C M Y K www.newssun.com Tip-off time for boys Devils, Streaks open season in EWS UN tipoff N -S tourney Highlands County’s Hometown Newspaper Since 1927 at APHS Sunday, November 17, 2013 Volume 94/Number 138 | 75 cents SPORTS, B1 If the skies weren’t blue ... New clowns in town Imagining JFKʼs second term if Tobyʼs Clown School in Lake Placid there had been no assassination sends 11 clowns into the world LIVING, B12 PAGE A8 AP lifts restrictions on Candy Cane Lane By PHIL ATTINGER Council members, who
[email protected] Religious decorations to be allowed on Mall display also sit as the CRA Board, AVON PARK — Citizens said they had no intention of who want to put religious board’s approval of a first- More than 75 people, at was George Hall, local busi- However, he also said he removing religious decora- decorations up on The Mall time seasonal decoration and least a third of them standing ness owner, former city and others who wanted to tions from Christmas. will get their wish. The city promotional project called by the back wall, crowded councilman and current pas- use religious decorations see “I’m ashamed as a rescinded any rule against “Candy Cane Lane.” The into council chambers tor of Avon Park Lakes Christmas as a time for peo- Christian and as a coun- them. city will now allow religious Thursday for a special meet- Baptist Church. ple to come together despite cilperson that I let (a ban) The Avon Park City decorations on 40 Christmas ing — changed from “There is a ‘War on their differences.