossrae nfo l vrthe over all from in streamed cops

ob.H adh a utple muscle a pulled just had he said He lobby.

otu-lrgta hae ede- be phrase, un-Albrightian most onbgnrniga ata ol in could I as fast as running began soon

htdmcai ausedr vnin even endure values democratic that

oitdPes otr,nre,and nurses, Doctors, Press. sociated

onBse,cm ipn ln nthe in along limping came Bussey, John

sdt al“ttso ocr”ms,i a in must, concern” of “states call to used

huhteewstafcgigb,and by, going traffic was there though Technology Tennent A. Kristin

etase otroimi oshow to is terrorism to answer best

l oo esc clt odteAs- the told McBlath Jessica donor old

utte h ora’ oeg editor, foreign Journal’s the then Just fwa aeen lrgts delicately so Albright Madeleine what of rde nee ntecrln,even lane, car the in entered I bridge. Production Sheehan F. Michael

iePeietBs’ od,i htthe that is words, Bush’s President like

hr’ ohn let o”19-year- do,” to else nothing There’s

n rgas eos n infrastructure and depots, programs, ons uiesDevelopment Business Lehner C. Urban ulig ewr OK. were We building. oehn nietl et aethe take to me told inside Something

eeg u nrsu.Hsmessage, His rescue. on but revenge

Advertising Howe B. Stephen I’ rss o uthelp. must You crisis. a “It’s pni ni thrs h ula weap- nuclear The hurts. it until it upon am htvri a a o i our hit not had was it Whatever calm: oorofcs h os a ob over. be to had worst the offices; our to

Circulation Hetzel G. Thomas rc ne rsue ouignton not focusing pressure, under grace

h ak ow utbidi n spend and it build must we so task, the

uligscrt re et remain to me urged security building tet odrdi hudg akover back go should I if wondered I Street,

odnt blood. donate to

eea Manager General Austin W. Danforth

edywsteesneo democratic of essence the was terday

yisntr tcnnvrb ufcetto sufficient be never can it nature its by

n okoffrteeeaos Downstairs, . the for off took and agt eea ie ln Water along times Several target? a

vrtect owi w rtrehours three or two wait to city the over

iePresidents Vice

l ye utb ral umne,for augmented, greatly be must types all esoe t i rs ofrneyes- conference press His it. showed he

hkn,Igabdm aktadpurse and jacket my grabbed I shaking, vrtebig a ik hti tbecame it if What risk. had bridge the over

ad fpol ie pa ttosall stations at up lined people of sands

lyrpesd nelgnegteigof gathering Intelligence repressed. ally ln.Srnigbc om fieand office my to back Sprinting alone. atdt e oBoky u walking but Brooklyn to get to wanted I ao ilaintol re calm, urged only not Giuliani Mayor

omdna atr akadthou- and Park Battery near formed

euyMngn Editors Managing Deputy

toe,adterrcnttto continu- reconstitution their and stroyed, fh a eund u ewsgn.Iwas I gone. was he but returned, had he if eeeverywhere. were hn,o u oiia leadership. political our of think,

nmee.Tetig ak quickly ranks triage The unimpeded.

oneLipman Joanne

oitcmsms erie n de- and raided be must camps rorist ae ont alsofc wondering office Paul’s to down raced I

hi ed on hc,sdesadfear and sadness Shock, down. heads their

oehn iia ol esi,we said, be could similar Something

dtra Page Editorial Hertzberg Daniel

o h hleg saymtia.Ter- asymmetrical. is challenge the For eifcr eesraigdowntown streaming were cars relief a ofslg ob seen. be to fuselage no was n n usn.Mn epesml had simply people Many cursing. and ing

America.” euyEditor Deputy Calame E. Byron

ocsnto 500 u f100,000. of but 35,000, of not forces ftefrtatc,teablne and ambulances the attack, first the of htapaehdbe novd u there but involved, been had plane a that ln h a a e n oe weep- women and men saw I way the Along

ailHenninger Daniel Adler J. Stephen o aiis&vcis n GdBless “God and victims” & families for

aymr.I eursseiloperations special requires It more. many

tl eoeteepoinmd ethink me made explosion the before ately ieawd et oBemnHospital. Beekman to berth wide a give i etisonodr ihnminutes Within order. own its kept lic

esygvnu ntels eae but decade, last the in up given lessly hnte u psgssyn “Pray saying signs up put they when Editor Editor Managing

eod eoe h on er immedi- heard I sound The before. seconds ae tet olwdplc resto orders police followed Street, Water

e o oke ulcodr h pub- The order. public keep to not men

rnpr,adarwnsta ehv need- have we that wings air and transport, oetL Bartley L. Robert Steiger E. Paul

aeo pluefo h streets the from applause of wave h orsuswohdbe hr just there been had who souls poor the eyPr,cti n u ftecod on crowds the of out and in cut Park, tery

one u,t eiv oieadfire- and police relieve to out, pointed

eursntol l h natydivisions, infantry the all only not requires ordottesd n huh about thought I and side the out poured

ob.Itaesdtruhcod nBat- in crowds through traversed I be. to e os‘ ssoepope a prompted store Us ‘R Toys new a

n u,a ao uyGiuliani Rudy Mayor as but, in,

ih n hnadweenee,2.It 20. needed, where and when and right himn&CO o oe Company & Jones Dow CEO, & Chairman

ntelf.Baksoeadflames and smoke Black left. the on xdsta htwudb h os place worst the be would that that exodus

inwresa ieo rawyfor on site a at workers tion


e,teNtoa ur a called was Guard National the Yes, rf are ategop u,t oit do to but, groups battle carrier craft

h o fteWrdTaeCne building Center Trade World the of top the uem lhuhoewmnwre the warned woman one although Museum,

rrg.Ruesrprsta construc- that reports rage. or

ee .Kann R. Peter

n n qimn.I eursnt1 air- 10 not requires It equipment. and ing

okn p yee e aighl in hole gaping a met eyes my up, Looking

rsl ln h ie,ps h Holocaust the past river, the along briskly h ottriyn pressure. terrifying most the

n ans,w a ofihso fear of flights no saw we sadness, and

xeiinr ocswt xrvgn bas- extravagant with forces expeditionary

heso ae ann onfo above. from down raining paper of sheets yhatwsrcn o n walked I and now racing was heart My

h alsre journal. street wall the

iysoe tcudgvr tefunder itself govern could it showed city

u hl eswmn er fworry of tears many saw we while But

yarrf ae nteUie tts but States, United the in based aircraft by

rmtesy hr eetosnsof thousands were There sky. the from

ildteair. the filled

ol h upsdyungovernable supposedly The cool.

a aeAeiassf n selfish. and soft Americans made has

flce.Ta eursntsria strikes surgical not requires That afflicted.

e ag ic fdbi plummeting debris of piece large a see

ttebrigtwr.Wiigsirens Wailing towers. burning the at

eldtercuaeadkp their kept and courage their vealed

eu hc ihwihte hudbe should they which with shock neous vtbei o eiv htprosperity that believe you if evitable

meitl wn oadtewno to window the toward swung immediately aln ytervradsml trdup stared simply and river the by railing

cscolumn. icas

inthpe.IsedNwYresre- Yorkers New Instead happen. didn’t sm i ae h ra n instanta- and great the Laden bin Osama

etwudhv enes,ide in- indeed easy, been have would ment uesniiet hkn ulig,adI and buildings, shaking to supersensitive

odnme fpol endaantthe against leaned people of number good

s ’rd dt h ora' Amer- Journal's the edits O’Grady Ms.

o nlc pnSda usi or Hussein Saddam upon inflict now

e et h esi h ai that panic the is news the next, pen h 94Nrhig atqaemd me made earthquake Northridge 1994 the bu ntig ai tsc mo- a such at Panic anything. about egrpae”oemntl e a77”A 727.” “a me, told man one plane,” senger

hr famjrrbidn,w cannot we rebuilding, major a of Short

si rmasncbo.M xeinein experience My boom. sonic a from if as wu netit fwa ih hap- might what of uncertainty awful h a h eodatc.“twsapas- a was “It attack. second the saw who lac-tr V,adnbd sure nobody and TVs, pliance-store

et n defeat. and death

aen dahwln,tebidn shook building the long, how idea no have

. morning September gentle a on up wake emn n hr eemn witnesses many were there and teeming arligoeha si twradthe and war at if as overhead patrolling

rwsloigtruhwnosa ap- at windows through looking crowds

aens sayhn u nivtto to invitation an but anything is paredness

ete.Sm iue ae,atog I although later, minutes Some weather.

eeangtae n eeaotto about were I and nightmare, a were ot.B o h ie slnd was esplanade river the now By north.

n ulig olpig ihe jets fighter collapsing, buildings and

oensee ihrmr fwar, of rumors with scene, modern

lgtn iiayepniueadpre- and expenditure military slighting etdfvrbyo h beautiful the on favorably mented

ewl edcuae ol hti all it that Would courage. need will we

as oto h rw a heading was crowd the of most cause

mdtehro farln attacks airplane of horror the Amid

hn ih o.Bthr a pre- a was here But now. right thing

a sda,ad otipraty that importantly, most and, dead, is man fieo i a u,adw ohcom- both we and out, way his on office gis u onr.T aewa sahead is what face To country. our against eddsuhaogtervr ehp be- perhaps river, the along south headed

epieorevso nwn every- knowing on ourselves pride We

eesr,ta h a fteinfantry- the of day the that necessary, eortccvlt n resilience. and civility democratic e iue ae,Pu asdmy passed Paul later, minutes few A a f.Atril vlhsbe unleashed been has evil terrible A off. way ot oadSuvsatHg col I School. High Stuyvestant toward north

oyedu ntn n rdbenews. credible and instant us yield to nrsrcueara aebcm un- become have abroad infrastructure

hyulahdisedwsaso of show a was instead unleashed they rt,tog nwta ec salong a is peace that know I though write, I io,wo ree ytewtrcooler. water the by greeted I whom Gigot, adtervr aypol eerunning were people Many river. the ward

ini iiayafis htbssand bases that affairs, military in tion

u nomto oit ssupposed is society information Our n tes ok u tsqithr where here quiet it’s But work. others, and a h e dtra aeeio,Paul editor, page editorial new the was ob,Irnfrteecltradotto- out and escalator the for ran I lobby, aca ititysedy u what But yesterday. district nancial

tutr hl netn nterevolu- the in investing while structure

utadah l vrtesaeweeI, where space the over all ash, and dust n h nyohrpro noroffices our in person other only the and tysaigortro.We ehtthe hit we When terror. our sharing etly

etr aiaimi ahta’ fi- Manhattan’s in capitalism Western where?

aewno nwihw a u force cut can we which in window safe

lw natrIlf.Teesgasand glass There’s left. I after in blown al onn steprettm owork, to time perfect the is morning Early adayhn u oeo ewr qui- were we somehow but anything said

eesrkn ttehato selfish of heart the at striking were eesili h i edn h knew who heading air the in still were

aei hn fteps,ta hr sa is there that past, the of thing a is fare

er httewno fm fiewas office my of window the that heard o ok u nteWrdTaeCenter. Trade World the on out looks dow n n u ado ysole.N one No shoulder. my on hand a put and ing

errssmyhv huh they thought have may Terrorists a obd te iakdplanes hijacked other bombed; car

ae supin htcnetoa war- conventional that assumptions taken

noecudhv mgnd ’enow I’ve imagined. have could anyone h ol iaca etr n ywin- my and Center, Financial World the orcoebto;smoeswm shak- me saw someone button; door-close

etedcsv euito ftemis- the of repudiation decisive the be

n elanta ti oehrii than horrific more is it that learn we and aeo h ora so h it lo of floor ninth the on is Journal the of page h oroee.Oegypuddo the on pounded guy One opened. door the

iiiyAi Chaos Amid Civility

e hssetclrato terrorism of act spectacular this Let

rmln stenw eot temin, stream reports news the as trembling fiesatdhmig h editorial The humming. started office epe h ad Hryu,hry”as hurry,” up, “Hurry said, who people,

iii rtn hshs’ enes.Imstill I’m easy. been hasn’t this Writing ut ..egrt rt eoethe before write to a.m.—eager 8 quite neeao rie.I a akdwith packed was It arrived. An

a aln n tsol ee erepeated. be never should it and failing san

rie twr al yesterday—not early work at arrived I

ryr hnanother. then prayer, tlatIhdmd tt Brooklyn. to it made had I least At

feated. tWsencvlzto usthrough runs civilization Western at

aeerdtomn ie.I sabiparti- a is It times. many too erred have

O’G M By eewrig Cmneeao. ada said I elevator.” “C’mon working. were otss hycudbetemr easily. more breathe could they so mouths

rady ary

frtlainta snthnrd nti we this in honored; not is that retaliation of htta ups scnicnl de- convincingly is purpose that that necret(rmr)o resentment of more) (or undercurrent

oe bv l,w utmk opromise no make must we all, Above done? wknn oaNightmare a to Awakening eesr iiayrsucst insure to resources military necessary n h iiiaini ersns An represents. it civilization the and

osntwr.Teeoe htms be must what Therefore, work. not does u ilmtc oa,fnniladas and financial moral, diplomatic, our reacsaantteUie States United the against grievances

eulyapaeta pesmn simply appeasement that appease petually

a oo etra’ edb rallying by dead yesterday’s honor can evsa rx o uhdeeper much for proxy a as serves

ut la ynwee otoewoper- who those to even now by clear quite

o fe l h aeo h uue We future. the of wave the all after not edyseet gi hw Israel show, again events terday's

nm,i pesmn,adi utbe must it and appeasement, is enemy,

rv htfedmaddmcayare democracy and freedom that prove s rv so oreIre.Bta yes- as But Israel. course of is drive ist dtra aeo h Journal. the of page editorial a ptee h uligjs burned. just building the there, up Way ilhm ebne ntevnswindow van’s the on banged He him. kill

hog fw ipyddntpooethe provoke not did simply we if through

r enne sdpt dtro the of editor deputy is Henninger Mr. aisdsryIre n thereby and Israel destroy natics h meit ou fteterror- the of focus immediate The adh huh h a ol oeand move would van the thought he said

aevaporized. have rw ak oigta ecudget could we that hoping back, drawn

unn n h i a undbak He black. turned had air the and burning

iitdwieteAa ept n fa- and despots Arab the while miliated ueaeo ig h ln emdto seemed plane The wing. a or fuselage h yia despots. cynical the eaito o eae n hnalways then and decades for retaliation

a h aetig hc a nothing. was which thing, same the saw u esatdcoigadhsee were eyes his and choking started he But

h ulig ee a h ln,o a or plane, the saw never I building. the aeAeiait tnigaiehu- aside standing into America date ainwnb h aaiswoserve who fanatics the by won tation aei obte.Ta ehv promised have we That better. no it make

oes ohg gis h k.Ialways I sky. the against high so towers,

rwe ne a oaodtedebris. the avoid to van a under crawled

ite hnn atce laigdw from down floating particles shining little, clproe ti neddt intimi- to intended is It purpose. ical twl e os,btapaeetwill appeasement but worse, get will It

ihradmr uaeta h repu- the than humane more and richer

rd etrsod t w side-by-side two its stood, Center Trade

ecud’ u atrta h mk and smoke the than faster run couldn’t He

ag ieisd h ulig hr were There building. the inside fire large

reso magnitude. of orders

huh sta h errs a polit- a has terrorism the that is though,

iy nte steMsi at itself, faith Muslim the is Another nity.

olot ulig hr h World the where Building, Woolworth o agti h is olpesfallout. collapse’s first the in caught got

ilwn u ftegs,adteewsa was there and gash, the of out billowing

edwa apndysedyb several by yesterday happened what ceed

htms ed ob recognized, be to needs most What

akadesadctoffo moder- from off cut and backwardness

n pa h k,aoetefmu old famous the above sky, the at up ing egeJsnRlytl eltrta he that later me told Riley Jason league

oe,vr ihu,adga mk was smoke gray and up, high very tower, ilgclatc,bt fwihwudex- would which of both attack, biological

e t3 iue warnings? minutes 30 at ies hi w ouain,cmne into cemented populations, own their

rudt ok n okaan etlook- kept I again. look and look, to around

oe ahta.M dtra-aecol- editorial-page My Manhattan. lower iegs costenrhfc fthe of face north the across gash wide a

fancerdtnto raceia or chemical a or detonation nuclear a of

aemsie htcntrae ..cit- U.S. threaten can that missiles have oe.Tefrtvciso hsare this of victims first The power.

ep ettrigaon n turning and around turning kept I help,

a aigotad oadu n l of all and us toward outward, racing was okdu,teewsn ln.Teewas There plane. no was there up, looked

alt i u teto nteprospect the on attention our fix to call a

h odce etra' vnswill events yesterday's conducted who e oksbrs aigsuhadto southward racing suburbs, York New iyterfnaetlyillegitimate fundamentally their tify

eas h mk,aot4 tre high, stories 40 about smoke, the because huh,m o,i i t u hnI when But it. hit it God, my thought,

rc oiia ocsin n surrender, and concessions political tract

oiecr n ieegnsfo distant from engines fire and cars police odutta oea epelk those like people someday that doubt to oeMsi udmnaimt jus- to fundamentalism Muslim voke

o ewr l unn wy hard, away, running all were we Now rd etr hntelu on.I sound. loud the Then Center. Trade

a eosrto htitne oex- to intended shot demonstration a was

iha,epynwbtfratretof torrent a for but now empty Highway,

o nte;cnayn o continue now anyone can another; for ulh n te ittr h in- who dictators other and mullahs h igo narie eo h o fthe of top the below airliner an of wing the a oqikynothing. quickly so was hc er f twl eovosta this that obvious be will it off wears shock

sIwle ot ln h etSide West the along north walked I As

ovy ymn ad hn utsaw just I think I said: mind my convey, olrea vn?Hmln defense, event? an large so a usi,teTlbn h Iranian the Taliban, the Hussein, dam e,btaltewydw,a ube It rubble. as down, way the all but der, rse iiinaries steinitial the As airliners. civilian crashed


onad uce hnteewrscan words these than Quicker downward. hni el tfl o eeywt thun- with merely not fell it fell, it when n B aen dac niainof indication advance no have FBI and

stewr fteuulsuspects—Sad- usual the of work the is h obndepoiepwro three of power explosive combined the

ol vprtdi n la onn in morning clear one in evaporated souls

bu :5 lne pad n then and upward, glanced I 8:45, about huh hs oeswudfl on But down. fall would towers those thought

eetotaetedmg a oeby done was damage the outrage recent iec,freape o ol h CIA the could how example; for ligence, eaeette oasm htthis that assume to entitled are We

h otmbnahterbl,althese all rubble, the beneath bottom the

sIwle oadtecfe hp at shop, coffee the toward walked I As ulig olntfl on never I down. fall couldn’t buildings

h otdsrcie osdrta nthis in that Consider destructive. most the

eiu uno ubro rns - fronts. of number a on turn serious


o loso h ulig,tebde at bodies the buildings, the of floors top

vcainbcuesmoetl hmthe them told someone because evacuation

h is avso n a r seldom are war any of salvos first The o e tagain. it see not

a.Teuso fti slkl ob a be to likely is this of upshot The war.

e hs csadtoewoharbor who those and acts these ted

ntearies h epecmn f the off coming people the airliners, the in

epegtoto h oesi norderly an in towers the of out got people

ihsle oes antbleeIwill I believe cannot I towers. silver high


ol ev mrc ihn at for taste no with America leave would

inbtentetroit h commit- who terrorists the between tion rt h eodn a vr h people The over. was beholding the truth

eeiin er nT ae htaltof lot a that later TV on heard I television. etpooto otetomagnificent, two the to proportion fect


acltdi eivn er Harbor Pearl believing in calculated

iiimwsnmigt eod huhin though behold, to numbing was nihilism oehspoiet mk odistinc- no “make to promise his fore

aepoal enti vradoe on over and over this seen probably have

ns eindb ea el,sodi per- in stood Pelli, Cesar by designed ings, ocm,wihwl nobel be undoubtedly will which come, to

cl.Fralta,tedpho h vland evil the of depth the that, all For scale. ae,js sTj’ a lnesmis- planners war Tojo’s as just lated,

r uhssec atngtwsthere- was night last speech Bush’s Mr.

hntefrtbidn eldw.You down. fell building first the Then oe ol iaca etrsbuild- Center’s Financial World domed fwa a oigado hti yet is what of coming—and was what of

eolgdt epn nsm eylarge very some on respond to obliged be

nti hyhv etil miscalcu- certainly have they this In

iac f tts h e etnein sentence key The states. of, nivance

ae ftoewoudrto h nature the understood who those of cade, ulig ol eltu,adtefat, the and up, lit be would buildings oadteblue. the toward

ntdSae n t e rsdn would president new its and States United

oitspectacle. rorist nyb oeb,o tlatwt h con- the with least at or by, done be only anns eiee vrmr hnade- a than more over delivered warnings, h ideo h usnRvr l the all River; Hudson the of middle the n cainlysalbrswudfyup fly would birds small occasionally and

attroit a oealti n the and this all done had terrorists East

mrc a eitmdtdb ter- a by intimidated be can America acd cso hsmgiuecan magnitude this of Acts nanced. u htw aerfsdteprecise the refused have we that but ih okda rmteHbknfryin ferry Hoboken the from at looked night ethaigaciktcipi h hedge, the in chirp cricket a hearing kept

etyovosta dniibeMiddle identifiable that obvious fectly

oo.Orpolmi o i anonymity his not is problem Our on. so lxo ulig a nadr,clear dark, a on was buildings of plex e httefntc ocuethat conclude fanatics the that der atrhwwl raie n fi- and organized well how matter eg erSuvsn ihSho,adI and School, High Stuyvesant near hedge

twsipsil otik twsper- was It think. to impossible was It

ei asrAaa,h ie nGz;and Gaza; in lives he Arafat, Yasser is he o xrodnrl euiu hscom- this beautiful extraordinarily how a toigdw eratimdgreen trimmed a near down stooping was I

vldsgsi aha.Ltl won- Little Baghdad. in designs evil ndb oebn fmvrcs no mavericks, of band some by ened

rse notePentagon. the into crashed

admHsen elvsi aha;if Baghdad; in lives he Hussein, Saddam

oie,uls o a vrse t just it, seen ever had you unless idea, no rbbyo h rud ieters fus. of rest the like ground, the on probably

eet evn admt usehis pursue to Saddam leaving desert, usle fw eiv eaethreat- are we believe we if ourselves a,aflo odm hta ilnrhad airliner an that me told fellow a way,

epniiiyfrsetrn i;i eis he if him; sheltering for responsibility h ol rd etr nfc,yuhave you fact, In Center. Trade World the

ulig uta orbfr,te were they before, hour an Just building?

uhsopdAeia ak nthe in tanks American stopped Bush obr eosrt.Btw delude we But demonstrate. bombers oeigalo oe ahta.Aogthe Along Manhattan. lower of all covering

tn n i ot,teTlbn bear Taliban, the hosts, his and stan, h hl ope isi h hdwof shadow the in sits complex whole the

und i h iefrete f the off them force fire the Did burned?

n,adi a oigvr at twas It fast. very moving was it and ing,

aiiist eln.Gog H.W. George decline. to pabilities

etcnitoso fia embassy African of convictions cent

sOaabnLdn elvsi Afghani- in lives he Laden, bin Osama is

oe si h F’ otentwr and tower, southern WFC’s the in is Jones

huhs i hyjm ahrta be than rather jump they Did thoughts.

as h mk a ohg n terrify- and huge so was smoke the cause

rcs”adalwdordfneca- defense our allowed and process” nteatcsi ihclig sre- as calling, high a is attacks the in

oe fteWrdFnnilCne.Dow Center. Financial World the of tower

n’ edfle,irssal,wt awful with irresistably, filled, head one’s

ealhdt tr unn gi be- again running start to had all We

rftt otneapooo “peace photo-op a continue to Arafat h usi ftoedrcl implicated directly those of pursuit The

a coming was rmAeia xrs ntenorthern the in Express American from

olot ulig twsafl and awful, was It Building. Woolworth

hnte eladi a l gone. all was it and fell they Then

rsdn lno egdYasser begged Clinton President useadpns hs responsible. those punish and pursue

odcnao-asncosat,across croissants, cinnamon-raisin good aln at n iapaigbhn the behind disappearing and fast, falling

lc wse idr onigupward. pointing girders twisted black

to h aueo what of nature the stood

ieJrslma h aia fIsrael. of capital the as Jerusalem nize

rsdn uhrgtypoie to promises rightly Bush President

hr sasalcfe hp ihvery with shop, coffee small a is There h aewysra-ald turning, way—spread-eagled, same the

n n l ol e eeafwscraggly few a were see could I all and ing

uhrngdo i rms orecog- to promise his on reneged Bush

hsl events. ghastly h uligbcuete l aedown came all they because building the rmteWrdTaeCenter. Trade World the from ae ftoewounder- who those of cade, lms okda h etro h build- the of center the at looked I plumes.

ae ihanwitfd,Gog W. George intifada, new a with Faced aske hnapro a oigoff coming was person a when knew ways tr h lnadprert such perpetrate and plan who sters rosBohr sjs costestreet the across just is Brothers Brooks eiso et eusvl identical repulsively neat, of series

rdoe oeta de- a than more over ered

hywr l ofraa,btyual- you but away, far so all were They ewe u red n u enemies. our and friends our between ekn edn nMdr,Calif. Madera, in wedding weekend soepr ftease otemon- the to answer the of part one is mk re wyfo h uligi a in building the from away arced smoke

r o ytxd,t era yson’s my at wear to tuxedo, my for ers we h errssadtervictims, their and terrorists the tween ln h ie tl tnig n the and standing, still sides the along hnpol tre upn off. jumping started people Then

ucl n scmltl spossible as completely as and quickly h rcs anns deliv- warnings, precise the

u e umruda rosBroth- Brooks at cummerbund new a buy

mk n rpfe pad guess I upward, flew crap and smoke mkn erswudacdownward. arc would debris smoking a ent e“vnhne”be- “even-handed” be to been has unn oornra a flf as life of way normal our to turning

ale hnuul eas a on to going was I because usual, than earlier u htw aerefused have we that but si el si a itn h rud the ground, the hitting was it as fell, it As

n la on oeie ic of piece a sometimes down; float and n vnmr oteErpa one, European the so more even and iiis a eti eiine Re- resilience. certain a has bilities,

a oeit onaot1 minutes 15 about town into come had I

e,i a uta10forsato smoke. of shaft 100-floor a just was it den, ie idw ol aloftebuilding the off fall would windows times

h mrcnapoc othis, to approach American The

oit,fraltetl fisvulnera- its of talk the all for society,

u nm’ anonymity enemy’s our

ubig igsigsgt l fasud- a of All sight. disgusting humbling, mk,i a dl nvnfl Some- uneventful. oddly was it smoke, an albreeze. fall faint

h rwsrejoiced. crowds the nswl ebit oenindustrial Modern built. be will ings

fcus tfl.I a h otawful, most the was It fell. it course Of

o wie sd rmtefae and flames the from aside awhile, For n,aantasyo h uetbu n a and blue purest the of sky a against ing,

u rbe snot is problem Our

oet riinysedy nGaza, In yesterday. fruition to come o ut sbfr,adnwbuild- new and before, as quite not

lastee a pthere. up Way there. always

ih n seilys etra morn- yesterday so especially and sight

o ftebuilding. the of top

ae amn r h hetw saw we threat the are madman, lated a.Tearie ilfyaan albeit again, fly will airlines The day.

ht hs og adsle oeswere towers silver hard long, those what, n,frmn fu,i ean fresh a remains it us, of many for ing,

unn.Myei ol utbr u the out burn just would it Maybe burning.

n hs tt oiis o oeiso- some not policies, state these and e,lf eto,aetftul,yester- fitfully, abeit on, went life ter,

nwrigln,hr or.N matter No hours. hard long, working in lc nwihw a drs i.I he If him. address can we which in place ra re tte onn fe morn- after Morning statue. green great nteefae;i a utgigt keep to going just was it flames; these on

Iht sal”Teepplrattitudes popular These Israel.” hate “I ihnsgto h ol rd Cen- Trade World the of sight within iy hr vroesest aepride take to seems everyone where city,

aat,i ete aeesnrwtota without nor faceless neither is batants, onn,t e h tteo iet,that Liberty, of Statue the see to morning, ohg p hr a owyt u water put to way no was there up, high so

hue u nbhl feeyn nthis in everyone of behalf on out shouted

ogi aetn n gp sentitled is Egypt and Palestine in song iltk ayyas u even But years. many take will h ifrnebtencvlasadcom- and civilians between difference the rmtefrystpdc n sal,each able, is one deck top ferry’s the from huhsaotahlls iuto.I was It situation. helpless a about thoughts

e’ oeswr utjyu.They joyous. just were towers ter’s

oal eeoe nuht comprehend to enough developed morally atrfrPlsieadIlm hit A Islam. and Palestine for martyr n earn h hscldamage physical the repairing and ahta.Tedlgti ntefc that fact the in is delight The Manhattan. aetcbidns n a helpless had one buildings, majestic

gis aksy h ol rd Cen- Trade World the sky, dark a against

n oa’ nm,tog ei not is he though enemy, today’s And otfo ooe ri emnlt lower to terminal train Hoboken from boat on a h eoe hhd a shahid, a becomes who man young a o h edw a nygrieve, only can we dead the For rnefae.Saiguwr ttetwo the at upward Staring flames. orange

eto ahta’ ulig eealight were buildings Manhattan’s of rest

eih ahmrigo rvln yferry by traveling of morning each delight

n fwa eaecapable. are we what of and n h etBn,sho et praise texts school Bank, West the and


sIntderir hnte n l the all and they when earlier, noted I as

okCt rmNwJre hr sthe is there Jersey New from City York

h ol a aetdyo h eare we who of today have may world the

0-lo hf fsmoke. of shaft 100-floor a lo fGnie nmta.I Gaza In matzah. in Gentiles of blood vnmr n lotuieslincon- universal almost and more even

h tteo iet.A ih,i h fall, the in night, At Liberty. of Statue the

o oeo swocmueit New into commute who us of some For

etrpcueo u ihadknta any than kin and kith our of picture better

are eisaothwJw s the use Jews how about series a carries ayAeia aiis nit for anxiety families, American many

er.Icm osete h a saw I way the them see to came I years.

l fasde,i a just was it sudden, a of All

rvd hsdti o h record. the for detail this provide

ogadtxn tugeta fod a affords that struggle taxing and long

etsosrdnwppri Egypt, in newspaper ment-sponsored

noetcvlaskle,giffor grief killed, civilians innocent

aewre ntersao o lot25 almost for shadow their in worked have

oehn bu sta ead htwe that demands that us about something s miefo hc eboefe na in free broke we which from Empire ish

ubig igsigsight. disgusting humbling,

tm:A ha,telaiggovern- leading the Ahram, Al Items:

a mosbe none ubrof number Uncounted impossible. tan oe h ol rd etrtwr.I towers. Center Trade World the loved

utsc nacut eas hr is there because account, an such just vrhl etr,nrt h ra Brit- great the to nor century, a half over

a oraitFam Nirenstein. Fiamma journalist ian

itemr rcs bu hssaeet I statement. this about precise more little on oeeti n u fManhat- of out and in movement down,

orjbt rvd nacut oti is this So account. an provide to job your a h otawful, most the was itEpr htw ae onpatiently down faced we that Empire viet

a on oba ins.Ltsb a be Let’s witness. bear to going was I

ieBmesAeMd, yteItal- the by Made,” Are Bombers cide

ntn h ainsarot closed airports nation’s The ington.

uiesadyuaeo h cn,i is it scene, the on are you and business ehdrdcdt ube o oteSo- the to Nor rubble. to reduced had we

fall. fcus tfl.It fell. it course Of aaiecrisa ril HwSui- “How article an carries magazine

rfl agt nNwYr n Wash- and York New in targets profile

oplignw n hnyuaei this in are you when and now, compelling esvr ecoet isaei Tokyo a in dissuade to chose we persevere

n ol o,adIwsgigt ac it watch to going was I and too, would one

niscretise Commentary issue, current its In hmadterpsegr nohigh into passengers their and them

ocdt l note.I l em very seems all It them. into fly to forced ie hs obsaotoraiiyto ability our about doubts whose pire,

h te oe a olpe,te this then collapsed, had tower other the

h rudatrtoarieshv been have airliners two after ground the world. aigcnrlo lnsaddiving and planes of control taking otecmadr fteJpns Em- Japanese the of commanders the to

te uligfl on eie htif that decided I down. fell building other ihamsiewl fbaksoeand smoke black of wall massive a with

ac w 0-tr fiebidnsfl to fall buildings office 108-story two watch

eue orbl.Nri ecomparable he is Nor rubble. to reduced gis mrc n h non-Arab the and America against utn utpeariehijackings, airline multiple ducting

is oe,btsatdaanatrthe after again started but tower, first te oe,adnwtesywsfilling was sky the now and tower, other

hs hr sn eei nbigal to able being in benefit no is There this.

hs odsud naBri htw had we that a in dissuade to chose n nuaersnmnsadhatreds and resentments inculate and etra.Mlil ucd qascon- squads suicide Multiple yesterday.

wietebrigsee oso nthe in stop to seemed burning the awhile adaohrpaehdcahdit the into crashed had plane another said

on ows htIhdntse n of any seen not had I that wish to going

obsaotoraiiyt esvr we persevere to ability our about doubts

httersceiscrflynurture carefully societies their that ol aebe nmgnbebefore unimaginable been have would

n rmisoiia on;i at for fact, in wound; original its from ing u aernigtwr swho us toward running came guy A

hn hti h etfwdy am I days few next the in that think I

otemseso h hr ec,whose Reich, Third the of masters the to

u hs edr edt understand to need leaders these But h cp ftetro assault terror the of scope The gi.Tenrhr oe a tl burn- still was tower northern The again.

lwot hnhl a nManhattan. in was hell Then out. blew

ai n neiu,i adycomparable hardly is ingenious, and baric

to,teei boueynothing. absolutely is there stood,

ona inctbet ac h towers the watch to table picnic a at down asrAaa ethscondolences. his sent Arafat Yasser

l ataesrl eidti attack. this behind surely are East dle

on.Te h ako h te tower other the of back the Then wound.

h nm efc oa,tog bar- though today, face we enemy The

ahtm,weeteWrdTaeCenter Trade World the where time, each

rudaogtee n eti n sat and in went I and there, along ground hril n nmgnbe’ Even unimaginable.’’ and “horrible

I oatmt obypaei h Mid- the in peace buy to attempts so II,

oe undfo hsoeafl open awful, one this from burned tower

or,loe nolwrMnatn and Manhattan, lower into looked hours,

oiyasunn surprise. stunning a rocity

oehn aldteCide’ Play- Children’s the called something

a.EytsHsiMbrkcle it called Mubarak Hosni Egypt’s day.

ais uta uihldt ol War World to led as Just racies.

ace mzda h rd Center Trade the as amazed watched

oe aldw.Ihv,i h atseveral past the in have, I down. fall tower

t eouincnb acls n t fe- its and matchless be can resolution its

ihtosnso crdpol.Teeis There people. scared of thousands with

edr eone h tak yester- attacks the denounced leaders

a endcae ntewrdsdemoc- world’s the on declared been has

ahrdcodo h rudmainly ground the on crowd gathered

aldw.Altl ae,Iswtenorth the saw I later, little A down. fall

n nedi s u neAeiastirs, America once but is, it indeed and etnrho h etSd Highway, Side West the on north went I

ewr ldt e htsm Arab some that see to glad were We

ery6 er g;anwkn fwar of kind new a ago; years 60 nearly ol eal odsed o wie the awhile, For descend. to able be would

ol rd etr a h ot tower south the saw I Center. Trade World mrc,i ssi,i lwt awaken, to slow is said, is it America, aei across. it made

rulers. a fe h obn fPalHarbor Pearl of bombing the after was emdta h epeblwtegash the below people the that seemed

i t a epefl rmtetpo the of top the from fall people saw I it. hit

eddtwr h rolnBig,and Bridge, Brooklyn the toward headed y

akHelprin Mark B

h ot oe hntescn airliner second the when tower south the he-orh ftebidn okdfn.It fine. looked building the of three-fourths aymgtma o h oe flocal of power the for mean might racy ntdSae etra,mc sit as much yesterday, States United epet mk o h ae. Jason water.” the for “make to people

hsFe Too. Foe, This iteltrIswtefae us u of out burst flames the saw I later little A mk a ilwn padadabout and upward billowing was smoke ol,a ela ero htdemoc- what of fear a as well as world, h asv errs tak nthe on attacks terrorist massive the mk.H o u n oswr telling were cops and out got He smoke.

h ot oe fteWrdTaeCenter. Trade World the of tower north the emdlk otial vn.The event. containable a like seemed tre iln ihfotn ersand debris floating with filling started h hneisadbzaso h Arab the of bazaars and chanceries the h ol sadfeetpaeafter place different a is world The

a h ilnra h ntn thit it instant the at airliner the saw I

ept h orfigtaey tsomehow it tragedy, horrifying the despite ort e w te usi,adtevan the and in, guys other two let to door

eCnVanquish Can We

errs er Harbor Pearl Terrorist A

H D By hr a o fsoe u o time, a for but smoke, of lot a was There n hylthmi.Te hyoee the opened they Then in. him let they and enninger aniel

a tAl hnISwNothing. Saw I Then All. It Saw I eBa Hitler. Beat We




** BLACK P1JW255012-2-A01800-1---XA P1JW255012-2-A01800-1---XA

P1JW255012-2-A01800-1---XA EE,MW,SW,WE

2124489 P1JW255013-0-A01900-1---XA BLACK

ra neyuv enhired.” been you’ve once break akoto h teti a ih again light was it street the on out Back

r nyeiil o lunch a for eligible only are evacuate.

Tcncly r oey you Copely, Mr. “Technically, etBt3 eod ae,w eetl to told were we later, seconds 30 ment.But

uligadwsuhrdit h base- the into ushered was and building

n ehdt e u. a noanearby a into ran out.I get to had we and

uly ooecudbetea l nthere in all at breathe could one no tually,

twssildr btgtiglighter).Even- getting (but dark still was it

rv,frfa frnigoe people.Plus, over running of fear for drive,

rah ntee o.ewr fadto afraid were too.We there, in breathe

h a hti a eryipsil to impossible nearly was it that van the

orwsoe,s uhdbi o inside got debris much so open, was door

rsigm e.u ntefwscnsthe seconds few the in leg.But my crushing

lojme ntevnbhn e nearly me, behind van the in jumped also

e ei.w te usfo h street the from guys other in.Two me let


o.oen nieoee h orand door the opened inside dow.Someone

rmudret n agdo h win- the on banged and underneath from

epr...adSalt and . . . Pepper esfrta ne tS ldbc out back slid I it.So under than safer be

tre otikta nietevnmight van the inside that think to started

ol oe n ol e rse. also crushed.I get would I and move, would

hnIsatdt or httevan the that worry to started I Then

n twscmltl dark. completely was it and akSlope. Park

mk n ersM yswr burning were eyes debris.My and smoke aeloe ierfge. akdhm to home walked refugees.I like looked have

ut rahn.vr ieIihld more inhaled, I time breathing.Every culty epewr temn vri.emust it.We over streaming were People

rmtedbi.tdd’. a aigdiffi- having was didn’t.I debris.It the from n hnIsatdfrteBoky Bridge. Brooklyn the for started I then and

ldudret,hpn twudsil me shield would it hoping underneath, slid tt ihe paan(bu 5minutes), 15 (about again up lighten to it

tre okn o oe. a a and van a saw cover.I for looking started h eodtwrhdclasdIwie for waited collapsed.I had tower second the

a la ol o urntecod oI so cloud, the outrun not could I clear was ieaanSmoehdardoadsaid and radio a had again.Someone side

etloigoe ysole,adit and shoulder, my over looking kept I oet ae twscmltl akout- dark completely was it later moments

tswe er odrumble.Several loud a heard I when utes ldn me. cluding

a nteBre igfraot2min- 2 about for King Burger the in was I n oadu.vroetre n a,in- ran, and turned us.Everyone toward ing

lu fdbi omdadbgnspread- began and formed debris of cloud outside.

ali lwmto.hnahg,black huge, a slow-motion.Then in fall intwn og hr.h a fadt go to afraid was there.She go to want didn’t

as rmta atg on.emdto point.Seemed vantage that from lapse clTeesahsia ery u she but nearby, hospital a ical.There’s

oe a tl unn.ace tcol- it burning.Watched still was Tower h a odn ebr n a hyster- was and newborn a holding was who

antalwdt rs Broadway.South cross to allowed wasn’t 0pol eeisd,icuigawoman a including inside, were people 50

rawyadLbryti onn,but morning, this Liberty and Broadway eydfiutt rah. rw fabout of crowd breathe.A to difficult very

’ aka oenwGta a as far as now.Got home at back I’m huh ol e oewtrI a still was water.It some get could I thought

at asn ugrKn,weeI where King, Burger a passing east, ao Riley: Jason

ahta sa sadS continued I island.So an is Manhattan rma -alfo ora dtra writer editorial Journal from e-mail an from

mk o h ae, ehp o realizing not perhaps water,” the for “make h tet rudteWrdTaeCne is Center Trade World the around streets the

h olwn is-esnacutfrom account first-person following The n oiea a eln vroeto everyone telling was policeman a and

aigRfg ne,Te n Van a in, Then Under, Refuge Taking

Journal.com. rma nupcigemployee.What’s unsuspecting an from

r iie sassateio fOpinion- of editor assistant is Miniter Mr. euiycr rsml ta ai one valid a steal simply or card security

ol ueyfn a omk false a make to way a find surely could

ln.iial nepiigterrorists enterprising plane.Digitally in?I etil s’ sufficient. isn’t certainly It tions?

hog htvri ae ohjc a hijack to takes it whatever through si vnncsayt s uhques- such ask to necessary even it Is

udaps,h ol aiysmuggle easily could he pass, a sued board?

u fatroitsistruhadi is- is and through slips terrorist a if But noegvnyuayhn ocryon- carry to anything you given anyone

vroewoi sudascrt pass. security a issued is who everyone orbg eni orpseso?Has possession? your in been bags your

bybcgon hcsaepromdon performed are checks background ably nta fatal rtcigthem.Have protecting actually of instead

oe hr r narotsecurity.Presum- airport in are there holes eeamda aigpol elsafe feel people making at aimed were

ttetm tsrc ehwmany how me struck it time the At emdcerta h euiymeasures security the that clear seemed

ue terminals. outer n fe aigwre tDle,it Dulles, at worked having after And

e odavnt ar u rdcst the to products our carry to van a load ten aebighsldeeytm fly. I time every hassled being hate I

eetr.nieta unlw ol of- would we tunnel that detectors.Inside jetway?

ort unlta etudrtemetal the under went that tunnel a to door aea copiewomtte nthe in them met who accomplice an have

iymaue. uc wp ol pna open would swipe quick measures.A rity sssuge epn badDdthey aboard.Did weapons smuggled ists

adta e ebps ayo h secu- the of many bypass me let that card iakdpae,Iwne o h terror- the how wonder I planes, hijacked

ste ore hi lgt.oIhda had I flights.So their boarded they as utmr.fe itnn odtiso the of details to listening customers.After

n eieigtoegost passengers to goods those delivering and ewy ieu ybg n wi my await and bags my up line jetway,

eln tm oitrainlpassengers international to items selling iyps ol aem a nothe into way my make would I pass rity

colTejbetie tcigshelves, stocking entailed job school.The lwi h euiysse.ihm secu- my system.With security the in flaw

osIwre optmsl through myself put to worked I jobs hygto hi ln eeldanother revealed plane their on got they

uyfe hp tDle,oeo h many the of one Dulles, at shops duty-free eieigpcae opsegr as passengers to packages Delivering

si apn,Ioc okdfrthe for worked once I happens, it As eoee neo board. on once opened be

ulsadte ee’ tight. weren’t they Dulles—and n u obo icso u ni,to it, in gun a of pieces or bomb a put and

’ese h euiymaue at measures security the seen I’ve errs ol um pacno soda of can a up dummy could terrorist

sswr bet xct hi plan.But their execute to able were ists h ea eetrIotnwnee fa if wondered often detector.I metal the

iain eelhw xcl,teterror- the exactly, how, reveal tigations h iewt yky sIwle through walked I as keys my with side the

nee.twl esm iebfr inves- before time some be will Angeles.It iyofcr ol lo et u tofto off it put to me allow would officers rity

utotieWsigo,e ot oLos to route en Washington, outside just hog h euiycek,adtesecu- the and checks, security the through

okoffo ulsItrainlAirport, International Dulles from off took egr. ol fe ar a fsoda of can a carry often would sengers.I

n ftepae sdi h attack the in used planes the of One hnsofrol iia eiwo pas- of review minimal a only offer chines

ohwcudte aedn this? done have they could how So ue.h ea eetr n -a ma- X-ray and detectors metal sures.The

ato h Pentagon. the of part s ol oltearotsscrt mea- security airport’s the foil could ist

h ol rd etrsti oesand towers twin Center’s Trade World the h unlws’ h nywyaterror- a way only the wasn’t tunnel The

eca lnsadue hmt destroy to them used and planes mercial ance.

tptetroit h iakdfu com- four hijacked who terrorists the stop ie nscrt eoebiggvnclear- given being before security on video

h ipr.u hs il usin didn’t questions silly those airport.But the uh“igbcig n aet ac a watch to made and “piggybacking” such

h hyaku l hs il usin at questions silly those all us ask they why e—vntog ewr andagainst warned were we though nel—even

o eko,smoesi yesterday, said someone know, we Now olwte hog h orit h tun- the into door the through them follow

y os,mn mlye ol e others let would employees many worse, rna Miniter Brendan B

o i hyGtPs Security? Past Get They Did How

ae ideEs Forum. East Middle based 93I hudhv encerta these that clear been have should 1993.It

nebfr,i obn nFebruary in bombing a in before, once r ie sdrco ftePhiladelphia- the of director is Pipes Mr.

rd etrhsaraybe attacked been already has center trade

iiaypeec rudteworld.The the around presence military . happens never it sure make and danger

ssmoso mrc’ omriland commercial America’s of symbols as as.o stetm opeaefrthat for prepare to time the is cause.Now

etradtePnao omvr large very Pentagon the and Center rl nwwa eatto errs can terrorism devastation what know truly

ulig ieteWrdTrade World the like Buildings mentality. hnta a oe,ti onr will country this comes, day that When

o nesadn h hate-America the understanding Not § ilycudtrae h hl country. whole the threaten could tially

ilgcl pedn em htpoten- that germs spreading biological, ih people. right

iiiyFtr tak r ieyt be to likely are attacks vicinity.Future ual nwegal n eredthe befriend and knowledgeable turally

nsudratc ri hi immediate their in or attack under ings utlanfrinlnugs eoecul- become languages, foreign learn must

nue nytoewowr ntebuild- the in were who those only injured oe mrcnitliec services intelligence American home,

htte emdt e hykle and killed they be, to seemed they what ee acGrctke hammering keep Gerecht Marc Reuel

n nteWsigo rawr only were area Washington the in and eryciia goac.sciislike critics ignorance.As criminal nearly

suigta h tak nNwYork New in attacks the that Assuming oenetddnthv lepit to points clue a have not did government

at fwa h uuehlsi store. in holds future the what of taste vraln eido ieTa h U.S. the time.That of period long a over

etta etra’ vnsaejs fore- a just are events yesterday’s that pect atpeaainivligmn people many involving preparation vast

eas w tt usle,frIsus- I for ourselves, to it owe also We vnsta okpaeysedyrequires yesterday place took that events

akt le again. sleep to back hsi o nuhTepann o the for planning enough.The not is this

tt etra’ ayvcisntt go to not victims many yesterday’s to it nterhapoe n listened.Clearly, and headphones their on

perddw h eoyhl.eowe hole.We memory the down appeared nomto-ahrn gnishv put have agencies information-gathering in fwlbadwfe ntesmoky the in wafted wallboard of tions hie ntewrdjs eas efeel we because just world the in choices h nw ukdott h T and ATM the to out ducked I knew? Who onr’ edo state. of head country’s

oe yohricdns hteioedis- episode that incidents, other by lowed h eta nelgneAec n other and Agency Intelligence Central the si aet tyi oe Manhattan? lower in stay to safe it Is a,ee fh apn ob another be to happens he if even man, ie.htmgthv enppro sec- or paper been have might sides.What ligi ipae rmkn political making or airplanes in flying

h obn a o copne rfol- or accompanied not was bombing the h ne iceo errs ru,adso and group, terrorist a of circle inner the ursawyo eln ihuncivilized with dealing of way a quires etn lmnmdnldfo the from aluminum—dangled melting u edntso iigi iisor cities in living stop don’t we But n oesbfr hyfell. they before towers ing

nysxpol idte,prasbecause perhaps then, died people six only ie a ntesyta opaeaet in agents place to than sky the in ear sized

ie a.on osfl,tog,re- though, safely, so man.Doing lized ibn fsle—yniho adi was it said neighbor silver—my of ribbons hth a epejmigfo h burn- the from jumping people saw he that hi duty. their

alepce ttetm.ehp because time.Perhaps the at expected call tsaltese opaea over- an place to easier lot a It’s gence.

iigi iisi alako civi- of hallmark a is cities in Living rmtesdso h ot tower.Long north the of sides the from onSesi h er rmaneighbor a from heard she said town.She hs eoe osaddicniet do to incentive added sons beloved these

e.httre u o ob h wake-up the be to not out turned ter.That eyn o uho lcrncintelli- electronic on much too Relying §

lmstreo orsoistl ikn out licking tall stories four or three flames fsesol rbhrkd n edup- head and kids her grab should she if mand. hetndwt otr n et ogive to death and torture with threatened

h 93bmigo h ol rd Cen- Trade World the of bombing 1993 the

them. or oeaut ncs ffr.esaw fire.We of case in evacuate to hours nte redi rbc aldt wonder to called in friend Another ighlwyu h errs hi fcom- of chain terrorist the up halfway ping

aiymmesaehl otg and hostage held are members Family

in ih er g nteatrahof aftermath the in ago years eight tions

in n oenet htsadbehind stand that governments and tions ae te,dsge oalwacul of couple a allow to designed steel, rated us n shoes. and purse sans home walking was fcridotBtti a’ enstop- mean can’t this out.But carried if

iebmesaeuwligemissaries. unwilling are bombers cide

piitc eebrn iia assump- similar remembering optimistic, ar u h ilnebtteorganiza- the but violence the out carry

rd etrhdgte u aeyadnow and safely out gotten had center trade tutrlegne,wsepann about explaining was engineer, structural h etdfneaantftr outrages, future against defense best the

iec fiiloc odm htms sui- most that me told once official ligence

ast h heti hi is. mless am midst.I their in threat the to cans o uttoefo odeswoactually who soldiers foot those just not cuitnei h ulignx othe to next building the in acquaintance

eearaygtee.n fte,a them, of gathered.One already were hn onadpns”clrt ol be would culprits punish” and down “hunt

s es fterongivne.nintel- grievances.An own their of sense ose

oswl aeteefc fwkn Ameri- waking of effect the have will rors oima omo afr n otarget to and warfare of form a as rorism n hn al. redrpre htan that reported friend calls.A phone ing hi miin.h rsdn’ o to vow president’s ambitions.The their ett h ofweem neighbors my where roof the to went I

os’ emsoto epewt grandi- a with people of short seem doesn’t

ae etra httemrigshor- morning’s the that yesterday waves

tak.h etrapoc st e ter- see to is approach better attacks.The etbc ontisadbgnfield- began and downstairs back went I ueTe ieterlvs hi oe and power their lives, their like cute.They


tuto nacnmtcsaeTeworld scale.The cinematic a on struction

nes supinprae h air- the pervaded assumption easy An

okutuhd ed ocryotmore out carry to ready untouched, work h iln itm ftewr hyprose- they wars the of victims willing the mk n dust. and smoke

ati-niepassenger twin-engine —a one second the

oe n raiaint omtde- commit to organization and money

ewr fterror. of network

adr ftroimt otnetheir continue to terrorism of manders ittr n errs hesaenot are chiefs terrorist and Dictators nen.hni a oe nufdin engulfed gone, was it antenna.Then

hyhdvdoof video had They towers. the into smacked n ntrso osngsAli ae is takes it gas.All poison of terms in ing

aiy n htcoe ontedomestic the down closes that and tality,

udr,panr,ognzr n com- and organizers planners, funders, in einn sw xetdwt the with expected we as beginning tion, r ainladrsodt incentives. to respond and rational are

ubtukt er httopae had planes two that learn to dumbstruck o hl,tog ayo swr think- were us of many though while, a for

ec,ta opeed h errs men- terrorist the comprehends that gence,

nuhTi eaitcmnstalw the allows mindset legalistic enough.This hni ae thpee nso mo- slow in happened it came, it When ec ok.u h ok eidthem behind folks the works.But rence

o.hnItre nCN was I CNN, on turned I Wow.When

e okr aebe xetn this expecting been have Yorkers New

iiayoe htrle nhmnintelli- human on relies that one, military a

a si os u tde o ofar go not does it but goes, it as far

aaisaentpol nwo deter- whom on people not are fanatics

i ya727. a by hit

rd Center.” Trade

a—a begun. war—has

ok ttetra oteUie ttsas States United the to threat the at looks

h ar u iln csTa’ ieas fine acts.That’s violent out carry who

tn,bti a ego policy.Suicidal good be can it but stand,

a endsge owtsadadirect a withstand to designed been had

a,“ ln utcahdit h World the into crashed just plane “A say,

ynihoho.h a—oekn of kind war—some neighborhood.The my

hneo orei ..plc,oethat one policy, U.S. in course of change

oltears n ra fperpetrators of trial and arrest the goal

enemyntb natatv moral attractive an be not may geance er g,i aeotta h towers the that out came it ago, years

n eidm. er oa’ voice woman’s a heard me.I behind ing

oe h oro nF1 tekn over streaking F-16 an of roar the comes

rmtn fa retaddramatic and urgent an of prompting

t.osqety hyhv aetheir made have they ity.Consequently, e sas cnweg htven- that acknowledge also us Let

uigtetiloe h obn feight of bombing the over trial the During

ysrasfo h acn ftebuild- the of balcony the from screams by

uwy r u faction.Overhead of out are subways

a’ etsadtam,i ilb the be will it trauma, and deaths day’s

httroimi omo rmnlactiv- criminal of form a is terrorism that

o lostk onteetr structure? entire the down take floors top

oete e started. get they fore

eodepoincm i ae,followed later, bit a came explosion second

ieaWrdWrToeou,bcuethe because exodus, Two War World a like faygo st oeoto yester- of out come to is good any If

fiil aecnitnl ae h view the taken consistently have officials hnsWudpnaigo h ofand roof the of pancaking phones.Would

ai ultaanttroitatcsbe- attacks terrorist against bullet magic

n e n a xetdt oup.The go to expected was one new a and

udeso epetugn nmasse, en trudging people of hundreds errinfrastructure. terror

American crime. a as terrorism Seeing § ao ihT n ai rfi n cell and traffic radio and TV with havoc

hsbtl.oriae nelgnei the is intelligence battle.Coordinated this

hr ulighdjs encleared been just had building a where

on n ad ntoecnetdt this to connected those on hard, and down,

eeaesm fismistakes: its of some are Here atatnawudg is,playing first, go would antenna cast oto te eortccutisfighting countries democratic other of port

osei.h iehscm ocrack to come has time it.The see to

ilymjsi in. majestic cially

mse hog.eraie h broad- the realized through.We smashed ntigt anb lceigorsup- our slackening by gain to anything

su seriously. issue

nocmn n oiiin i o want not did politicians and enforcement

lcee oeweetepaehad plane the where hole blackened neahjce saor.o sthere is aboard.Nor is hijacker a once

n18) ahntnhsnttknthe taken not has Washington 1983), in yHla .JnisJr. Jenkins W. Holman By

ahta ok espe- looks Manhattan

h nomto a u hr u law but there out was information The

te onc elblwtefae and flames the below well cornice steel hn hi rdtoal asv strategy passive traditionally their think

a obn fteUS mas nBeirut in Embassy U.S. the of bombing car

h ntdStates.” United the

one oablei h vertical the in bulge a to pointed I

etil ilnsmgtwn ore- to want might airlines Certainly

luls,tekn that kind the cloudless, errs niet vr1 er snethe (since years 18 over incidents terrorist uiesWorld Business

ol rd etrtp obnsacross bombings Center-type Trade World

h eodwsgoing. was second the okdotadcrflypursued. carefully and out worked pt tayba fmjr organized major, of beat steady a spite

o xsst ar f 0simultaneous 20 off carry to exists now h a a brilliant, was day The

onso eeec.o n a oeand gone was one reference.Now of points

pnei hc oiyam carefully aims policy which in sponse uy o h hl ol nw it.De- knows world whole the now duty;

nfc,Iwudsyta h infrastructure the that say would I fact, In

rt toft osrcindw h block, the down construction to off it wrote yfo,ko h oesaeindispensable are towers the know foot, by

nitgae epneTa en re- a means response.That integrated an enaaefryaso hsdrlcinof dereliction this of years for aware been

hs rusadtermmesexpand. members their and groups these

in hntefrtepoinrpldby.I rippled explosion first the when tion, iy n seilytoewogtaround get who those especially and city,

hswsa nertdatc n deserves and attack integrated an was this rmhr.pcait ntroimhave terrorism on harm.Specialists from

rd etrbmiga h ubr of numbers the as bombing Center Trade osbcdo ntesresTeeare streets.There the in backdrop uous

at n ol fteMcootprosecu- the of folly and waste akt h ofToewolv nthis in live who roof.Those the to Back

er isne adi n interview, one in said Kissinger Henry oms uy opoetAeia citizens American protect to duty, topmost

s i rae o hnbfr h World the before than now greater “is ism

rhpaefntoigSrn r contin- a are functioning.Sirens are ership

a nbd otmltn ouno the on column a contemplating bed, in was

n e akt omlI h ogrn as run, long the normal.In to back get and capes. rmn,wihhsgivul aldi its in failed grievously has which ernment,

l atQatryta h heto terror- of threat the that Quarterly East dle

sta h oenetadmltr lead- military and government the that us

nwtesiswr akudrcontrol.I under back were skies the know

la ptems,g bu u business our about go mess, the up clean hi of n acne n iees- fire and balconies and roofs their h atclbaeflso h ..gov- U.S. the on falls blame tactical The

al 97 tvnEesntl h Mid- the told Emerson Steven 1997, early

ovdi h eceefrsadassuring and efforts rescue the in volved

n gedi a ancmotn to comforting damn was it agreed I and

h etwyt ih hswri to is war this fight to way best The ap n hik rmnihoson neighbors from shrieks and gasps

hswiigrmi unknown. remain writing this

oayn h ae osei.led in it.Already see to cared who anyone to

eto V aigtak otoein- those to thanks saying TV, on dent

h oe atSd,m neighbors my Side, East Lower the on roof

apnn—h hm,terml,the rumble, the thump, happening—the once. xlsvl nteprertr,woa of as who perpetrators, the on exclusively

okwti h ntdSae,oevisible one States, United the within work

o ’ akhm,wthn h presi- the watching home, back I’m Now

od uhgo,btwthn rmour from watching but good, much do to

olpe,btIke ntnl htwas what instantly knew I but collapsed, huh etro unn tmr than more it running of better thought uneo toiisTemrlbaefalls blame moral atrocities.The of quence

eeomn falreIlms errnet- terror Islamist large a of development

h i arlmyhv oetolate too come have may patrol air The

trigt build. to starting okn h mi hntefrttower first the when email the working qao ftermcott,btevidently but microstate, their of squalor w ate r epnil o hsse- this for responsible are parties Two

ayidctospitt the to point indications Many country. this

hog h hcotta rw was crowd a that checkout the through etci. etbc ontisadwas and downstairs back went in.I jestic

city. uiatPlsiin eertn mdthe amid celebrating Palestinians jubilant

n te igedyi mrcnhistory. American in day single other any

goigtetroitifatutr in infrastructure terrorist the Ignoring §

idta ahta ok seilyma- especially looks Manhattan that kind ote ae,adIntcda moved I as noticed I and water, bottled

ihe esfyn obtpto vrthe over patrol combat flying jets fighter etra.N rel lse ie of video flashed briefly yesterday.CNN

etra u oat fvoec hnon than violence of acts to due yesterday

hmwt pca protection. special with them

h a a rlin,codes the cloudless, brilliant, was day The

rcr tr,afwpol r buying are people few a store, grocery o oku n r eivdt e U.S. see to relieved are and up look you inr s fcus,srn nadylike day a on strong course, of is, eigners

ti ieyta oeAeiasdied Americans more that likely is It n h uhrte hudhv provided have should authorities the and

tsnteeydyi ahta that Manhattan in day every not It’s reeaon h towers. the around breeze unrbeTeug ofatnsm for- some flatten to urge vulnerable.The oddu ihcs.ofr ombA the mob.At no far, cash.So with up loaded

y ulig ol etepirt targets, priority the be would buildings

ailPipes Daniel B

htISwo h is a fteWar the of Day First the on Saw I What

itksMd h aatoh Possible Catastrophe the Made Mistakes


A1 9


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uhipdmnssee lotsuperflu- almost seemed impediments Such sfrtedsrciepwro crash- a of power destructive the for As cells.”

ihgatcmn osfle ihflowers. with filled pots cement giant with ol aea gn neeyoeo those of one every in agent an have could a ercudb dpe o weaponry. for adapted be could gear cal

©2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3AM344 Reserved. Rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow ©2001

etgnadohrntoa institutions national other and Pentagon omnyue hmcl n pharmaceuti- and chemicals used commonly e uhmr ifs.Teei owyyou way no is There diffuse. more much ten

Source: 2000 Mendelsohn Affluent Study Study Affluent Mendelsohn 2000 Source:

aesrone h ht House,Capitol, White the surrounded have ec gnishv ore htcertain that worried have agencies gence ofa as Troitgop aegot- have groups “Terrorist says. Hoffman

obr vrrcn er,..officials years,U.S. recent over bombers 90ldt h esa ufWrUS intelli- War,U.S. Gulf Persian the to led 1990 ml ulu fspitctdpol, Mr. people,” sophisticated of nucleus small

nrsos otetra fcradtruck and car of threat the to response In

ic rqsatc nKwi nAugust in Kuwait on attack Iraq’s Since alr,u o ol etligaota about talking be could you failure,but

epedied. people

n oecrewmen. some ing I ilb ayt a hsi nintelligence an is this say to easy be will “It

oeta ,0 eewudd u utsix just but wounded, were 1,000 than More

nAe,ee,rpln h hpadkill- and ship the Aden,Yemen,crippling in oet efu ..itliec agencies. intelligence U.S. up beef to more

on a a esta tcudhv been. have could it than less far was count uldaogieteUSS oei October in Cole U.S.S. the alongside pulled

ocnie rvdn iloso dollars of billions providing consider to

nmmr—ehp eas h casualty the because memory—perhaps in iy peba ae ihexplosives with laden speedboat A City.

ept ugtwe,ogesi certain is woes,Congress budget Despite

oittra thm,nfc h vn faded event the fact home,in at threat rorist .Mra eea uligi Oklahoma in Building Federal Murrah P.

cnm eed pnthem.” upon depends economy

alfrAeiasaetn hmt h ter- the to them Americans,alerting for call rc ihfriie obo pteAlfred the up blow to fertilizer with truck a

edaries”si r ihli.“Our Milhollin. Mr. said airliners,” need

rdce htatc ol eawake-up a be would attack that predicted h ceg,mrc’ w terrorist,filled own McVeigh,America’s thy

htbcm irpiet rvl Ytwe “Yet travel. to disruptive become that

ol rd etr hl ayexperts many While Center. Trade World alako eettroitatvt.Timo- activity. terrorist recent of hallmark

ol eipsdo omrilairliners commercial on imposed be could nte19 tako h now-destroyed the on attack 1993 the in undit edywaoshv ena been weapons—have deadly into turned

ef o xml,euiyrestrictions example,security For self. iial,twsacrbm htwn off went that bomb car a was Similarly,it iaycmeca rdcsta a be can that products commercial dinary

oecipigutmtl hnteeetit- event the than ultimately crippling more n aznaadkle hundreds. killed and Tanzania and hteprscl ulueweapons—or- dual-use call experts What

rvk noerato htcnprove can that overreaction an provoke htdvsae ..ebsisi Kenya in embassies U.S. devastated that ons.”

one 0,n h uut19 blasts 1998 August the 500,and wounded nlssnt httroit fe r to try often terrorists that note Analysts r ob ntectgr fda-s weap- dual-use of category the in be to ers

obn nSuiAai htkle 9and 19 killed that Arabia Saudi in bombing epn,Igesw aet osdrairlin- consider to have we guess weapons,“I ohratosh says. reactions,he both

ertta ild21te19 barracks 1996 241,the killed that rjc,hc rcscmoet fnuclear of components traces Project,which twl etePeietsjbt control to job President’s the be will It

93bato h ..Mrn arcsin barracks Marine U.S. the of blast 1983 nieraddrco fteWisconsin the of director and engineer e-commerce

tieotbidya niaie enemy.” imagined an at blindly out strike

rc obtewao sdi h October the in used weapon bomb,the truck Fo o n”sy ayMloln an Milhollin, Gary says on,” now “From

epe noakn fjnos,hr we jingoism,where of kind a into tempted

November 26 October 29 November Report Tax hs tak aeldt ou nthe on focus a to led have attacks Those

ldn bu 7,0 onso e fuel. jet of pounds 170,000 about cluding

ni, r ida as Ohr ilbe will “Others says. Lindsay Mr. it,” on

rn direction. wrong ao omlywih 0,0 ons in- pounds, 200,000 weighs normally tagon

Technology V: The Internet November Internet The V: Technology hywl aeatnec otr hi backs their turn to tendency a have will they

aeserdUS ees fot nthe in efforts defense U.S. steered have h oig77ta xldda h Pen- the at exploded that 757 Boeing The

ulo epewodntlk h U.S.,and the like don’t who people of full

atr frcn errs niet may incidents terrorist recent of pattern

ie n lwi poe Paris. over up it blow and liner

October 29 e-commerce

httewrdotiei agru place, a is outside world the that

hs fiei nsgto h Pentagon,the the of sight in is office whose a h a on ohjc nArFrance Air an hijack to going was who man

Frsm mrcn,hswl elthem tell will Americans,this some “For

hn ak oevrsy r Hoffman, Mr. Moreover,says tank. think er g,hnatoiisapeedda apprehended authorities ago,when years Encore: A Focus on Retirement October Retirement on Focus A Encore:

roig nttto, hn akhere. tank think Institution,a Brookings nepr ntroimfrteRn Corp. Rand the for terrorism on expert an fysedyssr fdsse aeseven came disaster of sort yesterday’s of

Issue Date Order Close Order Date Issue Report n anifitd”sy rc Hoffman, Bruce says inflicted,” pain … and ae ida, oeg-oiyaaytat analyst foreign-policy Lindsay,a James oearotscrt esrs portent A measures. airport-security some

em fmagnitude,coordination of terms er g e oase-pi led cumber- already in step-up a to led ago years rigt olwtroitgop, says groups,” terrorist follow to trying

plsadoagscmae oti in this to compared oranges and apples

attroiticdnswr l “mere all were incidents terrorist Past

economy. notntl ey veryeffective.’ very, … unfortunately

opportunities listed below. listed opportunities

eysmoso mrc’ oenetand government America’s of symbols very

a’ kln, tat nm tuka the at struck enemy stealth skyline,a tan’s eoi,sy nepr ntroima adCr. ‘but Corp., Rand at terrorism on oneexpert ‘exotic,’says

for more information on the advertising advertising the on information more for

h ol rd etracoigManhat- anchoring Center Trade World the

h ooa ie nnrhr Virginia,and northern in River Potomac the ilnrue ssiiebmesetrawrntso bombersyesterdayweren’t suicide as airlinersused

Contact Contact Gabrielle Shamsey at (212) 597-6126 597-6126 (212) at Shamsey Gabrielle huhb agtn h etgnjs over just Pentagon the targeting though,by

s epnococ,teulldncommercial thefuel-laden ofchoice, weapon Asa rprdfrysedyscatastrophe—even yesterday’s for prepared

rcrostento perdwol un- wholly appeared nation precursors,the through The Wall Street Journal Reports. Reports. Journal Street Wall The through

iaino lbltroitgop.Fralthe all For groups. terrorist global of tication

lcdepoie n h nraigsophis- increasing the and explosives placed

toe a mFih 0 nmdi 12 midair in 103 Flight Am Pan stroyed o fmnyada wu o fman-hours of lot awful an and money of lot

interested and responsive national audience audience national responsive and interested

aepoe h iln oe fcarefully- of power killing the proved have

addsfl.TeLba obta de- that bomb Libyan The safely. landed uhAmnsrtoshv pn nawful an spent have Administrations Bush

errs tak ie tUS interests U.S. at aimed attacks terrorist

oittci,huhms lnshv been have planes most tactic,though rorist oiedsietefc htteCitnand Clinton the that fact the notice,despite

technology to finances. You can reach this this reach can You finances. to technology

seilyi h atdcd, ahof rash decade,a past the in Especially

iln iaknsln aebe ter- a been have long hijackings Airline truhytesm iewt oadvance no with time same the roughly at

ad“hsi 1tcnuywar.” century 21st is said,“This

htteeatcshpee nsvrlcities several in happened attacks these that

eyvr effective.” very,very

sasae e.Cr edn(R.,Pa.) Weldon Curt Rep. shaken a As award-winning Journal writers on topics from from topics on writers Journal award-winning

Wa stuydsaigaotti is this about dismaying truly is “What pcaua,o xtcbtufruaeyis unfortunately exotic,but spectacular,not

hr let oen else. someone else,to where

hetta st ih ntemdl.I is It middle. the in right “sits that threat f-iist tourists. to off-limits

oehn htmsl apndsome- happened mostly that something

look forward to authoritative analysis by by analysis authoritative to forward look

as sn ilnr sbmsaonst a to amounts bombs as airliners Using says. eue hthv aemc fteCapitol the of much made have that cedures

s,vnwe ie tUS interests,was U.S. at aimed when ism,even

ntoed ftesetu, r Hoffman Mr. spectrum,” the of ends two on ..Snt hme,edn oscrt pro- security to chamber,leading Senate U.S. tn mrcn’sneta oeg terror- foreign that sense Americans’ ating

That’s why over four million decision makers makers decision million four over why That’s fms etuto,W’ebe focusing been destruction,“We’ve mass of uiy n18, obepoe usd the outside exploded bomb 1983,a In curity.

on htdt olv nifm—o obliter- infamy—for in live to date that joins

aytukbmso ohsiae weapons sophisticated or truck-bombs tary hrte ofriyarot n nraese- increase and airports fortify to thorities

ure nunrblt,o et 11,2001, Sept. invulnerability,now guarded

h teto ihrt eaieyrudimen- relatively to either attention the

inlariehjcig rmtdUS au- U.S. prompted hijackings airline tional mrc’ ogtnigble nisocean- its in belief longstanding America’s

epn aln notroit’hns With hands. terrorists’ into falling weapons hogotte18sasre finterna- of series 1980s,a the Throughout

t uta aa nDc 7,1941,destroyed Dec. on Japan as Just it.

gis hmclbooia n nuclear and chemical,biological against guides for professional and personal success. personal and professional for guides Commission. oatmsiedfnewsgigt stop to going was defense antimissile No

epn fms etuto,oguard destruction,to mass of weapons pksa o h ..NcerRegulatory Nuclear U.S. the for spokesman one oadylk hscoming. this like day a to pointed

oeUS xet oue ncontaining on focused experts U.S. some tn narie rs,asBl Beecher,a Bill crash,says airliner an stand a,huhwrigsgshv long have signs was,though,warning just business, the Reports are comprehensive are Reports the business, just

fe h olpeo h oitUnion, Soviet the of collapse the After etdmsproeydsge owith- to designed purposely domes ment etra twri ectm.Hrii sit as Horrific peacetime. in war at yesterday

oehjce ilnr rsigdown. crashing airliners hijacked more n ..ncerpat r rtce yce- by protected are plants nuclear U.S. ing AHNTNAeiafuditself found WASHINGTON—America

because readers are interested in more than than more in interested are readers because

aio ope,yst h k o erof fear for sky the to complex,eyes Capitol uha cietepan h l 0 operat- 103 all why explains accident an such

tf eotr of Reporters Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

tf asdte hnte vcae the evacuated they when them passed staff oue nacdna rse.Frexample, For crashes. accidental on focused nd

akeCalmes Jackie A

a topic of particular interest to readers. And readers. to interest particular of topic a

y u etra,smmeso ogesand Congress of members yesterday,as ous n ilnrmc fteaayi odt has date to analysis the of airliner,much ing onFialka John B

eetIcdnsLdUS oFcso a Bombs Car on Focus to U.S. Led Incidents Recent

Each Wall Street Journal Report explores explores Report Journal Street Wall Each

hphdldfrta aio oiehead- police Capitol at first huddled ship ie o cnmctlsi oy when Tokyo in talks economic for rived ln httpfdrlofcasmiti in maintain officials federal top that plans

Infinite Value Infinite

rs.Tebpria ogesoa leader- congressional bipartisan The gress. uySceayPu ’el a utar- just had O’Neill Paul Secretary sury twsaciln elwrdeeuinof execution real-world chilling a was It

h stelnetsrigmme fCon- of member longest-serving the is who ot mrc ortr oteUS Trea- U.S. the to return to America South

omntrevents. monitor to Single Focus, Focus, Single

etVrii,n8-erodDemocrat 83-year-old Virginia,an West tt oi oelwoctsotati to trip a short cut Powell,who Colin State oe oteWieHuestainroom situation House White the to moved

ftebidn, adSn oetBr of Byrd Robert Sen. said ” building,’ the of h aewstu fSceayof Secretary of true was same The ettv fteErpa no;he Union; European the of sentative

Aplcmncm nadsi,Gtout said,‘Get and in came policeman “A

etdt ertlocation. secret a to verted rk f etn ihaBlinrepre- Belgian a with meeting a off broke The Wall Street Journal Reports Journal Street Wall The

e w ubn n wndaughters. twin and husband own her rmameigi wteln,a di- Switzerland,was in meeting a from rnprainSceayNra Mineta Norman Secretary Transportation

eoebigwikdaa n phoning and away whisked being before lnGenpnwohdbe returning been had Greenspan,who Alan ae ntedy pnhaigtenews, the hearing Upon day. the in later

hlrneeyhr htte’esafe,” they’re that … everywhere children td u ln arigFdChairman Fed carrying plane a But ated. obsetrbfr evn h building the leaving before shelter bomb

nAeia aet t esuetheir reassure “to parents American on e baa ondsno ie na in aides senior joined Abraham cer uligta a enofcal evacu- officially been had that building a

e neuainplc.Isedsecalled Instead,she policy. education on tee bu 0 tfesrmie twr inside work at remained staffers 100 About tteEeg eatetSceaySpen- Department,Secretary Energy the at

oeotnta o,iet h moment. the to not,rise than often more a nature.” man atrtemgpoeo h presidency the of the master aigt etf eoeaSnt commit- Senate a before testify to paring ihdo aio il e lcsaway blocks few A Hill. Capitol on lished etlqiiynes fteUS economy. U.S. the of needs” liquidity meet

itr hw htAeia presidents, American that shows history u ainswei,h eywrti hu- in worst very evil,the saw nation our n.M.Bs antytsonh can he shown yet hasn’t Bush Mr. ing.

is ayLuaBs a enpre- been had Bush Laura Lady First a oe n prtn”adray“to ready and operating” and “open was h euiyprmtratoiisestab- authorities perimeter security the

iue ae,etl h nation,“Today, the told later,he minutes el n eiul.Ms esuigo all, of reassuring Most seriously. and berly sh i fe h kaoaCt bomb- City Oklahoma the after did he as

ec ttmn aigtecnrlbank central the saying statement gency hi uligwihwspae within placed was building,which their a imt oio events. monitor to firm law


noteOa fie lgtymr hn90 than more Slightly Office. Oval the into

isadrsosblte fhsofc som- office his of responsibilities and ties atra iigt uhmoments, such to rising at master se,o.SpeeCutjsie left justices Court Supreme ished,too. h eea eev suda emer- an issued Reserve Federal The ec ide,eapdt downtown a to Lindsey,decamped rence

ie n a hw hth ae h du- the takes he that shown has and liked ht os t65 ..ETadwalked and EDT p.m. 6:53 at House White rdcso,ilCitnwsa Clinton,was predecessor,Bill

te o oenetofcasvan- officials government top Other rsdn’ o cnmcadviser,Law- economic top president’s Oe n Operating’ and ‘Open

ovninlwr r uhhmefi well- is himself Bush Mr. war. conventional rsdn uharvdbc tthe at back arrived Bush President

r Bush’s Mr. FLAWS, HIS ALL OR

nicoe scr”lcto,hl the location,while “secure” undisclosed a eehn calls. telephone lar

as i ahrscesul rsctda prosecuted successfully father His cans. h aio steps. Capitol the

hnywstknoto i fiet an to office his of out taken was Cheney oaino ceue hnmkn cellu- making when schedules or location aet ettechallenge.” the meet to have

aeBs—srasrn omn Ameri- many to reassuring name—Bush—is ondi ign GdBesAeia on America” Bless “God singing in joined

rdbetra;Vc rsdn Dick President Vice threat; credible er abradnwyu eeainwill generation your now Harbor,and Pearl iydti andadsntt eeltheir reveal to not aides warned detail rity

is ih otsi office. in months eight first

beast swl.Hsvery His well. as assets able dooia tie,oeo hmi tears, in them of stripes,some ideological

tdatrscrt fiil eotda reported officials security after ated eeatc nPalHro.Ti sanother is This Harbor. Pearl on attack nese nTkowr amd r ’el’ secu- O’Neill’s Mr. jammed; were Tokyo in

mrcn hn a lddhmi his in him eluded has think Americans

inleprec.Bth rnsconsider- brings he But experience. tional il.Bto hsocso,ebr fall of occasion,members this on But sible.

h ht os ope tefwsevacu- was itself complex House White The nWsigo hnIhadaotteJapa- the about heard I when Washington in o,a eneautd h oe phones hotel The evacuated. been too,had

rjc nar fcmadta some that command of aura an project

earvdi fiewt iie interna- limited with office in arrived he o oesr fwraanttoerespon- those against war of sort some for

ain o h xrieo hi duties. their of exercise the for cations anro ignarcle ote,Iwas them,“I to recalled Virginia of Warner olausbc thaqatr,ic it, headquarters,since at back colleagues

n n htwl eur r uhto Bush Mr. require will that one and

issm emn iavnae.Frone, For disadvantages. seeming some ries ak;sm osraie ea pressing began conservatives some tacks;

h odr f2s-etr telecommuni- 21st-century of wonders the

i on ie oeGPSn John Sen. home,GOP aides young his i ntal a rul ecigtheir reaching trouble had initially him

o htol rsdn a perform, can president a only that job

n noti ieo etn,r uhcar- Bush testing,Mr. of time this into ing otk prsltoscnenn h at- the condemning resolutions up take to

il bnoe hi fie n eidon relied and offices their abandoned cials

euelcto fison eoesending Before own. its of location secure i oe.Tesr fiil rvln with traveling officials Treasury hotel. his

n aey nmdr mrc,hti a is America,that modern In safety. and

e mrcnceiiiyi tsae Go- stake. at is credibility American Yet isanucdpast eovn today reconvene to plans announced ties

n yoelaiggvrmn offi- government one,leading by One

ureste eatdb eiotrfra for helicopter by departed quarters,then eso h takboeo eeiinat television on broke attack the of news abrhsls t es fsecurity of sense its lost Harbor,has

ae ihu aeu consideration. careful without taken os n eaelaeso ohpar- both of leaders Senate and House

rdbeThreats Credible

htmr hna n iesnePearl since time any at than that,more

otbewt rcptu retaliation precipitous with fortable isi e okadWashington. and York New in ties

aki ocl n esueanation a reassure and calm to is task

o’ eadisatato,rb com- be action,or instant demand won’t

mrec eia sitnet authori- to assistance medical emergency

i t1 a.m. 10 at nia

h tp r uhms ae i first His take. must Bush Mr. steps the Sources: WSJ research; news reports news research; WSJ Sources:

ayrsos saporae Americans appropriate. is response tary o adtedprmn a dispatched had department the said son

Cole in Yemen, killing 17 U.S. soldiers. U.S. 17 killing Yemen, in Cole te ln rse nwsenPennsylva- western in crashed plane other

u hr a eltl ob about doubt little be can there But

sentenced to 100 years in prison. in years 100 to sentenced

ti mosbet a o htmili- what now say to impossible is It ua evcsSceayTmyThomp- Tommy Secretary Services Human loaded with explosives into the USS the into explosives with loaded

ainlMltr omn etr An- Center. Command Military National

rs owihyurespond. you which to dress appeals, just five weeks ago each was each ago weeks five just appeals,

Terrorists drive motorboats drive Terrorists : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

Bush. ht os reigro,elhand room,Health briefing House White


rae notebidn’ ihysecure highly building’s the into treated

convicted of conspiracy in 1994; after 1994; in conspiracy of convicted

eln ihtroimi idn h ad- the finding is terrorism with dealing

lishsbe oetenr o Mr. for norm the more been has allies

a fteJitCif fSaf rmthe From Staff. of Chiefs Joint the of man

ees ertr oadRmfl re- Rumsfeld Donald Secretary Defense

garage. Three Islamic terrorists were terrorists Islamic Three garage.

hrnhsln oe,h ifclyin difficulty noted,the long has Sharon International Airport. Airport. International

ogrn e etns ndaigwith dealing in testiness Yet run. long

ed, adGn er hlo,chair- Shelton, Henry Gen. said ready,”

tep oproal sittecasualties, the assist personally to attempt

ed when a car bomb explodes in the in explodes bomb car a when ed

rorist attack at Los Angeles Los at attack rorist

pne sIreiPieMnse Ariel Minister Prime Israeli As sponse.

enn,n aefrmr ie nthe in lives more far save meaning,and

omsaeaoti,oramdfre are forces armed it,your about mistake no

vcaino otofcs fe brief a After offices. most of evacuation

are killed and more than 1,000 wound- 1,000 than more and killed are

Washington state as he heads for a ter- a for heads he as state Washington

tintee la hr odrc re- a direct to where clear even isn’t It

nteraooit,twl aefrmore far have will apologists,it their on

htwss hcigyanra.“Make abnormal. shockingly so was that

At the World Trade Center, six Center, Trade World the At oeagpn oei h Pentagon,forcing the in hole gaping a tore

: : 3 3 9 9 9 9 1 1


A man is apprehended in apprehended is man A : : 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1


ocre takfo nuietfe foe. unidentified an from attack concerted ako errsso hi sponsors,and their terrorists,on on tack

orsoesm es fnrac oaday a to normalcy of sense some restore to

h edureso h ..mltr.It military. U.S. the of headquarters the

c a ee eoebe h agtof target the been before never has ica

h epnei ntditrainlat- international united a is response the

usqetytegvrmn sought government Subsequently,the

ttmn,nte ilnrcahdinto crashed airliner statement,another Sudanese targets. Sudanese

hr sn citfrM.Bs,o Amer- Bush,for Mr. for script no is there

iiayrtlaini ilb sfl If useful. be will it retaliation military


eeiin iue fe r uhsfirst Bush’s Mr. after Minutes television.

sile strikes against Afghan and Afghan against strikes sile

ao,raigdahadhvc Now, havoc. and death tagon,wreaking

a’ erri ensrcl sAmerica’s as strictly seen is terror day’s

aei mh,oeo h ..Strategic U.S. the of Omaha,home in Base

Osama bin Laden, Clinton orders mis- orders Clinton Laden, bin Osama rgtnnl paett noewt a with anyone to apparent frighteningly

noteWrdTaeCne n h Pen- the and Center Trade World the into

inlrsos.I h epnet yester- to response the If response. tional etBs a ae oOft i Force Air Offutt to taken was Bush dent

charges Saudi Arabian terrorist leader terrorist Arabian Saudi charges h edfrsc rcuin was precautions such for need The


ieysedya iakdariesflew airliners hijacked yesterday,as time et asa ntdinterna- united a marshal to be idysaeetM.Hge said,Presi- Hughes statement,Ms. midday kill 263 and injure 5,000. The U.S. The 5,000. injure and 263 kill

tl disclose. ately

ec curdbtendw n lunch- and dawn between occurred dency U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and Kenya in embassies U.S. hlegn akfrM.Bs will Bush Mr. for task challenging hsiae taei nelgne fe his After intelligence. strategic phisticated

oainta fiil olntimmedi- wouldn’t officials that location

h eiigmmn fM.Bs’ presi- Bush’s Mr. of moment defining the Near-simultaneous bombings of bombings Near-simultaneous : : 8 8 9 9 9 9 1 1 ehp most perhaps AND THIRD, HE h-r omnctoseupetadso- and equipment communications the-art l

epnil—n lwofaant safe a to again off flew responsible—and

nete aeteesltl ob that doubt little case,there’s either In a, evl otfe aewt state-of- with base fortified heavily La.,a

evwdt hn on h terrorists the down” “hunt to vowed he


r ntsa uhmoments. such at unites try akdl i oc aei ose City, Bossier in Base Force Air Barksdale wanting.

oc n,esopdi Louisiana,where in stopped One,he Force

indicating plans to attack York New attack to plans indicating

ht os sasmo httecoun- the that symbol a as House White lw,ne sotfo iiayjets,to military from escort flown,under

aso ebr ovrwr found Hoover—were Herbert haps,or

hnM.Bs lwoto aaoao Air on Sarasota of out flew Bush Mr. When

armed with suicide bombs and a note a and bombs suicide with armed

atya’ lcinA oet the Gore,to election,Al year’s last

hraot.M.Bs a is been first had Bush Mr. whereabouts. hyhl.Ohr—ydnJohnson,per- Others—Lyndon held. they

otpwru eorc nohiding. into democracy powerful most

Authorities thwart three men three thwart Authorities : : 7 7 9 9 9 9 1 1


Libyan terrorists are blamed. blamed. are terrorists Libyan

osatmgtb osmo i o in foe his summon to be might start to eteog odsls h president’s the disclose to enough dent hrce htdtatr ee imagined never detractors that character

oeneto h ol’ ihs and richest world’s the of government

over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270. killing Scotland, Lockerbie, over

nfe ainlrsos.Ago way good A response. national unified a yta on,h oenetfl confi- felt government point,the that By

oysoigdph flaesi and leadership of depths tory,showing

Empire State Building. Building. State Empire

a enmsl vcae,edn the evacuated,sending mostly been had

Pan Am Flight 103 explodes 103 Flight Am Pan

: : 8 8 8 8 9 9 1 1


aet aeDmcai edr atof part leaders Democratic make to have

e ofnto effectively.” function to ues osvl—oet h ead fhis- of demands the to Roosevelt—rose

shoots seven tourists in New York City’s York New in tourists seven shoots

uyadohrWsigo oe centers power Washington other and sury

ohv elmaigM.Bs will Bush meaning,Mr. real have to okr,orfdrlgvrmn contin- government federal workers,your

uesArhmLincoln,Franklin duress—Abraham A Palestinian with a tourist visa tourist a with Palestinian A

: : 7 7 9 9 9 9 1 1 l

os,h aio,h etgnteTrea- Pentagon,the Capitol,the House,the


mrcnwy u fbpriasi is bipartisanship if But way. American tdfrscrt esn n opoetour protect to and reasons security for ated

iial obe tatm fnational of time a at doubted similarly rorists hijack an Italian off ship cruise Italian an hijack rorists abr eoei a vrteWhite over,the was it Before Harbor.

inluiygvrmns htintthe isn’t That governments. unity tional

U.S. airmen and injures 500. injures and airmen U.S. oefdrlbidnshv enevacu- been have buildings federal some te rsdnswoesil were skills whose presidents Other thrown overboard when Palestinian ter- Palestinian when overboard thrown

Towers barracks in kills 19 kills Arabia Saudi in barracks Towers

uhmmnsohrntosfr na- form nations moments,other such eea ueuo netgto.“While Investigation. of Bureau Federal

An American tourist is killed and killed is tourist American An : : 5 5 8 8 9 9 1 1 onHarwood. John

possesses. l

The bombing of the Khobar the of bombing The : : 6 6 9 9 9 9 1 1

nedhwt dutlf nAeia At America. in life adjust to indeed,how l iey”setl eotr sebe tthe at assembled reporters told she tively,”

ai oes hiahMra and Murray Shailagh Rogers, David ieytesil htsetc ob he doubt skeptics that skills the cisely

orsodhwt osrc defenses, construct to respond,how to in their Beirut, Lebanon, barracks. Lebanon, Beirut, their in h oenetcniust ucineffec- function to continues government the

i adHi eneCummings, Jeanne VandeHei, Jim

nentoa lisbhn i—r pre- him—are behind allies international

A truck bomb kills 241 Marines 241 kills bomb truck A : : 3 3 8 8 9 9 1 1

er.Aeiaswl o eaehow debate now will Americans years.

otniyo-prtospast aesure make to plans continuity-of-operations l

yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

a iie,h aett ulAmerica’s pull to talent divides,the san photos AP

oimwl igrfrmnh,fnot months,if for linger will rorism Eeyfdrlaec a implemented has agency federal “Every

aintekakfrtasedn parti- transcending for knack nation,the

days, released , 1981. 1981. 21, January released days,

u aiiain fysedyster- yesterday’s of ramifications But eeworking. were

erfigasuto h ..snePearl since U.S. the on assault terrifying

otteaiiyt nt quarrelsome a unite to ability most—the

52 of the hostages were held for 444 for held were hostages the of 52

iin oa ielk this. like time a at do ticians elAeiasta hs preparations those that Americans tell

htwsjs h einn ftemost the of beginning the just was That

nedtevr klsh o needs now he skills very Indeed,the

stormed by a group of militant students. militant of group a by stormed

sd atsndvsos htswa poli- what that’s divisions; partisan aside

rmteWieHuestainro to room situation House White the from

errs tako u country.” our on attack terrorist The U.S. Embassy in Tehran is Tehran in Embassy U.S. The

: : 9 9 7 7 9 9 1 1

l tested.

ate ilpylpsriet putting to service lip pay will parties ain ietrKrnHge emerged Hughes Karen director cations

afhu ae eone a apparent “an denounced later half-hour a

umnlaesi klsh’ never he’s skills leadership summon

alscnetdeeto.O oreboth course Of election. contested fall’s ymdfeno,r uhscommuni- Bush’s midafternoon,Mr. By

lage. 17 are killed. killed. are 17 lage. hnh undbc otebo,n about book,and the to back turned he then

ndadoeta al pnhmto him upon calls that one ined,and

a ugoe ahntnsnelast since Washington over hung has iec omnt ofn h terrorists. the find to community ligence

P vil- Olympic Munich’s at athletes Israeli ed wr ftefrtattack,blanched; first the of aware ready

ihmr ecudhv imag- have could he nightmare

uetearo atsnjceigthat jockeying partisan of air ture,the bolic peace, a Palestinian group attacks group Palestinian a peace, bolic aaeet”adwrigwt h intel- the with working and management,”

ol rd etr h president,al- The Center. Trade World

rssta rncnsnal any nearly transcends that crisis

hteigteOypc’sym- Olympics’ the Shattering : : 2 2 7 7 9 9 1 1 uyfrnwadtefrsebefu- foreseeable the and now bury,for esne n oe o “consequence for money and personnel


eso eodariecahit the into crash airline second a of news

EIETBS udnyfcsa faces suddenly BUSH RESIDENT

r uhsscn akwl eto be will task second Bush’s Mr. n i w aeydsacigteneeded the safety,dispatching own his ing

adwiprdi i a h horrific the ear his in whispered Card

itr tti moment. this at picture ute tak eetkn place,ensur- taking were attacks further

ihSvr Test Severe With ht os he fSafAndrew Staff of Chief House White

otsbtte rsn reassuring a present they months,but ol ou nfu roiis nuigno ensuring priorities: four on focus would


he aebe rtczdi recent in criticized been have three

ildte oig h rsdn himself president The moving. duties tial killing 168 Americans. 168 killing

a edn oshocide nSarasota, in schoolchildren to reading was

itr isBush Hits History

inlscrt rsslk hsoe All one. this like crisis security tional rdt iuto om oke hi - their keep to rooms situation to ered the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in building federal the

iil t90 ..ETa rsdn Bush President as EDT a.m. 9:04 at visibly

An American citizen blows up blows citizen American An ol elhv endsge o na- a for designed been have well could : : 5 5 9 9 9 9 1 1 eirWieHueadswudb ush- be aides,would House White senior l

h ..gvrmn ea oshudder to began government U.S. The

ees ertr oadRumsfeld— Donald Secretary Defense httpofcasa eea agencies,and federal at officials top that ihu Notice, Without


hnySceayo tt oi Powell, Colin State of Cheney,Secretary olntdsusseiis u eddsay did he But specifics. discuss wouldn’t

Algeria and crash into a building in building a into crash and Algeria

easmldVc rsdn Dick President assembled—Vice he

o euiyraosM.Podesta reasons,Mr. security For

fUtikbeDrill Unthinkable Of

planned to hijack an Air France plane in plane France Air an hijack to planned

ormn mrcn httebantrust brain the that Americans remind to

rsdn’ orPriorities Four President’s


Authorities arrest a man who’d man a arrest Authorities : : 4 4 9 9 9 9 1 1

l ol ews tti on ofn ways find to point this at wise be would

epneI Execution Is Response


h o.Twr htedM.Bush end,Mr. that Toward top. the

he fsafudrPeietClinton. President under staff of chief

never near so close or deadly as yesterday. as deadly or close so near never

o es fsedns n eov at resolve and steadiness of sense a for onPdsawosre sWieHouse White as served Podesta,who John

Terrorist acts became familiar to Americans over three decades —though —though decades three over Americans to familiar became acts Terrorist

trigi , a in Starting ad rntoeos hywl settle will They onerous. aren’t mands tantoa ee,epatcdi, said it,” practiced level,we national a at

Terrorism Hits Home Hits Terrorism

u tatm ieti,mrcn’de- this,Americans’ like time a at But ay Ntol i etikaotit,[but] about think we did only “Not sary.

h day. the h oete ilnvrbcm neces- become never will they hope the

oehtsairpromneeririn earlier performance shakier somewhat

osadmre nipoeetoe a over improvement an marked foes,and oenetOfcasRlct,Ke Working Keep Relocate, Officials Government

ipebtsenmsaet America’s to message stern but simple

ak otento atngtdlvrda delivered night last nation the to marks

ut owl.Hscl,esrdre- calm,measured His well. so quite




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h otAtoiydvlpdtecom- the developed Authority Port The igs oddaesrsosbefrtrad- for responsible dealers bond biggest etradd Rgtnw o l fus, of all for now, “Right added: rector oeta 0 er n aemd provi- made have and years 100 than more hnte lsdteda nJl,the July, in deal the closed they When uiesi h complex. the in business

n ftecountry’s the of one , Fitzgerald Cantor aydfeetisrnecompanies. insurance different many ute .Bemn aaigdi- managing a Buerman, K. Gunther in ehv eni hsbsns for business this in been have We tion. uhrt fiil ihispasfrretail for plans its with officials Authority posit.

a.H adterswssra among spread riskwas the said He war. n.sJnsCptlCorp. Capital Janus Inc.’s nancial tegho h ru snta l nques- in all at not is group the of strength uewt etil,wihdzldPort dazzled which Westfield, with ture etradptdw hi 10mlinde- million $100 their down put and Center e,NY,si uigteday. the during said N.Y., ter,

nue fi a etoe sa c of act an as destroyed was it if insured tlelFi- Stilwell including firms, major in tions pksa,srse ht“h financial “the that stressed spokesman, on ffu opne yfrigaven- a forming by companies four of round ie hyrse ont h ol Trade World the to down rushed They line. a o h opn’ fiei Roches- in office company’s the for man

ncs fatroitbmig u not but bombing, terrorist a of case in nlss eea fwo odtpposi- top hold whom of several analysts, hs eea vns”Rie upes a Kueppers, Rainer events.” several these is r ivrti aei notefinal the into it made Silverstein Mr. bids. utafwhusbfr h otsdead- Port’s the before hours few a just racd. ioh lao,aspokes- a Gleason, Timothy code.” area

adteWrdTaeCne a insured was Center Trade World the said n cudhv osdrbelse from losses considerable have “could and lokona riiggon o young for ground training a as known also isadsvnohrcmaissubmitted companies other seven and ties adwt h ihylvrgdda until deal leveraged highly the with ward anifrain ecntrahte212 the reach can’t We information. tain

n esnfmla ihtefinancing the with familiar person One r fteWrdTaeCne building Center Trade World the of ers r oebaeItre tcs i imis firm His stocks. Internet embrace to ers n paya g hnSlesenProper- Silverstein when ago year a up ing eadhsprnr intdcd og for- go to decide didn’t partners his and He oe.“h ifclyi htw a’ ob- can’t we that is difficulty “The Tower.

ue,si thsplce ihdrc insur- direct with policies has it said surer, n ftefrtmisra oe manag- money mainstream first the of one h idn o h etrbgnheat- began center the for bidding The ity. rc ihtePr uhrt nArl26. April on Authority Port the with tract okn nte8t lo fteSouth the of floor 85th the on working

h ueGra rein- German huge the , Re Munich n nfs-rwn opne,adh was he and companies, fast-growing in ing 90 nln esdfo h otAuthor- Port the from leased land on 1980s eadWsfedfnlysge h con- the signed finally Westfield and he t xetdt e n1998. in get to expected ity a 1 epe nldn 0attorneys, 50 including people, 113 had

nutydrn h atdcd yinvest- by decade past the during industry

olpe nysedysdsse,i the in disaster, yesterday’s in collapsed r ivrti,i a oc-n-ountil touch-and-go was it Silverstein, Mr. a oeta wc httePr Author- Port the what twice than more was uhecuin, esaid. he exclusions,” such LLP Wilcox & Beach Harris firm Law

efrac eod ntemutual-fund the in records performance edvlpdta oe,wihalso which tower, that developed He vnatrtePr uhrt selected Authority Port the after Even ilo au fteSlesengopdeal group Silverstein the of value billion o la fsm ralo h nueshad insurers the of all or some if clear not

aeisciia services. critical its cate

r le’ ud ul oeo h best the of some built funds Alger’s Mr. h elett aktipoe.Te$3.2 The improved. market real-estate the rd Center. Trade h otfie ocnld deal. a conclude to failed Port the hi oiisatrte19 obn.“It’s bombing. 1993 the after policies their

esi h ol rd etr ol relo- would Center, Trade World the in ters

aiymme said. member family ysfvr eas steyastce by ticked years the as because favor, ty's h otAtoiya h we f7World 7 of owner the as Authority Port the upbci h rywe ond and Vornado when fray the backin jump oeisrr de uhecuin to exclusions such added insurers Some

ehieFns hc a t headquar- its had which penheimerFunds,

ino n ftefr’ mlye,the employees, firm’s the of any on tion u,ta ea okdi h otAuthori- Port the in worked delay that out, npr ohseprec ndaigwith dealing in experience his to part in h inn idr u ewsrayto ready was he But bidder. winning the in nsm oiisfrtroitattacks. terrorist for policies some in sions

prt hnmresroe n htOp- that and reopen markets when operate

ebrsi.Hsfml a oinforma- no had family His said. member aeo ogtr es.Bt si turned it as But, lease. long-term a or sale vrmc agrpbi opne thanks companies public larger much over as Trust Realty Vornado selected tially rd etrcudb iiae yexclu- by mitigated be could Center Trade

17blini ses ol erayto ready be would assets, in billion $127

ncone o ateeig family a evening, last for unaccounted ttssaldadcso opoedwt a with proceed to decision a stalled states rbesi h al 90.H triumphed He 1990s. early the in problems n h elwe h otAtoiyini- Authority Port the when deal the ing nueso h e taknteWorld the attackon new the of insurers

uvvdteatc.H adtefr,with firm, the said He attack. the survived

3dforo h ot oe,remained Tower, North the of floor 93rd o er,bceigbtentetwo the between bickering years, For pr apn i oeakrmfinancial comebackfrom his capping oper, r ivrti locm ls olos- to close came also Silverstein Mr. r ati adta h maton impact the that said Hartwig Mr.

lye nterofcsi h ot Tower South the in offices their in ployees

n.wihocpe the occupied which Inc. Management ger e okelett netraddevel- and investor Yorkreal-estate New oemsino transportation. of mission core ia room. pital eeso reinsurance. of levels

ilGopsi l fteruhy60em- 600 roughly the of all said Group cial

rdAl- Fred of head Alger, David determine.

fM.Slesens5-erhsoya a as history 50-year Silverstein’s Mr. of lxadrtr h otAtoiyt its to Authority Port the return and plex esml otne i okrmhshos- his workfrom his continued simply he rtce hmevsb uigvarious buying by themselves protected

pksa o asuulFinan- MassMutual for spokesman A

fsm uligocpnswshr to hard was occupants building some of h elwstecoigachievement crowing the was deal The e esyare opiaietecom- the privatize to agreed Jersey New i issotybfr idn deadline, bidding a before shortly hips his

oeaeadta hs opne then companies those that and coverage


ino h nue ohsias h safety the hospitals, to injured the of tion i-90 h oenr fNwYorkand New of governors the mid-1990s olntb ece o comment. for reached be couldn’t lx fe ewshtb a n broke and car a by hit was he After plex.

ae nta oeaea h is ee of level first the at coverage that in pated

r prtn naproa ee today, level personal a on operating are

eas ftecnuinadevacua- and confusion the of Because ato h ope o ots nthe In months. for complex the of part il,alaigsopn-etrcompany, shopping-center leading a field, etil wr utn”atrtecom- the after lusting” “were Westfield

htmr hnadznisrr partici- insurers dozen a than more that

on od o, pksa ad “We said. spokesman a now,” do to going

adn hi safety.” their garding fatroitbmigi 93 hc shut which 1993, in bombing terrorist a of pkse o r ivrti n West- and Silverstein Mr. for Spokesmen etl h e okotta eand he that YorkPost New the told he

iiyisrne r ati ad noting said, Hartwig Mr. insurance, bility

l ebr.“ aen dawa eare we what idea no have “I members. ily

oa uhrte odtrietefcsre- facts the determine to authorities local sbigiefcet tas a h scene the was also It inefficient. being as uigtebdigpoes toepoint, one At process. bidding the during el ever. deals

rprycvrg n 40mlini lia- in million $400 and coverage property

wme iligclsfo ore fam- worried from calls fielding swamped

lx n eaewrigdlgnl with diligently working are we and plex, uhrt ueurc a fe criticized often was bureaucracy Authority r ivrti rvdindefatigable proved Silverstein Mr. aigi n ftebgetreal-estate biggest the of one it making

ol rd etr a 60mlinin million $600 had Center, Trade World

nyvr kth nomto n were and information sketchy very only

eebsdi h ol rd etrcom- Center Trade World the in based were itr,adismngmn ytePort the by management its and history, au fteda a u t$. billion, $3.2 at put was deal the of value seilyi h future. the in especially e okotAtoiy hc wsthe owns which Authority, YorkPort New

il usd fteMnatnofc had office Manhattan the of outside cials

tne’ niiulivso businesses individual-investor Stanley’s u h rpryhdamxdleasing mixed a had property the But oda oei unn h property, the running in role a Goldman hrt fNwYradNwJre.The Jersey. New Yorkand New of thority ttetm fte19 obn,the bombing, 1993 the of time the At

obn n19.Ysedy oee,offi- however, Yesterday, 1993. in bombing Sm ,0 epewrigfrMorgan for working people 3,500 “Some tions. necag,M.Slesengv Mr. gave Silverstein Mr. exchange, In insur-otcmlxfo h otAu- Port the from complex square-foot lion

1. billion. $12.5

ece fe h ol rd Center Trade World the after gencies

eaeadivsmn-akn firm. investment-banking and kerage evto ekeepplrtuitattrac- tourist popular deckwere servation n.aqie 9ya es fte1 mil- 11 the of lease 99-year a acquired Inc.

w-hrso h qiyi h deal. the in equity the of two-thirds

atqaei 94 ihisrdlse of losses insured with 1994, in earthquake

h imhddvlpdpasfremer- for plans developed had firm The

himnadcifeeuieo h bro- the of executive chief and chairman t idw nteWrdrsarn n ob- and restaurant World the on Windows Its etil America Westfield and Silverstein Larry

l ebr n testa contributed that others and members ily f$55blin n h otrde Calif., Northridge, the and billion, $15.5 of

tne mlye, adPi Purcell, Phil said employees,” Stanley yt h omlywri h building. the workin normally who lysts aeoeo h ybl fNwYorkCity. New of symbols the of one came ru e yNwYorkdeveloper New by led group A

oda,4,pttgte ru ffam- of group a together put 43, Goldman, rwi 92 hc asdisrdlosses insured caused which 1992, in drew

o h elbigadsft fMorgan of safety and well-being the for h 5 akr,taesadrsac ana- research and traders bankers, 150 the eetetletbidnsi h ol,be- world, the in buildings tallest the were

nis3-erhistory. 30-year its in te e okelett aiy Mr. family. Yorkreal-estate New other em,t i h ..wr urcn An- Hurricane were U.S. the hit to terms,

Orimdaefcsadcnenare concern and focus immediate “Our adtecmayhd’ cone o all for accounted hadn’t company the said h wnTwr,wihfrasottime short a for which Towers, Twin The

asdit rvt ad o h is time first the for hands private into passed h elLodGlmn h edo an- of head the Goldman, Lloyd deal the h ags aua iatr,i dollar in disasters, natural largest The

eeuacutdfor. unaccounted were ie nte8t lo fteSuhTower, South the of floor 89th the on fices otsatrcnrlo h ae complex famed the of control after months town. amn.M.Slesenas ruh into brought also Silverstein Mr. payment.


ayo t ol rd etremployees Center Trade World its of many hc a of- had which , Woods & Bruyette Keefe, ol rd etrcm esta two than less came Center Trade World bu h irto fbsnse oMid- to businesses of migration the about hc gedt edhmms ftedown the of most him lend to agreed which

iie xoueo h eea office federal the on exposure limited

a tne etra olntsyhow say couldn’t yesterday Stanley gan on,ofc fivsmn-akn firm investment-banking of office Conn., h aalsi etuto fthe of destruction cataclysmic The fCaeMnatnBn,wsworried was Bank, Manhattan Chase of MCCmeca otaeCorp., Mortgage Commercial GMAC

r eelwrbcueteidsr had industry the because lower were ers

toto h uligsfl,tog Mor- though safely, building the of out it

u ersnaiei h Hartford, the in representative a But

npr yDvdRceelr h,a head as who, Rockefeller, David by part in Corp.’s Motors General with deal a ting

tf eotrof Reporter Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

n.I kaoaCt,tecsst insur- to costs the City, Oklahoma In ing.

akn n hnrnig r ct made Scott Mr. running. then and walking

y oe ahta n os rd.I a led was It trade. boost and Manhattan lower l,as teghndhspsto ycut- by position his strengthened also old,

h field. the ee Grant Peter B

15mlinfrteOlhm iybomb- City Oklahoma the for million $125

epesatdlaigtero,first room, the leaving started People

l,btmn ftoewreswr u in out were workers those of many but ple, rvt ad utMnh Ago Months Just Hands Private

ol rd etrbmigi 93and 1993 in bombing Center Trade World to Moved

n r ct stopped. Scott Mr. and

ie adteofc mly bu 0peo- 40 about employs office the said vider

as nuespi 50mlinfrthe for million $510 paid Insurers lars.

udny h hneir tre shaking, started chandeliers the Suddenly,

oeaut.Tetlcmuiain pro- telecommunications The evacuate. to

adeutdt 1blini oa’ dol- today’s in billion $1 to equated said

aig fbb omr ncmn years. coming in boomers baby of savings

h 1tforo h ot oe eeable were Tower North the of floor 81st the

osso 75mlin hc r Hartwig Mr. which million, $775 of losses

etetopruiysemn rmthe from stemming opportunity vestment

adal2 mlye okn nofcson offices in working employees 21 all said

o nee it f19 asdinsured caused 1992 of riots Angeles Los oto fWrdTaeCne Towers Center Trade World of Control

esEooit.M.Sotstpc h in- the topic: Scott’s Mr. Economists. ness

op,Rnop,Mass. Randolph, Corp., Plus Network

nteUS o h nuac nuty The industry. insurance the for U.S. the in

etn fNtoa soito fBusi- of Association National of meeting

n pa h otis a-aedisaster man-made costliest the as up end h V”sesaid. she TV,” the

bu 0 cnmssadivsosa a at investors and economists 400 about

rd ru,si h tak ieywould likely attacks the said group, trade huh,wywudte oe hnIsaw I then joke, they would why thought,

nei i imsofcs addressing offices, firm’s his in ence

nuac nomto nttt,alarge a Institute, Information Insurance hnsehadaottedsse.“I disaster. the about heard she when

rsdn oetSotwsa confer- a at was Scott Robert President

oetHrwg he cnms tthe at economist chief Hartwig, Robert ofrnesosrdb arnBuffett Warren by sponsored conference explode from the second tower. second the from explode

etra onn,Mra Stanley Morgan morning, Yesterday

s alcwsi mh,Nb,a a at Neb., Omaha, in Tatlockwas Ms.

rprycoverages.” property

a t fie nteTi Towers. Twin the in offices its had

and flames and debris and flames and the of towers the of one from billows Smoke World Trade Center Trade World

hnehwpol hnaothigh-limit thinkabout people how change

ieteaaigveswe hyvisited. they when views amazing the mire faqiiino enWte,wihlong which Witter, Dean of acquisition of

osqec. eadd Ti sgigto going is “This added, He consequence.”

epwocins h fe asdt ad- to paused often who clients, woo help eat,wt bu 0for sarsl fits of result a as floors 20 about with tenants,

ayisl os’ xetcam f“any of claims expect doesn’t itself pany

e ot n sdiseeatofcsto offices elegant its used and worth net AP Photo AP largest Center’s Trade World the of one was

ih on,atog esi i com- his said he although Conn., wich,

oe,ctr oivsoso substantial of investors to caters Tower, ae nmdonManhattan, midtown in based , Stanley gan

lyisrnecmaybsdi Green- in based company insurance alty

losta eelctdhg nteSouth the in high located were that floors Mor- firms, financial domestic Among

op,property-casu- Corp., Berkley W.R. of tive

iuir rs,wihocpe five occupied which Trust, Fiduciary

rd etroffice. Center Trade

a .Brly himnadcifexecu- chief and chairman Berkley, R. iam

n he executive, chief and

0 gnswr ttoe nteWorld the in stationed were agents 200

ouetlls”idsrwd,si Will- said industrywide, loss” monumental

adAn alc,tefr’ chairman firm’s the Tatlock, Anne said

rvln ihPeietBs a about say Bush President with traveling

n naoe$ ilo.“tsgigt ea be to going “It’s billion. $5 above in ing

epew nwwr nteegtout,” got there in were knew we people

u h ope;Sce evc agents Service Secret complex; the out

ag,wt rprydmg ln com- alone damage property with range,

rmn fie lowr oae through- located were also offices ernment c on.“ev eniceil lucky; incredibly been “We’ve count. act

aaecudcibu ote$0billion $20 the to up climb could damage

G hc cuidfu los Gov- floors. four occupied which AG, Bank

otnot u fiil inthv nex- an have didn’t officials but out, gotten

nuac xctvssi h total the said executives Insurance

Deutsche ’s including offices, lye h okdi h ope had complex the in worked who ployees

AMnmna Loss’ Monumental ‘A

ol rd etrfrterNwYork New their for Center Trade World n. admn fte50em- 500 the of many said Inc., Resources

ueosfrinbnsfvrdthe favored banks foreign Numerous Franklin of unit a Inc., Trust Fiduciary

r liaeywl hr h cost. the share will ultimately ers

ofr hycudt aiyadrelatives. and family to could they comfort xctvso oe-aaeetfirm money-management of Executives

et siae hta aya 0 insur- 100 as many as that estimated perts

u fterepoesadt fe what offer to and employees their of tus

huh etrgtoto ee”h said. he here,” of out get better I thought

g,saigrso oiis oeex- Some policies. riskon sharing age,

tugigt banifraino h sta- the on information obtain to struggling

uligwssaiglk el n I and hell, like shaking was building

uac otepiaysleso cover- of sellers primary the to surance

notebidns eatcmaiswere companies tenant buildings, the into

h tiwl n mle mk.“The smoke. smelled and stairwell the

uac opne setal rvd in- provide essentially companies surance

ayhusatrtejtiescrashed jetliners the after hours Many

hntepaeht r ldn a in was Glading Mr. hit, plane the When

on ofe usata mat”Rein- impact.” substantial a feel to going

n nue a unclear. was injured and

ae uninjured. caped

ftemjrrisrr ntewrdare world the in reinsurers major the of

ns u mdtecas h olo dead of toll the chaos, the amid but ings,

noneet”si r ldn,woes- who Glading, Mr. said announcement,” h iysfnnildsrc,btsi “most said but district, financial city’s the

oetedsrcino h landmarkbuild- the of destruction the fore

I a o rmtr omk htkn of kind that make to premature too was “It ol rd etraddvsae atof part devastated and Center Trade World

lxec a.Mn epeecpdbe- escaped people Many day. each plex

l ontesar hne significantly. thinned stairs the down ple etra htdsrydNwYork’s New destroyed that yesterday

esadbnsmvn hog h com- the through banks—moving and lets

tpe, esi,adn h lwo peo- of flow the adding said, he stopped,” g tmigfo h errs attacks terrorist the from stemming age

hpescodn rudlvlrti out- retail ground-level crowding shoppers

a ntepoeso vcaigmyhave may evacuating of process the in was nuac arescudb ibefrdam- for liable be could carriers insurance

iiigasyhg bevto ekand deck observation sky-high a visiting

n.“ aet eiv htayn who anyone that believe to have “I ing. r ohrsi twsucerjs which just unclear was it said Mosher Mr.

huad oeicuigmn tourists many more—including thousands

hntejtie mse nohsbuild- his into smashed jetliner the when aeysm uieslaiiycoverage.” liability business some mately

ol rd etrbidns ihtn of tens with buildings, Center Trade World

h it lo,hdcibdu ote20th the to up climbed had floor, sixth the uiesitruto oeaeadulti- and coverage business-interruption

okdi h wnTwr n other and Towers Twin the in worked

r ldn,wohdmd tdw to down it made had who Glading, Mr. r’cmesto oeae substantial coverage, compensation ers’

oeta 000pol regularly people 50,000 than More

im Yuhv rprydmg,work- damage, property have “You firm.

n akoteroffices. their backto ing alSre itself. Street Wall

o,a nuac ratings insurance an Co., Best A.M. at

a eue oh n tesbgnhead- began others and he So secure. was iesaewti iemnt walkof five-minute a within space fice

eto rprycsat aigdivision rating property-casualty of dent

h ot oe u htteSuhTower South the that but Tower North the te uiess l cuyn rzdof- prized occupying all businesses, other

drs ytmta adapaehdhit had plane a said that system address ehooycmais rdn im and firms trading companies, technology

ai rnl nLondon. in Pringle David

noneetoe h uligspublic building’s the over announcement rkrg im n ak,lwoffices, law banks, and firms brokerage

hitpe hasi elnand Berlin in Rhoads Christopher ontesar,btte hr a an was there then but stairs, the down

hitpe se nNwYork, New in Oster Christopher

is ln i h ot oe.H headed He Tower. North the hit plane first

etoe etra,sepg B2. page see yesterday, destroyed

yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

ot oe etra onn hnthe when morning yesterday Tower South hs ol rd etrofcswere offices Center Trade World whose

ud n. a nte3r lo fthe of floor 33rd the on was Inc., Funds o ito h udeso companies of hundreds the of list a For

vn, adMthwMse,vc presi- vice Mosher, Matthew said event,”

sOppenheimer- ’s Group Financial tual

rd etrOffices Center Trade

W’eloiga multibillion-dollar a at looking “We’re

MassMu- for salesman a Glading, Brent

siae tmr hn$0billion. $10 than more at estimated

n oelaborate. to ing

nteto10soybidnswr many were buildings 110-story two the in

iatri a ae,wt h rc tag price the with faced, has it disaster

mlye, pksoa ad declin- said, spokeswoman a employees,” mn h udeso eat housed tenants of hundreds the Among

a-aeadpsil h largest-ever the possibly and man-made

to,fcsn anyo h tt four of state the on mainly focusing ation, n iaca life. financial and

loi aigwa scranytelargest the certainly is what facing is also

on vrtigw a oass h situ- the assess to can we everything doing loavr elcne fUS business U.S. of center real very a also

t w mlye,teisrneindustry insurance the employees, own its

0t loso h ot oe.“eare “We Tower. North the of floors 105th etrwpdotasmo fAeiabut America of symbol a out wiped Center

si tuge ihtels fmn of many of loss the with struggled it As

ihs losbtente11tand 101st the floors—between highest h eatto fteWrdTrade World the of devastation The

etbns a fie nsm fthe of some on offices had bonds, ment

esRoundup News A alSre Journal Street Wall

vrfrLosses for Ever o red n Colleagues and Friends For

igs Liability Biggest

rd etrFrsFear Firms Center Trade

nuesMySee May Insurers

tx 0idxo uoenbu chips blue European of index 50 Stoxx ytmstable. system e,tog hs tak eels severe less were attacks those though ter, Immr ocre bu h mental the about concerned more “I’m laeTr oPg 2 oun3 Column B2, Page to Turn Please eddpro ihn rdn ol allow could trading no with period tended

pnysedy nErp,teDwJones Dow the Europe, In yesterday. open iesfiin aht eptefinancial the keep to cash sufficient vide iyo h is obn fteTaeCen- Trade the of bombing first the or City u tesseuae hta ex- an that speculated others But oa,frs akt n exchanges and markets firms, Today, said.

ini h lblmresta i remain did that markets global the in tion h eea eev rmsdt pro- to promised Reserve Federal The h eea fiebidn nOklahoma in building office federal the hcteesgigt e”M.Leuthold Mr. be,” to going shockthere’s a, eadded. he way,” ofrepol akowr, eadded. he work,” backto people force to

led hk,cudflo h itr reac- jittery the follow could shaky, already errs tak uha h n against one the as such attacks terrorist upne “indefinitely.” suspended a asd Telne ttks h less the takes, it longer “The passed. had rsue ob eivdi norderly an in relieved be to pressures eidt amdw.I ol eunwise be would It down. calm to period a

hr sarsta ..stockmarkets, U.S. riskthat a is There h akthsgnrlysrge off shrugged generally has market The iisfrsta odtaighdbeen had trading bond that firms rities neteiiilpro fpncadrumor and panic of period initial the once rgd pcoe”M.Pt ad W need “We said. Pitt Mr. close,” up tragedy eswud“lo o o feconomic of lot a for “allow would kets

h odMre soito odsecu- told Association Market Bond The akt oroe naciaeo calm, of climate a in reopen to markets tt ftepol xoe oti idof kind this to exposed people the of state neooi eoeyemerged. recovery economic an o h lno diitain pnmar- Open administration. Clinton the for hscldmg n ua carnage. human and damage physical

2mnh fe h tak fe in of signs after attack, the after months 12 sucer sofcassf hog the through sift officials as unclear, is uyofca vreigfnnilmarkets financial overseeing official sury obn tak spread. attacks bombing

Source: WSJ Market Data Group Data Market WSJ Source:

u h o vrg a f ut0.1% just off was average Dow the But any”si ayGnlr h o Trea- top the Gensler, Gary said tainty,” edymrigsotyatrwr fthe of word after shortly morning terday Toronto 300 Comp.–4.03 300 Toronto


e York. New

to the news, but by midday, Japan’s Nikkei fell nearly 6%. nearly fell Nikkei Japan’s midday, by but news, the to

oby n tas rae oeuncer- more creates also it and bay, to tcadftrsmres hc htyes- shut which markets, futures stockand otsatrtePalHro attack. Harbor Pearl the after months

a al oep –9.18 Bovespa Paulo Sao Brazil

*Asia’s markets closed before having a chance to react to chance a having before closed markets *Asia’s

aeKlyadAtnoRgld in Regalado Antonio and Kelly Kate

lsdsosta errssbogtyou brought terrorists that shows closed n ytm.Tesudw ilafc all affect will shutdown The systems. ing o vrg a onafl .%three 9.7% full a down was average Dow

–5.18 Index Merval


ihe cree nWsigo,and Washington, in Schroeder Michael

aca akt.“epn h markets the “Keeping markets. nancial itn mlye,adtesaeo trad- of state the and employees, hitting eoeysedyssrrs tak The attack. surprise yesterday’s before egtdIdx–2.62 Index Weighted



yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

rd netrfihi oknso h fi- the of workings in faith investor erode il eddt esniiet h tragedy the to sensitive be to needed cials ieo er abr iia oisstate its to similar Harbor, Pearl of time

–1.84 Composite South

Latin America Latin

ono ..mrescudol further only could markets U.S. of down eve etra feno.H adoffi- said He afternoon. yesterday terview e n h cnm tugiga the at struggling economy the and ket

+0.53 Times Straits


htwl apnwe rdn resumes trading when happen will what

oeaayt erdapoogdshut- prolonged a feared analysts Some

n xhneCmiso,si na in- an in said Commission, Exchange and h ..sokaktwsi ermar- bear a in was stockmarket U.S. The

oy oi ne +0.20 Index Topix Tokyo

Japan hnUS akt ilroe and reopen will markets U.S. When

avyPt,cara fteSecurities the of chairman Pitt, Harvey uihSisMre –7.07 Market Swiss Zurich eaefr ..Ewrsi t Louis. St. in Edwards A.G. firm kerage h aktsre %ta day. that 4% surged market the Switzerland

oy iki25+0.95 225 Nikkei Tokyo


lblinvestors. global

pntaig i a o epractical,” be not may “it trading, open rgd nUS itr,acrigt bro- to according history, U.S. in tragedy osta h oenetwsscr,and secure, was government the that tors –7.75 Share All SX Sweden

cabet ntl ofdnei shaken in confidence instill to scramble

obySne –1.04 Sensex Bombay

India Ee fi’ hsclypsil”t re- to possible” physically it’s if “Even

obn,prastems comparable most the perhaps bombing, rsdn’ uea,i a la oinves- to clear was it , president’s

–4.56 35 IBEX

ilrmi lsdtdy sofficials as today, closed remain will

+0.49 Seng Hang

Hong Kong Hong ak.%tedyatrtePalHarbor Pearl the after day the sank2.9% pndsvrldy ae olwn the following later days several opened ie fcii pkdup. spiked — crisis of times

mtra E –6.95 AEX Amsterdam


ao akt eecoe etra and yesterday closed were markets major

o.TeDwJnsIdsra Average Industrial Jones Dow The low. n a atd u hntemre re- market the when But halted. was ing o oe hnhn+0.09 Shenzhen Jones Dow rc fgl osdrdahvnduring haven a considered — of price


–7.42 MIBtel Milan Italy

a,tenrecne fUS iac,all finance, U.S. of center nerve the tan,

gi o rdn,btarbudcudfol- could rebound a but trading, for again h takn ucl el4 eoetrad- before 4% fell quickly attackand the h aaeeynadteer,wiethe while euro, the and yen Japanese the

o oe hnhi+0.30 Shanghai Jones Dow


rnfr er A –8.49 DAX Xetra Frankfurt ytetroitatco oe Manhat- lower attackon terrorist the by


illkl ubewe tfnlyopens finally it when tumble likely will h aktwsoe ttetm of time the at open was market The

94 h olrfl hrl gis both against sharply fell dollar The 1984.

–0.01 Ordinaries All


ntewk ftedsrcincaused destruction the of wake the In

–7.39 40 CAC Paris


athsoysget h stockmarket the suggests history Past at100mrfrtefrttm since time first the markfor 10000 tant

h ..government. U.S. the


odnFS 0-hr –5.72 100-share FTSE London Britain aln eo h scooial impor- psychologically the below falling h 85NwYrCt fire. YorkCity New 1835 the

eivdi a ato rae attackon broader a of part was it believed

* Asia

on59 t98.7i idytrading, midday in 9685.77 at 5.9% down ietdmg ofnnilmreswas markets financial to damage direct esnbecmaio eas people because comparison reasonable a –5.46 Index Bel-20 Belgium

fiil sesDamage Assess Officials

kiidxo ao oy tcswas stocks Tokyo major of index kkei

ehp h atbgsudw eas of because shutdown big last the Perhaps de htteKneyassiainwas assassination Kennedy the that added


...AlSae–5.55 All-Share I.P.C.

ensa nAi,tebenchmarkNi- the Asia, in Wednesday a o - tteedo ol a II. War World of end the at V-J for was n eerhfr nMnepls He . in firm research and


ataoIS –2.80 IPSA

lsdAanToday; Again Closed nafrhrsg fnroses on nervousness, of sign further a In h attm o w nceue days unscheduled two for time last the etodGop money-management a Group, Leuthold

a ihr io’ uea n19,and 1994, in funeral Nixon’s Richard was tcs74 n emnsok 8.5%. stocks German and 7.4% stocks oprbe”si tv etod edof head Leuthold, Steve said comparable,” How the World’s Markets Reacted Markets World’s the How

hnecoe o nushdldday unscheduled an for closed change ut19.Biihsok el57,French 5.7%, fell stocks British 1998. gust akt ilRemain Will Markets hsi omc rae,Idntthinkit’s don’t I greater, much so is this

lne .%t t oetlvlsneAu- since level lowest its to 6.1% plunged h attm h e YorkStockEx- New the time last The hnti n.“ntrso magnitude, of terms “In one. this than

takSusDw ..MresadCue lblDeclines Global Causes and Markets U.S. Down Shuts Attack

lwo oe a disrupted was money of flow aeB3. Page o oe lblIdxs Indexes Global Jones Dow aeB4. Page

o h everyday the How alsof Tables ol tc Markets: Stock World Banking:

aeB3. Page al fe h errs attacks terrorism the after falls aeB3. Page hton ntaes farmers traders, on shutdowns

..dollar U.S. h matof impact The Commodities: Exchange: Foreign

2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reserved. Rights All Inc. Company, & Jones Dow 2001 ENSA,SPEBR1,2001 12, SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY,


s iiii


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I dniisNwYr, esaid. he York,” New identifies “It hiFresBn ...... Bank Farmers Thai ..Epr-mot(hlslr)...... 47 (wholesalers)...... Export-Import W.J. N...... 110 CNN......

ie h complex. the nized ae,Sy islAcutns...... 5 ...... Accountants Wiesel & Shyu Gayer, un mss ...Bsns srie)...... 47 ...... (services) Business L.L.C. Amasis, Quint hne WY)(eeiin...... 110 (television)...... (WNYW) 5 Channel

Fax: Tel:

hn nte19 n o hyrecog- they how and 1993 the in China

...... 3 4 9 4 8 31 28, 24, 19, 14, 3, ...... hne 7(NU tlvso)...... 110 (television)...... (WNJU) 47 Channel aii mrcnC.(hlslr)...... 47 (wholesalers)...... Co. American Pacific E-mail: Country:

h tr fmeigtelaesi of leadership the meeting of story the otAtoiyo e ok&NwJersey New & York New of Authority Port hne 1(BS tlvso)...... 110 ...... (television) (WBIS) 31 Channel Postal Code: Postal F/G ...... 47 ...... NFA/GGG

wnTwr.A h eeoy etold he ceremony, the At Towers. Twin emnBo...... sie 07 81 3941 3841, 4047, suites ...... Bros. Lehman Address: Company: hne WB)(eeiin...... 110 (television)...... (WCBS) 2 Channel .Z tpes(mlyaece)...... 47 agencies)...... (employ Stephens Z. G.

h w ttsi eeoyudrthe under ceremony a in states two the

Given Name: Given Mr/Ms Surname: lmi ipr xrs ...... LBBY ...... Express Airport Olympia hne 1(PX tlvso)...... 110 (television)...... (WPIX) 11 Channel ogRnAeia...... 46 ...... America Ren Yong

cetdteky rmtegvrosof governors the from keys the accepted

Fax: (212)597 5758 Tel: (800)522 2714 E-mail: [email protected] www.feer.com [email protected] E-mail: 2714 (800)522 Tel: 5758 (212)597 Fax: et ilns...... LBBY Airlines...... Delta ol rd lb...... 107 Club...... Trade World & nepie nl n mselnos...... 46 (miscellaneous)...... Inc Intl. Enterprises T&T

eti h u nlt uywe he when July late in sun the in ment

!! COPY TRIAL FREE vs...... LBBY Avis...... FAX OR E-MAIL FOR A A FOR E-MAIL OR FAX raetBro at ...... 107 ...... Earth on Bar Greatest

utnyAeia(hlslr)...... 46 (wholesalers)...... America Suntendy

r ivrti ial a i mo- his had finally Silverstein Mr.

tabryRties...... CNCR Retailers...... Strawberry idw nteWrdRties...... 106 ...... Retailers World the on Windows

ugse pnSsesCmue (services).....46 Computer Systems Open Suggested

triga bu 10mlinayear. a million $100 about at starting

n alrLf...... CNCR Loft...... Taylor Ann hne NC tlvso)...... 104 ...... (television) (NBC) 4 Channel

ioe S woeaes...... 46 (wholesalers)...... USA Sinopec ©

h elwst oefo etpayments rent from come to was deal the 2US3012 2000 Review Economic Eastern Far Copyright

YCfe tto ...... Station Coffee NY h ih-ipnBn,Ld ...... 102 ...... Ltd. Bank, Nishi-Nippon The

rsetIt...... 46 ...... Intl. Prospect

ry h eto h 32blinvleof value billion $3.2 the of rest The erty.

ntdHrue n.Tae Agencies/Tours...... Travel Inc. Hercules United

atrFtgrl euiis(netet). 101-105 .. (investments) Securities Fitzgerald Cantor eae aaeetcnut,IcCmues..46 ... Computers Inc consult., Management Meganet

estak otepoiec fteprop- the of prominence the to thanks cess

e S ivsmns ...... (investments) USA Tes idrPaoy&C...... 101 ...... Co. & Peabody Kidder aeoIfrainSsesCr. Computers.46 U Corp., Systems Information Kanebo

iisi uut hc a ao suc- major a was which August, in rities

oa hiEbsyOfc gvrmn/col).. (government/schools) Office Embassy Thai Royal as S isrne gnis...... 93-100 ...... Agencies (insurance) USA Marsh

asIt...... 46 ...... Intl. Tans X & J

www.feer.com u fcmeca otaebce secu- mortgage-backed commercial of sue

iaca ... inst...... financial Corp. Banking Intl. Trust Northern rdAgrMngmn ivsmns ...... 93 ...... (investments) Management Alger Fred

aa S opwoeaes ...... 46 ...... Corp(wholesalers) USA Dahao

MCrie htmnytruha is- an through money that raised GMAC FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC REVIEW ECONOMIC EASTERN FAR

G(nuac)C...... Co. (insurance) LG mrcnBra fSipn egnes ...... 91 ...... (engineers) Shipping of Bureau American

osldtdSelxCr.(auatrn).....46 (manufacturing)...... Corp. Steelex Consolidated

in hc hybroe rmGMAC. from borrowed they which lion,


ee ak(netet)...... (investments) Bank Cedel h hgk ak t...... 90 ...... Ltd...... Bank, Chugoku The

a-civ cnutn)...... 46 (consulting)...... Can-Achieve ivrti ru adaohr$6 mil- $563 another paid group Silverstein

lnAtoy(oslig...... (consulting). Anthony Alan alSre lnigasc ...... 89 ...... assoc. Planning Street Wall

leSyTcnlge optr(evcs .... 46 ...... (services) Computer Technologies Sky Blue

otne rmPg B1 Page From Continued

a a ioUA(oslig...... 89 (consulting)...... USA Qiao Gao Wai ot Tower North

uoIpra o woeaes...... 46 (wholesalers)...... Co. Imperial Auto

rvt imsControl Firm’s Private

taei omn tlcm...... 89 (telecom)...... Commun. Strategic SD raiain ...... 46 ...... Organizations ASTDC

uulIt.Fradn...... 89 Forwarding...... Intl. Mutual tatcBn fNwYr ak...... 106 Banks...... York New of Bank Atlantic ueEeg op woeaes...... 4,53 45, (wholesalers)...... Corp. Energy Pure

erpltnLf o isrne ...... 89 ...... (insurance) Co. Life Metropolitan eetyCm Under Came Recently ade 'el ates(netet)..... 104 ...... (investments) Partners & O'Neill Sandler h o tr ealr ...... 45 ...... Retailers Store Co. The

rne ide&Rah(a)...... 89 (law)...... Reath & Biddle Drinker eu uiesCnrsEpomn gn.... 93 Agenc...... Employment Centres Business Regus temieCptl L...... 45 LLC...... Capital, Streamline

ahnIt.(netet)...... 89 ...... (investments) Intl. Daehan olTaeCenter WorldTrade O op gn.(nuac)...... 2 9 100 99, 92, (insurance)...... Agenc. corp. R...... 45 SRA......

ICGopUA,Ld ivsmns ...... 89 ...... (investments) Ltd. Group(USA), CIIC atenC.(auatrn)...... 91 (manufacturing)...... Co. Raytheon euiyTaesAsc raiain...... 45 Organizations...... Assoc. Traders Security

ra S woeaes...... 89 (wholesalers)...... USA Broad

ib il(nier)...... 91 ...... (engineers) Hill & Gibbs asosIc...... 45 Inc...... Sassoons

fPueta’ exposure. Prudential’s of

ace we...... 89 Dwyer...... Barcley

iuir rs o nl ak... 90,94,95,96,97 Banks...... Intl. Co. Trust Fiduciary

..Kt,CAAcutns...... 45 Accountants...... CPA Katz, M.A.

n n sgigt aeafr estimate” firm a have to going is one “no

what you see. Subscribe today. Subscribe see. you what

a ai ru(netet)...... 87 Group(investments)...... Davis May

op evc o ...... 87 ...... Co. Service Corp. ettaEtrrss...... 45 Enterprises...... Fertitta

h ubro etsfo h attacks, the from deaths of number the

uinJ tde elEtt...... 86 Estate...... Real Studley J. Julien

.... 6 87 86, ...... Finance & Taxation of Dept. State NY mlyeMrt(mlyAece)...... 45 Agencies)...... (Employ Merit Employee

n.si htwtotknowing without that said Inc. America

Take a new look at the Far Eastern Economic Review. From cover to cover you‘ll like you‘ll cover to cover From Review. Economic Eastern Far the at look new a Take

hroEeto ...... 85 ...... Electron Thermo

...8,8,89 88, 85, ...... (investments) Bruyette,Woods Keefe,

uaatCmoiyCr(netet)...... 45 Corp(investments)...... Commodity Dunavant

rdnilIsrneC.of Co. Insurance Prudential insurer life

M rdn op ivsmns ...... 85 ...... (investments) Corp. Trading SMW

arsBah&Wlo,LP(a)...... 85 (law)...... LLP Wilcox, & Beach Harris hn osrcinAeiaCntuto...... 45 Construction...... America Construction China

oss oee,asoemnfrmajor for spokesman a However, losses. travel, culture, dining and the arts. the and dining culture, travel,

a-nGd akLd ...... 84 ...... Ltd. Bank Godo San-In

eadcm...... 84 bepaid.com...... mrcnLt nl...... 45 Intl...... Lota American

ieisrr loaelkl ofc big face to likely are also insurers Life

GScrte mrc ivsmns ...... 84 ...... (investments) America Securities LG

uiBn Bns ...... 79-82 ...... (Banks) Bank Fuji ..Sceyo euiyAayt ...... 44 ...... Analysts Security of Society N.Y.

CURRENTS • osfaflo i iaca hit. financial big a of fearful tors as o no yu mny through money your enjoy to ways explores stock markets. And And markets. stock

IC(netet)...... 84 (investments)...... KITC

is omrilBn fnnil...... 78 (financial)...... Bank Commercial First

ehnclFor...... 41-43 ...... Floor Mechanical nuac tcsqikydme yinves- by dumped quickly stocks insurance

ai eesn(a)...... 84 ...... (law) Peterson David

abnItraia...... 55 Intercapital...... Garban

clFdrlCei no .ak/iaca Inst....39 ..Banks/financial Union Credit Federal Xcel finance news to bring you expert coverage on personal finance, IPOs and Asian and IPOs finance, personal on coverage expert you bring to news finance fteatc,oeo ueosEuropean numerous of one attack, the of

rgtCiaCptl t.(netet)...... 84 (investments)...... Ltd. Capital, China Bright

ebr mt isrne ...... 49 ...... (insurance) Smith & Seabury

h utrlIs.Rtrmn ytm rss....39 Trusts...... Systems Retirement Inst. Cultural The vrestaigi h aeo h news the of wake the in trading overseas

apiBn...... 83 ...... Bank...... Taipei

iea' udC.(nuac)...... 48 (insurance)...... Co. Fund Fireman's • MONEY • goes beyond banking and banking beyond goes et. et. Intern the and management, technology,

uiesi h ..Issae el1%in 15% fell shares Its U.S. the in business vresUinBn,Ld ak/iaca inst....39 Banks/financial Ltd. Bank, Union Overseas

aaTaig L ...... 83 ...... LLC Trading, Lava

u apne gnis(nuac)...... 47-54 (insurance)...... Agencies Carpenter Guy opn osaotoeqatro its of one-quarter about does company emnbo...... 38-40 ...... bros. Lehman

lblCosnsHlig t.Cmue srie).83 (services).. Computer Ltd. Holdings Crossings Global

TION INNOVA • hrs h lts avne in advances latest the charts major news events across Asia. Asia. across events news major L.The PLC. Group Insurance Alliance Sun ognSaly(netet)....43-46,56,59-74 (investments)...... Stanley Morgan

unrCntuto o osrcin...... 38 Construction...... Co. Construction Turner

eea tlcm...... 83 (telecom)...... General

oa & Royal Britain’s for spokesman a Clark,

ialn nl S ...... 40 ...... USA Intl. Sitailong einlAlac ml otatr osrcin.38 Construction Contractors Small Alliance Regional

MrtsCmu.(eeo)...... 83 ...... (telecom) Commun. eMeritus

TE REGION THE • fes cuae eotn ad betv aayi of analysis objective and reporting accurate offers Each week, week, Each

faltlne hnta, adStephen said that,” than longer lot a of rne o isrne gnis.... 5 36 35, ...... Agencies (insurance) Co. & Frenkel

oeneto hiad...... 37 Thailand...... of government

YMtoTas.Cucl(government/schools).....82 Council Transp. Metro NY

sestedmg,btti ilb heck a be will this but damage, the assess

B-MOMrgg rkr ...... 35 ...... Brokers Mortgage ABN-AMRO

omdt uue rdn om (investments)37 Comm. Trading Futures Commodity

e otnna nepie...... 81 Enterprises...... Continental New political insights from a uniquely Asian perspective, all in a fresh new format. new fresh a in all perspective, Asian uniquely a from insights political

ae w otredy ogti hr and there in get to days three to two takes

.... 32 ...... (investments) Markets Capital Commerzbank

eprisrneCmais(nuac)....35,36 (insurance) Companies insurance Kemper

ewr ls(eeo)...... 81 ...... (telecom) Plus Network

I h aeo urcn tnormally it hurricane a of case the “In

pehie ud ivsmns...... 31-34 (investments)...... Funds Oppenheimer

nePp,lwOfcso lw ...... 35 ...... (law) of Offices law Pope, Anne

NEW Far Eastern Economic Review provides expanded coverage of business and business of coverage expanded provides Review Economic Eastern Far The h es.omCmue srie)...... 80 (services)...... Computer Beast.Comm The

AHc faLtLonger’ Lot a of Heck ‘A

atodSemBie gnis(nuac).... 30 (insurance)...... Agencies Boiler Steam Hartford

ek io lw...... 33 (law)...... Simon & Serko

hzoaBn t...... 80 ...... Ltd...... Bank Shizuoka

etel euiisCr.(netet)...... 29 (investments)...... Corp. Securities Weatherly

ahl&asc mnfcuig ...... 33 ...... (manufacturing) assoc. & Rachel

L nuac o isrne...... 80 (insurance)...... Co. Insurance RLI

rmtoelines. those from

e okSokEcag ...... 28-30 ...... Exchange Stock York New

I evc o ...... 33 ...... Co. Service MIS

E A T E A T oaCmoiisOesa ivsmns...... 80 (investments)...... Overseas Commodities Noga adi a o al oetmt h losses the estimate to early too was it said YES. ’S HROUGH


a fieo oehBlad(a)...... 28 ...... (law) Bellard Joseph of Office law AA rdn ru(netet)...... 33 Group(investments)...... Trading MANAA

esitruto nuac.Tecompany The insurance. ness-interruption nrs netetRat ...... 80 ...... Realty Investment Intrust

u a omrilBn fnnil...... 28 (financial)...... Bank Commercial Nan Hua odsIt.Ic ...... 33 ...... Inc. Intl. Koudis

okr’cmesto,acdn rbusi- or accident compensation, workers’ gio omdte op ivsmns ...... 80 ...... (investments) Corp. Commodities Agricor

i rvl(rvl ...... 28 ...... (Travel) Travel A Big

uTn nl UA o,Ld woeaes..... 33 (wholesalers)...... Ltd. Co., (USA) Intl. Tong Hu

ae oee,denticuecam on claims include doesn’t however, mate, euatTcnlge optr(evcs ..... 79 ...... (services) Computer Technologies Securant

...... 25,26 ...... (services) Comp. Microsystems Sun

odnKn UA iie ...... 33 ...... Limited (USA) King Golden

e rmuso 16blin htesti- That billion. $1.6 of premiums ten kt hj o,Ld optr(evcs...... 79 (services)...... Computer Ltd. Co., Shoji Okato

DWtros ru(netet)...... 24 ...... Group(investments) Waterhouse TD

aaTasiso ewr op...... 33 Corp...... Network Transmission Data

e noeo 168mlinadntwrit- net and million $146.8 of income net

ik euiis...... 79 ...... Securities...... Nikko

ioin(S)...... 24 ...... (USA) Sinolion

hn al itiuinCr.(evcs ...... 33 ...... (services) Corp. Distribution Daily China

ln;i h eodqatr hb had Chubb quarter, second the in alone;

nl fieCnescr.Bsns srie).....79 (services)...... Business corp. Centers Office intl.

lb or&Tae or...... 24 Tours...... Travel & Tour Globe ee uln(a)...... 33 (law)...... Mullen & Berel

ilo o$0 ilo ag nproperty on range million $200 to million

is iet netetGopivsmns..... 79 Group(investments)...... Investment Liberty First

eebrFrtPoutos L ...... 24 ...... LLC Productions, First December od isned...... 32 ...... Liesenfeld & Rohde fe enuac,wudb nte$100 the in be would reinsurance, after

anr a hnnC.(nuac)Aece .79 .. Agencies (insurance) Co. Thunen Van & Daynard

hn hme fCmec raiain.... 24 Organizations...... Commerce of Chamber China niae t rtxls rmteattacks, the from loss pretax its indicated hn W omrilBn ...... 32 ...... Bank Commercial HWA Chang

rdr cesCne ivsmns...... 78 (investments)...... Center Access Traders

lsaeC.(nuac)Aece ...... 24 ...... Agencies (insurance) Co. Allstate op aderyestimates early said Corp. Chubb surer ac aiomrcn eEprains...... 32 ...... Exportaciones de LatinoAmericano Banco

hn ah(mlyAece)...... 78 Agencies)...... (Employ Path Phink

CRUS op gnis(nuac).... 23,24 ...... (insurance) Agencies Corp. U.S. SCOR nanw ees,poet-aulyin- property-casualty release, news a In

ol rvlTae gnisTus...... 29 ...... Agencies/Tours Travel Travel World

eiinVnue odn ...... 78 ...... Holding Ventures Meridian

nsrtCr.o mrc cnutn)...... 23 (consulting)...... America of Corp. Unistrat ol rd Center. Trade World

hn aet&TaeakUA(a)...... 29 ...... (law) USA Trademark & Patent China

oe oa uhrte onain...... 78 ...... Foundation Authorities Local Korea

ahntnMta ...... 22 ...... Mutual Washington hte tpoie nuac nthe on insurance provided it whether

abnItraia ivsmns ...... 25-26 ...... (investments) Garban-Intercapital

nl rd etrPbi eain gnis..... 78 Agencies...... Relations Public Center Trade Intl.

n. elndt omn on comment to declined Inc., Group iohmAeia odns(netet).... 22 (investments)...... Holdings American Sinochem

..Wihsn&Asc ivsmns ...... 25 ...... (investments) Assoc. & Wrightson R.H.

yna euiisC. t.(netet)...... 78 ...... (investments) Ltd. Co., Securities Hyundai

mrcnInternational American York-based New

na nl epo gnis ...... 22 ...... agencies) (employ intl. Antal

..2,84 .....22, (investments) LLP Advisors Capital Unicom

egr&Gie lw...... 78 (law)...... Geiger & Geiger

h ags ..cmeca insurer, commercial U.S. largest The

hre opadUA(rn.ui)...... 21 (trans./util)...... USA Pokphand Charoen

a okScrte ivsmns...... 2,39 22, (investments)...... Securities Fook Tai

hn hn nepie odn n ealr ...78 ...... Retailers Inc Holding Enterprises Cheng Cheng


aerEgn rsac)...... 21 ...... (research) Engine Career

h CI opne ...... 22 ...... Companies SCPIE The

ea aia aaeetAsc ...... 78 ...... Assoc. Management Capital Cedar

fiil olntb ece ocomment to reached be couldn’t officials

dcoS epo gnis ...... 21 ...... agencies) (employ SA Adecco

.WleCnut cnutn)...... 22 (consulting)...... Consult. Wolfe P.

atcOlCr...... 78 ...... Corp. Oil Baltic

uligi odnwseautd Lloyd’s evacuated. was London in building

hce,Poft od(a)...... 0 38-40 20, ...... (law) Wood & Proffitt Thacher,

L netet...... 22 ...... Investment MLU

vnrCmue srie)...... 78 ...... (services) Computer Avenir

idot”So fewr,teLloyd’s the afterward, Soon out.” find

..Sipn so.(rnp/tl)...... 19,20 (transp./util.)...... Assoc. Shipping N.Y.

aonCptlMngmn ivsmns .... 22 ...... (investments) Management Capital Karoon

ol rd etr so.Ognztos...... 77 Organizations...... Assoc. Centers Trade World

htsy nue ,btw iltyto try will we but X, insures X says that

aefotCmiso fNwYr abr... 19 ...... Harbor York New of Commission Waterfront

asrOesa n.(auatrn)...... 22 ...... (manufacturing) Inc. Overseas Kaiser

e-yIt.Cr.Bsns srie)...... 77 (services)...... Business Corp. Intl. New-ey a feno,“ednthv database a have don’t “We afternoon, day

hwiePcue ...... 18,107 ...... Pictures Showtime

odSyIc mnfcuig...... 22 (manufacturing)...... Inc. Sky Gold

atnPorsieLCCmue srie)..... 77 (services)...... Computer LLC Progressive Martin h ao nuac akt adyester- said market, insurance major the

eln nl ivsmns...... 18 (investments)...... intl. Weiland

..Cleto gnis(evcs ...... 22 ...... (services) Agencies Collection G.C.

u elwOfc,LC(a)...... 77 ...... (law) LLC Office, law He Jun , London of Lloyd’s for spokeswoman A

rfsinlAss.&Cnutg...... 18 Consultng...... & Assist. Professional

hcg pin xhneCr.(investments)....22 Corp. Exchange Options Chicago

a ohAny(nuac)Aece...... 77 Agencies...... (insurance) Agncy Roth Hal rd etr elndt comment. to declined Center, Trade Take a new look at finance at look new a Take

ie netet...... 18 ...... Investment Pines

...... 22 ......

ipr cesPorm...... 63 ...... Program Access Airport ,0 mlye sindt h World the to assigned employees 1,100

bd atla&Mlog lw...... 18 (law)...... Mallonga & Castilla Abad,

hn in rdn S n.(optrservices) (Computer Inc. USA Trading Xiang Cheng

sh ak t...... 60 ...... Ltd. Bank, Asahi

op,aboe with broker a Corp., Aon midday. of as for

neaGopn.(mlyaece)...... 18 agencies)...... (employ GroupInc. Intera

ntdSae' evc ML Sca services).21 (Social AMMLA Service Seamen's United ol rd nt ...... 55 ...... Inst. Trade World

e,o hmaot50hdbe accounted been had 500 about whom of ees,

hn i,L,&Jag L ivsmns...... 18 (investments)...... LLP Jiang, & Li, Lin, Chen,

oe optrSrieRties...... 21 Retailers...... Service Computer Tower o.hd170employ- 1,700 had Cos. McLennan & Marsh aeUiest gvrmn/col)...... 55 ...... (government/schools) University Pace

aet o...... 18 Co...... & Caserta

ifIt.UA(auatrn)...... 21 ...... (manufacturing) USA Intl. Lief ae uiessi h i oes broker towers, big the in businesses lated rw od ...(a)...... 4 56-59 54, ...... (law) L.L.P. Wood, & Brown

lineCnutn cnutn)...... 18 ...... (consulting) Consulting Alliance

a fie fRmnV oi lw...... 21 (law)...... Popik V. Roman of Offices law mn te nueso insurance-re- or insurers other Among armTaig&Sipn ...... 3 78 53, ...... Shipping & Trading Pacrim

..Is.o iac cnutn)...... 17 (consulting)...... Finance of Inst. N.Y.

noeh...... 21 Infotech...... ohv eneautdi ie esaid. he time, in evacuated been have to aua yegrTasotCr...... 53 ...... Corp. Transport Nydegger Natural

ainlDvlp rsac)...... 16 ...... (research) Develop& National

red ilsFshrTut(netet)...... 21 ...... (investments) Trust Fischer Villas Friends h ol rd etr otaebelieved are most Center; Trade World the out uk(netet)...... 53 ...... (investments) & LoCurto

acn uf aciet)...... 5 1 22 21, 15, ...... (architects) Duffy Mancini

f40epoeswouulywrotof workout usually who employees 400 of red vr ie(netet)...... 21 (investments)...... Sime & Friends ennPwr nrw lw ...... 53 ...... (law) Andrews & Powers Keenan

retIt...... 15 Intl...... Orient

opn’ anpirt stewell-being the is priority main company’s r aauTkmr,MD otr ...... 21 ...... Doctors M.D. Tokumaru, Tadasu Dr. hn eorePout S t...... 53 Ltd...... USA Products Resource China

onW oforo so.ivsmns...... 15 Assoc.(investments)...... Loofbourrow W. John

lodcie oetmt oss aigthe saying losses, estimate to declined also ogo euiisC.Ld ivsmns..... 21 (investments)...... Ltd. Co. Securities Dongwon ako awn...... 53 ...... Taiwan...... of Bank

onJ culnAsc egnes...... 15 (engineers)...... Assoc. McMullen J. John

AG Allianz Germany’s for spokesman A otnna oitc uies(evcs...... 21 (services)...... Business Logistics Continental vainBoeae(nuac)Aece .53 .. Agencies (insurance) Brokerage Aviation G I A

ae .Rte,lw(a)...... 15 (law)...... law Ratner, T. James

h anPriority Main The vsaCmue srie) t.Dt Processing.21 Data Ltd. (services), Computer Avesta eeo S woeaes ...... 5,84 52, ...... (wholesalers) USA Temenos

adaSipn woeaes...... 15 (wholesalers)...... Shipping Candia

...... 1,1,2,2,2,27-31 24, 23, 20, 19, 17, ...... h ilasCptlGop...... 52 ...... Group Capital Williams The

ildtisfrsm time.” some for details cial no ako aionaIt...... 14 ...... Intl. California of Bank Union

mieHat hieAece (insurance) Agencies Choice Health Empire ihr .Zmemn s.(a)...... 52 ...... (law) Esq. Zimmerman, A. Richard

lye nNwYr.W o’ nwfinan- know won’t We York. New in ployees aik nl n.Bsns srie)...... 14 (services)...... Business Inc. intl. Patinka

i-mrcnIreiSipn o...... 1,17 16, Co...... Shipping Israeli Zim-American

G alge CAcutns...... 52 ...... Accountants PC Gallagher RGL

o,w’efcsn nteft forem- our of fate the on focusing we’re now, aigNtok e ok(eeo)...... 14 (telecom)...... York New Network, Paging

aionaBn rs ak/iaca inst...... 16 Banks/financial Trust & Bank California

ksnIt.(mrcn n.(netet)..... 52 ...... (investments) Inc. (American) Intl. Okasan

iatr pksoa de,“Right added, spokeswoman A disaster.

hraCeias(auatrn)...... 14 (manufacturing)...... Chemicals Charna

adakEuaincr.(government/schools).15 corp. Education Landmark

ed orli(a)...... 52 (law)...... Morrelli & Leeds

eto h iaca mlctos fthe of implications” financial the on ment

uorkr ivsmns...... 12 (investments)...... EuroBrokers

u rdtet(eerh...... 14 (Research)...... Bradstreet & Dun ol U)cr...... 52 ...... corp. (US) Howly

a ntaporaea hstm ocom- to time this at appropriate “not was

ootkKdkIaig(evcs ...... 1 ...... (services) Imaging Colortek

ntnt(netet)...... 3 14 13, (investments)...... Instinet ilBts&Ns,LP(a)...... 52 ...... (law) LLP Nash, & Betts Hill

nte i enue,si it said reinsurer, big another , Re Swiss

eio omn tlcm...... 9-12 (telecom)...... commun. Verizon

rmrhDcso cnmc cnutn)..... 11 (consulting)...... Economics Decision Primarch ae hu&Wee ivsmns...... 52 (investments)...... Wiesel & Shyu Gayer

mrcnReinsurance. American

ihl onain(oenetshos...GRND (government/schools)..... Foundation Nichols

oclaVcn o...... 11 Co...... & Vicini Porcella rmx(S)Cr.(auatrn)...... 52 (manufacturing)...... Corp. (USA) Bramax

rvddtruhisUS subsidiary, U.S. its through provided

ontn&Mrh...... concord Murphy...... & Johnston ak/iaca nt ...... 91,81 9-11, ...... inst. Banks/financial rs uies(evcs ...... 51 ...... (services) Business Press P & C

in o hs”Mnc escvrg is coverage Re’s Munich this.” for sions

eo ouetC.(auatrn)... BSMT (manufacturing)...... Co. Document Xerox

ako America...... of Bank

TTCr.(eeo)...... 51 ...... (telecom) Corp. AT&T

otne rmPg B1 Page From Continued

ID otnna o (insurance) Co. Continental CINDE mro ruC.Ognztos...... 8 ...... Organizations GroupCo. Amerson a-ciKny rs o rss...... 48-50 Trusts...... Co. Trust Kangyo Dai-Ichi

oeTa 1 Billion $10 Than More ot Tower South ao...... A3 Yahoo...... A4 ...... Oracle odMtr...... A4 ...... Motor Ford ak/iaca nt ...... 7 ...... inst. Banks/financial mrcnTCItlGopivsmns....4,90 47, Group(investments)...... Int'l TCC American

eE ...... A3 ...... FedEx


xo oi...... A2 Mobil...... Exxon igs ossEver: Losses Biggest

xln...... A2 ...... Exelon eo...... A16 Xerox......

otws ilns...... A3 Airlines...... Northwest

ulLs fWrdTaeCne Tenants Center Trade World Of List Full

no ...... A2,A6 ...... Enron

nuesMyFace May Insurers esCr...... A6 Corp...... News


lcrncAt...... A3 Arts...... Electronic

ewr ls...... B1 Plus...... Network

dsnItrainl...... A2 International...... Edison

aei aqe ouars... B3 ...... Populaires Banques Natexis ilas...... A2 Williams......

etil mrc...... B1 America...... Westfield E-F

. article this to contributed ntn otoe h ceue an- scheduled the postponed ington, tals. tcswe huad fAeiasare Americans of thousands when stocks N

ahntnMta...... B3 Mutual...... Washington ukra n e rw nNwYork New in Brown Ken and Zuckerman xhne aneMe ae nWash- in based Mae, Fannie Exchange. etdb muacsadtknt hospi- to taken and ambulances by lected aigi a wogt etligabout talking be to “wrong was it saying

ahva...... B3 ......

yey...... A2,A6 ...... Dynegy Sli sael nLno,adGregory and London, in Ascarelli —Silvia or fTaeadCiaoMercantile Chicago and Trade of Board rae nteecag,wt orcol- four with exchange, the in treated a udmngrsrge f calls, off shrugged manager fund man uihR...... B1 Re...... Munich

inyWl ...... A4,A6 ...... Walt Disney

rtk trips.” take or hnecoe,floe yChicago by followed closed, change ’re adaot2 nue were injured 20 about said O’Brien insresfrnw pae.OeGer- One updates. news for screens sion ognSaly...... B1 Stanley...... Morgan W

on own og oteml,t dinner to mall, the to go to want to going ameCrse ...... A4 ...... DaimlerChrysler asd h e okecnieEx- YorkMercantile New The lapsed. e rdn oma 0BodSre.Mr. Street. Broad 30 at room trading new n tf tohr eegudt televi- to glued were others at staff and irsf...... A6 Microsoft......

hr’ odut”h ad Pol aren’t “People said. he doubt,” no there’s n,wsdsrydwe h oescol- towers the when destroyed was ing,

g e pb YEmdclsafa the at staff medical NYSE by up set age uies eea im htdw early, down shut firms Several business. ond elyTut...... B1 Trust...... Realty Vornado eisih...... A3 Mediasmith......


Cnue prt ilb hurt, be will spirits “Consumer na eryWrdTaeCne build- Center Trade World nearby an in

are costetaigfort tri- a to floor trading the across carried rdr hr on tdfiutt omuch do to difficult it found there traders icm...... A6 Viacom...... BAErp udn L....B3 PLC...... Funding Europe MBNA

ue spending. sumer

on e okor fTae located Trade, of YorkBoard New down. ruh noteNS f h tet and street, the off NYSE the into brought

ilyrmie pnysedy most yesterday, open remained cially eio omnctos...... A3 ...... Communications Verizon

asuulFnnilGop.. B1 Group..... Financial MassMutual

MI...... B3 CMCIC......

esti er hel ycipigcon- crippling by chiefly year, this ters n pin akt ainieshut nationwide markets options and

tyisd h ulig nue were Injured building. the inside stay lhuhms uoenmresoffi- markets European most Although

aeoEeg...... A2 Energy...... Valero

as cenn...... B2 McLennan...... & Marsh

iiru...... B3 ......

c uigbt h hr n orhquar- fourth and third the both during uct nadto,ms omdt futures commodity most addition, In asd YEepoeswr odto told were employees NYSE lapsed,

omn oti itw hotel. midtown a in post command

arot...... A3 Marriott......

hb ...... B2 ...... Chubb


m n oe h rs oetcprod- domestic gross the lower and omy esi htatrtebidnscol- buildings the after that said He

hneas lsdfrteday. the for closed also change

in te eireeuie e pa up set executives senior Other tion.

ao egeBsbl ...... A4 ...... Baseball League Major

hvo...... A2 Chevron......

ak ilbdyhr h ainsecon- nation’s the hurt badly will tacks

xhne,adteAeia StockEx- American the and exchanges, rmult oio h aktsitua- market the monitor to Trumbull

rdn floor.” trading

..Bnop...... B3 Bancorp...... U.S.

agl...... B3 Cargill......

h oeuba nlss adteat- the said analysts, upbeat more the


aecer h E adalregional all said SEC The clear. came u,o ot oNsa’ aacne in center data Nasdaq’s to route on cut, hr a o fsbudfa nthe on fear subdued of lot a was There

ntdPre evc ...... A3 ...... Service Parcel United

...... A4 ......

r oda,wohdbe among been had who Goldman, Mr.

rdn,a h cp ftedmg be- damage the of scope the as trading, ikdu yba n ere oConnecti- to ferried and boat by up picked htorbidn ol eamjrtarget. major a be could building our that

A ...... A3 ...... UAL

aWs lblCommunications Global CanWest

u h day. the out ly’ fLno...... B2 London...... of Lloyd’s

w ags tcmres ee began never stockmarkets, largest two

rolncoe,te ragdt be to arranged they closed, Brooklyn ’re Btorntrlrato was reaction natural our “But O’Brien

atrFtgrl...... B1 Fitzgerald...... Cantor

0clsfo h imsboesthrough- brokers firm’s the from calls 20

U h YEadNsa tcMre,the StockMarket, Nasdaq and NYSE the onacradfudohrbigsin bridges other found and car a down

Te odu osa am”si Mr. said calm,” stay to us told “They


..Ewrs adh ile oethan more fielded he said Edwards, A.G.

rdn pnnswudb eae.But delayed. be would openings trading hnteNsa fiil flagged officials Nasdaq the When htcae ononatrtedisaster. the after downtown coated that C

lGlmn he aktsrtgs at strategist market chief Goldman, Al

rbn o ...... A3 ...... Co. Tribune

a,mresbgnanucn htthe that announcing began markets tan, uiswr utdi h iepowder fine the in dusted were tunics h rolnBridge. Brooklyn the

nweg erig...... A2 Learning...... Knowledge

u o tcswl ec otetragedy. the to react will stocks how out

hiArasItrainl..... A3 International...... Airways Thai

ftefnnilcne nlwrManhat- lower in center financial the of

n w te uevsr hs green whose supervisors other two and okr rigt saeteae over area the escape to trying workers rn’...... B3 Brink’s......

idrMra ...... A2 ...... Morgan Kinder

ocnepaetemrestidt figure to tried markets the contemplate to

eeiu...... A3 Telenisus......

onatrtefrtatci h heart the attackin first the after Soon

h xhne codn oM.O’Brien Mr. to according exchange, the tsre ee n h ho fother of chaos the and level street at

rgtHrzn aiySltosA2 Solutions Family Horizons Bright ef ryte&Wos...... B1 ...... Woods & Bruyette Keefe

aknteUS,toeivsosable investors those U.S., the Backin

n ln oldd ihsfikrdinside flickered lights collided, plane ond aigterwytruhboe glass broken through way their making

ro oohrmarkets. other to prior P...... A2 ...... BP T



ea,si r ’re.We h sec- the When O’Brien. Mr. said began,

fiil eie oeaut h building, the evacuate to decided officials h hcg uue akt,t reopen to markets, futures Chicago the eke ...... B1 W.R...... Berkley

o tblt oke hmcoe, he closed,” them keep to stability for

trsa :0am atr ie never time, Eastern a.m. 9:30 at starts ws e...... B2 ...... Re Swiss fe h xlso,agopo Nasdaq of group a explosion, the After

hte oalwsm akt,sc as such markets, some allow to whether

ako mrc...... B3 America...... of Bank

naleooi ciiy n tsarisk a it’s and activity, economic all on

..Mra hs...... B3 Chase...... Morgan J.P.

rdn ntefor hc usually which floor, the on Trading

wf rnprain...... A3 Transportation...... Swift ewihdb euaostdyis today regulators by weighed be ter.

tycoe ic hshsrepercussions has this since closed stay


tlelFnnil...... B1 Financial...... Stilwell prpit n rcia. n su to issue One practical.” and appropriate Jones.” eoei rse nteWrdTaeCen- Trade World the in crashed it before


yn seti o ogmreswill markets long how is aspect rying

truk ...... A4 ...... Starbucks rdn ilrsm sso si sboth is it as soon as resume will trading olaus I okdlk Indiana like looked “It colleagues. nlw ig agn akn forth” backand wagging wings low, in

on netr’axey Tems wor- most “The anxiety. investors’ pound

TTWrls evcs...... A16 ...... Services Wireless AT&T

pit...... A3 ...... Sprint akt n xrsig“ofdnethat “confidence expressing and markets h ldbcisd h xhnewith exchange the backinside fled who a nAeia ilnsfih “coming flight Airlines American an saw noyPC...... B3 ...... PLC Innogy

e htcoigmreswudol com- only would markets closing that ted

TT...... A3 AT&T......

ohaS...... B3 SA...... Sophia ttmn akn h eiin oclose to decisions the backing statement n onBodS.”si r O’Brien, Mr. said St.,” Broad down ing o,asoemn adh n others and he said spokesman, a son,

noo ...... A15 ...... InfoCom

rkrg rnlnTmltnSm fret- Sim, Templeton Franklin brokerage

rmr ...... A2 ...... Aramark

hl i ...... A2 ...... Oil Shell edy n sudalt-feno joint late-afternoon a issued and terday, olpe.“hr a lcsoebillow- blacksmoke was “There collapsed. rmteWrdTaeCne.SotPeter- Scott Center. Trade World the from

egoAbrli ietra Milan at director a Albarelli, Sergio


o...... B2 Aon......

er obc ...... A4 ...... Roebuck Sears ofrneclstruhu h a yes- day the throughout calls conference ipae hntefrto h towers the of first the when airplanes iet lz,lctdars h street the across located Plaza, Liberty


O ieWre...... A6 Warner...... Time AOL

omsinhl omladinformal and formal Commission—held n h ie asdb h mato the of impact the by caused fires the ing fie nte4t n 0hfor fOne of floors 50th and 49th the in offices

hog h akt;pol r utsell- just are people markets; the through S

olne ...... A4 ...... Hollinger

nesn...... B3 Andersons...... n h omdte uue Trading Futures Commodities the and tf a enoto ra tetwatch- Street Broad on out been had staff iwo h errs takrmtheir attackfrom terrorist the of view

Teeshg ikaeso spreading risk-aversion huge “There’s

et ...... A3 ...... Hertz

mrk...... A3 ...... Amtrak

eea eev,teTesr,teSEC, the Treasury, the Reserve, Federal io tteNS,si rdr n other and traders said NYSE, the at visor adqofcashdafrightening a had officials Nasdaq

oa P V...... B3 NV...... KPN Royal lmn se aaeeti London. in Management Asset Fleming

arsBah...... B1 ...... Beach Harris

mot acr...... B3 Bancorp...... AmSouth

po h he iaca euaos the regulators, financial chief the of up ec eils ihe ’re,asuper- a O’Brien, Michael vehicles. gency

ih hn,de otergtthing.” right the do does thing, right ru...... B2 Group...... oeneut taeita ..Morgan J.P. at strategist equity ropean

n ru nFnnilMarkets—made Financial on Group ing tet agl arnecp o emer- for except barren largely streets M op...... A3 Corp...... AMR

etBs,wowseetdt othe do to elected was who Bush, dent oa u lineInsurance Alliance Sun & Royal H n nrcsin”si ayDgn Eu- a Dugan, Gary said recession,” on ing

ititwresflee otwr along northward filtered workers district nWsigo,tePeietsWork- President’s the Washington, In

mrcnIt ru...... B2 Group...... Intl American I antsni e.W oeta Presi- that hope We yet. sunkin hasn’t “It oesCmuiain .....A16 ...... Communications Rogers ..eooy hc a led border- already was which economy, U.S.

hogottedy hce financial- shocked day, the Throughout

i ar n intwn i aeused. name his want didn’t and hair, his ein nry...... A2 Energy...... Reliant ..Bs...... B1 Best...... A.M. tetfrslctdi h towers. the in located firms Street ilte...... A4 ...... Gillette aaeti troitcii]de othe to does crisis] [terrorist this damage

YEsprio,wosilhddbi in debris had still who supervisor, NYSE ed enevacuated. been ready lin G...... B2 ...... AG Allianz htwr oti h aiu fie fWall of offices various the in lost were that eea oos...... A4,B1 Motors...... General Tebgetwryi h short-term the is worry biggest “The


I antsni e, adanother said yet,” sunkin hasn’t “It E’ 0 e okmlye a al- had Yorkemployees New 300 SEC’s osbet nwteaon frecords of amount the know to possible lae A...... B3 SA...... Alcatel n h aaete wreaked. they damage the and eea lcrc...... A6,A16 ...... Electric General

E’ he-lo e okfie.The Yorkoffices. New three-floor SEC’s oyofcs euaosas asi sim- is it says also Regulators offices. tory esaid. he

kmiTcnlge ...... A4 ...... Technologies Akamai g ntlvso ftetroitattacks terrorist the of television on age a...... A4 Gap...... rdnilIsrne...... B2 ...... Insurance Prudential

e uligclasd etoigthe destroying collapsed, building ter ftetotwr,icuigsm regula- some including towers, two the of a co fvaso utoftestreet,” the off dust of vials of scoop can

.. eotdt acigsunn foot- stunning watching to resorted U.S., i rne...... A3 France...... Air

hlisPtoem...... A2 Petroleum...... Phillips


ae ntedy nte rd Cen- Trade another day, the in Later YEhdanme foeain none in operations of number a had NYSE

ee’.“o oot alS.adyou and St. Wall onto go “You Helen’s. idb lge-ptlpoelnst the to lines telephone clogged-up by mied ibre...... A3 ...... Airborne B ol...... A6 Coal...... PBS

oes r itsi.Frisac,the instance, For said. Pitt Mr. towers, e mgsfo h rpino on St. Mount of eruption the from images ter etyysedysfu-ekilauction. four-weekbill yesterday’s nently eno staesadslse,sty- salesmen, and traders as ternoon

rdAgrMngmn...... B1 Management...... Alger Fred


P in htwr oti h olpeo the of collapse the in lost were that tions fe h olpermne hmo disas- of them reminded collapse the after lsr.TeTesr acldperma- canceled Treasury The closure. rc rudt tnsilysedyaf- yesterday standstill a to ground trict

rnlnRsucs...... B1 ...... Resources Franklin

ilne iet sesteefc fopera- of effect the assess to time need will ossi h rana h rd center trade the near area the said sors oe etra nlgto h market’s the of light in yesterday notes uiesi odnsfnnildis- financial London’s in Business

oneeto t ecmrblsand benchmarkbills its of nouncement otne rmPg B1 Page From Continued r ’re n h te w supervi- two other the and O’Brien Mr. dying.”

peri odaetp nalatce xettoeo aeoeadteeioilpages. editorial the and one page on those except articles all in type boldface in appear

oicuealsgiiatrfrne oprn opne.Frtrfrne oteecompanies these to references First companies. parent to references significant all include to

takSusUS akt nCue vresDeclines Overseas andCauses Markets U.S. Shuts Attack

hsidxo uiessmnindi oa’ su fTeWl tetJunli intended is Journal Street Wall The of issue today’s in mentioned businesses of index This




**** BLACK P1JW255066-4-B00200-1---XA P1JW255066-4-B00200-1---XA

P1JW255066-4-B00200-1---XA EE,MW,SW,WE

2124493 P1JW255017-2-B00300-1---XA BLACK

lsd Closed inpgCmoiyExchange. Commodity Winnipeg ui ubro 912795GS4. of number Cusip a ri ar eta egra Andersons. at hedger central Parr, Craig el$0blini orwe il this bills four-week in billion $10 sell h akt nte rdtsrtgs said. strategist credit another market, the rdeFutures.... Bridge B R C

105 17 1413.50 1.74 — 1170.56 etrUK ...... U.K. Reuter

h inaoi ri xhneadthe and Exchange Grain Minneapolis the ae et 3admtr nOt 1 with 11, Oct. on mature and 13 Sept. dated rc fabse fgantdy”said today,” grain of bushel a of price h rauyhdanucdi would it announced had Treasury The rmFr oo rdtC egigon weighing Co Credit Motor Ford from

lsd Closed o oe Spot...... Jones Dow

0.2 018110.286 0.168 + 101.329 o oe-I uue . Futures Jones-AIG Dow nldn h assCt or fTrade, of Board City Kansas the including

h orwe il eesae obe to slated were bills four-week The o amr ose W o’ nwthe know don’t “We see. to farmers for usa,wt h rseto oesupply more of prospect the with Tuesday, orshdl it. reschedule to


n e okwr locoe yesterday; closed also were York New and iws on o ops n ri prices grain any post to not towns Midwest

uodb otne ob otearly soft be to continued debt Auto ated. E YR. NET

n h aeadta hr een plans no were there that and sale the ing

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday,

omdt xhne usd Chicago outside exchanges Commodity

ee lvtr oae naotadozen a about in located elevators dered

aeangtv ulo ntecredit. the on outlook negative a have etbidnst ecoe n evacu- and closed be to buildings ment h rauysi hti a cancel- was it that said Treasury The

al n dm lne 0. blinked Adams and Salle ln ocr ae nMue,Oi,or- Ohio, Maumee, in based concern dling INDEXES orsBB seset ohagencies Both assessment. BBB+ Poor’s

ahntn n asdms govern- most caused and Washington,


tc aktsg ntecreso La- of corners the on sign market stock

n. ao ri han- grain major a Inc., Andersons aigi o nln ihSadr & Standard with line in now is rating e ok aae h etgnin Pentagon the damaged York, New

e h errs tak nteEastern the in attacks terrorism the ter


iei oso ue udy nelectronic An Sunday. quiet on does it like n eue.Fwfresto h offer. the took farmers Few resumes. ing h opn oBa rmA.Moody’s A2. from Baa1 to company the etoe h ol rd etrin Center Trade World the destroyed

orwe rauyblsfrti ekaf- week this for bills Treasury four-week

hcg a erydsre,adlooked and deserted, nearly was Chicago

rc hti salse hnftrstrad- futures when established is that price al rdn fe od’ downgraded Moody’s after trading early iso iaknsadpaecahsthat crashes plane and hijackings of ries

atetcnee t ceue uto of auction scheduled its canceled partment

yteatronrs or downtown hour, rush afternoon the By

n amr icuto rmu nthe on premium or discount a farmers ing ndotaon .0pretg onsin points percentage 0.20 around out ened o etra,te otoe fe se- a after postponed then yesterday, for

or fTaeadteCiaoMercan- Chicago the and Trade of Board

AHNTNTeUS rauyDe- Treasury U.S. WASHINGTON—The


edyto h xrodnr tpo offer- of step extraordinary the took terday sbn ped wid- spreads bond ’s SA Alcatel facturer

eki nacinoiial scheduled originally auction an in week

tintcerhwso h Chicago the soon how clear isn’t It

o oe Newswires Jones Dow

as tettafcnal eaegrid- became nearly traffic Street ways.

o hi ri,cmoiycmaisyes- companies commodity grain, their for lehr,tlcmeupetmanu- equipment telecom Elsewhere,

aktmvn rprprsutlFriday. until reports crop market-moving

rauyCnesAcino orWe Bills Four-Week of Auction Cancels Treasury ucl lge ri ttosadsub- and stations train clogged quickly

nta fqoigfresafa price flat a farmers quoting of Instead

rs n20,o o htmte 2003.” matter that for or 2002, in arise

ett otoeterlaeo several of release the postpone to ment

alSasTwr rmofc workers office Grim Tower. Sears tall

ik fbyn n eln commodities. selling and buying of risks

ofral htalqiiyisewouldn’t issue liquidity a that comfortable

lofre h ..ArclueDepart- Agriculture U.S. the forced also

vcae nldn h ery1,450-foot nearby the including evacuate,

n.wr nbet eg their hedge to unable were Inc. Cargill

ayofrve ni efl completely felt we until review off pany

h lsr ftecmoiymarkets commodity the of closure The

tmeeb ihrs fietwr to towers office high-rise by stampede

ri lvtr ogatepressc as such exporters giant to elevators grain twudb nprpit otk h com- the take to inappropriate be would it

hcg’ iaca itit rgeiga triggering district, financial Chicago’s h hnSve no’ ri belt. grain Union’s then-Soviet the or fTae vroefo small-town from everyone Trade, of Board

od’,si htfrKN w etthat felt “we KPN, for that said Moody’s,


huad ftaesit h tet of streets the into traders of thousands

inta sae aito ih damage might radiation escaped that tion nomto n oe e h nieJunlat Journal online the see more, and information n isfie ooe tteChicago the at open to failed pits ing WSJ .COM ia ihr eeosaaytat analyst telecoms Fisher, Aidan

in ttebgnigo h a n sent and day the of beginning the at tions

xlso gie uerlyo specula- on rally huge a ignited explosion

hnteganftrscontract-trad- futures grain the When o 4hu pae es tc uts opn background company quotes, stock news, updated 24-hour For ora Link: Journal

aigrmiso onrd review. downgrade on remains rating

h BTadMr upne opera- suspended Merc and CBOT The

nuuulse a hnteChernobyl the when was step unusual an rc fabse fUS ri yesterday. grain U.S. of bushel a of price

a eypstv,tecmaysBaa3 company’s the positive, very was

n ytmtruhtenight. the through system ing

lso nArl18:nbd nwthe knew nobody 1986: April in plosion h attm ri adesto such took handlers grain time last The Jlcrct rc nee ..... B5 ...... Indexes Price DJElectricity uue pin ...... B5 ...... Options Futures ol tc aktIdx...... B4 ...... Index Market Stock World

ilo rdtfclt hog 04frKPN for 2004 through facility credit billion

ooeaeisatrhuseetoi trad- electronic after-hours its operate to

iiedNw ...... B5 News Dividend oeg xhne...... B3 Exchange Foreign ensneteCenblncerpatex- plant nuclear Chernobyl the since seen

oe Rates...... B5 Money adta hl h eso e EUR2.5 new a of news the while that said omlb rdy nutyofcassaid. officials industry Friday, by normal

hnteMr eie aeysedynot yesterday late decided Merc the when

urnyCosRts...... B5 ...... Rates Cross Currency oeg Markets...... B4 Foreign

raigastaini h amBl not Belt Farm the in situation a creating

akt ir ...... B3 ...... Diary Markets

naayta od’ netr Service Investors Moody’s at analyst An omllvl ftaigdentrtr to return doesn’t trading if levels normal

esi h omdt iswsblocked was pits commodity the in ness

omdt nee...... B3 Indexes...... Commodity Jpcat Indexes...... B4 DJSpecialty

htdw h hcg uue markets, futures Chicago the down shut

odnMtlPie ...... B5 Prices Metal London ped eerpre ob narrowing. be to reported were spreads

esr ih aepolm prtn at operating problems have might cessors

ahPie ...... B4 ...... Prices Cash JlblScos...... B4 Sectors DJGlobal hne epn uc eunt busi- to return quick A reopen. changes

h lsr fteNwYr exchanges York New the of closure The

odysrly lhuhbid-offer although rally, Monday’s nie Holdings...... B5 Insider o h oeeal uue u oepro- some But future. foreseeable the for odMre aaBn ...... B5 ...... Bank Data Market Bond JlblGroups...... B5 DJGlobal

tycoe ni h ao tc ex- stock major the until closed stay

tf eotrof Reporter Staff n ona rcscnoiae following consolidated prices as down ing axutsMnyMres..... B5 ...... Markets Money Banxquotes JlblIdxs...... B4 ...... Indexes DJGlobal uue Prices...... B5 Futures h alSre Journal Street Wall The

hyhv ml upist u hi mills their run to supplies ample have they

aoBadOtosEcag illikely will Exchange Options Board cago


ct Kilman Scott B

etwstrad- was debt NV KPN Royal However,

eea ri rcsosysedysaid yesterday processors grain Several

ttetoecags swl steChi- the as well as exchanges, two the at



vr eelmtd rdr said. traders limited, were ever,

aeysedyt ilr n exporters. and millers to yesterday pace h rdn isrltdt qiymarkets equity to related pits trading The COMMODITIES

oeyTedymrig lw,how- Flows, morning. Tuesday covery

ieEcag ilrsm omltrading. normal resume will Exchange tile ri otne ofo tanormal a at flow to continued Grain

h uv seut akt otdare- a posted markets equity as curve the nh7. 81.00 63.20 70.00 unch 70.00 lb. 100 choice), Dakota (S. Steers

lsn fMresJlsGanEeaos Exporters Elevators, Grain Jolts Markets of Closing

.5pretg on nteln n of end long the in point percentage 0.05 005 .40302 .802.9575 3.5850 3.0425 3.1400 +0.0150 3.1550 bu. KC), hard (#2 Wheat

eeo prtr’db ihee yu to up by tightened debt operators’ telecom 24.70 37.20 35.14 28.03 —0.40 27.63 bbl. future), crude (Nymex Oil

ntescnaymres ped on spreads markets, secondary the In —.0$7.0$7.0$8.0$255.10 $287.40 $273.10 $273.10 $—1.50 $271.60 troyoz spot), (Comex Gold


sla managers. lead as CIC

adu fcsoeswle into walked customers of handful ok otiue oti article. this to contributed York, in nete n ftetascin And transaction. the of end either on tions TCLOSE AT

CM- and Populaires Banques Natexis with

hcg,adJto asodi New in Sapsford Jathon and Chicago, per iutnosyi akn institu- banking in simultaneously appears lyisrd tl,svrlbnssi a said banks several Still, insured. ally

20012001 2000

0ya odta asacuo f6.125%, of coupon a pays that bond 10-year

Clet oea n m erc in Merrick Amy and Coleman —Calmetta ahd hr sabifpro smoney as period brief a is there cashed,

tutdt xli htdpst r feder- are deposits that explain to structed


ial ufcdwt U20million EUR250 a with surfaced finally SA

ytm hnaceki rte and written is check a When system. oes”Ctgopsi nastatement. a in said Citigroup tomers,”

ak,sm akmngr eein- were managers bank some banks, 99.00 80

Sophia company management and ment

ie a ra ao nteUS financial U.S. the in havoc wreak can lines anann cest evc o u cus- our for service to access maintaining

ihrwl.T vi u ntecs at cash the on run a avoid To withdrawals.

enhl,Fec elett invest- estate real French Meanwhile,

alr ome hc-eieydead- check-delivery meet to Failure naywyafce.“eaefcsdto focused are “We affected. way any in

100.00 90

otbnsmd omv olmtATM limit to move no made banks Most

n etetceLandesbank. Westdeutsche and

orprsta ytm hmevswere themselves systems that reports no hcst 5Fdpoesn centers. Fed-processing 45 to checks

a rcsigtecek hti had. it that checks the processing was

wp ae usa i acasCapital Barclays via Tuesday later swaps

n xr ahwtdaas hr were There withdrawals. cash extra ing prt oeta 0 lgt odeliver to flights 200 than more operate 101.00 100

rnprain u htteFdsystem Fed the that but transportation, e opiea .5pretg onsover points percentage 1.15 at price to set

iewe aycnueswr mak- were consumers many when time a

arescryn iloso ae checks paper of millions carrying carriers

U50mlinfv-erbn htis that bond five-year million EUR500 a esn,snemn hcsrl nair on rely checks many since cessing,

102.00 110

r rcsfo elnsigmcie at machines replenishing from trucks ery ai,fo ..t .. air-cargo a.m., 6 to p.m. 8 from basis,

launched PLC Funding Europe MBNA imdrprso easwt hc pro- check with delays of reports firmed

ihrsrce rfi,wihkp deliv- kept which traffic, restricted with

edyeeig hti eas nadaily a on because is That evening. terday

ody sytt price. to yet is Monday, in.Ofcassi hr eeuncon- were there said Officials tions.

103.00 120 u akofcassi hswsaproblem a was this said officials bank But

nte etwsepce ocm yes- come to expected was test Another

U50mlintreya el launched deal, three-year million EUR500

e.A httm,i on iia disrup- minimal found it time, that At tem.

n iiru,wr unn o ncash. on low running were Citigroup, and officer.

n aoo rtes h company’s The Brothers. Salomon and

JAGCmoiyIdx(1991=100) Index Commodity DJ-AIG COMMODITIES aetepleo h ainsbnigsys- banking nation’s the of pulse the take 0.2 +0.168 101.329 rlbns nldn ..Mra Chase Morgan J.P. including banks, eral

himn rsdn n he executive chief and president chairman,

oa ako ctad etceBank Deutsche Scotland, of Bank Royal

t1:0am atr ieysedyto yesterday time Eastern a.m. 11:30 at oeatmtdtle ahnsfo sev- from machines automated-teller some

oiin”si olBgesaf AirNet’s Biggerstaff, Joel said position,”

.519 ecnaepit vrglsvia gilts over points percentage 1.95-1.97

ee ofrnecall conference a vened

nNwYr,dpstr on that found depositors York, New In

ei eydifficult very a in be .95096 .95097 0.8270 0.9578 0.8955 0.9169 0.8995 0.9144 dollars) U.S. (in Euro

B25mlino 0ya ett rc at price to debt 30-year of million GBP275

e fiil con- officials Fed

ai iky mot spokesman. AmSouth Rickey, David Sm hpeswill shippers “Some .41061 .31065 0.6329 0.6750 0.6361 0.6414 0.6401 0.6384 dollars) U.S. (in dollar Canadian

rne udn xrie offering exercise, funding pronged

needs.” evr atos ...’ cautious. very be

cin ade yar ihgon, said ground,” with air] by handled actions a’ l tonight. fly can’t 2.3185 2.5166 106.58 126.68 122.05 118.55 120.93 119.16 dollar) U.S. (per yen Japanese

anhdteseln rnh fistwo- its of tranche sterling the launched

bet etliquidity meet to able

esek eaegigatri tetrans- [the it after going are we speak, we ekns fisplanes its if weekends, .74213 .86235 2.0421 2.3650 2.1836 2.1336 2.1744 2.1389 dollar) U.S. (per mark German

noyPLC Innogy group power U.K.

eddfns“savail- “is funds needed iuto arnsu to us warrants situation rnatosaetasotdb ln.“As plane. by transported are transactions sal sdol on only used usually

.59146 .53152 1.3727 1.5029 1.4533 1.4767 1.4579 1.4751 dollars) U.S. (in pound British

uesunderperformed. turers

rvdn ak with banks providing esta 0 fistremlinpaper million three its of 20% than less n rc operation, truck ing URNYTEMNHG O 2M IH1-OLOW 12-MO HIGH 12-MO LOW HIGH MON TUE CURRENCY

ettgtnd n qimn manufac- equipment and tightened, debt

AENY LATE DAY'S DAY'S LATE LATE e’ icutwindow discount Fed’s imnhm l. said Ala., Birmingham, , Bancorp. South insi,‘h national ‘The said, sign oiieaslower-mov- a mobilize

ped ntlcmuiain operators’ telecommunications on spreads

tn”adta the that and ating” Am- truck. or car armored by delivery rprn etra to yesterday preparing 20012001 2000

rs,wiei h eodr markets secondary the in while brisk,

e i pnadoper- and open “is tem MT F T W T S A J J M A M F J D N O S A J J M A M rudn fteartafcb apn up ramping by traffic air the of grounding iearrf n was and aircraft gine

lsdAlnabank’s Atlanta closed A

rmr uoodisac a been had issuance Eurobond primary

h eta akn sys- banking central the 116.00 105 ak re ofn a rudthe around way a find to tried Banks erjt n twin-en- and jets Lear

eoeteepoin tpe activity, stopped explosions the Before

n ytm aigthat saying system, ing rudisfeto 120 of fleet its ground ntn .. ignaadMaryland. and Virginia D.C., ington,

okCt’ iaca district. financial City’s York

ev ami h bank- the in calm serve 117.00 110 ak,wsfre to forced was banks, rnhsoe xet36ofcsi Wash- in offices 376 except open branches

lcso h etro h iatri New in disaster the of center the of blocks

il sudasaeetitne opre- to intended statement a issued cials oeta 0 ftento’ biggest nation’s the of 100 than more uTutBnsIc,Alna etall kept Atlanta, Inc., Banks SunTrust

ayo hmaelctdwti few a within located are whom of many 118.00 115

nWsigo,FdrlRsreoffi- Reserve Federal Washington, In ho hc al hcsfor checks hauls which Ohio, lumbus, ot,NC,sutrdterheadquarters. their shuttered N.C., lotte,

h ru ersnsbn dealers, bond represents group The

adtebace iloe oa t9a.m. 9 at today open will branches the said rg osmr iNtSsesIc,Co- Inc., Systems AirNet consumer. erage

hs oessadoe ononChar- downtown over stand towers whose

119.00 120

bers.” mlye’sft. akspokeswoman bank A safety.” employees’ rnfrsse agl niil oteav- the to invisible largely system transfer Corp., America of Bank and Wachovia

rcdrso osligwt u mem- our with consulting of procedures atosadt rtc u utmr and customers our protect to and cautious

n falUS i rfi,wso check- a on was traffic, air U.S. all of ing n h aoiyo t rnhsopen. branches its of majority the ing

120.00 125

in.“el efloigorstandard our following be “We’ll tions. ainlstainwrat st every be to us warrants situation national h elcuc,cetdb h ground- the by created crunch, real The inaoi,Mn. adi skeep- is it said Minn., Minneapolis, , corp

a,BAvc rsdn o ei rela- media for president vice BMA man,

ec. nte rnhsg ad “The said, sign branch Another gency.”

pace. ..Ban- U.S. possible. as best as operate to

..Mra ne s 9Currencies 19 vs. Index Morgan J.P. DOLLAR U.S. +0.2 118.4

a-ydybss”si ihe Dorfs- Michael said basis,” day-by-day a ino rnhsi,“lsddet emer- to due “Closed said, branch a on sign adcs ol lw u tamc slower much a at but flow, would cash said h orfcbat hmevsscrambled themselves blasts horrific the

h aktrmi lsd el aei on it take We’ll closed. remain market the e oFoia ndwtw tat,a Atlanta, downtown In Florida. to sey fiil htofficial That official. oe tesoutside Others home.

rd ru.“er eomnigthat recommending “We’re group. trade

,0 rnhsi prtsfo e Jer- New from operates it branches 2,900 3.36 6.82 6.66 3.36 3.36 (3-month) adaFdrlReserve Federal a said mlye safely employees

eddb h odMre Association Market Bond the by mended 3.38 6.75 6.69 3.38 3.38 deposit Eurodollar 3-month is no op,si tsutrdall shuttered it said Corp., Union First hcsadcs yair, by cash and checks bn,srgldt get to struggled ibank,

i pnadoperating.’ and open ‘is

rdn ilas ecoe oa,a recom- as today, closed be also will trading

3.22 6.58 6.48 3.22 Closed days) (90 Paper Comm. Dealer akta eetycagdisnm from name its changed recently that bank hsclymove physically n.sCit- Inc.’s Citigroup

ln ihohrfnnilmres and markets, financial other with along .450 .83.24 5.48 5.08 3.24 Closed (new) CD 3-month

op,teCalte N.C., Charlotte, the Corp., Wachovia etdi tcouldn’t it if tested o and Co. & Chase gan

eta akn system banking central

nteUS,bn rdn htdown shut trading bond U.S., the In

3.19% 6.23% 5.92% 3.19% Closed T-bill 3-month

grounded. ieeswudbe would tiveness ..Mor- J.P. York, New

LS O ERAO1-OHG 2M LOW 12-MO HIGH 12-MO AGO YEAR MON CLOSE ISSUE atdbcuealartafcwas traffic air all because halted

tne ocniu working. continue to stunned ht h ytmseffec- system’s the that, e ftetroimin terrorism the of ter

ttmn aigthe saying statement

ev ak nbtenwstemporarily was between in Banks serve

n aytaeswormie eetoo were remained who traders many and es 8hus Beyond hours. 48 least ak tteepicen- the at Banks 20012001 2000

hcsfo akt akadFdrlRe- Federal and bank to bank from checks etbnssn mlye oeearly, home employees sent banks ment

MT F T W T S A J J M A M F J D N O S A J J M A M u irpinfrat for disruption out cation.”

e fiil suda issued officials Fed

ainiesse htcrispaper carries that system nationwide ntertlvsos ayLno invest- London Many televisions. their on

3.30 3.0 iu prtoswith- operations tinue irpini vr lo- every in disruption CLOSED

l’ ae hcswr ona el The well. as down were checks paper ple’s e h is xlso,a elr focused dealers as explosion, first the ter ititbnst con- to banks district el o aemajor have not we’ll

hc-rcsigcnesta adepeo- handle that centers Check-processing 3.40 4.0 rdn fetvl aet ataf- halt a to came effectively Trading h e’ 2regional 12 Fed’s the dig “hopefully, adding,

tagon. nuhcs perdt eo adat hand on be to appeared cash Enough tl ol edlvrdb rcs esaid, he trucks, by delivered be would still

clsne nWashington. in Schlesinger 3.50 5.0

ak nteWrdTaeCne n Pen- and Center Trade World the on tacks eieisatrthat. after deliveries inlartafcsse.Btmn checks many But system. air-traffic tional

iktni tat n Jacob and Atlanta in Pinkston

odmre a ieie fe h at- the after sidelined was market bond rotfo 0am o1 ..btresumed but a.m. 11 to a.m. 10 from out or vainAmnsrto htdw h na- the down shut Administration Aviation

3.60 6.0

arc olnapadWill and Mollenkamp Carrick

ODNTeErpa corporate European LONDON—The n.tuk rmcmn in coming from trucks Inc. Brink’s halted aswudb irpe fe h Federal the after disrupted be would lays

yWl tetJunlsafreporters staff Journal Street Wall By

inaoi e ak o example, for bank, Fed Minneapolis einltase ytm adcekre- check said system, regional-transfer o oe Newswires Jones Dow

3.70% 7.0%

nd okteronscrt esrs The measures. security own their took tat e,wihcodntsteFed’s the coordinates which Fed, Atlanta ihr Barley Richard A


pnutl4pm oa ie lsdearly. closed time, local p.m. 4 until open ahwsaalbe einlFdofficials Fed Regional available. was cash a arn is iepeieto the of president vice first Barron, Pat er .Pulizzi J. Henry B

eea ud NY e,Peo Yamane) Prebon Fed, (N.Y. Funds Federal INTEREST .0 +0.08 3.50%

huad fbn rnhs normally branches, bank of Thousands h e ytmwsoeaigadthat and operating was system Fed the htfloat. that


e okadWsigo,D.C. Washington, and York New akeeuie ekn suacsthat assurances seeking executives bank st eie hcso iet minimize to time on checks deliver to is

.819.561 156 036 +9.51 1043.64 1195.63 6.14 1194.95 6.18 1192.31 corporate Lynch Merrill

ntehusatrtetroitatcsin attacks terrorist the after hours the in iws eotdcnat rmanxious from contacts reported Midwest ftecekrlyntok dsteFed, the adds network, check-relay the of CREDIT

.8171/251 0-23 80/2+4.02 98-03/32 107-22/32 5.18 107-15/32 5.18 107-14/32 municipal Buyer Bond a irpe nsm at ftesystem the of parts some in disrupted was einlFdrlRsrebnsi the in banks Reserve Federal Regional a oeayplc eiin. h goal The decisions.” policy monetary day

.012.161 049 1.8+6.51 916.38 1024.99 6.16 1024.41 6.20 1023.98 Mortgage Lynch Merrill aeaddpstadwtda money, withdraw and deposit and gage 250adyprperson. per day a $2,500 sgiiatipc nteFdsday-to- Fed’s the on impact “significant

.9139 .7140 53 +6.42 95.34 104.08 7.07 103.91 7.09 103.66 Return) (Price Bond 20 DJ sSidelined Is eisuo opytelgtbl n mort- and bill light the pay to upon relies adi etra etitdwtdaasto withdrawals restricted yesterday it said ntento’ akn ytmadhsa has and system banking nation’s the in

.2 07.253%1073 777 +5.37 8767.76 10077.33 5.37% 10074.22 5.42% 10025.36 T-Bond Long Brothers Lehman

4hu ytmta h mrcnpublic American the that system 24-hour n. Seattle, Inc., Mutual Washington counts. h e,eagrtsteaon fmoney of amount the exaggerates Fed, the


h vrdypoesn fmny a money, of processing everyday The rnhst ihrwteretr ac- entire their withdraw to branches htcets“la, hc,acrigto according which, “float,” creates that

20012001 2000

odTrading Bond hc rcsig rnpr Disrupted Transport Processing, Check


4.60 CLOSED 3.0

4.70 4.0 nEurope, In akBace ls nWk fAttacks; of Wake in Close Branches Bank

4.80 5.0

4.90 6.0

utte rmloiga h economy?” the at looking from them rupt wt rdr]tikn tsadsse,but disaster, a it’s thinking traders] [with

5.00% 7.0% Source: New York Stock York New Source:

oeg oiy cnmcplc.Wl hsdis- this Will policy. economic policy, foreign Frt hr a nejr reaction, knee-jerk a was there “First,

lsl cuiie nwa hywl oon do will they what on scrutinized closely ae snw rcldin. trickled news as sawed

panic selling. panic Manhattan. reopen for four and a half a and four for reopen

0Ya rauyNt il 4p.m.) (4 Yield Note Treasury 10-Year BONDS

.3%+0.059 4.839%

ad TeBs diitainwl be will administration Bush “The said.

t12yn rmte n h olrsee- dollar the on, then From yen. 122 at of the Exchange to avoid to Exchange the of terrorist attack on lower on attack terrorist , and does not fully not does and 31, July

srto sgigt onx, r Norfield Mr. next,” do to going is istration

145,adtedla a hnighands changing was dollar the and $1.4550,

an emergency early closing early emergency an institutions close after after close institutions NYSE closes its doors on doors its closes NYSE

as usin bu htteBs admin- Bush the what about questions raise 339 73 678 097 23.5—93 16.7—31.50 —1866.67 —39.39 —2638.05 4059.75 6697.80 —7.39 —323.99 4059.75 (Paris) CAC-40 taot8.0cns trigsodat stood sterling cents, 89.50 about at

Kennedy on Nov. 22 forces 22 Nov. on Kennedy

Board and other financial other and Board arrest plunging prices. The prices. plunging arrest

hti oe h errs tak “will attacks terrorist the more, is What 26.8—33.57 —2160.08 —40.11 —2862.22 4273.53 7136.30 —8.49 —396.60 4273.53 (Frankfurt) DAX Xetra

nlwrMnatn h uowstrading was euro the Manhattan, lower in

assassination of President of assassination

Terrorism. The Big The Terrorism. suspend operations to operations suspend 2001:

nearthquake.” an

39.4—25.34 —3492.74 —35.83 —5747.28 10195.69 16458.31 +0.95 +97.26 10292.95 (Tokyo) 225 Nikkei n fteti ol rd etrtowers Center Trade World twin the of one

Assassinated. The Assassinated.

changes around the world the around changes

B mo I’ o iecern pafter up clearing like not “It’s Amro. ABN 17. —23.73 —1476.5 —27.60 —1809.5 4746.0 6555.5 —5.72 —287.7 4746.0 (London) 100 FTSE

utbfr h is asne ln hit plane passenger first the before Just the exchange. the


1963: 1963:

Europe, securities ex- securities Europe,

twr n-f vn, adM.Nril of Norfield Mr. said event,” one-off a were it 15.2—32.52 —1552.12 —38.34 —2002.10 3220.27 5222.37 —6.41 —220.38 3220.27 50 EuroSTOXX DJ

i ..bn said. bank U.S. big would be needed to close to needed be would

As armed conflict engulfs conflict armed As ol emr rlne hni ol eif be would it than prolonged more be could 438 —27.06 —403.87 —30.22 —471.52 1088.54 1560.06 —3.15 —35.42 1088.54 EAFE(Prelim.) MSCI

urgos”oecrec taeita a at strategist currency one outrageous,” 16th for V-J Day. V-J for 16th

that a much-greater decline much-greater a that

oi n iaca irpin[oteU.S.] the [to disruption financial and nomic 3.3—24.82 —38.93 —30.18 —50.99 117.94 168.93 —2.54 —3.07 117.94 U.S.) (ex. World DJ

Shutdown, . I. War World Shutdown, aeamre alo h ako hsis this of back the on call market a make

August 15th through the through 15th August

limits later were eased so eased were later limits

eoemr fapolmi htteeco- the that problem—is a of more become U H H IHLWCG%12/31 % CHG LOW HIGH CHG CHG TUE INDEX %

Longest Exchange Longest :

o’ nwwa’ on n n w,to two, and on; going what’s know don’t


Exchange closes from closes Exchange

p.m. The circuit breaker circuit The p.m. FROM 12-MO 12-MO 12-MO PCT NET

Teise huhwihi ieyto likely is though—which issue, “The

cnmccneune.“is fal you all, of “First consequences. economic

ticker tape parade. The parade. tape ticker

time. Trading halts at 3:30 at halts Trading time. temporary headquarters. temporary

itBurns. bitt 20012001 2000

hmadwa ol etepltcland political the be would what and them

welcomed home with a with home welcomed

MT S F T W T S A J J M A M F J D N O S A J J M A M breaker” rule for the first the for rule breaker” Exchange Board moves to moves Board Exchange

ws rn, adM.Bsho M Nes- BMO of Busch Mr. said franc,” Swiss

ak,ucranyaotwowsbehind was who about uncertainty tacks,

American troops are are troops American

120.0 100 oehtsf ae urnislk the like currencies haven safe somewhat

the NYSE’s “circuit “circuit NYSE’s the named New York Stock & Stock York New named

frsetfrvciso h errs at- terrorist the of victims for respect of

for V-J Day. Victorious Day. V-J for

TeUS olrwl eiiilysl for sold initially be will dollar U.S. “The

mets 554 points, triggering points, 554 mets Manhattan. The then- The Manhattan.

ec nlsswr ot otl,bt out both talk, to loath were analysts rency

Exchange Closes Closes Exchange 122.0 120 1945: 1945: eti iaca transfers. financial certain

ntlvso cen,mn rdr n cur- and traders many screens, television on Industrial Average plum- Average Industrial than 700 buildings in lower in buildings 700 than

ueo rd ngosadsrie plus services and goods in trade of sure

iil hknb h vnste saw they events the by shaken Visibly Oct. 27, the Dow Jones Dow the 27, Oct.

Great Fire destroys more destroys Fire Great down in Exchange history. Exchange in down

124.0 140

eii niscretacut ra mea- broad a account, current its in deficit

hne everything.” changes

Circuit Breakers. On Breakers. Circuit months, the longest shut- longest the months, The Great Fire. The Fire. Great The 1997: 1835:

oeg aia ofnnete$5 billion $450 the finance to capital foreign

niesceyi u noqeto.This question. into put is society entire

126.0 160

fAeiasmk h ..dpneton dependent U.S. the make Americans of sination of President Kennedy. Among the closings: the Among Kennedy. President of sination

oit taktemiln fteUS,our U.S., the of mainland the attack rorists

in otybcuetelwsvnsrates savings low the because mostly sion,

events that caused closures include the shooting of President Reagan and the assas- the and Reagan President of shooting the include closures caused that events

nCiao nant ocins We ter- “When clients. to note a in Chicago, in

128.0 180

orydrn eid frsn risk-aver- rising of periods during poorly struck in 1985, and closed for the entire day after President Nixon died in 1994. Other 1994. in died Nixon President after day entire the for closed and 1985, in struck

urnysrtgs tBONsitBurns Nesbitt BMO at strategist currency

hti oe h olrotnfares often dollar the more, is What the has shut down trading. It did so when Hurricane Gloria Hurricane when so did It trading. down shut has Exchange Stock York New the

fidsrciiiy”si nrwBsh a Busch, Andrew said indestructibility,” of

JWrdSokIdx(xl U.S.) (excl. Index Stock World DJ STOCKS INT'L 1.4—3.07 117.94

atclryteynadSisfranc. Swiss and yen the particularly Yesterday’s closure of U.S. financial markets represented one of the few times that times few the of one represented markets financial U.S. of closure Yesterday’s

ac 00 oteeiiaino u feeling our of elimination the to 2000]

olrfl gis otmjrcurrencies, major most against fell dollar

.. rmteclas fteNsa [since Nasdaq the of collapse the from U.S.,

Past Closings of the New York Stock Exchange Exchange Stock York New the of Closings Past

44 10 3.1457 9.9—74 4.0—8.85 —42.80 —17.41 —92.89 425.74 539.21 —1.00 —4.46 440.73 2000 Russell

oe htdrn h 91Gl a,the War, Gulf 1991 the during that noted

Ti steedo odneohfrthe for epoch golden a of end the is “This

751 —31.38 —775.14 —56.49 —2200.97 1638.80 3913.86 +0.46 +7.68 1695.38 Comp. Nasdaq oisadtepsiiiyo a.Traders war. of possibility the and nomics

oesharply. rose

277 —17.25 —227.74 —26.64 —396.72 1085.78 1489.26 +0.62 +6.76 1092.54 500 S&P nacmiaino oiia vns eco- events, political of combination a on

ntm ftrol uha h ws franc, Swiss the as such turmoil, of time in

5.1—17.70 —54.31 —27.82 —97.33 251.37 349.90 +0.48 +1.20 252.57 Market Total US DJ

hr h olri eddnx depends next headed is dollar the Where

onadbcm mr foewystreet one-way of “more became downward nswt aaeeofcas hs meet- those officials; Japanese with ings

enhl,crece ena havens as seen currencies Meanwhile,

18.4—10.95 —1181.34 —14.20 —1589.98 9389.48 11337.92 unch —0.34 9605.51 DJIA this.”

ertr alONilsshdldmeet- scheduled O’Neill’s Paul Secretary okamr usata i”adispath its and hit” substantial more a took

rts on oet 145 rm$1.4579. from $1.4751 to rose pound British

LS H H IHLWCG%12/31 % CHG LOW HIGH CHG CHG CLOSE INDEX % e,syn:“ooecnmk n es of sense any make can one “No saying: ket,

a ol ieo h ako ..Treasury U.S. of back the on rise would lar a ae ic h ii a tedollar —the War Civil the since faced has

1.6ynfo 2.3ynlt ody the Monday; late yen 120.93 from yen 119.16 E C 2M 2M 12-MO 12-MO 12-MO PCT NET FROM

rlinadygoa oeg-xhnemar- foreign-exchange global day a trillion

oe oe opaebgbt httedol- the that bets big place to money rowed h igs anadageso h U.S. the aggression mainland biggest the

e okMna.Tedla ube to tumbled dollar The Monday. York New

20012001 2000 fmn rdr n nlssi h $1.3 the in analysts and traders many of

in”b eg ud hthdue bor- used had that funds hedge by tions” cl fteatc eaeovosti is obvious—this became attack the of scale

14 ..cns pfo 99 et aein late cents 89.95 from up cents, U.S. 91.44

MT F T W T S A J J M A M F J D N O S A J J M A M aki odn umrzdtethoughts the summarized London, in Bank

an elce asapd u fposi- of out stampede “a a reflected gains

hnfl o9.0cns Btte,we the when then, “But cents. 90.30 to fell then

nlt odntaig h uosodat stood euro the trading, London late In

9200 7000

ietro urnyrsac tDeutsche at research currency of director CLOSED ycnrs,oeaaytsi h yen’s the said analyst one contrast, By

ad h uorbuddt 07 et and cents 90.70 to rebounded euro The said.

n rdrptit. put trader one

ieylgttaigvlm,Pu Meggyesi, Paul volume, trading light tively

ciet u igrise”M.Norfield Mr. issue,” bigger a but accident,


hr’ osc hn sasf lc, as place,” safe a as thing such no there’s 9400 8000

oigta h olrsl f nrela- in off sold dollar the that Noting

aetruh ` eaeceri antan wasn’t it clear became i`t through, came trciedrn eid fgoa political global of periods during attractive

..i svleal si em obe, to seems it as vulnerable as is U.S. weaken.

Te,we eso eodplane second a of news when “Then, h ws urnyhsoial a been has historically currency Swiss The

9600 9000 h a’ vnshglgtdta i the “if that highlighted events day’s The a oiin,o estedla would dollar the bets or positions, lar

.40 oprdwt .83lt Monday. late 1.6863 with compared 1.6410,

cents. ettedla ubigi lbltrading. global in tumbling dollar the sent pcltr led edszbeshort-dol- sizable held already speculators

9800 10000 e n .95fac.Tefacfnse at finished franc The francs. 1.6915 and yen

et,bfr aln akt bu 89.75 about to back falling before cents, ODNTroitatcso h U.S. the on attacks LONDON—Terrorist teghnn a iie ytefc that fact the by limited was strengthening

e n .35fac rmhgso 122.05 of highs from francs 1.6375 and yen

at”Teer htu bu ett 90.50 to cent a about up shot euro The pact.”

ogtadsl ndlas h euro’s The dollars. in sold and bought tf eotrof Reporter Staff h alSre Journal Street Wall The

10000 11000

h olrfligt nrdylw f118.55 of lows intraday to falling dollar the

ua ieteesn atn aktim- market lasting no life—there’s human y upd$.1t 2.6abre—htis barrel—that a $29.06 to $1.61 jumped ihe .Sesit R. Michael B

hle pb h e n ws rn,with franc, Swiss and yen the by up chalked

et—vni eybdoe ihls of loss with ones bad very if dents—even i BetcuefrOtbrdelivery October for crude —Brent oil

EXCHANGE o oe nutilAverage Industrial Jones Dow STOCKS 655 —0.34 9605.51

oeo h a’ igs an were gains biggest day’s the of Some moBn nLno.“sal ihacci- with “Usually London. in Bank Amro ee yaseprs ntepieo crude of price the in rise steep a by pered

edo oeg-xhnersac tABN at research foreign-exchange of head said. h eknn ftedla a tem- was dollar the of weakening The FOREIGN

elcsSp.1 trading. 11 Sept. reflects ihnwer ih bv 1bight”he hit,” being 91 above highs euro new with nacdn, adTn ofed global Norfield, Tony said accident,” an nshv encanceled. been have ings et 0taig l ..mreswr lsdo usa.TeD-I omdt index Commodity DJ-AIG The Tuesday. on closed were markets U.S. All trading. 10 Sept.

olr nRato,Dcie nGoa Trading Global in Declines Reaction, in Dollar, reflect sections Commodities and Interest Bonds, Stocks, for Data oiet Readers: to Notice



** B3


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2124494 P1JW255018-2-B00400-1---XA BLACK

Dollars. v aieser b,fb....ua7.57 84.00 74.25-78 una fob...... lb., steers native hvy Hides, 01DwJns&C.Ic l ihsReserved. Rights All Inc. Co. & Jones Dow 2001 000s. in shown index Currency †Local 12/31/91=100. on based Indexes sbsdo h ls f16 qaig10 p-Preliminary. 100. equaling 1969 of close the on based is


r sdt aclt aiu o oe Indexes. Jones Dow various calculate to used are

rddeute,Dc 1 98=10.Idxi Canadian in Index 1000. = 1998 31, Dec. equities, traded pcie eea ahidx acltdi oa currencies, local in calculated index, Each Geneva. spective, mkdhes Yl...... na.3.3725 .33 nna lb...... NY smokedsheets, Rubber,

xhnetbe.Ruesra-iedt feeds data real-time Reuters tables. exchange

O OE OL TC INDEX STOCK WORLD JONES DOW 6.0— .5— .0238 6.0— 70 2.7— 41 20.91 — 44.10 — 28.67 — 67.03 — 166.80 233.89 1.10 — 1.85 — 166.80 -A ne opie fCnd' ags,ms actively most largest, Canada's of comprised index An c- scluae yMra tne aia nentoa Per- International Capital Stanley Morgan by calculated As


uue n uue pin rcs n foreign and prices, options futures and futures

udlns e.3 95=1000. = 1995 31 Dec. guidelines,

AEMC- ..12. 131— 24.7 — 1143.1 1124.0 .... MSCI-p EAFE ol e.U.S.) (ex. World 1.4— .7— .4189 1.4— 09 3.8— 89 24.82 — 38.94 — 30.18 — 50.99 — 117.94 168.93 2.54 — 3.07 — 117.94

NN elr t.l...... d0354.9 60.767 40.196 d40.355 cts./lb...... Dealer, NA RN Zinc, tetJunl nldn oeg tc quotations, stock foreign including Journal, Street

-Agoa ne fcmaistameIlmcinvestment thatmeetIslamic companies of index global A b-

ol ne ...981914— 20.7 — 971.4 968.1 ...... Index World NN odr t.l...... d6.6 6.8 379.655 265.382 d266.464 cts./lb...... Solder, NA RN Tin,

rvdrfrsvrlsaitcltbe nTeWall The in tables statistical several for provider


saPcfc(x Japan) (ex. Asia/Pacific 2.1— .3— .2116 2.1— 71 2.8— 38 10.01 — 13.84 — 22.98 — 37.14 — 124.51 161.68 0.02 — 0.03 — 124.51

S /rs o.... 670 2.0712.00 627.00 d627.00 ton...... $/gross US, Scrap, Steel St. utai...... 4. 4. 1.4 + 646.5 649.3 ......

stepiaydata primary the is etr ru PLC Group Reuters

a.90 0.Yedbsdo niae nulzddivi- annualized indicated on based Yield 100. Jan.1990=

NN odr t.l...... 4.4 03540.391 40.365 d40.449 cts./lb...... Solder, NA RN Lead,

wteln..... 6. 8. 24.6 — 782.7 767.3 Switzerland...... Thailand 89 05 12 00 01 44 48 03 10 40 15.01 + 4.08 + 1.02 + 0.32 + 24.81 34.44 0.16 — 0.05 — 31.27 0.54 — 58.94 -Idxso ulcytae elEtt netetTrusts, Investment Estate Real traded publicly of Indexes a-

o2wr Yl.....h5 5 .70 .55 h.55 lb...... NY wire 2 No Scrap, Copper

JU ml-a...... Mre lsd ...... Closed Market Small-Cap...... US DJ

ogKn .... 54850. 28.4 — 5507.8 5504.8 ...... Kong Hong

oh i t10—6 — 110 rt div Roche rtA oa 52 .... 35.25 Tobac Am Brit

ihg b,Cxs rc ..n 61 .9285 .6515 na .... price sp Cmx lb., gr high Copper, Taiwan 0.9— .58.2— .8— .1109 80 6.8— 57 1.6— 15.18 — 14.56 — 45.71 — 68.48 — 78.07 150.92 2.61 — 2.18 — 81.32 2.55 — 109.39

JU i-a...... aktCoe ...... Closed Market Mid-Cap...... US DJ

emn...... 529618— 27.5 — 601.8 592.9 Germany......

ihmn 45—201 — 3425 ejy prs54 0.05 — 5.40 Sports Berjaya NSo,$l...... .53-.55 d.53-.55 $/lb...... Spot, RN Antimony, JU ag-a...... Mre lsd ...... Closed Market Large-Cap...... US DJ

ot Korea South 90 18 81 13 22 93 98 2.7— 66 50 9.45 + 5.02 + 26.68 — 21.17 — 49.86 79.33 2.28 — 1.36 — 58.16 1.82 — 99.04

oe b...... n 63 .7835 .6435 na lb...... Comex Aluminum rne...... 14. 415— 24.3 — 1451.5 1440.5 France...... oatsrg5 3 — 55 reg mbHd .0—0.08 — 3.50 Hldg Ammb JSsanblt ..... 9.4— 29 16 2.5.... 23.45 — 1.61 — 12.99 — 796.04 ...... Sustainability DJ

METALS 2 11 — 329 reg Nestle

aa ...... 6. 8. 17.2 — 685.4 668.9 ...... Japan

nringgit in LUMPUR KUALA JAinTtn ...... 127 14 14 2.3.... 20.83 — 1.45 + 1.47 + 102.78 ...... Titans Asian DJ

Singapore 1.9+ .3188 11 10 4.1132 3.3— 48 2.4— 19.54 — 26.44 — 24.81 — 35.93 — 103.21 144.81 1.06 + 1.14 + 108.88 1.03 + 117.59

1 48 — 919 Lonza

aaa...... 3. 3. 19.4 — 933.3 931.8 Canada...... 4 tpe er e.L..... 12 .01.00 1.20 u1.20 Lb...... Del. Terr. Staple, 64s Wool, JGoa ias..... 8.0— .9— .4— 94 .... 19.45 — 0.84 — 1.59 — 186.80 Titans...... Global DJ

mn lcrc170 4500 — 187000 Electrnc Smsng

Philippines 2.1+ .66.2+ .1+ .28.05.8— 64 2.5— 24 16.86 — 12.40 — 21.25 — 16.49 — 59.08 87.10 0.02 + 0.01 + 61.12 0.16 + 120.71 odrak38—32 — 318 Holderbank

/6srl-dpsl ..n 35.6068 .335 na .... lb lw-mdMphs str 1/16 1 Cotton, rti ...... 11. 543— 17.9 — 1524.3 1512.5 ...... Britain JCnd 0-..... 022 4.3— .6— 56 .... 25.62 — 4.06 — 45.33 — 1072.22 -c...... 40 Canada DJ

mn lcDv550+300 + 52500 Dev Elec Smsng rdusep5 7 — 55 CredSuisseGp

0o 0i Yy...... 5.5.325 .35 n.35 yd...... NY 40-in oz 10 Burlap, JItre evcs...Mre lsd ...... Closed Market Services...... Internet DJ

...... 13. 097— 17.0 — 1029.7 1037.9 U.S......

2.9+ .8109 10 10 0.78.4— .7— .4+ .5+ 4.40 + 4.25 + 5.14 — 5.47 — 86.94 109.17 1.06 + 1.06 + 100.93 0.38 + 125.69 Zealand New

-i op450+500 + 41500 Corp S-Oil u o Ago Mon Tue iaS hm11—4 — 101 Chem Sp Ciba JItre omre.Mre lsd ...... Closed Market . Commerce Internet DJ

e.1 e.712-00 Sep. 10 Sep.


JCmoieItre .Mre lsd ...... Closed Market .. Internet Composite DJ

KTlcm270 3000 — 207000 Telecom SK 5—6 — 65 Adecco Malaysia 2.4— .79.8— .3— .8147 19 59 60 31 3.59 + 3.18 + 6.04 — 5.90 — 71.97 104.76 0.68 — 0.63 — 91.68 0.67 — 128.04


JMU ne...... Mre lsd ...... Closed Market Index...... US DJIM IESADTEXTILES AND FIBERS KCr 25 50 — 12850 Corp SK

4—2 — 14 ABB

Japan 80 02 13 13 18 0.37.0— 37 3.3— 69 19.24 — 16.99 — 32.13 — 33.76 — 70.00 108.93 1.87 + 1.31 + 71.31 0.25 + 68.04

JMGoa eh-...21.8— 19 05 4.1.... 45.01 — 0.59 — 11.99 — 2014.68 -b..... Tech Global DJIM

SIINDEXES MSCI 80 2900 — 88500 Posco

.69280 3.4580 2.8503 2.8689 $4.1800) equiv. (U.S. Spot nSisfrancs Swiss in SWITZERLAND

JIlmcMre b. 455 71 05 2.0.... 24.10 — 0.50 — 7.15 — 1435.59 -b... Market Islamic DJ

GEetn 30 200 — 13000 Electrnc LG

i pounds) (in Fixing London

Indonesia 6.2— .53.3— .8— .33.92.2— .4— .2+ .9+ 13.08 + 4.09 + 3.92 — 1.44 — 21.12 37.49 0.23 — 0.08 — 35.33 0.05 — 161.22

opst ET-o e aktCoe ...... Closed Market ret -tot REIT Composite

ov 5.0—11.50 — 150.00 B Volvo GCe n 70+10 + 6720 Inv Chem LG

ryounce troy Silver,

opst ET- ....Mre lsd ...... Closed Market ...... -a REIT Composite

ogKong Hong 7.9+ .5188 06 03 7.8182 9.2— 56 6.0— 27.16 — 66.70 — 35.68 — 99.22 — 178.25 278.08 0.35 + 0.62 + 178.87 0.35 + 179.39

.0.... 3.40 Sivensa 4.0430 610.00 443.00 448.00 Mkt.) (Free Platinum, ea el143—0.092 — 1.423 Genl & Legal vnk nb 3.0—10.50 — 136.50 Hndbk Svenska oki k180—600 — 17800 Bk Kookmin

qiyRI ttrt... aktCoe ...... Closed Market ret...... -tot REIT Equity

8.0215 274.65 271.50 287.00 PM 271.40 AM fixing London

adScr .8 0.250 — 8.380 Securs Land lcaaa 3.0.... 235.00 ElecCaracas 75 7.00 — 67.50 Skanska 15 600 — 21850 Kepco

qiyRI...... Mre lsd ...... Closed Market REIT...... Equity Australia 1.2— .0195 24 16 6.5138 90 56 66 4.25 — 6.64 — 5.69 — 9.02 — 133.82 164.55 1.69 + 2.49 + 149.53 0.10 — 217.52

ryoz troy Gold,

igihr285—0.355 — 2.875 Kingfisher adi 9.0—19.00 — 195.50 Sandvik yna oo 20 800 — 22100 Motor Hyundai ee e 9.0.... 190.00 Ven Cemex


u o r Ago Yr. Mon Tue

id l .0 .... 0.700 Plc Kidde 6.0—13.00 — 161.00 SKF Asia/Pacific 76 09 12 1.57.2— 25 2.4— 54 16.59 — 15.43 — 29.54 — 32.54 — 76.62 111.55 1.29 + 0.99 + 77.61 ynEg&Cn35 170 — 3350 Con & Eng Hyun

AT 400 190.00 — 2450.00 CANTV



ono ah .5 0.040 — 8.950 Mathy Johnson 95 7.50 — 79.50 Bank SE

yi ei19 210 — 1190 Semi Hynix

cPvnil500 .... 500.00 BcoPrvincial

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday,

ot Africa South 7.8— .78.5— .1— .8131 21 1.0— 22 52 5.58 — 5.24 — 12.27 — 12.40 — 82.19 103.13 3.18 — 2.91 — 88.65 2.17 — 278.28

efro mr .3 0.055 — 1.335 Smurf Jefferson usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday, odaA 40 6.00 — 54.00 AB Nordea 30 200 — 23100 Dacom

nbolivars in VENEZUELA

ness073—0.062 — 0.733 Invensys

netrB130 11.00 — 103.00 B Investor

uoe(x U.K.) (ex. Europe 7.0— .1— .3288 7.0— 16 3.8— 58 32.64 — 85.86 — 34.08 — 91.60 — 177.20 268.80 4.43 — 8.21 — 177.20 PCAT INDEXES SPECIALTY

nwon in KOREA


nlPwr257—0.093 — 2.527 Power Intl ensMuB170 23.50 — 167.00 B Hennes&Mau

atne 75 .... 57.50 Santander

uoZone Euro 6.2— .8— .7227 6.2— 59 3.1— 97 32.36 — 79.79 — 34.01 — 85.97 — 166.82 252.79 4.57 — 7.98 — 166.82

noy190—0.210 — 1.960 Innogy eeoId 20+75 + 3250 TelekomIndo orprk175 8.50 — 107.50 FoerSparbk

3.0.... 131.00 Gener



melTbc840—0.270 — 8.430 Tobac Imperl

50+200 + 9500 Indosat

69 4.60 — 36.90 Ericsson aael 7.0—10.00 — 570.00 Falabella UnitedKingdom 9.7— .4137 67 41 0.7137 4.9— 23 4.3— 23.04 — 46.03 — 22.32 — 44.19 — 153.79 200.57 4.18 — 6.71 — 153.79 5.34 — 194.87

m hmId370—0.410 — 3.760 Ind Chem Imp 0 .... 800 Indofood lcrlx110 10.50 — 131.00 Electrolux

8.0—5.00 — 184.00 Enersis

Switzerland 2.8— .9251 1.6— .5455 6.9— 0.5— 90 102 36.17 — 150.29 — 29.01 — 108.35 — 265.19 415.56 4.25 — 11.76 — 265.19 6.99 — 320.58 itnGp170—0.475 — 1.790 Grp Hilton noeet12 .... 1225 Indocement ta oc 0.0—14.50 — 203.50 Copco Atlas

2.0—14.00 — 220.00 Endesa

asnPc470—0.190 — 4.710 Plc Hanson MSmora130+250 + 17300 Sampoerna HM

22—45 — 1262 NIFCO Ex-dividend = x 40+60 + 5420 Fanuc oy lcrn67 160 + 6270 Electron Tokyo

nkrona in STOCKHOLM 4.0.... 645.00 D&S Sweden 2.9— .7149 1.7— .6444 8.4— 4.2— 70 139 45.43 — 153.95 — 57.01 — 245.22 — 184.94 434.46 6.36 — 12.57 — 184.94 7.77 — 328.89

SClg650—1.015 — 6.590 HSBCHldg uagaa 20 200 — 12000 GudangGaram G pr 2 49 + 820 Spark NGK

zk lc 0 .... 706 Glico Ezaki oy lcPr36 70 — 3060 Pwr Elec Tokyo

oe 100 150.00 — 2160.00 Copec

olots1.7+0.14 + 11.47 Woolworths

BS800—0.580 — 8.020 ied nv4.6—2.66 — 46.36 Univ

Spain 8.0— .4114 37 24 1.1114 6.9— 94 4.7— 21.66 — 41.87 — 29.44 — 63.19 — 151.43 217.91 2.41 — 3.74 — 151.43 4.24 — 282.60 akCnr sa15 25 + 1450 Asia Centrl Bank 20+15 + 1250 NEC oi a&ie18 25 — 1185 Mar&Fire Tokio 70—15 — 2720 Eisai

hlcr 202 .... 2200.20 Chilectra

odie1.6—0.14 — 13.56 Woodside

rnd .3 0.130 — 1.130 Granada 25 3.20 — 42.55 Valeo

sr nl22 75 — 2425 Intl Astra tus o i 000 .... 1040000 Fin Tok Mtsubsh 00+24 + 2020 Denso ooC 46 150 — 14360 Co Toho

evzs23.0.... 2930.00 Cervezas Portugal 0.4— .9169 34 26 0.8169 6.0— 47 5.1— 31.10 — 57.31 — 34.71 — 67.50 — 126.96 200.48 2.67 — 3.48 — 126.96 4.49 — 205.14

eta 39 0.17 + 13.92 Westpac lxSKie1.6 1.230 — 16.260 GlaxoSmKline 06 0.30 — 10.65 Usinor

ohd hr 4 3 + 745 Pharm Mochida aw euiis99+16 + 979 Securities Daiwa ejn41—11 — 451 Teijin nrupiah in INDONESIA

900 80.00 — 1950.00 CTC-A

U L .4 0.350 — 5.440 PLC GUS oaFnEf100 0.20 + 160.00 TotalFinaElf M t .3—0.08 — 8.33 Ltd WMC iuhHds550 8000 — 525000 Hldgs Mizuoh Norway 9.7+ .8101 26 20 8.6174 4.6— 63 3.2— 22.28 — 37.32 — 26.39 — 46.66 — 127.46 180.86 2.09 + 2.67 + 130.13 0.38 + 190.27 aeaCe 80—40 — 4870 Chem Takeda aw os 2 5 + 920 House Daiwa

npesos in CHILE K .6 0.172 — 2.960 GKN 80 3.44 — 38.06 Thales ibn lc1.5—1.05 — 14.35 Elec Winbond 7 4 + 375 Mitsukoshi esr .9+0.02 + 4.89 Telstra anpo hr 15—18 — 1115 Pharm Dainippon

ay ue 98+36 + 1958 Yuden Taiyo

Netherlands 4.6— .6247 87 34 3.2247 9.7— 71 9.2— 27.02 — 90.62 — 27.10 — 90.97 — 244.71 338.72 3.45 — 8.75 — 244.71 5.26 — 344.16

uoTne .5 .... 0.555 Tunnel Euro t ir lc3.0—1.10 — 38.50 Elec Micro Utd 26 3.48 — 32.65 Suez

isiMrFr 4 1 — 747 Mar&Fire Mitsui anpo n 2 3 + 229 Ink Dainippon asoPam22 10 + 2325 Pharm Taisho ats59 0.08 — 5.95 Santos

aRooPd4.0—4.45 — 47.10 ValRioDocPfd

nepieOl580+0.230 + 5.800 Oil Enterprise 66 4.40 — 46.65 Sodexho 64 0.45 — x6.40 Tatung

isiFdsn16 35 — 1260 Fudosan Mitsui aih eyk 60—50 — 2670 Seiyaku Daiichi

asi35+9 + 345 Taisei Italy 1.8— .8172 80 59 9.5172 6.8— 37 6.3— 33.72 — 64.73 — 33.73 — 64.78 — 127.26 197.25 5.91 — 8.00 — 127.26 7.68 — 217.28 a ee05 0.02 — 0.58 Pete Pac S

eersf 0.1.... 100.71 TelebrasPfd

M .5 0.370 — 3.350 EMI a eiMg6.0—1.00 — 63.00 Mfg Semi Tai o eeae5.0—5.35 — 56.10 Generale Soc isi&C 2 15 — 728 Co & Mitsui 8 6 + 187 Daiei ahioCn 9 12 + 291 Cmnt Taiheiyo

i it 38 0.12 — 33.83 Tinto Rio

3.0—14.01 — 139.00 Sabesp Ireland 1.6— .9221 15 05 3.5204 2.3+ .6— 98 6.36 — 19.83 — 9.86 + 26.23 + 260.46 331.75 0.53 — 1.55 — 292.12 2.39 — 419.46

igo655—0.380 — 6.585 cnieEe 03 3.40 — 50.35 SchneiderElec hnK ie2.0—0.60 — 22.70 Life Kg Shin

isbsiRa 29—31 — 1209 Real Mitsubishi a ipnPit19 27 + 1190 Print Nippon Dai D 20+400 + 6220 TDK

atsAras34 0.44 + 3.44 Airways

erbaPd5.0—0.90 — 54.00 PetrobrasPfd

ou ru .8 .... 0.580 Group Corus aoiSnh 02 3.25 — 70.25 -Synthe a aPa 32 0.60 — 23.20 Plas Ya Nan isbsiMt 0 2 — 203 Matl Mitsubishi

iie ac 3 6 — 631 Watch Citizen uuiMtr11 10 — 1415 Motor Suzuki

Greece 3.2+ .0118 27 23 0.8133 8.0— 11 4.6— 28.03 — 47.46 — 41.13 — 85.10 — 103.35 208.18 2.32 + 2.76 + 121.83 0.40 + 231.52

uls r .7.... 9.17 Brd & Publish ihSr 0.0—22.00 — 100.00 LightServ

oko ru .8 0.010 — 1.180 Group Cookson an oan130 12.50 — 143.00 Gobain Saint oe iei .0—0.60 — 8.40 Vitelic Mosel isbsiLgsis10 25 — 1102 Logistics Mitsubishi hoMtu rs 6 1 — 168 Trust Chuo-Mitsui uiooTut73—2 — 763 Trust Sumitomo

aii ulp07 0.03 + 0.79 Dunlop Pacific tuacPd150 12.00 — 155.00 ItaubancoPfd

hre l .7 0.050 — 1.775 Plc Charter Germany 9.4— .8110 91 61 2.5110 8.4— 76 7.0— 35.55 — 77.80 — 37.62 — 85.04 — 141.02 227.85 6.12 — 9.19 — 141.02 7.88 — 198.44 Tireet2.1—2.10 — 27.51 STMicroelect 66 1.20 — 16.60 Inventec isbsiH 7 2 — 473 Hi Mitsubishi hgiPam14 22 + 1840 Pharm Chugai uiooRat 7 25 — 771 Realty Sumitomo

eiPd2.6—2.45 — 24.56 CemigPfd abr cw .9 0.270 — 4.395 Schwp omyMnn .5+0.02 + 1.35 Mining Normdy 70 5.20 — 37.00 Renault

71 0.40 — 17.10 ICBC isbsiEe 3 8 + 430 Elec Mitsubishi hb w 35—15 — 2385 Pwr Chubu —18

France 4.1— .6162 96 51 6.9162 8.5— 30 7.4— 30.22 — 76.34 — 33.09 — 87.15 — 176.24 263.39 5.19 — 9.64 — 176.24 6.96 — 243.91

al&iees290—0.320 — 2.900 Cable&Wireless cBdc F 04 0.70 — 10.40 PFd BcoBrdsco 997 Bnk Mitsu Sumitomo ial rt132 5.80 — 133.20 Prnt Pinault u a k1.0—0.50 — 17.00 Bk Nan Hua esCr 51 0.10 + 15.10 Corp News isbsiCr 1 2 — 915 Corp Mitsubishi ai optr60+4 + 690 Computer Casio

GU820—0.905 — 8.240 CGNU uiooMtl6 2 + 61 Metal Sumitomo

69 3.74 — 46.91 Peugeot

o a rc125 0.50 — 112.50 Prec Hai Hou Finland 0.4— .2540 1.2— .819.1540 979 6.3— 6.6— 62.63 — 961.96 — 62.03 — 937.96 — 574.05 1696.21 2.28 — 13.42 — 574.05 4.12 — 900.34 isbsiCe 6 3 — 261 Chem Mitsubishi ao ae 0 8 + 900 Sales Canon a utBk2.5—0.65 — 29.55 Bnk Aust Nat nreal in BRAZIL

rtTlcm320—0.160 — 3.240 Telecom Brit uiooMrn 1 6 — 818 Marine Sumitomo endRcr 70 4.75 — 77.00 Ricard Pernod oms ls3.0—0.30 — 33.50 Plas Formosa

9 3 + 393 Minolta

ao n 60+120 + 3620 Inc Canon an ikes67 0.15 — 6.70 Nickless Mayne

Denmark 5.1— .5141 35 18 5.5141 5.6— 44 5.9— 24.51 — 59.79 — 24.41 — 59.46 — 184.12 259.65 1.87 — 3.51 — 184.12 2.75 — 255.51

rtSyBd650—0.320 — 6.560 Brd Sky Brit uiooEe 5 26 + 954 Elec Sumitomo amxV1.1—1.12 — 19.31 V Walmex .2—0.66 — 6.42 Orange is o k1.0—0.30 — 17.30 Bk Com First ej ek 4 10 — 542 Seika Meiji 90+65 + 2980 CSK

I odns10 .... 1.04 Holdings MIM

rtLn .5 0.070 — 4.650 Land Brit uiooCr 8 3 — 683 Corp Sumitomo

03 2.03 — 30.31 Michelin hgHaB 28 0.30 — 12.80 Bk Hwa Chng amxC1.0—0.80 — 17.90 C Walmex

4 .... 242 Mazda rte n 8 7 + 380 Ind Brother Belgium 2.5— .4110 59 35 9.5167 2.7— 15 3.5— 18.13 — 35.65 — 11.57 — 21.07 — 156.78 199.75 3.53 — 5.90 — 161.02 5.34 — 225.75

edLae1.0+0.30 + 11.00 Lease Lend

rtA o .2 0.200 — 5.720 Tob Am Brit uiooCe 3 8 — 431 Chem Sumitomo aadr r 40 2.55 — 44.00 Grp Lagardere hn t 29 0.05 + 12.95 Stl China .0—0.60 — 8.70 Vitro assiaCm31 190 + 3810 Com Matsushita rdetn 6 4 — 966 Bridgestone

egtn99 0.14 + 9.98 Leighton

Austria 2.1— .58.3+ .5+ .49.87.7+ .5+ .9+ .2+ 4.32 + 3.72 + 5.09 + 4.35 + 75.77 96.78 0.84 + 0.75 + 89.83 1.05 — 126.01

rtAras200—0.560 — 2.080 Airways Brit 90+30 + 4980 Sony 05 5.15 — 90.50 Lafarge hn e 19 0.20 — 21.90 Dev China as lcWk 01+6 + 1001 Wrks Elec Mats' emxL1.0—0.72 — 15.00 L Telmex ko ooaa43.... 483 Yokohama of Bk

oda .3.... 1.33 Goodman

ot .3 0.460 — 5.930 Boots otak24 145 + 2545 Softbank VHMe en4.4—3.85 — 45.34 Henn Moet LVMH ahyLf 93 1.00 — 39.30 Life Cathay

as lcId12 2 + 1621 Ind Elec Mats' ay hr 25+70 + 2205 Pharm Banyu 40 1.58 — 14.00 Televisa Europe 7.3— .2— .3235 7.3— 28 2.3— 04 29.22 — 70.43 — 29.93 — 72.88 — 170.63 243.51 4.33 — 7.72 — 170.63

otrsGp50 0.04 + 5.03 Grp Foster's oySo .0 0.060 — 0.805 Shop Body

75—125 — 2775 Skylark 91 8.65 — 69.15 L'Oreal sse pr100 2.00 — 130.00 Cptr Asustek 36—58 — 1336 Marui sh ls 6 10 + 668 Glass Asahi eeo 11.0—1.39 — 17.00 A1 Telecom

ai America Latin 3.9— .1— .1205 3.9— 71 3.0— 11 23.75 — 41.14 — 33.70 — 67.13 — 132.09 200.50 6.91 — 9.81 — 132.09 acas1.1 1.630 — 17.510 Barclays hw ek 3 4 — 133 Denko Showa

0.0—4.60 — 102.00 Imerys 25 0.90 — 12.55 Acer onlhB 92 0.22 — 29.22 Bk Comnwlth aiaEe 1 6 + 719 Elec Makita sh hm49—3 — 409 Chem Asahi 90 0.50 — 19.00 Tamsa

P585+0.275 + 5.885 BP 05+27 + 1095 Shiseido

reeo 81 2.87 — 28.10 FrTelecom

80 0.70 — 18.00 ASE aioMlig47—5 — 407 Milling Makino 9 30 + 892 Anritsu oe yr70 0.04 — 7.08 Myer Coles

aeaB22 .... 2.25 B Maseca

Venezuela 8.1— .24.8— .7— .44.93.0— .0— .5+ .0+ 2.57 + 1.00 + 8.25 — 3.60 — 36.30 49.29 3.54 — 1.47 — 40.08 3.42 — 485.01

P nu .0 0.015 — 2.500 Indus BPB 05+35 + 2035 Shionogi uoDsel .5—0.11 — 0.65 Disneyld Euro

8 5 + 480 Lion 7 .... 570 Elec Ando oClAa .0+0.05 + 5.60 CocColaAmat nnwTia dollars Taiwan new in TAIWAN ibrA2.0—1.45 — 26.00 A Kimber

O ru .2 0.040 — 9.820 Group BOC hnes hm31 260 + 3710 Chem Shin-etsu 51 1.98 — 15.16 EADS U.S. 5.7+ .0225 00 00 4.6213 9.6— 74 5.1— 17.70 — 54.31 — 27.49 — 95.76 — 251.37 349.26 0.00 + 0.00 + 252.57 0.00 + 252.57 ysuMtuht93+7 + 903 Matsushit Kyushu

0 7 — 600 Co Amada

croA 45 2.50 — 24.50 A1 Gcarso etlNren02 .... 0.28 Norsemn Centrl

H iltn300—0.085 — 3.060 Billiton BHP hmz op49—3 — 469 Corp Shimizu HG lcAl1.8+0.11 + 10.58 Apl Elec Gr ZH

54 1.40 — 15.40 Dexia yw ak 6 9 — 668 Hakko Kyowa

9 8 + 793 Elec Alps

MdlC2.0—1.35 — 20.40 GModeloC

S63 0.10 — CSR6.34

Mexico 1.2— .2127 1.0— .0127 2.2— 24 1.3+ .9+ 0.37 + 0.49 + 19.63 — 32.41 — 124.12 172.74 7.40 — 10.60 — 132.72 5.42 — 415.62

G273—0.045 — 2.743 BG

27+7 + 1227 Sharp ua hx57 0.14 + 5.74 Phnx asutAin200 3.60 — 290.00 Avitn Dassault 00+380 + 8090 Kyocera

jnmt 22+33 + 1292

es 98 1.81 — 29.80 B Femsa

rmlsId 07 0.08 + 10.70 Inds Brambles

A ytm .5 0.145 + 3.250 Systems BAE

ee-lvn49 20 + 4090 Seven-eleven ZZey 33 0.01 + 13.36 Zhenye SZ

aoe150 12.00 — 135.00 Danone ueaCe 5 5 — 351 Chem Kureha 3 8 + 434 Aiwa 4.7— .9167 61 42 5.1161 1.1— .7— .1— 4.61 — 6.61 — 9.77 — 14.81 — 136.13 156.41 4.27 — 6.10 — 136.79 2.19 — 249.27 Chile

90 0.99 — 19.00 A Bimbo

ogivle01 .... 0.14 Bougainville

A l .6 1.015 — 5.165 Plc BAA eiu os 7 2 — 972 House Sekisui ZVne1.9—0.01 — 15.29 Vanke SZ lbMd4.0—10.25 — 44.80 Med Club

1 16 — 713 Kuraray 20—45 — 2280 Aeon

aac 70 .... 17.00 O Banacci

Canada 2.9— .1184 74 42 8.7184 122 3.7— 70 25.29 — 57.02 — 37.77 — 102.22 — 168.42 282.77 4.25 — 7.47 — 168.42 4.11 — 228.19

H iltn93 0.12 — 9.38 Billiton BHP

srZnc 930—1.710 — 29.310 AstraZeneca 30—40 — 5380 Secom ZLatn .5+0.07 + 6.25 Liaotong SZ arfu 99 3.60 — 49.90 Carrefour uaa ui3 .... 34 Gumi Kumagai

8 3 + 388 ANA

BABn .0—0.53 — 6.60 BBVA/Banc

so rtFs440—0.190 — 4.400 Fds Brit Assoc apr rwr 4 4 — 347 Brewery Sapporo ZKnaEe .4—0.01 — 8.44 Elec Konka SZ mo .2—0.05 — 6.12 Amcor 15 2.79 — 41.51 Bic

8 13 + 385 Kubota

Brazil† 256 52 9.5— 54 74 7.8116 141 4.1— 3.8— 42.21 — 139.98 — 47.61 — 174.19 — 191.65 374.18 7.47 — 15.47 — 191.65 5.26 — 1295.63

nyen in TOKYO

psoA4.0—1.00 — 46.00 A Apasco

mrhm535—0.315 — 5.385 Amersham ay lc48+26 + 468 Elec ZKiaTc 33 0.08 — 13.38 Tech Kaifa SZ 90 8.60 — 89.00 BNP 3 7 — 636 Konica N ru 63 0.01 — 16.39 Group ANZ

05 1.45 — 10.50 A Alfa

Americas 4.8— .0— .9315 4.9— 55 2.6— 42 18.13 — 54.24 — 28.06 — 95.50 — 244.59 341.57 0.29 — 0.70 — 244.88 lidDmc .0 0.087 — 3.900 Allied-Domecq 19—6 — 1149 Sanrio

ZJninId47 .... 4.73 Ind Jintian SZ 85 7.75 — 68.50 Aventis oas t 0 2 + 407 Ltd Komatsu igTiHd .6—0.01 — 0.76 Hldg Tai Wing

nAsrla dollars Australian in SYDNEY

be ainl910—1.140 — 9.160 National Abbey

akoC 30+55 + 2310 Co Sankyo ZFuti .9+0.06 + 6.09 Fountain SZ lae lt 26 1.69 — 12.60 Alstm Alcatel npesos in CITY MEXICO 10+4 + 1140 Kokuyo t vrB 12 .... 11.20 F Bk Over Utd


- ru l .0 0.590 — 7.200 Plc Group 3-I

0 3 + 305 SMK ZEeg n .0—0.02 — 9.00 Inv Energy SZ

i iud 4.0—10.30 — 140.20 Liquide Air 2.... 62 Steel Kobe igTlcm17 0.04 + 1.75 Telecom Sing

eeo Z46 0.01 + 4.65 NZ Telecom

2M 2M 2M RM% FROM % 12-MO 12-MO 12-MO % P.M. 5:30 % INDEXES, REGION/

83 5.15 — 98.35 Weston

io o13 28 + 1934 Co Ricoh

ZDvB 28 0.11 — 12.89 Bk Dev SZ 40 4.72 — 34.00 Accor 7 7 — 876 Kirin igLn .6+0.02 + 3.26 Land Sing

npound/pence in LONDON

lthhu .3+0.03 + 2.63 FletchChBui



catE3.0—1.75 — 35.40 E Wcoast

ine lcrn24 105 — 2545 Electron Pioneer

DHd 04 0.08 — 10.42 Hldg MD X ru 28 3.51 — 22.89 Group AXA 0 27 — 707 Kinden igArF1.0+0.10 + 11.00 F Air Sing

atHl a .0—0.01 — 1.60 Har Holt Cart

okwgn4.0—3.50 — 45.00

:0PM,Tedy etme 1 2001 11, September Tuesday, P.M., 5:30

rzca 70 0.80 — 27.00 TrizecHaf 10—10 — 1100 Onward ZOdCla .0—0.05 — 9.50 Cellar Old LZ

aaaiSel16+3 + 126 Steel Kawasaki ebop13 0.04 — 1.34 SembCorp

neuros in PARIS

imn 53 2.10 — 45.30 38 0.65 — 13.80 A Trilon nNZ $ N.Z. in ZEALAND NEW n hr 50+40 + 3550 Pharm Ono NNwCnl65 .... 6.55 Contl New HN aaaiH 7 .... 177 Hi Kawasaki aka lg10 0.05 + 1.06 Hldg Parkway


cwrPa 03 0.65 — 30.35 SchwarzPhar ra L1.0—0.72 — 19.00 PL TrCan nceioIa .9—0.31 — 3.69 Ital Unicredito 44+3 + 1474 Omron DMia t .4+0.04 + 7.34 Stk Meiyan GD a op25 20 — 2950 Corp Kao vrU kF96 .... 9.65 F Bk Un Over


ceig5.5—1.60 — 52.25 Schering

.0—0.59 — 7.30 Itl Telecm rl op2.0—0.05 — 23.00 corp TrAlt lmu pia 61.... 1681 Optical Olympus DMro65 0.09 + 6.50 Marco GD asiEe 00+15 + 2060 Elec Kansai vrCi kF1.0+0.20 + 11.20 F Bk Chin Over

A 1.0—5.30 — 116.40 SAP

eemIa o .8—0.44 — 4.88 Mob Ital Telecm km op27—3 — 227 Corp Okuma osa f1.0—0.10 — 19.00 Bf Torstar DEetPr1.1+0.01 + 10.31 Pwr Elect GD 8 5 + 580 Kandenko eplLn .7+0.02 + 1.77 Land Keppel

W 07 1.40 — 40.70 RWE

.3—0.12 — 1.53 Snia k lcId34—4 — 354 Ind Elec Oki

DDnGa .8+0.08 + 6.28 DongGuan GD 5 3 + 359 Kajima 07 1.60 — 40.70 TorDmBk eplCr .0—0.06 — 3.00 Corp Keppel

ooaaEe 8 40 + 785 Elec Yokogawa 01DwJns&C.Ic,AlRgt Reserved Rights All Inc., Co. & Jones Dow 2001 currencies. local in are prices Stock Note:


rusg3.0—3.65 — 30.00 Preussag

.5+0.06 + 6.55 Saipem 3 3 — 630 Paper Oji hn aa .2+0.02 + 5.42 Baoan China aa ai 2 5 — 420 Radio Japan adn ah- .5+0.05 + 6.05 -a Math Jardine 80 2.00 — 48.00 ThomCor

elwHt10 20 + 1005 Hat Yellow

osh 1.0—43.00 — 315.00 Porsche

Z-Venezuela - VZ Spain - SP Ireland - IR Denmark - DK

ooBna1.5—1.32 — 14.05 Banca Rolo dkuRiwy50+1 + 500 Railway Odakyu

aa nry29—1 — 209 Energy Japan r atHd .0+0.20 + 9.90 Hldg East Grt

ekBf1.6—0.14 — 11.36 f B Teck

sa netr only investors Asian

auaFr 4 10 — 845 Fire Yasuda

S-UnitedStates - US Korea South - SK Zealand New - NZ Indonesia - IN Chile - CH

uce k220 43.50 — 232.00 Rk Munchen

iacne38 0.23 — 3.83 Rinascente bysiCr 7 1 + 476 Corp Obayashi

aa va l43—17 — 413 El Aviat Japan rsr&Nae77 .... 7.75 Neave & Fraser

05 1.15 — 60.50 Talisman

nrenminbi in SHENZHEN

K-UnitedKingdom - UK Singapore - SI Netherlands - NV Kong Hong - HK Canada - CA

aaaiBkn 4 9 + 744 Baking Yamazaki

er G3.0—2.00 — 39.50 AG Metro

20 1.05 — 12.04 RAS 0 .... 100 OKK

1 1 — 510 JEOL B r lg1.0+0.40 + 13.50 Hldg Grp DBS H-Thailand - TH Africa South - SA Mexico - MX Greece - GC Brazil - BZ

18 1.16 — 21.85 TELUS

aaoTa 45+20 + 2455 Tran Yamato

ansn 0.0—0.61 — 202.90 Mannesmnn

iel p .7—0.16 — 1.57 SpA Pirelli ouaScrte12 13 + 1929 Securitie Nomura YJne uo56 .... 5.65 Auto Jinbei SY W-Taiwan - TW Portugal - PT Malaysia - MA Germany - GR Belgium - BE

5 18 + 350 JAL y arae32 0.16 — 3.24 Carriage & Cyc

.0—0.03 — 3.70 A Stelco

GTc .5—0.59 — 7.65 Tech MG Z-Switzerland - SZ Philippines - PH Japan - JP France - FR Austria - AS

aaaeCr 8 1 + 887 Corp Yamatake .4—0.09 — 2.64 Co Pirelli 1 5 + 415 Nitsuko HNRY1.2—0.05 — 14.92 SHENERGY wtuEe 7 3 — 171 Elec Iwatsu

raieTc 21 0.10 — 12.10 Tech Creative

prArs1.5—1.45 — 16.05 Aeros Spar

W-Sweden - SW Norway - NW Italy - IT Finland - FI Australia - AU

A 15 1.50 — 21.50 MAN

lvtiCm10 0.10 — 1.07 Com Olivetti isnFo 60—30 — 2610 Food Nissin HSeu .4.... 6.94 Shenua SH aaociPm24 5 + 2945 Phm Yamanouchi t-oao43 40 — 4130 Ito-yokado iyDvLd50 0.13 + 5.05 Ltd Dev City

hl a 35 1.50 + 43.50 Can Shell

utas 31 2.16 — 13.15 Lufthansa

otdsn24 0.09 — 2.49 Montedison isk isOl68—20 — 628 Oil Mits Nisseki HRwWtr80 0.10 + 8.04 Water Raw SH 700 1.0— 0.6 — 15.00 — 2700.00 (SK) HanjinHeavy 5.13 + 0.50 + 10.25 (CA) VermilionRes tcuCr 5 5 — 355 Corp Itochu aiaad17 0.07 — 1.75 CapitaLand aaa14 .... 1146 Yamaha

er a 56 0.42 — 15.60 Can Sears

id 45 2.50 — 44.50 Linde

eibna1.1—0.96 — 11.41 Mediobanca

isnMtr75+5 + 705 Motor HPtohm41 0.08 + 4.10 Petrochem SH

7 .... 171 Isuzu

aol10 .... 1200 Wacoal

nSnaoe$ Singapore in SINGAPORE

30.0—200 0.9 — 200.00 — 23400.00 (SK) HyundaiHeavy 5.29 + 2.11 + 42.01 (CA) PetroCan SAD4 30 1.90 — 43.00 DJ40 SSGA

asat3.0—2.60 — 34.00 Karstadt

.7—0.23 — 3.17 IntesaBci ipnUia 200—10000 — 626000 Unipac Nippon HLjau 70 0.01 — 17.03 Lujiazui SH

06—26 — 1096 Isetan

si 58—35 — 1578 Ushio

& S 04.5—1.89 — 41.15 60 TSE S&P

ohif1.5—0.35 — 15.35 Hochtief

arya (SI) LabroyMar (SA) Sasol .6— .1— 3.7 — 0.01 — 0.26 6.90 + 5.70 + 88.30 95 2.56 — 29.55 Generali ipnSel11+2 + 161 Steel Nippon .6—0.02 — 9.66 Feilo SH .6—0.04 — 4.86 Corp YTL 3 29 — 930 Intec

n 10—38 — 1130 Uny

oa n 77 1.27 — 47.75 Bnk Royal

eklp 50 3.00 — 65.00 pf Henkel

ITPe 53 1.11 — 15.37 Pref FIAT ipnSno33+6 + 333 Sanso Nippon HAtmtv .0—0.02 — 8.20 Automotive SH t nier41 0.02 + 4.18 Engineer Utd 9 .... 295 IHI

800 5.0— 3.9 — 155.00 — 3870.00 (SK) SamsungHvy 9.30 + 2.00 + 23.50 (CA) RioAlto

sgm 0 7 — 205 Tsugami oesB 32 .... 23.25 Bf Rogers

edb en 22 0.20 — 42.20 Zemnt Heidlbg

ITCm2.8—1.75 — 22.38 Com FIAT ipnMa 20—229 — 1280 Meat Nippon 04 0.07 + 10.40 AJ SH 10 .... 11.00 Tenaga 40+280 + 6430 Hoya

ubcrIcBx07 1.14 — x20.75 B Inc Quebecor

ooaMtr35 10 + 3650 Motor Toyota

ee4.0—1.10 — 47.20 Gehe

.0— .2— 20.5 — 0.62 — 2.40 (IT) Ferretti 13.51 + 0.25 + 2.10 (AU) NovusPete 42 0.10 — 14.27 ENI ipnHd 5 2 + 552 Hodo Nippon CCagog79 0.05 — 7.95 ChangHong SC 01 0.30 — 10.10 Telekom oie lc25 5 + 2150 Elec Hosiden

brrnf3.5—1.28 — 39.25 Qbcrprintf

.NA 17 3.45 — 51.70 AG E.ON ooaMc 3 2 + 536 Mach Toyoda

I10 0.10 — CIR1.00 ipnEpes49—11 — 479 Express Nippon ieDry49 0.04 — 4.94 Darby Sime DHir1.0.... 16.00 Haier QD od oo 80+20 + 4840 Motor Honda

90 05 1.93 — 0.57 — 29.00 0.20 + 0.28 + 142.76 Shipbuilding secondary cos, Oil

AS1.0—0.35 — 16.80 EADS

ts o 70 5.99 — 87.01 Cor Ptash ooo11+1 + 181 Toyobo eetn1.4—0.87 — 12.14 Benetton ipnE ls 16+37 + 1196 Glass El Nippon .1+0.03 + 7.51 Orient eot l .0—0.30 — 7.40 Wld Resorts iah eas37+1 + 307 Metals Hitachi

rsnrBn 90 3.20 — 39.00 Bank Dresdner

oe opCn3.5—2.65 — 35.25 Can Corp Power igo(UK) Diageo (JP) StanleyElec .9— .8— 5.45 — 0.38 — 6.59 4.01 + 31.00 + 805.00 10 0.97 — 11.06 Alleanza ipnClmi 3 7 — 135 Columbia Nippon .6.... 0.86 Renong oCiaPam57 0.16 + 5.71 Pharm China No iah ael12 22 + 1627 Maxell Hitachi ooSia 52+2 + 1502 Seikan Toyo

etceTl1.5—0.86 — 14.35 Tel Deutsche

lcrD 86 1.24 + 18.60 Dm Placer

ipnCeicn40+22 + 480 Chemi-con Nippon ahdHsn26 0.08 + 2.63 Hussn Rashid ansa & .0—0.01 — 3.30 I&S Maannshan iah t 3 13 + 833 Ltd Hitachi

oo68+8 + 638 Toto

neuros in MILAN endir (FR) PernodRicrd (JP) SandenCp 70 47 5.81 — 4.75 — 77.00 4.70 + 17.00 + 379.00

etceBn 74 7.55 — 57.45 Bank Deutsche

erCV4.1+2.11 + 42.01 PetroCCV itno180—580 — 17800 .7+0.04 + 2.57 Cap RHB ia iq .7—0.06 — 5.17 Qinqi Jinan iah aia 30—40 — 2340 Capital Hitachi

ohb 8 .... 584

eus 80 1.30 — 28.00 Degussa

04 13 6.2 — 1.35 — 20.40 (MX) GrupoModelo 6.36 + 49.00 + 820.00 (JP) Spark NGK

eeoia1.5—0.65 — 10.45 Telefonica aCnP4.0+1.00 + 45.50 P PanCan io op90—8 — 950 Corp Nikon .6—0.02 — 2.46 Bk Public ue igu .0.... 8.60 Xinghua Hubei iah al 3 12 — 433 Cable Hitachi

oa 4 2 + 348 Toray

ame hylr4.0—3.70 — 40.20 Chrysler Daimler

eslYF1.4+0.81 + 18.44 YPF Repsol

nxCf1.5—1.58 — 17.25 f C Onex ik euiis75+12 + 775 Securities Nikko

euanOo68 0.15 + 6.85 Oto Perusahn ioeEe 10+250 + 8170 Elec Hirose abnPam1.0—0.20 — 12.90 Pharm Harbin

35 20 7.8 — 2.00 — 23.50 (CA) Molson 6.63 + 12.00 + 193.00 (JP) Clarion

opnPit15 2 — 1058 Print Toppan

otnna 18 1.45 — 11.80 Continental

erlo 17 0.29 + 11.70 Petroleos io nssLd70+25 + 770 Ltd Unisys Nihon aa ak1.0—0.10 — 12.20 Bank Malay uuaaEe 6 62 — 665 Elec Furukawa DMia n .9+0.06 + 4.79 Ent Meiyan GD oseSo .1—0.44 — 6.01 Skog Norske

oy op64+4 + 654 Corp Tokyu

omrbn 05 2.90 — 20.50 Commerzbank 2.1— 29 11.2 — 52.99 — 420.01 (BZ) CompBebidas 6.67 + 0.04 + 0.64 (AU) ORBITAL

brrl 50 0.49 — 15.01 I Iberdrola 800—5000 — 481000 NTT 10—5 — 1160 Fujitsu aa iln .0.... 3.40 Airline Malay a ogDs86 0.03 + 8.69 Dis Hong Cai oad 50 0.50 — 15.00 I Noranda

y eenb 57 4.35 — 35.70 Vereinsbk Byr

oy tl 10+5 + 1170 Style Tokyo

a ar D 90 1.52 — 19.00 SDG Natrl Gas

6 1 — 265 NTN uiaaPam21 35 + 2510 Pharm Fujisawa a nlSpF70 0.05 — 7.00 F Shp Intl Mal ejn afj79 0.19 + 7.95 Wanfuj Beijing alB fCn2.0—2.38 — 26.50 Can Of Bk Natl

4.2— .8— 1.93 — 2.78 — 141.62 Brewers & Distillers 0.22 + 0.26 + 118.66 parts Auto

eesof105 0.50 + 120.50 Beiersdorf

oy a 0 5 + 409 Gas Tokyo

onoCnt 17 1.95 — 21.70 Constr Fomnto 9 4 + 399 NSK uiPooFl 50+140 + 4540 Film Photo Fuji .8+0.01 + 2.28 Magnum

nhnTut83 0.01 + 8.36 Trust Anshan

16 0.85 — 11.60 Moore

eiGp(UK) AegisGrp (JP) DaidoSteel .6— .9— 9.5 — 0.09 — 0.86 2.77 + 7.00 + 260.00 ae 30 1.80 — 33.00 Bayer

72 0.40 — 17.20 ENDESA

4+3 + 94 NKK 4 11 — 746 Hi Fuji 09 0.40 — 10.90 Genting oy nySs30—16 — 370 Engy&Sys Tokyo

osnf2.0—2.00 — 23.50 MolsonAf

sa netr only investors Asian

M 28 2.45 — 32.80 BMW

50 2.30 — 15.00 EADS

.0— .5— 10.9 — 0.55 — 4.50 (CA) MosaicGrp 3.30 + 3.00 + 94.00 (JP) Cp NKK

olwC 97 2.35 — 49.75 Co Loblaw nrenminbi in SHANGHAI LS CHG. CLOSE LS CHG. CLOSE LS CHG. CLOSE CHG. CLOSE

AF4.0—2.15 — 41.50 BASF

r afe1.0—2.00 — 17.50 Mapfre Crp


.5—0.26 — 3.25 f A Ivaco

10 27 11.7 — 2.79 — 21.00 (FR) Publicis 3.38 + 8.00 + 245.00 (JP) YodogawaSteel

lin 3.0—32.00 — 230.00 Allianz

et o af 27 0.55 — 12.70 Carfr Com Centr .5+0.05 + 6.35 Wheelock

85 0.50 — 18.50 Ipsco

ddsSln7.0—3.80 — 71.20 Salmn Adidas NA-Notavailable

c eStr88 0.33 — 8.86 Sntdr de Bco hr odns1.5+0.30 + 15.05 Holdings Wharf .0— .3— 11.9 — 1.03 — 7.60 (FR) HavasAdv 3.39 + 2.00 + 61.00 (JP) SumitomoMetal

40 0.75 — 24.05 Inco

c ourEp3.0—2.10 — 35.10 Esp Populr Bco

neuros in FRANKFURT sntoBe .5.... 2.05 Brew Tsingtao

169 121 26 570 11.95 — 567.01 — 2.62 — 112.17 — 4176.93 WeightedIndex Taiwan

meili 52 1.20 + 45.25 ImperialOil

2.5— 12 18.4 — 51.25 — 226.75 (SZ) Publigroupe 3.49 + 3.00 + 89.00 (JP) NisshinSteel

c ne s 50 2.27 — 35.02 Esp Inter Bco

wr aii 67 0.90 + 36.70 Pacific Swire

.2—0.43 — 3.82 ForestAf I

uihSisMre 651 432 70 403 30.00 — 2440.30 — 7.07 — 433.20 — 5695.10 Market Swiss Zurich Switzerland C 15 3.50 — 41.50 UCB

c i i 24 0.45 — 12.44 Viz Bil Bco

u ugKi6.5.... 60.25 Kai Hung Sun

Advertising Steel 4.3— .5— 2.42 — 6.05 — 244.03 0.24 + 0.11 + 46.65

a o1.5—1.15 — 15.55 Co Bay H

ovy5.0—1.80 — 59.50 Solvay

9.7— 60 77 9.3— 33.17 — 95.03 — 7.75 — 16.09 — 191.47 Share All SX Sweden 75 1.12 — 17.50 Altadis .5+0.07 + 1.95 Cyberworks Cent Pacific

03 21 4.13 — 2.17 — 50.33 (BZ) ValedoRio 0.00 + 0.00 + 3570.00 (JP) Capcom

ecCmue .4—0.47 — 4.44 Computer Geac B k3.0—2.00 — 35.00 Bk KBC

.2—0.41 — 9.82 ACESA

e ol e .5—0.30 — 7.05 Dev World New

384 303 45 714 19.55 — 1781.40 — 4.56 — 350.30 — 7328.40 35 IBEX Spain

ear 82 0.20 + 28.20 Gevaert 14 0.70 + 21.41 Franco

ya eeo .5+0.20 + 7.65 Develop Hysan 10 05 5.01 — 0.58 — 11.00 (UK) RioTinto 0.91 + 30.00 + 3330.00 (JP) BandaiCo

neuros in MADRID

4.7— 01 18 3.5+ 7.12 + 35.95 + 1.84 — 10.16 — 540.57 Composite Korea South I 99 2.22 — 49.98 GIB

90 0.05 — 19.00 Finning

ucs hp6.0+0.50 + 62.50 Whmp Hutchsn

.9— .1— 7.0 — 0.61 — 8.09 1.20 + 35.00 + 2950.00 nlAe (UK) AngloAmer (JP) Enix

otsB2.1—2.79 — 25.01 B Fortis

48 1.24 — 14.86 Falcnbrg

.2 0.200 — 4.620 Wolseley oansugAlSae85.0— 9.0— .9+ 3.0+ 1.60 + 133.10 + 2.29 — 198.70 — 8459.30 Share All Johannesburg ot Africa South edsnLn 12 1.10 + 31.20 Land Hendrson

lcrbl201 2.90 — 230.10 Electrabel

ara 1.0—18.50 — 218.50 F Fairfax P ru .2 0.540 — 5.920 Group WPP

ValeRioDocPfd(BZ) (JP) SegaCp 71 44 8.6 — 4.45 — 47.10 2.79 + 53.00 + 1954.00 agSn k8.0—0.25 — 82.50 Bk Seng Hang

567 83 05 300 18.69 — 360.07 — 0.53 + 8.31 + 1566.76 Times Straits Singapore

ei 55 1.26 — 15.50 Dexia

esn6.0—5.30 — 68.00 Season F oaoeGp120—0.120 — 1.240 Grp

KEeti 98 0.25 — 29.85 Electric HK

srt (SZ) Xstrata (HK) AsiaWrks ICG 7.0— 20 11.2 — 22.00 — 175.00 3.23 + 0.01 + 0.32

ehie6.0—0.45 — 60.00 Delhaize 4.4— 35 69 176 29.43 — 187.66 — 6.95 — 33.59 — 449.94 AEX Amsterdam Netherlands

.4 0.150 — 5.940 Util Utd 00 1.28 — 40.02 K&CnGs98 0.15 + 9.80 Gas Chn & HK

ear 48 2.19 — 34.81 Bekaert

.0 0.190 — 5.100 Bus Utd iig diversified Mining, Toys 2.0— .8— 2.52 — 3.28 — 126.70 0.34 + 0.43 + 125.68 uotA2.6—1.19 — 21.76 A Dupont 510 351 55 111 2.14 — 121.17 — 5.55 — 325.17 — 5531.02 All-Share I.P.C. Mexico hn 21 0.10 — 32.10 P & L China

acN 64 0.94 + 36.44 BarcoNV

.5 0.220 — 5.350 udef1.0—0.20 — 17.00 DundeeAf

hugKn 52 0.25 + 65.25 Kong Cheung

oy oi ne 081 21 02 255 17.57 — 225.55 — 0.20 + 2.14 + 1058.12 Index Topix Tokyo Japan

.2— .8— 10.1 — 0.88 — 7.82 (IT) Gaetano 4.55 + 280.00 + 6430.00 (JP) HoyaCp

re 0.0—2.50 — 100.00 Arbed

.3 0.045 — 1.730 Tomkins

34 0.97 — 13.40 Domtar ahyPcfc83 0.20 — 8.35 Pacific Cathay

cemn 69 0.59 — 26.91 Ackermans

Japan oy iki30216 06 03 5.7— 19.53 — 51.37 — 0.31 + 0.66 + 211.63 300 Nikkei Tokyo

.5— .5— 10.4 — 0.25 — 2.15 (HK) Texwinca 5.37 + 40.00 + 785.00 (JP) YokogawaElec .0 0.150 — 2.300 Tesco II aii 60 0.30 + 16.05 Pacific CITIC 42 0.40 — 24.20 Dofasco

neuros in BRUSSELS ae&Ll .8 0.008 + 2.688 Lyle & Tate

oy iki251229 9.6+ .5—39.4— 25.34 — 3492.74 — 0.95 + 97.26 + 10292.95 225 Nikkei Tokyo Japan akEAi 75 0.05 — 17.55 Asia E Bank

i 09 .... 20.90 f o a Dia .0— .3— 10.6 — 0.13 — 1.10 (IT) FinPart 6.39 + 390.00 + 6490.00 (JP) Advantest

t hrr .7 1.190 — 6.570 Chartrd Std

.9+0.44 + 4.99 Steel Co

nHK dollars H.K. in KONG HONG

09.0—16.0— .2—93.0— 31.43 — 9530.00 — 7.42 — 1666.00 — 20793.00 MIBtel Milan Italy

otr lwr2.0—1.31 — 22.30 Kluwer Wolters

00 45 13.0 — 4.50 — 30.00 (FR) ChristianDior 6.45 + 0.02 + 0.33 (SI) CSE

prn l .3 0.120 — 1.035 Plc Spirent

94 .... 39.40 Tire Cdn

oa 90 0.10 — 19.00 Vopak

104 3.3— .4— 2.2— 20.69 — 821.72 — 1.04 — 33.23 — 3150.40 Sensex Bombay

mtsId650—0.480 — 6.530 Ind Smiths


d a e 80 2.11 + 48.05 Res Nat Cdn

ugr (IT) Bulgari (FI) JotAutomtn 00 17 14.6 — 1.71 — 10.00 9.09 + 0.03 + 0.36

NVre 15 1.77 — 31.50 VNUVerBez

mt ehw340—0.070 — 3.450 Nephew & Smith

01.6+ 10 04 681 30.99 — 4678.17 — 0.49 + 51.04 + 10417.36 Seng Hang ogKong Hong

acdsI79 0.25 — 7.90 I Cascades

nlvr6.0—2.70 — 62.40 Unilever

25 17 2.75 — 1.77 — 62.54 Clothing/Fabrics 0.39 + 0.69 + 177.30 equip industrial Adv

i otnns605—1.055 — 6.065 Continents Six

.2—0.40 — 9.72 Canfor

rnfr er A 235 366 84 100 33.57 — 2160.08 — 8.49 — 396.60 — 4273.53 DAX Xetra Frankfurt Germany efnLd1.0—1.05 — 16.20 Ltd Venfin P 00 1.51 — 20.00 TPG

.3 0.115 + 5.430 Shell

ipnhm(JP) NipponChem 06 28 12.0 — 2.81 — 20.64 4.80 + 22.00 + 480.00 orB (GR) ComrzBk

62 1.20 — 36.25 Cameco ie rns5.0—2.50 — 58.50 Tiger

oa uc 02 0.64 + 60.20 Dutch Royal

097 339 73 866 31.50 — 1866.67 — 7.39 — 323.99 — 4059.75 40 CAC Paris France

eenTet725—0.085 — 7.285 Trent Severn

.2+0.08 + 0.72 Cambior

tn kIv3.0—1.05 — 32.00 Inv Bk Stand oet 76 .... 37.60 Rorento

000 8.0+ 4.93 + 380.00 + 8090.00 .0— .8— 12.7 — 1.38 — 9.50 ycr (JP) Kyocera nPpeoa(IT) BncPopVerona

anbr .9 0.212 — 3.393 J Sainsbury

JEr tx 0(uo 202 203 64 521 32.52 — 1552.12 — 6.41 — 220.38 — 3220.27 (Euro) 50 Stoxx Euro DJ uoZone Euro

ao 83 5.70 + 88.30 Sasol

Tr 24 2.00 — 22.45 f A CTire

oic 25 1.25 — 22.50 Rolinco

.3 0.196 — 3.132 Safeway

pSrBr (JP) JpnStrgBtry etcek(GR) DeutscheBk 8.0+ 40 5.22 + 14.00 + 282.00 63 85 13.1 — 8.50 — 56.30

JEr tx Er)220 1.6— .9— 1.3— 30.56 — 119.73 — 6.39 — 18.56 — 272.07 (Euro) Stoxx Euro DJ uoZone Euro ecr190 7.00 — 139.00 Nedcor oeo2.5—2.10 — 28.45 Robeco 30 5.84 — 53.00 Ltd CP

oladSn355—0.643 — 3.585 Sun and Royl

iet lg100 2.40 — 150.00 Hldg Liberty

adtd1.0.... 12.30 Randstad 37 2.45 — 53.75 CIBC

D p(JP) Cp TDK 200 0.0+ 6.87 + 400.00 + 6220.00 SCHdg(UK) Hldng HSBC .9— .2— 13.4 — 1.02 — 6.59 JSox5 Er)37.3— 0.2— .7—17.0— 30.26 — 1378.90 — 6.07 — 205.42 — 3178.23 (Euro) 50 Stoxx DJ Europe olB ct1.5 1.230 — 14.650 Scot Bk Royl

i ieAsc5.0—2.80 — 52.50 Assoc Life Lib hlp lc2.6—2.59 — 23.66 Elec

C nu 10 1.45 — 11.05 B Indus CCL

ol oc .9 0.177 — 1.795 Royce Rolls

6.0— 73 62 9.9— 27.32 — 98.29 — 6.21 — 17.32 — 261.50 (Euro) Stoxx DJ Europe .2+ .1+ 9.09 + 0.01 + 0.12 unig(SI) TuanSing .7— .9— 15.3 — 1.19 — 6.57 tdhre (UK) StndCharter

oni lg4.0—3.00 — 47.00 Hldg Johnnic c-a rt .5—0.85 — 8.95 Grntn Oce-van

18 0.95 — 11.80 CAE

i it 100—0.580 — 11.000 Tinto Rio

o oe hnhn213 01 00 4.0— 16.94 — 43.10 — 0.09 + 0.18 + 211.36 Shenzhen Jones Dow China netcB 7.0—11.40 — 179.60 Bk Investec P oikik .9—0.24 — 2.39 Koninklijke KPN lccms&equip & comps Elec 0.0+ .4+ 0.44 + 0.44 + 100.20 Banks 3.4— .3— 2.83 — 4.03 — 138.14

17 0.50 + 51.75 Util C ea l .8 0.255 — 3.380 Plc Rexam

meilHd 51 2.70 — 65.10 Hldg Imperial L 00 2.90 — 10.00 KLM

rawrRs05 0.05 + 0.55 Res Breakwtr o oe hnhi274 06 03 3.9— 13.21 — 33.09 — 0.30 + 0.66 + 217.49 Shanghai Jones Dow China

.7 0.520 — 5.970 Reuters

.1+ .2+ 2.25 + 0.02 + 0.91 10 10 8.51 — 1.03 — 11.07 etnret(SI) NeptunOrient lena(IT) Alleanza

odlsLd3.0+3.80 + 37.50 Ltd GoldFlds N re ..2.7—3.93 — 26.37 N.V. Groep ING

obrirB1.0—1.52 — 18.50 B Bombardier

.5 0.245 — 2.255 Rentokil

o oe hn 8181 00 00 3.6— 18.96 — 34.66 — 0.05 — 0.08 — 148.10 88 China Jones Dow China

ecrLd3.0—1.30 — 30.00 Ltd Gencor utrDuls2.0—0.40 — 27.60 Douglas Hunter /11B(DK) D/S1912B lenasi (IT) AlleanzaAssic 00.0+10. 2.56 + 1500.0 + 60000.00 .0— .5— 9.3 — 0.75 — 7.30

aikgd2.0+2.50 + 27.70 gld Barick edIt .1 0.435 — 5.115 Intl

isrn .0—0.45 — 7.90 Firstrand 0.2— .3— .0+ .2+ 8.62 + 8.62 + 2.80 — 3.13 — 108.62 IPSA Santiago

Chile enkn4.7—2.03 — 42.27 Heineken

akNS4.0—1.90 — 47.60 S N Bank ektec .5 0.520 — 9.450 ReckitBenck

ngoya (TW) UnigloryMar 16 04 4.04 + 0.45 + 11.60 raWsLf (CA) GreatWestLife 15 32 9.4 — 3.25 — 31.50

alwrd5.0—1.60 — 56.60 Barloworld aeee 75 1.64 — 17.53 Hagemeyer

oot 0 op 088 259 40 848 21.10 — 1884.88 — 4.03 — 295.90 — 7048.80 Comp. 300 Toronto

Canada akG .4 0.112 — 2.040 Gp Rank akMl4.6—1.81 — 40.36 Mtl Bank

nl mPa 1.0—9.60 — 316.00 Plat Am Anglo ernc V26 0.24 — 2.61 NV Getronics 20.0+30. 4.46 + 3500.0 + 82000.00 /Sebg (DK) D/SSvenbrgB .3— .0— 9.5 — 0.90 — 8.53 eilnm(IT) Mediolanum

.0 0.280 — 6.000 RMC

77 0.95 — 37.75 Inc BCE odnFS 5-hr 594 106 26 981 14.48 — 948.10 — 2.62 — 150.60 — 5599.40 250-share FTSE London Britain

otsN 53 2.57 — 25.30 NL Fortis mlm k3.0—2.30 — 36.50 Bk Amalgmt

rdnil660—0.940 — 6.640 Prudential aalg(SI) JayaHldg .7+ .1+ 6.25 + 0.01 + 0.17 rdnil(UK) Prudential .4— .4— 12.4 — 0.94 — 6.64

36 0.86 — 33.65 Gas BC

leir1.1—0.85 — 11.81 Elsevier

odnFS 0-hr 760 277 57 465 23.73 — 1476.50 — 5.72 — 287.70 — 4746.00 100-share FTSE London Britain


oegnPc720—0.090 — 7.280 Plc Powergen

.0—0.10 — 2.50 Res Aur

15 06 0.78 + 0.63 + 81.59 7.7— .7— 3.55 — 9.97 — 270.67 aietransport Marine Life S 84 1.23 — 38.46 DSM

a al oep 02.6—19.3— .8—43.3— 29.04 — 4431.33 — 9.18 — 1094.43 — 10827.96 Bovespa Paulo Sao Brazil

ikt rs105—0.020 — 1.035 Bros Pilkgtn

toLdC 75 0.40 — 47.50 1 CL Ltd Atco

uran70 0.80 — 7.07 Buhrmann Africa

.5 0.200 — 8.550 Pearson N (US) CNF odsee (BZ) NordesteCel 05 00 0.00 + 0.00 + 30.51 .0— .5— 13.7 — 0.35 — 2.20

nesn3.0—2.27 — 37.50 Anderson

511 189 54 433 14.66 — 443.30 — 5.46 — 148.95 — 2581.19 Index Bel-20 Belgium

koNbl4.7—2.03 — 44.47 Nobel Akzo

.4 0.015 + 2.245 O & P

l nry5.5+1.18 + 58.65 Energy Alt

utB(US) HuntJB 02 00 0.00 + 0.00 + 20.25 eeeOsef(BZ) TeleCenOestePf .9— .6— 19.8 — 0.86 — 3.49 hl 96 1.92 — 29.68 Ahold 132 03 00 2.0+ 0.90 + 28.50 + 0.01 — 0.30 — 3183.20 Ordinaries All Australia

6 52 — 362 Fin Zurich .3 0.045 — 1.430 Novar

07 2.70 — 50.75 Alcan

eo 56 3.02 — 25.60 Aegon

3.0+ .0+ 0.00 + 0.00 + 533.00 aiui(JP) Kamigumi .0— .2— 20.6 — 0.52 — 2.00 euaSl(BZ) CelularSul 8—7 — 68 UBS 7.4— 48 51 144 34.65 — 144.43 — 5.18 — 14.87 — 272.34 Index Merval .0 0.370 — 8.600 Plc Next

.0—0.40 — 6.00 AirCanada

S ihgah 52 1.40 — 15.25 Lithography ASM

3 16 — 432 Swisscom e ctihPr415—0.150 — 4.115 Pwr Scottish New

uuaarn (JP) FukuyamaTrans 4.0+ .0+ 0.68 + 3.00 + 443.00 euaNrep (BZ) pf CelularNorte .5— .9— 23.4 — 0.29 — 0.95 btb 11 0.76 — 11.12 C Abitibi


2—7 — 72 Swissair .3 0.130 — 2.730 Misys

nCnda dollars Canadian in TORONTO /10 E C T YTD YTD PCT NET 9/11/01 neuros in AMSTERDAM 450 2.0+ 0.82 + 20.00 + 2455.00 .9— .9— 28.4 — 0.79 — 1.99 aaorn(JP) YamatoTran odsee f(BZ) pf NordesteCel ws en e 2 26 — 126 reg Reins Swiss ak pnr230—0.103 — 2.390 Spencr & Marks

7 13 — 270 reg Sulzer .2 0.015 — 0.320 Marconi

Trucking ieesComm Wireless 70 07 0.79 + 0.76 + 97.09 1.1— 25 3.80 — 12.54 — 317.11

Europe Americas

TC AKTINDEXES MARKET STOCK 2 5 — 126 Roche lysTBGp620—0.510 — 6.250 Grp TSB Lloyds

oiae(JP) Noritake 7.0+ .0+ 1.28 + 6.00 + 473.00 A Ltd(AU) TAB .6— .8— 3.0 — 0.08 — 2.56


NET NET NET NET 510 2.0+ 1.35 + 21.00 + 1581.00 uiahf (JP) FujiMachMfg .1— .3— 3.4 — 0.13 — 3.71 ni(IT) Snai

OEG MARKETS FOREIGN USA,SPEBR1,2001 11, SEPTEMBER TUESDAY, hmSii(JP) ShimaSeiki 890 2.0+ 1.62 + 29.00 + 1819.00 etn (MA) Genting 09 04 3.5 — 0.40 — 10.90

4.0+ 00 2.29 + 10.00 + 447.00 .0— .0— 3.9 — 0.30 — 7.40 S (JP) OSG ResortsWld(MA)

ooi(JP) Komori itnr (UK) HiltonGrp 540 2.0+ 8.99 + 124.00 + 1504.00 .9— .8— 21.2 — 0.48 — 1.79

p el18,o 01,a 540.57. at 10.16, or 1.8%, fell spi hr lowr elnsi ia and Milan in declines were also There Indexes based on 12/31/91=100. in US Dollars. Dollars. US in 12/31/91=100. on based Indexes djindexes.com

atr equipment Factory 45 06 1.26 + 0.68 + 54.59 Casinos 3.2— .9— 3.98 — 5.69 — 137.32

h Ko- the , In 10417.36. to 51.04, or 0.5%, t59.0 t oetcoesne1988. since close lowest its 5695.10, at

4.2— 95 4.1— 96 9.5— 46 92 7.08 + 79.29 14.64 — 199.75 19.63 — 141.71 19.51 — 143.12 Utilities 18.04 — 102.56

.3+ .1+ 2.07 + 0.11 + 5.43 ShellTrnsp&Trd(UK) 41 00 0.0 + 0.00 + 34.12 maeWs(US) AmWaterWks

h agSn rose Seng Hang the KONG, HONG In ons e yisrnecmais tclosed It companies. insurance by led points,

8.3— .7134 1.9198 5.5143 34.34 — 124.34 50.35 — 179.83 13.59 — 193.49 9.77 — 189.83 Telecommunications 27.04 — 199.23

meili (CA) ImperialOil 52 12 2.72 + 1.20 + 45.25 eenrn (UK) SevernTrent .9— .8— 1.1 — 0.08 — 7.29

ery1,o 72,a 10292.95. at 97.26, or 1%, nearly

h ws aktIdxsi .% r433.20 or 7.1%, slid Index Market Swiss the

6.5— 84 4.7— 05 6.2— 48 4.8— 25.19 — 140.18 64.81 — 169.22 40.53 — 440.97 38.49 — 460.75 Technology 42.21 — 397.40

35 15 3.57 + 1.50 + 43.50 45 04 3.0 — 0.45 — 14.55 hlCnd (CA) ShellCanada oGng (SP) SocGenAgu akNke tc vrg f25ise rose issues 225 of Average Stock Nikkei mark ZURICH, In 1999. March since level lowest

6.2— .4248 55 2.2— 67 53 14.83 — 65.39 16.73 — 124.52 5.53 — 254.89 5.64 — 266.42 Retail 12.21 — 201.74

a opst ne ody h bench- The Monday. Index Composite daq esl(SP) Repsol aep(BZ) Sabesp 84 08 4.59 + 0.81 + 18.44 3.0— 40 9.2 — 14.01 — 139.00 hdig339 ons r74,t 097,its 4059.75, to 7.4%, or points, 323.99 shedding

3.2+ .9201 49 8.9— 32 0.2— 17.47 — 109.92 13.26 — 185.59 4.92 + 230.18 5.19 + 239.32 Goods/Svc Noncyclical 4.55 — 246.15

7ya osfloigsalgisi h Nas- the in gains small following lows 17-year ihteCAC-40 the with PARIS, in fell also Shares P(UK) BP .9+ .8+ 4.99 + 0.28 + 5.89 uz(FR) Suez 26 34 9.6 — 3.48 — 32.65

hrsrbuddfrom rebounded shares TOKYO, In mixed. 260.80 4.9— 34 2.4— 40 9.7— 07 1.4— 14.34 — 216.64 40.78 — 190.57 14.04 — 328.04 13.40 — 348.29 Media 23.58 —

lsdmresi e York. New in markets closed 6.2+ .5+ 2.17 + 5.55 + 261.52 i o,major cos, Oil 0.9— 14 5.22 — 11.46 — 208.09 Water

hntetroitatcsbgn were began, attacks terrorist the when

a ntewk ftetroitatcs which attacks, terrorist the of wake the in day 4.1— 76 5.5— 74 7.6— 00 39 1.54 + 73.98 40.06 — 178.06 17.46 — 352.45 17.68 — 346.21 Insurance 32.91 — 223.39

iotCmr (JP) MinoltaCamera 9.0+ .0+ 0.77 + 3.00 + 393.00 x (FR) Axa 28 35 13.3 — 3.51 — 22.89

sa akt,wiharayhdclosed had already which markets, Asian

ob osdrn upnino rdn to- trading of suspension a considering be to

4.4— 84 2.2— 85 5.4— 70 27 23.87 — 72.72 37.07 — 152.04 18.50 — 221.82 18.44 — 243.64 Goods/Svc Industrial 27.00 — 177.60

940 2.0+ 1.47 + 28.00 + 1934.00 12 18 13.9 — 1.81 — 11.25 io (JP) Ricoh A Ord(IT) RAS

hte oroe rdn today. trading reopen to whether

etra,teDush orewsreported was Boerse Deutsche the yesterday,

0.2— 58 0.9— 58 6.4— 00 4.1— 23.59 — 146.31 20.07 — 269.24 15.80 — 300.69 15.84 — 303.12 Care Health 17.66 — 292.01

BrotherInd(JP) 8.0+ .0+ 1.88 + 7.00 + 380.00 lin (GR) Allianz 2.0— 71 14.1 — 37.10 — 227.00

il ilme hsmrigt decide to morning this meet will cials

h ne tlvl fnal he er.Late years. three nearly of levels at index the

1.0— .6260 65 5.5— 26 33 9.35 — 63.38 12.66 — 156.85 6.51 — 206.06 6.36 — 217.90 Beverage & Food 9.17 — 186.25

9.0 o74.0 oot tc xhneoffi- Exchange Stock Toronto 7048.80. to 295.90, ao (JP) Canon olSnln (UK) Royl&SunAllnc 600 2.0+ 3.43 + 120.00 + 3620.00 .9— .4— 15.1 — 0.64 — 3.59 igs n-a on rpee,wihleft which ever, drop point one-day biggest

2.0— 72 9.0— 64 6.0— 94 30 10.19 — 93.03 29.46 — 166.90 16.48 — 397.50 17.23 — 428.00 Services Financial 23.34 — 279.16

h S 0 ld4,or 4%, slid 300 TSE the TORONTO, In .% r366pit,t 235.I a the was It 4273.53. to 396.60points, or 8.5%, .7+ .2+ 3.64 + 0.02 + 0.57 hnRsoi (HK) ChinaResLogic 2.0— 65 17.3 — 26.50 — 126.50 wsR (SZ) SwissRe

el56,o 2.7 o5531.02. to 325.17, or 5.6%, fell 4.6— 11 4.9— 05 3.9— .77.8+ 12.64 + 74.68 0.27 — 237.09 10.55 — 241.89 11.14 — 242.56 Energy 5.53 — 232.29

h er A fell DAX Xetra the FRANKFURT, In

fieequipment Office 0.4+ .6+ 2.70 + 5.26 + 200.24 ulline Full 3.0— 31 5.36 — 13.10 — 231.20

EIOCITY MEXICO in Mexico in IPC The trading.

0.0— .7119 1.0106 2.07.5— 23.78 — 74.05 28.70 — 130.69 10.10 — 191.93 9.87 — 205.30 Goods/Svc Cyclical 21.25 — 168.75 e crash. ket

AngloGold(SA) 9.0+ 50 9.26 + 25.00 + 295.00 co (FR) Accor 40 47 12.2 — 4.72 — 34.00

044 ons o1879,i aeafternoon late in 10827.96, to points, 1094.43

on rpsneteOtbr18 stock-mar- 1987 October the since drop point

87.50 6.1— .6145 14 1.1— 20 88 1.20 — 38.83 12.00 — 118.91 1.44 — 154.52 5.56 — 169.31 Construction 10.71 —

48 38 9.27 + 3.80 + 44.80 HarmoneyGold(SA) .5— .0— 14.5 — 1.30 — 7.65 oMla(SP) SolMelia

aln oeta .% or 9.2%, than more falling PAULO SAO

8.0pit,t 760,tebgetone-day biggest the 4746.00, to points, 287.70

5.1— .0143 1.3174 2.06.9— 26.14 — 61.29 23.30 — 167.49 10.03 — 134.34 9.30 — 152.61 Chemicals 19.92 — 143.51

BarrickGold(CA) 77 25 9.92 + 2.50 + 27.70 iCniet (UK) SixContinents .7— .5— 14.8 — 1.05 — 6.07

eddlwr ihteBaiinBvsain Bovespa Brazilian the with lower, headed

h TE10fl .% or 5.7%, fell FTSE-100 the LONDON, In

5.0+ .6163 22 5.9— .14.3— 8.27 — 45.23 9.11 — 153.19 2.25 — 116.34 0.46 + 156.00 Resources Basic 5.03 — 100.07

ayLtnAeia akt also markets American Latin Many

37.50 + 3.70 + 10.95 + 3.70 + 37.50 odilst (SA) GoldFieldsLtd 40 48 16.8 — 4.85 — 24.00 nrws (CA) Intrawest ece otroitatcsi h U.S. the in attacks terrorist to reacted

6.0— .9340 67 1.9— 36 17 12.26 — 51.76 23.62 — 214.39 6.72 — 344.06 6.19 — 366.30 Banks 16.34 — 90.68 .7pit,t 117.94. to points, 3.07

otelws eesi er,a h world the as years, in levels lowest the to ubnod (SA) DurbanRoode 9.50 + 1.10 + 13.10 + 1.10 + 9.50 HHtl (SP) Hotels NH .6— .4— 17.6 — 2.04 — 9.56

tc ne xldn h ..fl .4,or 2.54%, fell U.S. the excluding Index Stock

6.6+ .2207 09 3.4— 56 5.1— 3.53 — 153.11 15.67 — 134.14 0.91 + 260.70 0.02 + 269.06 Automobile 4.39 — 201.93

aysokmresaon h lb fell globe the around markets stock Many 0.9+ .1+ 2.72 + 2.91 + 109.79 metals Precious 0.7— .3— 5.7 — 6.53 — 108.97 Lodging

mtra.Oeal h o oe World Jones Dow the Overall, Amsterdam.

ias%CHG. Titans S%H.Aeia CG uoe%H.Ai/aii %CHG. Asia/Pacific %CHG. Europe %CHG. Americas %CHG. US

o oe Newswires Jones Dow

togs tcs53 ..CG CHG. CHG. p.m. 5:30 Stocks Strongest eksSok :0pm H.CHG. CHG. p.m. 5:30 WeakestStocks


uePitLse fe errs Attacks Terrorist After Losses Point Huge

rusLeading Groups rusLagging Groups

etrPerformance Sector usa,Spebr1,20,a f51 p.m. 5:15 of as 2001, 11, September Tuesday,

usa,Spebr1,20,a f53 p.m. 5:30 of as 2001, 11, September Tuesday,





** BLACK P1JW255018-2-B00400-1---XA P1JW255018-2-B00400-1---XA

P1JW255018-2-B00400-1---XA EE,MW,SW,WE

2124495 P1JW255019-0-B00500-1---XA BLACK

ots...... 890 30 3.0+ 3.50 + 830.00 3.00 + 829.00 months...... 3 609-520-4663. pitMnn al aputs na calls na Mon int Op oeg taxes. foreign atrsIc es....085 Secs...... Inco Hatteras

icS iSo.... 0.0+ .0870 3.50 + 807.00 3.50 + 806.50 Hi-Spot...... Zinc-Sp s o ,6 nn al aputs na calls na Mn 3,160 vol Est o diinlrue rhsoia aafo o oe,call Jones, Dow from data historical or routes additional For

ep/hr eoeajsmn for adjustment before ceipt/Share

acc aPDv ....054 ...... PatPrDivI Hancock

ots...... 56.0+ .057.00.00 5070.00 5.00 + 5065.00 months...... 3 © 2000 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2E171 Reserved. Rights All Inc. Co., & Jones Dow 2000 © 0004 .806 .528 3.63 2.86 2.05 0.60 0.58 0.42 3050 e 3Sp0 a-e 020.000375N 2002 Jan-Dec 07 03-Sep Sep e mrcnDpstr Re- Depositary American per

rda aRePd...602125 ... Pfd VarRte FredMac

iklSo ...... 050 50 000 5.00 + 5020.00 5.00 + 5015.00 ...... Nickel-Spot 0005 .207 .925 3.25 2.50 1.69 0.72 0.72 0.56 3000

-prxmt ..dla amount dollar U.S. t-Approximate otat$/DS0/Miles/Mth Contract Week

rdiMcpH...... 6375 ...... pfH FreddieMac ots...... 490 20 7.0+ 1.50 + 479.50 2.00 + 479.00 months...... 3 9007 .708 .721 2.88 2.15 1.37 0.85 0.87 0.74 2950

ucnIt...... 20 Intl...... Vulcan

E OKLSANGELES-OC-3c YORK-LOS NEW 82ZZZR edSo ...... 6.0+ .0400 1.00 + 470.00 1.00 + 469.00 ...... Lead-Spot rdiMcpD...... 7675 ...... pfD FreddieMac 9009 .610 .818 2.53 1.84 1.08 1.00 1.06 0.95 2900

ornSl tr.... .615625 StorB...... Self Sovran

ots...... 14.0+ .014.0+ 7.50 + 1445.00 7.00 + 1444.00 months...... 3 8012 .611 .315 2.21 1.54 0.83 1.18 1.26 1.20 2850


rdiMcpC...... 765625 ...... pfC FreddieMac

Offer good only in the continental U.S. Sales tax may apply. may tax Sales U.S. continental the in only good Offer

oprCt-iSo 410 90 415 9.00 + 1421.50 9.00 + 1421.00 Copper-Cath-Hi-Spot otws esGp...10 Grp.... Secs Southwest 8015 .013 .312 1.91 1.28 0.63 1.38 1.50 1.50 2800

rdiMc57%f. .72375 5.79%pf... FreddieMac

ots...... 37.0+ 00 700 20.00 + 3780.00 20.00 + 3775.00 months...... 3 RC o eJnNvDecJan Nov DecJan Nov PRICE

cdeSrtMn.....0625 Muni...... ScudderStrat

rdiMc5p ... .625 ...... 5%pf FreddieMac

i-pt...... 750 1.033.0+ 10.00 + 3730.00 15.00 + 3725.00 ...... Tin-Spot STRIKE PUTS-SETTLE CALLS-SETTLE

cdeSrtIc.... .10 Inco...... ScudderStrat

rdiMc19pL. .74625 .. 1999pfL FreddieMac ots...... 16.0+ .016.0+ 1.50 + 1366.00 1.00 + 1365.00 months...... 3 94 6 53 28.33 95.34 .61 — 29.40 Peak On

,0 e bs;$prbbl. per $ bbls.; net 1,000

cdeMnIc .....06 ...... ScudderMuniInco

lmnmH-pt..14.0+ .014.0+ 2.00 + 1343.00 2.00 + 1342.00 ... Aluminum-Hi-Spot

rn rd (IPE) Crude Brent e.1 h 2kH 2kLo 52wk Hi 52wk Chg % 12 Sep. Firm rdi a...... 20 Mac...... Freddie

Barron’s, 200 Burnett Road, Chicopee MA 01020 MA Chicopee Road, Burnett 200 Barron’s, Mail:

cdeMlik ... .0775 ...... ScudderMultiMkt

i h.AkdChg. Asked Chg. Bid


B aia rI...... 53125 I...... Tr Capital EBI


usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday,

cdeItreGt.. .04 .... ScudderIntermedGvt

ufPepU&pd..085 Duff&PhelpsUt&CpBd..

igtaigi h onn;ofca lsn prices. closing official morning; the in trading ring 42 .6196 24.22 129.66 2.96 — 24.22 Peak On

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday,

cde ihno.....0675 ...... HighInco Scudder

ilCr ...... 04 ...... Corp Dial uttosi ..Dlasprmti o ttecoeo second of close the at ton metric per Dollars U.S. in Quotations

e.1 h 2kH 2kLo 52wk Hi 52wk Chg % 12 Sep. Firm

aieRylyT ... .24371 ...... Tr Royalty Sabine

epiuoSsm....07 Systms..... DelphiAuto


XHNEPRICES EXCHANGE A rPd ...... 609375 ...... PfdI Tr SAL

PRICES Signature

ooi rp f ....5469 ...... pfA Props Colonia

52 .0260 25.25 216.00 2.40 — 25.25 Peak On

oa arba...... 13 Carribean...... Royal

ooilrppC.... .6552 pfC...... ColonialProp

e.1 h 2kH 2kLo 52wk Hi 52wk Chg % 12 Sep. Firm


hlpMri o...... 58 ...... Co Morris Philip ODNMETAL LONDON

o nGdui...... 053 InvGrdMuni...... Col

ntdStates. United

enn&f ...... 08 A...... PennEng&Mfg

o nrkIcI...... 066 ...... IntrmktIncoI Col

eadwihe vrg rc o h continental the for price average weighted Demand

enn&f...... 08 PennEng&Mfg......

o ndui...... 086 InsdMuni...... Col

Expiration Date Expiration Number Card Credit IATNTOA OE INDEX POWER NATIONAL MIRANT

n ietPo f....40 ..... pf LibertyProp One ..14 20600 1220 1045 n.a. Volume

oCIsMn...... 0845 ColCAInsdMuni......

TE NRYINDEXES ENERGY OTHER s o 3,9;vlMn7,3;oe n 2,0,—2,893. 222,407, int open 70,230; Mon vol 137,392; vol Est ..1.61.817.33 15.28 14.96 n.a. Peak Off

n iet rp.... .30 Props...... Liberty One

ogePl$.5f...1.0625 $4.25pf...... Colgte-Pal

e 35 43 35 37 03 55 70 14,061 17.03 25.58 0.33 + 23.77 23.50 24.35 23.50 Dec

..4665360 615 486 n.a. Volume

ieIcB...... 12 ...... B Inc Nike

aionae f .....570312 ...... pfA CaliforniaFed

u 48 48 48 54 06 87 80 14,649 18.00 28.76 0.66 + 25.49 24.80 24.80 24.80 Jun

..3.81.420.00 17.74 32.38 n.a. Peak On

C erfT ...... b.25 ...... PetrofdTr NCE

raWn f...... 84375 pfB...... BroadWing

p 54 54 54 61 07 61 25 6,106 22.50 26.15 0.73 + 26.19 25.45 25.47 25.47 Apr

o Firm Non

imidxdt,cl 609-520-4663. call data, index Firm

ainGvno04...039 ... NationsGovInco2004 a 58 58 57 65 07 95 92 7,171 19.21 29.50 0.78 + 26.57 25.76 25.80 25.80 Mar

aClmi ..... t.0157 S.A...... BanColombia

in rhsoia aafo o oe,icuig2 Hour 24 including Jones, Dow from data historical or tions

0010 1200 0 1304 1000 Volume

e 61 76 61 70 08 76 27 12,279 22.73 27.60 0.88 + 27.02 26.10 27.60 26.10 Feb Diners Club Diners Card NOVUS Mastercard

ainGvno03...0364 ... NationsGovInco2003

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

R elyTut...... 22 ...... Trust Realty BRT

n-a a o o-im o vial o tes o ques- For others. for available not non-firm, for lag One-day

a22. .93.02.129,910 22.21 30.00 0.99 + 27.47 26.42 29.00 26.42 Ja02 83 52 20s19.29 22.00s 25.29 18.35 Peak Off

an ulSc...... 35 Svc...... Publ Maine

mot acr.....21 Bancorp...... AmSouth

demand. uvyddata. Surveyed quote. No Revised. n.a.: s: n.q.: r: e 69 00 68 82 12 01 83 38,930 18.35 30.11 1.23 + 28.22 26.89 30.00 26.93 Dec

2030 6000 0 3200 3200 Volume

rf od ...... 13 ...... A Foods Kraft mrd esCr.. .30 Corp.... Hess Amerada

Visa Visa Express American my: Charge

eido ev demand. heavy of period ih-orpro flight of period Eight-hour

o2. .03.02.050,313 23.10 31.00 1.50 + 28.87 27.22 31.00 Nov27.30 f Peak: Off ❑ ❑ ❑

15 37 90s30.81 29.00s 33.78 31.50 Peak On

en kHLR.... .0252 HOLDRs...... Bk Regnl c 73 10 72 90 16 10 22 37,700 22.20 31.05 1.61 + 29.06 27.25 31.05 27.39 Oct nrysbett nerpina n time. any at interruption to subject energy 16-hour lehn nry.... .43 ...... Energy Allegheny nPeak: On

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

rn rd IE ,0 e bs;$prbbl. per $ bbls.; net 1,000 (IPE) Crude Brent akdb iudtn damages. liquidating by backed lcrct Electric Electricity AMOUNT COMPANY AMOUNT COMPANY

o Firm: Non

culuhadEldorado. and McCullough


et h iiu rtrao en iacal imand Firm Financially being of criteria minimum the meets


Bill me. Bill enclosed. Payment

ed Marketplace, Mead, JMa/aktlc - Mead/Marketplace DJ ❑ ❑ ❑ athu;vlmsi eaathours. megawatt in volumes hour; watt lcrct that Electricity Firm:

pnItrs elcsPeiu rdn Day. Trading Previous Reflects Interest Open tteidctdhb.Alidxsqoe ndlasprmega- per dollars in quoted indexes All hubs. indicated the at ..4510200 150 485 n.a. Volume

iue ersn egtdaeaepieo lcrct traded electricity of price average weighted represent Figures .. 23.00 25.41 n.a. Peak Off

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday, IIEDNEWS DIVIDEND

XLNTR NOTES EXPLANATORY ..0501014 500 0 n.a. Volume

..2.0 46 24.38 24.60 29.00s n.a. Peak On

UUE PRICES FUTURES CORPORATE 90 80 ..n.q. n.q. 88000 89600 Volume

o Firm Non

Zip State 36 48 ..n.q. n.q. 24.88 23.61 Peak On

10170010208 0 10720 8160 Volume

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

26 49 20s22.07 22.00s 24.96 22.67 Peak Off

ieg oto area control Cinergy JCnry- Cinergy DJ

78 76 0046912 4000 37760 27680 Volume

nteoln alSre ora at Journal Street Wall online the in WSJ.com.

00 60 ..n.q. n.q. 46400 60800 Volume

79 84 79 27.70 27.90 28.48 27.92 Peak On


ttsi vial nthe in available is states axut akn Center Banking BanxQuote

33 41 ..n.q. n.q. 34.10 33.33 Peak On City

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

diinlifraino eoisadlasfral50 all for loans and deposits on information Additional ore axop224990 WWW.BANX.COM 212-499-9100 BanxCorp Source:

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

Mid-Columbia JMdClmi - Mid-Columbia DJ

J etr Hub Western PJM ietMrhns ctsaeA.... .5 A5.50% dA 5.35% AZ...... Scottsdale Merchants, Direct JPMWsenHb- Hub Western PJM DJ mrcnGnrl ivl T...... 38%d 3.90% dA 3.83% ...... UT Midvale General, American

..3991481 921 319 n.a. Volume

Taeakcm rigo A...... 5 A5.50% dA VA...... 5.35% Arlington ETradeBank.com, nyaBn.o,Psdn A....38%d 3.90% dA 3.83% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com,

60120nq 11624 n.q. 14280 4680 Volume

.. 17.30 25.81 n.a. Peak Off

rvda.o,Sl aeCt T....55%d 5.75% dA 5.59% ...... UT City Lake Salt Providian.com, urinSvns oso X...... 4 A3.90% qA 3.84% TX...... Houston Savings, Guardian

13 45 ..20.95 n.q. 24.59 21.32 Peak Off

..17 6 2941 764 1670 n.a. Volume

Address rvda ainl itnN ...... 9 A5.75% dA 5.59% ...... NH Tilton National, Providian is omril rad L...... 38%m 3.90% mA 3.83% ...... FL Orlando Commercial, First

20 05 ..27792 n.q. 20656 12800 Volume

..3.22.923.33 24.29 36.52 n.a. Peak On

aiaOecm lnAlnV .....56%d 5.76% dA 5.60% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com, etakcm hei Z...... 5 i 4.22% siA 4.15% ...... AZ Phoenix NextBank.com,

03 05 ..29.24 n.q. 30.55 30.30 Peak On

o Firm Non

ieYasJmoCsRt APY Rate CDs Jumbo Years Five he otsJmoCsRt APY Rate CDs Jumbo Months Three

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

56172016728 0 12752 9576 Volume

tt ak ag D...... 47%y 4.75% yA 4.75% ...... ND Fargo Bank, State nyaBn.o,Psdn A....34%d 3.55% dA 3.49% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com,

SP-15 JS-5- SP-15 DJ

95 46 20s19.04 22.00s 24.62 19.51 Peak Off rvda.o,Sl aeCt T....46%d 4.80% dA 4.69% ...... UT City Lake Salt Providian.com, dat kC,Sl aeCt T...35%sA3.55% siA 3.50% UT...... City Lake Salt Cp, Bk Advanta

Name 60128nq 11768 n.q. 10288 5600 Volume rvda ainl itnN ...... 9 A4.80% dA 4.69% ...... NH Tilton National, Providian oicm a ig A...... 0 A3.56% dA 3.50% ...... CA Diego San Bofi.com, 04 58 0 57632 400 45488 40048 Volume

40 58 ..23.56 n.q. 25.80 24.03 Peak Off aiaOecm lnAlnV .....48%d 4.96% dA 4.84% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com, leontSvns alsT .....35%m 3.56% mA 3.50% ...... TX Dallas Savings, Bluebonnet 31 32 90 31.78 39.00 33.28 33.19 Peak On

epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..48%d 4.97% dA .....4.85% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, is omril rad L...... 38%m 3.90% mA 3.83% ...... FL Orlando Commercial, First 50 34 ..21008 n.q. 23248 15200 Volume e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

05 07 ..29.32 n.q. 30.72 30.56 Peak On w er ub D aeAPY Rate CDs Jumbo Years Two w otsJmoCsRt APY Rate CDs Jumbo Months Two

aoVreadWs ig Arizona Wing, West and Verde Palo JPl ed - Verde Palo DJ

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

oicm a ig A...... 6 A4.35% dA ...... 4.26% CA Diego San Bofi.com, E ak etl A...... 0 i 3.66% siA 3.60% WA...... Seattle Bank, AEA

..09 0 90 0 n.a. Volume

aiaOecm lnAlnV .....43%d 4.40% dA 4.31% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com, oetetBn,SateW ...... 4 i 3.70% siA 3.64% ...... WA Seattle Bank, HomeStreet NP-15

JN-5- NP-15 DJ

..2.0 50 22.00s 25.00 24.50s n.a. Peak Off

26 weeks for $74. for weeks 26 $145. for weeks 52 tt ak ag D...... 44%y 4.40% yA 4.40% ...... ND Fargo Bank, State etos aig,Sa ec A..36%sA3.70% siA 3.64% CA.... Beach Seal Savings, Westcoast

❑ ❑ ❑

..2132225 352 241 n.a. Volume

..15nq 0 n.q. 105 n.a. Volume

eBn.o,Apaet A...... 44%d 4.51% dA 4.41% ...... GA Alpharetta NetBank.com, ra otenB,SrnfedM...36%sA3.75% siA 3.69% MO..... Springfield Bk, Southern Great

.. 23.92 21.17 n.a. Peak Off

..3.0nq 28.75s n.q. 39.00 n.a. Peak On

epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..44%d 4.56% dA .....4.46% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, is omril rad L...... 38%m 3.90% mA 3.83% ...... FL Orlando Commercial, First

..14 8 725 684 1245 n.a. Volume

o Firm Non Save over 20% off the newsstand price! newsstand the off 20% over Save n erJmoCsRt APY Rate CDs Jumbo Year One n ot ub D aeAPY Rate CDs Jumbo Month One

..2.82.524.19 26.15 28.18 n.a. Peak On

4020 ..2800 n.q. 2800 1400 Volume

nyaBn.o,Psdn A....41%d 4.21% dA 4.12% ...... CA Pasadena IndyMacBank.com, oicm a ig A...... 0 A4.39% dA 4.30% ...... CA Diego San Bofi.com, o Firm Non

27 51 ..22.64 n.q. 25.14 22.71 Peak Off aiaOecm lnAlnV .....41%d 4.21% dA 4.12% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com, N IET imntnD...... 43%m 4.40% mA 4.31% DE...... Wilmington DIRECT, ING

7428 1504 0 2288 1704 Volume

eBn.o,Apaet A...... 41%d 4.26% dA 4.17% ...... GA Alpharetta NetBank.com, rGot ak ioltM ...... 7 A4.56% mA 4.47% ...... MN Nicollet Bank, ProGrowth 0090 ..9200 n.q. 9600 8000 Volume

80 42 20s17.51 22.00s 24.21 18.09 Peak Off

epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..41%d 4.27% dA .....4.18% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, is ak oivleK ...... 44%d 4.59% dA 4.49% ...... KY Louisville Bank, First

86 90 ..27.84 n.q. 29.03 28.69 Peak On

7246 4192 0 4160 3792 Volume

etakcm hei Z...... 42%sA4.30% siA 4.25% AZ...... Phoenix NextBank.com,

akaoiecm revl C.... .0 A4.60% dA 4.50% SC...... Greenvill BankCaroLine.com,

Please start my subscription immediately. subscription my start Please e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm Yes!

22 28 90s31.08 29.00s 32.85 32.21 Peak On

i otsJmoCsRt APY Rate CDs Jumbo Months Six

oe aktIvsmns aeAPY Rate Investments* Market Money

aionaOeo n eaaOeo Borders Nevada- and California-Oregon JCB- COB DJ

e.1 e.1 e.9Sp 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. Firm

ag iiu aac/pnn eoi,gnrly$500t $100,000 to $95,000 generally deposit, balance/opening minimum Large

orCres hpokadSnJa,NwMexico New Juan, San and Shiprock Corners, Four 2001 11, September Tuesday, date: Flow J4 - 4C DJ IHYEDJUMBOS YIELD HIGH


nyaBn.o,Psdn A....38%d 3.90% dA 3.83% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com, Taeakcm rigo A...... 5 A5.50% dA VA...... 5.35% Arlington ETradeBank.com,

is ak oivleK ...... 39%d 4.00% dA 3.92% ...... KY Louisville Bank, First aiaOecm lnAlnV .... .5 A5.60% dA 5.45% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com,

esFd.o,Briga L.... .5 i 4.01% siA 3.95% AL...... Birmingham NewsoFedl.com, rvda.o,Sl aeCt T....55%d 5.65% dA ....5.50% ... UT City Lake Salt Providian.com,

Bn,Cmec A...... 40%d 4.08% dA 4.00% GA...... Commerce nBank, rvda ainl itnN ...... 0 A5.65% dA ...... 5.50% ...... NH Tilton National, Providian To subscribe call: 1-800-822-7229, Ext. 289 Ext. 1-800-822-7229, call: subscribe To

BZniecm ctsaeA...... 6 A4.35% dA 4.26% AZ...... Scottsdale FBAZonline.com, esFd.o,Briga L....56%sA5.65% siA 5.65% ...... AL Birmingham NewsoFedl.com,

.60 n er rts akrsAscainaeaeof average Association Banker's British year. one 3.4600% g.Bra fLbrStatistics. Labor of Bureau ago.

aeAPY Rate CDs Months Three aeAPY Rate CDs Years Five

n ot;330%tremnh;330%sxmonths; six 3.3400% months; three 3.3600% month; one uy 7.,u .%fo year a from 2.7% up 177.5, July, OSMRPIEINDEX: PRICE CONSUMER

3.4900% khHohcm lhrtaG.... .5 i 3.50% siA 3.45% GA...... Alpharetta BkTheHooch.com, is ot,TlaaseF ...... 9 A4.70% dA 4.59% ...... FL Tallahassee South, First .8%1 ek;310 6weeks. 26 3.120% weeks; 13 3.180% ODNITRAKOFRDRTS(LIBOR): RATES OFFERED INTERBANK LONDON

nyaBn.o,Psdn A....34%d 3.55% dA 3.49% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com, aiaOecm lnAlnV .....47%d 4.85% dA 4.74% ...... VA Allen Glen CapitalOne.com, .1 .9 i months. six 3.19% - 3.31% icutfo aevlei nt f$,0 o$ million: $1 to $1,000 of units in value face from discount

leontSvns alsT .....35%m 3.56% mA 3.50% ...... TX Dallas Savings, Bluebonnet esFd.o,Briga L.... .0 i 4.90% siA 4.90% ...... AL Birmingham NewsoFedl.com, .8 .5 ormnh;33%-32%fv months; five 3.25% - 3.38% months; four 3.25% - 3.38% 01 uto fsottr ..gvrmn il,sl ta at sold bills, government U.S. short-term of auction 2001,

oicm a ig A...... 0 A3.56% dA 3.50% ...... CA Diego San Bofi.com, dat kC,Sl aeCt T...47%d 4.90% dA 4.78% ..... UT City Lake Salt Cp, Bk Advanta .8 .5 w ots .8 .5 he months; three 3.25% - 3.38% months; two 3.25% - 3.38% eut fteMna,Spebr10, September Monday, the of Results RAUYBILLS: TREASURY

is omril rad L...... 37%m 3.80% mA 3.74% ...... FL Orlando Commercial, First

epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..48%d 4.97% dA .....4.85% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, .0 .8 n month; one 3.38% - 3.50% aywdl ylocation. by widely vary ODNLT EURODOLLARS: LATE LONDON

aeAPY Rate CDs Months Two aeAPY Rate CDs Years Two ots .8 i months. six 4.08% months; aeidctosae' ietycmaal;lnigpractices lending comparable; directly aren't indications rate

.9 he ots .6 ormnh;41%five 4.12% months; four 4.16% months; three 4.19% aa .7% wteln .7% rti .0.These 5.00%. Britain 5.375%; Switzerland 1.375%; Japan khHohcm lhrtaG.... .5 i 3.51% siA 3.45% GA...... Alpharetta BkTheHooch.com, nyaBn.o,Psdn A....42%d 4.35% dA 4.26% ...... CA Pasadena IndyMacBank.com,

rcCptlCr. .6 0dy;42%tomonths; two 4.22% days; 30 4.26% Corp.: Capital tric aaa57% emn 4.25%; Germany 5.75%; Canada nyaBn.o,Psdn A....34%d 3.55% dA 3.49% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com, dat kC,Sl aeCt T...43%d 4.40% dA 4.31% ..... UT City Lake Salt Cp, Bk Advanta OEG RM RATES: PRIME FOREIGN

leontSvns alsT .....35%m 3.56% mA 3.50% ...... TX Dallas Savings, Bluebonnet eBn.o,Apaet A...... 44%d 4.51% dA 4.41% ...... GA Alpharetta NetBank.com, lcddrcl yGnrlElec- General by directly Placed aeaog5 uozn banks. zone Euro 57 among rate UOCMECA PAPER: COMMERCIAL EURO

oicm a ig A...... 0 A3.56% dA 3.50% ...... CA Diego San Bofi.com, is rd no,Bso A...... 44%m 4.54% mA 4.45% MA...... Boston Union, Trade First ters. .9%oeya.Erpa akn Federation-sponsored Banking European year. one 3.997%

is omril rad L...... 37%m 3.80% mA 3.74% ...... FL Orlando Commercial, First epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..44%d 4.56% dA .....4.46% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, on oboeso tc xhneclaea.Suc:Reu- Source: collateral. exchange stock on brokers to loans n ot;422 he ots .2%sxmonths; six 4.127% months; three 4.242% month; one

aeAPY Rate CDs Month One aeAPY Rate CDs Year One .5 efcie0/20) h hreon charge The 08/22/01). (effective 5.25% 4.301% ALMONEY: CALL UOITRAKOFRDRTS(EURIBOR): RATES OFFERED INTERBANK EURO

Banks. asfo aeapaiga o fti column. this of top at appearing date from days nyaBn.o,Psdn A....42%d 4.30% dA 4.21% CA...... Pasadena IndyMacBank.com, inbn.o,F.Luedl L...41%d 4.21% dA 4.12% ..... FL Lauderdale Ft. Giantbank.com,

nlast eoioyisiuin yteFdrlReserve Federal the by institutions depository to loans on 6mjrbns fetv aefrcnrcsetrdit two into entered contracts for rate Effective banks. major 16 inBn.o,Sl aeCt T...42%d 4.34% dA 4.25% UT...... City Lake Salt ZionsBank.com, nyaBn.o,Psdn A....41%d 4.21% dA 4.12% ...... CA Pasadena IndyMacBank.com,

.0 efcie0/10) h charge The 08/21/01). (effective 3.00% uodpst nteLno aktbsdo uttosat quotations on based market London the in deposits euro ICUTRATE: DISCOUNT oicm a ig A...... 0 A4.39% dA 4.30% ...... CA Diego San Bofi.com, eBn.o,Apaet A...... 41%d 4.26% dA 4.17% ...... GA Alpharetta NetBank.com,

N IET imntnD...... 43%m 4.40% mA 4.31% DE...... Wilmington DIRECT, ING epreB.o,SvnHlsO ..41%d 4.27% dA .....4.18% OH Hills Seven DeepGreenBk.com, ags banks. largest akrsAscainaeaeo nebn fee ae for rates offered interbank of average Association Banker's

F.o,Ivn A...... 5 A4.45% dA 4.35% CA...... Irvine WFB.com, BZniecm ctsaeA .... .6 A4.35% dA 4.26% ...... AZ Scottsdale FBAZonline.com, oprt on otdb tlat7%o h ains30 nation's the of 75% least at by posted loans corporate ots .25%sxmnh;3960 n er British year. one 3.99650% months; six 4.12650% months;

oe aktIvsmns aeAPY Rate Investments* Market Money aeAPY Rate CDs Months Six .0 efcie0/20) h aert on rate base The 08/22/01). (effective 6.50% .03%oemnh .30%three 4.23900% month; one 4.30138% RM RATE: PRIME UOLIBOR: EURO

transactions. ttpo hscolumn. this of top at ml iiu aac/pnn eoi,gnrly$0 o$25,000 to $500 generally deposit, balance/opening minimum Small

ud ognrllvl u o' lasrpeetactual represent always don't but levels general to guide

aefrcnrcsetrdit w asfo aeappearing date from days two into entered contracts for rate


h e .S n oeg nulitrs ae eo r a are below rates interest annual foreign and S. U. key The aktbsdo uttosa 6mjrbns Effective banks. major 16 at quotations on based market

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday, nebn fee ae o olrdpst nteLondon the in deposits dollar for rates offered interbank

aiaie eoioyisiuin r quoted. are institutions depository capitalized TE YBL:AYAna ecnaeyed F-Floating yield. percentage APY-Annual SYMBOLS: OTHER

eiidbfr netn.Ol elcptlzdo adequately or capitalized well Only investing. before verified -adAnal.yPi tMaturity. at y-Paid Annually. n-Paid


ett hne ils em n aia dqaysol be should adequacy capital and terms Yields, change. to ject IPEITRS:s-adMnhy -adSemi-annually. e-Paid Monthly. si-Paid INTEREST: SIMPLE

cuayadvldt antb urned ae r sub- are Rates guaranteed. be cannot validity and accuracy -ky -tl.qQty -eianal.a-Annually. s-Semi-annually. q-Qrtly. m-Mthly. w-Wkly.

rmboe-elr,bnsadsvnsisiuin,btthe but institutions, savings and banks broker-dealers, from OPUDMTOS -otnosy d-Daily. c-Continuously. METHODS: COMPOUND

nomto nlddi hstbehsbe banddirectly obtained been has table this in included information op FI)u o$0,0 e sun institution. issuing per $100,000 to up (FDIC) Corp.

ore Reuters Source:

A AI:AAta/cul -030 C-Actual/360.The B-30/360. A-Actual/Actual. BASIS: DAY ahdpstri nue yteFdrlDpstInsurance Deposit Federal the by insured is depositor Each

...... 94 .71.03 444.04 089.04 473.34 .63845 .13940 .46753 .00047 .00839 .10449 .41494 .60938 1.4751 .9144 ...... U.S. o par. low eois asokadohrlqi accounts. liquid other and passbook deposits,

uo...... 1030.. .12.64 438.12 098.05 510.54 .69821 .15245 .51130 .00052 .00918 .11428 .45378 .66643 1.6132 .... 1.09360 Euro...... oe aktIvsmnsicueMD,NW savings NOW, MMDA, include Investments Market Money aePPieC.TTBl DB-rkrDae.p-rcdbe- pp-Priced CD.BD-Broker-Dealer. T-T-Bill CD. P-Prime rate

...... 79 69 ...11.82 004.06 002.19 040.43282 .09450 .31695 .00032 .00569 .07084 .28129 .4131 .... .6199 .67790 ...... U.K.

01 00 00 01 0.04 — 0.16 — 0.08 — 0.09 — 0.10 — EKYCAG ...... CHANGE WEEKLY wteln... .4 .05240 ...89 117.17 007.62 2861.0477 .22876 .76722 .00077 .01377 .17147 .68091 .... 2.4206 1.5005 1.641 Switzerland......

ehrad.. .10223 .50148 ...58 002.01 .27.39 1.5387 .33595 1.1267 .00114 .02022 .25183 .... 1.4686 3.5550 2.2037 2.4100 Netherlands.... .4 .5 .5 .7 4.99% 3.87% 3.45% 3.45% 3.24% RKRAEAE...... AVERAGE BROKER

eio...... 70870 417581 .70.. 001.05 .73134 6.1099 1.3341 4.4743 .00452 .08031 .... 3.9710 5.8318 14.117 8.7508 9.5700 ...... Mexico

O.6MS Y.2YS YRS. 5 YRS. 2 1YR. MOS. 6 MOS. 3 aa...... 1.6189 7.77.1 9441.5 ...52 5711.1 76.077 16.611 55.711 .05627 .... 12.451 49.444 72.614 175.77 108.96 119.16 Japan......

aig DYed fee hog edn Brokers Leading Through Offered Yields CD Savings tl ...... 17513. 13619. 7.4212 770.. 9.1251 1351.9 295.18 990.01 .... 17.770 221.27 878.64 1290.4 3123.6 1936.3 2117.5 ...... Italy

emn ....218 .58315 .04.85 230.19 011.. 2861.3656 .29816 .... .00101 .01795 .22350 .88751 1.3034 3.1551 1.9558 2.1389 ...... Germany

ubs...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.08 — 0.06 — 0.02 — 0.02 — 0.03 — 0.01 — 0.01 — 0.08 — ...... Jumbos

rne...... 713 .551.88431 .76.45 000.03 .59.. 4.5800 .... 3.3539 .00339 .06020 .74959 2.9766 4.3715 10.5818 6.5595 7.1736 ...... France

aig ...... 00 . . . 00 00 00 0.02 — 0.01 — 0.02 — 0.01 — ...... 0.02 — ...... Savings

aaa...... 63142 .14094 692.66 034.07 729.13 .... .21834 .73229 .00074 .01314 .16367 .64992 0.9545 2.3104 1.4322 1.5663 ...... Canada

i ecnaepoints) percentage (in EKYCHANGE WEEKLY

olrEr on FacGidrPs e iaDMr FacCdnDlr FFranc D-Mark Lira Yen Peso Guilder SFranc Pound Euro Dollar

ubs...... 3 .9 .2 .7 .0 .7 .6 4.66% 3.76% 3.27% 3.10% 2.97% 2.82% 2.89% 2.93% ...... Jumbos

aeNwYr rdn usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday, Trading York New Late

aig ...... 0 .0 .4 .1 .8 4.37% 3.58% 3.11% 2.94% 2.80% 2.20% ...... Savings


ubs...... 7 .0 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.88% 3.80% 3.30% 3.20% 3.20% 2.75% 2.70% 3.27% ...... Jumbos

aig ...... 0 .8 .3 .8 .0 4.17% 3.50% 3.18% 3.23% 3.08% 3.00% ...... Savings


ubs...... 0 .9 .7 .9 .7 .1 4.68% 3.61% 3.07% 2.99% 2.97% 2.89% 3.00% ...... Jumbos

olra f91/0 -laigrt,ef e.22. Feb. eff. rate, f-Floating 9/11/00. of as dollar

0073.044 175 2152.61 2117.53 .0004646 .0004723 (Lira)...... Italy

aig ...... 5 .7 .3 .0 .3 4.20% 3.23% 2.90% 2.83% 2.67% 2.65% ...... Savings

ae rdn adsseddo /10.eAotdU.S. e-Adopted 4/11/00. on suspended band trading rate;

27 22 .904.3075 4.3950 .2322 .2275 (Shekel)...... Israel


-usa eta akrt.bGvrmn ae d-Floating rate. b-Government rate. Bank Central a-Russian .60112 81 .8756 .8613 1.1421 1.1610 ...... (Punt) Ireland

is ore nentoa oeayFund. Monetary International Source: cies.

ubs...... 3 .8 .2 .1 .4 .7 .7 4.83% 3.67% 3.27% 3.14% 3.11% 3.12% 3.08% 2.83% ...... Jumbos

0010.010 009075 9090 .0001102 .0001100 (Rupiah)...... Indonesia

o h .. emn rts,Fec n aaeecurren- Japanese and , French British, German, U.S., the for

aig ...... 2 .1 .3 .5 .0 4.34% 3.50% 2.95% 2.83% 2.71% 2.22% ...... Savings

money at stake. at money your After all, it’s it’s all, After 019.21 74047.330 47.410 .02113 .02109 (Rupee)...... India

pca rwn ihs(D)aebsdo xhnerates exchange on based are (SDR) Rights Drawing Special


036 036 8.7280.66 280.47 .003563 .003566 (Forint)...... Hungary

94 89 .961.1117 1.0936 .8995 .9144 ...... Euro

18 18 .987.7999 7.7998 .1282 .1282 ...... (Dollar) Kong Hong ubs...... 0 .4 .4 .5 .7 .2 .9 4.65% 3.89% 3.42% 3.27% 3.25% 3.14% 3.14% 2.90% ...... Jumbos

source available – Barron’s. Barron’s. – available source

.70121 76 .7804 .7868 1.2814 1.2710 SDR......

aig ...... 7 .0 .2 .8 .1 4.50% 3.11% 2.48% 2.42% 2.40% 2.07% ...... Savings

028 024 7.5378.83 372.65 .002640 .002683 (Drachma)...... Greece


-otsfrad..... 46 48 .452.1830 2.1455 .4581 .4661 forward...... 6-months

014 014 4.0745.50 746.50 .001341 .001340 ...... (Bolivar) Venezuela

credible and trusted financial trusted and credible

-otsfrad..... 46 48 .422.1792 2.1432 .4589 .4666 forward...... 3-months

ubs...... 1 .5 .1 .7 .7 .6 4.69% 3.76% 3.37% 3.27% 3.21% 3.15% 2.51% ...... Jumbos

iaca ...... 74 0461.2 13.430 13.620 .07446 .07342 ...... Financial

-ot owr ...... 62.56210 2.1758 2.1405 .4596 .4672 ...... forward 1-month

aig ...... 6 .7 .5 .4 .5 4.64% 3.75% 3.34% 3.25% 3.17% 2.06% ...... Savings

rga NwPeso)..... (New Uruguay

47 49 .392.1744 2.1389 .4599 .4675 (Mark)...... Germany

the most respected, most the to turn decisions, CALIFORNIA 22 22 .743.6730 3.6724 .2723 .2723 (Dirham).... Arab United

-otsfrad..... 19 16 .987.3214 7.1958 .1366 .1390 forward...... 6-months

0006 0007 500 1437500 1510000 .00000070 .00000066 ...... (Lira)-f Turkey ubs...... 2 .5 .3 .3 .0 .0 3.99% 3.30% 2.90% 2.73% 2.63% 2.45% 2.82% ...... Jumbos

-otsfrad..... 19 16 .887.3088 7.1878 .1368 .1391 forward...... 3-months

022.24 44044.640 44.400 .02240 .02252 (Baht)...... Thailand Before making your investment investment your making Before aig ...... 0 .6 .5 .5 .9 3.99% 3.39% 2.95% 2.85% 2.76% 2.10% ...... Savings

-ot owr ...... 33.30718 7.2974 7.1788 .1370 .1393 ...... forward 1-month

084.28 46034.650 34.670 .02886 .02884 ...... (Dollar) Taiwan E YORK NEW

19 17 .767.2925 7.1736 .1371 .1394 (Franc)...... France

-otsfrad..... 60 54 .391.6829 1.6379 .5942 .6105 forward...... 6-months

13 11 .036.6100 6.5023 .1513 .1538 (Markka)...... Finland M*1O O.3MS O.1R R.5YRS. 5 YRS. 2 1YR. MOS. 6 MOS. 3 MOS. 2 1MO. MMI*

-otsfrad..... 69 53 .401.6850 1.6400 .5935 .6098 forward...... 3-months

participants can only envy. only can participants vrg ilso ao Banks Major of Yields Average .00100 .001.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Dollar)-e... (US Ecuador

-ot owr ...... 05.91160 1.6860 1.6406 .5931 .6095 ...... forward 1-month

11 10 .158.2730 8.2115 .1209 .1218 (Krone)...... Denmark

69 53 .401.6863 1.6410 .5930 .6094 (Franc)...... Switzerland

usa,Spebr1,2001 11, September Tuesday,

omrilrt...... 27 0663.7 37.930 37.372 .02636 .02676 rate...... Commercial record for accuracy that most market most that accuracy for record

05 04 057 10.6255 10.5079 .0941 .0952 ...... (Krona) Sweden

zc.Rp (Koruna).... Rep. Czech.

OE MARKETS MONEY BANXQUOTE 059 050 8.6184.98 181.96 .005406 .005496 (Peseta)...... Spain


0029.040 322 2325.50 2342.25 .0004300 .0004269 (Peso)...... Colombia

0076.078 210 1285.00 1291.00 .0007782 .0007746 ...... (Won) Korea South

it for more than 75 years, with a track a with years, 75 than more for it

10 10 .798.2767 8.2769 .1208 .1208 ...... (Renminbi) China

16 17 .008.5326 8.6050 .1172 .1162 ...... (Rand) Africa South

016 019 8.0668.45 683.00 .001496 .001464 ...... (Peso) Chile

015.28 74548.055 47.495 .02081 .02105 (Koruna).... Rep. Slovak

market insights. And we’ve been doing been we’ve And insights. market -otsfrad..... 67 69 .601.5650 1.5690 .6390 .6373 forward...... 6-months

51 51 .511.7503 1.7501 .5713 .5714 (Dollar)...... Singapore

ore hmo iaca/is al otn MA Boston, Call, Financial/First Thomson Source: years. three previous the on Based

-otsfrad..... 67 69 .631.5642 1.5683 .6393 .6376 forward...... 3-months


26 26 .563.7482 3.7506 .2668 .2666 ...... (Riyal) Arabia Saudi

-ot owr ...... 32.38157 1.5629 1.5670 .6398 .6382 ...... forward 1-month

vrg o h period. the for average accurate market news and profitable and news market accurate 033.39 94029.445 29.470 .03396 .03393 ...... (Ruble)-a Russia

68 60 .631.5622 1.5663 .6401 .6384 ...... (Dollar) Canada

ae,ueecsdotos opne ihfwrta he ueso elr,o ee ueso elr hntehistorical the than sellers or buyers fewer or sellers, or buyers three than fewer with companies options, unexercised sales,

046 048 1.5222.88 219.25 .004487 .004561 (Escudo)...... Portugal

-otsfrad...... 67147 62 .6908 .6827 1.4477 1.4647 forward...... 6-months

oeisdratvt uigtelts 2wes xldd opne ihttltaevle ne 7,0:option-related $75,000: under valued trade total with companies Excluded: weeks. 12 latest the during activity insider some

25 27 .444.2093 4.2444 .2376 .2356 ...... (Zloty)-d Poland

Every week, Barron’s delivers delivers Barron’s week, Every

-otsfrad...... 67142 60 .6884 .6804 1.4526 1.4697 forward...... 3-months

ecnaecag fol hi odnsa h tr ftepro.Rfet opne o hc iig aels ekshowed week last made filings which for companies Reflects period. the of start the at holdings their only of change percentage 099.15 13051.225 51.300 .01952 .01949 (Peso)...... Philippines

-ot owr ...... 143 .57.76.6865 .6786 1.4567 1.4737 ...... forward 1-month

akdb h e hnei hrshl ytoeisdr h ogto oddrn h at1 ek,epesda a as expressed weeks, 12 last the during sold or bought who insiders those by held shares in change net the by Ranked

26 27 .903.4815 3.4920 .2872 .2864 ...... Sol) (new Peru

1 .71147 67 .6859 .6779 1.4579 1.4751 (Pound)...... Britain

055.16 39063.900 63.900 .01565 .01565 (Rupee)......

Bcara.Ppeiet -ietr Pvc rsdn.Oofcr Z-other. O-officer. president. VP-vice D-director. P-president. CB-chairman. 36 33 .552.6055 2.6555 .3838 .3766 (Real)...... Brazil

14 12 .448.8825 8.7444 .1126 .1144 (Krone)...... Norway

02 02 416 44.8470 44.1163 .0223 .0227 ...... (Franc) Belgium

tc.XRfet hrshl niety -aefln.*Bs eidi esta years. 3 than less is period *-Base filing. t-Late indirectly. held shares X-Reflects stock.

45 41 .922.3164 2.2962 .4317 .4355 (Dollar)..... Zealand New

.55262 37 .3770 .3770 2.6525 2.6525 (Dinar)......

-opirhlig,rSl ihntoweso pineecs qa o9%o oeo hrssl.S od te ls of class other Holds S- sold. shares of more or 90% to equal exercise option of weeks two within r-Sale holdings, prior n-No

44 48 .102.4499 2.4100 .4082 .4149 (Guilder)..... Netherlands

065.63 50815.298 15.048 .06537 .06645 (Schilling)...... Austria

niethlig.Ecue tcsvle tls hn$ hr,aqiiin hog pin n opne en acquired. being companies and options through acquisitions share, a $2 than less at valued stocks Excludes holdings. indirect laigrt...... 14 16 .709.3880 9.5700 .1065 .1045 rate...... Floating

52 53 .141.9472 1.9144 .5136 .5224 (Dollar)...... Australia

h 0ho h ot olwn h ot ftetae nldsbt pnmre n rvt rnatosivligdrc and direct involving transactions private and open-market both Includes trade. the of month the following month the of 10th the eio(Peso)...... Mexico

.03100 99 .9997 .9997 1.0003 1.0003 (Peso)...... Argentina

OE hw ucae n ae yms fiesaddrcos hc utb eotdt h E n te euaosby regulators other and SEC the to reported be must which directors, and officers most by sales and purchases Shows NOTE: .65228 41 .4467 .4418 2.2386 2.2635 (Lira)......

onr u o u Mon Tue Mon Tue Country

23 23 .003.8001 3.8000 .2632 .2632 (Ringgit)-b...... Malaysia


- . - 0.6 0-5 1.0 0-4 3 — O/NDSN ...... 0064.060 542 1514.25 1514.25 .0006604 .0006604 ...... (Pound) Lebanon —16 Corporation Nordson

aetdla-uort sn h xhnerto e 1/1/99. set ratios exchange the using rate dollar-euro latest

.82323 34 .3055 .3044 3.2733 3.2852 ...... (Dinar) Kuwait

20330031.5 0-3 3.0 0-3 42 — N/CPY ...... ae o h 2Er urnycutisaedrvdfo the from derived are countries currency Euro 12 the for Rates —42 Corp. CPI

.09146 70 .7108 .7108 1.4069 1.4069 (Dinar)......

rnatospoiefwruiso oeg urnyprdollar. per currency foreign of units fewer provide transactions

30320031.0 0-3 2.0 0-3 53 — O/AMSG ...... —53 Corp. AmSurg

-otsfrad..... 082 080 1.3118.99 117.33 .008404 .008523 forward...... 6-months t2pm atr ieb etr n te ore.Retail sources. other and Reuters by time Eastern p.m. 2 at

-otsfrad..... 086 083 1.8119.94 118.18 .008337 .008462 forward...... 3-months

mn ak naonso 1mlinadmr,a quoted as more, and million $1 of amounts in banks among

20410040.5 0-4 1.0 0-4 72 — O/KEYS ...... —72 Ind Automotive Keystone


T 120.59 118.81 .008293 .008417 ...... forward 1-month

h oeg xhnemdrnertsblwapyt trading to apply below rates mid-range exchange foreign The

90517050.8 0-5 1.7 0-5 79 — O/SSCC ...... 089 086 1.6120.93 119.16 .008269 .008392 ...... (Yen) Japan —79 Container Smurfit-Stone


onr u o u Mon Tue Mon Tue Country


URNYPRUS $ U.S. PER CURRENCY EQUIV. $ U.S. 2001 11, September Tuesday,

- . - 1.0 3-0 1.0 3-0 6 O/SYNP ...... 6 Inc. Synplicity,


23010301.0 3-0 1.0 3-0 12 O/PILLD ...... 12 Inc. ProxyMed,

- . - 1.5 3-1 3.0 3-0 8 N/PNK ...... 18 Entertainment Pinnacle

24110411.0 4-1 1.0 4-1 72 N/APA ...... 52 Corporation Apache -8itlgv.mres -xenlcrec mrigmt et e 1 9310 -a.2 1995=100. 2, d-Jan. 1993=100. 31, Dec debt, mkt. emerging b-external-currency markets. govt. int'l a-18


0.800 10 46 3.39 + 4.60 — 1.09 + 0.00 208.78 3.39 + 4.60 — 1.09 + 0.00 208.78 EMBI+-b


2 2

4.1+ .3+ .2+ .7+ 1.95 + 6.37 + 1.92 + 1.13 + 248.11 4.64 + 2.47 + 0.68 + 0.27 + 297.44 Global-a AETLTS UES FHS.BYR FHIST. OF BUYERS HIST. OF BUYERS- LATEST LATEST



2.3+ .0+ .9+ 07 0.97 + 10.73 + 1.79 + 1.10 + 128.33 4.48 + 2.73 + 0.45 + 0.21 + 173.44 EMU-d

nrprsrcie hog Friday) through received reports in AET2 WKS. 24 LATEST WKS. 12 LATEST OF HOLDINGS

Bsdo cultascindates transaction actual on (Based E H.IN CHG. % NET

9.4+ .9+ .6+ 07 0.75 + 10.76 + 1.86 + 1.19 + 191.44 4.24 + 2.75 + 0.50 + 0.29 + 263.43 Netherlands

opne ihBgetNtChanges Net Biggest With Companies

9.1— .3— .3— .7+ 0.32 + 0.17 — 0.23 — 0.33 — 294.21 4.97 + 3.41 + 1.80 + 0.02 + 355.78 Canada

4.3+ .6+ .2+ 07 0.86 + 10.79 + 1.82 + 1.16 + 241.93 4.35 + 2.77 + 0.47 + 0.26 + 328.91 France 0 908/20/01 29 100 CB Gibbs R. J. N ...... 1,338 Corporation Oil

rusted. d e t s u Tr 08/21/01 33 50 VP Dickerson L. A. O ...... 1,475 Corp. Group Health First 8.8+ .7+ .9+ 06 0.64 + 10.68 + 1.79 + 1.17 + 180.18 4.13 + 2.67 + 0.44 + 0.27 + 247.57 Germany

0608/01/01 6 30 P x Hastings G. B. O ... 1,921 Corporation Trust Northern

9.7+ .1+ .2+ 07 0.98 + 10.78 + 3.32 + 1.21 + 294.87 2.67 + 3.50 + 0.32 + 0.45 + 378.49 Britain

7-08/03/01 - 37 VP Keler M. M. N ...... 2,987 Inc. Education, USA

1.6+ .3+ .4+ .5— 0.74 — 2.25 + 2.44 + 1.83 + 216.06 3.16 + 0.43 — 0.23 — 0.04 — 211.84 Japan

7 708/01-08/01 27 175 D Walker P. J. N ...... 4,014 Corporation CTS

AU DY1O3MS1/1VLE1A M O 12/31 MOS 3 1MO 1DAY VALUE 12/31 MOS 3 1MO 1DAY VALUE 0 08/08-09/01 - 100 P s Bernick B. H. N ..... 4,166 B COM Co. Alberto-Culver


0 08/02/01 - 200 D JR Sanchez R. A. O ...... 7,950 Corp Bancshares Intl.


,0 208/23/01 12 1,000 CB Rubin G. M. O ...... 10,000 Inc. Sports, Global

npret ae nJP ognGvrmn odIdx e.3,1987=100 31, Dec. Index, Bond Government Morgan J.P. on based percent, In

ested. T 08/20/01 10 226 D JR Jenkins H. C. O ... 10,726 Inc. Markets, Super Publix


,0 08/07-09/01 - 1,000 VP x III Sloneker L. H. O ... 13,152 Corporation Casualty Ohio


Euvln osm-nulcmone ilst maturity to yields compounded semi-annual to *Equivalent

.... .A casnxD x Oclassen A. G. O ...... 05 08/02-07/01 50 10 ontc Corporation Connetics 66

.00/7194 05 5.782 0.57 + 129.49 06/27 8.00 .50/29.6— .44.652 0.04 — 93.46 06/32 4.25

. .J reiu D Greeniaus J. H. N ... . 408/06-10/01 14 6 enolQae tt Co State Pennzoil-Quaker 67

.00/8154 06 5.027 0.66 + 105.48 06/08 6.00 .00/1120 04 4.863 0.40 + 132.02 07/11 9.00 ...... Walker P. O ...... 8508/24-28/01 5 38 D MCCorporation SMTC 96

.50/3122 00 4.033 0.09 + 102.28 09/03 5.25 .00/5149 04 4.908 0.44 + 114.97 04/05 9.50 ...... OD Walker D. O ...... 308/29/01 33 5 P iia Insight Digital 96

. .K rs D Cross K. D. N ... 08/03-10/01 - 7 ICRItrainl Inc. International, CIRCOR 101 .0 20 0.5+ .53.583% 0.15 + 102.85 12/02 6.00% 4.264% 0.25 + 101.95 06/02 7.00%

. .R oel P Moberly R. T. O ... 08/20/01 6 4

& evcs n.CMA COM Inc. Services, G&K 116

3pm atr Time) Eastern p.m. (3 5pm London) p.m. (5 Canada ntdKingdom United

...... OJ .JcsnCB Jackson W. J. O ...... 2208/09-16/01 2 12 egn Corporation Celgene 269

.00/1108 05 5.446 0.58 + 100.82 01/31 5.50 .00/19.7 ..2.05 ... 99.37 06/21 2.00

.NE .SaioD Shapiro D. E. N .. 54 08/10/01 42 25 oa pc om Ltd. Comm. & Space Loral 300

.00/1116 06 4.775 0.63 + 101.69 07/11 5.00 1.42 0.05 — 99.83 09/11 1.40

81 08/21-22/01 14 68 D Schoff A. J. N . 1,292 Corp Realty Div. Developers

.00/5136 08 3.904 0.89 + 103.67 05/05 5.00 0.33 ... 110.61 09/05 3.00 ... .M esnsD s Nelson M. J. O ...... 0 08/13-14/01 - 100 etr ieesCorp Wireless Western 3,197

.5 20 90 06 3.651% 0.67 + 99.07 02/04 3.25% .0 90 0.6— .10.07% 0.01 — 109.36 09/03 4.70% BUYERS


5pm London) p.m. (5 Tokyo) p.m. (3 Germany Japan



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2 EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS California Florida High Rise ATLANTA, GA & ORLANDO, FL SINGLE TENANT Office Park Investment Drugstores Water Front Opportunity Attention Developers: ATLANTA: Jonesboro. Just off I-75, INVESTMENTS For Sale National >A< rated tenant 1.86 Acres _ 138 Unit Site on Looking for prime 10 minutes from Hartsfield Atlanta Metro Phoenix El Monte, CA Prime Locations & Demographics Bayshore Blvd., Tampa, FL development land in Florida? One to 211 Acres Available. Airport. 172 Rooms, Opened April '98. { 5 & Diner Restaurant - $1,486,500 Exciting Opportunity 20 Yrs.-10% Rental Increases [email protected] Southwest Florida locations - 2000 NOI $884,700. Asking $6.1M. { Ethan Allen Furniture - $2,670,000 Flair Park Area Ideal for 1031 Exchange Buyers Cushman & Wakefield ORLANDO: Between Downtown & 137,904 sq. ft. High Return of Florida, Inc. Sun City, Fort Myers; DIAMOND PROPERTIES Wildcat Run, Estero; Disney. 190 Rooms, Opened Sept. '00. Multi-Tenant Office Buildings $3.7 to $4.6 Million Licensed Real Estate Broker 7/31/01 NOI $409,130. Asking $6.6M. (602) 265-0011 Marina del Rey - Retail Center On 8.51 Acres Gateway, Fort Myers and 9.37% Cap Rate P: 813-223-6300 - F: 813-221-9166 Pelican Landing in Contact Thelma Wilke $3,195,000 - 9.8% cap Silver Willis Logo Kelly Realty 770-396-5212 Near COSTCO Excellent Financing in Place Bonita Springs RETAIL CENTER Great Credit and { Homebuilders { Office kellyrealtyco@.com Tel (415) 461-0600 FOR SALE Culver City Office Bldg Annual Increases in Rent { Retail { Industrial $17,000,000 For more information, Scottsdale, AZ $9.1M - 40,000 sf, 10.1% cap ALABAMA investment w/credit tenant Scott Martin (bkr) SUPERMARKET CHAIN Homestead, FL - 104 Units contact Pam Indian School & Drinkwater (626) 564-4800 x110 WITH EXISTING FINANCING ($2,800,000) Strong Rental Prudential Florida WCI Realty [email protected] Markets. $26,923 per unit 21,316 sq. ft Total West Los Angeles Office Bldg • New 20-year NNN lease with 9.8% Cap. Double Digit 941-659-2424 FOR SALE Walt Brown: (888) 955-7500 ext.11 C/C Return $43.00 per SF. $5.6 M - 21,200 sf • Percentage of sales Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 130 Unit Apartment RE Investment Brokerage Co. Leased Investment • Mobile, Alabama single tenant No loan points! Excellent Location ARKANSAS T. Macker/J. Bertram LA COUNTY OFFICE • $1,025,000 cash required Call Jim Duberstein HUNTERS PARADISE INVESTMENTS Principals Only 1300 Acres, Hunting, Timber, Jacksonville, FL - 200 Units (937) 223-7337 Santa Monica - For Sale ($5,000,000) X'lent Unit mix of Well located West LA 49,812 SF 7 story 415.781.8100 Investment Tract. Located just Brokers Protected PREMIER RESORT $4,565,025 - 20,289 sf minutes form Tallahassee. $525 per all Twhs Units. Units Average 17 cabins w/full kitchens, some multi-tenant office building. Agent 1,100 SF Under A/C. Condo w/frpl & Jacuzzi. Wedding 5,152 sf available - Owner-User is ground floor tenant. 100% leased. acre. #318-SFCR.INC. Will sell all or Potential, CBS Const. 4X chapel overlooks lake, recep- Investment Opportunity $11,995,000 half. Financing available. Gross, 10 Cap, $22/SF. tion hall. Nature & horseback (850) 997-6254; (850) 443-7317; Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 Gulf of Mexico trails, owner's log cabin home. 2 story Van Nuys 9,350 SF single PRIME LOCATION RE Investment Brokerage Co. { Marina - 6+ ac. with Dev. (229) 854-0706 96 Ozark areas. $2,650,000. Westwood - For Sale tenant office building directly across Downtown Fresno, CA potential, $2,375,000 from Civic Cen- { Medical Center - Stable UNITED COUNTRY REAL ESTATE $1.2M, 4 blocks from tenants, $1,600,000 1-800-999-1020, Ext. 33 2 story office/retail bldg ter. 100% leased to City of Los Angeles. new downtown stadium. { OWNER WANTS OFFERS Resort - 60 beachfront rooms, www.unitedcountry.com 5,625 sf - 12 car prkg $1,395,000 30,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse Winn Dixie Center $5,000,000 Exclusive Agents: with 24,000 sq. ft. parking lot. 37 ACRES-FLAGLER COUNTY, FL { Several other investment Owner-user-investment $500,000 FIRM $433,800 N.O.I. 115 units PUD mixed single family & props. FIRST PROPERTY REALTY CORP David Thind 1930 CENTURY PARK WEST, 800-352-2324 • Larry condo's, 1640ft on I.C.W. ERA Class.Com Jim Busch CALIFORNIA All Cash or Financing Available 560 on A1A, ocean view, 2100ft canals (800) 998-8836, Ext. 4 THIRD FLOOR 9.5% Cash/Cash After Debt For Sale LOS ANGELES, CA. 90067 All permits in place for single family PHONE (310) 208-4400 AW Properties A1A Realty & Development Corp. West Los Angeles/Venice LOT FOR SALE 321-726-9853 NNN INVESTMENT $7,550,000 JEFF RESNICK OR MIKE GELLER 612-317-4720 SYLACAUGA - DOWNTOWN OPPORTUNITY Creative office bldg - 27,964 sf San Rafael - \ acre zoned Formerly Heilig Meyers Furniture. 2 Tenant NNN bldg., high profile 100% occupied - NNN leases Major Freeway Intersection for 60 Unit Assisted Care OUTSTANDING OFFICE BUILDING OCEANFRONT HOMESITES 18,000+ sq. ft. Excellent Roseville/Rocklin growth market. Lloyd Bakan/Luke Palmo Hesperia, California, SWC Owner/Agent, $1.5M Miami - 11098 Biscayne Blvd. Next spot for the Condition. Motivated Seller. Newly constructed, I-80 frontage. I-15/Main { 133 Acres Discounted 43,200 SF! Grosses $589,000! 10.3% Cash Return to Investor! Rich & Famous. Strong local credit tenants. for Quick Sale { Traffic Counts, 25 Owner-held mortgage. For Sale 800-388-2509 User Occupies 4,500-7,800 SF Skyrocketing value. Great upside potential w/below Million Annually { Zoned Comm. Contact J. Cherner Westwood-Office bldg at no cost! Guarded equity club. market rents & comp. sales. or Industrial { New $14 Million Call Louis J.Gallo, CCIM 205-425-6790 12,500 sf - Owner/ 305-358-1000 x 376 Mega homes - $895,000. (2003) { 4000 Lineal 120 APTS/CENTRAL VALLEY COLORADO $4.5M, 8.59% cap User Opportunity [email protected] 386-446-7771 407-616-3997 Ft. of Freeway Frontage The Allen Morris Co. Jim Stanfill Built 1990, stucco, gated, some Silent partner in Mtn. FL's Comm RE Leader The Bradco Companies with garages & fireplaces. High Joseph W. Brady, CCIM ARIZONA Bill Liggett/Erik Neese >Reduced Sales Price< occupancy, strong market. 9 cap. property investment. Your (760) 951-5111 x101 $6,300,000 Heath E. Charamuga Santa Monica - For Sale [email protected] share 48% $410,000. Cathy Johnson, Asst. $1,675,000.00 RCK ORGANIZATION (916) 418-6046 5,250 sf bldg 8,250 sf lot 559.449.0700 agt Details at 303-449-7741 South Beach - 52 Units Historic Downtown Stuart, FL NNN Lease Investment Tracy - Northern California ($3,000,000) 1 block to the SC($2,050,000)High End Retail Jim Stanfill/Chris Holland ocean, apartment or hotel. Strip Center. 100% Occupied. I - 205, 140 acres, can be subdivided N/N/N AGENTS/FINANCE Zoning. Assumable financing. Seller Financing. into 15 acres three hotel sites, 15 LET US PAMPER YOUR CLIENTS!! Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 FLORIDA Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 RE Investment Brokerage Co. Land For Sale (310) 478-7700 acres assisted living care, 50 acres Ω Fast and Efficient Processing RE Investment Brokerage Co. Each Office is Independently high tech business park, 60 acres Ω Loans From $400,000+ LOFT/OFFICE/RETAIL commercial business. Located next DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY Owned and Operated Ω Up to 30 Year Amortization to Home Depot, , Car deal- Ω Low Cost Legal, Third Party's 8 +/- Acres erships, lots of restaurants & future MARABELLA COMMERCIAL FINANCE DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES Costco - coming soon. For sale or LOCATION FORTUNE 100 SINGLE TENANT joint venture. Price $24.39 million. 760-741-0800 Dunedin, FL 470 Units Sunrise Shopping Center 2 BLOCKS FROM LITTLE TOKYO Call Shyam - Chetal 510-657-6603, ($47,300,000) 470 Lux Apt Com- ($10,250,000) Fortune 100 company C.P. 510-714-3668, [email protected]. DOWNTOWN LA JOLLA munity, AAA Quality, New Xln't Retail Sawgrass Mills HEART OF THE ARTIST 12.5 year term bond lease Construction, Superior Infill Area. Credit Tenants. LOFT DISTRICT Loc, Private 10 Acre Park Fixed annual increases Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 BROKER COOPERATION Newly Renovated Retail & Office RE Investment Brokerage Co. RE Investment Brokerage Co. 213-746-6630 Perfect exchange property Safeway, Inc. High Profile - Prospect Street ASK FOR KEN X15 OR CAROL X16 Principals Only $12,250,000 NNN Lease; Expires 1-31-2012 Bob Safai/Madison Partners RAMSEY REAL ESTATE GROUP 310/820-5959 Central California Location Jeff Ramsey (619) 233-0825 BUCKEYE Delray Beach - IWH 38 Acres 8.41% Cap @ $7,300,000 Gainesville Land ($11,200,000) ($2,500,000) Unique Multi- I-10/Miller 560 Acre Dev. Parcel in Tenant Cold Storage. Strong MEDICAL OFFICE INVESTMENT DOUG (661) 325-1798 Prime San Diego Alachua County. Last Current Income w/Upside Pot. $50K Per Acre _ Offer Retail/Office buildings to be built Largest Approved Tract. Frontage on I-95. $6.75M 10% Cap Rate e-mail: [email protected] Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 BARRON THOMAS sale or JV, 5000 and 8000 feet, RE Investment Brokerage Co. RE Investment Brokerage Co. (480) 951-6207 46,463 sq ft$145/sq ft $1. and $2.1m, less for JV Dan Schwartz Realty Adjacent to Major Regional Hospital SAN FRANCISCO- Newly Absolutely great location within Contact: Chris Bonbright refurbished 3 sty concrete blg. 2 blks Sorrento Valley -- UTC area MISSOURI from train station. Fully wired w/ Mr. M., 760-845-5248 RETAIL/OFFICE BUILDING (323) 851-6666 CAT-5, T-1 and phone system. Per- FOR SALE SHOPPING CENTER Ramsey-Shilling Healthcare fect for cubicle office set up. Central Monterey Peninsula air & heat & carpeted. Cutomizable $7.9 Million; 67,222 SQ FT Real Estate Group per floor security system. Kitchens, COLORADO Eureka, Missouri Southwest St. Louis County 91% Leased { 34,200(Q) s.f. restrooms. Digital pictures available. Phoenix, Arizona { Fully leased [email protected] Contact Tracy Altemus { $3,800,000.00 PRIME DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY DevMan Company, L.C. Excl. Agent: J. R. Parrish Retail_Office Project 602/277.8558 (831) 476-2222 102,116 S.F. , CARL'S JR., TACO BELL [email protected] $13,797,711 Great locations { 460 acres along I-44, { Planned mixed-use 88% Credit Tenants 20 Yr. Leases, $775K - $3.5M near Six Flags St. Louis, development sought Anchored Retail Center 9% Cap en route to Branson with opportunities for: SEARS (OSH), Office Depot Fresno, Ca. { City ownership of large - corporate headquarters 89,424 S.F. 949-631-6620 portion of Development campus, office park 100% National/Regional Tenants Principals Only Area. - retail shopping and Skip White (916) 444-2244 $13,455,000 { City prepared to provide entertainment 8.46% Cap 8.92% C.O.C NNN NATIONAL SINGLE TENANT FLORIDA assistance with site assem- - range of types of La Verne, Ca. bly and financial incen- residential development 949-631-6620 { 20 Year Lease tives in support of needed - hotel, conference, { New Construction GIANT COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE public infrastructure facilities { Great Location 52 Units Pinole CALIFORNIA { $3,900,000 & $3,150,000 AUCTION Quiet side street Two Phase Developer Section _ RFQ/RFP Principals Only Please Great upside Thursday, - Beginning 9:00 A.M. BKR: 800-485-3614 $4,600,000 LIVE OAK & JASPER, FLORIDA { Phase 1 - Statement of Qualifications and HELP HELP HELP Call 415-391-9220 4 Convenience Stores Concept (RFQ) Upgraded & ready to open! LAND WANTED CREDIT TENANT NNN - Great Profit Outlets - Due Monday, , 2001 at 2:00 p.m. CST at • $12,625,000 FOR SALE ALSO: 2 Excellent Commercial Properties City Hall Our land inventory is very low and we need additional • 96,918 s.f. high-end manufacturing OAKLAND AIRPORT with Leases & Rental Income { Phase 2 _ Development Proposal (RFP) land listings! For 20 years, we've only sold land, i.e., ranch, property in Fremont OFFICE BUILDING • 9 years remaining on strong Interstate Location & Other Great Locations! raw and development (unimproved and teardown to re- 13,880 Sq. Ft. / 1.2 Acres Not more than 3 firms to be selected in Phase 1 build). If you have land to sell with a minimum value of international tenant's NNN lease - Sales to be held on individual properties - Colliers Investment Service Group Price: $1,350,000 20% down, balance 30 days, 10% buyer's premium and asked to submit full Development Proposals $500,000, please give us a call. We are known for our Hon- 408.282.3807 M.R. Notaro esty, Integrity and Knowledge of the business. You will 510-522-2666 Contact for copy of Request for Qualifications & Proposals like doing business with us. Call for a free company Co-Broker: John Hill Assoc., Live Oak, FL For brochure packet call Craig E. Sabo, City Administrator brochure or visit our website. PREMIER CBD OFFICE BLDG Palm Springs Area • $11,500,000 J. L. TODD AUCTION CO. City of Eureka Approved 192 Unit senior Korek Land Company, Inc. • 23,973 s.f. downtown office Rome, GA Co. Lic. #AB249 100 City Hall property in San Jose assisted living facility on 7+ acres (800) 370-LAND { www.korekland.com John L. Todd, Lic. FL Bkr. #BK0521179 • 10 year lease to credit tenants at fully entitled-ready to build. P.O. Box 125 Downtown location adjacent to Joe Tarpley, FL Auctioneer #AU408 below market rate Eureka, MO 63025 Colliers Investment Service Group regional hospital. $2,300,000 1-800-241-7591 408.282.3807 Contact Philip Yeakel www.jltodd.com Phone: (636) 938-5233 E-mail:[email protected] 760-861-8460 or 760-568-0242

OHIO CALIFORNIA MICHIGAN Absolute Auction By: ROSE PREMIER Are You Interested AUCTION GROUP, LLC In Selling Motor Mall USA And Leasing Back Your 6355 Blue Rd., Lake City, MI (near Cadillac, MI) So. CA. Industrial Property? We will buy for cash and lease back the property to your The Wall Street Journal company at a rental which is based on a 7\% return delivers top corporate of the sale price. This gorgeous L Shaped brick building is situated on 10+/- acres. 5 of the acres are developed w/ paved asphalt & are real estate decision makers. We are a privately held forty lighted. The building was built in 1996 & offers 7170 sqft, which 5400 sqft is office space, 1770 is warehouse space. year old company specializing Building has a Covered Entrance & 3 car bays, perfect for Wall Street Journal subscribers . . . in industrial property Car Dealership, RV Sales, Banks, Banquet Hall or Funeral d 48% are in top management in Southern California. Homes. Sells to last and highest bidder regardless of price. d 24% are in middle management { d 29% have purchase influence of real estate, plant Crown Associates Realty, Inc. Thurs. Sept. 27th at 4:00pm/Open at 2:30pm sites and office space Please call us at 323-272-7777 Beth Rose & Nick Pinotti, Auctioneers Call 1-800-366-3975 call 1-877-696-7653 www.bethroseauction.com EE,MW,SW,WE EE-BREA-2-A1 BREA.XA.1B090.A1


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UNION CITY, NJ AUTOMOTIVE UNBELIEVABLE OPPORTUNITY River Walk Site Investment Property Available for development. Acre on the Use or investment, state of the art SERVICE CENTER Marina on Lake Greensood with Staples, Rexburg, ID bldg. inc. 8 apts. on mo. to mo. leases. main channel of the river. 315 feet of Excellent auto repair shop. Great rep- store, restaurant, rental house, cot- Investment Grade Credit Currently used as sewing factory. 10 tage, 4 two bedroom efficiency apt. River Walk frontage and 245 feet of Pembroke Park, FL - 80 Units utation, good location near downtown street frontage. Adjacent to SBC ($3,280,000) Renovated with Long-term lease w/options secured parking spaces. Total 18,000 Raleigh, N.C. 10,000 SF bldg. & 1 acre 15 capmer spaces, 20 rental boat below market rents. Large slips, 3 rental pontoon boats, fishing Communications headquarters, $2,375,000, 8.84% cap SF. $799,000. Call for additional info. lot included. Sales of $1.4 million/year. ""Houston Street'' redevelopment units with a desirable unit Burgdorff ERA pier and boat ramp for $925,000 mix. Attractive assumable $1,450,000 Graham Realty @ 919-832-6800 project, and the new Valencia Hotel. financing. Realtors Hillsdale/Woodcliff Lake Brothers & Harrison Realty financing in place @ 7.1% email: [email protected] Near courthouse and financial district. Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 201-664-7700 Kay Dangerfield: 864-227-5130 For further info, call 210-222-8802 or RE Investment Brokerage Co. Home of renamed email [email protected]. and expanded OHIO BYU - Idaho MASSACHUSETTS NEW MEXICO Premier RV Resort - $7,950,000 Tim McClean TRUSTEE'S Equal to 440 + sites. 45 +/- acres. COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL GREAT LAKES MARINAS FOR SALE AUCTION Indoor-outdoor pools/spas, rental Southeastern Massachusetts: 280 Slips $2,000,000 cabins, huge activity pavilions, 1000 Lauderhill, FL 405 Units (415) 288-7864 NNN DENNY'S Established, 49 child preschool $600,000 price for $60,000 NNN 640 Slips $5,600,000, NOI $600,000 feet of riverfront with huge cypress ($22,500,000) 1989 Construction Selling by order of Wachovia 75% 2 &3-bed units [email protected] and residence; fantastic income rent with full percentage rent 650 Slips $6,800,000, NOI $805,000 trees, 1st class amenities, est. 15% Down, 9% Cap Rate w/tremendous upside potential. clause. New lease on 20 year + 595 Slips $7,500,000, NOI $775,000 Bank, N.A. as Trustee under income 1.2 mil with 450k expenses. Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 Turn-key business & real estate. Sold Individually or as a Group. the will of Judson B. Smith 800-749-2210 x100/800-775-4172 fax RE Investment Brokerage Co. location with very strong 65+ www.recreationalinvestments.com $1.4 mm. Call Nick at Remax units franchisee. Owner/Broker Call: 440-336-4333 ILLINOIS Liberty for financials, history, Great highway location Email: [email protected] Thurs., Oct. 4 virtual tour. 1-877-80 REMAX Call owner 805-565-3283 7:00 P.M. 1300 acres of scenic prime FOR SALE BY OWNER COLUMBIA, SC Development Property PENNSYLVANIA south of Amarillo, TX Seffner - SS ($3,675,000) 62,000sf Office Building MISSOURI NEW YORK 140 Acres Prime Grocery Anchored 22,000sf Parking Lot Richard W. James Investment Grade Anchor Nearly \ block in Development w/25 Yr. Lease PARTNERSHIP Property Round Mountain Downtown Rockford, IL Land Realtors Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 $1,000,000 50 Mi. West of St. Louis RE Investment Brokerage Co. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania in the center of growth in N.E. 806-358-9396 Principals Only-Booklet Available 192 Acre fronts 2,000 ft. I-70, 815-965-5777 S. Service Road & Railroad. Users-Investors: 520,000 Richland County. With Country road access. Zone sq.ft. Industrial/Distribu- 15 Acre Parcel CID. 40 miles to airport. 110 Acre & Branch Bank WASHINGTON tion Complex; 20+ acres; MARYLAND crp & 60 Acre creek & oak forest. At Columbia Mall Tamarac, FL, SS Interstate 70 Access 1 mile. 10 docks; airport; rail; $2,000,000 Call for brochures 65 Units High Visibility Location Dutchman Realty 636-949-0777 6 miles to I-80; competitive & information Newly Renovated, Upside Po- 727 UNITS National franchise, N OR tential, Stabilized Occupancy workforce, huge tax cuts to 800.479.1763 Coast. 4 yr old, Income Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 LANDOVER, MD $1,124,000 w/full manage- RE Investment Brokerage Co. MISSISSIPPI employers. $500,000. rent $33,000,000 ment, absentee owner. Washington D.C. Suburb guarantee for 280,000 sq.ft. Terms to qualified buyer. Dutchess Co, NY - Escape to a Don Breese 503-972-1906 Principals Only Cleaner Life. 3 bldgs to include 2 Must sell! 888-575-2687 IRG/Allen Maresh restaurants + pub. All turnkey 85 Units - Yakima Jacksonville, FL 301-299-4000 w/liquor, 2 apts & office space on www.johndixon.com I-82 airport location, recent 212 Units $5,000,000 Huge commercial \ ac. Active money- Historic Inn & Restaurant SCAL#2816F improvements, great Rental Upside, Excl't Rental making businesses/ steady tenant potential. $3,250,000 Loc, 17% Cash on Cash income. Fantastic location for In Bucks County with Return, 2-sty CBS Cnstr frontage on scenic Delaware Bob Burkette 503-972-1900 Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 MICHIGAN Mexican/Thai/Asian cuisine. Multi- River. 250 capacity, liquor Jeff Ellis 503-972-1961 RE Investment Brokerage Co. ple bus. opp's on single site. Priced license, bar with river view, 1031 Exchange for quick sale. $420K. (Includes additional 2000 SF nightclub. 25 Units businesses.)Owner 845-877-6483 3 apartments, 9 sleeping rooms. $1,800,000. Mortgage Available Eastern Washington, recent REAL ESTATE AUCTION available to qualified parties. Newport Mansion upgrades, $795,000 MONTANA Call Jerry Holliday, Bob Burkette 503-972-1900 Saturday, September 29, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA N.T. Callaway Real Estate David Porter 503-972-1930 20 Parcels Titusville, FL - NNR 609-397-1974 Call 941-320-2887 ($2,540,000) Located in George, Washington or Fax 401-841-8500 Call for additional Near ""The Gorge Amphitheatre'' New 20 Year Lease. properties. National Tenant. MONTANA RESORT 2 BUILDINGS FOR SALE Newer Gas Station / Convenience CENTRAL PA Store, Martha's Inn Cafe and Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 Flex Space/Office Space Granite Equities, LLC RE Investment Brokerage Co. Platted and approved 433 114,000/135,000 Sq. Ft. 150 UNITS Lounge, Two Commercial Parcels lot residential/resort on TENNESSEE (503) 972-1900 Fronting I-90, Older RV/Mobile Durham, NC { 95% Occupancy Home Park, 70 Acre Farm with \ 1,135 acres. Project to Class A { Assumable Financing Below 7% Circle and Other Commercial, Light include golf course, ski hill, Call Jon Jayson Please Call Ext. 285 For Sale Industrial, & Residential Parcels 716-636-9090 KISLAK, Exclusive Broker 70,000 Sq. Ft. Flex Bldg WISCONSIN Properties are available for, equestrian center, fishing, and subject to prior sale. Brokers Protected (732) 750-3000 (215) 572-1946 Titusville, FL - NNR riding and hiking trails, Nashville, TN Call for brochure with further WISCONSIN DELLS AREA ($3,285,000) resort and convention Prime Metro Center Location information: 1-800-232-0373 New 15 Year Lease. National Prime Real Estate on major Credit Tenant. Near I-95. facilities. Well below Morgantown, PA Call Jim Duberstein corridor to Wisconsin Dells Sale in Cooperation with NEW YORK Lake Delton at Highway 12 and Mia/Ft. Laud. (954) 463-2400 appraisal @ $5M. IDEAL FOR DISTRIBUTION 937-223-7337 Colliers International RE Investment Brokerage Co. Brokers Protected Meadow View Drive. Across Contact Ernie Meador S.E. PA largest tract from and immediately adjacent • Now dividing 2000 ac. to major hotels and indoor AUCTIONS ASPEN REAL ESTATE CATSKILLS • Multi-use zoning water amenities. Presently INCORPORATED • operated as >C< store and HAWAII 1-888-825-9595 Fully equipped Resort + All utilities TEXAS adjacent storage facility. Zoned • Next to Exit 22 PA. Turnpike Commercially; 300` x 300`. Golf. 55 Units + 116 Ac + Toll Free 1-866-960-4000 $1,850,000 Stream, Pool, Tennis, HOT HOT HOT!!!! Call daytime only (608)274-6800 BUY A REPO NEVADA Pond. $1,600,000 All Assumable Loans!!! MAUI - HANA - BEACH Lafferty 518-966-4425 SAN ANTONIO HEAVENLY HANA - 7 ACRES SOUTH CAROLINA 70,550 sq./ft. office building INVESTMENT PROPERTIES OR MORE - LEVEL - FEE - OCEAN- 13% CAP, $2.5 M loan, SINGLE TENANT NNN $65,000/mo, 35% cash/cash SIDE OF HWY. ALL UTILITIES. LEASED INVESTMENT SPARTANBURG, SC Price: $3.0M!! $75K PER ACRE - TERMS OK. NORTH CAROLINA *********** Las Vegas based +/- Warehouses For Lease 323-436-0441 9,500 SF Office/Lab/Warehouse 194 Units, 100% occupied, new 7 year lease at $125,000 100,000 sq. ft. each. Pre-stressed cash COW! $4.6M!! net annual rent offered at concrete, fireproof, ultra security *********** $1,277,000 New Walgreens & alarm. Concrete pads, ramps, MEMPHIS Call: Mike @ (702) 836-3736 For Sale docks up to 6 trucks at a time. 54 Units, 13% CAP, CANADA or [email protected] Excellent paving/roads. Located $1.2M loan, $26,000/mo PRINCIPALS ONLY 30 minutes from | mile off I-85, 6 miles from I-26, Price: $1.5M!! Pinehurst, N.C. 8 miles from BMW auto manufac- HUGE LEVERAGE Manitoulin Island, Province of ONTARIO, CANADA turing plant, 11 mi. from Green- Principals Only. ville-Spartanburg Int'l Airport. Contact: Darren@CCC OFFERED FOR SALE - WORLD CLASS OPPORTUNITY 847-501-4868 ph 408-847-2000 or fax 408-842-1801 Private Development on 2400 hectares/6000 acres, 17 km private shoreline, 864-439-8752 or fx: 864-949-2660 email:[email protected] 368 lots under development, 73 stunning waterfront lots 1 to 2+ hectares in size, 23 large estate lots each 45 hectares/100 acres in size, private sand dunes and sand beaches, 5 private creeks with brook trout, heavy salmon LAND - RENO, NV runs in fall, 18 km of roads built, hydro presently in property. UNDER 35 Ac. - 41 Ac. & 133 Ac. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES CONSTRUCTION: 930 sq. m/10000 sq. ft. Savannah plantation style owners Zoned Commercial Sale or Ground Lease mansion, 6 car garage, 10 stable horse barn, indoor swimming pool on 50 Located at hectares; 27 hole world class golf course resort, 211 seat log style Major Intersection restaurant/clubhouse, 60 luxury cottages, log style managers home, first 9 Highway frontage - holes of 27 ready by mid 2002, large private guesthouse on 45 hectares, Great Traffic Counts private electric power company to service the new town. ALSO PLANNED: Contact: Bill Fleiner world class health spa, polo club, golf academy. INFRASTRUCTURE 775-826-7000 SUPPORT: 300 hectares/750 acres top soil and gravel and sand reserves (approx. 15 million ton). Present owner willing to stay on for 5 years to manage project. Asking $20,000,000 US FOR SALE ph. 705-377-4955 fax 705-377-4165 Casino - Las Vegas, NV www.manitoulinisland.com/carterbayeco Locals market, opened in 2000. 13,000 + SF w/expansion potential, non-restricted gaming, restaurant, bar. Priced well below replacement cost. AUCTION Jack Carr at 949.437.6601 Harry Pfleuger at 949.437.6602

September 13, 2001 2:00 P.M. Westchase Hilton and Towers LAS VEGAS, NV AUCTION 24 Properties SINGLE TENANT MEDICAL Featuring: OFFICE BUILDING { Texana Plantation, 70 acres - Historical Homesite-Warrenton, TX 18,000 Sq. Ft. { 120 - Bed Healthcare Facility - 5815 Airline Drive - Houston, TX $5,747,490 { 28-unit Apartment Complex - Lake Conroe, Montgomery, TX Call for details: 702-869-9000 { 16-unit and 32-unit Apartment Complex - Willis, TX or 916-780-5505, ext. 12

{ 15-unit Apartment Complex - Palacios, TX

NEW HAMPSHIRE (713) 722-1250 Timothy K. Clay #10251 Financing Available http://www.clay-co.com 1% Buyers Premuim

**FOR LEASE/FOR SALE** New 96,000-sq. ft. of class A office building being built for Spring 2002 occupancy in Nashua NH right off exit 8 next to Crowne . Jon Tamposi/Phil Kennedy Korsak Realty (603) 882-9700 Ext. 19

LAND - KEENE, NH 10.4 acres, cleared land; zoned commercial, with frontage on major street on north side of Keene. 1 mile from hospital, next to small commercial strip, bank, conve- nience store. Public sewer/ water; good soil conditions for develop- ment. Asking $1,250,000; Call 603-352-2253; Email: [email protected].

WHITE MTN. INN Rest/Lounge, Banquet Room, Man- { agers Quarters, Pool, Separate 2160 Sq. Ft. Owners Residence. Minutes to Waterville Valley/Owls Nest Golf Resort. Located off I-93, Exit 28. $1,150,000.00 Noseworthy RE LLC (603) 968-9451 EE,MW,SW,WE EE-BREA-3-A1 BREA.XA.1B100.A1


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NET LEASED PROPERTIES NNN Leased Properties BOSTON AREA NATIONWIDE For Sale 520,000 SF DISTRIBUTION 300+ LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE New Pizza Hut Restaurants ACTIVE RAIL { 29 FT CLEAR Walgreens, OSCO, CVS 8.50% Cap 147 ACRES { FOR SALE Federal Express, Starbucks A&P, Banks, Office Supply 20 Year Leases M. DONAHUE ASSOC., INC. 508-588-1717 LA Fitness www.donahueassociates.com San Diego, CA 630-954-7395 $8,940,000 10.0% Cap SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA 20 Year Lease Long-term market rate financ- ing for commercial buildings Hotel Owner REAL ESTATE SERVICES with credit or non-credit Call: 760-317-2929 tenants. New unique program Rev PAR $50.70 developed for hi-tech economy. 3 Year Average REVERSE EXCHANGE SERVICES We specialize in complex loan 150+ Rooms 5 Story. transactions for Owners & prop- Leader in erties with special needs. For info see me @ Hyatt Regency FEHER, FEHER & CO. Atlanta on Sept 13 or 14 @ 6:30 Structuring Tax Deferred 415-771-6611 a.m. Lobby Coffee Shop. I'll be GREAT 1031 BUYS fl1031 Reverse Exchanges wearing a green jacket. www.reverse1031.com ß [email protected] 5 CVS Stores (5or1); Mid Atlantic; or Toll Free INVESTMENT PROPERTIES NN; 20 Years; Increases ß Class A (NYSE) Office Bldg.; Mid 866-276-1031 SINGLE TENANT - NNN West; 9.5% Cap; 12 yrs; NNN; Increases GREAT INVESTMENT CVS/Taco Bell/Staples/IHOP ß 3 Don Olsen Tire Stores (3or1), MOBILE HOME PARKS OPPORTUNITIES IN THE S.E.; 22 yrs.; 9% Cap; Increases FOR SALE BY OWNER. REAL ESTATE WANTED Advance Auto/ ß S.T./H.Q. Office Bldgs. & OHIO HOTEL MARKET 3,000+ SITES AVAILABLE. EXCHANGE PROPERTIES Circuit City/7-11/Ground Leases S.T./Ind. Congregate Housing Several great properties for Dean Chapman FOR IMMEDIATE SALE FLORIDA, INDIANA, & sale in the Columbus area, Principals Only - Up to $15 Mil Earl A. Hollis, Inc. Realtors Self Storage & Retail Plaza Mid-Coast Maine NNN 1031 Intermediary Service CAP rates 12% and higher, Rahway, New Jersey NEBRASKA Company several properties exceeding (800) 749-7255 Broker (561)655-5710 on Route 1,9 (310) 829-2921 Maine developer/builder STARKER BUYER Nationwide Coverage $1M in revenue, return on • Gross Income: $1.4 million seeks financial partner or outright sale for fully ß Single-Tenant Retail Attorney Managed equity over 20%. For informa- • 126,600 sq. ft, opened 1999 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY tion on these properties and HOTEL FOR SALE, NORTH permitted 60-unit senior PRICE more contact Dave Harjung, • 497 units, 90% occupied, Magnificent Country Lodge apartment complex with ß $3-10 Million Price NNN three retail tenants TOTAL COST $500 1-847-228-5401 x347. OF DALLAS Sixty miles North of Atlanta amenities and services in ß FREE access to tax attorney, CPA and North Dallas Growth Area Modern 60 room hotel, built in • Below market rents exclusive Maine resort 14+ Lease Yrs Remaining Visit website: Adjoins National Forest community. Pristine site, all experienced exchange officers with www.hotelsforsaleonline.com 15 year lease w/bumps 1996, Major chain, on Inter- Established clientele or could be con- ß state. Strong Market, hotel engineering and preliminary Rent Bumps Every 5 Yrs over 15 yrs in 1031 industry. Fully Near Completion verted to corporate or private retreat building plans complete. revenue exceeding $990,000., Jim LaRocca, Excl. Broker Bonded and Insured. Member Federa- Retail - Nasdaq Traded many amenities. $3M. Contact $4,750,000/Brochure Available Strong market, great local tion of Exchange Accommodators. $1,976,200 - Principals Only Dave Harjung, 847-228-5401 The Wheeler Group support. Exceptional opportu- 415/388-5557 1031 INVESTORS x347. For more listings in 312.726.5800 nity to enter rapidly growing CALL NOW FOR A FREE Owner Fax 817/354-7581 Anita G. Wheeler [email protected] Walgreens, CO - $4.8M your area, visit website: In cooperation with RAF Partners Maine retirement housing CONSULTATION. NO OBLIGATION. www.hotelsforsaleonline.com 706-864-6736 or 404-219-1938 market. Call (207) 772-0270. ASK about our NO RISK 8.75% Cap/S&P Rated A+ Bible Store, MO $1.4M GUARANTEE!!! 625 Market Street Call 1-888-212-1031 and ask for 9.25% Cap/Regional Mall Loc. NEW POST OFFICES MOTEL FOR SALE Super Wal-Mart COMMERCIAL Mr. WALLS or visit Downtown San Francisco MOBILE HOME PARKS Hobby Lobby, IA - $2.5M No. California Real Estate • March 2002 Delivery, 15 year ***$23,000,000*** PROPERTIES WANTED www.e-realestate.com With 20-Year Leases, Also base term {106 spaces with 31 apts, Investment Advantage 12.20% COC/Exc. Fin. Avail. and business for sale 71,239 sq.ft. We are looking to buy all types of • $1,489,486 NOI, Absolute Modesto, 13.4% cap and 29% industrial, retail or office properties Group LLC Over 300 add'l props avail. FEDERAL & STATE $1.5 Million Triple Net Class A Office Building cash flow, leverage, $2.9M { 161 in Metro New York City, Westchester, Upland Real Estate Group, Inc. View on the web • Ask 8.0 cap rate, Principals 9.6 Cap spaces, Hemet, 7% financing, www.nnnsales.com LEASED PROPERTIES www.cantarutti.com/resort Only 98% leased Rockland & Fairfield Counties. Please FINANCING Michael Salove Company Brokers welcome $2.5M { 51 spaces + 416 RV + contact Steve Corrigan at: (888)655-1031 McRealty Int'l, Inc. 561-231-5116 Call to discuss Contact Jen 610-664-8100 x10 150 vacant comm'l freeway (707) 573-8391 [email protected] Grubb & Ellis 415-477-9261 Westrock Realty, 914-751-4000, frontage acres, Quartzsite, AZ, [email protected] Real Estate Financing SINGLE TENANT leverage + 4% seller financing, NET LEASED PROPERTIES Apartment Property For Sale $4.3M, bkr/coop 800-987-3363, or fax information to 914-751-4001 Buy, Refi, Or Construct !!! 1 NNN CALL !!! -NEW DISTRIBUTION BLDG. Modern Sawmill Land, Apartments, Retail, CVS, Walgreens, Lowes, 50 of 86 Units { Over 750 avail. NNN's! Located in western/central SC. Ex. www.parkbrokerage.com Offices, Resorts, Hotels 20 Year Pure Net Lease Starbucks, Pier One, Goodyear, { Largest inventory in USA! McDonalds, Arby's, 7-11, Etc. Quality Northeast Dallas Condos Industrial/Manufacturing Concrete Tilt Wall Construction condition. Good interstate access. WANTED { All sizes / 8% to 11% net 35 Foot Clear Ceiling Height. Wet deck. 36 acres. Attractive Upside Opportunity Home Loans To $2MM Large Industrial facilities. { Pure NNN specialists since'93 financing package. HOTEL FOR SALE, NORTH Owner Occupied/Investor 7-ELEVEN STORES, FLORIDA $2,150,000 Environmental challenges, No Income Verification { Principals / Brokers welcome Net Leases w/ 10% Rent Bumps For Information: Call Tony Watry of Shaw, McLeod, OF DALLAS Belser & Hurlbutt at 843-539-2506. Call Pete Hartnett at Grubb & Ellis & Quarries in metro areas. No credit score - 3.95% MAKE US PROVE IT! FAX (970) 920-2458 John Lawrence, President Modern 60 room hotel, built in Brokers welcome. Fast close. fax 333-9006 1400group.com Ph 561-750-1030 Fax 561-391-2676 [email protected] 1996, Major chain, on Inter- STAR CAPITAL CORP. Principals Only 972-450-3213 state. Strong Market, hotel Commercial Development Co. Ray [email protected] 1400 GROUP 303-333-9000 revenue exceeding $990,000., www.cdcco.com 1-781-862-8944 many amenities. $3M. Contact FOR SALE Sarasota, Florida WANTED: 314-835-1515 ext. 7 or 8 257,000 sf Class ""A'' Office/Retail/ WALGREEN'S Dave Harjung, 847-228-5401 Eckerd Drug (10 Stores) We have a posse of buyers search- x347. For more listings in Entertainment. Huge upside potential $5,465,000.00/8.65% CAP ing for anchored, strip, neighbor- your area, visit website: INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Houston Area including 2.38 acre outparcel at two www.hotelsforsaleonline.com 9% CAP; 20 Year Leases Salt Lake City, Utah hood or Power cntrs. Tri-state area. signalized intersections worth at least If you have 1 or more call w/info to: WANTED Shelby Estus Realty Group $3.5 million. 9.4 cap. $30,750,000. Kenny Christensen Julius Borrus Short-Term Leases 713-974-1777 ext. 103 or 106 Marcus & Millichap 208-376-8521 BORRUS ASSOC. For Sale www.shelbyestus.com 5-9 years left 813-287-9777 [email protected] 732-679-4100 16 Acres NNN - No debt. RE Investment Brokerage Co. Ontario Mills Adj. Office/Office R&D/Distribution Sick and Tired of Managing your Apartment Property For Sale 176 APARTMENTS NET LEASED PROPERTIES $20-$40 Million Real Estate? 147 Units Greenville, NC. Finished 1993. All Bkr offers major nationwide inven- Prime Fwy Frontage AMG: 310-574-5593 Let us help you move into Balch Springs, TX brick and vinyl. 95% occupied, good ""net-leased'' property. Trade your tory of single tenant properties. In- Call 310-264-1055 Dallas Suburb tenants. Well maintained. Family comparable knowledge & IRS#1031 headaches for a monthly trip to the owned & operated. Also adjoining mailbox to get your check. Individ- Mid 1980s Construction expertise. Debt quoted. Est. 1970. PRIVATE PARTY $4,995,000 10 ac. of land w/ plans, zoning, non- ual investors are our specialty. BARDES INTERNATIONAL FOR SALE - $7.34 MILLION FIRM Excellent Cash Flow recourse 30-40 year financing in place Looking to purchase 10-12M in Call Mike Millsap, Broker Assoc. for 133 new units. Naples, Florida 93% leased Class A multi-tenant free standing bldgs (not exceeding 719-687-0449 Call Pete Hartnett at Grubb & Ellis 941/774-5885 Fx 941/774-9699 972-450-3213 Linda: 252-347-2531 or 252-355-6093 Frwy adj office bldg in SGV, CA 18K sqft. each). NNN, A-rated, national tenants, in great Apartment Property For Sale 10% cap, 14% lev. yield. Principals Only locations anywhere. 100 Units NET LEASED REAL ESTATE 1031 Exchange North Arlington Nation-wide net leased single tenant Properties (310) 208-4400 x234 650/363-9386 Dallas/Fort Worth Suburb office bldgs & stores with lessees John Yeh, First Property like 7-Eleven, Walgreens, FedEx, Charlotte, NC - $2,876,400 Large Units New 20 Year NN Lease Class ""A'' Apartments Great Upside Denny's, Goodyear, Office Max, etc. Great Southeast Location Attn: Rural Industrial $3,495,000 STAN GLASSMAN National Tenant 800-937-6600 LOS ANGELES: Pardoe Real Estate 202-265-8009 Lori Schneider Call Pete Hartnett at Grubb & Ellis Mia/Ft. Laud. 954/463-2400 3 structurally reinforced brick Property Owners 972-450-3213 email at [email protected] RE Investment Brokerage Co. Brokers Welcome apartment buildings. 36-47-76. Have $30M available for purchase of industrial and sale/leaseback Mid-Wilshire. New hallway buildings. Industrial & single tenant INVESTMENT PROPERTIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES paint and carpet. Shows 15% office only. Non-metro preferred. spendable with 53% for vac & www.agracel.com exp. Owner broker. 949-752-2881 1-800-600-8085



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HOMERUNS.COM To receive more information about the Auction and to receive a copy of the Purchase Agreement, please contact: Major IT Auction Sale Shearman & Sterling 599 Lexington Avenue Over $9 Million in IT Equipment New York, New York 10022 Over (400) Dell Servers & Cisco Routers/Switches d 100's of Dell PIII Attn: Bryon Mulligan Tel: (212) 848-4460 Workstations, PC's & Laptops d Compaq Proliant d HP NetVista d Compaq PC's & Laptops d Teknion Workstations d Plush Executive Furniture & Office WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Suites d Fully Equipped & Configured Data Center d F5-Big IP CAREER SERVICES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES d IP440 d Pix Firewalls WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Thursday, at 10am O WN A N 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA CAREER MANAGEMENT Inspection: Tues, Sept. 18 & Wed, Sept. 19 10am-5pm 800-733-2191 Visit our web site for complete listing, terms & conditions at WITH A www.gbffe.com COMPETITIVE EDGE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Terms: 10% Buyers Premium. 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