Voiding Dysfunction

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 1. Symptomatology and terminology of voiding dysfunction 2. International prostatic symptom scores (IPSS) 3. Hematuria : definition and causes 4. Investigation for patient with hematuria

Voiding Dysfunction AB CDE E  (Sign & Symptom) GH AB    GHI J  ! JADK KLLCJ G MNOHEDED LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptom) CDE  LUTS G Terminology ISGH B TLUIVNE J UMNM NA NE M J B     LD W N D LUTS (lower urinary tract symptom Irritative symptom Obstructive symptom Frequency Weak stream Urinary hesitancy Urgency Intermittency Postvoid dribbling Straining Acute and chronic Interruption of the stream Sense of residual

1 Symptomatology and terminology of voiding dysfunction Frequency KJDE IVE  GHJJDEGHC ED BH MNaJJ I K NM bD  LK 5-6  f DE  g D f LG  300-400 cc. KJDEGI C W N D -  !E K !Bf ID  D 2000 ./   LGI CL  IJ GH WDW N J  T OEWDHUIE OEIJLO (Diabetes Insipidus) OE ELI L GH OHfUM  I  jW N - Decreased bladder capacity G gGHUM N IKG   ID  D IKEE J D (Partial cystectomy), g Neurogenic bladder - Decreased functional capacity !  !E IKELLIDI  D GH GJ M IK (irritation) ID M cystitis OENDIG jELUM NI KJDEW N

Nocturia KJDEGHI !BfME  O  L GHI!NEWN J  f MNUD Nocturnal frequency    LOHE!BfKJN WDI  2  f DEO M l   Na  LUIVNE l I GH J frequency E    NIE U  - Frequency GHI !BfISE   g WDG nocturia  GI CGHI GHIOHE J psychogenic IG  - Nocturia without frequency ELI MNaGHIV congestive heart failure G peripheral edema IOHE L ED supine UM N intravascular volume I H!Bf - Nocturia MN EC renal concentrating ability   ECGHI H!Bf MNa ECLG KI H!BfE  OIOHE L renal blood flow I H!BfMDE  Noctruia ELI MGHEJfU m DEE IOHE OHE EnE  o IOHEl   WDJI C DIJOfE NN  nocturia  LI L GHG bladder outlet obstruction W N D gDE  g (BPH)

2 Urgency E  KED C LJL  fWDED  LGI CL E IJGHI !BfM IK ID bacterial cystitis UM NIOHEJC !E IKGWDE JGJ  !Bf ELI L Neurogenic bladder  hyperreflexic  ELI L  anxiety ED I G g WDGgMJJ I KED EOHI jW N MNaJ GHGE IVI m  LUM NI  urgency incontinence OE urinary dribbling IrsE  I EDIV f  Na  ECGHG urgency ELLJ NIOHE K GHE () IOHE L C L GHE  OIOHEI!N NE fUWD 

Dysuria E  M D ! JADK I MDEK (urethra)  IVE MNa - initial dysuria  EI HNADK  GI CL J IDE I K - terminal dysuria  M!ADKM NC GI CL IK DE   E  dysuria GI CL E IJMDEK (urethritis) DE  (prostatitis)  HM IK (vesicle calculi)

Weak stream IVL bladder outlet obstruction ID gDE  g NaDM bD LWDW N  I DG IGH ! !E UK OE !E K IOHE L IGH DI ED N m ELMNIIVt m LB GED  IL ID UM NKWD   frequency I !Bf DEKGJ (strictured urethra) jIVI C BH GHUM NI Kb GfW N

Hesitancy WDAI HN KW N G MNIE D  u IOHE  !E   NKLEE W NM G (NE D 1 Gg ) DLN MNaGHGKb  bladder outlet obstruction ADKM!GH IKG WDAB LC OENGHGJC GHG E IELIVI C!E hesitancy W N

3 Intermittency KEE IV N m IOHE L NaMN NIOfE NNE  IJD GHI !BfIE M I KM ADK JJDEMNa bladder outlet obstruction

Postvoid dribbling IOHE fC KD f KGHELL  I OEMDEK D bulbous OE prostatic urethra LA G  JI!NWM IK MNaGHIV bladder outlet obstruction KGHEDJ IDE bulbous  LIj EE It  I  DGHLA G  JI!NWM I K  KIjLNDM bD LI!DIJ m M NKEE   DJ  f jELLWD W N  G IJ m J IvtIjJ U D DEK bulbous M NKEE  meatus ELLD NKb  dribbling W N Gf WDGU bM LI HI 

Urinary Retention KWDEE LNE I!N J K  LGI CD m W N D 1. Acute Urinary Retention (AUR) I CGHJJDEGHC OE gDE  g (BPH,BPO) Na GE KUJ  BH N DWDW N J  TED I  IOHE D JG E IJ IOfE  J!E DE  (prostatic congession) ED KLLCJ UWD ADWD  KWDEE MGHC Na CDGf LW J  T IOHEKEE ME  OG NE SC IS  K NI GHA NE L NKb M NNaW N H UM NNaI!N J  TISg N (definitive treatment) IOHE L GfIVlfUW NIj KGHW NM GGfL D   !E IK ( D 400 .)  fM GGH !E KGHW NNE DELWDAOEIV AUR 2. Chronic Urinary Retention JW N f I b   JD JgIOfE GHUM NNa ! J WDW N OEWD  ID gE  gE y (paraplegia, paraparesis, CVA), Neurogenic bladder, DM with peripheral neuropathy NaELLg J NIOHE E IJ!E  I K WE IJ GKIGH IOHE L G   TNa CDGfNE MN U  J Neurogenic bladder

4 3. Postoperative Acute Urinary Retention ELJW NMNa b   LI    acute overdistended bladder ID  D  GI D MI  OE  D GHNE MN spinal anesthesia 4. Idiopathic acute urinary retention J MNa b  WDJI CD ELJM NaGHGI M   fKWN m  T N M N intermittent catheterization UM NNa  JKW N  IjGHC 5. Post Traumatic urinary retention IOHE L ECJ  I CI GHDEK (ruptured urethra) ELJ  ECJ  I C G OEM GGH J ILjJWDC NaELg J  ECJ  I C m NIOHE KWDEE IOHE L  Strictured urethra NaDM bD AM N  W N G UM N  LS gWD  Strictured urethra ELI     IOfEMDEKg ISg IOfE I  u (Sexual transmitted disease) M E G!E NaW N NaM CDGfIOHEW N J   LS gGH NE SC IS N  J Kb M MDK IOHE L DEKGHGJJ ELNE  NKb  N U Cystostomy IOHEM NKEE  H DEGHLD M NJJ I KU  TDEW

 urinary retention WDI OE J lBH I L EC  !E E WM J D IK!BfW NaELLg J NE N OE }KWDEE ~ M N   LS  gM NW N IOHE L SC IS !E gD  LD MNa AUR  J full bladder lBH WDJMNa anuria MJ  f NE G KIOHEDM   LS  g LJD Na anuria LWDGKM IK

Incontinence  HW !E Kg WDN  OEJ  JWDW N JD IV D m W N D 1. Continuous incontinence W !E KGHJ  JWDW NII CDM bDIV iatrogenic  I   D MI  (Pelvic surgery) OE D DE  N NE (Transurethral Resection of Prostate gland : TUR-P) IOHE L ND U M NI J ILjJDE External sphincter AOEIV!N IG GHN  DEM NI C !

5  DNa ECJ  DE!N HU WDAOEDIVKb M D TUR-P M  J NaJ g ID Na high spinal cord paralysis, Quadriplegia GHNE JC K D endoscopic external sphincterotomy IV UM NI  continuous incontinence lBH LUM NWDGK N JC IOfEMNaW N G!Bf ANU KMNaGHIV continuous incontinence WDDIM j LJDWDGKM IKI AOEIV A GHD L  incontinence EOH 2. G Ij !E KM!GHG I H IJD MDE NE ID M! WE L !BfJ W  H MGHC L HM!I  N JJDEMNa b  ECGHG  DE!E pelvic diaphragm lBH IVM NDEK  DEK (sphincter unit) IOHE HUUM NWDAN I H!E  GHI !BfW NE LGHU bOE U stress test GfELJW NM f m  D DE   NE MNa  3. Overflow incontinence LD MNa CDGfLJ full bladder lBH ELL LAB  J OE NaJ NKb IOHE KIGH E I WDAJCW N J  f D J persistent bacteriuria and pyuria J NE MNNENEI j DEWNE I I L  neurogenic bladder  hyporeflexia UM NWDG propioceptive sensation WDE  J IOHE CNM N IKJGJ  JMNa paraplegia GHI L sacral cord lesion lBH IVU D !E micturition center ELJMNaIJ GHG sensorineuropathy OEI j GHIVg myelomeningocoel   LS  gGHU bOE continuous incontinence g  KIOHE  !E KGH N 4. Urgency incontinence JW NJDEGHC NaGE WDC IV H J  f IG UbID f GD m GHUM NI urgency incontinence W N D cystitis, CVA with hemiparesis, parkinsonism, post operative TUR-P, , bladder stone etc.   LS DM bDMN l   LD  LK NaJ GHGl JlNEELNE MN L N urodynamics N

6 Enuresis AB K GHE  L E  JWN Enuresis MI j I OEJ f  I L  delay maturation !E JJ JC K I j GHG     LJC ADKW NIE ME   IOHEEC 1-2 !J  E  O 2-3 !J OJN (investigation)  WDGLUIVMI j ECNE D 7 !J   LS   TUJD Wg INGH behavioral change ID fU DEE C M N!BfADKJN v‚ M NI!N NE fU DEEC O IOHE DIG !E I j L EE M IOHE enuresis W NJDE m ID Wg IG A DED GHIOHENEIGMIOHE K GHE M N U ML DI j g DED UM NI j I Kb NE  WMGHC M  J I j GHGKb GfWDW N J MDMLIDGH L WDJC GHI jJ G NEM!I!ND CD Enuresis MNM bD IVL gMGHW N J L  LS ED IEG

Pneumaturia G HEE M!K  AB GE H DE JJJ I E OE UWN M bD ELIV!N IG  D I  OE C !E Ij L UWNM bD E HGfELJGH E W OE IK GHU bOE  IOfEED IOfE !E JJ I K  NE m ELEE   AE K OE  L DE NE !E JJ K (cystoscope) W N lBH  IV f m WDI  48  Hg

International prostatic symptom scores (IPSS) IOHE L E  DED GH DELGfU  M GH D  LB GN N M ND„GHIG D International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) lBH MKLLCJ E L LMN JNaDE  gN  UMNMNa LUTS EG g KLLCJ  MN symptom score LB IVGHE J ED N ! M M N   LS g I   T    U  JNa LUTS

7 IPSS 0 1 2 3 4 5 WDGE  GE  m GE JDE GE JDE GE JDE GE  I  f NE D DNE D E  D 5 JDE 2  f MAD 5  f M   5  f M  I OEJC  f K 10 ADK  f M  ADK  f 10  f ADK 10  f 10  f 1. NB ADKWDC OEI OEN 0 1 2 3 4 5  L ADIjLN 2. ADKJDE m D WDAB 0 1 2 3 4 5 2  Hg 3. ADK  J EOE ADm 0 1 2 3 4 5 C m  f 4. IOHE KN  fWDW NNE GJ 0 1 2 3 4 5 I!N NE fU 5. KWDCD UKEDE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. NE IJD OEE DELAD 0 1 2 3 4 5 KEE W N 7. IOHEE  JNNE C !BfAD -----0 -----1 -----2 -----3 -----4 -----5 K  B GH f DEOHE  f  f  f  f  f  f EIN

  0 7 AB E NE  8 19 AB I HGE  !Bf  20 35 AB E C I H  T

Hematuria : definition and causes Definition Microscopic hematuria Macroscopic hematuria (gross hematuria) Initial hematuria Terminal hematuria Homogeneous hematuria Painful or painless hematuria Pseudohematuria

8 Microhematuria When will be considered abnormal? Microhematuria Reference 1. More than 2 RBCS per high power field Campbellˆs 1986 2. More than 40,000 RBCS per hour Scientific foundation of Urology 1982 3. More than 5 RBCS per HP. or more than Evaluation of hematuria 500,000 red cells in 12 hours urine Urology; 21: 215-225, 1983 4. More than 1 RBC per HP. on A spun The evaluation of hematuria J specimen Uro; 138: 1189-1190, 1987 5. More than 3 RBCS per HP. on 3 urinalysis The significance of adult Hematuria J. Uro; 141: 350-355; 1989

Table 3 Degress of hematuria versus diagnostic yield (Evaluation of 1000 adults) RBCS/HPF Total No. Significant Lesion (%) Life threatening lesion (%) 0-3 12 2(16.7) 0(0) 4-10 69 8(11.6) 2(2.9) 11-50 507 100(19.7) 16(3.2) >50 103 31(30.1) 9(8.7) Microhematuria all 691 141(20.9) 27(3.9) Gross hematuria all 309 178(57.6) 64(20.7) (Mariani AJ. The significant of adult hematuria. J Uro; 141: 350-355, 1989.

9 Table 4 Frequency of more common causes of hematuria Children (study) Adults (Study) Severity of hematuria G G G or M G or M M M M Mostly G or Mostly G M G No. of patients 80 150 164 488 200 246 500 163 237 1,878 Neoplasms 1 1 1 0 13 10 2 2 11 18 Urinary infection 24 26 1 4 25 2 4 9 3 14 Stones 0 2 1 7 16 3 4 5 49 22 Obstruction 5 1 1 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 Trauma 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 6 5 3 Glomerulonephritis 41 5 68 59 0 2 0 0 5 3 Urethritis 5 0 0 0 0 6 21 31 4 8 Urethrotrigonitis 0 0 0 0 18 12 3 6 0 0 Berging prostatic hypertrophy 0 0 0 0 20 8 23 0 9 6 No diagnosis made 15 9 17 22 19 50 44 5 5 10 (Abuelo JG. Evaluation of hematuria. Urology; 21: 225, 1983) G = gross hematuria M = micro hematuria

Investigation for patient with hematuria Urine analysis M G!E microhematuria ELNE G LlfU IOHEO !E Ij IOE  AB NDLU!E RBC WDW NDM  I C!E LC IOE EE DUM NJE C W N  proteinuria GHI  2+ ELUWD   LS g glomerular disease NaM CD sport hematuria  excrcise hematuria (KGIOE   EE U ED  )  G L KGH  M 3   ED W j Na gross hematuria ELWDGIOE EE C   AN  GHW NL Na IL IOHEAOEW N LM N OJNM! fEDEWAB N L UA LWDJIj IOE  N Plain KUB and IVP IV LGHGg AJE U D LC IOE EE W N IL g ISGHIV life threatening disease ID IOfE E !E W E W IK g HM U D D m !E JJ I K  AMN M D W NM GGHJEg IOfE E !E IKGHG! Ij EL  LS W NWDIEG L IVP D J L N DE NE DEW

10 Ultrasound IV L screening GHGgIOHEJE EgED N m W N G MD !E W  IK (full bladder) Cystoscope IV L lower urinary tract W ND IEG MJ  f AM N  T JDWW N ID vesical calcull IOHE L IV LIS ELLUWDW NMC   J  f ELNE D DENa CT scan DM   LS EgGHWg IS solid mass IOfE E GH W WDG gM G!E g HMJJ I K Angiography D  LS  A-V malformation gGHI GH J E IOE NaGHLWDJEgM m L OJNGH D!N NL EDM CD ldiopathic hematuria OE essential hematuria LW N  IV m DEW