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LOCAL GEOLOGY WALSALL \.JOOD, SHELFIELD AJ·m CLAYB..ANGER - 1~~_:~~~ - < / i ( .! "' ll £fl .'i... ~· .. ~ ~ ~ lill " ' .·... · '., :., ... .; . .,..· ·( ~~-,, KEv : : ~ 'TO - ~ SYMBOLS UPP EII MOTT ~IO "LLUVIUM I "N DITO~I !oAI Il ll l D [1] (IUNU!l J Ai t.!Uiit ~ LOWER Lll\ " llli!!ll -II II~IAN a <t () tl \01 ... 11• VONIAN KBUPt rt M ... Q CAM tHl i"N I •~ PRE • CAM8RIAN KEUP £R UPPER SANDS TON£ COAL MEASURES IGNEOUS CBE] AND PERMIAN ill .illJll] ( '•.; ..~: · ,; i. P\,, ,_.\ ;,.\ 0 1:1' " ... lii.k.l....&UL WOOO, SHEJ.FIELD AND ClJ'.l'HhNGER -.==· Walsall Wood \'/as originally a detc.ched pe.rt of the foreign of Walsall and consisted of three main set-::: lc."';le."'lts, '\1.:\lsall \·load, Shelfield and Clayhanger, approxi:nately 1,551 acres in ext·.mt. The na:.1e \'/as in use by 1200 when the ·ood of \{olsa.ll was a distinct part of Ca!'.nock Forest .. Walsall Wood was bounded on the \'Jest by li'ord (or Clayhanger) Brook and on the South-e<:'lst by its tributc-lJ" Shelfiold {o:;,~ Shavers End) Brook 2-...."'ld by'lgley Brook. The North-e~stcrn bo\~nd.:'..ry run up Corrunonsidc• close to the Vigo Fault and along the Sout:1ern side of BrOlmhills Kigh St:i:·eet cronoing it to fo:nn the Northern tip of t ~1e aren. Uhere the North-eastern bounde.ry crossed the \valsall - Lichfield road, it \lt:'.s marked by <-'.. tree e .::: lled Oak; the tree lms mentioned i:1 15.33 nnd its rem<Urw uCl~e rem-'Jved in t~-.
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