

NUMBER2 A Message from the Director General

As we begin the new year of 2002, on behalf of WIPO and its staff, I wish to extend our best wishes to all. The start of a new year is a good time for reflecting on the challenges ahead.

In the WIPO Millennium Declaration adopted by WIPO’s Policy Advisory Commission, the Commission members stated:

“Intellectual property rights are a key and integral tool in efforts to address the fundamental challenge of development for all, which at the end of the twentieth century stands as the most universally important responsibility facing mankind.”

One of the greatest challenges that WIPO faces today is the task of making the promise of intellectual property as a tool for economic development a reality.

In this 21st Century, intellectual property (IP) is a powerful driver of economic growth. When linked to the development of human capital, it results in educated, skilled and motivated individuals and becomes a dynamic combination in terms of stimulating creativity and innovation, generating revenue, promoting investment, enhancing culture, preventing “brain drain”, and nurturing overall economic health.

Despite the importance of IP to wealth creation and economic development, a gap continues to exist between developed and developing nations in terms of IP asset ownership and use. This is not be- cause of an inherent lack of creativity or innovation but mainly because of a lack of information about IP and its potential as a tool for economic growth. If all nations and their leaders integrate strategic intellectual property policies into their wealth creation plans, the current gap between knowledge- asset-based powers and others can shrink in a few decades.

In developed countries there is also a lack of understanding in certain sectors of how IP promotes wealth creation. Although some businesses effectively wield the “IP tool”, others, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) may not have the information necessary to do so. For this reason, WIPO will continue the campaign it launched last year to demystify IP and make it more accessible to all.

WIPO will address how IP works in practice, how it promotes investment and affects valuation, how inventions relate to research policies, how cultural industries can be supported by IP policies, how trademarks relate to branding and licensing, how IP asset development can be incentivized, how IP assets are managed, how licensing operates to share knowledge and spread the value of IP, how IP can be protected, and other matters of great interest to policy and business leaders.

This is an important part of WIPO’s mission and will be integrated in all that we do as we move forward into 2002.

WIPO will soon be publishing a book on IP and its relationship to economic development. Written for non-experts, and based on success stories of IP drawn from many nations, it is entitled: “Intellectual Property — A Power Tool for Economic Growth — A Road Map from the Rhetoric of Universal Commitment to the Reality of Universal Achievement”. An abstract of the book is available on the WIPO website at www.wipo.int, via the “Message from the Director General” page.

The challenges ahead for WIPO are exciting ones. The Organization’s success in meeting them will depend upon full participation of its members, as well as civil society groups, academic institutions, businesses and citizens. 5 2 6 4 8 7 4 9 10 12 14 15 16 w w w w w Administrations w w w w w w w w Efforts toHarmonize Trademark LawMove Ahead Developments inMultilingualDomainNames Domain NameCasesatthe Arbitration Center Work Advances onNewGlobalIssues Protection of Traditional Culture inChina Promoting IntellectualProperty inPublic 100,000 Book Review IP andBusiness Developing Geographical IndicationsinBrazil Calendar ofMeetings New Publications Conference ontheInternationalPatent System The Internet Treaties The Roleof Trademarks inMarketing th PCT Application Filed Table ofContents Coca-Cola design on cover and above : Courtesy of Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola of Courtesy : above and cover on design Coca-Cola February 2002 Geneva,

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 1 2 DEVELOPMENTS IN MULTILINGUAL DOMAIN NAMES WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February Estimates indicate that by 2003 cybersquatters. “We are keen on two-thirds of all Internet users will ensuring that the expansion does be non-English speakers; however, not happen at the expense of any a significant barrier remains for one party,” he said. many of these potential users as Internet domain names are in a re- Problems Faced in a stricted set of Latin characters, most Multilingual System commonly used to write English. “Native speakers of Arabic, Chi- The Domain Name System (DNS) nese, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Thai serves to facilitate users’ ability to and other languages are at a disad- navigate the Internet by mapping vantage,” said ITU Deputy Secre- the user-friendly domain name to A symposium organized jointly by tary-General Roberto Blois. “The its corresponding numeric Internet the International Telecommunica- global nature of the Internet makes Protocol address. A domain name tion Union (ITU) and WIPO in as- international dialogue critical if a registration, whether in a generic sociation with the Multilingual universal solution to the problem is top-level domain (gTLD) or a coun- Internet Names Consortium (MINC) to be found.” try code top-level domain (ccTLD), reviewed the technical, legal and provides a global presence which policy issues relating to enlarge- WIPO Assistant Director General ensures that the corresponding ment of the domain name space to Francis Gurry further emphasized online address is accessible online support scripts of languages using this point. “Equality of access to the from anywhere. Some 100 million non-Latin characters. Meeting in valuable resources provided by the such names are already stored in Geneva in December, symposium Internet is an issue of critical im- the DNS, according to industry es- participants – drawn from the portance to the international com- timates. Internet and legal communities, as munity,” he said, “and is a key con- well as policy-makers and govern- cern for international intergovern- While the process of “internation- ment representatives – also dis- mental organizations, such as ITU alization” of the Internet’s DNS is cussed the intellectual property and WIPO.” Mr. Gurry noted that underway, a number of problems implications of such developments. while expansion of the domain need to be overcome to ensure that name space means greater oppor- all linguistic systems are fairly rep- tunities for legitimate users, it also resented on the Internet. The chal- opens up new opportunities for lenges are complex and go far be- yond technical considerations. These include:

w administrative arrangements for multilingual domains, w competition policy, w market access, w intellectual property and dispute resolution mechanisms, w cultural and social issues. oping nations.” vide betweendevelopedanddevel- as aresultincreasingthedigitaldi- fracturing accesstotheInternetand “We donotwant toruntheriskof and providers. As Mr. Bloisnoted, marketplace amongInternetusers result isariskofconfusioninthe Engineering Task(IETF). TheForce have yet emergedfromtheInternet would guaranteeinteroperability name conflictsthatinevitablyarise. resolution toresolvethedomain and theneedforeffectivedispute tilingual world,bothonandoffline, their intellectualpropertyinamul- faced byenterprisesinprotecting those issuesisthecriticalchallenge domain namespace.Keyamong an increasinglyinternationalized derstanding oftheissuesraisedby ences thatmayleadtoagreaterun- Internet technologysharedexperi- experts inintellectualpropertyand marks inourmultilingualworld, ministrators inprotectingtrade- tellectual propertyholdersandad- lenges facedonadailybasisbyin- plored. Bylookingatexistingchal- future directionscouldbeex- perspectives couldbesharedand in whichadiversityofviewsand The symposiumprovidedaforum Intellectual Property Key Challenge: Protecting facto de lingual domainnameuse,butno solutions thatwouldenablemulti- vate organizationshave proposed A numberofcommercial andpri- or technicalstandardsthat ization oftheInternet.” objective, “thetrueinternational- that thisactivityispartofabroader ers,” saidMr. Gurry. Mr. Bloisnoted rights ofintellectualpropertyown- is doneinawaythatpreservesthe tic diversityoftheofflineworldand more accuratelyreflectsthelinguis- the domainnamesystemwhich welcome anorderlyexpansionof multilingual Internetnames.“We raised bytheimplementationof derstanding ofthemanyissues aimed tobringaboutawiderun- The jointITU/WIPOsymposium ¨

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 3 4 WORK ADVANCES ON 100,000TH PCT NEW GLOBAL ISSUES APPLICATION FILED WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February The IGC also discussed interim re- The Patent Cooperation Treaty ports on traditional knowledge and (PCT) set a new record last year folklore that used empirical infor- when the 100,000th international mation provided by states to de- patent application filed under the scribe the extent to which the tra- Treaty was received at WIPO in ditional intellectual property sys- December. In the PCT’s 23-year tem is sufficient in addressing these history, this is the largest number forms of knowledge. Final reports of applications filed in a single will be considered at the third year. In 2000, the PCT received meeting that is scheduled in June. 90,948 international applications Textiles The second meeting of the WIPO In this regard, work will also con- – representing a notional equiva- from Tunisia Intergovernmental Committee on tinue to identify those components lent of just under 8.5 million na- Intellectual Property and Genetic of traditional knowledge that might tional patent applications – which Resources, Traditional Knowledge be protected by intellectual prop- itself was a 22.9 percent increase and Folklore (IGC), held in Geneva erty rights. on figures for 1999. Since the PCT from December 10 to 14, approved came into force in 1978, more further work within WIPO on the The IGC reaffirmed that WIPO than 600,000 international appli- intellectual property aspects of the should continue to address these cations have been filed. documentation of public domain issues in collaboration, where ap- traditional knowledge and its inclu- propriate, with the secretariat of the sion in the patent examination pro- Convention on Biological Diversity cess as part of searchable prior art. (CBD) and the Food and Agricul- This would make a useful contri- ture Organization (FAO) and its bution in addressing complaints Commission on Genetic Resources, relating to the grant of patents on as well as the United Nations Edu- traditional knowledge. cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Committee also approved fur- ther work on the establishment of ¨ model intellectual property clauses for contractual agreements regulat- ing access to and benefit-sharing in genetic resources. This could in- volve the establishment of a data- base of model clauses submitted by states and other stakeholders to serve as a guide in the negotiation of contracts. since 1998. total 45percent reductioninfees consecutive years,leadingtoa have beenimplementedforfive tion ofthetreaty. Fee reductions lowering offees,andsimplifica- ing effortstowardsautomation, during thelastfouryears,includ- of thePCThasbeenunderway A comprehensiveeffortatreform and . lic ofKorea, China,South Africa, countries camefromtheRepub- number ofusersfromdeveloping ing countries.Lastyear’s largest PCT bynationalsfromdevelop- nificant increaseinuseofthe Initial statisticsalsoshowasig- tion inmultiplecountries. process ofseekingpatentprotec- it contributessignificantlytothe PCT doesnotgrantpatents,but obtaining patentprotection.The the timeandmoneyinvestedin states. Thissignificantlyreduces or allofthe115PCTmember ply forpatentprotectioninany der thePCT, anapplicantmay ap- By filingapatentapplicationun- ¨ formal mistakesandtimelimits. fering reliefinregardtovarious tion on Trademark Licensesorof- in theWIPOJointRecommenda- incorporating provisionscontained ing provisionsforelectronicfiling, zation offormalitiesbyintroduc- simplify andexpandtheharmoni- to buildonthe TLT andtofurther mark procedures.TheSCTagreed mal requirementsinvolvedintrade- to harmonizeandsimplifythefor- concluded in1994,whichserves WIPO TrademarkLaw Treaty(TLT), are currentlygovernedbythe Trademark formalityrequirements Marks ontheInternet(2001). ommendation ontheProtectionof Licenses (2000)andtheJointRec- ommendation on Trademark Known Marks(1999),theJointRec- dation ontheProtectionof Well- the adoptionofJointRecommen- further harmonizationeffortsfollows The decisiontomoveaheadwith trademark law. tiate harmonizationofsubstantive trademark proceduresandtoini- further simplifyandstreamlinethe to aprogramofworkthataims December, negotiatorscommitted Indications (SCT)inGeneva dustrial DesignsandGeographical tee ontheLaw of Trademarks, In- a meetingoftheStandingCommit- laws fortheprotectionofmarks. At sive programofharmonization to moveforwardwithacomprehen- WIPO memberStateshaveagreed MOVE AHEAD TRADEMARK LAW TOHARMONIZE EFFORTS

Photo: Mercedes Martínez Dozal eng/document/sct/index_6.htm). tection (seehttp://www.wipo.int/ impact ofvarioussystemspro- trademark rightsandtheeconomic tween geographicalindicationsand siderations, therelationshipbe- tion andtheunderlyingpolicycon- cal indications,systemsofprotec- cerning thedefinitionofgeographi- exchange ofviewsonissuescon- The SCTalsoengagedinafruitful trial designslaw orcopyright law. between trademarklawandindus- an evaluationoftheinterference member Statesstressedtheneedfor conflicts withpriorrights.The marks, three-dimensionalmarks)or (for instance,colormarks,smell concerning non-traditionalmarks tive trademark law, particularly work onharmonizationofsubstan- The SCTalsodecidedtoinitiate ¨ Ms. Debbie RØNNING Debbie Ms. (center), Chair of the SCT, the of Chair (center), and the two Vice-Chairs, two the and Mrs. Graciela ROAD Graciela Mrs. D’IMPERIO (at her right) her (at D’IMPERIO and Mrs. María Teresa María Mrs. and YESTE LÓPEZ (at her left) her (at LÓPEZ YESTE

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 5 6 DOMAIN NAME CASES AT THE ARBITRATION CENTER WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February The WIPO Arbitration and Media- Compliance with these conditions tion Center received 3,192 domain was not examined at the entry- name cases during 2001, a 72 per- level, but any person could submit cent increase over the previous a challenge against domain names year. Since December 1999, the registered during the sunrise regis- Center has received 5,053 com- tration period, alleging non-compli- plaints involving parties from 100 ance with the sunrise registration countries. conditions. Such challenges were subject to the Afilias Sunrise Chal- On December 12, the Center re- lenge Policy for .info. Challenges ceived its first .biz domain case could only be filed between August filed under the Uniform Dispute 28 and December 26, 2001. Resolution Policy (UDRP), and on December 14 the first WIPO panel The Center was the exclusive dis- decision concerning a .info domain pute resolution service provider for name under the UDRP was issued. sunrise challenges and received a The Center also administered 25 total of 1,579 challenges, includ- complaints in relation to non-Ro- ing 656 in December. By the end man script or “internationalized” of the year, the Center had already domain names, which also became resolved some 600 of these chal- available during the year. lenges. Some 53 cases have also been filed under the special intro- From August 28 to December 26, ductory mechanism for .biz, the the Center received “sunrise chal- Start-up Trademark Opposition the recommendation of WIPO, as lenges” against domain names reg- Policy (STOP). As of January 15, well as new policies developed by istered in the .info domain. These 2002, the date on which .name be- the new generic Top Level Domains challenges were part of the “sun- came fully operative, the Center (new gTLDs). The Center also acts rise registration period” (July 25 - will administer cases filed under as dispute settlement provider for August 28, 2001) during which the specific dispute policy for that 23 country-code Top Level Do- trademark owners could file a do- registry, the Eligibility Require- mains (ccTLDs) main name application before the ments Dispute Resolution Policy for general public involving a domain .name (ERDRP). Further information on the domain name that is identical to the textual name dispute resolution services of elements of a trademark which they The WIPO Arbitration and Media- the Arbitration Center is available owned, and which had national ef- tion Center is the leading provider at http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/ fect prior to October 2, 2000. of online domain name dispute index.html. resolution services worldwide and the only international not-for profit ¨ institution offering this service. The Center administers the great major- ity of all domain name cases filed under various policies, including the UDRP, which was adopted at ADMINISTRATIONS IN PUBLIC PROMOTING IP w ing themes: The workshopexploredthefollow- treaties wasalsoprovided. tellectual property, WIPO, andits erty arena. An introductiontoin- opments intheintellectualprop- highlighted themostrecentdevel- Director GeneralRitaHayesthat a keynotespeechbyWIPODeputy The workshopgotunderwaywith local participants. attracted some26foreignand20 Government ofHongKongSAR, opment Institute(CSTDI)ofthe Civil Service Training andDevel- Property Department(IPD)andthe in cooperationwiththeIntellectual The workshop, organizedby WIPO in nationaldevelopment. lectual propertysystemanditsrole improving awarenessoftheintel- tion, andexploredmeasuresfor ous aspectsofpublicadministra- lectual propertysystemandvari- the relationshipbetweenintel- 12 to14.Theworkshopexamined gion (SAR),ChinafromDecember Kong, Special Administrative Re- area duringaworkshopinHong administrations canplayinthis by stressingtherolethatpublic promotion ofintellectualproperty WIPO tookanovelapproachtothe role ofthepublicservice; protection andmanagement:the promoting intellectualproperty ness building. erty literatecitizensthroughaware- ”critical mass”ofintellectualprop- tive activities,aswellcreatinga lic, providingincentivesforinven- relevant toindustriesandthepub- public intellectualpropertyassets activities. Thisincludesmaking supportive environmentforthese institutions, itiscrucialtocreatea in publicuniversities andresearch search anddevelopment activities ment isstillamajorinvestorinre- sector. They notedthat,asgovern- much inthehandsofpublic opment activitiesarestillvery ing countriesresearch anddevel- ment, notingthatinmanydevelop- and tominimizetheriskofinfringe- public intellectualpropertyassets the needtoidentifyandmaximize Speakers intheworkshopstressed w w w w w w property. tion andtraininginintellectual ations forpublicserviceeduca- policy andstrategy consider- property training; for publicsectorintellectual developing web-basedresources the publicservice; intellectual propertysystemby enhancing compliancewiththe government incontracts; intellectual propertyrightsof property rights; enforcement ofintellectual lectual propertyinfringement; and minimizingtheriskofintel- lic intellectualpropertyassets identifying andmaximizingpub- standards andguidelines. pliance withintellectualproperty the governmentandensuringcom- tive ofpromotingawarenesswithin compliance officerswiththeobjec- partments appointedabout150 the government,headsofde- which, withinthecadresystemof scheme inJanuary2000,under lectual propertycomplianceofficer system. TheIPDlauchedanintel- ance withtheintellectualproperty ample ofhowtoenhancecompli- Kong SARwasdiscussedasanex- vices ofthegovernmentHong The experienceofthepublicser- compliance incontracts. to promoteintellectualproperty tual propertyrightsofothersand the riskofinfringementintellec- i.e., developingmeanstominimize measures forthepublicservice, ment contractsincludedcautionary lectual propertyrightsingovern- Discussions ontheaspectofintel- ¨ Conference participants Conference in Hong Kong Hong in

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 7 8 PROTECTION OF TRADITIONAL CULTURE IN CHINA WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February WIPO participated in an interna- w The Director of the American tional symposium on the protection Folklife Center, Library of Con- and legislation of folk/traditional gress, Washington; culture in Beijing, China in Decem- w The Head of the Arts Department ber, organized by the Ministry of of the National Arts Council, Culture, the Education, Science, Tanzania; and Culture and Public Health Commit- w The President of the Interna- tee of the National People’s Con- tional Council for Traditional gress (NPC), and the State Admin- Music. istration for Preservation of Cultural Heritage. China has drafted a law WIPO presented a paper on the le- for the legal protection of folk and gal protection of folk and tradi- WIPO Deputy Director General traditional culture. The draft law is tional culture and on recent devel- Philippe Petit meeting with the still under consideration, and the opments in this regard within the Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee of the National symposium aimed at exchanging WIPO Intergovernmental Commit- People’s Congress, national experiences in order to tee on Intellectual Property and Ms. Peng Peiyun proceed with the finalization of the Genetic Resources, Traditional law and encourage international Knowledge and Folklore. cooperation in this area. The success of the symposium dem- Papers presented at the symposium onstrated the high level of interest included an account of China’s ef- in the protection of folk and tradi- forts to protect the highly skilled tional culture in China. Several se- mask-changing stunt in Sichuan op- nior Chinese officials expressed a era and a project to film and record need for an international instru- famous Yangzhou storytellers. Other ment for the protection of folk and papers were presented by: traditional culture. WIPO was re- quested to continue to provide legal-technical assistance in regard to the national protection of such culture and to facilitate the devel- opment of an international instru- ment. ¨ folding –ofthedigitalageoncopy- to understandtheeffects–stillun- timely guideforanyoneattempting The bookisanindispensableand each treatyprovision. ticle-by-article commentaryon background, andprovides an ar- explains theirhistoricalandlegal tial guidancetothetwotreaties, 1996. Theirbookprovidesessen- WCT andWPPTinDecember leading uptothesignatureof the preparationandnegotiations Lewinski, werebothparticipantsin thors, JörgReinbotheandSilkevon WIPO Internet Treaties. The au- instruments, knowntogetherasthe landmark studyontwo mentary andLegal Analysis” isa “The WIPO Treaties 1996–Com- related rightsintothedigitalage. key treatiesthatbringcopyrightand historical implicationsofthesetwo of andcommentaryonthelegal authors offeranextensiveanalysis Phonograms Treaty (WPPT),the the WIPOPerformancesand WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)and In thefirstbookpublishedon BOOK REVIEW INTERNET TREATIES OF THEWIPO A TIMELY ASSESSMENT Lewinski isheadoftheDepartment and WPPT intoEClaw. Silkevon active inimplementingtheWCT European Commission(EC)andis right andRelatedRightsUnitofthe Jörg ReinbotheisheadoftheCopy- Treaties uptoOctober, 2001. tional developmentsrelatingtothe discussions onandreflectsinterna- particularly timelyasitincludes tual Property(TRIPS).Thebookis Trade-Related Aspects ofIntellec- vention, andthe Agreement on Berne Convention,theRomeCon- Treaties incomparisonwiththe insightful assessmentoftheInternet December 2000.Italsooffersan at theDiplomaticConferenceof mances, includingthediscussions tection ofaudiovisualperfor- protection ofdatabasesandthepro- tions, stillunresolved,regardingthe The 600-pagebookaddressesques- as well. enter intoforce inthenearfuture 2002. TheWPPTisexpectedto will enterintoforce onMarch 6, WCT, which assuresthatthe WCT instrument ofratificationthe 2001, depositbyGabonofthe30 within daysoftheDecember6, tally, thebookwas published right andcopyright law. Coinciden- th digital age. sis ofthesetwocornerstonesthe vides athorough,thoughtfulanaly- WIPO Internet Treaties 1996”pro- Nexis oftheUnitedKingdom,“The Published byButterworthsLexis- Treaties. sulted inthesigningofInternet Diplomatic Conferencewhichre- thors weredelegatesatthe1996 Planck-Insitut inMunich.Bothau- of InternationalLawattheMax- ¨

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 9 10 THE ROLE OF TRADEMARKS IN

MARKETING IP AND BUSINESS WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February Peter Drucker, a well-known man- of a product to the valuable busi- generally refers to successes in agement guru, said that a “business ness assets of trust and goodwill. terms of contribution to market enterprise has two basic functions: Businesses achieve this mostly share, sales, profit margins, loyalty marketing and innovation. Market- through a distinctive trade name and market awareness. However, ing and innovation produce results; and one or more trademarks. the ultimate success of a brand is all the rest are costs.” These two also judged in terms of the total basic functions guide the underly- These play a pivotal role in the value derived by the customer from ing desire of a business to make a marketing strategy of differentiating the product to which it relates. monetary profit in the process of products from those of rivals and providing quality products and ser- in developing longer-term positive Designing a Trademark vices to customers. Intellectual – and often emotional – relation- property plays a role in both of ships with customers by communi- Businesses often use a portfolio of these functions, and specifically cating an assiduously nurtured im- trademarks for diversifying their trademarks are of primary impor- age or reputation. Every business market strategy to meet the expec- tance in the marketing process. must woo customers to move them tations of different target groups in quickly from brand awareness, via the same or different countries. Every product in the market faces brand recognition, to brand prefer- Building a strong brand image is no competing products that are often ence and finally to brand insis- easy task. Use of trademarks for almost identical, similar or good tence, a point at which the con- effective marketing of products re- substitutes. Meeting or exceeding sumer refuses to accept alternatives quires an excellent knowledge of customers’ expectations is a chal- and is willing to pay an even higher trademark law and practice at the lenging task, especially when tastes premium for the desired branded national and international levels – and preferences continuously product. seeking professional guidance be- evolve in a competitive market- comes necessary, as this is a spe- place, with many similar products The popular terms used in market- cialized task. However, a few ba- catering for the same need. Only ing jargon, “brand” or “brand sic elements must be kept in mind businesses that can meet these name” are interchangeable with for the design of a good trademark. challenges can expect to develop “trademark,” the term used in in- Trademarks should and retain a loyal clientele. tellectual property legal circles. Of course, a product brand or a cor- w be inherently distinctive, Distinguishing Products porate brand is a much larger con- w be easy to memorize and pro- from Others cept than a mere trademark, as nounce, building a strong brand and estab- w fit the product or image of the To develop trust, confidence and lishing the brand equity of a busi- business, loyalty in its products, every busi- ness is a bigger challenge than w have no legal restrictions, and ness has to develop and maintain a choosing, registering, or maintain- w have a positive connotation. distinct identity, image or reputa- ing one or more trademarks. Strong tion. Only then is it able to distin- brands and successful branding A brand/trademark may be a word, guish itself and its products from letter, symbol (logo), number, color, those of its competitors. It must shape or, where the legislation of also, at the same time, provide a the country so allows, sound or mechanism for linking the provider smell, or a combination of one or more of these elements.

Nokia US$35 billion (estimated market value)

Nokia © valuable assets,whichneedcare- trademarks/brands areextremely demonstrate thispoint. As such, brands intheboxaboveclearly the world’s mostvaluable global Interbrand 2001annualsurveyof enal sum.Resultsfromthe tangible assets,maybeaphenom- other intellectualpropertyandin- brand, excludingthevalueofits In absolutetermsthevalueofa goods sector. to 90percent inthefoodorluxury motive sectorsandasmuch70 the financialservicesandauto- trial sector, around40percent in total valueofthefirminindus- resents justover 10percent ofthe some developedeconomies,itrep- to arecentsurveyofbusinessesin the samesectoraswell. According sectors oftheeconomyandwithin The valueofbrandsvariesacross Brand Value Interbrand 2001 Annual Surveyoftheworld’s mostvaluableglobalbrands Coca Cola $68.9 billion $68.9 Cola Coca (top threebrandsinUS$,basedonestimatedmarketvalueofthethemselves) the trademarkisvalidlyregistered. ucts (so-calledparallelimports)if mark andwithgraymarketprod- known ascounterfeitingofatrade- deal withthewillfulfree-riding, tain periodoftime.Itiseasierto in relationtotheproductforacer- if itisnotusedinthemarketplace but thetrademarkmaybecancelled low registrationwithoutprioruse, ful registration.Manycountriesal- tection iscontingentuponsuccess- marks, butinmostcountriespro- of protectiontounregisteredtrade- Some countriesdoprovideadegree the brandnameisnotavailable. motional activities, pense onadvertisingandotherpro- new producttoavoidincurringex- done wellbeforetestmarketingthe not free-rideonit.Thisisoften it islegallysecureandotherscan- register thetrademarkearlysothat ful expenseandreducingriskisto A majorstepineliminatingwaste- Protect your Trademarks stroyed orlost. value, bestolenorsimplyde- protection; otherwisetheymaylose ful handling,care,nurturingand Microsoft $65.1 billion $65.1 Microsoft only todiscover dustrial designsinmarketing. ness willdiscusstheroleofin- The nextarticleinIPandBusi- registrations. franchisee; and(4)renewtrademark vided byatrademarklicenseeor trol thequalityofproductpro- trademark law;(3)adequatelycon- a trademarkifrequiredunderthe port markets,(2)recordlicensingof to beusedinthedomesticorex- all trademarksinuseorproposed tion hasbeentakento(1)register marks tocheckwhethertimelyac- ally reviewitsportfoliooftrade- taken byeverybusinessistoannu- Another majorstepthatmustbe proper manner. and thereforeshouldbeusedina fies theirspecificproductsalone public thattheirtrademarkidenti- publishers ofencyclopediasandthe ers, distributors,newspapereditors, steps toeducateemployees,deal- Informed businessestakeactive IBM $52.7 billion $52.7 IBM ¨

© Coca-Cola Company Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and/or other countries Courtesy: IBM Deutschland GmbH

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 11 12 DEVELOPING GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS IN WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February Due to the increasing demand for National Requests for dition. The valley is in the region of quality products all around the Geographical Indications Serra Gaúcha, also known, amongst world, Brazilian producers and others, for its production of furni- manufacturers are becoming in- The greatest motivation for the in- ture, chocolate, cheese, handicraft creasingly aware of the impor- troduction of geographical indica- and shoes. tance of having a distinguishable tions in Brazil is the desire of local product to face worldwide compe- producers to obtain titles of protec- When wines were first marketed tition. Since such distinction can tion for products originating in their under the Vale dos Vinhedos name be achieved through the use of a own regions. In this regard, INPI, more than a decade ago, the dis- geographical indication, this has in cooperation with research insti- trict was an area with a few vine- become a major concern and goal tutions and associations of produc- yards, several houses and barely for Brazilian agribusiness repre- ers, has been conducting research any infrastructure. Tourists were sentatives. in order to ascertain the potential rarely seen in the area. Now, some national regions where producers 60,000 tourists annually visit the With this intent, Brazil has been could claim such titles, and has region, which has become a focal steadily moving towards the recog- stimulated the local producers to point for people who appreciate nition of geographical indications request them. The country has gastronomy, winter sports and at a national level. Being party to many good candidates for the geo- viticulture. both the Paris Convention and the graphical indication title relating to Madrid Agreement for the Repres- products such as wine, coffee, This achievement results in large sion of False or Deceptive Indica- chocolate, cheese and meat. part from the efforts of the local tions of Source on Goods, Brazil wine producers, who created the has long recognized indications of In 2001, the two first national geo- Association of Producers of Fine source and appellations of origin as graphical indications were regis- Wines of the Vale dos Vinhedos elements of industrial property and tered. These were for wines in the (APROVALE). The initial idea of the adopted a policy of repression of southern region known as Vale dos producers was to stimulate tourism false geographical indications on Vinhedos in Rio Grande do Sul and in relation to wine production. merchandise. On May 14, 1996 coffee from the Cerrado region of They tried to reach visitors from the with Law 9279, which regulates Minas Gerais. surrounding cities, as well as tour- rights and obligations relating to in- ists visiting the area’s other sites. dustrial property, Brazil innovated Vale dos Vinhedos The members of the Association by introducing legal protection for would indicate to their guests the geographical indications at the na- Vale dos Vinhedos, situated in the next wine producer to visit on their tional level. south of Brazil between the cities itinerary and, by so doing, caused of Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi and a constant increase in tourism in From then on, the thrust for the pro- Monte Belo do Sul, is 742 meters the region, as well as an increase tection of geographical indications above sea level and has a tempera- in investments and the quantity of has increased steadily. The Na- ture varying between 16º and 18º. vines planted. tional Institute of Industrial Prop- Immigrants from northern Italy, erty (INPI) has developed a data- finding the climate and soil similar base containing 1,500 recognized to the one they left, colonized the appellations of origin. region around 1875 and initiated viticulture following the Italian tra- products relatedtowine.Forthe national –pointofreferencefor into anational–andperhapsinter- gram thataimsatmakingtheregion The Association developedapro- the region. graphical indicationofthewinesin to preserveandprotectthegeo- research connectedwithviticulture mission: todevelopandmotivate vinicultural inputs.Itsprincipal agribusiness andthesupplyof prises connectedwithtourism, ments ofthevalley butallenter- only thewine-growingestablish- APROVALE, which includednot title granted. Initially, theycreated to haveageographicalindication out anumberofactivitiesinorder The localwineproducerscarried Geographical Indication In Pursuitofa Wine aginginwoodencasks Vale dos Vinhedos dos Vale dos Vinhedos - Caracterização - Vinhedos dos Geográfica da Região da Geográfica tion oftheRegion). Valley -Geographical Characteriza- published inabookcalled“ (UCS). In1999,theresultswere and theUniversityofCaxiasdoSul for Agricultural Studies(EMBRAPA) project weretheBrazilianEnterprise institutions involvedwiththis for ageographicalindication.The on thenecessaryspecificknowledge Grande doSul(FAPERGS), astudy port toResearch oftheStateRio eration withtheFoundationofSup- The Association ordered,incoop- growing establishmentsinthearea. more producerstoinstallwine- sumption andtourismmotivate it wouldbringanincreaseincon- cation would beapositive factor, as recognition ofageographicalindi- implementation ofthisproject,the ” (Vineyards’ Vale Vinhedos sources. country ofgreatwealthandre- Brazil’s imageasadeveloping ternational marketandconsolidate their products’positiononthein- graphical indicationtostrengthen of anationalcertificategeo- ducers toconsidertheacquisition this article. (EMBRAPA) inthepreparation of Studies terprise Agricultural Caxias doSulandtheBrazilianEn- the assistanceofUniversity The WIPOMagazineacknowledges The exampleofthe international circles. spread recognitioninnationaland and standard,gainingwide- are steadilyimprovinginquality in thedocument,andtheirproducts ducers respectthetechnicalrules rules andprocedures. The localpro- graphical indication,aswellits the firstnationalstatutesforageo- was apioneerinBrazil,creating graphical indication. This council maintain andpreservethegeo- cil aimedatmakingregulationsto and establishedaregulatorycoun- of itsgeographicalindicationatINPI APROVALE claimedtheregistration Once thestudieshadbeenfinalized, hasstimulatedotherpro- Vale dos Vale ¨

WIPO Magazine/February 2002 13 14 CALENDAR of meetings WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February FEBRUARY 18 TO 22 JUNE 27 AND 28 (GENEVA) MAY 6 TO 10 (GENEVA) Working Group on Constitutional (GENEVA) WIPO Workshop for Mediators in Reform (Fifth session) Standing Committee on the Law of Intellectual Property Disputes Patents (Seventh session) The Working Group will continue its An annual event for all parties in- work based on the results of its fourth The Committee will continue its terested in WIPO mediation proce- session (September 11 to 14, 2001). work on further harmonization and dures. other issues relating to patent law. Invitations: As members, the States Invitations: Open to interested par- members of WIPO and/or of the Invitations: As members, the States ties, against payment of a fee. Paris and/or Berne Unions. members of WIPO and/or of the Paris Union; as observers, other JULY 1 AND 2 FEBRUARY 25 TO MARCH 1 States and certain organizations. (GENEVA) (GENEVA) WIPO Workshop for Mediators in Committee of Experts of the Spe- MAY 13 TO 17 Intellectual Property Disputes cial Union for the International (GENEVA) Patent Classification (IPC Union) IPC Reform Working Group of the An annual event for all parties in- (Thirty-first session) IPC Union (Seventh session) terested in WIPO mediation proce- dures. The Committee of Experts will The Working Group will continue adopt proposals for the revision to elaboration of recommendations Invitations: Open to interested par- the current (seventh) edition of the concerning IPC reform for the Com- ties, against payment of a fee. IPC and will consider recommen- mittee of Experts of the IPC Union. dations concerning IPC reform. JULY 1 TO 4 Invitations: As members, the States (GENEVA) Invitations: As members, the States members of the IPC Union and Program and Budget Committee members of the IPC Union; as ob- member organizations of the Work- (Fifth session) servers, the States members of the Paris ing Group; as observers, the States Union, and certain organizations. members of the Paris Union, and The Program and Budget Commit- certain organizations. tee is being convened to discuss APRIL 22 TO 26 issues concerning the new con- (GENEVA) JUNE 24 TO 28 struction. Standing Committee on Informa- (GENEVA) tion Technologies (SCIT) Working Working Group on Constitutional Invitations: As members, the States Group on Standards and Docu- Reform (Sixth session) members of the Program and Bud- mentation (Second session) get Committee; as observers, all The Working Group will continue member States of WIPO which are The Working Group will discuss its work based on the results of its not members of the Committee. progress towards the completion of fifth session (February 18 to 22, the tasks in its work program. 2002).

Invitations: As members, the States Invitations: As members, the States members of WIPO and the Paris members of WIPO and of the Paris Union; as observers, certain orga- and Berne Unions. nizations. (b) thefull addressformailing; (c)themail mode (surfaceor air). Orders shouldmention: (a)thenumberorlettercode ofthepublicationdesired,language, thenumberofcopies; free ofcharge (Spanish) Nº491(S) (French) Nº491(F) (English) Nº491(E) and Access toDrugsandHealthCare Striking aBalance: The Patent System 15.00 CHF (Russian) Nº835(R) (Chinese) Nº835(C) (Arabic) Nº835(A) Joint RecommendationConcerning Trademark Licenses 30.00 CHF (French) 768(F) de propriété intellectuelle Savoirs traditionnels: Besoinsetattentesenmatière free ofcharge (Spanish) Nº484(S) (French) Nº484(F) (English) Nº484(E) Copyright (comicstrip) free ofcharge (Spanish) Nº442(S) (French) Nº442(F) (English) Nº442(E) Administered by WIPO (October2001) Summaries ofConventions, Treaties and Agreements free ofcharge (Russian) Nº400(R) General InformationBrochure (2001) Fax: 412274018 12 34, chemin desColombettes, P.O. Box 18,CH-1211Geneva 20,Switzerland The above publications may alsobeobtainedfrom WIPO’s MarketingandDistributionSection: Download freeinformation products at: Purchase publications on-lineat: PRODUCTS w e-mail:[email protected] NEW www.wipo.int/ebookshop www.wipo.int/publications/


WIPO Magazine/February 2002 WIPO Magazine/February March 25 - 27, 2002

WIPO will convene a Conference The conference is open to any in- on the International Patent System terested member of the general in Geneva from March 25 to 27 to public. Online registration is avail- discuss the WIPO Patent Agenda. able at the WIPO website. The fee is 400 Swiss francs. This amount The objective of this event is to covers admission to the conference stimulate discussion on the main plus all conference materials in- issues and challenges confronting cluding speakers’ papers and pre- the international patent system and sentations. to receive further inputs and re- sponses from users of the patent system. Matters raised in discus- sions during the conference will be taken into account in a paper to be prepared by the Secretariat for pre- sentation to the WIPO General As- sembly and the Assemblies of the Paris and PCT Unions in Septem- ber. The provisional program for the conference is available on WIPO’s website, www.wipo.int.

The conference will be held at the Contact details: www.wipo.int International Conference Center of World Intellectual Property Tel: 41 22 338 91 64 Geneva (CICG), 15 rue Varembé, Organization (WIPO) Fax: 41 22 740 37 00 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. 34, chemin des Colombettes Email: [email protected] 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland www.wipo.int WIPO Magazine/february 2002 1

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International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys (Fédération internationale des Conseils en Propriété industrielle) 36, Holbeinstrasse, CH-4051 Basle (Switzerland) The International Federation of Patent Attorneys was created on September 1, 1906. Its principal aims are: (1) to strengthen the bonds of professional fraternity between the patent attorneys of the several countries, and to facilitate and to simplify the business relations between the members; (2) to assure the general consideration and dignity of the profession of patent attorney on an international scale. The members of the Federation as a general rule treat all matters within the domain of Industrial Property, and especially: the filing of patents (and of utility models, where applicable) of trade marks and of design patents, in the countries in which they reside and, by the intermediary of associate attorneys, in all other countries. Members of the Federation AUSTRALIA J. Gevers, J. Pieraerts, C. Quintelier (Gevers Patents S.A.) Terrence Collins, Graham Cowin, Robert Cross, Malcolm Royal Holidaystraat 5, B- 1831 Diegem (Phillips Ormonde & Fitzpatrick) F. de Kemmeter, P. Overath, L. Overath (Cabinet Bede S.A.) 367 Collins Street, Melbourne. Place de l’Alma, 3, B-1200 Bruxelles G. Leherte (Leherte, Lanvin & Demeuldre – K.O.B. S.A.) AUSTRIA Kennedypark 31c, B-8500 Kortrijk Austrian section of the International Federation of Patent Agents, G. Plucker (Office Kirkpatrick S.A.) Singerstrasse 8, A-1010 Vienna 1 Avenue Wolfers 32, B-1310 La Hulpe Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the M. Van Malderen, J. Van Malderen, E. Van Malderen above-mentioned address. (Office Van Malderen S.P.R.L.) Place Reine Fabiola 6 B.1, B-1080 Bruxelles Y. Roland (Gevers Antwerpen N.V.) BELGIUM Frankrijklei 53-55, bus 5, B-2000 Antwerpen Chambre des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle de Belgique (Brevets, Marques et Modèles), c/o Cabinet Bede S.A., Place de l’Alma 3, B-1200 Bruxelles A. Colens (Bureau Colens S.P.R.L.) Rue Frans Merjay 21, B-1060 Bruxelles BRAZIL E. Fobe Leonardos, Luis; Leonardos, Mauricio Avenue du Bois des Collines 13, B-1420 Braine-l’Alleud (Momsen, Leonardos & Cia.) D. Grisar, P. Van Cutsem (Bureau Vander Haeghen S.A.) Rua Teofilo Ottoni 63/10° andar 20090-080 RJ Rue Colonel Bourg 108A, B-1030 Bruxelles Siemsen, Peter D.; Dannemann, Gert E. Fl. Gevers, G. Gevers, J. Pire, (Gevers & Partners) (Dannemann, Siemsen, Bigler & Ipanema Moreira) Holidaystraat 5, B- 1831 Diegem Caixa postal 2142 — 20001 Rio de Janeiro-RJ 2 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

COLOMBIA Impola, A. (Antti Impola Oy) Ramiro Castro Lönnrotinkatu 33 A, P.O. Box 242, 00181 Helsinki P.O. Box 3692, Santa Fe de Bogotá Helke, K. (Kespat Oy) Alvaro Castellanos M. Vapaudenkatu 60, P.O. Box 601, 40101 Jyväskylä P.O. Box 6349, Santa Fe de Bogotá D.E. Äkräs, T.; Boije-Backman, S.; Dahlström, K.; Haglund, C.; Cavelier German Halmepuro, L.; Halonen, A.; Holmströn; Huhtanen, O.; Hyömäki, Edificio Siski Carrera 4a No 72-34 Bogotá 8. P.; Kaukonen, J.; Lax, M.; Lehtonen, L.; Lydman, T.; Niemi, H.; Pombo Uribe & Cia Peltonen, A.; Pitkänen, K.-M.; Puranen, M.-L.; Roitto, K.; Apartado 48, Santa Fe de Bogotá D.E. Savolainen, S.; Sundström, S.; Syvänen, R.; Tanskanen, S.; Escobar-Uribe Ignacio, P.O. Box 94948, Santa Fe de Bogotá (8) Valkeiskangas, T. Patino-Leyva Luis, P.O. Box 11383, Santa Fe de Bogotá (1) (Kolster Oy Ab) Iso Roobertinkatu 23, P.O. Box 148, 00121 Helsinki Hovi, S.; Laine, S.; Lipsanen, J.; Sundman, C. (Seppo Laine Oy) Itämerenkatu 3 B, P.O. Box 339, 00181 Helsinki CYPRUS Lammi, P. (Lammi & Partners Oy) Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou Kansakoulukuja 3, P.O. Box 1214, 00101 Helsinki P.O. Box 965 - 23 Cosmas Lyssiotis St., Larnaca Kauste, M.; Kujala, H.; Maunola, L.; Ollikainen, R.; Piha, A.; Sole, T. (Leitzinger Oy) Ruoholahdenkatu 8, P.O. Box 226, 00181 Helsinki CZECH REPUBLIC Miettinen, T. (Patenttikonsultointi Miettinen Oy) Zdenka Prˇádná (Patentservis Praha Ltd.) Temppelinkatu 12 A 13, 00100 Helsinski P.O. Box 1023, 113 56 Praha 1 Honkanen, S.; Savela, A.-J. (Patent Agency Compatent Ltd) Pitkänsillanranta 3 B, 00530 Helsinki Pirhonen, K. (Kari Pirhonen Oy) Humalistonkatu 9, P.O Box 71, 20101 Turku DENMARK Pitkänen, H. (Pitkänen Oy) De Danske Patentagenters Forening (Association of Danish Patent Savilahdenkatu 6 L 3, P.O. Box 1750, 70211 Kuopio Agents), H. C. Andersens Boulevard 33, DK-1553 Copenhagen Hakola, U.; Kahilainen, H. (Tampereen Patenttitoimisto Oy) Lassen, E.; Rørbøl, L.; Christensen, A.; Andersen, H. H.; Lind, G.; von Hermiankatu 6, 33720 Tampere Linstow, H.; Lassen, N.; Zachariassen, B.; Persson, I. L. (Budde, Antila, H. Brockman, P. (Teknopolis Kolster Oy) Schou & Co. A/S, Dansk Patent Kontor) Tutkijantie 4 C, 90570 Oulu Sundkrogsgade 10, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Blomquist, T.; Hiltunen, P. (Turun Patenttitoimisto Oy) Knudsen, C. E. (CEK Patents & Trademarks) Tykistökatu 2-4, P.O. Box 99, 20521 Turku Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Jeppesen, F. H. (Heiden Patents ApS) Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø Christiansen, E.; Kyed, I.; Wittrup, F.; Nielsen, C. Levin; Nyeng, J.; Hegner, M.; Wetke, E.; Schmidt, J.; Sigh, E.; Wiborg, B.; Lindgaard, Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle H.; Klee, H.; Rindorf, H.J.; Hegner, A.; Prehn, L.; Targas, J.; Boesen, 92, rue d’Amsterdam, 75009 Paris J.; Halberg, K. (Hofman-Bang & Boutard, Lehmann & Ree A/S) Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- Hans Bekkvolds Allé 7, DK-2900 Hellerup mentioned address. Holme, E. (Holme Patent) Sankt Peders Strœde 41, 1453 Copenhagen K Nørgaard, T.; Nørgaard, U.; Mathiesen, H. P.; Henriksen, K. L.; Siiger, J.; Thierry-Carstensen, O.; Larsen, A.; Findsen K.; Zeuthen-Aagaard, Patentanwaltskammer - Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts H.; Klinge, U. C.; Jensen, P. K.; Marstrand-Jørgensen, D.; 2, Morassistrasse, D-8 München 5 Waagepetersen, B.; Stephensen, B.; Jespersen, H.; Lichtenberg, E.; Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- Christensen, B.; Hjortsø, P.; Englev, P. (Chas. Hude) mentioned address. H. C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1553 Copenhagen V Simonsen, C.; Raffnsøe, K.; Schønning, S.; Nielsen, F.; Nordenbaek, T.; Jessen, I. B.; Rotne, J.; Indahl, P.; Larsen, P.; Jørgensen, B. Barker; GREECE Bagger-Sørensen, B. (Internationalt Patent-Bureau, Kontor for Kilimiris Tassos (Patrinos + Kilimiris) Industriel Eneret) 7, Hatziyianni Mexi Street, GR-11528 Athens. Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2630 Taastrup Telephones: +301 722 29 06, +301 725 28 66, +301 722 20 50. Kjerrumgaard, B.; Leffers, I.; Nielsen, H. Sten; Dam, J. Facsimile: +301 722 28 89. E-mail: [email protected] (Th. Ostenfeld Patentbureau A/S) Bredgade 41, P.O. Box 1183, 1011 Copenhagen K Nielsen, L. (Patrade A/S) ICELAND Store Torv 1, 8000 Aarhus C Mr. Olafur Ragnarsson (Patice - IP Law Firm) Plougmann, O.; Vingtoft, K. E.; Andersen, H. Rastrup; Salka, J.; P.O. Box 8630, 128 Reykjavik. Fax: +354 588 0044 Liborius, I.; Marstrand-Jørgensen, D.; Andersen, S.I. (Plougmann & Mrs. Valborg Kjartansdottir (Sigurjonsson & Thor) Vingtoft A/S) P.O. Box 662, 121 Reykjavik Sankt Annœ Plads 11, P.O. Box 3007, 1021 Copenhagen K INDIA EGYPT Chandrakant M. Joshi, Fax 0091 22 8380737/8389839, Chehata Haroun 501, Vishwananak, Chakala Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 099 P.O. Box 1540, Cairo 11511 (Islamic Republic of) FINLAND Dr. Ali Laghaee Suomen Patenttiasiamiesyhdistys - Finska Patentombudsföreningen P.O. Box 11365-4948 Tehran P.O. Box 595, 00101 Helsinki. WWW.SPAY.FI Eriksson, S.; Grew, E.; Haimelin, J.; Karvinen, L.; Slotte, K. (Oy Jalo Ant- Wuorinen Ab) Iso Roobertinkatu 4-6 A, 00120 Helsinki Cohen Zedek & Rapaport, Dr. E. Rapaport, N. Cohen Zedek Saaristo, S. (Benjon Oy Seija Saaristo) P.O. Box 33116, Tel-Aviv 61330 Fredrikinkatu 55 A 6, 00100 Helsinki Dr. Reinhold Cohn and Partners Heikkinen, E.; Henn, K.-H.; Henn, S.; Karlsson, I.; Kolve, P.; Laako, T.; P.O. Box 4060, Tel-Aviv 61040 Lassenius, B.; Nordin, L.; Pelin, T.; Risku, I.; Saijonmaa, O.-P.; Luzzatto & Luzzatto Svensson, J.; Tanhua, P.; Träskman, B. P.O. Box 5352, Beer-Sheva 84152 (Berggren Oy Ab) Wolf, Bregman and Goller, Z. Bregman, G. Goller Jaakonkatu 3 A, P.O. Box 16, 00100 Helsinki P.O. Box 1352, Jerusalem 91013 Hjelt, P.; Hjelt, S.; Kuusela, M. (Borenius & Co. Oy Ab); Kansakoulukuja 3, 00100 Helsinki Herttuainen, M.; Jyrämä, H.-L.; Salonen, E.; Surojegin, E. (Forssén & ITALY Salomaa Oy) Collegio italiano dei Consulenti in proprietà industriale Yrjönkatu 30, 00100 Helsinki Piazzale Cadorna, 15, I-20123 Milano Heinonen, K.; Tommila, M. Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- (Keijo Heinonen Oy) mentioned address. Fredrikinkatu 61 A, P.O. Box 671, 00101 Helsinki Järveläinen, P.; (Heinänen Oy) Annankatu 31-33 C, 00100 Helsinki WIPO Magazine/february 2002 3

JORDAN ROMANIA Doofesh R. Mohammad (TMP Agents) Prof. Dr. C. Turcanu (INVENTA) P.O. Box 921100 Amman 178 Calea Calarasilor, Bl. 60, Ap. 2, sector 3, 74119 Bucharest 3 Tel.: +40 13277369, 3228325, Fax: +40 13228325, E-mail: [email protected] KUWAIT Saba & Co. (Mr. Suhail F. Saba) P.O. Box 1245, Kuwait SPAIN Curell Suñol, Marcelino; Curell Suñol, Jorge; Curell Aguilá, Marcelino; Curell Aguilá, Mireia (Dr. Ing. M. Curell Suñol I.I.) LITHUANIA Paseo de Gracia 65bis, 08008 Barcelona A.A.A. Legal Services (Marius J. Jason) Profesor Waksman 8, 28036 Madrid Rudninku 18/2, 2001 Vilnius, e-mail: [email protected] Durán, Alfonso; Durán, Carlos; Durán, Luis-Alfonso (Durán Corretjer) Paseo de Gracia 101, 08008 Barcelona Elzaburu M., Alberto de; Armijo, Enrique; Diez de Rivera Elzaburu, LUXEMBURG Alfonso (Elzaburu) Freylinger Ernest T. (Office Ernest T. Freylinger S.A.) Miguel Angel 21, 28010 Madrid B.P. 48, 234, route d’Arlon, L-8001 Strassen Isabel Lehmann Novo (Lehmann & Fernández, S.L.) Alvarez de Baena, 4, 28006 Madrid MEXICO Carlos Polo, Profesor Waksman, 10, 28036 Madrid Soni Mariano, Bufete Soni Ponti Sales, A., Consell de Cent, 322, 08007 Barcelona Cuvier 30, Colonia Anzures, 11590 Mexico D.F. Victor Gil Vega, Estébanez Calderón 3, Madrid 28020. Sugrañes, Pedro; Verdonces, Enrique de, Calle Provenza 304, 08008 Barcelone. MOROCCO Salmouni-Zerhouni M. Mehdi. Forum International, 62 Boulevard d’Anfa, 20000 Casablanca SWEDEN Svenska Patentombudsföreningen Box 2286, S-103 16 Stockholm NORWAY Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- Norske Patentingeniørers Forening mentioned address. Boks 7141, 0307 Oslo, Norway. Fax +47-22 56 85 60 Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- mentioned address. SWITZERLAND Association of Swiss Patent Attorneys Verband Schweizerischer Patentanwälte CH-3000 Berne Yawar I. Khan (United Trademark & Patent Services) A list of the members is available on internet at: www.vsp.ch. West End Building, 61, The Mall, Lahore 54000 Fax: 92-42-7323501 & 7233083, E-mail: [email protected] Zulfiqar Khan (Khursheed Khan & Associates) SYRIA 305 Amber Estate, Share Faisal, Karachi-75350 Saba & Co. (Ibrahim A. Tarazi) Tel.: 92-21-4533 665 Fax: 92-21-454 9272 P.O. B. 460, Damascus Email: [email protected] PERU The British Association of the International Federation of Patent Barreda Moller Agents, P.O. Box 18-1419, Lima 18 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LS Adolfo Cadenillas Galvez (Cesar Galvez Tafur Law Office S.C.R.L.) Upon request, a list of the members can be obtained at the above- P.O. Box 8, Lima 100 mentioned address. Luis Gayoso B. (Estudio Colmenares S.R.L.) P.O. Box 277, Lima 100. Fax 511-4450347. Alfredo Valencia P. (Valencia Law Office) YUGOSLAVIA Pavlovi´c Gordana Av. Angamos Oeste 1475, Lima 18 53, Majke Jevrosime, 11000 Beograd Petosevic Dusan L. PHILIPPINES Kozjacka 15, 11000 Beograd Manuel C. Cases, Jr. P.O. Box 5161 Makati Central Post Office Makati 1299 Metro Manila

PORTUGAL Moniz Pereira, Manuel Gomes (Gastâo da Cunha Ferreira, Lda.) Arco da Conceição, 3-1o, 1100 Lisbon De Sampaio, António L. (Cabinet J. E. Dias Costa, Lda) Rua do Salitre, 195 R/C-D, 1269-063 Lisbon 4 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

ALBANIA BAHRAIN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Producta, Registered Patent & Trademark Attorney. E-mail: [email protected] Srebrnjak 81a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia. ABU-SETTA Tel.: +385 1 604 4547. Fax: +385 1 604 4548/604 4037. & PARTNERS Alternative fax: +385 1 243 0279. Dr. Diana Proti´c-Tkalˇci´c Koˇsevo 36, 71000 Sarajevo. Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Tel.: +387 71 206 904, Fax +387 71 444 140. PATENTS TRADEMARKS Designs, Copyrights, Search, BRAZIL DESIGNS Litigation, Enforcement Agencies, Distributorship, Licensing. Franchising Paulo C. Oliveira & Co. Established 1938 Rr. Myslym Shyri P.O. Box 11925 Patent & Trademark Attorneys P. 60 Shk. 1 Ap. Manama, Av. Rio Branco 173 Ð 18th floor Bahrain 20040-007 Rio de Janeiro RJ Ð Brazil 9, Tirana, Albania Phone: 055 21 2240 6717 Fax: 055 21 2524 8804 Tel: 973 530040 / 532800 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 973 531 199 Tel/Fax: +355-42-29316 E-mail: [email protected] BULGARIA

Euromarkpat, Patents, Trademarks, Designs. Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 11925, Manama. PATENT AND Rr. Myslym Shyri, P.60 Shk. 1 Ap. 9, Tirana. Tel.: 973 530040/532800, Fax: 973 531199, TRADEMARK BUREAU Tel/Fax: +355-42-29316. E-mail: [email protected].

ARGENTINA BANGLADESH BOJINOV & Junken & Junken, Patents and trademarks in Hazari & Hazari, 6-B/9, Arambagh, Motijheel, Argentina and all Latin-American countries. Dhaka-1000. E-mail: [email protected], BOJINOV Ltd. Casilla Correo 100, 1000 - Buenos Aires. Fax: Tel./Fax: 880-2-7101045, 880-2-9561427 54 11 4313 4998. Code Buenos Aires: C1000WAA. Patents, Trademarks, KARIM & CO. ARUBA Utility Models, Designs, G.A. Winkel Sr. N.V. International Trademark Patent, Design & Documentation, Search, Consultants. P.O. Box 552, Curacao, Trade Mark Attorneys Netherlands Antilles, Fax (5999)-7371626, Legal Services and Tel. (5999)-7371546, Specialized in trade- B.S.S. Bhaban (1st floor) 4, Dilkhusa c/a Consultancies in Bulgaria marks since 1901. G.P.O. Box 84, DHAKA, Bangladesh and other countries Telex 632352 ANIE BJ AZERBAIJAN FAX 880-2-866397, 863409 P.O. Box 728, 1000 Sofia, BELGIUM 17, Karnigradska Street BIPA Bockstael (Bureau M.F.J.), Arenbergstraat 13, (+359 2) 800 268, AKU NTELLECTUAL B-2000 Antwerp. TLX 32679. B I Bureau Colens Sprl: Patents, Trademarks, Designs, fax (+359 2) 981 4206, 806 044 PROPERTY AGENCY On-line searches, Rue Frans Merjay 21, B-1060 Brussels, Fax 32 2 3439413 Bureau Gevers: see Benelux. Office Hanssens, Patents and Trademarks. PATENTS, UTILITY MODELS, All Aspects of Square Marie-Louise 40. Bte 19, B 1040 TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, Intellectual Property Agency Bruxelles. Telex 23888. LICENSING, SEARCHES, COPYRIGHT BENELUX Postal address: PO Box 108, Central Post Office, Avimark — Bureau Van Gestel, bvba 370000 Baku, Azerbaijan (trademarks, designs, translations), IRIN Office address: A. Molla Juma str. 32, apt. 62, Beeldhouwersstr. 50 bus 4, B-2000 PATENT Antwerpen. FAX +32 3 2161073. Registered Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys 370052 Baku, Azerbaijan Bureau Gevers, Holidaystraat 5, B-1831 Tel: +99412 908 108; +99412 645 975; Diegem, and Frankrijklei 53-55, Bus 5, Office Address: Fax: +99412 908 125; +99412 470 938; B-2000 Antwerp. Alternate Fax: +99412 985 525; Markgraaf. Hogehilweg 3, NL 1101 IRIN PATENT Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Amsterdam Zuidoost, P.O. Box 22722, 3, Leonardo Da Vinci St. or [email protected] NL-1100 DE Amsterdam Zuidoost. Sofia 1124, Bulgaria Telephone 31-20 5641411, Telex: 10432. Contact: Vagif Efendy Fax 31-20 6962303. European and world- wide searches, registration of trademarks Mail Address: and designs, etc. IRIN PATENT Ltd. London office: J.E. Evans-Jackson & Co. P.O. Box 15 Ltd., Parchment House, 13 Northburgh Street, Sofia 1202, Bulgaria London EC1V OAH, Tel. 44 71 608 3098, Fax: 44 71 6082934. Office Hanssens: see Belgium. Tel.:+3592 435 386 / 438 414 Facsimiles:+3592 943 4423 / 9835 180 WIPO Magazine/February 2002 5

Iskra Christova & Partners, 20 Lyuben Karavelov CANADA CHILE St., 1000 Sofia, Tel.: (3592) 980 18 92, Fax: (3592) 980 40 19. Bureau Ignatov & Son, Patents, Trademarks and SWABEY Designs. Attorneys at Law. P.O. Box 308, Sofia, 1113. Fax: (+3592) 734 031. OGILVY RENAULT BEUCHAT N. Kolev & Kolev, Patent & Trademark Attorneys S.E.N.C. P.O.Box 1193, Sofia 1000, Fax: (00 359 2) 986 3142 Julia Vladimirova, Patent & Trademark Attorneys, PATENT AND TRADE MARK AGENTS BARROS & P.O. Box 308, Sofia 1000, Fax: (+3592) 44 58 10. AGENTS DE BREVETS ET DE MARQUES DE COMMERCE PFENNIGER CAMEROON A firm in which SWABEY, MITCHELL, Cabinet Cazenave. P.O. B. 500, Yaoundé HOULE, MARCOUX & SHER (Cameroon). Patent and Trade Mark and the law firm OGILVY RENAULT Lawyers, Engineers, Attorneys in OAPI (13 countries) and other are partners Patent Attorneys African countries. Une Société dont SWABEY, MITCHELL, HOULE, MARCOUX & SHER et le cabinet juridique P.O. Box 456-V OGILVY RENAULT sont les associés Europa 2035, Providencia 1981 McGill College Montréal, Canada H3A 2Y3 Santiago - Chile Telephone : (56-2) 362-9585 Telephone (514) 845-7126, Facsimile (514) 288-8389 Fax : (56-2) 362-9612 E-MAIL: [email protected] MONTRÉAL - OTTAWA

CHINA - HONG KONG (Special Administrative Region) CHINA PATENT AGENT (H.K.) LTD.

A foreign-related patent and trademark agency officially designated by the authorities of the PRC PATENT, TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, LICENSING AND RELATED LEGAL MATTERS

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. CPA Representative Office in Tokyo China Patent & Trademark Agent 22/F., Great Eagle Center 7/F., Waiyuu Building (U.S.A.) Ltd. 23 Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 19-6 Hongo, 3-Chome, Bunkyo-ku (CPA New York Office) Tel: (852) 28284688 Tokyo 113, One World Trade Center Fax: (852) 28271018 Tel: (81 3) 5689 7628 Suite 2205, New York, N.Y. 10048, E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (81 3) 5689 7625 USA http://www.cpahkltd.com Tel: (1 212) 912 1870 CPA Beijing Office Fax: (1 212) 912 1873 CPA Shenzhen Office B-19/F, Investment Plaza E-mail: [email protected] 31/F, Hangkong Building 27 Jinrong Street, Xicheng District Shen Nan Zhong Road Beijing 100032, China CPA Representative Office In Munich Shenzhen 518041, China Tel: (86 10) 6621 1588 Zweibrueckenstrasse 17 Tel: (86 755) 336 3627 Fax: (86 10) 6621 1564 (patent) D-80331, Munchen, Germany Fax: (86 755) 336 3624 (86 10) 6621 1590 (TM) Tel: (49 89) 228 9328 Fax: (49 89) 228 9327 6 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

MARGOLIS & ASSOCIATES ESCOBAR-URIBE CERMÁK,ù HOREJù Sù SOLICITORS & AGENTS FOR PATENTS & TRADEMARKS ASOCIADOS & VRBA 1901 Pacific Plaza, LAWYERS AND PATENT 410 Des VÏux Road West, Hongkong, SAR ATTORNEYS TEL (852) 2517 3900 FAX (852) 2549 9600 INTERNET ADDRESS: [email protected] INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Intellectual Property, Patents, ATTORNEYS Trademarks, Designs, Licences, Searches, Business and WENPING & CO. Compagny Law in Czech and Patent & Trademark Agents Slovak Republics P.O. Box 94948 Santa Fe de Bogotá Národní 32, 110 00 Prague 1 G.P.O. Box 3177 – Hong Kong, SAR BOGOTA (8) Colombia Tel.: 004202/96167111, Telex: 65 105 Wenpn HX 96167401, 96167410 Facsimile 852-25193316/25115166 Tel: 57-1-6162051/6162061 Fax: 004202/24946724 Fax: 57-1-6161889 Telex: 122 991 APC COLOMBIA [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

BRIGARD & CASTRO CROATIA RAMIRO CASTRO FORINPRO Patentservis Praha Ltd. Foreigns Industrial Property in Croatia Patent & Trade Mark Agency Patents & Trademarks & Industrial Design Fallerovo setali˘˘ ste 22 General intellectual property practice. HR-10000 Zagreb Patents, Trademarks, Utility Models, tel: 00 385 1 365 53 25 Industrial Designs. Searches and fax: 00 385 1 365 53 26 consultations. Unfair competition. e-mail: [email protected] Transfer of technologies, licences and Carrera 7 16-56 franchising. Copyright, Mediation, website: www.tel.hr/forinpro Arbitration, Litigation and Arbitration. Telephone: (57-1) 3802200 Telefax: (57-1) 3802700 & PRODUCTA Ltd. Jivenská 1273, 140 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic (57-1) 2827976 Tel: +420 2 61090011, Fax: +420 2 61214921 Registered Patent and Trademark Attorney of the State E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia. Internet: www.patentservis.cz

[email protected] Srebrnjak 81a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Representation also provided for the Slovak Republic Phone: +385 1 604 45 47 Fax +385 1 604 45 48/604 40 37 alternative fax: +385 1 243 02 79 E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http://www.recro.hr/producta Foreign Offices:

Covers full range of services in the countries of former Yugoslavia: Patentservis Bratislava, Ltd. Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, , Macedonia & FR Yugoslavia, Hybeˇsova 40, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic all East and middle European countries Tel.: +421 7 448 75 071, Fax: +421 7 448 72 075 E-mail: [email protected]

Producta, Registered Patent & Trademark Patentservis Alicante, S.A. BOGOTA - COLOMBIA Attorney. E-mail: [email protected] Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 15 – 2o, 03001 Alicante, Espana Srebrnjak 81a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia. Tel.: +34 96 514 70 58, Fax: +34 96 523 05 52 Tel.: +385 1 604 4547. E-mail: [email protected] Brigard & Castro, P.O. Box 3692, Santa Fe Fax: +385 1 604 4548/604 4037. de Bogotá. Patents, Trademarks, Pharma- Alternative fax: +385 1 243 0279. ceutical licenses, Searches. Pavel Reichel, Reichel & Kol., Patent and Alvaro Castellanos M. & Co. Trademark Agency. Patent, Trademarks, Patent and Trademark Attorneys, P.O. CZECH REPUBLIC Licenses, Designs, Utility Models, Unfair Box 6349. Carrera 9 No. 93-09. Santa Fe de Kania, Sedlák, Smola, Patent and Trademark Competition, Searches, Copyright, P.O. Box Bogotá - COLOMBIA. Tel. (57) (1) 610 6219. Agency, Patents, Trademarks, Utility 52, 111 21 Praha 1, Tel.: +420 22251 7419 Fax: (57) (1) 610 0706. Telex: 44640 CO. Models, Designs, Searches. and +420 22252 2067, Fax: +420 22251 2407. Mendlovo námestí ˘ 1a, 60300 Brno. Rott, R˚uˇziˇcka and Guttmann Patent, Trademark and Law Office. P.O. Box Telephone: +420 5 4321 7593 ˇ Fax +420 5 4321 1366 and +420 5 4321 1993. 71, Nad Stolou 12, 1700 Praha 7, Tel.: +420 2 Patent Centre of Business and Innovation 333 71789, +420 2 333 70084, Fax: +420 2 333 Centre of the Czech Technical University in 82263, +420 2 33381523, +420 2 33377867, Prague. Patents, Trademarks, Utility Models, +420 2 333 81552. See also Slovakia Designs, Searches. Zikova 4, 166 36 Praha 6. Traplová, Hakr, Kubát, Law and Patent Offices, Tel. + 42/02/243552747, Fax + 42/02/24355274. Patents, Trademarks, Models, Designs. Pˇrístavní 24, 170 00 Prague 7. Phone: 02/6671 0172, 02/6671 0173, Fax: 02/6671 0174. WIPO Magazine/February 2002 7

DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S London office: J.E. Evans-Jackson & Co. Sigurjonsson & Thor, Patentbureau. Since REPUBLIC OF KOREA Ltd., Parchment House, 13 Northburgh Street, 1942. P.O. Box 662, Odinsgata 4, Reykjavik. London EC1V OAH, Tel. 44 71 608 3098, G. H. Sigurgeirsson, Patents & Trademarks. Fax: 44 71 6082934. P.O. Box 1337, 121 Reykjavik. Cable: “Ismark”. FAX: 354 1 62 22 61. Gudjón Styrkársson, Attorney, Patent, Trade GERMANY Mark Office, P.O. Box 582, 121 IS, Reykjavik, von Füner, Ebbinghaus, Finck, German and Telefax: 354-5628370. Tel.: 354-5518354. European Patent Attorneys, European Trademark Attorneys. P.O. Box 95 01 60, 81517 Munich. Tel.: ++4989/45 92 20, Fax: ++4989/48 20 58. INDIA [email protected] Chandrakant M. Joshi, Patent & Trade Marks Attorneys, 501, Vishwananak, Chakala NAMSANJAE Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 099. GREECE Fax: (022) 8380737. Phone: 8380848 Patent and Trademark Agents B. Kiortsis, 7, Mavrocordatou Str. Athens E-mail: [email protected] 106 78. Attorney. Barrister at law. Patents, D. Sen & Co., Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys, Trade-Marks; etc. Corresp.: English, 6, Old Post Office Street, Ground Floor, French, German. Tlx: 219877. Telefax: Calcutta 700 001 Grand People’s Study House, 0030 1 3602401. Fax: 091-033-2430787 Vidhani Trade Marks Co., 1720/57 Naiwala, P.O. Box 200, Pyongyang, Karol Bagh, N. Delhi-5, Phone: 5710511. D.P.R. of Korea HUNGARY E-mail: [email protected] Advopatent, Office of Patent and Trademark Attorneys. H-1251 Budapest, P.O. Box 11, Tel.: 36-1-2011-528, Fax 36-1-2011-692, E-mail: [email protected] INDONESIA Fax: (8502) 381-4427 or Budapatent Patent and Trademark Attorneys, H-1036 Budapest, Szépvölgyi út 3/b, Law Offices (8502) 381-2100 or Fax: 361-3686-178. Tel: 321-5614 Danubia Patent and Trademark Attorneys, AMROOS & PARTNERS Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Intellectual Property, Corporate and Commercial P.O. Box No. 198, H-1368, Budapest, Practices Namsanjae Patent & Trademark Agents. Grand Tel.: 36-1/118-1111, Fax: 36-1/138-2304, JI. Permata Hijau Raya B-29, Senayan, Jakarta 12210-Indonesia People’s Study House, P.O. Box 200, Pyongyang. Telex: 225872 danub h, Telegr.: DANUBIA Fax: (8502) 381-4427/381-2100, Tel.: 321-5614. Budapest. Phone: (62-21) 548 0068, 549 3880, 530 0680, 536 1576 Gödölle, Kékes, Mészáros & Szabó, Patent and Fax: (62-21) 548 2506 P.O. Box: 2201/Jkt DENMARK Trademark Attorneys, Keleti Károly u. 13/b, H-1024 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] & Budapest. Tel: (361) 438 50 40, Fax: (361) 438 50 41. [email protected] Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk E-mail: [email protected]. Patentbureau, European Patent Attorneys and Trade Marks Agents, Banegaardspladsen 1, DK-1570 Copenhagen V. Tel. +45 33 13 09 30, Fax +45 33 13 09 34.

EGYPT Prof. Mr. Dr. S. Gautama George Aziz, Patent Attorney, P.O. Box 2747 (Gouwgioksiong) cs El-Horriah, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. Tel: 202-2432692 & 2432347. Telefax: 202- 2432347 CCITT Gr. 2 and 3. Telex: 92663 BDCAZ (UN) Attn: George. S.B.G. & K. Advocates Patent and Law Offices & Solicitors Patents Patent & Trademark Attorneys and & Trademarks HAROUN & HAROUN Attorneys at Law

Patents, Trademarks & Legal Affairs Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, Established in 1939 by B. Favarger. Ing Searches, Drafting Contracts, Litigations P.O. Box 1540 Ð CAIRO 11511 EGYPT P.O. Box 341, Merdeka Timur 9 Fax 20 2 39 20 465 Tel. 20 2 39 17 734 Andrássy út 113, H-1062 Budapest JAKARTA P.O. Box 360, H-1369 Budapest Cables: INDOLAW Telecopier: 361-342-4323 Telephone: 361-342-4950 Telex: 46620 INDOLAW IA Nawar & Co. E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 62 (21) 374390 Trade Mark & Patent Agents in Egypt, Middle East & Africa. 21 Talaat Harb Street, Cairo. Telephone No. (202) 3916987. Fax: (202) 3921615. S.B.G. & K. Patent and Law Offices, H-1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 113. Telephone: 361-342-4950, JADISASTRA cs. EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Telefax: 361-342-4323. Patents & Trade Marks Compu-Mark, St. Pietersvliet 7, SWORKS International Patent Attorneys’ Office Ltd. P.O. Box 2909 2000 Antwerp, Belgium, H-1134 Budapest, Dévai u. 22-24/B, Hungary. Tel. +32 3 220 72 11, Phone: (36) 20937 7053, Fax: (36) 20939 5053, JAKARTA 10001 Fax: +32 3 220 73 90, [email protected], www.sworks.hu JI. Pintu Air II/20, 2nd Fl., www.compu-mark.com Jakarta-Pusat Markgraaf. Hogehilweg 3, NL 1101 Phone: 62-21-3454351, 3440938, 3813917 Amsterdam Zuidoost, P.O. Box 22722, ICELAND Fax: 62-21-5651966 Faktor Patentbureau ehf., Patentbureau, NL-1100 DE Amsterdam Zuidoost. E-mail: [email protected] Telephone 31-20 5641411, Telex: 10432. International Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Fax 31-20 6962303. European and world- P.O. Box 678, 121. Reykjavik. Phone: +354-575 wide searches, registration of trademarks 17 70, Fax: +354-562 50 10 and +354-551 13 33. and designs, etc. PATICE Patent & TM Attorneys – IP Law Firm, P.O. Box 8630, 128 Reykjavik. Tel: Int. +354- 588 1817, Fax: Int. +354-588 0044. E-mail: [email protected], Web site: www.patice.com 8 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

George Widjojo & Partners docteur en droit (membre A.I.P.P.I.) IMAN SJAHPUTRA Oei Tat Hway-Liem & ASSOCIATES docteur en droit Abdullah Wisnoe Widjaja Loetfi & Co. docteur en droit Trademarks INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY George S. Widjojo LAW FIRM docteur en droit and Patents Y.T. Widjojo Attorney ingénieur PATENT, TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, DESIGN Experts en matière de propriété industrielle Correspondance en anglais, français, allemand et néerlandais Menara Bank Dagang Negara (BDN) Kompleks DUTA JAYAKARTA Blok B/21 12th Floor Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta No 117 Boîte postale 2102-Jkt/Jakarta Jalan Kebon Sirih No. 83 Jakarta 10730 – Indonesia Adr. télégr. NOTOSO-JAKARTA Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia Telp. (62-21) 2300 800 ext. 1287 Tel: 6599703, 6599704, 6490917, 6490919 (62-21) 327 450 Fax: (62-21) 6007471 Telex: 63961 IA Bureau: JAKARTA-KOTA, Kali Besar Barat No 5 Fax. (62-21) 2302 664 Telex: 42949 IA MUTIARA Patent Patent, Trade Mark, Copyright Attorneys, Lawyer and Legal Consultant

Head Office: Phone : (62-21) 5372271-5377157-5382470 Nilakandi Building 5th floor Fax : (62-21) 5372122-5377984-6910766 Jl. Roa Malaka Utara 1-3 E-mail: [email protected] Jakarta Kota [email protected] http://www.mutiara-patent.com Extention office: Raharjo Building Complex Block 5E Jl. Roa Malaka Utara 4-6 Jakarta Kota

Regional Office: Villa Melati Mas Estate For enjoying the benefits of our Trademark Block B8 II No. 8-9 Jl. Raya Serpong-Tangerang Free Watching Service in Indonesia, please West Java ensure to list your or your client’s trademark with our firm. Mail address: P.O. Box 4885, Jakarta 10048 Indonesia

Mutiara Patent, Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Offices Nilakandi Building 5th floor, Jl. Roa Malaka LAW OFFICES OF R. AGHABABIAN & CO. Utara 1-3, P.O. Box 4885, Jakarta 10048. DR. CYRUS POUYAN Dr. Alexander Aghayan Tel. 5372271, Fax 6923074, E-mail: and Associates, Inc. Est. 1919 [email protected]. Founded 1912

Ave. Djomhouri Islami (Naderi), Nowbahar St.18. Patent & Trade Mark Agents & Attorneys Teheran, Postal Code 11354 Iran (Islamic Republic of) in IRAN, Afghanistan and Middle East Countries IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Languages: English and French Law Office of Albert Bernardi & Associates. Tel.: (9821) 671131 - 671132 - 645 3828 - 645 3829 Trademark & Patent Agents, 262 Ferdowsi Ave., Fax: (9821) 645 9119 149, Sarhang Sakhaee Avenue – Tehran 11354 - IRAN Fax: (009821) 6704858 & 6724328 – Tel.: (009821) 6705056 Tehran 11458, Phone 3118984, Fax 3914322, E-mail: Website: www.Iranlaw.com [email protected], cables: Bernardi, Tehran, Iran E-mail: [email protected] – Web site: http://www.aghayan.com WIPO Magazine/February 2002 9

JAPAN ASAMURA ITOH PATENT OFFICE J. BOKHARAI Established 1891 INTERNATIONAL Registered Patent Attorneys & ASSOCIATES 331 New Ohtemachi Bldg. PATENT OFFICE Patent Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO 100-0004 & Trade Mark Attorneys Telephone: (03) 3211-3651-4 Facsimile: (03) 3246-1239 TADAHIKO ITOH & COMPANIES: & Agents (03) 3270-5076 PATENT ATTORNEYS 32nd FLOOR, YEBISU GARDEN PLACE TOWER 20-3 THE HANABUSA EBISU 4-CHOME SHIBUYA-KL, Gh. Farahani Street, INSTITUTE FOR TOKYO 150 Shoa Square No. 2/3, THE PROTECTION Tehran 15858 Ð IRAN OF INDUSTRIAL Tel.: 0098-21-8300041-42 Cables: “INTITOPAT” TOKYO Fax: 0098-21-8837000 & 8841250 PROPERTY Tel.: 3-5424-2511 E-mail: [email protected] Telex: ITOHPAT J 27676 Website: http://www.bokharai.com Fax: 3-5424-2527 2525 Patents, Trademarks, Hami Legal Services. Legal Advice & Searches Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys. 402, 1409, Vali asr Avenue, Tehran 19677. Tel.: +9821 Shufunotomo Bldg. 1-6 UNION PATENT SERVICE 204 3684. Fax: +9821 204 3686. Email: [email protected]. Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, CENTER, INC. Tokyo Foreign Patents, Trademarks and Designs Law Offices of Dr. Ali Laghaee TOKYO OFFICE: Tel.: 291-9721-3 & Associates Inc. International Gloria Hatsuho Ikebukuro 7th floor Est. 1962 Telex: 02228277 HANIX Cable: HANINPRO TOKYO 1-28-1-708 Higashi-Ikebukuro Africa Ave, Shahid Atefi (West) No. 27 “Kimia Bldg.”, Telex: 02228277 HANIX Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170 Japan 3rd Floor No. 13-14 Tehran 19679 – Iran Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11365-4948, Tehran, Iran Facsimile: 3-295-6749 (G III) Telex: 2722432 UNIPAT J Tels.: +(98-21) 201-5041, 201-5019, 205-0579 & 205-2350 Cables: UNIPATCEN TOKYO Fax: +(98-21) 205-0150 & 204-9136 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 03 3988 7421; 03 3988 7423 WEB site: http//www.drlaghaee.com Facsimile: 81 3 3988 7424; 81 3 3988 3491 HONG KONG OFFICE: 1302 Tung Wai Commercial Building, HIRAKI & 111 Gloucester Road, G.P.O. Box 7311, LEADING OFFICE IP-LAW BEST SERVICES ASSOCIATES Hong Kong, SAR Telex: 62539 UNIPA HX ABBAS MOHAJERIAN Cable: UNIPATCEN HONG KONG & PARTNERS Tel.: 2511 7382; 2511 7466 INTERNATIONAL PATENT & Facsimile: 2511 6737 LAW OFFICES PATENTS, UTILITY MODELS, DESIGNS, TRADEMARKS DESIGNS, SERVICE- PATENT MARKS, LICENCE, YUASA TRADEMARK SEARCH, LITIGATIONS AND LITIGATION & ARBITRATION TORANOMON No. 5 MORI BLDG., THIRD FLOOR, 17-1, HARA TORANOMON, 1-CHOME Established 1902 MINATO-KU, TOKYO 105, E-mail: [email protected] JAPAN TELEPHONE: (3)-3503-8637 http://www.iplawiran.com FACSIMILE: (3)-3503-2377 INTERNATIONAL LAW, PATENT, Fax: (98-21) 270 92 85 (3)-3503-0414 TRADEMARK & ACCOUNTING & 271 82 75 Tel.: (98-21) 271 88 62 Section 206, New Ohtemachi Bldg., 2-2-1, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, KYOWA PATENT Tokyo 100-0004 ISRAEL Dr. Yitzhak Hess, Patent Attorney. P.O. Box AND LAW OFFICE 6451, Tel Aviv 61063. Mail: C.P.O. Box 714, Tokyo 100-8692 Wolff, Bregman and Goller, Chartered Patent Attorneys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys. Cable: «UCHITATSU», TOKYO Tel: (03) 3270-6641 Telex: 0222-3275 Kyopat J P.O. Box 1352, Jerusalem 91013. Fax: (03) 3246-0233 Tel.: 792-2-624-2255. Telephone: 03-3211-2321 thru 2328 Facsimile: 03-3211-1386 Fax: 792-2-624-2266. TOKYO Central P.O. Box No. 56 URL: http://www.yuasa-hara.co.jp Established 1908 TOKYO-JAPAN 10 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

Darras & Hijazi, Intellectual Property Patent and Al Dallal Audit Office (Trade Mark & Patent TSUKUNI & ASSOCIATE Trademark Agents and Attorneys in Jordan and Dept), Registration of Trade Marks, the Arab States. P.O. Box 17035, Patents and Other Related Services, P.O. CONSULTING Amman 11195. Tel.: (962 6) 5666806, Fax: 5666807, Box 23786, Safat 13098, Kuwait. Fax: E-mail: [email protected], www. dhipp.com 2423722, Tel: 2407858.

Engineer, Registered Patent Attorneys Specially : chemical, pharmaceutical KAZAKHSTAN LEBANON mechanical & trademark cases Shabalina & Partners, Patent & Trademark SVAX TS Bldg., 22-12, Toranomon 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Attorneys, 480013 Almaty, P.O. Box 15, Fax : (03) 3502-7218 (G3), (03) 5512-7694 (G4) Tel.: (3272) 69 98 88, Fax: (3272) 62 67 32, Phone : (03) 3502-7211-7213 E-mail: [email protected] ABU-SETTA

JORDAN KUWAIT & PARTNERS Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 910580, Amman Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 2958, Safat, Ku- 11191, Tel.: 962 6 4617552, Fax: 962 6 4617553, wait 13030. Tel: 965 2455896. Fax: 965 2455897, E-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected]. Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Designs, Copyrights, Search, ABU-SETTA ABU-SETTA Litigation, Enforcement, Agencies, Distributorship, Licensing, & PARTNERS & PARTNERS Franchising

P.O. Box 13-5213 Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Beirut Designs, Copyrights, Search, Designs, Copyrights, Search, Lebanon Litigation, Enforcement Litigation, Enforcement Agencies, Distributorship, Agencies, Distributorship, Tel.: 961 1 744691 Licensing. Franchising Licensing. Franchising Fax: 961 1 744692

P.O. Box 910580 P.O. Box 2958 E-mail: [email protected] Amman 11191 Safat Jordan Kuwait 13030 Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 13-5213, Beirut, Tel.: 961 1 744691, Fax: 961 1 744692, E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: 962 6 4617552 Tel: 965 2 455896 APA-Associated Patent Attorneys, P.O. Box 165262, Fax: 962 6 4617553 Fax: 965 2 455897 Beirut-1100-2030, Phone: +961 4 54 12 31; Fax: +961 4 54 30 87. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

HEAD OFFICE ABA O ROUP P.O. Box 11-9420, Beirut, Lebanon S & C . G Fax: (961 1) 331 531 TRADE MARK AND PATENT AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http//www.sabaip.com

ALGERIA JORDAN QATAR P.O. Box 157 Ð Centre de Tri Algiers P.O. Box 840553 P.O. Box 14035 Ð Doha Fax: (213 21) 23 82 60 Amman 11184 Fax: (974 4) 324 106 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (962 6) 4642159 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com BAHRAIN SAUDI ARABIA P.O. Box 21013 Ð Manama A.N. Bazar-Bashi Telex: 8769 SABA BN KUWAIT Law Office Fax: (973) 224699 P.O.Box 1245 Ð 13013 Safat P.O. Box 61603 Ð Riyadh 11575 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (965) 240 2243 Fax: (966 1) 461 1662 Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com E-mail: [email protected] CYPRUS Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com P.O. Box 21143 Ð 1502 Nicosia LEBANON Telex: 4909 SABACO CY SYRIA P.O. Box 11-9420 Ð Beirut Fax: (357 2) 754037 P.O. Box 460 Ð Damascus Fax: (961 1) 334 434 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (963 11) 222 6280 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com EGYPT P.O. Box 129 Mohamed Farid Ð Cairo MOROCCO UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Telex: 22 522 NTDC UN P.O. Box 13 921 Ð Casablanca P.O. Box 42259 Ð Dubai, U.A.E. Fax: (20 2) 795 2314 Fax: (212 22) 251 603 Fax: (971 4) 2243 201 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com IRAQ Murjan Building, South Gate Ð Baghdad OMAN YEMEN Telex: 213720 DINA IK P.O. Box 258 Ð Ruwi-Muscat 112 P.O. Box 1493 Ð San'aa Fax: (964 1) 8853379 Fax: (968) 786 878 Fax: (967 1) 420 596 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Web Site: http://www.sabaip.com Head Office at the above address covers: Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, West Bank, Gaza, O.A.P.I. Union, Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia, Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Malta and all other countries of Africa and Asia. WIPO Magazine/February 2002 11

LIECHTENSTEIN Orgilmaa, Patent Attorney, P.O. Box 163, Patra Patent-Treuhand-Anstalt. Im Gapetsch Ulaanbaatar 20, Fax: 976-1-353012. UDO UDOMA & BELO-OSAGIE 23, FL-9494 Schaan (Principauté de Solicitors, Patent & Trademark Attorneys Liechtenstein). Brevets d’invention - Marques - Dessins - Modèles - Copyrights - NETHERLANDS U.U. Udoma M.A., B.C.L. (Oxon), B.L. Contrats de licence. M. Belo-Osagie LLB., SJD (Harv.), B.L. O.D. Lijadu B.A. (Dunelm) LL.M. (Lond) Patentbüro Paul Rosenich AG, BGZ. FL-9497 Triesenberg. Fax: 00423/262 33 34. www.rosenich.com. 9 Military Street, Onikan, Lagos MANUAL P.O. Box 53123, Ikoyi, Lagos Tel.: 636880, 634831 – Telex 23750 PETCTI NG Fax 234-1-634541, 234-1-684567 LITHUANIA FOR THE HANDLING OF APPLICATIONS FOR OMAN PATENTS, DESIGNS AND TRADE MARKS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ABU-SETTA ¨ (first edition 1927) A seven volume loose-leaf handbook on & PARTNERS for trademark, patent, design, copyright industrial property, covering nearly all protection in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia countries of the world Patents, Trade/Service Marks, The Manual is updated several times per Designs, Copyrights, Search, AAA Legal Services year on a subscription basis Rudninku 18/2, Litigation, Enforcement, Agencies, 2001 Vilnius, Lithuania For further information please write to: Distributorship, Licensing, Tel: (370 2) 61 32 32 Manual Industrial Property BV, Franchising Fax: (370 2) 22 04 22 Subscription Department, P.O. Box 15140, e-mail: [email protected] www.aaa.lt NL-3501 BC Utrecht, Netherlands or fax to +31 30 271-4722 P.O. Box 3806 AAA Legal Services or E-mail to [email protected] Ruwi 112 PO Box 3926 Oman 10509 Tallinn, Estonia Markgraaf, Hogehilweg 3, NL-1101 CA Tel: (372 6) 40 64 35 Amsterdam Zuidoost, P.O. Box 22722, Tel: 968 796600 Fax: (372 6) 40 64 39 NL-1100 DE Amsterdam Zuidoost, Fax: 968 796700 e-mail: [email protected] www.aaa.ee Holland. Tx 10432, FAX (020) 696 23 03. Muller & Eilbracht. P.O. Box 1080, NL-2260 BB Leidschendam, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 70 E-mail: [email protected] 3202824. E-mail: [email protected]

PATENTINIU ˛ PASLAUGU ˛ Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 3806, Ruwi 112. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Tel.: 968 796600, Fax: 968 796700, CENTRAS, UAB G.A. Winkel Sr. N.V. International E-mail: [email protected]. Trademark Consultants P.O. Box 552, Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, Fax (5999)- 7371626, Tel. (5999) 7371546. Also your PAKISTAN Address: J. Basanaviˇciaus Str. 11/1 trademark agent for Aruba. 2600 MTP Vilnius, Lithuania AFGHANISTAN Fax: (370 2) 22 35 57 ARMENIA • AZERBAIJAN • BELARUS Tel.: (370 2) 22 35 58 NIGERIA ESTONIA • GEORGIA • KAZAKHSTAN KYRGIZSTAN • LATVIA • LITHUANIA • MOLDOVA MALTA DAVID GARRICK & CO. RUSSIA • TAJIKISTAN • TURKMENISTAN Bezzina & Mifsud Patentbureau, Patent & UKRAINE & Trademark Attorneys, 3F BOV Centre, 25, OLANREWAJU STREET, OREGUN Hight Street, Sliema SLM16, Malta. Fax: INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OREGUN (+356) 339868, Tel: (+356) 330444, P.O. BOX 2471, LAGOS, NIGERIA. E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: 960753; 2660160, 2661804. AFGHANISTAN G.S. Services Ltd., Fax: 234-1-2662375; 2611134; Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, 2635595 & 2615661. TRADE MARK 35A, Archbishop Street, Valletta VLT 08 Telex: 33173 GARIK NG, Cable Address: ATTORNEYS Tel.: 247109, 243149, Fax: 247170. “Patents, Lagos” Tonna, Camilleri, Vassallo & Co. Patents, Designs and Trademarks. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, DEPT-1, 305 AMBER ESTATE, 52, Old Theatre Street. Copyright, Patent, Design, Trade Mark SHAHR-E-FAISAL, KARACHI-75350, Valletta, Malta. & Tax Attorneys Tel. 232271, Tlx: 891 Tocavo, Fax: 244291. PAKISTAN

DAVID L. GARRICK, BCL, MA (Oxon) TEL: 9221-453 4126 • 431 1208 • 431 1209 MONGOLIA of Lincoln’s Inn and FAX: 9221-453 6109 • 454 9272 The Supreme Court of Nigeria, Email: [email protected] ARGAI Barrister. http://firms.findlaw.com/afghanistan PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE OLUGBOYEGA KAYODE, LL.M. (Lond.) of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, M. Amin & Co., Patent, Design & Trademark Senior Attorney: D. SAIZMAA Barrister at Law. Attorneys, Ferozepurwala Chambers, M.A. Jinnah Road, P.O. Box 4167, Karachi-2. Tel.: 92-21-2424612, Cables: TAXMARK, P.O. Box-327, Ulaanbaatar 210524, Mongolia Fax: 92-21-2424612. Fax: 976-1-327803 Also: P.O. Box 325, Lahore 54000. E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 92-42-7124821, Fax 92-42-7121490. 12 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

Mahmood Chaudhri & Co., 58-National PERU Chambers, Arambagh Road, Karachi-74200. Tlx: 28816 ARCO PK, Fax: (92-21) 262 6619. PATENT, TRADE MARK, COPYRIGHT BARREDA VALENCIA DESIGNS, DOMAIN NAMES, CYBER LAW LAW OFFICE MOLLER Established in 1927 BANGLADESH, BHUTAN, BRUNEI, CAMBODIA, EGYPT, INDIA, IRAN, JORDAN, KUWAIT, LAOS, LEBANON, MONGOLIA, MALDIVES, MYANMAR, NEPAL, OMAN, QATAR, SAUDI ARABIA, SRI Lawyers-Industrial Property Agents Patent and Trademark Attorneys LANKA, VIETNAM & UAE Patents, Designs, Trademarks, All industrial Property Rights Copyright, Licensing, Searches, General Practice Litigation

KHURSHEED KHAN Av. Angamos Oeste No. 1475 & ASSOCIATES Lima (18) - Peru Av. Angamos Oeste 1200, Telephone No. 403168 LIMA 18, PERU Fax: (511) 440 2554 305 AMBER ESTATE, SHAHRAH-E-FAISAL, E-mail: [email protected] KARACHI - 75350, PAKISTAN Web site: www.valencialawoff.com.pe

Telephone (511) 221-5715, 221-5720 Tel.: 9221-453 3669, 453 3665, 453 3653 Facsimile (511) 441-1960, 441-1916 For all American Countries Fax: 9221-454 9272, 453 6109 & 263 5276 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.barreda.com.pe E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected] www.PakistanLaw.com GALVEZ TAFUR Khursheed Khan & Associates, Tim Roberts - Chartered Patent Attorney, Zulfiqar Khan - LAW OFFICE S.C.R.L. Trade Mark Attorney (FICPI), 305 Amber ESTUDIO ESTABLISHED 1941 Estate, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi-75350. Phone 4533 665 & 4533 669, Fax: (92-21) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: 454 9272, 453 6109 & 263 5276, E-Mail: COLMENARES Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, [email protected]. License, Litigation. General Practice. S.R.L. Senior Attorney : Adolfo Cadenillas Galvez UNITED TRADEMARK & Established in 1904 – Office Address : PATENT SERVICES International Patent & Trade Av. Los Libertadores 533, 2nd Floor, (Established 1949) Mark Attorneys San Isidro, Lima 27 PERU Intellectual Property Attorneys & Lawyers, Mail Address : Trademark, Patent, Design & Copyright, P.O. Box 8, Lima 100 - PERU Anticounterfeiting, Infringement, Anti Piracy, Tel. (511) 4465793, 4466457, 4444326, Enforcement, Litigation, Technology Transfer & Telefax: (511) 4450347, 4444102 Telecopier numbers : Licensing Attorneys Postal Address: P.O. Box 277 Lima 100, Peru 511 442 6687, 472 0461, 442 6014, 433 1311

M. YAWAR IRFAN KHAN Office address: Bolognesi 125, 8o piso, Members of the AIPPI, FICPI, ASIPI, Intellectual Property Expert Miraflores, Lima 18, Peru Deutsch-Peruanische Industrie und HASAN IRFAN KHAN Handelskamer, Japanese-Peruvian Chamber Attorney-At-Law E-mail: [email protected] of Commerce, Inter-Pacific Bar Association Expert in Anticounterfeiting Web: www.colmenares.com.pe (IPBA), World Jurist Association (WJA) Enforcement & Litigation Matters

Head Office: Top Floor West End Building, 61-The Mall, Estudio Colmenares S.R.L. Est. 1904. Lahore-54000, PAKISTAN Patents, Trademarks, Designs, Searches. PHILIPPINES Telephones: 042-7249638-9, 042-7236124-5, 042-7321490 & 042-7353025 P.O. Box 277, Lima-100, Peru. Facsimiles: 042-7323501, 042-7233083, 042-7243105 & 042-7577693 CESAR C. CRUZ E-mail: [email protected] Telex: 44631 IRFAN PK Cables: IRFANMARK LAHORE & PARTNERS PAKISTAN, SOUTH EAST ASIA, GULF & MIDDLE EAST (formerly Cruz Valdez & Partners) CESAR C. CRUZ Managing Partner United Trademark & Patent Services. DEMETRIO ORE Intellectual Property Attorneys, Trademark, Patent, Design & Copyright, Anticounter- & CO. S.A. feiting, Enforcement & Litigation Attorneys. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY M. Yawar Irfan Khan, Intellectual Property AGENTS AND LAWYERS Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Expert, Hasan Irfan Khan, Attorney-At-Law, Searches, Technology Transfer Expert in Anticounterfeiting, Enforcement Agreements and litigation of related & Litigation Matters. Top Floor West End Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs, matters Building, 61-The Mall, Lahore-54000. Utility Models, Licensing and Franchising. Telephones 042-7249638-9, 042-7236124-5. Unfair Competition, Copyright, Facsimiles: 042-7323501/7233083/7243105/ Searches, Litigation. 7577693, E-Mail: [email protected] Cables: IRFANMARK LAHORE. Vellani & Vellani, 148, 18th East Street, Phase I, Conde de Chinchón No 875, 8vo, Piso MC P.O. Box 1965 Defence Officers’ Housing Authority, Karachi-75500. San Isidro, Lima 27, Perú Makati Metro Manila Telephone 511 4419731 Zaki & Company, 21-A, Wahab Arcade. Fax 4421489 1259 Philippines M. A. Jinnah Road, Karachi-74200. Fax E-Mail: [email protected] (92) (21) 2620823, Tlx: 25567 AL ABD PK. E-Mail: [email protected] Fax Nos.: (632) 811-0208 and (632) 811-0209 WIPO Magazine/February 2002 13

Cesar C. Cruz & Partners (formerly Cruz Valdez & Partners), Patent & Trademark Attorneys, 26th Floor, Rufino Pacific Tower, Ayala Avenue cor. Herrera Street Makati, Metro Manila – 1229 Philippines, MC P.O. Box 1965, Makati Metro Manila, PATENT ATTORNEYS COMPANY Philippines, Fax Nos.: (632) 811-0208 and JAN WIERZCHON« & CO. (632) 811-0209. PATENTS PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Chemical synthesis, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Genetic engineering. Microbiology, Agricultural chemicals, Mechanical, Electrtical, Electronics; UTILITY MODELS, DESIGNS, DR. A. AU TRADE MARKS, RESEARCHES, LICENCES, KNOW-HOW, COPYRIGHT, INTELLECTUAL & P.O. BOX 709 PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT LITIGATION, 00-950 WARSZAWA PARTNERS PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION POLAND P.O. Box 168, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland TEL.: (48 22) 436 05 07 Fax: (48-22) 644 96 00; (48) 39 12 18 15 FAX: (48 22) 436 05 02 Tel: (48-22) 644 96 57, 644 96 68, 644 96 50, E-Mail: [email protected] Patent & 644 96 79, 644 96 90 Trademark Attorneys E-mail: [email protected]

PATPOL — Patent Attorney Office, 00950 Jan Wierzcho´n & Co. Patent and Trademark Warszawa, P.O. Box 168. Patents, Utility Office; 00-950 Warszawa, P.O. Box 709; Tel: Models, Designs, Trade Marks. (48 22) 436 05 07, Fax: (48 22) 436 05 02. P.O. Box 85, Pl. 60-967 Pozna´n 9 POLAND Tel: (061) 851 74 44; 855 19 83 PORTUGAL A.G. da Cunha Ferreira Lda., founded in 1880. Fax: (061) 852 22 63 Patents, Trademarks, Models, Searches, Rua E-mail: [email protected] das Flores, 74-4th Floor, 1200-195 Lisboa. PATENTS - TRADE MARKS Teleph.: (351-21) 324 15 30. Fax (351-21) INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS 342 24 46, 347 66 56. SEARCHES - TRANSLATIONS Dr. A. Au & Partners, Patent & Trademark * J. E. DIAS COSTA, LIMITADA Attorneys, P.O. Box 85, PL 60-967 Pozna´n 9. Services in all industrial Tel. (061) 851 74 44; 855 19 83, Fax: (061) 852 22 63, CABINET DIAS COSTA E-mail: [email protected]. property matters in Poland and abroad Ryszard Balwierz, Trade Mark & Patent Agency, Established 1929 Rua do Salitre, 195, r/c. ul. Kardynala⁄ Wyszy´nskiego 3/5, 75-062 Koszalin. * 1269-063 LISBON Phone: (48 94) 346-53-29, fax: 346-53-29. Offices for protection of Patents PORTUGAL Jacek Czabajski – Patent & Trademark Office industrial property TRASET, 80-422 Gda´nsk 22, P.O. Box 1, tel/fax Designs Telephone: (+351) 21 384 13 00 (48-58) 345 76 32, E-mail: [email protected], Trade Marks Telecopier: (+351) 21 387 57 75 www.traset.3net.pl Searches E-mail: [email protected] Helpat Patent and Trade Mark Bureau, POLSERVICE Sp. z o.o. Heliodor Stypulkowski, Opaczewska 00-613 Warszawa - POLAND Str. 12 m.17 02-368 Warsaw Fax: (48-22) Chal⁄ubinskiego ´ 8 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 6593040 HELPAT, (48-22) 39121111 Phone: (+48 22) 830 09 17 HELPAT. Telex: 813 539 upol pl PATENT Telecopier: (+4822) 830 00 95 CHOI & KIM FIRM e-mail: [email protected] KANCELARIA PATENT & TRADEMARK POLSERVICE Sp. z o.o. Office for Protection of ATTORNEYS PATENTOWA Industrial Property. 00-613 Warszawa, Chalubinskiego 8, Phone 0048 22 / 830 09 17, E-mail: [email protected]. Dr inz« . ZBIGNIEW KAMIN« SKI Bogdan Rokicki, Patent, Trademark & Law Office, Tel./Fax: (48 22) 628 56 62, P.O. Box 5, 04-026 Warsaw 50. E-mail: [email protected] PATENT ATTORNEY Yuwha Bldg. ESTABL. 1958 49–2, Banpo-dong, Seocho-ku Seoul 137-040 KOREA PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, DESIGNS, Mail: K.P.O. Box 15 SEARCHES, LEGAL ADVICE Seoul 110-600 KOREA

Tel.: 82-2-3481-2002 Fax: 82-2-3481-0390 02-011 WARSZAWA - POLAND Fax: 82-2-3482-2426 AL. JEROZOLIMSKIE 101/18 E-mail: [email protected] TEL./FAX (48.2) 6280739 14 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

KIMS INTERNATIONAL CABINET M. OPROIU Patent and Trademark Attorneys Private firm established in 1995 Patents & Law Office Address: YOUNGDONG P.O. BOX 47, Seoul 155, Calea Victoriei, One of Romania’s oldest and largest Telex: KIMSPAT K32907 Bldg. D1 Entrance No. 2, 5th Floor IP Agencies providing a full range of Cable: KIMSINTPAT App. No. 54, P.O. Box 22-217 services relating to the acquisition, Telefax: (02) 557-3404 (G II & III) Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania maintenance, exploitation and enforcement of Rights deriving from Telephone No. +40 1 314 8672; +40 1 311 07 65; Fax No: +40 1 311 07 65 patents, trademarks, designs, integrated MYUNG-SHIN & PARTNERS circuit topographies as well as searches, E-mail: [email protected] licensing and franchising. Internet: http//www.oproiu.ro Patent Attorneys Areas of Specialization st 12th Fl., Jindo Bldg., 37, Dowha-dong, Mapo-gu, Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Designs: Acquisition, 35, Ermil Pangratti Str., 1 Floor Seoul, Rep. of KOREA Enforcement, Litigation, Searches, Watching Services. Sector 1, Bucharest (Mail: P.O. Box 1, Mapo, Seoul) PO Box 63-195 Administration of IP Portfolio, Licensing, Tel: (2) 714-9922/32 Romania Unfair Competition, Fax: (2) 714-9933/34 Tel:(40 1) 231 2515:231 2541 Legal Advice in Romania and the Republic of Moldova Fax:(40 1) 231 2550:231 2454 E-mail: [email protected] Member: FICPI, INTA, ECTA, AIPPI, MARQUES, PTMG Website: http://www.rominvent.ro Y. S HIN PATENT OFFICE ¨ RUSSIAN FEDERATION Patent Attorneys: Yongkyl SHIN Jinsoo JUNG INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Website: www.patent.co.kr PATENT ATTORNEY e-mail: [email protected] DIRECTOR Stelian Marinescu - Fax: 82-2-557-0927 JURIST-ECONOMIST (during 40 years of practice) PATENTS, UTILITY ROMANIA The first PRIVATE SOCIETY in ROMANIA MODELS, TRADEMARKS, DESIGNS, SEARCHES, 2 Dr. N. Turnescu Str. TRANSLATIONS 76256 Bucharest Established 1990 Phone/Fax: + 401 312 1669, + 401 223 3963 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, CIS-STATES, Patent & Trademark Agents Ð Specialist juridical and technical advice in the field of industrial property. EURASIAN PATENTS Prof. Dr. C. Turcanu Ð Patenting of inventions and registration of trade- marks, designs and other forms of protection right Maly Zlatoustinsky Per. d. 10, kv. 15 & Partners of industrial property and all aspect of technology transfer, assignment, licensing, infringement, Moscow, 101000, unfair competition, etc. Russian Federation Intellectual property rights: Ð Investigations of technical and legal anteriority in Tel: +7-095-925-49-34, litigation, infringement, searches, the domain. Fax: +7-095-928-81-87 general practice

7 C. Coposu, Bl. 104, Sc. 2. Ap. 31 Euromarkpat, Patents, Utility Models, P.O. Box 20-16 Trademarks, Designs, Searches, Translations. Sector 3, Bucharest, 74100 Rodall Moscow, 101000, Maly Zlatoustinsky Per.d.10, Tel: 40 1 320 0285 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AGENCY kv.15 Tel: +7-095-925-49-34, Fax: +7-095-928-81-87. Fax: 40 1 322 8325

www.mark-patent.ro PATENTS “PATIS” e-mail: [email protected] TRADEMARKS Patent Services Centre INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS Patent, trademarks, designs, COPYRIGHTS utility models LICENSES 55”A” Miklukho-Maklaya Str. Moscow 117279, RUSSIA SEARCHES tel: (095) 334 86 98 INFRINGEMENTS fax: (095) 334 96 47 E-mail: [email protected]

ADDRESS: Str. Polona 115, bl. 15, sc. A, apt. 19, sector 1 71151 Bucharest, Romania RUSSIAN AGENCY COUNTRIES Phone nos: ++40 1 210 83 42 TRIA ROBIT 092 652 111 or 092652 044 or 095 153 566 Fax no: ++40 1 210 57 94 IP ATTORNEYS Email: [email protected] Chermyansky proyezd 7 Internet: http://www.rodall.ro Moskow, 129282, Russia Phone +7095 4767480 Fax +7095 4767981 E-mail: [email protected] WIPO Magazine/February 2002 15


PATENTS The premier IP firm in Russia TRADEMARKS Patent and Trademark Attorneys Eurasian Patent Attorneys DESIGNS Moscow Head office: PLANT VARIETIES B. Spasskaya Str., 25 stroenie 3, Moscow, 129010 DOMAIN NAMES Telephone: +7 (095) 937 61 16, 937 61 09 Fax: +7 (095) 937 61 04, 937 61 23 SEARCH E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.gorodissky.ru COPYRIGHTS Branch offices: St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod, Krasnodar, Samara, LICENSING Ekaterinburg, Kiev (Ukraine)

LITIGATION Russia CIS countries Baltic States

SAUDI ARABIA Liapunov & Co. SAUD M.A. SHAWWAF LAW OFFICE Patent and Trademark attorneys Eurasian Patent attorneys Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Designs, Copyrights, Search, Postal Address: Litigation, Enforcement Box 5, St. Petersburg, Agencies, Distributorship, 191002, Russia JAMIL A. ABDUL-RAZAK Licensing. Franchising Street Address: apt. 25,16 Zagorodny prospect, St. Petersburg, 191002, Russia Consultant on P.O. Box 17854 Management, Commercial Regulations, Tel.: +7 812 312 84 21 Riyadh 11494 Fax: +7 812 314 08 21 Feasibility Studies, and Marketing Saudi Arabia E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.liapunov.spb.ru Tel: 966 1 4790951 Patent & Trade Marks Agents Fax: 966 1 4775357 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Phone: 966-1-4774549 Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Fax: 966-1-4762195 Ukraine, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box: 3063 – Riyadh 11471 Saud M.A. Shawwaf Law Office. Patent and Trademark Agents. P.O. Box 17854, Riyadh VCPU Patent Agency APA – Associated Patent Attorneys, 11494. Tel: 966-1-479-0951, 4782654, Tlx: P. O. Box: 2210, Riyadh 11451, K. S. A. 401831 SAUCON SJ, Fax: 477-5357. Patents, trademarks, industrial Phone: +966 1 263 12 14, Fax: +966 1 263 12 15, designs, utility models E-mail: [email protected] G. Bogdanova, E-539, Box 6 Samir Shamma & Nassir Kadasa. Registered TM & Patent Agents (Nassir A. Kadasa). 111539, Moscow, Russia P.O. Box 20883, Riyadh 11465, S.A. tel/fax: (095) 429 9343 Tel: (966-1) 474-0777. e-mail: [email protected] Facsimile (966-1) 476-1044 CCITT G2/G3. E-mail: [email protected] 16 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

SINGAPORE SPAIN Clarke, Modet & Cía. S.L. Avda. de los Encuartes, 21, Tres Cantos - 28760 Madrid. W. P. Lai & Company Fax: 34 1 803 82 20/803 83 23. HUG INTERLIZENZ AG Patent & Trademark Agents Elzaburu, Miguel Angel 21, 28010 Madrid. (Associated with WENPING & Sanz Bermell, Játiva 4, 46002 Valencia, COMPANY, Japan) Fax: +34963528907 Tel:+34963523077

PSA BLDG, P.O. Box 0399 Singapore 9111. Patents SUGRAÑES Established 1925 Cable Address: PATENTSING Trademarks Telex: RS 22875 WPLAI - Fax: (65) 2734854 Registered Patent and Trade Mark Agents Head office: Fax 34-93-2153723 Designs E-mail: [email protected] SLOVAKIA website: www.sugranes.com Licensing Calle Provenza, 304 Animus, The Joint Patent, Trademark and 08008 BARCELONA Copyright Office, R. Spisˇiak, J. Gunisˇ, Branch office:F. Peña - Po. Delicias, 100 M. Bachratá, P.O. Box 74, 810 00 Bratislava 28045 MADRID Tel. 42 (7)375681, 363171, Fax. 42 (7)375645, 766747 Inventa, Patents & Trademarks Agency, Office : Nordstrasse 31 D. C˘echvalová, Palisády 50, 811 06 Bratislava. 8035 Zürich Tel/Fax: 421 7 5319167, 421 7 5319168. SUDAN Patentservis Bratislava, Ltd., Patents, Utility Models, Phone : 01/360 17 00 Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Searches, Telefax : 01/360 17 17 Copyright. Hybes˘ova 40, 831 02 Bratislava, SK. Phone 421 7 44875071, Fax: 421 7 44872075, ABU-SETTA E-mail: [email protected] Rott, Ruz ˚ ˇicˇka & Guttmann, Patent, Trade- & PARTNERS mark and Law Office Lamacˇská cesta 8, 817 14 Bratislava. Tel. / Fax: (00421 7) 377593. See also the Czech Republic. Patents, Trade/Service Marks, KATZAROV’S Designs, Copyrights, Search, MANUAL ON INDUSTRIAL SLOVENIA PROPERTY Litigation, Enforcement on CD-Rom Agencies, Distributorship, Licensing. Franchising Besides the printed version in a Dipl.ing. two-volume book, updated annually, ˇ the Manual is now available on Duˇsan BORSTAR, s.p. P.O. Box 8068 CD-Rom PATENT & TRADEMARK Khartoum 12217 Contains in concise form all the information ATTORNEYS Sudan necessary for filing and prosecuting applications and maintaining patents, trademarks and designs in most countries in the world. Tel: 249 11 489003 Indispensable for the daily work of an internationally Fax: 249 11 489004 active patent or trademark agent. For information or placing an order, E-mail: [email protected] please write to: KATZAROV SA, Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 8068, Khartoum, Patent & Trademark Attorneys, Nova ulica 11; P.O. Box 074 12217. Tel: 249 11 489003. Fax: 249 11 489004, 19, rue des Epinettes, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected]. SI-1230 Domˇzale E-Mail: [email protected] Ð web site: Slovenia (SI) www.katzarov.com Ð Fax: +4122 342 66 15 SWITZERLAND William Blanc & Cie, Patent and Trademark Tel.: +386 1 7213 647 / 1 7219 190 Katzarov S.A. 19, rue des Epinettes,1227 Geneva Attorneys. Rue du Valais 9, 1202 Genève, (Switzerland). Telecopier: (+4122) 342 66 15. Fax: +386 1 7219 195 / 1 7213 647 Tel. 732 52 40. Telecopier: 732 34 40 E-mail: [email protected] Egli Patent Attorneys. Patents, trademarks, designs. Horneggstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich. A. W. Metz & Co. AG Dipl.ing. Duˇsan Borˇstar, s.p. Nova ulica 11; SI-1230 Domˇzale. (P.O. Box 473, 8034 Zürich). 8024 Zurich, Hottingerstr. 14 Tel: +386 1 7213 647 or 7219 190; Fax +386 1 719 195 or Phone: (01) 422 02 55. 1 7213 647; E-mail: [email protected].. Telex: 817 435 EPAT. Trademarks Agents – Applications in ITEM d.o.o. Andrej Vojir, Telefax: (01) 422 04 77. Switzerland and Liechtenstein – Resljeva 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana. Searches – Legal consultations and opinion Phone: +386 1 432 01 67, +386 1 438 39 20 Fax: +386 1 431 53 31, +386 1 438 39 25 Telefax 01/262 41 01 Patentna Pisarna d.o.o, Patent Agency, Phone: 01/262 41 11 E-mail: [email protected] Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, Assign- ments, Licences and Searches. Correspon- dence in English, German and French. SI-1000 Ljubljana, P.O. Box 1725, C˘opova 14. Tel.: +386 1 426 4012, +386 200 1900 Fax: +386 1 426 4079, +386 200 1921 E-mail: [email protected], www.patent.si Patentni Biro AF d.o.o. Antonija Flak, univ.dipl.inz˘.el. Rojˇceva 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana. Phone/Fax: +386 (0)1 524 19 19. WIPO Magazine/February 2002 17

SYRIA TURKEY MARPATA¸S TRADEMARK ABU-SETTA & PATENT CO. LTD. Saùglõk Sokak No: 59 / 21 YENúI¸SEHúIR 06420 ANKARA & PARTNERS Phone: (0312) 431 00 97 Fax: (0312) 435 18 88

TRADEMARKS — TRADEMARK SEARCHES Patents, Trade/Service Marks, LICENSES Designs, Copyrights, Search, Litigation, Enforcement Agencies, Distributorship, WIDEST RANGE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICES Licensing. Franchising PATENTS, DESIGNS, TRADE AND SERVICE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS, PROSECUTION AND PROTECTION P.O. Box 50 Masaken Barzeh Damascus, Syria MEHMET GÜN Tel: 963 11 5121568 & Fax: 963 11 5115560 CO. E-mail: [email protected]

Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 50, Masaken Barzeh, Ankara Patent Bureau Co. Ltd. Patents and Kore¸sehitleri Cad. Cesur Apt. No. 32 Damascus. Tel: 963 11 5121568. Fax: 963 11 5115560, Trade Marks. Computer TM Search Zincirlikuyu 80300, Istanbul, Turkey e-mail: [email protected]. Services. P.O. Box 539, 06424 Kizilay- Phone + + 90.212 288 5232 Ankara. + + 90.212 288 5233 THAILAND Fax + + 90.212 274 2095 website: http://www.mehmetgun.com.tr E-mail: [email protected] Trademarks • Patents • Copyright

Mehmet Gün & Co., Patents, Designs, Trade and TILLEKE & GIBBINS Service Marks, Copyrights, Prosecution and Protection. Kore Sehitleri‚ Cad. No. 32, INTERNATIONAL LTD. Zincirlikuyu 80300, Istanbul. Tel.: ++90.212.288 Advocates & Solicitors 5232, Fax: ++90.212.274 2095.

UKRAINE Tilleke & Gibbins Building 64/1 Soi Tonson Ploenchit Road Frishberg & Partners Bangkok 10330, Thailand Corporate Law, Patents, Trade and Service Marks, Designs, Searches, and Translations

Tel.: (66-2) 263-7700 Address: 10 Gorky Street, Suite 8 Fax: (66-2) 263-7710 thru 7713 252005, Kiev, Ukraine (66-8) 621-0172 & 0173 Tel.: (044) 224-8314, 227-5435 Tel.: (044) 225-1208, 227-0745 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (044) 225-6342 Internet: www.tillekeandgibbins.com

Ba¸salan Patent & Trade Mark Co. Ltd. Patents, Trade and Service Marks, Designs, Search Services, Unfair Competition-Litigations & Law Services. Fulya Mah. Ortaklar Cad. No: 12/7, 80310 Mecidiyeköy, Istanbul. Tel: ++, Fax: ++

S. BOLTON & SONS, Co. REGD. PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENTS C.P.O.Box 126, Sirkeci, (TR-34432) Istanbul, Turkey Telex: 27 336 bopa tr Fax: (90-212) 283 62 33 Trademarks, 283 95 85 Patents Tel: (90-212) 283 36 03 pbx 4 lines, 283 36 04 pbx 4 lines E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web Site: http://www.boltonpatent.com TURKEY, GREECE, ISRAEL, and CYPRUS (Turkish & Greek Sections) 18 WIPO Magazine/February 2002

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM VENEZUELA Beck, Greener (established 1867), Chartered Patent Agents, Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. 7, Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s MONTOYA, KOCIECKI ABU-SETTA Inn, London, WC2A 3SZ. Telephone +44 71 405-0921. Telex 25303 WHBECK G. & ASOCIADOS Patents, Trademarks & Designs & PARTNERS Telecopier +44 71 405-8113. Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Edificio Parque Cristal, Piso 13, Oficina 13-6, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Los Palos Grandes, Caracas 1060, P.O. Box 17212, Caracas 1015-A, Venezuela. Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Phones: (58-2) 283 6566; 283 2485; Fax: (58-2) 283 8553 Designs, Copyrights, Search, E-mail: [email protected] Litigation, Enforcement HARRISON & EGBERT Agencies, Distributorship, VIET NAM Licensing. Franchising PATENT & TRADEMARK ATTORNEYS

P.O. Box 14159 Services in all Patent and INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK Dubai Trademark matters & PATENT AGENT U.A.E. Schedule of Fees INVENCO Tel: 971 4 2827761 available upon request Fax: 971 4 2827461 State National Building th ¥ Trademarks ¥ Patents ¥ Industrial E-mail: [email protected] 412 Main Street, 7 Floor Houston, Texas 77002, U.S.A. ¥ Designs ¥ Copyrights in Vietnam Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 14159, Dubai. ¥ Trademarks in Laos, Cambodia Tel.: 971 4 2827761, Fax: 971 4 282 7461, Telephone: (713) 224-8080 and Myanmar. E-mail: [email protected]. Fax: (713) 223-4873 APA — Associated Patent Attorneys P.O. Box 14039, Dubai, U.A.E. Facsimile: Telex: 798561 +971 4 295-6536; Phone: +971 4 295-7404. E-mail: [email protected] 29 Truong Han Sieu Street, Hanoi P.O. Box 412 Hanoi - Vietnam Tel: (84 4) 8228595 / 8222153 Harrison & Egbert, Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Fax: (84 4) 8226059 / 8223095 State National Building, 412 Main Street, 7th Floor, E-mail: [email protected] EMIRATES Houston, Texas 77002 U.S.A. Telephone: (713) Website: http://home.vnn.vn/invenco 224-8080. Telex: 798561. Fax: (713) 223-4873. ADVOCATES E-mail: [email protected]. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law Invenco-29 Truong Han Sieu Str., Hanoi. Patent & Trademark Agents Tel: 84-4-8228595; Fax: 84-4-8226059.



Telephone : 917-4-821721 Patents, Trademarks, Facsimile : 917-4-821702 Industrial Designs & Copyrights E-Mail : [email protected] Licensing, Technology Transfer, EMPIRE STATE BUILDING 350 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 6902 Litigation & Related Matters Emirates Advocates, Attorneys & NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10118-6985 Counsellors at Law, Patent & Trademark TEL: 212-564-0200 FAX 212-564-0217 Agents, P.O. Box 93030, Dubai, Email: [email protected] Tel : 971-4- 821721; Fax: 971-4-821702, Website: www.notaromichalos.com E-Mail: [email protected]. 8, TRAN HUNG DAO ST., P.O. BOX 641, HANOI, VIETNAM TEL.: (844) 8244852, 8265524, 8250163 FAX: (844) 8244853, 8265331, 8259617 Notaro & Michalos P.C., Law Offices, Empire E-MAIL: [email protected] State Building, Suite 6902, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10118-6985. Tel: (212) 564-0200. Fax: (212) 564-0217. E-mail: nmpc@notaromi- chalos.com, Website: www.notaromichalos.com. Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Related Litigation and Licensing. WIPO Magazine/February 2002 19


Patents, Trade/Service Marks, Designs, Copyrights, Search, Litigation, Enforcement Agencies, Distributorship, Licensing. Franchising

P.O. Box 25387 Sana’a, Yemen

Tel: 967 1 223790 Fax: 967 1 223791

E-mail: [email protected]

Abu-Setta & Partners, P.O. Box 25387, Sana’a. Tel.: 967 1 223790, Fax: 967 1 223791, E-mail: [email protected].

YUGOSLAVIA Ninkovic Patent and Law Office, M. Milovanovica 1, Astoria, 11000 Beograd. Tel: +381-11-644084, Fax: +381-11-3613832. Patentna Kancelarija Olga & Drago Plavsˇa, Strumicˇka 51, YU-11050 Beograd. Tel: (+381 11) 630-667; Fax: (+381 11) 185-703; 420-793. E-mail: [email protected]; www.patent.co.yu Dr. Slobodan A. Popovic & Branimir A. Popovic, Patents, Trade Marks, Designs & Copyright. 11000 Belgrade, Generala Zdanova 34. Tel./Fax: (+38111) 32 30 592.

ZIMBABWE B.W. Kahari Law Office, specialists in intellec- tual property, P.O. Box UA 429, Harare. Fax: +263 4 728474; Telephone: +263 4 250 994, 250 995, 252 327, 724 789 E-mail: [email protected]

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WIPO Publication No. 121(E) ISSN 1020-7074