MAY 2020


we are one OF THE CORONAVIRUS IS HERE TO STAY President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a 35-day national, hard, level 5 lockdown, Stories which started on Thursday, 26 March 2020 at midnight and ended on Thursday, VOICES OF HOPE 30 April at midnight.

Since then, the president has announced a level approach to easing the lockdown restrictions, which comprises of 5 different levels to enable increases in economic activity.

The levels, which denote the level of action needed to stop the spread of the virus, are as follows:

p4 • Level 5 – Drastic measures are required. • Level 4 – Some activity can be allowed, subject to extreme requirements. BMC and community come together • Level 3 – The easing of some restrictions on work and social activities. for COVID-19 relief. • Level 2 – Further easing of restrictions, but still maintaining social distancing. • Level 1 – Most normal activity can resume, with caution and health guidelines team of the month followed at all times. At Level 4 restrictions, mines are allowed to operate in batches of up to 50% employment with open-cast scaling up to full employment.

p6 Introducing the team of the month: HSE and Sustainability team.


Call the COVID-19 HOTLINE on 080 002 9999 or WhatsApp P10 the VZI COVID-19 REPORTING HOTLINE on 082 900 0130. High alert to prevent the coronavirus For more information, visit spread. caring/omgee

Tydens die inperkingstydperk tot op 20 April 2020 het BMC BMC STREK HELPENDE HAND die volgende donasies gemaak:

UIT TYDENS DIE NASIONALE • Meer as 600 versorgingspakkette (kospakkies) aan die Khai-Magemeenskappe (Pella, Pofadder, Witbank en ). INPERKINGsTYDPERK • 50-liter hand-ontsmettingsmiddels aan die Khai-Ma munisipaliteite Na die aankondiging van die 21 dae inperkingstydperk, en die Namakwa-distrik. • Groot versorgingspakkette en higiëniese produkte vir volwassenes het baie mense die voorreg gehad om hulself voor te by die 4 ouetehuise en die 2 sentrums vir gestremdhede berei vir dit. Mense het winkels ingestorm om voorraad in die munisipale gebiede Khai-Ma en Nama Khoi. aan te koop vir die 21 dae, daar is wel baie huisgesinne wat • Water vir die Khai-Ma SAPD tydens padblokkades. nie die voordeel gehad het om winkels in te vaar nie. BMC het - • Higiëne-noodsaaklikhede soos maskers, veiligheidsbrille in vennootskap met OK Grocer () in samewerking met en hand-ontsmettingsmiddels aan distriksowerhede. • Versorgingspakkette aan die Departement van die Khai-Ma Munisipaliteit, Departement van Sosiale Ontwikkeling Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling. en die plaaslike SAPD - kospakkies uitgedeel vir kwesbare families • Versorgingspakkette vir die Pella-, Pofadder- en in die Khai-Ma en Nama Khoi munisipale areas. Onseepkans-sendings. Na verlenging van die inperkingstydperk het BMC voortgegaan om te verseker dat die kwesbaarste persone in die Khai-Ma Spesiale dank aan OK Grocer (Aggeneys) en Tsebo ATS en Nama Khoi munisipale areas noodsaaklike goedere het. vir hul bydrae tot die versorgingspakkette.

9. There are existing medications which can stop me getting COVID-19. DON’T Unfortunately, this is not true – at the moment there is no vaccine to prevent or cure the virus. FALL FOR 10. Chinese people are the ones spreading coronavirus. This is not true. The virus was brought to and MYTHS by tourists either visiting or returning from Europe and America. 11. ARVs cure coronavirus. This is not true. At the moment there is no cure for the virus, although many experts are working to develop one.

COVID-19 was created in another country and is being It is hot here, so it will be hard for the virus to spread. 12. 1. spread on purpose. This is not true. The virus cannot be killed by the normal range absolutely not true. It is one of hundreds of viruses which of temperatures – whether hot or cold. It will spread wherever can infect humans. people take it.

2. Taking a very hot bath can stop me from getting COVID-19. 13. Coughing or sneezing means I have COVID-19. This is not true! And taking a very hot bath puts you at risk no, that is not the case. You could have allergies, or a cold, of serious burns. or the flu. However, if you have the main symptoms like a sudden dry cough, a fever or difficulty breathing, you should contact 3. Mosquito bites spread COVID-19. your doctor or the national COVID-19 hotline. There is no proof that insect bites can spread the virus. right now, it is spread by and between humans. 14. Wearing a face mask will protect me from COVID-19. The WHO and governments are now calling for all people to wear 4. If someone is tested, that means they are sick face masks if they leave their homes. Your face mask will help and are a risk to others. protect the people around you in case you are already sick. This is not true. Testing is critical in helping the government find other people wearing masks will protect you in the same way. out how far COVID-19 has spread and to ensure that anyone It is important not to buy medical masks, as they are needed who needs medical help can get it. by doctors and nurses. Rather use a fabric face mask, which you can make yourself, or can get from community sewing groups. 5. If I don’t show symptoms of COVID-19 then I do not have it. no. All evidence at the moment shows that you can have the virus 15. Eating garlic can help prevent COVID-19. without feeling sick and that you are at very high risk of spreading There is no evidence that eating garlic has protected people it to others. This is why it is so important to wash your hands from COVID-19. regularly, keep a safe distance from other people, and practise good cough and sneeze hygiene. If you are worried you are sick, 6. Spraying myself with alcohol or chlorine will kill COVID-19. please contact the following numbers: This is not true – you will only put yourself at risk of getting ill from the alcohol or chlorine. South Africa – 0800 029 999 Namibia – 0800 100 100 7. Pneumonia and flu vaccines will stop me from getting COVID-19. This is not true. However, getting the flu vaccine is important because it may help reduce the number of other health problems the health system must deal with. For reliable news you can visit: 8. COVID-19 only affects older people. South Africa – This is not true. Anyone can contract COVID-19, and get very sick OR send “Hi” to 060 012 3456 from it. However, older people and people with pre-existing Namibia – medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are more at risk of serious medical complications.

PAGE 2 Group/Groep

IN THE MEDIA Profiling Pieter van Greunen: Get to know more about the life and career of the General Manager at Gamsberg, Pieter van Greunen, by reading an article profiling him at



APPEARANCE: The Rough Thicktail scorpion can reach VOORKOMS: Die Roof Dikkel Skerpioen kan a length of 18cm with the tail extended. Individuals can ʼn lengte van tot 18cm bereik wanneer dit sy stert be black in colour, dark brown or yellow, sometimes with verleng. Individue kan swart, donkerbruin of geel lighter legs and a darker back-segment. This is the most wees, soms met ligter bene en ʼn donker rugsegment. venomous scorpion in and accounts Dit is die giftigste skerpioen in Suidelike Afrika for a few fatalities every year. However, effective en is die oorsaak van ʼn paar sterftes per jaar. anti-venom is available. Effektiewe teengifstog is egter beskikbaar.

HABITAT: It occupies the drier Western Bushveld areas HABITAT: Dit bewoon die droër Westelike Bosveldareas of the country in the Western Cape, , van die Wes-Kaap, Noord-Kaap, Noordwes en Limpopo. North-West, and Limpopo.

Inligtingsbron: Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Biodiversiteitsinstituut Source: South African National Biodiversity Institute

PAGE 3 Prosperity/voorspoed VOICES OF HOPE, REVIVAL OF DREAMS, AND PERSONAL ACTION The Department of Health, with the assistance of BMC, successfully completed screening for the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Khai-Ma local municipality and other areas in the Namaqua district. No positive COVID-19 cases were recorded from more than 80 000 people who were screened.

During the same period, BMC implemented remote working methodologies to train, mentor and monitor Broad-Based Livelihood (BBL) participants and improve their productive efforts, disseminate important factual COVID-19 information from government, and encourage households to implement safety measures.

BBL participants have been encouraged and coached during house-to-house ‘switch-on’ visits, with social distancing and strict hygiene protocols.

Pella livestock secretary, Drienie Fredericks, is leading by example by establishing her food garden, first at home and then at her livestock pens. More than 30 Khai-Ma livestock farmers have now also requested vegetable tunnels.

Food parcels were also distributed to vulnerable households, in collaboration with the Namaqua District Disaster Management Services and the Department of Social Development. More than 600 parcels were distributed in Khai-Ma in partnership with OK Grocer – Aggeneys and UMSIZI.

Jim is making an oasis in the desert: “I saved money from my vegetable sales and bought more seed to expand my production – all during lockdown.”

PAGE 4 Prosperity/voorspoed VZI Supports FARMERS Northern Cape Premier, Dr Zamani Saul, declared the province a disaster area given the impact of the persistent drought. In the Khai-Ma region alone, around 500 farmers have been affected. During Vedanta’s leadership roadshow in the Northern Cape operations in October 2019, local farmer, Hester Maasdorp, raised the drought disaster with VZI CEO, Deshnee Naidoo, and requested assistance from VZI and Black Mountain Mine.

VZI and Black Mountain Mine took action in February 2020 and responded with a donation of fodder to help the struggling Khai-Ma farmers who have been negatively affected by the drought.

“The drought has meant we farmers have had to make difficult decisions, but we remain strong. The assistance provided by VZI is a beacon of light and it shows that there are still companies out there who care for the communities in which they operate,” says local farmer, Hester Maasdorp. VERLIGTING VIR BOERE Terwyl die Oos-Kaap die afgelope tyd goeie reën ontvang het, gaan die droogte onverpoos voort, insluitend in die Noord-KIaap. As een van die grootste werkgewers in die streek, is Vedanta Zinc Internasionaal (VZI) bewus van die impak wat die droogte op die streek het.

VZI het boere bygestaan deur lusernbale, lusernkorrels, lusernpille, droogtepille en veevoerkorrels ter waarde van R2 miljoen te voorsien. Die projek het op Maandag, 10 Februarie 2020 afgeskop, met meer as 2 500 items wat reeds afgelewer is.

VZI is steeds daartoe verbind om te verseker dat die plaaslike gasheergemeenskappe voordeel trek uit ons teenwoordigheid deur voortgesette beleggings- en gemeenskapsopheffings- en ontwikkelingsprogramme. Die droogtehulpprogram is slegs een van die bydraes tot die boerderygemeenskap in die streek. Daarbenewens het VZI ook 14 sonwaterpompe aan gemeenskaplike plase verskaf wat Pella, Pofadder, Onseepkans en Witbank omring.

“Ek is baie dankbaar vir die droogtehulp wat Black Mountain Mine voorsien het. Dit sal my vir ongeveer twee maande help en my beeste hoef nie weg te dwaal waar die jakkalse hulle kan vreet nie, ek kan hulle in die kraal voer,” voeg Pella-gebasseerde boer, Edmond van Staden, by wat veeverlies gesien het as ʼn resultaat van die droogte.

PAGE 5 working together/saamwerk TEAM OF THE MONTH The HSE & Sustainability team is the Team of the Month for the organising of numerous events such as Lead Awareness Training, the Gamsberg Blood Drive, the Fun Walk and Cycling event, the Clean Vehicle Initiative and the Gamsberg Free Counselling Services.

The team consists of Mufaro Mukwashi, Stuart Sepetla, Jacobus Smit, Emmanuel Mudzviti, Neil MacDonald, Elrico de Jongh, Nicole Cloete, Sheeny Mnisi, Edith Cloete, Gugulihle Zondo, Bently Ruiters and Clecinda Clarke.

Mufaro Mukwashi Stuart Sepetla Jacobus Smit Emmanuel Mudzviti Neil MacDonald Elrico de Jongh

Nicole Cloete Sheeny Mnisi Edith Cloete Gugulihle Zondo Bently Ruiters Clecinda Clarke CONGRATULATIONS, SEAN Sean Jenniker joined BMM in 2000 and has been with the VZI family since its acquisition by Vedanta in 2011. He has held several positions through his career with Vedanta and has now been appointed as General Manager of BMM. In this role, Sean is a VZI Exco member reporting to CEO, Deshnee Naidoo.

Sean has a Masters in Mineral Resource Management and has completed his Management Development Programme at the University of Stellenbosch. Sean is passionate about Aggeneys and the greater Khai-Ma area due to its beauty and the value system of the people. He believes in the growth opportunity Vedanta brings to the region and the impact it has on the surrounding community by meaningfully changing the economic and social circumstances of households through our ‘business with purpose’ philosophy. Sean wishes to leave a legacy through the successful delivery of a mining project beyond Deeps’ current life of mine. Join us in wishing Sean Jenniker, General Manager BMM Sean the very best for this new pivotal role in the business.

PAGE 6 progress/vordering

BMC – CANSA SHAVATHON During 5 to 13 March 2020, BMC, along with the Aggeneys schools, came together to stand up for the fight against cancer. By shaving, spraying or stencilling their hair, the BMC employees, along with the schools, raised R13 063.90.

Thank you to everyone who participated and donated towards this cause.

NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES During an exceptionally difficult time for South-Africa, Aggeneys business owners rose to the call for assistance with immense care and understanding.

• Medical practitioners were on standby 24/7 and ready to assist, with Dr Stoffel leading his team. • Ons Apteek pharmacy adjusted their schedules to be available for any emergency, even providing call-order services. • OK Grocer and Milly’s Café ensured the town had ample food availability and put measures in place to ensure compliance with the lockdown regulations. • Standard Bank adjusted their times so the town still had access to their services. We are grateful for all the measures taken and we appreciate it! CONGRATULATIONS, SEAN GAMSBERG GVO DEPARTEMENT KRY ALMAL AAN DIE BEWEEG As deel van die Gesonde Leefstylbewusmakingsmaand, het Gamsberg se Gesondheid, Veiligheid en Omgewingsdepartement (GVO) gasheer gespeel vir die 2020 pretstap en fietsrybyeenkoms. Die doel was om werknemers van die Black Mountain Kompleks (BMK), sakevennote en die gemeenskap die geleentheid te bied om hul gesondheid te verbeter.

Meer as 80 mense het aan die geleentheid deelgeneem en die GVO (HSE) Departement wil dit ‘n jaarlikse instelling maak.

PAGE 7 FOR THE KIDS/VIR DIE KINDERS DIE KLIPSPRINGER KIDS FUN You have heard and seen a lot about VZI and all those who work at the mines in Aggeneys, now let’s test your knowledge in some fun ways.

Have fun with this colouring page featuring the Vedanta logo. Let’s see who can get the colours right. transforming elements


• 67% of teens say they know how to hide what they do online

What is social media? from their parents. • 43% of teens say they would change their online behaviour Social media comprises websites and applications that enable users if they knew that their parents were watching them. to create and share content or to participate in social networking. • 24% of people have had private or embarrassing information Although social media may seem innocent, there are many dangers made public without their permission. that come with it. • More than 25% of Facebook users last year were under the age of 10. Studies have shown the following: In light of the increase of violence against children – ALL parents • The number of sexual assault cases related to social media sites are encouraged to have open dialogues with their children has increased by 300%. about social media. It is imperative that parents are aware • 29% of internet sex crime relationships were initiated of their children’s online footprints. Be alert and be safe! on a social networking site. • 55% of teens have given out personal information to people The statistics above were collected from various resources including: they do not know, including pictures and physical descriptions. Social Media and Young Adults; Pew Internet & American Life • 29% of people have been stalked or contacted by a stranger Project; Global Insights to Family Life Online; Norton/Symantec or someone they do not know. & StratefyOne; Teen/Mom Internet Safety Survey; McAfee & Harris • 20% of teens think their parents have no idea what they Interactive; Pew Research Center, FOSI, McAfee Online Safety Study; are doing online. American Osteopatic Association and Grunwald Associates.

W O F A P G P I S E V O L G A W N B D E V N Can you dig the words out G Z E A A E J I R R R F M C F M R Z N X I K of this word search? F K S K A C I X Y M C T B K W G K Q K T E D Let’s see who can spot the things X T I N Q A S F M W C O F T K O X N E N R V that help to keep us safe from harm at work. N V K A D D M A M G Y J J T Y G E Z J Z K K J O I A S W K B U E K W J S S G C Y R M Y G 1. Hardhat 6. Gloves K I I K C A M Z T Q M T H G O L I O Z J K D 2. Boots 7. Overalls R J Q T Q J H Y Q U W U U Q L E O H Q D M T 3. Dust mask 8. Harness N X Y N C A J S V L J L B W K S S O W V J O 4. Earplugs 9. Reflector vest K F X C P U A N J Y P E Z Q O V E R A L L S 5. Goggles 10. Induction F Y S N F O D C D R M V M R X N X D L E Z V R V E L O K S N A W E D C Q R P A Y Q C R W Y K A G V A Q E I M I H Q D K Z F W H F B Q K H I W H I A M L Z V W I N Y N N A Z U R G S H A R H U F P A O I B D Y O S R R D K V M A E E R N D P X L I I Z X K B N W V T U R V M I J A D Z Q T E X D W B N E L O R E R W Y T Z U Z E H A F Q R F Q P S K N O I T F P H S H Q V K X A V H Z T A S A E E B E F U G P U T F I H M W T T S E V R O T C E L F E R M D S O F G I O X O Q I U R B Y R V J Y Z I V B H Z O E Q Z T L J L T Q C L N D I R G F W U J E I B O I P M G I Z M Y K L D C W L D K

Let’s see how well you know Smarty and how good your eyes are by spotting the five differences:

PAGE 8 PHAKAMANI IMPACT CAPITAL Phakamani Impact Capital April Konstruksie (PTY)LTD het deur die versoek van April Konstruksie word besit deur Andreas April, en is gebasseer in Pella. April is toegewyd aan menseverhoudinge Black Mountain Mine in bou en kwaliteit dienslewering. Phakamani het finansiële Maart 2018 hulself gevestig hulp aan April Konstruksie verleen om belangrike toerusting aan te koop wat nodig is vir sy besigheid om te groei. in Aggeneys. Dienste is beskikbaar in die Khai-Ma en Springbee Enterprises (PTY)LTD nama-Khoi munisipale areas Springbee Enterprises word besit deur Malissa Jacobs (Milly), en is gebasseer in Aggeneys in die Suid-Dorp. Sy het die en is gratis. Die afgelope behoefte wat in die Suiddorp was aangespreek deur ʼn klein winkel te begin wat die nodige produkte verkoop twee jaar het Phakamani, wat die gewone individu benodig om van dag-tot-dag 14 suksesvolle leningsaansoeke te oorleef. aan klein besighede toegeken. Met die hulp van Phakamani kon Milly ʼn roomys- en ysmasjien aanskaf om aan die behoeftes van haar kliënte te voorsien. Phakamani bied ook besigheidsondersteuning “Met behulp van Phakamani kon ek ʼn groot leemte in ons gemeenskap vul en so my besigheidsdienste bietjie uitbrei. d.m.v. werkswinkels/opleiding aan: Hulle is altyd beskikbaar as ek hulp, raad of advies nodig het. Hulle maak op ʼn gereelde basis kontak met my om te hoor • Basiese bemarking hoe dit gaan en of ek enige hulp nodig het en het al besoek • Basiese boekhouding by my besigheid kom aflê en foto’s geneem,” sê Milly • Finansiële bestuur met dankbaarheid. • Tenderproses • Voorstel en skryf van sakeplan The Cutting Gallery (PTY)LTD Die opleiding strek EEN module per dag The Cutting Gallery, gebasseer in Aggeneys, word besit deur Ann-Mary Hendricks (Tiesa). Dit is ʼn plaaslike haarsalon met Phakamani Impact Capital het deur die versoek van bekostigbare pryse wat die nood aanspreek vir dames wat Black Mountain Mine in Maart 2018 hulself gevestig na plekke rondom Aggeneys moet reis om hul hare te doen. in Aggeneys. Dienste is beskikbaar in die Khai-Ma en Nama-Khoi munisipale areas en is gratis. Die afgelope Phakamani het Tiesa assisteer met die fondse wat sy benodig twee jaar het Phakamani, 14 suksesvolle leningsaansoeke het om haar besigheid te begin. Sy het ook baie geleer aan klein besighede toegeken. by die werkswinkels wat Phakamani aanbied onder andere hoe om ʼn besigheidsplan op te stel. Phakamani is gebasseer in aggeneys (Groenkantore) en lê besoeke af twee-weekliks in Pofadder in Pella. Indien die behoefte toeneem, kan dit weekliks geskied. Kbruney Enterprise (PTY)LTD Konsultasies is per afspraak verkrygbaar. Kbruney is ʼn mode-winkel gebasseer in Aggeneys. Dit word besit deur Stephani Simboya wat nog altyd ʼn passie gehad Kordom Gardening Services (PTY)LTD het vir entrepeneurskap, mode en besigheid. Sy het haar Kordom Gardening Services is ʼn klein besigheid gebasseer passies gekombineer en met die dinamiese besigheidsplan in Pella. Die eienaar van die besigheid is ene Marcel Kordom, vorendag gekom. wat altyd streef na goeie dienslewering om kliënte tevrede te stel. Sy dienste sluit in skoonmaak van tuine, bome snoei, Sy wil graag haar winkel uitbrei na omliggende dorpe gras sny en ander tipe werk soos om stof van sypaaie en werksgeleenthede hierdeur skep. af te blaas.

Met die hulp van Phakamani Impact Capital kon Marcel Kontak Bernadine Losper: toerusting aankoop om sy werkslas te verlig. Sy langtermyn 082 941 6182 indien u hulp nodig doelwit is om die gemeenskap in die Khai-Ma streek te help het met u besigheid/besigheidsidee. deur werkloosheid te bekamp.

PAGE 9 progress/vordering LIMITED START-UP The Black Mountain Complex, which includes Black Mountain Mine and Gamsberg, was authorised by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) to start with reduced operations. The approach to dealing with COVID-19 before the lockdown was risk-based, and it continued to be so during the extended lockdown, based on the following: • We have several key operational, production and construction functions that needed to be continued during this lockdown period. • An issue-based risk assessment has been conducted for the shut-down and start-up of the operations, supported by a risk assessment specifically related to OC VID-19 exposure at the operations to identify the necessary COVID-19 controls required during this period.

We thank all stakeholders for their participation in ensuring a safe start-up.

We have been working with Government, the Unions, and the Minerals Council to BACK TO WORK – ensure that all measures are in place before and during the return to work to ensure TOGETHER, SAFELY the health and safety of all our employees.

1. Ensuring that all measures are in place to allow employees to practise good hygiene and social distancing at work. 2. Taking extra care to keep employees with pre-existing conditions healthy. These 3. Putting additional health screening and surveillance measures in place before, during and after the return to work. measures 4. Having detailed plans ready in case of any possible new case of COVID-19 at work. include: 5. Making sure that all employees have access to all necessary PPE. 6. Increasing education for all employees and communities on how to stay healthy and how to help control the spread of COVID-19.

Many of us are not used to washing our hands properly. This is the time to learn:

1. Wet hands with running water. 2. Apply enough soap to cover wet hands. 3. Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including the back of the hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds. 4. Rinse thoroughly with running water. 5. Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use paper towel.

Do this often throughout the day, especially if you are at work, after you have coughed or sneezed, if you have touched money or other objects or surfaces, if you are looking after a sick person, and after you go to the toilet.

It is important to take care when travelling to and from work, especially if you are sharing transport with others.

You should:

1. Make sure the driver of the vehicle is sticking to the government rules about the number of people it can carry. 2. Wear a face mask. 3. Try to keep a distance of at least 1.5m between you and anyone else in the vehicle. 4. Ensure the windows are partly open to provide better ventilation. 5. Make sure you cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. 6. Use hand sanitiser as soon as you leave the vehicle, and wash your hands properly as soon as possible.

1 2 3 4 5 6

By following government regulations, by making sure we wash our hands often and well, by practising social distancing and good cough hygiene, we can all play our part and stop COVID-19.

PAGE 10 working together/saamwerk VZI LEADERSHIP CHANGES With the departure of Deshnee Naidoo, a new management structure has been put in place. It is our pleasure to announce the VZI Management Committee (ManCo) that comprises of a ManCo Anchor, CFO, Operation Lead and CCO.

The VZI ManCo consists of the following members:

Pieter van Greunen Laxman Shekhawat Pushpender Singla Sushil Kumar VZI Operation Lead and VZI ManCo Anchor VZI CFO VZI CCO SBU Director of Gamsberg

With over 29 years Pieter has 30 years’ experience of experience in the Metals Pushpender joined VZI in the mining industry. Sushil joined VZI in 2014 and and Mining industry, Laxman in 2016 and has 13 years He is responsible for has 14 years’ experience in has successfully grown of international experience. operational excellence across Commercial and Supply Chain from hands-on roles He is a CA (SA) and CA (ICAI). VZI. He joined VZI in August Management at various i.e. Mining Engineer to His in-depth knowledge of 2019 in his current role and group companies. Sushil is Director Operations, playing the business will assist has worked at Anglo American responsible for commercial a pivotal role in effectively with a smooth transition and De Beers since 1990 excellence at VZI. and seamlessly driving for the VZI ManCo. prior to joining VZI. operations.

We welcome and support the ManCo team in leading VZI to new heights.

PAGE 11 on the move/aan die gang

PRAISE FOR PEER EDUCATORS AND MEDICAL STAFF We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the BMC Peer Educators and Dr Stoffel’s medical team who worked tirelessly to complete all screening efforts to enable our employees to start work safely.

You are applauded for your passionate and hard work.

Aggeneys Students fighting their PROTECTING way to the SA Championships MAN’S BEST FRIEND Four students from Ring Contact Please ensure that your Fighting Art International dogs are kept safely (RCFAI) Aggeneys, successfully within the confines of represented their club and the residential yards. the Northern Cape at the It has become apparent Jungle War IX, which is the RCFAI South African that there are dogs Championships. roaming the streets, creating a nuisance for RCFAI Aggeneys’s 14-year-old female student, Jacqueline Theron, finished pedestrians and motorists. in second place. Third place went to10-year-old Fernando Bock, while The public is urged to report sighting 10-year-old Jadee Visagie and 13-year-old of dogs in the street to Security on 054 983 9301. Dylan Theron both muscled their way Front row: Fernando Bock into fourth place in their age groups. and Jadee Visagie Dogs will be caught and kept at the Back row: Jacqueline Theron Jacqueline Theron proudly received her Dylan Theron ready to and Tyron Theron take on the challengers. kennels until the owners are contacted full Northern Cape provincial colours. and the issue resolved. NOT I NOT YOU BUT WE BY SUE-RELLE MAASDORP

For long we were blind but now we are focused to see Individuals are being infected from short to tall Support each other, not I not YOU but WE Families are being shattered, not one but all The economy is suffering as it takes a fall For long we were lost, yet we’re still losing our way Humankind being captured by a killing wall People joke when they can spend their time to pray This virus came with a roar and it spat in our face They leave their homes when they could rather stay Still not everyone believes we can only be saved by God’s grace WE make it worse every day For once in our lives we are asked to stand together I guess it’s not hard to break a nation that was already broken Even in this thunderstorm, raining weather A nation that does not follow the rules even after their leader For once we can be the rainbow nation we were set to be has spoken Not I not YOU but WE

‘LIKE’ US ON KEEP BEHOU FACEBOOK IN TOUCH KONTAK VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Remember to share your Onthou om jou stories FOR UPDATES ON THE stories and photos with en fotos te deel met BLACK MOUNTAIN COMPLEX: Louie-Ann Joubert-Waterboer: Louie-Ann Joubert-Waterboer: [email protected] [email protected]

PAGE 12 Full Circle business Communications (021) 552 7337