Parafrase Vol. 17 No.01 Mei 2017 Halaman 53 – 62


Tri Pramesti Prodi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Abstract. This paper discusses the influence of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight in Indonesian young adult novels. Tuilet and E’pliss are full of references to Meyer’s Twilight , both direct and indirect, in names of characters such as Edward Cullen and Bella and theme which take the inspiration from Twilight. By using Roland Barthes’s theory of intertextuality and Reference Code and Bloom’s literary influence, this paper is expected to provide a critical analysis of how Twilight influences Indonesian young adult fictions. Through cultural texts written for young readers, it will also be seen how cultural background of the author influence the writing. By applying heuristic and hermeneutics methods in literary reading this study identifythe moral message of the author and how the process of understanding of the author worked. As stated by Roland Barthes that there is no original text for each text is affected by various writings, place and time, it will be seen how far the influence of the novel Twilight on Indonesian contemporary young adult fictions.

Keywords: Cultural Code, intertextuality, young adult fiction, Literary Influence

INTRODUCTION THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The phenomenon began Roland Barthes’s Intertextuality with the publication of Stephanie Meyer’s Roland Barthes is a literary book Twilight (2005). Since that time, the philosopher whose achievements have world has seen three more books published helped in establishing the concept of about the vampire names Edward Cullen, intertextuality. He elaborates that “[A] text Bella Swan, as well as a movie on the first is not a line of words releasing a single book, with more books and movies to ‘theological meaning’ ( the ‘message’ of the follow. In addition, there are many Author-God) but a multi dimensional space authorized and unauthorized books, in which a variety of writings , none of posters, newspaper and magazine articles, them original,blend and clash. (1977:146). toys, candy, televised news shows, and Contrasting the traditional author-based Internet sites about the characters in notion of the work with the text, Barthes Twilight series. The Twilight mania has states that while a work can be held in the covered the globe from US to Indonesia. In hand and seen on the shelves of libraries Indonesia Meyer’s Twilight series are well and bookshops, the text only exists when it known. These series become popular is produced by the new reader: ‘the Text is among young adult readers after Harry experienced only in an activity, in a Potter. Since the publication of Twilight production’ (RL: 58). Text is an ancient series, there are some novels in Indonesia word, involving notions of spinning and that have the same character, vampire. The weaving: it is the word from which we three novels influenced by Meyer’s Twilight derive our word for manufactured cloth or are Tuilet and E’pliss by Oben Cedric. textiles. The text is a woven or spun phenomenon in that it is made up of ‘quotations,references, echoes’ (RL: 60)

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Barthes asserts that there is no Intertextuality for Barthes means meaning without intertextuality. In effect that nothing exists outside the text. Barthes’ this means that every text is an intertext. In intertextual theory destroys the idea that his foundational article, “The Death of the meaning comes from, and is the property Author” (1968), Barthes reduces the role of of, the individual author. Allen synthesizes the author merely to a user of an already this view by saying that “the modern existing linguistic system which s/he did scriptor, when s/he writes, is always not invent, but had inherited as others did. already in a process of reading and re- The author is no longer seen as the writing. Meaning comes not from the originator and the creator of his own text, author but from language viewed “instead the conscious ‘self’ is declared to intertextually” (2000: 74). be a construct that is itself the product of In one of his important works on the workings of the linguistic system, and textuality, “The Theory of the Text,” the mind of an author is described as an Barthes says: imputed ‘space’ within which the impersonal, ‘always-already’ existing [A]ny text is an intertext; other system of literary language, conventions, texts are present in it, at varying codes, and rules of combination gets levels, inmore or less recognizable forms: the texts of the previous precipitated into a particular text” ( Roland and surrounding culture. Any text Barthes’ s The Rustle of Language “Death of is a new tissue of past citations. the Author” engl.trans p.49-55) Bits of codes, formulae,rhythmic For Roland Barthes, the author models, fragments of social functions as a scribe, an agent who relies on languages, etc. pass into the text a huge body of inherited knowledge, and are redistributed within it. […] citations and indications. the writer can Epistemologically, the concept of intertext is what brings to the only imitate an ever anterior, never original theory of the text the volume of gesture; his sole power is to mingle sociality. (39) writings, to counter some by others, so as never to rely on just one; if he seeks to From this statement two insights can be express himself, at least he knows that the identified. First, for Barthes, signifiers are interior ‘thing’ he claims to ‘translate’ is like caverns through which other signifiers itself no more than a ready-made lexicon, pass. Barthes’s notion of intertext is that a whose words can be explained only text is seen as a space through which other through other words, and this add texts pass, and the text’s meaning derives infinitum . . .(RL: 53) Thus, the text from this process of text that pass through becomes the space where multiple voices text. More importantly, Barthes sees the meet and different writings interact with writing and reading of a text as an each other. The text is seen by Barthes as a interrelated act of production. The text isn’t disordered dictionary whose words are finished until the reader intertextually arranged in a sequence of signs and incorporates a new set of texts into the indications that the author is forced to original. The second insight that needs to respect. Barthes expresses that meaning be addressed from Barthes’ statement is does not originate from the author’s self, that a “volume of sociality” is brought to but from a larger linguistic and cultural the text by means of intertextuality ( system. Denied the privilege of being the Young: 1981:31-47) source of the text, the author is reduced to a collector and organiser of already-existing forms within a particular linguistic system.

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Cultural Code Bloom’s Literary of Influence In accordance with the death of the In his book The Anxiety of Influence: author, in his book S/Z Barthes defines five A Theory of Poetry ( 1997 2nd edition ) codes that define a network (or a topos) Harold Bloom states that poets are that form a space of meaning that the text hindered in their creative process by the runs through. The term codes can be ambiguous relationship they necessarily misleading. Rather than a set of rules for maintained with precursor poets. how a text should be interpreted, Barthes’s According to him the poets/ authors are codes are a perspective from which reader influenced by the extra literary experience. can view a text. Reading a text with the five His term "the poet in a poet" means that codes in mind is like looking at an image every author is inspired to write by reading through a series of coloured lenses. The another poet's poetry and will tend to image remains the same but your produce work. So the influence of precursor impression of it changes. Another way to poets inspires a sense of anxiety in living think of the five codes is as a set of voices poets. His idea of the influence precursor speaking at the same time. Barthes advises poets is supported by Plett saying that us to “. . . listen to the text as an iridescent whenever a new text comes into being it exchange carried on by multiple voices, on relates to previous texts and in its turn different wavelengths” (S/Z 41-42). becomes the precursor of subsequent texts One of the five codes that refers to (1991:17). While Keesey states that “poem meanings that are external to the text is the do not imitate life; they imitate other cultural code. The cultural code or poems” ( p.257) which means that any reference (REF) is the references to science poem is inescapably linked to other poem or wisdom. The referential code is whether by open or covert citations and constituted by the points at which the text allusions, or by the “ assimilation of the refers to common bodies of knowledge. feature of an earlier text by a later text, or This code designates any element in a simply by participation in a common stock narrative that refers "to a science or a body of literary codes and conventions” of knowledge" (20). In other words, the (Scolnicov :1975: 215). This notion of cultural codes tend to point to our shared literary influence offers a perspective of knowledge about the way the world works, both reading and writing texts as a way of including properties that we can designate looking at a text’s interactions with prior as "physical, physiological, medical, texts, writers, readers, and conventions. psychological, literary, historical, etc." (20). The "gnomic" code is one of the cultural DISCUSSION codes and refers to those cultural codes that Twilight are tied to clichés, proverbs, or popular The Twilight saga, written by sayings of various sorts. It also refers to Stephenie Meyer and consist of four anything that is founded on some kind of chronological volumes entitled Twilight, canonical works that cannot be challenged New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and is assumed to be a foundation for truth. published between 2005 and 2008. The Typically this involves either science or story is told by 17-year-old Bella (Isabella) religion, although other canons such as Swan who moves to Forks, Washington to magical truths may be used in fantasy live with her father because of her mother’s stories. remarriage. Clumsy, quiet and love reading Victorian novels than contemporary teenagers, here she enrolls a new school, and is quickly befriended by several

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Tri Pramesti Parafrase Vol. 17 No.01 Mei 2017 students. Several boys compete for shy Tuilet and E’Pliss Bella's attention. She is resistant to the male Tuilet and E’plis, a serial written by attention until she becomes fixated on an Oben Cedric, are narrated by Eddie equally resistant group of students, the Wardiman, a high school student in Jakarta Cullens, and their youngest member, Indonesia. Eddie Wardiman is the Edward, in particular. When Bella sits next youngest son of a middle class family, who to Edward Cullen in class on her first day is fondly called Edward Culun (Edward is of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed the abbreviated name of Edi Wardiman by her. He even attempts to change his and Culun means geek in Indonesian schedule to avoid her, leaving Bella language). Edward considers himself as a completely puzzled about his attitude loser, as not an important person and an towards her. By searching through google outcast. Even his good friend Joko tries to about local tribal legends, Bella finds out use him, In order to be close to Irfan, the that Edward and his family are . most famous student in school. But As Bella is introduced to the world of the everything changes when Bella, a new supernatural through the vampire Edward, student in school, suddenly rescued him they fall in love. Though Edward is from the accident at the school gate. seventeen in body, but he is a centenarian Intrigued by Bella’s power, Edward forces in spirit. Bella then immerses herself in his Bella to confess her strength. Edward even family of animal blood drinking-only threatens Bella, as he calls her sailormoon, vampires who sparkle in the sun, never by saying that he would commit suicide by sleep and have supernatural strength, jumping out of his bedroom window if supreme talents, and supermodel looks. Bella does not mention the origin of its The seemingly perfect state of their power. Bella admits that she is a vampire relationship is thrown into chaos when and she also admits that she falls in love another vampire coven sweeps into Forks, with Edward because of Edward's big size and James, a tracker vampire, decides that nostrils. Edward is contaminated to be a he wants to hunt Bella for sport. Bella gets vampire not because of Bella’s bite since a trick phone call from James saying that she claims to have ulcer pain. He is not he has her mother, and that Bella must bitten in the neck like in the movies, come to an old dance studio to save her. Edward becomes a vampire because he is She goes, and James attacks her. Edward exposed Bella droplet saliva. At first, arrives before James can kill her. Once he Edward enjoys his new period as the realizes that James has bitten Bella's hand, Vampire. Physically, Edward is Edward sucks the venom out of her before transformed into a super cool guy who can it can change her into a vampire. Later, make the girls in his school admire and Bella and Edward attend their prom and idolize him. He also manages to avenge his Bella expresses her desire to become a hurt to Joko and his friends. He and Bella vampire, which Edward refuses but then he become lovers. Being a vampire does not agrees that Bella becomes a vampire. Bella mean Edward'slife go smooth. Edward and Edward face danger and drama. cannot eat, cannot sleep, pursued by a Through Bella character, the readers are werewolf and pursued by Van Pesing, the invited to enter the supernatural world with vampire hunter. Many new things that werewolves and magic and make fairy tale make Edward finally decides to go back to and horror become reality. being . Only the condition is rather difficult, he has to bathe in many rivers and some other conditions, as the last condition, he should kiss a transgender.

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General Similarities in the Twilight, Tuilet comes to see Jacob as a brother and friend. and E’pliss Like some vampires, Edward has a The Twilight series, Tuilet and supernatural ability: mind reading. It E’pliss explore the unorthodox romance allows him to read anyone's thought within between human and vampire. These novels a few miles' radius. Bella is immune to his are considered as fantasy because the story power as a human, but learns how to lower explains these fantasies elements as real this "shield" after her transformation to a occurrences, presented in a straight forward vampire. manner that places the "real" and the Edi Wardiman, a high- school "fantastic" in the same stream of thought student, is the main character in Tuilet. (Faris, Wendy B. and Lois Parkinson Raised by single parent, a mother, his Zamora.pp.5) friends at school call him Edward ( the The next similarities in these novels abbreviation of Edi wardiman ) Culun are title, theme, characters and their names. which means geek and nerd. Edward is Although the language is different these portrayed as having low self-confidence, novels have similarities in the does not have many friends, always a bit of pronunciation twilight \ 'twi-"Lit \ and a misfit and does not expect that his life tuilet. These novels explore the same theme will change. He even considers himself as a that people are never perfect and they waste loser, an outcast and not an important time looking for the perfect one to be person. His only friend at school, Joko, adored. The names of the characters are tries exploit him because he wants to be also similar. Bella swan in twilight also has close to Irfan, the most famous student in the same name in Tuilet and E’pliss Edward school. Like Bella, he is the product of Cullen in the twilight is similar to Edi parental divorce. Wardiman in Tuilet which shortened to The impact of the divorced parents Edward. makes Bella and Edi Wardiman uneasy to Isabella "Bella" Swan is the get along with their school mates. They protagonist of the Twilightseries, a female prefer to be alone than with her friends teenager with dark brown hair and brown because as Edi Wardiman said “sometimes eyes, introvert and clumsy at the same I feel more alone when I'm surrounded by time. She is often described as having low my classmates than I do when I'm actually self-esteem and unable to comprehend by myself”. Edi builds himself as a smart Edward's love for her. She has an immunity student and at the same time clumsy, to supernatural abilities involving the mind, unpopular, and, to top it off, a geek. He is such as Edward's mind-reading ability. more comfortable spouting random After her transformation into a vampire in mathematical or scientific facts than talking the saga's fourth installment, Bella acquires to the rest of his school mates. the ability to shield both herself and others from "mental harm" of other vampires. The Differences Edward Cullen is a vampire who Although there are some lives with a coven of like-minded vampires similarities but this novel can be said to be known as the Cullen family, who feed on different from the original. For example, animals rather than . Over the the original novel is told from the point of course of the Twilight series, Edward falls in view of Bella Swan, while Tuilet and E’pliss love with, marries, and then has a child use Edward's point of view. In Twilight, with Bella. At first, Edward feels a mutual Edward is a vampire and Bella is human, hatred toward Jacob Black because of his whereas Tuilet and E’pliss are the opposite. love for Bella, but in Breaking Dawn, he The main differences of these two novels

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Tri Pramesti Parafrase Vol. 17 No.01 Mei 2017 are the language and the setting. If Twilight Twilight In Indonesian Setting series are written in English, Tuilet and Although Tuilet and E’plis imitate E’pliss are written in Indonesian language, and are influenced by Twilight, but they are so it is expected that Tuilet and E’pliss are different culturally. The difference is not read by Indonesians or Indonesian speakers only in a setting because As Roland Barthes . Furthermore, the names of the characters argues, “A text is . . . a multidimensional in Tuilet and E’pliss such as Edi wardiman space in which a variety of writings, none and Joko are Javanese names. As Roland of them original, blend and clash. The text Barthes suggests that the meaning of the is a tissue of quotations. . . . The writer author’s words does not originate from the can only imitate a gesture that is always author’s own unique consciousness, but anterior, never original. His only power is from the place of those words within to mix writings,to counter the ones with the linguistic and cultural systems. The author others, in such a way as never to rest on has the role of a compiler, or arranger, of any one of them” (146). The difference is in pre-existent possibilities within the how Oben Cedric plays his role as an language system ( 1977: 55) . Thus in Tuilet implied reader ( Iser’s term) of and E’pliss though the plot and themes are Twilight.Cedric transfers the message from similar, but each word, sentence, paragraph Twilight and constructs the meaning by or whole text that the author produces, using ready-made shared codes and takes its origins from the language system conventions. He activates the text in the out of which it has been produced. present moment and place. As an active The next difference is the setting. reader he tries to understand what is In Twilight the story is set primarily in the conveyed by Twilight. His understanding is town of Forks, Washington, where Bella influenced by his cultural background. and her father, Charlie Swan, live. Other As an implied reader of Twilight, cities in Washington briefly appear in the Cedric consciously examines the issue of series are mentioned, such as Port Angeles, supernatural power. The novel Olympia, Seattle and La Push. Some events simultaneously appropriates and signifies in Twilight take place in Phoenix, Arizona, on earlier text to create its own idea of where Bella was raised. Jacksonville, order. Iser posits that readers draw upon Florida, is mentioned first in Twilight and different repertoires partly as a result of second in Eclipse, when Edward and Bella relatively enduring differences in visit Bella's mother, who has moved there background (e.g. experience and with her new husband. Seattle, knowledge) and of relatively transitory Washington, is featured in Breaking Dawn differences in viewpoint (e.g. purposes). when Jacob tries to escape his love for Twilight as a text needs to be read and re Bella, and when Bella tries to locate a man written since it cannot speak for itself: it named J. Jenks. It is also the location of a needs a reader as well as a writer. Twilight series of murders committed by newborn is not a text without a reader and a context. vampires in Eclipse. In Breaking Dawn, Bella Therefore, Twilight isdifferent fromCedric’s and Edward spend their honeymoon on a Tuilet and E’Pliss. fictional "Isle Esme", purportedly off the The spatio-temporal contour of the coast of Brazil. While Tuilet and E’pliss set narrative require changes to accommodate in Jakarta and the language used is the transference from Fork Washington to Indonesian Language with Jakarta dialect. Jakarta Indonesia. As a Javanese, Cedric cultural background colors his characters. In Javanese culture those who have a supernatural force are usually female.

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Therefore he characterizes Bella as a from nearly human to bloated rotting vampire instead of Edi Wardiman ( corpses, is from Balkans and Eastern Edward Culun) as Thacker describes: “The Europe. multiplicity and subjectivity of meaning The story of a vampire is not suggested by the direction of much known in Indonesia folk beliefs, therefore response theory implicate the reader as an Cedric describes Bella, the vampire, as active participant within the text, ascribing someone who could turn Edi Wardiman authority to any individual reader to into the famous celebrity respected by the engage creatively with any text” (2). rivals. This corresponds to the commonly Tuilet and E’pliss are arguably believed by Indonesians especially trying to borrow some of the popularity and Javanese. In order to gain fame and success fan-base of Twilight.The primary purpose of some people come to shamans asking help. Tuilet and E’pliss are to become popular by Shamans act as a mediator. Ki Joko Bodo, borrowing the popularity of Twilight and a famous shaman, admitted that in order to evoke a humorous response from the gain popularity some Indonesia celebrities readers. Oben Cedric, the author, implant pin, wear amulets, and perform transforms the characters in Twilight fitted mystical rituals. From the statements of to Indonesian setting. In works of narrative some paranormal and psychic this (especially fictional), the setting includes phenomena is even recognized by the historical moment in time and Indonesian celebrities from Suzanna, was geographic location in which a story takes Indonesian horror actress, to Julia Perez. place, and helps initiate the main backdrop He acknowledges that many celebrities ask and mood for a story. Setting has been him to implant pin, open aura, do other referred to as story world 1 or milieu to irrational things.3 include a context (especially society) In Indonesian myths, beyond the immediate surroundings of the vampire character is not included in story. Elements of setting may include Indonesian folklore. Though there are some culture, historical period, geography, and characters with vampiric characteristic such hour. Along with the plot, character, as , a of a stillborn female. theme, and style, setting is considered one Kuntilanak is depicted as an ugly woman of the fundamental components of fiction2 with sharp nails and a white dress. Vampire character was popular in Kuntilanak can also take the form of a fiction when Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) beautiful young woman or a night-bird. appeared. This fiction described vampirism When she is close to human, she gives off a as a disease of contagious demonic strong smell of frangipani. It is usually possession, with its undertones of sex, encountered by the roadside or under a blood and death, struck a chord in tree, and attack men and drink their blood4 Victorian Europe where tuberculosis and Other character is , a doll-like syphilis were common (Silver and Ursini, vampiric creature said to be found in the 1993:p.43). The vampiric traits described in jungles. They are usually female. What are Stoker's fiction merged with and dominated claimed to be dead jenglot are sometimes folkloric tradition, eventually evolving into sold or exhibited, but they appear to be the modern fictional vampire. From the man-made5. description above, it can be said that the character of vampire, appearance ranging 3In his interview with Detik Monday , 18/03/2013 4 Michael Smithies (1982). A Javanese boyhood: an ethnographic biography. Federal Publications. pp. 19–21. ISBN 9971-4-0421-4. 1Truby, 2007, p. 145 5 Jenglot:- Strange creatures". OkieDoks. 2Obstfeld, 2002, p. 1, 65, 115, 171.

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Many ghost stories have long been the use of witchcraft is also often done in the popular subject of stories on television, the world of sports7 .Shamans and witches documentaries, film, and magazines. The do exist and become part of the life of this 2010 Indonesian soft-porn horror movie nation. Many people, spread of high state Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan (The officials to commoners, believe the 'unseen Menstruating Ghost of Puncak) caused world'. considerable controversy at the time of its In the story of Tuilet, and E’pliss, release. Telling the experiences of a group Edi Wardiman uses Bella ability to of young adults in a haunted house, it has transform him into a famous person, so much semi-nude sexuality, and has been that his rivals feel defeated. Edi believes condemned by conservative Muslim that Bella can transform him to be a good- leaders6. looking guy because Bella act as shaman Some ghost concepts such as the giving him extra energy to face the obstacle female vampires and penanggal and thistles of life.Though the stories are shared throughout the region. While expose the relationship between human traditional belief doesn't consider all ghosts and vampire, Twilight employs the as necessarily evil. In some parts of forbidden love affair between two different Indonesia ghosts and shaman, with creatures, Tuilet and E’pliss focus on how supernatural power as a mediator, can help supernatural power, symbolized by Bella, is someone to achieve worldly pleasure. needed by a loser to gain fame and social Shamans (known as or ) are status. Bella is not just a vampire, she is said to be able to make use of spirits and also the shaman who can change demons for either benign or evil purposes. someone’s life . Twilight is like the In Western writings often compare this to supranatural power needed by Tuilet and the familiar spirits of English witchcraft. E’pliss, like Bella whose power as vampire The spirits are hereditary and passed down can change Edward Culun into the most through families. It is told that a shaman popular guy at school. can change of a hunchback who through supernatural means becomes handsome, CONCLUSION can make a loser becomes a winner. The Twilight phenomenon has Achmad Dimyati ( former member of demonstrated that a work of literature can Indonesia parliament) in his interview with be a dialogue. In other words, it is an open detikNews on Saturday, 23/03/2013 13:30 intertextual creation that defies the closed WIB states that even some public figures, structure of the “book-as-object,”. Through officials, artists and businessmen come to Tuilet and E’pliss , Twilight has made shamans with different purposes. Some literature an interactive, central part of the asking for help to make them popular, social experience of culture and identity for successful, while others want make his/her millions of individuals worldwide. The rivals experience failure, sickness, etc. result of this intertextuality is an interactive Permadi, a paranormal, said that relationship between “literariness,” as the politicians also ask shaman to help them to writing of fan fiction is a literary activity. win the election by using black magic. Not By taking Meyer’s Twilight as his only in the political realm, Permadi added, source text, Cedric’s Tuilet and E’pliss have added another dimension to the 4dn2))/readarticle.aspx?artid=71&AspxAutoDetectCo intertextuality of such cross-over novel, okieSupport=1. Retrieved 2010-04-11. 6 "Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan". Indonesia Matters. creating a complex hybrid that does not fit February 4, 2010. puncak-datang-bulan/. Retrieved 2010-04-11 7 In his interview with Kompas, Saturday 23 March 2013

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Parafrase Vol. 17 No.01 Mei 2017 Tri Pramesti neatly. It is worthwhile to explore the —— .1986. The Rustle of Language, Richard implications of yoking together an English Howard (trans.), Basil Blackwell, text with Indonesian young adult novels. Oxford. Cedric implicitly minimalizes the Cedric, Oben. 2009. Tuilet . Yogyakarta : importance of Meyer’s text, reducing it to gradien Mediatama. just one among several intertextual invocations without any claim to primacy. Cedric, Oben. 2012. E’pliss . Yogyakarta : It is, in fact, perfectly possible to view Tuilet gradien Mediatama. and E’pliss without any knowledge of Meyer’s; its characters are fully Culler, Jonathan. 1981. The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, and comprehensible within Meyer’s tradition Deconstruction. Ithaca: Cornell UP, that is certainly more familiar to a larger 1981 number of Cedric than is Meyer. Young adult readers, thus, enjoys a home court Dentith, Simon (2000). Parody (The New advantage with this novel, not the least of Critical Idiom). Routledge which is the presence of Edi Wardiman, is undoubtedly the central focus of Cedric’s Faris, Wendy B. and Lois Parkinson Zamora, Introduction to Magical fiction. Realism: Theory, History, Community Tuilet and E’pliss also show that the influence of Twilight is internalized on Iser, Wolfgang.1974. The Implied Reader: individual basis. Cedric characterizes Edi Patterns of Communication in Prose Wardiman as a student bullied by his Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett. friends and no one come to help him. As a Baltimore and London: The Johns reader of Twilight series, Cedric performs Hopkins University Press. analytic and creative acts with literary ------. 2000. The Range of Interpretation. products on his own terms. Tuilet and New York: Columbia University E’pliss are parody of Twilight. Though they Press. are pastiche of influences of Meyer’s Twilight, the purpose of the writing is to J. Simpson, E. Weiner (eds), ed. (1989). criticize the Indonesian young adults who "Vampire". Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford: like to pursue instant fame. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-861186- 2. REFERENCE Allen, Graham. 2000. Intertextuality. Keesey, Donald. 1987. Context for Criticism . London & New York : Routledge. USA: Mayfield Publishing Company. Bloom, Harold.1997. Anxiety of Influence. Oxford University Press Meyer, Stephanie. 2005-2008. Twilight Series. USA : Little, Brown and Barthes, Roland. “The Death of the Company. Author.”1998. Art and Interpretation: An Anthology of Readings in Aesthetics Plett, Heinrich F. (ed.) .1991.Intertextuality: and the Philosophy of Art. Ed. Eric Research In Text Theory Walter de Dayton. Peterborough, Ont.: Gruyter, Berlin and New York. Broadview. 383-386. Print. Scolnicov, Hannah.2000. “An Intertextual Barthes, Roland, trans. Richard Approach to Teaching Miller.1974. S/Z. New York: Hill Shakespeare.”The Shakespeare and Wang. Quarterly 46.2 (Summer) p. 210-219.

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