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Complied Research Notes by Sources as Recorded October 2002 thru February 2006 W. W. Sproul iii

Contents - Pre-1800 Research Sources War Records Virginia Notes Virginia Periodicals and Reference Virginia Counties Augusta County 1745 Botetourt County 1769 Washington County 1777 Rockbridge County 1778 Rockingham County 1778 Wythe County 1790 Bath County 1791 Allegheny County 1822 Highland County 1847 West Virginia Greenbrier County 1778 Greenbrier County Courthouse Monroe County 1799 Monroe County Court House Pocahontes County 1821 Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Pennsylvania

Pre-1800 Research Sources – Loudoun County Balch Library – Leesburg, Va – Augusta County Library – Fishersville, Va – Staunton Public Library – Staunton, Va – Library of Virginia – Richmond , Va – Nashville Public Library – Tennessee State Library & Archives – Nashville, TN – Heritage Quest Online Text References – Virginia County Court Houses – Augusta, Bath, Rockbridge, Botetourt – West Virginia County Court Houses – Greenbrier, Monroe – Historical Societies – Stuanton, Rockbridge, Bath, Greenbrier, Monroe

War Records GwatR Gwathmey, John. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution (use 1777 for data) Sproul, Samuel, 8 CL {Continental Line} Sproul, Samuel, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta Sproul, Alexander, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta Sproul, James, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta McCutchen, Samuel, Captain Augusta Militia oath Sept 17, 1777

- Library Research Notes 1 10/30/09 Whit White, Virgil. Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War – Pension Files - Also see Ward Vol III – p.3280 Alexander Sproul (Sprowl). wife Jane. {see photocopy} VA Line, also War of 1812 service. R10020 ½ m. Jane Beard 15 May 1781, both were of Augusta Co, Va. Lived there at enlistment and moved from there with his wife to Cumberland Co. Ky. Brother James Sproul living during Rev War. Widow applied 18 Mar 1845 in Clinton Co, Ky. She refered to Alexander’s father as William Sproul and to her father as William Beard. Children were: Jean b. 5 Apr 1782 William b. 22 Jan 1784 Alexander b. 22 Mar 1786 Polly b. 23 Mar 1788 Samuel b. 12 May 1790 James b. 25 Sept 1792 Joseph b. 1795 John b. Aug 1797 Nansy b. 31 Jan 1800 Vol II – p.1639 Joseph Sproul – Harriet WC-34789 ser Capt Wood’s Co KY Militia Vol I – p.616 Michael Doyle – Ann G. Sproul WC-20328 Bath City, Va 20 April 1860, Highland City, Va widowed about 1880, served in Joseph Hood’s Co 36th US Inf Ward Wardell, Patrick. Virginia / West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrent Records, Vol 5 - Also see Whit Sproul, Alexander, s/o William and bro of James. Entered service 1781 Augusta Co Va in Virginia Regiment. m. Jane (age 18) 5/15/81 daughter of William Beard, Aug Co who resided 5 miles from soldier’s house. Soldier and wife moved from there to Cumberland Co (later Clinton, Co )KY where their son Joseph enlisted for service in War of 1812. Soldier died in that service in Ohio, but Joseph came home safely. Widow applied for pension 1845 in Clinton Co, KY when son William AFF age 61 there. Widow PAR F-R10020.5 R2263 {see photocopy}

AbrVa Abercrombie, James. Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims (also see AbrAu) p.91 Sprowel, William 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beeves 1450# Ewing, James 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beeves 1180# p.93 Sprowel, William 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beef p.98 Sproe, James 1780 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 183lb flower, £91.13.8 p.130 Sprouls, John 1782 Botetourt Co Claims – 375lb beef £3.2.6 p.821 Sprowl, William 1782 Rockbridge Co – 380# beef p.827 Sprowl, William 1781 Rockbridge Co – 1 beef

HenM Hening, William. Augusta County Militia of French and Indian War (taken from Hening’s Laws of Virginia) 1758 Under Lt. James McDowell was John Sproul. Under Col John Buchanan in charge of building Ft. Fauquier was John Sprout Virginia VaNotes Notes on Processing: In 1661 the General Assembly placed processing under the vestries, requiring owners of adjacent tracts of land to go in procession around the boundaries of each tract renewing the boundary landmarks wherever necessary. In 1676 it was decreed that the vestry of each parish, upon the request of the surveyor of highways, collect a sufficient number of workman from the families of the parish to work the roads and repair the bridges when necessary.

VaNotes Notes on Virginia Counties – get copy of diagram Sproul records could be in any of these counties, most of which contained Locust grove and/or Cow Pasture Valley at some time

County Originated Location From Essex 1692 Spotsylvania 1721 Essex Orange 1734 Spotsylvania Augusta 1745 Orange Botetourt 1769 SW adj to Rockbridge SW Augusta Fincastle 1772 SW Botetourt Montgomery 1777 Fincastle, Botetourt, and Pulaski Washington 1777 on Va-Tenn border SW Fincastle and Montgomery

- Library Research Notes 2 10/30/09 Greenbriar 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Rockbridge 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Rockingham 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Bath 1791 SW adj Augusta, W Rockbridge Augusta Highland 1847 Bath, Pendelton

SchC Schreiner-Yantis, Netti, The 1787 Census of Virginia 1787 Greenbrier Co Ewing: Joseph, William, John, Andrew, Edward, James, Samuel, Oliver, William 1787 Montgomery Co Ewing: Mary, JohnSr, John Jr, William, Samuel, George 1787 Prince Edward Co Ewing: James, Samuel Sr, Samuel Jr 1787 Russell Co Ewing: Joshua

Wulf Wulfeck, Dorothy. Marriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800 p. 229 Sproul (Sprowl) Alexander m. Elizabeth Wright (1793), Botetourt Co, ref: p.481, Frederick Kegley, Kegley’s Virginia Frontier Alexander*, son of William and Jane, served in Revolutionary War and War of 1812, m. 15 May 1781 to Jean Beard b. 5 April 1762, daughter of William Beard; removed to Cumberland Co, Ky. Ref: Morton Rockbridge, p.539; Pensions R10 020 1/2 Jane* m. John Weir, 23 June 1793 Sidney* daughter of William and Susanna, m. Joseph Beard, Rockbridge Co. Ref: Morton p.472, 530 William m. 1800, Rebecca Baker, Rockbridge Co William m. 14 Dec 1785, Jane Hamilton, Rockingham Co or Greenbriar Co – Minister’s Returns

GP Genealogical Publishing Co. GPVM Virginia Marriage Records p.85 William Sprowlº license June 23, 1773 p.614 William Sprowl and Jane Hamilton Dec. 14, 1785 Rev John Alderson, Baptist Church, Rockingham Co or Greenbriar (now Monroe Co WVa) {see original records at U of Richmond}

Bock Bockstruck, Lloyd. Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers p.206 John Sproul Augusta Co 1758 p.207 John Sproul Augusta Co 1758 p.324 William Sproulº Augusta Co Militia 1756 p.327 John Sproud ?? May 25, 1758, Jean Sproud acknowledged pay for John Sproud

Torr Torrence, Clayton. Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1806 Berkley Co 1785 Sproul, Samuel inventory Rockbridge Co 1798 Sproull, William will {have will, Rockbridge William} Augusta 1755 Sprout, John will {have will, Sprout} Bath 1796 Sproutº, John will {Jackson River John} } Augusta 1781 Spouel, Margaret will {wife of Samuel, have will} Wythe 1799 Sprowll, William will {have will}

Note that District of West Augusta records are in/from Washington County, Pennsylvania, see Crumrine, Virginia Court Records in Pennsylvania

SumVa Summers, Lewis. Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1801 p.168 Nov 14, 1772 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.179 March 11, 1773 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.254 April 16, 1776 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.394 August 10, 1784 Surveyor of Road John Sproul Botetourt Co p.537 August 14, 1770 Deeds John Sproul Botetourt Co David Tate and wife Katherine to John Sproul and wife Margaret, 85A, £20, on Jackson River, known by name as “Englands Place” p.430 June 8, 1786 Constable Alexander Sprowl Botetourt Co Appointed constable succeeding Thomas McCalister (Alex sister Ann m. Garrett McCallister) p.1088 Oct 8, 1781 Overseer James Sprouls Botetourt Co James Sprouls to be overseer of Road from Col Fulkinsons to the Line between Virginia and North Carolina and that James Gentleman is to give him a List of Tithables - Library Research Notes 3 10/30/09

Nugn Nugent, Neil, Virginia Genealogical Society. Caveliers and Pioneers – Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol VI, 1749-1762 Sproul, William p.245 Patent Book No 33. 8 June 1756 – 7 Aug 1761 {the first following} Patents issued by Robert Dinwiddie, Esq. Our Lieut Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh, 8 June 1756 in the 29th year of the Reign of George the second. p.245 “William Sproul, 168 acs. Augusta Co on the E side of the [?] Riv., on a barren hill; 3 April 1759, p.556. for the Considerations mentioned in an Order of our Trusty and welbeloved William Gooch Esq. Late Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief in our Council of the sd Colony to John Robinson Esq., James Wood, Henry Robinson and John Lewis the 29th Day of Oct 1743.” {There is only one patent found for 160 acres during 1752-3. It was to Jacob Herman on a branch of New River.}

VLP Virginia Land Patent Book 33, p.556 George the second – To all ye know ye that for the considerations mentioned in an Order of our Trusty and welbeloved William Gooch Esqu, late our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief or our Colony and Dominion of Virginia in our Council of the said Colony Granted to… … Do Give Grant and affirm unto William Sproul one certain tract of parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty eight acres lying and being in the county of Augusta on the Cowpasture River and bounded as followth, to wit. Beginning at a White Oak and Locust on the East side of the River and running thence North West sixty six poles crossing the River to a white Oak & Pine and North thirty five degrees East sixty poles to a pine and South seventy two degrees East forty six poles to a white oak…. To a line on a barren hill and South ten degrees East one hundred & twenty crossing the River to two Pines and a white Oak and South fifty eight degrees West two hundred and fifty poles to the beginning. etc etc.

Hall Hall, Wilmer (ed.). Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol V, Nov 1739-May 1754 p.133 At Council held Oct 25 1743: The petition of John Robinson (et al) is granted them to take up to 30,000 ac in Orange County lying SSW & NW of the Calves Pasture heretofore granted to Edward Barradall and John Lewis.

Kegl Kegley, Frederick. Virginia Frontier p.445 Militia Report - 1783 (The personnel of the inhabitants of this region were preserved in the reports of the militia companies) Capt Boller’s Co (of Jackson River): inc William Sprowl, 4 horses, 7 cattle p.145-6 Discussion on road names where workers were – Renix etc. p.481 Alexander Sproul m. Elizabeth Wright p.76, 90, 158, 346 – Repeat of data on John Sprout p.125 John Sprowl, worker – Nov 1753 John Paxton overseer from Edmonston’s Mill to Fork Meeting House - p.146 John Sprowl, worker – 1754 Campbell’s School House to Renix Road p.363 1765. Will of John McNeill leaves estate to be deposed of by Andrew Sproul of Gosport, merchant

KegM Kegley, Mary B. and F.B. Early Adventurers on the Western Waters – Vol 1 This book is about the New River and Holston River areas Land notes here are for same acreage parcels as Washington Co Sprouls p.29 James Sprowl David Ross asignee of James , 400 ac on Reed Creek {flows into New River in Wythe Co}in Montgomery Co {Wythe Co taken from Mtg Co} p.34 James Sproul before 1783, 190 ac, land survey on New River, Holston, and Clinch p.38 James Sproul before 1783, 220 ac p.43 James Sproul April 1769, 190 ac on New River corner Walravin

KegM Kegley, Mary B. and F.B. Early Adventurers on the Western Waters – Vol 2 - Info on Wythe Co Sproul/Sproull/Sprowl settlers: p.229 William b., imm to Wythe Co, d.~1785. Sons Robert and Hazlett p.187 12 Dec 1804 - Heazlet Sproul m Elizabeth Fergus p.393 1820 - Elizabeth remarried, moved to Missouri

KegM Kegley, Mary B. and F.B. Early Adventurers on the Western Waters – Vol 3 p.550 James Sproul 1769 – 190 ac on Reed Creek p.151 Survey Book 1 Wythe Co 1791-1800, 1799, William Sproul, 27 ac on Peek Creek p. 207 William Sproul – will 1799

- Library Research Notes 4 10/30/09

VSLb Virginia State Library. Guide to Bible Records – Augusta and Bath Co McCutchen Family Bible mentions Sprowl family {review}

SchC Schreiner-Yantis, Netti, The 1787 Census of Virginia 1787 Augusta Co William, Alexander Sproul 1787 Botetourt Co John Sprowl 1787 Berkley Co William Sprout 1787 Rockbridge Co James Sprowl 1787 Montgomery Co John Sprout 1787 Washington Co Sproll, James, James (non-tithable -> prob 16-21), John

Grif Griffin, Frances Rodgers Huff. Waggon Road to the Western Mountains of Virginia 1975 p.26, 51. notes on Sproul camp and Charles Linbergh visit

Bent Bentley, Elizabeth. Index to the 1810 Census of Virginia 1810 Washington Co James, John, Mary, Samuel Sproles 1810 Augusta Co James, William Sproul 1810 Rockbridge Co William, Sproul 1810 Wythe Co Elizabeth, Hazlet, Robert Sprowl 1810 Bath Co James, John, Margaret Sprowl

Virginia Periodicals and Reference

VMH Virginia Magazine of History Nothing new/interesting on Sproul

Heni Hening, William W. The Satistics at Large – Virginia Vol 7, p.195 Sept 1758: Paid for provisions to the Militia of Augusta Co. John Sproul, Samuel Sproul, John Sprout

TG Genealogist, The 1771 John Sproul Tithable List Botetourt Co 1800 William Sproul, Sr Augusta Co Tax List 1800 William Sproul, Jr Augusta Co Tax List 1787 William Sproul Delinquent Taxes Berkley Co 1788 William Sproul Delinquent Taxes Greenbriar Co 1771 James Sprouls Tithable List Botetourt Co 1771 John Sproe Tithable List Botetourt Co 1800 James Sprowl Tax List Bath Co 1800 Robert Sprowl Tax List Bath Co Sept 15, 1800 William Sproul m Rebecca Baker (where?)

Allegheny County, Virginia 1822

Marm Martin, Marsha. Abstracts of Allegheny County Virginia Deeds 1822-1829 p.2 1821 - ref neighbors: Sproul’s heirs – Leonard Buzzard and Hanna Buzzard p.72 1829 – ref land belonging to heirs of John Sproul ded’c which is in Chacery Ct in Greenbrier Co ... Duigind Pitzer and Sarah Pitzer Marm Martin, Marsha. Abstracts of Allegheny County Virginia Deeds 1829-1833 p.1 1829 – deed on Jaackson River. Mentions neighbors: John Sproul’s heirs – Frances Foster and Nancy Foster p.42 1831 – land survey had been made by James Sprowl and John Rice... Known as “Sprowl’s Place ~ 13 acres p.29 James Sproul to John Hanna. Margaret and James of Monroe Co signed p.56 ref 13 ac survey above

MoAl Morton, Oren. Centennial History of Allegheny County, Virginia p.139 1782 Personal Property Book by Capt John Boller Sprowl, William 4h 7c

- Library Research Notes 5 10/30/09 McCalister, Garrett 2T 7h 5c Tithable, horses, cattle McCalister, James 1S 7h 5c Slaves McCalister, Thomas 4h 7c p.126 Beards – settled on Cowpasture near Bath line (Beards Mountain). James went to Tennessee in 1794. p.141 Residents of 1840 – Sprowl, W.B. Augusta County, Virginia 1745

AuCo Augusta County Records. Will Book 11, p.139 6 Sept 1811, James McNutt died instate leaving wife Margaret and James, Jane, Robert, and David (children). Wife and children chose John Weir, William Willson {son-in-law of John Weir ?}, William Steele, William Sproul, and Samuel Clark to administer estate. Full division of James McNutt estate. James was incapable of conducting the interest of his family for latter 15 years. Ch 3 – same reference: Agreement between widow Margaret McNutt, sons and daughters James, Jane, Robert, Samuel (part of the children), heirs of James McNutt, deceased, who died 6 Sept 1811, having been insane some years, for addignment of dower and division of estate.

AuCo Augusta County Records. Will Book 13, p.63 1819 – James NcNutt – Sherrif of Augusta Co Bond given by James McNutt, Wm Wilson, Alexander Nelson, William Sproul, James Harris, with replacements John Sproul and James Bell

AuCo Augusta County Records. Will Book 19, p.232. Jan 1834. William Sproul appointed sheriff of Augusta Co

AHSB Augu sta County Historical Society. Augusta Historical Bulletin Vol 6, No 2 The McChesney Ghost

Crag Craig, John, List of Baptisms by Rev. John Craig, Augusta County, Virginia, 1740-1749 May 8, 1746 Jane & Margaret (not twins) Ervine baptised, father: John Ervine

PeyAu Peyton, J. Lewis. History of Augusta County, Virginia Sproul, AA a director of 1879 Augusta Fair p.62 Governor Gooch issued patent to Augusta section of the Valley, Aug 12, 1736 to William Beverley and his associates for 118,491 acres, being known as Beverley Manor. Patent for Beverley Manor included: (2 pages). Seems to say that patent is provisional upon at least 3 acres of every 50 being cultivated and improved within 3 years p.65 Governor directed a patent be made out authorizing Bordon to locate 500,000 acres on the Shenadoah or James River west of the Blue Ridge, This large grant extended form the southern line of Beverley Manor and embraced the whole upper part of Augusta and Rockbridge. Bordon’s grant was upon the sole condition that he would settle within ten years, 100 families upon said land. Bordon immediately returned to and in 1737 returned with the required number of families, among whom were McDowells, Crawfords, McClures, Alexanders, Wallaces, Moores, and Mathews. p.70 Mre Greenlee sworn testimony at deposition, 1806: Regarding land of Bordon Tract, she understood that every person with a cabin right got 160 acres. {cabin right is simply building a cabin on the land.} p.327-8 Beverly Manor deeds 1738-1744: List of all original deeds in Beverley Manor. Approx 100 persons and acreages listed.

Wadd Waddel. Annals of Augusta County Virginia, from 1726 to 1871 Sprouls mentioned, but no index to find. Review entire book Good information on Bordon Tract Ref: Chief authorities on S-I are: George Hall. Plantation Papers Accounts of the settlements in in 1610 Reid. Presbyterian Church in Ireland p.17 no white man in Augusta Co before 1716 p.28 Orange County Court opened Jan 21, 1734 and among the justices included was Benjamin Bordon p.30 Bordon , a native of NJ and agent of Lord Fairfax, obtained from Gov Gooch, a patent dated Oct 3, 1734 for a tract of land in Frederick Co which was called Bordon’s Manor. At the same time he was promised 100,000 acres on the James west of the Blue Ridge as soon as he could locate 100 settlers on the tract,

- Library Research Notes 6 10/30/09 p.30 James Patton, native of Ireland, owned passenger ship and traded to Hobbes’ Hole {now Tappahannoch}, Virginia on the Rappahannoch River. Said to cross the Atlantic 25 times bringing Irish immigrants. (See R.A.Broch. Dinwiddie Papers Vol I, p.8) p.31 Bordon offered a tract of 100 acres to anyone who would build a cabin on it, with more available at 50s per 100 acres {=> £1½ per 100 acres!} p.41 {it is noted that a land grant dated 1740 for 240 acres was signed in the name of King George II by James Blair, acting Governor. It granted land for a person and five named family members as stated conditions thereof. } p.93 Ch IV – title: Indian Wars, from 1753 to 1756

DARM1 DAR, Col. Thomas Hughart Chapter, First Marriage Record of Augusta County, Va., 1785-181. Jean Sproul and John Weir June 22, 1793 Rev John Brown

DARM2 DAR, Col. Thomas Hughart Chapter, Second Marriage Record of Augusta County, Va. 1813-1850. Dorthula Sproul and John McCutchen Oct 13, 1834 Rev William Calhoon Frances E Sproul and William White Sept 5, 1844 Rev Francis McFarland John Sproul and Matilda Scott Sept 13, 1821 Rev William Calhoon Nancy Sproul and Jacob Hull Apr 19, 1827 Rev James Morrison Samuel B Sproul and Margaret Jane Williams Aug 21, 1834 Rev James Morrison William Sproul and Janetta Beard Feb 28, 1833 Rev James Morrison

VoAu Vogt. Augusta County Marriages 1748-1850 Sprowl, William and ______Aug 1757 license only Sprowl, William and ______June 23, 1773 license only Sproul, John and Matilda Scott Sept 13, 1826 William W Calhoon, Hebron, First Presby (Staunton) Sproul, Samuel B, Margaret Jane Williams Aug 21, 1834 Conrad Speece, Augusta Stone (Presby) Sproul, William and Janetta Beard Feb 23, 1833 James Morrison, New Providence (Presby) Sproul, Dorothula and John McCutchen Oct 13, 1834 William W Calhoon, Hebron, First Presby (Staunton) Frances E Sproul and William White Sept 15, 1844 Francis McFarland, Bethel (Presby) Jane Sproul and John Weir June 17, 1793 John Brown, New Providence, (Presby) d/o William who consents, bond: William Sproul Jr Nancy Sproul and Jacob Hull Apr 19, 1827 James Morrison, New Providence (Presby) Sidney Sprowl and Joseph Beard Jan 21, 1799 Sidney (of age), d/o Wm who consents, bond William Jr

Ch Chalkley, Lyman. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia – Extracted from the original court records of Augusta County 1745-1800 Ch-1 Vol 1 – Order Book Ch-2 Vol 2 - Judgments Ch-3 Vol 3 – Wills, Deeds Sproul, Sprowl – full set of notes put in Chalky – All Ref file

MRA Copied from Manuscript Record of Those Who Served in the Revolution from Augusta Co., Virginia “At a Court of Inquiry held for the 2nd Battalion of the 32nd Regiment of the Militia of Virginia, October 21, 1796….Present: Lieut. William Sproul, of Captain Buchanan’s Ten Company”

WeaD Weaver, Dorothy Lee. Here Lyeth :Tombstone Inscriptions of Most Cemeteries in Riverheads District of Southern Augusta County, Staunton, Virginia - 1932 numerous Sproul dates verified Bethel Church Register: Samuel McCutchan Feb 28, 1830 (86 years) {=> b. 1744 possible m. Margaret?}

Pawl Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Augusta County Road Orders, 1745-1769 Charlottesville, Va p.50 John Sproul 1753, Road to be cleared North Fork of James near John Mathews to Renix’s Road ...John Sproul p.52 John Sproul 1754, Road to be cleared from Campbell’s School Houes to Renix’s Road ...John Sproul p.42 Samuel Sproul 1753, John Henderson surveyor for John Campbells to the Court House .... Samuel Sproul ...to clear and keep in repair

AbrAu Abercrombie, Janice L.; Slatten, Richard. Virginia Publick Claims - Augusta County Athens, Ga. : Iberian, 1991 p.12 Augusts County Lists I, Feb-June 1781, (including adjacent names in list) James McChesney 1 beet £1000 - Library Research Notes 7 10/30/09 Charles Barrier 2 beeves £1300 Wm Beard 1 beef £1050 Saml. McCechen 1 beef £1000 James Ewing 2 beeves £1180 William Sprowl 2 beeves £1450 p.14 List I, p.9, 1783? James McChesney 1 beef Charles Bearry Samuel McChuchan 1 beef James Ewing (Susanna brother perhaps?) Wm Sprouel 2 beef

May May, C. E. 1903- Life under four flags in North River Basin of Virginia / Verona, Va. : McClure Press, 1976 ns. Lot of Erwin early records

Rees Reese, Margaret C., 1930- Abstract of Augusta County, Virginia, Death Registers, 1853-1896 James B Sproul Jul 18, 1864 3mo 6days Matilda Sproul 19 Aug 1864 30 Martha Sprowl 21 Dec 1861 67 Jennie Ann Sprowl 8 Aug 1877 36 No name Sprowl 29 Dec 1871 12 days - White male Matilda Scott Sproul 10 Apr 1881 16 2mo William S Sproul 15 Aug 1864 35

Schr Schreiner-Yantis, Netti, 1930-; Love, Florene Speakman, The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Augusta County, Virginia, 1987 See Census and Tax Data

Spar1 Sparacio, Ruth. Augusta County, Virginia land tax books, 1782-1788 McLean, VA : Antient Press, 1997 p.24 Augusta Co Land Tax Returns for 1782 Sproul William 490 ac Alexander 300 ac James 300 ac p.35 List if Alterations for 1785 James Sproul -> James McChesney 300 ac p.62 Augusta Co Land Tax Returns for 1787 Sproul William 490 ac Alexander 200 ac {probably means 300} p.96 Augusta Co Land Tax Returns for 1788 Sproul William 490 ac Alexander 300 ac

Spar2 Sparacio, Ruth. Augusta County, Virginia land tax books, 1788-1790 Augusta Co Land Tax Returns for 1789 Sproul William 490 ac Alexander 300 acp.96 Augusta Co Land Tax Returns for 1790 Sproul William 490 ac Alexander 300 ac

Tows Towler, Sam. Excerpts from Augusta Chancery Drawers 188 to 252 and other Charts, 1998 p.25 1844. Samuel B. Sproul as exec of William Sproul, decd. p.34 1844. William Sproul and Samuel B. Sproul re freeing Amanda at 25 p.52 1850. Sproul vs Sproul – John’s Children, Archibald and Matilda vs William S. regarding slaves. The 19 slaves are listed: Tom 71, Hanna 61, Jack 51, Mary 40, Rosana 21, Diana 19, Sally 26 and child, Daniel 36, Washington 10, Barklay 17, Henry 21, Andrew 11, Lewis 15, Morton 8, Jane 6, Hanna 3, Barbara 22, and Peyton 16. p.68 ~1852. Sprowl vs Beard – Summon of Rockbridge Co: John Beard and William Beard, executors of Joseph Beard, decd and William Sprowl and Janetta his wife, late Jannetta Beard daughter of Joseph Beard decd. To answer Samuel B Sproul and James East. William and Jannetta are not inhabitants of the Commonwealth.

- Library Research Notes 8 10/30/09 Maxf Maxwell, Fay. Augusta County, Virginia Baptismal Records 1740-1749 by Rev John Craig (Pastor of Augusta Church for Thirty Years) Rev John Craig did baptisms all over Augusta Co, mostly at the meeting houses including North Mountain, South Mountain, Timber Grove, Calf Pasture, Cow Pasture, Bucks Mtn. 1746 John Erwin, two daughters including Jean, baptized (not twins) at same time {possible adjacent neighbor and first wife of Settler William}

CAuWB Will Book 10 1805-1811 Sproul, William Will, p.73 Sproul, William Inventory, p,303 Including 12 horses, 12 cows, 8 slaves (4m, 4f)

CAuWB Will Book 11 1811-1814 ns

CAuWB Will Book 12 1814-1819 Sproul, Charles Inventory & Appraisal, p.411 Sproul, Charles Will, p.246

CAuDB Augusta County Deed Book 19, p.291 19 May 1773, between John Shields, eldest son and heir to James Shields decd. and Margaret his wife of Amherst Co of the one part and James Sproul of Augusta County , that for £60 doth grant two parcels of land in Augusta County, one containing Eighty acres, part of a Tract of 298 ½ conveyed by Samuel McCutchen and Frances his wife in 1746 and the other containing 193 acres conveyed to John Shields decd. by Benjamin Bordon 1752.

CAuDB Augusta County Deed Book Index of Grantors Grantor (Seller) Date Grantee Sproul --- John 1754 John Bowen John 1756 Purvis Wm/Jean 1761 Wm Stewart Wm 1762 McElroy John Margaret 1769 Wilson William 1772 Hickley John/Margaret 1773 Peery James/Catherine 1784 McChesney Alexander/Jean 1795 McCadden Alexander/Jane 1797 McCadden Alexander/Jane 1799 Platt Alexander/Jean 1800 Earhart William 1812 Summers William 1828 Clark Samuel B/Jane 1837 Brubeck William/Janetta included in 1837 above Jacob Hull/Nancy 1838 Heirs of William 1838 Lots more in index...

CAuDB Augusta County Deed Book Index of Grantees Grantee (Buyer) Date Grantee Sproul --- John 1751 James Patton Samuel 1753 Lockhart John 1753 Samuel Houston John 1753 James Patton William 1759 Davis William 1762 McErloy William 1765 Trotter John 1768 Arch Alexander James 1773 Shields - Library Research Notes 9 10/30/09 William 1779 McElroy Alexander 1779 McElroy Alexander 1779 Harvey William 1794 Hines William 1794 Boggess William 1801 James McNutt William 1803 Mary Boggess Alexander 1803 Harvey Alexander 1811 Harvey William 1813 Wm & Mary Beard William 1830 Clark William 1830 Clark William 1835 Moore And many more in index ....

Bath County, Virginia 1791 Fife Fife, Margaret Ewing, Ewing in Early America p. 410, Ewing of Monroe Co, VA: James Ewing died there and named sons and daughters. Sons died and named brothers and sisters. Anne Kimball and I have spent much time and money and energy exploring all the Ewing information there, to no avail. This is one of the most baffling groups of Ewings thus far. James was there fairly early and his progeny were widespread. We have seen no biography, family information to identify whence they came.

Gwin Gwin, Hugh S., Historically Speaking – True Tales of Bath County, Virginia p.90 Williamsville Presbyterian Church Began 1749, organized 1784 Four meeting houses grew into the Willliamsville Church: Pheasanty Run – 1 mi below Williamsville on the Cowpasture Blue Spring Meeting House - on the Bullpasture McCreary Home Thomas Feemster’s Home

BCHS Bath County Historical Society. The Bicentennial History of Bath County, Virginia 1791-1991 Michael Doyle b. 1779 in Ireland m. Anne Sprowl 1 Nov 1828 d. 1860 8 C: Catherine Sprowl Doyle m. John Dever 1846 Bridget Esther Asa Susan Amanda Ellizabeth Sarah R Sally Margaret

James McAllister b. ~1720 Ireland m. Mary McGloughlin 1747 in Pa moved to Bath Co 1760 8C: Hannah Barnett Mary Waters Thomas John m. Ann Lagon James m. Hannah McClain Richard m. Maargaret Nichols Edward b. 1756 m. Margaret DeHart Garrett b. 1765 m. 1st Susannah Graig, 2nd Anna Sproul 1792

Coch Cochran, Holly Wanless. Abstracts of Bath County, Virginia Will Books 5 and 6 (1845-1875) no Ewings p.21 Inventory of estate of John Sproule 1844 Appraisers include John McGloughlin p.23 Inventory of debts of estate of John Sproul 1845 p.100 Settlement of Estate of John Sproul rec 1855

- Library Research Notes 10 10/30/09 property devised to Kitty Sproul and Bitty, Margaret, Sally, and Esther Doyle they are underage and have no guradian

CBaTB Bath Co Tax Book - 1797 John Sprowl Estate 105 ac Tax: 8s, 6 ½ d James Stuart 168 ac Tax: 10s, 11d former W Sproul homestead Hugh Hicklin 200 ac Tax: £1, 1s, 0d former W Sproul land

CBaWB Bath Co Will Book 1/365 1/24/1807 Inventory of Robert Sprowl

Brun Bruns, Jean Randolph. Abstracts of the Wills and Inventories of Bath County,Virginia 1791-1842 lots on Ewings, but nothing related to Monroe Ewings, no Jane p.11 Book 1, p.82 Will of John Sprowl 25 Jan 1796 Wife – Margaret – 70£ Sons – William and Alexander and daughter Anne McCallister - 5 shilling Son – John - 8£ Daughter – Mary - 25£ , bed and furniture Daughter - Margaret - 25£ Grandson – Andrew Robinson – 3£ Two sons – Robert and James – plantation p.23 Robert Sproul Will of James McAllister 1799 Wit: Robert Sproul wife Mary, 7C: Hanna Barnet, Mary Waters, Thomas, John, Richard, Garrett, Edward p.46 Robert Sproul 1807 Inv Robert Sproul in Bath – submitted by Thomas McCallister 1807 Inv Robert Sproul in Botetourt – Copy of Original in files p.60 Inventory on Joshua Ewing 1811 p.202 1801 – Inventory of James Ewing p.209 Will of John Sproule – 2 Jan 1843 : land on Jackson River {Dry Branch Settler} Reviesd per Bath Co Will Book 4 / p.598 reference Exec – son-in-law – Michael Doyle Son in law – James McGloughlin – (was bequethed land on Jackson River for purpose of maintaining himself and my sons Samuel, George, and William) and then to Ann Doyle Little granddaughter Kitty Sproule – (2 cows and 3 sheep) Grand children Biddy, Margaret, Sally, and Esther Doyle – (residue of the flock of sheep) Ann Doyle (daughter) – (residue of personal property)

MoBa Morton, Oren F. Annals of Bath County, Virginia Good discussions on area William Sproul first settled. About 1725 large stream of immigration from via Philadelphia. Good Discussion re Irish Ulster families settling Cowpasture area. Discusses Indian wars and land settled. No index to surnames in book but well worth reading. More family references might be found. - p.30 Lewis Land Grant 168 A, Cow Pasture, Patent 1759 William Sproul sold to William Steuart 1761 for 30p - p.31 Lewis, Thomas 85 A sold by Tate to John Sproul 1770 for 20 p - p.31 Millroy, Alexander 1762 200 A sold to William Sprowl for 200 p 1772 sold from Sprowl to Hicklen - p.87 Muster Roll of Captain George Wilson’s Company Aug 11 1756 William Sprowl - p.111 Heads of Families – List for Jackson River below Botetourt Lone – 1783 McCalister, Garrett 1 hourse Sproul, William 4 horses, 7 cows - p.118 Heads of Families 1791 Second District Sprowl, Alexander, Sprowl, John - p.127 Early Marriages 1757 Sprowl, William 1792 Ann Sprowl to Garnett McAllister - p.--- Personal Property Book 1782 William Sproul, Jackson River

- Library Research Notes 11 10/30/09 MoBa Morton, op cit, Online source p.30 Jackson, James—168—CP—P, 1759, William Sprowl—sold to William Steuart, 1761, for 30p. p.31 The Lewis Land Grant Lewis, Thomas---560—BC—P, 1761—sold, 1761 to James and Robert Allen for 80p—280 A sold by the Allens, 1763, to John Young for 45p—sold by Young, 1766, to John Davis for 67p, and by latter to James Gregory, 1768 for 75p—280 A sold by Robert Allen, 1763, to John Davis for 100p, and 85 A sold by Davis, 1768, to David Tate for 17p, and by latter to John Sprowl, 1770 for 20p. Millroy, Alexander—200*--CP below Dickensons 1080 A—P, 1751—sold 1762, to William Sprowl for 200p, and by Sprowl, 1772, to Hugh Hicklin for 132p—178 A sold by Hicklin, 1794, to George Whiteman for 250p and 22 A 1794, to John Dickenson. Ten Years Of Indian War The following is the muster roll of Captain George Wilson’s company, August 11, 1756: p.87 Sprowl, William

Meth Metheny, Constance. Bath County Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns – 1791-1853 p.32 Feb 2 1806; Margaret Sprowl m. David Straton; surety-James Sprowl; consent-mother Margaret p.2 Feb 14 1792; Ann Sprowl m. Garret McCallister; consent-father John; wit.-Alexander p.22 1800; John wit at m. of Bob Nutt p.28 1803; wit-John p.3 1793; wit.-Alex p.66 1826; Kitty Sproule m. James McLaughlin {dau. John of Dry Branch} p.70 1826; Ann Sprowl m. Michael Doyle {dau. John of Dry Branch}

Botetourt County, Virginia 1769 Angl Anglefire. (web ssurce) The Mann Family of Botetourt County, Virginia 1773 Botetourt county list of Tithables – John Sprowl living in William Hughats’s district of the Jackson River 1774 Botetourt county list by William McClenahan – John Sprowl located in the Cowpasture/Jackson River area 1772-3 Botetourt Court Order Book – John Sprowl mentioned several times 1784 John Sproul listed as debtor in Mann estate

ChiBo Chilton, Ann. Botetourt County Virginia, Will Book 1 1779-1801 p.42 Will of Peter Wright: w. Jane, son Peter, Dau.: Elizabeth Sprowl, Rachel Preston, Mary Smyth, Agnes Clark, Jane Estill, Rebecca Kinkaid

Worr Worrell, Anne. Early Marriages, Wills, and Some Revolutionary War Records, Botetourt County, Virginia Marriage Records p.44 March 16, 1792 Alexander Sproul and Elizabeth Right, John Sproul surety p.68 Aug 1782 Capt John Baird’s Company ... that Wm Sprowl, Thomas McCallister be in 27th District War records not indexed, maybe more

VoBo Vogt, John. Kethley, T. William. Botetourt County, Virginia Marriages, 1770-1853 1793 Alexander Sproul and Elizabeth Right, bond- John Sproul, consent-Peter Right, father, Wit- John Right, Garret McCallester, Min-Christopher Clark (Jackson River, Botetourt Co)

Ston Stoner, Robert. A Seed-Bed of the Republic – Early Botetourt, The American Revolution Personnel of Botetourt County Companies as Districted (1782) p.127 William Sprowl of Capt Baird’s Company, 27th District List of Tithables 1772 On Jackson River: inc John Sproul Tax List for 1785 (Handwritten list) Acres Average? Amount? John Sprowl 105 5.5 28.8.9

Highland County, Virginia 1847

MoHi Morton, Oren. A History of Highland County, Virginia p.150 1790 Note on John Sproul, schoolteacher and surveyor, arrived from Ireland, had m. Bridget there lived near mouth of Dry Branch, had children (see text) p.192 1756 Indian War of 1754-1764: William Sprowl on Muster Roll of Captain George Wilson’s Company (now

- Library Research Notes 12 10/30/09 Highland County area?) p.279 John Dever (1799-1861) m. Kate Sproul p.280 Michael Doyle (1779-1860) m. Ann Sprowl. Children: Catherine (Kate) m. John Dever Bridgett m. John Howdershelf Margaret m. Thomas Granfield Esther s. Susan A. m. James H. Corrigan - 1866 Elizabeth s. Sarah R. m. David Groves - 1881 Leona m.Ewing Dever - 1897

Rockbridge County, Virginia 1778 CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book Index Grantor (Seller) date Grantee book James McChesney 1781 Blackburn A 324 James McChesney 1790 Samuel McChesney B 126 James McChesney 1788 Nealson A 707 James Sprowl 1784 James McChesney A 456 William Sproul 1813 Potter H 265 Grantee (Buyer) date Grantee book James Sproul 1790 Samuel Renick B 106 Janes Sprull 1795 John Young C 141 John Sprowl 1807 Horn F 88

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book A, p.324 2 Oct 1781, Indenture Benjamin Blackburn and Mary and James McChesney in consideration of £300 parcel of Rockbridge Co in Bordon’s Tract of 283 acres. M&B Begin S1ºW 192 poles, S89ºW 12p, S½ºW 118p, N85ºW 10p, S ½ºW 102 p, NW 260 p, NE 320p to Beg. (seems to miss closure by ½ mile)

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book A, p.456 3 Aug 1784. Indenture between James McChesney and Sara his wife of Augusta Co and James Sprowl of Rockbridge Co. for £300 convey parcel of 283 in Rockbridge County and in Bordon’s Tract. Delivered James Sprowl 1795.

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book A, p.707 13 Nov 1787, John Nealson of Rockbridge Co to James McChesney of Augusta Co in consideration of £30, parcel of 100 ac in Rockbridge Co

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book B, p.106 24 Dec 1789 – James Sproul of Rockbridge County for the one part and Samuel Ranick of Rockbridge County of the other part. Sproul sells two bay mares, two colts, one black horse, ten head of cattle, ten sheep, all my hogs, my waggon , two ploughs, all my waggon and plough goods, bed and dedding, household furniture, all my wearing appareal, and all grain in barn. If the said James Sproul do well and pay the said Samuel Renick the sum of £45 currrent money of Virginia by 24 Dec of the next year, then the above obligation shall be void. Witnesses include William Sproul

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book B, p.126 6 April 1790, Samuel McChesney to James McChesney. Settlement agreement of goods including horses, cattle, furnature, a negro, and crops in land, for £381.16.6 owed to James

CRbDB Rockridge County Deed Book B, p.141 7 April 1795. between James Sproull and Catharine his wife of Rockbridge Co and John Young for consideratin of £500 a parcel of 272 acres

RbCm Rockbridge Area Genealogical Society. Rockbridge County Virginia Cemeteries – South River and Walkers Creek District p.132 New Providence Presbyterian Church Cemetery p.132 John Weir Sr, d. 23 Jan 1843 aged 76 yr {=> b. 1767} Jane Weir d. 1 Jun 1837 age 62 consort of John {Verified at Cemetery} {=> b. 1775} p.137 Robert Hutcheson, died 20 Aug 1842 aged 66 years {=> b. 1776} Row 16 - Library Research Notes 13 10/30/09 p.139 Martha Hutctheson, died 23 Jun 1859 age 66 years {=> b. 1793} Row 21 p.140 James McNutt, 24 Jan 1773 -10 Aug 1851 Mary A. S. McNutt, w/o James 15 Mar 1780 – 8 Jan 1874

NPCm New Providence Church – New Providence Church Gravestone Records – (visit 8/27/03 by William and Alex sproul) In memory of Martha Hutcheson, Died June 23d 1853, Age 66 years {=> 1787} Sacred to the Memory of, Jane Weir, Who departed this life, June the 1st 1837, 62 years, Consort of John Weir

MoRb Morton, Oren. A History of Rockbridge County, Virginia p.341 Borden Tract primarily settled by Ulstermen… including…Sprowl p. 343 Conveyances in Borden Tract 1741-1780 Sproul, John (Margaret) 250 A, £10, 1768 corner to Andrew Steel and William Alexander – sold to Alexander Wilson 1769 for £40 Shields, John 320 ac, £9.12, 1742, sold to John Davis 1756 for £9 McNutt, James 185 ac, £10, 1753 Patton, John, 200 ac, £20, 1750 p.367 Tithable of 1778 McChesney, Samuel McChesney, Walter Blackburn, Benjamine (2) p.374 Tithable of 1782 McChesney: Isabella, James, Samuel Sprowl, William 2 horse, 18 cows p. 386 1841 Alexander Sprowl, Taxpayer of 1841 p.459 Communicants at Timber Ridge, 1753 signing call for Rev John Brown inc. John Sproul {Timbre Ridge about 6 mi. NE of Lexington} p. 495 Hutchinson Mary dau. Robert m. Patrick Colton 1807 Robert d. 1806 Children: Martha, _____ m. Stewart, Susanna, Nancy, Mary, Robert, Jean (m. John Adams) Robert b.1766, d.1842 New Port p.530 Sprowl James m. Catharine by 1786 William m. Rebecca Baker 1800 William d. 1798 m Elizabeth William m. Jane 1757, Susanne 1773 James Joseph Alexander m. Jane Beard 1781 Oliver William John (m. Matilla Scott 1820) Charles Samuel Jane (m. John Weir 1793) Sidney (m Joseph Beard 1799) Mary s. Martha (m. Robert Hutchinson) Fanny Nancy {dau of Jane by Fm records} CRbMR Rockbridge County Marriage Records 1800 William Sprowl & Rebecca Baker (daughter of William Baker fo Rockbridge), 15 Sept 1800 Bond: William Sprowl, William Baker, & Alexander McKeemy 1827 Elizabeth Sprowl (daughter of William Sprowl Sr of Rockbridge Co) & Samuel P. Torbit , 29 Sept 1827 Bond: Samuel P. Torbet & William Sprowl Sr of Rockbridge 1828 Polly Sproul (daughter of William) & James G. McCown, 16 Aug 1828 Bond: James G. McGown, Peter Hull, William Sproul Sr. 1833 William Sproul & Rachel L Tarber (daughter of John Torbet) , 10 June 1833 Bond: William Sprowl & Eli Torbet Rachel is over age of 21 and consent to marry Mr. Wm Sprowel by John Torbet 1835 John Sprowl & Jane Dixon (daughter of Robert), 23 Nov 1835 Bond: John Sprowl and Robert Dixon

- Library Research Notes 14 10/30/09 Kirk Kirkpatrick, Dorthie. Rockbridge County Marriages 1778-1850 p.407 1827 Elizabeth Sprowl (dau Wm) & Samuel P.{Torbit or Forbet}, 4 Oct 1827, Rev Andrew Heron, Presby 1828 Polly Sproul (dau William) & James G McCown, Presbyterian, 19 Aug 1828, Rev Andrew Heron p.198 1834 Samuel Sproul & Margaret J Withrow {dau Wm, dec’d) {son of Sq Billy} 1833 William Sproul & Rachel L Tarber (dau John) , 12 June 1833, Rev Andrew Davidson, Presbyterian 1835 John Sprowl & Jane Dixon (dau Robert), 23 Nov 1835, 1800 William Sprowl & Rebecca Baker (dau Wm), 18 Sept 1800, Rev John Cree

AbrRb Abercrombie, Janice L.; Slatten, Richard. Virginia Publick Claims – Rockbridge County p.1 1782 William Sprowl £390 beef p.18 1781 William Sprowl 1 beef

DouRb Douthat, James, Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book B 1788-1793 p.26 1789, James Sproul to Samuel Ranich (see CRbDB-B p.106 ref) p.31 April 1790, James Sproull, Wit to transaction p.62 Joseph Sproul, adjacent land to Robert Harvey (year?)

Rockingham County, Virginia 1778

Wrig Wright, Oren. Early Church Records of Rockingham Co, Virginia p.80 Dec 14, 1785 William Sprowl m. Jane Hamilton, by Rev John Alderson, Jr.

Washington County, Virginia 1777 - Located SW Virginia on Tenn border Barw Barbe, Waverly W. 1850 Census of Washington County, Virginia, Annotated {contains lots more Washington County Sproul data} #1529 John Sproles 43 (b.1807, d.1883) farmer $600, Sara 33, James 16, Martha A 14, Elizabeth 10, Isaac 80, Elizabeth 60, William 45. #1790 Samuel Sproles 43 (b.1807, son of John and Margaret Sproles) farmer $700, Nancy 35, Letty 5, Mary 3 #1796 Isaac Sproles 60 (b.1790, son of Samuel and Susan Thomas Sproles m.1788, d.1870) farmer $650, Susanna 64, Susanna 29, Ann 27, Delila 25, Samuel 23, Joseph 21, Elizabeth 19, Sarah 17 #1802 Thomas Sproles 29 (b. 1821, son of James Sproles m. Elizabeth ) farmer, m. 1848 Elizabeth 24, Sara 1 #1810 Jonathan Sproles 46 (b.1804, son of John and Margaret Ringley Sproles, d.1875) farmer $900, Jane 39, John n19, Margaret 17, Barbary 15, Emaline 13, William 8, Oliver 2. #1847 James Sproles 64 (b. 1786 son of John and Margaret Ringley Sproles) farmer, Charity 64, Margared 21, Susan 19 #1848 Barbara Sproles (Sprouls) 30 (b.1820), Samuel 7, Elizabeth 4 mo. #1863 Lewis Sproles 49 (b. 1801, son of James and Sara Pitts Sproles) farmer, m.Letitia Childs (decd.?), Elizabeth 18, Sarah 17, Mary 15, Solomon 13, Marian 11, Lucy 10 #1867 Solomon Sproles 50 (b.1800, son of James and Sara Pitts Sproles) farmer, Malinda 41, Sarah 15, Hugh 12, Letty 10, Mary 8, Lewis 6, Ann 4, David 5, Bailie 1 #1868 Noa Sproles 37 (b.1813, son oof Samuel and Susanna Sproles) farmer, Mary 36, Martha 16, James J 14, Elizabeth 12, Emmett 10, Wesley 8, Albert 6, Samuel 4, Margaret 2 #1875 Matilda Sproles 26 (b.1824), husband Sameul Sproles (decd.?), James 6, Francis 5 #1879 James Sproles 56 (b.1794, son of Samuel & Susanna Sproles, d,1763) farmer $1000, Rachel 54, Elizabeth 30, Mary 23, Sarah 22, Rachael 20, Sherwood 17, Joseph 9 #1882 Judith Woods Sproles 36 (b.1814) m.Mordeci Sproles (Sprowles?) in 1835 (decd.?), john 14, Jane 16, William 12, Sarah 8, Lewis 6 mo. #1884 Dempsey Sproles 40 (b.1810) farmer, Jane 35, Mary 2 #1885 William Sproles 40 (b.1801) farmer $250, Lavinia (Gobble) 30, Andrew 13, Peter 12, Jacob 10, Moses 8, Mary 6, Jonathan 3

Hiat Hiatt, Marty. Washington County Virginia Marriages 1776-1885 p.102 Feb 21, 1793 James Sprauls and Sarah Pitts Sept 4, 1788 Samuel Sprauls and Susanna Thomas Jan 8, 1835 Mordica Sprawles and Judy Woods Oct 23, 1834 William Sprawles and Lavina Gobble

- Library Research Notes 15 10/30/09 July 16, 1830 James Sprawls and Sarah Baker

Wythe County, Virginia 1790 (see Montgomery Co for 1777 to 1790) VoWy Vogt, John.; Kethley, T. William Augusta County Marriages, 1748-1850 p.208 Sproul: Elizabeth and Hery Bowler Dec 11, 1825 Sprowl: Margaret and Matthias Hines May 11, 1807 d of William, bondsman- Michael McKinney Mary and Jesser Riddlesbarger Sept 12, 1828 d of Hazlett, bondsman Joseph Montgomery Rosanna and John Russell Sept 23, 1803

Dout Douthat, James L. Wythe County, Virginia, Will Books 1-2 p.9 1799 Will of William Sprowll p.27 1806 Inv of Conrod Henskin, by Robert Sprowl p.30 1807 Settlement of William Sproull, mentions James Montgomery p.33 1809 Will of James Montgomery mentions: w. Cynthia, bros. Joseph and John, neph. James (son of Joseph), Exec inc. Robert Sproll, Witt inc Heazlet Sprowl p.46 1815 estate of Rankin, mentions Heazlett Sproul p.48 1815 estate of Rankin, mentions Heazlett Sproul, (Admin) Robert Sproull p.50 1818 estate of James Montgomery, buyers inc. Robert Sproul, Elizabeth Sprowel

West Virginia

Sims Sims. Index to Land Grants in West Virginia, granted by Lord Fairfax 1791 Sprowle, Alexander, 95 ac, Turkey Creek, now Greenbriar Co 1800 Sproul, John, 106 ac, Wts. Tygert’s Valley, now Randolph Co Johr Johnson, Ross. West Virginia Estate Settlements to 1880 1785 Sprowl, Sam, Estate appraisement, Berkley Co 1804 Sprowl, Sam, Administrator, Berkley Co 1837 Sproul, John, Will, Randolph Co, wife Esther 1815 Sprowl, Margaret, Will, Monroe Co; Devisees: James-son and Mary Rice-daughter 1816 Sprowl, Margaret, Inventory, Monroe Co 1795 Ewing, Thomas Berkley Co Will 1793 Dev: Sam/son, and Ann/dau 1804 Ewing, Robert Monongalia Co Inv 1804 1837 Ewing, James Monroe Co Inv/List of Sale 1834, Settlement 1846 1823 Ewing, Joseph Monroe Co 1823 Inv, Set 1835 1823 Ewing, Oliver Monroe Co Will 1823 1847 Ewing, Oliver Monroe Co Will 1847, Dev: Frances, Sidney, Nelson (sis); Joseph, john (bros) 1831 Ewing, Robert Monroe Co Set 1831 1815 Ewing, Samuel Monroe Co Inv 1815 1818 Ewing, William Monroe Co Will 1818 Dev: Joseph (bro) others

Monroe County, WV 1799 MoMo Morton, Oren. A History of Monroe County, West Virginia (copy of relevant text) (Index to Morton on Monroe Co available at Greenbrier Historical Society – see Ewing page) All Ewing: p. 84 Surveys and Patents under Greenbriar – 1780-1795 1787 Ewing, Samuel, 350 ac Indian Creek adj. William Shanks, Alex Clark 1787 Ewing, James Sr and Frances McNutt, 380 ac Indian Creek 1795 Ewing, William and Joseph, 170 ac east side of Swopes Knob 1789-1798 Ewing, Samuel – 400 acres from Alexander Lewis of Montgomery for £50, (head of) Indian Creek Survey Pat 1752 p.86 1785 McNutt, Francis – 250 ac, Indian Creek, adj. Samuel Ewing 1787 McNutt, James – 250 ac, Indian Creek p. 266 Militia System and Officers 1787 – Ewing, William – Lt. under Robers Nickell 1816 – Ewing, Oliver – En. v A.Alexander under Christy

- Library Research Notes 16 10/30/09 1818 – Ewing, Joseph – Lt. v Christy 1818 – Ewing, Robert, Jr – Cornet v Alex. Kitchen v - means in place of p.325 Charlton – family story. Joseph Charlton (b. 1784)– youngest s/o Thomas (1741-1819) and Alice Perry 1763) m. Janet Ewing 1807 c: Frances, Oliver, Thomas, Jennie, Lettie, Joseph P. E., James E. p.334 Dickson Family – Richard settled at Second Creek, brothers Joseph and Robert settled at White Sulphr Springs - {more information available} Richard Dickson (d. 1814) m. Isabella Humphreys, c: Elizabeth 1771-1838 Esther 1773 Susanna 1775-1848 m. James Young Joseph 1708 k. by accident 1805 Polly 1782 m. John McDowell 1800 Margaret 1784-1862 m James McDowell 1805 Nancy 1789-1849 m. James Knox 1805 Richard 1792-1866 m. Susanna Ewing 1814, m. 2nd Elizabeth Curry 1828 c: Joseph 1813, Polly 1817, Hamilton 1820, Margaret 1823 (m. William White), John 1795 p.343 James (F.___) ___ captain, 1762 {not this James. Is there any evidence of a James as father to below?} Children: Oliver d. 1823 Samuel d. 1815c app $1,392.17 James, Oliver, Sidney William d. 1816 {William died in 1818.} James Jean d. 1830 m. Patterson Joseph Robert, William, Joseph, Oliver (d.1847), John, James, Sidney (m. McNutt){not this Sidney per Oliver’s will}, Frances p.386 Nelson Family – James d. 1825 m. Mary Brown, lived near New Lebanon. James s/o William (d.1794) c of James & Mary: William m. Sidney Ewing no children, divided $35,000 estate among 7 nephews Elizabeth s. Nancy s. Jean 1784-1860 m. Tristram Patton Margaret m. George Nickell ?James m. Polly Fink 1804 p.426 {1774} Soldiers from Greenbriar in Dunmore War – inc. .James McNutt p.427 1800 Soldiers of Monroe Co –Roster of Capt John Stuart’s Co – inc. William Ewing p.472 1800 Voters in Monroe – Willian Ewin, Joseph Ewin p.476 1782 Residents of Monroe – Ewing – James, Samuel, William (4 tithable) p.482 1799 Residents in Monroe – Ewing: Jane, Joseph, Samuel, William

CMoMB Monroe County Marriage Bonds 1770 John Ewing and Easter Cooke bond: John and William Ewing 1783 William Ewing and Mary McNeal {prob Swago Bill} ShuM Shuck, Larry. Monroe County, West Virginia Abstracts Deeds 1799-1817 Wills 1799-1829 Sims Land Grant Index 1780-1812

p.6 Deed Book A, p.115 Feb 17, 1801 James and Elizabeth Ewing to Boggs 100 ac on Wolf Creek p.7 DBA, p.181 1801 Abraham Henderson to James Ewing 500 ac for £50 adj Wm Blanton p.8 DB1. p.180 1802 Wm Ewing to John Spare 125 ac on SS of Swopes Knob

- Library Research Notes 17 10/30/09 p.85 1815 Will of Margaret Sprowl, relict of John Sprowl, Will probated Dec 1815. Children: James Sprowl, Mary Rice. Grandson: Robert McKee Sproul, s/o James. Executors: son James, John Rice p.87 WB1, p.379 William Ewing Will p.92 Samuel Ewing estate settlement Mar 21, 1821 admin: Joseph Ewing accts inc: Joseph Sr, John, Oliver, William, Sidney p.95 WB11, p.156 Joseph Ewing appraisal Jan 7, 1823 WB11, p.158 Joseph Ewing sale Jan 8, 1823 by Oliver, William to inc. Fanny, James, John, Joseph, Oliver, Oliver Sr., Robert p.97 WB11, p.198 Oliver Ewing Will – 1818 WB11, p.208 Oliver Ewing Appraisal p.100 Joseph Ewing estate settlement Nov 1824 admin: Oliver accts of: John, Oliver

p.124 Sim’s Index to Land Grants of WVa for Monroe Co – Ewing date Ewing Loc acrea Bk Pg Co 1785 Samuel Indian 350 1 74 Gr 1787 James, Sr et al Indian Creek 380 1 268 Gr 1795 William & Joseph Swopes Knob 170 3 180 Gr 1796 William County Line 170 3 198 Gr 1801 William Swopes Knob 210 1 10 M 1822 Joseph Turkey 32 1 358 M (more data in Shuck available) Ball Ballard, Margaret. William Ballard – A genealogical Record of his Descendants in Monroe County, 1957 Margaret M. Sprowl m John Chapman of Kosciusko Co, Ind in 1839 Margaret was d/o William Sprowl Jr who was s/o William and Margaret (Paul) Sprowl. Margaret Paul was an aunt of John Paul Jones. The Sprowl family came from Kirkcudbright, Scotland

EvaM Evans, Norma. Monroe Co (West) VirginiaMarriages 1799-1850 1839 Sproul, Margaret W m John Chapman 1809 Sprowl, James m. Sarah Rice min. Robert Chambers 1812 Sproul, Polly m. John Rice min. Robert Chambers 1799 Sprowl, James m. Margaret Murdock

Monroe County Court House, Union, WV WB1A, p.294 1815 Samuel Ewing appraisal $1,392.17 inc. 12 horses, 12 cattle, 15 sheep WB1A, p.359 1816 Samuel Ewing estate sale $81.97 sale of atricles to inc. Joseph, Robert WB2, p.282 1821 Samuel Ewing settlement misc payments to Joseph Sr, John, Oliver, William, Sidney, inc Joseph for trip to Kentucky for 43 days WB2/198 1823 Oliver Ewing Will 1. debts 2. nephew Oliver s/o bro Samuel 3. niece Sidney d/o bro Samuel 4. Fanny d/o bro Joseph 5. Gean Charlton d/o sis Fanny 6. bro William 7. heirs of bro James 8. sis Gean Patterson 9. heirs of sis Fanny 10. heirs of sis Susanna Sproull 11. bro Joseph 12. heirs of bro John 13. heirs of sis Sidney McNutt exec: Isaac Hanley and Joseph Ewing s/o bro Samuel WB2/208 1823 Oliver Ewing Appraisal $1,155.12

- Library Research Notes 18 10/30/09 WB2/218 1823 Oliver Ewing Sale $63 + $201.83 to inc Oliver, John, Robert WB2/282 1823 Oliver Ewing settlement mentions cash received from Joseph Charlton WB2/282 1823 estate of Zachariah Lows mentions Joseph Ewing Sr WB1A/379 1818? William Ewing will to bro Joseph and heirs viz 6 sons and 2 dau by age: Robert, William, Joseph, Oliver, John, James, Fanny, Sidney. Exec: bro Joseph and nephew Oliver s/o Joseph WB2/156 1823 Joseph Ewing appraisal $1,123.51 WB2/156 1823 Joseph Ewing sale mentions Oliver Sr, Oliver, James, Robert, John, Fanny, Robert Sr, Joseph Charlton, John NcNutt WB2/156 1823 Joseph Ewing settlement $1,357.66 WB2/156 1823 Joseph Ewing final settlement mention inc Robert, Joseph, Francis, Oliver, John, James, Joseph Charlton WB2/427 1826 Robert Ewing sale inc John, Oliver 1831 Robert Ewing settlement ~$500 admin inc Oliver OB3/456 1833 James Ewing ?? WB3/150 1834 James Ewing appraisal $133.37 WB3/153 1833 James Ewing sale mentions Oliver, Fanny, John WB4/208 1846 James Ewing ?? OBA/242 Samuel ?? OBA/388 1813 Jal to McNutt sale from Martha and Joseph Ewing (=> wife Martha) to John McNutt OB1799/22 1799 Bill of Sale Jame Ewing & Elizabeth to John McNutt OB1799/379 1799 Judgement against James Ewing £5.19, Debt mentioned 1786. James not in Monroe Co now.

CMoWB Monroe County Will Book 1 1799-1817 p.331 Margret Sprowl, appraisal, 20 July 1816, $64.76

Greenbrier County, WVa 1778 ShuGM Shuck, Larry. Greenbrier County, West Virginia Marriage Records Sept 2, 1790 Samuel Ewing and Isabella McNutt Nov 16, 1785 William Ewing and Mary M. McNeal Sept 6, 1787 Mary Ewing and James Stephenson Feb 6, 1781 Sidney Ewing and James McNutt ShuGD Shuck, Larry. Greenbrier County, West Virginia Deed and Will Records p.4 1751 James Ewing Survey 370 ac 1752 James Ewing Survey 480 ac sold to John McClenachan p.8 1783-4 James Ewing Landholder 260 ac p.11 1786 James Ewing of Augusta Co Land on Wolf Creek p.51 1798 to James Ewing in the Sinks 50 ac p.59 1798 James and wife Elizabeth to Burns 147 ½ ac adj Joseph Ewing p.23 1793 William Sprowl 193 as Thomas Soward to Wm Sprowl for £50 on branch of Droping Lick Cr 2 mi. below McGamney p.67 1800 Robert Sprowl wit. to land sale in Lewisburg

Dayt Daytonm, Ruth. Greenbrier Pioneers and their Homes p.227 ref to John Ewing capture by Indians in 1763 and release in 1770. John lived with Clendenin

Greenbrier County Courthouse, Lewisburg, WVa

CGrMR Greenbrier County Marriage Records p.31 Nov 16, 1785 William Ewing to Mary W. Real {prob Swago Bill} min. J McCue p.87 Feb 6, 1781 Sidney Ewing to James McNutt min. John Alderson p.135 Sept 6, 1787 Mary Ewing to John Stephonson {prob Poca Co} min. John McCue

CGrS1 Greenbrier County Surveyor’s Land Book One, from 1750 p.4 177x Joshua Ewing 250 ac Little Levels assignee of Samuel Ewing p.10 1778 William Ewing 250 ac Savage Creek due for settlement before 1778, inc William and John 1774 land p.15 177x John Ewing 100 ac Greenbriar River below Beaver Lick Creek p.20 177x Samuel Ewing 350 ac Indian Creek assignee of James Ewing, adj F. McNutt

- Library Research Notes 19 10/30/09 p.80 1778 James Ewing & F. McNutt 380 ac Indian Creek entitled by right of settlement before 1778 p.487 177x James Ewing 250 ac Locust Creek adj own land p.511 178x William Ewing 260 ac Savage Creek CGrS2 Greenbrier County Surveyor’s Land Book Two, from 1787 p.141 179x James Ewing 166 ac Sinks adj William and Joseph land p.152 179x William & Joseph Ewing 170 ac Swoops Knob south side of Swoops Knob p.194 179x William Ewing 170 ac Gauley River

Pocahontes County, WV 1821 Pric Price, William. Historical Sketches of Pocahontes County, West Virginia no Sproul p.112 re 1770 at Ewings (now Knaoos) Creek p.117 boundary adj James Ewing, lived near Marlington p.198 Rebessa Ceekly m John Ewing, moved to Ohio p. 611-616 chapter on Capt James Ewing, b. Londonderry, Ireland, of Scotch parents in 1720 (see copy): five children: Jennie m Clendenin Susan m. Moore Elizabeth m. Doughtery John (Indian John) b.1747, captured by Indians, m. 1774, 11 children William (Slago Bill) b.1756, m.1765, 12 children

Ohio Powe Powell, Esther. Early Ohio Tax Records 1810 Tax List, Preble Co, Oh Robert Sprowles 1811 Tax List, Preble Co, Oh John, Samuel, Robert Sprowle 1816 Tax List, Preble Co, Oh John, Samuel, Robert Sprowle ONGQ Old Northwest Qenealogical Quarterly. Ohio Marriages 1820 Sproull, Margaret and William davis Licking Ohio

Kentucky Ferg Ferguson, Jack. Early Times in Clinton County, Vols 1 and 2 1986 Clinton County is in southern Kentucky, adjacent to Tennessee. Albany is the only incorporated town. Vol 1, p.109 June Sproul m Samuel Davis Sept 17, 1801 by Rev Denton, one of the early marriages of Clinton Co Vol 1, p.233 The estate, a large farm on the west fork of Indian Creek, of Jane Sprowl, widow of Alexander Sprowl, was sold at public auction to settle the estate. The suit was by Thomas, Rebecca, and Rhoda Flowers versus the estate of Jane Sprowl, William Sprowl, Joseph Sprowl, and Charles Sprowl, Jane Campbell, Shadrack Claywell, Asa Harper, and William H. Talbott. Vol 1, p.236 Charles D. Sproul m. Apr 19, 1837 Sarah Mackey (Nov 2, 1809 – Oct 6, 1882) {perhaps son of William?} Vol 1, p.364 One entry of the Seventy Six Baptist Church of Clinton Coin July 1844 states that Joseph Sproul was excluded from church membership “for absconding from the country, being in debt to his neighbors and friends.” Vol 2, p.29 Charles D. Sproul, b. Dec 24, 1804 in Clinton Co. Marries Sarah Mackey April 19, 1837. Died June 16, 1868 and buried in the old Hopkins cemetery. {perhaps son of William ?}

KyMR Kentucky Historical Society. Kentucky Marriage Records p.22 126 Nov 1802 Henry Hiestand & Elizabeth Sprowl - Barren Co p.142 19 July 1810 James Simpson & Viney Sproul ?? - Christian Co p.205 12 April 1796 Joseph Montgomery & Jean Sproull - Franklin Co Franklin, Ky. Bondsman – Thomas Owen, Permission James Sproull, father of the bride p.233 31 Oct 1808 Charles Sproul & Margaret Humphreys, Atttest – John Hanna, Bond – J. Brown - Franklin Co p.277 3 Mar 1816 Alex Sproul & Jane Smith - Hardin Co p.382 12 July 1826 Samuel Dunn & Susan Sproul - Madixon Co p.461 18 Nov 1818 Oliver Sproul & Nancy Michell - Madison Co

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Lin1 Lincoln Co Historical Society: Lincoln County Kentucky Records Vol 1 p.130 1826 James Sproul witt: m. Hall/Stevenson p.66 Consent of Joseph Davis for dau Rachel to marry Joseph Sproull p.74 Consent of James Davis for dau Mary to marry Oliver Sproull, witt: Joseph Sproul p.85 Joseph Sproul surity for m. James Vaughn & Isabella Davis p.276 Dec 1827 - Thomas Bailey to Harriet Sproul p.350 Jan 1802 - Joseph Sproul & Rachael Davis p.351 May 1803 - Oliver Sproul and Mary Davis p.284 Jan 1816 - James Campbell to Polly Sproul p.352 Nov 1811 - Samuel Sprowl to Susanna Loe p.311 Sept 1827 – Moses Hickenbottom to Susan Sproul

Clif Clift, G. Glenn. Kentucky Marriages 1797-1865 p.96 15 Jan 1839 James S. Clark of Vicksburg, Miss Margaret B. Sproul of Frankfort, Ky in Lexington at residence of R. S. Todd p.37 20 Jan 1825 Col. Benjamin Estell of Abington, Va to Mrs Patsy Sproul married at Frankfort

Clif Clift, G. Glenn. Kentucky Obituaries 1787-1854 Obit: Ms Margaret B. Sproule, consort of C. Sproul of Frankfort, died 1816

Tennessee 1789 – North Carolina ceded Tennessee territory to Federal Government 1796 – Tennessee granted statehood

County Formations 1777 Washington 1779 Sullivan 1786 Hawkins 1792 Jefferson 1794 Sevier 1792 Knox 1795 Blount 1783 Green

Inscriptioins in Stone, Henry County, TN Sproul, Anne Jan 28, 1876 – Sept 1, 1887 Dau of S.B. and R.E. Sproul, Mary E. Mar 16, 1872 – June 1, 1894 Dau of S.B. and R.E. Sproul, Rebecca E. Smiley June 2, 1839 – June 19, 1889 Wife of S.B. Sproul, William B. Oct 26, 1873 – Mar 25, 1911 Sproul, Sarah Elizabeth Beard Dec 8, 1872 – Apr 20, 1945 Wife of W.B.

Funeral Home Records, Henry County, TN – 1901-1991 Sproul, Elizabeth Beard b.1872 Henry Co, TN d. 1945 Husband: Will Sproul father: W.D. Beard Aug Co, VA mother: Sarah Clements Aug Co, VA

Henry County, TN Marriages – 1853-67 S.B. Sproul to Rebecca Smiley 1867 Esther Sproul to Richard Seawright 1853

1880 Census – Henry Co, TN Joseph A Sproul 45 Margaret 43 John 15 Martha 8

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania – West Augusta District West Augusta District of Augusta County Virginia begins north of Greenbriar River and North Fork of South Branch of Shennadoah River. Many early records are in Pennsylvania and West Virginia - Library Research Notes 21 10/30/09

CruR Crumrine, Boyd. Virginia Court Records in Pensylvania of the District of West Augusta, Virginia 1775-1780 No Sproul listed

Dunn Dunn, Mary. Pennsylvania Colonial Record Series Not available in Leesburg, but in Winchester Sprouls, John 13:568, 14:87,422 Sprouse, James 3:372

Powl Prowell, George. History of York County, Pennsylvania p.125 Scotch-Irish who came into lower end of York Co crossed ofer from Lancaster Co …arriving between 1759 and 1770 inc James Sprout p.946 re Chanceford Township Taxable List of 1783 Hugh Sprout Singls Men Samuel Sprout, William Sprout p.270 Revolutionary War Militia inc James, William, Hugh Sprout

Note: Pennsylvania counties adjacent to Philadelphia Co.: Chester Co., Bucks Co., Delaware Co., and Montgomery Co

Vird Virdin. Pennsylvania Genealogies and Family Histories Ref: Van Deusen – Du Bir, Alexander Van Deusen Family and Collateral Lins of Pawling, Wallace, Kitts, Roach, and Sproul, National Historic Publishing Society. Philadelphia, 1947 {believed available only at Historical Society in Philadelphia} {Name Wallace suggests William C. Sproul family em. from Ireland about 1775}

Jord Jordon. A History of Delaware County, Psnnsylvania Ref all 1800’s and mostly ref William C. Sproul Note re William C Sproul: “His great grandfather, Charles Sproul, came from Tyrone Co, Ireland in 1786….the oldest gravestone at the old Presbyterian Church in Castlederg is over the remains of Robert Sproule, who emigrated from Scotland and died in 1680.

Note from different source: Castlederg, a market and post-town in the parish of Skirts, barony of Omagh, County of Tyrone, 8 miles South from Strabane.

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