Port Nolloth, Pofadder, Caries, Vioolsdrif, Kamieskroon, Onseepkans, Nababeep, Bergsig, Okiep, Matjieskloof, and Hondeklipbaai
HOUSEHOLD ENERGY USE IN NAMAQUALAND URBAN AREAS A study of household energy consumption patterns in eleven un-electrified urban settlements M.L.BORCHERS F.M.ARCHER P.RA VENSCROFT University of Cape Town Energy for Development Research Centre Energy Research Institute University of Cape Town April1991 ABSTRACT Current household energy consumption patterns have been examined for the black and coloured urban settlements in Namaqualand of Port Nolloth, Pofadder, Caries, Vioolsdrif, Kamieskroon, Onseepkans, Nababeep, Bergsig, Okiep, Matjieskloof, and Hondeklipbaai. These settlements have either no, or only partial access to, electricity. Fuels used, expenditure on energy, preferred energy sources, and problems regarding energy supply have been studied. Gas is the most widely used fuel in the area, although wood and paraffin are more important energy sources in a few settlements: There is a strong preference for electricity in all areas. Grid electrification using the Eskom "Sl" tariff system is clearly affordable in most settlements, and it is likely to reduce current energy expenditure levels. Full electrification with community participation is recommended for all settlements except for Vioolsdrif and Onseepkans, where the need for a more detailed study has been identified. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project objectives & methodology The project objectives were to examine energy use patterns in the largely unelectrified coloured and black urban settlements of Namaqualand where residents either have no, or only partial access to electricity, and to formulate initial recommendations with respect to energy supply in the area. The settlements studied were : Port Nolloth, Pofadder, Caries, Vioolsdrif, Kamieskroon, Onseepkans, Nababeep, Bergsig, Okiep, Ma~ieskloof, and Hondeklipbaai. Information was gathered by means of interviews based on questionnaires.
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