CMU should promote Ravens defeat 49ers in Students put personal spin mythical mascots • A6 Super Bowl XLVII • A8 on fashion trends • B10 FORUM SPORTS PILLBOX @thetartan February 4, 2013 Volume 107, Issue 16 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Sexual Campus weighs in on stress culture Kosher assault dining policy graces changes campus Anna Walsh Joseph White Contributing Editor Junior Staffwriter

Gina Casalegno, Dean of Carnegie Mellon’s new- Student Affairs, presented est dining establishment, a draft of Carnegie Mel- the Pomegranate, is an at- lon’s revised sexual harass- tempt to accommodate stu- ment and assault policy at dents with religious dietary a Town Hall meeting last restrictions. Tuesday. She reviewed the However, the push for history of these policies and diet-specific food predates explained some of the more this semester. For years, significant changes to the the different communities policy, including the new at Carnegie Mellon have evidentiary standard for pushed for eateries on the sexual assault and changes Carnegie Mellon meal plan in the rules for confidential- that meet specific dietary ity. requirements, leading As Casalegno explained many to see the Pomegran- at the beginning of the ate as the first step. Town Hall, there are cur- Kate Groschner/Photo Editor Despite the university’s rently two separate policies Vice Provost for Education Amy Burkert discussed how the university has been trying to curb student stress in the past year. past records of a high Jew- for sexual assault and sex- ish student population — ual harassment. The sexual Brian Trimboli vided discussion prompts, ask- double major who graduated cope with their heavy work- 1999’s Hillel Guide to a harassment policy was cre- Assistant News Editor ing questions such as, “We are in December. loads, Chironis wrote, “A more Jewish Life advertises the ated in 1981, and the sexual in the midst of a presidential In her editorial, Chiro- serious question, then, is why joint undergraduate and assault policy was created Dean of Student Affairs transition, which allows for a nis wrote about the bravado is the university ignoring the graduate Jewish popula- in 1991; neither policy has Gina Casalegno, Vice Provost unique opportunity to reflect that Carnegie Mellon stu- elephant in the room?” tion at 16 percent — some undergone any revisions for Education Amy Burkert, upon who we are and who we dents often use to disguise In an email sent out on Jan. of today’s students, includ- since their creation, save for and leaders in the student wish to become as a university their personal struggles and 21 to notify students of the up- ing sophomore mathemat- an addendum to the sexual government hosted a Town community. How would you heavy workloads: “The terri- coming Town Hall, Casalegno ics major and orthodox assault policy in 2011. Hall on Carnegie Mellon cul- describe our culture to the in- fying thing is that emotional wrote, “Many of you have al- Jew Nathan Oshlag, see a Since the sexual harass- ture last Monday. coming president?” and mental suffering doesn’t ready read the editorial pub- dearth of these numbers. ment policy is so old, Ca- The meeting, held in Ran- The Town Hall came part- show on the skin. It’s often the lished by The Tartan, which “CMU doesn’t have a large salegno explained, it is not gos 1 in the University Center, ly as a result of the death of happiest students, the ones has sparked an important Jewish population for a uni- geared as much toward con- was highly attended — the Henry Armero on Dec. 7 and who chuckle at their work- campus dialogue about our versity,” Oshlag said. temporary concerns: “[It] is auditorium was filled to ca- an editorial published five load, who feel that pain most culture and its impact on our The Pomegranate opens constructed very much to pacity. days later by The Tartan, “The keenly. And it’s those students well-being. In the days and an avenue for students, spe- think about the workplace At the door, every partici- happy mask: Carnegie Mellon who need help. Clearly not all weeks following the article’s cifically first-years, to get environment, and while pant was handed a sheet of must address stress culture,” of them are getting it or feel publication, I have heard from food they otherwise could one could think about ap- paper that reminded them to written by Katie Chironis, a comfortable seeking it.” many students, faculty, and not obtain at Carnegie Mel- plying it in other contexts, respect their peers’ opinions senior creative writing and Referring to this “happy like in the classroom ... and right to speak, and pro- human-computer interaction mask” that students put on to See STRESS, A3 See JEWISH, A3 it doesn’t really resonate with today’s rhetoric about how we think about sexual harassment.” An impetus to revise the Reports reveal allocation of university spending policies came in April 2011, when the U.S. Department Brent Heard Carnegie Mellon recorded versity’s 2013 Institutional graduate Total Estimated Cost “benefits” at 12 percent. of Education Office for Civil News Co-Editor giving scholarships to 5,393 Research and Analysis Fact- of Attendance is stated to be The university’s endow- Rights issued a Dear Col- Anna Walsh recipients at approximately book, a total of $79,301,315 $59,710, which is part of a ment currently stands at a league Letter (DCL) to uni- Contributing Editor $17,911.20 per person. was given in donations to the trend of $1,000 to $3,000 in- market value of $987,054,000, versities regarding the re- In 2010, the university university in 2012 from a com- creases in total cost of atten- a decrease from 2011’s value quirements of Title IX of the Since last week’s an- declared a total revenue bination of alumni, founda- dance over the past 10 years. of $1,017,338,000. Education Amendments. nouncement from the univer- of $1,153,711,410, with tions, corporations, and other Carnegie Mellon’s operat- Carnegie Mellon also re- Although most people asso- sity regarding an increase in $441,715,065 coming from individuals. ing expenses totaled $966,321 ported that the majority of ciate Title IX with providing tuition for the next academic “contributions and grants.” This figure is similar to in 2012, part of a steady trend its federal research funding is equal access to athletics for year, questions were prompt- The recorded total ex- the amounts given in 2010 of increasing costs. provided by the National Sci- university women, it more ed by the student body over penses were $1,009,517,543, and 2011, but is a significant The majority of 2012’s op- ence Foundation at $75,536. broadly advocates gender the university’s current spend- with $573,072,018 going to increase from the donated erating expenses were devot- This is closely followed by equity in education through ing and revenues. “salaries, other compensaton, $57,929,733 in 2009. ed to salaries, at 52.7 percent, the funding from the Depart- increased access to math The tuition increases were [and] employee benefits.” For the 2012 — 13 school followed by “supplies and ment of Defense, which totals and science fields for wom- announced last Thursday in As recorded in the uni- year, the First Year Under- services” at 16.4 percent, and $71,220. en; protecting the rights of an email from Vice President pregnant and parenting stu- for Campus Affairs Michael dents; and preventing and Murphy. addressing sexual harass- There will be a 4 percent ment. increase in new undergradu- The DCL focused specifi- ate tuition rates and a 3 per- cally on sexual harassment: cent increase in tuition for cur- It clarified that sexual vio- rent students in the upcoming lence — including sexual 2013–14 academic year. assault and sexual coer- Using publicly available cion — are forms of sexual 2010 tax data and Carnegie harassment covered under Mellon’s own figures released Title IX, and it outlined through the Institutional Re- the obligations of univer- search and Analysis Factbook, sities to respond to sexual The Tartan compiled calcula- violence. tions of where the university’s “The statistics on sexual main sources of funding are, violence are both deeply and of the most notable sourc- troubling and a call to ac- es of spending. tion for the nation,” the As per the university’s letter says, citing a report 2010 tax returns of Carnegie prepared for the National Mellon’s revenue, tuition is Institute of Justice that calculated to account for ap- said about 1 in 5 women proximately 43 percent, while and about 6 percent of men government grants and con- are victims of completed or tributions are the second big- attempted sexual assault gest contributor at around 28 while in college. percent. Carnegie Mellon added With respect to the univer- short-term fixes to its sex- sity’s expenditures, the largest ual assault and sexual ha- portion goes towards wages, rassment policies in spring accounting for approximately 2012, with a note saying, 46 percent of spending. “the University recognizes Carnegie Mellon employs that it must adjust certain 12,539 people, meaning that substantive and procedural the average amount spent per provisions in its current year, per employee — on sala- policy statements to comply ries, benefits, taxes, and other with particular mandates,” items — is calculated to be and promised to fully up- $45,703.17. In terms of monetary con- Annette Ko/Art Editor See ASSAULT, A1 tributions to its students, Data according to Carnegie Mellon’s own figures and the Institutional Research and Analysis Factbook. A2 « The Tartan » February 4, 2013 feature photo news in brief SCS holds Founders’ Day celebration Tepper optimizes Oakland meter parking The use of parking spaces, According to a university the ones near Schenley Park press release, the two Carn- in particular, fluctuates with egie Mellon professors will the seasons. Many parking use economic principles to spaces, which cost $2 per research the “ideal” rate. hour, often go unused. Fichman said in a uni- Mark Fichman, associate versity press release, “Ide- professor of organizational ally, slightly more than three behavior and theory, and quarters of available parking Stephen Spear, professor of spaces should be utilized dur- economics, are spearhead- ing normal business periods.” ing a project to help optimize “A few years ago, when the use of parking spaces by parking rates were 50 cents allowing the parking rates to per hour, it was difficult to depend on the time of year. find an open parking space The cost of the parking around campus,” he contin- spaces will be $1 per hour ued. during times of the year Fichman contrasted this when parking is freely avail- with the current situation, able and $2 per hour during adding, “when parking rates the busier seasons. Through rose to their recent high of $2 research studies, Fichman per hour, many commuters and Spear will monitor park- quit using the street parking ing meter usage in order to all together. The ideal rate is determine which seasons are somewhere in between these busier than others. numbers.”

Architecture professors given NSF award Carnegie Mellon’s School chitecture Stephen Lee; and of Architecture and the Cen- architecture professor Vivian ter for Building Performance Loftness. and Diagnostics (CBPD) won Carnegie Mellon’s CBPD’s the National Science Foun- most notable work this year dation’s (NSF) 2013 Alex- includes the construction of ander Schwarzkopf Prize for the Robert L. Preger Intel- Technological Innovation for ligent Workplace (IW) in its research and contribution 1997. to technological innovation. According to a university The winning team, which press release, the IW is the consisted of Carnegie Mellon premier living and lived-in architecture professors and laboratory focused on en- researchers, was selected ergy, the environment, eco- by the Industry/University nomics, human health, orga- Cooperative Research Cen- nizational productivity, and ter (I/UCRC) Association building systems integration Committee. practices. Volker Hartkopf, profes- The Alexander Schwarz- sor of architecture and direc- kopf Prize is a prize awarded tor of the CBPD, led a team annually to provide the re- that also included architec- cipient with opportunities to ture professor David Archer partner with other leading (who passed away in 2010 universities, and also with at 82); senior researcher recognition as an NSF re- Azizan Aziz; architecture search center so that it may professor Khee Poh Lam; gain access to additional Head of the School of Ar- resources.

Compiled by Noël Um


Kate Groschner/Photo Editor Tuesday Wednesday Thursday The School of Computer Science (SCS) held its second-annual Founders’ Day celebration last Thursday in the Gates Hillman Complex. The event High / Low High / Low High / Low featured a presentation by SCS Dean Randy Bryant and the presentation of multiple staff awards for teaching and research accomplishments. 27 / 26 29 / 19 36 / 33 Campus Crime & Incident Reports Marijuana Possession further treatment. Alcohol for underage drinking. Mul- Vending Machine Theft Jan. 25, 2013 Amnesty applies to this inci- tiple containers of alcohol Jan. 28, 2013 A Carnegie Mellon secu- dent. found in the room were con- fiscated. University Police respond- rity guard on foot patrol ob- ed to Stever House in refer- served multiple individuals Noise Complaint ence to a vending machine using what he believed to be Jan. 26, 2013 Underage Drinking that had many of its products marijuana near the Cut. Po- Friday Saturday Sunday Jan. 27, 2013 removed from the machine. lice responded to assist and University Police and Pitts- Officers found no sign of High / Low High / Low High / Low confirmed that at least one burgh Police responded to Three males, one of whom forced entry to the inside of 38 / 27 39 / 34 43 / 38 of the individuals was in pos- a residence on Beeler Street was visibly intoxicated, were the machine. This investiga- Source: session of marijuana. Officers in reference to a noise com- observed by a Carnegie Mel- tion is ongoing. confiscated the marijuana and plaint. Officers cited multiple lon security guard traveling informed the student that he individuals for offenses that to Mudge House. The security would be cited. include underage drinking guard requested police assis- Theft Corrections & Clarifications and disorderly conduct. tance to check on the males’ Jan. 30, 2013 well-being. University Police In the Student Senate meeting minutes (News, Jan. A Carnegie Mellon student Alcohol Amnesty interviewed the three males 28), the student readership program mentioned was entered the University Police Jan. 25, 2013 Underage Drinking at Mudge House. Two of the discussed by the Joint Funding Committee, not Under- Jan. 26, 2013 males stated they were as- Station to file a theft report graduate Student Senate. Additionally, the Town Halls University Police and CMU that occurred on Jan. 27–28 EMS were summoned to University Police respond- sisting to get the intoxicated mentioned in the minutes occurred two years ago, and student to his residence. The between 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 not in the previous semester. Margaret Morrison Street to ed to a noise complaint on a.m. The theft occurred from tend to an intoxicated male. the second floor of the Shady student was cited for under- the student’s work area in If you would like to submit a correction or clarification, EMS requested that city med- Oaks Apartment. Officers age drinking. Room 200 in the College of please e-mail The Tartan at [email protected] or edi- ics also be summoned to the found the room occupied by Fine Arts. University Police [email protected] with your inquiry, as well as the date scene. The student was then several Carnegie Mellon stu- are investigating this incident. of the issue and the name of the article. We will print transported to a hospital for dents. One student was cited the correction or clarification in the next print issue and publish it online. student senate meeting minutes Academic Affairs Campus Life Communications/ Ex-Officio Report The Student Senate aims Student Senate conducted program. One suggestion Town Hall Week Student Body President to accomplish three key objec- a meeting with the poster was to have buses running Discussion was held re- Will Weiner presented a tives with respect to academic policy administration — a to the Aviary, the Mattress garding last week’s Student brief update on the Senate’s goals. subsection of Student Senate Factory, and the Andy War- Senate Town Hall Week, as role with respect to the on- First, efforts will be made that deals with posters — in hol Museum in order to en- well as the possibility of host- going dialogue on campus to connect with Carnegie Mel- which they discussed pro- courage students to explore ing forums and meetings for about mental health. lon’s sister campus in Qatar; cesses that could improve ef- Downtown. different parts of the univer- Weiner and the Senate second, to be in contact with ficiency. Finally, the topic of fines sity. are pursuing multiple paths the new dean for media tech- They was also discussion and warnings to organiza- Also discussed was the cre- to try to address the issues nology to talk about Senate’s on adding benches at the tions over poster violations ation of a blog to serve as a raised, including a possible goals; third, to host a network- center of the Cut in order to was also discussed. centralized web page for stu- peer-mentoring and support ing event at the conclusion of encourage people to sit out- dents to submit questions and system. the semester. side in the spring and how to concerns. expand the current Arts Pass Compiled by Brent Heard February 4, 2013 « The Tartan » A3 Jewish community CMU summer school funding restored noël um the state education depart- of the alumni have said that evidence of sustained interest pleased by options News Co-Editor ment. Fundraising was largely The Governor’s School was and outstanding performance successful due to the help of lifechanging. They wanted in science and mathematics, JEWISH, from A1 it did not serve the students The Pennsylvania Gover- PGSS alumni. the school back so that other and high standardized test who needed a Kosher eatery nor’s School for the Sciences, According to the PGSS students could have the same scores, according to the PGSS lon outside of refrigerated, the most, but he considers it a summer enrichment pro- Alumni website, members experience.” website. premade meals. an encouragement, as he and gram hosted by the Mellon believe that it is important to All of the students who The purpose of the school “Its an amazing step for- other orthodox Jewish stu- College of Science for gifted promote the teaching of evi- have attended PGSS later is to advance an overall gen- ward with so much more dents “are not done pushing high school students, will dence-based science, mathe- attended college, with 90 eral participation in the sci- room to grow,” sophomore for a Va’ad Kosher food ven- resume this summer after a matics, and computer science percent of them pursuing ences. During the summer biological sciences major dor [that] would cater to the three-year hiatus. at the secondary school level careers in math, science, or program, chosen students Danielle Schlesinger said. entire array of Muslims and The Pennsylvania Gover- and to encourage students technology. will be able to study biology, “Just having more program- Jews on campus.” nor’s School for the Sciences who demonstrate an aptitude The program will accept chemistry, computer science, ming for the kids on campus Yet even in the same (PGSS), which was cancelled for mathematics and science 56 students from over 500 math, and physics. looking for ... a culturally schools of Kosher there are in 2009 due to state budget to pursue science-based ca- applications. They will also complete a Jewish community.” differing opinions. cuts, effectively instigated the reers. Those accepted will re- team research project, with Those who face the strict- “I don’t expect [Va’ad Ko- closing of other Governor’s Barry Luokkala, profes- ceive full tuition, room, and the help of a faculty member, est dietary restrictions are sher] is feasible, since there Schools across Pennsylvania. sor of physics and director board for the five-week pro- by the end of the program. orthodox Jewish students; isn’t a strong observant Jew- In response, Carnegie of PGSS, said in a university gram, which will run Jun. The application deadline they follow the Va’ad-defined ish community on campus,” Mellon alumni raised funds press release, “The alumni of 30 through Aug. 5. Selected for PGSS is Feb. 15. More in- Kosher laws, which require said Daniel Davis, a junior amounting to $150,000, the program pushed to get students must demonstrate formation can be found at every step of the food-prepa- chemistry major. which were then matched by the funding restored. So many excellent academic records, ration process to be checked He believes that keeping by a member of the Va’ad, a costs sufficiently low would certain council of rabbis. Be- make food quality suffer, and cause of the intensity of the a Kosher eatery needs to at- supervision process, such Ko- tract non-Kosher customers New policy prioritizes community safety sher foods tend to be on the to stay in business. pricier side. A simpler method to solve The Pomegranate itself the food dilemma — not only is not certified by the Va’ad, for Jews, but also for Mus- Notable policy changes but the food is made in the lims, Hindus, and vegetarians • Once treated as different policies, sexual as- • It can no longer promise complete confidential- Kosher kitchen at Congrega- — would be to eliminate the tion Beth Shalom and the required meal plan for first- sault and harassment policies are now one ity to survivors who file reports. food preparation process is years. policy. • There is a shorter timetable for the processing supervised by Rabbi Michael Currently, according to • The new policy defines sexual violence and of a formal complaint. Werbow. Davis, Jewish students who sexual assault as forms of sexual harassment. • It specifies that the Title IX coordinator and sex- For many Jewish students can eat at the Pomegranate • It clarifies that sexual harassment can occur in ual harassment process coordinators will cre- who follow a conservative can eat at other campus lo- level of Kosher rules, this is cales, like Evgefstos. many different contexts. ate an annual confidential report about sexual considered sufficient. Accord- Increasing options for • It says the university has an obligation to pur- harassment on campus. ing to senior Bachelor of Sci- them is a good thing, in his sue an investigation or take disciplinary action, • Title IX coordinators has the ability to review ence and Arts student Brian opinion, but unfortunately even if that goes against the victim’s wishes. every report that is filed. Alderman, one of the Jewish the total number served has students who pushed for such not increased by much. an eatery, the next step is to Even for Jewish students have a place on campus to who do not keep Kosher, just ASSAULT, from A1 were fundamentally violated vivors who haven’t initially appointed deputy Title IX co- serve the “20 or 30 who can’t having a place with Middle and how power was taken wanted to go forward have ordinators who will support eat at the Pomegranate.” Eastern food provides a taste to fully update its policies in away from that individual, our been really cooperative, and him as necessary in specific Even those who cannot eat of home. the 2012–2013 school year. teachings in the field of sexual I think once you sit down and cases. “My responsibility is to at the Pomegranate see it as “Its our comfort food,” Carnegie Mellon thus created assault prevention and educa- say, ‘we’re all here for you, make sure that I am regularly “a step in the right direction,” Tsachor said, “we can’t get a committee last semester to tion and response has always here are the resources, we’re in touch with each of [the Oshlag said. He initially op- mom’s cooking, but it makes draft new policies. Student been to defer to the wishes of on your side’ ... I think they staff members involved], that posed the Pomegranate since you feel at home.” Body President Will Weiner, the victim or survivor in terms feel much more calm and will- I’m available to them, that I’m a fifth-year senior economics of what they want done.” ing and they understand the there to review recommenda- and statistics and decision sci- “We’ve been really anxious process to go forward.” tions they’re making or review ence double major, explained, about how this would play out While obligatory action the reports they’re receiving, “I am the undergraduate rep- since our implementation last may be one of the more sig- and to decide on the appropri- resentative [on the commit- year,” Casalegno continued, nificant changes to the new ate course of action,” Tucker tee] — there’s also a graduate “and I will say anecdotally ... policy, there are numerous explained in an interview. student who sits on there, and that I am really proud how other changes, including two After Casalegno finished then there’s a bunch of other thoughtfully and how com- policies being combined into presenting the changes, there university–official types ... Dr. passionately we have handled one. was a Q & A session involving Michael Murphy, Dean Casa- that review of every case that This reflects “a shift in our the approximately two dozen legno, faculty council, staff comes forward.” policy to acknowledge that attendees. council, that type of people, Jeannine Heynes, Carn- sexual harassment is no lon- One student asked wheth- so a mix ... across the board.” egie Mellon’s coordinator of ger limited to employment er the lack of confidentiality One of the biggest changes gender programs, agreed in relationships, and that sexual in reporting would apply to mandated in the DCL was an interview that the obliga- assault is no longer something Counseling and Psychiatric that universities are obligated tory action has so far been to be considered in the stu- Services or Health Services, to investigate all reports of effective. “If there was some- dent domain,” Casalegno said. and Casalegno clarified that sexual harassment and must thing where the survivor said, Also, the evident standard both of those services would take action if they decide that ‘I don’t want to go forward for disciplinary action is now a still be confidential. community welfare is at risk. with it, I don’t want to get this “preponderance of evidence,” There was also a discussion As a result, the university can person in trouble’ — they say so that it only needs to be about the difficulties in pre- no longer promise complete that a lot, ‘I don’t want to ruin deemed more likely than not venting and reporting assault confidentiality for people who this person’s life’ — but we’ve that an incident of sexual as- involving intoxication, as well filed such reports. seen the name pop up before sault or harassment occurred. as the necessity of educating “This is an area that has ... then [Casalegno and Title Title IX Coordinator G. students about diminished caused a lot of concern, I’ll be IX Coordinator G. Richard Richard Tucker, who is a pro- capacity and a lack of consent quite frank,” Casalegno said. Tucker] usually say to me, ‘try fessor of applied linguistics, during sex. “Our message has largely, for to get in front of the survivor, now reviews all complaints Casalegno will present the many, many years been to sup- go through the SAA, and say or reports filed by the campus proposed policy to Student port at all costs what the vic- it’s really important that we community and looks at sys- Senate, Faculty Senate, Grad- tim or survivor’s wishes are. proceed with this,’ ” she said. temic ways in which Carnegie uate Student Assembly, and So that is to say if someone “So, I mean, they’re all com- Mellon’s administration could Staff Council at their respec- comes forward and tells their plicated emotionally, but sort improve its adherence to Ti- tive meetings throughout the Courtesy of Juan Fernandez story about a way that they of administratively, the sur- tle IX. There are four newly month. Increased communication one solution to academic stress STRESS, from A1 deans, president, and provost be in a much better place,” and sometimes they don’t all business administration ma- double major, emphasized the — will be presented to the said Joe Frick, a senior eco- fully appreciate this place as jor, echoed Sampson’s senti- importance of communication campus dialogue about our Student Senate and Graduate nomics major. different. It’s a lot more diffi- ments. between the administration culture and its impact on our Students’ Association later in Will Weiner, student body cult than things they may have “There is a lot of stress and the student body and the well-being. In the days and the semester. Discussion was president and fifth-year senior experienced.” culture, but I also feel like in role that the Town Hall played weeks following the article’s active throughout the Town decision science and economic “A lot of people were saying a sense it’s our part, also, to in that dialogue. “I think com- publication, I have heard from Hall; at one point there were and statistics double major, that [their workload] just kind budget our time wisely, be- munication with the student many students, faculty, and about 30 students waiting to was also in attendance. of all a sudden hit them, that cause we can easily get dis- body is necessary, reassess- staff about their reflections on speak. “I think it was almost like they couldn’t do everything,” tracted by social networking ing the way CAPS is designed CMU’s culture and their aspi- Students had many sug- a very nice cathartic moment said Luke Sampson, a first- sites and stuff,” she said. and utilized is also probably rations for creating a greater gestions, including the cre- for the campus community year biology major. William Elmore, a junior necessary and there are infi- community commitment to ation of a three-unit Caring@ to be able to have people get “I think it’s more on the stu- civil engineering and engi- nite ways of approaching this wellness.” Carnegie Mellon course, struc- these stories off their chests, dents than it is on the school. neering and public policy problem,” he said. At the Town Hall, Casaleg- tured similarly to the required and in some ways among the Because the school is here to no said that “it is clear there mini Computing@Carnegie silent I’m sure there are more educate us and give us this is a passion sparked on this Mellon, and more ways for stories like that and it’s com- challenge, and then it’s on us topic, and we really want to- students to relieve stress and forting to see there’s this other as students to accept the chal- night’s event to be an opportu- blow off steam. community,” Weiner said. lenge and take it in stride.” nity to inform one another and Another idea was to recon- Vivek Nair, a sophomore At the Town Hall, Frick inform us as we think about sider the way that class units electrical and computer en- also spoke about the heavy where CMU, where Carnegie are calculated: “I think maybe gineering major, said after burden that Carnegie Mellon Mellon, will head in the fu- we should have a way to re- attending the Town Hall students put on themselves. ture as we think about our evaluate the idea of units.... meeting, “Yes, I do feel there “Maybe people need to re- community well-being.” She I know that the way the unit definitely is something the evaluate how they view their said that last spring a survey system is supposed to work is university needs to do to ad- extracurricular activities,” he called “CMU Says” was taken, that you’re supposed to work dress this issue. I guess there said. “I don’t know of a single co-sponsored by her and Burk- nine hours for the week, but are some resources out there, Carnegie Mellon student who ert, in which one-third of the I know that I spend a little but they may not always be the does nothing besides academ- questions were about personal bit more than nine hours per most approachable or most ics, goes to office hours, does well-being. week on that class.... If maybe visible.” everything else, and struggles Over half of graduate there’s a better way to evalu- According to Nair, “CMU with school.... We’re doing a and undergraduate students ate our courses, evaluate the consists of a lot of bright peo- lot of different things, but we participated, and the results way we view success, and then ple.... So they feel they have view those not as leisure time,

— which have already been also how we better allocate this inertia of success that they but additional tasks.” Photo by Jonathan Carreon/Contributing Editor presented to the academic our time, I think students will feel they need to keep going, Sophia Kim, a first-year Gina Casalegno discussed community well-being at the forum. A4 « The Tartan » February 4, 2013

Student uses power of grammar to crack passwords Ligia Nistor have found the plain-text pass- than the pronoun “she.” corpus — a famous collection Staffwriter words. Rao understood that cur- of annotated words. They Rao’s research has focused rent password crackers don’t took the 1,000 most common Ashwini Rao, a software on this kind of offline attack look at structure. “They are sequences of parts of speech engineering Ph.D. student in for long passwords (16 charac- for conventional passwords, and assigned concrete words the Institute for Software Re- ters or more.) “Currently there shorter passwords, maybe for each part of speech. Thus search, recently made impor- is a trend toward longer pass- 12 characters or less. They they ended up with phrases, tant discoveries in the field of words and those are usually are not built for these kind of or long passwords. For each password security. She deter- called pass phrases, where in- [long] passwords,” she said. part of speech, they created a mined ways that make crack- stead of choosing a word with She tried to assist the security dictionary. For example, they ing a long password easier; in lots of special characters and of these passwords by improv- created a noun dictionary that doing so, she identified gram- numbers you tend to just in- ing the algorithms that are included all of the nouns from matical structures that may crease the length of the pass- used to crack them. The idea, the Brown corpus. add further security to longer word and try to decrease the in a sense, is to remain one Their new cracker takes the passwords. number of restrictions you put step ahead of hackers. She sequence of parts of speech, Generally, there are two on a user,” she said. improved the crackers in two a dictionary for each part of types of password attacks: on- Rao and the other students ways. speech, and the maximum line and offline. on her team looked at a data First, she built an im- guesses the cracker can make An online attack occurs set of about 1,500 passwords. proved password cracker. Cur- as inputs. It will generate a when the attacker sits at a When users were asked to rent crackers are dictionary number of sequences and will computer terminal, has a web come up with long passwords based: they have a dictionary answer how many of the pass- page open (such as a bank without any restrictions, 18 of words called “base words” words from a test data set it site), and tries to guess a user’s percent of those had phrases (taken from a thesaurus, can crack. password. What usually hap- in them, or contained postal short phrases from Wikipedia, For example, for the se- pens is that, once the attacker addresses or email addresses. movie titles, music lyrics, etc.) quence of parts of speech makes two or three guesses, The structure of the passwords and “mangling” rules. Such “noun, adjective” — and a the account is locked and the influenced their security.mangling rules could be “take dictionary containing 20,000 attacker is unsuccessful. When current password crack- a word from a dictionary and nouns and a different diction- Offline attacks typically ers — which are algorithms capitalize the first letter” or ary containing 1,000 adjec- deal with hashed passwords used to determine the hashed “concatenate the same word tives — the cracker will gen- used in most websites. Each passwords — tried to figure twice.” These rules are limited erate 20 million sequences of plain-text password has a out these codes, only 6 percent to working with maximum words. If the maximum num- generated number associated were cracked. The password two words. The problem was ber of guesses is only 10,000, Kate Groschner/Photo Editor with it — known as a hash — crackers didn’t work because that, in the long password da- it will take the first 10,000 se- Ph.D. student Ashwini Rao utilized grammar to crack particularly and that number is the one they were not meant for long taset, people were using three, quences of words, in order by long passwords. that is stored. When this data ones and did not take into ac- four, or five words. the length of the sequences, set of hashed passwords is count the possible grammati- Rao and her team wanted and try to see how many of pages on the Internet. By using “This is the most important leaked, like what happened cal structure of passwords. to build a new password crack- those sequences match the this corpus instead of the cur- result. We were able to crack to professional networking For example, the pass- er that could “come up with passwords from the data set it rent dictionaries, Rao’s team new passwords that otherwise website LinkedIn recently, at- words “Shehas3cats” and phrases — longer sequences is trying to guess. was able to crack 20 percent of couldn’t be cracked,” Rao said. tackers can use an unlimited “Danhas3cats” have the same of words,” she said. For this, The second improvement longer passwords, much more Rao will present the find- amount of computing power. length, but the second one is they defined grammar to be to the current password crack- than predicted 6 percent. ings on Feb. 20 at the Associa- Hackers will generate a huge more secure. This is because a sequence of parts of speech ers was using the Google cor- They were able to crack an tion for Computing Machin- number of plain-text guesses, the security of long passwords such as nouns, verbs, and ad- pus instead of the current additional 10 percent of the ery’s Conference on Data and hash them, and compare them is influenced by their compo- jectives. Next, they wanted dictionaries. The Google cor- passwords by combining the Application Security and Pri- to the leaked hashed pass- nent parts of speech. The noun to construct a phrase auto- pus contains frequently used Google corpus with the new vacy (CODASPY 2013) in San words. If it is a match, they “Dan” is more difficult to guess matically using the Brown sequences of words from web and improved cracker. Antonio, Texas.

How Things Work scitech briefs America’s house Wristwatch to help Powering homes with heat from Earth cats more violent combat sexual than thought violence in India Desiree Xu Earth. It is heat — the en- into the building’s heat sys- this water turns into steam Staffwriter ergy of steam and hot water tem. Afterward, the used wa- to drive turbines. The steam A new analysis conducted In response to the string heated by the Earth’s core, ter is returned to the reservoir then cools, condenses, and by the Smithsonian Con- of violent gang-rapes of fe- Pollution and global warm- which lies about 4,000 miles via a well to be reused again. goes back into the ground. In servation Biology Institute male bus passengers in New ing, caused by burning oils beneath Earth’s surface and The geothermal pump uses binary cycle plants, moderate- found that domestic cats Delhi and Gurdaspur, Indian and fossil fuels, are the most can reach temperatures of the heated soil and water near ly hot geothermal water pass- have been killing more wild officials are developing an talked about issues in the 7,600˚F or higher. Such heat the source differently. Pipes es through a heat exchanger birds than scientists thought. innovative wristwatch that world of energy. However, can melt surrounding rocks, connecting to a building are to transfer its heat into a liq- America’s domestic and feral can help protect women. scientists have found a new turning them into magma built beneath or around the uid that boils at a lower tem- cats kill between 1.4 billion The watch’s main feature is a source of energy that lies right that rise toward the Earth’s heated soil and water; fluid perature than water. After the and 3.7 billion birds per year, button that sends a text mes- under our feet: geothermal surface (considering they are circulates these pipes and heated fluid becomes steam, a number that is drastically sage to close relatives and the energy. less dense than the surround- picks up the heat from the it spins turbines to generate larger than the previously es- nearest police station. Geothermal energy is not ing rocks.) After reaching the surrounding source. The heat electricity. timated 500 million. A GPS inside the watch only clean, renewable, and surface, the magma heats within the pipe is then sucked Geothermal energy can These numbers were de- will determine the wearer’s efficient, but it is also more nearby rocks and water that out by an electric compressor be expensive at first: Drilling termined by studies assessing location and a small camera cost effective and readily ac- is trapped within them. As a and heat exchanger, which wells can cost between $1–4 the hunting habits of cats in will record for 30 minutes af- cessible. It releases a fraction result, some of the water es- sends the heat through a duct million per drill, and install- the United States. The result ter the button is pressed. The of the amount of carbon diox- capes through the surface to system throughout the build- ing home pumps can cost up from calculating the percent- prototype for this wristwatch ide that fossil fuels emit, and form geysers and hot springs. ing. At hotter temperatures, to $30,000. However, the age of cats that live outdoors, is due to be released in half a it produces smaller amounts The remaining water becomes the opposite process occurs; home geothermal pumps can the percentage of household year. While rape-prevention of nitrous oxide and sulfur geothermal reservoirs, which The pipes pull the heat out of decrease energy bills by 30 cats that are occasionally al- technology is a step in the gases. Geothermal plants are are pools of water under the the building and sends it to to 40 percent and will pay for lowed out, and the amount right direction, some are also more reliable, running 24 Earth’s surface. the ground or water outside. themselves within five to 10 of hunting a cat will normally skeptical on how effective it hours a day, 365 days in a year. There are several ways to The geothermal power years. After all, geothermal do when outside was “alarm- will be. It’s no wonder that the world acquire this energy accord- plant generates electricity by energy perpetually replaces ing.” Conservationists have “I don’t think this will consumes 7,000 megawatts of ing to www.howstuffworks. piping hot water and steam heat, as removed water can be tried capturing and neuter- make any difference in con- geothermal energy a year. The com; these include accessing throughout underground wells. returned to the ground after ing wild cats, but the process trolling rape cases,” said United States produces 2,700 it directly from the ground There are three kinds of the heat is used. has been too time consuming Sehba Farooqui, a women’s of that total, according to the and using a geothermal pump plants: dry steam plants, flash Geothermal is an energy and expensive. rights activist in Delhi. Geothermal Education Office. to heat and convert the en- steam plants, and binary cycle source that is clean and re- Still, before geothermal en- ergy to electricity. To access plants. In dry steam plants, newable. Some countries like Source: Science News Source: Discovery News ergy is given too much praise, the heat directly, a building hot steam is piped directly Iceland utilize geothermal it’s important to find out what merely needs to be built near from geothermal reservoirs energy as one of their main exactly geothermal energy is, the source — hot springs and to spin turbines located in the sources of power, with the where it comes from, and how reservoirs —­­ so that hot water generators to produce elec- capital city of Reykjavik get- South Korea Storm on Saturn it’s used. can be piped directly through tricity. In flash steam plants, ting 95 percent of its energy launches first travels the globe; Geothermal energy liter- a heat exchanger that trans- wells bring up water between from the source. The U.S. may ally means energy from the fers the heat from the water 300˚F and 700˚F. Some of soon follow in their footsteps. successful satellite then swallows self After three failed at- Scientists from NASA’s tempts in the past four years Cassini mission recently to launch a civilian rocket, published a paper detail- South Korea launched its ing a 267-day-long storm first space rocket carrying a on Saturn. The storm was science satellite last Wednes- tracked by Cassini’s radio day. While previous launch- and plasma wave subsys- es failed within minutes, this tem and imaging cameras. rocket, named Naro, success- It erupted at the 33 degrees fully entered orbit. north latitude and moved However, South Korea west, covering 190,000 is still far behind its rivals, miles and wrapping around China and Japan, in space the planet. Unlike terrestrial efforts. While South Korea storms that run into moun- is capable of producing sat- tains and other topographic ellites, it has relied on other features, causing them to die countries to put them into out, Saturn’s storm traveled orbit. South Korea plans to all the way around the plan- build a rocket on its own by et — unimpeded by any land 2018 and eventually send features — until it reached a probe to the moon. South where it began. At this point, Korea’s rocket program is the storm ran into itself and an issue of contention with mysteriously dissipated, put- neighboring North Korea, ting an end to one of Saturn’s which is included in the longest-running storms. United Nations’ sanctions for launching long-range Source: Astronomy Magazine Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons rockets. This schematic shows the harnessing of energy from within the Earth. A production well captures heat from within the Earth’s core that produces steam and water. Water is sent back into the Earth while the steam spins turbines that produce electricity. Geothermal energy is becoming an Compiled by increasingly important energy source for the United States. Source: Reuters Brooke Kuei February 4, 2013 « The Tartan » A5

Science and technology Campus news in brief ECE professor receives Intel Professor receives inaugural David Brumley appointed to Early Career Faculty Award AkzoNobel chemistry award new ECE faculty position Every year, Intel gives an and software interface and David Brumley has recent- research, Brumley teaches Early Career Faculty Award improving parallel comput- ly been named the Gerard G. multiple courses in the ECE to a young faculty member ing, the process of compu- Elia Career Development Pro- department, such as Intro- who shows great potential tation by which multiple fessor in the department of duction to Computer Secu- for achieving groundbreak- calculations are carried out electrical and computer engi- rity, and is the mentor of ing advancements in his field. simultaneously. “We have neering (ECE). Brumley, who Carnegie Mellon’s Capture The $40,000 award is meant been developing many new received his Ph.D. from Carn- the Flag team, which has won to help the recipient with ways to solve efficiency, pre- egie Mellon in 2008, also has three international compe- research and travel costs. dictability, and robustness positions in the computer sci- titions. Capture the Flag is The 2012 Intel Early Career problems and combat denial ence department and Carn- a computer security game Faculty Award was given of service attacks so endemic egie Mellon’s CyLab. where a team of competitors to Carnegie Mellon’s Onur in today’s computer systems. Brumley’s research focus- solve a series of problems to Mutlu, assistant professor of My group aims to rethink es on the areas of computer determine a source key of in- electrical and computer engi- the ways in which we design Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons security, applied cryptogra- formation. neering. three fundamental functions Matyjaszewski’s lab works with macromolecules like shown above. phy, program analysis, com- “David Brumley is widely Mutlu received his bach- of all computers: computa- pilers, and verification. “My regarded both on campus elor’s degrees in computer tion, storage, and commu- From cosmetics and ad- mers. Technological limi- goal is to make computer and in the wider community engineering and psychol- nication,” Mutlu said in the hesives to potential medical tations made it difficult to software and systems safe,” for his cutting-edge contri- ogy from the University of press release. devices, Krzysztof Matyjasze- build specific and uniform Brumley said in a university butions to addressing the Michigan in 2000. He then An interesting applica- wski has made his mark on polymers, and chemists were press release. challenges associated with received his master’s degree tion of SAFARI’s work is in the field of chemistry and the looking for a possible way to “Attackers only need to computer malware as well for electrical and computer biocomputing: Mutlu’s group world. control radicalization to cre- find a single flaw to break as his dedication to teaching. engineering in 2002 from the is working on designing sys- Matyjaszewski, the J.C. ate the polymers in a less ex- into a system. Defenders have His commitment to teaching University of Texas at Austin tems and devices that can Warner Professor of the pensive manner. Matyjasze- the much harder job of plug- and demonstrated leader- and his Ph.D. in computer improve applications such as Natural Sciences in the Mel- wski published the paper on ging all holes,” he added. ship inspires our students to engineering in 2006, also DNA sequencing. lon College of Science, has ATRP in 1995. The process In his pursuit of safer com- become world-class problem from the University of Texas “We are very pleased to recently been awarded the took off, as it only required puting, Brumley has focused solvers,” said Ed Schlesinger, at Austin. Before becoming a be able to recognize the tre- AkzoNobel North America typical laboratory instru- some of his research on com- the David Edward Schramm professor at Carnegie Mellon, mendous contributions that Science Award. He is the in- ments. puter privacy. According to professor and head of the Mutlu worked at Microsoft Professor Mutlu is making to augural recipient of the hon- Additionally, his use of Brumley, there is currently department of electrical and Research. the advancement of the per- or, which is jointly presented catalysts enabled the pro- an impasse in the world of computer engineering, in a “I am honored and hum- formance of computer sys- by the American Chemical cess to be shut down and computer privacy: Users wish university press release. bled to receive this award as tems. His work is widely rec- Society (ACS) and the paints restarted just by adjusting to remain anonymous for fear Brumley also contributes I work with my students and ognized and impacting this and coating company Ak- controls such as temperature. of having a stolen identity, some of his success to the en- collaborators to develop fun- field in numerous ways,” said zoNobel. The award comes His 1995 paper has had over and service providers need a vironment at Carnegie Mel- damental breakthroughs to Ed Schlesinger, head of Carn- with a prize of $75,000. 3,000 citations, and scien- way to track accountability to lon. “I am very grateful to my enable future computer sys- egie Mellon’s department of Matyjaszewski’s research tists have used his method to protect against abusive users. students and colleagues for tems that are much more ef- electrical and computer engi- focuses on polymer, or “mo- create products as diverse as Brumley and his colleagues’ helping me push the bound- ficient, resilient, predictable neering, in a university press lecular,” chemistry. One of cosmetics and inkjet printing. goal is to develop a system aries to improve cyber secu- and economical,” Mutlu said release. his largest contributions to As director of Carnegie that would allow users to un- rity,” he said in a university in a university press release. Besides the Intel Early Ca- the field has been the devel- Mellon’s Center for Macro- derstand exactly when their press release. Mutlu’s research focuses on reer Faculty Award, Mutlu’s opment of atom transfer radi- molecular Engineering, Ma- identity would be revealed. During his tenure, Brum- developing microprocessors, work has received numerous cal polymerization (ATRP). tyjaszewski has written 17 To solve this problem, ley has been the recipient of computer memories, and other recognitions, such as ATRP is helpful to chemists books, 80 book chapters, and Brumley has based his re- numerous awards, including platforms that are more ef- various best-paper awards because it can allow them to over 770 peer-reviewed arti- search on the idea of con- the 2010 United States Presi- ficient and reliable. His re- and “Top Pick” paper selec- build complex polymeric ma- cles. According to a university tracts. When users accept a dential Early Career Award search group, known primar- tions by the Institute of Elec- terials from building blocks, press release, Matyjaszewski contract, their identities are for Scientists and Engi- ily as SAFARI (for safe, fair, trical and Electronics Engi- known as monomers, piece has been cited over 50,000 placed in an server that runs neers from President Barack robust, and intelligent com- neers microjournal. Mutlu by piece. The process allows times during his career. a program called Flicker. Obama. He received his un- puter architecutre), is part also received the Young chemists to use a catalyst to Matyjaszewski, who has Flicker proves to both the dergraduate degree in math of the Computer Architec- Computer Architect Award add a few monomers togeth- received numerous other user and service provider from the University of North- ture Lab at Carnegie Mellon from the Institute of Electri- er at a time, eventually creat- awards, will be officially hon- that the user’s identity will ern Colorado and his master’s (CALCM) and conducts re- cal and Electronics Engineers ing a complex polymer. ored for his achievements be revealed only if the user degree in computer science search to improve computer and was recognized with the ATRP was conveniently at the ACS 245th National breaks the contract. This so- from Stanford University. systems. George Tallman Ladd Re- created during a time when Meeting and Exposition, lution is designed to be fast SAFARI’s major research search Award from Carnegie chemists were searching for which will be held April 7–11 and fair to the user. Compiled By interests focus on hardware Mellon. an easier way to create poly- in New Orleans. In addition to his security Michael Setzer, Brooke Kuei A6 « The Tartan » February 4, 2013

From the Editorial Board Time to end the Twinkie all products cobbled together from flour, sugar, and plastic. For the love of God, let the Twinkie die. Let it limp into its last sunset. Let chloe thompson it pull its high fructose corn syrup- filled corpse over that final horizon. Last week, Apollo Global Man- One Twinkie has over 39 ingredients agement and C. Dean Metropou- crammed into four inches of cake, los & Co. started the bidding over and that’s not natural. Haven’t we who gets to resurrect the Twinkie. suffered enough from its chemical- The two private-equity firms aim to ly-sweetened presence for the last achieve this act of necromancy with 80 years? a joint offer of $410 million. This Seriously, we’ve still got McDon- means that somebody, somewhere, ald’s, Entenmann’s, and Little Deb- is going to pay a ridiculous amount bie’s to keep us fat, though. It is true of money to continue clogging that none of these brands exemplify America’s collective arteries. America the way the Twinkie did. After Hostess filed for bankrupt- The Hostess snack cake is icon- cy last November, I thought that the ic. It sat in our lunch boxes and Twinkie had hauled itself to some got squashed in our back pockets. sugary grave to die in peace like it It even provided the basis for one should have. of the most ridiculous defenses Courtesy of Juan Fernandez I looked forward to the days in American legal history — the when the stale, decrepit snack cakes “Twinkie Defense.” In the 1979 trial Town Hall a good first step for university discussion would be worth twice their weight of Dan White, accused of assassinat- in gold, as relics of an ancient and ing San Francisco Mayor George In response to the conversation community. The hosts wasted valu- culture. The people that spoke dur- golden past. (Can Twinkies even get Moscone and supervisor Harvey sparked by the loss of Henry Armero able time that could have been spent ing the session offered a variety stale when they’re vacuum-packed Milk, White’s lawyers argued that and Katie Chironis’ recent op-ed listening to students. While their of discussion topics and solutions. in plastic?) The Twinkie was sup- his excessive junk food consump- piece regarding Carnegie Mellon's speeches were well articulated, they While the Town Hall was meant to posed to be over, finished. To every- tion was evidence of his underlying culture of stress, Dean of Student could have been more concise. identify the problem in our campus thing there is a season. depression, which in turn provoked Affairs Gina Casalegno, Vice Pro- These speeches contributed to a and the sources of stress, some stu- Now Apollo Global Management him to murder the two men. Noth- vost for Education Amy Burkert, and second notable flaw: Attendees that dents voiced solutions to specific and C. Dean Metropoulos & Co. ing says “murderous depression” Student Body Vice President Meela wished to voice their opinions were aspects of our community. The so- want to drag the Twinkie back from like snack cakes. Dudley hosted a Town Hall meeting not given enough time to speak. At lutions they voiced were valuable the brink, to restock the shelves of The point is, the Twinkie has had for students, faculty, and staff “to least 20 people did not get to talk as well. Sophomore Kelsey Dietz America with the oblong cakes of its run. Yes, it was a part of Ameri- explore CMU culture and our well- during the meeting. For future Town recommended a three-unit course our childhood. They are not the only can childhoods, and American his- being as a community.” Halls, a website could be created for called “Caring@Carnegie Mellon,” ones to seek the revival of Hostess’ tory as a whole, but its time is over. We thank the University for ad- students to sign up in advance to which would teach students how to varied brands comprised of sugar We should bid it a fond farewell. dressing our campus’ stressful cul- speak. A predetermined time limit remain emotionally healthy while and solid fat. In the beginning of But, of course, everyone involved ture. The Town Hall meeting was for speeches could also be instituted, balancing university life. This type of January, Flower’s Food decided to in this particular business deal has a step in the right direction, and a so that everyone would be guaran- course would be helpful for first-year buy Wonder Bread, Nature’s Pride, got at least 410 million reasons to large number of campus community teed an opportunity at the podium. students adjusting to a new life with- and other Hostess bread brands. ignore me on this one. members showed up to demonstrate Many students also shared narra- out parental guidance and would Though all of these products evoke their interest in the discussion. Fur- tive-driven stories at the Town Hall. remain relevant to them throughout America’s imminent heart failure, it Chloe Thompson (cet@) is personnel thermore, we look forward to Carne- While the stories were admirable, their time at the university. is the Twinkie that stands as king of manager for The Tartan. gie Mellon’s future actions regarding many were only tangentially related Given how important this dis- this issue —­ but we must highlight to Carnegie Mellon’s culture and pre- cussion is to the campus, and to the flaws of the Town Hall that were vented some students from speaking. students’ general health, we hope apparent. Despite these flaws, the Town Carnegie Mellon continues this dis- The first half hour of the Town Hall was highly attended, and it cussion and we look forward to what Hall was spent enumerating the uni- successfully increased community will inevitably be a gradual but im- versity’s efforts to establish a positive involvement in regards to the stress portant change. Let Carnegie Mellon’s mythical mascots be known Carnegie Mellon isn't known for College, the Carnegie Institute of mascot, from a walrus to a thunder school spirit. People generally at- Technology, and the Mellon College chicken. These may seem like quirky tribute this to grueling academics, of Science exhibit different types of choices for the faces of schools, but the almost equal undergraduate-to- plants, not creatures — but it would they’re no quirkier than Carnegie graduate student population, and be simple to establish mythical crea- Mellon's plaid emblem. Students students’ inherent apathy on the sub- tures as mascots for these depart- across campus would no doubt enjoy Braden Kelner/Forum Editor ject. In order to enhance Carnegie ments. The students in MCS would having school-specific mascots that Mellon’s pride, the university should probably trade a phoenix mascot for they could call their own. promote the mascots of each school, their current bluebell any day. If mythical mascots like the Tep- just as the School of Computer Sci- Having official mascots for each per griffin were well–known, Carn- Letter to the editor ence does with its dragon. school — preferably mythical crea- egie Mellon could even incorporate On the banners at commence- tures like those of SCS and Dietrich them into its University Store mer- ment, creatures and flowers are dis- — would not only induce playful chandise. New merchandise would Past student talks stress played with the names of other Carn- competition between schools, but be a welcome change from the nu- I read with great interest of the number of students as there were egie Mellon schools: The College of also encourage pride for one’s school merous and relatively boring realiza- forum that was conducted on cam- in my high school classes. It was Fine Arts banner displays a lion or and the university as a whole. tions of Carnegie Mellon attire. pus pursuant to the suicide of a stu- easy to get lost among the masses chimera, Tepper's banner sports a Establishing multiple mascots to Pride is important at any universi- dent and the issue of the pressure in these huge lecture classes. I also griffin, and Dietrich College of Hu- instill competition and camaraderie ty. Mascots could help to achieve the and competitive nature of the insti- had great difficulty in comprehen- manities and Social Sciences depicts is hardly a novel concept: Yale has increased sense of pride and school tution rising to the fore. sion and absorption of material de- a unicorn. been doing it for a long time. Each of spirit that is in need at Carnegie It is obvious to me that nothing livered by teaching assistants that Admittedly, the banners for Yale’s residential houses has its own Mellon. has changed at Carnegie Mellon had poor English skills, something since I attended from 1974 through to which I was not at all accustomed. Music-streaming services need to focus on artists 1977. I felt that there was little, if any, Perhaps my first mistake was to help for the student that found the The music industry has had to more for less. However, the business companies, music distributors, and have attended the school out of a atmosphere at Carnegie Mellon to adapt to the Internet. Industry lead- model of unlimited free music access music listeners have with each other sense of duty to my late mother, Glo- be as challenging and intimidating ers have been forced to figure out for users needs to be re-evaluated must be redefined in a world where ria Siegle Spiegler, a distinguished as I did. how to best utilize the Internet and due to a minimal payout for artists. streaming seems to be the future of 1943 alum from the School of Music, I went on to attend and gradu- stop piracy due to increased access to Music-streaming platforms, such not only the music industry, but the who enjoyed a wonderful and grati- ate from Robert Morris University music and music-sharing. Solutions as Spotify and Pandora, pay the re- realm of personal information and fying career as piano performer and with a degree in Business Adminis- include easy-to-use systems to pur- cord companies on a per-listen basis. content as well. teacher. Mother treasured her days tration and to a successful career in chase songs, such as iTunes. Howev- According to The New York Times, As a consumer, streaming music at what was then Carnegie Tech. the public sector which continues er, Spotify and the recent prolifera- the payment artists receive from with no up-front cost is a great deal, I was accustomed to being one after almost three decades. I have a tion of music-streaming platforms Spotify per play is between 0.5 and since it allows people to easily dis- of the students that excelled in ele- soft spot in my heart for the school have changed the business model 0.7 cents, or between $5,000 and cover new music and thus increase mentary and high school, but found predicated upon what it meant to once again, according to a recent ar- $7,000 per 1 million listens on the the consumer bases of individual that at Carnegie Mellon, I was no my beloved mother (and I donated ticle in The New York Times. service. If this were an artist’s only artists. However, artists need to re- longer anything special as one for- her two prized pianos to Carnegie The concept of having free access source of income, it would not be ceive fair payment for the music they gotten member of a group of bril- Mellon upon her death in 2005), but to a large portion of popular music sustainable, according to Hartwig produce. If that remains the case, the liant individuals. CMU was not a factor in any of my is appealing, not only to the cash- Masuch, chief executive of BMG system needs to change or people I was taken aback by the lack achievements. strapped college crowd of Carnegie Rights Management. have to become more aware of the of individual instruction, attend- Mellon but to anyone who wants The dynamic that artists, record ethics of how they consume music. ing lectures with many times the Oren M. Spiegler

Editorial Board Staff Jennifer Coloma * Braden Kelner Justin McGown Brent Heard * Senior Staff Publisher Forum Editor Online Editor News Co-Editor Stephanie Blotner, Stacey Chin, Greg Hanneman, Alan Vangpat Josh Smith * Evan Kahn Chloe Thompson The Tartan is a student newspaper at Carnegie Mellon University, funded in part by the student Editor-in-Chief Copy Manager Personnel Manager Layout activities fee. It is a weekly publication by students during the fall and spring semesters, printed by Chloe Chia, Edward Wojciechowski Trib Total Media. The Tartan is not an official publication of Carnegie Mellon University. Editorial Staff Copy The Editorials appearing at the beginning of the opinion section are the official opinion of The Kelsey Scott * Kate Groschner william park Allison Cosby * Swathi Anand, Manali Banerjee, Sawsan Tartan Editorial Board. Columns, Editorial Cartoons, and Reviews are the opinions of their Operations Manager Photo Editor Asst. Forum Editor Contributing Editor Boutemine, Matt Brown, Nivedita Chopra, Ellie individual creators. The Tartan Editorial Staff reserves the right to withhold from publication Erlich, Blaine Greenberg, Jordyn Greenberg, any copy it deems unfit. Nöel Um Annette Ko Bonita leung Emily Dobler Chris Han, Satvika Neti, Sage Po, Taylor News Co-Editor Art Editor Asst. Copy Editor Contributing Editor Rawley, Julia Yang Letters to the Editor are the opinions of their authors. Letters from within the University com- Michael Setzer Will Crichton Brian Trimboli Madelyn Glymour munity take precedence. Letters intended for publication must be signed and include the author’s SciTech Editor Systems Manager Asst. News Editor Contributing Editor Advertising address and telephone number for verification; letters must not exceed 350 words. Authors’ names may be withheld from publication upon request. reserves the right to condense or reject Kyle Henson, Gretchen Tan The Tartan Abby Smith Linda Ju Brooke Kuei Christa Hester any letter. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before publication by mail or to Sports Co-Editor Advertising Manager Asst. SciTech Editor Contributing Editor [email protected]. Gabrielle West Carmen Khoo Laura Scherb Anna Walsh Sports Co-Editor Business Manager Asst. Pillbox Editor Contributing Editor

Rachel Cohen Kelly Harrington Jonathan Carreon Office: University Center 314 Mail: Pillbox Editor Asst. Systems Manager Contributing Editor Phone: (412) 268-2111 The Tartan Fax: (412) 268-1596 Box 119, UC Suite 103 Kairavi Chahal Jonathan Leung © 2013 The Tartan, all rights reserved. Web: 5000 Forbes Avenue Comics Editor Asst. Photo Editor * Denotes executive committee member Library of Congress ISSN: 0890-3107 E-mail: [email protected] , PA 15213 February 4, 2013 « The Tartan » A7 Transfer payments are Comment wars don’t start change one can post anonymously, and post, you are giving that person the legal form of robbery readers of the page have no idea satisfaction they want. Take a min- if they are addressing a fellow stu- ute and realize it’s probably more of money. If the peoples’ will is truly dent, some random person, or their constructive to become involved in being represented, we don’t need to best friend. This uncertainty is what an organization that works to end be coerced into participating in this catherine spence makes commenting on posts such a the kind of discrimination that upset transfer. Yet if coercion is the only colossal waste of time. you. Use the anger you feel toward means of achieving these types of The Carnegie Mellon community The Internet is full of websites these ill-informed and anonymous kyle henson transfers, then they are not the will has found a new outlet for complain- that are victim to “trolling,” defined cowards to do some good. of the people. ing, trolling, and messing around on by as “the art CMU Confessions definitely isn’t It is a dark and stormy night. You Charities exist to augment these the Internet in the Facebook page of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly all bad though. The page is full of and a friend find yourselves walking programs, and people give to them. “CMU Confessions.” pissing people off, usually via the well-intended compliments, gripes home through an unfamiliar set of Most hospitals have charity funds The page now has over 900 likes Internet, using dialogue.” CMU Con- people identify with, and tragic sto- alleys. Twisting and turning in dark- to cover people in need. There are and hundreds of posts ranging in fessions is a prime example of a page ries of unrequited love (I’m looking ness, you trudge through the rain, voluntary support programs for the length from a short phrase to short that attracts people who do just that. at you, green-eyed Indian girl). I gradually overtaken by the panic of elderly, as well as families who sup- stories. Many anonymous posts to the group think reading the page is a lot of fun, being lost. A shadow emerges from port their parents and grandparents Besides wasting time reading all are understood, and rightfully so, as and even leaving a word or two of en- the dark. You see an elderly man when they become too old to sup- the posts, some people start online racist, sexist, or just plain mean. couragement here or there for some- succumbing to arthritis, yet some- port themselves. wars by commenting about racism, Does replying to these anony- one struggling with their academics, how still able to confront you with sexism, and other issues plaguing mous posts actually do anything? self-esteem, stress or other issues is a .45-caliber pistol. He doesn’t ask our campus. Although it’s admirable In my opinion, the answer is no. By definitely a nice thing to do. How- you for anything now, but he knows We see a situation to care about your beliefs, posting getting worked up about posts made ever, beware of wasting your time where you live and will kidnap you if your opinions on CMU Confessions is anonymously, all you are doing is when something makes you mad. you don’t meet his future demands. in which elderly a waste of time. You are not address- making someone more likely to post Getting into heated arguments As an ailing senior, he needs no more people are ing the original author of a post, nor something obnoxious again. does nothing to change the underly- than a percentage of every paycheck do you know what the original intent CMU Confessions should con- ing problems, and instead perpetu- you earn to pay for his daily expens- committing of the post was. tinue to be a place that people feel ates a cycle of offensive posts. In the es and healthcare. In return, he says, generational thefts For those of you smart enough to safe offering their opinions, secrets, wise words of Maya Angelou, “If you when you age, you’ll be able to rob avoid the page all together, the way it or anything else they want to share don’t like something, change it. If younger and abler people as well. against younger works is simple. The person running anonymously with other students, you can’t change it, change your at- Many agree that, in the situa- citizens. the page has created an anonymous but I don’t think paragraph-length titude. Don’t complain.” Instead of tion above, the geriatric mugger is Google Survey that students can replies are necessary or worthy of complaining about ignorant com- wrong. He’s using force to rob you. fill out. Barring some very extreme anyone’s time. ments, be proactive and do some- Despite being comically delivered, One counterargument to this cases, all confessions will be posted Next time you see a post that thing about it. this is exactly what Social Security point is that people won’t be able to the Facebook and Twitter feeds of upsets you, stop and realize that by and Medicare do. Remembering to keep track of donating to the in- the account within a few days. posting a long reply berating the Catherine Spence (cspence@) is a that government simply serves the dividual charities that fill the voids The biggest problem is that any- anonymous author of the original staffwriter for The Tartan. people, by eliminating the middle- that transfer payments currently man we see a situation in which el- occupy. Yet, should the government derly people are committing genera- step out of this area, conglomerate editorial Art tional theft against younger citizens. charities would emerge that distrib- Transfer payments follow this ute money to all of the areas that logical thought process. They are government has left behind. robbery from one group of citizens One advantage of having chari- to another group, backed by force ties fill this void is the efficiency and with the guarantee that if you gain that competition would bring found yourself in the same situation, to the field. Having the bureaucracy you’d be able to rob others in a simi- of government replaced with the ef- lar manner. Obamacare transfers ficiency of markets and private en- money from the healthy to the sick; terprises would ensure that more of Social Security and Medicare take the money put toward these causes money from the young and give it would not fuel inefficiency. to the old; welfare transmits money The entitlement programs that from the rich to the poor. Yet if any these transfer payments perpetu- of these programs were to be broken ate are major drivers of the deficit. down into the individual transac- Eliminating them would make our tions they represent, like the elderly government more solvent. This man in the alley, we would call these proposed system is functional and actions immoral. workable. A lack of government in- Actions impermissible at the in- terference would bring efficiency dividual level should not be permis- gains that would help those in need sible at the mob level. more than transfer payments, which If these transfers are truly the don’t necessarily reflect the will of will of the people as a whole, then the people. charitable programs with voluntary participation would theoretically fill Kyle Henson (kahenson@) is a staff- the same void with the same amount writer for The Tartan. Courtesy of Juan Fernandez

Leadership Perspective Student Government addresses recent Town Hall on stress culture Fellow Tartans, and eventual change. We were over- freshmen, health services, and the more Town Halls, some sort of online efforts on campus as we work to tack- joyed to see so many members of our stigmas regarding mental health in forum, or both. le this issue together. The enthusi- On Monday, Jan. 28th, 300 stu- community and administrators come our community. While this scope is We have been so excited by the asm regarding these issues is incred- dents, faculty, staff, parents, and together to express their concern re- broad, we feel that there is a great en- amount of enthusiasm surrounding ibly exciting, but it can also become community members joined us in garding these important issues. ergy on campus dedicated to address- the Town Hall and the dedication stu- chaotic at times — we want to ensure Rangos 1 for a Town Hall intended We wanted to quickly mention a ing these issues, and we can serve as dents are showing to find solutions that groups are not overlapping in to address Carnegie Mellon culture. few of the larger issues that we iden- a central point to coordinate the mul- post-conversation. One thing we their initiatives or programs. The Town Hall, which was hosted by tified from the discussion that oc- tiple efforts to solve these problems. want to stress to the Carnegie Mel- In the next couple of weeks, we Dean of Student Affairs Gina Casa- curred at the Town Hall. In the next That being said, one of the most lon community is that we will be able will be ironing out the details of our legno, Vice Provost Amy Burket, and couple of months, we will be working important points we were able to to achieve more if we work together. proposed solutions. Please feel free to the leaders of student government, hard to gather more information and extract from the conversations that If you are an individual or involved contact us at [email protected] was intended to spark conversation hopefully make some progress on were had at the Town Hall is that in a group that has ideas regarding or [email protected] if you are amongst its attendees regarding issues related to how we define suc- these conversations need to contin- these topics or is currently planning at all interested in participating or stress, mental health, and well-being cess, extracurricular involvement on ue. We are very interested in work- a project or plan that helps tackle any have feedback. at Carnegie Mellon. campus, professional development, ing to develop some kind of system to of these issues, please contact us. We The Town Hall was an important stress and time management, general increase feedback and conversation want to help you in your endeavors, Will Weiner and Meela Dudley first step in what we hope will be a student well-being and recreational similar to what was experienced dur- connect you to resources as well as Student Body President and Vice long period of feedback, reflection, activity, preparation for incoming ing the Town Hall — whether it be gain a holistic perspective on all the President A PERSON’S OPINION Compiled by Jonathan Leung Yesterday was the Super Bowl. So we asked, What were your plans for the big game?

Julie Kim Daniel Glaser-Garbrick Sarah Menio Brian Ip Debbie Lin International Relations & Politics Computer Science Chemistry Computer Science & Math Civil Engineering Senior Senior Senior Sophomore Sophomore

“Nursing a throat infection.” “I forgot it was this weekend.” “Going to a friend’s place to “Watching it.” “Eating lots of food.” watch it.” A8 « The Tartan » February 4, 2013 Career Fair Building a strong Dressing to impress at a career fair shweta suresh you will end up looking too lines, and you don’t want to be Homer Simpson tie at home Tartan Alumna casual for the event. Also, try doing all of it with sore feet. and wear something more EOC résumé to avoid wearing lacy or silky Add some simple jewelry to suited to the occasion. Ad- Zaneta grant For example, “Flipped burg- When it comes to making a camisoles under your jacket. make your look more elegant ditionally, if this is your first Junior Staffwriter ers” (don’t put that on your good first impression, appear- A crisp shirt in a solid color is and attractive. Stay away from time tying a tie, practice a résumé) is the correct form of ance matters. Carnegie Mel- a much better option — not large, chunky necklaces and few times before the day of When going to the EOC, it verb to use. You should also lon students have a reputation only is it a safe, conservative long, dangly earrings. Find the conference. YouTube has is important to have a strong try to use short bulleted lists of not caring too much about bet, but it also looks smart. simple studs and a small pen- some good tutorials that can résumé to make you stand to make it easier to scan the (supposedly) trivial things When it comes to styling, dant that suit your outfit and prove useful. Make sure your out from all of the other can- information. And stay con- like attire. But at job fairs, re- all attempts should be made you’re good to go. tie is not too long and hanging didates. Here are some short, cise — no one wants to read cruiters are judging students to create a clean and polished below your belt, or too short informal guidelines for writ- eight paragraphs about your not only by their résumés but look. Hair should be tied back and stopping above it. ing a résumé. retail experience. also the color of their suits. neatly in a pony tail or pinned Men It’s important to keep in With this in mind, it is im- back so that it doesn’t fall on mind that, even though you perative that students try to the face. Nude pantyhose are A business suit is also a ne- may have put the perfect in- Header Activities look polished and conserva- a must if you are wearing a cessity for men. While colors terview outfit together, all of In the heading, the name In some cases, your ac- tive. Finding the right heels or skirt suit, and even if you are like black, navy, and gray will it will amount to nothing if comes first, and you want tivities might even be more the perfect tie is as important wearing a pant suit, wear thin, all work, men can also impress you are not confident about that to be the most prominent relevant than your actual as formatting a résumé. nude socks. in a pinstriped suit. A white your appearance. While ad- part. Make it noticeable, un- work experience, and should When it comes to accesso- shirt is the safest bet, and it hering to the dress code and der 40 point font, and either thus be boldly and centrally ries, the choice of shoes is an is important to make sure the smartening up your attire are left-align or center-align it. A placed. You should try your Women important one. Don’t pick the shirt cuffs are close to one-half essential, remaining cool and nice, bold name in a formal best to list your most relevant stylish, open-toed heels you of an inch longer than their confident about yourself is serif will suffice. The address activities. For example, if you Since the dress code for would wear to a night out. In- jacket sleeves. even more important. at which the writer receives are applying for a web design the conferences is business stead, go with a sensible pair A special feature of the most of his or her mail, as internship, list related activi- formal, women should stick of pumps. A quick tip: Make men’s look is the tie. Remem- Editor’s note: This article was well as a phone number and ties: copy writing, search en- to a conservative suit or skirt sure you are comfortable in ber: The tie is supposed to run in a previous issue. It has email address, should also be gine optimization, or visual in black, navy, or gray. Wear- your heels. Job fairs involve a serve as an accessory, not an been edited to fit in the space in the heading. If you have a design experience. In terms ing a suit jacket is a must, or lot of standing and waiting in attention-grabber; leave your available. personal website, list it there of activities which are not re- as well. lated to the position, it is im- portant to highlight activities you can actually speak about, Education not clubs where you attended The education section a single meeting. As always, is where to put relevant in- either cut out the irrelevant tended majors or minors, information, or find a way expected graduation date, to tie it into the way you sell and the name and location of yourself. one’s school. Once in college, the writer should try to avoid placing his or her high school Skills on the résumé. You can in- This is where you adver- clude your GPA if it is high tise any skills that haven’t given your current major — been addressed in the other especially if you are a Dean’s sections. Be sure you are ac- List honoree. If your GPA is tually advertising real skills, poor, leave it off — if they re- not generic qualities that any- ally want to know, they’ll ask. one can claim. List languages you speak and languages you code. List a hobby or two that Experience may be something an inter- Here is the trickiest and viewer can connect with and most important part of your better understand you as a résumé. When listing experi- person. ences, you should choose the ones that connect skills to the Take your résumé seri- job’s qualifications. However, ously, and have someone like don’t copy full-length sen- an adviser look over it for you tences word for word from because their advice will be the job advertisement. tremendously valuable. If What you should do is you don’t, you could make try to articulate your skills really silly mistakes. Try to be in a way that sounds similar professional, or at least avoid to the skills the employer is doing something foolish. looking for in a candidate. Eliminate use of first-person Editor’s note: This article was if possible, and don’t forget to run in a previous issue. It has use active verbs when listing been edited to fit in the space Kate Groschner/Photo Editor and Kelsey Scott/Operations Manager the tasks your job entailed. available. Contributing Editor Jonathan Carreon and undecided first-year CIT student Anna Mirabella model appropriate EOC attire. EOC Company Infographics Educational Level of Accepted Applicants Importance of Skills to EOC Employers

Full-time vs. Internship Opportunities

Greg Hanneman/Senior Artist and Kelsey Scott/Operations Manager Above: A word cloud of the fields in which this year’s EOC companies are looking for applicants. The larger a word is, the more companies are looking for applicants in that field.Top right: A bar graph of the number of EOC companies looking for applicants at each educational level. Bottom right: A Venn diagram of the employ- ment opportunities offered by this year’s EOC companies. February 4, 2013 « The Tartan » A9 Companies at Employment Opportunities Conference 2013 Tuesday, Feb. 5 Wednesday, Feb. 6 *Addepar Accenture *Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. Adobe Systems, Inc. Intel Corporation *Addepar LORD Corporation Intuitive Surgical American Eagle Outfitters *MasterCard AllianceBernstein IXL Learning Axcient McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. *Johnson & Johnson Blackstone *Medallia, Inc. *Knewton Booz Allen Hamilton Andreessen Horowitz *Meraki Lab126 *Bossa Nova Robotics A venture capital firm established *LGS Bell Labs Innovations Founded by two Ph.D. students, in 2009 that provides funding to Life Technologies Carnegie Mellon spinoff Bossa Nova Meraki is one of the first cloud- new tech startups, Andreessen managed network infrastructure LinkedIn Robotics specializes in personal Horowitz was a sponsor at this robotics. Their mission: to put companies. It aims to provide year’s TartanHacks hackathon. *Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. robots in people’s lives. Located the world with cloud-managed Andreessen Horowitz has invested Lutron Electronics in Pittsburgh’s Strip District, their products. Cisco acquired them in in companies including Airbnb, December 2012. M.C. Dean, Inc. robots are designed for physical, Apptio, Box, Fab, Foursquare, verbal, and visual interaction with GitHub, Jawbone, Lytro, Pinterest, ManTech International Corporation people, and have the ability to *ModCloth, Inc. and Twitter. *MasterCard navigate through crowds of people MokaFive with ease. MSA , Inc. Maya Design, Inc. AOL *Capital One NVIDIA Maya Design, Inc., which was *Central Intelligence Agency Opower Astrobotic Technology, Inc. founded in 1989 by three Carnegie Originate, Inc. Mellon University colleagues, is Cyan, Inc. Based in Pittsburgh, Astrobotic primarily a design consultancy Dow Agrosciences *Palantir Technologies Technology, Inc. was developed firm and technology research lab *eBay, Inc. Parsons from Carnegie Mellon University’s that strives to assist its clients PDT Partners, LLC Robotics Institute in 2008. Its goal in designing useful technology Endless Mobile is to create affordable space robotics products. Evraz *Pitney Bowes technology and enable planetary Federal Reserve Board PlaceIQ lander and rover missions. McAfeee, Inc. General Dynamics Electric Boat PPG McMaster-Carr athenahealth General Motors Raytheon Company *Medallia, Inc. Avencore Google, Inc. Rhiza Labs MemSQL Avere Systems, Inc. Gorbel, Inc. Rite Aid *Meraki Bechtel Marine Propulsion Company Grant Street Group *Sandia National Laboratories Microsoft Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc. *Sentrana, Inc. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Inflection Blend Labs ServiceLink *ModCloth, Inc. Bloomberg Inflection is a startup company that Sourcefire Morgan Stanley focuses on distilling information to Branding Brand National Instruments users through new and innovative SpiralGen National Security Agency methods. The company’s name was Founded by Carnegie Mellon inspired in part by the Internet, as Founded in 2009 by Carnegie NetApp graduates Chris Mason, Joey it is “a metaphor inspired by the Mellon students and professors, Rahimi, and Christina Koshzow NetSuite rapid growth of technology and the SpiralGen is a Carnegie Mellon spin- off company built around Spiral — and based in Pittsburgh, PA — Next Jump, Inc. Internet’s transformative impact on Branding Brand powers mobile the world.” technology, which enables software Oak Ridge Institute for Science and commerce sites and apps for leading to write computer code libraries. Education brands, including American Eagle Informatica SpiralGen is looking for full-time and internship applicants. Outfitters, Crate & Barrel, Ralph Oracle Software and Hardware Institute for Physical Sciences Lauren, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Development *Johnson & Johnson Square, Inc. General Nutrition Centers, and OSIsoft, Inc. Sephora. Its work is regularly noted *Knewton *Target Chip Ganassi Racing *Palantir Technologies by independent research firms KnowledgePath Solutions, Inc. The Bank of New York Mellon including L2 and and Forrester. *Pitney Bowes The Johns Hopkins University Applied PS Solutions Koryak Consulting Bridgewater Associates, LP Physics Laboratory Raytheon BBN Technologies Broadcom Corporation Koryak Consulting is a local Two Sigma Investments ReliabilityFirst Corporation *Capital One consulting firm that advises clients US Patent and Trademark Office Riverbed Technology in business, operations, and Carnegie Learning USAA Robert Bosch LLC-RTC information technology strategy. It Caterpillar, Inc. is seeking full-time and internship Vallourec & Mannesmann Rockwell Automation *Central Intelligence Agency applicants. *VistaPrint rue21 Cisco Systems *VK Technology, Inc. Leanplum Workday Samsung Austin R&D Center *LGS Bell Labs Innovations comScore, Inc. *Sandia National Laboratories Liberty Mutual Insurance Group SanDisk comScore, an Internet analytics * Companies marked by an asterisk will be present at the EOC on both Tuesday and company that provides marketing Schlumberger data to other companies, is looking Wednesday. for internship applicants. comScore Schlumberger is an “oilfield was founded in 1999. services” company — a company that provides services such as Cooper Tire & Rubber Company evaluation, testing, and information Counsyl management to petroleum companies. Schlumberger is Credit Suisse looking for full-time and internship CustomInk applicants. Decisive Analytics Corporation *Sentrana, Inc. Deloitte & Touche Shutterfly, Inc. Spiceworks Deloitte & Touche, or DRT International, specializes in Spot Trading professional services and focuses Synacor, Inc. on a worldwide market. Some of Tagged, Inc. its services include tax advising, consulting, and financial advising. Tandent Vision Science *Target Chip Ganassi Racing Dropbox Texas Instruments *eBay Inc. The Mathworks, Inc. Epic The MITRE Corporation Expect Labs TripAdvisor Expedia Tumblr Explorys Ultimate Software Facebook Union Pacific Railroad Factset Research Systems, Inc. Vertica Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Victory Media, Inc. Fino Consulting *VistaPrint General Dynamics Advanced Information *VK Technology Systems VMware General Dynamics C4 Systems Wayfair Global Computer Enterprises WhaleShark Media Green Hills Software, Inc. Wolverine Trading LLC HGST Yahoo! Hyland Software Zynga IBM Corporation A10 « The Tartan » February 4, 2013

Swim team competes fiercely at Pitt Ravens conquer Elizabeth Martin Junior Staffwriter in Super Bowl The Carnegie Mellon carl glazer ter the outage and succumb men’s and women’s swim- Staffwriter to a fumble by running back ming teams competed at the Ray Riceon their third. The University of Pittsburgh last It’s funny to think that 49ers strung together four Saturday against Pitt, Clarion the final offensive play for straight scoring drives after University, and Grove City the Super Bowl-winning they punted immediately College to finish off their Baltimore Ravens was their following the outage. Kae- regular season. The women’s punter madly scrambling pernick scored touchdowns team also competed against around the end zone, trying both with his legs and with California University of Penn- to avoid a hit in order to run his arm on a touchdown pass sylvania. out the clock before taking to receiver Michael Crabtree, They defeated Clarion the inevitable safety to stop and running back Frank Gore 152–143, Cal U 235–48, and the game. But that final play added one on the ground. Grove City 194–93. For the perfectly summed up the this Flacco did finally man- men, the Tartans’ best fin- game for Baltimore, going aged to wake up his offensive ish of the day went to sopho- up 28–6 before a 34 minute leading them on back to back more Andrew Yee, who won power outage at the start drives of 71 and 59 yards. the 1,000-yard freestyle with of the third quarter robbed But each time came up short, a time of 9:55.74, his season- them of their momentum and settling one for two Justin best time. First-year Adam allowed the 49ers to mount Tucker field goals. This all Pinson also had a season-best a feverish comeback, falling culminated with Kaepernick time at the competition of Jonathan Leung/Assistant Photo Editor First-year Peter Podniesinski competes in one of his signature breastroke events. just short on a controversial and the 49ers getting the 1:54.62 in the 200-yard free- fourth down in the end zone ball back with just over four style, finishing second in the the 200-yard individual med- 2:12.35, and junior Vivian nona Li represented the Tar- with under two minutes to minutes remaining, down by event. ley. Wong competed in the 200- tans in two events where she play. The final score, 34–31, five, needing a touchdown Sophomore Michael Kell- In the 500-yard freestyle, yard breaststroke and finished recorded 175.95 points on the was much closer than the rest to take the lead. Kaepernick man gave the Tartans another first-year Matthew Nielsen with a season-best time of one-meter board. of the game. But the game, then threw three incomplete second-place finish with a finished third with a time of 2:29.01. Overall, the meet was a which seemed to be a sealed passes to Crabtree, burning a time of 1:58.67 in the 200- 4:48.20. Sophomore Chris- First-year Kira Singhaus’ success for the Tartans, who deal for the Ravens after timeout after nearly taking a yard backstroke. Two Carn- topher Ball competed on the time of 1:00.95 placed her will head to the UAA Cham- their receiver Jacoby Jones delay of game penalty. egie Mellon athletes finished three-meter diving board third in the 100-yard back- pionships in less than two returned a 108-yard kickoff On fourth down, the back to back in the 200-yard and tallied 54.41 points and stroke; she also earned third weeks.“I felt that overall it was for a touchdown, turned into 49ers blitzed and got imme- breaststroke; first-year Peter tallied 109.95 points on the place in the 200-yard back- a very good championship a nail biter after the 49ers diate pressure on Kaeper- Podniesinski finished sec- one-meter board. First-year stroke with a time of 2:13.59. meet for those who finished mounted at 28–6 comeback nick to just toss up the ball in ond with a time of 2:11.20, teammate Ioannis Michaili- Sophomore teammate Kristin their season in Pitt and a very following the power outage. Crabtree’s direction. Jimmy out-touching sophomore Roy dis tallied 98.75 points on the Dlesk finished with a 1:01.63, promising indicator of how The Ravens came out and Smith, the Ravens corner- Sung. three-meter board and earned placing fourth. the UAA team will perform in dominated the 49ers in the back on the play, appeared Junior Terrence Wong’s 113.41 points on the one-me- Junior Soleil Phan placed Chicago,” said first-year busi- first half, with quarterback to grab and hold Crabtree time of 52.16 in the 100-yard ter board. third in the 100-yard butterfly ness major Felicia Ruiyi. Joe Flacco connecting with after the ball was in the air, butterfly gave the Tartans an- For the women, in the 200- with a 59.84 time and fifth in The next event for the receivers Anquan Boldin, but the referees didn’t throw other second-place finish, fol- yard butterfly, junior Megan the 200-yard freestyle with a men’s and women’s teams is Dennis Pitta and Jones for the flag for holding or pass lowed by sophomore David Garvey finished second for 1:57.23 time. Finally, in the the UAA Championships in his three touchdown passes. interference, making the pass Campbell’s time of 1:58.22 in the Tartans with a time of diving event, first-year Wi- Chicago from Feb. 13–16. They tried, even trying for incomplete. a fake field goal when they This made it dificult for were already up by 11, and the Ravens’ punter, Sam made the most of two 49ers Koch, who was in the end Women’s basketball suffers losses away turnovers, a fumble by run- zone with 12 seconds left ning back LaMichael James, on fourth down before tak- Vinay Viswanathan effort, holding a continuous 31 turnovers and giving just was essential to the Tartans’ and a thrown interception ing the eventual safety that Junior Staffwriter lead in the game that reached nine assists in the entire game, victory, as the team gained 23 by quarterback Colin Kaepe- sealed the game. This was af- 41 points at its maximum. Of which was half of the total of more rebounds in this second rnick. ter 49ers receiver Ted Ginn Jr. The Tartans women’s bas- the 85 total points scored, 46 the previous match against game. Following Beyonce’s stun- harmlessly returned the punt ketball team lost two major came off the bench, with 15 Washington University. Away games are always ning halftime show with Des- just past midfield as time ex- conference games this past different Bears putting points The game on Feb. 3 against more difficult than home tiny’s Child, Jones returned pired both on the game and weekend. The first loss was on the board. the University of Chicago games, as first-year forward the kickoff to start the sec- the NFL season. against Washington University Mathea Tenwalde suggested ond half and it seemed the In the end, all of the built- in St. Louis last Friday, and the when she said “Traveling and “Traveling and away trips are Ravens had put the game out up story lines did not matter second against the University away trips are something we of reach. But the Mercedes- anymore. Ravens linebacker of Chicago yesterday. something we need to overcome in need to overcome to become a Benz Superdome had other Ray Lewis, finished an out- These two losses brought great team.” ideas, when half of the lights standing 17-year career with the Tartans’ season record to order to become a great team.” West scored 15 points in the stadium suddenly went another Super Bowl, and Ra- 11–9 and their UAA confer- against Washington University out due to a power surge. Af- ven’s Coach John Harbaugh ence record to 3–6. and 10 against UChicago, with Mathea Tenwalde ter a 34-minute delay where defeated his younger brother The first loss of last week, a junior Jacquie Shaw attaining First-year forward the players were forced to Jim in the matchup of head- 85–54 game against the Wash- 17 points in the match against stay on the field and remain coaching brothers. The game ington University Bears, came the Maroons. warmed up, play finally re- belonged to Joe Flacco, who after a 73–57 loss against The Tartans were success- produced similar disappoint- But the Tartans are looking sumed with the 49ers facing was awarded the MVP for Washington University two ful at defense, with four more ments; the Maroons won the forward to finish the season on a third down and 13 yards. his three-touchdown, no- games prior. rebounds than their opponent. first 14 points of the game, a high note. By the time the Ravens’ interception performance. The Bears scored the first Key players on the Carn- with UChicago shooting a 50 Team captain, senior Tori offense finally regained the Coming into his final season 10 points of the game, and egie Mellon side included percent as field shots. Baggio, said, “This weekend field, 84 real-time minutes before free agency, Flacco rounded out the first half of sophomore Gabrielle West Unlike the Bears, however, wasn’t our easiest, however, had passed since they last called himself an elite quar- the game with a score of 49- and senior Emily Peel, whose the Maroons made many of- we are excited for our last touched the ball, before half- terback much to chagrin of 21. The Tartans attempted a efforts in cutting the point fense errors, allowing 27 turn- home weekend of the season time and the power outage. the Raven faithful who rou- late-game comeback, but the deficits in the second half of overs compared to the Tartans’ coming up.” That time off really disrupted tinely blamed him for their Bears easily retained their vic- the game unfortunately came 13. the first-half rhythm Flacco team’s playoff woes, but this tory. up too short. On Jan. 27, the Tartans con- Editor’s Note: Gabrielle West had with his receivers and season established both him, In offense, the Bears domi- In offense, however, the quered UChicago in a 76–68 is Sports Co-Editor for The forced the Ravens to punt on and the Ravens as the crème nated the game through team Tartans struggled, dropping win. An increase in rebounds Tartan. their first two possessions af- de la crème of the NFL.

Athlete Profile Mike McDermott jumps and vaults to UAA success

abby smith put. [of pole vaulting]. It’s truly team. He is a great friend think about before I vault is Sports Co-Editor “I was particularly excit- unique.” and he knows how to play the last country song I lis- ed by my jump,” McDermott McDermott also com- hard and work hard. [Mike] tened to before we got off Sophomore Mike Mc- said. “It was a great way to mented on the team as a ma- started with a new personal the bus, and then my mom,” Dermott, deemed an “Aus- start off the season.” jor asset. “We are not just a best and was back training he added. tralian kangaroo” by one of The track season comes team, but a family,” he said. the next day. No matter what Overall, McDermott’s his teammates, is a critical with high expectations, as pain he is in he does not give focus proves to contribute member of Carnegie Mel- the Tartans took second at up,” Spalding said. “He is a greatly to his success, both in lon’s men’s track team, the indoor track UAA cham- “Not many role model and a great guy.” the pole vault pit and in the specializing in the jumping pionships last year. people get “He is one of the best ath- classroom. and pole-vaulting events. “My goal for the team letes on the team and con- The biomedical engineer- McDermott was recent- this year would be to sweep the chance to tributes in many events. On ing and materials science ly named the University the UAA indoor and outdoor charge with a his personal level, his tough- double major is also part Athletic Association (UAA) championships,” McDermott ness is inspiring and the of the pre-med program, Athlete of the Week after said. “I think that we could 15-foot pole way he deals with injuries where he hopes to revise helping the Tartans win do this as long as we stay fo- and fling is unreal,” said senior ma- a burn therapy treatment the Lid-Lifter Invitational cused.” terials science major Daniel and get his research project held at Denison University McDermott is no stranger themselves Cardenas Rivero, who spe- funded in order to move to- on Saturday, Jan. 26. to the mental preparation cializes in pole vaulting and ward a patent this summer. McDermott recorded that is essential to track and into a pit.” jumping. For now, McDermott , the three personal career re- field, after struggling to McDermott noted that “Australian kangaroo”, sets cords in his signature jump and vault while sus- —Mike McDermott the team loves to have fun his sights on making it to events, coming in first taining multiple injuries. too, and just “goof around.” nationals and embracing ev- overall in the pole vault Although he joined pole His teammates could not “Both me and [Cardenas ery moment he gets to vault, after clearing a height of vaulting and jumping a agree more. Rivero] have a special dance which is “at home” out on 4.25 meters. senior in high school as a Sophomore business ad- that we do before we vault,” the field. He then placed fourth “joke”, it has clearly grown ministration major Sasha he said. “Not many people get in the long jump with a into “much more.” Spalding was not short of “Even more important the chance to charge with a leap of 6.20 meters, while “I found that I was actu- praise. “[Mike] is very dedi- than the dance is what I 15-foot pole and fling them- throwing a distance of ally good at it,” McDermott cated and very supportive think about on the runway selves into a pit,” he said.

Kate Groschner/ Staff Photographer 10.23 meters in the shot said. “I love the fear factor of the overall success of the though. The last thing I “I’m thankful for it.” Campus fashion Get your best fashion inspiration from fellow Carnegie Mellon students • B6

02.04.13 Volume 107, Issue 16 ...this week only 3 Iain M. Banks The Hydrogen Sonata is better suited for longtime readers of the Culture series.

4 LEGO LotR The most recent LEGO video game presents an imperfect but compelling digital world.

5 Hummingbird The ’ newest album incorporates elements from other indie releases.

6 Fashion 6 Carnegie Mellon students find fashion muses in their peers on campus.

3 5 regulars...... diversions

3 Advice 8 Comics Everything you need to know about accidental Check out this week’s comics by a Carnegie stalking and plotting revenge. Mellon alumna. 9 Puzzles Give these puzzles a shot to keep your brain 4 Dollar Movie alert. AB Films presents three top-notch animated movies this weekend in McConomy. 10 Horoscopes Will you get that interview at the EOC? Find out in this week’s horoscopes. 5 Did You Know? 11 Calendar Did you know that research at Carnegie Mellon Consult the calendar for events happening on explored whether tweets are worth reading? and off campus this week.

PUBLISHER Jennifer Coloma EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Josh Smith PILLBOX EDITOR Rachel Cohen Assistant Pillbox Editor Laura Scherb COMICS EDITOR Kairavi Chahal ART EDITOR Annette Ko PHOTO EDITOR Kate Groschner COPY MANAGER Evan Kahn COVER Peter Leeman

The Tartan . Box 119 . UC Suite 103 . Carnegie Mellon University . 5000 Forbes Ave . Pittsburgh, PA 15213 . . © 2013 The Tartan Iain Banks lays on inside jokes Advice for awkward people The Hydrogen Sonata appeals to long-term fans of series About accidental stalking and getting revenge

Dear Patrick, Dear Patrick, Iain M. Banks is a Scottish author who is renowned explained in the text itself. for his series of space opera novels about “the I think a girl in some of Some friends of mine Culture.” The Culture is a galaxy-spanning The scenario Banks sets up is pretty exciting. The my classes thinks I’m threw a party last week, civilization that’s solved most of its problems. Gzilt, a civilization on par with the Culture, is days stalking her. (Before we and they didn’t invite me! Everybody can have any material thing they desire; away from ascending to a higher plane of existence. get started, I’m not.) We Apparently I’m banned people can take on inhuman appearances and For this to work correctly, nearly all Gzilt people had a couple of classes from their apartment for change sex at will over the course of a month; and need to agree to do it at the same time, but the together at first, but I life. All I did was puke for the most part, people only die if they choose to, happy occasion is threatened by the revelation of an switched up my schedule all over their kitchen usually after 400 years or so. ancient secret. and now she’s in every at the last party! And one of my classes. How their bathtub. I mean, I The Culture isn’t populated just by humans: There Our protagonist is Lieutenant Commander Vyr can I prove I’m not a even left two dollars for are also drones — floating sentient robots that glow Cossont, a young woman who has grown an stalker? She lives on the cleaning stuff. What can I different colors to indicate their emotions — and extra set of arms to play the titular song on the sixth floor of Morewood in do to get back at them? the Minds, clever, surprisingly human, artificially intentionally complicated string instrument, the D-Tower. intelligent beings that run the ring-shaped space “bodily acoustic Antagonistic Undecagonstring.” Thanks, stations and kilometer-long starships that make She has been tasked with discovering the truth Thanks, Unfortunately Need To up the Culture’s territory. To justify living in a about the Gzilt’s past, and does so by contacting a Ignorantly Trailing Avenge Complete Taboo utopia, the people of the Culture often help younger friend of hers, a man from the Culture who has been Schoolmate And Need I Cannot Accept, Lifetime civilizations find a way to their level, or at the very alive for thousands of years. Standing in her way is a A Convincing Cover Castigation Hurting least prevent interstellar wars. These interactions Gzilt politician who wants his society to “Sublime,” Idea; Despite Exterior, Unfairly Now, Despite are the main focus of the Culture novels. no matter the cost. Not Trying It; She’s Elapsed Ralphing Worried; Eagerly Awaiting One of the best things about Bank’s series of novels Banks changes the formula a bit from prior works, Response Dear UNTACTICAL about the Culture is the undercurrent of inside jokes. with the protagonist being more passive and a CHUNDER, The war that serves as the backdrop to the earliest Ship’s avatar playing a larger role than most of the Dear ITS AN ACCIDENT I entry in the series is frequently referenced in later humans and drones. The action feels a little clunkier SWEAR, You are the worst kind of books. The ships of the Culture are all given cheeky than it did in the previous novel, Surface Detail. person. Is it so hard to puke names: In one book, we meet a ship named Who’s Don’t worry, we’ve all in the bathroom? You know Counting and in another book we meet the Me, I’m If all this piques your interest, then you’re either been there. When I was a it’s coming. No one is ever Counting — a real treat for longtime readers. intrigued by this world of technical wizardry with first-year in E-Tower, I used really surprised by vomit. godlike machines and people whose main purpose to watch people out my You always feel it welling up Unfortunately, these inside jokes hold back the latest in life is to enjoy it, or you’re already a fan. If you window, which some people in your stomach, bubbling entry in the series, The Hydrogen Sonata. Most of fall in the latter category, you’ll probably enjoy The thought was kind of creepy. like a witch’s cauldron. And the previous novels would only be enhanced if you Hydrogen Sonata, but everybody else should start at I guess watching through a you only left two dollars!?!? had read the earlier ones, but The Hydrogen Sonata the beginning with Consider Phlebas or peruse the newspaper with eyeholes What did you do after that, requires them. If you know about the Interesting two strongest entries in the series, Use of Weapons cut in it didn’t really help. My kick their puppy on your way Times Gang, the Azadian Affair, and the Excession, and The Player of Games. point is, I wasn’t intentionally out? You can’t even buy you’ll likely have a lot of fun with this book, but trying to creep people out, Lysol for two bucks. those unfamiliar with the series will find themselves and neither are you. lost in a maze of references and previously Justin McGown | Online Editor If you insist on getting established concepts that aren’t adequately With all that in mind, you back at them, you can try should totally start stalking throwing a counter-party in her. My life motto is “in for protest. Same night, same a penny, in for a pound.” time, with all the other That’s why I black out every people who were banned. weekend. She already thinks And go to an ATM. Two you’re a stalker, so you dollars? Seriously? You’re might as well stalk her. You like a real-life Britta. seem to be doing a pretty good job already. Community’s comin’ back! A restraining order’s a Patrick Hoskins great excuse for skipping class, Need advice? Send queries Patrick Hoskins to [email protected]. Courtesy of Tom Page via Flickr Iain M. Banks’ new sci-fi novel, The Hydrogen Sonata, might lose new readers with its plethora of references to previous books in the series.

literature pillbox 02.04.13 3 Take a LEGO adventure through Middle Earth Despite bugs, LEGO Lord of the Rings is an enjoyable game with an open world to explore

When LEGO started producing video games with LEGO bit too slowly to make backtracking, something that is explore an open world (even though dastardly invisible Island in 1997, it was an exciting moment for video emphasized in the TT Games’ LEGO games, a viable walls get in the way now and again). There are also game fanatics everywhere. LEGO’s foray into gaming option. a handful of bugs that, if not handled carefully and continued with mostly its own games (i.e., non-licensed correctly, result in having to quit the level and start material) for the next eight years. Then, in 2005, LEGO After further exploration, however, it’s clear not only again. The new inventory system could also use a bit teamed up with the British TT Games to create the first that there are ways to fast-travel between places, of work, as could the awful platforming sections, and of many in a series of movie-based LEGO games, LEGO but also that the open world gives the game a bit of a there are plenty of fetch-quests, but these are only Star Wars: The Video Game. Fast forward almost eight Grand Theft Auto feel: Most of the objects in the world, slight annoyances overall. The game keeps up the usual years, 10 LEGO-themed licensed games, and great including people, can be destroyed and will give the slapstick comedy and even incorporates a few memes strides in every aspect of the LEGO-based game worlds, player money. The destructibility of the landscape has into the game. For example, there’s a wounded soldier and we have LEGO Lord of the Rings. always been a feature in the LEGO games, but the open who “took an arrow to the knee” in the battle of Helm’s world gives a new perspective to it. Deep, and there’s an achievement for walking into LEGO Lord of the Rings is unlike any of TT Games’ Mordor. LEGO games released to date. In the firstLEGO Star In addition to playing through the movies sequentially, Wars, the player experiences the first three movies TT Games has also managed to nab licensing to the Overall, LEGO Lord of the Rings is not as polished (Episodes 1 – 3) in an episodic manner: There is a central original soundtrack and audio clips from the actual a game as it could be — though when TT Games hub from which the player selects an “episode” within a movies themselves. This feature will surely win over Lord is turning out more than one game a year, that may movie and plays through it. of the Rings fans: Although certain scenes were omitted be expected. However, it is by far the most visually or changed to make the game more kid-friendly, seeing stunning and emotionally compelling LEGO-licensed LEGO Lord of the Rings, on the other hand, features LEGO figurines quoting scenes line-for-line adds new game that exists to date, and it’s certainly worth picking an almost entirely open world, in which one actually depth to the game. There is nothing more rewarding up if you like LEGO or The Lord of the Rings. It’s not travels across a (slightly smaller) Middle Earth and plays than riding Shadowfax across the plains of Rohan as a game-of-the-year material, but it is good fun, and that’s sequentially through each of the three movies. At first, LEGO Gandalf. The voice clips are clearly ripped straight what a game is supposed to be. this change seems a bit annoying — more of a hindrance from the movies themselves, so you can pick out certain than an improvement. There doesn’t seem to be an movie sounds in the background if you try. 7.5/10 bricks; will beat to completion. easy way for fast travel, and the characters move just a While LEGO Lord of the Rings continues the TT Games tradition of backtracking and replaying levels, it is not Ryan Black | Junior Staffwriter as repetitive as other games are, thanks to the ability to

dollarmovie McConomy Auditorium, University Center Matthew Zurcher | Staffwriter

Monsters, Inc. Wreck-It Ralph The Incredibles Thursday, Feb. 7 Friday, Feb. 8 Saturday, Feb. 9 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12

AB Films begins a week of top-shelf animation with Many tend to forget that great animation can be made The Incredibles is the best flick Pixar has made yet, and Monsters, Inc. If you ask people what their favorite Pixar outside of Pixar’s juggernaut studio, and Wreck-It Ralph it has a strong claim to the best-superhero-movie-ever movies are, they probably won’t answer with Monsters, is definitively proof of this. John C. Reilly voices the titular award. It is at once a family drama, a comedy, a thriller, Inc. — but if you remind them about it, they will surely character, a video game villain who rebels against his and an action/superhero movie. Its structure is radical gush about its charm and hilarity. Billy Crystal and John archetype and dreams of being the hero. Disney studios and its villain is almost unthinkable. It’s the riskiest Goodman turn in unforgettable vocal performances as produced an imaginative, glorious design, frequently Pixar film — and who does risk better than Pixar? The two professional monsters who scare children to power referencing and paying homage to video game culture. Incredibles tells the story of a family of superheroes, their metropolis. This is a movie that’s hard to dislike; it each with a special power. Relationship troubles and may be Pixar’s most imaginative effort. typical family struggles are woven effortlessly into Pixar’s inimitable fantasy and action universe. The animation is bold and insane: Remember the shot of Dash running across the water? This is a movie that’s never worth missing.

games 4 pillbox 02.04.13 Reinventing reverb in rock Did you know?

Local Natives’ Hummingbird reuses indie material The Fulcrum Club elected its newest officers to serve the club until January 1914. The club also held its When the Local Natives announced the imminent 100 business meeting to make sure all of release of their second album Hummingbird, years ago its affairs were in order. To finish out amongst the wild cheers of twenty-somethings in Jan. 16, 1913 the meeting, the Glee Club joined skinny jeans everywhere, two questions arose. the engineers and presented several songs to get everyone excited about The first question: How would the band function engineering. in the studio setting without former bassist Andy Hamm? The Local Natives have had a successful tour and are set to perform at Coachella in April, but Carnegie Tech lost its chance at how would a more transcendental and less-grounded second place in the Pittsburgh sound fare against inevitable comparisons to the 50 Intercollegiate Rifle League to smash-hit first albumGorilla Manor? (Answer: Very, years ago Washington & Jefferson. The team lost very well. But more on this later.) its next match to Geneva, which was Feb. 13, 1963 particularly upsetting because the men The more far-reaching question remains. In 2010, lost by only six points, finishing the critics at , Rolling Stone, and elsewhere match at 1387–1381. took great pains to compare the Local Natives’ debut album Gorilla Manor to every popular indie band out there. And who can blame them? That year One student chronicles his love affair was indie rock’s renaissance, with The Black Keys’ with codeine, specifically in the form Brothers, Vampire Weekend’s Contra, and Arcade 25 of Robitussin. The entire article is a bit Fire’s The Suburbs, which won the Grammy for Best years ago random, a fact he blames entirely on Album. But the fact is that Gorilla Manor sounded as the loopy effect of the cough syrup. if it had taken all the good aspects of every popular Feb. 2, 1988 He urges other students to find a indie band and made it into an album — a great one, reason to give codeine, specifically to be sure, but nothing wholly original. Robitussin, a try.

This is not to say that the Local Natives consciously take ideas from other indie bands and incorporate Pillbox explores the best pancakes them into songs like “Bowery” — which, since we’re Courtesy of Derrick Austinson Photog via Flickr Pittsburgh has to offer. DeLuca’s already talking about comparisons to other bands, Taylor Rice, shown here performing in Minneapolis Restaurant in the Strip District takes sounds like something from a Shins album. Okay, a 10 in 2010, is a vocalist and guitarist in Local Natives. years ago first place in taste, and Ritter’s Diner really good Shins album. But with Hummingbird, did in Bloomfield offers the most bang for the Local Natives create something fresh and new? Feb. 3, 2003 your buck. For the frugal, directions on has ultimately remained unchanged: Listeners can how to make Jiffy pancakes at home Yes, they did — but not in the way you’d expect. easily make the same comparisons to Arcade Fire are also included. and Animal Collective that they could make with Like many popular alternative rock albums of the Local Natives’ previous album. And that is perfectly 21st century, the Local Natives’ new effort sounds all right. Jonathon Hurst, graduate student very much as if it were produced in a studio, with in the Robotics Institute, is working an ample amount of reverb on tracks like heart- Much of the new album’s smooth powerhouse with a professor at the University wrenching “You & I” and dense rock-out session 5 of Michigan to explore the running aesthetic and sweet production quality can years ago “Wooly Mammoth.” But indie rock is such a vague be attributed to the band’s unofficial new fifth mechanism in robots. The end goal is category, with such a broad spectrum, that there member: Aaron Dessner of The National. While not Feb. 4, 2008 to offer military personnel a resource are no telling aspects of the genre: One can only a replacement for Hamm in any respect, Dessner to carry heavy bundles and to assist compare certain types of sounds among bands in brought some songwriting muscle to the table people with limited mobility. the genre, and the studio-produced feel of popular and, more importantly, helped record and produce albums is one of the few general staples of the Hummingbird in his Brooklyn apartment. modern incarnation of the genre. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Hummingbird presents positive proof that, yes, and Georgia Tech claim that Twitter The sound in Hummingbird is slightly brighter and there’s nothing new under the sun. But a band can users think only a third of the tweets at times more rhythmically complex than that in use that knowledge to their advantage. The Local year1 ago they see every day are worth reading. Gorilla Manor: It’s richer, rounder, more somber, and Natives show that they don’t need to pull the Animal They use an algorithm to figure out more subtle. Kelcey Ayer’s vocals ride the tracks Collective card out and change their sound every Feb. 6, 2012 what people deem “worth reading” so like gulls on thermals, proving especially powerful album in order to sell out venues internationally. Twitter can improve user experience. in thickly orchestrated songs like “Black Spot” and “Wooly Mammoth.” However, the band saves the Catherine Spence | Staffwriter better lyrics for songs where you can actually hear Evan Kahn | Copy Manager them, like in “Colombia.” But the band’s philosophy music pillbox 02.04.13 5 Students put personal spin on fashion trends Runway fashions are adapted to suit Carnegie Mellon’s style, Pittsburgh’s weather

number of individual styles, there are certain trends, by Nikita Mishra | Staffwriter [ ] such as denim shirts and military-style jackets, that most students seem to have embraced and incorporated into Fashion trends usually take off when they’re first their personal styles. Of course, these items of clothing introduced to the world on the runway. From there, are popular off campus as well. However, not only do courageous celebrities who are willing to make a they seem to be emphasized here, but they are also worn statement adopt the trend, prompting the general public in unique ways by Carnegie Mellon students. to join in on the fad. Denim Shirts But people are generally inspired by the trends they are surrounded by, as opposed to those they have read Denim shirts, as previously mentioned, have long been about. The explosion in popularity of social media sites in style. Considered a staple by some, this trend more like Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram is a clear indication recently became popularized in 2010 and has stayed that people have a tendency to look to their peers for popular since. Denim, or chambray, shirts can be found new trends — especially on our own campus. in a variety of colors or patterns. Urban Outfitters has several, including the BDG Chambray Button-Down Students at Carnegie Mellon are commonly Shirts, which can be found printed with white polka- characterized by their diverse backgrounds and dots or flowers. To manage walking to class in 10° F talents, and this diversity is reflected in the variety of weather, many Carnegie Mellon students layer a sweater approaches to fashion seen on campus. Despite the or cardigan over the denim shirt for added warmth. Longer sweaters, especially those with a cozy cable knit, generally look great with a denim shirt.

Students also tend to wear brightly colored infinity scarves over chambray shirts. The collar of the shirt would be hidden from view, but the denim shirt has the same effect. Some like to wear their denim shirts with jeans, but if you want to avoid the denim-on-denim look, opt for a pair of leggings or jeans in a different color.

Military Jackets

Prior to the drop in temperature that caused most Peter Leeman | Junior Photographer people to switch to their warm, puffy jackets, the green Left: Eylul Engin, a master’s student in architecture, wears an infinity scarf for added warmth. Center: Daniel Tyler Mathews, a master’s student in costume design, evokes military-style jacket had been a common choice for many old military style with a coat with epaulets. Right: Sophomore computer science major Celine Nguyen stays warm in a velvet skirt with tights. students at Carnegie Mellon. This trend can be adjusted to the colder weather by layering it over warm sweaters. which are available in most stores, can add another with a skirt if you’re willing to put in the effort. you leave for class in the morning. However, on those There are several military-style jackets available at dimension to an outfit that may initially have seemed days when you want to dress up a little, a skirt or dress Forever 21, some of which are embellished with studs boring. If you’re not sure where to start, check out the For more unique jewelry, try the website, where is the obvious option. Skater skirts have been seen and faux leather sleeves. These jackets look great when website .com to choose from a variety of tights. handmade, one-of-a-kind items are sold. You can either around campus quite often. On days that are slightly paired with either an oversized sweater and leggings or search for something specific or browse through the warmer, pair the skirt with a button-up shirt. Otherwise, a shorter sweater and jeans. While some students accessorize with tights, others jewelry section of the website. The benefit of Etsy is that switch the shirt for a sweater and add a scarf and tights Peter Leeman | Junior Photographer complete their outfits with statement jewelry. Necklaces there is more variety in the style of jewelry available. for extra warmth. A skater skirt in a floral pattern is a One of the advantages of this trend is its versatility. are a common choice because they are easy to throw on Bubble statement necklaces are available on this site, great way to accommodate for the weather as it moves Complete the outfit with a pair of boot socks that with tights, boot socks, and boots. Another option is a over an outfit and are not as uncomfortable as chandelier but there are other types of necklaces as well. towards the strange period between seasons; the skirt peek out over the top of your favorite boots. Continue military-style vest, which looks exactly like the jacket but earrings. The J. Crew bubble necklace gained a great is a reminder that spring is on the way, but it will still the trend with military-style boots, such as the Steve without the sleeves. Vests may not be the best option deal of popularity toward the end of last year and Some prefer making a statement with simpler necklaces, look appropriate for the winter when paired with warm- Madden “Camarro” boots, which have been seen all over for this type of weather, but students at Carnegie Mellon inspired the statement necklace trend. and such jewelry could be found through the “Rare Bird” weather clothing. campus. For someone whose style isn’t as edgy, the sometimes opt for them on slightly less frigid days. Like shop on Etsy. Some Carnegie Mellon students have been olive green military-style jacket looks great over a dress the jacket, this vest, worn over a large sweater and The bubble necklace can be found in a variety of colors, following the Chevron pattern trend, and necklaces of Considering that we’re at Carnegie Mellon, most of us leggings, makes for a stylish outfit. and similar necklaces can be found in several locations. this type, such as the “Geometric Gold Triple Chevron don’t have the time to pay attention to what celebrities Francesca’s Collections in Shadyside carries a seemingly Necklace,” are also available at this Etsy shop. are currently wearing, or what different sources are Accessories endless supply of statement necklaces. Brighten up saying is in style. Moreover, people are more likely to Left: Deren Guler, a master’s student in Tangible a simple cream-colored sweater with one of these Skirts gain fashion inspiration from their peers. Though this Interaction Design, adds texture to her outfit with Speaking of making statements with legwear, wearing necklaces. Layer a shirt under the sweater, with the school isn’t especially known for its fashionable student patterned tights. To p Right: Celine Berger, a junior patterned tights is another common trend seen around collar of the shirt visible to give this outfit a preppy vibe; Necklaces are an easy way to dress up an outfit, but body, there are many students who fall under this cognitive science major, layers a sweater over a campus. They are also very versatile; they can be worn a statement necklace provides the finishing touch. This there are other ways of achieving this as well. It’s category, and they are a great source of inspiration when button-down for added warmth. with dresses, skirts, and even shorts. Patterned tights, combination looks great with a pair of jeans, or even tempting to choose the most comfortable clothes before you’re stuck on what to wear. Peter Leeman | Junior Photographer feature feature 6 pillbox 02.04.13 pillbox 02.04.13 7 Crinkled Comics by Juan Fernandez


comics 8 pillbox 02.04.13 Sudoku Puzzle: Very Hard Difficulty Kakuro Puzzle: Easy Difficulty

Sudoku courtesy of Kakuro courtesy of Fill all empty squares using numbers 1 to 9 so the sum of each row equals the clue on its left, and the sum of each column equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same row or column more than once.

Solutions from Jan. 28

Crossword Medium Difficulty Medium Difficulty

puzzles pillbox 02.04.13 9 EOC-scopes aries That tie with that shirt? Yeah, right. march 21–april 19

taurus Good thing the EOC is this week, because it looks like the april 20–may 20 stars are aligned for you.

gemini Just be patient; you’ll find what you’re looking for. may 21–june 21

cancer Proofread your résumé. Yes, again. june 22–july 22

leo Your overconfidence might make a bad first impression, so july 23–aug. 22 watch out. Crossword courtesy of

Across Down virgo You’re going to get a huge opportunity; don’t be afraid to seize it and move forward. 1. Slave 1. Thin stratum aug. 23–sept. 22 5. Gentle ones 2. Author ___ Stanley Gardner 10. Eye sore 3. Wander 14. Switch ending 4. Foresee 15. Dreadful 5. Wears well libra You know what you want, but you aren’t good at 16. Excellent, slangily 6. Horton Hears ___ communicating it. Practice in the mirror before the EOC. 17. Banned apple spray 7. Juilliard deg. sept. 23–oct. 22 18. Oil source 8. Future tulip 19. In this place 9. Bed down 20. Souvenir 10. Globe 22. Decapitates 11. Take ___ Train scorpio Ask for more. You might just get it. 24. Floors 12. American football measure 25. Hole goal 13. French summers oct. 23–nov. 21 26. Rise to one’s feet 21. Tacit assent 29. Where some vets served 23. “Surprise Symphony” composer 32. Affirmatives 26. Loudness units 36. ___ account (never) 27. Govt. security sagittarius You need to be more focused and stop trying to squeeze 37. Having a wavy margin 28. Composer Bruckner 39. Lilt syllable 29. First prime minister of India nov. 22–dec. 21 so many things onto your résumé. 40. In spite of 30. Church areas 43. DDE’s command 31. Dull surface 44. Cylindrical 33. Agitates 45. Not a dup- 34. Bert’s buddy capricorn The decisions you make at the EOC are going to affect your 46. Actress Berger 35. Tending to sag dec. 22–jan. 19 whole career, so tread carefully. 48. Employ 37. Numbered rd. 49. Amble 38. Scot’s refusal 50. Entirely 41. Author Calvino 52. Junkyard dog 42. Threshold 53. Transfer data, to a peripheral 47. Aptitude aquarius Your persuasion skills will be put to the test this week. device 49. Drinking cup jan. 20–feb. 18 57. Honcho 51. Insect stage 61. Roy’s “singin’ pardner” 52. Quotes 62. Bowling alley button 53. Sleipnir’s rider 64. When said three times, a 1970 54. Payment for travel war movie 55. Linen source pisces Don’t go to the EOC angry. Release any pent-up energy 65. Teheran’s country 56. Antlered animal before, or else you’ll do something stupid. feb. 19–march 20 66. Mesa ___ National Park 57. “Venerable” English monk 67. K- 6 58. Gap Kairavi Chahal | Comics Editor 68. Immediately following 59. Baseball’s Hershiser 69. Sign of spring 60. Domesticate 70. Soccer legend 63. Hindu title horoscopes 10 pillbox 02.04.13 MONDAY2.4.13 THURSDAY2.7.13 Cartoonist Craig Freeman presents new works that explore themes of nihilism, depression, and suicide. The School of Architecture Lecture: Isaac Campbell. [En]coding Architecture. Various locations (Carnegie gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday. Carnegie Museum of Art Theater. 6 p.m. Mellon). Through Feb. 9. Portland-based architect Isaac Campbell, co-founder of The [En]coding Architecture conference covers a range Inventing the Modern World: Decorative Arts at the multidisciplinary design firm Office 52, will give a lecture of topics including the autonomy of architecture, code, World’s Fairs, 1851–1939. The Carnegie Museum of Art. at the Carnegie Museum of Art Theater. Campbell’s firm fabrication, material, robots, machinic desire, and Through Feb. 24. is designing Carnegie Mellon’s new Sherman and Joyce computational theory. The conference includes a number This exhibit features works ranging from jewelry to Bowie Scott Hall. of workshops, lectures, and exhibitions. It is free, but furniture that showcase changing tastes in aesthetics and participants must register beforehand. More information, design within the span of nearly nine decades. TUESDAY2.5.13 including a schedule of conference events, can be found online at Power Pixels. Wood Street Galleries. Through April 7. Brown Bag Chamber Music Concert. McConomy The Wood Street Galleries is hosting an exhibit by visual Auditorium. 12 p.m. Kishi Bashi. The Underground. 7:30 p.m. artist Miguel Chevalier that features two self-generative The School of Music is putting on an hour-long concert Singer and multi-instrumentalist K Ishibashi (also known video installations. The exhibit also includes the world featuring student soloists and chamber music ensembles. as Kishi Bashi) will perform at The Underground. Kishi premiere of Chevalier’s latest work, “Pixels Wave.” The event is free and open to the public, and audience Bashi creates unique sound environments through More information and gallery hours are available at members are encouraged to bring their lunch. looping vocals and violin samples. The concert is hosted by AB Underground and is free and open to the public. School of Art Lecture: Shana Moulton. Feminist and...The Mattress Factory. Through May 26. Kresge Theater. 5 p.m. FRIDAY2.8.13 This exhibit features works by six female artists from Performance and video artist Shana Moulton will give around the world, aiming to show that feminism is a a lecture as part of the Carnegie Mellon School of Art Dirty Charms. brillobox. 10 p.m. multivocal, multigenerational, and multicultural movement, Lecture Series. More information on Moulton’s work can Pittsburgh-based garage rock band Dirty Charms will not a single-issue set of political beliefs. The exhibit was be found at perform at brillobox. The Williams Band and Johnny guest-curated by Hilary Robinson, a former professor of Naples Trio will open the concert. The concert is for art theory and criticism at Carnegie Mellon. WEDNESDAY2.6.13 ages 21 and up, and more information can be found at UPCOMING Open Mic Night. Skibo Café. 6 p.m. AB Skibo will present a free open mic event during which SATURDAY2.9.13 Lunar Gala: Venin. Wiegand Gymnasium. Feb. 16. student performers can showcase their talents. Carnegie Mellon’s annual student fashion show is coming Out of Order: Shawn Rudiman. Belvedere’s Ultra-Dive. up on Feb. 16. Student designers will be showing off Hannah Dobbz. Big Idea Cooperative Bookstore & Café 9 p.m. their work in Wiegand Gymnasium. More information is (4812 Liberty Ave.). 7 p.m. Techno DJ Shawn Rudiman will perform a live, three-hour available at Author and Pittsburgh resident Hannah Dobbz will speak set. Local DJs Paul Fleetwood and Relative Q will open at the Big Idea Cooperative Bookstore about her new with a back-to-back set. The event is for ages 21 and up book Nine-Tenth of the Law: Property and Resistance and costs $5 at the door. Compiled by Allison Cosby | Contributing Editor in the United States. Dobbz, a former squatter, will speak about squatting and property struggles in the ONGOING Want your event here? United States from colonial times to the present. More Email [email protected]. information is available at Cartoon Nihilism. 707 Penn Gallery. Through Feb. 17.

calendar pillbox 02.04.13 11 a cappella.

Kate Groschner | Photo Editor Fifth-year senior decision science and economics and statistics double major Will Weiner hosted a “perk-off” between vocal percussionists from the eight participating a cappella groups at the Varsity Vocals ICCA Great Lakes Quarterfinal on Saturday night in McConomy Auditorium. Carnegie Mellon groups Counterpoint and The Originals participated, with The Originals placing first overall and advancing to the semifinals.

gallery 12pillbox 02.04.13