The Assumption of the Blessed Wirgin Mary MATER ECCLESIAE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Nineteenth Annual Mass of Thanksgiving

The Fifteenth of August, 2019 at 7:00 PM The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION

Immaculate Virgin, you are Mother of God and Mother ofall people. We believe with all the fervor of our faith in your triumphal Assumption, body and soul, into heaven where you are acclaimed as Queen by all the choirs of angels and all the legions of saints. We unite with them to praise and bless the Lord, Who has exalted you above all other pure creatures, and we offer you the tribute of our devotion andlove...

And from this earth, over which we tread as pilgrims, comforted by our faith in future resurrection, we look to you, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. Draw us onward with the sweetness of your voice that one day, after our exile, you may show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

Prayer of Pope Pius XII, who proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in his Apostolic Constitution, “Munificentissimus Deus (Most Beautiful God), on November 1, 1950. From the Rector. . . I have been a member of the Church Music Association of America (CMAA) for 29 years. The CMAA is the oldest Catholic Music organization in the United States. For the last nine years, I have also been the Chaplain. Many moons before I became a member, I discovered the journal of the CMAA, “Sacred Music” in the seminary library. One day, an older seminarian saw me reading it and called measide. He said, “If you want to be ordained don’t let anybody see you reading that. I’d advise that you find a hiding place back in the book stalls and read it there. Be careful.” Can you imagine such an admonition just because I was reading a journal that championed what the Church taught about Sacred Music? And this was in a seminary that was considered conservative. My musical formation in the seminary, from 1974 through 1982, was nonexistent, when it wasn’t downright horrendous. It was the CMAA and Sacred Music Magazine that taught me what the Church says she wants (not what is actually done in most places). The great Monsignor Schuler, Pastor of Saint Agnes in Saint Paul, MN, Liturgical Scholar, Father Robert Skeris, Father Ralph March, O.Cist., and Dr. Peter Salamonovich and manyothers, opened my eyes, ears and heart to the beauty and immense volume of Sacred Music that I could never have imagined. What we pray and hear tonight is a small portion of that overflowing treasury. The Holy Mass, of course, is the august re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Calvary.It is the ultimate act of adoration and worship. Whether it is a quiet morning Low Mass, a Mass on the back of a jeep in the midst of war, or a Pontifical Mass in a great Cathedral, the Mass is what is most important. The Church, however, tells us that Sacred Music is the art most closely related to the Sacred Liturgy. It tells us that Sacred Music is integral to the Sacred Liturgy. What does this mean? Let me give an example. Your arm is integral to your body. You can live withoutit, but you will not be able to function at your fullest. The Mass can be said, and is most often said, without Sacred Music, but it is at its fullest expression when Gregorian chant (which hasfirst place), polyphony and sacred concerted music are used. This is what you will experience tonight. Many years ago, God led me to discover the CMAA. Over the years I absorbed what I experienced and cherished what I was taught. Each year, after having attended the CMAA Colloquium, floating on a spiritual cloud, while driving home I would think, “Why are you torturing yourself with all this? You will never use it. Nobody wantsit. All this glorious music is just a frustrating reminder of what we’ve lost and will never use again.” And here we are. Doesn’t God have a sense of humor? Whocould ever understand His ways? How very blessed we are. Laudate Dominum! Gaude Maria! (0) (e) ¢ THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

( Belief in the Assumption of Our Lady goes back, to early Christian tradition. It found 6 expression gradually in the writings of the Fathers and in various liturgies (at | Jerusalemfrom the 6 century, at Rome from the 7*)

| At Jerusalem, early evidence of the feast is to befoundin the pilgrimages made to what is believed to have been Our Lady's tomb. A Benedictine monastery was built near it and, later, another near the place where she died (the “Dormition”). At Constantinople, a procession was also held on the feast of the “Falling Asleep of the Mother of God”. At Rome until the 16" century, the papal cortége went from the Lateran basilica to ( that ofSt. Mary Major and, like other stational processions (e.g. on Rogation days). ¢ In the 18** century, Pope Benedict XIV declared the Assumption to be a truth that no one is permitted to doubt, but it was not then defined as a dogma. The First Vatican ¢ Council (1869-1870) was adjourned before reaching this item on its agenda. Finally, on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed solemnly, as a part of divine é revelation, that “the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God, at the close her 6 | of earthly career was taken up into heaven, body and soul”. The time, the place or other circumstances of the Assumption are neither included in the definition nor < alluded to in the Mass composed for the feast; it only emphasizes the fact of the corporal glorification and its necessary connection with the two preceding privileges o ¢ Mary: her Immaculate Conception and her divine Maternity.

This Mass sees the glorified Virgin, in the person of the Woman clothed with the sun ‘ (Apoc., Introit), in the King’s Daughter in golden robes (Ps. 44, Gradual), in the Woman who, with her Son, will be victorious over the serpent (Gen., Offertory): it applies to her the praise given to Judith (Epistle); it recognizes in Mary’s Assumption ‘ the fulfilling of her own prophecy in the Magnificat (Gospel). The Prayers ask, that, after Mary's example, we may long for heaven (Collect, Secret) obtain the glorious ¢ resurrection (Post Communion) and enjoy everlasting bliss (Collect). 6 There is to be NO applause at any time. ( neither before, during or after Mass ! (e) (e) La THE SOLEMN HIGH MASS OF THE ASSUMPTION

a The Mass Theresienmesse Franz |Josef Haydn (1732- 1809)

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| gg Celebrant The Reverend Robert C. Pasley, KCHS Rector ofMater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church Berlin, New Jersey | 4 AAPAPAPAPPAPLPLPAPPAADPAAGS, Deacon The Reverend Caleb Kick, FSSP Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary Church Conshohocken,+ Pennsylvania on Su bdeacon Mr. ohn Rotondi Acolyte, Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church Berlin, New Jersey

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| Preacher The Reverend Carl Gismondi, FSSP no Pastor, Saint Mary Church PPP Conshohocken, Pennsylvania |0oo SSeSe) Altar Servers Martin Howlett, Coordinator

Master of Ceremonies Master In Choir Thurifer Luke Rossino Martin Howlett John Rossino Patrick Byrne

Crucifer Acolyte Acolyte Joseph Meissner Ken Leary, Jr. Leo Smith

Torch Bearers Rich Dixon Blaise Kurtz Timothy Rossino Joseph Fahy Ambrose Pagano Christopher Verrecchia

Banner Bearers Servers in Choir Lou Rossino Brandon Konopka Peter Horvath Timothy Kozikowski Benedict Kurtz

Sacristan Emeritus Sacristans A Special Note of Mr. Robert Parker Mr. John Frank Appreciation to Mr. Bill Gedgard Dr. John Lilley For Providing Vestments

The Blessed Imelda Lambertini Society Megan Maher, Coordinator

Gianna Cooper Monica Pagano Madison Cooper Marcelina Pagano Julianna Fleming Marea Rossino Jada Fleming Mary Elizabeth Sevold Zelie Hasson Isabella Zima Anastasia O'Donnell Guests & Membersof the Procession The Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Orderof the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta

The Knights of Columbus Council 12833 Louis DiLoreto, Grand Knight

The Knights of Columbus Assembly Anima Christi No. 3294 Color Guard

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society of Mater Ecclesiae

The Federation of North-American Explorers 1st North Star Group

Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Trenton Celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass Altar Servers

Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Trenton Celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass Maidensof the Miraculous Medal

Saint Mary Church Archdiocese of Philadelphia Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Altar Servers IIITISISIAISISI IIIS IAISISISIAISISISISIISIIISISI III dd The Music idJ Theresienmesse dd dd Franz Josef Haydn dd da (1732-1809) da 42 Music Director 4 # Dr. Timothy McDonnell 4 dJ dd dd Chorus iJ dd Sopranos Tenors dJ da Alicia Brozovich (Soloist) Dugan Morgridge (Soloist) dd da Rachel Garrepy Daniel De Kok da Sarah Stine Guillermo Pasarin 4 Lauren Walters J Altos Bass d M Gallagher (Soloist80 Michael G Soloist 4 da eae olly Hartline’ . Groary Hating dd dd Miranda Smith Thomas Kane dd 2 Nicole Paige Uvenio Frederick Proulx adJ add Orchestra dd

Violin 1 Viola Trumpet 1 4 Catherine Kei Fukuda z 2 Joseph Kauffman Frank Ferraro dd Violin 2 Cello Trumpet 2 2dd Shelley Matthews Meredith Bates Tom Cook add Contrabass Timpani Organ add John Shank Dennis Walter Peter Carter add Clarinet 1 Clarinet 2 a _.. da Amy ——— da myChristmChristmas Suzuki Huebner Rie da % z @ JISIIIAISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIT

~ GadadadIOID NOTESASIII MUSIC . . 3 The of the Mass of the. Assumption 2019 is Franz Josef (1732-1809) so | centerpiece Haydn’s dd g¥@ -called ““Theresienmesse”, nicknamed for its unofficial dedicatee, the empress Maria Theresa of dd the Two Sicilies, the consort of the last Holy RomanIIIAEmperor, Francis II. Maria Theresa herself the solos in of both The Creation J was an accomplished singing performances @ gq soprano, soprano ¥ and The Seasons at the Viennese court in 1801. How this Mass in B-flat came to bear her name iJ is unknown, andtheoriginaltitle of the workis simply “Missa”. a The work, muchlikeits sibling, the Ne/sonmesse, is notable for its spare use of winds. J 2@ This is owing to the scarcity of winds at the Esterhazy seat of Eisenstadt during the year of its J dJ first performance. The brilliance of the |Nelsonmesse contrasts with the darker colors of dJ trumpets and clarinets in B-flat. Written and premiered in 1799, the work intimates the dawn of Jq y the new Romantic era, which is just around the turn of the century. By the time the dd | Theresienmesse was performed for the name-day of Maria Josepha Esterhazy, Mozart had been

"p "© Beethoven the touches his first Symphony. a dead for eight years and was putting finishing on dd The pace and harmonic color of the Theresienmesse reflective and lyrical, almost nostalgic at J workis is scored for clarinets, dd the edge of a century of titanic change. The chorus, strings, dJ trumpets, timpani, and organ. da| Several polyphonic works drawn from various periods underscore the variety of sacred choral writing in the Catholic liturgical tradition. Palestrina’s (1525-1594) Quae est ista and 2 Lassus’ (1532-1594) Salve Regina demonstrate the height of the Renaissance choral art, their a dd that dd composers unsurpassed in the realm of ecclesiastical composition in their day, an estimation dd has not diminished in the succeeding centuries. Two works from the New World during the colonial period of the 17" Century are also featured. An anonymous Ef incarnatus est from a Guatemala is sung in the midst of the plainsong Credo and setting of Psalm 117 by Bolivian da 2 composer, José de Cascante (1646-1702) salutes the Blessed Sacrament at its reposition after a Holy Communion. dda dJ Fran Josef’s younger brother, Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) is featured in his dd festive Paratum cor meum, sung at the Communion. This work is full of bright D-major hues, dd and represents the glistening style of church music cultivated in the Salzburg of Mozart’s youth. Py Taking a somewhat antiquarian approach in his setting of Sub tuum praesidium is Czech composer, Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745), who served the Catholic Duke of Saxony in a¥ Dresdenin the early 18" Century. a P| As is our custom, the sacred liturgy is ornamented with several selections ofdd Bp instrumental music. Many baroque con¢ertos were intended originally for performance indg church, especially in Catholic countries. |Works by Albinoni (1671-1751) and Aldrovandini {J (1671-1707) embodythe savor and profile of the Italian concerto tradition. Moravian composer, da a Gottfried Finger (1655-1730), whose Sonata in B-flat for Two Treble Instruments is performed a at the Offertory. He was a contemporary of Henry Purcell and served the last Catholic King of a dd England, James II, until the latter’s overthrow in the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688. g dd 1 syapsasasaua dadaadasadauadigdaada eydge7igdas7d9e742s24942091219 a.9 sacred Music and the liturgy Father Robert Pasley, KCHS Rector Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church Berlin, New Jersey

Imost no one is paying any attention to the Church’s teachings on Sacred Music! This teaching must be shouted from the housetops, continuously, persistently, and strongly. It is not a peripheral issue. Since the law of prayer (lex orandi) is the law of belief (lex credendi), and since sacred music is the vessel that conveys the meaning of the words of liturgical prayer, it must be worthy and approved for its very important role. Ditties and sacro-pop can’t do it and haven’t been doing it. Parishes keep trying more of the same and yet the churches continue to empty. Think there is a lesson here?

Saint Pius X — Tra Le Sollecitudini - 1903 1. Sacred Music, being a complementary part of the solemn liturgy, participates in the general scope of the liturgy, which is the glory of God and the sanctification and edification of the faithful... 2. Sacred Music should consequently possess, in the highest degree, the qualities proper to the liturgy, and in particular sanctity and goodness of form, which will spontaneously produce the final quality of universality. It must be holy, and must, therefore, exclude all profanity not only in itself, but in the manner in which is presented by those who execute it. it It must be trueart, for otherwise it will be impossible for it to exercise on the minds of those wholisten to it that efficacy which the Church aims at obtaining in admitting into her liturgy the art of musical sounds. Sacrosanctum Concilium

In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, a minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle...

The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.

The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, ... it should be given first place in liturgical services. (principem locum obtineat.)

would like to conclude my comments by saying something about actual participation in the Sacred Liturgy. We primarily and most importantly participate by internally joining ourselves to the Sacrifice offered at the altar. We participate by listening to the glorious music provided by the choir. We join with them by being beneficiaries of the talent they have received from God. We sing the parts of the Mass designated for the congregation. We adore, kneel, listen, pray and abandon ourselves to this timeless, holy, universal art at the service of God’s sovereign majesty. We are uplifted from our mundane andtrouble filled existence into the sacred and eternal presence of God-made-flesh. We worship God and Godfills us with His grace. We honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and she perpetually intercedes for us. We truly partake in the foretaste of that heavenly liturgy toward which we journey as pilgrims.

May God bless you and Mary keep you.


he Church: Music Association of America (founded in 1874)is an association of Catholic musicians and others whe have a special

interest im music and liturgy, active in advancing Gregorian chant. Renaissaiice polyphony, and other forms of sacred music, including new composition. for liturgical use. The CMAA's purpose is the advancement of musica sacra in keeping with the norms established by competent ecclesiastical authority.

The Church Music Association of/America is proud to invite you to celebrate our 30th Colloquium June 22-27, 2020, to be held in Tampa, Florida.

The CMAA’s Sacred Music Colloquium continues to be the largest and most in-depth teaching conference and retreat on sacred jmusic in the world. Our program offers new and expanded opportunities for learning, singing, listening, and interacting with some of the best minds and musicians in the Catholic world today!

The CMAA Colloquium is primarily focused on instruction and experience in chant and the Catholic sacred music tradition, participation in chantchoirs, lectures and performances and daily liturgies. During the week, you'll be able to participate in ordinary and extraordinary form and Solemn Masses, as well as moming Lauds and sung hieht prayer, Vespers.

As a participant, you are an integral part of the beautiful music from the Roman Catholic tradition. Experience not only polyphony of the church’s musical treasure, but also new compositions of English propers and ordinaries by various composers, as well as modern motets. Fr. Robert C. Pasley is the Chaplain of the CMAA


Pregrams Office CONTACT US: P.O. Box 4344 [email protected] Roswell, NM 88202-4344 Voice: 1-505-263-6298 ie ‘a aN


Solemn High Mass of the




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r al - 1 \ ey cae gl BUSWSUWBWSESESESE Prelude Concerto in C Op. 7 No. 5 (1) Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)

Procession to the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary Organ Improvisation

Memorare The Sacred Ministers will visit the altar of Our Lady at which time incense will be offered. The Blessed Imelda Society will present flowers and will join in the recitation of the “Memorare”’.

O most O REMEMBER, gracious MUEMORARE: piissima Virgo Virgin Mary, that never was it Maria, non esse auditum a known that anyone who fled to thy saeculo, quemquam ad tua currentem protection, implored thy help, or sought praesidia, tua implorantem auxilia, tua thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired petentem suffragia, esse derelictum. Ego with this confidence, I fly to thee, O tali animatus confidentia, ad te, Virgo Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I Virginum, Mater, curro, ad te venio, come; before thee | stand, sinful and coram te gemens peccator assisto. Noli, sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Mater Verbi, verba mea despicere; sed Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in audi propitia et exaudi. Amen. thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. Processional O Sanctissima Arr. Timothy McDonnell

most holy, o most loving, sanctissima, 0 piissima, sweet Virgin Mary! O dulcis Virgo Maria! Beloved Mother, undefiled, Mater amata, intemerata, pray, pray for us. ora, ora pro nobis.

1 POSVGUGWSEVeseIe _ TAwAvsvSeseswase Youare solace and refuge, Tu solatium et refugium, Virgin, Mother Mary. Virgo Mater Maria. Whatever we wish, Quidquid optamus, wehopeit through you; per te speramus; pray, pray for us. ora, ora pro nobis.

Look, we are weak and deeply deplorable;9 Ecce debiles, perquam flebiles; save us, o Mary! salva nos, o Maria! Take away ourlassitude, heal our pains; Tolle languores, sana dolores; pray, pray for us. ora, ora pro nobis.

Virgin, look at us, Mother, care for us; Virgo, respice, Mater, aspice; hear us, o Mary! audi nos, o Maria!

Youbring divine medicine; Tu medicinam portas divinam; pray, pray for us. ora, ora pro nobis.

Interlude—Vesting Organ Improvisation

Introit: Apocalypse 12. 1 Signum Magnum Roman Gradual The schola chants the Introit at the beginning of the Mass while the Celebrant, Deacon and Sub Deacon pray the Prayers at the foot of the altar . great sign appeared in heaven: A}woman ignum magnum apparuit in coelo: clothed with the sun, and the mo mulier amicta sole, et luna sub her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve pédibus ejus, et in capite ejus corona stars. -- (Ps. 97. 1). Sing ye to the Lord a new stellarum duddecim (Ps. 97.1). -- Can- canticle: because He hath done wonderful tate Démino canticum novum: quia mi- fecit. V.: Gloria things. V.: Glory be to the Father. . . rabilia Patri... GELELELE The schola completes the Introit during the incensation of the Altar and the choir begins the Kyrie. After the Kyrie the Celebrant returns to the middle of the altar and intones the Gloria. The Deacon and Sub Deacon join the Celebrant at the altar to pray the Gloria. They then return to the Sedilia until the choir completes the Gloria, at which time the Celebrant returns to the altar to chant the Collect.

Kyrie Theresienmesse Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809)

Gloria Theresienmesse Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809)


Imighty and Eternal God, whohast mnipotens sempitérne Deus, qui assumed the body and soul of the Immaculatam Virginem Mariam, Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Thy Filii tui Genitricem, corpore et anima ad Son, to celestial glory: grant, we beseech celéstem gloriam assumpsisti: concéde, Thee, that always minded toward quzesumus; ut ad supérna semperinténti, heavenly things, we may be sharers in ipsius gloriz mereamur esse consortes. the same glory. Through the same Jesus Per eumdem Dominum nostrum. Christ, our Lord .

SUSUWSUWEW SESESTETE .16 Epistle: Judith 13.22-25; 15.10 The Master of Ceremonies brings the Epistolary to the Sub Deacon. They go to center of the Sanctuary, genuflect and proceed to the south side of the Sanctuary where the Sub Deacon chants the Epistle. he Lord hath blessed thee by His enedixit te Déminus in virttte sua, power, because by thee He hath B quia per te ad nihilum redégit brought our enemies to naught. Blessed inimicos nostros. Benedicta es tu, filia, art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most a Domino Deo excélso, pre émnibus high God, above all women upon the muliéribus super terram. Benedictus earth. Blessed be the Lord who made Dominus, qui creavit celum et terram, heaven and earth, who hath directed thee qui te diréxit in vulnera capitis principis to the cutting off the head of the prince’ of inimicdrum nostrérum; quia hddie our enemies. Because he hath (so nomen tuum ita magnificavit, ut non magnified thy name this day, that thy recédat laus tua de ore hominum, qui praise shall not depart out of the mouth of mémores fierint virtitis Ddémini in men who shall be mindful of the power of etérnum, pro quibus non _pepercisti the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not anime tue propter angustias_ et spared thy life, by reason of the distress tribulatinem géneris tui, sed subvenisti and tribulation of thy people, but hast ruine ante conspéctum Dei nostri. Tu prevented our ruin in the presence of our gloria Jerusalem tu letitia Israél, tu God. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, honorificéntia populi nostri. thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honor of our people. Graduale: salm 44, 11-12, 14 udi, filia Roman Gradual O and udi, filia, et vide, et inclina aurem [ carken. daughter, see, incline thy ear: and the King shall tuam, et concupiscet rex pulchritidinem tuam. V.: Tota decora of the King comes in, all beautiful: ingréditur filia regis, textures aurez sunt robes are of golden cloth. amictus ejus. GOSWHEWHUWSESESESE 7 Alleluia Assumpta est Maria Roman Gradual

Ileluia, alleluia. V.: Mary has been taken up lleluia, alleluia. V.: Assumpta est into heaven: the choirs of angels rejoice. Maria in celum: gaudet exércitus Alleluia. Angelorum. Alleluia. Gospel: Luke1. 41-50 The Deacon, Sub Deacon, MC, Acolytes and Thurifer process to the place where the Gospel is chanted. The Deacon chants the Gospel facing North. North is the liturgical direction of “facing the pagans” and is symbolic ofpreaching the Gospel to them.

t that time: Elizabeth was filled with the n illo témpore: Repléta est Spiritu Holy Ghost, and she cried out with a loud Sancto Elisabeth et exclamavit voce voice, and said: Blessed art thou among magna, et dixit: Benedicta tu inter women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. mulieres, et benedictus fructus ventris And whence is this to me, that the mother of tui. Et unde hoc mihi ut véniat mater my Lord should come to me? For behold as Domini mei ad me? Ecce enim ut soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in facta est vox salutationis tuze in auribus my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for meis, exsultavit in gaudio infans in joy. And blessed art thou that hast believed, utero meo. Et beata que credidisti, because those things shall be accomplished quoniam perficiéntur ea, que dicta that were spoken to thee by the Lord. And sunt tibi a Domino. Et ait Maria: Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. Magnificat anima mea Dominum: et And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari Because He hath regarded the humility of His meo; quia respéxit humilitatem ancillze handmaid; for behold from henceforth all suz, ecce enim ex hoc bedtam me generations shall call me blessed. Because He dicent omnes generatiénes. Quia fecit that is mighty, hath done great things to me; mihi magna qui potensest, et sanctum and holy is His Name, and His mercy from nomen ejus, et misericordia ejus a generation unto generation, to them isthat fear progénie in progénies timéntibus eum. Him. Post-Gospel Organ Improvisation Prayer for Vocations (See Page 19) Sermon The Reverend Carl Gismondi, FSSP Saint Mary Church 18 Conshohocken, PA Prayer for Religious Vocations Please join the Priest in response to the Prayer For Vocations.

Priest — Let us pray for vocations: All— O God,we earnestly beseech Thee/ to bless the Church with many priests, brothers, andsisters/ whowill love Thee with their whole strength/ be faithful to their vocation/ and gladly spend their entire lives/ to teach Thytruths, serve Thy Church, and make Thee knownandloved.

Priest — Bless our families, bless our children. All— Choose from our homes those who are needed for Thy work.

Priest —O Mary, Queen of the Clergy, All— Prayfor us./ Pray for our priests, seminarians and Religious./ Obtain for us many more Amen

19 CredoIII Part 1, Part 2 Kyriale Et incarnatus Anonymous Guatemala BELIEVE IN ONE GOD, the Father REDO IN UNUM DEUM, Patrem Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, omnipoténtem, / factorem czli/ et terre, andIof all things visible and invisible. And in / visibilium Omnium et invisibilium. / Et in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son unum Déminum Jesum Christum, / Filium of God. Born of the Father before all ages. Dei unigénitum. / Et ex Patre natum / ante God of God, Light of Light, true God of true omnia secula. / Deum de Deo, / lumen de God. Begotten, not made: consubstantial lumine, / Deum verum de Deo vero. / Géni- with the Father; by Whom all things were tum, non factum, / consubstantidlem Patri: / made. Whofor us men, and for our salvation, per quem omnia facta sunt. / Qui propter nos came downfrom heaven. (Hereall kneel) homines / et propter nostram salitem / descéndit de czelis. / (Here all kneel) AND WAS INCARNATE BY THE HOLY INCARNATUS DE_ SPIiRITU GHOST OF THE VIRGIN MARY: AND ET EST SANCTO / EX MARIA VIRGINE: / ET WAS MADE MAN. (rise) HOMO FACTUS EST. (rise) He wascrucified also for us, suffered under Crucifixus étiam Pontius Pilate, and was buried. And on the pro nobis: / sub Péntio third day He rose again according to the Pilato / passus, et sepultus est. / Et resurréxit Scriptures. And He ascended into heaven, tértia die, / secundum Scripturas. / Et ascén- and sitteth at the right hand of the Father. dit in ceelum: / sedet ad déxteram Patris. / Et And He shall come again with glory to judge iterum venttrus est cum gloria / judicare vi- the living and the dead: of Whose kingdom vos et mortuos: / cujus regni non erit finis. / there shall be no end.

And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver Et in Spiritum Sanctum, / Déminum et vivi- of Life: Who proceedeth from the Father and ficantem: / qui ex Patre, Filidque procédit. / the Son. Who together with the Father and Qui cum Patre et Filio / simul adoratur, / et the Son is adored and glorified: Who spoke conglorificatur: / qui locitus est per Pro- through the Prophets. And in One, Holy, phétas./ Et unam, sanctam, catholicam / et Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one apostdlicam Ecclésiam. / Confiteor unum Baptism for the remission of sins. And I look baptisma / in remissidnem peccatorum. / Et for the resurrection of the dead, and thelife expécto resurrectidnem mortudérum. / Et vit- * the world to Amen. of come. am *venturi szeculi. / Amen.

», FWRWAIVSWSESOSH BKWSUGWSESESESE After the Creed, the Celebrant, Deacon and Sub Deacon come to the Altar. The Sub Deacon wraps the HumeralVeil aroundhis shoulders. He brings the veiled chalice, corporal, purificator and patento the Altar. The First Acolyte follows the Sub Deacon to the Altar with the water and wine cruets.

Offertory: Genesis 3. 15 Inimicitias ponam Roman Gradual

will put enmities between thee nimicitias ponam inter te et and the woman, and thy seed and Mulierem, et semen tuum et Semen her seed. illius.

Motet QOuaeest ista Giovanni Pierluidi da Palestrina (1525-1594)


the offering of our devotion scéndat ad te, Démine, nostre M”ascend to Thee, O Lord; and devotidnis oblatio, et, beatissima through the intercession of the most Virgine Maria in celum assumpta Blessed Virgin Mary, who was taken|up _intercedénte, corda nostra, caritatis into heaven, may our hearts be inflamed _—_igne succénsa, ad te jugiter adspirent. with the fire of love, and continually Per Dominum_ nostrum Jesum long for Thee. Through Jesus Christ our -Christum.. Lord... .

SSWEWSUWSESESESE .,, BRUSUBUW SESESESE Preface for Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary

t is truly meet and just, right and for our dignum et justum est, aéquum et salvation, that we should at all times, and in Vxsalutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, gratias agere: Domine sancte, Pater Father almighty, everlasting God: and that we omnipotens, aetérne Deus. Et te in should praise and bless, and proclaim Thee, in Assumptione beatae Mariae semper the Assumption of the Blessed Mary, ever- Virginis collaudaére, benedicere, et Virgin: Who also conceived Thine only-begotten praedicare. Quae et Unigénitum tuum Son by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, Sancti Spiritus obumbratione concépit: et and the glory of her virginity still abiding, gave virginitatis gloria permanénte, lumen forth to the world the everlasting Light, Jesus aetérnum mundo effudit, Jesum Christum Christ our Lord. Through whom the Angels Dominum nostrum. Per quem majestatem praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worshipit, tuam laudant Angeli, adorant and the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and Dominatiénes, tremunt Potestates. Caeli, the heavenly hosts together with the blessed coelorumque Virtites, ac beata Séraphim, Seraphim in triumphantchorus unite to celebrate sdcia__exsultatidne concélebrant. Cum it. Together with these we entreat Thee that Thou quibus et nostras voces, ut admitti jubeas mayest bid our voices also to be admitted while deprecamur, supplici confessione we say with lowly praise: dicéntes: Instrumental Sonata in B-flat Gottfried Finger (1660-1730)

Sanctus Theresienmesse Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809)

Benedictus Theresienmesse Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809) BUSWUSUWSWSESESESE =22 BKWSUSW SESESESE Ag nus Dei Theresienmesse Franz J osef Haydn (173 32-1809)

Communion : Luke 1. 48 - 49 Beatar n me dicent Roméd in Gradual

ll generations shall call me bless ed, me dicent omnes because He that is mighty hath done BegeneratiOnes, quia fecit mihi great things to me. magna qui potensest.

Holy Communion may be receiv ed by faithful, practicing Catholics, in full communion with the Church, who havre not committed any mortal sin since their last confession and who have fasted for at least one hour. In the Traditional Roman Rite, the communicant kneel s at the altar rail (unless some infirmity prohibits kneeling) and receives the Sacred Host on the tongue. No ‘Amen’ is said by the communicant. The priest says ‘Amen’ at the end of the short prayer he recites while giving the Sacred Hos =

Holy Communion wil1 not be given in the hand. Church discipline prohibits any mixing of rites.

Motet I Ave Ve rum Corpus Wolfga ng A. Mozart (17 56-1791)

BONN BwHW SESESASE Motet IT Salve Regina a 4 (1586) Orlande De Lassus (1532-1594)


Concerto in C Op. 7 No. 5 (11) Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)

Paratum cor meum Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806))

Sub tuum praesidium I (G minor) Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745)

Laudate Dominum (Ps. 116) José Cascante (1646-1702)


hrough the merits and prayers of zmptis, Domine, salutaribus the blessed Virgin Mary, by Thee S sacraméntis, da, quésumus, ut, assumed into heaven, may we, O Lord, méritis et intercessidne beate Virginis who have received the sacraments of Marie in celum assumpte, ad salvation, come to the glory of the resurrectiénis glériam perducamur. Per resurrection. Through our Lord. Dominum nostrum. » SBOSUWUSUSUW SESESESE SSUSUSUWSESESESE Recessional Hymn Hail! Holy Queen Arr. Timothy McDonnell Please join in singing this beautiful hymn in Honor of Our Lady!

1. Hail! Holy Queen enthroned above, 4. Turn then most gracious Advocate, O Maria, O Maria! Hail Mother of mercy and of love T’ward us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria! O Maria! Refrain Triumph all ye Cherubim, with Seraphim! . . Sing us ye When this our exileosis Heav’n and Earth resound the hymn: osmlete. Salve, salve, Salve anf , Regina! O Maria, Show Thy Son, Jesus sweet, 2. Ourlife, our sweetness here below, us our . O Maria! O Maria! in sorrow and in woe, ONneee Triumph all ye Cherubim, , Sing with us ye Refrain Seraphim! Heav’n and Earth resound the 3. (Choir) To thee we cry poorheirs of Eye, hymn: O Maria! To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, Salve, salve, Salve Regina! O Maria! Salve, salve, Salve Regina! Refrain

Postlude Sonata in D Major for Two Trumpets and Strings Giuseppe Aldrovandini (1671-1707) Absolutely NO Applause Please!!!!!!!! BSWSUHUSESESESE » Assumption Choral Hass Patrons

regory the Great Patron ($1,000.00 and above)

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Burke John Calla Gary & Janice Phillips Renato & Luciana Reyes Dorothy Rock St. Cecilia Patron ($500.00 TO $999.00)

Zenny Coillot Charles Glatz Dr. John T. Lilley William & Tracye McCusker The Mehmet Family The Reverend Robert C. Pasley Christine West

Palestrina Patron ($300.00 TO $499.00)

Edward & Barbara Byrnes David Gagliardi Philip Gullo Len & Marianna Kane William S. Kiddish Dolores Mecir Mrs. Barbara A. Petitte Patrick & Michaela Rooney Victoria Patron ($200.00 TO $299.00) Josephine Browna Frosty Fernandez Guido & Susan fetta The Kauffmann Family Paul & Kathy Matterson MichaelJ. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Scott Thomas

Monteverdi Patron ($100.00 TO $199.00)

David & Colleen DeLuca Thomas & Mary Anne Donaldson Deborah Anne Freiberg Dr. Peter W. Frey 6 BSWSUSUSESESESTE Assumption Choral Mlass Patrons

Monteverdi Patron ($100. (0 TO $199.00)

William R. Gedgard Father Glenn Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Heffernan Michael & Kathryn Higgins Greg & Frika Lynch Joseph Lyons PaulMazoch Robert & Bernadette Mehmet Christopher & Sally Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Lori Ann Scott Barbara Swan Henry & Cindy Verrecchia

Vivaldi Patron ($50. 00 TO $99.00) The Beecher Family Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ferringo Lori Kauffmann Mary Anne McE£nery Brian Mehmet & Gina Cufari Alfonse & Tina Pizzica John T. Speck Robert Westenberger Hayydn Patron (U p to $49.00)

Rosemary Byrne John C. Castiello Kathleen C. Ellingsworth Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Franchetti Meganne Kenny Robert & Stephanie Meissner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ross Joseph & Maria Schilare

Thank You to Allof Our Patrons V Jhose Generosity Made this Mass Possible. May GodBless You All!

Abd latoren1 Det Gloriam!

SOSKWOGUGWSESESETIG —” ficknowledgements.... In this, our nineteenth year of celebrating The Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption, we look back in gratitude and thanksgiving. An undertaking of this magnitude represents months of hard work, preparation and planning. We thank everyone who participated RS in making this day possible: His Excellency Charles Chaput, The Archbishop of Philadelphia and Father Dennis Gill, Rector of the historic Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul Our Choral Mass Patron Donors The Program Ad Patrons Barbara Rodio Cheryl Hughes Martin Howlett and The Altar Servers Mr. Robert Parker, Sacristan Emeritus Sacristans John Frank, Bill Gedgard Dr. Timothy McDonnell, The Singers and Musicians Michael J. Miller, Latin Translations for Propers of Mass The Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre The Knights and Ladies of Malta The Knights of Columbus Council 12833 The Knights of Columbus Assembly Anima Christi No. 3294 Color Guard Mr. Louis DiLoreto, Grand Knight Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society of Mater Ecclesiae The Blessed Imelda Society and Mrs. Megan Maher The Federation of North American Explorers-1st North Star Group St. John the Baptist Altar Servers and Maidens of the Miraculous Medal St. Mary of Conshohocken Altar Servers John and Saveria Symons, Publicity Allison & John Girone, G Photography and Films, Photography for Mass Thomas Tonelli, Videographer Mr. David O’Kane and Our Ushers A Special Note ofAppreciation to Dr. John Lilley For Providing Vestments Thank youtoall of the Priests who participated in choir, in an expression of collegiality and unity within the context of the Church’s ancient and traditional liturgy. ESS 295 Ses ms Mater Ecclesiae Assumption Mass ea SacredaMusic Patron Donation Form St. Gregory the Great Patron - $1,000.00 and above St. Cecilia Patron - $500.00 to $999.00 Palestrina Patron - $300.00 to $499.00 Victoria Patron - $200.00 to $299.00 Monteverdi Patron - $100.00 to $199.00 Vivaldi Patron - $50.00 to $99.00 Haydn Patron — $25 to $49.00


Please send check or money order paya ble to Mater Ecclesiae Sacred Music Program and mail to: Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church Sacred Music Program 261 Cross Keys Road Berlin, NJ 08009 To contact the church, please call 856-753-3408.

EERE KE RIK III III III EERIE IER EEE EERE EER EEE EE ERE REE III IIIOffice Use eI For Only Amount:|$__| Check # Most Reverend Herbert Bevard, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands, congratulates Father Pasley and all the people of Mater Ecclesiae as they honor our Blessed Mother, and celebrate the feast of her Assumption into Heaven. el Most Rev FE. mas nd Dan Bishop of the Diocese of Tole in Ohio Rejoices with Father Robert C. Pasley and the Parishioners of Mater Ecclesiae as Together we Prayerfully Celebr cate with the Church Universal the Solemn ity of the Assumption of the Blessed Vir: gin Mary Queen Assumed into Heejen Pray for Us!

31 The Reverend Robert C. Pasley, KCHS

“Thou art a priest forever; according to the Order ofMelchisedech!”’

Reverendus Robertus Carolus Fulgentius Pasley Equitus Commendator Equestnis Ordims S. Sepulcri Hierosolymitam Rector, Matris Ecclesiae Father Glenn Hartman DE MARIA NUMQUAMSATIS


Sending Love and Congratulations Rev. AnthonyJ. Manuppella, Pastor

St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish RomanCatholic Church AN OASIS OFFAITH AT THE GATE WAY TO THE SHORE “All the strength of Satan’s reign ts due to lukewarm Catholics.” St. PiusX

35 Rev. Msgr. Louis Marucci, D, Min, KCHS, Pastor And the Parishioners of St. Andrew the Apostie Gibbsboro, New Jersey

Congratulate Fr. Robert Pasley And the Mater Ecclesiae Faith Community As you celebrate

Your 19th Annual Mass of Thanksgiving! RSHEDSs

wie. ccwatershed org

Pree Liturgical Music Resources | St. Isaac Joques Iuminated Missal (OF)


| Free Religious Clipart St. Edmund Campion Missal (EF)

Views from the Choir Loft Blog | Lalande Library of Rare Book:

\ In the service of Beauty & the Church / ST. MARY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 140 WEST HECTOR STREET CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 Fr. Gismondi, FSSP, Pastor Fr. Kick, FSSP, Parochial Vicar

St Mary Catholic Church is non- territorial quasi-parish established by Archbishop Chaput in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and staffed by Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP).

Sunday Dass Simple Exposition ofthe Blessed Sacrament 8:30 a.m.—Low Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a:m.—Low Friday 5:30-6:20 p.m. Confessions Saturday 8:00-9:00 a.m. 30 minutes before each mass

Oremus invicem! | pro |Congratulations to Father Pasley andthe Parishioners ofMater Ecclesiae. | Church St. John the Baptist Catholic , Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter | Bridgeport, God's Blessings and invites you to Best Wishes to SOLEMN CHORAL MASS Father Pasley and the DIVINE WORSHIP—THE ORDINARIATE USE OF THE ROMAN RITE 3p arishi oners of CELEBRATING THE CANONIZATION OF Slater Ccclesiae on th e SAINT JOHN HENRY NEWMAN Special Occasion of the Annual flass of the AT THE CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF SS. PETER & PAUL Assumption., CELEBRANT: VERY REV. TIMOTHY PERKINS VICAR GENERAL ORDINARIATE OF THE CHAIR OF ST. PETER Hather George Setter, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 AT 7PM Bolp Eucharist Parish, WWW.SJBBRIDG EPORT.ORG 215-247-1092 LhiC. rrp DBtT MayGod bless Father Pasley and the Parishioners of Mater Ecclesiae as you honor the Blessed Virgin Mary on her feast of the Assumption.

What Lucifer lost by pride Mary won by humility. What Eve ruined and lost by disobedience Mary saved by obedience. St. Louis Marie de Montfort

Rev. Fr. Harold B. McKale Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rectory 235 East State Street Doylestown, PA 18901

May OurLady obtain from her Son abundant blessings for the community of Mater Ecclesiae! + +,¢

Msgr. Thomas Gervasio Diocese of Trenton |

| Ecclesiae Parish AMaterRoman Catholic Church celebrating the traditional Latin Mass

| |

engratulations as youcelebrate your 19th Annual Massof Thanksgiving on the Feast of the Assumption

Carmel Best wishes from yourparishfamily|at St. Mary of Mount in Hammonton ST. JOSEPH CHURCH - 226 FRENCH STREET I ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH + 285 ROUE 206

REGINA ANGELORUM ACADEMY Truth eauty Goodness A Classical Education, Pre-K through 8 iret ae metett

Flos Carmeli

This is the prayer of Saint Simon Stock. The scapular devotion with its promises was given to him. For seven centuries this prayer to the Blessed Mother has never been known to fail in obtaining powerful help.

O beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine. Splendor of Heaven, Holy Singular, who brought forth the Son of God,still ever remaining a Pure Virgin, assist me in this necessity.

O Star of the Sea, help and protect me! Show me that Thou art my Mother! O Mary, Conceived withoutsin, Pray for us! Pray for us who have recourse to Thee! Mother and Ornament of Carmel, Pray for us! Virgin and Flower of Carmel, Pray for us! Patroness of all who wear the Scapular, Pray for us!

Saint Joseph, Friend of the Sacred Heart, Pray for us! Saint Joseph, Chaste spouse of Mary, Pray for us! Saint Joseph, Our Patron, Pray for us!

© Sweet Heart of Mary, be my Salvation!

OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SOCIETY Mater Ecclesiae 261 Cross Keys Road Berlin, New Jersey 08009 it geet SeNeSe ee eae de ae ae


ee Ae al al , he al : Mi Pika Cae

TeastYay estallshedifor Monday afler the Celeve ofSentecost— S

KR ae tay Ceeeeeleaeeeeeae ee "4i) J iy fa 4 “ p iy2 i pos yw yo Sap 9 >S3 S SS &YSmerestSes aS2ff 3

S Ds TeaSwisSS SS SY YX~ VES BIE2 3 Se83 =QSs OD =S2 £= &§&

SSS ~ 3 s 3== «S : YW i6 WW6 A\BNPY‘vffBNvBYvi8 aS “Mother of Love, of Sorrow, Andof Mercy, Prayfor Us.” In Loving Memory of Anna Cavallo {oe} ieeeaaa Our Dear

aaa)Blessed Mother, = Thank you for © watching over _ us. Please continue to be the Guiding Light leading our hearts to Thy Precious Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ

Assumpta est Maria in caelum: collaudantes gaudent Angeli a benedicunt Dominum, alleluia.

Mary has been taken up into Heaven; therefore, do the angels rejoice and blessing God, praise Him with one voice, alleluia.


a ~— REQUIESCANT IN PACE In Loving Memory of My Husband Dr. Michael V. Smith, Sr. MyGrandson Steven Leighton Moyer My Parents Mr. & Mrs. William & Dorothea DiPietro My Niece Kimberly DiPietro Mrs. Joan Smith

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. Andlet perpetu ul light shine upon them. JOIN THE 20/20 CAMPAIGN to BAN late term abortions by 2020 in New Jersey

NESS: Put a“Baby Feet” magnet F on your car and a sticker on your cell phone.

PRAY: Arrange for Masses to be offered for the “Protection of Unborn Babies & their Families.” Also, pledgeestesto pray every dayfor the success ofthe “20/20 Project”.

: Join our monthly “20/20 Alliance Conference Call”.

Call LifeNet at 973-497-4500 to get your car magnet or 20/20 prayer card, to let us know about your Mass Offerings or to join in the monthly conference call. Or visit:


Promoting the Traditional Latin Mass

William A. Torchia, Esquire Chairman

The Reverend Robert C. Pasley, KCHS e Chairman Madame Paul DOUCET, sa scour et ses enfants Monsieur et Madame,Alain de GHABERT de OSTLAND,sa scour et ses enfants MadameHubert MARTY née REALdd SARTE,sa belle-sceur et son fils Madame Monique Tauzin, sa scour et ses enfants

Madame Caroline MARTY-REALdel SARTE, avocat a fa cour, sa niéce

ont la profonde tristesse de vousfaire part de la disparition de

MonsieurJean-Philippe MARTY

Gt @ait lefils deJean-Marie MARTY. Chev. de la légion dhonneur et Doct. en droit, et Noémie-Suzanne, née PLELARD!

survenue le samedi 26 janvier 2019 a laze de 74 ans

Lo cérémonie aura liet le jeudi 97fecrier 2019 & 1400 en tEglise Sains Pierre Du Gros Caillou de Paris suivie de Vinduumation dans le caveau de famille,

IN MEMORIAM : Holy Mother of God ~— for Our Pray Dearly Le soixantiéme anniversaire de la mort de Departed Christian Réal del Sarte Benjamin Carrion Castillo (XXVAnniversary) (1936-18 janvier 1959),

William Frideger Méndez (+2019) Pinfanterie de Marine, Chev. de la Légion d'Honneur, Crom de la Valeur Militaire avec Palme. Dr. Grant Li (+2019) MORT POUR LA FRANCE. Carlos Méndez Claure (+2019) Tl était le fils du compositeur et ancien combattant viuda de Virreira Luz-Mery Vallejo Méndez, (1914-18) d°Yves Réal del Sarte, Crom de Guerre avec (+2018) Palme, et de la comtesse Berthe de Gaigneron-Jollimont-de Marolies.

The Carrion-Vallejo & Marty-Réal del Sarte Family

52 Requiescant In Pace Brother Knights With Prayer Intentions for the Deceased Members of ‘Knights of \Columbus

| Council

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Francis Xavier Rooney December 5, 2016

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Richard P. Werkley December il, 2016 Joshua 24:15

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MATER ECCL. ESIAE PARISH MEMBER yy Serving F families Since 2004 OQ ee ¢ ao. a OT Maria Mater Ecclesiae, Ora Pro Nobis! Blessed be God.

Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. BLESSED BE THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS! Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacramentofthe Altar.

Blessed be the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. BLESSED BE HER’ GLORIOUS ASSUMPTION!

Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in|His Angels and in His Saints. This is offered for Intentions ofthe Holy Name ofJesus Society of Philadelphia.

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Philip Gullo cell (609) 458-4467 [email protected] . 58 Pintail Drive phone/fax (856) 910-1788 +Deo Gratias for Mater Eccle- Glassboro, NJ 08028 (856) 218-9464 sige 304 Park Place Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

62 SKLADACH TRANSLATIONS Professional, economical translations from Italian, French and German into English. Michael J. Miller 478 N. Tyson Avenue Apt. 2A Glenside PA 19038-3027 215-886-9481

Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network JITES TRADITIONIS

Traditional Knights from North America salute Mater Ecclesiae

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In Loving Memory The Browna Family

Reverend Jerome C. Romanowski | IN MEMORIAM— _REQUIESCATIN PACE.

(A James Delaney. Grand- Knight= Knights of Columbus Couneil 12833 Mater Eecelesiae Church Wert home to the Lord on May 30, 2014

ternaltestgrant unte him, C Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. P: May fie vest in peace. Amen.

66 May Our Lady continue to guideyourgreat efforts in promoting the SacredTraditions ofour One, Holy, Catholic andApostolic Church!

== ie 2 AJ ot 4 ij

Allen NJ 08501 Diocese of Trenton Celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass Rev. Brian Patrick Woodrow, Liaison to the Extraordinary Form a 67 Maria Mater Ecclesiae

Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Diocese of Camden The Rev. Robert C. Pasley, KCHS, Rector Fr. Glenn R. Hartman, KHS

Mass Schedule Sundays Saturday 5:00 PM (Anticipated Mass) Sunday 8:00 AM Low Mass 10:30 AM High Mass followed by Benediction Confessions 30-minutes before Mass Weekdays 8:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 7:30 PM Wednesday Evening followed by Saint Jude Novena Confessions 15 minutes before Daily Mass and Tuesday 8:00 PM—9:00 PM

261 Cross Keys Road, Berlin, NJ 08009-9431 856-753-3408