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Index α-amy gene family, 119 acid rain, 228–32 allergens, 201, 206 α-ketoglutarate, 175 acidosis, 223 Allium cepa see onion ABA see abscisic acid actinomorphic flowers, 194, 302 allantoic acid, 54 ABA-binding/receptor proteins, 80–81 action potential, 161–2 allantoin, 54 ABC model, 195 action spectrum (pl. spectra), 87, 90–91, 170, allelopathy, 260, 302 ABCE model, 195–6, 214 192, 302 Alopecurus myosuroides see black grass ABI genes/ABI proteins, 106, 115 actin, 15, 35 alpine environment, 218, 237 Abies lasiocarpa see subalpine fir actin filament/microfilament, 15, 34–6, 212 alternation of generations, 5, 11–13, 94 abscisic acid, 26, 75, 79–81, 139, 163, 204 active transport (across membranes), 134–6, alternative intron splice sites, 70 antagonizes cytokinins, 79 139 alternative oxidase, 47 antagonizes GA, 79, 106, 115–16, 119 acyl carrier protein/ACP, 48–9 alternative poly-adenylation sites, 70 in control of cell division, 41 acyl transferase, 49 alternative transcription start sites, 70 inhibition of flowering, 80 adaptation, 124, 128–9, 162, 181–2, 187, 214, alternative translation start sites, 71 inhibition of germination, 116 235–59, 270–271 aluminium interaction with ethylene, 109 concept, 216, 235 hyperaccumulators, 255 involvement in abscission, 187 aequorin, 85 tolerance, 252–5 involvement in stomatal closure, 224 aeration, 130, 222 toxicity, 133, 230–232, 254 involvement in stress responses, 224–6, 238 aerenchyma, 130, 240–243, 302 Alzheimer’s disease, 255 modes of action/signalling pathways, 80, 225 Aesculus hippocastanum see horse
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