EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 34057 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS Picked Up, the Driver Calls a Clarksburg Frazier, Francis
September 29, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 34057 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS picked up, the driver calls a Clarksburg Frazier, Francis. HARRISON COUNTY EMERGENCY Fultz, Bob, mechanic. SQUAD PROVIDES VALUABLE hospital to alert them of the patient's Fultz, Walter, office supervisor. SERVICE-50,000 MAN -HOURS OF name, complaint, nature of illness and Furner, Charles, salesman. VOLUNTEER SERVICE PROVIDED- the name of the patient's family doctor. Gawthrop, James. 4,997 CALLS ANSWERED IN 1970 Through this vital communication, the George, Bill, salesman. hospital stands ready to provide immedi Godfrey, Richard, glass worker. ate treatment when the patient arrives. Godfrey, Ronald. The two hospitals in Clarksburg have Gonsorcik, Bill. HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH Gonzalez, Joe, newspaper reporter. OF WEST VIRGINIA merged into one unit, the United Hospi Greathouse, Ancel. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES tal Service and this facility cooperates Hammond, Bob. closely with the emergency squad and Hardman, Joseph, glass worker. Wednesday, September 29, 1971 has been a big factor in the success of Harman, Rev. 0. D., minister. Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, Har this program. Heaton, Bob. rison County, W. Va., in 1969 lost ambu Many local industries have first aid Held, Marc, self employed. trained personnel on duty which have Henline, Worder, foreman. lance service which was being provided Henning, Richard. by local funeral homes. been trained by members of the emer Hildreth, Dennis, Nat. Carbon Co. As a consequence, the Harrison County gency squad. Regular and advanced first Hyatt, James, glass worker. Emergency Squad was formed and is the aid classes are taught by the squad and Hyre, Bob.
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