wws… fÑÜÉâÄ ZxÇxtÄÉz|vtÄ exáxtÜv{ 2003 Complied Research Notes by Sources as Recorded October 2002 thru February 2006 W. W. Sproul iii Contents - Pre-1800 Research Sources War Records Virginia Notes Virginia Periodicals and Reference Virginia Counties Augusta County 1745 Botetourt County 1769 Washington County 1777 Rockbridge County 1778 Rockingham County 1778 Wythe County 1790 Bath County 1791 Allegheny County 1822 Highland County 1847 West Virginia Greenbrier County 1778 Greenbrier County Courthouse Monroe County 1799 Monroe County Court House Pocahontes County 1821 Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Pennsylvania Pre-1800 Research Sources – Loudoun County Balch Library – Leesburg, Va – Augusta County Library – Fishersville, Va – Staunton Public Library – Staunton, Va – Library of Virginia – Richmond , Va – Nashville Public Library – Tennessee State Library & Archives – Nashville, TN – Heritage Quest Online Text References – Virginia County Court Houses – Augusta, Bath, Rockbridge, Botetourt – West Virginia County Court Houses – Greenbrier, Monroe – Historical Societies – Stuanton, Rockbridge, Bath, Greenbrier, Monroe War Records GwatR Gwathmey, John. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution (use 1777 for data) Sproul, Samuel, 8 CL {Continental Line} Sproul, Samuel, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta Sproul, Alexander, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta Sproul, James, Capt McCutchen’s Co, Augusta McCutchen, Samuel, Captain Augusta Militia oath Sept 17, 1777 - Library Research Notes 1 10/30/09 Whit White, Virgil. Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War – Pension Files - Also see Ward Vol III – p.3280 Alexander Sproul (Sprowl). wife Jane. {see photocopy} VA Line, also War of 1812 service. R10020 ½ m. Jane Beard 15 May 1781, both were of Augusta Co, Va. Lived there at enlistment and moved from there with his wife to Cumberland Co. Ky. Brother James Sproul living during Rev War. Widow applied 18 Mar 1845 in Clinton Co, Ky. She refered to Alexander’s father as William Sproul and to her father as William Beard. Children were: Jean b. 5 Apr 1782 William b. 22 Jan 1784 Alexander b. 22 Mar 1786 Polly b. 23 Mar 1788 Samuel b. 12 May 1790 James b. 25 Sept 1792 Joseph b. 1795 John b. Aug 1797 Nansy b. 31 Jan 1800 Vol II – p.1639 Joseph Sproul – Harriet WC-34789 ser Capt Wood’s Co KY Militia Vol I – p.616 Michael Doyle – Ann G. Sproul WC-20328 Bath City, Va 20 April 1860, Highland City, Va widowed about 1880, served in Joseph Hood’s Co 36th US Inf Ward Wardell, Patrick. Virginia / West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrent Records, Vol 5 - Also see Whit Sproul, Alexander, s/o William and bro of James. Entered service 1781 Augusta Co Va in Virginia Regiment. m. Jane (age 18) 5/15/81 daughter of William Beard, Aug Co who resided 5 miles from soldier’s house. Soldier and wife moved from there to Cumberland Co (later Clinton, Co )KY where their son Joseph enlisted for service in War of 1812. Soldier died in that service in Ohio, but Joseph came home safely. Widow applied for pension 1845 in Clinton Co, KY when son William AFF age 61 there. Widow PAR F-R10020.5 R2263 {see photocopy} AbrVa Abercrombie, James. Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims (also see AbrAu) p.91 Sprowel, William 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beeves 1450# Ewing, James 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beeves 1180# p.93 Sprowel, William 1784 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 2 beef p.98 Sproe, James 1780 Augusta Co Provisions Procured – 183lb flower, £91.13.8 p.130 Sprouls, John 1782 Botetourt Co Claims – 375lb beef £3.2.6 p.821 Sprowl, William 1782 Rockbridge Co – 380# beef p.827 Sprowl, William 1781 Rockbridge Co – 1 beef HenM Hening, William. Augusta County Militia of French and Indian War (taken from Hening’s Laws of Virginia) 1758 Under Lt. James McDowell was John Sproul. Under Col John Buchanan in charge of building Ft. Fauquier was John Sprout Virginia VaNotes Notes on Processing: In 1661 the General Assembly placed processing under the vestries, requiring owners of adjacent tracts of land to go in procession around the boundaries of each tract renewing the boundary landmarks wherever necessary. In 1676 it was decreed that the vestry of each parish, upon the request of the surveyor of highways, collect a sufficient number of workman from the families of the parish to work the roads and repair the bridges when necessary. VaNotes Notes on Virginia Counties – get copy of diagram Sproul records could be in any of these counties, most of which contained Locust grove and/or Cow Pasture Valley at some time County Originated Location From Essex 1692 Spotsylvania 1721 Essex Orange 1734 Spotsylvania Augusta 1745 Orange Botetourt 1769 SW adj to Rockbridge SW Augusta Fincastle 1772 SW Botetourt Montgomery 1777 Fincastle, Botetourt, and Pulaski Washington 1777 on Va-Tenn border SW Fincastle and Montgomery - Library Research Notes 2 10/30/09 Greenbriar 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Rockbridge 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Rockingham 1778 Montgomery, Botetourt, Augusta Bath 1791 SW adj Augusta, W Rockbridge Augusta Highland 1847 Bath, Pendelton SchC Schreiner-Yantis, Netti, The 1787 Census of Virginia 1787 Greenbrier Co Ewing: Joseph, William, John, Andrew, Edward, James, Samuel, Oliver, William 1787 Montgomery Co Ewing: Mary, JohnSr, John Jr, William, Samuel, George 1787 Prince Edward Co Ewing: James, Samuel Sr, Samuel Jr 1787 Russell Co Ewing: Joshua Wulf Wulfeck, Dorothy. Marriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800 p. 229 Sproul (Sprowl) Alexander m. Elizabeth Wright (1793), Botetourt Co, ref: p.481, Frederick Kegley, Kegley’s Virginia Frontier Alexander*, son of William and Jane, served in Revolutionary War and War of 1812, m. 15 May 1781 to Jean Beard b. 5 April 1762, daughter of William Beard; removed to Cumberland Co, Ky. Ref: Morton Rockbridge, p.539; Pensions R10 020 1/2 Jane* m. John Weir, 23 June 1793 Sidney* daughter of William and Susanna, m. Joseph Beard, Rockbridge Co. Ref: Morton p.472, 530 William m. 1800, Rebecca Baker, Rockbridge Co William m. 14 Dec 1785, Jane Hamilton, Rockingham Co or Greenbriar Co – Minister’s Returns GP Genealogical Publishing Co. GPVM Virginia Marriage Records p.85 William Sprowlº license June 23, 1773 p.614 William Sprowl and Jane Hamilton Dec. 14, 1785 Rev John Alderson, Baptist Church, Rockingham Co or Greenbriar (now Monroe Co WVa) {see original records at U of Richmond} Bock Bockstruck, Lloyd. Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers p.206 John Sproul Augusta Co 1758 p.207 John Sproul Augusta Co 1758 p.324 William Sproulº Augusta Co Militia 1756 p.327 John Sproud ?? May 25, 1758, Jean Sproud acknowledged pay for John Sproud Torr Torrence, Clayton. Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1806 Berkley Co 1785 Sproul, Samuel inventory Rockbridge Co 1798 Sproull, William will {have will, Rockbridge William} Augusta 1755 Sprout, John will {have will, Sprout} Bath 1796 Sproutº, John will {Jackson River John} } Augusta 1781 Spouel, Margaret will {wife of Samuel, have will} Wythe 1799 Sprowll, William will {have will} Note that District of West Augusta records are in/from Washington County, Pennsylvania, see Crumrine, Virginia Court Records in Pennsylvania SumVa Summers, Lewis. Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1801 p.168 Nov 14, 1772 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.179 March 11, 1773 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.254 April 16, 1776 Jury Duty John Sproul Botetourt Co p.394 August 10, 1784 Surveyor of Road John Sproul Botetourt Co p.537 August 14, 1770 Deeds John Sproul Botetourt Co David Tate and wife Katherine to John Sproul and wife Margaret, 85A, £20, on Jackson River, known by name as “Englands Place” p.430 June 8, 1786 Constable Alexander Sprowl Botetourt Co Appointed constable succeeding Thomas McCalister (Alex sister Ann m. Garrett McCallister) p.1088 Oct 8, 1781 Overseer James Sprouls Botetourt Co James Sprouls to be overseer of Road from Col Fulkinsons to the Line between Virginia and North Carolina and that James Gentleman is to give him a List of Tithables - Library Research Notes 3 10/30/09 Nugn Nugent, Neil, Virginia Genealogical Society. Caveliers and Pioneers – Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol VI, 1749-1762 Sproul, William p.245 Patent Book No 33. 8 June 1756 – 7 Aug 1761 {the first following} Patents issued by Robert Dinwiddie, Esq. Our Lieut Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh, 8 June 1756 in the 29th year of the Reign of George the second. p.245 “William Sproul, 168 acs. Augusta Co on the E side of the [?] Riv., on a barren hill; 3 April 1759, p.556. for the Considerations mentioned in an Order of our Trusty and welbeloved William Gooch Esq. Late Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief in our Council of the sd Colony to John Robinson Esq., James Wood, Henry Robinson and John Lewis the 29th Day of Oct 1743.” {There is only one patent found for 160 acres during 1752-3. It was to Jacob Herman on a branch of New River.} VLP Virginia Land Patent Book 33, p.556 George the second – To all ye know ye that for the considerations mentioned in an Order of our Trusty and welbeloved William Gooch Esqu, late our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief or our Colony and Dominion of Virginia in our Council of the said Colony Granted to… … Do Give Grant and affirm unto William Sproul one certain tract of parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty eight acres lying and being in the county of Augusta on the Cowpasture River and bounded as followth, to wit. Beginning at a White Oak and Locust on the East side of the River and running thence North West sixty six poles crossing the River to a white Oak & Pine and North thirty five degrees East sixty poles to a pine and South seventy two degrees East forty six poles to a white oak….
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