
The Dune Sea Express is published quarterly by Dune Sea Creations. The DSE is produced with the help of The Enterprise Tardis Connection (ETC) of San Angelo, Texas and by The Enterprise Tardis Connection: The Next Generation also of San Angelo. This fanzine is produced for the enjoyment of Star Trek, , and Science Fiction Fans and is not intended to infringe on any established copyrights. All rights revert to the original author/artist after publication. All other material is copyrighted from the date on the front cover of this issue

The Dune Sea Express is made up of submissions from its readers. Submissions from Supporting Members are given priority over submissions from non-members. Submissions should be typewritten if all possible. We request that artwork be in black and white. A high quality photocopy is acceptable. Submissions cannot be returned. Submission indicates permission allowing The Dune Sea Express to publish the work in part or its entirety. Should a submission be accepted for publication the author/artist will be notified and payment will be made in free copies of said issue. For More Information on submission requirements please send a letter-sized SASE to the address below.

Supporting Membership is $5.00 per year or $9.00 for two years unless otherwise informed. Membership entitles the member to a one/two year subscription of the DSE. Membership funds are used primarily for supplies, printing, and postage. Any profit made (Ha, Ha - we haven't made any yet) will be donated to charity. The staff is voluntary. Please make checks payable to Pamela Girard.

Members, the number of your final issue is printed in the top left corner of the mailing label. Also, please notify us of any change of address as soon as possible. Be sure to include your full name and old address printed clearly so we can update our records. Please send all correspondence to:

The Dune Sea Express does accept advertisements. If the ad is for a club activity or some "non-profit" or charity type event send a black and white copy of the ad as you want it to appear and we will try to fit it in. If the ad is for merchandise please send a SASE for ad rates and any other information necessary. Also please enclose a description of the ad or the item(s) being sold. We reserve the right to refuse any ad.

For information on joining The Enterprise Tardis Connection or The ETC: The Next Generation please contact the following: Enterprise Tardis Connection c/o : Preview

Page The Evolution Dilena Part 7 By Ted Poster (art by Greg Rove) 3 lev Adventures of Doctor Iho: List of titles available 9 Join the Borg ad By Gary Geick 10 Trivia Tonight: Doctor Iho Ansvers on page IS 11 Interstellar Molecules 11 Hap of the Milky lay Galaxy By Douglas lilson 12 Critiqoe-al Mass: "Black Orchid" 13 Series Synopsis: Star Trek: The Beit Generation, Season 1 15 Trivia Ansvers (Mo Peeking. This leans you) 16 Enterprise Engineering Deck Blueprints By Gary Geick 17 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-DS9 Bloodlettei By Ted Foster 18 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-ST:THG Guises of the Kind By Ted Poster 19 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-Classic The Great Starship fiace.By Sandra Provence Steele 20

STAFF Editor - Paiela Girard. Asst. Editors - Traci Girard and Jennifer Gonzales. Staff Iriters - Ted Foster, Nark Gillespie, Greg Rove, Douglas lilson, Sandra Provence Steele. Staff Artists - Greg Rove, Gary Geick.

This issue is late as you may have noticed. There are several reasons:

New computer was most of November due to what finally turned out to be a minor memory problem. So when delayed deadline time finally came, the entire city had any one of six distinct strains of the flu. So we spent a bit of time tending the sick and dying members of the staff. Then changes in the printers schedule necessitated changing the months the DSE is published to the first of February, May, August, and November.

New deadlines for 94 issues will be:

March 15 for issue #22 June 15 for issue #23 September 15 for issue #24 December 15 for issue #25

Also the purchase of a new computer means the purchase of new software. So with luck the next issue of the DSE will be back to the smaller 5x8 size that the post office prefers.

Wov, what a lot of business this time. 2 last things - first, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Doctor Who the DSE will feature some sort of article on Doctor Who each issue this year. Second, stop by and visit us at Aggiecon in March in College Station. We will be in the dealer room somewhere. (It'll be the table with back issues of the DSE on it among all manner of other devices. Til next time...

o e Evolution Dilemma Part 7 By Ted Foster

In Previous Parts: Captain Picard's riding lesson was interrupted by a distress call from Derailium II, a colony endangered by an asteroid on a collision course. The Enterprise crew comes up with a plan to pull the asteroid off its course with the help of thruster modules attached to the asteroid's surface. The EnterprIse also enlists the help of the Pegasus, a fighter carrier commanded by Captain Marschall, and the Solstice, a Betazoid passenger ship. The attempt to move the asteroid failed due to interference from a mysterious shape-shifting ship that has been detected in the vicinity of both the Enterpr ise and the Pegasus. Now plans must be inacted to evacuate the planet's inhabitants, however, Coordinator Effingham tells Picard that the colonists will not leave the native species behind that they have been doing genetic experimentation on to try to raise them to sentiency. When we last left the story, the Enterpr ise was preparing to try to blow up the asteroid, named the Reaper, when the alien ship had reappeared and sent a crewman onboard the Enterprise. When attempts at communication failed they crew attacked the creature in engineering. The injured creature beamed out of Engineering just as the charges on the Reaper detonated. With the failure of this plan Picard has no time left and orders the evacuation of the planet. To add to the troubles, a group on colonists refusing to leave hide in some old lead and molybdenum mines. But getting them out requires that an away team can get to them in time to set up a transporter amplification net.


A quick meeting on the bridge soon had the away team on its way. The captains had agreed that a large type personnel shuttle should be sent down, and the only one available was the Pegasus' shuttle Cerberus. A compliment with officers from both ships was chosen consisting of Riker, Crusher, Enlahr, T'Pyrl, and Romaine. Crusher and T'Pryl would provide any medical assistance while Riker would operate the transporter amplifiers. Because the actions of the missing persons couldn't be predicted, Lt. Romain would provide security. (Worf seemed content to stay put on the outside chance that a battle with the alien vessel came to pass.) Enlahr came along both as pilot and as an expert on subterranean navigation. To the dismay of both executive officers, Riker and Evans, Marchall also insisted on going. "My tracking skills are the best on either ship," he said calmly, "And since these people do not want to be found and tricorders will be impaired, that may be a necessity." Both commanders could argue the first point, (Riker preferring to use Hak'el or Worf) but there was only so far you push a captain once his mind was made up. Within minutes the shuttle was on its way. To his enjoyment, Will took the co-pilot's chair across from the silicon slab known as Enlahr. The Horta sat on a bench rather than a normal seat, and two special controls connected him to the shuttle. The first was a connection to his vocorder which allowed him to access the shuttle's computer and non-flight controls. The second was a curved plate which could be manipulated by touching it with the edge of his body. Two touch points controlled pitch, another two roll, and a third set controlled yaw. A separate point allowed him to vary the thrust. Riker thought he looked very comfortable with them both as they entered the atmosphere. At first they felt only the normal gentle rolling as they began to drop through the ionosphere. But quickly the buffeting became severe. Derallium's jet stream was in turmoil as the asteroid's remnants approached, and Enlahr and Riker were both required to keep the craft from rolling upside down. As they reached calmer air closer to the ground, the ride smoothed, and breaking through the clouds they could see the city of Paraiso below. Even now with the Reaper's arrival over an hour away, the tides were up at least five meters. Streets and thoroughfares near the shore were already under water as the ocean began to feel the effects. They passed smoothly overhead and headed southeast towards the mountains. They made a soft landing on a hillside near to where the mine's old vertical shaft was located. As they exited the shuttle, the first thing that struck the party was a smell. All worlds have their own unique scent - some pleasant, some not. An area's flora, fauna, and dust are unique to each, and a sensitive instrument like the humanoid nose could easily tell the difference. However, exiting the shuttle Riker felt like he had been hit by an aircar. The strong odor of sulphur threatened to overwhelm his sense of smell, and his eyes began to water. A feeling of nausea swept over him, but he managed to put it down quickly. The others in the party seemed to be coping as well. Getting his land legs, he walked out and looked around. They had landed on a small plateau about halfway up the side of a mountain, To the north the mountain ridge formed a large horseshoe canyon while to the east the tops of three more peaks could be scene, Snow began to cover the peaks several kilometers above their current position. A twisty, winding road snaked down from the minehead toward the metropolitan center to the south, while the remains of a large, water-powered funicular for carrying the ore could be seen heading sharply downward in much more direct route to the valley floor. Under a reddish sky it was beautiful enough that Will nearly forgot about the odor. He took out his tricorder and began to scan, and Marschall and Romaine followed suit. The scans were possible only for several kilometers around before being dampened by atmospheric interference, but they were able to scan the mine shaft upper works with little difficulty. The three spread out in opposite directions while the two doctors prepared their med kits. Enlahr watched the activity around, and Riker swore that the being seemed to sink occasionally as if nibbling a the shale and quartz below him. Other than the mine shaft itself and the upper works for raising and lowering equipment, not much registered. The buildings were ordinary and showed nothing special, while the shaft had definitely been sealed about four meters below the top.

4 Riker had just about given up when a faint reading straight down showed a hollow space about 10 meters below him and 30 meters deep. Aligning himself to walk away from the central shaft, he found himself walking toward a waste pile of mine tailings about 20 meters away. Stopping to scan again, he noted that the tailings were against the hillside. Relying on his instincts, he managed to climb over the rough terrain, was a small, dark entrance. Hitting his communicator, he said, "Riker to landing party, I think I found an entrance. I need you all to join me behind the tailings pile to the southeast. The entrance is small so I suggest that Lt. Enlahr remain behind to monitor us and keep the shuttle ready for lift off." "Acknowledged," Marschall said, though static made listening difficult. He added, "Lieutenant, if we're not back In 30 minutes before the Reaper hits, you are to lift off immediately and return to Pegasus." "Aye, sir. I will be boosting communications signals through the shuttle in order to remain in contact with you." "Very good." Soon the others had joined him. Romaine and Riker both drew their phasers and proceeded forward, although because she was nearly as large a person as Will it was a tight fit for both. The passage led for a short distance under the tailings pile, then turned into a staircase leading downward to the northwest. Reaching the bottom, they entered a room moderately lit via low energy glow panels. This in turn led to a chamber beyond with access to two lifts. The first was the old mineshaft lift which, as they could see from below, could still be used if cables were re-run through cleverly designed holes in the rocks blocking the passage. The second lift was far newer, and had the look of a Starbase turbolift. Looking at Romain, Will grinned, "Shall I send for your car, madame?" Giving him a sardonic look that reminded him of Ro, she returned the quip, "And allow them to trap us in the lift? That would be clever." Will conceded she had a point, but he didn't think it was much of a threat. "True, but we could cut through the bottom of the car easily enough if need be, and either way we would end up climbing down. Of course, they could override the controls and just kill us." "I don't think that likely, Commander," Marschall pointed out. "These are scientists, not soldiers. I doubt they would harm us unless they had to. Let's try the turbolift." The party moved back while Will activated the panel, and within seconds the turbolift car arrived. It was larger than those on a starship. Romain pronounced it clear, but as they entered Marschall put his arm on Riker's shoulder and pointed up. "We should assume they are monitoring us closely," he said flatly. Looking up Riker saw what he was pointing at - a button sized lens in one upper corner of the car. Other sensors were probably present as well, so deactivating the obvious one was a waste of time. The car had only two controls on it, and in a moment they could feel the downward acceleration of the car. With tricorders recording as they dropped, they watched the rock layers move past. Finally, 120 meters down, the car stopped and the doors opened to reveal a horizontal mine passageway leading into darkness. Dim wall lighting placed sporadically along the walls created white pools of light at odd intervals ahead. Down the only side passage they could see large, rusty machinery that used to haul ore to the main hoist. Ironically, the air here was musty, but carried less of the hydrogen sulfide smell. Marschall to Enlahr," the Captain said softly after tapping his communicator. "Enl..r her..." came a staggered reply. "We've descended in a turbolift to 120 meters directly below the buildings, and are proceeding on a side tunnel headed roughly south at this point. I suspect the entrance to the old command bunker is somewhere ahead." "Copy th..t...I can ..ill scann you. Sta..ng by." They proceeded cautiously forward moving further into the mountain. Lt. Romaine took the lead with Riker following her, scanning as he moved. The odd placement of the explosion proof lighting made strange shadows as they moved. The walls here were irregularly cut from the rock which was banded in the browns and blacks of volcanic shale. Occasionally small, shiny bands of lead could be seen as well. The cutting and blasting had left plenty of nooks and crannies giving the corridor a macabre feeling. "I'm registering several rooms ahead and faint life forms," Riker said quietly. "They're about another 18 meters ahead." Within another ten meters the corridor changed abruptly to a well lit hall with finished walls and flooring. Several accessways could be seen leaving to either side. The party stopped just short of entering while Lt. Romaine gave the hallway a scan of her own. She noted several listening and recording devices monitoring their progress, but no weapons or gassing equipment. The party continued forward toward the first door. Just as they reached it, however, a portion of ceiling behind them swung down effectively trapping them. Spinning to a cat-like stance in reaction to the slamming door, Romaine drew her phaser but did not fire. Riker had done likewise. When nothing further happened, they began scanning the trap door, the first accessway in front of them opened just a crack. Riker turned to look and barely had time to yell, "Look out! " Two small canisters flew into the room and within a second both had detonated. The first gave off a blinding flash and a roaring boom which completely disoriented everyone. The second gave off a noxious brown gas which had them all clutching at their throats before the stun effects wore off. Riker collapsed to the floor, gagging. His mind reeled with the effects of the gas and the frustration of being caught off guard. As his vision dimmed, he had two last fleeting thoughts. The first was that he hoped the gas wasn't lethal. The second was that he noticed that Marschall wasn't in the room with them. XV

Beverly Crusher awoke to find herself in a small room with one door and no operating panel. A single light provided illumination and she saw that both Lt. Romiane and the Vulcan T'Pyrl were lying unconscious next to her. Neither she nor the other doctor had been touched in any way, but she could see that the security officer had had her wrists shackled behind her and her feet hobbled together by a short cord of wire. Quickly she checked her chronometer. They had been but for almost 30 minutes. She scowled. The asteroid would impact in less than an hour and these scientists insisted on being unreasonable. She pulled out her med kit and scanned her two sleeping companions ad herself, but saw no lasting effects from the gas. Probably a short duration neuromuscular agent. She moved toward the others, and thought it ironic the sulphur smell in the air would actually help her arouse them. It was like having a constant presence of smelling salts. She woke both of the others as best she could, but couldn't do anything with Romaine's restraints. Checking in both of the medical kits, she saw that the treatment lasers had been removed from each. Whoever had kidnapped them had been very thorough. They set about looking around the room for anything that might help. Indentions on the floor appeared to be those left by shelves, and therefore they assumed they had been stuck in some sort of storage room. However, no controls existed for them to open the door from this side. They did find a moderately sized air system vent, but it had a strong grate of metal bars covering it. It would take a cutting torch at least to get it clear. The two doctors sat down next to Romaine, and Beverly said, "They've gone to a lot of trouble to keep us out of the way." The security chief was obviously barely holding anger in check at being shackled, but when she spoke it was in a voice cold and quiet, "I believe we should escape and show them the misdirection of their actions." Missing the chief's sarcasm, Doctor T'Pyrl simply added, "That does seem logical, though at this point I am at a loss as to how to accomplish this, however, we may as a group have more success trying to loosen the ventilation grating. It appears large enough so that some or all of us may be able to crawl through it." They helped Romaine to a more comfortable position, and started working.


Commander William Riker found himself in a similar circumstance in a nearby room. Noticing that his communications badge and phaser had been removed he took a look around. Unfortunately, it took only a moment to catalogue the room and its solitary pallet. Surprisingly, his abductors had left his tricorder with him, so he scanned as much as he could around him. He was able to pick up human life signs nearby. After verifying that he could not force the grating open by either pulling on it or glaring at it, he set about seeing if the door could be forced. He scanned it and found to his disappointment that it was locked with a crude but highly effective mechanical lock. The fancy electronic rewiring is going to get you out of this, Mr. Riker, he thought. As he tried to push the door open, a tapping sound above him startled him. He spun around, and then saw a glint of metal moving above the grating. Moving underneath it, he clearly saw the face of Captain Marschall. He started to speak, but the Captain stopped him with a wave. Using slow, deliberate hand gestures, the Ranger gave instructions. Sound devices in room - remain quiet except for the door - pound on it when I signal. Will nodded his acknowledgement, and went to the pallet. Breaking a board loose, he moved to the door. When Marschall signalled, he began to beat on the door and to make all the sounds of a futile attempt to escape. The door made a satisfying hollow sound with each stroke, and Riker took a moment to look behind him. Marschall was in the process of using his energy weapon to cut through each of the bars in turn. When nearly finished with the last one, he stopped and just bent the grate down with a gloved hand in order to keep it from clanking to the floor. He motioned for Riker to come over and then grabbed him when he jumped. Between the two of them they managed to pull the Commander into the duct with as few bruises, cuts, and uniform tears as possible. Without room to turn around. The Captain began to slowly and silently back down the way he had come. Will followed him doing an army crawl. Eventually they reached a "T" intersection where the Captain could turn around and the duct widened a bit. They continued on for what seemed like an eternity in the dim light and passed numerous side passages and ducts. Marschall moved forward with confidence and Riker was surprised at his ability to navigate the maze. After a while the Captain pitched forward through a larger open grate and Riker followed him down into another room. This room was crowded with air system equipment and the main electrical reeds to the complex. A loud, shrill sound came from the working air units giving them their first chance to talk since Riker's escape. "How did you get away?", he said loudly in the Captain's ear. "Luck, really. I saw a dim bead of light from an ultra-low powered laser cross the Lieutenant's ankle as the trap was sprung, and managed to jump backwards before the door came down. Finding the vent for the passage led me in here, and I'd been scouting around for about 30 minutes before I found you." Riker took this in, then said, "I recommend we find the transporter enhancers and then try to turn the tables on these scient ists." "Agreed, but I have seen where they were at least 15 minutes ago. There is a large communications room which is now empty adjacent to the command center. That is where they are keeping the Tenarin and that is where our equipment is. My guess is that it will be the best place to get all of them in one place." Riker nodded grimly, "We don't have much time...about 30 minutes before impact. What do you suggest?" They outlined a plan, and the Ranger drew a crude map in the dust on a machine to guide Riker to the command center. When they were done, Marschall added one last note. "I've scanned quite a bit here, and the rocks around this complex have some rather interesting fissures and stress points. Normally as strong as wound ever be needed, I doubt they will continue to hold if something the size of the Reaper comes down." Will needed no further explanation. Wasting no time, they separated. Will went to the door, scanned it, and then carefully opened it. Seeing no one in the corridor, he moved toward the command center.

To be continued * By request the following is a list of the titles of the New Adventures of Doctor Who series which began a couple of years ago. The earlier books went out of print rapidly with the publisher but a few copies are still around on the bookstore shelves. David A Mclntee Cat's Cradle: Witchmark Shadowmind : Genesis Andrew Hunt John Peel Christopher Bullis Nightshade Birthright Timewyrm: Exodus Mark Gatiss Nigel Robinson Terrance Dicks Love and War Timewyrm: Apocalypse Paul Cornell David Banks Nigel Robinson Trans it Bloodheat Timewyrm: Revelation Ben Aaronovitch Paul Cornell Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible The Dimension Riders Marc Piatt Daniel Blythe Cat's Cradle: Warhead Neil Penswick The Left-Handed Hummingbi Andrew Cartmel Kate Orman Peter Darvi11-Evans Andy Lane and Jim Mortimore fliiimiintof/ Jtivla (Tonight'.

1. What does U.N.I.T. stand for? 2. Who nearly became the very first victim of a ? 3. Which of the Doctor's companions was sentenced to death by public steaming? 4. Who tends the Elixir of Life? 5. Who created Castrovalva? 6. What is the mark of the Mara? 7. In "Remembrance of the " what are the Daleks seeking? 8. Which of the Doctor's companions was in league with the Black Guardian? 9. Which of the Doctor's companions was touched by Fenric? 10 Who was the Doctor's first assistant at U.N.I.T.? 11. Who was the Doctor's second assistant at U.N.I.T.? 12. Who was the Doctor's third assistant at U.N.I.T.? 13. What planet lies at the center of the universe? 14. How was the Doctor responsible for the great fire of London? 15. Arriving on Tara, the Doctor sent Romana off to find the 4th segment of the Key to time, what did the Doctor do?

CHALLENGE TRIVIA 1. Who was the deadly assassin? 2. What is the official color of mourning on Necros? 3. What was the black orchid? 4. What manner of creature did the second Doctor and the Brigadier meet in the tunnels under the Dark Tower? 5. How did 's brother die? 6. The third Doctor equipped Bessie with an anti-theft device. What effect did it have on would-be thieves and in which episode was it put to use? 7. What planet did the Daleks originate on and name the two races living on the planet at the time the Daleks were created? 8. The second Doctor often consulted his well traveled diary. How many years did the diary cover? Anscoer^ P^t /£

*,.. Interstellar Molecules

* Steven Speilberg will produce a "Zorro" movie for Tristar pictures. Filming begins in April.

* Speilberg's production company Amblin Entertainment will produce a new series for NBC called "Earth II". This science fiction series will debut in the 94-95 season and deals with the colonization of a new planet.

A second series of new Doctor Who novels is due to begin sometime in 94. This new series will feature stories with doctor's 1 through 6 and at this point is being called "The Missing Stor ies." MUfy Way qalaxg C^at Spiral Galaxy - M-O-Local Group StoUar Population , L^aiop ^ 10 xlO10 Stars

ooo1 12 Critique-al Mass doctor Hho "Black Orchid" Peanut Gallery: N&Hark Gillespie DH=Douglas Wilson GR=Greg Bowe PG^Paiela Girard TG-Traci Girard

PG-Hell let's see, Black Orchid was the first Historical episode of Doctor Mho since when Br. Trivia Kxpert? HG-Tie Inlanders PG-Troughton? MG-Yes, and the last we've had. They've not done one since Black Orchid. (PG shakes head in disagreement)Nhen have they done one? DH-Hasn't Ghostlight one? PG-Yes, there was a McCoy story. Qhostlight wasn't strictly historical though. GR-They just never left the house. KG-It vas a nice Cricket natch. PG-A lot of yelling UG-It shows Peter Davison's Dapper style. DK-Soiebody said southing earlier about Davison being a good cricket player. PG-Sell, supposedly he is. I don't know if he's really any good or not. But he's played in other shots... Would you say this is the first episode there we see that they have set up this faiilj situation since Tegan has decided to stay. Tou have Hoi and Dad and the two siblings that bicker. IG-Yea, I souId say so. DK-tfhose Hoi and Dad? PG-Tegan and the Doctor BG-And then Ryssa and Adric are the kids. PG-Kspecially when you get into the stuff about Tegan being allowed to have a screwdriver and lyssa ordering one not knowing what that is so you get "Better take that orange juice for the children." KG-Although the actress who plays Jyssa is in her late twenties. PG-And if the children are too young to drink and have to have orange juice. Hon is Ann who just happens to be lyssa's identical twin old enough to be engaged to George Cranleigh who has been in his current seii-craxj condition for at least a while. And then he been in Brazil before that. HG-They tarried thei young in those days. TG-She wasn't in love with hii. Because iuediately after he gets his tongue cut out aid goes senile, she gets engaged with George's brother. PS-She didn't know he was alive. The faiily thought he was dead except for the lother. The brother vas just handy I guess. Harrying your brother-in-law was lore accepted back then. That behavior is kind of frowned on now. HG-Yes and locking hii up in the attic was.. PG-that's kind of frowned on too. PG-OK, if George Cranleigh is crazy because he has had his tongue cut out and they have to hide hii in the attic and keep hii tied up, they lake hii out to be a real loon. But he can't be that crazy because he knew to steal the Doctor's costuie and take it back to frate hii with the lurder of the butler. TG-He knows to hide the body of the servant, Digby. PG-He knows to burn the door down to escape his rooi after the Indian hides the key. These are all pretty rational thought processes going on here. He seeis to only be crazy about his obsession for Ann. HG-As if Ann lakes hii crazy. PG-Or laybe its the fact that his brother is tarrying Ann when he isn't dead that's taking hit crazy. DH-Hell I never really got the iipression that is was crazy. PG-Well, they've got hii locked up and he's guarded night and day by his Indian-king friend. DH-How would you feel when you were around all these other people and you looked like that. You're gonna feel pretty scared.. PG-This is a variation on your standard "Phantoi" story. BG- Slack Orchid has never been one of ly favorite stories. It's just sort of there. I don't really have any opinions one way or the other. It's not an episode that I'I just going to sit around bored one day and watch. IG-Hark is not the type to like historical stories. PG-1 like it. It's accurate historically. The twenties is easy to recreate. HG-I found the historical episodes boring. PS- Sell, we get lots of pretty costumes and dancing, lots of nitty repartee, about Adric being a pig. HS-I know but there was no science fiction in it. GR-They lade the TARDIS disappear. PG-It's a nice little nurder mystery- It's hard to put science fiction eleients into every story when your preiise is traveling through tiie. It's easier to do when you're on an alien planet or when the Daleks are attacking. DH-BJact Orchid is just a very enjoyable episode for me. It's not one of the ones I like to really get into though. TG-There's not a lot to get into. HG-There's only the two episodes. DH-There's not a lot of technical Btuff. TG-There's no changing the polarity of the neutron flow. PG-It's not very scientific. It's just a nice little nurder nystery. GR-I like it when the Doctor gets lost. "Oh what's in here?" and starts wandering around the hallways. PS-He get to see hii running around in his robe. MG-Oh yea, I'I sure that excites you no end. "Be's in his bathrobe ohhh." TG-You can't see anything. He's wearing pants. PG-But does he ever get to take the bath? MG-Hhy is the key to the TARDIS a norial key. This is a little continuity thing. The key changes depending on which Doctor it is. Kith Pertwee it's a norial key. And then when Baker gets it its that little thing we all buy at the cons. DM-Yea but they're always leaving the door open so the lock doesn't latter anyway. They just leave it standing open so anybody could just walk right in. MG-and soietiies the door is locked and soietiies it isn't. Because soietiies you need the key and soietiies you don't. But Davison had this big thing with the key because in Four to Dooasdaj we had, "Hho wants the key.."(Harks dangling an invisible key in front of everyone) "Mho wants the power-trip and get to hold on the to spare key". PG-OE with Pertwee the chaieleon circuit part still sort of worked so you had a key that latched a police box, and then when Toi Baker caie along the circuit had been broken, probably when Pertwee had the console outside the TARDIS. HG-How do you get the console outside the TARDIS? PG-You lake the interface between the two dimensions bigger, I don't know. MG-I know he had no problei flying through space with just the console. So he broke it. PG-It's broke and now the key appears in its natural fori like it does on Gallifrey. And then Baker went to Logopolis and they fixed it. So it's a police box key again. And have we seen the key since Davison? HG-Ho, I don't think so. DW-They just leave it open for everybody. PG-Before we finish, any rude conents on the twinkles? TG-Convenient that they had two dresses. MG-Yes convenient. GB-That there could be two people in the universe that could look that inch alike. PG-Froi two different planets no less. GR-Tegan did a very good job with the Charleston. HG-They did a descent job of using all of the companions. Adric got to eat. Tegan got to dance. Hyssa got to be a twin. And the Doctor got lost. He didn't have companions just sitting around the TARDIS twiddling their thuibs like we get in soie episodes. "Oh I'i just going to stay here in the TARDIS because there's nothing for le to do. I'i just going to sit here and wait for thei to coie back and be safe. I'm sure they're OK." TG-Ihat's why they had to lock it they didn't leave anybody behind. DH-Oh, there are plenty of episodes where they all come walking out and leave the door wide open. And that really bugs me. PG-Did Hrs. Cranleigh really think she was goana keep Mr. Biglip hidden in that house? I mean at a costume party OK. Good costuie. But what about the rest of the time? TG-I guess he just lives in the priest's hole and never comes out. PG-But did the Doctor ever get his bath? Series Synopsis: Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1—87-88 Star Trek: The lext Generation Season 1

Encounter at Faipoint 101, 102 Pilot. The Q entity challenges the nev crew of the Haven 105 Galaxy-Class Enterprise to solve the problei of the Deanna Troi's lother arrives along vith her Farpoint station or go back to their ovn solar systei arranged fiancee vho is in love vith a voian he has and stay there. lever seen until the plague ship she is travelling on arrives. The laked Nov 103 1 intated vater nolecale infects the crev with an The Big Goodbye 113 illness that is like being drunk and uninhibited. Picard, Data, and Beverly Crusher enjoy playing a Siiilar to bat not quite the saie as affected the Dixon Hill scenario on the holodeck until a Jaradan original crev under Jaies T. Kirk. piobe daiages the program taking it lethal.

Code of Honor 104 Datalore 114 The Enterprise is sent to Ligon II to acquire a The Enterprise stops briefly at the colony vorld desperately needed drug. The local leader kidnaps Tasha Data vas found on. The Avay team finds another android Iar and she last fight his vife to earn her freedoi or vho turns out to be Data's brother, Lore, vho is in die trying. league vith the Crystaliie Entity that destroyed the colony. The Last Outpost 107 In atteipting to apprehend a group of Ferengi's Angel One 115 y vanted for theft, the Enterprise is held by a povei Riker, Troi, Tar, aid Data lake up a teat sent to draining field controlled by the portal, a gatekeeper a planet ruled by voien in search of survivors of a guarding the entrance to the now extinct T'Kong Eipire. crashed ship. Only the survivors have tarried into the population and are considered outlaws. In the teantiie Ibere So One las Gone Before 106 a highly contagious illness has broken out on the In engineering expert and his assistant attempt to Enterprise. realign the engines taking thet tore efficient. His assistant, the Traveler, is distracted by lesley and 11001001 US causes the ship to travel at enoraous speed and end op The Enterprise pulls into drydock for taintenance in the indroteda Galaxy. only to be stolen by the Binars after the crev leaves, liker and Picard are enticed to stay onboard by a very Lonely Along Os 108 realistic holodeck character nated Minuet. The Binars As the Enterprise passes by a nebula, an entity need the Enterprise cotpnters to temporarily preserve hitches a ride unintentionally and joins with several their computer integrated society. of the crev until it finally reaches Picard and invites hii to travel hoie vith it. Too Short a Season 112 Admiral Jamison must return to the planet vhere he Justice 109 once served as mediator in a hostage situation. Hov he The Enterprise visits the planet of the Edo and returns for the saie reason only he lust face the plans to have shore leave there until lesley is consequences of his earlier actions. He lust also live sentenced to death for breaking their only lav and vith the consequences of taking a tirade cure for his crossing a white barrier. life threatening disease.

The Battle 110 Then the Bough Breaks 111 A vengeful Ferengi captain brings Picard's old A planet knovn only in legend appears and its ship, 'The Stargazer" back to hii as a gift and plans inhabitants kidnap lesley and several other children i to drive Picard insane vith a thought amplifying order to start a nev generation because the entire machine. population is sterile.

Bide and Q 111 Q returns, this tlie to give Riker the ultliate gift. The pover of the Q. Bote Soil 11? Syibiosls 123 1 teai of teirafoners unknowingly begins to The Enterprise gets involved in the conflict destroy the habitat of a lifefori that declares war on betveen tvo planets. One the drug suppliers and one the the hsians to survive. addicts.

Cosing of Age 119 Skin of Evil 122 lesley takes the Starfleet entrance exai for the j Troi's shuttle crashes on a planet vhere she is first tiie. Picard's coiiand is questioned by an held prisoner by an entity of evil left behind by the Jdiiral vho is an old friend. beings that used to live there. Iar dies in the line of duty. Heart of Glory 120 Three Klingon survivors of a battle daiaged le'll Alvays have Paris 124 freighter are taken aboard the Enterprise. They are Picard runs into an old flaie vhen the Enterprise vanted for insurrection against the Klingon governient. responds to a distress signal froi a scientific outpost lorf finally has a chance to spend a little tiie vith doing research in the tiie continuui. his ovn kind. Conspiracy 125 The Arsenal of Freedoi 121 Picard and the Enterprise get eibroiled in a The Enterprise investigates the disappearance of a conspiracy to overthrov Starfleet froi vithin, backed ship. They are led to a planet vhere the business is by a race froi outside the Federation. selling arts and their ovn nerchandise destroys thei. The leutral lone 126 The Enterprise and the Roiulans follov upon investigating the destruction of outposts along both sides of the border. The Enterprise also takes on passengers froi the 20th century found in cryogenic suspension. ANSWERS f 1. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce 2. The Doctor in "Genesis of the Daleks" 3. Leela 4. The Sisterhood of Karn 5. The 6. Snake 7. The Hand of 8. Turlough 9. 10. Liz Shaw 11. Jo Grant 12. Sarah Jane Smith 13. Terminis 14. A burning brand was knocked from his hand by a Terileptil in the Tereleptil base in Pudding Lane. 15. went fishing

Challenge trivia answers

1. Chancellor Goth, who assassinated his president on the orders of , who then attempted to frame the Doctor for murder. 2. Blue 3. The title of the book written by George Cranleigh about a beautiful flower he found on the banks of the Orinoco River. It is also the name of the flower. 4. A Yeti 5. Varsh, Adric's brother, died at the hands of the Marshmen. 6. It would magnetically attract and hold any would-be thieves against the side of the car. It was seen in use in episode 2 of the "Ambassadors of Death". 7. Skaro, Kaleds and Thais 8. 500 years. Engineering, Deck 7 Constitution Class

by Gary Ge








H. THREE-SIDED LADDER Svigge^iion^ Ike, ^pacafafeing Insomniac

By Ted Foster

"Bloodletter" By K.W. Jeter Star Trek - Deep Space Nine #3 - Pocket books

This is a fun time to be reading a new series of Star Trek novels. Entry number three for the Deep Space Nine novels seems to be another that was written prior to the series actually being shot with only the writer's bible and a general description of the series in hand. Several of the mechanical gizmos required in the book for ships to pass through the wormhole are never mentioned in the series. And the views of the characters to each other, especially Major Kira to Doctor Bashir, are written as if the characters had just met. The plot has two main threats to the station. The first is a Cardassian attempt to foil the Federation's "gateway" policy by setting up their own station at the other end of the wormhole. This would allow them to charge tolls and allow through only those ships which they authorized. Commander Sisko has to find a way to stake a Federation claim to the other end of the tunnel in order to protect Federation interests and the future of Bajor as a major trading center. This is a valid threat, and original enough to make the story work. The second threat comes from Major Kira's past. A renegade Bajoran religious leader has begun ordering terrorist activities. Broadcasting his speeches from a hidden location, he is calling for the execution of many who he has named Traitor to the purity of Bajor. Of course, that would involve our beloved Major who will be killed for selling out to the Federation, to make matters worse, this wacko's hiding place is on the station itself, and he has a personal interest in slitting Kira's throat himself. The author has some fun with Kira and Bashir who are thrown together on an isolated outpost fighting to stay alive despite an assassin and the possibility of the Cardies showing up and blasting away. We also get a glimpse of the beings of the celestial temple again, only this time through the doctor's perspective. I like also that Doctor Bashir was given a large role in this book. I personally like the character in the series also, thought from what I've read the majority of the fans feel he's the Wesley Crusher of DS9. I think their hostility is misplaced since Siddig El Fadil's acting is very good and he is almost too believable at making Bashir green and sometimes irritating. Unlike a lot of characters in the past, though, this one has room to grow and mature. You will probably like this book even if you do cringe occasionally from areas which the series later diverged. Author Jeter did quite well with the preliminary background given. To me that just makes it more fun to refer back to later.

18 Suggestion? Ike, Space-farking Insomniac;

By Ted Foster

"Guises of the Mind" by Rebecca Neason Star Trek - The Next Generation #27 - Pocket Books

I admire this book for what it attempts to do. An area that is, for the most part, avoided in the Next Generation universe is religion. I'm not sure vhy this is, though it may simply be that the show's writers and producers are afraid of stepping on the toes of their different watchers. Kai Opaka and the mystics of Bajor are a delightful exception, but very little has been covered on the good ship Enterprise "D". For the most part the crew is shown as being strong intellectuals, but with none of the humans interested in spiritual matters beyond historical interest. Worf definitely IS interested, but I guess he is alien enough that the writers feel safe showing an alternate religious view. Luckily, this is part of the ground covered in this recent release from Pocket Books. "Guises of the Mind" tells a story of the Enterprise travelling to the world of Capulon IV for the ceremonies that will crown their new absolute monarch and sign a treaty to join the Federation. But as the first away team arrives, they find all is not well on this paradise. The man who will be absolute ruler of the planet has done an about face, and refuses to sign the treaty. Worse yet, he imprisons Picard, Troi, and a Reverend Mother, who has accompanied them to the planet, until his coronation is complete. Troi easily senses the malice within the man, and worse yet, feels that some part of the coronation will give the future-king godlike powers. The story is a fair combination of a science fiction plot and a traditional story of mayhem and intrigue behind a throne. (I, Claudius" comes to mind.) What really grabbed my attention, however, was the attempt to discuss religious views within the Star Trek universe, the nuns travelling on board the Enterprise have many of the crew examining their own beliefs, and Data begins a quest to decide for himself which view of God and the Cosmos is best for him. The nuns, too, are shown to be dedicated to God and to serving others, and yet are also shown to be modern and a real part of the 24th century. As I said, I admire the effort, but it does not go far enough. Rather then using her writer's gift to expound on the character's pasts and beliefs beyond what we've seen so far, nothing new is really added by the author. When asked by Data to expound on their beliefs, all but Worf just say basically, "Gee, I've been so busy with all my scientific work I hadn't really thought about it." I wasn't looking for any Earth shattering answers to the questions of life, but some inventive story telling would have been fun. The "aliens", too, are just humans who magically appeared on another world. So, I'll keep on looking. I think someone, somewhere, will eventually realize that men like Picard and crew who love to explore the Cosmos often do some of their best exploring within and will put it down on paper. And on those journeys, you never know when you just might see the face of God staring right back at you. 1 KM i! Suggestion? Ef Ike InH \ «wf | tat •» j rib |M anas Spacei»pace,tafe,inc g Insomniac

O By Sandra Provence Steele ' O

"The Great Starship Race" by Diane Carey Star Trek #67 - Pocket Books ***l/2 (grudgingly)

. Does the title of this story remind anyone else of any number of books, movies, etc. by the same name??? Hokey though it may sound, the idea behind the entire story was rather silly and not too plausible but the writing was competent and the interstory conflicts were semi-believable. Let's face it, this was the first original idea for a classic Trek story in a long, long time. I suppose a plot summary is required of else this column would be too short, a new race of people known as the Rey were discovered by the USS Hood. Now, it is ten years later, and the Rey want to celebrate their induction into the Federation by sponsoring a starship race. Actually obstacle course would be more like it but why give away all of the goodies. Three ships represent the starfleet with the rest of the race contingent being private ship owners of one sort or another. One of the captains was a female who dropped out of the Academy and blames Kirk of all of her problems (Do tell, what else is new?) The last ship to enter the race was a Romulan ship!!! Trial and treachery await the reader as the action speeds towards the finish line. That's all you're going to get from me. Now for the fun part...CRITIQUE!!! Diane Carey is a capable writer and this ability keeps her story from becoming excessively trite in the beginning. Later as the story does develop more originality begins to show and the plot flies its own race to get the reader to the end. Problems...well. ok, call me skeptical but I just don't see an all Vulcan ship in a race but since the fate of the USS Intrepid is well known, why not let the gang have a good time before they go. (went?) I did not see the Jupiter Two's name on the roster of ship's participating but she was there because she's on the cover. Look closely at the cover and see how many of the ship's on the cover came from the original sketches for the Enterprise. Answer will be in the next issue, the book was worth the cover price. Now on the Christmas fun!!!! For those of us who don't hate Capt.. Kirk or his alter ego..."Star Trek Memories" by William Shatner and Chris Kreski is out. (Jerri felt kind to me on my 30th.) It's a pretty book. I'll give the rundown next time. There are lots of hardbound books on the marker now and many of them are starting to trickle into the used market, there thing make great gifts so grab them when you can. Merry Christmas and Keep on Trekkin'.

20 Treh or Treat 1995 A three ring Convention Where the past and the future meet In the Present on Halloween

t 2Bth and 29th of October 1995 La Quinta Motor Inn. San Angelo. Texas

Featuring indoor and outdoor erents.- • Demonstrations by the 5CA and others • masquerade Ball •TrehTriwia games (Classic. Next Gen^ and DS9) • Costume Contst • Charity Auction • Panel Discussions • Guests are to be announced • And Much More Proceeds to aenertt the mafte AWtsn Foundation For more information contact: me Enterprise Tardis connection 3212 Oxford Drive san Angelo, TX 76904 5269

A Non Profit Science Fiction Fan Association ENTERPRISE TARDUS CONNECTION