Received: 4 November 2018 | Accepted: 7 November 2018 DOI: 10.1002/nau.23897


The International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for adult male lower urinary tract and symptoms and dysfunction

Carlos D’Ancona1 | Bernard Haylen2 | Matthias Oelke3 | Luis Abranches-Monteiro4 | Edwin Arnold5 | Howard Goldman6 | Rizwan Hamid7 | Yukio Homma8 | Tom Marcelissen9 | Kevin Rademakers9 | Alexis Schizas10 | Ajay Singla11 | Irela Soto12 | Vincent Tse13 | Stefan de Wachter14 | Sender Herschorn15 | On behalf of the Standardisation Steering Committee ICS and the ICS Working Group on Terminology for Male Lower Urinary Tract & Pelvic Floor Symptoms and Dysfunction

1 Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Introduction: In the development of terminology of the lower urinary tract, due to its 2 University of New South Wales, Sydney, increasing complexity, the terminology for male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor Australia symptoms and dysfunction needs to be updated using a male-specific approach and 3 St. Antonius Hospital, Gronau, Germany via a clinically-based consensus report. 4 Hospital Beatriz Ângelo Loures, Lisbon, Methods: This report combines the input of members of the Standardisation Portugal Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS) in a Working Group with 5 University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand recognized experts in the field, assisted by many external referees. Appropriate core 6 Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio clinical categories and a subclassification were developed to give a numeric coding to 7 University College Hospitals, London, each definition. An extensive process of 22 rounds of internal and external review was United Kingdom developed to exhaustively examine each definition, with decision-making by 8 Japanese Red Cross Medical Centre, collective opinion (consensus). Tokyo, Japan Results: A Terminology Report for male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor 9 Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands symptoms and dysfunction, encompassing around 390 separate definitions/ 10 Guy's & St Thomas's Hospitals, London, descriptors, has been developed. It is clinically-based with the most common United Kingdom diagnoses defined. Clarity and user-friendliness have been key aims to make it 11 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, interpretable by practitioners and trainees in all the different specialty groups Boston involved in male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction. Male-specific 12 Complejo Hospitalario, Panama City, Panama imaging (ultrasound, radiology, CT, and MRI) has been a major addition whilst 13 University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia appropriate figures have been included to supplement and help clarify the text. 14 University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Conclusions: A consensus-based Terminology Report for male lower urinary tract Belgium and pelvic floor symptoms and dysfunction has been produced aimed at being a 15 University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada significant aid to clinical practice and a stimulus for research.

Carlos D’Ancona (Content) and Bernard Haylen (Production) are equal first authors.

Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2019;1–45. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 2 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

Correspondence KEYWORDS Carlos D’Ancona, MD, PhD, Universidade lower urinary tract dysfunction, lower urinary tract symptoms, male, male urinary tract imaging, male Estadual de Campinas, Rua Dr Miguel urodynamics, terminology Penteado 1073, Campinas − SP. CED 13020-118, Brazil. Email: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION forming a “backbone” or “core” terminology, to facilitate an update of the other subcategories of male-specific terminolo- There is currently no single document addressing all elements gies. There have been seven other (IUGA-ICS) female PF- required for diagnoses applicable to adult (fully grown and related terminology documents,6–12 all published, following physically mature1 − new) male lower urinary tract and pelvic the production of the initial joint IUGA/ICS document on floor dysfunction. Indeed, the diagnostic entities themselves female pelvic floor dysfunction.5 The authors of that may have not been all completely defined. The term document5 have kindly permitted the template of that Report “diagnosis” is defined as “the determination of the nature to be used as the basis for the current Report. Four other male of a disease; clinical: made from a study of the symptoms and terminology reports have been initiated: (i) male anorectal signs of a disease1; “laboratory:” investigative options to be dysfunction; (ii) surgical management of male LUT mentioned. Such a specific report would require a full outline dysfunction; (iii) sexual health in men with LUT/PF of the terminology for all symptoms, signs, urodynamic dysfunction and (iv) conservative management of male investigations for male lower urinary tract (LUT) and pelvic LUT/PF dysfunction, to follow the publication of this “core” floor (PF) dysfunction, the imaging associated with those report. investigations and the most common diagnoses. This Terminology Report is inherently and appropriately It may have been possible in the past to combine all a definitional document, collating the definitions of those terminology for lower urinary tract function for men, women terms, that is, words used to express a defined concept in a and children into one Report. The International Continence particular branch of study,1 here core male terminology. Society (ICS) has provided leadership in terminology for Emphasis has been on comprehensively including those terms lower urinary tract dysfunction over decades employing in current use in the relevant peer-reviewed literature. The combined or generic reports. The 19882 and 20023 Reports by aim is to assist clinical practice and research. Explanatory the Committee on Standardization of Terminology are such notes on definitions have been referred, where possible, to the examples. With the increasing specificity and complexity of “Footnotes section.” Table 1 lists the number of definitions: the diagnoses in both sexes, combined reports, let alone (i) new; (ii) changed; (iii) total by section, compared with the attempting to cover “all patient groups from children to the previous male-inclusive Reports.2,3 elderly,”3 may now be an anachronism. With evidence that As with its female terminology equivalent, qualities for a the absence of specific female diagnoses as well as other male-specific terminology report should be: female specific terminology, may not have been advantaged by a combined approach,4 there occurred the development (1) User-friendly: It should be able to be understood by all and 2010 publication of an International Urogynecological clinical and research users. Association (IUGA)/ICS Joint Report on the Terminology for (2) Clinically-based: Symptoms, signs, validated investiga- Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.5 The 2002 Report3 still tions and imaging should be presented for use in forming provides the traditional core male terminology and some diagnoses. Sections 1-4 will address symptoms, signs, useful modifications, many of which are repeated in this urodynamic investigations and current associated imag- document. The current report, with the large number of new ing modalities routinely used in the office, urodynamic and changed definitions, acknowledges that a male-specific laboratory, or imaging department to make those update of terminology for LUT and PF symptoms and diagnoses. Readership is not assumed to be limited to dysfunction is now timely. medical specialists, accounting for a more extended It is hoped that some of the advantages noted in the “basic” physical examination (Section 2). Related female-specific document5 might be seen here in this male radiological investigations, computerized tomography document: (i) more comprehensive coverage of male-specific (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as a terminology; (ii) greater coherency and user-friendliness; (iii) description of electromyography (EMG) has been greater specificity of male diagnoses; and (iv) more accurate included. This report limits terminology for neurogenic communication for clinical and research purposes. It is also an lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) as this is covered aim in this document, to develop a general male terminology, by a separate ICS Report.13 D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 3

TABLE 1 Total, new and changed definitions (compared with previous male-inclusive Reports2,3) Section New definitions/descriptors Changed definitions/descriptors Total Introduction & Symptoms 60 23 118 Signs 73 14 98 Investigations 23 25 106 Imaging 42 n/a 42 Diagnoses 14 9 26 Total 211 (54%) 71 (18%) 390

(3) Section 5 will address the most common diagnoses of volunteered by, or elicited from the individual, or may be male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction. The described by the individual's partner or caregiver2,3,5 terms3 “urodynamic observation” and “condition” (non- Complaint: The description of the symptom.1 (NEW) medical) have not been used in this report. The scope of Main (Chief) Complaint: The symptom that a patient the report will exclude (i) diagnostic pathology (blood, states as the main reason for seeking medical advice.1 (NEW) , histology); (ii) more invasive investigations The degree of “bother (worry, concern)” for other symptoms requiring an anesthetic; (ii) evidence-based treatments can be variable.14 (NEW) for each diagnosis. Lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS): A symptom (4) Origin: Where a term's existing definition (from one of related to the lower urinary tract; it may originate from the multiple sources used) is deemed appropriate, that bladder, prostate, , and/or adjacent pelvic floor or definition will be included and duly referenced. Many pelvic organs, or at times be referred from similarly terms in male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor innervated anatomy, for example, lower . (NEW) function, because of their long-term use, have now STORAGE SYMPTOMS become generic, as apparent by their listing in medical dictionaries. 1.1 Storage Symptoms: Lower urinary tract symptoms (5) Able to provide explanations: Where a specific explana- occurring during the bladder storage phase. (NEW) tion is deemed appropriate to explain a change from General Storage symptoms earlier definitions or to qualify the current definition, this will be included as an addendum to this paper (Footnote 1.1.1 Increased urinary frequency: Complaint that [FN] 1,2,3 . . ..). Wherever possible, evidence-based voiding occurs more frequently than deemed normal medical principles will be followed. by the individual (or caregivers).3,5 Time of day and number of voids are not specified. (NEW) 2,3,5 As in earlier ICS Reports, when a reference is made to 1.1.2 Increased daytime urinary frequency: Com- the whole anatomical organ, the vesica urinaria, the correct plaint that voiding occurs more frequently during term is the bladder. When the structure known waking hours than previously deemed normal by 3,5 as the m. detrusor vesicae is being discussed, then the correct the individual (or caregivers). FN1.1 NB polla- term is detrusor. kiuria FN1.2 (CHANGED) It is suggested that acknowledgement of these standards 1.1.3 : The number of times urine is passed in written publications related to male lower urinary tract during the main sleep period. Having woken to pass and pelvic floor symptoms and dysfunction, be indicated by urine for the first time, each must be a footnote to the section “Methods and Materials” or its followed by sleep or the intention to sleep. This equivalent, to read as follows: “Methods, definitions and should be quantified using a bladder diary.18 units conform to the standards recommended by the 1.1.4 (global symptom): Complaint that the International Continence Society, except where specifically urine excretion volume over 24 h is noticeably noted.” larger than the previous experience.FN1.4 (NEW) Diurnal polyuria: Complaint that daytime SECTION 1: SYMPTOMS urine excretion volume is noticeably larger than the previous experience. (NEW) Symptom: Any morbid phenomenon or departure from the Nocturnal polyuria (symptom)18: Com- normal in structure, function, or sensation, possibly indicative plaint of passing large volumes of urine at of a disease or health problem. Symptoms are either night-time. (NEW) 4 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

Sensory symptoms loss of urine associated with urgency as 1.1.5 Bladder filling (sensory) symptoms: Abnormal well as with effort or physical exertion sensations experienced during bladder filling.1 including sporting activities or on sneez- (NEW) ing or coughing (stress).3,5 Increased bladder filling sensation: : Complaint of intermittent (non- Complaint that the sensation of bladder continuous) incontinence that occurs dur- filling occurs earlier or is more intense or ing periods of sleep.18 (CHANGED) persistent to that previously experienced.3,5 Continuous : (CHANGED) N.B. This differs from Complaint of continuous involuntary urgency by the fact that micturition can loss of urine.3,5 (CHANGED) be postponed despite the desire to void. Insensible urinary incontinence: Com- Urgency: Complaint of a sudden, compel- plaint of urinary incontinence where the ling desire to pass urine which is difficult to individual is aware of urine leakage but 3,5 5 defer. FN1.5, FN1.6 unaware of how or when it occurred. Reduced bladder filling sensation: Com- (CHANGED) plaint that the sensation of bladder filling is Postural urinary incontinence: Com- less intense or occurs later in filling than plaint of urinary incontinence during previously experienced. (CHANGED) change of posture or position, for exam- Absent bladder filling sensation: Com- ple, from supine or seated to stand-

plaint of both the absence of the sensation ing.FN1.12 (NEW) of bladder fullness and a definite desire to Disability associated incontinence: void3 Complaint of urinary incontinence in the Non-specific (atypical) bladder filling presence of a functional inability to reach sensation (bladder dysesthesia): Com- a toilet/urinal in time because of a plaint of abnormal bladder filling sensation physical (eg, orthopedic, neurological) such as the perception of vague abdominal and/or mental impairment. (NEW) bloating, vegetative symptoms (nausea, : Complaint of vomiting, faintness), or spasticity. urinary incontinence in the symptomatic

(CHANGED) F1.7 It differs from normal presence of an excessively (over-) full bladder filling sensation or pain, pressure bladder (no cause identified). (NEW) or discomfort of the bladder. Sexual arousal incontinence19: Com- plaint of involuntary loss of urine during sexual arousal, foreplay and/or masturba- Incontinence symptoms tion. (NEW) 1.1.6 Urinary incontinence symptoms16: Involuntary Climacturia19: Complaint of involuntary loss of urine experienced during the bladder storage loss of urine at the time of orgasm. (NEW)

phase FN1.8, FN1.9 .(NEW) Urinary incontinence (symptom): Com- Storage symptom syndrome 3,5 plaint of involuntary loss of urine. FN 1.9 1.1.7 (OAB, urgency) syndrome: Urgency urinary incontinence (UUI)3,5: , usually accompanied by in- Complaint of involuntary loss of urine creased daytime frequency and/or nocturia, with associated with urgency. urinary incontinence (OAB-wet) or without (OAB- Stress urinary incontinence (SUI): dry), in the absence of or Complaint of involuntary loss of urine other detectable disease.3,5 (CHANGED) on effort or physical exertion including sporting activities, or on sneezing or VOIDING SYMPTOMS coughing.3,5 N.B. “activity (effort)-re- lated incontinence” might be preferred 1.2 Voiding symptoms: Lower urinary tract symptoms in some languages to avoid confusion during the voiding phase (experienced during micturi-

with psychological stress. FN1.10 tion). (NEW) Mixed urinary incontinence (MUI): 1.2.1. Hesitancy: Complaint of a delay in initiating Complaints of both stress and urgency voiding (when the individual is ready to pass urinary incontinence, that is, involuntary urine). (CHANGED) D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 5

1.2.2. Paruresis (“bashful” or “shy bladder”): Com- 1.2.16 : Complaint of the inability to plaint of the inability to initiate voiding in public empty the bladder completely.1 (NEW) (i.e. voiding in the presence of other persons) Acute urinary retention (AUR): Com- despite there being no difficulty in private.20 plaint of a rapid onset, usually painful

FN1.13 (NEW) suprapubic sensation (from a full blad- 1.2.3 Episodic inability to void: Complaint of occa- der) due to inability to void (non- sional inability to initiate voiding despite relaxa- episodic), despite persistent intensive

tion and/or an intensive effort (by abdominal effort.FN1.16 (NEW) straining, Valsalva maneuver or suprapubic Chronic urinary retention (CUR): pressure). (NEW) Complaint of chronic or repeated 1.2.4 Straining to void: Complaint of the need to make inability to empty the bladder, despite an intensive effort to either initiate, maintain or the ability to pass some urine. This may improve voiding or the urinary stream.3,5 result in the frequent passage of small (CHANGED) amounts of urine or urinary inconti-

1.2.5 Slow (urinary) stream: Complaint of a urinary nence and a distended bladder FN1.17 stream perceived as overall slower than previous (NEW) performance or in comparison with others.3,5 1.2.6 Intermittency: Complaint of urine flow that stops POST-VOIDING SYMPTOMS and starts on one or more occasions during one voiding episode.3,5 1.3 Postvoiding Symptom: Lower urinary tract symptom 1.2.7 Terminal dribbling: Complaint that during the experienced after voiding has ceased. (NEW) final part of voiding there is noticeable slowing of 1.3.1 Feeling of incomplete (bladder) emptying: the flow to drops or a trickling stream. Complaint that the bladder does not feel empty (CHANGED) after voiding has ceased.3,5 (CHANGED) 1.2.8 Spraying (splitting) of urinary stream: Com- 1.3.2 Need to immediately re-void (“Encore” or plaint that the urine passage is a spray or split “Double” voiding): Complaint that further voiding rather than a single directional stream.3,5 is necessary soon after passing urine (cessation of (CHANGED) flow).3,5 (CHANGED) 1.2.9 Position-dependent voiding: Complaint of having 1.3.3 Post-voiding incontinence: Complaint of a further to adopt specific positions to be able to void involuntary passage (incontinence) of urine or spontaneously or to improve bladder emptying, for dribbling following the completion of voiding3,5

example, needing to void in a seated position. (NEW) FN1.18. (NEW) 1.2.10 : Complaint of pain, burning, other 1.3.4 Post-micturition urgency: Complaint of persis- discomfort, or difficulty during voiding. Discom- tent urgency post-voiding. (NEW) fort may be intrinsic to the lower urinary tract (eg, bladder or urethra), external, or referred from Voiding symptom syndrome (proposal for further research)

other adjacent similarly innervated structures, for − Underactive bladder syndrome: FN1.19 example, lower ureter. FN1.14 (CHANGED) 1.2.11 Stranguria: Complaint of voiding which is slow, 1.4 Lower Urinary Tract Pain and/or Other Pelvic Pain difficult and spasmodic (at times “drop by drop”), 1.4.1 Pain: A variably unpleasant sensation.1 It may be

usually associated with pain. (NEW)FN1.15 described as pressure or discomfort by the patient. 1.2.12 Hematuria: Complaint of passage of visible Pain should be characterized by site, type, blood mixed with urine. This may be initial (at the frequency, duration, precipitating, and relieving

beginning), terminal (at the end) or total (through- factors.FN1.20; FN 1.21 (CHANGED) out bladder emptying). (NEW) 1.4.2 Bladder pain: Complaint of suprapubic or 1.2.13 Pneumaturia1: Complaint of the passage of gas retropubic pain, pressure or discomfort related (or air) from the urethra during or after voiding. to the bladder, and usually associated with bladder (NEW) filling. It may persist or be relieved after 1.2.14 Fecaluria1: Complaint of passage of feces (per voiding.3,5 (CHANGED) urethram) in the urine. (NEW) 1.4.3 Urethral pain: Complaint of pain, pressure or 1.2.15 Chyluria (albiduria)1: Complaint of passage of discomfort felt in the urethra3,5 before, during chyle (pale or white, milky cloudy) in the urine.1 and/or after voiding and the man indicates the (NEW) urethra as the site. (CHANGED) 6 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

1.4.4 Scrotal pain: Complaint of pain, pressure or diagnosed UTI in the previous 12 months.FN1.25 discomfort felt in and around the scrotum.3 It may The previous UTI(s) should have resolved prior to a be localized to the testis, epididymis, cord further UTI being diagnosed. (CHANGED). structures, or scrotal skin. 1.5.3 Urethral discharge: Of mucus, pus, or blood, from 1.4.5 Perineal pain: Complaint of pain, pressure, or the urethral meatus. (NEW) discomfort felt on the surface or in the depth of the tissue between the scrotum and the anus.3 1.4.6 Pelvic pain: Complaint of pain, pressure, or 1.6 Symptoms of sexual dysfunction: Abnormal sensation discomfort related to the but not clearly and/or function experienced by a man during sexual related to the bladder, urethra, scrotum, or activity. (NEW) .3 1.6.1 Altered Libido: Change in interest in sexual 1.4.7 Ejaculatory pain: Complaint of pain, pressure, or activity. (NEW) discomfort felt in the perineum, suprapubic region Decreased libido: Complaint of decreased and/or penis during ejaculation, but may continue interest in sexual activity in comparison to

for a time afterwards. (NEW)FN 1.22 previous experience. (NEW) 1.4.8 Anorectal pain symptoms: Complaint of pain, Increased libido: Complaint of increased pressure or discomfort particularly during defe- interest in sexual activity in comparison to cation or straining to defecate but can occur at any previous experience. (NEW) time. (NEW) 1.6.2 Erectile dysfunction25: Complaint of inability to Pain during straining /defecation: Pain achieve and sustain an erection firm enough for during defecation or straining to defecate. satisfactory sexual performance. (NEW) Inflammatory anorectal pain: Pain 1.6.3 Ejaculatory dysfunction: Complaint of alteration characterized by burning or stinging of the emission of seminal fluids during ejacula- (inflammation, radiation, sepsis). (NEW) tion. (NEW) Non-inflammatory anorectal pain: Anejaculation: Complaint of absence of Blunted anorectal pain (proctalgia fugax, seminal fluid emission. May be associated Levator ani syndrome, pudendal neural- with the absence of the sensation of orgasm gia). (NEW) or anorgasmia. (NEW) 1.4.9 Coccygeal pain (coccydynia): Complaint of Delayed ejaculation: Complaint of an pain, pressure, or discomfort in the coccygeal increase in the time taken for ejaculation region. (NEW) to occur. (NEW) 1.4.10 Pudendal pain (neuralgia): Complaint of pain, Premature ejaculation: Complaint of a pressure, or discomfort in one or more of the areas persistent or recurrent pattern of too rapid innervated by the (may be caused achievement of ejaculation during part- by inflammation or entrapment of the pudendal nered sexual activity,1 that is, before the

nerve and involving its dermatome). individual wishes it. FN 1.26 (NEW) (CHANGED) Decreased (low) semen volume**: Com- 1.4.11 Chronic pelvic pain syndromes: See ICS plaint of smaller amount of seminal fluid standard for terminology in chronic pelvic pain than normal or previously experienced 23 syndromes. FN1.21 FN1.27. (NEW) Increased (high) semen volume: Com- plaint of higher amount of seminal fluid 1.5 Urinary tract infection (UTI) than normal or previously experienced.

1.5.1 Symptoms of acute urinary tract infection: (NEW)FN1.27 Symptoms such as increased bladder sensation, 1.6.4 Hematospermia: Complaint of the appearance of urgency, frequency, dysuria/stranguria, pain in the visible blood in the seminal fluid. Color of the lower urinary tract with or without urgency urinary seminal fluid may be red or brown. (NEW) incontinence might suggest lower urinary tract 1.6.5 Penile pain with intercourse (male dyspareu- infection. Confirmation of a UTI requires evidence nia): Complaint of any penile discomfort occurring

of significant microorganisms and pyuria. (FN1.23, during intercourse. May be caused by penile FN 1.24) (CHANGED) disease, vaginal anatomy (eg, vaginal tightening, 1.5.2 Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs): A scarring, or exposed mesh) and/or may relate to

history of at least two symptomatic and medically various positions with intercourse. FN1.28 (NEW) D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 7

1.6.6 Obstructed intercourse: Complaint that vaginal involuntary straining and the passage of intercourse is not possible due to perceived little fecal matter.1 obstruction. Whilst this may be a partner issue, it 1.7.3 Defecatory or post-defecatory symptoms: Symp- can occur in cases of penile curvature (Peyronie's toms experienced during or following the act of disease) or penile carcinoma. (NEW) defecation. (NEW) Constipation: Complaint that bowel movements are infrequent and/or incom- 5,10,27 1.7 Symptoms of anorectal dysfunction : FN1.29 plete and/or there is a need for frequent 1.7.1 Anorectal incontinence (symptoms): Complaint straining or manual assistance to defecate. 5,10 28 of involuntary loss of flatus or feces. Can be (Rome IV criteria ) FN1.30. further subdivided into: Slow transit: infrequent bowel Flatal incontinence: Complaint of invol- motions due to delay in transit of untary loss of flatus (gas).5,10 bowel contents to reach rectum. Fecal incontinence: Complaint of invol- Obstructed defecation: Com- untary loss of feces.5,10 plaint of difficulty in evacuation - when feces is solid and/or due to a mechanical obstruction. - when feces is liquid Feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation: Fecal (rectal) urgency: Complaint of a Complaint that the rectum does not feel sudden, compelling desire to defecate that empty after defecation. May be accompa- is difficult to defer.5,10 nied by a desire to defecate again.5,10 Fecal (flatal) urgency incontinence: Com- Straining to defecate: Complaint of the plaint of involuntary loss of feces (flatus) need to make an intensive effort (by associated with fecal urgency.5,10,27 abdominal straining or Valsalva) or to Passive (insensible) fecal incontinence: use abdominal massage to either initiate, Complaint of involuntary soiling of liquid maintain, or improve defecation.5,10 or solid stool without sensation or warning. Manual defecatory assistance (NEW) Internal: Anorectal Digitation: Overflow fecal incontinence: Complaint Complaint of the need to use of of involuntary loss of stool due to an fingers in the rectum to manually overfull rectum or fecal impaction. (NEW) assist in evacuation of stool Coital fecal incontinence: Complaint of contents by scooping, stretching involuntary loss of stool occurring with and/or stimulation.5 (NEW) intercourse.5,10 External: Perineal pressure or Stress fecal incontinence (SUI): Com- buttock separation: Complaint plaint of involuntary loss of feces on effort of the need to press on the or physical exertion including sporting perineum or separate the but- activities, or on sneezing or coughing. tocks to assist defecation. (NEW) (NEW) 1.7.2 Anorectal sensory symptoms Post defecatory soiling: Complaint of Diminished rectal sensation (rectal hy- soiling occurring after defecation. (NEW) posensitivity): Complaint of diminished or Rectal bleeding/mucus: Complaint of the absent sensation of filling in the rectum. loss of blood or mucus per rectum. (CHANGED) 1.7.4 Anorectal prolapse: Complaint of external pro- Increased rectal sensation (rectal hyper- trusion (bulge) of the anus or rectum (differentia- sensitivity): Complaint of a desire to tion on subsequent examination between rectal defecate (during rectal filling) that occurs mucosal prolapse and full thickness rectal wall earlier or more persistent to that previously prolapse which includes muscle and serosal layers). experienced. (NEW) (CHANGED) NB: for and, can be to (i) first sensation; (ii) urge sensation; (iii) maximum tolerated volume. 1.8 Other Relevant History Tenesmus: Complaint of an urgent desire Current medications, previous urological operations, to evacuate the bowel, accompanied by radiotherapy, and catheterization should be noted. 8 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

Footnotes for Section 1 1.15: The symptom of “stranguria” is poorly understood, 1.1: Milsom et al.15 first reported that frequency caused by overlapping at times with urethral pain, dysuria, and pelvic an overactive bladder was arbitrarily defined as more than pain. eight micturitions per 24 h, given that the normal voiding 1.16: The bladder is distended, palpable, and possibly frequency in healthy individuals is typically under six tender. A significantly increased residual is present. micturitions per 24 h. It was higher than previously reported 1.17: Non-neurogenic chronic urinary retention (CUR) in for healthy women using a frequency/volume chart (median men (AUA consensus21 supported by the current authors) can 5.5 micturitions per 24 h).15–17 be defined as an elevated post-void residual of greater than 1.2: Pollakiuria: Complaint of abnormally (extraordi- 300 mL that has persisted for at least 6 months and is nary1) frequent micturition (rarely used definition). documented on two or more separate occasions. Evidence is 1.3: It is common to void during the night when sleep is not strong. CUR can be caused by different pathologies that disturbed for other reasons—eg, insomnia—this does not create detrusor underactivity and/or result in chronic bladder constitute nocturia. outlet obstruction.21 1.4: Polyuria is more fully defined in the “Signs” section. 1.18: May occur after clothing has been adjusted, due to 1.5: “Urgency” replaces “urge” as the “accepted” some “pooling” of urine in the urethra if underwear, or terminology for the abnormal rather than the normal clothing has caused some restriction during voiding or a phenomenon. urethral stricture or diverticulum. 1.6: The use of the word “sudden,” defined as “without 1.19: Complaints of a slow urinary stream, hesitancy and warning or abrupt,” used in earlier definitions2,3,5 has been straining to void, with or without sense of incomplete bladder subject to much debate. Its inclusion has been continued. emptying and dribbling, sometimes with storage symptoms: 1.7: This symptom generally occurs where there is some symptom grouping proposed to be suggestive of detrusor form of neurological disease. underactivity22 (DU). Diagnosis of actual detrusor underac- 1.8: “Continence” is defined as absence of involuntary tivity depends on urodynamic findings as discussed in Section leakage of bowel and bladder contents (i.e. normal voluntary 5 on Diagnoses. control of bowel and bladder function). 1.20: It is often difficult to localize pain precisely, so 1.9: In each specific circumstance, urinary incontinence descriptions as to location of the pain may be imprecise. For should be further described by specifying relevant factors example, the term “bladder pain” does not necessarily such as type, severity, precipitating factors, social impact, indicate that the bladder is the cause. Pain thought to be effect on hygiene, and quality of life, the measures used to arising from the bladder, or felt in the urethra, scrotum or contain the leakage, and whether or not the individual seeks or perineum might be referred from the lower ureter, or bladder desires help because of urinary incontinence. base or other pelvic organs. 1.10: This change is to accommodate for ambiguity in 1.21. The definitions of pelvic pain and especially chronic some languages between stress and anxiety. This symptom pelvic pain had been debated in several societies with a view to would most commonly occur in men who have undergone simplification and restructuring of the classification. The ICS has (radical) . Men who had radical prostatectomy now published a report from chronic pelvic pain syndromes.23 may experience activity-related incontinence and/or during 1.22. Painful ejaculation (previously termed “odynorgas- sex.19 mia”), is a poorly characterized syndrome. It may be 1.11: Small amounts of urine may be leaked without associated with urethritis, BPH, acute or chronic prostatitis, warning. CPPS, seminal vesiculitis, seminal vesicular calculi or 1.12: Men with post-prostatectomy incontinence do ejaculatory duct obstruction. Often, no obvious etiologic report this. It also happens in men after artificial factor can be found. placement. When they get up, they leak. Can be due to stress 1.23: Commonly suggested criteria for: (i) Bacteriuria and without urge or other associated symptoms in the standing are>100 000 CFU/mL on voided specimen or >1000 CFU/ or upright position. mL on catheterized specimen; (ii) Pyuria are >10 WBC/mm3 1.13: The term “pareuresis” is not in common usage, in uncentrifuged urine. The presence of nitrites in the urine is although the symptom is well-recognised.20 Paruresis is supportive of a UTI involving a common organism (E. Coli, defined as the fear of being able to urinate in situations where Klebsiella). other persons are present. Diagnostic and statistical manual of 1.24: Those symptomatic patients with fewer colony mental disorders. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric counts may still harbor organisms detectable by mRNA Association; 2013. analyses not widely available at present.24 Testing for urinary 1.14: Dysuria is a type of urethral pain but could be microbiome is being explored but it is not widely available. urethral in origin or referred there from a pathological process 1.25: Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) has not in bladder, lower ureter or prostate. been consistently defined. They are far less common in men D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 9 than women but perhaps more significant. There is the If a neurological diagnosis is suspected, then a focused difficulty of balancing the practical clinical definition and the neurological examination with evaluation of perianal crude scientific one. Records of diagnostic tests are often and pinprick sensations need to be tested. Also, the anal inaccessible over the medium to longer term. With a bias muscle tone can be assessed with finger in the rectum and towards the former category, a definition might be the asking the patient to squeeze. (NEW) presence at least two symptomatic and medically diagnosed UTIs in 12 months. “Recur” strictly means to “occur again” or 2.1 General (visual) observations “be repeated.” 2.1.1 Mobility: generalized muscle strength and ability 1.26: This symptom must have been present for at least 6 to ambulate independently or with assistance. months and must be experienced on almost all or all (NEW) (approximately 75-100%) occasions of sexual activity. It 2.1.2 Skin: jaundice or pallor or skin irritation due to causes clinically significant distress in the individual. It has urinary loss. (NEW) been called early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax 2.1.3 Nutritional Status: cachexia (possible underlying or premature climax. There is no uniform cut-off defining malignancy); obesity (possible endocrine abnor- “premature,” but a consensus of experts at the International mality29 including metabolic syndrome). (NEW) Society for Sexual Medicine endorsed a definition of around 2.1.4 Edema of genitalia and lower extremities: 1 min after penetration. The International Classification of Possible cardiac decompensation, renal failure, Diseases (ICD-10) applies a cut-off of 15 s from the nephrotic syndrome, or pelvic and/or retroperito- beginning of sexual intercourse. neal lymphatic obstruction.29–31 (NEW) 1.27: Mean semen volume is 3.9 mL (5th centile 1.5 mL; 95th centile 6.8 mL). Low semen volume is under 1.5 mL; high semen volume is over 6.8 mL.25,26 2.2 Abdominal examination3,5: Among numerous possible 1.28: Dyspareunia (“hispareunia”), the symptom most abdominal signs are: applicable to male discomfort on sexual intercourse, will 2.2.1 Bladder fullness/retention: The bladder may be depend on many factors including a woman's introital felt by abdominal palpation or detected by supra- relaxation and/or anatomical factors. pubic percussion. FN2.2 (CHANGED) 1.29. Symptoms of defecatory dysfunction are not 2.2.2 Other abdominal masses: or distension (eg, uncommon in men, particularly those who have undergone ascites). (NEW) anal sphincterotomies for fissure-in-ano. 2.2.3 Scars: Indicating previous relevant surgery, trau- 1.30. Rome IV Criteria for Constipation28: mas, or evidence of previous radiotherapy. (NEW) Complaint that bowel movements are (i) infrequent (<3/ 2.2.4 Renal Area: Examination for tenderness, masses. wk); (ii) need to strain; (iii) lumpy or hard stool bloating; (iv) (NEW) sensation of incomplete evacuation; (v) sensation of anorectal obstruction or blockage abdominal pain, (vi) need for manual assistance, in more than one quarter of all defecation. 2.3 Lower Urinary Tract/Genital Examinations/Signs 2.3.1 Genital skin: Excoriation, redness, irritation secondary SECTION 2: SIGNS to urinary incontinence and the effect of pads or diapers. (NEW) Sign: Any abnormality indicative of disease or a health Mycotic infections (balanoposthitis, inter- problem, discoverable on examination of the patient; an trigo, or scrotal): Moist, red pruritic skin objective indication of disease or a health problem.1 usually in men with urinary or fecal (CHANGED) incontinence, immune suppression or General principles of examination for male with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.32 symptoms of LUT/PF dysfunction29: A comprehensive (NEW) physical examination is done to seek potential influences on Skin pigmentation: balanitis xerotica ob- symptoms.FN2.1 It should include abdominal examination, literans (BXO − syn. lichen sclerosus) and focussing on the suprapubic area to detect an enlarged vitiligo may cause depigmentation (penile bladder, or other abdominal mass, and digital examination of skin, scrotum, glans). (NEW) the rectum (prostate) as well as examination of the external Cutaneous manifestations of sexually genitalia, the perineum and lower limbs. The hernia orifices transmitted diseases: vesicles, ulcers. should also be evaluated. Penile lesions including meatal (NEW) stenosis, phimosis, and penile cancer must be excluded.29–31 2.3.2 Penile examination: 10 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL. Foreskin abnormalities: stricture34 or sexually transmitted Tumor or infection (balanopos- disease. (NEW) thitis, ie, inflammation of the Meatal stenosis: narrowing glans penis and overlying fore- changes of the distal urethra; skin1). (NEW) post-infection, post-surgery. Phimosis33: Partial or complete (NEW) inability to retract the prepuce Examination of the glans and shaft due to adhesion between the Penile plaque: palpation of glans and the prepuce or a node or plaque in the tunica

preputial ring. FN2.3 (NEW) usually on the dorsal aspect Paraphimosis33: Entrapment of (perhaps related to Peyronie's the prepuce behind the disease). (NEW)

glans.FN2.3 (NEW) Lichen sclerosus: tight foreskin, Position of the urethral meatus31: cracking, and bleeding. Hypospadias: Refers to the ure- General examination: redness, ulcers, thral meatus sited on ventral warts, (NEW) surface of the penis, either 2.3.3 Scrotal examination: (NEW) congenital or acquired, proximal Normal: The scrotum is a loose sac to its normal position on the tip of containing the testes and spermatic cord the glans. External urethral mea- structures. The epididymis is palpable tus may be on the glans penis applied to the posterior surface of the testis (glandular hypospadias), sulcus as a ridge although occasionally it is sited

(coronal hypospadias), shaft (pe- on the anterior surface. FN 2.4 (NEW) nile hypospadias), scrotum Inflammation: The epididymis may be (scrotal hypospadias), or peri- swollen and tender, and if severe, the neum (perineal hypospadias). inflammatory process may involve the (NEW) whole scrotal content (i.e. testis and Epispadias: Refers to the ure- epididymis [epididymo-orchitis]) and the

thral meatus sited on dorsal scrotal skin as well. FN2.5 (NEW) surface of the penis, either Cystic dilatations of the epididymis: congenital or acquired, proximal (epididymal cysts or spermatocele) and to its normal position on the tip of hydroceles (fluid collections between the the glans. (NEW) visceral tunica albuginea and parietal layer Neoplastic or inflammatory le- of the testicular peritoneum)—usually sions within the fossa navicula- benign. The examination of these structures ris.34 (NEW) would be generally non-tender and without Post-hypospadias/epispadias pain (as opposed to FN2.6 (NEW) repair: including post-urethro- Inguinal bulge: Examination and differ- plasty urethral fibrosis: palpated entiation of hernia from hydrocele or cyst near the meatus or in the penile of spermatic cord or groin lymph nodes. shaft. (NEW) (NEW) (use of transillumination may assist Postoperative fistula: Urine is though ultrasound is generally diagnostic)

visible at or near the incision FN2.7 lines. (NEW) 2.3.4 Perineal examination: this is generally performed Urethral examination: with the patient in the lateral supine or in the Palpation: along the ventral lithotomy position. (NEW) aspect of the penis and inferiorly Perianal dermatitis: Skin infection at the into the perineum to detect perineum around the anus, usually associ- fibrosis, lumps or tenderness ated with fecal incontinence or diarrhoea. along the shaft. (NEW) (NEW) Tenderness: suggestive of ure- Fissures: A break or tear in the skin of the thral or periurethral inflamma- perineum, anal sphincter or distal rectum tion, often secondary to a urethral usually associated with anal pain. (NEW) D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 11

2.3.5 Rectal and prostate examination: Digital rectal Neuropathy may impact also on management 35–37 38 examination (DRE) is recommended as part of options. FN2.10 (CHANGED) the physical examination. Generally done with the 2.4.2 Level of neurologic abnormality: can occasion- patient standing and bent over the examining table, ally be localized by the pattern of sensory or motor or with the patient in the left lateral knees bent deficit noted during physical examination using a position, or in the lithotomy position. DRE is dermatome map.30 (NEW) usually pain-free. (NEW) 2.4.3 Penile, scrotal, or perianal sensory deficits: may Anal examination: This can detect the indicate damage or injury to sacral roots or nerves. following findings in the anal sphincter or Reflex testing in the genital area may also be distal rectum: (NEW) performed. The most important of these is the Benign diseases: hemorrhoids, BSR.39 (NEW) fissure, anal sphincter injury, 2.4.4 Bulbospongiosus reflex (BSR)39 a reflex con- levator discomfort, or pain. traction of the striated muscle of the pelvic floor (NEW) (anal sphincter) and the bulbo-spongiosus muscle Possible malignant diseases: that occurs in response to various stimuli in the

anal, distal rectal, and prostate perineum or genitalia. FN2.11 (NEW) carcinoma. (NEW) 2.4.5. Cremasteric reflex: contraction of the ipsilateral Anal tone: increased or de- cremaster muscle, drawing the testis upwards, creased anal sphincter tone might when the upper inner aspect of the thigh is stroked suggest similar changes in the longitudinally. (NEW) urinary sphincter and may indi- cate neurologic disease. (NEW) Anal stricture: a circumscribed 2.5 Urinary Incontinence Signs3,5,40,41: All examinations narrowing or stenosis of the anal for the evaluation of urinary incontinence are best canal. (NEW) performed with the individual's bladder comfortably full. Prostate gland characteristics: size, sym- 2.5.1 Urinary incontinence3,5: observation of involun- metry, firmness, nodules, and its relation to tary loss of urine on examination. the pelvic sidewall and rectum can be 2.5.2 Stress urinary incontinence (clinical stress assessed.35–37 The gland is about the size of leakage)3,5: observation of involuntary leakage a walnut and has a consistency similar to from the urethral orifice synchronous with effort or that of the contracted thenar eminence of physical exertion, or on sneezing or coughing. 3,5 the thumb FN2.8. (NEW) 2.5.3 Urgency urinary incontinence : observation of Nodularity and/or firmness − May indi- involuntary leakage from the urethral orifice cate possible abnormality requiring further associated with the individual reporting a sudden, investigation.37 (NEW) compelling desire to void. (CHANGED) Prostate tenderness: prostate palpation, as 2.5.4 Extra-urethral incontinence3,5: observation of part of a DRE, is usually pain-free. Pain urine leakage through channels other than the

with prostatic palpation is variable though urethral meatus, for example, fistula. FN2.12 if present, it may be helpful in differentiat- ing prostate/pelvic pain syndromes.34 (NEW) 2.6 Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) function.3,5,42,43 The Rectal examination (circumferential): following signs of PFM function may be assessed via this might lead to the detection of non- the perineum (visual or tactile examination) or per rectum urological diseases such as rectal carci- (digital palpation) examination. Digital rectal examina-

noma, fistula and fecal impaction.FN2.9 tion (DRE) may be less useful in male urinary (NEW) dysfunctions where the urethral sphincter, inaccessible to DRE, has a more important role.44 (NEW) 2.6.1 Perineal examination3,5,42,43—when the patient 2.4 Focused neurological exam3,5 is asked to cough or bear down, the perineum 2.4.1 Overall neurological status: abnormalities of should only show limited downward movement; speech, gait as well as upper and lower extremity ventral movement may occur because of the dexterity should be noted as they may indicate a guarding actions of the pelvic floor muscles. neurological cause for the urological symptoms. (CHANGED) 12 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL. Perineal elevation43,44: This is the inward the upper side and appear as (ventro-cephalad) movement of the peri- asymmetrical. This may affect

neum and anus. FN2.13 Look for testicular PFM tone. Not so common in lift and penile retraction. These need to be men. (NEW) checked against movement of the scrotum PFM injury: for example, pal- and the whole penis. Correct movement pable anal sphincter gap though occurs with the PFM only: the shaft of the overall not common unlike penis draws in and the testes lift in a women. (NEW) cephalad direction. These movements may PFM contractile function: Aspects to be better visualized in standing than supine assess position.45–47 (NEW) Voluntary contractility43: the Perineal descent43: This is the outward individual is able to contract the (dorso-caudal) movement of the perineum PFM on demand. A contraction and anus. is felt as a tightening, lifting, and squeezing action under/around the finger. (NEW) 2.6.2 Examinations43 Strength43: Force-generating PFM state at rest; aspects to assess. capacity of a muscle. It is

FN2.13 generally expressed as maxi- Myalgia: provoked by palpa- mum voluntary contraction. tion. Levator muscle pain/ten- (NEW) derness may be elicited by Endurance43: the ability to palpation of these muscles via sustain near maximal or maxi- 43 rectal examination. FN 2.14 mal force, assessed by the time a (NEW) patient is able to sustain a - Tender point: Tenderness to maximal static or isometric palpation at a specific soft contraction. (NEW) tissue body site. (NEW) Repeatability43: the ability to Tone: state of the muscle, repeatedly develop near maxi- usually defined by its resting mal or maximal force, deter- tension, clinically determined mined by assessing the by resistance to passive move- maximum number of repetitions ment. Muscle tone has two the patient can perform before components, the contractile detectable decline in force. Re- component and the viscoelas- cord number of contractions in a tic component. Muscle tone row. (NEW) may be altered in the presence Co-contraction: contraction or or absence of pain. activation of two or more (CHANGED) muscles at the same time. Iden- Increased PFM tone (non- tify which muscles are co-con- neurogenic hypertonicity): in- tracting and whether the co- creased tone in a patient without contraction is synergistic. an intercurrent neurological di- (NEW) agnosis. (CHANGED) Relaxation ability: return of the Decreased PFM tone (non- PFM to its original resting tone neurogenic hypotonicity): de- following the voluntary contrac- creased tone in a patient without tion. Also includes the ability to an intercurrent neurological di- maintain PFM relaxation in agnosis. (CHANGED) anticipation of or during any Symmetry: if examining in the type of touch. (NEW) left lateral, there will be a PFM response to increased intra-ab- gravity effect and the dependent dominal pressure: for example, strain/ side will have a different feel to Valsalva/cough aspects to assess D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 13 Direction of contraction (ele- and signs that occur at night.18 vation, descent) (CHANGED) Daytime (urinary) frequency:3,5 Number of voids during daytime 2.6.3 Diagnoses related to PFM examinations (awake hours including first void Overactive pelvic floor muscles: Pelvic after waking up from sleep and floor muscles which do not relax, or may last void before sleep)**. even contract when relaxation is function- Night-time (urinary) fre- ally needed, for example, during voiding quency:18 Total number of night- or defecation. (CHANGED) time voids irrespective of sleep.** Underactive pelvic floor muscles: Pelvic Nocturia: The number of times floor muscles which cannot voluntarily an individual passes urine during contract when instructed to do so or when their main sleep period, from the required. (CHANGED) time they have fallen asleep up to the intention to rise from that 2.7 Frequency-Volume Chart/Bladder Diary period. This is derived from the 2.7.1 Frequency-volume chart (FVC):3,5,18,48 bladder diary.18 The recording of the time of each micturi- 24-hour (urinary) fre- tion together with the volume voided for at quency:3,5,18,48 Total number of least 24 h. Ideally a minimum of three days daytime and night-time voids of recording (not necessarily consecutive) during a specified 24-hour pe- will generally provide more useful clinical riod.** (CHANGED) data. It is relevant to discriminate daytime 24-hour urine volume:18 Sum- and nighttime micturition. mation of all urine volumes 2.7.2 Bladder diary: Adds to the FVC above, the during a specified 24 h period. fluid intake, pad usage, incontinence episodes, The first void after rising is the degree of incontinence and the circum- discarded and the 24-hour period stances at the time of the leakage. ** Signs begins at the time of the next void where FVC or Bladder diary are important. and is completed by including the Episodes of urgency and sensation might first void, after rising, the follow- also be recorded, as might be the activities ing day.** (CHANGED) performed during or immediately preceding Maximum voided volume: High- the involuntary loss of urine. Additional est voided volume recorded dur- information obtained from the bladder diary ing the assessment period. involves: Severity of incontinence in terms (CHANGED) This usually equals of leakage episodes and pad usage. bladder capacity.** Daytime:18 the period between wak- Average voided volume: Sum- ing up with the intention of arising mation of volumes voided di- until going to bed with the intention vided by the number of voids of sleeping (awake hours). (NEW) during the assessment period.** Night-time:18 The individual's (CHANGED) main daily period of sleep. It Mean maximum voided volume commences at the time of going (functional capacity): Mean to bed with the intention of sleeping maximum voided volume in ev- and concludes when the individual eryday activities.** decides to no longer attempt to sleep Polyuria: Excessive production and rise for the next day. of urine.1,3,5 It has been defined as

(CHANGED) FN2.15, FN2.16 more than 40 mL urine/kg body Main sleep period:18 The period weight during 24 h or 2.8 L urine from the time of falling asleep to for a man weighing 70 kg.48 the time of rising for the next day. Nocturnal urine volume:18 Total Nocturnal: Occurring or active at volume of urine produced during night.1 For example, symptoms the night. Volume measurement 14 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

begins after last void preceding - >20% in younger individuals sleep and concludes after the first - 20-33% in “middle age” day-time void (when the individ- Figure 1 (below): provides an ual decides to no longer attempt to example of a bladder diary.

sleep).FN2.16 ** Pad Testing: For individuals with urinary Nocturnal (night-time) poly- (fecal) incontinence symptoms, the quantifi- uria:18,48 ** Increased propor- cation of the amount of urine (feces) lost over tional production of urine during the duration of testing, by measuring the the night-time compared with the increase in the weight of the pads (weighed

24 h urine volume. FN2.17 pre- and post-testing) used. This may give a (CHANGED). Nocturnal poly- guide to the severity of incontinence. Differ- uria index (NPi) is most com- ent durations from a short (1 h) test to a 24 and monly used definition (Night- 48-hour tests have been used with provoca- time urine volume/24 h urine tion varying from normal everyday activities

volume) × 100%. to defined regimens. FN2.18 - 33% in elderly, eg, >65 years;

FIGURE 1 Bladder diary: This simple chart allows you to record the fluid you drink and the urine you pass over 3 days (not necessarily consecutive) in the week prior to your clinic appointment. This can provide valuable information. (i) Please fill in approximately when and how much fluid you drink, and the type of liquid. (ii) Please fill in the time and the amount (in mLs) of urine passed, and mark with a star if you have leaked or mark with a “PC” if you have needed to change your pad (Please find below an example of how to complete this form). Frequency = 9; Nocturia = 1; Urine production/24hr = 1250 mL; maximum voided volume = 300 mL; average voided volume = 125 mL D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 15

Footnotes for Section 2 of the anal sphincter should be felt and/or observed.39 The 2.1: There is little evidence from clinical trials that BSR tests the integrity of the spinal cord-mediated reflex arc carrying out a clinical examination improves care, but involving S2-S4 and may be absent in the presence of sacral general consensus suggests that it remains an essential cord or peripheral nerve abnormalities.39 part of assessment of men with urinary incontinence2 or 2.12: If the patient has had previous urethral or other LUTS. bladder surgery or trauma, the examiner should ascertain 2.2: A normal bladder in the adult cannot be palpated whether urinary leakage occurs through a fistula in a scar, or percussed until there is at least a volume of 150 mL of or at any other site in the penis, perineum, groins, or lower urine. At larger volumes of about ≥500 mL, a distended abdomen. bladder may be visible in thin patients as a lower midline 2.13: Normally there is inward (cephalad) movement abdominal mass. Percussion is better than palpation for of the perineum and anus. diagnosing a distended bladder. The examiner begins by 2.14: This is all part of doing a DRE, assessing anal percussing just above the symphysis pubis and continues and puborectalis. cephalad until there is a change in tone from dull to 2.15: For the purposes of the nocturia terminology, resonant.30 night-time is therefore defined by the individual's sleep 2.3: If phimosis is severe, this can cause voiding cycle, rather than the solar cycle (from sunset to sunrise). symptoms. Most penile cancers occur in uncircumcised Thus, some shift workers may have their “night” period men and arise on the prepuce or glans and may be during the daylight hours, as it is the time of their main associated with voiding symptoms.33 sleep period.18 2.4: Scrotal abnormalities can help in elucidating 2.16: Volume measurement begins after the last void lower urinary tract symptoms in men. For example, men preceding sleep and concludes after the first daytime with epididymitis may have associated urinary infection void. The first daytime void follows the individual's symptoms secondary to coliform bacteriuria.34 decision they will no longer attempt to sleep.18 2.5: Isolated orchitis secondary to UTI is rare, 2.17: There are several definitions in the literature that however, mycobacterial infection, mumps, and BCG could be used to indicate nocturnal polyuria including:18 treatment may cause orchitis.34 Nocturnal urine production based on body weight of 2.6: If very large they may distort the scrotum and greater than 10 mL/kg.49 urethra and interfere with normal voiding. A hydrocele is sometimes secondary to testis tumor or inflammatory processes in the epididymis or orchitis. 1. Rate of nocturnal urine production >90 mL/hr.50 This 2.7: The presence of hernias, cystic swellings in the is suggestive of nocturnal polyuria in men (about scrotum, and testicular tumors should be excluded by 450 mL per 8 h’ sleep).51 There are no studies looking careful clinical examination. at the rate of nocturnal urine production in women and 2.8: During the DRE, prostate size and consistency this may well be different from that in men. can be estimated, although DRE tends to underestimate 2. Nocturnal polyuria index is the most commonly used true prostate size.35,36 definition for nocturnal polyuria52 (nocturnal urine 2.9: In patients with recto-urethral fistulas, the fistula volume/24-hour voided volume) based on nocturnal can occasionally be palpated in the anterior rectal wall. urine volume as part of total 24-hour urine volume The site of the fistula at or above the anal sphincter can (age dependent). occasionally be noted along with the degree of induration 3. Nocturia index (nocturnal urine volume/maximum of the anterior rectal wall. With large fistulas the urethra voided volume)53 >1: nocturia occurs because maxi- can be palpated, especially if there is a Foley catheter in mum voided volume is smaller than nocturnal urine place. volume. >1.5: nocturia secondary to nocturnal urine 2.10: For example, a person with Parkinson's may be over-production in excess of maximum bladder unable to perform intermittent catheterization because of capacity, that is, nocturnal polyuria. tremor. A focused neurological exam is also recommended, especially in patients suspected of having neurogenic 2.18: A pad test quantifies the severity of incontinence bladder dysfunction.38 Decreased perineal sensation and and may be the most objective measure of the inconti- anal sphincter tone may be signs of neuropathy.41 nence. Severity of incontinence (quantified by pad weight) 2.11: This reflex is most commonly tested by placing a affects surgery outcomes. The 24-hour pad test and finger in the rectum and then squeezing the glans penis. If a micturition diary are reliable instruments for assessing the Foley catheter is in place, the BSR can also be elicited by degree of urinary loss and number of incontinent episodes, gently pulling on the catheter. If the BSR is intact, tightening respectively. Increasing test duration to 48 and 72 h 16 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

FIGURE 2 A schematic representation of urine flow over time and parameters of uroflowmetry

increases reliability but is associated with decreased 3.1.4 Voided volume (VV − unit: mL): Total patient compliance.54 Overall, the 24-hour home test is the volume of urine expelled via the urethra most accurate pad test for quantification and diagnosis of during a single void.2,3,5 (CHANGED) urinary incontinence because it is the most reproducible.55 3.1.5 Maximum (urine) flow rate (MUFR − unit:

The 1-hour pad test may be used because it is easily done mL/s) − Qmax: Maximum measured value of and standardized, however, there is no strict parallel with the urine flow rate2,3,5 corrected for the 24-hour pad test and it may underestimate the artefacts.3,5 weakness of the sphincter in the later part of the day. 3.1.6 Flow time (FT − unit: s): Time over which measurable flow actually occurs.2,3,5 SECTION 3: URODYNAMIC 3.1.7 Average (urine) flow rate (AUFR − unit: INVESTIGATIONS mL/s) − Qave: Voided volume divided by the flow time.2,3,5 Urodynamics: Measurement of all the physiological 3.1.8 Voiding time (VT − unit: s): Total duration parameters relevant to the function and any dysfunction of micturition, including interruptions. When 56,57 of the lower urinary tract. FN3.1, FN3.2. (NEW) voiding is completed without interruption, Clinical sequence of testing:3,5 Urodynamic inves- voiding time is equal to flow time.2,3,5 tigations generally involve an individual attending with a 3.1.9 Time to maximum urine flow rate (tQmax comfortably full bladder for free (no catheter) uroflow- − unit: s): Elapsed time from the onset of metry and post-void residual (PVR) measurement prior to urine flow to maximum urine flow.2,3,5 filling cystometry and pressure-flow study. (NEW) 3.1.10 Interpretation of the normality of free uroflowmetry: Because of the strong de- 3.1 Uroflowmetry pendency of urine flow rates in men on 3.1.1 Ideal conditions for free (no catheter) voided volume59,60 and age,60 they are best uroflowmetry: All free uroflowmetry studies referenced to nomograms60–63 where the should be performed in a completely private cutoff for normality has been determined uroflowmetry room. Most modern uroflow- and validated. The individual should com- meters have a high degree of accuracy ment whether voiding was representative of (+/−5%) though regular calibration is important his usual urine flow and whether he has (Figure 2) .58 diurnal variation in urine flow (Figure 3A, 3.1.2 Urine flow: Urethral passage of urine where B). (NEW) the pattern of urine flow may be:2,3,5 Continuous: no interruption to urine Figure 3A: the Liverpool nomograms60 for the flow. maximum urine flow (Qmax) in men aged up to 50 years Intermittent: urine flow is interrupted. (mean 35 years). (NEW) 3.1.3 Urine flow rate (UFR − unit: mL/s): Figure 3B: the Liverpool nomograms60 for the

Volume of urine expelled via the urethra maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) in men aged over 50 per unit time.2,3,5 years (mean 60 years). (NEW) D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 17

FIGURE 3 A and B, show the Liverpool nomograms60 for the maximum urine flow rate in men (i) up to 50 years (mean 35 years) and (ii) over 50 years (mean 60 years). Equation for the maximum urine flow rate nomogram (divided by age as above) is: Sq Root ðMUFRÞ ¼ 2:37 þ 0:18 Â Sq Root ðVoid volumeÞ À 0:014 Â age. (Root mean square error: 0.727) (NEW). References to a specific urine flow rate as the lower limit of normal provided a specific volume has been voided require validation studies

The 25th percentile appeared to be most appropriate catheter for bladder drainage can still provide lower limits of normality for both urine flow rates to an effective and accurate PVR measurement. identify those men more likely to have voiding All urethral catheters, however, may not be of

dysfunction (more commonly bladder outlet obstruction equal drainage efficacy FN3.6. Ultrasound PVR [BOO]).64 Higher urine flow rate percentiles occurred in measurement should ideally be repeated at 64 men with detrusor overactivity. FN3.3 Some racial least once if PVR is present. (NEW) An differences in urine flow rates have been reported. FN3.4 overdistended rather than “comfortably full” Ideally, abnormal uroflowmetry studies should be bladder might lead to a falsely elevated initial repeated. (NEW) PVR, assessed further by repeat voiding/ repeat PVR. 3.2 Post-void residual (urine volume, PVR − unit: 3.2.2 Assessment of normality of PVR: Upper mL): Volume of urine left in the bladder at the limits in normal community dwelling men completion of voiding2,3,5 without LUTS are age dependent with studies 3.2.1 Conditions for PVR measurement: PVR reporting a cut-off value of 10–30 mL67–70. reading is erroneously elevated by delayed There are no adequate currently available data measurement due to additional renal input (1- from which to quote expected/typical ranges of

14 mL/min) into the bladder. FN3.5 Ultrasonic PVR in men with symptoms of lower urinary techniques allow immediate (within 60 s of tract dysfunction. Such studies would need to micturition) measurement to minimize the reflect the accuracy of measurement, including error. Immediate insertion of a transurethral whether the PVR measurement is “immediate” 18 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

(eg, by ultrasound) or by urethral catheteriza- with neuropathic bladder. A higher tion (unless also “immediate”). In the absence filling rate is greater than 50 mL/min. of such studies, our consensus view is that a (CHANGED)

PVR (ultrasound) over 50 mL, following 3.3.5 Intravesical pressure (Pves - unit: cm H2O): double voiding, might prompt the suspicion The pressure within the bladder (as directly of voiding dysfunction. (NEW) measured by the intravesical catheter).2,3,56,57

3.3.6 Abdominal pressure (Pabd - unit: cm H2O): The pressure in the abdominal cavity surround- 3.3 Cystometry − General2,3,5,56,57 ing the bladder. It is usually estimated from 3.3.1 Urodynamic studies: These usually take place measuring the rectal pressure, though the in a special clinical room (urodynamic labora- pressure through a bowel stoma can be

tory) and involve (artificial) bladder filling measured as an alternative. FN3.11 The simulta- with a specified liquid (ICS recommends neous measurement of abdominal pressure is physiological saline solution or X-ray contrast essential for interpretation of the intravesical 2,3,56,57 2,3,5 if video studies) at a specified rate . FN3.7 pressure trace. Artifacts on the detrusor 3.3.2 Cystometry: Measurement of the pressure- pressure trace may be produced by a rectal volume relationship of the bladder during contraction.2,3,56,57 (CHANGED) 2,3,56,57 filling. FN3.7 3.3.7 Detrusor pressure (Pdet - unit: cm H2O): 3.3.3 Cystometrogram (CMG): Graphical record- The component of intravesical pressure that is ing of the bladder pressure(s) and volume(s) created by forces in the bladder wall (passive over time.2,3,56,57 and active). It is calculated by subtracting 3.3.4 Conditions for cystometry including abdominal pressure from intravesical pressure 2,3,56,57 Pressures (zeroing);* (Pdet = Pves-Pabd). FN3.12 Pressure transducers;* Catheter mounted transducers; * Initial bladder volume;* 3.4 Filling Cystometry2,3,56,57 Fluid medium* FN3.7 * Covered in 3.4.1 Filling cystometry: Pressure-volume relation- references56,57 ship of the bladder during bladder filling. It Temperature of fluid: Fluid at room begins with the commencement of filling and temperature is mostly used. It can be ends when a “permission to void” is given by warmed to body temperature but the urodynamicist2,3,5,56,57 or with inconti- without evidence that this influences nence (involuntary loss) of the bladder content 71,72 71 results. FN3.8 (CHANGED) (Figure 4) . (CHANGED) Position of patient: Sitting (standing) 3.4.2 Aims of filling cystometry: To assess bladder position is more provocative for ab- sensation, bladder capacity, detrusor activity normal detrusor activity (ie, overactiv- and compliance as well as to document (the ity) than the supine position. At some situation of and detrusor pressures during) point in the test, filling might desirably urine leakage. (CHANGED) take place with the patient standing (in 3.4.3 Bladder sensation during filling cystometry: 71,73 those patients able to do so). FN3.9 Usually assessed by questioning the individual (CHANGED) Many men will void in relation to the fullness of the bladder during standing. cystometry. Filling rate: The filling rate, including First sensation of bladder filling: The any changes during testing, should be feeling when the individual first feels 3,5,71,75 noted on the urodynamic re- bladder filling. FN3.13 3,56,57,71,73–76 port FN3.10. A medium First desire to void: The first feeling fill rate (25-50 mL/min) should be that the individual may wish to pass 3,5 applicable in most routine studies. urine. FN3.13 Much slower filling rates (under Normal desire to void: The feeling 25 mL/min) are appropriate in men that leads the individual to pass urine where there are concerns for poor at the next convenient moment, but compliance or with a bladder diary voiding can be delayed if showing low bladder capacity or those necessary.3,5 D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 19 Strong desire to void: The persistent 3.4.4 Bladder capacity during filling cysto- desire to pass urine without the fear of metry3,5,56,57 3,5,71 leakage. FN 3.13 Cystometric capacity (units: mL): Urgency: Sudden, compelling desire Bladder volume at the end of filling to void which is difficult to defer.3,5 cystometry, when a “permission to

FN1.4, FN1.5 void” is usually given by the urody- Bladder oversensitivity5–Increased namicist. This endpoint and the level of bladder sensation during bladder filling the individual's bladder sensation at with: (NEW − male) that time, for example, “normal desire - earlier first desire to void; to void,” should be noted. This end- - earlier strong desire to void, which point might be higher than normal in occurs at low bladder volume; men with reduced bladder sensation. - lower maximum cystometric bladder Maximum cystometric capacity capacity (; (units: mL): In individuals with - no abnormal increases in detrusor normal sensation, this is the volume pressure. when one can no longer delay micturi- Reduced bladder sensation: Bladder tion during filling cystometry. FN3.14, sensation perceived to be diminished FN3.15, FN3.16 during filling cystometry. 3.4.5 Detrusor function during filling cystometry Absent bladder sensation: No blad- Normal detrusor activity/function:3,5 der sensation during filling cystometry, There is little or no change in pressure at least to expected capacity of 500 mL. with filling. There are no detrusor Pain: the complaint of pain during contractions, spontaneous or provoked filling cystometry is abnormal. Its site, with activities such as postural changes, character and duration should be coughing or hearing the sound of

noted. running water. FN3.17 (CHANGED)

FIGURE 4 Normal filling cystometry on multichannel urodynamics. (first desire 132 mL, normal desire to void 175 mL, strong desire to void 280 mL, urgency 340 mL. Detrusor contraction is absent during filling cystometry). Cough artefacts and good subtraction of Pabd from Pves to get Pdet are demonstrated 20 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL. Detrusor overactivity (DO):3,5 The An identifiable possible non- occurrence of detrusor contraction(s) neurological cause exists for during filling cystometry. These con- involuntary detrusor contrac- tractions, which may be spontaneous or tion(s) during bladder filling. provoked, produce a wave form on the For example, functional (ob- cystometrogram, of variable duration struction); stone, tumor (eg, and amplitude. The contractions may carcinoma in situ), UTI.

be phasic or terminal. They may be FN3.18 (CHANGED) suppressed by the patient or uncontrol- 3.4.6 Bladder (detrusor) compliance (unit: mL/ 3,5,56,57,77–79 lable (CHANGED). Symptoms, for cm H2O) example, urgency and/or urgency in- Description: Relationship between continence or perception of the con- the change in bladder volume and traction may (note if present) or may simultaneous change in detrusor pres- not occur. sure as a measure for the distensibility Idiopathic (primary) de- of the bladder.3,5 trusor overactivity: No Calculation: Divide the change of identifiable cause for invol- volume (ΔV) by the simultaneous

untary detrusor contraction change in detrusor pressure (Δ Pdet) (s). (CHANGED) (Figure 5) during filling cystometry − (C = ΔV/ Neurogenic (secondary) ΔPdet). The compliance reflects the detrusor overactivity:3,5,13, amount of fluid in the bladder to

Detrusor overactivity and increase bladder pressure by 1 cm H20 evidence (history; visible or and is expressed as mL per cm H2O. measurable deficit) of a rele- Factors affecting the measurement of vant neurological disorder. bladder compliance: (CHANGED) Bladder filling speed: The Non-neurogenic (second- bladder should be filled at up ary) detrusor overactivity: to 50 mL/min if there is no

FIGURE 5 Filling cystometry demonstrating detrusor overactivity: First desire to void occurred at 62 mL together a contraction; normal desire to void at 357 mL; urgency at 380 mL followed by a detrusor contraction There is also high pressure − slow flow during voiding D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 21

reason to suspect poor blad- women) as bladder compliance

der compliance. Faster fill- <10 mL/cm H2O (neurogenic) or ing is more provocative and <30 mL/cm H20 (non-neurogenic). may artificially reduce blad- Normal compliance is >30 mL/cm

der compliance. This artifact H2O (neurogenic) and 40 mL/cm H20 may settle when filling is (non-neurogenic).79 Recommended interrupted or repeated with values in men have not been well-

slower speed. (CHANGED) defined. FN3.19 (CHANGED) Contractile/relaxant prop- 3.4.7 Repeat Cystometry: FN3.20 The repetition of erties of the detrusor (de- the urodynamic testing when abnormal bladder creased compliance): function, discrepancies between history and Properties of the bladder suspected urodynamic findings, technical er- wall may reduce compliance, rors and/or artifacts have been observed at for example, pelvic radiation immediate post-test analysis. (CHANGED) or chemotherapy or bladder 3.4.8 ICS Standard Urodynamic Test:57 Free overstretch. (CHANGED) uroflowmetry, postvoid residual, cystometry, Bladder outlet obstruction and pressure-flow study are termed ICS

can result in standard urodynamic test (ICS-SUT).FN3.21 hypertrophy, intramural col- (CHANGED) lagen and elastin deposition and contribute to reduced compliance. (NEW) 3.5 Urethral function during filling cystometry (fill- Other factors affecting ing urethro-cystometry): As filling urethro-cyst- bladder compliance78 (in- ometry is less well-explored in men than women, creased compliance): Blad- readers are referred to other reports for der diverticula (also methodology.56,57,80 pseudodiverticula) and ves- 3.6 Urethral closure mechanism ico-ureteric reflux (high 3.6.1 Normal urethral closure mechanism: A grade). (NEW) positive urethral closure pressure is maintained Starting point for compliance cal- during bladder filling, even in the presence of culations: Usually the detrusor pres- increased abdominal pressure, although it may sure at the start of bladder filling and be overcome by detrusor overactivity. the corresponding bladder volume 3.6.2 Incompetent urethral closure mechanism: (usually zero).3 Special attention Leakage of urine occurs during activities which should be made to ensure bladder is might raise intra-abdominal pressure in the emptied at the commencement of absence of a detrusor contraction. measurement; incomplete emptying Urodynamic may artificially decrease bladder com- (USI): Involuntary leakage of urine pliance. (CHANGED) during filling cystometry, associated End point for compliance calcula- with increased intra-abdominal pres- tions: Detrusor pressure (and corre- sure, in the absence of a detrusor sponding bladder volume) at contraction. cystometric capacity (allow time for Subtype: Intrinsic sphincter defi- pressure to settle after cessation of ciency (ISD): Very weakened urethral filling). Both points are measured closure mechanism. excluding detrusor contraction. In the 3.6.3 Leak point pressures:2,3,5,80,81,82 There are case of detrusor overactivity with two types of leak point pressure measurement. leakage, both points should be mea- The pressure values at leakage should be sured or immediately before the start of measured at the moment of leakage. any detrusor contraction (and therefore Detrusor leak point pressure (DLPP

causes the bladder volume to decrease, − unit: cm H2O): This is a static test. affecting compliance calculations). The pressure is the lowest value of the Low compliance has been defined (in detrusor pressure at which leakage is 22 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

observed during cystometry in the measurement to the uroflow trans-

absence of increased abdominal pres- ducer. FN3.23 (CHANGED) sure. DLPP is a reflection of the Urethral opening pressure (Pdet.uo– resistance of the bladder outlet or unit: cm H2O): Detrusor pressure urethral sphincter. High DLPP (eg, recorded at the onset of measured 80 over 40 cm H20 ) may put patients at flow (consider time delay − usually risk for upper urinary tract deteriora- under 1 s).

tion, or secondary damage to the Maximum detrusor pressure (Pdet- bladder in the cases of known underly- max– unit: cm H20): Maximum regis- ing neurological disorders such as tered detrusor pressure during voiding. spinal cord injury or MS.81 There are Detrusor pressure at maximum flow

no data on any correlation between (Pdet.Qmax – unit: cm H2O): Detrusor DLPP and upper tract damage in non- pressure recorded at maximum urine neurogenic patients. (CHANGED) flow rate. Abdominal leak point pressure Detrusor pressure at end of flow

(ALPP − unit: cm H2O): This is a (Pdet.ef– unit: cm H2O): Detrusor dynamic test. It is the intentionally pressure recorded at the end of urine increased abdominal pressure that flow. provokes urinary leakage in the Postvoiding detrusor contraction: absence of a detrusor contraction.82 An increase in detrusor pressure

The patient can achieve this by (Pdet) following the cessation of uri- coughing (CLPP) or straining (Val- nary flow (NEW) salva Leak Point Pressure − VLPP). 3.7.3 Detrusor function during voiding2,3,5,56,57 The VLPP allows measuring the Normal detrusor contractile func- lowest pressure (measured by the tion: Normal voiding in men is bladder or abdominal pressure) that achieved by an adequate continuous causes urine leakage. detrusor contraction that leads to complete bladder emptying within a normal time span. It depends on central 2,3,5,56,57 3.7 Pressure-Flow Studies FN3.24 initiation and stimulation of the re- 3.7.1 Pressure-flow studies: Pressure-volume (uri- flexes involved. The amplitude of the nary flow) relationship of the bladder during detrusor contraction (detrusor contrac- voiding.1–3,5,56,57 It begins when the “permis- tion strength/power) tends to increase sion to void” is given by the urodynamicist and in response to any increased urethral ends when the man considers his voiding has resistance until the bladder is empty.83 finished. Measurements to be recorded should (CHANGED)

be the intravesical (Pves) and abdominal (Pabd) Detrusor underactivity (DU): Low pressures and calculate the detrusor pressure detrusor pressure or short detrusor

(Pdet) as well as the urine flow rate. FN3.22 contraction time, usually in combina- (CHANGED) tion with a low urine flow rate resulting 3.7.2 Detrusor pressure and other measurements in prolonged bladder emptying and/or during pressure-flow studies (Figure a failure to achieve complete bladder 6)2,3,5,56,57 emptying within a normal time span. Detrusor opening pressure (unit: cm (c.f. the term “hypocontractile detru-

H2O): Detrusor pressure recorded sor” or detrusor hypocontractility de- immediately before the commence- scribes a detrusor contraction of ment of urine flow. (CHANGED) reduced strength). Detrusor underac- Flow delay (unit: s): The time elapsed tivity can be of neurogenic13,84 or non- from initial rise in pressure to the onset neurogenic origin. (CHANGED) of flow. This is the initial isovolumetric Acontractile detrusor: The detrusor contraction period of micturition. It cannot be observed to contract (ie, no

reflects the time necessary for the fluid increase in Pdet) during urodynamic to pass from the point of pressure studies resulting in failure to void D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 23

FIGURE 6 A schematic diagram of a pressure-flow study

(CHANGED). Limited voiding may pressure. Bladder emptying may be complete occur by straining. The possibility of or incomplete (PVR present). “inhibition” of a detrusor voiding Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO):87,88 contraction must be considered if the This is the generic term for obstruction man subsequently voids normally post- during voiding. It is a reduced urine flow cystometry. An acontractile detrusor rate with a simultaneously increased

can be of neurogenic or non-neuro- detrusor pressure FN3.27. The Bladder genic origin. Neurogenic acontractile Outlet Obstruction Index (BOOI = Pdet. detrusor should replace the term “de- Qmax – 2Qmax) will give a guide to the trusor areflexia.” likelihood of obstruction being present.87

BOOI <20 cm H20 = non-obstruction; BOOI 20-40 cm H20 = equivocal; 3.8 Urethral function during voiding: This can be BOOI >40 cm H20 = obstruction) interpreted by the pressure-flow trace assisted at (CHANGED) times by video cysto-urethrography (video-urody- Dysfunctional voiding: is character- namics − 4.3.4) and electromyography (EMG − 3.9) ized by an intermittent and/or fluctuat- as available. ing flow due to inadequate or variable 3.8.1 Normal urethral function during voiding: relaxation generally of the sphincters Initiation of voiding begins with voluntary during voiding in neurologically nor- relaxation of the pelvic floor and striated mal men (i.e. no historical, visible or sphincters (rhabdosphincter). The bladder then measurable evidence of neurological contracts with the bladder neck, the latter then disease). (CHANGED) Dysfunctional opening due to its spiral arrangement of fibres. voiding may cause functional bladder Voiding is prompted with the urethra being outlet obstruction. This type of voiding continuously relaxed to allow micturition at a may also be the result of an acontractile normal detrusor pressure and urine flow, or underactive detrusor (voiding with resulting in complete bladder emptying.85,86 abdominal straining). Video-urody-

FN3.24, FN3.25, FN3.26 namics is required to diagnose primary 3.8.2 Abnormal urethral function during voiding: bladder neck obstruction and/or rhab- The urethral sphincter(s) do not relax dosphincter discoordination.87 completely or they are (temporarily) contracted Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia during voiding, resulting in increased detrusor (DSD):88 Dyscoordination between 24 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

FIGURE 7 Primary bladder neck obstruction in non-neurogenic patient: Urodynamic trace plus imaging

detrusor and rhabdosphincter function helpful where facilities for video-urody- during voiding due to a neurological namics are unavailable. abnormality (ie, detrusor contraction Primary Bladder Neck Obstruction synchronous with contraction of the (non-neurogenic): During voiding, urethral and/or periurethral striated mus- the bladder neck smooth muscle fails cle). This is a feature of neurological to adequately open. The detrusor voiding disorders. Neurological features pressure increases to try to overcome should be sought.88 Video-urodynamics the resistence of the bladder neck and (4.3.4) is generally valuable to conclude allow urine to flow (Figure 7). this diagnosis. DSD generally occurs due 3.8.3 Pressure-Flow Analysis Graphical presenta- to a lesion above the sacral level 3 but tion of the results or calculations based on the below pons. Sphincter EMG might be pressure-flow measurement (passive urethral


FIGURE 9 Schäfer Nomogram90,91

pressure relationship, PURR) have been determination of bladder outlet resis- developed into nomograms. Different nomo- tence). Depending on the position of grams use a variable amount of information of this point on the nomogram, the patient the pressure-flow plot. Figures 8–10 are can be categorised as “unobstructed,” available to assess bladder outlet obstruction “equivocal,” or “obstructed.” The cal- in men89–92 culation of BOOI is used to express 89 ICS Nomogram : Only Pdet at Qmax is bladder outlet resistence as a continuous plotted into the nomogram (one point variable. BOOI can be extracted from

FIGURE 10 CHESS Nomogram92 for the two-dimensional classification of bladder outlet obstruction (assessment of compressive and/or constrictive BOO). The entire information of the pressure-flow plot is used to calculate the passive urethral resistance relation (quadratic PURR, ie, the lowest detrusor pressure for each urine flow during the recorded void; multiple point determination of bladder outlet resistance). The PURR footpoint (ie, crossing-point of the PURR with the pressure-axis) and PURR curvature (ie, PURR ascent) are used to determine bladder outlet resistance. In total, 16 different fields are generated by using the threshold values indicated in the figure. Only field A1 testifies “non- obstruction”; field A2 and B1 indicate “equivocal obstruction” and all other fields indicate different types of obstruction. The increase in the footprint (A to D) indicates compressive BOO whilst the increase in the curvature (1 to 4) indicates constrictive BOO. (NEW) 26 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

the nomogram by drawing a line evidence of a neurological disorder (either

between Pdet.Qmax and the cutting point visible or measurable neurological deficit or a of the Y-axis (n.b. the line must be history of neurological disease). The classifi- parallel to the lines drawn into the cation of DSD can be divided into two groups nomogram (ie, those for “unob- continuous versus intermittent. DSD type and structed,” “equivocal,” or “obstruc- degree of SCI lesions seem to correlate.93,94

ted”).FN3.28,FN3.29,FN3.30 (NEW) (NEW) 90,91 Schäfer Nomogram : Pdet.muo (min- Type 1 DSD occurs in patients with imal urethral opening detrusor pressure) incomplete neurological lesions. Type

and Pdet.Qmax (detrusor pressure at 1 − there is a progressive increase in maximum urine flow) together with external urinary sphincter (EUS) con- corresponding urine flow rates are traction activity that peaks at maximal plotted into the nomogram (2-point detrusor contraction followed by sud- determination of the bladder outlet den relaxation of the EUS as the resistance). The line between the two detrusor pressure declines allowing points represents the linearized passive urination (Figure 12). (NEW) urethral resistance relationship (lin- Type 2 DSD occurs more often in PURR) and the location of the linPURR patients with complete lesions. Type 2 in the nomogram indicates the amount − occurs with continuous EUS contrac- of bladder outlet resistance of the tion throughout the entire detrusor patient. The nomogram differentiates contraction resulting in urinary obstruc- 7 grades of bladder outlet resistance tion or inability to urinate.93,94 (NEW) (grades 0 and I = no bladder outlet resistance); grades II to VI indicate increasing grades of BOO. The length 3.10 Ambulatory urodynamics: A functional test of the (endpoint) of linPURR indicates detru- lower urinary tract for which a transurethral catheter sor contraction strength that can be very is placed in the bladder (and, in some protocols, weak (VW), weak (W), normal (N), or another one in the rectum as is typical for a strong (ST). (NEW) urodynamic study) performed outside the clinical setting, involving natural bladder filling by drinking and continuous recording of the bladder pressure

3.9 Electromyography (EMG) (Pves) for a longer period of time (eg, 12 h). 3.9.1 Purpose: Reflects the activity of the striated Ambulatory urodynamics can reproduce bladder musculature (peri-urethral, rhabdosphincter function and urine loss during the individual's and pelvic floor). EMG is poorly standardized normal everyday activities. (CHANGED) with variance in the type of needle, needle 3.11 Non-invasive urodynamics: The penile cuff95 and versus patch electrode, and electrode place- condom catheter96 and urethral device97 have been ment.93 Perineal patch electrodes are often developed as non-invasive alternatives to pressure- preferred for easier placement, patient toler- flow studies. The principle of these tests is to interrupt ance and allow greater mobility. However, they the flow and measure the bladder pressure. The measure all the above striated musculature. In detrusor contraction is maintained and the urethral contrast, needle electrodes can be placed in the sphincter remains open; the column of fluid from the area of interest and measure activity of defined urethra to the bladder is sufficient to measure the muscles or muscle groups for example, bladder pressure (isovolumetric pressure). The exter- rhabdosphincter. (NEW) nal pressure on the urethra, which is needed to 3.9.2 Interpretation: May be difficult due to interrupt the flow, should be identical to the pressure in

artifacts introduced by other equipment. In the bladder (ie, isovolumetric bladder pressure − Pves. the urodynamic setting, an EMG is useful as a iso). Therefore, Pves.iso provides information on gross indication of the patient's ability to bladder pressure during voiding and, when urinary control the pelvic floor. (NEW) flow is also measured, it is able to distinguish between 3.9.3 Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD): Si- obstruction and non-obstruction (Figure 11). (NEW) multaneous contraction of the detrusor and 3.12 Videourodynamics (Fluorourodynamics): Func- (rhabdosphincter) urethral sphincters with the tional test of the lower urinary tract in which filling D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 27

3.12.1 Bladder neck at rest: Shut and competent on coughing and straining, possible excep- tion post-prostatectomy. 3.12.2 Bladder neck during voiding: Bladder neck opens like a funnel. 3.12.3 Bladder neck obstruction during voiding: Bladder neck remains closed.

Footnotes for Section 3 3.1: Urodynamics is the general term to describe all the measurements that assess the function or dysfunction of the LUT by the measurement of relevant physiological parameters.56,57 3.2: Urodynamic tests: Over the years, a variety of terms have been developed for the group of diagnostic tests that evaluate LUT function: uroflowmetry, post void residual (PVR), cystometry, pressure-flow studies, electromyography (EMG), urethral pressure profile (UPP), and videourodynamics (videocystourethrography FIGURE 11 Isometric and isotonic pressure are indirectly related to − VCU) are the terms most frequently used in the the condition of the muscles fibers (detrusor). The isometric contraction 56,57 of the detrusor, that is contraction without length modification or without scientific literature. shortening of the muscle fibers. Isovolumetric pressure is established by 3.3: Men with detrusor overactivity had the the isometric contraction of the detrusor (no flow). Isotonic contraction is highest urine flow rates. Detrusor overactivity (previ- developing force with length modification and therefore, shortening the ously “instability”) was present in 71% of men with muscle fibers. In this case, the isotonic pressure is referring to the fact centile rankings for the maximum urine flow rate over that it is being developed in the voiding phase 50 mL/s.64 3.4: There is a notable difference between the cystometry and pressure-flow studies (and possibly available nomograms (Liverpool, Siroky, and Bristol), EMG) are combined with real-time imaging of the particularly between race and in older patients.60–63 lower urinary tract (Figure 12). (see 4.3.3). 3.5: These are figures for maximal diuresis in women (CHANGED) in response to fluid loads of 500 mL and 1000 mL.

FIGURE 12 Videourodynamics with EMG: During the voiding phase, high detrusor pressure, slow urine flow, increased electrical muscle activity and the image shows dilatation of the proximal urethra and narrowing of the (rhabdosphincter) 28 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

Equivalent male diuresis data is unavailable.65 However, 3.14: Maximum cystometric capacity that should be maximum diluting capacity of urine is generally regarded in healthy adult men, mean 552 mL (range 317- as 20 L/day which converts to 13.9 mL/min (exactly the 927 mL).76 same as female data65). 3.15: Filling of more than 800 mL is seldom useful71. 3.6: Not all catheters empty with similar efficacy. 3.16: Maximum bladder capacity under anaesthetic There is evidence in women that a less-compressible (“anatomical bladder capacity”) − the volume to which (silicone or plastic) catheter is much more effective than a the bladder can be filled under deep general or spinal more compressible (latex) catheter in draining the anaesthetic, without urinary leakage, is rarely reported in bladder.66 Such evidence in men is unavailable. scientific literature but may be of relevance in interstitial 3.7 Continuous fluid filling of the bladder via a cystitis.71 transurethral (or other route, eg, cystostomy or 3.17: “Normo-active detrusor” as several studies have Mitrofanoff) catheter, at least with intravesical and demonstrated detrusor overactivity during filling in abdominal pressure measurement and display of detrusor healthy individuals. pressure, including cough (stress) testing. Cystometry 3.18: UTI is a very uncommon cause of DO. Most ends with “permission to void” or with incontinence of centres do not do urodynamic studies in the presence of an the total bladder content. The fluid type and temperature, active infection because of the risk of septicaemia. filling method and rate, catheter sizes, pressure recording 3.19: Normal values of bladder compliance in men technique, and patient position should all be specified in have not been well-defined. Bladder compliance in the the urodynamic protocol. volunteers was higher than usually considered normal in 3.8: Body temperature fluid and room temperature adults during cystometric bladder filling.76 In 28 healthy fluid do not differently affect bladder sensory thresholds volunteers, men with mean age of 24 years (range 19-28),

and do not unequally provoke detrusor overactivity or the mean compliance was 56.1 mL/cm H2O (SD 37.3). lower urinary tract irritation.71,72 Since no precise figures exist for normal compliance in 3.9: Detrusor overactivity would have been missed in men, a prospective study of a large normal population is 76% of cases of cystometry was done in the supine needed. position and 60% would have been missed if the study 3.20: There is no convincing evidence that the clinical was done supine compared to seated71,73. The sitting or diagnosis on the basis of the first cystometry is often standing position is the most representative for daily life changed on repetition of the test. There is no definite situations and is probably the least uncomfortable and/or evidence that immediate repetition of an adequately embarrassing for the patient.73 performed urodynamic test “for confirmation” is required. 3.10: Filling rate, especially when very fast and the The recommendation of immediate repetition of the test: (i) volume infused is much larger than the functional bladder when doubt exists as to whether the test has answered the capacity, may influence the results or the representative- clinical question; (ii) when technical errors and artifacts ness of the cystometry. Evidence that filling rate should have been observed at immediate post-test analysis. be changed during the cystometry is lacking. Diuresis, 3.21: Cystometry and pressure-flow study, free during cystometry, adds volume that is not recorded by uroflometry and PVR are termed ICS standard urody- the urodynamic system with automated filling volume namic test (ICS-SUT). This may be supplemented with recording, but that is relevant for interpretation of the other tests such as EMG, imaging, continuous urethral results. pressure(s), and/or urethral pressure profile measure- 3.11: There is no specific evidence, but the position of ments. All tests are performed in the patient's preferred or the catheter-tip is usually above the bladder in a stoma, most usual position: comfortably seated and/or standing and bowel activity may much more likely cause artifacts if possible.56,57 in those cases, hampering measurement of absolute 3.22: Voiding physiology depends on central neural abdominal pressures, detrusor subtraction pressure, and activation, bladder contractility and coordinated urethral therefore, the interpretation. relaxation throughout the process. There remains much to 3.12: The urodynamic pressure is the excess pressure learn about these components including central activation above atmosphere at the hydrostatic level of the upper and its potential grading, and its role and interactions in edge of the symphysis pubis. This is valid for all pressures detrusor underactivity and dysfunctional voiding. recorded with fluid-filled lines. 3.23: It is usually between 0.5 to 0.8 s depending on 3.13: Values evaluated in healthy men75,76 the individual's position and the distance to the (mean ± SD) are (i) First sensation of bladder filling: uroflowmeter. 222 mL ± 150 mL; (ii) First desire to void: 3.24: The first “event” in voiding is relaxation of the 325 ± 140 mL; (iii) Strong desire to void: 453 ± 94 mL. pelvic floor. This may mean a drop in intra-abdominal D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 29

pressure in the rectal line, and an associated increase in voiding tests and mathematical or graphical analysis the detrusor pressure which does not imply a detrusor methods of pressure, flow and or other parameters. Cut- contraction. off values or a continuous scale of contractility can then 3.25: As any other muscular contraction, detrusor be drawn. Independently of the magnitude of the detrusor contraction has an isometric and an isotonic component. contraction, it can be fading before the total emptying The isometric component means that detrusor fibers do leading to incomplete voiding; “unsustained contraction” not shorten and intravesical pressure rises. The isotonic or “fading contraction” may then be used. component produces changes in fiber length; there is 3.29: “ICS Nomogram” ® formerly known as shortening and a flow ensues. The first is represented Abrams-Griffiths Nomogram and “Abrams-Griffiths

externally as Pves or Pdet and the second by flow. In number” (now BOOI) is more commonly used. voiding cystometry, in the presence of flow, detrusor 3.30: Catheter flow should be compared with free pressure is a function of these two variables, governed by flow to ascertain whether dysfunctional voiding might urethral resistance to flow. only occur during urodynamics due to catheter 3.26: Voluntary interruption of voiding: If the need to placement. interrupt the flow were to arise, contraction of the pelvic floor and urethral sphincters can do this, resulting in an isometric detrusor pressure rise. Urine in the proximal SECTION 4: IMAGING urethra is milked back into the bladder. 3.27: In men with symptoms of lower urinary tract 4.1 Overview: Imaging has become increasingly impor- dysfunction, urine flow (rate) and PVR are important tant in the assessment of male lower urinary tract and markers of bladder outlet obstruction, but are also pelvic floor dysfunction. Table 2 indicates possible dependent on the central initiation and continuation of imaging modalities by site and the main goals from the detrusor contraction and pressure. In the original to pelvic floor. (NEW) definition, only pressure and urine flow were included. Application of the individual imaging technique is 3.28: Voiding cystometry graphic presentation: It has dependent on the suspected abnormality, ability of been recommended to present pressure-flow studies with the imaging technique to visualize this abnormal- a plot of the flow rate (mL/s) on the X-axis and the ity and image resolution. In case of competing

synchronous detrusor pressure (cm H2O) on the Y-axis in imaging techniques, non-radiological techniques addition to the time-based graphs but the axis can be should be preferred to avoid radiation exposure. reversed. These plots can be added a cut-off value or a (NEW) range of normality and equivocal zones. These cut-off 4.2 Ultrasound Imaging values are population specific, varying widely among 4.2.1 Ultrasound in the assessment of the lower male patients. urinary tract: As noted in Table 2, ultrasound The relation between detrusor pressure and generated imaging has become a relevant imaging synchronous flow indicate “urethral resistance.” With modality in all sites that might be subject to computing, these plots can be drawn since the beginning investigation of male lower urinary tract and to the end of flow. Urethral resistance is then appreciated pelvic floor dysfunction both in the office and in graphically throughout the whole emptying phase. Most the urodynamic suite. (NEW) of these resistance points are considered to be driven by 4.2.2 Modalities in current routine clinical use: urethral muscular activity. The point of less calculated Transrectal: Linear array or sector resistance should be taken as an approximation to the scanning per rectum. (NEW) urethral resistance free of active muscular urethral and Transabdominal: Curved or linear peri-urethral contractions. This concept of “passive arrays applied to the abdomen. (NEW) urethral resistance relation” is then taken as an Perineal: Curved or linear array probe “anatomical obstruction” caused by fixed structures as applied to the perineum (transperi- the prostate or strictures. neal). (NEW) Pressure-flow plots as a measure of detrusor voiding Scrotal: Linear array probe applied to contraction. “Detrusor contractility” can be used for any scrotum looking at testes, epididymes method that diagnoses or aims to diagnose “intrinsic” and intrascrotal abnormalities. (NEW) detrusor muscle properties (eg, potential [maximum] 4.2.3 Current routine uses of ultrasound in male force or velocity), by any method. LUT/PF dysfunction In a given group of patients the detrusor contractility Post-void residual (PVR): Transabdo- can be calculated upon series of stop-flow or interrupted- minal98,99 or transrectal100 (see section 30 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

TABLE 2 Imaging modalities by site and goal Location Imaging technique Purpose Upper Urinary Tract • Renal ultrasound detects the presence and degree of hydronephrosis, • IVU with X-ray or CT urothelial carcinoma/tumors, stones, other renal or • IVU with MRI ureteric abnormalities/ diseases. Bladder • Ultrasound bladder scanner measurement of post-void residual (PVR), detrusor or • Transabdominal ultrasound bladder wall thickness, intravesical prostatic • Transrectal ultrasound protrusion (IPP) or bladder weight (to help judge • CT BOO) or calcification. Evaluate the presence of other • MRI diagnoses such as neoplasm, stones or foreign bodies. Prostate • Transrectal ultrasound (3D, evaluate prostate volume, prostate anatomy, BOO. contrast-enhanced, Doppler) MRI: Evaluation for prostate cancer • Transabdominal ultrasound • MRI (T2-weighted, multiparametric, prostate segmentation, functional MRI). Scrotum • Scrotal ultrasound Testis, epididymis, tunica vaginalis Urethra • X-Ray (retrograde or evaluate congenital abnormalities, fistula, diverticula, antegrade urethrography) (post-surgical) stricture, neoplasm • MRI • Ultrasound Ano-rectum • Endoanal ultrasound (10-13- Anal sphincter integrity; peri-anal sepsis, pelvic floor 16 Hz axial and sagittal array) coordination during defecation • Defecography • MRI Penis • Ultrasound Peyronie's disease, corpora cavernosa rupture. • CT • MRI Lower urinary tract • Video-cystourethrography Evaluate of the bladder during filling and/or voiding, • Video-urodynamic vesico-ureteric reflux; bladder morphology − trabeculation, diverticulum; anatomical site; BOO; type of stress incontinence; urethral diverticulum; strictures, fistulae

3.2.2) ultrasound measurement of the nal, intraabdominal, retroperitoneal, or bladder volume. The following formula intrapelvic tumor, hydronephrosis). shows the lowest transabdominal mea- (NEW) surement error when compared with Bladder abnormalities: For example, catheterization.99 PVR calculation (by tumor, foreign body, overdistension, abdominal ultrasound) is done by stones. (NEW) multiplying the width (left to right Detrusor wall thickness (DWT) or borders), depth (anterior to posterior bladder wall thickness (BWT): borders) and length (cranial to caudal Transabdominal visualization of the borders) and multiplying this result with anterior bladder wall with a (linear) 0.52 (there are different multiplication high frequency ultrasound scanner for factors available but 0.52 is the most the detection of BOO if DWT is common one) (Figure 13). (NEW) ≥2 mm in bladders filled with ≥250 mL (Figure 14) or BWT is Volume ¼ ðwidth  depth  length½cmŠÞ  0:52½mLŠ ≥5 mm in bladders filled with 150 mL (Figure 14).101–105 (NEW) Intercurrent abnormalities: For ex- Ultrasound-estimated bladder ample, prostate volume (transabdomi- weight (UEBW): can be calculated D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 31

FIGURE 13 Determination of bladder (post-void residual) volume by transabdominal ultrasound imaging

by measuring the urine volume in the filling over 400 mL will lower IPP bladder and BWT and applying the values.108 The IPP measurement can be following formula (Figure 15).106,107 divided into three grades: grade I = 0- (NEW) 4.9 mm; grade II = 5-10 mm; grade Intravesical Prostatic Protrusion III = >10 mm.109 IPP grade III is (IPP): Transabdominal measurement associated with prostate-related BOO. of the distance of the bladder base until Urethral abnormality: For example, the tip of the prostate in the bladder diverticulum, urethral stenosis, degree, lumen108 (Figure 16A and B). It is and depth of spongiofibrosis. (NEW) recommended to fill the bladder with Postoperative findings: For example, 100-200 mL of fluid in order to receive post-prostatectomy (urethral shape), representative measurements; bladder male sling position, artificial urinary

FIGURE 14 Ultrasound measurement of detrusor wall thickness (DWT) at the anterior bladder wall with a linear 7.5 MHz ultrasound array in a bladder filled >250 mL; the hypoechogenic detrusor (black bar) is sandwiched between the hyperechogenic (white) mucosa (bottom) and (top).101,102 DWT is measured from the inner border of the mucosa to the inner border of the adventitia as demonstrated in the figure, whereas BWT is measured from the outer border of the mucosa to the outer border of the adventitia 32 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

106,107 FIGURE 15 UEBW FN 4.1. IV = inner volume; ID = inner radius; OD = outer radius; T = (bladder wall) thickness; TV = total volume. Note again, “D” refers to “radius” not “diameter”. Volume of bladder wall itself should be 4/3pi times (Rt3-Rid3)

sphincter −placement of cuff and 4.2.7 Anal ultrasound (Endosonography110,111): reservoir, bulking agents. (NEW) This is the gold standard investigation in the Prostate ultrasound: determination of assessment of anal sphincter integrity. There is a prostate and transition zone volume, high incidence of defecatory symptoms in men prostate shape and visualization of the with anal sphincter defects (Figure 18). (NEW) prostate parenchyma for calcifications, Endoanal ultrasonography (EAUS) cysts, abscesses, or enlargement (Figure or Anal Endosonography (AES): 17). (NEW) Ultrasound of the anal canal performed 4.2.4 Pelvic floor: For example, anal sphincter with a pole-like ultrasound probe defects (see below) placed in the anal canal giving a 360 4.2.5 3D and 4D Ultrasound: research modalities at degree image of the anal canal. It is

present FN 4.2 usually performed with the patient 4.2.6 Other assessments: Synchronous ultrasound placed in the lithotomy, prone position screening of the bladder and/or urethra and or sometime left lateral. Two dimen- measurement of the bladder and abdominal sional AES; three dimensional AES − pressure during filling cystometry and pressure three-dimensional reconstruction of flow study (Video-ultrasound-urodynamics). the anal canal is performed using either (NEW) axial or sagittal images. (NEW)

FIGURE 16 A: Transabdominal ultrasound measurement of intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP). B: How to measure IPP – base of bladder (line A) to the most cranial part of the prostate (line B) D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 33

FIGURE 17 Prostatic volume by transrectal ultrasound Anal Canal − The anal canal in adults Middle level: corresponds to is between 2.5 and 5 cm in length and the superficial part of the begins as the rectum narrows, passing EAS (concentric band of posteriorly between the levator ani. mixed echogenicity), the Three levels of assessment in the axial conjoined longitudinal layer, plane.111 (NEW) the IAS (concentric hypo- Upper level: the hyper- echoic ring), and the trans- echoic sling of the puborec- verse superficial perinei talis muscle (PR) and the muscles. (NEW) complete ring of the internal Lower level: corresponds to anal sphincter (IAS). (NEW) the subcutaneous part of the EAS where the IAS is absent. (NEW) − The caudal continuation of the circular smooth muscle of the rectum forms the internal anal sphincter, which terminates cau- dally in a clearly defined edge, at a variable distance from the anal verge. (NEW) Longitudinal muscle − Comprises smooth muscle cells continuous with the outer layer of the rectal wall, and striated muscle from various pelvic floor muscles. The longitudinal muscle lies between the internal and external anal sphincters in the inter-sphincteric space. (NEW) − It is made up of striated muscle and surrounds the longitudinal muscle forming the outer FIGURE 18 Normal anal canal anatomy as seen on anal border of the inter-sphincteric space. endosonography (AES) The external sphincter is divided into 34 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

deep, superficial and subcutaneous parts, with the deep and subcutaneous parts of the sphincter forming rings of muscle, between them elliptical fibres from the superficial part of the external anal sphincter run anteriorly from the perineal body to the coccyx posteri- orly. (NEW) Puborectalis − is formed from the most anterior fibres of the pubococcy- geus muscle, this forms a sling pulling the rectum forward. (NEW)

4.3 Radiography 4.3.1 Modalities in current routine clinical use Intravenous urography (IVU): This provides an anatomical outline of the upper urinary tract, and bladder as well as the evaluation of the kidney FIGURE 19 Retrograde urethrocystography of a patient with a function and excretion of contrast penile urethral stricture media. IVU consists of at least 3–4 abdominal images: one plain x-ray, one logical screening of the blad- almost immediately after injection to der and urethra during filling evaluate for renal vascular uptake, one and voiding (Figure 21). The image 7 min and one image 15 min only difference between after infusion of contrast media (and bladder emptying). The preliminary plain x-ray may show calcification in kidney, ureter, bladder, seminal vesicles or vasa. (NEW) Retrograde urethrocystography and voiding cystourethrography: Unidirectional or combined contrast imaging of the urethra in a patient in the 30 degree oblique position to visualize the lumen, mainly to diag- nose urethral strictures or diverticula (Figure 19). It is also of use to diagnose and stage urethral trauma. (NEW) Voiding cystourethrography: im- aging of the bladder neck, urethra and prostate during voiding (Figure 20). The principal use is determining the site of any obstruction, for example, bladder neck or prostate. It can detect vesico-ureteric reflux, vesical or urethral fistulae, vesical or urethral diverticula and strictures. (NEW) FIGURE 20 Voiding cystourethrography: Shows bladder Videocystourethrography diverticula, open bladder neck and till stricture of (VCU): Synchronous radio- penile urethra D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 35

paste is inserted rectally prior to defecation over a translucent com- mode. (NEW)

4.4 Computerized Tomography (CT) 4.4.1 CT Urogram (CT-U): CT study of the urinary tract system using injected contrast, used to clarify diagnoses such as (i) tumors; (ii) renal disease; (iii) abnormal fluid collections/ab- scesses (iv) bladder diseases. (NEW) 4.4.2 CT Kidneys, ureter, bladder (CT-KUB): Non-contrast study aimed primarily at identi- fying stones but may identify other diseases. Aka “stone protocol.” (NEW)

4.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging113 4.5.1 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in male FIGURE 21 Example of Videocystourethrography lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunc- tion: MRI provides the opportunity to exam- ine the soft tissue structures of the pelvic VCU and is continu- support apparatus. It is non-invasive, has ous image capture. (NEW) excellent soft tissue contrast resolution with- 4.3.4 Videourodynamics112: Videourody- out exposure to ionizing radiation and allows namics refers to videocystourethrog- the study of function of pelvic floor structures raphy with synchronous pressure and under different dynamic conditions. Several flow rate recordings. It is a dynamic anatomical landmarks used for pelvic meas- study with function, during bladder urements are also easily identified in MRI and filling and emptying. (NEW) See also most measurements are thus highly reproduc- Figure 12. ible. T-weighting assists enhancement of Video-urodynamics has two defining fluid-filled structures. (NEW) characteristics: 4.5.2 Current possible measurements using MRI ▪ It is a kinetic technique that records in male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor

morphological and functional dysfunction. FN4.2 changes of the lower urinary tract Bladder abnormalities: For example, as a function of time. This feature tumor, foreign body, bladder wall distinguishes this technique from the abnormalities, intestine-vesical fistu- static images obtained by lae. (NEW) cystography. Urethral abnormality: For example, ▪ It is a technique that is applied diverticulum, recto-urethral fistulae. simultaneously with conventional (NEW) urodynamic studies. Urethral sphincter length:114 predic- Image acquisition for the urinary tract tion of post-prostatectomy inconti- can be performed with X-rays (fluo- nence. (NEW) roscopy) or by ultrasound. Although in Prostate abnormalities: For example, a strict sense, the “video” prefix refers benign enlargement, cancer, cysts, to the recording of the images and not prostato-rectal fistulae. (NEW) to their acquisition. Intercurrent abnormalities: For ex- 4.3.5 Defecography (Evacuation proctog- ample, rectum − rectal dynamics are raphy): This demonstrates the anat- assessed during evacuation after adding omy of the anorectum as well as ultrasound gel to the rectum. Anorectal disorders of rectal evacuation. Barium and pelvic floor motion can be imaged 36 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

FIGURE 22 MRI (sagittal) of male lower abdomen and pelvis

providing pelvic images at rest and currently being researched with validated applications when the subject strains. (NEW) likely to be included in future updates of this Report and/ Congenital abnormalities: Detection of or separate ultrasound reports. Mullerian duct remnants, aberrantly 4.3: Diagnostic ability may be enhanced by the use of inserted ureters and duplicated pelvic 3D MRI. New techniques with high speed sequence of structures. (NEW) pictures allows for a functional MRI. Standardised MRI prostate imaging: 4.4: Prostate imaging has over the last 5 years become PI-RADS − prostate imaging reporting more standardised with the introduction of PI-RADS

and data system (Figures 22–24).FN4.4, (Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System), currently FN4.5 (NEW) version 2. The recommended MRI prostate protocol consists of multiparametric study which consists at least Footnotes for Section 4 of a diffusion sequence (DWI), high resolution anatomi- 4.1: The “cut-off” value for obstruction has been cal sequences (T2 weighted) and dynamic contrast suggested as 35 g (adult Asian men).106 enhanced sequences (perfusion imaging). A score is 4.2: The potential of 3D and 4D ultrasound in male given according to each sequence finding and an overall lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction is PI-RADS score is finally given based on a structured

FIGURE 23 MRI of prostate showing low grade inflammatory changes in the peripheral zone D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 37 Definition: Bladder oversensitivity, a clinical diagnosis made by symptoms and urodynamic investigations, most likely to occur in individuals with symptoms of increased daytime fre- quency and nocturia. A frequency- volume chart shows a clearly reduced average voided volume (by day and night). As noted in section (, it can be defined as: increased perceived bladder sensation during bladder filling with specific cystometric findings of: (i) early first desire to void (; (ii) early strong desire to void, which occurs at low bladder volume (; (iii) low maximum cystometric bladder capacity (; and (iv) no abnor- mal increases in detrusor pressure. Specific bladder volumes at which these findings occur vary in different FIGURE 24 MRI of prostate showing prostate cancer in the right populations. posterolateral peripheral zone FN5.3 5.1.2 Detrusor Overactivity (DO) FN 5.1 FN5.4 FN5.5 reporting scheme. A score of 1–5 is given with one being FN5.6 benign and five being highly suspicious of malignancy. Definition: As noted in section, Ideally the MR studies are performed on a three Tesla this diagnosis by symptoms and urody- strength MR scanner negating the need for an endorectal namic investigations is made in indi- coil to achieve adequate resolution. MR spectroscopy viduals with lower urinary tract imaging on the prostate is now rarely performed as it symptoms (more commonly OAB rarely adds value to the above multiparametric study. symptoms − section 1.1.7) when de- trusor muscle contractions occur during SECTION 5: DIAGNOSES (MOST filling cystometry. (CHANGED) COMMON) Subtypes (i) Idiopathic (primary) detrusor This report, like previous ones,2,3,5 highlights the need to overactivity: As noted in base diagnoses for male lower urinary tract and pelvic, no identifiable cause floor dysfunction on the correlation between a man's for the involuntary detrusor con- symptoms, signs and any relevant diagnostic investiga- traction(s). (CHANGED) tions. We include EMG and imaging as possible (ii) Neurogenic (secondary) detru- diagnostic investigations. The diagnoses are categorized sor overactivity:3,5,13 As noted in according to three subgroups that reflect the function of, there is detrusor over- the lower urinary tract, namely storage, voiding dysfunc- activity and evidence (history; tion and mixed storage and voiding dysfunction. It should visible or measurable deficit) of be noted that prevalence data for the relative frequency of a relevant neurological disorder.

the different male diagnoses are scarce. FN5.1 More (CHANGED) studies are required. (NEW) (iii) Non-neurogenic (secondary) de- trusor overactivity: As noted in STORAGE DYSFUNCTION (SD) FN5.1 Those diagnoses, an identifiable possible related to abnormal changes in bladder sensation, detrusor non-neurological cause exists for pressure or bladder capacity during filling cystometry. (NEW) involuntary detrusor contraction (s) during bladder filling. For 5.1 Bladder Factor example, functional (obstruction); 5 5.1.1 Bladder Oversensitivity (BO) FN5.2 FN 5.3 stone, tumor (eg, carcinoma in (NEW − Male) situ), UTI. (CHANGED) 38 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

5.1.3 Reduced compliance storage dys- der emptying and/or a failure to function (RCSD): this diagnosis by achieve complete bladder emptying symptoms and urodynamic investiga- within a normal time span, with or tions is made in individuals with lower without a high postvoid residual urinary tract symptoms, more com- (3.2.2) (c.f. “hypocontractile detru- monly storage symptoms, when there sor” − detrusor contraction of re- is a non-phasic (at times linear or duced strength) (CHANGED)

exponential) rise in detrusor pressure 5.3.2 Detrusor Acontractility (DAC) FN5.11 during filling cystometry with gener- Definition of DAC: As per a ally reduced capacity indicating re- diagnosis by urodynamic investiga- duced compliance (section 3.4.6). tion, generally (but not always) with (NEW) relevant symptoms, signs manifest Reduced compliance (RCSD) incon- by the absence of an observed tinence: urinary incontinence directly detrusor contraction during voiding related to the RCSD. (NEW) studies resulting in prolonged blad- der emptying and/or a failure to achieve complete bladder emptying 5.2 Outlet Factor (Urethra/Sphincter Dysfunction − within a normal time span. Voiding decreased urethral resistance − incompetence in men with DAC is usually achieved /insufficiency) by straining or manual pressure on

5.2.1 Urodynamic Stress Incontinence (USI) FN5.7 the bladder resulting generally in an Definition: As noted in section abnormally slow urine flow rate (, this clinical diagnosis by (3.1.10) and/or an abnormally high symptom, sign and urodynamic inves- postvoid residual (3.2.2) tigations involves the finding of invol- (CHANGED) untary leakage during filling Subtypes: cystometry, associated with increased - Neurogenic detrusor acontractility intra-abdominal pressure, in the ab- (See sence of a detrusor muscle contraction. - Non-neurogenic detrusor acontrac-

FN5.7–FN5.10 tility (See Subtype: Intrinsic sphincter defi- ciency (ISD (See Very 5.4 Outlet Factor (Urethral/Sphincter dysfunction) weakened urethral closure mechanism.

(CHANGED) 5.4.1 Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) FN 5.1 FN5.12 Definition of BOO: A diagnosis based on VOIDING DYSFUNCTION (VD) Those diagnoses urodynamic investigations (pressure-flow related to abnormally slow and/or incomplete bladder studies ± imaging), generally (but not emptying manifest as an abnormally slow urine flow always) with relevant symptoms and/or rate (3.1.10) and/or an abnormally high post-void signs, manifest by an abnormally slow

residual (3.2.2), with confirmation by pressure-flow urine flow rate (3.1.10) FN5.12 with evi- studies (including any related imaging). (NEW − Male) dence of abnormally high detrusor voiding pressures and abnormally slow urine flow 5.3 Bladder factor − (poor or absent detrusor ( during voiding cystometry with or activity) without an abnormally high PVR. (3.2.2).

5.3.1 Detrusor Underactivity (DUA) FN5.11 FN5.13 (CHANGED) Definition of DU: As per A Possible sites/causes of BOO: Can be: diagnosis based on urodynamic in- Functional vestigations generally (but not al- bladder neck obstruction, detru- ways) with relevant symptoms, signs sor sphincter dysfunctions, pelvic manifest by low detrusor pressure or floor overactivity. (NEW) short detrusor contraction in combi- Mechanical: benign prostatic en- nation with a low urine flow rate largement, urethral stricture, mea-

(3.1.10) resulting in prolonged blad- tal stenosis). FN5.14-FN5.19 D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 39

Imaging of the lower urinary tract Footnotes for Section 5 especially video-urodynamics 5.1: Large series data on the relative frequency of and EMG can be required to diagnoses in men presenting with symptoms of LUT/PF evaluate location/cause. (NEW) dysfunction are scarce. The relative prevalence of six main diagnoses is known in women.4,5 In a series of 504 consecutive men64 aged 49-94 years, referred for urodynamic studies including videocystourethrography 5.4.2 Alternate presentations of Voiding Dysfunction (VCU) and department review of results because of Acute retention of urine: An individual is urological symptoms. The following diagnoses were unable pass any urine despite having a full made: bladder, which on examination is painfully distended, and readily palpable and/or percus- Detrusor overactivity (DO) 149 (29.6%) sible. (CHANGED) DO plus obstruction (BOO) 124 (24.6%) Chronic retention of urine: Generally (but not always) painless and palpable or percussible i.e. Total DO (54.2%) bladder, where there is a chronic high PVR. The patient experiences slow flow and chronic Obstruction (BOO) alone 161 (31.9%) incomplete bladder emptying but can be asymp- i.e. Total Obstruction (56.5%) tomatic. Overflow incontinence can occur. Some men with retention present with impaired renal Normal/ No Specific Dx 70 (13.9%) Some more recent function and/or hydronephrosis. (CHANGED) diagnoses may not have been present in 1990. Acute on chronic retention: An individual with chronic retention goes into acute retention 5.2: Prevalence of Bladder Oversensitivity (BOS): In the and is unable to void. (NEW) EPIC study,115 the prevalence rate for men who void with Retention with overflow: Involuntary loss of frequencies of greater than eight times per day is approxi- urine directly related to an excessively full mately 12%. The presence of bladder oversensitivity in bladder in retention. (NEW) urogynaecology patients is 10-13%.5 5.3: There should be no known or suspected urinary tract infection. Bladder oversensitivity is often a diagnosis after 5.5 MIXED STORAGE AND VOIDING DYSFUNCTION other more serious conditions such as lower urinary tract 5.5.1 Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Detrusor malignancy, including carcinoma-in-situ of the bladder, are Underactivity (BOO-DU) excluded. Definition: Urodynamic BOO ( 5.4: Prevalence of overall urinary incontinence in men by occurring synchronous with urodynamic age:116 19-44 (4.8%); 45-64 (11.2%); 65-79 (21.1%); >80 DU ( in pressure-flow analyses. (32.2%)

FN5.20 (NEW) 5.5: Prevalence of urgency (urinary) incontinence in men 5.5.2 Detrusor Overactivity and Bladder Outlet by age117: 19-44 (3.1%); 45-64 (7.8%); 65-79 (11.7%); >80

Obstruction (DO-BOO)FN5.1 (18.1%) Definition: Urodynamic DO ( on 5.6: Abnormal detrusor contractions can be, at times, filling cystometry in the presence of BOO observed during filling cystometry without the patient being

( on pressure-flow studies. FN5.21 symptomatic. (NEW) 5.7: Prevalence of urodynamic stress incontinence (USI): 5.5.3 Detrusor Overactivity with Detrusor Underac- Prevalence of stress (urinary) incontinence in men by age:115 tivity (DO-DU) 19-44 (0.7%); 45-64 (3.8%); 65-79 (2.7%); >80 (N/A) or Definition: Urodynamic DO ( on overall for men over 18 years117 (1.4%). filling cystometry) in combination with 5.8: Men, unlike women, do not develop significant urodynamic DU ( on pressure-flow urethral hypermobility (with radical prostatectomy a studies. This diagnosis is intended to possible exception), and hence urodynamic stress inconti- supersede the old expression “detrusor nence is most often associated with intrinsic sphincter hyperactivity with impaired contractility” deficiency, rather than urethral hypermobility. Sphincter (DHIC) and detrusor overactivity with deficiency is most commonly a result of either pelvic impaired contractility (DOIC). It is most trauma or post-prostatectomy, either transurethral or common in the elderly group. (NEW) radical, or neurological disorder. 40 | D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.

5.9 Prevalence for urinary incontinence after transurethral definition because there is currently no consensus on defining prostatectomy (TURP) for benign prostatic disease appears detrusor underactivity. There is a Maastricht-Hannover between 0.5% and 3%.118–122 Nomogram126 may be used to diagnose reduced detrusor 5.10: Prevalence for post radical prostatectomy: The rates contractility in the presence of obstruction (or vice versa). of post radical prostatectomy incontinence varies depending 5.21: Up to 83%127 of men with urodynamic BOO may on the definition used and the duration of follow-up. have concomitant urodynamic DO. Both BOO-grade and However, the long-term incidence ranges between 4% and advancing age were independent factors of DO in men. The 8%.117–122 more severe BOO, the higher the chance of DO. 5.11: Prevalence of either detrusor underactivity (DU) or acontractility (DAC): In a study involving a review of urodynamic data of 1179 patients aged 65 and older, Jeong AREAS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH et al. reported the prevalence of DUA of 40.2 % in men.123 5.12: Urodynamic BOO can be diagnosed using the ICS In the preparation of this document, the following “gaps” in Nomogram89. The formula used, known as the bladder outlet knowledge in male LUT/PF dysfunction have been noted 5 obstruction index (BOOI) is calculated by detrusor pressure at compared to the equivalent for female LUT/PF dysfunction: maximum flow (Pdet.Qmax) minus two times the maximum  Post-void residuals in men with symptoms of LUT/PF urinary flow (BOOI = Pdet.Qmax-2 Qmax). A BOOI with a value of >40 defines BOO, less than 20 defines absence of dysfunction. BOO, and in between denotes equivocal BOO. Alternative  Male diuresis data. classifications for BOO are the Schäfer grades (0-VI)90,91 and  Bladder compliance − normal and abnormal values in men. CHESS classification.92  Additional large patient series for the prevalence data and 5.13 The evidence in men regarding PVR and BOO is not the relative frequency of the most common male 64 clear. Urodynamic studies in adult male patients with clinical diagnoses. BPH demonstrated that approx. 30% of men with PVR ≥50 mL do not have BOO/BPO, independent on the magnitude of PVR124 and, vice versa, 24% of men with urodynamically ACKNOWLEDGMENTS/ADDENDUM confirmed BOO/BPO have PVR <50 mL or even 0 mL.124–125 No discussion on terminology should fail to acknowledge the 5.14: The level of obstruction can usually be diagnosed fine leadership shown by the ICS over many years. The legacy during voiding video cysto-urethrography. It may be aided by of that work by many dedicated clinicians and scientists is sphincter or pelvic floor EMG during voiding. present in all the Reports by the different Standardization 5.15: Bladder outlet obstruction from an enlarged Committees and Working Groups. It is pleasing that the ICS prostate: BOO where the cause is benign prostatic enlarge- leadership has accepted this vital initiative as a means of ment (BPE) with clinical or imaging evidence. progress in this important and most basic area of Terminology 5.16: Bladder outlet obstruction from the bladder neck: and its Standardization. BOO where the cause is at the level of the bladder neck (clinical or radiological). The pelvic floor electromyogram (EMG) trace should be quiet during voiding in these patients. 5.17: Bladder outlet obstruction from pelvic floor muscular overactivity: Bladder outflow obstruction where the cause is at the level of the pelvic floor musculature (clinical, urodynamic or radiological). The pelvic floor electromyogram (EMG) trace may not be positive during voiding. This document has involved 22 rounds of full review, by co- 5.18: Bladder outlet obstruction from the rhabdosphincter authors, of an initial draft (BH) with the collation of (external urinary sphincter): BOO where the cause is at the comments and figures. Included in the review process were level of rhabdosphincter (clinical, urodynamic or radiologi- as follows: (i) 8 external expert reviewers; (ii) an open ICS cal). The pelvic floor electromyogram (EMG) trace may not website review; (iii) ICS Standardisation Steering Committee be positive during voiding. review and (iv) ICS Board of Trustees review. The process 5.19: Bladder outlet obstruction from stenosis of bladder was subject to live Meetings in Tokyo (Sept 2016 − neck or urethra due to fibrosis: Bladder neck stenosis may planning), and Working Group Meetings in Florence occur secondary to prostate surgery for benign disease, (September 2017), Copenhagen (March 2018) and Philadel- radical prostate surgery, radiotherapy or trauma. phia (August 2018). There were also teleconferences in June, 5.20: Currently, although many experts in this field agree July and August 2018. The co-authors acknowledge the input that this entity exists, there is currently no consensus on its and extensive comments by those external reviewers of D’ANCONA, HAYLEN ET AL.. | 41 version 18: Craig Comiter, Dirk De Ridder, David Ginsberg, floor dysfunction. Neurourol Urodyn. 2010;29:4–20; Interna- John Heesakkers, Michael Kennelly, Richard Millard, Victor tional Urogynecology J. 2010,21:5-26. Nitti, and Gommert van Koeveringe. Thanks to Dr Pascal 6. Haylen BT, Freeman RM, Swift SE, et al. An International Bou-Haidar for his assistance with the MRI section. Version Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) Joint Terminology and Classification of complica- 19 was subject to ICS website publication and an open public tions related directly to the insertion of prostheses (meshes, forum discussion at ICS Philadelphia. Thanks to those who implants, tapes) and grafts in female pelvic floor surgery. Int provided formal, in particular Werner Schäfer, and informal Urogynecol J. 2011;22:3–15. comments. Version 22 was sent for ICS Board review. As 7. Haylen BT, Freeman RM, Lee J, et al. An International there were no significant changes, Version 22 was submitted Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence to Neurourology and Urodynamics in late October 2018 to Society (ICS) joint terminology and classification of the appear in the Journal in early 2019. complications related to native tissue female pelvic floor surgery. Int Urogynecol. 2012;23:515–526; Neurourol Urodyn. 2012, 31 AUTHORS’ DISCLOSURES (4):406–414. 8. Toozs-Hobson P, Freeman R, Barber M, et al. An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) / International Continence Carlos D’Ancona: Clinical trial − Ipsen. Bernard Haylen: No Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for reporting outcomes disclosures. Matthias Oelke: Speaker, consultant and/or trial of surgical procedures for pelvic organ prolapse. Int Urogynecol. participant for Apogepha, Astellas, Duchesnay, Glaxo Smith 2012;23:527–535; Neurourol Urodyn. 2012,31(4): 415–421. Kline, Ferring, Lilly & Pfizer. Grant from Astellas in 2012 on 9. Haylen BT, Maher CF, Barber MD, et al. International the investigation of detrusor underactivity. Luis Abranches- Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Monteiro: Trial participant: Ipsen, Allergan, Bayer, Lilly. Society (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Int Urogynecol J. 2016;4:655–684; Neurourol Advisory Board: Astellas. Edwin Arnold: No disclosures. Urodyn, 2016,35(2):137–168. Howard Goldman: Medtronic: consultant, study support. 10. Sultan AH, Monga A, Lee J, et al. An International Urogyneco- Consultant: Allergan, Nuvectra, Axionics, NewUro. Study logical Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society participant: Cook, Ipsen, Bioness. Rizwan Hamid: Consultant: (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for Anorectal Dysfunction Allergan, Wellspect. Speaker: Astellas, Allergan, Pfizer, in Women. Int Urogynaecol J. 2017;28:5–31; Neurourol Urodyn. Laborie. Travel/Research grants: Allegan, Astellas, Pfizer, 2017, 36:10–34. Wellspect. Yukio Homma: Honorarium: Astellas, Pfizer, 11. Bo K, Frawley H, Haylen BT, et al. International Urogyneco- logical Association (IUGA) / International Continence Society Kissei, Daiichi-Sankyo, Glaxo-Smith Kline, Nippon Shi- (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for the Conservative and nyaku. Tom Marcelissen: No disclosures. Kevin Rademakers: Non-pharamacological Management of Female Pelvic Floor No disclosures. Alexis Schizas: No disclosures. Ajay Singla: Dysfunction. Int Urogynecol J. 2017;28:191–213; Neurourol No disclosures. Irela Soto: No disclosures. Vincent Tse: Urodyn. 2017, 36: 221-244. Consultant: Astellas, Allergan, Ferring. Stefan de Wachter: 12. Rogers R, Thakar R, Petri E, et al. International Urogynecological Research grants: Medtronic, Astellas, Wellspect, Coloplast, Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) joint Boston Scientific. Consultant: Medtronic, Astellas. 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