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Our M Ission APRIL 2015 VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON T HE M A G A ZI N E OF T HE P HILMO nt S ta FF A ss OCI at IO N® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization HIGH COUNTRY check us out! www.philstaff.com ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Scout Ranch heritage and experience of Philmont Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HIGH COUNTRY®—VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2 PHILMONT StaFF ASSOCIatION® APRIL 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS in this issue ED PEasE, EDITOR MARK DIERKER, LAYOUT EDITOR JOHN MURPHY, PRESIDENT COLLEEN NUTTER, VICE PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP columns RanDY SAUNDERS, AssOCIatE EDITOR TIM ROSSEISEN, VICE PRESIDENT, SERVICE BILL Cass, COPY EDITOR WARREN SMITH, VICE PRESIDENT, DEVELOPMENT 4 from the prez DavE KEnnEKE, StaFF COntRIBUTOR ADAM FROMM, SECREtaRY KEVIN “LEVI” THOMas, CARTOONIst Matt LINDSEY, TREASURER 18 ranch roundup - mort’s gorp COntRIBUTING EDITORS: ROBERT BIRKBY, DavID CAFFEY, NatIONAL DIRECTORS 19 ranch roundup - kenneke BILL Cass, GREGORY HOBBS, WARREN SMITH , MARK AMY BOYLE STInnEtt, MARY STUEVER, STEPHEN ZIMMER KEN DavIS 20 ranch roundup - clarks retire BRYAN DELANEY 22 ranch roundup - cimarron retail HIGH COUNTRY® IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICatION OF THE CatHERINE HUBBARD PHILMOnt StaFF AssOCIatION® anD IS PUBLISHED SIX LEE HUCKSTEP 28 short stuff TIMES PER YEAR as A BENEFIT TO Its MEMBERS. DR. DAN MILLER STEVE RICK © 2015, THE PHILMOnt StaFF AssOCIatION, INC. ALL RIGHts RESERVED. NO COPYRIGHT CLAIMED FOR REGIONAL DIRECTORS articles PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED OR PUBLIC MatERIAL. NORTHEAST PERMIssION GRantED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL REPRIntING KatHLEEN SEITZ 6 psa news - north texas OR REDIstRIBUTION WITH PROPER attRIBUTION. RICK TOUCHETTE 7 psa news - bsa annual meeting HIGH COUNTRY®, PHILMOnt StaFF AssOCIatION®, CENTRAL ® ® 8 psa news - fall phiesta PSA anD THE OFFICIAL PSA LOGO MITCH StanDARD ARE ALL REGIstERED TRADEMARks OF: PHIL WINEGARDNER 9 psa news - summer trek THE PHILMOnt StaFF AssOCIatION, INC. SOUTHERN 12 psa news - annual reunion 17 DEER RUN ROAD ANNE MARIE PINKENBURG CIMARRON, NEW MEXICO 87714 DOUG WAHL 13 psa news - florida 575-376-1138 WESTERN 13 psa news - amigos FOR MEMBERSHIP anD SUBSCRIPTION INFORMatION, NANCY STICKELMAN 14 psa news - summit VISIT OUR WEBSITE at: MICHAEL WAGGONER 16 bsa fieldbook WWW.PHILSTAFF.COM JIM LYNCH, IMMEDIatE PAST PRESIDENT 23 next generation MARK ANDERSON, PHILMONT StaFF ADVISOR On the cover: John and Janice Clark on the porch of their Ute Park 26 deep green HIGH COUNTRY® WELCOMES ARTICLES, PHOTOS anD EX OFFICIO MEMBERS 29 cimarroncita LEttERS FOR COnsIDERatION FOR FUTURE IssUES. EMERY CORLEY, LEGAL ADVISOR home. See story on page 20. SUBMIssION DOES NOT GUARantEE PUBLICatION. DOUGLAS FASCHING, TECHNOLOGY MANAGER 32 ptc - cubs THE EDITORS anD PUBLISHER RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SELECT anD EDIT MatERIALS TO BE PUBLISHED. photo by Renae Holland 35 stem SEND SUBMIssIOns, LEttERS OR COMMEnts TO RanDY SAUNDERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR “ HIGH COUNTRY” at THE ABOVE ADDREss OR E-MAIL: DOLLIE O’NIELL, OFFICE ManaGER other [email protected] PSA® FELLOWS 5 bulletin board ® IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE HIGH COUNTRY BOB HARVEY FELLOW IN ELECTRONIC RatHER THan PAPER FORMat, PLEasE PAUL AND MARY JANE HARVEY 38 trail talk COntaCT THE PSA OFFICE at [email protected] GLENN A. FOWLER FELLOW BRUCE BARNES OPINIOns EXPREssED IN HIGH COUNTRY®ARE THOSE OF GEORGE A. BULLOCK FELLOW MEMBERS ONLY ACCESS CONTRIBUTING WRITERS THE WRITERS anD, UNLEss OTHERWISE statED, WILLIAM D. BRYCE ARAH URGESS MERY ORLEY ANCY ARRELL atHY DO NOT NECEssaRILY REFLECT THE VIEws OF THE S B E C N F C ® JOE DAVIS FELLOW USER NAME: OLDCAMP PHILMOnt StaFF AssOCIatION , PHILMOnt BILL CASS HUBBARD LEE HUCKSTEP COLLEEN COLEMAN LESTER COUT anCH OR THE OY COUts OF MERICA S R , B S A . STEVE LEWIS JASON MASCITTI DAN MILLER MARK RAY JOHN A. MAXBAUER, JR. FELLOW PASSWORD: metcalfstation ANONYMOUS MARK STINNETT BRYAN WENDELL VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2— APRIL 2015 VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2— APRIL 2015 3 from the president BULLETIN BOARD What do you say to a retiring general Upcoming PSA® Events manager who has lived and served Philmont for more than a decade? PSA Reception at the National BSA Meeting – May 21, 2015 @ 5:00pm The words don’t come easy because Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA John Clark has been one of the biggest Contact: Randy Saunders at [email protected] advocates for and supporters of the PSA North Texas Regional Reunion – May 30, 2015 Philmont Staff Association. I guess I St. Francis Church Family Life Center, Grapevine, TX knew this day would come, but I was Contact: John Ryan at [email protected] or John Corpany at [email protected] not ready for it, and if you come right PSA Weekend at the Summit – June 19-20, 2015 down to it - really didn’t want to see it Summit Bechtel Reserve, Beckley, WV happen so soon. John will retire from Contact Lee Huckstep at [email protected] or Dan Miller at [email protected] the Ranch on May 31 of this year and move down the road to the house he PSA Summer Reunion – July 10-12, 2015 Philmont Scout Ranch and Janice have been working on in Ute Park. PSA Summer Trek – July 12-18, 2015 In the thirteen years under John’s Philmont Scout Ranch leadership, Philmont has grown from PSA Fall Phestival – October 2-4, 2015 18,666 summer participants with 794 Des Moines, IA seasonal staff to an incredible 23,000+ strong. We are what we are today be- Contact: Jason Mascitti at [email protected] summer attendees and over 1,100 cause of their willingness to involve us seasonal staff members. John saw PSA Autumn Adventure Trek – October 11-16, 2015 in many aspects of Philmont from help- Philmont Scout Ranch many changes – rising fuel prices, ing raise money for building projects to Contact: Steven & Cynthia Truemper at [email protected] increased travel costs, severe drought making summer treks possible. in the Southwest and even things like What I like best about John Clark is changes at the national level of the that he epitomizes service with a smile, BSA. Through all that he made sure always willing to take your phone call, Philmont was prepared. John worked shake a hand or make time in his busy *THE SUMMER OF ’65* hard to make the Ranch financially day to talk in person. He believes in Request for Articles strong and well-positioned as the pre- being a good neighbor with Cimar- mier High Adventure destination in the ron and the surrounding ranches and USA. High Country is planning an issue for the summer of 2015 devoted to Philmont’s because of that, Philmont has become “Summer of ‘65.” And while that season is most remembered for the flooding During the early part of Mr. Clark’s an integral part of the Northern New at Fish Camp, the impact was felt throughout the Ranch. If you have a story – tenure the PSA was still figuring out Mexico culture. That is why all of us at flood-related or otherwise – about the “Summer of ’65,” we’d like to see it. If how to be of greater service to the the PSA want to say thanks, John Clark, you don’t yet have it written, but would like to submit a concept for Ranch. To do that required a growing for a job well done and best wishes to trust and support from Ranch manage- you and Janice as you step into this consideration, we’d welcome that also. And if you don’t have either, but have ment. John Clark and Mark Anderson next stage of life together. a high quality, interesting photo, we’ll give it a look, too! both stepped up and increased their involvement in the PSA because they John Murphy, Please send articles/proposals to Randy Saunders at believe in our mission and how we can PSA President [email protected]. Thank you! keep the connection of former staffers VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2— APRIL 2015 VOLUME 38, NUMBER 2— APRIL 2015 4 from the prez bulletin board 5 ® psa news * Scouts Only (18 and under) 1 For Corpany [email protected]. For 1 Trading Table. All Scouts can bring info on the Lone Star Trade-O-Ree their own patches, and if they see weekend activities, contact John Ryan 2015 North Texas Reunion something on the table they want, they [email protected]. Take a can put one of their patches on the table moment and Email us so we can send When you walk into the PSA Reunion for one patch they want from the table. you our newsletter regarding any on Saturday May 30th in Grapevine, * PSA Members and/or Groups. We new developments for our reunion TX, you will walk into a Disneyland of have a few side rooms we can dedicate weekend. Scouting history. “Every Patch Tells a to specific Philmont alumni who would Story” of our Scouting legacy and every like to meet as a group. A purple border Note: The 2015 North Texas PSA Reunion Scouter is a librarian. Thousands of OA Trail Crew 20th Anniversary PSA is part of a weekend event called the Lone patches will be on hand. patch is available for PSA members. Star Trade-O-Ree. This fundraiser event The 2015 North Texas PSA Reunion Please contact John Ryan for patch began in 1988 to help Scouts who would is a fundraiser to provide PSA Staff availability. not normally be able to go to Philmont, see Scholarship Funds so our finest Scouts There are still a few activities we are their dream become reality.
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    PASSING MASCULINITIES AT BOY SCOUT CAMP Patrick Duane Vrooman A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate College of Bowling Green State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY August 2007 Committee: Joe Austin, Advisor Melissa Miller Graduate Faculty Representative Ellen Berry Jay Mechling ii ABSTRACT Joe Austin, Advisor This study examines the folklore produced by the Boy Scout summer camp staff members at Camp Lakota during the summers of 2002 and 2003, including songs, skits, and stories performed both in front of campers as well as “behind the scenes.” I argue that this particular subgroup within the Boy Scouts of America orders and passes on a particular constellation of masculinities to the younger Scouts through folklore while the staff are simultaneously attempting to pass as masculine themselves. The complexities of this situation—trying to pass on what one has not fully acquired, and thus must only pass as—result in an ordering of masculinities which includes performances of what I call taking a pass on received masculinities. The way that summer camp staff members cope with their precarious situation is by becoming tradition creators and bearers, that is, by acquiescing to their position in the hegemonizing process. It is my contention that hegemonic hetero-patriarchal masculinity is maintained by partially ordered subjects who engage in rather complex passings with various masculinities. iii Dedicated to the memory of my Grandpa, H. Stanley Vrooman For getting our family into the Scouting movement, and For recognizing that I “must be pretty damn stupid, having to go to school all those years.” iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I never knew how many people it would take to write a book! I always thought that writing was a solitary act.
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