Year 34 No. 63 Pentecost Sunday (B) — Red May 23, 2021

e often refer to the Holy Spirit event in the ’s life in Was the “Paraclete,” from the THE SPIRIT this day and age is the Vatican Council Greek paraklētos (“called to be at II. What we know and experience of the side of”). The Spirit is also called GUIDES US Catholic life today stems from the the “Advocate,” from advocatus, the teachings of that Council. Reading Latin rendition of paraklētos. In the TO ALL TRUTH the 16 documents promulgated by Gospel, Jesus declares to the disciples Vatican II Council today feels like precisely this role of the Spirit: the by Fr. Gil Alinsangan, SSP they were produced with an air of Spirit will be their defender; he will serenity, with the Council Fathers guide them to “all truth” about Jesus. it in an obtrusive way; the believers following the blow of the Spirit. But Luke presents the coming of the have to undergo the normal, human in fact, some of the documents were Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost process at arriving at the resolution hotly debated and even contested. (“fiftieth”), fifty days after the Passover of issues that face them as believers. The Church’s most authoritative which marks Jesus’ passion, death, In the “Council of Jerusalem” the teaching is the product of people and resurrection. The Passover is apostles and elders listen to Peter, exercising their wisdom, freedom, actually the Jewish feast of the Shavuot to Barnabas and Paul, and to James, perspectives, personal opinions and which celebrates the giving of the Law and most probably also to some biases, until they can say, “It is the at Sinai, fifty days after the Pesach/ others, before deciding on issues decision of the Holy Spirit and of Passover that marks the departure of that concern the Jewish and Gentile us…” the Israelites from Egypt. The signs believers. They do not hear the Spirit There is no turning back to the of the descent of the Spirit—a strong actually speaking, but convinced of pre-Vatican II life for Catholics, driving wind, tongues as of fire— the guidance of the Spirit, they can although pockets of resistance still recall the great theophany in Sinai: affirm: “It is the decision of the Holy exist among those nostalgic of the the presence of God accompanied Spirit and of us not to place on you former age. Modern Popes, from Saint by fire, earthquake, and trumpet blast any burden beyond these necessities” Paul VI to , have pushed (Ex 19:16-19). (Acts 15:28). The Spirit guides gently, forward the application of Vatican II The divine presence is not always like a small voice, but full of power. teachings. Pointing to some divisions marked by nature’s “upheaval.” The This is the way the Spirit blows in the Church after the Vatican prophet Elijah felt God’s presence through the ages. In most important Council II, Pope Francis says that in a tiny, whispering sound by the events that touch the life and direction it is permissible to think differently cave in Mt. Horeb (1 Kgs 19:12). of the universal Church, the Spirit from one another, but always “in the Likewise, the Spirit manifests himself lets the People of God and their unity of the Church, under Jesus the in a gentle way, as a life-giving breath leaders undergo the normal process Shepherd.” Some ideas and positions that the risen Christ bestowed upon of prayer, discernment, dialogue, create divisions that break the unity the disciples in the evening of his debate, and even confrontation to of God’s people. The Pope warns resurrection (Jn 20:22). arrive at common decisions. Such is against those who think that their In the Acts of the Apostles, Luke the process that happens in synods ideas are more important than the relates events showing the Holy and ecumenical councils in the Holy Spirit who guides God’s people. Spirit guiding the early Christian Catholic Church. Vatican II is the work of the Holy community. The Spirit does not do Without doubt, the most important Spirit.

PASTORAL CATECHESIS FOR THE YEAR OF MISSIO AD GENTES Missionary Commitment A definite sign of a vibrant local Church is its mission outreach. In mid-2000 Catholic Filipino missionaries numbered 1,329 in the Third Millennium women and 206 men from 69 religious congregations serving in Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM some 80 countries. The bishops established the Mission Society of the Philippines (1965). Maryknoll founded the Philippine The local Church in the Philippines, as noted earlier, Catholic Lay Mission (1977). sponsored the successful National Mission Congress in 2000 Cardinal Sin established the San Lorenzo Mission Institute as a programmatic “first step as a local Church into the Third (1987), whose goal is serving the Chinese; its patron is San Lorenzo Millennium.” This perspective continues the implementation Ruiz, the first Filipino saint, canonized on October 17, 1987. of the National Pastoral Plan that emerged from the 1991 , beatified on March 5, 2000 and canonized Second Plenary Council of the Philippines: In the State of on October 21, 2012, inspired the successful National Mission Mission: Towards a Renewed Integral Evangelization. In Congress in 2000. Several lay movements successfully engage in a word, missionary evangelization describes the dynamic, mission outreach (e.g. , Couples for Christ, pastoral mission vision of the Philippine Church in its faith Gawad Kalinga, movement, Ligaya ng Panginoon, journey with the Filipino people. and many others). Mission is alive in the local Church! thanks for your great glory, to speak in different tongues, THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Lord God, heavenly King, O as the Spirit enabled them to Entrance Antiphon (Wis 1:7) God, almighty Father. Lord proclaim. (Recited when there is no opening song.) Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Now there were devout Jews Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, from every nation under heaven The Spirit of the Lord has filled Son of the Father, you take staying in Jerusalem. At this the whole world and that which away the sins of the world, sound, they gathered in a large contains all things understands have mercy on us; you take crowd, but they were confused what is said, alleluia. away the sins of the world, because each one heard them receive our prayer; you are speaking in his own language. Greeting seated at the right hand of They were astounded, and in (The sign of the cross is made here.) the Father, have mercy on us. amazement they asked, “Are For you alone are the Holy not all these people who are P — The Lord be with you. One, you alone are the Lord, speaking Galileans? Then All — And with your spirit. you alone are the Most High, how does each of us hear Jesus Christ, with the Holy them in his native language? Introduction Spirit, in the glory of God the We are Parthians, Medes, (These [or similar words] may be Father. Amen. and Elamites, inhabitants used to address the assembly.) of Mesopotamia, Judea and Collect Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, P — Pentecost marks a Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt P — Let us pray. (Pause) and the districts of Libya near fresh start for all of us. Jesus O God, who by the mystery announces the peace that Cyrene, as well as travelers of today’s great feast sanctify from Rome, both Jews and comes with his victory over your whole Church in every death. He gives us the Holy converts to Judaism, Cretans people and nation, pour out, and Arabs, yet we hear them Spirit with the power to forgive we pray, the gifts of the Holy and conquer sin. Like the speaking in our own tongues Spirit across the face of the of the mighty acts of God.” apostles, we are strengthened earth and, with the divine grace by the Spirit to face the that was at work when the — The word of the Lord. challenges of the world. The Gospel was first proclaimed, All — Thanks be to God. Holy Spirit showers us with fill now once more the hearts gifts. Let us use these for the of believers. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 104) building up of the Church, the Through our Lord Jesus Body of Christ. Christ, your Son, who lives and R — Lord, send out your reigns with you in the unity of Spirit, and renew the face of Penitential Act the Holy Spirit, God, for ever the earth. and ever. A. Tuazon P — Brethren (brothers and All — Amen. Gm F sisters), let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to   Liturgy of the word  Lord, send out your Spi celebrate the sacred mysteries.       (Pause) First Reading (Acts 2:1–11) (Sit) 2 B♭ E♭ F P — You were sent to heal the Luke describes the descent of the contrite of heart:       Holy Spirit in tongues as of fire    rit and re new the face All — Lord, have mercy. which rest on the apostles and fill them with courage to proclaim Gm P — You came to call sinners: 4 All — Christ, have mercy. the Good News of Jesus. Pentecost marks the birth of the Church,    of the earth.  P — You are seated at the right the new people of God.     hand of the FAther to intercede 1. Bless the Lord, O my soul!/ for us: A reading from the Acts of the O Lord, my God, you are great All — Lord, have mercy. Apostles indeed!/ How manifold are P — May almighty God have WHEN THE TIME for Pentecost your works, O Lord!/ The earth mercy on us, forgive us our sins, was fulfilled, they were all is full of your creatures. (R) in one place together. And and bring us to everlasting life. 2. If you take away their breath, suddenly there came from the All — Amen. they perish/ and return to their sky a noise like a strong driving dust./ When you send forth wind, and it filled the entire Gloria your spirit, they are created,/ house in which they were. and you renew the face of the Glory to God in the highest, Then there appeared to them earth. (R) and on earth peace to people tongues as of fire, which parted of good will. We praise you, and came to rest on each one of 3. May the glory of the Lord we bless you, we adore you, them. And they were all filled endure forever;/ may the Lord we glorify you, we give you with the Holy Spirit and began be glad in his works!/ Pleasing to him be my theme;/ I will be ness pour your dew; wash the third day he rose again from the glad in the Lord. (R) stains of guilt away: dead; he ascended into heaven, Bend the stubborn heart and and is seated at the right hand Second Reading will; melt the frozen, warm of God the Father almighty; (1 Cor 12:3b–7, 12–13) the chill; guide the steps that from there he will come again go astray. to judge the living and the dead. The Spirit is the bond of unity; On the faithful, who adore I believe in the Holy Spirit, his varied gifts should lead not to and confess you, ever­more in the holy catholic Church, the division but to unity and peace your sevenfold gift descend. communion­ of saints, the in our community. Give them virtue’s sure forgive­ness of sins, the resur­ reward; give them your rection of the body, and life A reading from the first Letter salvation, Lord; give them joys everlasting. Amen. of Saint Paul to the Corinthians that never end. Amen. Alleluia. Prayer of the Faithful BROTHERS AND SISTERS: No Alleluia (Stand) one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” P — Let us ask the heavenly except by the Holy Spirit. All — Alleluia, alleluia. Come, Father to fill us with the Holy There are different kinds Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Spirit, who will aid us in our of spiritual gifts but the same your faithful and kindle in weakness and be our advocate Spirit; there are different forms them the fire of your love. and guide. Full of trust, we of service but the same Lord; Alleluia, alleluia. pray: there are different workings but R — Through the power of the the same God who produces all Gospel (Jn 20:19–23) Holy Spirit, listen to us, O Lord. of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation P — A reading from the holy C — Fill the hearts of our of the Spirit is given for some Gospel according to John Church leaders with your Spirit, benefit. All — Glory to you, O Lord. that they may discover their As a body is one though it charisms in order to actively has many parts, and all the parts ON THE EVENING of that first participate in proclaiming your of the body, though many, are day of the week, when the truth to all. We pray: (R) one body, so also Christ. For in doors were locked, where the C — Send your Spirit to one Spirit we were all baptized disciples were, for fear of the government and civil leaders into one body, whether Jews or Jews, Jesus came and stood in and rekindle the fire of their Greeks, slaves or free persons, their midst and said to them, heart, that they may use their and we were all given to drink “Peace be with you.” When power and authority in the of one Spirit. he had said this, he showed service of truth and liberation them his hands and his side. — The word of the Lord. of our people from poverty. We The disciples rejoiced when pray: (R) All — Thanks be to God. they saw the Lord. Sequence Jesus said to them again, C — Fill all consecrated men “Peace be with you. As the and women, missionaries, All — Come, Holy Spirit, Father has sent me, so I send and workers of evangelization come! And from your celestial you.” And when he had said with your Spirit, that the Good home shed a ray of light divine! this, he breathed on them and News of salvation may reach Come, Father of the poor! said to them, “Receive the Holy the whole world and people Come, source of all our store! Spirit. Whose sins you forgive may come to know you and Come, within our bosoms are forgiven them, and whose your Son Jesus. We pray: (R) shine. sins you retain are retained.” You, of comforters the best; C — Send your Holy Spirit to — The Gospel of the Lord. you, the soul’s most welcome comfort the elderly, the sick, All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus guest; sweet refreshment here and the dying, and to give Christ. below; eternal life to those who have died. We pray: (R) In our labor, rest most Homily (Sit) sweet; grateful coolness in C — Let us pray for the urgent the heat; solace in the midst Profession of Faith (Stand) concerns of our community of woe. and our personal intentions O most blessed Light divine, All — I believe in God, the (pause). We pray: (R) shine within these hearts of Father almighty, Creator of yours, and our inmost being heaven and earth, and in Jesus P — Father in heaven, listen fill! Christ, his only Son, our Lord, to your people gathered in Where you are not, we have who was conceived by the prayer. Send us your Holy naught, nothing good in deed power of the Holy Spirit and Spirit and transform us, as you or thought, nothing free from born of the Virgin Mary, suf­ transformed the disciples at taint of ill. fered under Pontius Pilate, was Pentecost. Heal our wounds, our crucified, died, and was buried; Through Christ our Lord. strength renew; on our dry­ he descended into hell; on the All — Amen. Liturgy of the eucharist Presentation of the Gifts (Stand) P — Pray, brethren… All — May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. Prayer over the Offerings P — Grant, we pray, O Lord, that, as promised by your Son, the Holy Spirit may reveal to us more abundantly the hidden mystery of this sacrifice and graciously lead us into all truth. Through Christ our Lord. All — Amen. THE COMMUNION RITE THE CONCLUDING RITES Preface: The Mystery of The Lord’s Prayer P — The Lord be with you. Pentecost All — And with your spirit. All — Our Father… P — The Lord be with you. P — Deliver us, Lord… Solemn Blessing All — And with your spirit. All — For the kingdom, the P — Bow down for the blessing. P — Lift up your hearts. power and the glory are yours All — We lift them up to the now and forever. (Pause) Lord. May God, the Father of lights, who was pleased to enlighten P — Let us give thanks to the Invitation to Peace Lord our God. the disciples’ minds by the All — It is right and just. Invitation to Communion outpouring of the Spirit, the (Kneel) Paraclete, grant you gladness P — It is truly right and just, by his blessing and make you our duty and our salvation, P — Behold the Lamb of God, always abound with the gifts always and everywhere to give behold him who takes away of the same Spirit. the sins of the world. Blessed you thanks, Lord, holy Father, All — Amen. almighty and eternal God. are those called to the supper For, bringing your Paschal of the Lamb. P — May the wondrous flame Mystery to completion, you All — Lord, I am not worthy that appeared above the bestowed the Holy Spirit that you should enter under disciples, powerfully cleanse today on those you made your my roof, but only say the word your hearts from every evil adopted children by uniting and my soul shall be healed. and pervade them with its purifying light. them to your Only Begotten Communion Antiphon Son. This same Spirit, as the All — Amen. (Acts 2:4, 11) Church came to birth, opened P — And may God, who has to all peoples the knowledge of They were all filled with the been pleased to unite many God and brought together the Holy Spirit, and spoke of the tongues in the profession many languages of the earth marvels of God, alleluia. of one faith, give you in profession of the one faith. perseverance in that same Therefore, overcome with Prayer after Communion faith and, by believing, may paschal joy, every land, every (Stand) you journey from hope to people exults in your praise clear vision. and even the heavenly Powers, P — Let us pray. (Pause) All — Amen. with the angelic hosts, sing O God, who bestow P — And may the blessing together the unending hymn heavenly gifts upon your of almighty God, the Father, of your glory, as they acclaim: Church, safeguard, we pray, and the Son, (†) and the Holy the grace you have given, that All — Holy, Holy, Holy... (Kneel) Spirit come down on you and the gift of the Holy Spirit poured remain with you for ever. out upon her may retain all Acclamation (Stand) All — Amen. its force and that this spiritual All — We proclaim your food may gain her abundance Dismissal Death, O Lord, and profess of eternal redemption. P — Go in peace, Alleluia!Alleluia! your Resurrection until you Through Christ our Lord. All — Thanks be to God. come again. All — Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia!