SCHEDULE SPONSORSHIPS CONGREGATION OHEL MOSHE ליל שבת קדש Mincha 4:20 PM Kiddush 1 Shabbos Candles 4:25 PM Sponsored by שבת קודש ?Friday Night Learning - With Cholent! Shimin? Zayis? Zach Shalosh Seudos יום שבת קדש A פרשת מקץ Daf Yomi - By Rabbi Teichman 7:30 AM Sponsored by ______.…AM Nes Gadol Haya 8:30 “גר א 9:41- , “מ א Shacharis – Sof Zman K”S- 8:58 Kids Shabbos Groups This Week for kids age 3-5 ~ ~ שבת חנוכה From 9:30 AM until after Kedusha in the Social Hall! To Sponsor an event or book the social hall please contact Miri Adler Ages 3-5 ONLY, please pickup children immediately after Kedusha! at
[email protected] ~ Followed by Kiddush כ״ח כסלו תשע״ח Mincha - No Bnos This Week 2:15 PM KOL HaNearim - 6:45 PMMotzei Shabbos! Mincha - Followed by Shalosh Seudos 4:15 PM Featuring a story from the Rabbi plus learning, pizza and prizes! Maariv 5:35 PM Sponsored by a big fan of the program לזכר נשמת רב שלמה בן נח הלוי Kol HaNearim Learning Program 6:45 PM CANDLES NEXT For questions or sponsorship contact Yoni Herman at מזג האוויר בשבת* 30/27 44/30 Ohel Moshe Weather SHABBOS - 4:28 PM
[email protected]. Weekly Sponsorship $150 אהל משה Only Hashem can guarantee* TEHILLIM LEARNING GROUP FOR WOMEN חנוכה CHANUKAH EVENT - SUNDAY 12/17 @ 9:30am - HEY A Special Event for Members of All Ages! THURSDAYS @ 9:15 AM for 1 hour in the Shiur Room (Upstairs). ✡ Learning ✡ Kids Activities ✡ Music ✡ Snacks ✡ ✡ Kids Chanukah Science Show ✡ BY ROCKET REBA New Subjects Weekly Join Any Week! ✡ Trivia Game for Adults ✡ BY DANNY LASSON The group, lead by Naomi Ganz, will explore the text and context of ~ EVENT FREE FOR MEMBE RS - SUGGESTED DONATION $18 PER FAMILY Tehilim in depth in order to gain greater meaning and inspiration.