Summer 5776 Irgun Shiurai Torah

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Summer 5776 Irgun Shiurai Torah IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH SUMMER 5776 IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH is pleased to announce that its very popular FLATBUSH SUMMER NIGHT SHIURIM will be BROADCAST The broadcast is NEW!now available to the public for broadcast info, schedule updates or to sponsor; email to [email protected] NATIONWIDE WOMEN’S section open in Flatbush FLATBUSH ד’ קרח א׳ דר״ח תמוז pm Wed July 6 9:00 ג’ קרח כ״ט סיון pm Tues July 5 9:00 ב’ קרח כ״ח סיון pm Mon July 4 9:00 SO MANY MITZVOS WE'RE ALL LINKED LIFE'S CHALLENGES SO MANY DETAILS CAN WE STAY CONNECTED? EVERYTHING HAS A PURPOSE ∑ ∑ ?DOES HASHEM∑ REALLY CARE קרח Rabbi Mordechai Becher Shlita Rabbi Zev Cohen Shlita Rabbi David Ashear Shlita Senior Lecturer, Gateways Rav Adas Yeshurun & Rosh Kollel Choshen Mishpat, Chicago Author of "Daily Emunah", and daily speaker on Chazak Line ד’ חקת ז׳ תמוז pm Wed July 13 9:00 ג’ חקת ו׳ תמוז pm Tues July 12 9:00 ב’ חקת ה׳ תמוז pm Mon July 11 9:00 BEING A PROUD YID WHO CARES? HOW TO STAY SANE WE HAVE SO MUCH GOOD! ∑ IN THE SPIRITUAL ZOO AROUND US ∑ ∑ חקת Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Shlita Rabbi Elozer Boruch Bald Shlita Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Shlita Menahel Mosdos Yad Yisroel, Karlin-Stolin Menahel, Irgun Shiurai Torah International Speaker ד’ בלק י”ד תמוז pm Wed July 20 9:00 ג’ בלק י”ג תמוז pm Tues July 19 9:00 ב’ בלק י”ב תמוז pm Mon July 18 9:00 RE-IGNITING SECRETS TO SUCCESS IN THE KEYS CHINUCH HABANIM OUR INNER FLAME followed by Q & A on Chinuch TO A GOOD HOME ∑ ∑ email questions to [email protected] בלק Rabbi Paysach Krohn Shlita Rabbi Yaakov Bender Shlita Rabbi Noach Orlowek Shlita Noted Lecturer and Author of The “Maggid” Series Rosh Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway Noted International Speaker ד’ פנחס כ”א תמוז pm Wed July 27 9:00 ג’ פנחס כ’ תמוז pm Tues July 26 9:00 ב’ פנחס י”ט תמוז pm Mon July 25 9:00 FASCINATING Q & A SESSION THE ART OF GIVING Shalom Bayis•Shidduchim•Terrorism•Parnassa קנה לך חבר RECOVERING THE LOST ART Practical Halacha & Hashkafa of Hilchos Tzedaka Chinuch Habanim • and much more! & Related Family Issues email questions to [email protected] OF FRIENDSHIP ∑ ∑ ∑ פנחס Rabbi Moshe Weinberger shlita Rabbi Yosef Viener Shlita Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Shlita Rav Agudas Yisroel, Rosh Yeshiva Mesivta Shalom Shachne, Flatbush Rav, Kehilas Shaar Hashomayim, Wesley Hills Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Staten Island ד’ מטות- מסעי כ”ח תמוז pm Wed Aug 3 9:00 ג’ מטות- מסעי כ”ז תמוז pm Tues Aug 2 9:00 ב’ מטות- מסעי כ”ו תמוז pm Mon Aug 1 9:00 AM I MASKING REDUCE INAPPROPRIATE STRESS & ANXIETY THE TRUE∑ ME? and help our children grow in a Torah way SPEECH∑ ∑ Rabbi Shlita Rabbi Shlita מטו״מ Dovid Ozeri Rabbi Mordechai Weinberger shlita dovid Goldwasser Rav, Yad Yosef Torah Center Acclaimed speaker on JRoot & Kol Berama, and Noted Therapist, LCSW Rav, Khal Bnei Yitzchok, Noted International Speaker ד’ דברים ו’ אב pm Wed Aug 10 9:00 ג’ דברים ה’ אב pm Tues Aug 9 9:00 ב’ דברים ד’ אב pm Mon Aug 8 9:00 צפית לישועה CAN YOU THE ULTIMATE THERE IS REALLY FORGIVE ME? RELATIONSHIP∑ ∑ ALWAYS∑ HOPE! דברים Rabbi Zecharya Wallerstein Shlita Rabbi Yonatan Rietti Shlita Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Shlita Menahel, Ohr Naavah Senior Lecturer , Gateways Seminar Rav, Bais Medrash Nezer Gedalyahu ד’ ואתחנן י”ג אב pm Wed Aug 17 9:00 ג’ ואתחנן י”ב אב pm Tues Aug 16 9:00 ב’ ואתחנן י”א אב pm Mon Aug 15 9:00 RECOGNIZE IT! PROBLEMS • HARDSHIP • PAIN ARE YOU WHO IS IN CONTROL? WHAT DOES HASHEM UP TO DATE? ∑ ∑ WANT FROM∑ ME? Rabbi Yaakov Hillel Shlita Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita ואתחנן Rosh Yeshivas Ahavas Sholom, Jerusalem Rav, Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin Rav Khal Ateres Yeshaya, Lakewood ד’ עקב כ’ אב pm Wed Aug 24 7:00 ג’ עקב י”ט אב pm Tues Aug 23 9:00 ב’ עקב י”ח אב pm Mon Aug 22 9:00 CHEER UP! אירגון שיעורי תורה !RIDING A DONKEY EXISTING IS BORING; LIFE IS EXCITING ∑ ∑ Summer Dinner Event Rabbi Manis Friedman Shlita at Young Israel of Avenue K עקב Rabbi Nachman Seltzer Shlita World renowned lecturer, founder of the site “It’s Good to Know” International Guest Speaker and Acclaimed author and Dean of Bais Chana institute for Jewish Studies, Minnesota Details to Follow To order CDs, please call BOSTONER BAIS MEDRASH • AVE J & EAST 29 ST. Irgun Shiurai Torah Tape Center at (718) 851-8651 or e-mail: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Eves 9:00-10:00 PM (Maariv at 10:00 PM) [email protected] The Flatbush program is in conjunction with MOSDOS BOSTON and is broadcast in conjunction with YWN and TCN as part of an IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH Summer Program for BORO PARK • FLATBUSH • WILIAMSBURG neighborhoods. To SPONSOR A SHIUR , contact IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH at 718.851.8651 • 718.853.3950 [email protected] or mail to: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH • 1438-40th St • Bklyn, NY 11218 HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] בס"ד Dear Friend, Boruch Hashem, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Summer Torah PLEASE HELP US BY SPONSORING THESE Project has begun very successfully. In the Boro Park, SHIURAI TORAH FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE RESERVE THE DATE! Williamsburg and Flatbush communities, over one thousand THOUSANDS OF PARTICIPANTS! people join every evening. In addition, our new project of Wednesday evening • August 24, 2016 broadcasting the Flatbush Summer Shiurim nationwide, has May the Zechus of all these hundreds of thousands of כ' אב - ד' עקב תשע"ו attracted thousands of listeners in dozens of communities learning hours serve as a protection for our community and all across the country. These paprticipants have transformed of Klal Yisroel. their summer days into days of Torah and inspiration and a With best wishes for a healthy & spiritually rich summer, בס״ד !manifestation of great Kiddush Hashem It's not too late to join! Come with your family and בס״ד friends to receive some Chizuk. Menahel, Irgun Shiurai Torah You are cordially invited Featuring... You are cordially invited to attend the to attend the Featuring... ou areIRGUN cordially SHIURAI invited TORAH to attend the Y15TH Annual Summer Dinner Event IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH בהשתתפות גדולי ראשי ישיבות ורבנים שליט״א IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH SPONSOR A SHIUR TODAY! 15TH Annual Summer Dinner Event Credit card donations can be emailed to [email protected] TH Wednesday Evening בהשתתפות גדולי ראשי ישיבות ורבנים שליט״א בס״ד Annual 15 כ׳ אב תשע״ו Please take part in the great Kiddush Hashem of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s summer shiurim August Wednesday24th, 2016 •Evening and choose one of theFeaturing... dedication opportunities below. ou are Scordiallyummer invited Dinner to attend E ventthe כ׳ אב תשע״ו • ••Rabbi Elozer Bald Y August 24th, 2016 in the Grand Ballroom of בהשתתפות גדולי ראשי ישיבות ורבנים שליט"א q SHIUR DEDICATION: (one per Shiur): Complete dedication of Shiur and CD - $1000 IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH TH YOUNG ISRAEL•• OF AVENUE K 15 Annual Summer Dinner Event Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street • Brooklyn, NY q SHIUR SPONSOR: (two per Shiur): Sponsor a Shiur and CD - $500 Wednesday Evening in the Grand Ballroom of YOUNG7:00 pm: ISRAEL HOT BUFFET OF AVENUE DINNER K בהשתתפות thגדולי ראשי ישיבות ורבנים שליט״א q SHIUR DONOR: Donation towards shiur - $250 August 24 , 2016 Corner 7:30of Ave pm: K & MINCHA East 29th & Street PROGRAM • Brooklyn, NY Wednesday Evening Gedolei Hador 7:00 pm: HOT BUFFET DINNER respectfully q I would like to sponsor a shiur for $_______________ on (date) _______________ 7:30 pm: MINCHA & PROGRAM דברי חיזוק אורח הכבוד Gedolei Hador כ׳ אבכ׳ אבתשע ״ו • תשע״וAugust 24th, 2016 disagreerespectfully Hagaon Horav Hagaon Horav THE SHIUR & CD IS DEDICATED: TO BE ANNOUNCED AT THE SHIUR: •••• דברי R’ Shmuelחיזוק ’Rאורח הכבוד q Lilui Nishmas - in memory of in Halacha & Hashkafah in the Grand Ballroom of disagree Maran Hagaon Hagaon Horav?? DishonHagaon Horav שליט״א Sponsored By ___________________________________ in the Grand Ballroom of R’ AHARON LEIB STEINMAN YOUNG ISRAEL OF AVENUE K in Halacha & Hashkafah ShlitaR’ R’Shlita Shmuel הצלחה q As a Zechus for YOUNG ISRAEL OF AVENUE K Maran Hagaon Dishon ?? שליט״א q For a Refuah Shleima Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street • Brooklyn, NY R’ AHARONSee LEIB& STEINMAN Hear For _____________________________________________ Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street Shlita We would like to thank Shlita q In honor of a Simcha in the family 7:00 pm: HOT BUFFET DINNER their differing MR. & MRS. YANKY FEUEREISEN OF CLASSIC CATERERS Brooklyn, NY See & Hear q In honor of ______________________ 7:30 pm: MINCHA & PROGRAM perspectives for sponsoring the catering ofWe this would affair like in tohonor thank of the Flatbush community C CATERERSלע"נ ר' CLASSI אליהוO F יוחנן בן ר' אהרן FEUEREISENיוסף ANKYאיידלער Y .ז"לGedolei _______________________________________________ Hador their differing MR. & MRS The sponsor can receive two free copies of the CD ofrespectfully the sponsored shiur upon request. perspectives for sponsoring the catering of this affair in honor of the Flatbush community לע"נ ר' אליהו יוחנן בן •ר' •אהרן יוסף איידלער ז"ל SPECIAL ,We look forward to greeting you personally דברי חיזוק אורח הכבוד q I cannot be a sponsor at this time; however, I do wish to be a part of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s GUEST Maran Hagaon disagree DINNER HOSTS •• CAMPAIGN CHAIRMEN שליט״א worldwide projects with my tax deductible contribution of: Hagaon Horav SPEAKER Hagaon Horav R’ CHAIM KANIEVSKY Ari Parnes ReuvenWe look Wolf` forward to greetingLeibish you Berkowitz personally, Abish Brodt $ $ $ in$ Halacha$ & Hashkafah$ R’ to be R’ Shmuel Maran Hagaon DINNER HOSTS CAMPAIGN CHAIRMEN שליט״א q 180 q 100 q 72 q 54 q 36 q 18 R’ CHAIM KANIEVSKY Maran Hagaon Dr.
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