SUMMERSCHOOL 2009 TU Delft John Westrik

Expert Urban Design Department of urban planning, housing and traffic Municipality, city of Rotterdam; may 2005

Manager of the urban design team Feijenoord/Kop van Zuid; januari 2002 - april 2005

Also associate professor urban design, chair prof. dr. ir. Han Meyer, TU-Delft

Urban project Rotterdam, the Rotterdam experience

in particular: the riverside projects from 1980 up to now (2009) and of course the future The content of this lecture:

- Some general information about the city of Rotterdam and its harbour

- The waterfront project: Kop van Zuid

- Comparison with the Eastern Harbour District Amsterdam

- Design task City of Rotterdam

Network city: Randstad ca. 5 million inhabitants

“southwing” ca. 2.5 million inhabitants

The city and it’s region: ca 1.2 million inhabitants

Distance: Rotterdam - Amsterdam 70km

Rotterdam - the Hague 20km City of Rotterdam

river and harbour


residential district

business district History of the City and the Port

The port is “moving” towards the sea.

Soon there will be a new port: 2nd Maasvlakte

So the harbours in the city are changing into city areas! Port of Rotterdam

Development of the Port of Rotterdam in time

City of Rotterdam

City at the river

1998 2010

Projects up to 2010 Projects after 2010

Marginal notes

Two important differences between architecture and town planning:

1. The factor time: Masterplan dates from 1991; now it’s 2009 and nearly half of the total plan still needs to be build.

2. A urban plan develops into several building plans and public space designs; in other words it’s never a blueprint! Explanation on urban plans Kop van Zuid

Design Task: Redevelopment of an outdated harbour area Kop van Zuid, to a urban area near the city centre of Rotterdam.

Design: Masterplan (Teun Koolhaas, 1987) Final Masterplan (ds+V, 1991) + zoning plan

Design part: Wilhelminapier Beschrijving van de stedenbouwkundige plannen

Historic City, 1840 First harbour development plan, 1850 AIR 1982, Aldo Rossi AIR 1982, Derek Walker AIR 1984, Kleiheus Urban Renewal Plan for the City, 1984 Masterplan Kop van Zuid, Teun Koolhaas, march 1987 Masterplan Kop van Zuid, Municipality of Rotterdam, 1995

Zoningplan 1991 Mixed program Kop van Zuid / Parkstad

Kop van Zuid: - 4.500 dwellings (3.000 realised) - 350.000 m2 offices (180.000 m2 realised) - 80.000 m2 retail / leisure (30.000 m2 realised) - 70.000 m2 non-profit (50.000 m2 realised)

Parkstad: - 2.500 dwellings - 65.000 m2 offices - 40.000 m2 commercial - 30.000 m2 non-profit Districts Kop van Zuid WILHELMINAPIER plan Teun Koolhaas

Zoning plan Kop van Zuid, 1991 Masterplan Wilhelminapier, 1995 Gross section Preliminary Design Revision Zoning plan Kop van Zuid, 2002

Evaluation of the urban design Kop van Zuid

Issues that are successful and also have a meaning for the city as a whole.

1. City-axis 2. New Public Works - Erasmus bridge - new subway station Wilhelminaplein - Varkenoords viaduct with a connection to the highway 3. 3 new tramlines possible because of the new infrastructure 4. Private harbour areas have become public space, like the quays 5. New skyline 6. New housing districts, like Landtong and Stadstuinen 7. Extraordinary public space Infrastructure

“City-axis” The Erasmus Bridge Subway station Wilhelminapier

Laan op Zuid Valkenoordse viaduct, the connection to the highway

New housing districts

Landtong Stadstuinen Public space design of the southside Wilhelminapier by Peter Wilson Wierdsmaplein / dS+V Rijnhavenbrug by Quist Wintermans, 2008 RijnhavenbridgeRijnhavenbrug by Quist / Quist Wintermans, Wintermans 2008 Skyline Reflection Issues

Comparison: Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam

1. Designproces 2. Using the harbour history and identity in de redevelopment 3. Strategic position, spinoff 4. Urban density


- Masterplan – plan parts - Development of plan parts - Relation town planning and architecture Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Giving the history a place in the future

Harbours: - town plan (the harborform) - Details like the quays, cranes, etc - Re-usage of the ports (activity on the water)


Kop van Zuid: - Hotel New York - Las Palmas - Entrepot

Eastern Harbour District: - Abattoir, veemarktcomplex - Gemeentelijk handelsentrepot - Pakhuis Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Urban Density

> 100 dwellings/ha. FSI > 1.5

How is that possible? - a lot of appartmentbuildings (8 floors and higher) - usage of the length van de quays and the surrounding water (the old ports) - parking in garages - low-rise buildings in high densities Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Java-eiland Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam

Strategic position of the development area

Spatial connections with the city’s network


Public transit lines and stations Connections with the car


Kop van Zuid Feijenoord Parkstad

Eastern Harbour Disctrict IJburg Diemen Almere Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam

Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Gebiedsoverstijgende 9000 dwellings programma’s


Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Eastern Harbour District, Amsterdam

Design task Summerschool 2009

Connecting the Kop van Zuid development with the old pre-war housing districts Feijenoord, Afrikaanderwijk and Katendrecht. City Vision Rotterdam 2030 Spin-off Kop van Zuid

Number of dwellings that are planned in the KvZ Spin-off Kop van Zuid Rich Poor

Het spatial contrast between old (poor) and new (rich) is very strong Gentrification doesn’t work , because in the ‘poor’ housing districts most of the houses are not privately owned

Association possession Private possession Industries Railwaytracks and yard

There are many spatial barriers East – west – connections are very important to break down these barriers Landtong Stadstuinen panorama Dillenburg

Continue in line with the KvZ success stories: the popular residential areas Kop van Zuid Spatial and programmatic structure Kaart productwaardering ism Sandra? pm

A lot of designs, plans and studies are made, in different stages of development.