August 3, 2018 / 22 Av Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Rav Joshua Sturm, Assistant Rabbi Robert Rosenberg, President 718.494.6700 / MAZEL TOV Ariella & DJ Arfe and Susanne & Barry Weiss on the birth of a SHABBOS LUACH daughter and granddaughter Baila Tzivia (Bailey). Eruv is up on both sides Vicky & David Wortman on the birth of a great grandson, to their grandchildren Rachel Wortman & Shlomo Safdeye. Mazal Tov to Z’man Krias Shema 9:29 great-great grandmother, Ida Wortman. Candle Lighting 7:00/7:52 Irit & Mendy Mirocznik on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Ariel. Friday Mincha 6:35/8:05 Brendie & Eli Zuker on the engagement of their daughter Dina to Chumash Shiur 8:30 Saadia Fireman of Cleveland, Ohio. Daf Yomi 6:45 Sara & Sam Zoldan on the aufruf and forthcoming marriage of their Rabbi Sturm’s Pre-Mincha Shiur is on the topic grandson Zevi, son of Yael & Mark Zoldan, to Ayelet Saka. 6:50 “Whatever the host wants” To have a notice listed in the weekly announcements, please notify Mishna Yomis 7:35 the office before 2 PM Thursday at 718-494-6700 ext. 0 or email
[email protected]. Please leave detailed messages with the wording and Shabbos Mincha 7:45 spelling of names that you want placed in the announcements. Should you Rabbi Lehrfield will speak on the topic “Jews of Between choose not to notify the office directly, please note that correct spelling of India” Mincha/Maariv names cannot be guaranteed. Shabbos Ends 8:54 Contact Info Rav Yaakov Lehrfield
[email protected] WEEKDAY