papAnnual Reporter 2017 province


Accelerate innovation The GOLD PAGES 12-16 paves the way for new cooperation PAGES 4-5

development - networking - innovation - meeting places - marketing CONTENTS 4-5 The gold label Paper Province was awarded a gold label in the EU’s cluster evaluation. Paper Province en route towards 6-11 Projects 36 Examples of projects the cluster is involved in. the new challenges ahead 12-16 Test beds UMV, LignoCity, The Wood Region ... several test beds are supported. like walking in the mountains, which unfortunately I sel- sharper focus on the flow of by-products to paper and 17-18 Financial support dom have time to do. But I often long to pack my ruck- pulp manufacturing in the Nordic countries. It is signifi- Read about BioExpress and how innovation can be supported with sack with coffee, a few sandwiches and perhaps some cant, for example, that Mestä Fibre in Finland refers to coaching and contributions. chocolate for extra energy, and to tie up my hiking boots investment in a new factory for bioproducts, of which the 10 Ion a bright morning, just as the mist clears and sun starts greatest value still lies in pulp production. It is also clear 24 19-20 Equality to warm. And then to go up over the wide open spaces and that the focus is on increasing the total processing value The key to growth is equality at by forestry-based fuel and green electricity. the workplace. perhaps work my way up towards a peak, where a slab of rock in the sun is waiting as a perfect picnic place. 21-25 Young people are Today Paper Province has over 100 members, which range from innovation-based start-up companies and important Sometimes the sweat pours on the way up, on the Hotspot, The Paper Province rough tracks and slopes. When it feels most difficult world-leading carton manufacturers, to forest own- journey, technical colleges and and the goal seems almost unachievable, I usually stop ers and electricity companies. We all share in com- student competitions. to turn round and look down over the valley to see mon that we are striving to develop the sustainable, how far I have come and the challenges I have already forestry-based bioeconomy. Through funding from e.g. 26 Travel abroad Paper Province has been overcome. Region Värmland and Vinnova and with a professional abroad this year. organisation as its base, Paper Province has devel- I think that it is also important to do the same thing in oped into an important and renowned hub that can 27-29 Research everything we do at work, not least when we are in an pilot the development of new solutions. It broadens Films and the opening of intensive period of change. Taking stock here in mid- and strengthens the region in the increasingly forestry- research exhibitions are 2018 of what we have achieved since Paper Province based economy of the future. examples of the focus on research. was established almost 20 years ago, we have a lot to be pleased with. Paper Province commands respect both in 30-31 Sustainability and abroad as a good example of a successful cluster, Read about Agenda 2030 Paper Province was created in 1999 for the purpose of and as an opportunity to actually be able to influence and a seminar with sustainability reinforcing cooperation between different companies development. The establishment of the Sting 12 5 experts. in the region, most of all in order to ensure Incubator in , and Paper Province’s achieve- that expertise was available. The original ment of Gold Label status, as the only other Swed- 32-33 Municipal meetings skeleton consisted of seven companies in ish cluster to do so, are just two Rewarding workshops in Säffle, and Hammarö. the paper and pulp industry in Värmland recent examples to confirm that we have and the surrounding area. The activities come a long way since the beginning in 1999, 34-35 Networking gradually became broader and more and and that we are heading in the right direction. Papermakers Night and cluster more members joined. The cluster has be- lunches are examples of network- come a meeting place for the knowledge And so now it’s time to tie on the snow ing meetings that have been shoes and straighten up for the rest of the held. and forestry products that exist in the re- gion, and has helped create the broad col- uphill hike, towards the new challenges ahead. laboration between regional associations, For Paper Province, these challenges lie in 31 36-37 New members Eleven new members joined the municipalities, academies and companies supporting more good ideas towards their cluster in 2017. that distinguishes Paper Province. actual establishment and, just like at the start of the journey, 38-41 Success The activities have evolved further finding ways to ensure Examples of successful member over the years, with focus on the expertise in the future. companies. development of the forestry bioeconomy in a wider perspec- 42 Staff tive. In this respect Paper Prov- ince has evolved in line with 43 Web statistics society in general, and has also 29 34 matched its members’ develop- ERIK KORNFELD ment. Today there is a much chairman


At the end of 2017, Paper Province received confirmation that we had been awarded the EU’s highest distinction for a cluster – Cluster Management Excellence Gold. Thanks to this gold award, the doors to new projects and cooperation are opening, Cluster excellence Paper Province has had its sights set both nationally and internationally. “This feels really good and proves that our work is on gold since we started the of high quality,” says Magnus Persson, innovation advisor. “Towards Cluster Excellence 2016” EU project.

Great joy broke out For two days in December, Paper Province was visited by independent international cluster experts from the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). Here, they are seen together with part of the Paper Province team just after the advance confirmation had been issued – “you did it”.

Stamp of quality “When other clusters in Europe are looking for partners, they look for gold clusters,” says Magnus Persson.

SCA (European Secretariat for Cluster With this award we have shown that we Analysis) consists of a network of have achieved the set targets in terms of cluster experts from more than the 31 different indicators involving strate- 30 countries. They have created a gies, documentation and the quality of our Esystem of awards to inspire and to produce members’ activities. first-class cluster organisations. There are over 60 clusters in Europe at gold level, but “Paper Province’s ability to motivate currently we are the only cluster in Sweden members to buy into a new strategic idea to have received the award. is a great success story, in what is a very traditional and not so innovative industry,” What does it mean to get the gold? writes ESCA in its motivation. “It’s a stamp of quality that enhances our We now have two years to improve international status. We become more visible ourselves even more before it’s time to be and when other clusters in Europe are looking judged again by ESCA. for partners, they look for gold clusters. For our members it means that we have become a more effective organisation that can offer even better services,” says Magnus Persson.


In the Scandinavian hinterland there are exceptional opportunities to develop the bioeconomy and to replace oil with the forest as a raw material. The Bioeconomy Region project initiated in 2017 aims to offer support to small and medium sized companies to speed up the development and commercialisation of new products, new technology and bioeconomy services.

Many activities Peter Edberg, to the left in the sofa, describes Climate-Smart Innovation to business neighbours in Innovation Park. aper Province cooperates in the day’s products with biobased raw materials. people from the Norwegian oil industry project with Region Värmland (which Through cooperation with , Maria together with who are knowledge- is project owner), Region Dalarna Hollander hopes that the combination of able about the forestry industry, and I am and four counties in Norway. experience and knowledge will stimulate convinced we will find new product areas THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN P“Paper Province will be a leading global new ideas. Ultimately, this concerns and business opportunities, says Maria player within forestry-based bioeconomy facilitating the conversion process to a Hollander. and this is a natural step for us to take,” says fossil-free society by encouraging the CLIMATE-SMART INNOVATION Maria Hollander, CEO of Paper Province. establishment of completely new types of During the project, Paper Province will products, services and companies. also reinforce cooperation with industrial Paper Province was granted SEK 12.4 million in 2015 by the Swedish Agency for Much of the development towards a bio- forestry companies in Dalarna, which is economic society is strongly linked to the – We need to speed up the restructuring also expected to open up new opportu- Economic and Regional Growth. This financing runs over four years and has been given replacement of oil-based raw materials in to- to a biobased society. We are bringing nities. the project name of Climate-smart Innovation. Peter Edberg, who is project manager, briefly describes some of the activities that took place in the project in 2017.

n Climate-smart Innovation, we work on with sustainably. And young people want jobs Grums, Säffle and Hammarö (and reinforcing the competitive and innovative where they feel they are doing some- in 2018). FACTS force of small and medium sized companies thing good for the world. • We work with internationalisation in • The Bioeconomy Region is an inter- in the industry. Among other things by ar- • We work with gender issues. The pa- small and medium sized companies and regional project between Sweden and Iranging different activities, such as: per industry is rather conservative, with help those that want to reach new inter- Norway. • Servicification. Through workshops a large number of men. We have sta- national markets. • It is partly financed with EU funding. and meetings we offer help with servici- tistics to show that the working atmos- • We bring research into focus. Research • The Bioeconomy Region is jointly run fication. This involves the company not phere is better if there is a mix of women of the forestry economy is carried out by Region Värmland, Region Dalarna, only selling a product, but also the ben- and men. And it’s also about the supply at the Karlstad University. But profes- Akershus, Hedmark, Oppland and Øst- efits which the product entails. We help of expertise – young people prefer to sors, researchers and businesses speak fold county councils, together with Säffle them to challenge their business models. work in equal organisations. different languages. Among other things municipality and Paper Province. • We work with sustainable businesses. • We arrange workshops in municipali- we make films in which researchers talk • The project owner is Region Värmland. Small companies improve their profit- ties to get them to move towards a sus- to the business community about what • The project has an overall budget of ability and competitiveness by working tainable society. So far we have been in they do. EUR 3.8 million, of which half is financed by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. The Swedish budget is EUR 2.5 million, of which almost half goes to the work package for NEW STRATEGY IN VINNVÄXT FOCUSES ON INNOVATION which Paper Province is responsible.

• SEK 130 million over ten years starting Vinnväxt entered a new phase in January focus on innovation and restructuring. in 2013. This is how much Paper Prov- 2017 with a new strategy and plan of ac- By running innovation projects and ince received from Vinnova and regional tion, phase two of three. improving the conditions for innova- The oil industry meets the forestry industry The project aims to offer co-financers to invest in research, devel- tion, Paper Province goes beyond the support to small and medium sized opment and commercialisation of new In the second phase Paper Province “obvious” development in the paper and companies to speed up the devel- opment and commercialisation of industrial forest products and services in takes the development of the forestry pulp industry to create and meet future new products, new technology and the forestry industry. bioeconomy one step further with a bioeconomy demands. bioeconomy services.


Cooperation and joint demonstrations of strength improve opportunities for industrial symbiosis. For this reason Paper Province launched an initiative together with the Linköping University, RISE, and ten other regional partners.

ndustrial symbiosis is about giving and advantages are both economically and en- In addition to Paper Province, which taking. A number of companies cooper- vironmentally beneficial for the companies provides the project management for the ate whereby one company’s residual participating in the process. initiative, the University of Linköping, the products receive new life and are utilised Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), and Ias a raw material by another. This might be Vinnova is supporting the project with ten other partners also participate. waste or waste heat from a pulp and paper SEK 1 million to improve the conditions for The Linköping University has undertaken mill that is used by a nearby industry. Indus- industrial symbiosis within the industry, and long-term research to contribute to the trial symbiosis can also be services that are between industry and, for example, munici- development of new industrial symbiosis in shared, for example logistics solutions. The pal facilities. Sweden.

Supervisor plans the day What happens if someone is ill or leaves and the company is left FACTS without expertise? Project name: Regional demonstration of strength for industrial symbiosis within Paper Province Project participants: Paper Province, RISE, University of Linköping, BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön mill, Econova, Grums municipality, IUC Stål & Verkstad, Karlstad municipal- Joint demonstration of strength ity, Region Värmland, Stena Recycling, Stora Enso mill, Stora Enso Timber, The Industrial Symbiosis project was started up and Värmevärden. together with RISE, the University of Linköping and ten other partners. Sponsor: Vinnova CRITICAL EXPERTISE IN INDUSTRY MUST BE FOUND

Swedish industry depends on finding cutting-edge expertise, and it is also just as important that the existing personnel have a good level of basic competence. This is the starting point for the “Strategic Supply of Expertise to SMEs in Northern and Central Sweden” project.

ince August 2017, Paper Province The project supports the companies in what to do if you lose this expertise as a result has participated in the “Strategic examining and validating the expertise of of illness, or if they leave your company? Supply of Expertise to SMEs in their personnel and in identifying which Northern and Central Sweden” expertise is most critical. On this basis a plan of action is prepared Sproject. The objective is to create a model Issues that are considered in more detail are: for what the companies need to reinforce for the development of expertise in the • Which expertise is it critical for your com- and develop. industry through validation. A total of 54 pany to develop the way you want it to? IUC Dalarna AB is the project owner companies in Dalarna and Värmland are • Do you find the expertise you need for and the overall budget is SEK 3 million. participating and each company will validate your company to continue to develop? The Swedish Agency for Economic and ten persons. • Do you depend on the expertise of individual Regional Growth is the main sponsor. employees, and if so do you have a plan for The project runs until December 2018.

8 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 9 WASTE BECOMES BIOHYDROGEN AND BIOPLASTIC Paper Province was involved in two projects in 2017 that both concerned reusing waste products from paper mills in a new way. In future the mills can come to produce both biohydrogen and bioplastic from their by-product flows.

Researchers and mills in unique collaboration Examination of process water purification at Stora Enso Skoghall mill. Research and production must be joined together. It’s thanks to research that we are where we are today – from previ- ously having large emissions to the water and air.


t began when researchers at the Lund three other partners. RISE was the project was in turn sent to Promiko for bioplas- Nordic Paper Bäckhammar and Rottneros, The projects are unusual in that sev- programme RE:Source, which is financed University discovered a bacteria that manager, with researchers from the Lund tic tests. together with Karlstad University, RISE, eral separate processes have been put by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency breaks down hemicellulose, which oth- University and Paper Province. The pro- After random sampling and tests in Pöyry, Paper Province and Promiko. together in one cascade system. and Formas. erwise is very difficult to break down. ject was granted SEK 500,000 from the laboratories it turned out that the pro- “Research and production must be linked “The process of making biohydrogen By examining residual flows the idea is IThe decomposition forms biohydrogen. Swedish Energy Agency. cesses worked well and five months later together. It’s thanks to research that we is itself unique. I think we would have re- to create opportunities that can lead to a Acetic acid is also formed as a residual project number two was started, which are where we are today – from previously ceived the financing if we only had one of potential concept and a plan forwards. The product, which is used in the manufacture Samples from the waste water were took a closer look at where in the mills having large emissions to the water and air. the lines of inquiry, but now we have sev- next step involves a larger innovation pro- of bioplastics. taken at LignoCity in Bäckhammar and it was possible to find suitable residual And the journey is not over yet. There is al- eral good results,” says Magnus Persson, ject and an application to Vinnova, which sent to Lund to be examined in the flows for the bacteria. ways something that can be improved and innovation advisor at Paper Province. was granted at the end of the year. The Promiko, a new company with technol- laboratory. The amount of hydrogen we want to make that journey,” says Anki project will run until the middle of 2020 ogy for the production of bioplastic, took formed during the decomposition was This time the mills also participated, Stora Magnusson, supervisor for liquor/energy/ The second project was financed with and Vinnova’s financing amounts to just part in the first project together with measured. The residue of acetic acid Enso Skoghall, Billerud Korsnäs Gruvön, environment at Stora Enso Skoghall mill. SEK 370,000 from the strategic innovation over SEK 4 million.


The Vinnova-financed pilot study ”Service test bed for innovations in environmental engineering” started in 2017. It is managed by Paper Province together with RISE and the county council in Värmland. The objective is to create a test environment for innovation in environmental engineering in a real user environment.

test bed where companies and researchers, business managers and design- The needs analysis at the hospital is one academies can work together with ers,” says Camilla Evensson, project manager example of how work is carried out in the stakeholders to identify, test and at RISE. service test bed. develop new customer value. The County Council of Värmland has “In this way, we can develop a functional AThis is what the project wants to achieve. pointed to plastic bags as one of ten dispos- offer that can help our member companies to able products that produce a large climate understand how they can produce biobased A concrete example was carried out in footprint. materials on the basis of a user perspective New applications for lignin December when 20 persons went to the to create more accurate offers and better At LignoCity companies and researchers can work side by side and test their ideas. hospital in Karlstad to examine the processes When the group summed up the day they business,” continues Per Myhrén. concerning plastic bags. were agreed that you get a completely differ- “We looked at problems and challenges ent insight when you go out into the real world. With this project Paper Province, the county from the user’s perspective to find out if it “It’s important to go out to a user situa- council and RISE hope that others will see the was possible to create better solutions. We tion. You can sit down and think as much value of this working method. examined whether there was value in going as you want, but it’s only when you go out We... add. We can then scale up the pilot out together; environmental coordinators, to the real world that you understand the study to a larger project to establish a service development leaders and other staff at the context,” says Per Myhrén, project manager test bed,” concludes Camilla Evensson, RISE. LIGNOCITY ATTRACTED County Council of Värmland together with at Paper Province. INTERNATIONAL VISITORS Study trip Some of the 20 people who went to the hospital in Karlstad to examine the processes concerning plastic bags.

LignoBoost Demo in Bäckhammar has the only test bed in the world that can customise lignin in sufficient quantities for upscaling to new products. Together with 18 other players, in 2017 Paper Province participated in the Vinnova-financed LignoCity project. The objective was to develop and open up the facility for more users and to create opportunities for commercialisation.

n March of 2017, some 60 researchers can be used in new ways. sponse from one of the participants, who and business developers from all over the Per Tomani, project manager for LignoCity, now saw an opportunity for a demonstration world visited LignoCity at Bäckhammar was pleased that the visit brought both inter- of the process they are developing on a mill. The was considerable interest in how national and regional players together. larger scale. Ithe actual concept of a test bed, which is “It’s a good testimonial. Spreading open to all, works and how the companies “The test bed is in Värmland and the re- awareness that we exist contributes to that use it develop their products. Right gional commitment is just as important more people seeing an opportunity to now, LignoCity is the only lignin facility in as the international interest for the concept develop their products based on lignin, the world where companies can work side to be successful,” he says. without having to make their own large by side and test their ideas about how lignin Per Tomani received an immediate re- investments.”


In 2017, Paper Province started an exciting project with a view to developing a test bed for fossil-free laminate, i.e. the protective barrier closest to the food in packaging. “Out with oil-based plastic, and in with fossil-free is our motto,” says Peter Edberg, project manager at Paper Province.

veryone agrees that fossil-free laminate in packaging. The test bed packaging material is the future. The project is divided into three phases, where the lami- Nonetheless, packaging such as and this is just the beginning. nate will be tested crisp bags and milk cartons have “If everything goes as expected a plan- is at the project Ea protective laminate barrier closest to the ning and realisation phase will follow. This participant UMV food that is made of fossil material – i.e. will result in a finished packaging without Coating Systems in plastic. fossil content, which we know works and Säffle. “Without this coating the fat goes through which we can begin to use commercially,” Apart from plan- the packaging and destroys it,” says Peter says Peter Edberg. ning and develop- Edberg. ing the test bed in The next phases involve projects for several Säffle, the planning We were very happy when Vinnova in June million SEK. phase involves showing the environmental decided to grant us SEK 400,000 as a plan- “That’s when we will start to build benefits and how big the market for this Pilot machine ning contribution for the Test bed fossil-free machines that can manufacture the lami- can be imagined to be. At UMV in Säffle customers can pilot laminate project, together with RISE, Broby- nate, and then we will have companies The idea is that the new test bed will new coating technology. grafiskaand UMV Coating Systems. that will want to start using the fossil-free attract both national and international This is a step on the way to fossil-free packaging.” players.

The packaging of the future “The result of the project will be packaging without fossil content, which we can begin to use commercially,” says Peter Edberg, project manager at Paper Province. COLLABORATION ON UMV’S PILOT MACHINE IN SÄFFLE

UMV started collaborating with Packaging Greenhouse in 2017, in order to offer customers the opportunity to pilot new coating technology and to measure and evaluate the results in real time.

or several years UMV has rented and began cooperating with UMV on the saves time. The measurements can also out its pilot machine to test run pilot activities. be conducted by a third party, which im- new equipment and materials. proves neutrality,” says Ronnie Anders- But UMV’s premises offered “This means that we can now offer the son, CEO of UMV Coating Systems. Flimited opportunities to measure and opportunity to run samples and get the “In time, we will be building a evaluate the results. In 2017, Packaging results in real time. Customers do not completely new Coating Competence Greenhouse moved in its equipment have to go home to run tests, which Centre.”


In Sysslebäck, there is another test bed – the EU project called the Wood Region, which Paper Province is involved in as a co-financer. This open test bed is used to develop biocomposites, while prototypes are created with the help of 3D printers. Many different companies are involved in the project.

he Wood Region project is promot- They have a machine that mixes sawdust Sysslebäck prints out kayaks on 3D print- ing innovation and expertise in with environmentally-sustainable plastic ers, using recycled materials. the wood engineering industry in into a material that can be used for pellets, Examples of activities at the Sysslebäck Central Sweden. or thin fibres in the 3D printers. facility: TThe objective is to increase the number There are a large number of projects in • Sawdust is sifted to wood powder. of innovative SMEs in the sawmill and wood progress at the facility. Tests are per- • Wood powder and plastic are mixed to Innovator products industry in the region. formed to manufacture horseshoes, car form biocomposite. Agne Larsson has developed an app that can measure forest boundaries Techniques to use forestry products in parts, fishing wobblers, steering wheels • The biocomposite is crushed and dried. with an accuracy of one centimetre. new ways are being developed at the cen- for formula 1 cars, portable toilet seats • Manufacturing of filament (for 3D printers). tre in Sysslebäck. This includes collecting adapted to the individual, individually • Prototype manufacturing with 3D printers. the sawdust from the sawmills for use in adapted insoles for skiers, and also for • CAD development and 3D animation. large 3D printers. large kayaks. The Melker company at • Scanning of products. GUIDANCE AND

The Wood Region In big 3D printers almost anything can be printed from recycled materials. Like these CONTRIBUTIONS TO rockets. SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS

Innovators can receive support from Paper Province in the form of coaching, and sometimes also as financial contributions. One condition is that the idea is linked to the forestry value chain and contributes to sustainability. We have a wide network of experts in virtually every aspect of the forestry value chain, and we also facilitate access to the pilot machines and test equipment existing within the cluster.

ne person we collaborated with Agne Larsson’s innovation is based on tre – even in difficult terrain,” says Agne in 2017 was forest land owner disconnecting GPS from a mobile device Larsson. Agne Larsson, who was having and using Bluetooth to connect it to a problems with his boundaries. receiver. The receiver can then communi- Qorientation is mainly intended for big OThey became overgrown and it was dif- cate with the National Land Survey’s cor- forestry companies and timber buyers ficult to see where the actual boundary lay. rection services in the SWEPOS system. that measure the changes in distribution. He wanted to find a tool that could show Paper Province became involved in Agne where the markings were and with which “We have built the communication be- Larsson’s innovative work at an early stage it was possible to establish a precise line. tween the receiver and the mobile device. because of its links to the forestry industry. Under a company called Qorientation, he The app receives the data flow that the We provided support with financing and cooperated with Sokigo in Lycksele on receiver gets from the National Land guidance during the course of the project. developing an app that makes it possible to Survey office. You can get a much higher Almi and the cluster Future Position X in measure boundaries in a new way. degree of precision, down to one centime- Gävle held the same role.


We need to recruit from the entire population to ensure a supply of expertise in the future. The companies that address these issues will be the ones that succeed.

Modvion, TechPep and Drinor The Paper Province companies did well at the BioLinx Finance Academy.


One way of benefiting from the Paper Province innovation system is participation in BioExpress. BioExpress takes an innovation from idea to a staffed project and a start-up company within a few months.

odvion (a member of Paper ports based on smart paper, a sector that mechanically dries woodchips. This is an Province) has designed a is expanding rapidly. Two newly-graduated innovation that dramatically reduces the patented concept for wind students took up the case in September consumption of energy during for example turbine towers made of 2017 and have developed and further the manufacturing of pellets and which is GoGenius Mwood. The company has won several refined the technique. They aim to start a expected to play a key role in the transition Anders Warpman talked about how to create profitable organisations with the innovation competitions, built its first company soon. to the second generation of biofuel. They help of the diversity perspective. wooden tower, established cooperation have built their first full-scale plant at Rindi with Moelven, and been mentioned by In October 2017, Modvion and TechPep in Älvdalen. ommitted CEOs and site man- “Research shows that 70 per cent of tion of Swedish Enterprise’s leadership Bloomberg, etc. The towers can be over participated in the H2020 project BioLinX agers from eight companies the highly educated are women, but this academy led the training. They use the 150 metres high, but cost 30 per cent Finance Academy in Gothenburg. This is an Paper Province companies distinguished got together at Paper Province is not noticeable among employees in process model GoGenius, which focuses less than traditional towers made of event that attracts entrepreneurs, investors themselves by accounting for half of the during the year. They under- our sector,” says Melinda From, process on creating profitable organisations with steel and concrete. They are also recy- and experts in innovation , who are all inter- Swedish companies at BioLinx. Cwent training in the “Inclusive leader- manager at Paper Province. the help of an explicit gender and diver- clable and easy to transport. ested in the transition to bioeconomy. Of the “This confirms the strength of the region. ship” programme. The objective is that sity perspective. twelve participating companies, three were It is difficult to start up innovation compa- companies should include equality and The training consisted of four workshops TechPep is commercialising an innovation linked to Paper Province and BioExpress. nies in the forestry industry. This requires diversity in their development work, in and was followed up with a strategy day Would you be interested in taking part in that comes from advanced paper research Modvion and TechPap, plus Drinor - a com- a combination of industrial and business order to ensure a supply of expertise in the spring of 2018. similar training? We are offering this again at Karlstad University – a technique for pany that was subject to BioExpress 2016. expertise, which is what we have,” says Erik and increase innovation and competi- The Consultants Marita Svensson and in the autumn of 2018. Get in touch with simple pulp monitoring of cooled trans- Drinor has developed a technology that Dahlén, consultant at Paper Province. tiveness. Anders Warpman from the Confedera- Melinda From at Paper Province.


Together with , Paper Province was the main sponsor at the well-attended Hotspot fair in February. There were around 100 companies in place and lots of curious students flowed in, eager to make contact with the companies. 16 of Paper Province’s member companies were among the exhibitors.

otspot is Karlstad University’s Companies see Hotspot as a good Participating member companies: Billerud- annual job fair and one of the opportunity to present and talk about Korsnäs, Combitech, COWI, Etteplan, Ahlstrom biggest in Sweden. In 2017, themselves, and to provide information Munksjö Aspa Bruk, Nordic Paper, Prevas, it was held for the 20th time. on their business, different job opportu- Rexcell, Rottneros, Semcon, Stora Enso, H nities, and other career advice. Sweco, Tieto, Valmet, voestalpine and ÅF.

Students meet companies Sixteen of Paper Province’s member companies were at Hotspot in February. The key to growth Camilla Wagner convinced the listeners at Papermakers Night of why they should work to ensure equal opportunities.


The journalist, debater and author Camilla Wagner gave a lecture at Papermakers Night in April. She talked about the key to success and convinced her listeners that companies should work for equal opportunities

or an organisation to be healthy said and referred to a study that showed the the same economic clout as men.” there must be equal opportunities. advantages of equal opportunities. This is something Camilla Wagner is Most of the audience probably began to very convinced of. “If all the women in Europe were working, wonder why more had not been done F“It’s quite simply about democracy, and we would have growth potential of be- about this. about business and national economics. tween 15-45 per cent. If Swedish men took “It’s good money to get into the system. There are few other reorganisations that can as much parental leave as women, growth With this sort of potential growth we have lead to such good figures. Both men and would increase by 7 per cent, and GDP everything to gain. It’s good for us,” Camilla women perform better in a mixed group,” she would increase by 15 per cent if women had said.


In March, Paper Province filled a bus with engineering students from Chalmers. They met eight of our member companies. The Paper Province tour is an appreciated tradition to get future engineers interested in the industry.

t is a valuable experience for both member tour of the Somas production plant. bus continued to Nöjesfabriken in Karlstad for companies and students, and an eye open- dinner and mingling. er for the opportunities existing in the for- The second stop was Valmet at Lamberget in estry industry. We always evaluate the tours Karlstad; presentations of Valmet, Rottneros “I took pictures of everything that was permit- Iafterwards, to get the students feedback, and and Nordic Paper, and a tour of the Valmet ted and sent them to my friends who were this shows that many of them gained a new workshop. not there, to show them what they missed. and positive view of the industry. It was a valuable experience to meet all the The Stora Enso Skoghall mill was the place representatives of the companies. I will be This time the bus went to Somas in Säffle for the last visit. Sweco and BillerudKorsnäs recommending my friends to go next year,” first. The students were invited to a presenta- also presented their companies, in addition said electrical engineering student Morvarid tion of Somas and BTG Instruments and a to Stora Enso. After the visit to Skoghall, the Mohammadali after the tour.

The Paper Province tour Engineering students are guided Teknikcollege Värmland round Stora Enso in Skoghall - one Twelve new study programmes, including of the stops on the tour. automation engineering with a focus on process technology, were authorised in 2017. HURRAY FOR 12 NEW STUDY PROGRAMMES

Paper Province is a partner of Teknikcollege Värmland. In 2017, the authorities at Teknikcollege in Värmland started twelve new vocational study programmes.

upplying expertise is an important • IP paralegal automation engineers in our region,” says part of the work at Paper Province. • technical illustrator Jeanette Löfberg, competence developer There must be competent persons • accounting economist and project manager at Paper Province. who can be employed by our mem- • wood technician Sber companies, so that they can continue to • graphic designer/technician Teknikcollege is nationwide collaboration be successful. This is why we are involved • therapy assistant created by the Council of Swedish Industry. with Teknikcollege Värmland, which is a certifi- • automation engineer focusing It can be found in 25 regions, and has over cate of quality for vocational training. on process technology 140 training providers in cooperation with some 3,000 companies. The study programmes that were authorised: Paper Province was very pleased to hear Ten upper secondary schools in Värmland • energy technician - building about the study programme for automation have the quality status of Teknikcollege, • dental nurse engineering focusing on process technology which means that they are well adapted to • care administrator (2) “This expertise is important for com- the future needs of the industry. • packaging designer panies, but it is very difficult today to find


Creativity flowed when Paper Province arranged an innovation race. Ten students presented solutions for how biobased bedding could be used in hospital beds. “Brilliant initiatives. Impressive and innovative,” the jury thought.

The winning team The trio that won the case competition.

STUDENTS COMPETED WITH A REAL CASE Creative students Coffee break for some of the en students, divided into three Three teams presented their ideas to a students who participated in the Paper Province Innovation race. teams, who are studying to be- jury. The winning team had found a bonding come graduate engineers (indus- agent made by a potential partner that is also Another competition held by Paper Province was a case competition for students trial economy and economics & engaged in eco-friendly materials. The agent studying industrial economics at Karlstad University. The assignment was based on Tthe environment) at took part in the Paper could be sprayed or applied to the sheets creating a business concept for a biological wood preservative oil made from lignin. Province Innovation race in June 2017. to achieve softer and stronger sheets. Their The assignment was to find ingenious solu- idea came closest to possible commercialisa- tions to get eco-friendly sheets into tion and production by Cellcomb. the health service. s part of the course in qual- tation, followed by five minutes of tricky ques- Bioexpress concept, whereby promising Our member company Cellcomb in Säffle The jury had four criteria; the extent of the ity management, the students tions from the jury concerning everything innovations are handled by two students and produces disposable sheets in a biode- innovation, i.e. the new approach, the pos- worked in groups to develop a from marketing and brand, to distribution a senior participant, who have three months gradable material. The challenge was to sibility of commercialising the product, the business concept for a biological and sales. After the jury’s deliberations, to test a rocket-speed commercialisation improve the bedding, for example making it environmental aspect, and the written and Awood preservative oil made of lignin that the winning team was Christin Rödström, process. stronger, thicker and more luxurious, in or- oral presentation. had been developed by RISE. During a half- Oscar Wergeland and Astrid Mehlberg. der to increase the company’s sales in the The jury consisted of Henric Ne- day at Karlstad Innovation Park, each group “We think it’s fantastic that we can contrib- health service and improve oppotunities to déus, CEO at Cellcomb, Marcus Elmer, had to stand before a jury of representa- Their proposal was based on offering both ute to giving students real-life experiences find new markets. innovation advisor at Paper Province, tives from Paper Province, Karlstad Univer- the product and a selection of services for and the case competition can help us to Melinda From, consultant at Paper Prov- sity and RISE, and sell their concept. the treatment of wood products. find highly motivated and ambitious The students had one week to work on the ince and Britt Lööv, business manager at For Paper Province the case competition students,” says Erik Dahlén, innovation assignment. the Inova incubator. Each group had ten minutes for their presen- is a potential element of the Paper Province advisor at Paper Province.


Here are two films (scan the QR code to see them). Paper Province has produced the films to present research related to the forestry bioeconomy at Karlstad University.

Borregaard aterials have properties that affect In another film, the researchers Helén We asked people on the street whether We were guided round their suitability to contain different Williams and Fredrik Wikström talk about they were aware of which packaging is the Norwegian mill on a sunny day in August. different products. The question is: which packaging creates the least food most eco-friendly, and the researchers which material is most ecofriendly, waste. For the last 30 years, environmen- had the job of sorting out what was true. Mtaking account of the entire life cycle from tal issues concerning packaging have Researcher Helén Williams also talked manufacturing to use and recycling? We asked been about minimising and recycling ma- about this during a lecture and panel people on the street which packaging they terials. Yet since 30-50 per cent of all food discussion in Almedalen in July 2017, LITHUANIA, GERMANY, thought was most eco-friendly, and then let is thrown away, instead we should ask where Maria Hollander was the researchers Gunnar Henriksson and Lars how we can develop packaging that helps moderator. NORWAY, BELGIUM... Järnström explain. consumers to reduce waste food.

Paper, plastic or glass? Gunnar Henriksson, professor at the institute for WE HAVE GOT AROUND engineering and chemistry, and Lars Järnström, professor of chemical engineering, talk about which materials are most eco-friendly.

Paper Province also works actively to create exchanges with other countries. This Scan the QR code and watch the film of people on enables our message to be spread globally, while at the same time we learn more the street and the researchers who choose packag- ing materials. about the world around us. Here are some of the trips we made in 2017.

n May, Maria Hollander was invited to nies at the fair: Mondi, Stora Enso and Plan has been experienced during the last speak at the Innovation Summit Lithu- Billerud. four years. ania conference in Vilnius. She joined panel discussions about the impor- In August, we filled a bus and travelled to In November, several of us attended Itance of partnership for the development the Norwegian mill Borregaard in Sarps- European Paper Week in Brussels. This is of greener regions, circular economies borg for a field trip. The purpose of the visit an event that gathers people from the Eu- and successful business. She also gave was to find inspiration and present an in- ropean paper industries. We were also the a speech in which she shared her experi- dustry that is proud to call itself a biorefin- gold sponsor at the three-day conference. ences as CEO of Paper Province. ery. The mill has been transformed from a The organisers, CEPI (Confederation of Which packaging is best for the environment? “I talked about how we work to improve traditional pulp mill to a modern biorefinery European Paper Industries), were celebrat- Helén Williams and Fredrik Wikström, researchers the refinement value of our raw materials with a large number of production flows. ing their 25th anniversary and invited at the institute for engineering and chemistry, talk about which packaging creates the least waste food. by, for example, using by-product flows “They are exemplary in this industry in partners from all over the world. The from mills and other production plants.” terms of finding high refinement values in conference was attended by hundreds of Scan the QR code and watch the film of people on the street and the researchers who choose packag- their by-products from the pulp mill,” says likeminded people from the paper and pulp ing materials. Peter Edberg, project manager at Climate- Marcus Elmer, project manager at Paper industries. smart Innovation, went to the world’s Province. largest packaging trade fair - Interpack in “This was a perfect opportunity for net- Düsseldorf - in May. Around 3,000 compa- Maria Hollander is a member of The Bioec- working and presenting our members and nies were exhibiting in 19 halls, with visitors onomy Stakeholder Panel and in Novem- the Paper Province region in a good way,” from 168 different countries. ber she was a moderator at a discussion says Magnus Persson, project manager at “It was interesting to see so many play- on the European Commission’s Bioeonomy Paper Province. ers involved in food waste and looking for Manifesto. The manifesto sets the agenda Our member companies Seelution and smart degradable packaging. It shows that for the bioeconomy’s development in the Drinor came along to Brussels to present there is hope for the future, he says. years ahead. The discussions focused on their innovations. Peter met three of our member compa- how the Bioeconomy Strategy and Action

26 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 27 QR code UNIQUE EXHIBITION Scan the QR code and watch a film from the research exhibition. OPENING, WHERE RESEARCH BECAME ART

At the end of the year Paper Province, together with Karlstad University, arranged a unique exhibition where current research projects were shown as an art form at Karlstad CCC. The objective was to give the business community an insight into current research and how it can be used to reinforce competitiveness.

Green Cash This work of art shows research into service innovation by Mikael Johnson at Karlstad University.

Print t(h)ree-D The work of art illustrates the work of researchers Rasika Nilsson, Gunnar Henriksson and Henrik Ullsten to develop wood-based materials for 3D printers.

esigners at Bulldozer communi- having one minute to talk about their cations agency were given an research. The doors to the exhibition assignment to interpret eleven were then opened and the audience had research projects and to create the opportunity to put questions to the Dgraphic art to serve as the basis for dis- researchers. cussions for researchers, while also being able to stand alone. As art. For Margareta Dahlström, professor of “This is something that a lot of people cultural geography at Karlstad University, can understand, and like. It’s confirma- the information on the research was very tion that research can be presented in an important. interesting and conspicuous way. I hope “This is a way for us to reach out to this can also be exhibited at other places more people with our research, and which so that more people can see it,” said I believe works. I’ve had very interesting Claes Andersson, who visited the exhibi- talks with representatives from companies tion on behalf of Valmet. and the authorities. It’s valuable to have The exhibition opened with the exhibi- direct contact with people, as opposed to tion was begun with each researcher when holding a presentation or lecture.”


17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development were adopted at the UN summit in 2015. Every country, organisation and region can contribute in different ways. We have chosen to focus on the goals for which we can make the greatest difference.

genda 2030 consists of 17 global couraging companies to introduce sustain- in order to integrate them in different ways goals, with 169 sub-goals. The able working methods. We also work for in our basic activities and our different aims are to eradicate poverty the goals of achieving sustainable econom- projects and reporting. and hunger, to realise human ic growth and equality. The forestry industry Arights for all, achieve equality and empow- is a male-dominated industry, which needs These are the goals we have chosen to erment for all women and girls, and to guar- to change. To achieve the goals, both our focus on: antee long-lasting protection for the planet own and globally, a society based on equal • Target 8: Decent work and economic Experts at sustainability confirm It is possible to do business with the and its natural resources. opportunities is a prerequisite. growth help of sustainability • Target 9: Industry, innovation and In August, we held a workshop to iden- In December, we received confirmation infrastructure tify which of the 17 global goals contrib- from Vinnova that we had been granted • Target 12: Responsible consumption and ute to our activities in different ways. SEK 500,000 for a project called Sustain- production Self-evident aspects that we work under able Paper Province, which will continue “WINNING BUSINESS WITH the 17 goals include supporting technical until August 2018. Within the framework of And also: development, research and innovation, this project we will continue to work with • Target 5: Gender equality eco-friendly waste management, and en- the goals and identify relevant sub-goals • Target 7: Affordable and clean energyl SUSTAINABILITY” Agenda 2030 At a seminar at Värmland Museum, three sustainability The 17 Sustainable Development Goals experts described how they win new business with the help of sustainability.

he three experts were agreed Stora Enso requires suppliers to sign a Gunilla Östberg is a sustainability expert that you can do something good code of conduct, whereby they undertake and helps companies to adapt their busi- for the world and still make to act in accordance with the requirements ness in order to become more sustainable. money. Stora Enso sets for itself. “There is no doubt that this adaptation T Stora Enso does everything it can to cre- creates value for companies. It generates Through its work with sustainability, ate ever more eco-friendly products. increased sales, more income and more BillerudKorsnäs is ranked in the Dow “We recently launched a new paper cup satisfied customers. It attracts expertise Jones Sustainability Index and is rated as for Creme Fraiche with a 50 per cent lower and investors. It strengthens the brand and better than 94 per cent of the companies climate impact, thanks to a higher propor- increases the value of the company. It also in the world in this category. tion of renewable raw materials and a lid reduces staff turnover and absence due to “We win business on sustainability made from recycled PET, “ says Ola Svend- illness, and leads to more efficient use of raw and this makes us more attractive when ing, sustainability manager at Stora Enso. materials and energy. And a whole lot more.” we are recruiting because many young people want to work for companies that Many people will have seen Arla’s new The moderator at the Värmland Museum implement sustainability,” says Louise ecomilk packaging, which is made by Stora seminar was Malin Thorsén from Bright Wohrne, sustainability manager at Bil- Enso. Planet. Together with her, Paper Province lerudKorsnäs. “This packaging is made from cardboard also offers sustainability inventories. “Today, 97.5 per cent of the fuel we that has one layer less than normal, is un- Please contact our project manager Peter use is biofuel and we have reduced our bleached and has renewable polymers in Edberg if you are interested in participat- emissions per tonne by approximately one the laminate and seal, which results in a ing in this: fourth since 2013.” 24 per cent lower climate impact.” [email protected]

30 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 31 A STRONGER GREEN GROWTH This develops the creative side of us in relation to our green island. We can reach the target together. Hammarö will last for many years and be greener and AGENDA FOR MUNICIPALITIES fossil-free. PER ASPENGREN, CHAIRMAN OF THE MUNICIPAL EXECUTIVE BOARD.

During the year Paper Province held workshops in Säffle, Grums and Hammarö where the business community, municipalities, schools and residents together worked out proposals to reinforce the development and innovative capacity of the region for green growth.

living and sustainable development. The work started in Grums in the autumn Nordic Paper, Cellcomb, UMV Coating of 2016 and a second workshop was held Systems and Åhs Säteri were in attendance. in the spring of 2017, where we continued to work on several ideas. This led among Hammarö was visited in December for other things to two events to be held in a first workshop. Over 40 ideas for a 2018: an inspiration day for teachers in greener Hammarö were improvised by Grums municipality at the Gruvön mill, committed representatives from Hammarö and GreenGrumsDay, when companies in municipality, Stora Enso Skoghall mill and Grums will take the stage in Sveaparken other companies, Region Värmland, and talk about the green future, with the Karlstad University, residents of Hammarö participation of the artist Björn A Ling. and Paper Province. What can we do to make our vision of Workshops in the municipalities are sustainable and climate-smart development included in our big project Climatsmart of Hammarö become a reality? How can I Innovation, sponsored in part by the personally contribute to it becoming a real- Swedish Agency for Economic and ity? What can brake green development? Regional Growth, Vinnova and Region These are examples of the questions under Värmland. consideration.

Workshop Hammarö he purpose of the workshops in where local companies active in forestry The business community, academies and residents gathered at Folkets the municipalities is to spread bioeconomy could exhibit and hold talks Hus in Hammarö to discuss the awareness of the forestry bioec- on sustainability issues and the need for region’s green development. onomy and to find projects and in- expertise. Tnovations that can take us one step closer to the fossil-free society. The green room was the result of a com- We started in Grums, continued to Säf- pletely new initiative, where Säffle munici- fle and Hammarö, and in 2018 work also pality showed what the future could look like began in Arvika. in Säffle and how the business community The first meeting in Säffle was held in and the general public can work for green the spring of 2017. In October we con- and sustainable development. tinued to work on several ideas during a The room was opened on the Sunday The workshop in Säffle A strong joint effort is being made here for second meeting. One of the ideas was that one month before Christmas and the gen- a greener and more fossil-free Säffle. Scan the municipalities should create a room eral public were invited to talk about jobs, the QR code and watch a film from the day.


Papermakers Night has been a tradition for many years. Paper Province invites the regional forestry industry’s representatives to listen to inspiring presentations and entertainment, eat dinner and network together.

Cluster lunch Mill hosted the first cluster lunch of the season.


Papermakers Night in November I think we are going to have lots of opportunities Maria Hollander hands over to Jens Paper Province arranges cluster lunches for our member Otterstedt of Nordic Paper. ahead of us in the future. We will benefit from having companies and others in the industry, as an opportunity to meet. a strong Chinese owner behind us. It’s an easy way to make new acquaintances, while also acquiring JENS OTTERSTEDT, NORDIC PAPER new knowledge in the process.

n April we met at Stadshotellet and lis- In November, it was time to meet again. Chinese transaction in Sweden since Volvo. ur member company Mill was make can be found in many different Nyängen outside Grums, was the venue for tened to, among others, Camilla Wagner, This time the party was held at Karlstad “I think we are going to have lots of op- the host for the first cluster applications, for example electronic yet another cluster lunch. who talked about equal opportunities. CCC. Development and change was the portunities ahead of us in the future. We lunch of the season. During packaging and the bright paper used CEO Gert Almén talked about the com- The regional councilor Tomas Riste theme for the evening. will benefit from having a strong Chinese the lunch, production man- for stickers. pany’s successful journey. A journey with a Ibegan by talking about the strong sides of owner behind us. Both on the product side Oager Michael Berggren and purchasing very modest beginning in 1999, when the the forestry industry. Anita Sjölander, site Investigator of the future, Siduri Poli, and the market side,” he said manager Anders Mehlberg talked about voestalpine Precision Strip AB in Munk- company was established at the Älvenäs manager at the BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön talked about the internet and what it can The principal at Karlstad University, the business, both at the mill by Lake fors hosted the next cluster lunch. Göran Industrial Hotel. Today, they have 45 em- mill, talked proudly about of the invest- teach us about how we will be working and Johan Sterte, talked about how they co- Vättern and globally. Jansson, managing director, began by ployees, occupy 5,000 square metres at ment in the new cardboard machine – the living in the future. Jens Otterstedt, man- operate with the business community, and talking about the worldwide industrial Nyängen, and continue to expand rapidly. biggest in the world. Kenneth Ohlsson, site ager of strategic development at Nordic Pa- Annika Lindström at RISE talked about a They gave a picture of a large and steel group, active in 50 countries and They were recently appointed Workplace manager at Stora Enso Skoghall, held an per, talked about their new Chinese owner, consumer study linked to biobased materi- strong group with business activities all undergoing continuous growth. of the Year in Grums. inspiring lecture on his innovative skills. Shanying Paper International. The biggest als which they had performed. over the world. The special paper they Triton Valsteknik, the roller company at


SEELUTION MAKES UNIQUE FOSSIL-FREE MODVION’S WOODEN WIND POWER BIOSHARE SEES A NEW MARKET FOR MEMBERS BARRIER FROM AGRICULTURAL WASTE TOWERS TRIPLE ENERGY PRODUCTION COMBINED POWER AND HEATING PLANTS -based Seelution has developed a unique Traditional steel and concrete structures are now competing with BioShare is a technology innovation company with an exciting In 2017, eleven new members joined Paper Province method of manufacturing fossil-free barriers for pack- modular wind turbine towers made of wood. They are more eco- business concept. The founder, Christer Gustavsson, sees new bringing the total to 105 strong members. “When the aging. Their product is called Skalax and can replace friendly, cheaper, and have the potential to triple the production ways of using combustion plants. number of members increases, we widen our opportuni- oil-based layers in packaging. It is completely biobased, of energy. The modular towers are being developed by Modvion. “There are close to one hundred large combined power and ties as an organisation. The more we are, the greater renewable and made from agricultural waste from the four “Our patented solution is based on modules of renewable heating plants in Sweden in use, but they could do much more.” the dynamics and force that’s created in the cluster. It cereals. materials in glulam. This material makes them 30-40 per cent He is primarily focused on fuel and chemicals, but there are also reinforces our legitimacy in relation to players at a “We extract Skalax from the shell on the cereal. The shell less expensive to build. By building a 150-metre high tower many other possibilities. national and international level,” says Maria Hollander, provides protection from the wind and weather. It’s used in instead of a 100-metre tower you create the potential to triple the “The objective is to transform the power and heating sector CEO of Paper Province. the barrier in the packaging in the same way to protect the production of energy,” says Otto Lundman, business developer into something bigger, to expand and contribute to towards a product inside,” says CEO Jerker Nilsson. at Modvion. green restructuring with more than just power and heating.”

QUALIFIER DEVELOPS COMPANIES WITH CCI VALVE TECHNOLOGY HELPS CUSTOMERS TVERVIK CONSULTING HELPS COMPANIES SWESCAN CARRIES OUT ADVANCED AGILE COMPETENCE ENHANCEMENT WITH THE ENTIRE STEAM VALVE PROCESS WITH THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT PHOTOGRAPHY FROM ABOVE Agile means we are flexible, supple and versatile. That’s CCI Valve Technology is specialises in steam valves for the process Swedish Working Environment Act, companies must carry out Johan Lindqvist started Swescan four years ago together what competence enhancement should be like, Qualifier and power industry. “Most companies with turbines have valves from systematic initiatives with the working environment, to create a with two colleagues. Today, there are two partners and thinks, which has developed a cloud service for this. Agile us”, says CEO Peter Kull. good working environment and to prevent ill-health and accidents seven employees. They undertake assignments all over competence enhancement is about doing little, but very Up until September 2017 the valves were made in Säffle, and at work. Tvervik Consulting AB helps companies to do this. Sweden and also abroad. They are engaged in advanced often. The competence puzzle in companies is changing although the manufacturing has now moved abroad, the technol- Employers that fail to follow the law can be fined, subpoenaed, or, photogrammetry, stereophotography and orthography. all the time. You can’t say in advance what’s going to hap- ogy centre with over a hundred employees remains in Säffle. It has at worst, imprisoned. However, Svanhild Tvervik From, the founder They can, for example, measure the volume of woodchips pen. With the help of Qualifier’s concept the manager can advanced system applications competence and personnel to help of Tvervik Consulting, thinks that the most important reasons to in a large pile by photographing it from above and using continuously evaluate requirements and adapt develop- customers with the entire process. have a deliberate safety policy is to improve the health of the software to do the calculations. They can also make cost- ment to the changes that are actually taking place. “We do everything except for actually making the valves. We have workers and that this increases the profitability of the company as a effective inventories of forests, windfalls, rock overbur- sales, marketing, project management and development departments.” result of less absence due to illness and better job satisfaction. dens and different types of raw materials.

FOSSIL-FREE DRYING WITH IRCON’S MUNDATI MAKES INTELLIGENT TOILETS PETRONAS SUPPLIES INDUSTRY WITH MELLANSKOG FOREST LAND OWNERS INFRARED TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN SAVE THE WORLD LUBRICANT INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR FOREST Ircon Drying Systems manufacture drying systems for among Mundati has transformed a problem into a resource. Two and a Petronas Lubricants International is a leading global Mellanskog Skogsägarna Södra Värmland is owned by other things the paper industry. They use infrared radiation, a half billion people worldwide lack water or sanitation. They are lubricant company that manufactures and sells a complete private forest land owners. technique that can produce a greater drying effect and increase potential customers for the Mundati toilet system – Sandati. The range of lubricant products for cars and industry. They They work to achieve timber prices based on market rates capacity. The company has its head office in Vänersborg, but now system aims to create new business opportunities for local popula- also supply lubricants to the paper and pulp industry. and offer services to make it easier to own and manage forests. also has an office in Karlstad staffed by Magnus Nilsson and Peter tions in developing countries. They are powered by solar energy The companies, with a head office in Malaysia, one of the Consulting is their most important service. They also carry Hallberg. The drying method can be done with both electricity and are wirelessly connected to the network. An administrator is world’s largest oil companies with its head office in Kuala out felling, ditch clearing, planting, soil preparation, fertilisa- and gas, but electricity has the most advantages. alerted when they need emptying. Lumpur. They have over 30 sales offices in 28 countries, one tion, sowing, ditching, road construction and everything else “Gas is associated with emissions – not least emissions of “The toilets are the platform, but our business models and ser- of which is in Karlstad. that’s needed for good forest management. The forest land nitrogen. With electric infra it is possible to choose an eco-friendly vices provide our leverage. This is what Mundati is,” says Christer Stefan Bengtsson works in Karlstad as Industrial Sales Man- owner decides how much of the work is to be done by alternative and fossil-free drying. This is something we believe in.” Nersjö, one of the founders. ager for Nordic and European Key Accounts. Mellanskog.

36 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 37 INSPIRING SUCCESSES FOR I am happy to say that we are now starting to build OUR MEMBER COMPANIES this strategically important investment. PÄR LARSSON, SITE MANAGER AT THE GRUVÖN SAWMILL

As a cluster, we are always delighted with the success of our member companies. During the year, we have noted many of their advances when it comes to transactions, smart solutions and innovations. Since we have over one hundred members in the cluster, it is impossible to mention them all, so here is a small sample.

concerns a new production line for cross- the introduction of a new round timber ve- demo machine in its factory in January 2018. glued wood in connection with the Gruvön hicle. The project was carried out together Drinor has developed a machine that sawmill. Most of the production of cross- with K & A Larsson’s carrier in Molkom. mechanically dewaters biomaterial. The glued wood in Sweden will take place here, The focus was on new technology linked innovation has the potential to dramati- about 100,000 cubic metres per annum. to the WORK environment. The new timber cally reduce the consumption of energy Around 60 full-time jobs will be created. vehicle has a special crane controlled from when manufacturing pellets and for other Construction is expected to take two inside the cab which is manoeuvred with processing of biomaterial that requires years and will start at the beginning of VR glasses and joysticks. This leads to rapid dewatering and precise control of the 2019. Cross-glued wood is used to build a safer WORK environment and it is also moisture content. everything from small houses, to industrial hoped that the new technology will attract premises and apartment blocks. young people to the industry. Rottneros in Sunne had an eventful year. The investment is expected to cost The mill took a big step with Agenda 500, EUR 45 million. Kostym Designindustries could take some a long-term industrial plan to increase credit for City Gross increasing its sales capacity. For the fifth consecutive year,COWI was by 6.5 per cent. Kostym did in fact design The objective of Agenda 500 is to nominated as one of Sweden’s hundred most all the packaging for the products at City achieve a business volume of at least exciting companies in which to build a career. Gross, almost 1,000 items. 460,000 tonnes of paper pulp per annum Every year, Karriärföretag selects Sweden’s Kostym also designed “the IKEA PS within the group. Successive investments most exciting companies to work for. Instant Drink” in 2017. will be made to achieve this target and the COWI received the award thanks to its overall budget is SEK 800 million, of which structured approaching to developing its Drinor took a big leap towards a market half will be allocated to the mill in Rottneros. employees and attracting new talent. launch when Rindi Älvdalen AB signed an Pulpaction also made progress, with a VSV started a VSV Future project to follow agreement on the installation of a full-scale project to develop biobased packaging that

Stora Enso’s new factory in Grums BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön mill Most of the production of cross- Around 1,000 contractors are involved in building the glued wood in Sweden will take THE SUCCESSES CONTINUE OVERLEAF world’s most modern cardboard machine. Many of them place here. are members of Paper Province.

t the beginning of February 2017, the Several other Paper Province member Sweco, which is supplying construction official groundbreaking ceremony companies are involved in the construction: management, and ÅF, which is carrying out was held to mark the start of the Voith is delivering the new cardboard the detailed engineering design. construction of the world’s most machine, including a comprehensive sys- Amodern cardboard machine at BillerudKorsnäs tem for maintenance of the machine. Other successful projects: Gruvön mill. Around 1,000 contractors will be Other machine suppliers include Valmet Stora Enso was awarded the assign- involved in this construction project. Before the and GL&V. Valmet is supplying the dewa- ment to deliver solid wood products to new cardboard machine is up and running, sev- tering equipment and an automatic pulp one of Sweden’s largest wooden house eral hundred people will be trained in the new feed system. GL&V is supplying refiner and projects. It involved a total of some 6,300 production techniques. The training contract deflaker systems. cubic metres of cross-glued wood for a Drinor was awarded to the Paper Province member is supplying manual, control, on/off housing project in Växjö. Alexander Thelander at Somas Drinor tells us that they company The Packaging Greenhouse, which and damper valves for the new machine. A groundbreaking ceremony was held six have taken a big step is investing in tomorrow’s technology and gami- The project’s consultants include Pöyry, months after a huge order was won by Stora towards a market launch and signed an agreement fication, in order to maximise learning. which is supplying engineering services, Enso’s new factory at Gruvön in Grums. This with Rindi Älvdalen.

38 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 PAPER PROVINCE 2017 39 New tray from Rottneros The tray will be made entirely of forest primary material and is recy- clable, renewable and degradable.

Triton Valsteknik Gert Almén, CEO at Triton Valsteknik - the company that has been appointed workplace of the year in Grums.

Mundati Joint owner of Mundati, Henrik Smedberg, (far left) received this year’s creativity prize of SEK 15,000 in Värmland. It is very pleasing that we can present a product based on Swedish primary forest materials, developed by Collaboration between Stora Enso Skoghalls Bruk and Energi Rottneros and which we also have the opportunity to “The environment is the big winner,” says Dan start manufacturing for the food industry. Johansson, energy engineer at the Skoghall mill. KASPER SKUTHÄLLA, CEO ROTTNEROS PACKAGING

can replace some plastic packaging in the Stora Enso Skoghalls Mill and Karlstads only considered products, but has also Tetra Pak have confirmed that they will food industry. Energi – increased their collaboration. The linked them with services and local infra- be building a new factory in their existing Rottneros developed a food tray for new process means that Stora Enso notifies structure. When the concept is underway factory area in Rayong, Thailand. Sealing fresh food and takeaway. The tray is made Karlstads Energi when the mill has surplus it will also create new business oppor- solutions for cardboard products will be entirely of forest primary material and is heating available. The district heating grid tunities for the local populations in the manufactured at the new factory. The factory recyclable, renewable and degradable. A in Karlstad and Hammarö has significantly developing world,” the jury wrote in its involves an investment of SEK 227 million. completely new manufacturing line for the increased thanks to this. motivation. At the end of 2016, Tetra Pak also tray is now being built at Rottneros. announced that they would be building Mundati was praised for its unique Nordic Paper now has new owners after a plant in Vietnam for over SEK 1 billion. Valmet expanded its business by opening a sustainable toilet system when Almi a Chinese paper and pulp manufac- It will manufacturer acquired 100 per cent new workshop at Lamberget in Karlstad. It will gave out this year’s creativity prize of ture acquired one hundred per cent of of the Group. supply nearby paper mills with rubber and SEK 15,000 in Värmland. Mundati has the group. The new owners are Anhui composite coatings for rollers. The invest- developed sustainable toilets that can Shanying Paper, a leading paper and pulp And last, but not least: Triton Vals-teknik ment gives Valmet, as the only supplier in the be used primarily in developing coun- manufacturer with 9,000 employees, and continued to expand and was nominated region, the capacity to receive and coat the tries where there is no water or sanita- listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange as workplace of the year in Grums. very largest paper rollers, which previously tion. Two billion people lack access to since 2001. were sent abroad for this type of treatment. a functioning toilet. This in turn leads to sickness and death. “Mundati has not


38,731 visits to Paper 34 activities were held, e.g. Province website - Papermakers Night, cluster lunches, energy meetings and Maria Hollander Paul Nemes Robert Rundberget CEO deputy CEO communications manager workshops. 22,369 individuals made the 38 731 visits. 930 people participated in our events during the course 86,757 displays of the of the year. different pages on the web- site during the year. 39 press releases about us and our member companies 142 news articles have were sent to the media, news- been published on our papers and radio and television. website. 14 films were produced 55 mailings were made, for during 2017 invitations to events, news- PAPER PROVINCE STAFF... PROVINCE PAPER letters, etc. 3,312 screenings of our films have been shown. Malin Hildén Marja Wängestam Jeanette Löfberg communicator communicator project manager/innovation advisor


Kent Olsson Marcus Elmer Magnus Persson Per Myhrén project manager project manager/innovation advisor project manager/innovation advisor project manager Some members of the Paper Province board From left: Ola Brundin, Pöyry, Anna Jonhed, MillerGraphics, Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University, Peter Olsson, Stora Enso Skoghall, Erik Kornfeld, Valmet, Fredrik Turzik, MillerGraphics, Anna Wilhelmsson, Cowi.

Absent from photo: Elisa- beth Jakobsson, Nordic Paper, Anita Sjölander, BillerudKorsnäs, Anders Berglund, ÅF, Magdalena Falcini-Jensen, GL&V, Ulf Johansson, Karlstad municipality, Kenneth Ohlsson, Stora Enso, Peter Edberg Fredrik Sundell Camilla Persson Elisabeth Söderlund Björn Fahlin, BTG project manager controller finance administrator Paper Province is a world-leading cluster in forestry-based bioeconomy in Värmland, northern Västra Götaland and the counties of Örebro. The cluster organisation is owned and run by over one hundred member companies. Through cooperation we develop and improve the competitiveness of member companies and the entire region.


Paper Province, Sommargatan 101A, 656 37 Karlstad, +46 54 24 04 60,