: Humanitarian Snapshot (November 2013)

Fifty eight per cent of Yemen’s population (14.7 million out of 25.2 million people) are affected by the humanitarian crisis and Internal displacement 3/4 will need assistance next year, the crisis is compounded by a lack of basic services, weak state authority and poor resource (Cumulative figures - 30 Oct 2013) management. 13 million people lack access to improved water sources, while 8.6 million lack access to basic health care. 306,964 IDPs There are also more than 500,000 IDPs, returnees and other marginalized people, and 242,944 refugees, mostly Somalis. 227,954 returnees

Displaced/Returnees in 45%thousands

Humanitarian Reponse Plan 2014 IDPs Identified Severe Needs Returnees 10

Food Security About 400,000 Yemeni migrant SAUDI ARABIA 306 307 306 307 307 307 5 OMAN 6 million moderately food insecure workers returned since April OMAN 232 232 233 228 228 228 4.5 million are severely food insecure

May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 72% of the total returnees (227,954) SAUDI ARABIA country-wide, are in the south. % of food- insecure people 103,014 > 75% 50.1% - 75% 25.1 - 50% SA'ADA Refugees and new <= 25% 7 Sa'adahDammaj AL JAWF Al Maharah 3 Nutrition No data 64,758 arrivals in 2013 779,000 children acutely malnourished 24,700 (Cumulative figures - October 2013) 279,000 children severely acutely Haradh 42,191 malnourished 242,944 Refugees (as of Oct 2013) Al Hazm 91 81,919 3 Al Ghaydah AMRAN Al Jawf Hadramaut 62,851 New arrivals (Jan-Oct 2013) AMANAT AL MAHARAH YEMEN Trend analysis of new arrivals Hajjah AmranAL ASIMAHAmanat Malnutrition severity HADRAMAUT 2013 2012 2011 2 Al Asimah City classification 41,538 1,330 14000 Critical = GAM >=15% Al Mahwit 2 MARIB Serious = GAM 10-14.9% Sana'a Marib 12000 Poor = GAM 5-9.9% Sana’aSANA'A Normal = GAM<5% 444 10000 2,872 Arabian Sea 8000 Water, Sanitation and Al Jabin SHABWAH 5 Hygiene RAYMAH Shabwah Al City 6000 DHAMAR 13.1 million in need of improved water Raymah Dhamar Al Mukalla Arabian Sea 4000 12.1 million without access to adequate Red AL BAYDA Ataq 2000

sanitation Red Sea Sea HUDAYDAH AL 5,584 0 Ibb Al Bayda People in Need (2014)1 r r eb F Ma Ap Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 735 new arrivals ALAl Dhale'eDHALE'E 14,971 - 226,699 May landed along the AbyanABYAN 226,700 - 412,729 Red Sea coast as ofTaizz 163,196 Impact of armed clashes on % people in need October 2013 3 TAIZZ 412,730 - 871,038 of improved water Zingibar humanitarian assistances6 > 600.000 Lahj 871,039 - 1,757,520 400,000-600,00 LAHJ 3/4 Fighting in northern Yemen entered 200,000-400,000 2,291 IDPs by governorate <200,000 5 its 8th week, with civilians in Health 990 16,405 new arrivals Yemeni migrant workers returnees ERITREAERITREA 3 Dammaj and Kitaf running out of 7.7 million are without sufficient health services crossed the Arabian Sea New arrivals movement 900,000 lack adequate immunization from Bosaso and other Governorate with returnees3/4 food, water and medical supplies. costal areas of Puntland 2 Humanitarian workers have very 4 Violence against hum. actors (Sept 2013) 45,629* new arrivals as of October 2013 ObockObock 6 limited access. Fuel is in short arrived from Obock as Armed clash (Sep/Nov 2013) of October 2013 3 Gulf Gulfof Aden of Aden supply in Sa’ada because roads are % of total population DJIBOUTI Bosaso SOMALIA blocked. Food prices have risen. lacking health services DJIBOUTI 100 Km 65.1%-100% 40.1-65% 15%-39.9% 0%-14.9% SOMALIA www.reliefweb.int * About 82 new arrivals landed in unidentified areas. Creation date: 30 November 2013 Sources: 1. HNO 2. UNDSS 3. UNHCR 4. Gov 5. IOM 6. UNOCHA Contact: [email protected] The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. yemen.humanitarianresponse.info