Volume 6 – Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model

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Volume 6 – Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Instream salinity models of NSW tributaries in the Murray-Darling Basin Volume 6 – Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Publisher NSW Department of Water and Energy Level 17, 227 Elizabeth Street GPO Box 3889 Sydney NSW 2001 T 02 8281 7777 F 02 8281 7799 information@dwe.nsw.gov.au www.dwe.nsw.gov.au Instream salinity models of NSW tributaries in the Murray-Darling Basin Volume 6 – Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model April 2008 ISBN (volume 2) 978 0 7347 5990 0 ISBN (set) 978 0 7347 5993 1 Volumes in this set: In-stream Salinity Models of NSW Tributaries in the Murray Darling Basin Volume 1 – Border Rivers Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 2 – Gwydir River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 3 – Namoi River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 4 – Macquarie River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 5 – Lachlan River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 6 – Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Volume 7 – Barwon-Darling River System Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Acknowledgements Technical work and reporting by Ilan Salbe, Stephen Roberts, Juli Boddy This publication may be cited as: Department of Water and Energy, 2008. Instream salinity models of NSW tributaries in the Murray-Darling Basin: Volume 6 - Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model, NSW Government. © State of New South Wales through the Department of Water and Energy, 2008 This work may be freely reproduced and distributed for most purposes, however some restrictions apply. Contact the Department of Water and Energy for copyright information. Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the State of New South Wales, its agents and employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document. DWE 07_089_6 In-stream salinity models of NSW tributaries in the Murray-Darling Basin Volume 6: Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model Contents Page 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................1 1.1. purpose of report............................................................................................................1 1.1.1. Report structure .................................................................................................1 1.1.2. Related reports...................................................................................................2 1.2. Historical background to work ......................................................................................2 1.2.1. 1988 Salinity and Drainage Strategy.................................................................2 1.2.2. 1997 Salt trends.................................................................................................3 1.2.3. 1999 Salinity Audit ...........................................................................................3 1.2.4. 2006 Salinity Audit ...........................................................................................3 1.3. Current policy framework..............................................................................................4 1.3.1. MDBC Integrated Catchment Management......................................................4 1.3.2. Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council Cap on water diversions................4 1.3.3. Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council Basin Salinity Management Strategy 4 1.3.4. Catchment Action Plans ....................................................................................5 1.3.5. NSW Water Sharing Plans ................................................................................6 1.3.6. NSW Salinity Strategy ......................................................................................6 1.3.7. NSW Environmental Services Scheme .............................................................6 1.3.8. CMA Incentive schemes ...................................................................................6 1.4. DWE Model framework ................................................................................................7 1.4.1. Objectives of modelling ....................................................................................7 1.4.2. Modelling requirements ....................................................................................7 1.4.3. Strengths and Limitations..................................................................................8 1.5. Staged Model Development ........................................................................................10 1.5.1. Stage 1: Model QA and Data Audit ................................................................10 1.5.2. Stage 2: Initial model development and data and model evaluation ...............10 1.5.3. Stage 3: Model calibration and scenario modelling ........................................11 2. The Murrumbidgee System......................................................................................................12 2.1. Physical Features of the Catchment.............................................................................12 2.1.1. General ............................................................................................................12 2.1.2. Stream network ...............................................................................................15 2.1.3. Hydrometeorology...........................................................................................16 2.1.4. Groundwater interactions. ...............................................................................19 2.1.5. Vegetation and Land Use ................................................................................21 2.2. Water Resource Management......................................................................................22 i | NSW Department of Water and Energy, April 2008 In-stream salinity models of NSW tributaries in the Murray-Darling Basin Volume 6: Murrumbidgee River Salinity Integrated Quantity and Quality Model 2.3. Salinity in catchment ...................................................................................................23 2.4. Data Filling ..................................................................................................................23 3. Salinity data .............................................................................................................................25 3.1. Available data ..............................................................................................................25 3.2. Data used for inflow estimates and model evaluation .................................................26 3.2.1. Exploratory analysis of data............................................................................26 4. The Murrumbidgee IQQM.......................................................................................................32 4.1. Quantity Model............................................................................................................32 4.1.1. Murrumbidgee System ....................................................................................32 4.1.2. Inflows.............................................................................................................34 4.1.3. Storages ...........................................................................................................34 4.1.4. Extractive demands .........................................................................................35 4.1.5. In-stream demands ..........................................................................................35 4.2. Quality Assurance of quality model ............................................................................41 4.2.1. QA Test 1: Update base quantity model..........................................................41 4.2.2. QA Test 2: Initialise salinity module with zero salt load ................................41 4.2.3. QA Test 3: Constant flow and concentration ..................................................42 4.2.4. QA Test 4: Variable flow and constant concentration ....................................42 4.2.5. QA Test 5: Flow pulse with constant concentration .......................................42 4.2.6. QA Test 6: Salt pulse with constant flow........................................................43 4.3. Quality model development.........................................................................................43 5. Salt inflow estimates and evaluation........................................................................................44 5.1. Initial estimate .............................................................................................................44 5.2. Evaluation method.......................................................................................................48 5.2.1. Model configuration........................................................................................49 5.2.2. Selection of evaluation sites............................................................................50 5.2.3. Data quality performance measures ................................................................51

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