The Dune Sea Express is published quarterly by Dune Sea Creations. The DSE is produced with the help of The Enterprise Tardis Connection (ETC) of San Angelo, Texas and by The Enterprise Tardis Connection: The Next Generation also of San Angelo. This fanzine is produced for the enjoyment of Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Science Fiction Fans and is not intended to infringe on any established copyrights. All rights revert to the original author/artist after publication. All other material is copyrighted from the date on the front cover of this issue The Dune Sea Express is made up of submissions from its readers. Submissions from Supporting Members are given priority over submissions from non-members. Submissions should be typewritten if all possible. We request that artwork be in black and white. A high quality photocopy is acceptable. Submissions cannot be returned. Submission indicates permission allowing The Dune Sea Express to publish the work in part or its entirety. Should a submission be accepted for publication the author/artist will be notified and payment will be made in free copies of said issue. For More Information on submission requirements please send a letter-sized SASE to the address below. Supporting Membership is $5.00 per year or $9.00 for two years unless otherwise informed. Membership entitles the member to a one/two year subscription of the DSE. Membership funds are used primarily for supplies, printing, and postage. Any profit made (Ha, Ha - we haven't made any yet) will be donated to charity. The staff is voluntary. Please make checks payable to Pamela Girard. Members, the number of your final issue is printed in the top left corner of the mailing label. Also, please notify us of any change of address as soon as possible. Be sure to include your full name and old address printed clearly so we can update our records. Please send all correspondence to: The Dune Sea Express does accept advertisements. If the ad is for a club activity or some "non-profit" or charity type event send a black and white copy of the ad as you want it to appear and we will try to fit it in. If the ad is for merchandise please send a SASE for ad rates and any other information necessary. Also please enclose a description of the ad or the item(s) being sold. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. For information on joining The Enterprise Tardis Connection or The ETC: The Next Generation please contact the following: Enterprise Tardis Connection c/o : Preview Page The Evolution Dilena Part 7 By Ted Poster (art by Greg Rove) 3 lev Adventures of Doctor Iho: List of titles available 9 Join the Borg ad By Gary Geick 10 Trivia Tonight: Doctor Iho Ansvers on page IS 11 Interstellar Molecules 11 Hap of the Milky lay Galaxy By Douglas lilson 12 Critiqoe-al Mass: "Black Orchid" 13 Series Synopsis: Star Trek: The Beit Generation, Season 1 15 Trivia Ansvers (Mo Peeking. This leans you) 16 Enterprise Engineering Deck Blueprints By Gary Geick 17 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-DS9 Bloodlettei By Ted Foster 18 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-ST:THG Guises of the Kind By Ted Poster 19 Suggestions for the Spacefareing Insoiniac-Classic The Great Starship fiace.By Sandra Provence Steele 20 STAFF Editor - Paiela Girard. Asst. Editors - Traci Girard and Jennifer Gonzales. Staff Iriters - Ted Foster, Nark Gillespie, Greg Rove, Douglas lilson, Sandra Provence Steele. Staff Artists - Greg Rove, Gary Geick. This issue is late as you may have noticed. There are several reasons: New computer was down most of November due to what finally turned out to be a minor memory problem. So when delayed deadline time finally came, the entire city had any one of six distinct strains of the flu. So we spent a bit of time tending the sick and dying members of the staff. Then changes in the printers schedule necessitated changing the months the DSE is published to the first of February, May, August, and November. New deadlines for 94 issues will be: March 15 for issue #22 June 15 for issue #23 September 15 for issue #24 December 15 for issue #25 Also the purchase of a new computer means the purchase of new software. So with luck the next issue of the DSE will be back to the smaller 5x8 size that the post office prefers. Wov, what a lot of business this time. 2 last things - first, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Doctor Who the DSE will feature some sort of article on Doctor Who each issue this year. Second, stop by and visit us at Aggiecon in March in College Station. We will be in the dealer room somewhere. (It'll be the table with back issues of the DSE on it among all manner of other devices. Til next time... o e Evolution Dilemma Part 7 By Ted Foster In Previous Parts: Captain Picard's riding lesson was interrupted by a distress call from Derailium II, a colony endangered by an asteroid on a collision course. The Enterprise crew comes up with a plan to pull the asteroid off its course with the help of thruster modules attached to the asteroid's surface. The EnterprIse also enlists the help of the Pegasus, a fighter carrier commanded by Captain Marschall, and the Solstice, a Betazoid passenger ship. The attempt to move the asteroid failed due to interference from a mysterious shape-shifting ship that has been detected in the vicinity of both the Enterpr ise and the Pegasus. Now plans must be inacted to evacuate the planet's inhabitants, however, Coordinator Effingham tells Picard that the colonists will not leave the native species behind that they have been doing genetic experimentation on to try to raise them to sentiency. When we last left the story, the Enterpr ise was preparing to try to blow up the asteroid, named the Reaper, when the alien ship had reappeared and sent a crewman onboard the Enterprise. When attempts at communication failed they crew attacked the creature in engineering. The injured creature beamed out of Engineering just as the charges on the Reaper detonated. With the failure of this plan Picard has no time left and orders the evacuation of the planet. To add to the troubles, a group on colonists refusing to leave hide in some old lead and molybdenum mines. But getting them out requires that an away team can get to them in time to set up a transporter amplification net. XIV A quick meeting on the bridge soon had the away team on its way. The captains had agreed that a large type personnel shuttle should be sent down, and the only one available was the Pegasus' shuttle Cerberus. A compliment with officers from both ships was chosen consisting of Riker, Crusher, Enlahr, T'Pyrl, and Romaine. Crusher and T'Pryl would provide any medical assistance while Riker would operate the transporter amplifiers. Because the actions of the missing persons couldn't be predicted, Lt. Romain would provide security. (Worf seemed content to stay put on the outside chance that a battle with the alien vessel came to pass.) Enlahr came along both as pilot and as an expert on subterranean navigation. To the dismay of both executive officers, Riker and Evans, Marchall also insisted on going. "My tracking skills are the best on either ship," he said calmly, "And since these people do not want to be found and tricorders will be impaired, that may be a necessity." Both commanders could argue the first point, (Riker preferring to use Hak'el or Worf) but there was only so far you push a captain once his mind was made up. Within minutes the shuttle was on its way. To his enjoyment, Will took the co-pilot's chair across from the silicon slab known as Enlahr. The Horta sat on a bench rather than a normal seat, and two special controls connected him to the shuttle. The first was a connection to his vocorder which allowed him to access the shuttle's computer and non-flight controls. The second was a curved plate which could be manipulated by touching it with the edge of his body. Two touch points controlled pitch, another two roll, and a third set controlled yaw. A separate point allowed him to vary the thrust. Riker thought he looked very comfortable with them both as they entered the atmosphere. At first they felt only the normal gentle rolling as they began to drop through the ionosphere. But quickly the buffeting became severe. Derallium's jet stream was in turmoil as the asteroid's remnants approached, and Enlahr and Riker were both required to keep the craft from rolling upside down. As they reached calmer air closer to the ground, the ride smoothed, and breaking through the clouds they could see the city of Paraiso below. Even now with the Reaper's arrival over an hour away, the tides were up at least five meters. Streets and thoroughfares near the shore were already under water as the ocean began to feel the effects. They passed smoothly overhead and headed southeast towards the mountains. They made a soft landing on a hillside near to where the mine's old vertical shaft was located. As they exited the shuttle, the first thing that struck the party was a smell. All worlds have their own unique scent - some pleasant, some not. An area's flora, fauna, and dust are unique to each, and a sensitive instrument like the humanoid nose could easily tell the difference.
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