Anoriglnal.~9cumentary forthe 350 For .compl~e··assem bly m~teri~:~;ci•'.i.~l; . Yeshivos, BaisYaakovs and Day.Schools and····.copies of documentary: . .. va partieipating in the National Asara B'Teves call305"651-4307 or fax305"651"2551;8: ,g ~:•. > Assembly Program· remembering the Docirii~ntary available inYesltivahr1lais':faakovy~1~~t .... Kedoshim. Recommended for grades 7-12. inovp .~n-·' ' "'< ·•.·'<·.· ..·:-·.·."'· ... ··• ...· ..• :.• ;·...... ' ... ' ... ., •.•... '.' ...... ~ •.. ' ...... ···:· ...•.. ·" ...... ·.·. '... '.::~:-:·~:), ..·;_ '·' ·.:'·.· ...... ··~ .,,. .••.•.. ·...... ~· .... ,· ..• ·~ ..:~·~~·~ .{:.·:'.~< ·.~ ~ tl'llM 'D"lntm f.l mm "'I :rm 'fP 'I'! 'lt\\'m1P m ~ m ,.,,, ~ ..,.,,_ ft> "' ;)>n)iJll>n ,,,,.,,, ~ ,., "" """ ~ ft> ~.. ~~ ""'" \Tl>Yln>;,.;.,,,.n-nn/ ··mmi ml'Ol 'l'll'l m rc"O' ~ 't't ioirimy ,-,;, m1-o ?m!l'0'"1'p m., 'fl ~i>"",.,"". ~. ?·>""'""" """ ;µ """".1!1!10i»l 9't .. 'ri"); m tdn ., mrn6 Nll\'1 mn trl"e»n n")) 7mil'O 'i nl tMD _IU»!l m'ON\ ll'l> lj>)1' ~ m 'lwo Nllll'!t NO'!N n'11l 111')m 'I'! 1)>ll)Np m IN"" n I"""...,..,~."!'!. mnn l'IU'Ol mm vn'T? 7v U'liU'D "Wm~ rnn!Wll'I avm rnren.-?Jtt1r~ 1n> mnn!nm 1"Qtu'o ,.,,, """""" »"""" ,,,.,• ..,. "' . t ...... -...... --~: ...... ' ...... ' ...... " ...... ' .... ; •••• -. •••'• ••• -••• -..... -, ...... ';- •• ~';:{ ,,''.'~:<- TORAH UMESORAH /THE ZECHORYEMOS OLAM PROGRAM inconjunrnonwith THE LEIB GELIEBTER MEMORIAL FOUNDATION M!DE rossmtE BY 1 MAl(HING GRANT rRoM THE Claims Conference 1PP1lm1TI0N 10 Agudath of America T 1-1 I:: J E W I 5 1-1 0RSl::HVEn


MRS. LEAi! Z·\GU.liAl!M, MUSIC AT CELEBRATIONS Arl1'Crli>in_qlfrma_qrr 35 TONE !T Dowr\J ! , Rah/Ji P1nchos Jung P11Bl.JSHED BY A~OUl)".TI\ ISRAF.L OJ' AMU(](;A 38 THE Music ls Too Louo!, Dr Levi Re1tr1 U.S. THAD" DISTHUIU'fOR h.LDHFIM l'Ul:HJSfll;.RS 39 KEEPERS OF THE FAITH?, Rabbi ilfdphtaii f1o(f 20/J A1171ort farruliH' l'wli Nmmct. NJ' to.9.'i-4 MUSINGS

finr ns11 Rr-:PnEsr-:NT;\TJV1-~ M.T. llruu.MAN 44 WE lovco OuR ALTEH BoBBEH, Bur HEf{ (;ro11r11or \\brh> NAME WILL NEVER Do, Dr Bernard 1n,'cflm1u1 Mo11111Plr

ISR•\J-:L! RU'RESF.NTATIVE 47 REViE'vV OF RABBI SHIMON F!NKEUV1AN's IN-rNL MEnrA P1.AcEMJ-:N·1 BEl.OVED BY ALL, Rabbi Yosef C c1,'.)lc!1nc; !'OH 7195 I .97 JajJi1 Road /1n1Sa/c111 .'14.140. ISRAEI.

!H:L(;!AN /{EPrlE.Sr·:NTATlVt; Mil. L AP't'l·:R STATEMENT OF POLICY f.onqc Kin-its//'. 2.9 201fl Ant1i'fr/1. BU.Gfl i,\-f fHE JEWISH 0Bst.RVICR HAS DEVO'ITD A 1;111-;,\1 Df·.AI_. OF Sl'AC!·: ro THE Pl-:Rll.S OF Tl-IF INTH~l\Jt~T AND TO TBr-; NEEO FOH EVHH'ONE TO SOUTH Al'R!CAN IH:PHF.SFONTA• l}E F.XTHF."ll'.l.Y VIGILANT IN ITS 1:.~r-:. Wi: ffAVIC u;1-IOEO THt; !'l,f~,\S n!f-; JEW!Stl OBSERVER IJOFS NO! AS<;U!\H. rlVE 01·' 011!~ Gl':DOUM Tt!AT IT SllOl_IJ.D NOT Ill' IN irsr·:, llNLFSS lT IS AN MR, V. TABACK RESJ'ONS!Bl!.ITY roH THE KASHRUS OF A:"'iY PRODUCT. UNAVOl!lAIH.F. N!·'.Cf•:SSlTY, AND TJH:!'>i ONLY WITH AU. SIJlTA!llS fJo.1 :;1552, PO SAFFGll.4.!U)S. WHJl.f·; !TS flANGt·:RS M!IST Ill'. IUoCOGNIZED ,,ND CON­ Racdrnc. }ohannnlmrq l'l)J3J.ICATION, O!i SERVICE ADVEHTfSEIJ IN ITS PAGES T'ROLl.ED'f() EVl·:RY f'OSSIBl.I•_ DEGREE, 01 l!l <.OEDOL!M RECOGNJ;>:E TflAT 2124 SOI !fl/ Al·RJ()\ MANY PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES 1H:Q1111n: JTS USE. AND TH ERF.V01n: rr HAS!';()'[' Bt:FN BANNE(). THl.S JS WIJY \VE ACCEPT ADVEHTlSEMl-:NTS Ails rHAUAN RlOPlH:SENTATJVF © c0 PYR l GH T 2008 LISTING WIC/lSJTf·: AODRESSf;S, HliT IN NO WAY DOES Tl-llS '"1l'LY "fHAT I L'"'"~'::c.l7f~~. "'""~000 ~°''"~"- ~' 0 . - ::;~~:•;;,~•"••">~O•omo>o'"o•oo~, ~ VlcMBLR 2008

--._, -- ,, ------·==-i ______------·------··------·-- Messages FROM OUR CURRENT CRISIS • ...... EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION When a country faces a military threat, its leaders do not consult an expert drama critic any more than someone with an ingrown toenail would seek the advice of an experienced orthodontist. Every crisis or proble1natic situation in need of solution must be approached by someone who has expertise in the given area, can determine the causes of the problen1, and possibly forn1ulate some 1nethods of reducing the proble1n, or even overcoming it completely.

e members of the Jewish Divine wrath and encounter difficul­ Outstanding among the people have been facing all ties, defeat, dispersion and despair. leaders of the pre-World War II gen­ W sort of difficulties, threats The solution, of course, is spelled out eration who articulated da'as Torah­ to our existence, and crises of extreme in the concluding portion of this sec­ based commentary and guidelines for proportions since the days of our pre­ tion of "Shema": "Place these words dealing with contemporary issues was history, even in the era our patriarchs. of Mine upon your hearts and upon Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman,, .. ,, - Rosh The conventional rules of cause and your souls." Hayeshiva in Baranowitz, , who effect simply do not apply to us. Our This calls for more than a simple had had an extremely close relationship general welfare, our security and our recitation twice a day of these relevant with the Chofetz Chaim. His essays on prosperity are determined by what can passages. It calls for looking to a Torah such issues, published in his lifetime, be described as "The Keri' as Shema leadership that can identify the seeds of were recently republished in Koveitz Dynamic" - the "Vehaya im Shamo'a the problems and devise a plan to bring Ma'amarim, in an expanded anthol- Tish me' u Phenomenon." As long as we the people in touch with the message ogy issued by Machon Elchanan. ]

faithfully keep the mitzvos, hearken to of His words, as they resonate in their Rabbi Menachem Zvi Goldbar, editor _J G-d's commands, and love Him with all own hearts and souls. The symptoms of the volume, refers to him as "Maran , our being, we are secure and we pros­ may be economic, but the essence of Hagaon Hakadosh .. . , , .. ,,. ?··on, who ! per. But should our hearts turn astray, the issues and cures is in the realm of projected the light of Torah vie;~~~ l 1 and we serve "ot\ler gods;' we provoke the spiritual. contemporary issues from a pers~

6 When a person encounters disturbing events and circumstances, a Torah approach calls for seeking out our personal shortcomings, in line with: "For we are sinners." ... "What has G-d done to us ... ?" tive of purity, dispelling the darkness of published analysis of its causes sh muessen, which appears after gal us and Divine concealment, extend­ and i1nplications, 1 as mentioned Rav Elchanan's n1a' amar. ing clarity to this very day, as well as to before, can be applied to our • How are those of us in more for­ the years ahead:' current situation. In the English tunate economic circun1stances [Interestingly, Reb Elchanan's son, translation of that 1na'a1nar expected to respond to the daily Rabbi Si1ncha Wassennan, 7"~1', wrote which follows - "The Current hardships that so many oth­ an introductory essay on da'as 10rah Crisis and Its Causes" - Rav ers are undergoing? Addressing for an earlier publication of Koveitz Elchanan explains the spiritual this situation is a letter frorn Ma'amarim, quoted in the current dynamics behind a loss of con­ Rav , volume. In it, he pointed out that fidence in the economy and ~"v~';iv, of Zichron Meir in Bnei until the last two centuries or so, how it is meant to prompt us to Brak, proposing basic actions to would instinctively seek guidance - strengthen our own emuna and be followed by those not beset by not just halachic decisions - from the bitachon - our faith and trust in financial proble1ns. A free trans­ Torah leaders of their time. And in all the Ribbono shel Olam. lation of his letter, by Rabbi Avi areas - personal, com1nunal, political - • We are indeed fortunate that in Shafran, appears on page !3. their responses \vere based on a Torah recent weeks, one of our con­ • Most relevant is the personal perspective. Even Shimshon Hagibor temporary gedolei Torah, Rabbi contact each of us has with (Samson), who is celebrated in Tanach , those whose economic stability for his feats of extraordinary strength, ~ .. 1"7\l>. has devoted several shm­ has been shaken by the cur­ functioned primarily as a shofeit - a uessen in his , rent meltdown. Addressing this halachic judge and rabbinical leader. in Yerushalayim, to defining and on the human level, enhanced As such, he was the prime guide of his reinforcing our enzuna in the face by practical advice, Dr. Meir generation, quite aside from his military of our current circun1stances. Wilder offers guidelines for prowess. Only in the 1nodern era, since Rabbi Shlomo Furst has pre­ positive interpersonal action, the turn of the nineteenth century, have pared an essay, "The One Who Is in the essay that follows: "The people limited their consultations with in Charge Here," based on those Financial Market Meltdown: An Torah leaders to kasheir-treif, muttar­ Opportunity and a Challenge to assur (permitted - forbidden) queries, be Nosei Be' ol im Chaveiro." fftJ l Koveitz A1a'an1ori111, p.17 while relying on experts from the secular world for analysis, diagnosis and general guidance in political, diplomatic, and Most of us have several areas that com­ pete for our ti111e and attention. \X'hen social affairs. Yes, we Jews do suffer Life Balance these areas arc in harn1on}~ you will setbacks or crises in these areas. But experience a W!lli'I nn1lr.l - peace of this is due to spiritual shortcomings. To A Life-Coach n1ind - n1aking you a n1ore effective, happier person. consult secular experts in such circum­ can help you In 2-3 n1onths, using weekly private phone sessions you can learn to effectively take control of your life. stances flies in the face of millennia of develop and maintain a HOW MUCH MORE PRODUCTIVE AND ENHANCED precedent in the Torah world.] WOULD YOUR LIFE BE WITH BETTER LIFE BALANCE? In our current economic crisis, with wholesome WHY COACHING? IJnproving one's life n1eans n1aking change; and its myriad ramifications in so many balance people need support and structure to keep distractions and obstacles from between the swan1ping their dreams and goals. Coaching provides that solid fratnework areas, we would be well-advised to con­ of support and structure. tinue to consult our gedolei Torah. important areas of I have over thirty years experience in helping people fulfill their dreains, have authored books, articles and produced cassette progran1s • Close to eighty years ago, your life. on this subject, and have taken special Ufe-Coach courses. America, along with the rest of FREE OFFER - I would be happy to give you a free telephone session. Please call USA 845-352-1175 for an appointlnent. Thank you. -MR. AVI SHULMAN the world, entered the period of the Great Depression, which Live a Life of Design, Not Default lasted for over ten years. Much of Rabbi Ekhanan Wasserman's The Current Crisis &Its Causes SEEKING REASONS & FINDING RESOLUTIONS

Based on an essay by RABBI ELCHANAN BUNIM WASSERMAN, 1"'11, published in Koveitz Jvla'amarim

This is in stark contrast with the The "causes" do not provoke the crisis. BECAUSE YOU LOST YOUR FAITH Torah's approach. When the sons of Rather, the crisis is decreed in Heaven, AND FIRM BELIEF IN THE CREATOR Yaakov were treated with suspicion and and that brings about all sorts of forces OF THE WORLD, YOU WERE SMITTEN threat of persecution by the Viceroy in and chains of events that people, in their WITH A LOSS OF BELIEF AND Egypt - whom they did not recognize limited vision, identify as the prime TRUST IN YOUR FELWW MAN. as their long-lost brother, Yoseif - their causes of their difficulties, in line with immediate response was to each cry the prophet's con1ment, "Does the axe S WE ARE PUBLICL_Y addressing out to the others: "But we are guilty of take pride in [its power over] the person our current situation, we inust n1istreating our brother, whose pleas who wields it?" (Yeshaya 10,15). A do so with a sense of reality. we ignored!" ( Bereishis 42,21 ). We are Our primary role is to analyze and And what can be more in touch with not being victimized by the wickedness then determine where Hashem found reality than the massively destruc- of the Viceroy or other outside causes. our interpersonal actions lacking, and tive depression that has stricken the We brought this on ourselves. All that thus decided to bring about a crisis. entire world? People are searching for occurred to them was not happenstance After all, our fault-ridden conduct of all kinds of insights and techniques in their eyes. They did not hesitate to cry affairs is the true cause of the crisis, to deal with this crisis, but without out, "What is this that Elokim has done and it is incumbent on us to do our success. Let us attempt to analyze to us?" (ibid. 42,28), for they recognized best to correct these flaws. In brief, it this crisis and its causes from a Torah Hashen1 as the Primary Source of all would be pointless for us to limit our perspective, which after all is the cause-and-effect. search to technical symptoms that are source and essence of Creation, and but imaginary producers of the crisis encompasses all worldly events in the THE "CAUSES" DO NOT PROVOKE we suffer, and we must instead use years that have followed. THE CRISIS. THE CRISIS IS A DECREE perceptive vision to determine what It seems to be a natural tendency for FROM HEAVEN WHICH BRINGS truly clouds our horizons with defeat a person to attribute all of his achieve- ABOUT THE PERCEIVED "CAUSES." and despair. mcnts - such as prosperity, distinc- VVe must delve into the crisis, to tion, and any other positive gains - to The differences between the two determine its essence, to recognize his own merit. These are [he thinks] approaches outlined above which cures should be employed. The the results of his inborn abilities, "my are truly profound. When one first step, then, is an accurate diagnosis. strength and the power of my hand" does not recognize the true cause, and The world in general sees the problem (Devarim 8,17). By contrast, when attempts to determine why events take asoneofashortageofmoney:Everyone experiencing setbacks or failures, and he place through mere speculation, the involved - individuals, corporations, finds himself sinking, or on a downhill corrective design that results is only a entire countries - suffers from poverty. slide, he assigns the blame to others, to product of guesswork, and in actuality But after some thought, one realizes that external forces. We find similar such achieves no solution vvhatsoever. this conclusion is very superficial, and tendencies among nations of the world. "Hashem has many agents" (Rashi off the mark. True, certain individu- They attribute the cause of a current in Shernos 16,32). If Hashem desires als are impoverished, for a variety of crisis to outside forces, unconnected to to impose difficulties on the world, reasons. That could be the case with them and the1~poli~e~ ----H~has n~ortag~of means ~d:o_ a~ entire city, eve~~ntire coun:J 18 ------THE------.IF.\VISl-I------0B5ERVl-;R------i ------·------.. ------·-----"---·-----· ----"------,,, _____ ------"------··------o"---- ··------··------·---

The essence of financial depression is not lack of cash but lack of cash flow. People lack sufficient ! trust in one another to extend credit to them, which is so essential for business activity.

money is being displaced and rerouted Today, when we do not have proph- A question still remains: Why has to other locations. But the entire world ets to warn us and advise us, Hashcn1 this generation been so incapacitated, so is not lacking money! Money did not designs a punishment that has some more challenged in basic belief than all simply disappear from the planet If so, co1n1nona1ity with the sin - that is, it other generations? To this, too, the 10rah 'vhere is all the 1noney? can be recognized as being related to provides an answer. We say in the see- The answer is simple, indeed_ The the sin, so the guilty parties might gain ond paragraph of "Shema": "Vesartem lion's share of "the n1issing 1noney" is awareness of the failing that needs cor- va'avadtem ___ you will go astray and in the possession of private millionaires rection. you will serve other gods" (Devarin1 and in select national treasuries - but In the most recent generation, people 11,16), on which Rashi expounds, "Once these funds are not experiencing any have sunk into the quicksand of keftra- a person strays from Torah, he imme- flow. People have simply lost trust in denial of G-d, and rejecting belief diately clings to alien beliefs" (quote one another, to the degree that they will in Him and His Torah. The from Sifri). Keftra, as stated, is worse I not extend credit to others to facilitate informs us that the Sages of old sue- than idol worship- investment and co1nrnerce. Economic ceeded in eliminating the i1npulse to The inner evil impulse seeks ways to well-being, however, is based on flow worship idols. In its place, an urge to steer people's hearts and minds away of 1nerchandise, with money changing deny G-d and His powers emerged. We from deep immersion in . hands, to sustain business, credit, and must note, however, that the Torah's They then are subject to being injected so on_ "Chessed (Kindness) builds the judicial system deals more severely with with all sorts of venomous ideologies world" (Tehillim 89,3). kefira than with idol worship (as per masquerading under such misleading "Why are coins called 'zuzzei'? Rambam Hilchos Rotzei'ac/z 5,6)- titles as "national pride;"' social justice;' Because they move (zazzim) fro1n one This contrast en1phasizes the i1npor- and "egalitarianisn1" - all void of any to another" (Midrash Bamidbar Rabba tance of focusing on trust and hasic belief in and fear of G-d. 22,7). The strength of a currency is belief as a 1neans of finding the key to In su111mary, the main cause of our reflected in its flow_ Otherwise, it dis- understanding our current crisis. The current crisis stems from the worldwide avows its value. It is, in effect, worthless. punish1nent of lack of trust is sin1ilar to rebellion against Divine dominion over This is the Aleph !leis of economics, the crime: You have rejected your belief earthly affairs, and not from other and in this insight lies the secret of in the Creator and His Torah, through peripheral causes. The crisis does not comn1unity-wide depression, and the which He leads the world. As a result, result from a paucity of money but from

clue to widespread poverty. you have had your trust and faith in a paucity of faith. Lack of trust between I' your fellow man denied. You will now man and his fellows is a direct result 1 WHAT HAPPENED see firsthand the difficulty of leading a of man's lack of faith in the Creator's I "!,~ ,~~~'-~ -~~,s.1,?,., ... ,.,,.... world that is beset with a lack oftrusL conduct of his affairs. I

his pheno1nenon invites a ques- SUFFERING... 1, lion_ Why is lack of trust cur- TO PROVOKE INTROSPECTION POSTSCRIPT Trently worldwide? In eras of AND IMPROVEMENT .••.•..••.•..••.••.••••..•.••••• 1 old, when Kial Yisroel was blessed with · , · · ·, · , · , · · · , , · ·, · , , , , · · , , · · · · · while there may be many dif- i prophets, they would forewarn the peo- ( (No suffering is inflicted on ferences between the pre- j__ pie of a punishment looming as retribu- the world except for the cise nature of the Great tion for a sin, in keeping with "As a man sake of Israel" ( Yevamos Depression of 1929 and today's Financial )

will inflict his son [with pain], so does 63a), and" .. _for the sake of the peoples Meltdown, Rav Elchanan's basic thesis -1,

Hashem Elokecha inflict you" (Devarim of the earth" (Bava Basra Sb). Suffering and approach have much to teach us. .. 8,5 ). This is not a n1atter of flogging is never a 1natter of happenstance. It is Pri1narily, it de1nonstrates how gedalei the sinner, but a means of arousing 1neant to serve as a forewarning and Yisroel are singularly equipped to view hi1n to strive for self-in1provement - ad1nonition, so that those who are events fron1 a da'as Torah perspective 1 1 "Lerna'an yishma'u ... veyira'u. So that exposed to it conte1nplate and analyze and can teach us how to deal with the \ I they hear and come to fear [Hashem]" the situation: What have I done wrong? most imposing difficulties and over- I L Devamn:~I~------~~ ~ius~ do~~orrect this fau~ -- - come~hem_ ------~ .. ··-·-·-·--·-····-··-··-MESSAGES FROM·-··-···- OUR CURRENT·--··-·-··-·-···-··-·-·-···-···-··=--i CRISIS


. ' RABBI SHLOMO FURST The One Who Is in Charge Here Based on lectures of RABBI CHAIM PINCHAS SCHEINBERG, N"v~•,.v,

to his veshiva,, Torah Ore, in Yerushalavi1n'

DIRECT COMMUNICATION miyus is excellent? I am here in America Street crash. The situation was ter­ y FATHER-IN-LAW, Rabbi with Rav Elchanan raising funds!" rible. People were actually committing Yaakov Yoseif Herman, 7"lll, "Ah, think about it. I want you suicide. I explained how those tragic M once hosted Harav Shmuel to understand," Reb Yisroel Yankev circu1nstances had clarified for me a Greineman, 7"lll, while he was fund· answered. "Gashmiyus is in Hash em's p'shat on the subject of wealth. raising for the Yaad Hayeshivos, an hands. The Ribbono shel Olam does Chazal teach us (Kiddushin 82a) that organization that distributed financial His job to perfection, so everything is wealth or poverty does not depend on a support to European before the excellent. It could not be any better. person's work or profession - efforts to Second World War. Rabbi Greineman Ruchniyus is our job - here, we can falter. earn a living do not make us richer or would occasionally call the yeshivos We do not always do as we should. We poorer. Every occupation has its rich and to check on their situation. He once need to learn more, and daven better. poor. The passuk in Chaggai (2,8) states placed a call to Baranowitz, the highly We can improve the way we do our clearly," Li hakessef veli hazahav- Silver esteemed yeshiva of Rabbi Elchanan mitzvos." is Mine, and gold is Mine;' which means Wasserman,':>"~!. He spoke with Rabbi that Hashem Yisbarach is the only One Yisroel Yankev Lubchansky, the yeshiva's THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER Who provides us with our livelihood. mashgiach, and asked him, "How are Affluence is G-d's decision. things in the yeshiva?" shem provides for us better After the drasha, someone challenged Reb Yisroel Yankev replied, "The han a father provides for his me: "How can this be? We see that a gashmiyus (material aspect) is excel­ H child. We, however, do not rash hayeshiva earns very little. If he lent - it couldn't be better. On the other always behave in a way that indicates makes one or two hundred dollars a hand, when it comes to ruchniyus (spiri· that we recognize that every aspect of month, he is overpaid! How can Chazal tual level), we still have a lot of work to gashmiyus is in Hashem's hands. We say that affluence and poverty come do. We're not up to par in ruchniyus." pursue careers and professions, or we not from the job but from Hashem? The reality was just the opposite. engage in business ventures and specula- Superficially, we see otherwise. A profes- Baranowitz was a wonderful yeshiva. tions. If we act as if to say, "I will make a sional makes much more than the rash The financial condition, however, was living myself. I will take care of myself. yeshiva does. A neurosurgeon can make desperate. "What's p'shat?" Reh Shmuel You, Hashem, take care of Torah learn- tens of thousands of dollars performing asked. "What do you mean that the gash· ing and 111 make a living" - how much just one operation! So what is p'shat in help can we expect to get? Chazal?" RABBI f'llRST, WllO !S JIJASHG/4.l}f Rt.'CHA!\'f IN Kou.EL. CHAIM, IS AVfHOR OF NESIVOS We mistakenly helieve in our intel· I replied that those tragic events of CHA1r..1 - THt: TORAH WAr OF {,11"/-;' SEl~Jf;~ (THJiS ligence and our talents - and our ability the Wall Street crash help us understand FAR, ON HERETSHIS AND SHEr.. 1os) BASED ON THE to make a living. I once explained this another Chazal that will answer his MOTZA'EI 5HABBOS LECTURhS OF RABBI CHAIM fallacy in a drasha at the Agudas Yisroel question. The Gemara (Bava Basra 1Oa) PINCHAS 5CHEINBERG. HE JS A FREQUENT CON· TRIBuToR To TH Est: rAGEs, MosT RECENTLY wrru of Boro Park on a Shabbos Hagadol. I states, "Just as a person's earnings are

~"-' _T"_'_'F_·1N_.,_· L_"'_' <-"~": MARCH on_. -···-···-r-eferred-tot-h-ethen--r-ecent~-2_9_W_a_ll_a_ll_otted to-h-im_o_n-Rosh H-as-ha-na_, :J r= :~~-:_-:__~-=--- _- ~ ,.-;,-;~. ~·· ;-.,;-. . -_ -:_ ~- -=-i I , I a person's losses set on Rosh Hashana." on any day, at any time, in any distress. Therefore, his eyes and his ! ' I always wondered why there should be month.A person should tell himself, heart are continually alert. He will I two allotments - to make a million "If incidents do not come today, they not be bewildered when such events i and lose half a million. Why earn the will come tomorrow; if not tomor- take place, nor will he panic. I' additional half-n1illion to begin with? row, then after tomorrow." However, a person who trusts in . We must understand that the mil- When one does this, and his eyes this world will panic. He thinks hard- I lionaires who committed suicide would and heart expect them, then, when ship will never come his way and that not have done so if they had never had these tidings do come, he will not his serenity will continue. Therefore, those extra millions. Their inflated be confused and forget his religious when the opposite occurs, he is wealth caused them to take the loss duties, for he is prepared to accept alarmed and loses his wits, his faith so severely as to commit suicide. The what occurs.... and his devotion. A sensible person passuk in Kohelles (5,12) says, "There This is the behavior of a tzaddik, must constantly guard himself and is wealth that is reserved for its owner for he has thought about it and not trust in any of the world's good- to harm him:' Hashem Yisbarach tests knows that this world is a place of ness even for a minute! us to see how we enjoy our gains and bear our losses; hence, the need for two allotments. True, people do earn a lot of money. Does the money, however, ren1ain with It hurts them for their benefit? What happens to the money afterward? We do not know. 1oc By earning a meager living, a person can avoid untold losses.


n the sixth Sha'ar of the Sefer Hayashar, attributed to Rabbeinu • I Tam, we learn that anything can happen in life. We must expect the worst and prepare for it: The events and calamities that happen to people - for example, It hurts surprises, whether good or bad, such as being under siege, fame, fortune, captivity, financial loss, famiJial or personal illness, exile from one's country, imprisonment, or the passing of a beloved - all these occurrences, and many more like them, dishearten people from serving Hashem .... It feels better just to talk about it. That's why we're here. Our staff is made up of If, however, the person is strong caring and sensitive individuals. Together, and remains faithful, none of these we can help you explore your options. We surprises will be able to hinder his can refer you to recognized professionals for counseling, legal advice or help in devotion, just as strong winds are finding a safe environment. We can also unable to uproot a large mountain put you in touch with some very special and move it from its place. Likewise, . But in order for us to reach out to you, you must first reach out to us. a strong mind and a deeply rooted faith will not waver in the face of Confidential Hotline 1.888.883.2323 such surprises .... (Toll Free) [Therefore,] one must prepare a 718.337.3700 strong and fortified heart to accept Do it for yourself. (NYC Area) 1 such incidents and regard them cor- Do ·t for your chi"ldren. [ b £ th 1 Shalom Task Force IS a 501 (c)(3) charitable organ11ation

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----- ·------··------.. --... -··----·· ------·. ----··-·------.. -. --···------

[With a note of encouragement, become expressions of our bitachon. routine details of daily life. We, however, Rabbeinu Tam concludes:] Although Therefore, because of our bitachon, recognize the truth. We acknowledge ordeals are bound to come, through Rabbeinu Yona concludes, ('we merit the fact that Hashem relates to us with them there is success. life in Olam Habba." Hashgacha prattis in the most mun­ Recalling the miracles of Egypt is dane aspects of our lives. Many of the FROM THIS WORLD a prerequisite for prayer. When we berachos we say are declarations of the TO THE NEXT re1nember that I-lashem is Elokeinu, fact that Hashem watches over us and our G-d - the One and Only Absolute cares for us. he Gemara (Berachos 4b) asks, Ruler Who did miracles for us - then We beseech Hashem Yisbarach each "Who is a ben Olam Habba?" we reinforce our belief that Hashem can night, "Hashkiveinu Hashem Elokeinu TThe surprisingly modest answer certainly perform miracles for us, too, leshalom-put us to sleep." In the morn­ is: the person who begins the Shemoneh in accordance with the strength of our ing, we acknowledge that Hashem awak­ Esrei of his evening prayers immedi­ emuna and bitachon. Genuine bitachon ens us. We say in our morning berachos ately after completing the beracha of in Hashem can arouse Hashem's midda that Hashem removes sleep from our Go' al Yisroel, the blessing that refers to of compassion to perforn1 miracles. eyes, that He opens our eyelids for us. Hashen1's miraculous rede1nption of All these berachos are declarations of Kial Yisroel from Egyptian bondage. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Hashem's personal, careful Hashgacha Rabbeinu Yona, in his commentary prattis over us all. on this Gemara, cites several explana­ lokus is a reference to signify We live under the illusion that we tions of how this seemingly simple Hashen1's precise interaction with have something of our own. Actually, act guarantees such a great reward. Ethis world, and His caring for we have nothing, because Elokus, which His primary explanation rests upon the specific needs of Kial Yisroel. In the means constant care and concern, is the fact that "someone who does not Siddur Hagra, the 's com­ expressed by unending provision. trust in Hashem will not ask anything mentary, Avnei Eliyahu, explains that the Hashem is the Source of all existence. from Him." Name Elokeinu connotes Hashem's rel at- Anything we have is ours only because Rabbeinu Yona explains that recalling ing to us with hashgacha prattis. It was Hashem bestows His shefa, His gracious the redemption from Egypt enables us for this reason that Hashem released us bounty, upon us constantly. to pray for miracles. VVhen we mention from our Egyptian bondage - in order The Shulchan Aruch ( Orach Chayim that ge'ula and then pray immediately to be Elokeichem, to be an Elokim to us, 51:7) requires us to concentrate care­ afterwards, <(this reveals that we also which means to lead us and supply us fully when we say the passuk in Ashrei, trust in Him - that we believe He shall with all our needs. "Posei'ach es yadecha umasbia lechol answer us just as He [miraculously] Great philosophers did not believe chai ratzon - You open Your Hand answered Kial Yisroel, because they in Hashgacha prattis. They thought it and satisfy the desire of every liv­ believed in Him." Our prayers become was degrading to Hashern's Majesty and ing being." The Mishna Berura (se'if much more than mere requests. They Glory to lower Himself to deal with the kattan 15) explains that this passuk contains "praise of Hakadosh Baruch •Grand Canyon Come and connect to the wonders of Hashem's Hu in that l-Ie watches over His crea­ •Vosetnite Park ' I creations in some of the most tures and sustains them." This is why •Bryce Canyon C spectacular locales in it is important to concentrate on the •Zion Na'tional meaning of this passuk. So much so, Park Ma Rabu > Western America. that if we fail to concentrate, we must •The Golden / For boys ages 13 tbi·u15. DATES: June 28-JuJy 16 Gate Bridge Optional 4th week available ending Ju61 23. say the passuk again, and give proper •Sea World Under the direction of Rabbi Rap had Mcnd!owitz, Experienced Staff, attention to its meaning. •Motor Boating and Rabbeim. Early bird special-register before January 15. It is also well worth our efforts to •Scenic Hiking focus our thoughts just a bit longer, •Para Sailing and include the next passuk, "Hashem is •Washington D.C. righteous in all His ways and benevolent in all His deeds:' Whatever allotment we may get from Hashem, we must be careful not to complain. We may not always understand or see the justice and benevolence of Hashem's ways and deeds. Nevertheless, we must remember

that Hashem cares about every one of l1

~ ------~more than we ca~ev~ imagin~ ------M~~;AG_E_S_FR~M _O_U_R_~~;;i;r-c;~-;-~------==-i ~Md:f£41(1 1 OF ZICHRON MEIR, Menachem Av 5768 I Shabbos Nachamu

To all Acheinu Bnei Yisroel who have undertaken to support those dedicated to Torah study, and to aid the poor and downtrodden, wherever they may be: May you be blessed with Hashem's beracha.

ou HAVE MERITED to receive the bounty of Hashem's berachos that express Hashem's greatness and power - that goodness, and have wisely chosen to act as faith­ He is all'powerful and His will grants life and brings death, Yful emissaries, dedicated to supporting Torah and heals and causes salvation to flourish. Only after express­ granting life to many in Kial Yisroel in many ways, each in ing that recognition is it possible for man to continue with accordance with the blessings that Hashem has bestowed specific requests. Through the strength of the bitachon that upon you. a person has in Hashem, and of casting his burden on Him With Hash em's guidance, we see a general lack of stability alone, does he merit that his requests be fulfilled, and that in the world, and in particular, an economic need. We do not he he blessed with every beracha. know what the next daywill bring. We also see that Hashem's Face is "hidden" from us, and as a result, many worthy people SHARING THE BURDENS OF OTHERS are finding themselves in very difficult situations. And so, I ...... '• ... ;, ...... write to encourage you at this time not to become despon­ t is certain that at this time, our obligation is to share in dent. For the holy words of the Nevi'im and Ghazal remain carrying the yoke of others and to feel the difficulties and trustworthy and they have taught us that Hakadosh Baruch I pressures that they are under, as a result of the changes Hu deals with His creations in accord with their own actions. taking place in every land. For the situation is not only one And so, all who do kindness with others will merit in turn of individuals, but rather of the entire klal. And so, let us, to benefit from His unlimited storehouse of kindness. It is with all our hearts, raise our voices in tefilla and techina certain that every act of chessed and bestowing of good on (prayer and beseeching) before the Creator of the world, the others will remain forever and will never be lost. Tov Umeitiv and Av Harachamim, Whose mercy has always Each person, however, must be mispalleil and beseech brought us benefit and Whose kindnesses have never aban­ Hashem that He show him favor in His kindness to benefit doned us .... May Hashem our G-d never abandon us. May him by meeting his needs. the merit of our tefilla and trust in Hashem - together with We have learned from the words of Ghazal that in the the merit of the many who are dedicated heart and soul to beginning of Creation, Hakadosh Baruch Hu created the continue even in difficult times to assume the yoke of sup­ plants and grasses, and prepared them under the earth, porting Torah to the fullest degree that they can - continue where they stayed until the sixth day. And why? Because to protect and bestow goodness on all, bringing merit to "He had not yet caused it to rain?' And why not?. Because them and to their storehouses of chessed. "there was no man to work the eaith" - no one to recognize I am hereby offering my own beracha from the depths the goodness that would result from the rain. When Adam of my heart that we merit to soon see the salvation of the came upon the scene and knew that rain was needed in the klal and the salvation of the prat (every individual), that world, he was mispalleil. The rain then descended and the Hashem show favor to each and every one, granting him trees and plants began to grow. success in all his endeavors and in all areas in which he is This, then, is the rule: Gifts of objects or status may be involved. May we all merit to be blessed with a good and prepared for a man's benefit, yet, he will not receive them blessed life, amid health, prosperity and tranquility, so that without tejilla. Indeed, that is the essence of tefilla- recogni­ all Yisroel will be able to fulfil Hashem's will by performing tion of Hashem's Hashgacha, that all is in His Hands, and that His mitzvos properly. nothing can take place in the world without His will. He is Signed with a beracha to each and all precious and beloved the One Who nourishes and supports all, and all successes Jews; flowing from the depths of my heart, that your situa­ are attained only as a result of His will. "And if Hashem tions be strengthened, so that you will be able to continue I will not erect a house, for naught have its builders toiled to serve as trustworthy caretakers for Hashem, amidst hap­ j ~~: i,t." This is wh.y the Anshei Knesses Hagedola established piness and kol tuv, sella. Lpecific order of Shemoneh Esrei: First, we recite three Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz 13 OM OUR CURRENT----· CRISIS =-i '"'m-"-'"'~'~~="-•"<'-=__,,;,, -----···---·-·---·--·----·-


I DIFFICULT TIMES, all have a rare opportunity and unique (Shenws 2,11). Regarding these words RARE OPPORTUNITIES challenge to develop and exercise the (" Vayar besivlosam"), Rashi notes, "He midda of being nosei be'ol im chaveiro, focused his eyes and his mind to feel HE ENTIRE WORLD is still reel· which literally means carrying your their pain." I ing from the after shocks of the friend's burden together with him. One might ask, ''.Are not some people, Tcataclysmic earthquake which The purpose of this article, there· like Moshe Rabbeinu, just inherently has shaken the financial epicenter of fore, is to present practical guidelines more empathic than others? So how the . As Rabbi Yerucham for employing that midda with these can the require this midda of Olshin, N"v>7v, of Beth and any other victims of devastating all of us?" Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, declared misfortune. Just as a moheil would never think of I on Rosh Hashana regarding this finan· coming to a bris without his mi/la knife, cial crisis, Hashem has sounded his THE MIDDA OF BEING a mechaneich or psychotherapist could shofar in order to wake us up before NOSEI BE'OL. IM CHAVEIRO never hope to practice his profession I the Yamim Nora'im. without an ample supply of personal While many people in our own com­ he Mishnah in Pirkei Avos lists empathy. It is worth noting that studies munity have suffered staggering finan· forty·eight middo~ or charac· have demonstrated that even those who cial losses of life savings and retirement T ter traits, that are essential for by nature lack empathy can be taught accounts, still others have already or are achieving success in Torah study (Avos how to become more empathic. about to lose their homes and/or jobs. 6:5,6). Tucked into this list is the midda The following list, therefore, presents Baruch Hashen1, these primary victims of being nosei be'ol im chaveiro. practical steps that we can all take to of the mortgage industry and stock mar· What, exactly, is required of one help us to become more empathic and ket collapses are in the minority, how· who wishes to acquire this midda? The be nosei be'ol with our friends, relatives ever, as most of us are not in i1nminent Midrash Shmuel explains, "When he and neighbors who are hit hardest by danger of layoffs or foreclosures. sees his friend suffering, be suffers along the recent financial meltdown. The vast majority of us, therefore, with him." fall into the category of those who are This would roughly correspond with DAVEN FOR THEM friendly with or are related to those who what is called empathy. As the dictionary are more directly affected. As such, we defines it, empathy means "the capac· ust as we must cry out to Hashem I ity for paiticipating in the feelings of whenever we are hurt, so, too, must DR. MEIR WHO.ER IS A PSYCHOTHERAPIST AND FAM- another." we remember to daven for others I !LY COUNSELOR IN PRIVATE PRACTICE IN , Perhaps the most classical example whoJ are experiencing difficult times. NEW YORK. HE lS ALSO A HIGHLY ACCLAIMED of empathy was set by Moshe Rabbeinu, Rabbi , 7'".:ll, would LECTURER AND A PROLIFIC AUTHOR. !-llS MOST about whom it is written, "And Moshe emphasize that the blaring siren of a I RECENT BOOK IS PARTNERS WtTH HASHE'M JT: !HOHF I EFFECTIVEG!itfJEU ....;F..<; HJR StiCCESSHI/. P4.R£NTING grew up and went out to his breth· Hatzolah ambulance is not meant only I I (ARTSCROLLMESORAM, 200G). ren and he saw into their suffering" for us to clear the road. It also provides ~-----·-·- r-======-=-===--;-:-.-,~~~:-~~~:-~~~~-=------=------=-=====---=-i I I us with an opportunity to practice you that which you are missing?" financial setback. Doing so would clearly being nosei be' al by reciting a kapitel (Berachos I 6b) be a fulfillment of our obligation to be of Tehillim for the fellow Jew and his Should one argue that this is "only" nosei be'ol in1 chaveiro. I family who are currently going through an Aggadetta portion of the Gemara, a n1edical emergency. Rabi Eliezer's words are determined 2 HELP WITHOUT By davening for someone to find to be halacha lema'aseh by both the ~) HURTING FEELINGS a job or not to lose his home, we are Rambam (HilchosAveilus 12:12) and the sharing, albeit slightly, in the suffering Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Dei'ah 377:1). hile davening on behalf of of that fellow Jew. Adapting Rabi Eliezer's teaching to so1neone and expressing the contemporary crisis, then, would W words of chizuk are impor­ call for verbally expressing words of tant, offering concrete assistance would VERBALLY ACKNOWLEDGING con1fort, encouragement and beracha be the best of all. According to the THE LOSS to anyone who has suffered a significant Rambam, for example, the highest form

'I hen people are going tlirough a 1najor crisis, they are totally APRIME EXAMPLE OFHELPING ANOTHER I W preoccupied with it. At the I same time, they may feel too embar­ NE OF THE FINEST EXAMPLES of helping someone in financial rassed or uncomfortable to initiate need without hurti11.g his feelings was set a few years ago - not by conversation about it with everyone I O learned sages or illustrious Torah personalities, but by the members whom they meet. When you say, "Hi, of a tenth grade mesivta class of an established yeshiva in the Northeastern how are you?" they usually cannot bring United States. themselves to say, "Oh, I just got laid off. That year, most ofthe class came from communities within easy travel­ I And how are you?" Or "Well, the bank ing distance to the yeshiva. The one exception was a bachurfrom the West is foreclosing on my house next month. Coast. Whenever the yeshiva had an "off Shabbos:' all the boys went home. l I And what's new with you?" The West Coast bachur, however, went to an aunt who lived nearby. To offer words of comfort, encour­ For the longer bein hazemtmim (intercession) of Pesach and Succos, I agement or advice, it may be necessary even the West Coast bachur went home. On the long weekend of Shabbos for you to initiate the conversation. Cha.nukah, there was ample time for him to travel, but his family could not II "But won't that make him feel worse? afford the plane fare. Twice a year they could manage it, but three. times was Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it more than their budget would allow. So he was planning to spend Shabbos I with me. Wouldn't it be better if I just Chanukah with his aunt, as he did on all "off Shabbosos?' wait and see if he wants to talk about That year, however, the tenth grade class got together and collected enough it?" from their own spending money to pay for their classmate to fly home for If that were the Torah approach, Shabbos Chanukah. They did not ask their parents to finance his ticket. They we would sit in our homes and wait raised the money only among themselves. for aveilim to call or visit us to talk But they were not finished with their project of being nosei be' ol im cliaveiro. about their losses. Obviously, the Torah They selected a representative to consult the mashgiach of the yeshiva. At a requires us to deal with grief and private meeting, the selected bachurtold the mashgiach about.their plan, and mourning quite differently, by going to then explained, "We felt that we could not go home to sleep in our beds and the home of aveilim without waiting for eat our mothers' home cooking unless we know that he could also go home. an invitation. So we collected the money amongst ourselves. "But aveilus is different. Halacha "But, Rebbi, we still have a problem. We don't know how to give him the requires making a shiva visit. And hala- money without him feeling embarrassed that it. came from us." cha even provides the script of what The mashgiach was de~ply touched by the generosity and sensitivity of to say to comfort aveilim. But halacha this tenth grade class. And I can imagine that he may have also felt extremely does not offer any guidelines on what proud .and gratified .that such extraordinary middos wete being displayed in to say to someone who has suffered a his yeshiva. financial loss." The mashgiach recommended that the bachur give him the money. He . If you feel that way, consider the fol- would then approach the out-of-town talmid saying that he had money lowing Gemara: from a "special fund" which the yeshiva maintained exclusively for such Rabi Eliezer ... said to them [his purposes. And since no one else in the yeshiva needed it that year, perhaps talmidim], "What do you say ... to this talmid could "do the mashgiach a favor" by using the money for a ticket a person whose ox or whose donkey for himself. - M.W. L":'M'":-mru.•efo< ...... -... - ... - .. ------.. .. _:j ,· ----··--··------·-----.. ------·--·-"·---'"-----.-----··--·---··--·--·------·--·--·------.

Adapting Rabi Eliezer's teaching calls for verbally expressing words of comfort, encouragement and beracha to anyone who has suffered a significant financial setback. Child Development Specialists Helping Infants &Toddlers of tzeddaka is providing someone with or other material assistance. Extreme with Developmental Delays and Disabilities an opportunity to earn a livelihood. care must be taken, of course, to offer (Hilchos Matnas Aniyim 10:7). this help in the most sensitive, respectful If you can hire a worker who has been inanner possible. laid off - or even just provide a recom­ In the zechus of our taking advan­ mendation, lead or introduction to a tage of this current opportunity to potential employer - your concern for work on our middos by focusing on our his plight qualifies as being nosei be'ol. being nosei be' al im chaveiro, may we all More often than not, however, you may merit the rachamei Shamayim needed simply not know of any job prospects for us to pass through this period of or potential employers, but you may be financial uncertainty and instability able to provide leads to individuals or with as little suffering and hardship as organizations that extend loans, grants possible. ;i;i ,------·------!

I ~,!',1 Dfrecto'y ofTo"h ood Ch,.ed l"'tilutioo• 1

I Important Notice Evaluation and a full range of 1 We are happy to announce that [' Therapeutic Services provided The Olam HaTorah Directory of institutions and organizations in Eretz Israel has [ at our Center or in the privacy been updated and is available for use by "nideval am~. of your home Please Note: because new institutions of Torah and chesed are founded virtually Bilingual Services Available monthly (and others do close), it is advisable to refer to the Directory's database whenever checking references. Services are provided ba..;;ed on the child's needs I NYC as determined by the Early Intervention ® For comprehensive information regarding an institution or organization, contact us I Program. The Early Intervention Official will at [email protected] or by determine the location and provider of any fax:972-3-678-2060 needed services. This Early Intervention @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@®©@@©@@@@@@@@@@@@@©@@@@@©@ Program b funded & regulated by the J\1YC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene. Olaro HaTorah - www.torahindex.com 111 Kahaneroan St, Bnei Brak, Israel 972- 3-67~-8888 fa" 972-3-678-2060 Executive Offices: E·mail: [email protected] Ij L ------·------· 649 Thirty-Ninth Street Brooklyn, New York 11232 PINCH:.A..S ~DEL Over 50 years experience in Kvura in Bretz Yisrael Office: Serving tfie North American Pubftc and Funeral Industry 7Nl1V~ 'flN PN i1"'!13i' F~ Vj7ip 70-14 14/st Street Personal responsibilit)" throughout .sen·ice - NOT JUST "PAPERWORK" Flushing, New York 1136 7 ORIGINATOR OF THE PRESENT RABBINICALLY APPROVED METHOD Highly recommended by Gedolai Hador- Here and in Eretz Yisrael SERVING BROOKLYN, QUEENS, 162S-42nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204 STATEN ISLAND & MANHATIAN l)ay & N'..ght phone: (718) 851-8925 ]))0'r.JN1~r.JNj7 ))J"j7 - p;:i 1Nl n1r.J;,i)) 'll~ www.challenge-ei.com Kavod Haniftar with Mesiras Nefesh and compassion for the bereaved family. TAHARAS ffANIFTAR SHOULD NF,VF.R BE (;OMMER<;lALlZED DEMORlUZING'·OBSTINICY: Prime Minister Olmert's Refusal to Go Quietly Into the Night Negotiations For Peace or Strategy For Survival?

I NEGOTIATIONS •.• WHEN to curry favor with the overwhelm­ UNDER INVESTIGATIONS Olmert described ingly left-wing press. Rather than being I achieving a "peace embarrassed to renounce all the political I N AN EREV ROSH HASHANA inter­ agreement" with values he has espoused over a political I view with Yediot Aharonot, Prin1e career of more than thirty years, he fairly I Minister revealed Israel's adversaries crowed: "I a1n saying what no previous that his corruption is not merely venal as an "existential Israeli leader has ever said." but soul deep. Olmert said that Israel In attempting to justify his ongoing has no choice but to withdraw from necessity," placing efforts to conclude some sort of"deal" nearly the entirety of Judea and Samaria, Israel, in effect, with the Palestinian Authority, Olmert East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. in the role of the has portrayed Israel's situation as des­ Absent such withdrawals, he made clear, perate. Prior to leaving for Washington, there will be no peace, and without defeated party D.C. to meet with President Bush, peace, Israel is lost. suing for peace. another lame duck, Olmert said on a On full display were the cynicism, tour of the North, "I think our prob­ defeatism, and irresponsibility that have lems here require a quick solution, an made Olmert Israel's most reviled prime urgent answer, and every day that passes minister ever. Olmert revealed that At the time of the interview, Olmert without a solution will not return - it he had been negotiating with both was already a caretaker prin1e minjster, is lost." That message can only serve to Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud having resigned his post in light of demoralize the Jews of Israel.' Abbas and the Syrians on the basis of the numerous police investigations. I I these assu1nptions. Those negotiations But he had long since lost any popular I Attorney General Manny Mazuz has deter­ took place while he was under police mandate, in the wake of his disastrous mined that the government has the author­ ity to continue negotiating with Syria and the investigation in at least six separate conduct of the Second Lebanon War Palestinians despite its caretaker status. That i matters. The police have already recom­ two years ago and the 1nounting cor­ ruling constitutes another ren1<01rkable example I mended crin1inal indictment in two of ruption charges. That he nevertheless of the politicization of the Israeli legal syste1n. Just a few weeks earlier, the three Supren1e Court II those investigations. continued conducting negotiations as justices on the co1nn1ittee to select new Supren1e if he enjoyed some popular mandate Court justices refused to participate in a 1neeting RABDJ RoSJ·'.NBl.UM, WHO LIVES IN JERl'SALP>1, JS was deeply cynical. of the co1nmittee on the grounds that a caretaker A CONTRJIHJTING EOJ'fOR ro Tin: Jt:'WJS/I 013SEl?V/c'R, That cynicism may have been even governn1ent cannot engage in such an important I I-IF, JS ALSO DJRECTOH OF THF ISRAEJ.I J)IVIS!ON deeper: Sharp turns to the Left have decision as selecting new Supren1e Court justices. I been the tried and true path of the last But apparently, according to the attorney general, i EDUCATIONAi. OUTREACH EfFORT AND MEOTA the same reasoning does not apply to trivia! 'I

l~ESVIJHCF. three Israeli prime ministers in the face matters like peace negotiations with Syria or the I of police investigations. Olmert sought Palest1n1an Authonty _j

17 L------·--· ------r=-~----=--=-=--==-~~~~~~_:-=~~=-==-==-=-=-==-i ~ The plague of corruption, Assaf Sagiv argues i I in the current issue of Azure, owes in part to last year, such a transformation never J . . appeared further away. J what he calls the Z1on1st legacy of lawlessness Not that the Palestinian Authority ' I that had its roots in the early Zionists' is that much better. Incitement against rebellion against the law. Israel and Jews ;emains rnmpant in the official Palestinian media. Recently, PA Authority President Mahmoud Abbas WEARING CONCESSIONS declared official celebrations in honor ON HIS SLEEVE Israel's presence on the Golan of the mastermind of the Coastal Road Heights, with Damascus in artillery Massacre in which 37 Jews were mur­ range, has forestalled any military con­ dered. Palestinian refugees continue to inally, Olmert's remarks were frontation with Syria for 35 years. Who languish in the festering camps, as a incompetent. V\lho ever conduct­ can be sure that a Syria back on the permanent strike force against Israel. In Fed negotiations by announcing Golan Heights, from which it once regu­ short, the frenzy of hatred into which in advance how much he is willing to larly shelled Jewish settlements below, Arafat and the PA media whipped the concede? Olmert knows that positions would not be tempted back to the path Palestinian population in the heady taken by Israeli leaders, even when they of military aggression, together with days of Oslo has not abated. No wonder never result in signed agreements, tend other Arab armies? three-quarters of Palestinians in a June to become the starting point for the In fact, the status quo is preferable to poll said that reconciliation with Israel next round of negotiations. In other virtually any conceivable peace treaty, is impossible in this generation, even if words, he sought to bind the hands of given that any such treaty would be a peace agreement were signed and a future Israeli negotiators and leave his based on dramatic territorial withdraw­ Palestinian state created, and almost half indelible mark on the course of those als from Judea and Samaria. Previous said that it will never be possible. negotiations. withdrawals from southern Lebanon He bound future Israeli govern­ and Gaza resulted in heavily armed DETERMINING "EXISTENTIAL ments - ones that may not share his Iranian proxies on Israel's northern and NECESSITIES" analysis - in an even more serious way. southern borders. Israeli intelligence rlenceforth, any American adminis­ officials maintain that in the absence of tration that pressures Israel to n1ake Israeli forces on the West Bank, Hamas 0 lmert's defeatist message that dramatic territorial concessions will be would likely repeat its seizure of Gaza time is working against Israel is able to do so while continuing to wear on the West Bank, and thus bring an the worst possible one to con- easily the mantle of "a true friend of Iranian proxy to power adjacent to vey to both Israelis and those who seek Israel." After all, the president will say, Israel's population center, with only Israel's destruction. Nor is it the first I'm only pressuring Israel to do what eleven miles separating Palestinian- time that he has spoken in this fashion. its own prime minister already said was held territory and the Mediterranian In a series of interviews at the beginning in its best interests - indeed, critical to at Israel's narrowest point. of 2008, Olmert described achieving a its survival. Operation Defensive Shield brought "peace agreement" with Israel's adver- Israeli troops back to the West Bank in saries as an "existential necessity:' He TRADE OFFS FOR PEACE? April 2002. Together with the possibili- placed Israel, in effect, in the role of the · ' · · · · · · ' · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ties for intelligence gathering that an on- defeated party suing for peace. he starting point of Olmert's the-ground presence offers, those troops That message can only raise the analysis is that any peace agree- have resulted in virtually no successful hopes oflsrael's enemies that her popu- Tment is better than the present terrorist attacks from the West Bank in lace is running out of steam and losing stalemate. Thus, he said, "I want to see recent years. By contrast, in the month the willingness to fight. Olmert had if there is one person in the State of prior to Operation Defensive Shield, 139 already travelled far down that path in Israel who believes that it is possible to Israelis were killed by terrorists. a statement to American Jewish busi- make peace with Syria without conced- Peace with the Palestinians is not nessman before assuming the premier- ing anything on the Golan Heights." He a matter of finding some Palestinian ship: "We are tired of fighting, tired of assumes that a peace treaty with Syria leader willing to sign a piece of paper. winning ... :' is worth the Golan. But if there is one As , and more recently, Israel should instead be doing every- thing learned from the Oslo Process, former IDF Chief of Staff General thing in its power to send the message: which has claimed 1471 Israeli lives and Moshe "Boogie" Ya'alon, have argued, We are here to stay. Objective reality many times that number of wounded, it peace can only follow a transformation supports that view. Israel, for all its is that peace treaties bear no necessary of Palestinian society and acceptance of internal problems (and they are many),

relation to peace--··-·-----Isra~Aft~am~~~k~ver~~z~-is an econom1~owerhous~ndb:J 118 r======~~~~::-~:::_~~~~~~-======_:-_:-=-i ~ , , , , , At root, Olmert's defeatism derives from a lost '\ I the, strongest nation m the region m1h- sense of national purpose. And it can only fuel l I tanly. The surrounding Arab nations • • • • • I

'1' and the Palestinians remain backwaters more such th1nk1ng 1n Israeli society. , compared to Israel by every measure. [ I The only thing putting off internal pres- I sure for reform of those societies is the its roots in the early Zionists' rebellion That betrayal of his former Chareidi , I belief thatthe Jews of!srael are running against the law. allies may even offer some clues to his I

out of steam and will soon flee. Israel is fast running out of water current message of despair. At root, i) I1 1,, To disabuse the Arabs of that per- to drink. And the disastrous Second Olmert's defeatism derives from a lost ) ception, Israel's best strategy would be Lebanon War highlighted the need sense of national purpose. And it can ) to stop devoting the major energies of to reconstruct the IDF and restore its only fuel more such thinking in Israeli 1 , every government to "peace" negotia- deterrent capacity. Addressing these society. Ari Shavit of Ha'aretzwas right I tions, which have no chance of success problems, and appointing people chosen in viewing the failures of the Lebanon

I, at present, and instead, focus on the for their competence, not their party War as the outgrowth of a loss of ) internal problems that threaten Israel's affiliation, to oversee the efforts, would national will. And having now read ' long-term future no less than the Arab go a long way to conveying the message Olmert's Rosh Hashanah interview, I, threat. Many of these internal threats fall that Israel has a future. the sources of his indecisiveness in the under the heading of declining human conduct of the war become ever more 1 capital, chief among them an education clear. What followed is a chipping away 1 system that produces ever worsening test ~-~ ~~- ?.~ ~ ";'~r.1 ~ ~ :": ~. ~~-~ '.'?.~ 1:. . of Torah-based criteria for conversions results, despite providing more hours and marriages as well financial support of classroom instruction than almost 0 lmert's betrayal over the past year for Torah study. The less one believes in all OECD member states. of every principle of cl1e Beitar what he is fighting for and/or the more Endemic governmental corruption movement in which he grew up one has lost confidence in the chances of and an increasingly dysfunctional politi- and which he has espoused over a politi- long-term success, the less determina- cal system have sapped Israelis' faith in cal career spanning over three decades lion he can muster. their leaders and generated a widespread was not his first betrayal. From 1993 to We can do no more than to repeat apathy. The police have proven inca- 2003, he served as mayor of Jerusalem, what we have written many times in pable of combating organized crime, a post to which he was elected only these pages: A loss of connection to the whose tentacles are spreading - or any because of the overwhelming support of Jewish past, to any sense of the world crime, for that matter. Only one of l 00 the Chareidi community. Yet, in 2003, it historic mission of the Jewish people, break-ins results in an arrest, and thefts was he who engineered the deal by which remains the greatest tl1reat to the Jewish are reported to the police only to collect Tommy Lapid's virulently anti-religious future, in Israel and everywhere else. It is insurance. The plague of corruption, party entered Prime Minister incumbent on the Torah world to raise Assaf Sagiv argues in the current issue Sharon's coalition as the second most its voice in strongest protest against all of Azure, owes in part to what he calls powerful party in the coalition, while all proponents of redefining the Jewish the Zionist legacy of!awlessness that had the Chareidi parties were left out. nature of the Jewish state. IIiJ Not just a cheese, a tradition... Haolam, the most trusted name in Cholov Yisroel Kosher Cheese. A reputation earned through 25 years of scrupulous devotion to quality and kashruth. With 12 delicious varieties. Haolam, a tradition you'!! enjoy keeping. '"'J>r~.;_~J;.. Y: All Haolam cheese produ,·1; are rnilde in the U.S.A. under the %':2}' ''W,l,·!'.f',,,,~g:t' ·, >!rid rabbinical .rnperYi5ion of: Cholov Yisroel ~J11 ~·. ·· • I The Rabbinate of K'hal Adath /eshurun, \Vashington Heights, NY ·lf#l/I~H .. ~~.:,::.:.~

I THURM BROS. H I i ii WORLDCHEESECO.INC. ao atn.. f ~ 8~0:~~~~~2------~------__ jJ r-=-====-=-=-=-----~~~---~~:~-:=--'----"--0-~----=--=-----=--=--==-----=~ REMEMBE~THE ' 1'1t£fj}{~ From the Memoirs of Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz


ABBI YOSEIF SHLOMO KAHANEMAN was born in Kuhl, in R1886 (5646) to Reb Yehuda Leib Kahaneman. He learned in Telshe under Rabbi , after which he studied in Novaradok, where he received semicha from Rabbi , author of the Aruch Hashulchan. ln 1916, he made his way to Radin, where he became Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman's chavrusa in the Chofetz Chaim's Kadshim . The Ponovezher Rav married the daugh­ ter of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rubin, the Rav of the town of Vidzh, in 1921. That very year, Reb Aryeh Leib was asked to assume the position of in Wilkomir, and his new son-in-law became the Rav ofVidzh. After Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz (known as Reb ltchaleh Ponevezher) passed away in 1929, Rabbi Kahaneman was chosen ! to be the Rav of Ponevezh. There, he built up the yeshiva as well as other communal I institutions, and his name became known far and wide as one of the leaders of Torah [ Jewry. He also served as a member of the Lithuanian Sejm. He was a gifted orator, and the power of his derashos strengthened the masses. I Rav Kahaneman was passing through Eretz Yisroel on his way to a mission of rescue in the United States when he lost both his family and his life's achievements during the Holocaust. Through Hashem's Hashgacha, he survived. I Upon his arrival in Eretz Yisroel, the Ponevezher Rav threw himself into rebuilding the Torah world that had been destroyed. He reestablished the in Bnei Brak and the Grodno Yeshiva in , built the Batei Avos institutions, which absorbed child survivors, such as the Children of I Teheran, and pioneered Yarchei Kalla, a two-week yearly yeshiva framework for working men, which has been duplicated all over the globe. (These are only a few of the ventures in which he was involved.) All of his projects were undertaken in consultation with the Chazon !sh, who guided the Rav on all I his endeavors. I The Ponevezher Rav passed away on September 3, 1969 (20 Elul 5729). ----··--- I RABBI LOil! NCZ REPRESENTED ACUDATH ISRAEJ. [,.,.THE ISRAEl.l FROM !951·1948, DURING WHICH TIME HE WAS AS JNT!MArE ()FA Nl,MBER OF lORAH l\lMINARIES OFTIJF PAS! HAI Ft ENH R) THE FXTENS!VF. NOT! S fl!AT HE KFPl ON fHOSE Mf1'11NGS SERVF


~ - - -ENG• "H B:"~_'_"~ BRF"NE' ------_____J r=~~- --==== -_--__ •• _--__--,H-E -_;-E~=· 's-_-_H _o_s_--, E_R_V_E-. "_------·----- __----___ --__ ----~------=i--

fer Qu,, _ The Ponevezher Rav's miraculous Yaakov Halperin in the then-settlement ·r It.A/ escape from the Nazis was an exam- of Bnei Brak as part of his efforts to c/lt[t, pie of Hashem setting a safety net in obtain a certificate that would allow "ON MT. ZION THERE placebeforedeliveringablow(makdim him to remain in Bretz Yisroel. As he WILL BE A REMNANT" refua lemakka). Hashem brought the stood at Reb Yaakov's door, the hill Ponevezher Rav to Bretz Yisroelbecause, rising up from the center of Zichron with his indomitable inner strength and Meir caught his eye. "That hill would he Ponevezher Rav's dedication tremendous heart, he was singularly be a fitting place for a yeshiva;' he said to building up the Torah world capable of rebuilding the yeshiva world to his host, who happened to be the Tis well known. Indeed, a lion's and centers of Torah from scratch. owner of the hill. share of the yeshivas that we know Reb Yaakov Halperin responded today are in some measure the fruits immediately that he would be willing of his labors. JUMPING INTO DEEP WATERS to sell the hill to the Ponevezher Rav But in truth, he was already widely at a nominal price, on one condition: recognized as one of his generation)s he events that brought about the that construction of the yeshiva begin Torah geniuses before the war broke reestablishment of the Ponevezh within the year. out. Rabbi Nasson Wachtfogel, '>"'1!, the T Yeshiva typify the Rav's person­ The Rav didn't think twice. He signed previous Mashgiach of Beth Medrash ality. Without a penny in his pocket, the agreement that very day. Gavoha (Lakewood), once quoted with no organized plans, and with no Despite the discount that Reb Yaakov Rabbi as saying, "If the financial backing, he turned the dream extended, a sizeable sum was still Ponevezher Rav would be released from of a yeshiva into a reality. His fiery love required, and the Ponevezher Rav was a all of his obligations and would be free of Torah and his unshakable trust in penniless refugee, and homeless, to boot. to learn Torah full time, we would be Hashen1 were the foundations upon Nevertheless, his plans of establishing a kikelipas hashum (lit., "like garlic peels," which the yeshiva was built. yeshiva filled his entire existence, and he meaning nonentities) in con1parison A short while after he arrived in Bretz promised to pay the entire sum without to him." Yisroel, the Ponevezher Rav visited Rabbi a n1oment's hesitation. Moreinu Rabbi YoseifTzvi Dushinsky, '>"'1!, Rav of Yerushalayim, described the Ponevezher Rav as "one of the only peo­ ple whom I considered to be both excep­ tionally G-d-fearing and great in Torah:' And the RavofTschebin, who made the Rav's acquaintance before World War II and derived much enjoyment from learning with him, commented, "In the Rav of Ponevezh, we saw the idea of 'chiyus ba1brah' come alive."


n 1940, the Ponevezher Rav set out from Vilna to the United States I on a mission from the Lithuanian government. His objective was to enlist help for the Jewish refugees who had fled to Lithuania. En route, he ca1ne to Eretz Yisroel, and while he was there, the Lithuanian government ceased to exist. The Ponevezher's diplo1natic pass­ port was meaningless, and there was no way he could continue on to the United States. Nor could he return to NOVEMBER 2008

After all the pain that he had under­ gone, the Ponevezher Rav was only able to quiet his turbulent soul through the reestablishment of the Torah institu­ tions that had been destroyed. He did not allow the gaping hole that had been ripped in his heart to fill up with despair; rather, he used it as a catalyst The Ponevezh Yeshiva on a hilltop in Bnei Brak for unprecedented productivity. A similar idea was expressed by Rabbi EIGHTEEN YESHIVOS at the Ponevezher Attention: Mosdos Rav's funeral: came to know the Rav when he Experienced, responsible "This phenomenon of a man who arrived in Eretz Yisroel in 1940, never asked for a moment of rest for Canadian based office I shortly after I myself came to the himself but continued to work and can handle your country. At the time, I was learning in be involved nonstop has its source Canadian receipts, Yeshiva Heichal Hatalmud in . in the words of the Rav himself. The mailings and events. I used to eat breakfast every day at the Rav once said that he saw himself as Tnuva store, which was then considered having been burned along with the Call 416-825-1779 a dairy restaurant. The Ponevezher Rav, six million Jews who were murdered who lived in Tel Aviv at the time, was in the Holocaust. Ifhe was given life, also a regular customer there, and we it was only in order to reestablish ~'l'efN~, \~ ~ ate together every day. and rebuild that which was no more. The Rav did not stop talking about This thought never left his mind, and NEFESH INTERNATIONAL' his momentous plans of building a it gave him superhuman strength to 'Ii !Ji{nnuaf(Joeferen yeshiva in Bnei Brak, with eighteen accomplish all that he did:' satellite yeshivos to be named after The Ponevezher Rav's worldview has • e.Cnc1ay I!. .s)t;.,day the great Lithuanian yeshivos that had a source in the SefornoS commentary on January 4th & 5th, 2009 been destroyed, such as Grodno, Radin, Parashas Shemos (2,10): at the Young Israel of Staten Island Kamenitz, Baranowitz and Telz, among The name Pharaoh's daughter Staten Island, New York others. Similarly, he mentioned other gave to the baby that she pulled from plans of his, such as the Yarchei Kalla the water - Moshe - meant that one yeshiva for working men. day, he would in turn extricate oth­ ers from their plight. Had the name "I AM IN A STATE OF TOTAL merely signified that he himself had DEPRESSION AND DESPAIR - been pulled from the water, then the AND THAT Is WHY I BUILD" name should have been "Mashui;' in the passive - one who was extricated. nee, when the Ponevezher was But Pharaoh's daughter succeeded in speaking enthusiastically about saving him because he was destined 0 building and accomplishing, I to be a "Moshe,, - one who frees asked him: "How is a man who lost his others. entire family, community, and all the Torah institutions that he built capable of a creative enthusiasm that would "IN PONEVEZH, WE BUILD" Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski,MD make someone half his age proud?

And that is precisely how it was. r Everything in Ponevezh was built exclu­ sively by Hashem. The Ponevezher Rav thrust his entire burden on Him, and never made calculations. The follow­ ing excerpt from a letter that the Rav wrote his son while abroad captures this idea nicely: "Until now, I have been blessed with success everywhere that I went, but here, I have not yet been so privi­ I leged. It must be because this is a city blessed with many rich people, and I I placed my trust in them [rather than I in Hashem]."


y son, Reb Yitzchak, related an I illustrative story told to him I M by Rabbi ,?""'· The Ponevezher Rav once told Reb Shlomo Zalman that he had only one i kidney. When he saw the alarm on Reb Shlomo Zalman's face, he said calmingly, ''Actually, it's my good fortune that I am I missing one kidney." The expression of alarm on Reb I Shlomo Zalman's face turned to one of bewilderment. "Why 'good fortune'?" Replied the Rav of Ponevezh, "We know that advice on how to conduct ourselves has its source in the kidneys. I When I came to Bretz Yisroel, my kidney said to me,' Yoske, shtell oif tzurik Yeshivas Ponevezh in Bretz Yisroel (reestablish the I NOVEMBEli 2008 with allocations from the government, sanctified Hashem's Name throughout mendous diligence and incredible depth. the Jewish Agency or political parties. their lives until their very last n1oments, In their merit, our holy yeshiva hovers Rather, it was built in the zechus (merit) when they returned their pure souls to between Heaven and earth; it lives and of the Ponevezh Yeshiva on high which their Creator. It is in the merit of their breathes one purpose and one purpose is now basking in the presence of Rabbi pristine ruchniyus (spirituality) that this only: to disseminate Torah throughout Akiva and his contemporaries. It is in yeshiva was built. It is in their merit that our holy People, to raise the mantle of the merit of the kedoshim and tehorim Torah flourishes within its walls, and Hashem's Torah among the Jewish People, (holy and pure people), the hundreds hundreds of Jewish young men who are to strengthen the solid foundations of of maggidei and students of the more precious than gold are toiling day mussarand fear of Heaven; to build from Ponevezh Yeshiva in Lithuania who and night in Hashem's Torah, with tre- the ruins and revitalize souls." !'@

Uttered words can sometimes be more revealing than their speakers intend. They can be a source of deeper understanding- some yielding smiles; others, tears. With the goal of mining contemporary quotations for insights, intended or otherwise, The Jewish Observer here continues its feature, "Of Public Record," which presents illuminating citations culled from various media. Of Public Record "46%,36%, 34%, 25%, 20%, 9%, 7%" the Park Avenue , - Part of a "Prayer Before - Percentages of citizens with in New York Going to Vote" written by negative views of Jews - in New York Jewish Week, October 23 Tikkun Magazine editor Spain, Poland, Russia, Germany, Michael Lerner , Britain and the United "Hit A Jew Day" Tikkun.org, November 3 States respectively, according to - Unofficial "Spirit Week" a Pew Research Center survey activity among sixth-graders "If you can't pray in a voting , September 18 at a suburban St. Louis school; booth, where can you pray?" several students who struck - Conservative Rabbi David "Out of great respect to the Iranian Jewish classmates as a result Seidenberg, in a postscript to Nation and their leadership, we were disciplined his own pre-voting prayer proudly welcome the Honorable Associated Press, October 23 Ibid, November 3 PresidentAhmadinejad to New York, WELCOME!" "You wonder where a bunch of "The most that black man can do - A spokesman for an sixth-graders come up with in the White House is to replace .organization calling itself this stuff.. The fact is it's out some of the staff and change Neturei Karta International, there. There are probably par- some ceremonial procedures. in a statement announcing a ents talking, and things they He will never manage to change counter-demonstrati.on against see on the news, and the structure of the American one protesting the Iranian even things they can pick regime, which was established by president's most recent visit up on the Internet:' capitalists, Zionists and racists?' to the United Nations - Karen Aroesty, regional - Editorial in the Iranian daily PR Newswire, September 22 director of the Anti-Defamation jomhouri-ye Eslami League, about the activity Middle East Media Research "The question is not which Ibid, October 23 Institute, November 5 checklist of beliefsyou want to sign offon. The q~estion for post- "Please give me the wisdom TARTEIDESASRIDept D:enominational Jewry is which to understand the complex '' ••. a religious extremistn movement best represents your psychological, social and - Description ofYigal Amir, aspirations and your struggles as a politicalfactors that could talce Yitzhak Rabin's assassin, .in an contemporary Jew?' fundamentally decent human article that goes on to quote -.Conservative Rabbi Elliott beings and lead them into paths Mr. Amir. as stating he was Cosgrove, newly instai)~d senior that may, I believe, lead to a incited by Israeli generals and , spiritual leader of the "flagship" world exactly the opposite of paid "little attention" to rabbis I Tk&w Yo~ nm~ No-~ l L_''"~•tiw hw• of ~-r-sh_i_p_,--w-hat they really want_?'______I am delighted to respond to the call of our Torah leaders in Help us meet our $18 Million budget Israel and America to assist the thousands of farmers in Enclosed is my contribution of$___ to cover the following: YES! Eretz Yisroel who are observing Shmittah this year. 0 $10,000 SHMITTAH PARTNER 0 $500 FRIEND Of KEREN HASHV;lS 0 $360 DOUBLE CHAI SPONSOR 0 $5,000 SHMITTAH ASSOCIATE Address ____ :.J $180 CHAI SPONSOR 0 $2,500 SHMITTAH PATRON 0 $120 SPONSOR City/State/Zip 0 $1.800 CHAI VIP PATRON 0 $72 DONOR

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EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION RABBI AVI SHAFRAN Over 50 years ago - in 1956 - a historic p'sak was issued by eleven of the era's most respected gedolim in the United States declaring that one is not permitted to take part in a Jewish organization that _involves the participation of Orthodox representatives with Reform _':'''~and Conservative members in a religious context, as spelled out __ f below. The wisdom and relevance of this p'sak has been demonstrat­ ~--~ time and again over the years. Rabbi Avi Shafran calls attention

THE PRo-MESORAH Nevertheless, those Orthodox dis­ about whether it was permissible to PRECEDENT senters were, and are, implicated in the join groups like the New York Board group's sentiment. The Board of Rabbis of Rabbis or the then-active Synagogue NE IMAGINES (or at least hopes) of Southern California speaks, after all, Council of America. that the Orthodox members on their behalf. What is more, though, The response was unequivocal: "[I]t 0 of the Board of Rabbis of and even more disturbing, is the very is forbidden by the law of our sacred Southern California were chagrined fact that the rabbis were untroubled in Torah to participate with them either when that body called on Jewish the first place to be part of a group of as an individual or as an organized Californians to vote against the bal­ spiritual leaders committed to placing communal body." lot initiative known as Proposition 8 contemporary mores and notions above Jewish theologies based on ideals on November 4. The measure, which, the laws and ideals of the Torah. other than the Divine mandate of baruch Hashem, passed, approved an Ghazal ( Yerushalmi Berachos) teach halacha, the statement implied, are amendment to California's constitution us that "chacham adif n1inavi, a wise anathema to Jews who are committed, stating that "only marriage between a man is better than a prophet." A number like all Jews' ancestors were on Har Sinai, man and a woman is valid or recognized of decades ago, a group of chachamim to that ideal. in California." The change was rendered well demonstrated their wisdom and necessary by a court decision that had foresight, even at a time when things like REITERATED IN 1985 interpreted the foundational document the Reform movement's "patrilineal" to the contrary. approach to Jewish genealogy and the hat judgment was publicly reiter­ Some, if not all, of those Orthodox Conservative one's effective removal of ated in 5745 (1985) by the Moetzes rabbis were likely among the 7% of pesukim from the Torah lay many years TGedolei HaTorah of America, the 290 Board of Rabbis of Southern in the future. whose members then were Rabbi Moshe California members who voted in dis­ In 5716 (1956), Rabbi Avrohom Feinstein, Rabbi , Rabbi sent to the majority position, which Yoffen, Rabbi Avraham Kalmanowitz, Moshe Horowitz (Bostoner ), asserted that the proposed state consti­ Rabbi Aharon Kotler, Rabbi Gedalia Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky, Rabbi tutional amendment was wrong since Schorr, Rabbi Dovid Lifshutz, Rabbi Avrohom Pam, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok it would "eliminate the equal rights , Rabbi Yaakov Halevi Ruderman, Rabbi Yisroel Spira [of same-gender couples J to wed and Kamenetsky, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok (Bluzhover Rebbe), 7":.rr, and, yibadeil protect their families ...." Halevi Ruderman, Rabbi Yitzchok meichayim lechayim, Rabbi , Hutner, Rabbi Menachem Yosef Zachs t<"l"':>v. In response to the appearance RABBI SttAl'RAN SERVES AS AGLJDATH !SRAEL and Rabbi , zecher kulom of the president of an Orthodox rab­ OF AMERICA'S DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND AS THE AMF:RICAN DIRECTOR Of AM ECHAD, THE li'vrocha signed a historic statement. It binic group at a national convention of AGUDATH ISRAEL-INSPIRED EDUCATIONAL OUT· was written in response to an inquiry the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly REACH EFFORT AND MEDIA RESOURCE. 26 THE JEWISH OBSERVER


of America, those revered gedolim pro­ explicitly forbade Orthodox rabbinic above and the folly of treating them claimed that while "our hands and participation along with non-Orthodox with such utter disregard? hearts are extended to Jews everywhere, clerical groups in areas pertinent to no matter what their professed beliefs," "spiritual-religious interests, such as ONLY ONE PRINCIPLED they could not countenance anything , , councils JEWISH VOTE that "ipso facto bestow[ s] the perception ofrabbis .... " of religious legitimacy') on movements "Has ," he asked poi­ n the context of California's I that deny "the Divine revelation of the gnantly, "ever recorded an instance of Proposition 8, there could be only Written and Oral Torah at Sinai," theolo­ a joint Community Council or a joint I one authentic, principled Jewish gies "fashioned by man and therefore Rabbinical Council which consisted of vote - in favor of the measure. Which alterable to accommodate man's foibles Karaites and Torah-true Jews?" is why Agudath Israel of California I and comforts ...." Perhaps the Orthodox members conducted a campaign to rally its con­ That statement went on to warn of the Board of Rabbis of Southern stituents and other Jews to support the of the "grave consequence" of giving California, or some of them, consider proposition. "credence to the prevailing fallacy of their group's statement of opposition to But the sad fact remains that, as 'three wings of ' as a legitimate enshrining the traditional definition of The Los Angeles Times reported on religious concept," a misconception it marriage to somehow fall in the vicin­ September 27, "Southern California's characterized as an outgrowth in large ity of Rabbi Soloveitchik's category of largest collection of rabbis voted measure of <'the continued defiance by broad communal issues or defending overwhelmingly this week to oppose certain Orthodox groups of the legal Jewish rights. But can they really be so Proposition 8 ... with representatives ruling [of 1956] of the Torah Sages of deluded as to imagine that he would from the Reconstructionist, Reform, our past and present generation .... " have so perceived it himself? And can Conservative and Orthodox movements they be unconcerned by the Reform ... "[emphasis mine]. MORE THAN JUST AGUDAH (and, of late, Conservative, too, as Aside from the odious position itself, expected) acceptance of what the Torah the very conjoining of those four upper­ nd it wasn't only Agudath Israel's calls "to'eiva," or "vile," as a legitimate case adjectives bespeaks a tragic reality, rabbinic leadership that regis­ "lifestyle"? Or by the broad societal born of the choice made by some con­ Atered its objection to the projec­ acceptance of such behavior in our temporary Orthodox rabbis to ignore tion of a religious commonality where times? Or by the Talmud and Midrash's the imperative bequeathed them by none in fact exists. In the summer warning about the dangers inherent in gedolim of years past. of 5719 (1959), the late Lubavitcher such societal "progress"? What a kiddush Hashem it would be Rebbe, ?"lit, addressed the same ques- Could there be a better demonstra­ were they to reconnect with the words 1 tion as the signatories of the 1956 state- tion of the value of adhering to the of those chachamim, and disconnect 1 ment, and reached the same conclusion. wisdom of the Torah luminaries quoted from where they don't belong. !l!1 Membership in groups like the New 1 York Board of Rabbis or the Synagogue Council of America, he wrote, "cannot escape the logical inference that the Conservative and Reform movements are recognized by the Orthodox mem­ bers of the said bodies as belonging within the fold of true Judaism, differ­ ing only in degree or in minor details; whereas in truth these movements deny 'I the very basis of true Judaism." And while Rabbi Dr. Yoseif Ber I Soloveichik, ?"lit, did not sign the sweep- , ing 1956 proclamation (presumably 1 because he felt, as he wrote in 5714 ' [1954], that "[W]hen we are faced • Mishnah and Gemara study seivices !I with a problem for Jews and Jewish • Completion of entire Shishah Sedarim interests toward the world without, • Completion of missing masechtos regarding the defense of Jewish rights in • On time for shloshim or yahrtzeit ''I I the non-Jewish world, then all groups • Tax deductible I acceptable for ma'aser L~~" m•" b< w•ikd"), h• --~-----~----·-N_.. ~_'_'l!l_D_>JJ_1_n_,_"_"_n_o_o_o_n_J___ jijj V I ..---~------·--· NOVEMBER 2008


Insight drawn from Mrs. Esther Farbstein's Hidden in Thunder: Perspectives on Faith, Halacha, and Leadership During the Holocaust. Originally published in Hebrew as Beseiser Ra'am, it was translated into English by Deborah Stern (Jerusalem: Mossad HaravKook, Feldheim 2007/5767, 760 pages, 2 volumes).

l'l ({ 'S \V"l


I. A KNOCK ON THE DOOR to answer them, she exa1nined n1ate­ decisions, help their kehillos, and take rials that others had overlooked. For risks despite danger. Often they were dden in Thunder begins dra· example, historians do not acknowledge reduced to even worse circumstances matically. Rabbi Silman as the first person to than the general Jewish population H On January 20, 1942, a ter­ warn the sealed Lodz Ghetto. Through because the Nazis were particularly rified Jew knocked on the door of Rabbi documentation, she shows that the harsh with rabbis. Ya' akov Silman of Grabow, in east­ rabbis were there for their people. ern Poland. "Who are you?" the rabbi A rabbi's home was the destination II. DIARIES AND MEMOIRS asked. even for non-religious Jews because ''I'm a Jew from the World to Come," the town rav was known and respected. iaries and memoirs attest to he replied. Rabbis were practical, spreading warn· rabbinic leadership. Teachers The man had escaped from the Chelmo ings through underground newspapers, Dand parents can use the chap· death camp- one ofthe few who managed emissaries, and codes. Rabbi Yehoshua ter comparing a rabbi's diary with his to do so - after the start of the murders Aronson sent a coded telegram to the men1oirs in order to involve the younger there. [All inserts in italic are direct Sochachover Rebbe in Warsaw, "Aunt generation. Rather than hearing about quotations from the book.] Esther from 7 Megilla Street, Apt. 4 is history, students can be engaged by Esther Farbstein quotes testimony of coming:' The recipient had only to look reading the raw 1naterials from \vhich an escapee from the first concentration in Megillas Esther 7,4 to decode it. history is written in order to ascertain camp, asking: Why was the first door The first chapters explode the canard the essential difference between these that the escapee knocked on that of the that rabbis fled en masse or were inac­ two types of primary sources ( dia­ town rabbi? Why were rabbis more likely tive. The author eschews apologetics, ries are written in real time; memoirs, to believe the horrible news? What did marshaling facts persuasively. Most rab· afterwards). the rabbis do? bis were with their townspeople, sharing In her calm, methodical way, histo· Esther Farbstein explains that these their suffering. Some acceded to the rian Esther Farbstein duels intellectually questions led to her earliest research; insistence of religious and non-religious with Holocaust historians who view Jews that they escape, because saving "memoirs as predisposed to exaggera· SHIRA SCHMIDT, A WRITER AND TRANSLATOR, LIVES IN KIRYAS SANZ, NETANYA, !SRA EL SHE WROTE Torah scholars is tantamount to saving tion and prettification." Presenting diary OLD WINE NEW Fl.. ASKS: REFJ,ECTIONS ON SCIENCI:.' Torah and Judaism. and men1oir entries side by side, she AND JEWISH TRADITION WIT!l NOBEL LAUREATE The author documents the leader· points out that differences are not due PROF. R. HOFFMANN, AND RECENTLY CO-TRANSLAT­ ship of rabbis who continued to render to the memoir writer "prettifying" the ED THE MEMOIRS OF FORMER CHIEF RABBI ISRAEL MEIR LAU, FORTHCOMING IN ENGLISH. 28 situation, but rather to different circun1- Another in-depth analysis ofleader­ below a certain height for the cremato­ stances and audiences. ship is the thirty-page chapter on activi­ ria. One taller boy, fifteen year-old Akiva One circumstance that affected the ties and teachings of Rabbi Kalonymos Mann, wanted to substitute himself writing of Holocaust diaries was fear Shapira (the Piaseczner), author of for a young scholar among the shorter that the manuscript would be discovered. Eish Kodesh (Fire of Holiness). He led condemned boys. Rabbi Meisels quotes This explains the extremely terse entries his Warsaw Ghetto community up to Akiva Mann: and the nearly total absence of any ref­ the bitter end and "spoke of stronger "Moshele is a diligent Torah scholar erences in the diary to resistance to the faith as being an outcome of suffer­ from whom everyone will benefit. I am Germans. ing," 1notivating Jews to maintain the not. I ani a worthless ignoramus. I have Diaries were succinct because time ember of faith. In her magnum opus, seen the loss of my parents and grand­ and writing materials were scarce. Rabbi Esther Farbstein also documents the parents, brothers and sisters ivho ivere Aronson explains that his diary"is writ­ broad scope of rabbinical leadership in taken to the left side to be burned. I'm ten with brevity, with neither overstate­ hundreds of ghettos and camps. left alone. If I have the privilege ofdoing ment nor understatement, merely the such a lofty thing- giving my life to save matters as I witnessed them." After the Ill. TEEN HEROISM dear Moshele - why shouldn't I?" war, he could expand in the safety of This is what the young lad argued to his 1nemoir. our chapters treat halachic me. I was shocked. I felt that this would For example, what are the essential dilemmas that arose during the soon paralyze my heart. Nevertheless, differences and similarities between FChurban. The most piercing ques­ by no means did I give him my consent his diary and memoir for the summer tion is quoted from Mekadshei Hashem of 1942? of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Meisels. Esther Diary: Reb Simcha Gardom consulted Farbstein gives the historical context, (Plnt:er) me explaining that when he went to work and we not only weep over the terrible Guty he had been beaten terribly and was unac­ dilen1ma) but gain insight into the WEINGARTEN customed to working in the fields. He is education of youth and their respect for Experienced Shadchan a halachic authority and has chosen to rabbis. On Rosh Hashana of 5705/1944, for all age groups >' sit and study rather than go out to work the Nazis "selected" boys in Auschwitz 347. 702.9494 and suffer interminable beatings, even though he knows that this will hasten his death. OUR STAND Memoir: Reh Simcha was an astute -----··-----­ few, a halachic authority, one ofour most NOW YOU CAN ! distinguished. One day Reb Simcha came to me - he had decided not to go out to PUT THE SPARK BACK I work. He knew he couldn't hold out much IN YOUR INSURANCE. I longer. Why should he suffer and afflict himself and be beaten? Wouldn't it be I Call me today to hear about these new better to learn a page of Gemara every optional features: New Car Replacement. I day? But they would notice him. "In that Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. 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-----·------~ NOVEMBER 2008

and I admonished him. He walked away ho ho>bmd, "'bbi Mo.ho ... in memory disappointed. Farbstein, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron.Mo~ Herein of a loved one A Esther Farbstein places this in context. lies the uniqueness of this book. Hidden l:AJIArff meritsthem Amidst the humiliating conditions of in Thunder provides the historical con- J;IJ'IH"-J #eternal G Auschwitz, this dialogue emerges from a text in which we can better understand f ~ • • • pleasantness &.tlJllV and light to different world - the world of the ques­ the reasoning behind decisions which the soul in tioner who loves the Torah more than life depend upon knowing what was trans­ Gan Eden.# itself, and the world of the rabbi who is piring in a given geographic location at UNO... (Chafetz Chaim) immersed in both halacha and compas­ a certain time. A question about eating To establish o perpetual Memorial or Honorary Fund at sion for the distressed questioner. non-kosher food in a Polish ghetto in one of our 31 branches across Eretz Yisroel, contact: Hidden in Thunder is character­ 1941 is worlds away from Hungary in ized by rigorous intellectual integrity 1943. OZER DALIM informed by profound religious belief, We have the unusual opportunity to D 1'7'T ,TllJ and if there are documents showing "listen in" on the meeting of the rab­ 1301 Avenue K, Brooklyn, NY 11230 another view) she will cite the1n. Here binical board in 1941 Lodz through the ii! (718) 434-2228 she qualifies that there were cases where sole surviving witness, Benzion Burstein. OzerDalim those who gave their lives to save others Whether to permit eating horsemeat was were viewed as heroes. on the agenda. A minority believed the Rabbi Menashe Klein disagreed (in situation [should J be deemed a time of Eretz Y1sroel's retrospect) with Rabbi Meisels' ruling. forced apostasy and demanded evay iota Most Reliable Shomer Shabbos He mentioned an act of self-sacrifice of the halacha be observed. The majority and English Speaking Car Service performed by a Belz Chassid for the sake regarded it as pikuach nefesh and kid­ Visiting Israel? Need Transport? of his Rebbe. dush hachayim (saving/sanctification of -CHOOSE- life) in which the struggle to survive was IV. QUESTIONS FROM HELL also a defiance of the Nazis' policy. Menashe Sopher's To understand the various opinions, Airport & Limousine Service he chapters on halacha add an the author places the deliberations Celebrating 12 years of unbeatable service! additional dimension to our in their historical context, so that \Ve OUR EFFICIENT ENGLISH-SPEAKING OFFICE STAFF, Tpreparations for holidays and understand how the decisions changed HJLLY-UCENSED, INSURED & AIR-CONDITIONED VANS, life-cycle events. The index enables the as the situation worsened in 1942. DRIVEN BY jE\\1SH, POLITE DRIVERS, ARE TAILOR-MADE FOR ALL OCCASIONS reader to locate material on questions In an interview, Esther Farbstein 1.718.360.5083 e··...... ·.····l'i; about holidays, Shabbos, and perform­ cautioned, "We run the danger of exag­ or 972.2.533.3425 .··· , , •'Iii ing a bris or wedding. Given the risks geration. Most Jews could not keep sales@rnsoQhera~rportcom · ··.;~: ·~·.~· -~: - www.msopherauport.com that Jews took to keep Torah and mitz­ Torah and mitzvos, but kept symbols vos) we appreciate better our freedom of mitzvos and holidays, indicating In Israel: 02-533-3425 to observe. love for mitzvos and a protest against Jews went to great lengths to do things the Nazis that demonstrated the inner Uncle Moishy, Dedi that in normal times would have been freedom of Jews who can still ask hala­ halachically meaningless - for instance chic questions." Avrohom Fried, making Kiddush on an inappropriate and other leading beverage or drinking four cups ofan inap­ \I. WEDDINGS Jewish entertainers propriate beverage on Pesach so as not to are available forget what Kiddush or a Seder is. he dilemma of marriage dur­ to visit Whose heart does not go out to the ing the Churban and afterwards pre-bar boy who requests to Treceives historical treatment. seriously ill don tefillin, lest he not reach the age of Particularly noteworthy is the courage children thirteen? In answering, the rabbis took of the surviving rabbis who shouldered thanks to "a broad view of the situation based on the responsibility of rendering diffi­ SIMCHAS CHAVA 1~~ concern for the moral and emotional cult, heart-rending decisions for agunos 1V'JWl -Pt? !S' n"v :li?V" ,, n:i rnn world of the individual as well as poten­ about missing spouses. AChessed project run by tial ramifications for society and Torah After the Holocaust, the issue of agu- Agwiuth Israel of Ameri'a in conjun,tion wi!h observance by the Jewish people in the nos became the most painful halachic Suki &: Ding Produ,tions future." question of all. The survivors were alone To set up an appointment. call: (212) 797-9000 Ext.235 The author emphasizes that in relat­ and broken, and although they could ing to halachic issues, she consulted with imagine what had happened to 1:J THE JEWISH OBSERVER

spouses, until their deaths becarne a "It's as if we were moving forward, encouraging the sur­ halachically determined fact, they could on a desert island viving ren1nant. not remarry. Within a short time, thou­ The Rebbe played a major part in the sands of requests for permission to marry here. There are no struggle for girls' education. Hundreds accumulated in the hands ofpainfully few Jewish books. Please, ofgirls enrolled in the network of schools rabbis. A solution was needed urgently; that he set up in the first year after libera­ pressure built up in all the DP camps. send us a Bible with tion. The Rebbe kept track of each girl's On the other hand, extreme caution was commentaries, a spiritual condition, listened to their trou­ necessary. Hebrew dictionary, bles, and gave them moral support. One The author describes some of the special project was the "Letter to Girls" on main concepts. books of ethics, Jewish the parasha. On Shabbos, he taught them The courts based their rulings on the history and so on. himself, sitting in the beis midrash behind same set of laws and categories as in all a curtain. He assurned responsibility for previous generations. [In determining We are not looking finding suitable husbands. His attitude whether a husband is no longer alive, for pity." toward them was so fatherly that some the categories include]: "Being led to his regarded his work with the girls as the execution," "endless water," "a city cap­ pinnacle of his activity. tured by troops," and "all traces of him Were it not for the fact that I live have been lost." "Whole and shattered tablets" is how in Kiryas Sanz among several dozen Decisions about the chances that a Rabbi Aronson described his fellow survivors. women who were teenagers in these spouse were alive depended on how the Some of them had ren1ained intact, so1ne DP camps and can attest to the accu­ Holocaust was perceived. were cracked and were atten1pting to repair racy of the above description, I might The most challenging questions came then1selves, and some tvere s1nashed. have thought this to be hyperbolic up to ascertain when the spouse lvas last Rabbanis Farbstein identifies four hagiography. But, if anything, it is an seen in the ghetto. Could he be alive? factors that weakened religious life understatement. Was everyone in the ghetto comparable among Holocaust survivors. Thus, the The 760-page book has some minor to a person who had "fallen into endless steadfastness of the survivors who stayed drawbacks. The author departs from water"? religious is most impressive. It is on this her reasoned, rational tone once. She Wearing her historian's hat, Esther hopeful note that Hidden in Thunder describes in overly subjective language Farbstein points out that halachic dis­ concludes. the changes wrought by the Lodz cussions were based on information In a pedagogically brilliant tour de Judenrat head, Chaim Rumkowski, who about the ghettos and the assessment force, t\VO letters written in displaced "arrogated the rabbi's job" of perform­ of the Final Solution. persons camps weeks after liberation ing marriages, which was "a disgraceful Did Nazis plan ghettos in advance as are presented in their entirety. trick meant to enhance [Rumkowski's] "death chambers" from which there was What is a letter? It can be a written image" by creating "a ludicrous cer­ no escape? Or was the decision to exter­ snapshot of a situation or an admission emony" [341-345]. The criticism of nzinate all Jews rnade only at a certain ticket to a time tunnel. these weddings could have been leveled stage, until which survival 1nay have One is from the Bergen-Belsen DP with an objective description of the been possible? The rabbis' answers varied. camp by leader Rivkah changes instituted. The other criticis1n Rabbi Herzog believed that in the ghetto Horowitz: is that there are some trivial technical period, survival was possible. In contrast, We need your help. First and foremost, errors easily corrected in future edi­ Rabbi Meisels considered ghettos to have send us newspapers, journals, and news tions (e.g., the index lists two different been formed a priori as deathtraps. This from our 1novement. It's as if we were on people named Moshe Weiss under the combined with the concept "all traces of a desert island here. There are no Jewish same heading). These reservations are him have been lost" [could make] it pos­ books. Please, send us a Bible with com- truly insignificant in view of the major sible to permit the spouse to ren1arry. 1nentaries, a Hebrew dictionary, books of contribution this book represents. ethics, /elvish history and so on. We are We began this review with the book's VI. RECONSTRUCTION not looking for pity. first sentence, and conclude with its last: Esther Farbstein uses this letter to The letters are highly symbolic with oday the Chareidi community discuss the role of the Bais Yaakov move­ respect to the Holocaust generation. The is sufficiently self-confident to ment in survival and rehabilitation. topics discussed in them - Jewish books Tdiscuss the loss of faith by some Note her description of the activities of and Jewish youth - represent vital ele­ during the Churban. In a hundred­ the Klausenburger-Sanz Rebbe, whose ments that preserved the DNA of the page section on the survivors, Esther wife and eleven children were murdered. Jewish people, enabling the nation to come Farbstein \vrites: He did not pause for self-pity, but kept back to life after the Holocaust. ~··

31 L ___ _ ------·"------NOVEMBER 2008


NEW SEMESTER begins. A new get at the end of the week. Others are Sometimes, little things make the season starts. Nevv hopes, new motivated by the screaming baby who biggest difference, as they did with A visions, ne\v plans for the wants his bottle now. And still others Devoirie: future. All youngsters start the new are motivated by the fact that a chavrusa Devoirie was having a hard time in year with a sense of anticipation. This is waiting. school and her slow academic progress time, I'll try harder. I'll do better. I'll pay Son1etimes, n1otivation comes fro111 was starting to affect her mood. It can1e attention. I'll give it my best shot. And external factors, such as these. We need to the point that she had lost the sense n1any times, they do achieve a greater to accomplish certain things because of joy that is common in children. The degree of success. others expect it of us, because we have spring in her step and the sparkle in her But often, those new hopes are dashed a responsibility to be there, or because eyes were gone. just about as soon as the new notebook we will be rewarded in some way. Other But Devoirie started fifth grade with gets scratched, the pencils get chewed up, times, 111otivation is internal. We n1ay be a sense of renewal. She was hoping that and the backpack 1notivated by a passion to 'vork to our this year, things would change. Her par­ shows wear and fullest potential. We may be motivated ents davened that her new teacher would "You had a tear. Children, because \Ve believe in ourselves. Or we bring back the sparkle that was missing. like all of us, are may be 1notivated because we wish to Ultimately, their prayers were answered. great first creatures of habit. attain a personal goal. On the first day of school, Devoirie day, Devoirie, They fall into the What's the secret to motivating stu­ ca1ne home looking a little 1nore cheer­ san1e patterns dents? It's probably one of the most ful than she had been in a while. I think this year after year. perplexing issues facing educators and Mommy and Tatty casually asked her will be a And all too often, parents alike. And whose job is it any­ how the first day had gone. "Pretty wonderful those hopes and way? The answer to this question is clear. nice;' she answered cautiously. "My dreams for a bet­ It's the responsibility of every adult who teacher, Morah T, smiles a lot. She even year and a ter and brighter con1es in regular contact \Vith kids. smiled at me and told me that she liked new future fall to the But of course, a master tnechaneich or my shoes." With that, Devoirie went to wayside. a super teacher knows this already. So her roon1. beginning for \"/hat's miss­ does a responsible parent. Five minutes later, Devoirie reap­ you. See you ing here? In a peared in the kitchen, beaming from tomorrow, word, n1otivation. ear to ear. "Look at what 1ny new morah What is motiva­ THE MOTIVATING TEACHER sneaked into my notebook," she said to Morah" tion? It's the abil­ her parents ity to in1prove olumes have been vvritten about On the first page of the notebook, our efforts and motivating children in the class­ there was a sticky-note with a sn1iley rouse ourselves into action. It's the V room. It is probably the greatest on it. Morah T had apparently placed magic ingredient that adds a measure challenge of a mechaneich! mechaneches. it there when Devoirie wasn't looking. of oomph to the day. lt's an essential Open the desk drawer of any kitah It read: factor of learning. aleph rebbi and you'll find an assort­ You had a great first day, As soon as we \vake up, we are (hope­ ment of small toys and candies. Check Devoirie. fully) motivated to join the world. Some out the bulletin board in the hallway I think this will be a wonderful of us are motivated by the salary we of any middle school and discover a year and a new beginning for you. variety of student co1npositions and test See you tomorrow, MRS. SCHONFELD FOUNDED ANO DIHECTS THE papers adorned with gold stars. These Morah WIDl:LY ;\CCLAIMEO EDUCATIONAi. PROGRAM, SOS are motivating tools that are designed Did Morah T do this for every one of (STRATEGIES FOR 0PT!ML'M SUCCESS), SERVICING to stimulate stndents to work harder her students? I don't know. But she did Al.L GRADE LEVELS JN SECll!.AR AS WELi. AS 1-lEBREW

STUDIES. SHE ALSO OFFERS TE.,>,CHER Tl~A!NING AND and achieve more. The challenge is to it for Devoirie and it worked vvonders. EDUCATIONAi. CO,...SULTlNG SER\llCLS, AND EVAl.U­ discover the motivational approach that Devoirie \Vas now deter1nined to do her AT!ONS, A"iD HAS EXTENSIVE EXPERTISE IN SOCIAL works best with individual children. very best. And even though there were SKILLS TRAINING.

32 some difficult weeks and months ahead I or negative co1nn1ents. Once you've a super-achiever, n1ost likely, his young­ of her, the memory of that note was a deter1nined whether there are «issues" er brothers have heard the refrain "Why true "Motivator" which spurred her on or not, it's itnportant to try and focus can't you be more like your brother?" to strive for greater heights. A simple on the good. Your child is, of course, Parents must avoid the impulse to do note fron1 a teacher, but an incredible holding his breath, as well. A positive the same thing. Children are keenly gesture that made a child feel special. response from you will bolster his ego aware of how much their siblings are Needless to say, that note was hanging and motivate him to try harder next achieving. They know that their sister on the wall near Devoirie's desk all time. Later, \Vhen you are both relaxed, was chosen to be the star of the produc­ year long. you can discuss ways of making any tion or that their brother has merited necessary changes. to be Talmid Hashana. They are already THE MOTIVATING PARENT • Avoid comparing the child to his or struggling with mixed emotions of envy her siblings. This breeds resentment and pride. Don't add to the jealousy f parents think that they are off the and anger, not nlotivation. and the resentn1ent. Instead, focus on hook in terms of motivating their In our community, with its 1nany each child's special qualities, even hiring I children, they are mistaken. This large families, very often, a rebbi or a private instructors to develop extracur­ challenging task is just too overwhelm­ teacher will be privileged to teach several ricular talents when necessary. ing for one group to tackle on its own. siblings of one family. If"big brother" is • Be a good role model. You simply can't expect a teacher or a rebbi with thirty students in a class to focus on 1notivating each one of them individually. Rather, parents should work together with the staff and admin­ istration on motivating their children to achieve. Richard Lavoie's monumental work, The Motivation Breakthrough, offers sug­ YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM gestions to parents on how to 111otivate Bais Medrash Zichron Ezra children for success. Let us review these NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA and consider how we can incorporate then1 into our own families' lives. WILL BE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR • Success is the greatest motivator. THE U"Ol/Jl1 7i7x -2009 SCHOOL YEAR Recognize, reinforce, and celebrate BEGINNING ON U"Ol/Jl1 jll/JM l/J,ln l/JXi the child's successes and progress - OCTOBER 26, 2008. even sn1all victories. • Have you ever seen a child rush to his mother to show her a ninety on a test, while she waves him away because she is on the cell phone? Ho\v n1any times do we dismiss our children's accomplishments without giving them the praise they deserve? Sooner or later, these children will not bother to show off their good grades. And what's worse, they'll retain the subliminal message that WELLNESS COACHING nobody really cares whether they do Cancer • Diabetes • Hypertension • Stress •Weight Management, etc. well or not. So why bother? WHEN YOU WOULD BENEFIT FROM A LIFESTYLE CHANGE - JalWANT••• • VVhen reviewing a test or report card with a child, always comment YERACHMIEL DONOWITZ, M.S. first on the positive aspects. Ucensed Wellness Coach • Member of NEFESH International Like many parents of struggling Call: 718.734.6601 for a free consultation. students, you hold your breath when your child hands you his report card. www.wellcoaches.com Then, you scan it quickly, searching for www:navigatingbasics.com I L~'red flags;' such as failing grades HELPING NAVIGATE THE SEAS OF LIFE

------~ NOVEMBEH 2 0 0 8

Participate in activities such as Torah the children are out of earshot. Inevitably, the child struggles through learning, chessed, askanus, hachnasas Nothing kills motivation faster than the assignment, and wonders whether orchim, etc. Maintain a Torahdike home. a disgruntled parent. The sublimi­ there's something terribly wrong with Never expect more from your children nal n1essage is: "This school is not him. than you do from yourself. worth any of my efforts." Instead, tell your son, "This home­ • Show your children that you care • Do not tell a child that an upcom­ work looks like it's a challenge, but I about their chinuch and education. ing task will be "easy" when in fact know that you're going to try hard to Speak positively about their yeshiva it will be challenging. get it done:' That validates her feelings and its hanhala, because - believe Well-intentioned parents think that and offers encourage1nent at the sa1ne 1ne - your children are listening they are motivating their children to time. to your every word. If you have succeed by trying to convince them that "issues" with the way certain things memorizing all fifty states in alphabeti­ • Communicate with your body lan­ are handled, deal with these when cal order is a cinch. It isn't, of course. guage and behavior that your child's inessage is i1nportant to you. Today, we're all multi-tasking. At any given time, we are preparing din­ ner, checking our messages, taking our phone calls, doing the laundry. Suddenly little Shayaleh walks in and wants to tell us about his day. It won't be easy, but we're going to have to put down the iron, the measuring spoon, the Blackberry, or whatever and give him our full and undivided attention. Make eye contact with him and really focus on what he is saying, even if ifs Erev Yo1n 10v and there are a thousand things to do. This signals that we are delighted to listen to him and eager to receive his message. It also tells hin1 that he's more in1portant THE VORT • The menu for the seuda is to us than anything else. •· rtie ..voi-i ·ceieGration· 15 ·to· ·tie limited to 3 courses followed by a discontinued. The L'chaim (held at regular dessert. • Create a safe, happy home environ­ the time that the engagement is • No Viennese table and no bar. ment. announced) should also not turn Make your home a comfortable and into a Vort. THE MUSIC secure haven for your family. Enjoy each THE WEDDING • A band may consist of a maximum other's company. Plan family activities .- ·Far· ·t;,iilca'i' tamiiies: ·0ri1y· '466 of 5 musicians (one of the musicians together, and not just on Chol Hamoed. may act as a vocalist) or four musi­ Of course, the children are in school invited guests may be seated at the most of the day and you're at work, but cians and one additional vocalist. chassuna seuda. (The Guidelines you still have those long Friday after­ make provision for exceptional • A one-man band is recom­ noons that you can spend together. circumstances - see full text.) mended. The goal is to create emotionally • The kabbolas panim smorgas­ healthy children who will come to school bord should be limited to basic FLOWERS &. CHUPA DECOR filled with confidence and self-esteem . cakes, fruit platters, a modest buf­ .- tfie· icitai ·cosi ci'f'itiese· items tor The goal is to encourage progress and to fet, and the caterer's standard the entire wedding should not celebrate the successes. There's no such chicken or meat hot dishes. exceed $1,800. thing as a child who can't be motivated, and there's also no such thing as an adult FOR THE FULL VERSION OF THE SIMCHA GUIDELINES who can't learn the necessary skills and techniques that will achieve motivation. WITH ITS RABBINICAL ENDORSEMENTS A new year is upon us, filled with fresh AND THE ACCOMPANYING KOL KOREH, possibilities. Let's do our best to make please call 212.612.2300 it a year of beracha and hatzlacha for all I

._3_4------·-~- - . . . . . --- . . ---- -om~ild~ - .. - J CELEBl;fl


ssun1ing that we now agree that we have a major problem that Amust be addressed, it is now time to deal with a few practical questions resulting from the above observations. What are the red flags? When do we know that \'Ve have crossed the line, entering the zone defined as noise pol­ lution? The officially recognized limit for noise level is 85 decibels. Now, obvious­ ly, most people do not have the equip­ ment to measure sound scientifically. However, here are some telltale signs - if the musicians are all wearing ear plugs, \Vhilst unsuspecting guest are close to the amplifiers, you can be sure that a message is being delivered: "The noise level here tonight will be dangerous. We need to protect ourselves. As for you, dear guest, that's your problem!" Another simple method is given in the official literature of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Inc.,: "If you have to 1

------shout over background noise to_m:J r-=·······

yourself heard, that noise may damage your hearing." The experience of n1ost people at weddings today is beyond that description. Shouting over background WORlDWIDf Cf llPHON[ Rf NTAlS noise doesn't even help anymore .... I remember an embarrassing incident Incoming Calls FRH in many countries! at a Willia111sburg chasuna where a rav of distinction was trying to tell me some­ m Lowest rates for Israel & thing and in desperation, I motioned him to join me outside, as I could not • Overnight nationwide shipping hear one single word he was saying. • Student & Group discounts PHONE RENTAL Amazingly, Eretz Yisroel is one step • Corporate accounts vie/come 50% OFF ahead of the USA in this field. New legislation dictates that the maximum permitted noise level, as stated, is 85 decibels. If exceeded, a warning light TravelCell' 1.877.CELLPHONE would flash for 30 seconds, and if the Global Cellular Rental Solutions www.travelcell.com volume is not decreased, the syste1n \Vould auto111atically disconnect! A spe­ cial beracha awaits the pioneer who will import the same idea to this country. Treasured Issue on Special Finally, what practical recommen· Memories Rabbi Shmuel dation can be given, particularly to a Berenbaum •.:,..~t and Rabbi rnechutan who knows that whatever he Alter Chanoch Henach may agree with the musician in advance Leibowitz '.:>"lit will be overruled by the younger guests on the wedding night? The solution They're abuzz about the here is not complicated. V\Then nego­ May /lyar issue on tiating with the musician, tell him as Halacha in the follows: I am planning to employ you Business World and it is I who will be paying you. Ifyou play the way that I request, if you lower the voh11ne as soon as [ask you to, you will be paid promptly in full, as agreed. If I have to return and ask again (and It's not too late to get the current again) for the volume to be reduced, you September Jewish Observer Elul: Of can then approach those who demanded Transitions er Transformations I On Track in Turbulent that you increase the volunze to pay you, Times / From Bear Stearns to Bava Metzia / From as you will then have acted as though they Kolle/to the Workplace/ Inspired by Rabbi Boruch employed you. I will not be paying you Borchardt 7"Y'I' /Neither Heksher, Nor Tzedek one single cent.'' The present writer sincerely believes that if this agreement is reached - ide­ ally, a proper legal document would be _;:---- jib~ Subscriptl~tt:c>- _,,,_,,,,-;:-:~~--~r1~¥,'drt; ~~~:t~ii.if, signed by both musician and mechu· x-:-~~y, free of change--:-_a,s-_-o,t!r_~J~~~f~-~ ~~ YQ,~i;;j~f<>cli:: tan - the problem could and would be solved. Chasunos would be much ··-ij'~~~;.;~.;.;;~~~~;;;j;;;un;;;;;;;--·------I more enjoyable, the atmosphere far more appropriate, and all the horrific hazards described above would become ! a nightmare of the past. Above all, there I would surely be a positive impact on :J I )"<.,!f fonr~WJ/ - SJ5 >-iO Y<>U saw U[l !<> $H! the homes established at weddings >.\\II / conducted in a way that is no'ach

N ACQUAINTANCE WAS ATTENDING a local chasuna, seated at a table that was near one of the large speakers. During the loud and lively music, he noticed that the sounds became echoey and distorted. He called me because he wondered Aif this would only be a temporary condition. I tested his hearing that evening, and found a moderate to severe sensori-neural hearing loss in both ears. Unfortunately, it was not a temporary hearing loss. Despite some recovery, the gentleman continues to suffer from impaired hearing. It is very unusual for a single exposure to result in permanent hearing loss, but it did happen, and there are other cases cited in the audiological literature of people acquiring hearing loss, tinnitus (noise in the ears), and even vertigo (dizziness) after one excessively loud music exposure. The condition is entitled "M!HC' (Music Induced Hearing Loss). The more usual occurrence is for MIHL to develop gradually over several exposures to loud music, but the occurrence and degree of MIHL depends on the intensity and the duration of one's exposure to loud music. Intensity or loudness is measured in sound pressure level (SPL) on a scale known as the decibel (dB) scale or "dB SPC' for short. Examples of typical dB levels are as follows: 1. Whisper is about 35 dB SPL. 2. Normal conversation is about 60 dB SPL. 3. A gun shot is about 160 dB SPL. These are the rules regarding safe listening exposures to help avoid MIHL: 1. If the loudness of the music is 85 dB SPL, then one can listen safely for 8 hours. 2. If the loudness is 88 dB SPL, then one can listen safely for 4 hours. 3. If the loudness is 91 dB SPL, then it's okay to listen for 2 hours. 4. If the music is played at 94 dB SPL, then it's alright for 1 hour. 5. If the loudness is 97 dB SPL, then it's okay for a half-hour. 6. If the music is 100 dB SPL, then listening for more than 15 minutes can be dangerous. I recently brought a professional Sound Level Meter to three chasunos. The music at my table varied from 95 to 100 dB SPL. According to hearing research, listening to this mnsic for more than 15 or so minutes could result in some permanent loss of hearing. I placed my Sound Level Meter about three feet in front of the band where bachurim like to stand and dance. The meter registered levels of over 110 dB SPL. According to hearing research, 110 dB SPL is capable of rendering hearing loss after only one-and-a-half minutes. HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN MUSIC IS LOUD ENOUGH TO HARM US? These are three warning signs that we should all take note of while listening: 1. Temporary hearing loss - our hearing seems to be less sensitive that usual. 2. Tinnitus - we notice a buzzing or ringing noise in our ears. 3. Ear discomfort - our ears may hurt, or feel full, or feel vibrations.

WHAT CAN WE DO TO PREVENT MUSIC INDUCED HEARING LOSS? There are several ways to prevent MIHL. They are as follows; 1. Avoidance: Leave the area if the music is having the effects noted above, or if it's possible, move to a spot where the discomfort subsides. 2. Ear protection devices: There are two types of ear plugs suitable for simchos. a. One is the familiar, disposable, spongy cylinder that one rolls up, and inserts into the ear canal. These may cost about a dollar per pair. b. The other type of ear protector is the custom-made ear plug. This type is made by an audiologist after taking impressions of one's ears. The impressions are then sent to a laboratory, which produces the custom fit devices. A pair of custom ear plugs costs about $175. Of course, these are not disposable, and can be nsed for many simchos. 3. Contract with the band leader: The most effective way to deal with dangerously loud music is to not to have it in the first place. Interview the prospective band leader, and have him sign a contract stipulating the music levels that you will accept at your simcha. I would select a maximum level of 88 dB SPL, since this can be safely lis­ tened to for about four hours.


AVRAHAM AVINU: THE SOURCE the previous Mishnah focuses on pure spiritual endurance. What has allowed i genealogy, namely the ten generations Jews to develop tolerance for even HE UITIMATE FOUNDATION and from Noach to Avraham. Jn that respect, the intolerable, assured that all would pillar of wisdom is the realiza­ Avraham was not decidedly more of a eventually work out for the best? Again Ttion that there is a First Being paternal figure for our nation than vvas Avraham, who, despite the crippling who brought everything else into exis­ Noach, from whom all of subsequent famine that greeted him upon his arrival tence. 1 Belief in G-d - as both Creator humanity originates. What distinguishes in Canaan,4 never once questioned the and historical Guide - has stood at the Avraham as our collective father, says Divine plan. These and other spiritual heart of)udaism from its very inception Rav Chaim, is the fact that he success­ qualities were transmitted directly to the nearly four thousand years ago,' when fully completed a series of tests - the Jewish People due to the self-sacrifice our forefather Avraham began his search focus of the subsequent Mishnah - and fundamental faith of Avraham for truth in the limited and confusing that strengthened and internalized his Avinu. world of paganism. Once this belief deep sense of belief.' That belief he For centuries, Avraham's offspring was established, it guided him for the bequeathed to future generations, as if have strongly maintained their firm remainder of his life, through the vari­ through our genetic code, becoming our sense of belief, despite the many trials ous trials and challenges that he would progenitor on a much deeper level. and tribulations that have confronted experience. Numerous illustrations bear out this them, including persecution, expul­ The impact of this faith has been point. Take, for example, the issue of sion and death. Modern Jewish history, felt ever since. Jn Ruach Chaim, Rabbi self-sacrifice. Why is it, asks Rav Chaim, however, tells a different story, one in notes the slight dif­ that so n1any Jews, even the irreligious, which this basic tenet of Judaism has ference in tern1inology between Pirkei have been willing to sacrifice their own dramatically waned. Avos 5:4, which refers to Avraham by lives for the sanctification of Heaven? Nowhere has this been truer than the term "Avinu" (our father), and the The answer: because of Avraham's readi­ in the United States. According to a preceding Mishnah, where the title is ness to choose death in a fiery furnace recent Harris poll,' only 30 percent of omitted. He states that the reason for rather than acquiesce to the sacrilegious American Jews assertively acknowledge the distinction is due to the fact that demands of King Nimrod. the existence of a Creator. Another 12 We see this again in relation to our percent of American Jewry stated that ----~----~------.----- ! Rc11nha1n, A1ishnah Torah, Hi/chos Yesodei historic connection to the Holy Land. "fo they do not believe in G-d at all, with the Hatorah l·.1 remaining 58 percent expressing some 2 So central a Jewish tenet is faith in G-d that what can we attribute a Jew's ever pres­ according to Afechilta (She1nos 20:2), the first ent longing for his national homeland, form of doubt regarding G-d's exis­ "commandment" of the Decalogue, namely "I even after nearly two millennia of life tence.'' Contrast this with the 76 percent atn the L-rd your G-d," is not an actual com- in exile? To Avraham, who hearkened to 1nand1nent, as G-d could not n1andate belief G-d's voice and left his extended family 4 Ra1nham, Peirush Han1ishnayos, Avos 5:3 in Hitnself. Only once a person has con1111itted 5 Released on October 3 l, 2006 himself to such faith can he be expected to adhere and homeland for a faraway, unknown 6 Astonishingly, these figures actually repre­ to con1mandn1ents. destination. sent an increase in Divine recognition amongst ----·~----~· RABBI HOl'f' OF CH!C..\GU SF'RVES AS AssoC!AlT Yet another application of this idea American Jews. A siinilar poll conducted three PRINCIPAL OF YESHIVA Sf!E'ARlS YISROE!.VE!TZE- is the Jewish penchant for physical and years earlier found that only 48°/o of Jevvs in this country had soine belief in the existence of G-d, 1\/ER CHEDER, IS AN INSTRUCTOR JN HEBREW --- -~··------~------THEOl.OCICA!. COLLEGE. A;'>.10 TEACHES lN !DA 3 See Ramban to Bereishis 22,1 for a n1ore compared with 64°/o today (w·ith part of the 58o/o

CRO\\/N JEWISH ACADEMY. HE ALSO IS MID\\/ES"I complete explanation of the function of n1entioned). l9o/o did not believe in G-d at all, a Divine tests. figure which has since dropped to 12o/o. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF PRIORITY-I. 39 ------~···-~------~---' I=- ____ ...••.•..••••~ ______--_. ... •-••===·-~--o-_v.~:_",,-~_"·==~·~=-~-"--- _••~----=·- --·~-=-~· ---=-i 1 On top of the growing religious disconnect is a strong 1 decline of Jewish awareness and pride, as well as a minimal sense of connection and responsibility to the Jewish People, particularly amongst our youth.

of An1erican Protestants and 64 percent can we, as Orthodox Jews, do to sten1 g1ous beliefs and values can1e under of this nation's Catholics who expressed this very troubling tide? attack as unscientific, counterintuitive "absolute certainty" of the Divine. Less and a hindrance to progress, failing than 5°/o of American Christians believe WESTERNIZATION: to withstand the scrutiny of the indi­ that there is no G-d. RELIGIOUS EROSION vidual's conscience, the supren1e new These statistics require explanation. arbiter of ethical morality. How is it possible that such a sizable ertainly, much of the blame [Immanuel] Kant, whose moral component of the Jewish People, the for the diminished state of our philosophy is the culmination of nation that introduced, popularized Creligious belief can be laid at 19th century individualism, insisted and embodied the concept of belief in the doorstep of rationalis1n, human­ on mora] autonomy to such an the Almighty, could express widespread isn1, individualism' and materialism - extent that any law coming from the doubt in, if not outright rejection of, philosophical frameworks that emerged outside, even if that outsider is G-d G-d's existence? In addition, what might in recent centuries on the heels of Himself, must he subjected to the explain the significantly higher degree the Enlightenment and the Industrial scrutiny of man's own conscience of non-belief within the American Revolution. Throughout the West, reli- and moral self-legislation. To Kant, Jewish community than that which only autonomy was the basis of true exists amongst this nation's Christian 7 A tenn used to describe a 1noral, political, or morality.8 social outlook that stresses hun1an independence population? Most importantly, what and the i1nportance of individual self-reliance These ideas transformed Western and liberty. 111an. No longer \.Vas he the historical servant of G-d, required to sub1nit his will to that of his Creator. Rather, he was a thinker first and a believer second, an independent being relying on scientific reason and analysis to guide his beliefs and actions." At first, the Jewish con11nunity, with its deep sense of belief and long­ We need your help to ensure proper delivery of the Jewish Observer to your home. standing co1n1nitn1ent to religion, Please attach current mailing label in the space below, or print clearly your address and computer processing numbers that are printed above your name on the address label. withstood the powerful current of the Enlightenment. To intellectuals in Christian society, the question posed by the Enlightenment was really: How large a part, if any, Affix old label here should G-d play in an increasingly secular culture? To Jews, the question \V'1S_, rather:_\'V_liat_p_ar:t,_if_any,sh()tUQ Name ______8 Grunfeld, Dayan I., introductory essay to the 1962 English translation of Rabbi San1son Raphael Hirsch's I!oreb, p. LXXIV New Address 9 This was a far cry fro1n the Christian Europe City, of the t\1iddle Ages, where religion don1inated the continental landscape. "During the eleventh State, ______Zip century the Ro1nan Catholic Church achieved a level of supremacy greater by far than anything in Date Effective ------­ the past. The European world had becon1e what Pope Gregory VII c;;i.lled 'Christendo1n., . .' 1-ie and Send address The Jewish Observer changes to: his successors were lo be its supreine rulers ... Change of Address (claiming) power and authority transcending , 42 Broadway, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004 those of all earthly kingdoins." (Glick, Leonard B., Abraha111 :~- Heirs: Jews and Christians in Please allow 4-6 weeks for all changes to be reflected on your mailing label. We will not I bl f lv!edieva! Eurone, Sv. racuse Universit)' Press, L-~~·~ ::::·=~~~!:·::~:=~'.:: -~ _j I00 ·=·'":_) __ -____ secular knovvledge play in the culture assemblies, at balls and dinner par· of personal sacrifice \vhich has turned so of G-d?rn ties, at concerts and salons .... Is it many so called "secular" Jews a\vay from Soon thereafter, hu\vever, Je\VS became any wonder, then, that this 'ancient, open recognition of their Creator. increasingly n1ore open to the sweeping inhibiting' religion should have been ideas of secularism. A number of fac­ shaken off without hesitation in the I DEVELOPING A SENSE 12 tors, both external and internal, influ­ rush to join in the 'progress'?" OF URGENCY enced this change. ln 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte extended the political liber· MORE THAN FAITH ALONE ecularis111, however) is by no .means ties achieved by the French Revolution our only area of concern. On top to France's Jewish comn1unities. Other ince that tin1e, Je\vs have secular­ Sof the growing religious disconnect European govern111ents soon followed. 11 ized very rapidly, at a far faster is a strong decline of ]e\vish a\vareness Napoleon's tnotivation: to secularize Srate than that of the Christian and pride, as \vell as a n1inimal sense and assimilate his Jewish population, community during the same period. A of connection and responsibility to the thereby solving the "Jewish question" strong reason for this, I suspect, is the Jewish People, particularly amongst our once and for all: fundan1ental distinction between the youth. The result has been staggering " [Expulsion J is not the way to way in \vhich Jews and Christians are rates of assimilation and inter1narriage, solve the Jewish question. I will instructed to conceive of G·d and His and a low birth rate, factors which point never accept any proposals that will expectations for humanity. to an aging, declining population in the obligate the Jewish People to leave For the Christian, G·d gives life years ahead. France, because to me the Jews are rneaning and den1ands little in return. While the severity of these factors the same as any other citizen in our Christian theology states that faith is certainly points to a religious and de1no­ country. It takes weakness to chase paramount, deeds secondary. Salvation graphic crisis, with dire ra111ifications them out of the country, but it takes comes to those \vho believe. for future generations, I believe that it strength to assimilate them." For the Jew, however, G·d expects is precisely because oftheir grave nature Si111ultaneous inroads made within more, much more. Deeds, not creeds that these same issues \vill eventually the Jewish community itself; first by alone, fonn the basis of our religion, and serve to help restore the Jewish People to Reform in Western Europe, and later serve as the true litmus test for our lives their rightful place as bearers of belief in by Haskala to the east, convinced an as Jews. It's what you do - along with G-d and His n1ission to hun1anity. increased percentage of Jews that the what you truly believe - that defines In describing the possible scenarios future did not lay in their "antiquated" your place in the Jewish religion. TO that will prompt Moshiach's arrival, the faith, but in a nevv, inviting \vorld order acknowledge G·d's existence, therefore, Gemara (Sanhedrin 98a) offers two, that emphasized the Jew's position with· is to accept His demands for continuous disparate alternatives. in the general gentile society over his effort and sacrifice, fulfilling His corn· Rabbi Yochanan said, "The son of place with his Iv1aker. }e\vs were encour­ n1anthnents while abstaining fron1 many David will come only in a generation aged to "be a n1an on the street and a of the pleasures and opportunities, that is either altogether righteous or Jew in (his) tent;' adopting the practices materialistic and otherwise, available to altogether wicked." and values of the host society. the modern man. As Rav Meir Simcha Rabbi Eliyahu E. Dessler 14 asks the In the words of Rabbi Samson of Dvinsk said it: obvious question: If Moshiach will come Raphael Hirsch: "Know that the Jewish religion to redeem a generation that is con1- ''Ever since the beginning of our is divided into two areas, faith and pletely without merit, why would he present [19'"] century, they had come deeds. With regards to faith, the not redeen1 a generation that is partially to view our ancestral faith as old­ negative commandments are eas­ righteous? Certainly their merits are fashioned. It was no longer suited ier to fulfill . . . but the positive greater! He ansvvers that a generation to the sons and daughters of this commandments are difficult and that is moderately virtuous typically century, in their full dress coats and require active belief in personal does not possess the necessary sense evening gowns. Old style Judaism Divine providence .... However, with of spiritual urgency needed to bring was always in the way, so oddly regards to deeds, the positive com· Moshiach. Rather, it falls into a false out of place at the fraternities and mandments are easier ... while the sense of complacency, thinking that

10 Johnson, Paul, A flisto1)' o.fthc Jell's, Harper negative commandments are quite the merits that it does possess will be 13 and Row, New York, 1987, p. 299 challenging." sufficient for it to achieve the ultin1ate l l Everywhere the French sword advanced, In the context of our human-cen­ goal of redemption. Thus, it lacks the fewish freedom and liberty followed, inoving tered, materialistic world, it is this issue necessary impetus for further spiritual progressively throughout the continent dur­ - -·-·-·-·--·-- growth and will not witness the ultimate ing the next century. By 1919, every European 12 Collected Writings Vol. VI, Fe!dhein1, New country, \.vith the sole exception of Spain, had York, 1992, p. I 08 redemption. en1ancipated their Je,,.vs. 13 Afeshech Chacluna, She!nos 20,2 14 1\1ichtav A1eiE!(vahu, Vol. 1, p. 159 NOVEMBER 2008 .·=-i !

A generation that is completely with­ our secular brethren. In Sifsei Chain1, 17 out merit, however, realizes that it has Rabbi Chaim Friedlander distinguishes much to do in order to achieve 1nean­ between earlier generations, which chose ingful change and eventual deliverance the path of irreligiosity on their own, from our long exile. Thus, under the and their descendents, who \Vere raised Specializing in High Quality right circun1stances, it can make the ignorant of their Jewish tradition. Silver Repair & Restoration sincere, wholesale spiritual changes nec­ Those of the former category, who :718.387.4207 essary to usher in the messianic era. understood what they were forsaking, actively rebelled against G-d and His DESPERATE TIMES. Torah. They were deeply invested in Digest of Meforshim DESPERATE MEASURES their decision - regardless of the motiva­ tion behind it- and were highly unlikely '"1i77 in:i '"1i77 ecular Jewry has begun to sense to sway back into the religious fold. ':nn ivv'?N ':iN1r.iv i";rmr.i and, more importantly, publicly Those of the latter category, however, Available at Sacknowledge the enormity of the are considered as "infants that were kid­ LEKUTEI problem that they have created for napped" by gentiles, and raised without c!o Yitzchok Rosenberg themselves. Consider this from the secu­ a true understanding of Judaism. While 1445 54th Street lar A1nerican Jev.rish Committee: even more ignorant and religiously Brooklyn, NY 11219-4228 Jewish teaching has long under­ disconnected than those of earlier gen­ 718-854-6701 scored the principle that to be a Jew erations, they are less invested in their 20 Volumes on Torah, Perek, Medrash, connotes life-time encounter with secularisn1, and thus more receptive to Megilos, Talmud, and Tehilim. Jewish heritage, ideally from cradle hearing the Torah's message. Proceeds of sales distributed among unto grave. Regrettably, however, While it is difficnlt to say with cer­ Yeshivos and used for reprinting of vol­ for too many American Jews, Jewish tainty, it would seem to me that this u1nes out-of-print learning has been reduced to its most distinction may help explain the recent PRICE: $8.00 PER VOLUME elementary levels .... The Jewish historical phenon1enon that has becon1e community continues to agonize known as the Baal Teshuva Movement, over its future continuity.i 5 through which tens of thousands have Efforts to strengthen Jewish identity been brought back to their ancestral abound, from elevating congregational religious tradition. As we noted above, Hats • Shirts • Ties • Accessories school educational standards to Taglit­ Jews have abandoned their religion in Birthright Israel's 16 focus on reconnect­ great numbers for over two centuries. Your #1 Stop ing Jewish youth with our Holy Land by Suddenly, Jews throughout the world, for sending thousands of young Jewish men particnlarly in the United States and and women to Israel annually. the Soviet Union, began to experience One has to wonder, however, about a spiritual rea\vakening, responding to WE ALSO DRY CLEAN LARGEST SELECTION & RESHAPE HATS OF CHOSONIM TIES IN the long-term effectiveness of such the efforts of people in kiruv. (All woik done on premises) BROOKLYN efforts, which seem to be more straw­ Perhaps the idea behind this rebirth 1368 Coney Island Avenue grasping than meaningful responses to is the fact that these Jews were no (7"18) 377-5050 a growing problem. Still, at the least, it is longer members of "rebellious" gen­ Major credit cards accepted • We ship UPS clear that a reawakening is beginning to erations, groups of individuals who occur amongst secular Jews, one which had consciously abandoned their faith will hopefully bear meaningful fruit in in G-d in their pursuit of liberation the coming years. and materialism, or out of an anger stemming from the horrors of the SOFTENING AROUND Holocaust. Rather, these were typically THE EDGES successful and accomplished young men and women whose lifestyle had left here is one more factor that them with a spiritual void, crying to \AJe niake "housecalls" may ultimately contribute to a be filled. Their minds and hearts were 718.)972-4003 Tspiritual renaissance amongst open enough to hear the message of G-d calling them back. IP. :i-~"'l~- .1ftlj - "lb~!tl . 15 AJC Policy Statement on Jewish Education, December 13, 1999 17 Vol. 3, p. 160ff 16 A progran1 founded and supported by the Specializing in small batim for a perfect fit. Jewish philanthropist and avowed atheist Michael Steinhart 42 T H E JEWISH OBSERVER ------=-i

Now, more than ever, we must redouble our efforts to reawaken their dormant spirit, one which has been subdued by the false promises of westernization, freedom and materialistic bounty.

REKINDLING THE SPARK WITHIN I at can we, as Orthodox ews, do to help restore the I W eligious belief of American IS YMKOVOF PASSAIC Jewry? I believe that such an effort I requires a dual approach. First, \Ve HIGH SCHOOL must continue to bolster the cause of ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS I American Orthodoxy, the bedrock of Jewish belief. By further strengthen­ I ing our own commitment to a Torah for the 2009-2010/Y"'l'n-o"o'l'n lifestyle, as well as continuing to build ool year and develop those essential institutions I l il'~N be administered of)ewish life, we will be in a better posi­ tion to boost the spiritual level of our cember 14/lJO::> "'' I disconnected brethren. 10:00 AM It is also imperative that we inten­ I sify our efforts at outreach, to offer the school building educational opportunities to those 181 Pennington Avenue ~ I never granted the opportunity to learn Passaic, NJ what true Judaism is all about, as well as reconnecting with those who have become disaffected. We inust ren1ember B )'Perspectives that within every Jew - no matter how t\n informational evening I disengaged - is a deep-seated religious :Vlonday, December 8, 8 ,oo PM spark desperate for spirituality and I n1eaning, a soul yearning to break free For a11 ,1pplicJtion plcJ8e cJJJ 9 7 3. 36S.01 00 from its materialistic shackles. Now, I more than ever, we n1ust redouble our efforts to reawaken their dormant spirit, I one which has been subdued by the false You can! Iust call promises of westernization, freedom "I wish I could The Yitti Leibe.I I and materialistic bounty. He.Ip.line. Ultimately, as we know, the success of HOURS: I these efforts will be determined by G-d Monday-Friday ...... Sam -l2pm speak to a Monday-Thursday ...... Bpm -1 lpm I alone. It is our obligation, however, to Sunday ...... 9am -12pm, 9pm -1 lpm do all that is within our power to bring I His children - all of His children - back frum therapist • 718-HELP-NOW to their religious roots. ''For it is a time \\I? (718) 435-7669 to act for G-d; they have voided Your ...... (800) HELP-023 18 Lakewood ...... (732) 363-1010 Torah." on the phone r If we succeed in our lofty mission, Cleveland ...... (888) 209-8079 Baltimoce ...... (410) 578-1111 then we can look forward to the day Detrnit ...... (877) 435-7611 when Moshiach will redeem us, not as without giving San Diego ...... (866) 385-0348 a generation without merit, but rather Tornnto ...... (416) 784-1271 I as one that deserves redemption based The Rebbetiin F'hylhs Weinberg Branch of the Y1tti Leibel Helpline '1"r' n r•;i •11 1n:i: ;.,::1ot• ·1 n:i: ~''C'n '1''n YTOt:'J '1 1·'.:r on its true righteousness. ~ FT,..~·n ~"1' I':'' ;:1v~;1 my name." ti'!' ll1':1J: '1'11 t"lt'.'O '1 p ti·>~'t'.'' '1 1'1-7t•J1 ]1'0 'J ~v~JI Dedicated b Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Boruch Wilhelm IS Tehil!itn 119,126 I

43 I BERNARD FRYSHMAN, PH.D. We Loved Our Alteh Babbeh, But Her Name Will Never Do

REMEMBERING A BOBBEH - A SOURCE OF Gooo FORTUNE Only her name offends us, because so Long gone are the days when a child many of our Bobbehs had names. might have been asked: "What's your VERYONE HAS HAD a grandmoth­ Inexplicable names, modified names like real na1ne?" er, many have had a "Bubby;' and Bryna, Chynka, Zlata and Mushka. People In fact, wise teachers know how to turn Ea select few had a "Bobbeh." The \Vonder, "l-Iovv could anyone na111e a child the whole situation around. A teacher select few include much of the Torah Yenta?" Parents, we are told, are under lvho ren1arks, '~re you nan-zed after your world, descended as we are fro1n the great stress \vhen faced \vith a nan1e they Bobbeh? She must have been a tzaddeikes ... " yechidim (unique individuals) who sur­ must attach to a baby which will "hurt" is sending an indelible message to the child, vived the Holocaust and/or the grinding the child. to her friends, and to us. assimilation 1nachine of A1nerica. One As if all children with acceptable Certainly, it isn't the outside world that from a city, tv.,ro fron1 a fan1ily, our par­ "Rochel, Sora, Chani" -type nanies are is pressuring us. Most of us live n1uch of ents tell stories of miracles in the death successful in life, and all Chishas and our lives among fellow Orthodox Jews, can1ps of Europe - or in the streets of Shprintzas fail. Don't we believe that the and it is largely as adults that \i\1e encoun­ urban An1erica. Ribbono she! Olam also has a hand in a ter non-Je\vs, who, in turn, see no dif­ 'fhey - \Ve - \Vere saved not because child's life? ference between a Yiddish na1ne and a of cunning or strength of force. It \Vas Some nan1es can be "rescued," as \Vas Hebre\\1 one. unquestionably the zechus avos (n1erit the norn1 shortly after the creation of the In fact, we seem to be the only group of of ancestors) which caused the Ribbono State of Israel. Well-meaning teachers people who find certain names offensive. shel Ola111 to select us - or our parents converted Faigele (Yiddish for a bird) My class rosters are full of names of stu­ or grandparents - to survive. The zechus to Tzippora, Aide! to Adina, and Golda dents whose parents were proud of their avos that traces back to Zaidehs and to Zehava. 1 heritage, and who named thei1· children Bobbehs who remained true to Torah Other Yiddish names are viewed as their grandparents na111ed theirs. Is under circun1stances that would crush as having sufficient cachet to survive Mei-Ling more mellifluous than Maly - most of us. Especially the Bobbehs whose unchanged. Gittel, Shayna, Blumie, and or Molly? rock solid emuna, whose tefillos and even the occasional Zissel or H.aizel. But acts of chessed helped us survive even in to a great extent, \Ve have successfully No SENSE OF INFERIORITY ... hostile America. expunged hundreds of Yiddish names We look around us, confident and that truly offend us - Necha, Pesha, Alta, opefully, it's not a sense of secure, surrounded by people just like Syrka, and so n1any others. inferiority or sha1ne which pre­ us, large families, exploding yeshivas, This raises our first question: Who is H vents us fron1 continuing the new Torah neighborhoods on the map. offended? And who decided that these minhag of naming a child after a tzad­ When we think back to the source of "strange" names are not to be used? deikes, sin1ply because her na1ne does not our good fortune, we recognize the role Certainly not the two- and three-year­ please us. Quite the contrary. We have a of our Bobbehs, and think, "What better olds who first encounter the names. 1nesora going back to our ancestors in zechus for her, and for us, than to name To little girls, Chynka and Chana are Mitzrayim to name Jewish children in a child after her!" equally valid, equally pleasant sounding, a way that announces our identity and their owners equally worthy of being a our tradition. friend. Nor can we bla111e the teachers. Is it, then, the European/Yiddish/ DR. FRYSHMAN !S PROFESSOR OF !'J!YS!CS ATTl!E Torah culture \i\'e are subconsciously NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TJ-:CHNOLOLY, EXEC! fTlVE l Do parents consider that a little girl nan1ed avoiding? Our more Zionistically inclined VICE l'RESJDENTOF'l HE AssOCIATION OF ADVANCED "Chana" can't marry any of the hundreds of boys RABBINC!AL ANO 'fAl.MllD!C SCHOOLS, AND A whose 1notbers are also called Chana, while a child cousins would nod approvingly. But l.ONc-·11ME ASKAN WHO Wl?ITES EXTENS!Vf[,Y ON nained "Chana Reitze;' for exan1ple, could marry not so our rebbei'im, \vho themselves A VARIETY OF TOPICS. virtually every boy. 44

'---~------·~-·-·-·------THE JEWISH OBSERVER

Who is offended? I were products of the thousand-year-old And who decided Torah/Yiddish civilization that nurtured us, and molded us as a people capable of that these surviving galus. "strange" names There are hurt and family tension that are not to be used? result from the rejection of a name. Dr. Abraham ). Twerski, in his book Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor 2, writes, "I know of Shulchan Aruch, but it is also guided a situation when a grandfather flew off by minhag, and tempered by the fifth the handle when his son told him what Shulchan Aruch. It is this Compact he had named the baby, and insisted that that enables little babies to grow into his son go to Mincha and add the name authentic Bobbehs, and has helped us the grandfather wanted." throughout our galus. We tamper with The grandfather's reaction went well it at our peril. !N beyond the pale. Dr. Twerski's conclu­ sion that the "naming issue" should not be a "reason for causing anguish" bears comment. The first person "causing anguish" was the son, in his rejection of a cherished name. To his father, this was viewed as having caused a break in the chain of unconditional, unreserved love that united the family, up and down the gen­ erational ladder. The naming of the child signaled that there are considerations that transcend family bonds. The son had abandoned an ancestor)s name, and thereby indicated a readiness to forget. "If they're ready to forget the Bobbeh;' thought the grandfather, "they'll be ready to forget me." Just a hypothesis, of course, but it certainly helps us understand the hurt felt by the grandfather in Dr. Twerski's story. And a final, broader consideration. There are those who would put an end to this discussion by pointing out that the Shulchan Aruch assigns naming rights to the parents. Period. Such an approach carries a risk because most of our family interactions go well beyond bare halacha. Fathers gladly take second jobs to pay for a child's orthodontia, and happily pay for a one­ man band instead of a very loud stereo system at the child's chasuna. In fact, the way we show our Jove of family goes well beyond the minimums mandated by the Shulchan Aruch. Shutting the door on discussions of a child's name would be a strange way to repay a lifetime of caring and Jove. Our Social Compact joins us together as a people. Of course, it is governed by

45 NOVEMBER 2008


SECOND THOUGHTS ON Naming for the Bobbeh The veneration we

WAS VERY TOUCHED by the mention have for the bobbehs grandparents as "subconsciously avoid­ of the name "Chicza" in Dr. Bernard who were the true ing" the European/Yiddish/Torah cul­ I Fryshman's article, "We Loved our Alteh ture any more an abandonment than Bobbeh But Her Name Will Never Do:' heroines is expressed our failure to perpetuate Yiddish as our That was one of my mother's names, and I in raising our language. Throughout history, names endowed my firstborn child with it as one have been the product of the environ­ of her names. children in their ment. Take a look at the names of the Of course, no one ever calls her by that out­ Ammora'im who lived in Bavel- who of-the-ordinary name, and I must admit that image, even is named for them? Among Sephardic none of my other children or grandchildren if we don't call them Jews, there are names radically different have been given names of bobbehs that are from those of the Ashkenazim. no longer in vogue. by their names. Wouldn't it be fair to say that our Put aside for a moment the common generation is doing enough to uphold excuse for not giving such names to children: because it will the tradition associated with Jewish names by avoiding the be a burden for them in their social life. I would like to ask temptation to give them goyishe names which would reflect Dr. Fryshman why he views the failure to name children after their own environment, and limiting itself to classical Jewish names that can easily be pronounced? RABBI WEINBACH, KOSH HAYESHIVA OF OHR SOMAYACH IN JERUSALEM, IS The veneration we have for the bobbehs who were the true At ITl-IOR OF SEVERAL BOOKS ON THE TEAClllNGS OF THE CHO FETZ CHAIM AS

WELL AS 127 LESSONS FROM MEGILLAS Esn1ER, AND TvRNABOUT. BASED ON heroines is expressed in raising our children in their image,

TllE MAJ_BJM's COMMENTARY ON ESTHER (FELDHEJM). even if we don't call them by their names. ll;J


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