Spring Hill Transfer Articulation

The following is a guide for students that are seriously considering transferring to to pursue the major listed below. Please take note of the following: 1) Only grades of C- or higher will be eligible to transfer to Spring Hill College 2) All course recommendations are listed in semester hours. 3) This document is only applicable to students transferring to Spring Hill College from an accredited Public Two-Year Institution. 4) For students that have previously met any course requirement listed below via an acceptable test score or college placement, please refer to the Spring Hill College transfer equivalency list to select an appropriate transferable course(s) in order to meet the minimum of 60 semester hours for Junior standing at Spring Hill.

Division of Science & Mathematics Major: Biology – Pre-Health Total credit hours in this agreement: 64

AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION – 6 hrs SHC Requirements Recommended AL College Sys Course English Comp ENG101 - English Composition I ENG102 - English Composition II

AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS – 12 hrs SHC Requirements Recommended AL College Sys Course Literature Literature – 6 hrs

Fine Arts Fine Arts – 3 hrs (Choose 1) ART100 – Art Appreciation MUS101 – Music Appreciation THR120 – Theater Appreciation

Philosophy Philosophy – 3 hrs (Choose 1) PHL106 – Intro to Philosophy PHL200 – Ethics and Society

AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS – 11 hrs SHC Requirements Recommended AL College Sys Course Laboratory Sciences Laboratory Sciences – 8 hrs CHM111 - College Chemistry I CHM112 - College Chemistry II

Mathematics Mathematics – 3 hrs MTH112 - Pre-Calculus Algebra

AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL, AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES – 12 hrs SHC Requirements Recommended AL College Sys Course History History – 3 hrs HIS101 - Western Civilization I

History elective History elective - 3 hrs (Choose 1) HIS102 - Western Civilization II HIS201 - US History I HIS202 - US History II

Social Science electives Social Science electives – 6 hrs (Choose 2) ECO231 - Prin. of Macroeconomics POL211 - American National Govt. PSY200 - General Psychology SOC200 - Intro to Sociology

AREA V: PRE-PROFESSIONAL, MAJOR, AND ELECTIVE COURSES – 23 hrs SHC Requirements Recommended AL College Sys Course Biology Biology - 16 hrs BIO103 - Prin. of Biology I BIO201 - Hum A & P I BIO202 - Hum A & P II BIO220 - General Microbiology

Mathematics Mathematics - 4 hrs MTH125 - Calculus I

Theology Theology – 3 hrs REL100 – History of World Religions REL152 – Survey of the New Testament REL151 – Survey of the Old Testament

Questions? Contact: Registrar’s Office Phone: (251) 380-2240 Email: [email protected]