Background Study Smart power grids and integration of renewables in Japan Status and activities concerning smart grids implementation and integration of renewable energy sources in Japan Miha Jensterle (adelphi), Maike Venjakob (Wuppertal Institute) adelphi Wuppertal Institute I This study was compiled in the frame of the project "Supporting the Energy Dialogue with Japan and Supporting the Bilateral Energy Relations with Korea" on behalf of the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and was prepared on request of Division IIA2 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The authors would like to thank Ms. Sichao Kan from the IEEJ and Mr. Masayuki Dewaki from NEDO for their contributions. Suggested Citation Jensterle, Miha; Maike Venjakob 2019: Smart power grids and integration of renewables in Japan. Current activities concerning smart grids implementation, energy system digitisation and integration of renewables. Berlin: adelphi. Imprint Publisher: adelphi consult GmbH Alt-Moabit 91 10559 Berlin +49 (030) 8900068-0
[email protected] Authors: Miha Jensterle (adelphi), Maike Venjakob (Wuppertal Institute) Layout: adelphi Photo credits: think4photop - Status: 17.10.2019 © 2019 adelphi II adelphi Wuppertal Institute Executive Summary Like many other countries depending heavily on energy imports, Japan is trying to reduce its vulnerability to price shocks and geopolitical risks. It also set itself the goal of substantially reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, and needs to keep the energy prices at affordable levels. This classic energy trilemma is flanked in Japan by the pressing need for improving the safety issues relating to energy supply, exposed by the environmental catastrophe and massive blackouts brought about by the Fukushima Daiichi disaster in 2011.