Agriculture—(Continued) Scammel, F
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108 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Agriculture—(Continued) Scammel, F. E..................... ....... 2,410 35 Stewart, Peter................ 1,707 61 Searle, Stephen..................... ....... 2,138 36 Taylor, Ralph H......... 2,527 89 Secord, John........................ 1,261 15 Thompson, Robert....... 1,312 92 Sibley, Jack D...................... ....... 1,842 18 Thomson, John P......... 2,601 56 Skerrett, W........................... ....... 1,019 05 Van De Sande Marinus. 1,000 00 Slater, D. T.......................... ........ 1,721 32 Veniot, Hon. Harvey A. 1,641 00 Smiley, Walter L.................. 1,589 11 Wilson, Harold G......... 1,569 22 Smith. David M............................ 2,050 65 Accounts Under $1,000. 23,928 42 Smith, Mary........................... 1,683 09 Sproule, Donald.................... 2,486 45 $ 230,389 19 Stead, Phillip B...................... 2,216 65 Other Expenses of General Agriculture and Technical and Vocational Training: Acadian Lines Ltd.........................$ 1,233 95 Donkin Equipment Ltd., Addressograph-Multigraph of T. Gordon.................................... 1,159 10 Canada Ltd................................ 1,334 55 Eastern Cablevision Ltd................. 1,470 76 Agriculture and Marketing, Dept. Electrical Distributors Ltd............. 4,408 59 of................................................ 8,461 45 Electro Physical Instruments Ltd.. 3,293 00 Anstey Graphic Ltd...................... 1,002 24 Faulkner Construction Ltd., W. E. 1,545 00 Arnold-Nasco Ltd......................... 1,706 97 Field, D. B....................................... 1,002 10 Associated Distributors Ltd.......... 2,978 59 Fisher Scientific Co. Ltd................ 12,335 20 Atlantic Speedy Propane Ltd........ 2,467 92 Flemming Ltd., William A............ 19,061 91 Bagnell’s Launderers & Cleaners Ford Motor of Canada Ltd........... 1,030 67 Ltd............................................. 3,863 42 Franklin Square Dawson Barnhill Contracting Ltd............. 1,823 46 Subscription Service.................... 1,991 10 Blenkhorn, Arnold B.................... 1,052 78 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd.................. 1,559 14 Bennies White Spot Restaurant . 1,736 64 Glassey Motors Ltd........................ 2,931 47 Brookfield Box Co. Ltd................ 1,697 52 Gooaspeeds Ltd.............................. 11,897 04 Buchanan. Alex G......................... 1,283 91 Gordon, Vayle................................. 1,442 00 Burchell, MacDougall & Grunchy. 5,197 99 Gray & Lusby Ltd.......................... 2,438 50 Burgess Farm Supplies Ltd.......... 1,874 80 Gulf Oil Canada Ltd...................... 1,290 16 Calfornia Film Products Ltd........ 2,970 CO Haliburton & Co. Ltd., A. J.......... 2,518 00 Canada Packers Ltd...................... 34,918 90 Halliday Craftsmen Ltd........... 2,178 15 Canadian Blower & Forge Co...... L350 00 Harbour Motors Leasing Ltd.. 1,200 00 Canadian Industries Ltd............... 2,169 50 Highways, Dept, of.................. 2,473 27 Canadian Laboratory Supplies Ltd. 8,814 70 Hill Excavators Ltd.................. 3,284 30 CN-CP Telecommunications........ 1,431 26 Hobart Mfg. Co. Ltd.................. 1,155 00 Cape Breton Sanitation Supplies. 7,301 15 Imperial Advertising Ltd............ 3,312 01 Carsand-Mosher Photographic. L653 15 Imperial Oil Ltd.......................... 1,662 85 Casey Mercury Sales Ltd., D. W. 2,546 08 Ingram & Beil Ltd....................... 1,525 15 Centennial Print & Litho Ltd....... 1,684 05 IBM.............................................. 1,612 02 Central Business Machines Ltd— 1,619 00 Irving Signs.................................. 1,410 80 Central Equipment Ltd................. 1,897 47 Johns Scientific, O. H................. 2,169 27 Central Scientific Co. of Canada Johnson’s Referigeration & Air Ltd............................................. 4,787 67 Conditioning............................ 1,967 15 Central Stationery Stockroom.... 10,131 87 Lawrence, Robert B.................... 1,123 19 Colchester Co-Op Services Ltd... 3,304 51 Longley, R. P............................... 3,198 00 Colchester Legion Stadium........... 1,602 50 McCarron Advertising................ 4,766 08 Coldwell, E. W.............................. 2,302 80 Conrad, Frank.............................. McCu'ly & Soy Ltd.................... 3,125 50 Cook’s Chick Hatchery................. 1,698 94 MacDonald, A. G....................... 1,296 75 Coupar’s Nursery Ltd................... 2.014 00 MacDougall, R. L....................... 4,702 32 Cox Brothers Poultry Farm Ltd... 1,274 61 MacNeil, D. G............................. 3,090 95 Dairy Herd Analysis Service........ 1,971 00 MacPhee, D. E.............................. 2,830 56 Danforth Press Ltd....................... 3,742 68 Maritime Accessories Ltd............ 1,815 15 D<.vie Shipbuilding Ltd................. 1.014 00 Maritime Cattle Market Ltd....... 1,556 50 De Laval Co. Ltd.......................... 1,350 00 Maritime Tel. & Tel. Co. Ltd.. ,. 57,867 16 Dick Co. of Canada Ltd., A.B... 4,290 00 Milligan, D. C............................... 2,013 19 Doane & Co., H. R...................... 24,613 64 Millies Ltd., Don........................... 2,706 55 5,380 00 Milnes Garage Ltd........................ 2,654 30 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 109 Agriculture—(Continued) Milner & Milner................................. 1,171 25 Smith Ltd., J. Reg.............................. 2,638 37 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. (Canada) Specialty Printers Lit)........................ 1,757 00 Ltd....................................................... 4,674 60 Spencer Bros, & Turner Ltd........... 5,149 29 Morton, Keith...................................... 2,745 00 Spicer, W. W........................................ 5,694 00 Muirs Print Ltd................................... 3,413 88 Sullivan Mill Equipment Ltd.......... 1,252 00 Mumford, Harry M ........................... I, 495 24 Taylor MacLellan & Cochrane... 5,390 00 Nelson Motors Ltd............................ 3,218 80 Technicon International of Canada N.S. Agricultural College................ 1.933 46 Ltd...................................................... 9.980 56 N.S. Co-Op Abattoir Ltd................ 4,977 10 Thomas Book Store........................... 1,765 50 N.S. Light & Power Co. Ltd.......... 37.836 18 Thompson Landscape Contractors N.S. Provincial Exhibition.............. 2.370 36 Ltd., A............................................... 3,025 00 Office Specialty Ltd........................... 1.664 18 Valley Stationery................................ 1,269 47 Orde, Charles H.................................. 1.665 55 Vandrebcrge, Cornelius................... 1,276 50 Palmeter, Reginald............................. 1,610 71 Varian Associates of Canada Ltd.. 2,782 00 Palmeter, Ian H. M ............................ 7,697 10 Versafood Services Ltd.................... 60,469 91 Parker & Son Ltd., J. G................... 2.033 59 Wages.................................................. 128,993 43 Patterson, Smith, Matthews & Walker & Son Ltd., A. J.................. 18,571 26 Grant.................................................. II, 203 45Weldon & Misener............................ 2,902 82 Pitney-Bowes of Canada Ltd.......... 1,181 86 Wilson Fuel Co. Ltd......................... 33,733 00 Porter, Claude...................................... 7,070 00 Wood & Co. Ltd., G. H.................. 1,179 05 Port Williams Agencies Ltd............ 1.686 44 Woodland, J. M................................. 1,433 64 Postmaster............................................. 24.370 04 Xerox of Canada Ltd........................ 1,973 69 Pridham’s Studio Ltd........................ 2,823 86 Yould’s Ltd.......................................... 19,117 16 Public Works, Dept, of.................... 2,704 13 Accounts under $1,000..................... 179,116 21 Queen's Printer (Halifax)................ 12,339 58 Less Inventory AdJustment............ 40,792 64 Ralston Purina Co.............................. 1,485 15 Less Accounts Payable AdJust Reardon, James D .............................. 1.380 31 ment................................................... 5,833 68 Richmond Co. 4-H Leaders Less Recoveries................................... 105,823 36 Council.............................................. 2,500 00 Transfer from Other Accounts... 6,498 42 Rivers & Dickinson Ltd................... 3,755 67 Less Salary Increases Charged to Robinson Ltd., C. B.......................... 2,397 00 Salary Increase Vote.................... 91,902 00 Rushton’s Service Station................ 4,008 68 Sargent-Welch Scientific Canada S 776,022 03 Ltd...................................................... 2,059 25 Scotian Gold Co-Op Ltd................. 1,313 43 AGRICULTURAL GRANTS, BONUSES AND ASSISTANCE Estimate.................................................$ 1,958,700 00 Expenditure ....................................$ 1,947,884 85 Grants..................................... $ 82,337 77 Bonuses and Assistance. .. 1,322,803 77 Limestone Assistance........... 270,928 75 Sharing Municipal Services 271,814 56 $ 1,947,884 85 Grants, Donases and Assistance: Agricultural Economic Research Antigonish, Municipality of........... 20,788 15 Council of Canada........................$ 1,250 00 Atlantic Winter Fair................................. 8,000 00 Annapolis Co. Exhibition....................... 2,500 00 Awards to Clubs........................................ 5,170 00 Annapolis Co. Livestock Health Borden, Charles...........................: • . 1,475 00