York College of the City University of Jamaica-Bayside, New York February 2,1972 Vol. VH1 No.l GROUPS MOBILIZE ACTION COUNTY FIGHTS YORK CAMPUS VETO MOBILIZES AGAINST CUNY CUTS Richard Altaian education is a tution-free City The residents of greater University. Jamaica, in conjunction with "With a single stroke of his community organizations, the pen, he has shattered the rays Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, of hope of a community for its Students of York College and rescue from a destined fate of City, State and Federal elected urban blight, officials, have joined together in "While he finds monies to a united effort to oppose the build billion dollar monuments cuts in the proposed budget in Albany he cannot find the that affects York College and funding capability to insure the City University policies of future opportunity for open enrollment and free thousands of our young people tuition. seeking a better niche in life. At an emergency meeting at They are now left with only Queens Burough Hall, Borough one option - no college President Donald R. Manes education. For they cannot asserted, "I think that the afford to attend private Governor has made a specialty colleges, of promising projects such as a "His capricious action R h Donald R. Manes, confering with State Senator Emanuel R, Gold on the narcotics program and other likewise dashes the hopes of a y^r'^n"! TT • I' pulling out free money. I think large community which saw m wuege crisis. the way the acquisition of these was a result of a unified effort he's going to find that Queens redevelopment and rally, sponsored jointly by the sites has been made. People by community organizations, county is quite an Achilles heel rehabilitation within reach. Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, have been moved out, the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce when everybody is joined "Can any man place the the Queens Urban league and demolition has been going on, and interested individuals to together!" value of an edifice over the the Community Action for businesses have been closed, provide an institution of higher , In his official statement value of giving our nation's York College organization, people have been moved out. learning and to upgrade a Manes said, "With a single bright young leaders of Jamaica representative Guy You come in and uproot these community on the road to stroke of his pen, the Governor tomorrow the opportunity to Brewer, with anger in his voice, people and now you are going decay. has blotted out the hope for make their contributions to a declaimed," In addition to to say it was. all for naught, "The cut back affects the the future of thousands of better civilization - and still some of the other facets of it, that you're not going to entire urban renewal and students, whose financial claim any degree of sensitivity the one that causes me the proceed and they could have Jamaica re-development conditions dictate that their or rationality? most pain and anguish is the stayed where they were! programs. It is an irresponsible only chance for college At the Saturday, January 14, human angle. I'm talking about "I know there are those who action to cut back on a plan will say the area was blighted that all steps prior to and the houses weren't much. construction, such as purchasing Committee To Save CUNY The houses might not have of land, planning, and site been much to some people, but preparation have taken place." they were a great deal to those "This planned expansion of people who occupied them. York College dates back to Plans City-Wide Attack "You are bound to come 1966 and was an important part overcrowding, i.e. construction of the National . Governing back and examine the oft of the urban renewal project to Aarron Bitter of a new campus for York Council of the American Jewish repeated charge:'urban renewal prevent the continued College. Congress, and a New York means black removal!' And deterioration of a community In the face of the recent attorney who is chairman of that's about what usually which is trying desperately to fiscal crisis in the State of New As a result a campaign to the Ad Hoc Committee said: happens. Move these people help itself from becoming a York and the resulting effects 'insure the autonomy of the "We do not intend to surrender out, with the difficulty in slum. of many proposed cuts in the City University, the 125 year the City University. We do'not finding new homes, you would "It is unconscionable that state budget, the existence of old tradition of free tuition and intend to acquiesce in the have to be black, you would this kind of action would the City University system as it a maintenance of the open imposition of tuition, and we have to be of a certain income emanate from our highest stands now is being threatened, admissions policy", was WJU not permit the scuttling of level, and you'd have to live in elected state official who has Some of the proposals include launched at a recent press the Open Admissions program, an area like this to find out been one of the leading pnding the open admissions conference held at the which now promises the how hard it is to get located in spokesmen for improvements program entirely at C.U.N.Y. Americana Hotel by the Ad children of the disadvantaged a new home. Where are you for communities for higher and having the State University Hoc Committee for City and the children of the lower going, the people in Forest Hills education and for the forward merge with the City. Governor University. middle class an opportunity to don't want you! Where are you look of the future." Rockefeller has already vetoed The Ad Hoc Committee is a obtain a college education." going to put them? The Jamaica organization C.U.N.Y. Master Plan proposals, coalition of 63 civic, religious, Mr Squadron went on to The Community Action for asserted that they will although previously approved education, labor, civil rights, cjte the recommendations made York College organization is "Mobilize the community to by the State Board of Regents, parent, student and alunni by tne Wagner Commission last circulating petitions and make our voices heard as one. Such proposals would be for organizations. Among those year which recommended organizing local resistance. In We will carry our fight to construction of facilities organizations represented at the keeping the present free tuition an outline of points addressed Albany, and in the weeks and intended to relieve news conference were American rpolic yj i.n„ th. e future«_„». Hxxev ucite«nd. to the Governor, the group months ahead, we will work Association of University the fact that Governor stated, "We oppose the deletion -"...unti«l wouu r goals are STUDENTS Women, Jewish Congress, New Rockefeller has appointed the of 62.5 million dollars from the accomplished. York Adult Education Council, fjurd Commission, to be headed state budget for the expansion For further information, the AGAINST United Federation of Teachers by the Governor's own budget of York College in Jamaica, Community Action For York and United Parents director and named after Dr. Queens. College group can be reached BUDGET Associations. The Ad Hoc Norman T. Hurd formerly of "The planning of this project by phone at AX 7-4468. Committee for C.U.N.Y. was Cornell and a staunch advocate founded in 1966 when the City of state support of private CUTS University found that it needed higher education institutions increased state aid in order to and an equally staunch foe of IN THIS EDITION: MEETING IN CAF. function. increased funding of C.U.N.Y. FACULTY BOOK REVIEW PAGE In the opening statement by the state. Mr. Squadron also WITCH'S BREWERY PAGE 5 4pm TODAY (released to the press), Mr. noted that the "Hurd Howard Squadron, co-chairman continued on page 3 Pa«e2 Pandora's Box Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Announcements Outside The Four Walls Dr. Daniel Stan analysis of member interactions this "cultural island" provided and their knowledge of group 1972 being a presidential election year, many new young voters an atmosphere for As part of its Student dynamics, and to assist them in introspection, trust and are asking is it worth it to get involved? Many of them claim that Development Program, the dealing with conflict and learn we can have no effect due to the fact that there is no process mutuality. Division of Counseling and more about conflict resolution. As a result of this weekend through which to exercise legitimate power. Well these people are Student Development sponsored This was accomplished through wrong! other sensitivity groups will be a three day sensitivity weekend verbal and non-verbal exercises formed on campus and another Queens County is holding it's first new voters convention. It in December at Solway House and verbal encounters related to will be held Saturday March 4th at Queens College's Colden weekend is being planned for in Saugerties, New York. personal situations where the Spring semester. In Auditorium. The new Democratic voters of Queens will have the Twenty-five students attended members aim for openness, opportunity to select potential delegates to the Democratic addition, students who attended the workshops which were honesty and interrelatedness. the weekend would like to National Convention. We will also present, debate, and ratify a facilitated by Mrs. Suzanne Solway House was the perfect platform which will be submitted to the National Convention in form a Human Relations Club. Lindsey and Dr. Daniel Stem of environment for such a All are invited to join and all Miami. We have already acquired the approval and support of the the Division of Counseling, Dr. weekend. The facilities and regular Democratic party structure of Queens. are invited to take part in the Alvin Snadowsky of Social grounds are rented only to the next sensitivity weekend. All those qualified to attend are also eligible to run for a Science and Dr. Peter Lawner, organization in attendance and delegate position and submit platform proposals to the convention. formerly of the Division of Qualifications: Counseling. l.Registered Democratic Voter Two groups were formed for 2 Permanent Resident of Queens intensive awareness, sensitivity Help Wanted 3.Has become eligible to vote due to age since the 1968 and encounter sessions during Nancy Koch difficulties, poor eyesight or an Presidential election. unusual mental Mock. the three day period. Large "Reading is fundamental". All participants should bring proff of age along with their voter group meetings were also held. There is no question that registration cards to the Convention. So says a little cartoon those children need help. A few The purpose of the weekend character on a television It is our aim to set up a permanent political youth organization was to facilitate for students a years ago, there were and that "Our Convention" of March 4th will be the spring board commercial. It can open up a specialized reading teachers to keener awareness of themselves whole new world to everybody. to greater achievements. The success of "Our Convention" depends and their environment, to help help these children out. In upon you. Since the media will be present a small turnout will Unfortunately, many children 1972 however, we are freed them to become more sensitive have trouble learning to read. It negate all that we wish to accomplish in '72. A sizeable turnout of to their needs and the needs of with cutbacks. One of the most intelligent and aware new voters will ensure success. can be caused by a number of others, to help them in their serious has been the elimination Volunteers are needed NOW for the various complex jobs of the factors such as: perceptual of specialized tutors. Convention. There will be a meeting Thursday February 3rd at Eliminating them may make the Queens College in the College Memorial Center-Alumni Lounge state's budget balance, but is it (2nd Floor). ALL ARE WELCOME. Peace. Evaluation Anyone? really worthwhile if it retards For further information contact the YORK College "That's true," said someone the learning process? Coordinators: Doug Rader-767-9430 Susan Rosenfield-658-7950 Joe Raskin sitting next to us. "My history teacher gave the cards out to us Therein lies a large problem. It was towards the end of today y'know, and I looked up If a child cannot read, how is The Literary Magazine of York College desperately needs one of the last classes that I and I wanted to say Srhat is all be expected to learn any of his students who are willing to work for publication (Art, Literary had last term. The teacher was this?' I mean, talking about other subjects? Chances are that Material, Business etc). Meetings are held every Tuesday at 11:00 summing up what we had (and tests had nothing to do with he will be pushed along in AM. in room 530. Bring material in at any time to room 530. hadn't) learned that semester, the class. I had two tests all school, with bis inability to and fear began to cross the term, and I know a lot of read becoming worse and faces of several students as they worse. Mrs. Elinor Guggenheimer, an authority on urban planning, is people had less in their classes. began to realize what would be Tests are tests, regardless of Most of York College's conducting a course in the urban studies program being conducted on the final exam. Suddenly, student body is concerned and at the York College Center for Urban and Community Affairs, how good or bad any of my the teacher." remembered teachers are." sensitive enough to see the 159-07 Archer Avenue, Jamaica, Queens. something: problem, and they wfll be, The subject of Mrs. Guggenheimer's course will be "Practical "Half of those questions are "Oh..J almost forgot. You perhaps, willing to help these Applications of City Planning". Her first class in the program was really pap, y'know," the first troubled children. conducted on Jan. 24 from 7 to 10 PM., and is scheduled to have to fill out the student said. "It was boring in evaluations." Mrs. Harriet Vines, continue each Monday evening through June 26. The public is the sense that you really Coordinator of Student invited to attend. couldn't give an answer to any Activities, has, in collaboration York College is sponsoring the studies program in cooperation There wasn't too much of a of the questions. It was just reaction out of the class. A few with local elementary schools, with the South Jamaica Steering Committee, of which Dr. Canute -better than expected, set up a volunteer tutoring Bernard is president. The program is funded by a $42,500 grant put their books away. Several mid-range, and less than others began to think about program. Tutors in the program from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development expected." have their contribution noted through the City's Housing and Development Administration. what their Social Security Continued on pags7 numbers were. A couple of on their records, and so the Mrs. Guggenheimer, a member of the Planning students requested the teacher's experience may also benefit the Commission from 1961 to 1968, has been active in many number, while a few inquired as tutor, who may adjust Us planningorganizations and in child care groups. to what the date was. At the tutoring hours to accomodate She is chairman of the Advisory Committee on Day Care of the same time, fighting broke but bis own schedule. And too, Borough President of Manhattan and founder and honorary for the few IBM pencils that Drop in to working with the students is a president of the Day Care Council of New York and the Day Care were around. real pleasure. It is gratifying to and Child Development Council of America. ALLEN SCHOOL see them grasp concepts that Mrs. Guggenheimer also lectures on City Planning at the New for Physicians'Aides they never understood before, "Here's where you lose your and to watch their steady School for Social Research. She is co-moderator (with Carol 88-50165th St. Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 Jenkins) of the WOR-TV public affairs program, "Straight Talk". job," one student remarked in a progress in acquiring the facetious manner. Find out about an exciting essential skins. I just sat there, bemoaning career in the medical field. the fact that I had to fill The program also needs The Cinema Society of Herbert H. Lehman College of The City Call how for details. volunteers to tutor Math. University of New York has announced a schedule of 15 film something like this out. Reasoning that ours was not to AX 1-2200 Interested students should showings in the spring semester. contact Mrs. Vines The films, which will be shown in Gillet Hall Auditorium, are question why, I then proceeded open to the public. Admission is $1.00. to look it over. None of the questions would exactly The film schedule follows. Ail showings are at 7:30 pan. unless otherwise noted. challenge the thinking processes of the students in order for PANDORA ANNOUNCES • Jan. 28-"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) them to answer the questions, • Feb. 4-Four Chaplin and W.C. Fields Shorts which, I suppose is one of the • Feb. U-"Planet of the Apes" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) big problems with the THE FIRST • Feb. 18-"Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) evaluation forms we have, or • Feb. 25-"M*A*S*H" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) for that matter, the forms • Mar. 3-"The Odd Couple" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) anybody has. • Mar. 10-"Cactus Flower" IN A SERIES OF • Mar. 17-"Strawberry Statement" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) One of the problems with, • Mar. 24-"Boys in the Band" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) the forms is the matter in • Mar. 29-"The Haunting" and "Night of the Living Dead" (3 which they are presented. None and 7:30 p.m.) of the students seemed to have Joraalislic Workshops • Apr. 7-"The Professionals" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) any real kind of involvement • Apr. 14-"Bed and Board" with them and at times, seemed • Apr. 21-"Horsefeathers" and "Monkey Business" to be bored with them. in conjunction with their weekly • Apr. 28-"Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion" "What's the problem with • May 5-"Rosemary's Baby" (7:30 and 10 pjn.) them?" I asked one student, All schedules are subject to change. For confirmation of the after a class. Post-Mortens schedule telephone CY 5-4040 weekdays. "It's the whole thing. Obviously, the fact that we're The Sarah Lawrence College Women's Group is extending an doing them shows that someone invitation to all members of the community to attend a Women's in counseling is making an All ore Invited Weekend February 11-13. effort to fi.nd out what is going For further details, contact: The Sarah Lawrence Women's on in the classes. The problem Group, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxvule, New York 10708. is what's going to happen with the forms. Will it have any effect on the format of the Tuesday, Feb. 8 12 . "Sincere thanks to Mr. Milton Sussman, Mr. Eugene Galtman, class, or the manner in which and Mrs. Rosenquit for their assistance in the article on the it's taught? Win it have any Room 209 Archer Ave Registrar's Office which appeared in the January issue of Pandora" effect on the teacher?" Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Pandora's Box Page 3 Jamaica Groups Petition Rocky The Jamaica Chamber of five years can be suddenly and not in an inaccessible Commerce -and the Human cancelled. York College suburban area. The college Resources Council of the represents many things to the represents a guarantee of high Chamber, together representing one quarter million people in quality education for everyone over 800 businesses and 96 our community. Primarily it and especially to those who can civic, public and private represents as outstanding least afford it. It represents an agencies and the clergy of example of total community important catalyst so necessary Jamaica and Southeast Queens participation - all peoples of all for the development and future were "appalled" at the recent races, creeds and color who of our community. announcement concerning Gov. supported the campaign to It is, further, inconceivable Rockefeller's order to cancel bring York College to Jamaica that hundreds of families and construction of York College in and who are now working businesses have already been dca. together to foster its' growth. It relocated and considerable In a letter to the Governor also represents tangible evidence monies spent on planning only dated January 12, 1972 to the black community, upon to learn now that it may have Jamaica Chamber of Commerce which the college borders, that been unnecessary. President Frederic Savedoff our government representatives It is, also, difficult to explain said, "It is inconceivable that so do care and that they are this cancellation to the many vital a community project that willing to locate a great college businessmen in Jamaica who has been underway for the past in the midst of an urban area have invested well over $250,000 in the "seed money" which made it possible to U.F.T. Balks At CUNY Cuts initiate and continue the greater The United Federation of this goal. The Board of Regents Jamaica Development Program College Teachers, in what was and the State Education of which York College is an termed a "message of necessity Commissioner lent their hearty integral part and, in turn, has York Biologist Wins Grant to the governor and the New endorsement. encouraged additional private investments in our community. Dr. Leslie A. Lewis, a Laboratoire Genetique, Faculte York Legislature" called the The U.F.C.T. called on 31-year-old biologist and des Sciences in Orsay with Dr. CUNY cuts "the destruction of Governor Rockefeller and the Your decision may well discourage many who have member of the faculty of York Georges Rizet, an authority in the last bastion of free higher State Legislature to "turn this College of the City University the genetics field. Dr. Lewis education in the State of New tragedy around." The union worked unceasingly to help retain business in New York of New York in Jamaica, also will receive a grant from York. presented a five point plan to Queens, has received a one-year Dr. Jacob B. Freedman and the The message reminded the the state body demanding they: and encourage new investments in our city. research grant from the French Prospect Hospital Medical Albany officials that the City Provide at the very least the government. His specialty is Foundation in the Bronx. Dr. University instructional staff same dollar State Aid for each If the information we have genetic transduction and its Freedman is the hospital's has "labored so arduosly to City University student as that received is correct, Mr. application to blood diseases, executive director. provide upward social mobility received by each State Governor, we urgently request including sickle cell.anemia. Dr. Lewis lives at 84-20 through quality education for University student. Residents of that you reconsider your A native of St. Lucia, Dr. 153rd Avenue, Howard Beach, generations of yound people of New York City are State decision and allow York College vLewis holds .degrees including a N.Y. He is married to the modest income, we must react taxpayers too! Restore the to continue its' programed Ph.D. from Columbia former Pamela Leach of with shock and dismay at the building program for City construction." University. He is an assistant . They have a dire message emanating from University. Absord all rental Copies of the letter were sent professor of biology at York daughter, Christine, 2 years old. the Executive Chambers of the costs as capital charges until to Mayor Lindsay and Queens College, where he has taught Dr. Lewis plans to return to the Governor of the State of New construction is completed. Borough President Donald R. since 1969. York College faculty after York. Preserve the autonomy of Manes. He left for France the end of completing his research in We have accepted the operation and direction of last month to work at the France. responsibility of providing some CUNY. Don't create a gulf form of post-secondary between the hard-pressed education for every graduate people of the City of New from New York City high York and their University. Anti War Convention Calls Mass Action schools. We have joined in a Maintain free tuition at CUNY. Mass antiwar demonstrations attended. Delegates came from demonstrations was approved solemn pledge that higher A quality free education now to be held April 22 in New over 41 states. by the overwhelming majority education for them would not means revenue from employed York and on the West Coast The Spring marches will be at the convention. Coalition be a revolving door of taxpayers later and savings of have been called for by peaceful, legal demonstrations coordinator Stephanie Coontz admission and quick flunk out. the social costs of prisons, delegates attending the National with a demand for immediate, called the convention "the The Joint Committee on welfare, and the courts. Antiwar Convention. total unconditional withdrawel broadest, most representative Higher Education of your Uneducated, unemployed youth The convention was from S.E. Asia. antiwar gathering ever." honorable bodies heartily are in, James Conant's words, sponsored by the National Site of the march on the There were 197 members of accepted this objective. The "social dynamite." Peace Action Coalition and West Coast will be determined trade unions at the convention, Governor publicly supported more than 1400 persons later by NPAC, though the representing 57 unions. Over 50 West Coast cities most often GIs and Vets attending the mentioned were Los Angeles convention voted to build large York, Gertz Sponsor Voter Registration and San Francisco. contigents of active duty GIs in The convention was open to the April 22 demonstrations. York College and Gertz drive will be held in the special You may register at any one Veteran Hal Rankin, editor of Department Store will be events room of Gertz on the all antiwar activists and 23 of the following times: resolutions were submitted for the popular GI PRESS sponsoring a voter registration fifth floor. (N.Y. Blvd. and Monday:l-3 6:30-8:30 SERVICE and staff member of drive from February "7-12. Any Jamaica Ave.). In addition a consideration by the delegates. Tuesday:l-3 The final convention session NPAC said "GIs would march person who has not registered presidential preference poll will Thursday:l-3 6:30-8:30 on Aprill 22 in greater numbers to vote in the 1972 presidential be held. Anyone may vote in pared the number of resolutions Friday:l-3 to 5. The proposal for April 22 than we have ever seen. election is urged to do so. The this poll and are invited to do Saturday:10-ll so. The coordinators of the L C Blasts York drive, Bill Lyons and Mozela On Saturday the results of both Carter, two York Students, the registration drive and the YORK SHORTS Administration have worked very closely with presidential poll will be York College's recent Peter Wengert of the Political announced. For further UP YORKS It should be noted "Star Trek Lives" have been unilateral assignments of Science Faculty, and Gertz information about participating that while Rocky was busy appearing on walls, chairs etc. evening and Saturday teaching officials Sy Wollishin and Janet in the drive please contact Mr. cancelling York's campus, throughout the MW building, loads to appointees and Josephson are all very Peter Wengert at 160-08 Queensboro Community College and curious students are reappointees is being hotly optimistic about the success of Jamaica Avenue (Social has been given a grant to set up wondering just who the a color TV studio. What kind "enterprising" person is that's contested by the Legislative the drive Sciences) Telephone 523-8462. Conference. of priorities are these, guv? putting them there. "These College-imposed BE A MILD-MANNERED THE WRITING ON THE assignments are blatant abuses REPORTER Your big chance WALL, and the desks and the of the LC-BHE contract," Committee To Save CUNY to break into journalism is tables has kept this reporter explained Arnold Cantor, LC being offered in the new reading through more than a Admissions and free tuition course, English 290. Regular few boring classes. Grafitti seen Executive Director. According would "cease to exist". It was to the contract the college continued ti om page 1 readers (?) of Pandora's Box most often is "I Want A also stated that the Hurd task who have been inspired by the Window" penned, no doubt, by "must negotiate with the Commission has not yet been force on higher education, great writing on these pages, students with that closed-in bargaining unit before heard from, none the less the which was hand-picked by the now have a chance to see what feeling those blank white walls determining working Governor has adopted what he Governor, and which includes newspaper work is really all can produce. Most extensive conditions." believes the Hurd Commission no representative of the public about! work was seen in rm. 106 "York College," said Cantor, report will be and started this colleges, State or City where a three-way play goes "is one more example of an , right t indicating that University or State Education STUDY HALL Due to the lack year ou of space to put them anywhere "Life is a Myth", "YOU are a administration attempting to the Hurd Commission is already Department, is reportedly ready myth", answered by "Wrong. unilaterally ramrod its position to recommend uniform tuition else, stall-type benches have prejudging the issue, because been installed in that forgotten I'm Married. I'm a Mythis!" through, regardless of the legal the Governor does not have to charges at C.U.N.Y. and RAPID TRANSIT Students in a machinery in place." S.U.N.Y. ranging from $800 to stretch of wide hallway on the wait for an answer." Archer Ave. and 151st side of hurry have found the fastest Complaints against the In the face of this, Mr. $1,200 a year. way to get from the lounge to dictatorial ways of the York the first floor. It's convenient, Squadron charged, the ''No longer will relatively quiet and close to the the "caf" is a slide down the College administration have Governor is planning for a disadvantaged students attend banister. Don't let the guards been filed with the Public back door - draft dodgers S.U.N.Y. takeover of C.U.N.Y. classes as equals with other beware. catch you (literally) Employment Relations Board, which would mean that Open students, Reprinted trom LC Reporter FAR OUT Stickers proclaiming (Arlene Barns) Page 4 Pandora's Box \yednesday, February 2, 1972

Pandora's Box

Editor-in-Chief CUNY-WIDE CRISIS Hy L. Dubowsky

Managing Editor Business Manager Marie Gannon Marvin Bernfeld With the local community organizing protest against Governor Rockefeller's recent actions, we hope that the CUNY wide budgetary crisis, to which the veto of the York master plan is only an introduction, Feature Editor Copy Editor will not be overlooked. Peter Richards Robin Ginsberg Recent announcements of plans to incorporate the city university in the News Editor state system and to introduce a policy of tuition in the city colleges Richard Altman Production Assistants seriously effect the education of all presently enrolled students and Layout and Graphics Editor Mark Roth constitute a direct attack on the policy of open enrollment. Lorraine C. Brooks Arlene Barnes All branches of the University must be allowed to expand to meet STAFF: present and projected needs; operating budgets must permit the effective aaron biller francis ann ippelizzeri functioning of the programs to which CUNY is committed; free tuition joe raskin charlie hollman and open enrollment must be safeguarded. celeste slenker While we must feel, and most acutely, the consequences of the stopage dave spranza maureen mooney of York college's campus construction, we must not ignore the crisis Any editorial opinion expressed herein is not necessarily the situation which exists for the entire university. opinion of the entire staff, or each of the editors, but rather the The principle of tuition would put an end to this citie's policies of free ' majority of the editorial coalition. education and equal opportunity. Any tuition fee would be subject to

Pandora"s Box welcomes your editorial comments' in the form annual increments to meet yearly budgetary crises. Therefore, any tuition of letters to the editor. We will try to print as many different fee, no matter how small, is intolerable; the projected fee of from eight opinions on different subjects as the requirements of space allow. Letters should be typed and must be signed. Address your hundred dollars to twelve hundred dollars is absurd. comments to; Pandora's Box, 159-07 Archer Avenue, Jamaica. The York College problem is only a small part of a far reaching N.Y. Rockefeller scheme of prejudicial design. It is essential that the college community and the local residents, while fighting for the reapproval of our master plan, likewise organize and demand that the State guarantee I 'TYTtnC TA TUC EI\ITAn the free tuition status of City University and meet its committment to the LcTTTERS TO THE EDITOR open enrollment program. To the Editor: The encouraging progress of I would like to express my what started out as a pioneering vehement opposition to the experiment in offering higher announced cut in State funds education to youths of all for the development of a York colors, creeds and economic College campus in the Jamaica classes may now be hampered area of Queens. The by a serious lack of space and cancellation, or even facilities-the very needs which postponement of this project the Jamaica campus was abandoning the target area from under construction. expansion of the City would strike a vital blow both designed to fulfill. 158th Street to 165th Street Taking all elements into University and the long to the cause of free, quality and from the Long Island consideration, this does not sought-after renewal of the How much longer can we Jamaica area must not be education in the New York expect the burgeoning York Railroad mainline to South seem to me to be the City metropolitan area, as well Road to yet more years of appropriate time to discontinue chosen as victims of the present College facilities to remain fiscal squeeze. as to the critical urban renewal housed in the old Montgomery urban deterioration. funding for the York College goals of the Jamaica Ward warehouse on 151st What makes the project veto project in Jamaica. The This tragic decision must be redevelopment project. Street and Jamaica Avenue? even more untimely is the fact responsibility for saving the reversed in terms of human' This is hardly the ideal that several key commitments expansion program must now potential and the development be shared by the city residents of future leaders in the city of The new campus, approved atmosphere for learning. have already been made in preparation for the York and elected officials alike. We New York, we simply cannot last August by the State Board I am also greatly must make clear to the afford to block the York of Regents, has been heralded disappointed by the fact that College construction. Land has been purchased for the campus Governor that we are well College expansion project in as the next logical step in thethe announced budget cut will aware of the budget deficit Jamaica. development of the innovative take the very backbone out of site, subway stops have been adjusted accordingly, and a new currently threatening New York Seymour Halpem open-admissions policy recently the entire Jamaica State, but that the needed adopted by the City University. redevelopment program-thereby science building is already Congressman, N.Y.

BHE MANDATES STUDENT EVALUATIONS The Board of Higher recommendations to the RESOLVED, That establishing systematic Education has taken a Board. February 1, 1972 be held student-teacher evaluations was significant step toward ensuring as the date beyond which the result of the thought that that student evaluations of The intent of the bylaw was no recommendations for such a program should be teachers will, be considered by to make it an official reappointment, tenure or closely tied to a college College Presidents in making responsibility of the Presidents promotion should be governance plan. He stated, recommendations to the Board to consider the results of granted without evidence "This is a misapprehension; The concerning the instructors student teacher evaluations in given to the Board of President has final college tenure or promotion. recommending an instructor for systematic student responsibility regarding Last March 22, the Board tenure or promotion. evaluation, except in such, appointments, reappointments, approved a bylaw (Section However, little action was cases where the Chancellor promotions and tenure. Thus 11.4h) which required each taken on most campuses toward presents a cogent reason student-teacher evaluations need College President to: Consult establishing .systematic for further deay. not be part of a governance with the appropriate student-teacher evaluations. As structure," departmental and faculty a result, at the December 20 Richard Lewis, Chairman of committees on matters of, meeting of the Board, certain the University Student Senate appointments, members objected that the who attends the meetings of reappointments and Presidents were submitting the Board of Higher Education Mr. Lewis further stated that promotion; TAKE recommendations without the commented after the meeting he urged all student body STUDENT EVALUA- use of student evaluations. One on the 20th had adjourned presidents to meet with their TIONS INTO ACCOUNT Board member protested that that, "What is significant about College Presidents immediately IN MAKING he would like to see all this resolution is that it to develop these structures. He RECOMMENDATIONS appointments made without reaffirmed the Board's stated, "In this way the College THEREON; present to the these evaluations tabled. commitment that student Presidents will not have the Board his recommendations evaluation of teaching was both opportunity to use, at some thereon; notify the In response to this strong necessary and mandatory. Mr. future date, arguments based on appropriate faculty sentiment the Board passed the Lewis also commented that gradualism or that they are committee of .his following resolution: much of the delay in powerless to act." Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Pandora's Box PageS The State of the City & -BOOKERY- The City of the State Female Sexuality keep a few people in power, damaging effect on any college .Dr. Miriam Schneider Joe Raskin while peretuating the in the area, whether or not it is a) Carmine De Sapio, where are p o werlessness of the private or public. Most of the This is an open, honest, and of the main aims of the book is you, now that we need you? community. The Governor just students who entered CUNY revealing account of how over to show that sexuality is an or might get his Tammany Hall, would never have gone to any 250 women felt about and integral part of the personality. I'm beginning to feel that but hell also get all of the graft other college, because they reacted to their sexuality. The The author comments that Norman Mailer was right! and corruption that went with never could afford it. For author, a woman, records both "there is more to female Now that New York City is it. many, including myself, Open the content and the meaning of sexuality than the ability To in its annual crisis, it has Jimmy Walker, where are you? Admissions presented the one the interviews with a great deal attract a man...and there is become commonplace for the b) Whaddya mean, $600.00 a real opportunity to obtain a of compassion and more to sexual experience than observer • to criticize either term to go to York? four year college education. understanding. the physical act of Governor Rockefeller or Mayor In that same State of the Most Open Admissions students The candid discussions of love making." Lindsay in an effort such as State message, Rockefeller also would never have been able to how these women are adapting The purposes of the this. I shall not break tradition, proposed that the State go:to places like LIU or NYU their behavior in a changing interviews were to discover the because this time Rocky's really University take over the City simply because they didn't have sexual environment make up meaning of female sexuality in done it. He's done a lot, and if University, in order for old the money to do so. (It costs the chapters of the book. The today's world and to determine he does more, this city will be C.U. to be equalized with the about $2000 a year, not topics included are Fantasy and the reasons for some of the in even more trouble than it is State University. This is an counting textbooks, carfare, Reality, The Morality Maze, confusion. Although the pill now. equalization in the sense that and incidentals such as food, to Love and Marriage, Orgasm, and economic independence In his state of the state we're going to have to pay the go to NYU.) Lesbianism and Deviation and have given many women the message on the 18th, the same $1200 a year that people All of this basically comes Masturbation. There are some opportunity to choose from a Governor bemoaned the fact pay to go upstate, and that back to the heralded feud enlightening discussions about variety of life styles, there still that there was no real political Open Admissions will be ended. between Lindsay and group sex, male jealousy, exists a great deal of conflict, organization in the city, such as Pardon me for asking, but Rockefeller, two men with high extra-marital affairs, the big O myth, and contradiction in the Tammany Hall, that could get where are most of us going to ambitions who are taking every (orgasm), and homo-sexual area of female sexuality. For things done for the people, get that twelve hundred dollars? chance they have in order to experiences of hetero-sexual example, why do men force, although it would make great How many of our parents can further themselves and females. The appendix includes women to play the "sex game" political gains by doing so. afford to put out that much? embarrass each other. In spite 14 interviews which represent a and how do women help Nothing this, Rockefeller Worst of all, where are the of this, the City University cross section of the women on perpetuate the myth that suggested that the city be students who would get into must be saved, if the Open whom the book is based. females are second class returned to its pre-1898 status, CUNY under Open Admissions Admissions and free tuition Although the women citizens? going to go to college? with the fiv e boroughs policies can continue. There is interviewed were British, then- Many women maintained becoming • cities again, since he It is absurd. to reason that no other alternative to this. ideas can be applied to that the lack of adequate sex felt the city was unmanagable Open Admissions has had a Continued on page7 American women as well. One education in both the home in its current state. and school contributed to their The State Assembly and confusion and subsequent guilt Senate cannot do this without feelings. In the area of the approval of the voters of homosexuality several women the city, in an election as early It Makes Me Wonder felt that curiosity itself was a as this November, and the Peter Richards a pleasant way to pass the time meaning fades away with nffle: motivation strong enough to results of this election would be by those who call themselves It loses its emotional impact. overcome even deep seated questionable. The danger in "Camerado, I give you my hand! intelligent. That includes most We forget. Meaning is replaced inhibitions. Some of the women something like this is that / givei you my lovel more everyone reading this trek into by something less demanding. interviewed expressed the Governor would get the. return precious than money, the indefinable abstract. We all For example, in the field of opinion that women were less of the dominant party I give you myself before suck as much meaning from the politics we are told how the deviant (excluding organizations, only it would be preaching or law; arts, whether they be movies, government lies to us, how we homosexuality) in their sexual much more than he bargained Will you give me yourself? literature, or television. We are cheated by a group of men practices because they were for. In Queens and Brooklyn at Will you come travel with me? become sufficiently bloated, and women elected to serve us. more emotionally involved in a least, the Democratic Shall we" stick by each then burp with the The Pentagon Papers are only a relationship. They thought that organizations are still very other as long as we live"? contentment of accomplish- dim memory; did they change men were looking for mate strong, if not as strong as ever, Walt Whitman, ment. But really, nothing has anything? Ellsburg affected physical thrills because of their and ^he Reform groups are not Words have meaning. These been accomplished, nothing has people to the extent of them greater physical orientation. An overwhelmingly strong, words must have meaning to been changed. saying, "This is terrible, interesting point. Matthew Troy and Meade someone, somewhere for they We do not take meaning, something must be done." But Although this book is of Esposito control much of the are a branch which extend given to us by the as this statement ended with a special interest to women, it patronage and political themselves as a helping hand to communicative arts, and use it period, so did the idea. has much value for the male movement in their respective the growth of people. Meaning, to constructively better Something could have been reader also. The author notes boroughs, and the thought of though, isn't enough. Today, ourselves and the ones around done if we desired it. The that "if men are to live in either one of them controlling this precious meaning becomes us. For some strange reason meaning given us by a brave harmony with the new women, an entire city is frightening. man could have meant more then they must understand From then on, in any of the Witch's Brewery than a month's worth of them." The new woman is one boroughts outside of Staten headlines. We had the power, who is described as educated, Island, -where the situation we still have the power. What economically independent, and would be reversed, it would be we didn't have, and still don't sexually free in the sense that even harder than it is now for a A Physical Law have, is the desire of she is no longer limited by a Republican to gain major office Hyperion than other masses of air. perserverence. fear of pregnancy. The author in the city. The ancient physical law still Activity. Mere motion. If I raise This is true, not only in the also states that although sexual The whole question is, will reignsi warm air does tend to my hand 12 times each class broad scope of politics, but also freedom is a positive factor, this do anything for New York rise. We all accept that-as a law session, I am in motion. More in our scholastical environment. more attention should be given City? Will it cure the ills of the of physics. As a law of politics, than you, perhaps. And often, The educational budget for to the qualities of warmth, city? Will it improve the particularly politics as it is therefore, I will rise more higher learning has been slashed consideration, and honesty. subways? Will it aid the practised in academic rapidly to the top. by the illogical wisdom of our Miriam L. Schneider teaches schools? Will it revitalize the institutions, more research is Other explanationp s for the learned governorgovrnor. He does not the Sex & Sexuality course in ghetto areas? Will it maintain needed- the Department of Physical Open Admissions and CUNY? All of us at York, from the movement of certain air masses give of himself before preaching to the top in lieu of others are continued on page 7' Education, Or is it something to improve first semester freshmen to the obvious. Opportunism; the the political status of Nelson senior professor, no doubt have chance meeting of an opening Rockefeller? Maybe it's just watched the movement of these at a higher level and an another blow in the air currents in the classroom, in available candidate, hopefully Faculty Promotions Rockefeller-Lindsay feud. the ranks of student qualified; pressure exerted by President Milton G. Bassin From Instructor to Maybe it's that Rockefeller has organization, and on the various air masses below on those announced the promotions of Assistant Professor: completely written off New committees. Why, we may above; and myriads more too the following members of the Judith Papachristou (History) York City for support in often wonder, does one student many and too obvious perhaps York faculty, approved by the David Eckroth (Chemistry) whatever political ventures face tend to dominate a classroom to enumerate here. Board of Higher Education at Samuel Huang (Biology) him in the future. Whatever it hour? Why is a particular Joe What of it? Why spout off its meeting on Monday evening, Ruth Zinar (Music) is, Rockefeller's plan has little president of a student about warm air masses rising? January 24,1972. Venis Marsh (Reading) . basis if he is trying to cure the organization? And how, we Because the new semester will * * * ills of the city. You can make ponder, did Professor X rise to likely witness new and now From AssociateTfofessor every neighborhood in the city the chairmanship of his Appointment from Lecturer unforeseeable warm air rising to to Professor: to Assistant Professor: a city, but what will it do to department? Frustrated, we ask the top of student Emilia Doyaga (Spanish) make life better? Rockefeller the simple yet profound Vera Douthit (Counseling- organizations, classrooms, Eileen Southern (Music) Psychology) may be dreaming that a new question: how DOES a mass of committees, and faculty and From Assistant Professor Tammany Hall will rise from warm air rise in the academic Stuart Bailin (Physical administrative ranks. Whatever to Associate Professor: Education) this, but it won't. Tammany hierarchy? your rank at York, first might have served its purpose Marjorie Boyer (History) * * * One si mple answer semester freshman or senior Paul Ray (English) From College Lab Tech once, but creating * new one immediately appears. Warm air faculty * member, you will will not necessarily improve the Theresa Rizzitiello (Physical B to College Lab Tech C: moves at a faster rate than cold 'probably witness several warm Education) Joseph Scaparo (Natural schools. It will not make air. Heated into a frenzy, air masses ascending this garbage pickups more frequent. Peter Ranis (Political Science) perhaps compulsive, perhaps semester. Science) From College Lab Tech It isn't the way to keep transit ambitious, perhaps beneficient, fares down. All it will do is to Be sure they are not puffs of Marie Wittek (Education- A to College Lab Tech B: it simply moves fast. Faster hot air. -Speech) Jacob Mair (Humanities) Page 6 Pandora's Box Wednesday, February 2. 1972 Anger In Words Please don't attempt to save me, Cta&tfel* Saviors. Just hand me back the coin you so snaakity took out of my bark pocket The Introduction's mine. White you preached your GodfearingbufishU. I am P.E. Product of my Environment Hell, yes, I know where your outf Standing 6 feet or 4, depending on what time it is. Cold, confused, angry, frustrated and stoned. lite audacity of it all. Fucking God. where does he hang out? It's ironic, I didn't even ask to be hew. Somewhere, somehow, two people made a mistake I can cry, if it's worth something, Emotions and a hard-on got in the way of Because fear ducts are really controlled by the mind. common sense. MIND, something that is to be found out, And out i popped. when, where, why or even Jiow? Being here Ls something 1 have to rope with, But asking me to fight your death wars, It snows in winter and death is inevitable, praise your slum leaders, and pay for your Fuckin But don't ask me for definite realizations taxes, is something I don't. Aside from the l.wo above, wooden box and flakes Since when do I pay for something I didn't Don't ask me about institutions, corporations. ask for. monopolies, and public ht-alth. They are Besides, the customer is always right! all built by wooden soldiers who use souls as cement for their foundations. How about paying me. That's right, paying And Fuck the word CHARISMA. me, myself, and V. (Did you hear that. ?). Why not? I practice your standards. My ancestors (whatever that means) drenched. Save mi- from capitalism, communism, spiritualism, this fucking land with their life drops. sexualism, and ever other fuckin' "ism." I pay heed to your laws. I wouldn't Cause they don't mean shit right now. even think of smoking dope in Rest Rooms. Not when I haven't slept in two days, mj 1 even wear cloths so as not to embarass you. head aches, or when my eyes fail to open. I eccasionally visit supermarkets and buy Cop a nod, unveil the ditto marks of your diseased and polluted ears of horse-shit collapsing veins, and curse me. Grade Z meat. There really is no actual cop-out, just a lot of weak suppositions. So pay me, man, because Relationships work Don't preai-h to me over coi'lVe, Because if I'm two ways or else they don't work at all. having coffee with you, I truit \ou. And it fuckin seems to me that I'm doing And I don't trust anyone who preaches to all tht> givin, and your doing all the taking. me. My own anger amply exemplifies your I don't want to hear about the evils of selfishness. society and the weakness of our culture, Because the coffee's hot, and that's all Pay me. America, or stop coming around that's "relevant" now. and asking me to do your sick deeds. Heat, soaking up the frailties of my frozen soul, that's what's important. Why don't- we just leave each other atone,...:.

THE WRITTEN WORD BOOKSTORE Review "Richard" 89 61-165th St The Death Of A Gnome Peter Richards (between bus terminal & Jamaica ave.) 1972 shows all the signs of Written and directed by being a vintage Nixon year, at playwright Lorees Yerby, and least in the world of filmed in New York over six entertainment. History has months, "RICHARD" is a We Got What You Want/ seldom seen a political figure humorous study of Nixon's life who has been such a source of from boyhood through his creative inspiration, and the climb to the Presidency. Posters - color, b/w, and for black light new year will find him glorified The title role is played by in novels and on stage, screen Richard M. Dixon, an actor and recordings. who changed his name from Top contender in this James LaRoe on the strength of remarkably fertile field is the his remarkable likeness to the COMPLETE LINE OF PAPERBACKS film "RICHARD", an real Nixon, and who can be independent production by found parlaying that act of fate producer Bertrand Castelli, well- into features this month in the known for his work as January issues of both "Harpers Executive Producer of "HAIR" Bazaar" and "Harpers". novels • sci-fi i fiction i history in New York and as the producer of the world's most Other players in the film biographies i mysteries i non-fiction i best sellers acclaimed musical in Europe include Dan Resin as the Young and Asia. "RICHARD" will Richard, Lynn Lipton as Young premiere in New York in late Pat, John Carradine as The Huge Selection of Most Kinds of Paperbacks February on a date and at a Surgeon, and Mickey Rooney as theatre to be announced, and The Guardian Angel. Harry open afterwards in Las Vegas, Hurwitz, praised for his film, GOOD MUSK GOOD SERVICE Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, Miami and "The Projectionist" served as Peking. creative consultant. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! canvassing - organizing Office Work petitions - typing 2133 BROflDUAy, N.y.C.-- 787-9674 Students Against The Budget Cuts 90-81 SUTPNIN BLVD., JR. 6:58-9365 Contact: Harriet Vines Archer Ave. UEWELRy PAPER-PIPES- RECORDS^ Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Pandora's Box Page? It Makes Me Wonder continued from page 5 or law. Rockefeller's political carving on a cold piece of success and fame, with money within our hearts. Yet, reality can prevail without the need to code defaces Whitman's words. marble. In order to do this we and the God damn GNP, but shows us that money continues rationalize. It all hinges on Yet, we the students, have the employ one of the most we cannot say this before we to rule people. We are desire. "Shall we stick by each power to carry on that meaning peculiar human tendancies - we somehow change the structure brainwashed into believing it other as long as we live?" Shall when it is thrown to the side of rationalize evil into good. We of society, because it is more brings contentment, happiness we produce the will needed to the road. Many of us, however, turn our asses on the faces of powerful then we. It will laugh and fullfiUment. We establish change this society. are frustrated by our own sense others because it is in the best at our feeble attempts in money as the universal religion. "But you know the of insignificance. Idealism, for interests of ourselves. We do rejecting it. This is where "Our Father who art in darkest hour, us, is not a way of life. not realize how empty this goal meaning, and the extention of heaven" becomes "My dollar Is always just before It is beautiful to be an is until it is too late. meaning comes into focus. sign who art my goal." the dawn. idealist, to view the world as a Some of us compete because Words such as Whitman's have Money has an uncanny way And it appears to be place of potential for good, a we know no other way to no other purpose then to light for bringing out the worst in a long time, place of hope for the future. measure ability. We no longer a flame within our minds. Then people. If you think this Such a long, long, long The words of Whitman are treat others as humans but as it is up to us to add our own untrue, try forgetting to tip a time before the dawn. sincere and human in meaning. things to be past in a footrace fuel. In most instances the bellhop, or a taxicab driver, or They are a fond hope of an to insanity. We become jealous flame usually dies away leaving a waiter in some New York Listen very hard, it doesn't aspiring dreamer. In themselves, of those who might infringe on its ashes deep within the resturant. Those smiles by have to be such a long time they should be something to our manly or womanly subconcious, only to be stewardesses on airlines are before our dawn. strive for, but a steamroller individuality. In our society, thought of on occasion. This is smiles only because they were called reality finds a way to you cannot be just a person, not enough. Change can only bought and paid for. The ushers flatten out their lasting affects. you must be more. You must come through perserverence and at Shea Stadium are human EVALUATIONS However, reality is our own get that "A". To Ml means love of true purpose. That only if they receive a tip for creation, it is our own you are less than human, an purpose contains the need to be dusting your seat. Public service continued from page 2 steamroller. We are the ones object of pity and scorn. real, not a celluloid android is rendered only if paid for. "Another one of the who allow it to be mutilated. Punitive action is taken against molded by the hands of an Money breeds words such as sacrifices made to computer There is so much goodness those who stumble into inanimate society. Yet, this task corruption, hatred, and science." within people that it makes me non-fullfillment. Society's is the most difficult to deception. It has the power to "I guess so. You hear wonder why it continues to motto is get ahead, get ahead, undertake. You or I cannot destroy lives only because we anything from the other prevade. Reality stares through get ahead! Hit a homerun. walk into a store, take some allow it to govern our lives. schools?" the eyes of a middle class Don't strike out. Win, win. goods and say, "I give you my Money is what is destroying "A bit. Hunter's questions awakening to misplaced values. Love is lost somewhere. love more precious than free education. There are very were a hell of a lot tougher. It stares through the eyes of Kindness is hard to find, almost money." No matter how hard few things left that are free. Real put 'em on the spot people filled with fear of other as hard to find as real people in we try, we are still ruled by a Someday, someone might Howard Cosell-type questions. people. It feeds on selfishness, a city of competition. But dollar sign which is the patent the sunrise and charge Could nail someone really vanity, and mental blindness. It competition is the mainstay of mainspring of this country. admission. And it is apathy that good." is epitomized in our own progress, it is the mainstay of However, no one is telling us will let it happen. It will be "Really?" government, elected by the democracy. When we graduate money should make us blind to apathy that destroys our free "Yeah. But I was talking to people. Yes, there is love, from York, we will find out ourselves. We are the ones who educational system, and we some friends of mine from kindness, and sincerity in all of how ugly competition really is. are possessed by obsessions have ourselves to blame. It will Hunter, and they told me it us, but it is controlled by only because we allow it In this realm of disorder, not be Governor Rockefeller's was the same thing as here. progress which encompasses without sincere question. We fault if the City University Would you believe that?" competition, success, fame, the success must be reevaluated. No rationalize, and values become longer must it be accepted System and open admission will "It's kinda hard to." gross national product, and, lost or changed. one day cease to exist, it will above all, money. One needn't without question. Success, as "It's true. You could fill out handed down to us, means that It is up to us, the youth of be ours. We are also to blame if something as long as anything, look far to find these qualities we allow money, competition within himself. you cannot be you, I cannot be this country, to change this but what good is it if nothing I. We are shown a world filled decayed monster of nihlilistic and progress to rule our lives. It happens, if it doesn't get out of with ordinaries, all expendable. attitudes. There is no need for is our choice to make. the file cabinet? Who's going to Some of us desire to be Freedom, love and humanity famous; we want to be How long are we to take this money to imprison the hope care about the evaluations?" somebody. We want to leave a shit? Mental suicide easily mark with our successor. That defines this banality. College is mark has to be more than a preparing us to be other than AN EMERGENCY CALL TO A CONFERENCE scribble on a bathroom wau, what we are, only if we let it. TO SAVE CUNY, SUNY AND more than an etching on a We have the power to say the subway car, more than a hell with competition, with THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

The attacks on CUNY, SUNY and the public schools are mounting The State of the City with speed and ferocity. Governor Rockefeller, .supported by private and legislative interests, showed he was more concerned continued from page 5 These policies aie among the Assembly District in Queens, with bailing out the private schools and colleges than solving the most unique steps to be taken two pieces of land connected financial crisis at CUNY, SUNY and the public schools. to provide a free coDege by the World's Fair Marina and education in this nation, and it the Shea Stadium parking lot. In his message to the legislature last week, Rockefeller proposed: has to continue, in spite of the Keep standing for the 22nd complaints of several private Assembly District in Queens, 1. Making CUNY part of SUNY and charging tuition at college presidents. Ironically, made up of Rockaway and a rate comparable to the private colleges. the City University had a plan Broad Channel, and is that would fill up their empty connected another piece of land positions through open in Rosedale by a small corridor 2. Donating millions of public money to private colleges; admissions, but guess who of water behind Kennedy defying a federal court decision by proposing grants to vetoed it? Airport. (Which wouldn't be so private and parochial schools. Meanwhile he scrcppvd c) Gerrymander anyone? bad if people live there instead plans for York College in CUNY, and two state colleges The process known as of seagulls.) and a university center may close. gerrymandering was created We should mourn also for back in 1812 by Elbridge the community of Jamaica, 3. A freeze on spending in CUNY and SUNY and a minimal Gerry, governor of which has been broken up, at budget for the public schools which spell disaster. Massachusetts, when he last count, into seven assembly Mandated increases for faculty and staff, need for rearranged a district to suit his districts and three senatorial additional space and supportive programs makes clear political needs. Since then, districts. It will take the people that any freeze is in reality a cutback. nearly everybody has repeated of the area at least ten years to that when he had the get any real kind of political opportunity to do so. The clout again, but in ten years, it TO SAVE CUNY, SU-NY AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS reapportionment of the State will be time for reapportion- Assembly and Senate districts ment, and guess what is going New York State college and high school students must organize to this year is no different. to happen then? Old Gerry fight back now. Somewhere, Elbridge Gerry couldn't have planned it any must be very proud of the job better. The United Community Centers Young Adult Group and Youth done by the legislators. In most All of that may not be Assembly is calling a state-wide Emergency Conference of students parts of the state, every district nearly as bad as the fate facing LO begin the fight - with a progressive voting record one of Manhattan's got clobbered. congressmen. Manhattan is due A moment of silence, please, to lose a congressman, due to a SATURDAY, FEBRUARY [2, ,?.'?. for the people of South Bronx drop in the census and either who live in the 33rd Senatorial Ed Koch or William Fitts Ryan ALBANY, NEW YORK District, who find themselves is going to have to run against not only in with Pelham Bay, Bella Abzug. Play taps, please. SAVE CUNY, SUNY AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS but with Riverdale as well. More next issue on CUNY Because someone in Albany has and the city in general in the FIGHT BACK a sense of humor, the 33rd second part of this story, manages to cross the entire entitled "Budgets, Bonds, and borough. Or for the 35th Birbaehs." Page 8 Pandora's Box Wednesday, February 2, 1972

I I I I I I • • Pandora's SportsBox • • • • • • • !•• • i • • • • • York Basketball Team Charlie Hoilman

Richie Brown Larry Miller Richie came from Richmond Hill high Larry, the man in the leather coat, is the school and now is a sophomore at York. He is best dresser on the Nomads. He is a forward the jester of the team but when it comes who is always in the starting five. He loves to down to playing basketball he really gets move inside and drive on his man. Larry's serious. Richie is a real good foul shooter and season high, so far, is 21 points against likes to play the post. When he's not chewing Quinnipiac, which is also the team high this up the other team, he is chewing up his shirt. season. Larry and Lou combine to form Billy Bruce York's rebounding might. This former Van Terry Gil Bill is a 6'2" 180 1b. junior out of Bayside Burenite is the only married man on the high school. He is a dedicated ball player and squad and he shows it by his aggressiveness on always puts out 100% for the team. Bill the court. shoots best against zone defenses because Larry Poole somehow he gets into the clear. His favorite Larry is the shortest member of the team at shot is a long jumper out of the corner. His 5'8", but this does not hinder his basketball high game this season, so far, was against ability. Larry hasn't played much this season, Quinnipiac College, 15 points. but this is his first year on the team. He came Terry Gil from Boys high in Brooklyn and is a real good Terry stands a lean 6'2" in his stockinged one-on-one player. With a little more feet, if you can get him to stop playing experience, Larry may be the next play maker basketball and take off his sneakers. So far for York. this season, Terry hasn't seen too much Elliot Solomon action, but he will have a long career with the One word to describe EUie's play is team because he is only a freshman. He plays "sweet", and that is why the other players forward and he came from Andrew Jackson nicknamed him "SWEETS". A good ball Ed Gonera high school. handler with a picture perfect "J" (jump Ed Gonera shot), Ellie rounds out the starting five. He Eddie is another one of the coaches minute- had his high game against Brooklyn Poly Tech men. He is always ready to play when called with 15 points. His patented" "J" is his on. Ed demonstrated this in the John Jay favorite shot. Ellie can swish this shot from game, by coming off the bench in the second almost anywhere on the court. half and scoring ten points to blow the game Franchot Solorzano open. This 6'3" sophomore helps the team Fran is his name and hustle is his game. through his skills and his terrific attitude. He This 5'11" guard out of Evander Childs high is a real team ballplayer. school, is the fastest man on the Nomads. Lou Karas Fran has impressed me through his defensive Much improved from last year, Lou is a abilities. He is only a freshman and has a great great asset to the squad. His offense is as future ahead of him. Franchot has great spirit steady as his good defense. Recently, Lou and for some unknown reason the guys shaved off his moustache and proved his nick-named him "fish." basketball ability did not stem from his hair. Coach Balin Lou Also a sophomore, Lou will be a star Behind a winning basketball team there is performer for a long time. His favorite shot is always a dedicated coach. A coach must a fall-away jumper about 12' from the basket. create an inter-squad harmony, while at the Charlie Mardis same time mold his team into a successful If there can be an all around great ball functioning unit. Coach Balin, in my opinion, player, Charlie is it. He is the captain of the combines these two attributes in his coaching squad and a real leader. Charlie is the play manner. He has been coach for the last several maker of the team but his defensive ability years with his best effort coming last year even surpasses his offense. If he has to score with a ten and five winning season. Good he will score. If defense is needed, then coaches are hard to find; and we've got one, defense it will be. At 6'1" out of Edison high and we hope he will continue coaching us, in school, Charlie Mardis is a coaches dream. the future.

|YORK99 QUINNIPIAC 79 'I told you so! Charlie Holman"|

Team in action. Coach Stu Bailin Bill Bruce