
୐渗ѫմ߆ԇࢽি (86-898)950717  Ћি͹ͧ86-898ͨ950717 ۪ͧ86-898ͨ95339-3آ୐渗૊ޞش24*7 ઌॕࢽি (86-898)95339ޞشࢁਡ24 ୐渗✑Щୂৠ֭ ffp.hnair.com ৠॻ www.hnair.comސࢁԧਡॱؒ ѫմЋऀҒঔ [email protected]آ૊ ӯ澝ਸ਼֢澝ࡣ֢澝੼ࣰ࣏澝ם֢澝۞ڴ澝ޞଠऀйԖ࣏ӯ澝ࡁӯ ઌॕࢽি͹ޞشࠬࡳ 澝ਾҺבࣶ ॠގׅ澝ਿڱکߋ֣֧ͫܞଠऀй஋ ઌॕࢽি͹ޞشގҐৢ Ԛ֪םՃԆܳךѰךூ澝吤Ԇւ澝੼ண֣澝֧Ѿ׉澝בଠऀйࡦ ઌॕࢽিޞشԘ২




Y Contact us

CM Fortune Wings Club Membership Hotline:(86-898)950717 (in ) MY Sales Hotline: (86-898)95339 CY Website of FFP: ffp.hnair.com

CMY Official Website: www.hnair.com Elite Member E-mail: [email protected] K Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for Europe: 0080087689999 (Available for Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland) Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for Russian Federation. & Kazakhstan: 810800-8768-9999 (Available for Alma-ata、 St.Petersburg、) Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for N.A.: 312-374-3700(Available all U.S. and Canada) Please Log in to Hainan Airlines Official Website www.hnair.com to contact our domestic sales departments. Please Log in to Hainan Airlines Official Website www.hainanairlines.com to contact our overseas sales departments. ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊ The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 微信Wechat 海南航空APP二维码 金鹏移动网站 金鹏俱乐部FWC 微信公众号二维码 ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook ѫմ͹آ㦞ङ૊س


י॥ӣ׫ԋ澝ѩүઌॕЊҘ੭澝ҲોՊ޾Ճଞॕ澝ௌיஔдՕљцՉௌۓ  ѫմآҁО૊

߆ԇآ૊ઁٯঈਣ۪ҸԇਣқߑչҘߑঈףҲો੧㬮ௌ љՃ֨۱߄ࢁਡପਡֽ١ߑ֫цՉ




ѫմ۴ӆ澞آՇݹङѠѾ࣍ߎ૊ڪՈїљر૜ࣿݼޙ ߃ٶߎ۴ӆ


C Dear Elite Member,

M In recognition of your continued loyalty in the Fortune Wings Club,congratulations on becom- Y ing one of our “elites” – a Elite member of Hainan Airlines Fortune Wings Club! CM As a Elite member, in addition to benefits that our general members enjoy, you are also MY eligible for exclusive Elite privileges including bonus points, priority reservations and waitlist,

CY free transaction fees for certain ticket changes or refunds, an extra baggage allowance as well as First Class or check-in and boarding services in all of our cities. CMY Furthermore, with your Elite member card, you will also be able to take advantage of various K benefits and offers from our merchant partners. To make your experience with us more convenient, this Elite handbook provides more detailed information regarding the exclusive privileges and services designed just for you. We are committed to serve you better.

th This handbook is effective from 5IZ , 2020. It replaces any previously issued Fortune Wings Member Handbooks.

The Fortune Wings Club ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook Contents ڣऩ

P ୐渗✑Щୂѫմ঴Ӱ P ୐渗✑ЩୂՠҁѪѴѽ঩ 05 Fortune Wings Club Elite Membership status 24 Meet Our Partners

ѫմߓञ▲ઃ੮ P ࢓概ݕॐآP ୐渗✑Щୂ૊ 11 Exclusive Benefits and Services 26 General Information C

M P Y ࠪଌःԄࢁਡ৻դҒऀԪ Invitation to apply for Hainan Airlines Co-branded Credit Cards CM

MY 23



K ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  金鹏俱乐部会员级别 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook Fortune Wings Club Elite Membership Status

ग୐Ԫ ୐Ԫ ୣԪ ௏੧Ԫ Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card Select Card

ॐيԪ߽ Elite cards

C କ৒З߃ӄ within the following 12 months

M ԟ঴߶ӕ 10Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 5Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 3Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 5000ؔ঴॥ӣ۪ Y status 80Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 40Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 20Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 4Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ Achievement 100,000 Status 50,000 Status 30,000 Status 5,000 Status CM Standard Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points (SQPs) or 80 Status (SQPs) or 40 (SQPs) or 20 (SQPs) or 4 Status MY Qualifying Status Qualifying Status Qualifying Qualifying Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) CY


K ࠩ߃߃ߍٶӱআиޙڢ૏ࠀ߄ݼߊ ԟ঴آ૊ Validity period of from the day when the card is issued until the following Elite Membership month of the second year

૏ࠀ߄ݼߊӄآ૊ within the validity period of Elite membership

ґ঴߶ӕ 10Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 5Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 3Ѕؔ঴॥ӣ۪ 5000ؔ঴॥ӣ۪ Elite status 80Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 40Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 20Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ 4Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ Maintenance 100,000 Status 50,000 Status 30,000 Status 5,000 Status Standard Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points (SQPs) or 80 Status (SQPs) or 40 Status (SQPs) or 20 Status (SQPs) or 4 Status Qualifying Qualifying Qualifying Qualifying Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs)

ࠩ߃ٶ߃ӱআиڢґ঴եङ߄ݼߊ ؏ۨґ঴ङ Validity period of Elite from month Membership status is maintained until Membership after the following month of the second year maintainance ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook

ࡱਡॱ澝௚࢔ਡॱ澝䯅渗ਡॱ澝௙ୃਡ 1澝Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) represent a percentage of the actual miles flown (includingמԢਡॱ澝ޏם澝ѫմङؔ঴॥ӣюܶѫմݟЫࢁԧਡॱ澝 applicable minimum mileage guarantees) based on Hainan Airlines, , Tianjin ގܞਡॱ澝ࠁߥਡॱ澝੼ୂਡॱ澝஋؍ॱ澝क़ٖਡॱ澝୐渗ਡॱ澝Ԙୂࢗਡॱ澝Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱ澝୸ ,ࢃો॥ӣ۪ҿѕѠѾҏ Airlines, Airlines, Lucky Airlines, Capital Airlines, , Suparna AirlinesܬԆਡॱչ৓࣮ࢫࡳਡॱङਡࣰܷͫਡ૥չਣѹঈ঴ઋ঑ङؔ঴॥ӣͫЉԕ ,୦׫ԋ॥ӣ澞 Beibu Gulf Airlines, , AIR CHANGAN, Air , , and the booking code purchased. Award points or any other pr omotional bonus .澝ѫմङؔ঴ਡ࠼юஒՕম॥ؔ঴॥ӣङЫߑ澞՟ਣѹম॥ؔ঴ਡ࠼߶ӕՀৰ՟ਡॱҸ՛॥ӣম॥߶ӕ੮澞 points is not included. SQPs are only used to determine membership status, not redemption

૏ 2澝Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) are segments you earn on eligible purchased tickets forآߎы֨૏ࠀ߄ݼߊӄ҅ऀ澞ਲ਼֨ԟ঴ե૊ۓОӕͫюஒޢ૏ࠀ߄ݼߊљؘ࣒Ԫ࣌ࡨآङ૊ۓ澝 ,஑঴澞बҼЋцѩۙЊ߆ԇ஬૊ flights on Hainan Airlines, Grand China Air, , , Lucky Airlinesځࠀ߄ݼߊӄؔ঴॥ӣ۪ؔ঴ਡ࠼ߌଇӱґ঴߶ӕͫөਘԈ଒੧ब Ԫ֮ЉਈцՉ澞 Capital Airlines, Fuzhou Airlines, ,Guangxi Beibu Gulf Airlines,Urumqi Air andآӟॐ۪ߌ٫૊্ܡԪͫآѫմӟॐߎы߄ݼ૊آ Alaska Airlines. For the standard number of SQSs accumulated, you may refer to the point-earn- .Ԅࣲԟ঴澞 ing standards chart of each companyۓОޞԪԟ঴ͫेґՃآ੧▲ࠩ૊ۼޙ澝୐渗✑Щୂ࠿

ԟ঴Оग୐ԪͫԪޙ߃ٶ͹ѫմײङࠩ߃߃ߍ澞҆ٶਙআиޙڢԪ߄ݼߊީԟ঴آङ૊ۓ5澝 C ߂୸З߃澞ͫޙ߃ٶޙ߃ٶ߄ݼߊО


Ј▲உڱИङؔ঴॥ӣ۪ؔ঴ਡ࠼ଇӱґ঴߶ӕͫԯՕੂۯୌ३ૃۓԪ߄ݼߊӄͫਲ਼آङ૊ۓ澝֨ Y

8߃澞ѫմ֨Ԫ߄ݼߊٶ7߃2017ٶ͹ग୐ԪѫմͫߎࠩԪ߄ݼߊО2016ײѫմ૏ࠀͫ҆آCM ࠼ङ૊

10߃ͫԪ՚ґܴЉٶ9߃2018ٶѫմ૏ࠀͫ߄ݼߊ2017آЈ▲உ࠼૊ڱMY ߊ୿ଇӱґ঴߶ӕͫՕੂ Պ澞 CY

CMY Иङؔ঴॥ӣ۪ؔ঴ਡ࠼૝ӟґۯԪ߄ݼߊӄͫૃآङ૊ۓѫմؔ঴॥ӣਡ࠼࢞Ԉম॥͹֨آ澝૊ K ͹୐ԪѫմͫߎࠩԪ߄ݼߊӄম॥50Зؔײ঴߶ӕङୂӣͫՕљ࢞ԈઋҵЈЗґ঴ઋ঑յߊ澞҆ ঴ਡ࠼ͧ୐Ԫґ঴߶ӕО40Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ͨͫґ঴ۨԅ澞૝ӟґ঴߶ӕङ10Зؔ঴ਡ࠼ઋҵЈ▲З ґ঴ઋ঑յߊͫЈ▲յߊӇম॥10Зؔ঴ਡ࠼Օґ঴ୣԪͫӇম॥Зؔ঴ਡ࠼Օґ঴୐ԪͫӇ ম॥З70ؔ঴ਡ࠼Օԟ঴ग୐Ԫ澞

澞ޑؘڔ૜ͫ࠳ޙ1߃1ٶ澝љЇ߶ӕਘ2016 ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook

3澝The qualification validity of Elite cards (Platinum, Gold, Silver) is indicated on the actual card. Elite Cards must be used by the member personally within the card validity period only. To stay on your current membership tier, you need to have at least the minimum number of points or have made the necessary number of qualifying flights within the validity period of the Elite card. If this is not the case, your membership tier will be downgraded to corresponding level you have reached ( not step-down).Elite members must present a valid Elite card to enjoy the exclusive benefits stated on this page .

4澝Fortune Wings Club will process Elite card status upgrades daily to immediately confirm when a member reaches Elite Membership status.

5澝The validity period of Elite membership cards is from the Day the card is issued until the following month of the second year. For example: If in July 1, 2016 the member achieves the Platinum card status the validity of the card is from July 1, 2016 until August 2017. C

M 6澝Within the validity period of the Elite card, once the Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) or Status Y Qualifying Segments(SQSs) total reaches the status maintenance standard, Elite membership CM status will immediately be granted for the following period. For example: For Platinum Card

MY members, the validity period for the card is July 2016 to August 2017. When the member reaches

CY the status maintenance standard within the card validity period, they can receive Elite member

CMY status for the subsequent period. The validity period is from September 2017 to October 2018 and the card number does not change. K

7澝Elite member Status Qualifying Points(SQPs)/Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) has a rolling accumulation. Within the validity period of the Elite card, once the Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) or Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) exceeds the status maintenance standard in the PHPEHU·V points account, it can be rolled into the next status maintenance period. For example: For a Gold Card member, when 50 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) have been accumulated (Gold Card status maintenance standard is 40 base segments), status maintenance will be successful. The 10 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) that exceeded the status maintenance standard will be counted in the next status maintenance period. A further 10 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) in the following period can be used to achieve Silver Card status or a further 30 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) can be accumulated to achieve a Gold card.

8澝The above standards are formally implemented as of January 1, 2016. ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 金鹏俱乐部贵宾会员权益一览表 Exclusive Benefits and Services

߆ԇঝӰ ग୐Ԫ ୐Ԫ ୣԪ ߆ԇঝӰ ग୐Ԫ ୐Ԫ ୣԪ Service Categories Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card Service Categories Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card

ঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋ ؜ʚآ9૊' ୐ௌӲʒ ॥ӣҫ ॥ӣҫ ॥ӣҫ ▲ ▲ Status bonus points1 8MB#6UOTts 8MB#6UOTts 8MB#6UOTts AS Board Room (Award method: Fare) ߆ԇʛحږঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋ ௄঳ ▲ ਡ૥Ӳʒ % % % Reserved guiding service Status bonus points1 (Award method: Distance)  ࠒପଳ؍Дਣ ѩүҘ੭ʓ First/ Business Class ▲ ▲ ▲ ʚ ʚ ʚ Priority Waitlisting Security channel ѩүґஞ৆ࡺਣ  ଓߑѹݢ࢒૱ଟߑ ޞش ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ ޞشѹʔ 24 ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ48ڇҶџॕ C 24 hours before the ▲ ▲ Preferentially guarantee 48 hours before the flights departure Long-distance Shuttle full price seats of flights departure Bus Service Economy Class M Ћিʕ ʚ ʚ ઋ୍ӲਡিҸ㧎 ઋ୍ӲਡিҸ㧎 ઋ୍ӲਡিҸ㧎آ૊ޞش24*7 Y 7*24 hour Elite Ҳો੧㬮ௌ  ۪ઋўӲਡিў ۪ઋўӲਡিў ۪ઋўӲਡিўי߂ѩүtop priority ѩүpriority ʚ ௌ Member line 30 kg for weight 30 kg for weight 20 kg for weight CM Extra Free Baggage concept route or 1 concept route or 1 concept route or 1 Ҳોԟਣߑѫʖ Allowance item for piece item for piece item for piece MY Opportunity for free ▲ ▲ ▲ concept route concept route concept route upgrading CY  іોؚॕҲોଞॕ ѩү੧㬮 ▲ ▲ ▲ CMY ЊՊ޾ʗ Priority Baggage Free refunds and changes ʚ ʚ ʚ K for paid passenger tickets ѩүखߑ ▲ ▲ ▲ Ѯ৏׫ԋߑॕҲોՊ޾ʘ Priority Boarding Free changes for Fortune ʚ ʚ ʚ Classic Award ଱ڭؚޓਡࣰ߆ԇ  цՉҸԇਣٯЉ࠳ ѫմқߑ߱Ֆآ୐渗૊ ߎыцऀ঴Ӱ Дਣқߑ߱Ֆ Irregular flight services Enjoy business-class passenger treatment Check-in counter for Check-in counter Personal FORTUNE WINGS ʙ of first/ business class қߑ benefits Elite member ߑЇ୼Ҙ Check in On-board Personal √ √ ▲ ݠ٫գ੧३ыմ Welcome 2 դ 1 դ Travel two one ֢எ֢ӄପऀ companion(s)ʙ ҲોԟਣӴ 5 Free Upgrade ڙ ؜ 1ێѫմѧآ୐渗૊ ؜ ԟґ঴ Coupon used forێߎыцऀ঴Ӱ Дਣѧ Lounges for one Personal Lounges of first/ ▲ ׫ԋ both International FORTUNE WINGS and Domestic آ૊ benefits ʙ business class ʙ Bonus for ؜ Elite member upgrading Flightsێѧ Elite and ݠ٫գ੧३ыմ ֢ӄҲો lounges 2 դ 1 դ maintaining ڙ 1 ڙ 2 ڙ Travel ԟਣӴ 5 2 two one status companion(s)ʙ Free domestic two two one upgrade coupon .澝ࠁߥਡॱ-:澝੼ୂਡॱ64 ਡॱ؍澝୸

୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook

ঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ڱঈ঴ੂآଐՕљ߿݇૊ͫי߆ԇঝӰ ग୐Ԫ ୐Ԫ ୣԪ 澝ग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫ澝ୣԪѫմஔцՉׂॅࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋ ࡱਡॱGS澝䯅渗ਡॱמԢਡॱ)N澝ޏםѫմЫֱࢁԧਡॱHU澝آ૜ͫ૊ޙ߃ٶService Categories Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card ԋ澞 .澝 ਡॱ؍澝Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱ;7澝୸L澝௙ୃਡॱJ*澝क़ٖਡॱFU澝ԘୂࢗਡॱGX澝୐渗ਡॱY ୐ௌӲͧՠࠀࢃો୐ௌͨцՉঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋͫӀѽ݇҉ͫޞࠁߥਡॱ-:澝੼ୂਡॱ64ङਡࣰ

ਡ૥Ӳͧਡ૥ՃਣѹͨцՉঈ঴݇҉رͫޞ׫ԋ߶ӕબ߲તৠॻҸॐӄؠͺЫֱ௚࢔ਡॱ.>ङਡࣰ  چ॥ӣଥݵௌ 20000 10000 Ԇਡॱ'9澝ੌ੆࣏ގܞ澝஋?+ڴPoints overdraft ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋͺЫֱՠҁѪѴਡॱҸ՛ͧ৓࣮ࢫࡳਡॱ<'澝஋ݕտ ࡱמ۪*ਡॱ:6ͨਘੈਡࣰЉцՉঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋͫݟЫࢁԧਡॱ.;۪௚࢔ਡॱ.>۪௙ୃਡॱ0 آङїुһцਡࣰՕцՉঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋ澞୐渗૊ސ଍܈৓࣮ࢫࡳਡॱ<'Оͫސਡॱ-9О١֫

૯ѡͧग୐Ԫͫ୐ԪͫୣԪͨङ୐௭ԪܴԪыЉцՉঈ঴ࢃો॥ӣ׫ԋ澞 Ԫآ૖ଟ૊ ୣԪڙ▲ Presentation of Elite One Silver Card Оग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫ澝ୣԪͫबգ঴ӰѫپӑͫҘ੭ѩүிەҘ੭बգਣѹङޞѫմգآդ૊ךMember Card 澝଱ӱ Ҙ੭ͺپ୿ிޞࣁݕӟ஬ࡌङܷرմҘ੭बգਣѹͫ ࡱਡॱGS澝௙ୃਡॱJD澝क़ٖਡॱמL澝Ԣਡॱ)4澝䯅渗ਡॱޏם澝ݟЫࢁԧਡॱH;澝 .ͨ澝ࠁߥਡॱͧ-:ͨ澝 ਡॱͧ؍澝ԘୂࢗਡॱGX澝Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱU7澝୸঴૏ࠀ࢞Ԉ߄ݼ FU澝୐渗ਡॱYؔ Validity of classification ʚ ʚ ʚ ੼ୂਡॱͧ64ͨխ֢ӄԕߑՃࢁਡљЇ՟ۨմҸ՛୿їुһцਡࣰͫग୐Ԫѫմߎы֨ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ roll ѹ澞୐Ԫ澝ୣԪѫմߎыڇ୏ґચ৆ࡺਣҶџॕـЋিʕݕӟःબͫآխਚऄ୐渗✑Щୂ૊ޞش ѹ澞ڇ୏ґચ৆ࡺਣҶџॕـЋিʕݕӟःબͫآխਚऄ୐渗✑Щୂ૊ޞشC ֨ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ

௄ؔࢁԧਡॱHU澝ܬԄࣲͫԕڔ߆ԇՃ֢ӄЏԇ▲ॻކИޞشݕ҈رЋিآM 澝୐渗✑Щୂ૊ ѫմЋًࡴԈ ۸ܪѫմآҵͫ૊ݎ࠴ЋিОՅପଳޞԢਡॱ)4іોؚॕՃѫմबҼ߆ԇӄؠ澞գޏם ʚ ʚ ʚ Y Members only Events ପ澞ݎ֮Օ ͨ ՚୰۪ܷͧ  ͨ ͧ CM ଍Ќܵਡॱїुङ֢ӄਘੈਡࣰ܈Ԣਡॱ)4ؘஎޏם5澝ग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫ澝ୣԪѫմ૆бࢁਡHU澝 MY ࠩਡࣰڢՕљ߄ߑѫҲોԟਙͫי੭ૉঈࣔ࠺ਡࣰঈؚॕஔڂ৆ࡺਣҶџॕԕߑ澝їुһц澝ґ ԟ঴ҏ୦ࡴԈ ڇࣤљՃҸԇਣӾѿڇࠩਡࣰ৆ࡺਣؚڢФӄंѫմ߆ԇࢽি߿݇ޞشCY Ҹԇਣͫ֨ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ Promotion campaign ʚ ʚ ʚ

О͹ग୐Ԫѩүй୐ԪѩүйୣԪ澞پ৻঩ѫմԄࣲԟਣͫԟਣѩүிܪיCMY for upgrading ѹ୏ͫ

ࡱਡॱמ2澝Ԣਡॱ)4澝䯅渗ਡॱޏם澝ग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫ澝ୣԪѫմߎы૆бࢁԧਡॱ.;澝 K ؍澝Ԙୂࢗਡॱ->澝Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱ;7澝୸-9澝௙ୃਡॱ0*澝क़ٖਡॱ,;澝୐渗ਡॱ?  ѹ௄ऊ߆ԇڇ ଍Ќܵਡॱїु֢ӄͧЉխ࢔ࢫՖ֪Ԛͨ܈.ͨ澝ࠁߥਡॱͧ-:ͨ澝੼ୂਡॱͧ64ؘͨஎ ʚ ʚ ਡॱͧ Seat Reservation Service խՕःબؚॕՊ޾۪ଞॕͫҲݶଞॕՃՊ޾ޞشਡࣰՕম॥ؔ঴॥ӣਣѹङؚॕͫ֨ਡࣰ૜௏ӹ آԪ۪ПԈݕ҈߄ݼ૊آ஬ӟॐߎы߄ݼ૊ޞ۴৒ો澞ଞॕ۪Պ޾஬֨Խӟॕ֪଒੧Ԅࣲͫଞॕ ӑ͹ە澞࠴ாઁؔЉଠऀйљЈޢЊѫմ߆ԇࢽি৻঩પޞ੧ͫબՃۼԪ՚ͫਲ਼їࣲࢵߌܷઁؔ ଞॕ۪ڱȔЉޢࢲࡴ׫ԋߑॕՃҿѕЉম॥ؔ঴॥ӣङؚॕͺ֝஄ॕ澝Љؔߊؚॕ۪ҿ؉ࡨ  ߓञґஞ߆ԇآ૊'> ଍ы੝ОљЇܶؔ܈գЩ怪фսঈͺխ߄֢எਡ࠼ङ֢ӄؚॕͺײ߽ङࣔ࠺фսؚॕ؁VA premium customer services ʚ ʚ ʚ Պ޾ȕ зؖબՀࣁ՟ۨմਡ଍૿ـਡܶЉًЇଚ՟Ҹ՛ӟङؚॕͺҿ؉ߌיਡॱҸ՛ͫѸؚॕ՚О ਣѹ঒ࣲઁؔ澞ךߚўՃۈ

2澝Ԣਡॱ)4澝䯅渗ਡॱޏם澝ग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫ澝ୣԪѫմߎы҅ऀࢃો॥ӣҳ݅ࢁԧਡॱ.;澝 ԟ঴ङٯબљؘஎջતОӕ澞ள࠳ͫޅӑ଒੧લەࡉ͵љЇӧ੮Иङߓञ୐渗✑Щୂ߄ߓ߿ؘ݇எ ͨ澝Ԙୂࢗਡॱ->澝ࡱਡॱ-9澝௚࢔ਡॱ.>澝௙ୃਡॱ0*澝क़ٖਡॱ,;澝୐渗ਡॱͧ?מ ܡԪͫآѫմӟॐߎы߄ݼ૊آфսݺঌઁؔОӕ澞ЋцѩۙЊ߆ԇ஬૊ځѫմߓञљबآ૊ ଍Ќܵਡॱ܈.ͨ澝ࠁߥਡॱͧ-:ͨ澝੼ୂਡॱͧ64ؘͨஎ ਡॱͧ؍Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱ;7澝୸ ߑ Ԫ֮ЉਈцՉ澞Їଚюஒ୐渗✑ЩୂۨմਡॱҸ՛ԣઑପਡֽ١آӟॐ۪ߌ٫૊্ їुङ֢ӄ澝֢எਡࣰѮ৏׫ԋߑॕ۪׫ԋԟਣͧխ֢ӄ澝֢எԕߑՃљЇ՟ۨմҸ՛୿їुһц ङۨմਡ߄ݼߑॕ澞ޙڢЌ஬ӟॐߎыٷͫ֫ ਡॱͧ+?ͨ澝ࢫࡳ৓࣮ਡॱͧ<'ͨչڴԆਡॱͧ'9ͨ澝஋ݕտގܞՠҁѪѴ஋יਡࣰͨՃ׋ ୐渗✑ЩୂސӑЈՕݕ҈થ߆ԇͫӀѽબ੿Јەӧ੮ИɰОՕݕ҈થ߆ԇͫ͊О֨ߚўҪકङ ܑѩۙ澞 ੆࣏ਡॱͧ:6ͨङ׫ԋߑॕцՉਡࣰ૜௏ӹҲોՊ޾ͫ௏੧ԪѫմцՉਡࣰ૜௏ӹՊ޾ੌ ѫմߓञપޢ澞 Њޞ੧ͫબՃۼԪ՚ͫਲ਼Խӟॕ֪ߌܷઁؔآ஬ݕ҈߄ݼ૊ޞՊ޾஬৻঩Խӟॕ֪଒੧ԄࣲͫՊ޾ 澞Ѯ৏׫ԋߑॕՃ׫ԋԟਣङદূҳ݅ઁөՃଞݷઁөબ߲ஃ॥ӣҳ݅ீऽ澞ޢѫմ߆ԇࢽি৻঩પ ୐渗✑Щୂ 16 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook







CMY 11澝


2019 12 31 渗 ୐渗✑Щୂ

2澝Ԣਡॱ)4澝䯅渗ਡޏםԪՃࢁԧਡॱ.;澝آ1澝ग୐Ԫ澝୐Ԫѫմܴߎы߄ݼ୐渗૊ 2020 1 1 澝Ԙୂࢗਡॱࡱਡॱ-9澝௚࢔ਡॱ.>澝௙ୃਡॱ0*澝क़ٖਡॱ,;澝୐渗ਡॱ?מ 2020 6 30 .澝ࠁߥਡॱ-:澝੼ୂਡॱ64խ֢ӄԕߑՃࢁ ਡॱ؍澝Х௩ߋ௷ਡॱ;7澝୸<- י଍Ќܵਡॱїुङ߄ݼߑॕՕцՉઋ୍Ӳਡিௌ܈ਡљЇ՟ۨմҸ՛୿їुһцਡࣰؘஎ Ҹ㧎۪ઋўӲיўҲો੧㬮ௌ澞ୣԪѫմՕцՉઋ୍ӲਡিௌיҸ㧎۪ઋўӲਡিௌ ଍੧㬮ઁۺԢਡॱ)4Ҳો੧㬮љࢁਡҲોޏםўҲો੧㬮ௌ澞ࢁԧਡॱ.;Ճיਡিௌ ࡣцՉௌޗ׷Շਡࣰͫ޶יОӕ澞௙ୃਡॱ֢எ׋چОӕͫҿѿਡ՛љ՟՛ؘஎ੧㬮ௌӲؔ Оӕ澞ז੧㬮ௌͫӀѽબљߑ֫ঋי

13澝⮪䛾ࢎȠ䛾ࢎȠ䨣ࢎчঅᠮ᱙ϧᰶ᩵䛾卼䉢ძࢎࣷ⊤㝗 )6 Ƞ๔᫝ࡻ㝗⾧ $/ ჋䭲ឬ䓽́ᠯ㝗⾧ 10澝 㵹ᱻ᰺ߎȡٵᝃప䭲䕇㝗ᱧ౧ϘऄхڲА⴮⮱჏⺕जౕప ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook




The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook

s e e ese e s H HU) ) e e Me e e e ste e e ( 898) ess 3 e


Gold Card members with one accompanying passenger can check in at Elite member only counter as well as take a break and wait for departure at Elite member lounges of , , Xi'an and Tianjin when taking C ( Hainan Airlines (HU) and Grand (CN) self-operated flights. Other navigable cities can use

M check-in counter of first/business class and first/business class lounges. Gold Card Members with one

Y accompanying passenger can only use lounges having service contract with the actual purchased ticket corresponding airlines when taking Fortune Wings Club Member Airlines (except HU/CN) self-operated flights. CM






The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook








CMY If providing a valid Fortune Wings Elite member card and tickets operated under the codes of Hainan Airlines (HU), Grand China Air(CN), (8L), Tianjin Airlines (GS), Hong Kong Airlines (HX), Capital Airlines (JD), K ,[`NU['OXROTKY,;ͫ9[VGXTG'OXROTKY?-[GTM^O(KOH[-[RL'OXROTKY->;X[SWO'OX;7'/8).'4- GAN(9H), (GT), West Air(PN) (including domestic chartered flight and code share flights of the above member companies including Hainan Airlines), Platinum Card members and Gold Card members can enjoy K^ZXGLXKKHGMMGMKGRRU]GTIKULQMULK^ZXGLXKKHGMMGMKGRRU]GTIKLUX]KOMNZIUTIKVZXU[ZKUXUTKVOKIK ULHGMMGMKLUXVOKIKIUTIKVZXU[ZK!9OR\KX)GXJSKSHKXYIGTKTPU_QMULK^ZXGLXKKHGMMGMKGRRU]GTIKLUX 欢迎申办海航联名信用卡 ]KOMNZIUTIKVZXU[ZKUXUTKVOKIKULHGMMGMKLUXVOKIKIUTIKVZXU[ZK Invitation to apply for Hainan Airlines Co-branded Credit Cards

Hainan Airlines has issued co-branded credit cards with selected banks. A co-branded credit card, apart from serving all the functionalities of a normal credit card, stands for the membership of Hainan $LUOLQHV· loyalty program, the Fortune Wings Club. Points can be accrued from card spending. Each kind of those co-branded credit cards has their own distinctive features, catering to different needs of loyalty program members. ୐渗✑Щୂ ѫմ۴ӆآ૊  The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook


߃цՉ॥ӣࢃોՅҕ୐渗॥ӣ澞ޙ䕅Нࢁਡ৻դ Ԫय़௷Ҷͫ䃣तୣ৻ԥ٠य़澝২֢଍ପՅ٠य़澝Ѕзଇ ࣿ ௙߃ٶঝࢃોࢠЅҫͫйࠩޓӄ֌ٶऀ஬ࡌ ֨▲Зਘࣀ҅י٠य़澝

其他 Others

银行 Banks





MY 温馨提示 CY General Information CMY ѫ մ ͫ ߄ Ҽ ઁ ө Њ ߚ ࠮ બ ख ஏ ୐ 渗 ؒ ৠ آ ؚ ઋ Ӧ ङ ઁ ө Њ ߚ ࠮ գ ߽ ଠ ऀ й ୐ 渗 ૊ ޓ ٯ ୐渗✑Щୂ

K FFP.HNAIR.COM߲ஃ澞 ॥ӣ׫ԋ澞יѫմௌآࢁਡ୐௭ԪѫմЉцՉ૊ͫۯઋҵҿୌ३٦ޞ॥ӣ׫ԋ֨ѫմ௏੧॥ӣমઋङգיௌ  ࣍Оӕ澞ކљИͫޞ࣍Շࣿӏॳކ࣍ЊИކਸ਼ڢДЗ࣍ߎ澞ކ酒店预订 ߎ۴ӆ߄Иਸ਼ ৠॻLLVNTGOXIUSҸॐӄؠОӕ澞ސબљ୐渗✑Щୂؒͫޅߎ۴ӆИङӄؠ଒੧લثHotel Reservations ୐渗✑Щୂ߄ߓ ୣ੧澞ڡ৻դԪӳԪࢃોম॥॥ӣ߂ৄઆୋߓ ୐渗✑Щୂґऊߎ۴ӆङ߂ৄઆୋߓ澞

General Terms and Conditions for The Fortune Wings Club Frequent Flyer Program also apply to Elite members. For details on terms and conditions, please log into the official website for Fortune Wings Club FFP.HNAIR.COM. Bonus points are credited into the points account as they accrue. Hainan Airlines Golden Deer Card members do not enjoy bonus points for elite members. This handbook is available in English and Chinese versions. In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. The Fortune Wings Club has the right to amend any content in this handbook. The latest information is available on the official website of The Fortune Wings Club: ffp.hnair.com. The bank reserves the right of interpretation about the points accumulation policy of the co-branded credit card. The Fortune Wings Club reserves the right to final interpretation of this handboo.