Bay Stopover for Governor State Takes Ermergency Camdaiqnina Action to Revise Voting Instructions on Sept

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Bay Stopover for Governor State Takes Ermergency Camdaiqnina Action to Revise Voting Instructions on Sept CAR-RT SORT **F003 A SAN1D£.L t_ i ERARY 776*-, DUMl CP f D SAN I BEL FL 33957 •«"'•! Court page 2 _y Week of Aug. 8-14, 2002 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 29, NUMBER 31, 20 PAGES 75 CENTS II TIE IE1S Vote! . By Erik Burriss city attorney's demand for immediate vesting ney failed to produce a compromise. Deadline to register to vote Staff Writer or change party affiliation in a pension plan. "It was a pretty short meeting," Harrity said for Sept. 10 primary — During contract negotiations in • June, of Friday's one-on-one session in a report The portability of the city attorney's pen- 5 p.m. Aug. 12. Wyckoff said he would look for another job if Tuesday to the rest of the council. sion plan was rendered moot Tuesday when he did not receive immediate vesting. In a July He then read into the record a letter from City Council voted 3-2 to sack Doug Wyckoff. 30 memo to the council, Wyckoff again Wyckoff to council members in which The move came after continued disagree- Island spirit demanded a portable plan.' Wyckoff said he had no intention of resigning. ment over the terms of Wyckoff's employ- A last-ditch meeting late last week between ment, with the council refusing to accede to the Councilman Marty Harrity and the city attor- See COUNCIL Volunteerism — a culture page 9 of serving —See page 3 Primary change Bay stopover for governor State takes ermergency CamDaiqnina action to revise voting instructions on Sept. lOballot. • i —See page 4 .••'-.ugusl candidate forums --.-.-LI, nayc 2. EOTtRONMEOT Island gardening uestions Oppressive summer heat turns thoughts to fall. don't faze —See page 8 Jeb Bush Jo Massey photos By Erik Burriss Staff Writer Incumbent Jeb Bush, who faces costly issues of health care for older Floridians, takes time with Shell Water and air Point Retirement Community residents during a campaign stop last week in Southwest Florida. Florida can no longer Health care issues and the con- afford dirtier air, and tributions of older Floridians were although it did not faze the gover- Barbara Bush, stumped for George program. A federal Medicare water is no longer free. on the mind of Gov. Jeb Bush dur- nor, were residents' questions and W. Bush during the presidential waiver and $79 million Medicare ing a recent visit last week which comments on long-range energy campaign. and Medicaid funding, as well as —See page 5 kept him on the other side of the policy, natural resource manage- Under the Silver Saver, seniors $30 million from the state, pay for Sanibel Causeway. ment, the lottery. with incomes between 88 percent the program. Not much of a shock, since the "Senior citizens think longer and 120 percent of the federal The governor also talked about governor was at the Shell Point term than other generations," Bush poverty level will have their pre- the administration's efforts to Retirement Community. said. scription drug benefit doubled to work with drug companies to Calendar of days Several hundred Shell Point In his second Shell Point visit $160 a month. Copayments of $2 bring down the cost of prescrip- residents turned out to hear the in two years, the governor briefly for generic drugs, $5 for drugs on tion drugs. The gap between Around the islands governor speak at the community described the state's new Silver the state's preferred list and $15 American and European and in seven days — or more. center's church,.although he was Saver prescription drug program for those not on the list are part of Canadian drug prices has closed, running too late to take a tour of announced the day before in the problem. he said. —See page 12 the facilities. Tarpon Springs. In 2000, the gov- Bush estimated about 58,000 What may be a surprise, ernor and Florida's first mother, Floridians will be eligible for the See BUSH page 7 ISaEJ' 12=1/1 « OBITUARIES page 3 By Erik Burriss By Renny Severance Executive Editor 9 POLICE BLOTTER page 3 Staff Writer Adding « TIDES.... page4 The city may have to turn to pumping excess water out of Clam closure The curtain came down on J. Howard Wood « OP-ED PAGES page 5 Bayou in an effort to save mangroves bordering the landlocked body • Ann Beilew Theatre's latest production several weeks earlier than tailks with • LOOKING BACK page 6 of water. A Department of Environmental Protection pennit to make an expected. The performance closed unexpectedly the Wood's Saturday, leaving the fate of the theater questionable. « ENVIRONMENT page 8 emergency bleed cut to the Gulf of Mexico is being held up by a artisticdirector, TH~^* Kici-i anc| Wildlife Conservation Commission official con- Whether or not it was the final curtain call for the « BUSINESS page 11 Florida Fish Robert Schel- cerned about sea turtles. hammer and island stage theater is the finale expected to play out « DATELINE page 12 others in the « TV LISTINGS .page 13 See PASS Islander See WOOD • CLASSIFIEDS page 16 page 19 this Friday. page 14 2 • Week of Aug. 8-14, 2002 • ISLAND REPORTER Island • Dawn deBoer & State • Dawn deBoer Back in federal court Defensive Environamentaiists i Leeway extends hours action taken seek emergency order More service on Mondays On-island course targets to protect manatees personal safety, defense Walk-in customers get to come on By Dawn deBoer over after-hours now that LeeWay Personal Safety and Defense 6- Managing Editor Service Center is staying open longer — week course at Sanibe] Community at least on Mondays. Association building. Two sessions' A 35-day action plan argued last week Lobby hours for the county's Aug. 9 to Sept 13 and Oct. 11 to in U.S. District Court by the Save the Electronic Toll Collection Program ser- Nov. 15. Hours 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Manatee Club is fighting for federal vice center are now an hour longer with consecutive Fridays.Cost: $99 or emergency authority in preventing the doors open to walk-in customers until $89 for sponsor members. Age spe- increasing numbei of manatee deaths 6:30 p.m. The center opens at 8:30 a.m., cific, 75 percent hands on and 25 across the state of Florida with 71 Earlier last week, the same federal Monday to Friday, and closes at 5:30 percent lecture. Go online at the already killed by boat propellors judge ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife weekdays except Monday. Service to publish by Nov. 1 its final Web site, <> this year. The LeeWay Service Center is at the for instructor qualifications. decision on 14 new refuges and sanctuar- Ten of the 71 died in Lee County. ies proposed for Florida in protection of foot of the Midpoint Memorial Bridge Last year's record number of deaths this endangered species, finding USFWS on the Fort Myers side. Hurricane seminars statewide was 81 with 23 dying in Lee in violation of a court settlement of continue into September County. terms and deadlines agreed upon 18 School bell rings early A plan of action put before U.S. months two years ago. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan Atlantic season ends Nov. 30 The proposed emergency order still 43 percent unprepared calls for more manatee warning signs out undecided by the court prompts the fed- for 'elementary' change Three Hurricane Preparedness on the waterways by Labor Day and des- eral government to consider other more seminars sponsored by Lee County ignation of new protection zones by immediate steps for a species protected A recent poll put 57 percent of par- Emergency Management are sched- September. by federal law. ents affected by the new early dismissal uled through September. times of Lee County elementary schools with the start of the new school year H 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. next Monday with "plans" in hand to 3, at Hurricane Jason & Home ft - r deal with the change, while another 43 Improvement Expo, Radisson Inn- be I3- ux percent reported the situation unre- Fort Myers, 12635 South Cleveland solved. Avenue, South Fort Myers. New on the scene Voice of Public Opinion surveyed H 2 p.m.Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 515 residents with elementary school Rotino Senior Center, 5817 Bortone named director children living in Lee County for Driftwood Parkway, Cape Coral. Alliance of the Arts. B 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, at for SCCF marine iab Chapel By the Sea Presbyterian Church, 100 Chapel Street, Fort By Amy Fleming Myers Beach. Staff writer Name your reef Pet safety awareness The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation New site needs name Foundation named Dr. Stephen Bortone The "Name Your Reef contest spon- M Lee County Animal Disaster to be the new director of the Sanibel- Preparedness & Response Effort sored by the Lee County Artifical Reef Captiva Marine Laboratory, a project Association requires a mere tax offers public program for pet pre- that recently received a private donation paredness at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. deductible donation of $5 to get your of $900,000. 27, at Lee County Emergency name in the hat. There is no limit to the Operations Center, Ortiz Blvd "We've known Steve for awhile," number of names you can submit. between MLK Jr. Blvd. and said Erick Lindblad, SCCF executive The new reef site is located about 17 Co Ionia J Blvd. Call the center, director. "He brings significant experi- miles west of the Sanibel lighthouse. 477-3600, to sign up.
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