EASTER on the HOLY MOUNTAIN SERVICES the WITNESS SERVICES in Leading Churches in Leading Churches for Christ and His Church

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EASTER on the HOLY MOUNTAIN SERVICES the WITNESS SERVICES in Leading Churches in Leading Churches for Christ and His Church Tte WITN APRIL 19, 1962 10* publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives CHRIST OUR PASSOVER 2020. IS SACPvIFICED FOR US, therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wicked- Copyright ness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth EASTER ON THE HOLY MOUNTAIN SERVICES The WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. .Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; Morning Prayer, Holy Communion The Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector and Sermon, 11; Evensong and Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30 and sermon, 4. EDITORIAL BOARD Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 11:15 a.m. Wed. and Holy Days: 8:00 7:15 (and 10 Wed.); Evensong, 5. W. NORMAN PITTENGER, Chairman and 12:10 p.m. W. B. SPOPPORD SB., Managing Editor CHARLES J. ADAMEK; O. SYDNEY BARR; LEE THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK BELFORD; KENNETH R. FORBES; ROSCOE T. 5th Avenue at 90th Street FOUST; GORDON C. GRAHAM; ROBERT HAMP- CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT SUNDAYS: Family Eucharist 9:00 «.m. SHIRE; DAVID JOHNSON; CHARLES D. KBAN; Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 GEORGE MACMURRAY; CHARLES MARTEN; 976 East Jefferson Avenue a.m. (Choral Eucharist, first Sun- ROBERT F. MCGREGOR; BENJAMIN MINIFIE; The Rev. William B. Sperry, Rector J. EDWARD MO»R; CHARLES F. PENNIMAN; WEEKDAYS: Wednesdays: Holy Com- WILLIAM STRINGFELLOW; JOSEPH F. TITUS. 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion munion 7:30 a.m.; Thursdays, Holy (breakfast served following 9 a.m. Communion and Healing' Service 12:00 noon. Healing Service 6:00 service.) 11 a.m. Church School and publication. P-m. (Holy Communion, first Morning Service Holy Days, 6 pjn. Thursdayj"! CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Holy Communion. and HOLY DAYS: Holy Communion 12:00 noon. THOMAS V. BARRETT; >HN PAIKMAN BHOWN; GAUDINEB M. DAT; OSEPH F. FLETCHER; ST. THOMAS' CHURCH reuse ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH FREDERICK C. GHAUT; CLINTON J. Ksw; JOHN 18 th and Church Streets Park Avenue and 51st Street ELLIS LARGE; ROBERT MILLER: CoBwrN C for Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. ROACH; MASSEY H. SHEPHERD JR.; WILLIAM Near Dupont Circle 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion B. SPOFFORD JR. WASHINGTON, D. C. 9: JO and 11 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon. The Rev. John T. Golding, Rector 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. The Rev. Walter Marshfield required Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at THE WITNESS is published weekly from 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with Sundays: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Days at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 the exception of one week in January and 11:00 a.m. Service and Sermon. p.m. Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, bi-weekly from June 15th to September 15th 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer. 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. (8:00 in Advent and 6:15 in Lent) Permission CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY 316 East 88th Street NEW YORK CITY The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in TRINITY CHURCH Sundays; Holy Communion 8; Church bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells School 9:30; Morning Prayer and MIAMI, FLA. DFMS. for 10c a copy, we will bill quartely at 7c a / Sermon 11:00. copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, August (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, Rev. G. Irvine Hiller, STD., Rector Month) Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Sunday Services 8, 9, 9:30 and 11a.m. Church GENERAL THEOLOGICAL PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE SEMINARY CHAPEL Chelsea Square. 9th Ave. & 20th St. HOLY TRINITY NBW YORK SERVICES 23 Avenue, George V Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Com- PARIS, PRANCE Episcopal munion, 7; Choral Evensong, 6. In Leading Churches Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 the COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Boulevard Raspail SAINT PAUL'S CHAPEL of Student and Artists Center Nsw YORK ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH The Rev. John M. Krumm, Ph.D., Tenth Street, above Chestnut The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Bishop Chaplain The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Ridile, Dean Daily (except Saturday), 12 noon: PHII.ADEI.PHI*, PBNNA. Sunday, Holy Communion, 9 and The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector Archives 12:30, Morning Prayer & Sermon, The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL 11 a.m.; Wednesday, Holy Com- Minister to the Hard of Hearing munion, 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. AND ST. GEORGE 2020. Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI ST. THOMAS Services of Spiritual Healing, Thuis., 5th Ave. Sc 53rd Street 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. The Rev. J. fronds Sant, Rector NEW YORK CITY The Rev. David S. Gray, Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. Associate Rector Copyright Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) ST. PAUL'S The Rev. Jack E. Schweizer, MP U; Ep Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC 13 Vick Park B Assistant Rector 8:15, Thurs. 11 HD, 12:10; Noon- ROCHESTER, N. Y. Sundays, 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. day ex. Sat. 12:10. The Rev. T. Chester Baxter, Rector Noted for boy choir; great reredos The Rev. Frederick P. Toft, Assistant and windows. Sunday: 8, 9:20 and 11. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Holy Days 11; Thursday, 5: 3u pjn. Lafayette Square THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY WASHINGTON, D. C. York Avenue at 74th Street ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL The Rev. Donald W. Mayberry, Rector Neat New York Memoral Hospitals Grayson and Willow Sts. Weekday Services: Mon., Tues., Thuit., Hugh McCandless, Lee Belford, D«W4 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Saturday, Holy Communion at noon. The Rev. James Joseph, Rector Wed. and Fn., Holy Communion at Wayne, Philip Zabriskie, clergy The Rev. George N. Taylor, Associate Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC Sunday — Matins and Holy Eucharst 7:30 a.m.; Morning Prayex at noon. 38) 11 MP (HC IS). 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Services: 8 and 9:30 a.m., Holj Wed. HC 7:20 a.m.; Thurs. HC Wednesday and Holy Days 7 and Communion; 11, Morning Pnmnl 11 a.m. 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Sermon; 4 p.m., Service in French; One of New York's Sacrament of Forgiveness — Saturday 7:30, Evening Prayer. matt beautiful public buildings. 11:30 to 1 p.m. the 40 clerical and lay delegates Progress Reported as Churches of the Protestant Episcopal, Methodist, United Presbyterian Launch Unity Discussions Churches and the United Church of Christ. •A- The first meetings of four discussions toward possible "It is easy to be pessimistic Churches — Episcopal, Presby- union. about such efforts as we are terian, Methodist and United These were the Christian making here," Bishop Phillips Church of Christ — as they ex- Churches (Disciples of Christ) conceded. plored avenues toward possible which has 1,800 churches and "Doubt comes quickly, ridi- union "carried them much fur- 1,801,821 members; the Polish cule is common," he warned. ther than we dared to hope," ac- National Catholic Church, which He said, with a smile, that he cording to the churchman who has 162 churches and 282,411 has a friend who said he would had first proposed the discus- members; and the Evangelical be "an astronaut in a Piper United Brethren Church, which sions. Cub" before the Protestant de- Eugene Carson Blake, stated has a membership of 748,216 and 4,298 churches. nominations attain the unity publication. clerk of the United Presby- which they are considering. terian Church, made that com- If these Churches were to ac- "If you could see his size, you and ment as the two-day session cept the offer to participate, it would appreciate how wildly re- closed in Washington. would mean that more than 22 mote he considers such a possi- reuse Asked if there seemed much million churchgoers would thus bility to be," the bishop de- for chance that the uniting of the become involved in the discus- clared. Churches could ever be effected, sions designed to explore "Nevertheless, to shrink back Bishop Robert F. Gibson of methods of bringing a union of required because we are afraid someone Virginia replied: "I can tell you a large portion of American will make fun of us, call us this. I'm a lot more hopeful Protestantism. dreamers or fools, is to court about the prospects than I was Keys to Unity destruction," he told his fellow Permission when I walked in here." delegates. Courage, faith, and patience David G. Colwell of the will be required to bring ulti- "Following the line of least United Church of Christ re- resistance will never be enough," DFMS. mate unity to a divided Protes- / marked about the "excellent at- tantism, Methodist Bishop Glenn he declared. "Reconciliation is mosphere" that had prevailed R. Phillips of Denver, Colo., costly. He who loses his life throughout the sessions. Two finds it. This is the way of Church told delegates. days of frank discussion, he unity — the way of the cross." said, had produced "no road- He spoke at service at the The paths of the four denomi- blocks . which will make dif- College of Preachers at Wash- nations frequently run parallel, Episcopal ficulties in the future." ington Cathedral attended by Bishop Phillips said, but they the Charles C.
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