The American Legion Magazine [Volume 43, No. 6 (December 1947)]

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The American Legion Magazine [Volume 43, No. 6 (December 1947)] Men like practical gifts. A Remington electric shaver is just about the most useful year-round gift you could select. Every man has to shave, and a Remington makes his shaving faster, easier, more comfortable, more convenient. Remember—nothing can outshave a Remington! The chief reasons for the Remington's outstanding performance are the speed of its powerful, durable AC-DC motor and the exclusive Blue Streak twin shaving head, which handles long and short hairs with jequal ease. Choose one of these three Remington models in a hand- some presentation case and you are sure to please him: The Remington Five (illustrated), The Remington Foursome, The Remington Triple—or the newest, latest Remington, the MORE REMINGTONS HAVE BEEN SOLD SINCE 1940 6V-110V Auto-Home shaver, which he can use both in his car ALL and at home. Remington prices start at $17.50. Remington THAN OTHER MAKES COMBINED Rand Inc., Electric Shaver Division, Bridgeport, Connecticut 5 HAVE DRY NO LATHER NO BLADES fit Time for Christmas By Major Henry Lee Somerville It was December, 1943, less than a week to Christinas. We were stationed in Florida then, at Morrison Field, billeting and feeding the combat crews on their way to England. Lucky? Yes, and we knew it too. But even with Stateside duty, we didn't sing too many Christmas carols. Talking about home was like twisting a bayonet that was stuck through one's chest, but we always did it. You know how it was. Just before dark a transient came through bunting the first sergeant. M/Sgt. Charles (our First) was out, so I asked if I could help. "I heard the first sergeant is from California," said the stranger, so eagerly that the words tumbled over each other. "Is it true?" I nodded. "Los Angeles?" "That's right. You can catch him at the mess hall right now." The transient—he was a tech ser- geant—headed for the mess hall. I should have gone to eat too. but some- how I wasn't hungry for that kind of food so close to Christmas. I could hear M/Sgt. Charles and this tech sergeant talking long before they reached the office. It seems they hadn't known each other in Los An- geles, but they had lived on the same street and had mutual friends. They talked fast until it was almost time for the B-24's to leave. We lis- tened to them for awhile, then we all started talking about Christmases at home. Every so often though, we'd hear the tech sergeant say wistfully, "God. I'd give anything to be in L. A. on Christmas Eve." At about 2200. we stood on the ramp and took a traditional poke at Cali- fornia weather, comparing it favor- ably with the London fog he was scheduled to know for the duration. He laughed as he picked up his bags. "You Texans wouldn't know good weather if you were to see it," he called back to me. Then to all of us, or maybe to no one in particular: "God, I'd give anything to be in L. A. on Christmas Eve." We watched as his plane took off in its turn, cleared the field, and crashed. M/Sgt. Charles was detailed to take the body home. They pulled into Los Angeles on Christmas Eve. THE NATIONAL December, 1947 1 ; THE AMERICAN NO.ti MAGAZINE DEC. 1947 I Please notify the Circulation Department. Publication Division, Po?t Office Box 105.5. Indianapolis, Indiana, it you have changed your address. Be sure to give your 1048 member>hip card number and both your new and your old address. western office • 333 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 1. Illinois editorial and advertisinc • One Park Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. EXECUTIVE AND administrative offices • Indianapolis 6, Indiana CONTENTS Cover Photo By Charles Kerlee Der Fuehrer's Mechanical Toy (fiction) By William Ashley Anderson 1 A fable whose moral is that Hitler got the bird Breathing Time-How Long? By Wylhe Williams 14 A comparison between the bailed Nations and the League of Nations Vito's Private War By Ralph Major, Jr. 16 If you want to know who won WW2 fust ask this soldiers folks Report from Hollywood By R. Wilson Brown 19 A new look at the city the box-office built The Legion Plays Santa By P. H. D. Sheridan 20 The story of an Indiana town .which wholesales the Christmas spirit No Time to Spare By Tom Phillips 22 3 In any sport you have to figure the odds, but in bowling Fate steps in Power for Peace By James F. O'Neil 24 The National Commander reminds us that freedom lies in strength Women a la Mode By Joseph C. Keeley 25 Dame Fashion is one person a woman won't talk back to Lining 'Em Up By W. H. B. Smith 26 // you know a peep sight from an extractor, this is for you Veterans Benefits By Boyd B. Stutler 29 An up-to-date listing of what you have coming to you How to Be a Politician By Ted Crail 56 Grain Relief Before you get to be President or even Senator you'll start in your precinct No. 30 Bent Shape $7.50 Gifting the Man By Adolphe Menjou 78 What any well-dressed man would like to find in his Christmas stocking FEATURES KAYWOODIE The Editors' Corner 4 Last Report on Worms 54 Previews 6 Sports Varieties 69 bached by the reeord Sound Off 8 Parting Shots 80 of 96 years Postmaster : Please send notices on form 3578 and copies returned under labels form 3579 to 777 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis The KAYWOODIE organization was estab- 6. Ind. lished in 1851. Generations of smokers have The American Legion Magazine is the official publication of The American Legion and is owned exclusively by The enjoyed relaxation and pleasure from our American Legion. Copyright 1947. Published monthly at 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, Illinois. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 110}, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 5, 1925. pipes, with advances in pipe-making tech- Price, single copy, 11 cents; yearly subscription, $1.25. Entered as second class matter Sept. 26, 1931, at the Post nique pioneered by KAYWOODIE. KAY- Office at Chicago. 111., under the Act of March 3. 1R"9. Roland Cocrehan, Baton Rouge, La., Chairman of the Legion Publications Commission ; Robert W. Colflesh, Des WOODIES of 1947 provide greater pleasure Moines, Iowa, Vice-Chairman. Members of Commission: Jerry Owen, Oakland, Calif. ; Theodore Cogswell, Wash- : Lawrence Hager, Owensboro, ; Frank Love. Syracuse, than ever. Made of imported briar, specially ington, D. C. Ky. C. N. Y. ; Earl L. Meyer. Alliance, Neb. Harry R. Allen, Brockton, Mass.; Paul B. Dague, Downingtown, Pa.; Turn W. McCaw. Dennison, Ohio; Harry selected and seasoned by us. Falls, Bcnoit, Twin Idaho ; James P. Hollers. San Antonio, Tex. ; T. H. McGovran, Charleston, W. Va. ; Ravmond F. Gates, Rocky Hill. Conn. ; Max Slepin, Diexel Hill, Pa. : Roger Cole, Jasonville, Ind. Josephus Daniels, At dealers'. KAYWOODIE ; Jr., Raleigh. N. C. ; John Stelle, McLeansboro, 111. New York and Company, Director of Publications, James F. Barton, Indianapolis. Ind. ; Assistant to Director of Publications, Frank London. 630 Fifth Ave- Lisiecki. Editor, Alexandei Gardiner ; Managing Editor, Boyd B. Stutler ; Executive Editor, Joseph C. Keeley ; Art Editor, nue, New York 20, N.Y. Al Marshall ; Associate Editor, Robert B. Pitkin. Director of Advertising, Thomas O. Woolf; Eastern Advertising Manager, Russell Booklet on request. Holt; Western Advertising Manager, P. K. Babcock. The Editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless return postage is enclosed. Names of charac- Copr. 1947 ter in our fiction and semi-hction articles that deal with types are fictitious. Use of the name of any person living or dead is pure coincidence. DRINKLESS KAYWOODIE $3.50 SUPER-GRAIN $5, RELIEF-GRAIN $7.50, FLAME-GRAIN $10. SILHOUETTE $10. MEERSCHAUM LINED $12.50 The American Legion Mrqazine CONNOISSEUR $15. NINETY-FIVER $20, CENTENNIAL $25. — Advertisement From where I sit 6y Joe Marsh "It's Living at Counts" / stole the title of this column from a magazine article that said a whole diving tt Itot-Fitca lot better than I can what farm and This story started out as a joke on country life can mean. the Nips when my buddy and I were guests of the Imperial Japanese Army as prisoners of war for three and a We talk about farm products, pro- half years. duction, research, and mechanical im- It happened sometime in March, 1944. when we were leaving Manila on provements . but isn't it true, that a Jap transport. One morning we went what we really value is the life country topside to get our ration of tea—six small buckets. This was also our water living offers us? . the chance to be ration. They wouldn't serve water un- real close to our families and neighbors less it was boiled or made into tea. had to We go on deck over to the . children sharing in the chores . galley where it was being boiled in a with at fifty-gallon drum with a siphon hose working our own hands a to put the tea in the buckets. As we worthwhile job. went up. the hose seemed to be plugged and two Nip K.P.'s were try- And country pleasures are simple: ing to find out what was wrong. In a typically stupid Japanese way one was good talk at day's end, and a glass of looking up the hose and the other was blowing in it.
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