SENATE-Thursday, January 17, 1980
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46 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE January 17, 1980 SENATE-Thursday, January 17, 1980 (Legislative day of Thursday, January 3, 1980) The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, preliminary notification 20 days before PROPOSED ARMS SALES on the expiration of the recess, and was transmittal of the official notification. • Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, section called to order by Hon. SPARK M. MAT The official notification will be printed 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act SUNAGA, a Senator from the State of in the RECORD in accordance with previ requires that Congress receive advance Hawaii. ous practice. notification of proposed arms sales under I wish to inform Members of the Sen that act in excess of $25 million or, in PRAYER ate that three such notifications were the case of major defense equipment as The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward received on January 10 and 14, 1979. defined in the act, those in excess of $7 L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following Interested Senators may inquire as to million. Upon such notification, the Con prayer: the details of these. preliminary notifica gress has 30 calendar days during which tions at the offices of the Committee on the sale may be prohibited by means of Let us pray: Foreign Relations, room S-116 in the We thank Thee, our Father-God, for a concurrent resolution. The provision Capitol. stipulates that, in the Senate, the notifi this good hnd which Thou hast given us The notifications fallow: fc,r our heritage. Make us a people mind cation of proposed sale shall be sent to DEFENSE SECURITY ASSISTANCE AGENCY, the chairman of the Foreign Relations ful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Washington, D.C., January 10, 1980. Strengthen ar..d support all those who Dr. HANS BINNENDIJK, Committee. serve this Nation in any way, anywhere. Professional Staff Member, Committee on In keeping with my intention to see Especially draw near to our country Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Wash that such information is immediately men who suffer detention and imprison ington, D.C. available to the full Senate, I submit for ment as hostages of another country. DEAR DR. BINNENDIJK: By letter dll.ted 18 the RECORD the notification I have just February 1976, the Director, Defense Secu received. Give Thy special grace to the President rity Assistance Agency, indicated that you and all others who conduct the affairs would be advised of possible transmittals to The notification "follows : of this Government with other nations. Congress of information as required by Sec DEFENSE SECURITY AsSISTANCE AGENCY, Establish justice and peace throughout tion 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act. Washington, D.C., January 14, 1980. the world. May goodness and mercy fol- At the instruction of the Department of HON. FRANK CHURCH, low us all our days. Amen. · State, .r wish to provide the following ad Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, vo.nce notification. U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. The Department of State ls considerln1 an DEAR MR. CHAmMAN: Pursuant to the re APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRESI of!er to a Central European country tenta porting requirements of Section 36(b) of the DENT PRO TEMPORE tively estimated to cost in excess of $25 Arms Export Control Act, we are forwarding mllllon. herewith Transmittal No. 80-26, concern Sincerely, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk ing the Department of the Army's proposed will ple:;ase read a communication .to the ERNEST GRAVES, Director. Letter of Offer to Denmark for defense arti Senate from the President pro tempore cles and services estimated to cost $8.7 (Mr. MAGNUSON). DEFENSE SECURITY AsSISTANCE AGENCY, million. Shortly after this letter ls delivered The legislative clerk read the follow Washington, D.C., January 10, 1980. to your office, we plan to notify the news ing letter: DR. HANS BINNENDIJK, media. U.S. SENATE, Professional Staff Member, Committee on Sincerely, PRESmENT PRO TEMPORE, Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Wash ERNEST GRAVES, Washington, D.C., January 17, 1980. ington, D .C. Director.e To the Senate: DEAR DR. BINNENDIJK: By letter dated 18 Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, February 1976, the Director, Defense Secu of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby rity Assistance Agency, indicated that you appoint the Honorable JOHN MELCHER, a would be advised of possible transmittals to NO'I'ICE OF HEARING Senator from the State of Montana, to per Congres..J of information as required by Sec form the duties of the Chair. tion 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act. • Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I wish WARREN G. MAGNUSON, At the instruction of the Department of to announce that the Budget Committee President pro tempore. State, I wish to provide the following ad will hold hearings on January 24, and vance notification. January 25, 1980, in room 6202 of the Mr. MELCHER thereupon assumed the The Department of State ls considering an chair as Acting President pro tempore. offer to a Southeast Asian country tenta Dirksen Senate Office Building at 10 a.m. tively estimated to cost in excess of $25 to examine legislative approaches to million. balancing the budget. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Sincerely, On January 24, the committee will ERNEST GRAVES, Director. hear testimony from Senators PROXMIRE, PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION ROTH, STONE, DOLE, and DoMENICI, and PROPOSED ARMS SALES DEFENSE SECURITY ASSISTANCE AGENCY, on January 25, from Senators PACKWOOD, • Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, section Washington, D.C., January 14, 1980. BAYH, PERCY, and HART, all of whom have cf Dr. HANS BINNENDIJK, 36(b) the Arms Export Control Act Professional Sta.ff Member, Committee on legislation pending before .the Budget requires that Congress receive advance Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Wash Committee regarding legislative ap notific~tion of proposed arms sales under ington, D.C. proaches to controlling Federal spend that act in excess of $25 million, or in DEAR DR. BINNENDIJK: By letter dated 18 ing. the case of major defense equipment as February 1976, the Director, Defense Secu defined in the act, those in excess of $7 rity Assistance Agency, indicated that you In addition to the legislative hearings, million. Upon receipt of such notifica would be advised of possible transmittals to the committee will begin.its hearings on Congress of information as required by Sec the first concurrent resolution on the tion, the Congress has 30 calendar days tion 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act. during which the sale may be prohibited Budget for fiscal year 1981 on January At the instruction of the Department of 30, 1980 at 9: 30 a.m. On that date, a by means of a concurrent resolution. The State, I wish to provide the following ad provision stipulates that, in the Senate, vance notification. panel comprised of G. William Miller, the notification of proposed sale shall be The Department of State is considering an Secretary of the Treasury; Charles sent to the chairman of the Foreign offer to a Southeast Asian country tenta Schultze, chairman of the Council of tively estim.a.ted to cost in excess of $25 Economic Advisers; and Jim Mcintyre, Relations Committee. mllllon. Pursuant to an informal tmderstand Sincerely, Director of the Office of Management and ing, the Department of Defense has ERNEST GRAVES, Budget will testify regarding the Presi agreed to provide the committee with a Director.e dent's budget for fiscal year 1981. This • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 17, 1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 47 hearing will also take place in room 6202 RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING rent Resolution No. 232, I move that the of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. MAJORITY LEADER Senate stand in recess until 12 o'clock The committee will announce at a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem meridian un Tuesday, January 22, 1980. later date its plans for the remainder of pore. The Senator from Hawaii. The motion was agreed to; and, at hearings on the first concurrent resolu tion on the Budget for fiscal year 1981. 12: 02 p.m., the Senate recessed, pursu For further information contact Karen RECESS TO JANUARY 22, 1980 ant to House Concurrent Resolution No. Randall of the Senate Budget Commit Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. President, pur 232, until Tuesday, January 22, 1980, at tee, at ~24-0542.e suant to the provisions of House Concar- 1~ o'clock meridian. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 17, 1980 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.J. RES. - man from Alabama (Mr. BUCHANAN) is Dr. Edward G. Latch, former Chaplain, Joint rei::olution to request that the Inter recognized for 5 minutes. ·u.s. House of Representatives, offered national Olympic Committee hold the <Mr. BUCHANAN asked and was given the following prayer: 1980 summer Olympic games at a site other permission to revise and extend his re than within the Soviet Union, with as With God all things are possible. surance of United States financial assist marks and to include extraneous Mark 10: 27. ance for the change of venue, and fa111ng material.) O God, our Father, strong in Thy the relocation, to urge the United States Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I lis strength we greet the coming of another Olympic Committee to withdraw from tened with great interest as my leader, day. May the hours be radiant with Thy participation in the 1980 summer Olympic the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. games in Moscow and to assist in the crea BAUMAN), announced to us that a few presence and the minutes reflect the tion of a "Free World Olympics" at an moments ago he dropped into the hopper glory of Thy love.