THE PROPOSED ONSEEPKANS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Remainder of the Farm Onseepkans No. 88, Upington Khai-Ma Municipality, Northern Cape Province. ENVIRONMEENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR COMMENT DEA Ref. No.: NC/EIA/07/NAM/KHA/ONS1/2016 JUNE 2017 P.O.Box 5367 Unit 7, Pastorie Park HELDERBERG 7135 Somerset West Tel: (021) 851 1616 CK 97/46008/23 Fax: (086) 512 0154 e-mail:
[email protected] VAT4870170513 EnviroAfrica DETAILS OF THE APPLICATION The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Contact: Mr. W. V. D. Mothibi Physical: 162 George Street Kimberlite Building, Kimberley Postal: Private Bag X5018 Kimberley 8300 Tel: 053 838 9100 Fax: 053 831 4685/3635 Web: Onseepkans Agri-Development Final Scoping Report P a g e | ii DETAILS OF THE EAP EAP: Inge Erasmus (BA Hons) under supervision of Mr. P.J.J. Botes (Pri. Sci. Nat.) Company: EnviroAfrica CC Physical: Unit 7, Pastorie Park Reitz Street Somerset West. Postal: PO Box 5367 Helderberg, 7135 Tell: 021 – 851 1616 Fax: 086 – 512 0154 Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] EAP qualifications Inge Erasmus: BA (Hons) Geography and Environmental Studies (University of Stellenbosch, 2 years experience P.J.J. Botes: BSc; BSc (Hons) Botany/Plant Ecology (University of Stellenbosch), >15 years’ experience. EAP registrations Registered Professional Botanical, Environmental and Ecological Scientists at SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions). EAP expertise Please refer to Appendix 8 in this report P.O.Box 5367 Unit 7, Pastorie Park HELDERBERG 7135 Somerset West Tel: (021) 851 1616 CK 97/46008/23 Fax: (086) 512 0154 e-mail:
[email protected] VAT4870170513 EnviroAfrica Table of Contents 1.