
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 08/10 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 271 - Mai 2010 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Darf’s auch ein bisschen mehr sein? Unsere Kunden wissen es ja schon längst, dass wir stets bemüht sind, Ihnen Filme in den best- möglichen (und damit längsten oder Neu- deutsch “uncut”) Versionen auf DVD und Blu-ray zu besorgen. Denn wir sind der Meinung, dass es nichts Schlimmeres gibt, als ein Filmwerk durch unangebrachte Schnitte sinnlos zu entstellen. Seit Einfüh- rung der neuen Richtlinien für die FSK- Freigaben vor einigen Jahren wird in deut- schen Landen soviel gekürzt wie lange nicht mehr. Und die Schere macht auch nicht Halt vor Kinofilmen. So wird die Twentieth Century Fox Deutschland MEIN NAME IST KHAN, das neueste Werk von Karan Johar, gleich mit einer um über 40 Minuten gekürzten Fassung in die bundes- deutschen Kinos bringen! Auch wenn der deutsche Filmverleiher immer wieder be- tont, dass die Kurzfassung vom Regisseur abgesegnet sei, so werden echte Bollywood-Fans diesen im Kino ganz Bisher leider ohne zufriedenstellendes sicher boykottieren. Und das zu recht, wie DVD- oder Blu-ray-Release: wir meinen. Im Falle von MEIN NAME der norwegische Film TROUBLED WATER IST KHAN wird natürlich nicht im Hin- blick auf die FSK-Freigabe gekürzt, son- dern um den Film auf knapp zwei Stunden Minuten beinhalten wird. Ob dies dann Erinnern Sie sich noch an unsere Ausfüh- Spielzeit zu minimieren. Denn nur so las- später auch für eine deutsche DVD des rungen zur etwas missglückten DVD mit sen sich mehr Vorstellungen pro Tag in den gilt, steht momentan noch in den den FANTASY FILMFEST SHORTS? Kinos realisieren. Mehr Vorstellungen be- Sternen. Wer nicht so lange warten möchte Dass Deutschland mit solchen Ärgernissen deutet letztendlich mehr Umsatz. Und so und auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, der darf nicht alleine dasteht, förderte unsere jüng- ist diese monströsen Kürzung ausschließ- sich vertrauensvoll an uns wenden. ste Recherche zu einem ganz anderen Film lich dem Profitdenken des Filmverleihs in ans Tageslicht. Es handelt sich um den die Schuhe zu schieben. Darum freuen wir norwegischen Film TROUBLED WATER, uns umso mehr darüber, dass die für Au- Ihre Liebe dauert in Deutschland der mit zum Besten gehört, was unser gust in den USA angekündigte DVD den nicht sonderlich lange: Filmblogger Wolfram Hannemann bislang in Film in seiner vollen Lauflänge von 165 Shahrukh Khan und Kajol, die diesem Jahr im Kino gesehen hat. So ein indischen Top-Stars, in Film gehört natürlich in die DVD-Samm- MEIN NAME IST KHAN lung. Ob es ein deutsches Release geben wird, steht momentan noch nicht fest. Aber in Skandinavien ist bereits eine DVD ver- fügbar. Die hat zwar den Originalton in norwegischer Sprache in imposanten Dolby Digital 5.1 EX auf der Scheibe, doch es gibt weder deutsche noch englische Untertitel. Und in Dänisch oder Finnisch sind wir leider nicht so fit. Da kam die Botschaft, dass es den Film auch in den USA bereits auf DVD gibt, gerade recht. Denn dort gibt es dankenswerterweise englische Untertitel zum Originalton. Doch als Tonformat ha- ben sich die Amerikaner – warum auch immer – nur für Dolby Digital 2.0 ent- schieden! Bei einem Film mit einer solch ausgefeilten und dynamischen Tonspur wie TROUBLED WATER ein echtes “No go!”. Warten wir also gebannt auf eine deutsche Veröffentlichung mit perfektem Sound. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

Remake me, baby! In Zürich hängen seit kurzem die ersten Poster für The Karate Kid, das Remake mit Jaden Smith und Jackie Chan. Meine erste Reaktion war: “Nicht schon wieder ein Remake!” Dann sah ich den Trailer und wurde neu- gierig. Clash of the Titans ist dieses Jahr, dreidimensio- nal und desaströs, wieder über die Menschheit hergefal- len. Remakes – sie sind ein ewiges Streitthema unter Filmliebhabern. Sind Remakes eine gute oder eine schlechte Idee? Ich glaube, ob gut oder schlecht, Re- makes können wir nicht entrinnen.

Dass es unter der Sonne nichts Neues gibt, ist bekannt. Doch wenn zwei Autoren innerhalb von zwei Jahrhunder- ten eine ähnliche Geschichte schreiben, dann fällt das weniger auf, als wenn King Kong zum dritten Mal inner- halb eines Jahrhunderts auf das Empire State Building klettert. Das heißt, beim immer noch jungen Medium Film wird das Remake besonders deutlich und ist des- halb so umstritten, weil viele Zuschauer sich an minde- stens eine vorangegangene Fassung noch erinnern kön- nen. Übrigens beschleicht mich das Gefühl, dass wir Menschen mit Filmen oft so verfahren, wie die frisch ge- schlüpften Gänselein: das Erste, was sie sehen, gilt als die Mama. Auf uns bezogen bedeutet das, dass die - ste Fassung einer Geschichte, die wir sehen, uns als die einzig Richtige erscheint, als die Echte. Für mich ist das Dawn of the Dead Remake von 2004 der Gold- standard, obwohl mir bewusst ist, dass George A. Romero 1978 zum ersten Mal ein Shopping-Center zur Anti-Zombie-Festung umfunktionierte. Doch sagt jemand “Dawn of the Dead” sehe ich immer Sarah Polley, Jake Weber und Ving Rhames vor meinem inneren Auge. Bei den meisten erfolgreichen Filmen denken sich Holly- wood-Produzenten nach einer gewissen Zeit, dass man damit doch nochmal Geld machen könnte; besonders da es heute so einfach geworden ist, ältere Filmstoffe visu- ersten Geschichten sich von den Lippen der Einen in die ell zu perfektionieren und dynamischer zu machen. Herzen der Anderen schlichen, Remakes. Bei Geschich- Dann erfahren wir noch zu unseren Lebzeiten, wie der ten herrscht Darwinismus. Jene Erzählungen, die uns “echte” Film neu aufgesetzt wird. Zwangsläufig verglei- berühren, die Starken, leben weiter. Alle anderen sind chen wir mit dem “Original” und weil alle das Gefühl ha- schon sehr früh ausgestorben. Deshalb heißt es, in Hol- ben, nichts kann an ein (selbst nur gefühltes) Original lywood gebe es nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Scripts. herankommen, finden wir am Remake etwas auszuset- Selbst Scripts, die als komplett originell gelten, wie zen. Juno oder Being John Malkovich (Cameron Diaz dazu: “Es wird gesagt, dass es in Hollywood nur 14 Scripts Tatsächlich gibt es seit Menschengedenken, seit die gibt. Dies ist Nummer 15”), lassen sich auf bekannte

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

Szenarien herunterbrechen. Juno ist “Teenager begibt kungsvoll wie im Erscheinungsjahr 1963. Diesem Film sich in schwierige Lage, macht das Beste daraus” und wird ein Remake nur schaden, denn es ist unmöglich, Being John Malkovich ist “durch Magie begibt man sich einen Hitchcock, besonders diesen Hitchcock, zu repro- in einen anderen Körper, daraus erfolgt allerlei Schaber- duzieren, geschweige denn zu verbessern. Was ist von nack”. Das Prinzip Remake entspricht demnach unserer einem Remake zu erwarten? Gigantische, computer- Natur. Manche Remakes sind so einfallsreich gestaltet, generierte Schwärme, Splatter-Sequenzen (ich bezweife- dass sie besser werden als das Original. The Thomas le stark, dass die Macher darauf verzichten werden, das Crown Affair mit Pierce Brosnan ist spannender, virtuo- Auspicken von Augen mehrmals und genüsslich in De- ser und berührender als der mit Steve McQueen, selbst tail zu zeigen), rasantere Kamerafahrten, schnellere wenn nichts das sexuell geladene Schachspiel zwi- Schnitte. Ich garantiere Ihnen, dass von der ursprüngli- schen Faye Dunaway und McQueen ersetzen kann – chen Eleganz, der notwendigen Langsamkeit und Ver- Remake-Regisseur John McTiernan hat es in weiser haltenheit nichts übrig bleiben wird. Doch gerade diese Voraussicht dann auch bleiben lassen. Für unsere jün- Eigenschaften haben The Birds erst zum Kultfilm ge- geren Generationen ist es ebenfalls wichtig und legitim, macht. Auch das diesjährige Remake von Clash of the das alte, aber kraftvolle Material auf eine Art serviert zu Titans hätte man sich sparen können. Dieser Film be- bekommen, die ihren Sehgewohnheiten und ihrer Welt weist, dass Aussehen nicht alles ist. Inhalt und schau- mehr entspricht. Wieso sich mit einer steifen, schwarz- spielerisches Können sind der Kern einer jeden Ge- weißen, räudigen Affenpuppe zufriedengeben, wenn man schichte. Fehlt der, können auch tausende von CGI-Ef- den Affenkönig beweglich, in Farbe, realistisch und aus- fekten die Suppe nicht mehr retten. Wenn ich mich zwi- drucksvoll genießen kann? schen einer spannend erzählten Geschichte mit Plastik- dinosauriern und einer langweiligen, schlecht gespielten Dies soll aber nicht heißen, dass es nicht Fälle gibt, in mit CGI-Monstern entscheiden muss, dann her mit den denen ein Remake sinnlos, schädlich und einfach nur kultigen Spielzeug-Dinos! schlechter Geschmack ist. Es gibt durchaus Filme, bei denen die Perfektion im Original bereits erreicht wurde. Remakes – das ewige Streitthema. Wie jeder Film sind Dies trifft erstaunlich oft bei Hitchcock-Filmen zu. sie mal herrlich, mal grässlich, mal fehl am Platz. Bei Psycho, Hitchcocks bekanntester Film, wurde nicht nur jedem Remake sollten sich die Zuständigen ernsthaft neu verfilmt, sondern auch noch mit Prequels und fragen, ob es nicht besser wäre, dem Motto “leave good Sequels versehen. Die Neuverfilmung wurde von keinem enough alone” zu folgen. Es ist nicht rühmlich, eine geringeren als Gus Van Sant gedreht, hatte jedoch, gute Geschichte schlechter zu machen und dadurch das trotz Farbe und kopierter Kameraeinstellungen und Original mit in den Dreck zu ziehen. Finanziell geht das Schnitte, kaum Erfolg. Hätte Van Sant es besser oder meistens sowieso nicht auf. Eins ist aber sicher: Re- auch nur genauso gut wie Hitchcock gemacht, hätte makes wird es immer geben. Über ihre Daseinsberechti- sich das an der Kinokasse bemerkbar machen müssen. gung zu streiten, ist müßig. Dem war nicht so, also hat es Hitchcock so gut ge- Anna Rudschies macht, wie es nur ging. Mehr oder anders funktioniert nicht. Nun soll bis 2013 ein Remake von The Birds ge- dreht werden. Wieso? wird in diesem Film Tippi Hedren nie das Wasser reichen können. Oder kön- nen Sie sich Naomi “Die Mit Dem Ich-Heul-Gleich-Und- Bin-In-Panik-Blick” Watts als die eingebildete, gewiefte und dann einfühlsame Melanie Daniels vorstellen? Ich kann es nicht. The Birds ist perfekt, so wie er ist. Er spielt in einer bestimmten Ära und ist dennoch zeitlos. Sieht man ihn heute, sind der Suspense, die schlei- chende Angst, die Panik bringenden Vögel und die zu- Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: rückhaltende Liebesgeschichte immer noch so wir- [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010 Regie: Stephan Elliott NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Wie der Robin zum Hood wurde Darsteller: Jessica Biel, Colin Firth, (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Meine heutige Lektion: nicht nur beim Kristin Scott Thomas OT: A Nightmare On Elm Street Fernsehen kann man einschlafen... Kinostart: 24.06.2010 Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2010 ROBIN HOOD (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Die zwanziger Jahre in England: bei den Regie: Samuel Bayer OT: Robin Hood Whittakers herrscht pure Aufregung, Darsteller: Jackie Earle Haley, Kyle Verleih: Universal denn der Vorzeigesohn jener etablierten Gallner, Rooney Mara Land/Jahr: USA 2010 und vermeintlich reichen englischen Kinostart: 20.05.2010 Regie: Ridley Scott Familie hat Hals über Kopf in Frank- Darsteller: Russell Crowe, Cate reich eine Amerikanerin geheiratet. Und Der Mann mit Strickpulli, Schlapphut Blanchett, Max von Sydow eine Rennfahrerin dazu! Als das frisch und Messerhandschuhen aus den Kinostart: 13.05.2010 getraute Paar auf Besuch in das große achtziger Jahren ist wieder zurück! Das Anwesen der Whittakers kommt, bringt Remake des ersten Teil der überaus Bogenschütze Robin, bei König Ri- die kesse Amerikanerin den steifen erfolgreichen Horrorserie über Freddy chard Löwenherz wegen einer Schläge- Engländern bei, was es heisst zu leben. Krueger, der Teenagern im Traum er- rei in Ungnade gefallen, nutzt die Gele- Doch das missfällt ihrer Schwiegermut- scheint und auch dort ermordet, hält genheit zu fliehen, als der König bei ter sehr... Nach dem Bühnenstück von sich weitgehend an das Original von einer Schlacht in Frankreich fällt. Mit Noel Coward inszenierte, tiefsinnige Wes Craven. Es wurden sogar bestimm- ein paar Freunden kehrt Robin heimlich und geistreiche Komödie mit exzellen- te Kameraeinstellungen übernommen nach England zurück, wo er in ter Besetzung und stimmigem Ambien- und auch die Filmmusik von Charles Nottingham Unterschlupf bei Walter te. Ein Muss für England-Fans und Bernstein erklingt aufs Neue. Trick- Loxley findet, dessen Sohn im Krieg Freunde feinen Humors. technisch, optisch (Freddy mordet jetzt getötet wurde. Schon bald findet er an erstmals in CinemaScope) und aku- dessen Tochter Marion Gefallen. Doch Freitag, 14. Mai 2010 stisch (gegenüber altbackenem Mono- Verrat und Ungerechtigkeit droht Eng- Erst eine Doku-Sopa und dann ab in die Sound wird jetzt in ansprechendem 5.1- land zu zerstören... Eigentlich ist der Elm Street Mix erschreckt) hat der Film ein Titel des Films etwas irreführend. Denn Ein Double Feature wie in alten Upgrade erfahren und dürfte insbeson- hier geht es ausschließlich um die Ge- Zeiten...ein schöner Wochenausklang dere denjenigen gefallen, die das Origi- schichte des Robin Longstride, lange nal nie gesehen haben. bevor er zum Untergrundkämpfer Robin LA PIVELLINA (1:1.85, 2K Digital, Hood avancierte. Vermutlich ist es PCM Mono) Samstag, 15. Mai 2010 auch genau das, was Ridley Scotts Film OT: La Pivellina Bergmannsunheil so uninteressant macht. Statt des wak- Verleih: Filmgalerie 451 In Ermangelung einer ausreichenden keren Helden in Strumpfhosen insze- Land/Jahr: Österreich, Italien 2009 Anzahl von Pressevorführungen bin niert Scott hier mal wieder ein Regie: Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel ich heute einmal wieder in die Untiefen Schlachtengemälde ums andere. Die Darsteller: Patrizia Gerardi, Tairo Caroli, einer DVD-Veröffentlichung hinabge- Charaktere – wenn auch historisch ver- Walter Saabel taucht... bürgt – schrumpfen auf Stereotypen, Kinostart: 27.05.2010 deren Handlungsweisen vollkommen SCHLACHTNACHT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ohne Überraschungsmomente versehen Als sie nach ihrem herumstreunenden OT: Sl8n8 sind und dadurch langweilig wirken. Hund Ausschau hält, findet Schaustel- Anbieter (Label): Legend Home Mit etwas Glück bleibt uns eine Fort- lerin Patti ein zweijähriges Mädchen, Entertainment setzung dieses überlangen Langweilers das von ihrer Mutter ausgesetzt wurde. Vertrieb: Universum Film erspart. Gegen den Willen ihres Lebensgefähr- Land/Jahr: Niederlande, Belgien 2006 ten nimmt sie die Kleine in der Regie: Frank van Geloven, Edwin Visser Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010 Wohnwagensiedlung auf. Schon Darsteller: Victoria Koblenko, Kurt Kess contra steif schnell haben alle das kleine Mädchen Rogiers, Jop Joris Heute gab es mal wieder den Beweis, in ihr Herz geschlossen... Im Stil einer dass man aus Theaterstücken auch Doku-Soap erzähltes Stück Kino, das Als ein bunt zusammengewürfelter gute Filme machen kann. ganz ohne Filmmusik auskommt und Haufen von Jugendlichen ein vor Jahr- sich voll und ganz auf die authenti- zehnten geschlossenes Bergwerk be- EASY VIRTUE – EINE UNMORALI- schen Darsteller verlässt. Fraglich sichtigt, machen sie die unliebsame SCHE EHEFRAU (1:2.35, DD 5.1) bleibt allerdings, ob sich für derlei Bekanntschaft mit dem Geist eines psy- OT: Easy Virtue sparsame Kost ein Publikum finden chopathischen Mörders, der in genau Verleih: Sony Pictures wird. jenem Bergwerk zu Tode kam... Heute Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2008 war es also endlich soweit: die DVD,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog OT: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Darsteller: Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Time Sharma, Vinay Pathak Verleih: Walt Disney Kinostart: 11.12.2008 Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Mike Newell Als ihr Verlobter unmittelbar vor der Darsteller: Jake Gyllenhaal, Sir Ben Hochzeit bei einem Unfall ums Leben Kingsley, Gemma Arterton, Alfred kommt, muss die junge Taani auf dem Molina Sterbebett ihres Vaters versprechen, den vollkommen unscheinbaren Persien in der Antike: die drei Söhne Surinder zu ehelichen. Surinder, der des Königs belagern die heilige Stadt sich Hals über Kopf in die wunder- Alamut, weil dort angeblich Waffen für schöne Frau verliebt hat, tut alles, um einen Aufstand gegen den König ge- deren Liebe zu gewinnen. So schlüpft schmiedet werden. Zu spät erst erkennt er in die Rolle des Draufgängers Raj Prinz Dastan, dass es sich um ein abge- Kapoor... In seiner Doppelrolle darf kartetes Spiel handelt. Zusammen mit Indiens Superstar Shah Rukh Khan Prinzessin Tamina muss er vor den Hä- beweisen, dass er nicht nur gut tanzen, schern des Königs fliehen. Noch weiß sondern auch gut schauspielern kann. er nicht um die Zauberkräfte jenes Dol- Mit Bravour (und viel Selbstironie) ches, den er in Alamut als Kriegsbeute meistert er die beiden komplett konträ- aufgelesen hat... Als ob wir nicht ren Rollen. Ihm zur Seite steht Anushka schon genügend Spieleverfilmungen Sharma, eine Newcomerin, von der man auf der Leinwand gesehen hätten, ganz sicher noch viel sehen und hören die ich vor zwei Jahren auf dem bringt uns Produzent Jerry Bruckheimer wird. Auch bildkompositorisch wie Fantasy Filmfest bei einem Filmquiz die neueste Variante eines erfolgrei- auch akustisch lässt dieses Bollywood- gewonnen hatte, durfte endlich das chen Games in die Kinos. Hier wird ori- Spektakel keine Wünsche offen und Innere meines DVD-Players sehen! Das entalischer Mythos gepaart mit Indiana fasziniert natürlich ganz speziell in den Resultat war aber eher enttäuschend. Jones Action, ohne das es auch nur perfekt choreographierten und Wie so oft in billigen Genre-Produktio- halbwegs funktionieren würde. Die sich gestylten Song & Dance Sequenzen, nen wartet das Drehbuch mit sehr vie- anbahnende Liebschaft zwischen von denen mir persönlich die Liebeser- len Ungereimtheiten auf und verleidet Dastan und Tamina wird nur halbherzig klärung an das indische Kino am be- dem Betrachter den unbeschwerten inszeniert – vermutlich, weil wir Kino- sten gefallen hat. Und nicht nur, weil Splatter-Genuss. Davon ist in gänger solch angedroschene Geschich- es darin Cameo-Appearences berühm- SCHLACHTNACHT aber eine ganz ten zur Genüge kennen und uns das ter Bollywood-Aktricen wie Rani große Portion vorhanden, weswegen damit erst gar nicht mehr erklärt werden Muherjee oder Preity Zinta gibt. Da ich mir die Freigabe ab 16 Jahren als etwas muss. Und Jake Gyllenhaal in der Rolle den Film bislang nur von DVD kannte, hanebüchen erscheint. Ein 18er-Rating des Draufgängers Dastan wirkt irgend- war es eine echte Wohltat, ihn jetzt auf wäre hier eher angebracht. Als beson- wie fehlbesetzt. Der einzige Pluspunkt der großen Leinwand zu sehen. Das ders störend empfand ich in diesem bei diesem Brachialkino: es gibt mehr allerdings birgt extreme Suchtgefahr! Film die Wackelkamera – das war ein- Stunts als visuelle Effekte. Doch das fach zuviel des Guten. Und was den rettet das Filmchen auch nicht mehr. Cast angeht: da gibt es immerhin we- nigstens einen richtigen Schauspieler: Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010 den Bergwerksführer. Alle anderen Dar- Der Gute-Laune-Mittwochabend-Film steller stecken vermutlich noch mitten Einmal im Monat trifft sich die Stutt- in der Schauspielausbildung – wenn garter Bollywood-Fangemeinde im be- überhaupt. sten Kino der Stadt, um sich ungestört dem Kino großer Gefühle und explodie- Dienstag, 18. Mai 2010 render Farben hinzugeben. Jetzt war es Einmal Persien und zurück wieder soweit. Die vom Verleih für heute versproche- nen “strengsten Zutrittskontrollen” RAB NE BANA DI JODI – EIN GÖTT- haben sich als heisse Luft erwiesen. LICHES PAAR (1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX) Der Film leider auch. OT: Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies HE PRINCE OF PERSIA – DER SAND Land/Jahr: Indien 2008 DER ZEIT (1:2.35, 2k Digital, PCM 5.1) Regie: Aditya Chopra

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Bakugan - Spieler des Schicksals plette Serie: 1982 (2 DVDs) Animation (Staffel 02, Vol. 02) Incredible Hulk Bakugan Battle Brawlers Booklet Zeichentrick/Action 1982 FF (D) (E) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2007 FF (D) (E) (F) 306min. #9 (It) min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear #9 Warner Home Video 02.07.2010 Vision) 11.06.2010 Dir. Shane Acker 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035555 Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilm, Featurettes, Audiokommentar 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035639 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Bakugan - Spieler des Schicksals Das Mädchen, das durch die Zeit (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 76min. (Staffel 02, Vol. 03) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) sprang (Blu-ray) Bakugan Battle Brawlers 22.07.2010 Toki Wo Kakeru Shojo Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2007 FF (D) (E) (F) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035572 Dir. Mamoru Hosoda (It) min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) Warner Home Video Germany 02.07.2010 #9 (Blu-ray) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Jap) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035556 #9 100min. Dir. Shane Acker Batman: Under the Red Hood AV Visionen(Anime Video) 25.06.2010 Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilm, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, U- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035613 Control (Bild-im-Bild) Batman: Under The Red Hood Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) Dir. Brandon Vietti South Park - The Hits: Volume 2 DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (It) DTS (Sp) Trickfilm/Action min. South Park 79min. Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035654 Zeichentrick/Satire 1997-2010 FF DD 2.0 22.07.2010 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 155min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035580 Batman: Under the Red Hood Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035626 Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente, Batman: Under The Red Hood Buch 3: Feuer, Volume 1 Dir. Brandon Vietti Werner - 4 in Eins (4 DVDs) Avatar: The Last Airbender Trickfilm/Action min. Beinhart / Das muss kesseln / Volles Dir. Giancarlo Volpe, Dave Filoni, Lauren Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Rooäää!!! / Gekotzt wird später MacMullen, Anthony Lioi 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035677 Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Michael Schaack, Udo Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Beissel, Toby Genkel DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Holl) 123min. Batman: Under the Red Hood Zeichentrick/Komödie 1989-2003 Ltbx 16x9 Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 (Special Edition, 2 Discs) DD 5.1 (D) 342min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035618 Batman: Under The Red Hood Highlight Communications Dir. Brandon Vietti (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.08.2010 Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente, Trickfilm/Action min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035583 Buch 3: Feuer, Volume 2 Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Avatar: The Last Airbender 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035655 Dir. Giancarlo Volpe, Dave Filoni, Lauren MacMullen, Anthony Lioi Billy & Mandy’s Big Boogey Film Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Billy & Mandy’s Big Boogey Adventure DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Holl) 123min. Dir. Roberto Alvarez, Russell Calabrese, Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Shaun Cashman, Phil Cummings, Matt Eng- [Rec]² (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035619 strom, Eddy Houchins, Gordon Kent, Chri- [Rec]² stine Kolosov, Michel Lyman, Sue Perrotto, Manuela Velasco (Ángela Vidal), Leticia Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente, Kris Sherwood Dolera, Ferran Terraza, Javier Botet (Niña Buch 3: Feuer, Volume 3 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2007 min. Medeiros), Alejandro Casaseca, David Vert Avatar: The Last Airbender Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 (Álex), Andrea Ros, Juli Fàbregas - Dir. Dir. Giancarlo Volpe, Dave Filoni, Lauren 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035656 Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza MacMullen, Anthony Lioi Featurette, Making of, Behind the Scenes Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Emily Erdbeer - Die Kostümparty HD 5.1 MA (E) 84min. DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Holl) 122min. Strawberry Shortcake Universum Film 20.08.2010 Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Zeichentrick 2003 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035614 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035620 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 06.08.2010 Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035658 [Rec]² (k.J.) [Rec]² Buch 3: Feuer, Volume 4 Emily Erdbeer - Eine Welt voller Manuela Velasco, Leticia Dolera, Ferran Avatar: The Last Airbender Freunde Terraza, Javier Botet, Alejandro Casaseca, Dir. Giancarlo Volpe, Dave Filoni, Lauren David Vert, Andrea Ros, Juli Fàbregas - Dir. Strawberry Shortcake MacMullen, Anthony Lioi Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Zeichentrick 2003 min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Holl) 139min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Germany 06.08.2010 Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX (D) DD 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035621 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035657 5.1 EX (Sp) 81min. Universum Film 20.08.2010 Bakugan - Spieler des Schicksals Emily Erdbeer - Geheimnisse im tba BestellNr.: 20035596 Mondenschein (Staffel 02, Vol. 01) 12 Meter ohne Kopf Bakugan Battle Brawlers Strawberry Shortcake Ronald Zehrfeld, Matthias Schweighöfer, Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2007 FF (D) (E) (F) Zeichentrick 2003 min. Franziska Wulf, Oliver Bröcker, Hinnerk (It) 84min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Schönemann, Jacob Matschenz, Sascha Warner Home Video Germany 02.07.2010 Germany 06.08.2010 Reimann, Jana Pallaske, Devid Striesow, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035554 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035659 Peter Kurth, Alexander Scheer, Milan The Incredible Hulk - Die kom- Peschel, Detlev Buck, Achim Reichel, Simon

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Gosejohann - Dir. Sven Taddicken Nankin, Edward James Olmos, Wayne 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035609 Abenteuer/Komödie 2009 min. Rose, Rod Hardy, Paul A. Edwards, John Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Dahl, Gwyneth Horder-Payton Cop Out - Geladen und Entsichert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035651 Science Fiction/Drama 2008-2009 min. Cop Out Universum Film(Universum) 22.07.2010 Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Juan Carlos 12 Meter ohne Kopf (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035574 Hernandez, Cory Fernandez, Adam Brody, Ronald Zehrfeld, Matthias Schweighöfer, Kevin Pollak, Guillermo Diaz, Seann William Franziska Wulf, Oliver Bröcker, Hinnerk Der Bergdoktor - Staffel 3 (3 Scott, Ana de la Reguera, Sean Cullen, Schönemann, Jacob Matschenz, Sascha DVDs) Jason Lee - Dir. Kevin Smith Reimann, Jana Pallaske, Devid Striesow, Hans Sigl, Heiko Ruprecht, Ronja Forcher, Komödie 2009 min. Peter Kurth, Alexander Scheer, Milan Monika Baumgartner, Natalie O’Hara, Sieg- Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Peschel, Detlev Buck, Achim Reichel, Simon fried Rauch, Mark Keller, Tessa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035649 Gosejohann - Dir. Sven Taddicken Mittelstaedt, Nike Fuhrmann, Anne Hippert, Abenteuer/Komödie 2009 min. Sophia Thomalla, Konstantin Graudus, Mi- Cop Out - Geladen und Entsichert Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 chael Vogtmann - Dir. Axel de Roche, Dirk (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035669 Pientka, Ulrike Hamacher Cop Out Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 765min. Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Juan Carlos 30 Days of Night (2 DVDs) (k.J.) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 13.08.2010 Hernandez, Cory Fernandez, Adam Brody, 30 Days Of Night 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035593 Kevin Pollak, Guillermo Diaz, Seann William Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, , Scott, Ana de la Reguera, Sean Cullen, Danny Huston, Mark Boone jr., Mark Beverly Hills, 90210 - Die fünfte Jason Lee - Dir. Kevin Smith Rendall, Amber Sainsbury, Joel Tobeck - Season (6 DVDs) Komödie 2009 min. Dir. David Slade Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, B-Roll, Beverly Hills, 90210 Booklet, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Tori Spelling, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035667 Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Jason Priestley, Gabrielle Carteris, Luke DD 5.1 (E) 109min. Perry, Brian Austin Green, Tiffani Thiessen Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde - Dir. Michael Lange, Scott Paulin, Bethany Visier, Season Three, Part One (3 Cine Collection) 01.07.2010 Rooney, James Whitmore Jr., David Semel, DVDs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035591 Gilbert M. Shilton, Gabrielle Beaumont, Law & Order: Criminal Intent Jason Priestley, Daniel Attias, Les Landau, Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey 666 - Traue keinem, mit dem du Jack Bender, James Eckhouse, Chip Sheridan, Courtney B. Vance, Olek Krupa, schläfst Chalmers, Victor Lobl David Costabile - Dir. Steve Shill, Frank Jan Josef Liefers, Armin Rohde, Sonsee Drama 1994-1995 FF (D) (E) 1006min. Prinzi, Alex Zakrzewski, Constantine Ahray Floethmann, Ralf Bauer, Thure Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Makris, Jean de Segonzac, Darnell Martin, Riefenstein, Hanns Zischler, Mariella 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035622 Christopher Swartout, Joyce Chopra, Alex Ahrens, Rudolph Moshammer - Dir. Rainer Chapple Matsutani Bismarck - Der komplett Drei-Teil- Kriminalfilm 2003-2004 421min. Audiokommentar, geschnittene Szenen, Kinotrailer, Making er (2 DVDs, digital restauriert) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) of, Storyboard-Abbildungen, Infos zu Cast & Crew Uwe Ochsenknecht, Gottfried Lackmann, 22.07.2010 Fantasy/Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Rudolf Donath, Ulli Philipp, Ulrich Pleitgen, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035576 (D) 81min. Heikko Deutschmann, Franz Peter Wirth - Highlight Communications Dir. Tom Toelle Date Night - Gangster für eine (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.07.2010 Wendecover Nacht 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035557 Historienfilm 1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Date Night S.A.D. Home Entertainment(Pidax film) Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Antrage - Der Ameisenmann 06.08.2010 Taraji P. Henson, Jimmi Simpson, Common, Planet B - The Antman tba BestellNr.: 20035641 Götz Otto, Yasmina Filali, Lars Rudolph, William Fichtner, Leighton Meester - Dir. Elisabeth Volkmann, Gojko Mitic, Kecizate Cecil B. Demented Shawn Levy Komödie 2010 84min. Atahuallpa Capac, Yony Loayza, Andres Cecil B. Demented Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sulca - Dir. Christoph Gampl Melanie Griffith, Stephen Dorff, Alicia Witt, Germany 13.08.2010 Interviews, Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Larry Gilliard Jr., Maggie Gyllenhaal, Eric M. Biografien 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035662 Fantasy/Horror 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Barry, Zenzele Uzoma, Erika Lynn Rupli, 92min. Harriet Dodge, Adrian Grenier, Jack Date Night - Gangster für eine Noseworthy, Mink Stole, Ricki Lake, Patricia EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Global Cinema) Nacht (Blu-ray) 12.08.2010 Campbell Hearst, Eric Roberts, Michael Date Night tba BestellNr.: 20035627 Shannon - Dir. John Waters Animierte Menüs, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfo Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Battlestar Galactica - Season 4.1 Komödie/Satire 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Taraji P. Henson, Jimmi Simpson, Common, DD 5.1 (E) 84min. William Fichtner, Leighton Meester - Dir. (3 DVDs) Intergroove(Intergroove Movies) Shawn Levy Battlestar Galactica 04.06.2010 Komödie 2010 88min. Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035605 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer, Germany 13.08.2010 Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, Michael Jackie Chan - Die Rache der 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035678 Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, Todesfaust Alessandro Juliani, Kandyse McClure, Mi- Guang Dong Xiao Lao Hu Deadly Impact chael Trucco, Nicki Clyne, Bodie Olmos, Jackie Chan, Bob Tuan, Ha Sing, Yuan Deadly Impact Leah Cairns, Donnelly Rhodes, Rekha Hsao-ten, Shih Tien, Han Kuo-tsai, Yuen Sean Patrick Flanery, Joe Pantoliano, Sharma, Richard Hatch, Jennifer Halley, Bill, Chen Yue-san, Chang Chin, Kuen Amanda Wyss, Carmen Serano, Luce Callum Keith Rennie, Kate Vernon, Lucy Yung-man, Chen Hung Lieh, Tin Fung - Dir. Rains, Greg Serano, David House, John Lawless, Matthew Bennett, Brad Lee Long Koan, Chin Hsin Koyama - Dir. Robert Kurtzman Dryborough, Colin Corrigan, Colin Eastern/Action 1971-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) Trailer Lawrence, Dean Stockwell - Dir. Michael Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 76min. Rymer, Anthony Hemingway, Michael DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 92min. da music(Life Time Audio) 21.05.2010

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Freche Biester! Isaacs, Antoni Corone, Sean Huze, Nicoye Germany(MGM/UA) 06.08.2010 Slap Her, She’s French! Banks, Bijan Daneshmand - Dir. Paul 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035661 Piper Perabo, Jane McGregor, Trent Ford, Greengrass Julie White, Brandon Smith, Jesse James, Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2010 115min. Deep Blue Sea (Blu-ray) Nicki Aycox, Alexandra Adi, Matt Czuchry, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Deep Blue Sea Cristen Coppen, Michael McKean - Dir. Me- 29.07.2010 Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. lanie Mayron 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035581 Jackson, Jacqueline McKenzie, Michael Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Rapaport, Stellan Skarsgård, LL Cool J, (E) 88min. Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten - Aida Turturro - Dir. Renny Harlin Highlight Communications Wie alles begann, Box 2 (5 DVDs) Action/Thriller 1999 min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 12.08.2010 Wolfgang Bahro, Ismail Sahin, Jeanette Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035584 Biedermann, Raphaël Vogt, Natalie Alison, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035674 Maike von Bremen, Frank-Thomas Mende, Free Willy Collection (4 DVDs) Josephine Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch, Der Denver-Clan - Die fünfte Free Willy 1-4 Roman Roth, Yvonne Catterfeld, Robert Season (8 DVDs) Jason James Richter, Lori Petty, Jayne Lyons, Nina Bott, Susan Sideropoulos, Dynasty Atkinson, August Schellenberg, Michael Hanne B. Wolharn, Felix von Jascheroff, John Forsythe, Linda Evans, Joan Collins, Madsen, Michael Ironside, Richard Riehle, Hans Christiani, Lisa Riecken, Daniel Pamela Bellwood, John James, Pamela Sue Mykelti Williamson, Michael Bacall, Danielle Fehlow, Mia Aegerter, Oliver Bender, Ulrike Martin, Jack Coleman, Gordon Thomson - Harris, Mary Kate Schellhardt, Francis Frank, Uta Kargel, Neshe Demir, Pete Dir. Irving J. Moore, Gwen Arner, Jerome Capra, Jon Tenney, Elizabeth Peña, M. Dwojak, Jörn Schlönvoigt, Anne Menden, Courtland Emmet Walsh, John Considine, Annie Jessica Ginkel, Nik Breidenbach, Kristin Drama 1984-1985 FF (D) (E) (F) 1297min. Corley, Vincent Berry, Patrick Kilpatrick, Meyer, Sarah Tkotsch, Alexander Becht, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2010 Tasha Simms, Peter LaCroix, Stephen E. Raul Richter, Arne Stephan, Janina Uhse, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035566 Miller, Ian Tracey, Matthew Walker, Beau Jasmin Weber, Shai Hoffmann, Tayfun Bridges, Bindi Sue Irwin, Kevin Otto, Baydar, Felix Isenbügel, Björn Harras, Dr. Dolittle 5 Matthew Dylan Roberts, Darron Meyer, Isabell Horn, Clemens Löhr - Dir. Jörg Dr. Dolittle 5: Million Dollar Mutts Mike Falkow, Jeanne Wilhelm - Dir. Simon Wilbrandt, Seyhan Derin, Jurij Neumann, Ulf Dir. Alex Zamm Wincer, Dwight H. Little, Sam Pillsbury, Will Borchardt, Andreas Morell, Boris Keidies, Komödie 2009 min. Geiger Daniel Anderson, Ralph Bridle, Hartwig van Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1993-2010 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) der Neut, Ariane Zeller, Dominikus Probst Germany 06.08.2010 381min. (1994), Franziska Hörisch, Andreas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035660 Warner Home Video Germany 09.07.2010 Tanger, René Wolter, Lars Morgenroth, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035637 Michael Ammann, Britta Keils, Dieter Laske, Der eiserne Weg - Die abenteuer- Samira Radsi, Klaus Witting, Klaus Knoesel, liche Geschichte des Veit Kolb, Funkstreife ISAR 12 - Staffel 2, Julian Plica, Silke Bäurich Die komplette Serie (3 DVDs, di- Folgen 14-26 (2 DVDs) Drama 1992-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) 1500min. Booklet, Hintergrundinfo Turbine Medien (Diamant Video) 16.07.2010 gital restauriert) Kriminalfilm 290min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035611 Der Eiserne Weg Studio Hamburg Distribution & Horst Kummeth, Arthur Brauss, Werner Marketing(ARD Video) 16.09.2010 Hamlet (Blu-ray) Kreindl, Eva Maria Hagen, Dietz-Werner 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035663 Hamlet Steck, Alfred Urankar, Luise Deschauer, Kenneth Branagh, Julie Christie, Billy Michaela Geuer, Werner Asam - Dir. Wolf- Funkstreife ISAR 12 - Staffel 3, Crystal, Gérard Depardieu, Charlton gang Staudte, Hans-Werner Schmidt Folgen 27-35 (2 DVDs) Heston, Derek Jacobi, Jack Lemmon, Rufus Wendecover Sewell, Robin Williams, Kate Winslet, Lord Drama 1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) 300min. Booklet, Hintergrundinfos Kriminalfilm 200min. Richard Attenborough, Brian Blessed, Ri- S.A.D. Home Entertainment(Pidax film) Studio Hamburg Distribution & chard Briers, Dame Judi Dench, Reece 10.09.2010 Marketing(ARD Video) 09.12.2010 Dinsdale, Ken Dodd, Nicholas Farrell, Ray tba BestellNr.: 20035582 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035664 Fearon, Sir John Gielgud, Rosemary Harris, Fall 39 Ian McElhinney, Michael Maloney, Sir John Gespräch ohne Zeugen Mills, Simon Russell Beale, Timothy Spall - Case 39 Bes Swidetelij Dir. Kenneth Branagh Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian Irina Kuptschenko, Michail Uljanow - Dir. Drama 1996 min. McShane, Bradley Cooper, Kerry O’Malley, Nikita Michalkow Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 Callum Keith Rennie, Adrian Lester, Georgia Drama 1983 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035675 Craig - Dir. Christian Alvart Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Horror/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035647 Hier kommt Lola DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 109min. Meira Durand, Felina Czycykowski, Paramount Home Entertainment 29.07.2010 Green Zone Fernando Spengler, Julia Jentsch, Nora 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035567 Green Zone Tschirner, Axel Prahl, Margarita Broich, Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Brendan Karoline Chmelensky, Sandra Borgmann, Fall 39 (Blu-ray) Gleeson, Amy Ryan, Khalid Abdalla, Jason Sidney Martins, Badasar Calbiyik - Dir. Case 39 Isaacs, Antoni Corone, Sean Huze, Nicoye Franziska Buch Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian Banks, Bijan Daneshmand - Dir. Paul Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010 min. McShane, Bradley Cooper, Kerry O’Malley, Greengrass Highlight Communications Callum Keith Rennie, Adrian Lester, Georgia Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2010 110min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.09.2010 Craig - Dir. Christian Alvart Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035560 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes 29.07.2010 Horror/Thriller 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035573 Hier kommt Lola (Blu-ray) (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) Meira Durand, Felina Czycykowski, DTS-HD 5.1 MA (It) 112min. Green Zone (Blu-ray) Fernando Spengler, Julia Jentsch), Nora Paramount Home Entertainment 29.07.2010 Green Zone Tschirner, Axel Prahl, Margarita Broich, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035579 Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Brendan Karoline Chmelensky, Sandra Borgmann, Gleeson, Amy Ryan, Khalid Abdalla, Jason Sidney Martins, Badasar Calbiyik - Dir.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Franziska Buch Sam Worthington, Gemma Arterton, Mads Law & Order: New York - Special Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010 min. Mikkelsen, Alexa Davalos, Ralph Fiennes, Victims Unit 1.1 (3 DVDs) Highlight Communications Liam Neeson, Danny Huston, Jason Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.09.2010 Flemyng - Dir. Louis Leterrier Christopher Meloni, Mariska Hargitay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035564 Fantasy 2010 min. Kriminalfilm/Mystery 1999-2000 459min. Warner Home Video Germany 10.08.2010 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Hilfe, die Amis kommen (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035648 22.07.2010 National Lampoon’s European Vacation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035577 Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Dana Hill, Kampf der Titanen (Blu-ray) Jason Lively, Victor Lanoux, Eric Idle - Dir. Clash Of The Titans Liebe Mauer Amy Heckerling Sam Worthington, Gemma Arterton, Mads Maxim Mehmet, Felicitas Woll, Anna Fi- Komödie 1985 min. Mikkelsen, Alexa Davalos, Ralph Fiennes, scher, Thomas Thieme, Karl Kranzkowski, Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 Liam Neeson, Danny Huston, Jason Margarita Broich, Gisela Trowe, Katja 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035673 Flemyng - Dir. Louis Leterrier Danowski, Waldemar Kobus, Uwe Steimle, Fantasy 2010 min. Henning Peker, Stefan Dietrich, Frank The Hills - Die fünfte Season, Teil Warner Home Video Germany 10.08.2010 Sieckel, Arnd Klawitter, Tim Williams, Mat- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035666 2 (2 DVDs) thias Reichwald, Holger Fuchs, Roland The Hills Kleine Fische Florstedt, Stefan Ebeling, Bruno F. Apitz, Lauren Conrad, Heidi Montag, Whitney Port, Christian Bayer, Peer-Uwe Teska, Olaf Little Fish Audrina Patridge, Kelly Cutrone - Dir. Jason Burmeister, Hilmar Eichhorn, Jana Bauke, Cate Blanchett, Sam Neill, Hugo Weaving, Sands, Hisham Abed Hannelore Schubert, Karoline Teska, Tho- Martin Henderson, Noni Hazlehurst, Dustin Featurettes, Entfallene Szene mas Dehler, Marc Neblung, Hendrik Arnst, Doku-Soap/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Nguyen - Dir. Rowan Woods Kai Ivo Baulitz, Matthias Manz, Hagen (D) DD 2.0 (E) 193min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2005 109min. Oechel, Holger Stockhaus - Dir. Peter Timm Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2010 bellaphon records(Great Movies) Komödie/Tragikomödie 2009 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035568 28.05.2010 Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035665 In meinem Himmel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035652 The Lovely Bones Kommando Wüstenfüchse Liebe Mauer (Blu-ray) Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Kaput Lager - Gli Ultimi Giorni Delle SS Maxim Mehmet, Felicitas Woll, Anna Fi- Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, , Richard Harrison, Lea Lander, Isarco scher, Thomas Thieme, Karl Kranzkowski, Saoirse Ronan, Thomas McCarthy, Jake Ravaioli, Agnes Kalpagos, Gino Turini, Mike Margarita Broich, Gisela Trowe, Katja Abel - Dir. Peter Jackson Monty, Gordon Mitchell, Zaira Zoccheddu - Danowski, Waldemar Kobus, Uwe Steimle, Drama/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dir. Luigi Batzella Henning Peker, Stefan Dietrich, Frank DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 131min. Kriegsfilm 1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Sieckel, Arnd Klawitter, Tim Williams, Mat- Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 88min. thias Reichwald, Holger Fuchs, Roland 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035623 da music(Life Time Audio) 21.05.2010 Florstedt, Stefan Ebeling, Bruno F. Apitz, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035612 In meinem Himmel (Blu-ray) Christian Bayer, Peer-Uwe Teska, Olaf Burmeister, Hilmar Eichhorn, Jana Bauke, The Lovely Bones Der Kommissar: Kollektion 2, Fol- Hannelore Schubert, Karoline Teska, Tho- Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan gen 25-48 (6 DVDs) mas Dehler, Marc Neblung, Hendrik Arnst, Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Erik Ode, Fritz Wepper, Günther Schramm, Kai Ivo Baulitz, Matthias Manz, Hagen Saoirse Ronan, Thomas McCarthy, Jake Reinhard Glemnitz - Dir. Theodor Grädler, Oechel, Holger Stockhaus - Dir. Peter Timm Abel - Dir. Peter Jackson Wolfgang Becker Komödie/Tragikomödie 2009 min. Drama/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS- Kriminalfilm min. Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) Universum Film(ZDF Film) 20.08.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035670 136min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035594 Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Lila, Lila 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035629 Der Kommissar: Kollektion 3, Fol- Daniel Brühl, Hannah Herzsprung, Henry Is’ was, Doc? (Blu-ray) gen 49-73 Hübchen, Kirsten Block, Alexander Khuon, Erik Ode, Fritz Wepper, Günther Schramm, Godehard Giese, Stefan Ruppe, Henriette What’s Up, Doc? Reinhard Glemnitz - Dir. Theodor Grädler, Müller, Simon Eckert - Dir. Alain Gsponer Barbra Streisand, Ryan O’Neal, Kenneth Wolfgang Becker Komödie 2009 min. Mars, Madeline Kahn, Austin Pendleton, Kriminalfilm min. Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Michael Murphy, Philip Roth, Sorrell Booke, Universum Film(ZDF Video) 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035650 Stefan Gierasch, John Hillerman - Dir. Peter tba BestellNr.: 20035597 Bogdanovich Lila, Lila (Blu-ray) Komödie 1972 min. Der Kommissar: Kollektion 4, Fol- Daniel Brühl, Hannah Herzsprung, Henry Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 Hübchen, Kirsten Block, Alexander Khuon, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035676 gen 74-97 Erik Ode, Fritz Wepper, Günther Schramm, Godehard Giese, Stefan Ruppe, Henriette Jenseits von Afrika (Blu-ray) Reinhard Glemnitz - Dir. Theodor Grädler, Müller, Simon Eckert - Dir. Alain Gsponer Komödie 2009 min. Out Of Africa Wolfgang Becker Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Kriminalfilm min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035668 Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Malick Universum Film(ZDF Video) 04.02.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20035598 Bowens, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Bugara, Lovelorn und die Rache des Pha- Joseph Thiaka, Michael Gough - Dir. Syd- ney Pollack Krieg und Frieden (5 DVDs) rao Abenteuer/Drama 1985 161min. Woina I Mir I - IV Misel Maticevic, Eva Hassmann, Reiner Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sergei Bondartschuk, Ljudmila Saweljewa, Schöne, Raffaelo Kramm, Josseline 05.08.2010 Wjatscheslaw Tichonow, Anastasia Glowacki, Horst Buchholz, Hans Diehl, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035563 Wertinskaja - Dir. Sergei Bondartschuk Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Christoph Hagen Drama 1966-1967 403min. Dittmann, Eduard Burza, Reiner Heise, Kampf der Titanen ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Alexander Schubert, Ralph Herforth, Clash Of The Titans 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035645 Jonathan Kinsler, Kim Jee Un, Errol Shaker, Robert Kefert, Roswitha Dost, M.C. Olivé,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Jan Wesemann, Annika Line Trost - Dir. Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Newcastle (OmU) (Blu-ray) Thomas Frick Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Newcastle Fantasy/Kriminalfilm 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Lachlan Buchanan, Xavier Samuel, Reshad (D) 92min. Havinga Strik, Kirk Jenkins, Israel Cannan, Ben EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Global Cinema) Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD Milliken, Debra Ades, Rebecca Breeds - Dir. 12.08.2010 1.0 (E) min. Dan Castle tba BestellNr.: 20035592 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Audiokommentar, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer 22.07.2010 Drama 2008 Ltbx PCM 2.0 (E) DTS (E) Lucky # Slevin (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035575 107min. Lucky Number Slevin PRO-FUN MEDIA 01.06.2010 Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Mortal Beauty - Fluch der Schön- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035616 Morgan Freeman, Sir Ben Kingsley, Dorian heit Missick - Dir. Paul McGuigan Planet B - Mask Under Mask Psycho (50th Anniversary Edition) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, (Blu-ray) Bio- und Filmografien, Audiokommentar Anatole Taubman (Valdéz de Corazón), Rita Thriller 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 HR (D) DTS- Lengyel, Götz Otto, Daniel Aminati, Milton Psycho HD 5.1 HR (E) 110min. Welsch, Axel Neumann, Claudia Grünberg, Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Highlight Communications Suzanne von Borsody, Dieter Landuris - John Gavin, Martin Balsam, John McIntire, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 20.05.2010 Dir. Markus Goller Patricia Hitchcock, Frank Albertson, Simon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035578 Interviews, Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Oakland, Vaughn Taylor, John Anderson, Biografien Mort Mills - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Fantasy/Musical 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Marie Brand und die Nacht der Dokumentation, Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar, 97min. Storyboards, Produktionsnotizen, Bildergalerie, Poster, Vergeltung / Marie Brand und das EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Global Cinema) Werbematerial, Behind the Scenes, Trailer mörderische Vergessen (2 DVDs) 12.08.2010 Thriller 1960 108min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mariele Millowitsch, Hinnerk Schönemann, tba BestellNr.: 20035628 16.09.2010 Stefan Reck, Thomas Heinze, Meret Becker, tba BestellNr.: 20035565 Marek Harloff, Harald Schrott, Neshe Demir, NCIS - Season 6, 1.Teil (3 DVDs) NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Enno Hesse, Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt, Nina Rangers Lommen, Vera Baranyai, Gabriele Schulze, Mark Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Michael Rangers Esther Zimmering, Florian Panzner, Michael Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David Corbin Bernsen, Glenn Plummer, Melissa Schmitter, Ulrich Noethen, Michou Friesz, McCallum, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo Brasselle, Matt McCoy, Dartanyan Renate Becker, Heinz W. Krückeberg, Frank Action/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (It) Edmonds, Bean Miller, Rene Rivera, Te Neues, Freya Trampert, Simon Eckert, (F) 499min. Edouard Saad - Dir. Jim Wynorski Johannes Helmig - Dir. Manuel Siebenmann, Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035624 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfo, Animierte Menüs Florian Kern Action 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) NCIS - Season 6, 2.Teil (3 DVDs) (D) 96min. 180min. Intergroove(Intergroove Movies) NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Universum Film(ZDF Video) 13.08.2010 04.06.2010 Mark Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035595 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035604 Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David Medium - Die fünfte Season (5 McCallum, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo Robin Hood - Der Held von DVDs) Action/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (It) (F) 503min. Sherwood Medium Paramount Home Entertainment 15.08.2010 Il Trionfo Di Robin Hood Patricia Arquette, Miguel Sandoval, David 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035625 Don Burnett, Gerard Philippe Nod, Cubitt, Sofia Vassilieva, Maria Lark, Jake Vincenzo Musolino, Gia Scala, Germano Weber - Dir. Aaron Lipstadt, Ronald L. Die Nebel von Avalon Longo - Dir. Umberto Lenzi Schwary, Vince Misiano, Peter Werner, The Mists Of Avalon Wendecover Patricia Arquette, Larry Teng, Ernest Abenteuer 1962 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (It) Anjelica Huston, , Joan Dickerson, Arlene Sanford, Miguel Sand- 84min. Allen, Samantha Mathis, Caroline Goodall, oval Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 04.06.2010 Edward Atterton, Michael Vartan, Gabriel Making of, Featurettes 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035585 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 Byrne, Hans Matheson, Mark Lewis Jones, (D) DD 5.1 (E) (F) (It) 780min. Clive Russell, John Comer, Tony Curran, Die Rosenheim-Cops - Die kom- Tamsin Egerton (Morgane), Christopher Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2010 plette fünfte Staffel (Sonder-Editi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035569 Fulford, Freddie Highmore (Arthur) - Dir. Uli Edel on) (5 DVDs) Mistress Frankenstein (k.J.) Hinter den Kulissen, Interview mit Bernd Eichinger, US-TV- Joseph Hannesschläger, Tom Mikulla, Karin Trailer, Cast & Crew-Infos Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Thomas Mistress Frankenstein Fantasy 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Stielner, Gerd Lohmeyer, Maren Darian Caine, Heidi Christine, Victoria (E) 176min. Schumacher, Hubert Mulzer, Jannis Speng- Vega, Jessie Harcourt, Jade Duboir, Highlight Communications ler, Horst Kummeth - Dir. Stefan Klisch, Bennigan Feeney - Dir. John Bacchus (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.07.2010 Jörg Schneider, Gunther Krää, Martin Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035558 Komödie/Erotik 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Kinkel, Rainer Gutjahr, Christoph Klünker (E) 79min. Newcastle (OmU) Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Intergroove(Starlight Film) 04.06.2010 1010min. Newcastle 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035586 Edel Germany(Aviator) 01.11.1900 Lachlan Buchanan, Xavier Samuel, Reshad 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035562 Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 5, Teil Strik, Kirk Jenkins, Israel Cannan, Ben Milliken, Debra Ades, Rebecca Breeds - Dir. Rote Erde - Die Gesamtedition (7 2 (3 DVDs) Dan Castle Murder, She Wrote Audiokommentar, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer DVDs) Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 Mira Gittner, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Angeli- Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael (E) 103min. ka Bartsch, Horst C. Beckmann, Hans Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb PRO-FUN MEDIA 01.06.2010 Hildebrandt, Vera Lippisch, Dominic Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035606 Raacke, Sunnyi Melles, Karin Neuhäuser, Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Walter Renneisen, Ralf Richter, Valerie

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Niehaus, Nina Petri, Martin Walz, Ingo Chiquito de la Calzada - Dir. Javier Ruiz Vergessene Kriegsfilme Vol. 4 - Naujoks, Jochen Nickel - Dir. Klaus Emme- Caldera Heisse Hölle Korea rich B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer Making of Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 One Minute To Zero Drama 1983-1989 FF DD 1.0 (D) 1200min. (Sp) 84min. Robert Mitchum, Ann Blyth, William Talman, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(ARD Universum Film 13.08.2010 Charles McGraw, Margaret Sheridan, Edu- Video) 11.06.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035638 ard Franz, Richard Egan, Robert Osterloh - 65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035570 Dir. Tay Garnett Super Drama Movie (Blu-ray) Wendecover Kriegsfilm 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Samt und Seide (2. Staffel, Folge Spanish Movie 84min. Sílvia Abril, Laia Alda, Alejandro Amenábar, 1-13) (3 DVDs) Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 04.06.2010 Carlos Areces, Jaume Balagueró, Juan Charles Brauer, Christina Rainer, Elisabeth 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035588 Lanz, Marcus Mittermeier, Martin Gruber, Antonio Bayona, Andreu Buenafuente, Stephan Ullrich, Kathrin Spielvogel, Diana Chiquito de la Calzada - Dir. Javier Ruiz Verraten und verkauft Caldera Körner, Katerina Jacob, Hans Korte, Enzi Swoi Sredi Tschuschich, Tschuschoi Sredi Fuchs, Mona Seefried, Elisabeth Niederer, B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Swoich Jens Schäfer, Barbara Rath-Korte, Monika DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 88min. Juri Bogatyrjow, Anatoli Solonizin, Sergei Hirschle, Philipp Seiser, Ute Cremer, Tabea Universum Film 13.08.2010 Schakurow, Alexander Kaidanowski, Nikita Heynig, Martin Ontrop, Christian Kahrmann, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035640 Michalkow, Alexander Nikol Voigtländer, Sotiria Loucopoulos, Diet- Porochowschtschikow, Nikolai Pastuchow rich Mattausch, Björn Casapietra, Florian The Sword with No Name - Dir. Nikita Michalkow Fischer, Andreas Wimberger, Stefan Bool-Kkott-Cheo-Reom Na-Bi-Cheo-Reom Drama 1974 97min. Hunstein - Dir. Gunter Friedrich Su-Ae, Cho Seung-woo, Cheon Ho-jin, Choi ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Drama 2001 DD 2.0 (D) 585min. Jae-woong, Kim Young-Min, Ko Su-hee - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035646 Edel Germany(Aviator) 11.06.2010 Dir. Kim Yong-gyun 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035561 Making of, Interviews John Wayne - Classic Gold Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Die schrillen Vier auf Achse (Blu- Collection: Mann des Gesetzes DD 5.1 (Korea) 119min. The Star Packer ray) Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.07.2010 John Wayne, Verna Hillie, George ‘Gabby’ National Lampoon’s Vacation 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035603 Hayes, Yakima Canutt - Dir. Robert N. Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Imogene Bradbury Coca, Randy Quaid, Anthony Michael Hall - The Sword with No Name (Blu- Western 1934 FF DD 1.0 (D) 60min. Dir. Harold Ramis ray) da music(Life Time Audio) 21.05.2010 Komödie 1983 min. Bool-Kkott-Cheo-Reom Na-Bi-Cheo-Reom 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035610 Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 Su-Ae, Cho Seung-woo, Cheon Ho-jin, Choi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035672 Jae-woong, Kim Young-Min, Ko Su-hee - Weiße Sonne der Wüste Dir. Kim Yong-gyun Beloje Sonze Pustyni Semesterferien (2 DVDs) Making of, Interviews Anatoli Kusnezow, Pawel Luspekajew, Gerhart Lippert, Raimund Harmstorf, Anne Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Spartak Mischulin, Kachi Kawadse, Raissa Stegmann, Günther Kieslich, Friedrich DTS-HD 5.1 (Korea) 124min. Kurkina - Dir. Wladimir Motyl Schoenfelder, Brigitte Mira - Dir. Ernst Hof- Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.07.2010 Abenteuer 1969 80min. bauer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035615 ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035644 Abenteuer 1971 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min. Unterwegs mit Kathy K. (OmU) S.A.D. Home Entertainment(Pidax film) Drool Wenn die Kraniche ziehen 10.09.2010 Laura Harring, Jill Marie Jones, Oded Fehr, Letjat Schurawli tba BestellNr.: 20035571 Dalton Alfortish, Garrett Allain, Ruthie Tatjana Samoilowa, Alexei Batalow, Wassili Austin, Andrew Breland, James DuMont - Sexy Things (k.J.) Merkurjew, Alexander Schworin, Svetlana Dir. Nancy Kissam Kharitonova, Walentin Subkow - Dir. Michail Sexy Things Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Kalatosow Dir. Sam Taylor-Wood, Duane Hopkins, Da- Salzgeber & Co. Medien 29.06.2010 Drama 1957 97min. niel Elliott, Maxime Desmons, Petra tba BestellNr.: 20035601 ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Schröder, Maike Mia Höhne, Tonia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035643 Budelmann, Jannicke Låker The Valley Intruder (k.J.) Kurzfilm 2002-2009 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Nightstalker Der Wind des Todes DD 2.0 (F) 113min. Adolph Cortez, Elissa Dowling, Jeff Dylan Passion good!movies(Neue Visionen) 02.06.2010 Graham, Jamie Bernadette, Cassandra Cornel Wilde, Yvonne De Carlo - Dir. Allan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035600 Church - Dir. Ulli Lommel Dwan Trailer Trailer, Deleted Scene, Programmheft, Bildergalerie Subspecies 4 - In the Twilight Thriller/Horror 2009 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Western 1954 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Subspecies IV: Bloodstorm (D) DD 2.0 (E) 70min. 79min. Anders Hove, Denice Duff, Jonathan Intergroove(Starlight Film) 04.06.2010 interGroove Tonträger VertriebsGmbH Morris, Ioana Abur, Mihai Dinvale, Floriella 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035587 18.05.2010 Grappini, Dan Astileanu, Ion Haiduc - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035617 Ted Nicolaou Vergessene Filmklassiker Vol. 1 - Trailer, Wendecover, Making of Unser Leben mit Vater Das Zigeunerlager zieht in den Horror 1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Life With Father 91min. Himmel William Powell, Irene Dunne, Dame Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 04.06.2010 Tabor Uchodit W Nebo Elizabeth Taylor, Edmund Gwenn, Zasu 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035589 Swetlana Toma, Grigori Grigoriu, Boris Pitts, Jimmy Lydon - Dir. Michael Curtiz Mulajew, Sergej Finiti, Jelena Sadowskaja, Wendecover Pawel Andreitschenko - Dir. Emil Loteanu Super Drama Movie Komödie 1947 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Drama 1976 101min. Spanish Movie 113min. ZYX Music(diamant) 11.06.2010 Sílvia Abril, Laia Alda, Alejandro Amenábar, Intergroove(Voulez Vous Films) 04.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035642 Carlos Areces, Jaume Balagueró, Juan 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035590 Antonio Bayona, Andreu Buenafuente,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Zweiohrküken EuroVideo Bildprogramm 30.06.2010 Til Schweiger, Nora Tschirner, Matthias 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035679 Schweighöfer, Emma Tiger Schweiger, Ken Duken, Edita Malovcic, Pegah Ferydoni, Bruce Lee - Die Tigerkralle Uwe Ochsenknecht, Heiner Lauterbach, Bruce Lee Thomas Heinze, Marc Hosemann, Idil Üner, Bildergalerie, Filmografien Porträt/Biographie/Film FF DD 2.0 (D) Jasmin Gerat, Karoline Schuch, Denis 75min. Moschitto, Tom Beck, Yvonne Catterfeld, da music(Life Time Audio) 21.05.2010 Wladimir Klitschko, Paul van Dyk, Sönke 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035607 Möhring, Mars Saibert, Annika Blendl, Annika Ernst, Marysol Fernandez, Andreas Long Distance Love Guenther (Typ), Alwara Höfels, Johannes Long Distance Love B. Kerner, Torsten Künstler, Mirko Lang, Dir. Magnus Gertten Sami Loris Hajjaj, Joern Martens, Elyas Dokumentarfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 M’Barek, Zarah Jane McKenzie, Allegra (Usbekisch) 77min. Osmani, Margarita Ruhl, Lilli Schweiger, good!movies(Neue Visionen) 11.06.2010 Luna Schweiger, Valentin Schweiger, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035599 Jahmar Walker, Nika von Altenstadt - Dir. Til Schweiger Komödie 2009 min. Warner Home Video Germany 27.08.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035559

Special Interest

Anvil - Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft (OmU) Anvil! The Story Of Anvil Anvil - Dir. Sacha Gervasi Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Trailer, Booklet Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E) 77min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.07.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035602 Jackie Chan - Meister aller Klas- sen: Die Jackie Chan Story Jackie Chan Trailer, Bildergalerie, Filmografien Porträt/Biographie FF DD 2.0 (D) 54min. da music(Life Time Audio) 21.05.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035608 Elvis on Tour Elvis On Tour , , Charlie Hodge, Ronnie Tutt, Glen Hardin - Dir. Perry Adidge, Robert Abel Dokumentarfilm/Musik 1972 min. Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035653 Elvis on Tour (Blu-ray) Elvis On Tour Elvis Presley, James Burton, Charlie Hodge, Ronnie Tutt, Glen Hardin - Dir. Perry Adidge, Robert Abel Dokumentarfilm/Musik 1972 min. Warner Home Video Germany 20.08.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20035671 IMAX: Grand Canyon Adventure - Abenteuer auf dem Colorado (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Wade Davis, Shana Watahomigie, Kick Kennedy, Tara Davis - Dir. Greg MacGillivray Making of, Musikvideo, Featurette, Trailer, BD-Live Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 45min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093530

Animation Naruto: Season 3 - Volume 2 Film Batman: The Brave And The Bold (Uncut) 3 Silent Classics By Josef Von Action, Anime, Foreign, Japanese 2003 - Season One, Part One 650min. Sternberg: The Criterion Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Viz Entertainment 31.08.2010 Collection Superheroes 2008 min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093491 Vienna-born, New York-raised Josef von Sternberg (Shang- Warner Bros. 17.08.2010 hai Express, Morocco) directed some of the most influential, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093483 extraordinarily stylish dramas ever to come out of Hollywood. Naruto: Shippuden - Volume 12 Though best known for his star-making collaborations with Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Marlene Dietrich, Sternberg began his movie career during Ben 10: Alien Force - Season One the final years of the silent era, dazzling audiences and Foreign, Japanese 125min. critics with his films’ dark visions and innovative - Volume Eight Viz Entertainment 10.08.2010 cinematography. The titles in this collection, made on the cusp of the sound age, are three of Sternberg’s greatest works, Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093490 gritty evocations of gangster life (Underworld), the Russian Fantasy 2010 min. Revolution (The Last Command), and working-class Warner Bros. 24.08.2010 The Penguins Of Madagascar: desperation (The Docks Of New York) made into shadowy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093485 movie spectacle. Criterion is proud to present these long Happy Julien Day unavailable classics of American cinema, each with two Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, musical scores. Sternberg’s riveting breakthrough is widely Bleach: Volume 31 considered the film that launched the American gangster Animated Animals 2010 88min. genre; it earned legendary scribe Ben Hecht a best original Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- DreamWorks Home Ent. 10.08.2010 story Oscar the first year the awards were given. Emil national TV, Japanese min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093661 Jannings won the first best Academy Award for his Viz Entertainment 24.08.2010 performance as an exiled Russ Silent Film, War, Academy Award Winners, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093484 Pokemon: Elements Collection - Art House, Boxed Sets, Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box Bob The Builder: Building From Part 1 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Sets, Drama 244min. Scratch Japanese 300min. Criterion 24.08.2010 Computer Animation 55min. Viz Entertainment 31.08.2010 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093633 Hit Entertainment 15.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093668 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093571 Ajami A Scanner Darkly (Blu-ray) Shakespearian in its scope and themes - revenge, loyalty, Curious George: Back To School hope and despair - Ajami draws us into the lives of two Woody Harrelson, Keanu Reeves, Winona brothers fearing assassination; a young refugee working Animated Animals 108min. Ryder, Robert Downey Jr., Rory Cochrane illegally to cover his mother’s medical expenses; a cop Universal Studios 03.08.2010 What does a scanner see? Into the head? Into the heart? From obsessed with finding his missing brother. Through this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093606 the novel by Philip K. Dick - the sci-fi legend whose works- dramatic collision of different worlds, we witness cultural and to-film include Blade Runner, Total Recall and Minority religious tensions simmering beneath the surface and the Report - comes A Scanner Darkly, brought to the screen by tragic consequences of enemies living as neighbors. Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Big filmmaker Richard Linklater with an edgy graphic-novel look. Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2009 Birthday Adventure The time: just beyond now. The place: suburbia. The story: a 120min. twisted, funny tale of people hooked on Substance D. And of a Kino Video 24.08.2010 Nickelodeon 2010 95min. government that cheerfully destroys its citizens - their rights, their relationships - in order to save them. Robert Downey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093605 Nickelodeon 03.08.2010 Jr., Woody Harrelson, and Rory Cochrane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093478 play strung-out friends terrified of each other and of spies, Keanu Reeves plays a spy who’s also one of the friends... Ajami (Blu-ray) until his two personalities begin to split. Enjoy the paranoia. Shakespearian in its scope and themes - revenge, loyalty, Jim Henson’s Dog City: The Nobody’s watching you. Really. hope and despair - Ajami draws us into the lives of two Movie Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, brothers fearing assassination; a young refugee working illegally to cover his mother’s medical expenses; a cop Comedy, Family, Puppets 1989 40min. Substance Abuse, Thrillers 2006 100min. obsessed with finding his missing brother. Through this Lionsgate 08.06.2010 Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 dramatic collision of different worlds, we witness cultural and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093526 religious tensions simmering beneath the surface and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093506 tragic consequences of enemies living as neighbors. Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2009 min. He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown: Shaun The Sheep: One Giant Kino Video 24.08.2010 Deluxe Edition Leap For Lambkind 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093639 Unidentified Farm Objects and paranormal sightings are the Based On A Comic Strip, Family, Animated norm with Shaun the Sheep and his barnyard buddies Bitzer, Animals 1968 50min. Shirley, and Timmy, as they encounter more madcap mischief As Good As Dead Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 along with those Naughty Pigs next door. Big laughs are Andie MacDowell, Brian Cox, Cary Elwes, evident, as the creators of the Academy Award-winning 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093482 Wallace & Gromit are out to prove that sheepherding fun is Matt Dallas universal. Thrillers, Action 2010 91min. The Missing Lynx Animated Animals, British, Comedy, First Look Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 The film chronicles the misadventures of a rag tag group of Foreign, Stop Motion Animation 38min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093598 animals as they avoid being caught by a misguided millionaire Hit Entertainment 08.06.2010 and his underlings. Watch as Felix the jinxed Lynx and his crazy collection of comrades learn the value of working 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093507 The Bannen Way together in this unlikely tale of friendship and heroism Michael Lerner, Vanessa Marcil, Autumn Computer Animation, Animated Animals Stepmother’s Sin Reeser, Michael Ironside, Robert Forester, 2008 DD 5.1 100min. Yusuke’s been very naughty - He’s seduced his father’s Mark Gantt Phase 4 Films 27.07.2010 fiancée, transforming her into a debased slave to his own Winner of four 2010 Streamy Awards including Best Web 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093498 twisted desires. But as his hold on her tightens, his sanity Drama, Best Directing and Best Actor, The Bannen Way is a slips, and the forbidden family fun descends into a nightmare slick, sexy, adrenaline-fueled full-length feature film about of lust! Trapped in madness of their own creation, they will Neil Bannen (Mark Gantt), a charming con man caught The Missing Lynx (Blu-ray) pay the ultimate price for a stepmother’s sin! DVD Features: between the mob, the cops and a penchant for beautiful Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo audio for English and Japanese women. This highly popular Crackle series - made into a The film chronicles the misadventures of a rag tag group of dialogue, with English subtitles. Plus: Art gallery, animals as they avoid being caught by a misguided millionaire movie - also stars Academy Award Nominee Robert Forster storyboards, character sketches, Anime Artform and as the police chief Academy Award Nominee Michael Lerner and his underlings. Watch as Felix the jinxed Lynx and his previews. crazy collection of comrades learn the value of working as the ‘Mensch’, Emmy Award Winner Vanessa Marcil as together in this unlikely tale of friendship and heroism. Anime, Erotica 65min. Bannen’s partner-in-crime and The O.C’s Autumn Reeser. Computer Animation, Animated Animals Bayview Entertainment 03.08.2010 Thrillers, Action 2010 94min. 2008 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093676 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Phase 4 Films 27.07.2010 20.07.2010

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093474 that set hi-fis across America spinning. Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Music, Romance, Bossa Nova, Brazilian, Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- Barking Dogs Never Bite Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Paul ma, Foreign, Academy Award Winners, Art An unemployed grad student with an expectant wife is driven Gleason House 1959 107min. to distraction by a yapping dog located somewhere in his Comedy, Drama, Friendships, High School, large apartment complex. Determined to relieve his Criterion 17.08.2010 Romance, Troubled Youth 1985 97min. annoyance, he sets off to take extreme action against his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093579 tormentor; an action that will come to haunt him. Universal Studios 03.08.2010 Comedy, Foreign, Horror, Korean 2000 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093592 110min. The Bong Joon-Ho Collection Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.07.2010 A creature plunges from a bridge into the Han River emerging Brooklyn’s Finest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093629 on its shores for a feeding frenzy upon onlookers. When a young girl is snatched in the melee, her family sets off to Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Ellen Barkin, recover her from the monster that the government claims to be , Wesley Snipes, Don Cheadle, Battlestar Galactica (2004): a host of an unidentified virus. Mother is a devoted single parent to her simple-minded twenty-seven-year-old son, Do- Will Patton, Antoine Fuqua Season 3 (Blu-ray) joon. Often a source of anxiety to his mother, Do-joon Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 2009 behaves in foolish or simply dangerous ways. One night, Jamie Bamber, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Hel- while walking home drunk, he encounters a school girl who he 133min. fer, Katee Sackhoff, Grace Park, Edward follows for a while before she disappears into a dark alley. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.07.2010 James Olmos, James Callis, Michael Hogan, The next morning, she is found dead in an abandoned building, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093454 and Do-joon is accused of her murder. An inefficient lawyer Aaron Douglas and an apathetic police force result in a speedy conviction. The adventures of one of television’s finest dramas continues His mother refuses to believe her beloved son is guilty and Brooklyn’s Finest (Blu-ray) with the complete third season of the Peabody Award-winning immediately undertakes her own investigation to find the girl’s Battlestar Galactica. The Colonies’ survivors have found killer. In her obsessive quest to clear her son’s name, Mother Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Ellen Barkin, their hopes of eluding their Cylon pursuers dashed by an steps into a world of unimaginable chaos and shocking Lili Taylor, Wesley Snipes, Don Cheadle, invasion and occupation of their new home. As the fate of all revelations. An unemployed grad student with an expectant human life hangs in the balance, friends become enemies, Will Patton, Antoine Fuqua wife is driven to distraction by a yapping dog Cops, Crime, Drama, Action, Thrillers 2009 enemies become unexpected allies, and decisions are made Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, that will haunt some people for the rest of their lives. 133min. Adventure, Art House, Boxed Sets, Drama, Intergalactic War, Science Fiction, Starz / Anchor Bay 06.07.2010 Comedy, Crime, Director / Writer Box Sets, Action, Adventure 2006 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093469 Universal Studios 27.07.2010 Drama, Foreign, Horror, Korean, Monsters 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093516 358min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.07.2010 Circle Of Pain 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093630 Bai Ling, Dean Cain, Heath Herring, Frank Black Angels Mir, Kimbo Slice, Tony Schiena The Helping Hands Agency is run by three beautiful women Following a fighting accident, Dalton Hunt retired from are case workers by day and vigilantes by night. These The Bounty Hunter world of mixed martial arts at the top of his game. Unable to ladies are willing to do whatever it takes to collect child Jennifer Aniston, Christine Baranski, outrun his guilt, he his family, his title, and his way. But support from the worst dead beat Dads. Justice is so sweet when a crooked promoter lures him back into a fight against when these sexy ladies put on their trench coats and decide Gerard Butler the current undefeated champ, Dalton must enlist the aid of an to take the law into their own hands. They don’t play by the Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, enigmatic trainer to turn him back into a warrior so he can rules as the stakes are high. Blackmail, corruption, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his stand tall and do battle once again. kidnapping will risk their friendship and their lives. The bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Anis- police are now hot on their trail. Will these beautiful ladies ton). He thinks all that’s ahead is an easy payday, but when Sports, Action, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts surrender or decide to fight for what they believe is right. Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder 2010 89min. Action 2010 87min. cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him Lionsgate 15.06.2010 and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until Well Go USA 13.07.2010 they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093508 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093488 their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying alive is going to be a whole lot tougher. Circle Of Pain (Blu-ray) Romance, Action, Bounty Hunters, Comedy, Black Orpheus: 2 Disc Edition - Bai Ling, Dean Cain, Heath Herring, Frank Crime 2010 110min. The Criterion Collection Mir, Kimbo Slice, Tony Schiena Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Following a fighting accident, Dalton Hunt retired from the Marpessa Dawn, Maria Alice, Aurino 13.07.2010 world of mixed martial arts at the top of his game. Unable to Cassiano, Alexandre Constanino, Breno 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093477 outrun his guilt, he lost his family, his title, and his way. But Mello, Adhemar Feirrera Da Silva, Lourdes when a crooked promoter lures him back into a fight against De Oliveira, Waldetar De Souza, Jorge Dos the current undefeated champ, Dalton must enlist the aid of an The Bounty Hunter (Blu-ray) enigmatic trainer to turn him back into a warrior so he can Santos Jennifer Aniston, Christine Baranski, stand tall and do battle once again. Winner of both the Academy Award for best foreign-language Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Action, Sports film and the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or, Marcel Gerard Butler Camus’ Black Orpheus (Orfeu negro) brings the ancient Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, 2010 89min. Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice to the twentieth-century gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his Lionsgate 15.06.2010 madness of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. With its eye-popping bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Anis- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093531 photography and ravishing, epochal soundtrack, Black Or- ton). He thinks all that’s ahead is an easy payday, but when pheus was a cultural event, kicking off the bossa nova craze Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder that set hi-fis across America spinning. cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him Creation Music, Romance, Academy Award Winners, and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought Jeremy Northam, Jennifer Connelly, Paul Art House, Bossa Nova, Brazilian, their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying Bettany, Toby Jones Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, alive is going to be a whole lot tougher. From director Jon Amiel (The Singing Detective, Entrapment) Drama, Foreign 1959 107min. Bounty Hunters, Comedy, Crime, Action, and writer John Collee (Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World) comes Creation. A psychological, heart- Criterion 17.08.2010 Romance 2010 110min. wrenching love story starring Paul Bettany (A Beautiful Mind, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093574 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World) as 13.07.2010 Charles Darwin, the film is based on Annie’s Box, a biography penned by Darwin’s great-great-grandson Randal Black Orpheus: The Criterion 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093517 Keynes using personal letters and diaries of the Darwin Collection (Blu-ray) family. We take a unique and inside look at Darwin, his family Ray Bradbury’s Chrysalis and his love for his deeply religious wife, played by Jennifer Marpessa Dawn, Maria Alice, Aurino Connelly (A Beautiful Mind, Requiem For A Dream), as, torn Cassiano, Alexandre Constanino, Breno After World War III decimates the planet, a handful of between faith and science, Darwin struggles to finish his scientists research ways to sustain plant life. When one of legendary book On the Origin of Species, which goes on to Mello, Adhemar Feirrera Da Silva, Lourdes them falls ill, a bizarre chrysalis forms around him and become the foundation for evolutionary biology. De Oliveira, Waldetar De Souza, Jorge Dos triggers a tug of war battle over the fate of the Earth. Biography, Biopics, British, Drama, Foreign, Science Fiction, Disasters, Fantasy 2008 Santos Historical / Period Piece 2009 108min. 84min. Winner of both the Academy Award for best foreign-language Lionsgate 29.06.2010 film and the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or, Marcel E1 Entertainment 27.07.2010 Camus’ Black Orpheus (Orfeu negro) brings the ancient 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093514 Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice to the twentieth-century 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093594 madness of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. With its eye-popping photography and ravishing, epochal soundtrack, Black Or- The Breakfast Club: 25th Crossing Over (Blu-ray) pheus was a cultural event, kicking off the bossa nova craze Ashley Judd, Ray Liotta, Harrison Ford, Jim

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Sturgess, Alice Braga, Alice Eve, Cliff 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093650 Curtis Don’t Look Up (Blu-ray) Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones films) is on a quest for justice Dexter: Seasons 1 - 4 While filming in Transylvania, a crew unearths celluloid as an immigrations agent investigating the case of a missing images of a woman’s murder and unleashes the wrath of evil illegal. In a cross-fire of crime and bureaucracy, fraud and John Lithgow, Julie Benz, Jennifer spirits. murder, he must race against time to try to save a family from Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James Remar, becoming collateral damage in the fight for the American Devils And Demons, Horror 2009 98min. dream. Critics rave, „Harrison Ford is terrific. An engrossing, Michael C. Hall, Desmond Harrington, David E1 Entertainment 27.07.2010 thoroughly entertaining movie with great performances from a Zayas, C.S. Lee 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093637 first-rate ensemble cast“ (Pete Hammond, Hollywood.com). Cops, Crime, Drama, Serial Killers, Co-starring Ashley Judd (Twisted), Ray Liotta (Smokin’ Showtime min. Aces), Jim Sturgess (21), and Cliff Curtis (10,000 BC), Drifter Crossing Over will keep you riveted until the final mystery Showtime Entertainment 17.08.2010 Martin (Cameron Daddo, Fox’s 24, Big Momma’s House 2), an unfolds. 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093585 investment banker mysteriously awakes alone in the desert. Drama, Politics 2009 113min. He doesn’t know how he got there or why he has a fresh Weinstein Company 08.06.2010 Dexter: Seasons 1 - 4 (Blu-ray) surgical wound on his left side. In desperate search of water, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093465 he stumbles across three strangers, all inflicted with the same John Lithgow, Julie Benz, Jennifer mysterious wound. They form an uneasy alliance as they try Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James Remar, to make sense of this terrifying situation. Everyone is lost... Crush everyone is in pain... and nobody knows who to trust. Adding Michael C. Hall, Desmond Harrington, David to this confusion, Martin begins to have flashbacks of a Emma Lung, Chris Egan Zayas, C.S. Lee funeral at which he met his desert companions. Just as his Julian, an exchange student and disgraced martial arts memory seems to return, the group suddenly awakens floating champion, is seduced by a mysterious and beautiful woman, Cops, Crime, Drama, Serial Killers, on a lake, their wounds miraculously vanished! Is it a dream? Anna, while house-sitting a lavish mansion. Anna’s infatuation Showtime min. Is it real? Martin doesn’t know, but in this game of life and and obsessive behavior soon turns Julian’s life into a living Showtime Entertainment 17.08.2010 death he must separate fact from fiction and friend from foe. In hell where not even his martial arts skills can save him. 339,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093590 a tense and suspenseful action-packed thriller, Drifter Stalkers, Thrillers 2009 FF DD 5.1 82min. reveals the hard truth that what you did in the past will have a Phase 4 Films 13.07.2010 devastating effect on the future. Thrillers, Drama 2008 80min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093494 Dexter: The Fourth Season John Lithgow, Julie Benz, Jennifer Osiris Entertainment 08.06.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093473 Dead Man’s Walk Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James Remar, Michael C. Hall, Desmond Harrington, David Brian Dennehy, Jonny Lee Miller, Patricia Zayas, C.S. Lee L’Enfance Nue: The Criterion Childress, Harry Dean Stanton, Edward Cops, Crime, Drama, Serial Killers, James Olmos, Keith Carradine, F. Murray Collection Showtime 2009 632min. Abraham, David Arquette The singular French director Maurice Pialat (Loulou, A nos Showtime Entertainment 17.08.2010 amours) puts his distinct stamp on the lost youth film with this TV Movies, Western, Adventure, Drama 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093584 devastating portrait of a damaged foster child. We see 1996 min. Francois (Michel Terrazon), on the cusp of his teens, shuttled Genius Products 01.06.2010 from one home to another, his behavior growing increasingly Dexter: The Fourth Season (Blu- erratic, his bonds with his surrogate parents perennially 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093560 fraught. In this, his feature debut, Pialat treats this potentially ray) sentimental scenario with astonishing sobriety and stark realism. With its full-throttle mixture of emotionality and clear- Deadly Shift John Lithgow, Julie Benz, Jennifer eyed skepticism, L’enfance nue (Naked Childhood) was Nuclear tests conducted by Iran set into motion a series of Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James Remar, advance notice of one of the most masterful careers in French dangerous events, causing devastating earthquakes and life- Michael C. Hall, Desmond Harrington, David cinema, and remains one of Pialat’s finest works. threatening solar radiation levels. Desperate to find a Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, solution, the government calls on David Terran, a scientist Zayas, C.S. Lee who holds the key to survival. Cops, Crime, Drama, Serial Killers, Foreign, French 1968 83min. Action, Adventure, Disasters 2008 90min. Showtime 2009 632min. Criterion 17.08.2010 E1 Entertainment 27.07.2010 Showtime Entertainment 17.08.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093576 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093611 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093588 Fantomas: Five Film Collection Death Note Collection (Blu-ray) Don McKay Mystery, Silent Film 1913 min. Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Fantasy, Foreign, Elisabeth Shue, Melissa Leo, Keith David, Kino Video 24.08.2010 Japanese, Adventure 380min. Thomas Haden Church, M. Emmet Walsh 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093608 Viz Entertainment 24.08.2010 In this edgy thriller, Don McKay (Thomas Haden Church, Sideways) flees his hometown after a horrendous tragedy and The First Four Films Of Akira 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093529 vows never to return. But 25 years later he comes back to find a dark menace looming over the town. As he attempts to Kurosawa: Eclipse From The Death Race 2000 rekindle his romance with an old high school girlfriend (Elisa- beth Shue, Leaving Las Vegas), Don is pulled into a Criterion Collection Sylvester Stallone, David Carradine, Mary malevolent world from which he may never escape. Years before Akira Kurosawa changed the face of cinema with Woronov, Simone Griffeth, Roberta Collins, Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 2009 90min. such iconic works as Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Yojimbo, he made his start in the Japanese film industry with Louisa Mortiz, Martin Kove, Don Steele Image Ent. 29.06.2010 four popular and exceptional works, created while World War Science Fiction, Action, Cult Film / TV 1975 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093627 II was raging. All gripping dramas, those rare early films - min. Sanshiro Sugata; The Most Beautiful; Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two; and The Men Who Tread On The Tiger’s Tail - are Shout Factory 22.06.2010 Don McKay (Blu-ray) collected here, including a two-part martial arts saga, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093689 Elisabeth Shue, Melissa Leo, Keith David, portrait of female volunteers helping the war effort, and a kabuki-derived tale of deception. These captivating films are Thomas Haden Church, M. Emmet Walsh a glorious introduction to a peerless career. Kurosawa’s Death Race 2000 (Blu-ray) In this edgy thriller, Don McKay (Thomas Haden Church, effortless debut is based on a novel by Tsuneo Tomita about Sylvester Stallone, David Carradine, Mary Sideways) flees his hometown after a horrendous tragedy and the rivalry between judo and jujitsu. Starring Susumu Fujita vows never to return. But 25 years later he comes back to find as the title character, Sanshiro Sugata is a dazzling martial- Woronov, Simone Griffeth, Roberta Collins, a dark menace looming over the town. As he attempts to arts action tale, but it’s also a moving story of moral education Louisa Mortiz, Martin Kove, Don Steele rekindle his romance with an old high school girlfriend (Elisa- and enlightenment that’s quintessential Kurosawa. This Cult Film / TV, Action, Science Fiction 1975 beth Shue, Leaving Las Vegas), Don is pulled into a portrait of female volunteer workers at an optics plant during malevolent world from which he may never escape. World War II, shot on location at the Nippon Kogaku factory, min. Drama, Mystery, Thrillers 2009 90min. was created with a patriotic agenda. Yet thanks to Shout Factory 22.06.2010 Image Ent. 29.06.2010 Samurai, Art House, Boxed Sets, Criterion 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093694 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093648 Collection, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- ma, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Japanese, Degrassi: The Next Generation - Don’t Look Up Martial Arts 305min. Season 9 While filming in Transylvania, a crew unearths celluloid Criterion 03.08.2010 images of a woman’s murder and unleashes the wrath of evil 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093634 Canadian, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Foreign, spirits. High School, Romance 2009 534min. Devils And Demons, Horror 2009 98min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 27.07.2010 Forbidden Planet (Blu-ray) 20.07.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093596 Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie

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Nielsen E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 Spencer, Olivia Wilde, Lisa Edelstein, Omar A dutiful robot named Robby speaks 188 languages. An 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093593 Epps, Peter Jacobson underground lair offers evidence of an advanced civilization. But among Altair-4’s many wonders, none is greater or more Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Mystery deadly than the human mind. Forbidden Planet is the The Greatest (Blu-ray) 2009 min. granddaddy of tomorrow, a pioneering work whose ideas and Three months after Allen and Grace Brewer’s son died in a Universal Studios 25.08.2009 style would be reverse-engineered into many cinematic space car accident, Rose shows up on their doorstep, pregnant with 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093599 voyages to come. Leslie Nielsen plays the commander who his child. At first her arrival divides their already troubled brings his spacecruiser crew to the green-skied world that’s marriage, but as they accept their grief, Rose and her baby home to Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), his daughter (Anne may just bring them back together. House: Season Six (Blu-ray) Francis)...and to a mysterious terror. Featuring sets of extraordinary scale and the first all-electronic musical Romance, Drama 2009 100min. Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard, Jesse soundscape in film history, Forbidden Planet is in a movie E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 Spencer, Olivia Wilde, Lisa Edelstein, Omar orbit all its own. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093635 Epps, Peter Jacobson Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Robots / Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Mystery Androids, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers Hang ‘Em High (Blu-ray) 2009 min. 1956 98min. Clint Eastwood, Pat Hingle, Imger Stevens, Universal Studios 25.08.2009 Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 Ed Begley 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093647 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093520 Eastwood is Judge, Jury, and Executioner!. A band of vigilantes catch Jed Cooper and, incorrectly believing him Friday Night Lights: The Fourth guilty of cattle rustling and murder, hang him and leave him for How To Make Love To A Woman dead. But he doesn’t die. He returns to his former profession When Andy hears his girlfriend Lauren sigh after sex, he Season of lawman to hunt down his lynchers and bring them to justice. panics. But even with the help of his friends, porn stars and Classics, Western 1967 min. tantric experts, he continues to stumble in the bedroom, finally Taylor Kitsch, Connie Britton, Adrianne realizing that in order to give Lauren the „O“ word, he first Palicki, Minka Kelly, Aimee Teegarden, Kyle MGM / UA 01.06.2010 needs to say the „L“ word. Chandler, Zach Gilford, Brad Leland, Jesse 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093466 Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2010 Plemons 91min. Based On Feature Film, Drama, Football, Happy Tears E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 High School, NBC, Sports 2009 min. Rip Torn, Demi Moore, Parker Posey, Ellen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093597 Universal Studios 17.08.2010 Barkin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093687 Jayne (Parker Posey) and Laura (Demi Moore) are about to How To Make Love To A Woman take on the first man they just might not be able to handle: their father Joe (Rip Torn). Dutiful daughters returning to the (Blu-ray) Ghostwriter: Season One house they grew up in, Jayne and Laura are forced to take a When Andy hears his girlfriend Lauren sigh after sex, he Family, Mystery, PBS 1992 min. closer look at their own not-so-perfect lives. Laura suspects panics. But even with the help of his friends, porn stars and that Joe needs full-time care, but Jayne refuses to believe that tantric experts, he continues to stumble in the bedroom, finally Shout Factory 08.06.2010 their father’s condition is serious. Jayne’s compulsion to realizing that in order to give Lauren the „O“ word, he first 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093555 escape reality only increases Laura’s attempts to yank her needs to say the „L“ word. back down to earth. Meanwhile, Joe still sings and plays the blues on his prized guitar, and the lively widower even has a Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2010 God’s Offices new „ladyfriend,“ shameless and sassy Shelly (Ellen Barkin). 91min. Set in France, comes a touching story of a group of women Tensions flare as Joe’s senility increases and the close E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 and a series of life’s most dramatic and real events. From sisters must also juggle their own very different lives - but 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093638 Djamailla and her Boyfriend’s struggles, to Zoe’s conflicts their adventures back home are not without merriment, with her mother and her sexual freedom, to Adelne and mischief and even a little childhood magic. Margot’s struggle with abortion. God’s Offices is a film about Drama, Family Relationships, Mental Illness I Do & I Don’t a group of counselors that listen and help these young women 2009 95min. Jane Lynch, Cynthia Harris, Alexie Gilmore, cope with life’s hardships. Lionsgate 15.06.2010 Romance, Drama 2008 122min. Bryan Callen, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093509 An outrageous comedy about a blissfully unaware couple who E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 must endure church-sanctioned marriage counseling before 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093625 they can tie the knot. Little do they know that the couple Hawaii Five-O: Seasons 1 - 9 they’re assigned to turn out to be beyond dysfunctional and on Grapes On A Vine CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama min. the edge of divorce. Our couple must learn the hard and Paramount Pictures 03.08.2010 hilarious way of what it really takes to be truly, happily Jazmin Lewis married. 536,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093481 Thrillers, Drama 2008 82min. Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2007 DD ChannelSources 25.05.2010 5.1 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093541 Hawaii Five-O: The Ninth Season Phase 4 Films 20.07.2010 William Smith, Zulu, Moe Keale, Sharon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093496 Greatest Classic Films: Gangsters Farrell, Jack Lord, James MacArthur, Kam High Sierra The Public Enemy White Heat Fong, Al Harrington, Herman Wedemeyer Insomnia Romance, Thrillers, Action, Classics, Crime, CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1976 Al Pacino, Hilary Swank, Robin Williams, Drama, Film Noir 373min. min. Maura Tierney, Martin Donovan, Paul Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 Paramount Pictures 03.08.2010 Dooley, Nicky Katt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093505 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093479 A perfect thriller!“ -USA Today. Invited to Nightmute, Alaska, to head a murder case, veteran LAPD detective Will Dormer finds his investigation interrupted by an ever-shining midnight Greatest Classic Films: Hammer Here And There sun that wreaks sleep-depriving havoc on him- and by Robert, a jaded middle-aged New Yorker, goes to Serbia to personal guilt over a second crime that may be real... or a Horror make quick cash by marrying someone for U.S. immigration figment of his increasingly unstable consciousness. Director Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee papers. But the plan goes awry when the promised cash never Christopher Nolan (Memento) crafts another jolting Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed Horror Of Dracula The arrives. At the same time, a young Serbian immigrant, Branko, psychological thriller to remember, guiding Academy Award Curse Of Frankenstein struggles in a never forgiving New York, desperately trying to winners Al Pacino, Robin Williams, and Hilary Swank in Science Fiction, Thrillers, Vampires, British, bring his girlfriend from Serbia to the U.S. Insomnia. In the season of the midnight sun, no one- and no Comedy 2009 85min. secret -can hide forever. Classics, Dracula, Foreign, Frankenstein, Lightyear 13.07.2010 Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Hammer House Of Horror, Horror, Monsters 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093602 Detectives, Drama 2002 Ltbx 118min. 358min. Warner Bros. 15.06.2010 Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093487 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093504 Hidden In Silence TV Movies, Drama, Holocaust, War 90min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Instant Star: Season Four The Greatest Alexz Johnson, Laura Vandervoort, Simon Three months after Allen and Grace Brewer’s son died in a 06.07.2010 car accident, Rose shows up on their doorstep, pregnant with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093653 Reynolds, Kristopher Turner his child. At first her arrival divides their already troubled Canadian, Drama, Foreign, International TV, marriage, but as they accept their grief, Rose and her baby House: Season Six Music, Teen Idol, Teen Pop 2004 290min. may just bring them back together. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Romance, Drama 2009 100min. Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard, Jesse 20.07.2010

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093651 JFK: Reckless Youth Sylvester Stallone, Sonny Landham, Frank Politics, Drama 183min. McRae, Darlanne Fluegel, Donald Ip Man Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Sutherland, John Amos Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi 06.07.2010 Drama, Action, Adventure, Prison, Thrillers Ip Man is an award winning adaptation based on the life of Ip 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093652 1989 115min. Man (Donnie Yen), the grandmaster of Wing Chun and later Lionsgate 27.07.2010 teacher and mentor to widely influential and legendary martial 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093578 artist, Bruce Lee. Ip Man is set in the 1930s in Foshan, a hub The Job of southern Chinese martial arts just as the Second Sino- Ron Perlman, Taryn Manning, Joe Japan war breaks out. During the war, China is nearly ripped Lost In Space (Blu-ray) to pieces by racial hatred, nationalistic strife and warfare. Ip Pantoliano, Patrick Flueger Man rose like a phoenix above these ashes as he defied an When unemployed Bubba Brady (Patrick Flueger) gets a tip Gary Oldman, William Hurt, Heather empire bringing hope to China. Winner of Best Picture and from a drifter named Jim (Ron Perlman) about a job offer from Graham, Mimi Rogers, Matt LeBlanc, Lacey Actor, Ip Man. Perriman (Joe Pantoliano), Bubba’s girl Joy (Taryn Manning) Chabert, Akiva Goldsman, Akiva Goldsman, Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts 2008 is thrilled - it means they can finally start a life. But the job is Stephen Hopkins, Mark W. Koch, Carla Fry, 107min. not as advertised; though the opportunity is real, Bubba will have to learn if he has the killer instincts to do what it Stephen Hopkins Well Go USA 27.07.2010 requires. Based on Bitterman’s award-winning play, The Job The space family Robinson in back in this 1997 remake. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093480 is a funny, frightening vision of a world not so far from our William Hurt and Mimi Rogers star as Professor John and Dr. own. Maureen Robinson, who set off with their family on a mission Thrillers, Comedy, Drama 2009 99min. to find a new planet for the population of a polluted Earth to Ip Man (Blu-ray) Magnolia Home Entertainment 27.07.2010 move to. Gary Oldman takes over the role as the evil Dr. Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093631 Smith. Look for cameos from the original cast, including Dick IP Man is an award winning adaptation based on the life of Ip Tuckfeld. Who’s that you ask? A hint: „Danger, Danger Will Man (Donnie Yen), the grandmaster of Wing Chun and later Robinson!“ teacher and mentor to widely influential and legendary martial Johnny Handsome (Blu-ray) Family Relationships, Action, Adventure, artist, Bruce Lee. Ip Man is set in the 1930s in Foshan, a hub Based On TV Show, Science Fiction, of southern Chinese martial arts just as the Second Sino- Mickey Rourke, Lance Henriksen, Forest Japan war breaks out. During the war, China is nearly ripped Whitaker, Scott Wilson, Elizabeth Space 1997 130min. to pieces by racial hatred, nationalistic strife and warfare. Ip McGovern, Ellen Barkin, Morgan Freeman New Line Home Entertainment 07.09.2010 Man rose like a phoenix above these ashes as he defied an Mickey Rourke is John Sedley, a petty gangster whose facial 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093521 empire bringing hope to China. Winner of Best Picture and deformities earned him the nickname „Johnny Handsome.“ Actor, IP Man. When Johnny and a friend are double-crossed during a Chinese, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, robbery by two partners, his friend is killed and Johnny is The Magnificent Seven Collection Martial Arts, Action, Ancient China 2008 sent to prison. There, a sympathetic surgeon makes a deal to (Blu-ray) give Johnny a new face - and a new shot at life. Once on the 107min. outside, Johnny discovers that staying straight isn’t easy. But Steve McQueen, George Kennedy, James Well Go USA 27.07.2010 his new look does open one door for Johnny - revenge. An Whitmore, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093519 electrifying tale from the director of 48 Hrs, this thrilling crime drama features superb performances from Rourke and Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef, Yul Brynner, costars Ellen Barkin, Elizabeth McGovern, Morgan Freeman, Warren Oates, Claude Akins, Robert Fuller Ip Man: Collector’s Edition Lance Henriksen and Forest Whitaker. Spectacular gun battles, epic-sized heroes and an all-star Drama, Revenge, Thrillers 1989 93min. cast that includes Academy Award Winners Yul Brynner and Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi James Coburn, together with Steve McQueen, Eli Wallach Ip Man is an award winning adaptation based on the life of Ip Lionsgate 27.07.2010 and Charles Bronson, make The Magnificent Seven a legend Man (Donnie Yen), the grandmaster of Wing Chun and later 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093577 among westerns! Following a band of seven hired heroes as teacher and mentor to widely influential and legendary martial they prepare a village for an outlaw attack, this stunning artist, Bruce Lee. Ip Man is set in the 1930s in Foshan, a hub remake of The Seven Samurai is „a hard-pounding adventure“ of southern Chinese martial arts just as the Second Sino- King Of The Avenue (Newsweek) and „an enduringly popular“ (Leonard Maltin) Japan war breaks out. During the war, China is nearly ripped Ving Rhames cinematic classic! Once again, Yul Brynner rides tall in the to pieces by racial hatred, nationalistic strife and warfare. Ip saddle in this sensational sequel to The Magnificent Seven! Man rose like a phoenix above these ashes as he defied an Drama 2010 min. Brynner rounds up the most unlikely septet of gunfighters that empire bringing hope to China. Winner of Best Picture and First Look Home Entertainment 26.10.2010 ever rode the range - Warren Oates, Claude Akins and Actor, Ip Man. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093600 Robert Fuller among them - to search for their compatriot who Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts 2008 has been taken hostage by a band of desperados. The New 107min. York Herald Tribune writes: „These boys don’t kid around. Well Go USA 27.07.2010 The Last Adam They brawl hard, shoot hard and die hard.“ The Seven take up When middle-aged Bobby Jackson returns home to Lake City, the reins again in this fast-moving western starring Oscar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093486 Alabama he wonders about the lives of „The Bama Rascals,“ a Winner George Kennedy as the revered - and feared - band of misfits that was on the baseball team he led in the gunslinger Chris Adams! When a Mexican revolutionary is Ip Man: Collector’s Edition (Blu- seventies. As they return home for their beloved coach’s captured, his assoc funeral they find that they all have some sort of flaw and Boxed Sets, Western 2008 388min. ray) reveal some secrets that were long forgotten. Through faith, MGM / UA 01.06.2010 patience and the coach’s wife’s counseling, they begin to Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi forgive themselves as well as each other. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093468 Ip Man is an award winning adaptation based on the life of Ip Man (Donnie Yen), the grandmaster of Wing Chun and later Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Family 2006 teacher and mentor to widely influential and legendary martial 90min. The Man In The Iron Mask (Blu- artist, Bruce Lee. Ip Man is set in the 1930s in Foshan, a hub E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 ray) of southern Chinese martial arts just as the Second Sino- Japan war breaks out. During the war, China is nearly ripped 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093613 Jeremy Irons, Gerard Depardieu, Judith to pieces by racial hatred, nationalistic strife and warfare. Ip Godreche, Anne Parillaud, John Malkovich, Man rose like a phoenix above these ashes as he defied an Leave It To Beaver: Season empire bringing hope to China. Winner of Best Picture and Gabriel Byrne, Leonardo DiCaprio Actor, Ip Man. Three For the honor of and the destiny of a country, the world’s most renowned Musketeers reunite for one last epic Chinese, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Barbara Billingsley, Hugh Beaumont, Tony battle. It is a time of both splendor and despair. France’s self- Martial Arts, Action 2008 107min. Dow, Jerry Mathers, Ken Osmond serving King Louis XIV enjoys the riches of the world while Well Go USA 27.07.2010 his people die of starvation. Believing that he is all-powerful, Classics, Comedy, Family 1959 min. Louis fears no one—except the one person who could bring 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093522 Shout Factory 15.06.2010 his reign to an end: the man in he imprisoned for eternity 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093554 behind a mask of iron. And when Louis’ selfish excesses go Jesse Stone: No Remorse too far, retired Musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis vow to free the mysterious prisoner who may be France’s only hope Tom Selleck, William Sadler, Saul Rubinek, The Legend And The Hero II for survival. Only one question remains: will their old Kathy Baker, Krista Allen, Stephen This is one of the best traditional legendary folklore story of comrade, the legendary D’Artagnan, help them—or destroy McHattie, William Devane, Kohl Sudduth Ancient China. A group of abled people were assembled to them? Jesse, having been suspended by the local town council, fight against the King who was bewitched by Demons. And so Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Adventure, moonlights for his friend, State Homicide Commander Healy by the war between the good and the evil begins. Filled with Royalty 1998 132min. investigating a series of murders in Boston. loads of CG, battlefield scenes and an ancient Chinese magic. MGM / UA 01.06.2010 Action, Foreign, Korean, Martial Arts 2009 Mystery, Action, Cops, Crime, TV Movies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093467 2010 87min. 1800min. Tai Seng 29.06.2010 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Mars Attacks! (Blu-ray) 27.07.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093460 Danny DeVito, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mi- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093572 Lock Up (Blu-ray) chael J. Fox, Martin Short, Glenn Close,

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Annette Bening, Jack Nicholson, Pierce basketball team, Wai agrees to help KaKa’s team win their match against their nemesis Pizza team, if she assists him in Brosnan My Boys: The Complete Second & bringing back his memory. AWAKE, EARTHLINGS! It’s later than you think. Don’t miss this hilarious frenzy as Tim Burton (Batman, Beetlejuice) Third Seasons Comedy, Foreign, Korean 2002 96min. directs - and Mars Attacks! SEE! Stars that shine across the Kyle Howard, Jordana Spiro, Jim Gaffigan Tai Seng 29.06.2010 galaxy. Jack Nicholson (in a dual role), Glenn Close, Annette 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093458 Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito and a dozen more! Comedy, Friendships, Independent Women, SHRIEK! At mean, green invaders from the angry red planet! TBS 2008 378min. Armed with insta-fry ray guns, endowed with slimy, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Nosferatu: A Symphony Of Horror humongous brains - and enlivened with out-of-this-world but 20.07.2010 A chronicle of the Great Death in Wisborg. The story of state-of-the-art special effects. GASP! As the U.S. legislature „Nosferatu“ is one of gothic horror, sensuality and ultimately is overwhelmed. (Don’t fear, we still have 2 out of 3 branches 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093476 death. Unlike Bram Stoker’s „Dracula“, the events in the of the government working for us, and that ain’t bad!) THRILL! movie take place, not in London, but in Bremen, Germany As Earth fights back with an unexpected weapon. Take that, My Name Is Khan during the 1830’s. We are lucky to have „Nosferatu“. All Martians! copies were ordered destroyed in 1923. „Nosferatu“ was Comedy, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Science Two of Bollywood’s biggest superstars, Shah Rukh Khan and deemed the product of plagiarism an unlicensed version of Fiction 1996 107min. Kajol, deliver powerful performances in this epic romance that Bram Stoker’s „Dracula“. Stoker’s widow sued the movie proves true love knows no boundaries. Rizwan (Khan), an producers until they were out of business and the court Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 Indian man with a unique way of looking at the world, moves to ordered all copies of the film to be destroyed. Fortunately for 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093523 San Francisco and meets a vivacious single mother named us, copies hidden away in the dark recesses of cinemathques Mandira (Kajol). They form a special bond and fall in love and it is from these reels that we can see what is considered against all odds, but fate and tragedy conspire to tear them the world’s first horror film. The story is familiar, however the The Matrix Reloaded (Blu-ray) apart. That’s when Rizwan embarks on a remarkable journey style and characters are rooted in German Expressionism. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Andy across America to win back the love of his life. Nosferatu was one of a handful of films that expanded the Romance, Bollywood, Drama, Foreign, language of a cinema in ways that had not been explored and Wachowski, Larry Wachowski resonate influentially to the movies of today. Sentinels swarm. Smith clones. Neo flies... but perhaps not Indian 2010 161min. even a Chosen One gifted with astonishing new powers can 20th Century Fox 10.08.2010 Vampires, Horror 1923 FF S 80min. stop the advance of the Machines. Neo. Morpheus. Trinity. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093654 ChannelSources 22.06.2010 They’re back for the powerful second chapter of The Matrix 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093567 trilogy, and exciting new allies join them in the struggle against foes who are cloned, upgraded and closing in on My Year Without Sex humanity’s last enclave. Back, too, are the Wachowski Numb3rs: The Complete Seasons Brothers and producer Joel Silver, expanding their vision Sacha Horler, Matt Day with a spectacle that rocks the senses, probes the heart and Can you imagine a whole year without sex? Facing tight 1 - 6 shapes filmmaking’s tomorrows. What is the Matrix? The finances, a medical crisis, uncertain jobs, and wild kids, Aya Sumika, Navi Rawat, Sophina Brown, answers lead to more worlds of bold possibility - and to a Natalie and Ross find themselves in that very predicament. destiny that passes from revelations to Revolutions. Against the backdrop of a society where everything - from Judd Hirsch, Peter MacNicol, Rob Morrow, beauty to athletics, Christmas lights to birthday parties - is a David Krumholtz, Dylan Bruno, Alimi Ballard Cult Film / TV, Killer Technology, Action, competition of bigger and better, Natalie and Ross struggle to Apocalyptic Future, Robots / Androids, find their way in a world suddenly turned on its head in this Thrillers, CBS, Crime, Drama, FBI, Mystery Science Fiction 2003 138min. funny, poignant romantic comedy. min. Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 Comedy, Drama, Family Relationships 2009 Paramount Pictures 10.08.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093524 96min. 324,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093583 Strand Releasing 13.07.2010 Mercy: The Complete First 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093549 Numb3rs: The Sixth Season Season Aya Sumika, Navi Rawat, Sophina Brown, Nanny McPhee (Blu-ray) Judd Hirsch, Peter MacNicol, Rob Morrow, James LeGros, Guillermo Diaz, Michelle Colin Firth, Angela Lansbury, Emma David Krumholtz, Dylan Bruno, Alimi Ballard Trachtenberg, Jaime Lee Kirchner, Taylor Thompson Thrillers, CBS, Crime, Drama, FBI, Mystery Schilling, James Tupper, Diego Klattenhoff In this wickedly charming tale, Emma Thompson portrays a 2009 678min. Drama, NBC 2009 min. mysterious woman with special powers who enters the house- Paramount Pictures 10.08.2010 Universal Studios 03.08.2010 hold of the recently widowed Mr. Brown (Colin firth) and attempts to tame his seven very naughty children. The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093582 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093472 children have managed to drive away 17 previous nannies, but as Nanny McPhee takes control, they begin to notice that Mother their misbehaving has magical and startling consequences. „A Off And Running magical, fantastic and wonderful fable that will capture the With white Jewish lesbians for parents and two adopted Mother is a devoted single parent to her simple-minded heart of the whole family!“ (Maria Salas, NBC-TV) brothers, Brooklyn teen Avery, a local track star in high twenty-seven-year-old son, Do-joon. Often a source of Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2006 99min. school, grew up in a unique and loving household. But anxiety to his mother, Do-joon behaves in foolish or simply Avery’s curiosity about her African-American roots compels dangerous ways. One night, while walking home drunk, he Universal Studios 17.08.2010 her to contact her birth mother, thrusting her into a encounters a school girl who he follows for a while before 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093515 complicated exploration of race and identity that threatens to she disappears into a dark alley. The next morning, she is distance her from her family. Off And Running. found dead in an abandoned building, and Do-joon is accused Sports, Family Relationships 2010 76min. of her murder. An inefficient lawyer and an apathetic police New Blood force result in a speedy conviction. His mother refuses to Disillusioned with the future, a young couple attempts suicide, First Run Features 17.08.2010 believe her beloved son is guilty and immediately undertakes but only the girl, Joy, dies. Her boyfriend is saved by a blood 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093655 her own investigation to find the girl’s killer. In her obsessive transfusion from the only three people who has his rare blood quest to clear her son’s name, Mother steps into a world of type. Angered by the broken promise, Joy’s spirit soon begins unimaginable chaos and shocking revelations. to haunt the three donors. A superstitious cop and a sorcerer One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Mystery, Thrillers, Art House, Crime, Dra- from the famous Mao school of exorcists are their only hope in Nest: Ultimate Collector’s Edition ma, Foreign, Korean 2009 129min. putting Joy’s vengeful demon to rest. Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Louise Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.07.2010 Foreign, Horror, Korean 2002 89min. Fletcher, William Redfield 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093628 Tai Seng 29.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093459 National Film Registry, Tragedies, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Mother (Blu-ray) Drama, Mental Illness 1975 133min. Mother is a devoted single parent to her simple-minded The Night Dwarves twenty-seven-year-old son, Do-joon. Often a source of The Night Dwarves is a musical fantasy, a story of love and Warner Bros. 14.09.2010 anxiety to his mother, Do-joon behaves in foolish or simply friendship, of a dream that becomes reality. On a trip to the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093658 dangerous ways. One night, while walking home drunk, he Planet of Dwarves to help its residents fight the King of Bats, encounters a school girl who he follows for a while before children learn that they have the power to help others and she disappears into a dark alley. The next morning, she is fight against evil. From the producers of „The Magic Fairy.“. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s found dead in an abandoned building, and Do-joon is accused Fantasy 44min. Nest: Ultimate Collector’s Edition of her murder. An inefficient lawyer and an apathetic police SISU Entertainment 13.07.2010 force result in a speedy conviction. His mother refuses to (Blu-ray) believe her beloved son is guilty and immediately undertakes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093499 her own investigation to find the girl’s killer. In her obsessive Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Louise quest to clear her son’s name, Mother steps into a world of Fletcher, William Redfield unimaginable chaos and shocking revelations. Nine Girls And A Ghost Classics, Drama, Mental Illness, Academy Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Pop singer Edison Chan and teenage pop group sensation, Cookies, star in this lighthearted supernatural comedy. When Award Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film Korean, Art House 2009 129min. Wai (Chan) is killed in a fatal car accident, his spirit remains Registry, Tragedies 1975 133min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.07.2010 in the mortal world, but he loses all his memory. After a Warner Bros. 14.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093649 chance encounter with KaKa, captain of the Cookies 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093671

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 30 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Classics, Horror, Horror Series, AFI Top Pandora And The Flying 100, Mystery, National Film Registry, Serial Riverworld (Blu-ray) Dutchman: Deluxe Edition Killers, Thrillers 1960 109min. Tahmoh Penikett, Laura Vandervoort, Alan Restored under the auspices of Martin Scorsese, Pandora Universal Studios 19.10.2010 Cumming, Peter Wingfield, Mark Deklin and the Flying Dutchman stars Academy Award Nominee Ava 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093471 Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, TV Gardner (The Barefoot Contessa, Mogambo) as the siren of a small Spanish town, the type of woman men kill and die for. Movies 2010 min. She’s never fallen for anyone until the arrival of the Rambo: Extended Cut (Blu-ray) Genius Products 22.06.2010 mysterious James Mason (Oscar Nominated star of The Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Graham 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093693 Verdict, Heaven Can Wait), the actual Flying Dutchman condemned to sail the seas until he finds a woman who would McTavish, Matthew Marsden die for him. Featuring stunning color cinematography by Jack The next chapter finds Rambo recruited by missionaries to Road To Perdition (Blu-ray) Cardiff (Black Narcissus, The Red Shoes). From the protect them during a humanitarian aid effort on behalf of the acclaimed director of „The Picture of Dorian Grey“. persecuted Karen people of Burma. After the missionaries are Jude Law, Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Stan- taken prisoner by Burmese soldiers, Rambo gets a second ley Tucci, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Daniel Drama, Fantasy 1951 min. impossible job: rescue the missionaries in the midst of a civil Kino Video 03.08.2010 war. Craig Two-time Academy Award®-winner Tom Hanks stars as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093607 Thrillers, Action 2008 91min. Michael Sullivan, a father fighting to keep his only son from Lionsgate 27.07.2010 traveling the Road To Perdition. Directed by Oscar®-winner Pandora And The Flying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093565 Sam Mendes, this towering motion picture achievement has been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike as one of the Dutchman: Deluxe Edition (Blu- year’s most extraordinary films. Also starring Academy Award The Real McCoys: Season 4 winner Paul Newman and Oscar nominee Jude Law, Road To ray) Perdition weaves a mesmerizing tale of a father and son Restored under the auspices of Martin Scorsese, Pandora Classics, Family, Family Relationships bound together by tragedy and betrayal. On an unforgettable and the Flying Dutchman stars Academy Award Nominee Ava 897min. journey of honor, vengeance and redemption, they confront Gardner (The Barefoot Contessa, Mogambo) as the siren of a Infinity Entertainment 29.06.2010 overwhelming odds-and forge an indestructible bond. Hailed small Spanish town, the type of woman men kill and die for. for the powerhouse performances of its stars and the stunning She’s never fallen for anyone until the arrival of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093503 impact of its story, Road To Perdition is an electrifying mysterious James Mason (Oscar Nominated star of The experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Verdict, Heaven Can Wait), the actual Flying Dutchman The Red Baron Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, condemned to sail the seas until he finds a woman who would die for him. Featuring stunning color cinematography by Jack War, Drama min. Historical / Period Piece, Based On Comic Cardiff (Black Narcissus, The Red Shoes). From the Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 Book 2002 117min. acclaimed director of „The Picture of Dorian Grey“. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093451 DreamWorks Home Ent. 03.08.2010 Drama, Fantasy 1951 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093518 Kino Video 03.08.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093640 Reefer Madness 75th Anniversary: Ultimate Collector’s Edition Salvage Christmas Eve, and the residents of a quiet British cul-de-sac Parasomia Dorothy Short, Carleton Young, Thelma are suddenly plunged into a world of violence, terror and Since childhood, Laura has suffered from a bizarre medical White, Lillian Miles, Kenneth Craig paranoia when a group of heavily armed military personnel condition that forces her to spend most of her life in a dream Something must be done to wipe out this ghastly menace. storm their road ordering them at gunpoint to retreat inside state. Confined to a hospital bed, she attracts Danny, an art Originally released in 1935, this is the first film to fully inform their homes. Unsure if this is the sign of a terrorist attack, or student, who learns a terrifying mass murderer is stalking the public of the dangers of habitual marihuana use. Parents something much worse, one local mother finds it in herself to her. are lectured during this cautionary tale on how easy is it for desperately fight to save her estranged daughter stranded Horror 2008 98min. wayward students lured by pushers to fall prey to such tragic across the street. However, with growing dread, the events as a hit and run accident, manslaughter, suicide, rape, residents soon discover that the threat is more monstrous than E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 and a descent into general madness. The tale revolves around any of them could possibly imagine, and survival is no longer 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093595 Mae and Jack, accomplices in the distribution of marijuana, a guarantee... A stunning debut from director Lawrence who manage to entice local high school kids to stop by Mae’s Gough, featuring an award-winning cast (Neve McIntosh, apartment to smoke reefer, where stoned ne’er-do-wells laugh Best Horror Actress at Fantastic Fest 2009), Salvage is a Parasomia (Blu-ray) fiendishly, dance, and play the piano. Jack invites the clean- nail-biting exercise in sheer adrenaline-fuelled fear that will Since childhood, Laura has suffered from a bizarre medical cut couple Bill and Mary, up to his den of sin. After one joint, chill you to your very core. condition that forces her to spend most of her life in a dream Bill is hooked, and his life begins to plummet down the tubes. Horror min. state. Confined to a hospital bed, she attracts Danny, an art When Mary smokes, she begins giggling uncontrollably while Revolver Entertainment 06.07.2010 student, who learns a terrifying mass murderer is stalking being aggressively fondled by the bizarre addict Ralph. Bill her. bursts out of the bedroom to tangle with Ralph, prompting a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093663 Horror 2008 98min. string of calamitous occurrences, including several more deaths and courtroom sentences to mental institutions, all Saving Private Ryan: Sapphire E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 because of the dev 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093636 Stoners, Comedy, Documentary 77min. Series (Corrected Audio) (Blu-ray) ChannelSources 25.05.2010 Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, The Player (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093550 Edward Burns Whoopi Goldberg, Tim Robbins, Peter Internationally acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable Gallagher, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward Repo Men film achievement that has had profound and lasting impact A studio script screener gets on the bad side of a writer by Forest Whitaker, Jude Law, Carice Van throughout the world. Winner of five Academy Awards not accepting his script. The writer is sending him threatening including Best Director, the film also captured Oscars for postcards. The screener tries to identify the writer in order to Houten, Alice Braga, Liev Schreiber Cinematography, Film Editing, Sound and Sound Effects pay him off so he’ll be left alone, and then in a case of Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action 2010 Editing. More than 70 critics and critics’ groups in New York, mistaken identity gone awry, he accidentally gives the writer 120min. Chicago, Dallas Ft-Worth and Great Britain named the film solid ammunition for blackmail. This plot is written on a Best Picture of the Year, while the Los Angeles, Toronto and backdrop of sleazy Hollywood deals and several subplots Universal Studios 27.07.2010 Broadcast Film Critics honored it with both Best Picture and involving the politics of the industry. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093586 Best Director awards. In addition, Spielberg received his Comedy, Drama, Film About Film 1992 third Directors Guild of America Award, the American Legion 124min. Repo Men (Blu-ray) „The Spirit of Normandy“ Award, a USO Merit Award from the New Line Home Entertainment 07.09.2010 USO of Metropolitan Washington, as well as the highest Forest Whitaker, Jude Law, Carice Van civilian public service award from the Department of the Army. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093525 Selected for more than 160 Top Ten lists, Saving Private Houten, Alice Braga, Liev Schreiber Ryan’s other honors include Golden Globes for Best Picture Action, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2010 (Drama) and Best Director, the Producers Guild of America Psycho: 50th Anniversary Edition 120min. Award and ten nominations from the British Academy Film (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 27.07.2010 Awards. War, World War II, Drama, Epics, Historical Janet Leigh, Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093591 / Period Piece, Military, Academy Award John McIntire, John Gavin, Martin Balsam Winners, Action, AFI Top 100 1998 Ltbx Alfred Hitchock’s landmark masterpiece of the macabre stars Riverworld Anthony Perkins as the troubled Norman Bates, whose old DTS 169min. dark house and adjoining motel are not the place to spend a Tahmoh Penikett, Laura Vandervoort, Alan DreamWorks Home Ent. 04.05.2010 quiet evening. No one knows that better than Marion Crane Cumming, Peter Wingfield, Mark Deklin (Janet Leigh), the ill-fated traveler whose journey ends in the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093587 notorious „shower scene.“ First a private detective, then Science Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy, TV Marion’s sister (Ver Miles) searches for her, the horror and Movies 2010 min. The Secret Life Of The American the suspense mount to a terrifying climax where the Genius Products 22.06.2010 mysterious killer is finally revealed. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093688 Teenager: Volume Four

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Molly Ringwald, Shailene Woodley commissioned a series with Douglas Wilmer as Holmes and DVD! Get StarStruck with hunky young pop star Christopher Nigel Stock as his faithful friend Dr. Watson. This DVD, Wilde (Sterling Knight), as he gets tangled up through a Drama, Family Relationships, High School never before released, includes some of the best stories from chance meeting with small-town girl Jessica Olson (Danielle 2010 516min. the canon. Whether it’s the horrifying case of The Speckled Campbell), and experience their hilarious adventures set Disney / Buena Vista 15.06.2010 Band or the fascinating story behind The Red Headed League, against the backdrop of Hollywood. Your whole family will 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093510 this is a DVD must have for all Sherlock and mystery fans. love this music-filled Disney Original Movie, complete with BBC, British, Classics, Crime, Detectives, music videos and never-before-seen footage. You’ve „Got To Foreign, International TV, Murder Believe“ in StarStruck! TV Movies, Music, Musical, Disney Seven (Blu-ray) Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes Channel, Family 2010 84min. David Fincher, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, 650min. Disney / Buena Vista 08.06.2010 Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. McGinley BBC Home Video 14.09.2010 From director David Fincher (Fight Club) comes the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093512 psychological thriller about two detectives on the trail of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093669 „John Doe,“ a serial killer who chooses his victims according to the seven deadly sins. Something Like A Business Streets Of Laredo Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Film Sam Shepard, Sissy Spacek, James Tasha Smith, David Alan Grier, Kevin Hart Noir, Action, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1995 Garner, Wes Studi, James Gammon, Sonia Comedy 2010 min. 127min. Braga, Alexis Cruz, Randy Quaid, George Vivendi Visual Entertainment 15.06.2010 New Line Home Entertainment 14.09.2010 Carlin, Ned Beatty, Charles Martin Smith, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093553 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093589 Kevin Conway TV Movies, Western, Drama 1995 min. Sex And The U.S.A. Sparkle Genius Products 01.06.2010 From director Jan Wellman comes this genre-defying Stockard Channing, Amanda Ryan, Bob 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093561 examination of abstinence-only education and its effects on Hoskins, Lesley Manville, Shaun Evans the teens of a conservative California suburb. Narrating the Academy Award nominees Stockard Channing and Bob film is Audrey, a thoughtful 14-year-old who decides to make Hoskins co-headline the British romantic comedy Sparkle, the Supranova an amateur documentary about her school-sponsored vow of third film from the critically-praised writing and directing team An experimental film that examines the soul, the body and the chastity. Unlike the characters in earlier coming of age films of Neil Hunter and Tom Hunsinger (Lawless Heart, impossibility of conjoining these two entities which constitute like Kids and Thirteen, the high school students in Sex And Boyfriends). Shaun Evans plays Sam Sparks, a young man the civilization form that is called man. The USA must navigate popular media channels that blur the who relocates from Liverpool to London with his single Drama 2009 127min. line betweenreality and fiction. Audrey’s home video mother, Jill (Lesley Manville) - a chanteuse in local bars. In recordings are laced with webcam footage, YouTube videos, need of a job, Sam gets a position at a PR agency by sleeping E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 and social media pages, creating an aesthetic that’s as with the head of the agency, Sheila (Channing), then (in a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093624 hyperkinetic as today’s media landscape. The viewer is left Graduate-like twist) falls for a girl closer to his own age, just as disoriented as the film’s protagonists, whose literal Kate (Amanda Ryan) - only to discover that she’s Sheila’s interpretation of chastity leaves room for many other forms of daughter! As the complications ensue, Vince (Hoskins), who Tales Of The Gold Monkey: The reckless behavior. In the end, Audrey and her peers are arranged Sam and Jill’s apartment in London, decides to make Complete Series forced to question whether an education rooted in religious his feelings fully known to Jill. ideology can truly help connect the dots between their Romance, Comedy 2007 100min. Roddy McDowall, Stephen Collins conservative values and their modern, connected lifestyles. Revolver Entertainment 07.09.2010 ABC, Adventure, Historical / Period Piece Drama 2008 88min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093675 1982 min. Breaking Glass Pictures 27.07.2010 Shout Factory 08.06.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093573 Speed Racer (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093558 Shakespeare: As You Like It John Goodman, Christina Ricci, Hiroyuki Sanada, Susan Sarandon, Rain, Richard THX 1138: The George Lucas Performing Arts, Romance, Shakespeare Roundtree, Emile Hirsch, , Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) min. Benno Furmann Robert Duvall, Maggie McOmie, Donald Opus Arte 29.06.2010 Start your engines and fasten your seatbelts for the high- Pleasence, Ian Wolfe, Don Pedro Colley 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093609 octane adventure Speed Racer, combining heartfelt family A chilling exploration of the future is also a compelling humor and groundbreaking visual effects. Speed Racer (Emile examination of the present in George Lucas’ THX 1138, Shakespeare: As You Like It (Blu- Hirsch) is a natural behind the wheel of his thunderous Mach starring Robert Duvall as a man whose mind and body are 5. With support from Pops and Mom Racer (John Goodman controlled by the government. THX makes an harrowing ray) and Susan Sarandon), girlfriend Trixie (Christina Ricci), attempt to escape from a world where thoughts are controlled, younger brother Spritle (Paulie Litt) and the mysterious Racer min. freedom is an impossibility and love is the ultimate crime. X (Matthew Fox), Speed takes on fierce competitors to save Drama, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Opus Arte 29.06.2010 his family’s business and protect the sport he loves. With Totalitarian Governments 1970 88min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093670 groundbreaking visual effects and breathtaking action sequences, Speed Racer puts you in the driver’s seat like Warner Bros. 07.09.2010 never before. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093528 Shank Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Racing, Colin Salmon, Kaya Scodelario, Adam Sports 2008 min. Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Tracing Shadow Deacon, Terry Stone Five kung-fu masters from different regions are fighting From the distributor who brought you Kidulthood comes a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093527 ruthlessly for a mysterious treasure map inside the Ming breathtaking, action-packed vision of a near-future London, Palace; while they are all tangled in wild combat, the precious where society has collapsed and gangs rule the streets. As StarStruck: Extended Edition map unexpectedly disappears. A young couple lives in a small the youngest of the Paper Chaserz, 14-year-old Junior village with their adopted daugther. On the surface, they run a strives for the authority of his older brother Rager and the Experience the ultimate music sensation with the StarStruck: small bed and breakfast that serves tourists passing through, respect of rest of their gang. Food has become the ultimate Extended Edition - featuring an exclusive „Got To Believe“ in truth, they are two of the kungfu masters who had fought commodity, and rival gangs engage in constant battles in extended music scene, plus a Rock-Along bonus feature and vigorously for the treasure map years ago. One day, their search of their next meal, regardless of age or gender. When three full-length music videos - available only on Disney wealthy landlord obviously reveals to the whole village that a conflict with a rival gang changes their lives forever, he DVD! Get StarStruck with hunky young pop star Christopher he possess a treasure map. What was once deemed lost, must decide whether to stay true to his principles or drag Wilde (Sterling Knight), as he gets tangled up through a resurfaces again, and a competitve search of the treasure them all into a quest for revenge that could get them all killed. chance meeting with small-town girl Jessica Olson (Danielle thus begins, with a chain of adventurous events changing Action, Gangs min. Campbell), and experience their hilarious adventures set what was once a small ordinary town. against the backdrop of Hollywood. Your whole family will Revolver Entertainment 03.08.2010 love this music-filled Disney Original Movie, complete with Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Korean 3010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093664 music videos and never-before-seen footage. You’ve „Got To 93min. Believe“ in StarStruck! Tai Seng 29.06.2010 Shaolin Expendables: 4-Film Set TV Movies, Music, Musical, Disney 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093457 Channel, Family 2010 84min. Carter Hwang Disney / Buena Vista 08.06.2010 Action 360min. Trauma: Season 1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093511 Video 19.10.2010 Jamey Sheridan, Aimee Garcia, Anastasia 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093601 Griffith, Cliff Curtis, Derek Luke, Kevin StarStruck: Extended Edition Rankin Sherlock Holmes (With Soundtrack CD) Drama, NBC 2009 min. Experience the ultimate music sensation with the StarStruck: Universal Studios 10.08.2010 Nigel Stock, Douglas Wilmer Extended Edition - featuring an exclusive „Got To Believe“ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective has enthralled extended music scene, plus a Rock-Along bonus feature and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093461 generations since his first appearance in 1887. In 1964 BBC three full-length music videos - available only on Disney

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 33 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Ultimate Heist Piotr Anderszewski: Unquiet global success story. After a break in the eighties, they reunited in the early nineties and took to the road once more. Jean Reno, Vahina Giocante, Gaspard Ulliel Traveller (Blu-ray) In 1997 they made their debut at the Montreux Jazz Festival The Malakian clan, a family of ruthless gangsters, controls with a performance that included all their trademark virtuosity the underworld. At its head, the violent godfather Milo Classical Music, Opera 83min. and showmanship. The show includes classic tracks from Malakian (Jean Reno) rules his world with an iron fist. His Naxos 29.06.2010 across their career including Karnevil 9, Hoedown, Take A son and heir, Anton, dreams of breaking free and making his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093645 Pebble, Lucky Man, Tiger in the Spotlight, Tarkus and Fanfa- own choices. To escape, not only does Anton have to counter re for the Common Man. 1. Introduction by Claude Nobs 2. his own destiny, but also the man who has sworn to bring his Karnevil 9-1st. Impression Part 2 3. Tiger in the Spotlight 4. father down. Perhaps the answer is one final job - the Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier I & Hoedown 5. Touch and Go 6. From the Beginning 7. Knife Ultimate Heist - to defend his fierce loyalty to his blood and Edge 8. Bitches Crystal 9. Dance Creole 10. Honky Tonk put the world in the palm of his hand. II Train Blues 11. Take a Pebble 12. Lucky Man 13. Tarkus/ Action, Gangs 2009 DD 5.1 95min. Classical Music, Opera 260min. Pictures At An Exhibit 14. Medley: Fanfare For the Common Man, Rondo, Carmina Burana, Carl Palmer’s Drum Solo, Phase 4 Films 20.07.2010 Naxos 29.06.2010 Toccata In D Minor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093497 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093621 Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock 1997 91min. Vengeance Trilogy (Blu-ray) Barney: Songs From The Park Eagle Vision USA 22.06.2010 The first film in Park Chan-Wook’s acclaimed Vengeance Dinosaurs, Music 45min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093696 trilogy. The sister of a simple and deaf factory worker, Ryu, falls ill and needs a kidney transplant, however he is not a Hit Entertainment 15.06.2010 match so he looks to the black market which he can’t afford. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093570 Fingers After being fired from his job, his rebel girlfriend suggests Here are lots of stories and songs about fingers, and games to that he kidnap the child of his former boss, Park. When the Big Time Rush play with them too. For very young children, interaction with girl accidentally dies, her father seeks vengeance for her parents using finger games can be exciting and lots of fun. 29 death. Park Chan-Wook’s classic genre-defining revenge tale Comedy, Family, Musical, Nickelodeon 2009 songs include „Soap Bubbles,“ „I Touch My Chin,“ and „One of a man who’s wrongly been imprisoned for 15 years and is Hand Says Shalom to the other Hand.“ then suddenly released. Given money and a cell phone, he’s 147min. challenged to discover who incarcerated him in the first Nickelodeon 10.08.2010 Music 45min. place, but he only has five days to uncover the truth. Even 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093581 SISU Entertainment 13.07.2010 with a mysterious young girl to help him, his tortures have just 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093502 begun. The final film in the trilogy was created by Chan-Wook for his daughter. After being wrongfully convicted of Louie Bluie: The Criterion kidnapping and murdering a young child, a beautiful young Collection A Hug Moment For Toddlers woman (Lee Young-ae) is imprisoned for 13 years. While in Leora Shlesinger, a veteran producer of children’s musical prison she gains the respect and loyalty of her fellow Art House, Country Blues, Criterion video series such as Singing Tree and Grandpa Tuvia, as well cellmates, all the while plotting her vendetta on Collection, Documentary, Music 1985 as the „Hug Moment“ TV show, is featured here on her own Mystery, Revenge, Thrillers, Torture, Boxed 60min. DVD with songs, games and stories for toddlers. The whole Sets, Dark Comedy, Family Relationships, family can participate and watch the little one grow big. 8 Criterion 10.08.2010 Foreign, Kidnapping, Killer Beauties, songs include „Doll and Teddy Bear“ and „Mom and I.“ Ages 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093623 18-36 mos. Korean, Action, Art House min. Music 42min. Tartan Video 15.06.2010 Callas: Assoluta (Blu-ray) SISU Entertainment 13.07.2010 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093564 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093501 Documentary, Music, Opera 97min. Naxos 29.06.2010 Wildfire: The Arabian Heart The Infernal Comedy Lindsey is a teenage girl who is talked into driving across 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093641 country to visit her uncle in the Midwest who has never Laura Aikin, John Malkovich recovered from a tragedy in his past. There she falls in love Celine: Through The Eyes Of The Classical Music, Music, Opera 102min. with a ranch hand and finds herself racing at the county fair. Naxos 08.06.2010 This is a family film about a girl coming of age as she World connects with her past, lets loose the champion within and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093610 meets the love of her life. Concerts, Easy Listening, Music, Pop Music Romance, Drama, Family 2009 88min. min. Katia Kabanova E1 Entertainment 13.07.2010 Sony Music Video 01.06.2010 Leos Janácek’s opera Katia Kabanova follows the life of a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093603 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093456 middle-class family in the 1850s and is set on the banks of the Volga in a small town, Kalinove in Russia. Christopher Marthaler’s modern production takes place in the 1990s and Wolf Moon Celine: Through The Eyes Of The sheds a new light on this intense drama. Recorded at the Maria Conchita Alonso, Ginny Wierick, Lin World (Blu-ray) Kleines Festspielhaus during the 1998 Salzburg Festival. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 99min. Shaye, Billy Drago, Sid Haig, Chris Mulkey, Concerts, Easy Listening, Music, Pop Music Kultur 27.07.2010 Max Ryan min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093545 Amy (Ginny Weirick), a small-town girl meets and falls in love Sony Music Video 01.06.2010 with Dan (Chris Divecchio), a mysterious drifter. Amy learns 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093470 that Dan possesses a family curse and the unimaginable Liquid Vinyl horror that was passed on to him by his father, Bender (Max Ryan). Dan and Amy’s love is put to the test when town locals Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur Liquid Vinyl (Billy Drago, Maria Conchita Alonso, Chris Mulkey) unite in Liquid Vinyl. The filmmakers trace house from its origins as a the ultimate showdown with Bender to eliminate the terror he Classical Music, Opera min. successor to disco, in the nightclubs of cities such as Chica- has brought to their town. Naxos 29.06.2010 go, Detroit and New York. Particular attention is given to Romance, Thrillers, Werewolves, Horror New York’s scene. The film does a fine job of making viewers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093612 feel like they were there in the original scene, and of pointing 2009 124min. out the importance of house music as a unifier, bringing Lionsgate 22.06.2010 Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur (Blu- together whites, blacks, gays and straights alike. By showing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093513 how the music has progressed through rave culture and now ray) into the mainstream, with DJs such as Carl Cox and Tiesto Classical Music, Opera min. bringing in record crowds to festival shows, it also helps The Wronged Man legitimize the genre and its DJs as true artists (the point that Naxos 29.06.2010 Julia Ormond, Lisa Arrindell Anderson, remixing has basically become rewriting entire songs is a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093642 strong one), while allowing for criticisms - that some of its Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Bruce McKinnon DJs don’t innovate but rather just play records. Liquid Vinyl. TV Movies, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues Disco / Techno / Dance Music, 2010 89min. Dire Straits: Alchemy Live - 20th Documentary, Electronic, Music 2005 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Anniversary Edition 84min. 20.07.2010 Concerts, Music min. ChannelSources 25.05.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093475 Universal - Music 08.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093547 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093552 The Moody Blues: Live At The Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Live At Isle Of Wight Festival (Blu-ray) Music Montreux 1997 (Blu-ray) In late August 1970, shortly after the release of their album „A Live at Montreux 1997 Keith Emerson, Greg Lake and Carl Question Of Balance,“ The Moody Blues took to the stage of Palmer first joined forces in 1970 and went on to become a the Isle OF Wight Festival in front of an audience estimated at

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 35 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) over half a million. The band were at their creative and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093618 commercial peak after a succession of albums that had enjoyed unprecedented global success. This film from award Strauss, J: Die Fledermaus winning director Murray Lerner combines the band’s live Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts Rufus Wainwright: Prima Donna - performance from the 1970 festival with archive footage and new interview with Graeme Edge, Justin Hayward, John 169min. The Story Of An Opera Lodge and Mike Pinder setting the band’s performance in the Naxos 29.06.2010 Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. context of the time. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093617 Universal - Music 15.06.2010 Concerts, Music 1970 79min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093559 Eagle Vision USA 22.06.2010 Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093695 Ballet, Performing Arts min. The Warped Tour Naxos 29.06.2010 In the summer of 1995, Kevin Lyman’s dream of a tour Peter And The Wolf & L’Enfant Et 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093619 combining music and sports - with an affordable ticket price - Les Sortileges came to fruition. The Warped Tour has since become the longest-running, most successful traveling music festival in These two ballet recordings, based on the music of the Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake (Blu-ray) American history, attracting multiple generations and French composer Maurice Ravel and the Russian composer unmatched loyalty.Unlike its competitors, Warped is much Sergei Prokofiev, are recommended to every child, youth and Performing Arts, Ballet 2009 min. larger than its roster of bands and activities; it’s a gathering adult whose heart and mind are open for a musical and dan- Naxos 29.06.2010 place for a community. However much they may very in style, cing encounter with the world of fairy tales. Both of them are 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093643 attitude and musical taste, Warped fans share a sense of about a small boy and his dealings with the nature freedom and exhilaration that can’t be found elsewhere.In a surrounding him. Despite their similarities, though, the two fast-paced assemblage of performances candid interviews and works are fundamentally different. It is the difference between Tristan und Isolde intimate moments, we see why WARPED is the contemporary the two which makes this combination so appealing. Of all operas, perhaps the one that least needs ingenious festival that comes closest to the spirit of Woodstock.This Ballet, Music, Performing Arts 82min. extra musical assistance is Tristan, this aurally erotic work two-disc DVD gives fans and first-timers alike an Kultur 27.07.2010 that speaks so vividly to the listener’s inner eye. Richard unforgettable, in-depth glimpse of the WARPED experience. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093546 Wagner’s score is simply more illustrative and sensuously Featured bands include Rancid, Bad Religion, My Chemical pictorial than any series of stage pictures could be. With Romance, Anti-Flag, Alkaline Trio. Billy Talent, Flogging René Kollo and Gwyneth Jones in the title roles, this DVD Molly, Casualties, Bouncing Souls, Pennywise, NOFX, Purcell: The Fairy Queen represents a historical milestone and document of highest Fishbone, Mike Watt, Save Ferris, Quicksand, Valient Thorr, Civ, Sick Of It All, Tak Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts value in the reception of Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 223min. Concerts, Documentary, Hardcore/Punk, min. Kultur 27.07.2010 Music, Punk, Punk Rock 89min. Naxos 29.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093548 Passion River 13.07.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093622 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093532 Purcell: The Fairy Queen (Blu- U2: 360 At The Rose Bowl Alternative, Concerts, Music 2009 min. Neil Young Archives: Volume I ray) Universal - Music 03.06.2010 (1963 - 1972) (Blu-ray) Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093662 Boxed Sets, Music min. min. WEA 08.06.2010 Naxos 29.06.2010 U2: 360 At The Rose Bowl (Blu- 513,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093674 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093646 ray) Rattle Conducts Tchaikovsky, Alternative, Concerts, Music 2009 min. Universal - Music 03.06.2010 Stravinsky & Rachmaninov (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093672 Special Interest ray) Classical Music, Opera 104min. Uzi Sings To Kids Vol. 2 Art & Soul Yoga: Escape To Bliss Naxos 29.06.2010 Uzi Hitman With Faye Rose 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093644 Uzi Hitman started as a member of a famous military Relax and rejuvenate with this basic yoga workout. Breathe, entertainment troupe and was already an acclaimed composer stretch and strengthen as you escape to a beautiful tropical : Stones In at age 24. His sensitive and gentle soul endeared his music to setting and a calming voice guides you through a flowing and children in particular, and he starred for many years on invigorating yoga sequence. Finish with a guided relaxation Exile children’s TV. This is his second DVD with 19 songs for that completely lets you release all tension and stress. Find children including 3 for which he composed the music and the delicious stretches, strengthen your core muscles, and Documentary, Music 2010 min. lyrics: „Childhood Songs,“ „Song of the Exaggerators“ and „A improve overall health. This complete yoga workout includes: Eagle Vision USA 22.06.2010 Real Orchestra.“ His presence among us is sorely missed. Beginner Yoga Flow (32 minutes) with centering, seated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093690 27min. postures, standing postures, core strengthening postures and SISU Entertainment 13.07.2010 guided relaxation; Advanced Yoga Flow (45 minutes) with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093500 centering, seated postures, sun salutation series, standing Rossini: Moise Et Pharaon postures, core strengthening postures and guided relaxation; Classical Music, Opera 181min. Relaxation a 10 minute guided relaxation sequence. Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 87min. Naxos 29.06.2010 Verdi: Aida Bayview Entertainment 24.08.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093615 Classical Music, Performing Arts 2009 135min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093685 The Shadows: The Final Tour Naxos 29.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093620 Brother Outsider: The Life Of (Blu-ray) Bayard Rustin Together again for one last time.... Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch and Brian Bennett are together again on stage for one last Verdi: Othello Five years in the making and the winner of more than 25 time on THE SHADOWS’ FINAL TOUR. The instantly Music, Opera min. awards and honors, Brother Outsider illuminates the life and recognizable Shadows sound and their famous routines are all work of Bayard Rustin, who has been described as „the in place as one of the most successful British bands of all time Naxos 29.06.2010 unknown hero“ of the civil rights movement. A tireless show just why they have had such a long and illustrious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093614 crusader for justice, a disciple of Gandhi, a mentor to Martin career. Filmed at the Cardiff Indoor Arena in 2004, THE Luther King Jr., and the architect of the legendary 1963 March SHADOWS bow out with a concert of classic tracks including on Washington, Rustin dared to live as an openly gay man no less than twenty one Top 20 hits, five of which got to No. 1. Verdi: Rigoletto during the fiercely homophobic 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Apache Intro - Riders in the Sky - The Frightened Cry - Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts Brother Outsider reveals the price that Rustin paid for this Theme for Young Lovers - Peace Pipe - The Savage - Let Me openness, chronicling both the triumphs and setbacks of his Be The One - The Stranger - Kon-Tiki - Going Home (theme 130min. remarkable 60-year career. Nominated for the Grand Jury from Local Hero) - Dance On - Nivram - Lady of the Morning - Naxos 29.06.2010 Award at the Sundance Festival and the winner of 8 Best My Home Town - Guitar Tango - Geronimo - Sleepwalk - 36- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093616 Documentary Awards. 24-36 - Shazam - Don’t Cry For Me Argentina - Equinoxe V - Documentary 84min. Mountains of the Moon - Shadoogie Gonzales - Don’t Make Passion River 06.07.2010 My Baby Blue - The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt - Atlantis - Verdi: Simon Boccanegra 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093533 Shindig - Man of Mystery - Foot Tapper - Please Don’t Tease Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts Concerts, Music 2004 min. 137min. Eagle Vision USA 15.06.2010 Buffalo Bill Cody Naxos 29.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093566 Western, Documentary, Outlaw Country

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 37 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) min. Turn the predator into prey! Train to prevail in any street those that grew up with them, and those that have just conflict or assault situation with Kelly McCann in this highly discovered them? Why did he leave? Armed with those and Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 anticipated companion-DVD series for his acclaimed book of many other questions, a documentary was put into production. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093535 the same title. In Volume 2: Weapon Counterattacks and It wasn’t long before interviews with Hughes alumni and those Situational Combatives, McCann demonstrates the following: influenced by Hughes transpired, shedding light on Hughes Counter-Weapon Techniques; Takedown Tools; Situational and his work. However, after 2 years of compiling hundreds Butch Cassidy And The Outlaw Self-Defense; and Full-Speed Sequences. McCann is a of interviews there was still a very important one missing: Trail combatives instructor and former Marine with more than 25 John Hughes. Don’t You Forget About Me cuts insightful and years of experience in self-defense. He is also the founder of entertaining interviews with the honest, humorous, and Western, Documentary, Outlaw Country Crucible, a high-risk-environment training provider that tension filled road trip the neophyte filmmakers make to min. serves Department of Defense Special-Missions units and Chicago hoping to secure an interview with the reclusive Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. director and closure for themselves. Interviews with Kevin Fighting, Fitness, Instructional 30min. Smith, Mia Sara, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, Andrew 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093536 Bayview Entertainment 17.08.2010 McCarthy and more! Documentary 2009 DD 5.1 74min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093681 Cardio Combat Surge With Phase 4 Films 13.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093495 Kimberly Spreen Combatives For Street Survival: Kimberly Spreen Vol. 3 - Contact Training, Fitness, Health, Instructional 68min. Edouard Manet Protective Equipment And Street Edouard Manet was a flâneur in 19th century Paris. At ease Bayview Entertainment 10.08.2010 among the grande bourgeoisie, a friend of Zola and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093678 Scenarios Baudelaire, his interest turned gradually from history painting Turn the predator into prey! Train to prevail in any street to scenes of city life. All his life he longed to be recognized, conflict or assault situation with Kelly McCann in this highly but works like Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia gave rise Cezanne: Three Colors anticipated companion-DVD series for his acclaimed book of only to scandal. Moreover, his provocative snapshots of Paul Cézanne counts as the father of modern painting. Far the same title. In Volume 3: Contact Training, Protective everyday life struck the viewer as only half-finished - a from Paris, in the South of France, his obstinacy as man and Equipment & Street Scenarios, McCann demonstrates the quality appealing to the artists later called Impressionists. artist made him a pioneer of a new way of seeing. Returning following: Combatives Principles; Combatives Training Documentary, Photography/Art 55min. always to the same subjects - the Mont Sainte-Victoire, Preparation; Training Drills; and Real-World Scenarios. bathing figures, or still lifes - he abandoned central McCann is a combatives instructor and former Marine with Kultur 27.07.2010 perspective, distorted body-shapes and broke all the more than 25 years of experience in self-defense. He is also 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093542 traditional rules of landscape painting. Aided by experts, and the founder of Crucible, a high-risk-environment training descendants of the artist, Matthew Collings gives a thorough provider that serves Department of Defense Special-Missions introduction to Cézanne’s life and work, exploring the lifelong units and federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. Egypt Uncovered: The Complete artistic quest of the man whom Picasso called - my only Fighting, Fitness, Instructional 30min. Ancient Epic master. Bayview Entertainment 17.08.2010 Documentary, Photography/Art 55min. Ground-breaking discoveries are the basis of this new series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093682 on the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Generations of historians, Kultur 27.07.2010 archaeologists and writers have been captivated by this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093543 civilization. Film and television have told its tales over the Crumb: The Criterion Collection years, both fact and fiction, and audiences continue to be Robert Crumb, Charles Crumb, Maxon spellbound by them. This fascinating 5 part series, shot on Chinatown Jeet Kune Do location in Egypt and the Sudan, highlights recent discoveries A unique Jeet Kune Do Learning Experience! This DVD, Crumb, Aline Kominsky, Robert Hughes, made by the world’s most eminent Egyptologists and includes based on the celebrated book of the same name by Tim Tackett Martin Muller previously unseen exclusive material. The series also and Bob Bremer, uses the medium of video to illustrate many of Terry Zwigoff’s landmark 1995 film is an intimate documentary features 3D computer animation sequences which have been the abstract and concrete concepts from Bruce Lee’s portrait of underground artist Robert Crumb, whose unique used to re-create ancient villages, towns and architecture. celebrated martial art. Tackett’s curriculum includes Stances, drawing style and sexually and racially provocative subject Ancient Egypt, Documentary 300min. Footwork, Hand Tools, Kicking Tools, Defenses, Attacks, matter have made him a household name in popular American Kultur 27.07.2010 Hand-Trapping Tools and Specialized Tools - and each art. Zwigoff candidly and colorfully delves into the details of chapter features on-screen cues for viewers to consult Crumb’s incredible career, as well as his past, including his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093540 specific sections of the Chinatown Jeet Kune Do book for family of reclusive eccentrics, some of the most remarkable conceptual elaboration and more information, making this a people you’ll ever see on-screen. At once a profound Everything You Wanted To Know valuable learning tool for instructors and students alike! biographical portrait, a riotous examination of a man’s Special features include demonstrations of sparring drills, on- controversial art, and a devastating look at a troubled family, About Gay Porn Stars screen introductions by the featured instructors and a special Crumb is a genuine American original. In this revealing look at a taboo world, sixteen of the hottest behind-the-scenes preview of Tackett’s upcoming book, Art House, Biography, Criterion Collection, adult film stars provide a candid and raw insight into their Chinatown Jeet Kune Do Volume 2. Documentary, Dysfunctional Families, careers and lifestyles, describing in shocking detail the Fighting, Instructional, Martial Arts 30min. Photography/Art 1994 120min. dangers of the gay porn industry. Bayview Entertainment 17.08.2010 Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2009 Criterion 10.08.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093683 232min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093575 E1 Entertainment 27.07.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093626 Colorado Cowboys Crumb: The Criterion Collection Cowboy, Documentary min. Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 (Blu-ray) Four Seasons Lodge 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093492 Robert Crumb, Charles Crumb, Maxon Haunted by the past but driven by an unquenchable passion Crumb, Aline Kominsky, Robert Hughes, for living, an aging group of Holocaust survivors gathers each Martin Muller summer at an idyllic hideaway in the Catskills, where they The Combatives For Street savor tightly bonded friendships, find new love and celebrate Terry Zwigoff’s landmark 1995 film is an intimate documentary their survival. Directed by New York Times journalist Andrew Survival: Vol. 1 - Index Positions portrait of underground artist Robert Crumb, whose unique Jacobs, with cinematography by the legendary Albert Maysles Guard And Combative Strikes drawing style and sexually and racially provocative subject (Gimme Shelter, Grey Gardens), Four Seasons Lodge is an matter have made him a household name in popular American inspiring and surprisingly funny documentary that captures Turn the predator into prey! Train to prevail in any street art. Zwigoff candidly and colorfully delves into the details of what may be the final season for a remarkable tribe of conflict or assault situation with Kelly McCann in this highly Crumb’s incredible career, as well as his past, including his survivors who have found that dancing, laughter and late- anticipated companion-DVD series for his acclaimed book of family of reclusive eccentrics, some of the most remarkable night revelry may be the best revenge on Hitler. the same title. In Volume 1: Index Positions, The Guard, and people you’ll ever see on-screen. At once a profound Combatives Strikes, McCann demonstrates some of the most biographical portrait, a riotous examination of a man’s Documentary, Friendships, Holocaust 2009 effective tactics, including Combatives Positions and controversial art, and a devastating look at a troubled family, 97min. Movements; Defensive Skills; Hand and Elbow Strikes; and Crumb is a genuine American original. First Run Features 17.08.2010 Knee Strikes and Kicks. McCann is a combatives instructor Criterion Collection, Documentary, and former Marine with more than 25 years of experience in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093656 self-defense. He is also the founder of Crucible, a high-risk- Dysfunctional Families, Photography/Art, environment training provider that serves Department of Art House, Biography 1994 120min. The Great Epochs of European Defense Special-Missions units and federal law-enforcement Criterion 10.08.2010 and intelligence agencies. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093580 Art: The Art of the 19th Century & Fighting, Fitness, Instructional 30min. The Art of the 20th Century Bayview Entertainment 17.08.2010 Don’t You Forget About Me: A Tri- The Art of the 19th Century. The Art of the 20th Century. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093680 Documentary, Photography/Art 100min. bute To John Hughes Kultur 27.07.2010 Combatives For Street Survival: Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Andrew 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093544 Vol. 2 - Weapon Counterattacks McCarthy, Kelly LeBrock How did John Hughes capture the growing pains of And Situational Combatives adolescence so perfectly? Why do his films resonate with The Heart Of The Peloton

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 39 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

This new DVD box set includes three unforgettable films What if you asked the religious experts, gurus, scientists and child, Persson Sarvestani had lived in a dire poverty, about the sport of professional bike racing. From Tour de everyday people of the world why we exist? Why are we watching Pahlavi’s royal wedding as if it were a fairy tale. France racing action to going behind the scenes with here, and what are we supposed to do about it? What started She joined the communist faction of Khomeini’s revolution that America’s premiere ProTour team to a revealing look at the the universe, and was it a mistake? Does God exist, and why deposed the Shah when she was a teenager, sending him and current world champion, The Heart Of The Peloton is does he seem so interested in our sex lives? After exploring his family volleying from country to country. When Khomeini guaranteed to please the hard-core enthusiast and the the phenomenon of Trekkies, filmmaker Roger Nygard took on betrayed his promise for democracy, imposing even more newcomers to the sport as well. The following films are The Nature of Existence. Nygard wrote down the toughest 85 violent measures, Persson Sarvestani was also forced to flee. included in this new collection: Le Tour de France, the questions he could think of, roamed the globe to the source of 30 Years later, she needs key questions answered and goes toughest bicycle race of all, recently celebrated its 100th each of the world’s philosophies, religions, and belief directly to the source. Surprisingly, Empress Farah welcomes birthday. Year after year this spectacular event fascinates systems and interviewed people who have influenced, her as a fellow refugee from their beloved homeland, granting millions of people worldwide. But within the beauty of the inspired or freaked out humanity. His travels highlight the unprecedented access. Over the next year and a half, French countryside and the tensions of the race, Academy words of such luminary figures as Indian holy man Sri Sri Persson Sarvestani enters the queen’s world, planning to Award Winner Pepe Danquart chose to illustrate the torture Ravi Shankar (The Art of Living), evolutionary biologist challenge the Shah’s ideology; instead, she must rethink her and the pain, the fear and the courage of the riders of the Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion), 24th generation own. Tour. In the process he captures the thrill of the race, the Chinese Taoist Master Zhang Changda, Stanford physicist Documentary, Royalty 2009 Ltbx 16x9 S essence of the stunning landscape, and shines light on the Leonard Susskind (co-discoverer of string theory), wrestler Tour’s supporting cast - the masseurs, managers, fans and Rob Adonis (founder of Ultimate Christian Wrestling), 90min. more. Adding a fine sense of history, Hell On Wheels confrontational evangelist Brother Jed Smock, novelist Orson ChannelSources 29.06.2010 transcends the sport it celebrates to reveal an astonishing Scott Card (Ender’s Game), director Irvin Kershner (Star 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093551 human endeavor. is a story of Wars: The Empir Sports, Boxed Sets, Documentary, Racing World, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, 268min. Science 2009 94min. Reach Out To Horses: Trust Based First Run Features 17.08.2010 ChannelSources Leadership & Compassionate 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093657 tba BestellNr.: 40093568 Communication Anna Twinney High Country Rails NFL History Of The Minnesota T.L.C. - Trust Based Leadership and Compassionate Communication, presented by Anna Twinney and Reach Out to Documentary min. Vikings Horses, invites you to a new way of thinking - a new way of Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 Sports, Football, NFL 2010 min. being. Welcome to the world of a highly motivated individual; 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093538 sharing mutual respect, understanding and enjoyment, Warner Bros. (TM) 14.09.2010 naturally, and on a regular basis with internationally 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093489 renowned Equine Specialist and Natural Horsemanship Hip Hop Handbook Deejaying For clinician Anna Twinney. In this program you will meet Excalibur, a handsome Spanish Mustang originally born on Beginners NFL’s Greatest Rivalries: Dallas thousands of acres in Wyoming, and today representing his The Hip Hop Handbook is proud to present the second Vs. Washington ancestors as the Reach Out to Horses Ambassador. „X“ and installment in the Hip Hop Handbook DVD Series: The Anna will take you through the benefits of the Trust-Based Deejaying for Beginners Edition. West Coast DJ of the Year Sports, Football, NFL min. Leadership and Compassionate Communication practice. B-Mello and DMC Regional Champion DJ Rokafela show you Warner Bros. (TM) 14.09.2010 Using Anna’s TLC methods you will be able to: Understand all you need to know to get started as a Hip Hop Scratch DJ. the importance of intimacy and relaxation exercises and how With over 30 years of combined DJ experience, DJ B-Mello 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093666 to correctly incorporate them into your horse’s training; and DJ Rokafela demonstrate basic techniques from multiple Overcome your horse’s challenging habits and behavior camera angles. Topics covered include: turntable setup, NFL’s Greatest Rivalries: Wa- patterns; Add essential tools to your horsemanship creating a mixing, beat juggling, vinyl scratching and much, much more. soft and easy partnership leading to a willing invitation to Special Feature: Bonus Segment by Professor Icee shington Vs. Dallas ride; Prepare your young horse for his f Hip-Hop, Instructional 68min. Sports, Football, NFL min. Educational, Horses 92min. Bayview Entertainment 10.08.2010 Warner Bros. (TM) 14.09.2010 Bayview Entertainment 24.08.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093677 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093665 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093686

Honor Squadrons Older & Wiser Workout For Active Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Documentary min. Older Adults Tracy Morgan Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 The Older and Wiser Workout with Sue Grant is a gentle, Tracy Morgan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093537 safe workout that is perfect for beginners or those who have Born and raised in New York City, Tracy Morgan epitomized not been exercising regularly. All of the exercises are done the bold and defiant attitude essential to being an SNL star. either standing or sitting on a chair with no lying down on the Bringing a sense of fearlessness to the stage, Tracy was sure Lafflink 5-Pack floor. This fun, well rounded workout includes the three vital to make hilarious moments come alive each and every George Lopez, Jeff Dunham, Jerry Sein- components of fitness: easy-to-follow low impact aerobics (23 week...just as long as you brought him a soda. Now you can minutes), gentle stretch training (21 minutes) and relaxing watch the best of Brian Fellow, Astronaut Jones, Dominican feld, Bill Engvall, Drew Carey cool down & stretch (10 minutes). You may mix and match Lou, Woodrow, and many others. The Best of Tracy Morgan Comedy min. these different sections depending on how much time you have features 25 minutes of all new special features, including First Look Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 and how you are feeling each day. In addition, you will see Tracy’s monologue, Weekend Update features, and additional 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093604 three different levels for each exercise, so you will be able to sketches. „customize“ this workout to meet your particular needs. You’ll Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy 2004 love the upbeat encouragement and helpful cues, and you will 128min. National Geographic: Explorer - be amazed at how quickly you progress! Equipment needed: sturdy chair with no arms, 2-5 lb. hand weights for strength Lionsgate 13.07.2010 25 Years training, a small pillow (optional). Sue Grant, certified Master 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093464 Instructor for FallProof, an internationally recognized Balan- Documentary, National Geographic min. ce and Mobility training program is also certified by the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 22.06.2010 American Council on Exerc Saturday Night Live: The Best Of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093691 Fitness, Health, Instructional 65min. Will Ferrell Bayview Entertainment 24.08.2010 Will Ferrell National Geographic: Is It Real? - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093684 From 1995 to 2002 Will Ferrell dominated Saturday Night Live Vampires with characters as different as Craig the Cheerleader and A Poet’s Guide To Britain President George W. Bush. See the best of Celebrity Vampires, Documentary, National Jeopardy and Bobbi and Marty Culp, along with plenty of Geographic min. Acclaimed poet and author Owen Sheers presents this yelling, near-nudity, and more cowbell. The Best of Will enlightening BBC series in which he looks at six great works Ferrell features over 30 minutes of all new special features, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 08.06.2010 of poetry about the incomparable British landscape. The including dress rehearsals, sketches and Weekend Update 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093556 poems by William Wordsworth, Matthew Arnold, Lynette features. Roberts, Sylvia Plath, Louis MacNeice, and George Mackay Brown explore a sense of place and identity across Britain’s Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy 2003 National Geographic: Mystery Go- most remarkable settings: Westminster Bridge, Dover Beach, 144min. rillas / Search For The Great a tiny Welsh village, a Yorkshire wooded valley, the Scottish Lionsgate 13.07.2010 Isles. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093462 Apes (Double Feature) Documentary, Performing Arts 180min. Kultur 27.07.2010 Documentary, Double Features, National Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Geographic min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093539 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 15.06.2010 Will Ferrell - Volume 3 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093557 The Queen And I Will Ferrell When Nahid Persson Sarvestani, an Iranian exile, set out to Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy 2010 min. make a documentary about Empress Farah Pahlavi, the wife of Universal Studios 03.08.2010 The Nature Of Existence the Shah of Iran, she expected to encounter her opposite. As a

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 41 Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Mai 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093463 decades of their family’s lineage, is filled with never-before- seen Hart family interviews, and supplemented with a dozen matches featuring Bret, Owen, Keith, Bruce, British Bulldog, Sesame Street: Preschool Is Dynamite Kid, Jim „The Anvil“ Neidhart, The Hart Dynasty, and more! Cool! - ABCs With Elmo Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 FF Preschool, Sesame Street 50min. S 540min. Telefonische Warner Bros. 06.07.2010 WWE Home Video 01.06.2010 Bestellannahme: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093455 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093453 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr The Sophisticated Misfit Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE: Over The Limit 2010 Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr The Sophisticated Misfit. Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 Documentary, Photography/Art 65min. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr min. Passion River 06.07.2010 WWE Home Video 22.06.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093534 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093692 und Feiertags (Baden- Württemberg) bleibt unser Stepping Up With Seasun Zieger WWE: The Undertaker’s Deadliest Stepping Up with Seasun Zieger is a fantastic new step Verkauf geschlossen. workout with very creative combinations that will challenge Matches all the steppers who like to move continuously on and around He’s the most ominous presence in the history of WWE, the step without stopping. Enjoy Seasun’s fun turns, pivots known for taking the souls of scores of Superstars and his and advanced versions of the combinations or stick with the historic Wrestlemania undefeated streak. Now for the first modifier who keeps things more basic. After a quick cool- time ever, Undertaker’s Deadliest Matches. This set includes Ab sofort mit neuer down, it is time to train the core section (small dumbbells are Casket Matches, Buried Alive Matches, Hell in a Cell Mat- optional) with different variations of planks and crunches. A ches, Last Ride Matches, Body Bag Matches, Boiler Room Adresse: stretch completes the workout. Equipment needed: step and Brawls, Concrete Crypt Matches and numerous other brutal dumbbells (3-8 lbs). The DVD has multiple options and pre- bouts. Prepare for carnage. mixes for different lengths of workouts to achieve optimal Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 FF fitness results. Seasun Zieger has been a professional group Laser Hotline fitness instructor for more than half of her life. She began S 540min. teaching at the age of 17 and has since starred in a number of WWE Home Video 08.06.2010 Talstr. 11 fitness DVDs. She holds multiple certifications including two 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093452 from AFAA, Les Mills, and Urban Rebounding. 70825 Korntal Fitness, Health, Instructional 71min. Bayview Entertainment 10.08.2010 Yoga Emergency The 12 Minute 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093679 Workout: Back We all hurt sometimes - whether from too much driving or Newsletter 08/10 (Nr. 271) Texas Rangers flying, overdoing a workout or just working at a desk all day. The new Yoga Emergency - The 12 Minute Workout DVD ISSN 1610-2606 Cowboy, Documentary min. series is designed to ease your sore hips, release tight Credits Topics Entertainment 01.06.2010 shoulders and backs, and stretch out your legs. Targeted Redaktion: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093493 specifically to ease your stiff and sore back, Yoga Emergency 12 Minute Workout: Back DVD will give you the simple, yet Wolfram Hannemann effective tools you need to feel better now and anytime. The Design & Layout: Tim And Eric Awesome Show, beauty of the Yoga Emergency Back workout is that it is easy - anyone young or old can benefit from these stretches. You’ll Wolfram Hannemann Great Job!: Season 4 learn postures that are designed to go with you throughout Assisstenz: Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim your day to offer relief and peace no matter where you are. As an added bonus, you’ll also find: a guided meditation Beate Hannemann Adult Swim, Comedy, Sketch Comedy 2009 immediately after the workout, specifically tailored to the part 110min. of the body covered by the DVD, to help you go even deeper Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: into relaxation; „Stressbusters“ - 1 minute stress relief tips Anna Rudschies Warner Bros. 14.09.2010 designed to help you to feel more peaceful and relaxed right 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093632 now; 5 Minutes with Kristen - an interview with instructor © (2010) by Kristen Eykel that gives you a glimpse into w LASER HOTLINE UFC 113: Machida Vs. Shogun 2 Yoga, Fitness, Health 30min. ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Bayview Entertainment 03.08.2010 Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts nur in Verbindung mit einem 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093660 2010 340min. „Persönlichen Import- Starz / Anchor Bay 13.07.2010 Yoga EmergencyThe 12 Minute service“-Vertrag und be- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093562 inhaltet den Warenpreis Workout:arms & Shoulders sowie alle anfallenden Wonders Of The Solar System We all hurt sometimes - whether from too much driving or flying, overdoing a workout or just working at a desk all day. Importkosten inkl. unserer BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- The new Yoga Emergency - The 12 Minute Workout DVD Vermittlungsprovision. national TV, Science, Space 2010 300min. series is designed to ease your sore hips, release tight shoulders and backs, and stretch out your legs. Targeted * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und BBC Home Video 07.09.2010 specifically to release tight shoulders and sore arms, the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093667 Yoga Emergency 12 Minute Workout: Arms & Shoulders DVD das doppelte D-Symbol will give you the simple, yet effective tools you need to feel sind Warenzeichen der better now and anytime. The beauty of the Yoga Emergency Wonders Of The Solar System Arms & Shoulders workout is that it is easy - anyone young or Dolby Laboratories Inc. (Blu-ray) old can benefit from these stretches. You’ll learn postures that Der NEWSLETTER ist die are designed to go with you throughout your day to offer relief BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- and peace no matter where you are. As an added bonus, you’ll offizielle Informationsbro- national TV, Science, Space 2010 300min. also find: a guided meditation immediately after the workout, schüre für Kunden der Fir- specifically tailored to the part of the body covered by the BBC Home Video 07.09.2010 DVD, to help you go even deeper into relaxation; ma LASER HOTLINE. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093673 „Stressbusters“ - 1 minute stress relief tips designed to help Alle in diesem Mailing ent- you to feel more peaceful and relaxed right now; 5 Minutes with Kristen - an interview with instructor Kristen haltenen Angaben zu Pro- WWE: Hart & Soul - The Hart Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 35min. dukten, die im Ausland ver- Family Anthology Bayview Entertainment 03.08.2010 öffentlicht werden, stellen The Hart Family has long served as Canada’s first family of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40093659 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sports entertainment; from patriarch Stu Hart and his Stampede Wrestling and Dungeon, a training site that has sondern dienen nur zur produced multiple Hall of Famers, to his sons Bret and Owen Information. to a new generation of WWE Superstars, The Hart Dynasty. But the family’s journey was never a smooth one, as their LASER HOTLINE ist accomplishments were often punctuated with devastating autorisierter tragedies and loss. Now for the first time ever, fans can learn the entire story in Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology. Dolby Merchandise This brand new documentary chronicles more than five Händler

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