2016 Nina Lecture: Belief-based organization: between Freedom of Association and Freedom of Conscience. Regulations and Belyaeva practices through ECHR cases

Marco Lecture: Laicity and Religion in Europe Balboni

Carmelo Lecture: Religion, Public Space, Gender: Danisi Perspectives on the Islamic Face Veil

Yury Lecture: International Mechanisms of Human Rights protection: cases on religion, identity and freedom of Forgelson conscience

Iftikhar Lecture: Extremism and Human Rights: Liberal Societies at Lodhi the Crossroads

Lectures: Newly emerging religious communities in Europe: Sanjay Kumar challenges to European Identity; Challenging the concept of tolerance: convergence of religious plurality in Europe; Rajhans Interactive Workshop: Limitation on “manifestation” of religion or belief: its necessity in a democratic society

Mahama Lecture: Who is a minority in Europe? The multiple facets Tawat of a concept

Anita Interactive Workshop: Freedom of arts and religious rights: Soboleva the search for balance

Dmitry Lecture: Religious minorities and their rights: Causes of Discrimination Zaytsev and the strategies of protection

Sergey Interactive Workshop: Culture, religion, and ethics in public sphere: public participation and anti-corruption Parkhomenko reforms

Nina Y. Belyaeva

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 (int. 12435) E-mail: [email protected] Address: , Myasnitskaya 20, of. 526 Professor at the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE) Head of HSE Public Policy Department, Academic Director of HSE MP in Public Policy & Policy Analysis President of Interlegal Foundation of Political & Legal Research, enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe Expert Panel Member of OSCE/ODIHR “On the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly”

Education and Degrees

1983 - 1986 Doctoral courses in Constitutional Law and Comparative Politics. Institute of State and Law Academy of Sciences of the USSR. S.J.D. Doctoral Thesis: ‘Political Activity of voluntary organizations in the USSR and enabling legal regime for it’

1976 – 1981 Law School (Theory and History of State and Law, Political System, Constitutional Law, Comparative Legal Systems, Civil Law, Criminal Law, International Public Law), Moscow. J.D & LL.M

Additional training: International Fellowship in Philanthropy, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University. 1991; UNESCO Scholarship for young scholars, University of London School of Law. 1987.

Participation in professional associations

Member of Editorial Advisory Board Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 2013 - now IPSA member from 1995 – now, participating in following research Committees • RC05 - Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics • RC30 - Comparative Public Policy • RC32 - Public Policy and Administration ECPR • Official Representative for National Research University Higher School of Economics • Member of Standing Group on Regulatory Governance • Member of Organizing Committee of The First International Conference on Public Policy in Grenoble, 26-28 June, 2013 • Chair of the Panel: Changing concept of “state” and “stateness” in Global Governance Russian Association of Political Science • Chair of Research Committee on Public Policy & Governance • Member of Governing Board, 2009-2013 • Member of Council on Education, 2013 - now

Expert of Council of Human Rights at the President of , 2012

Reseach and Publications:

Key publications:

Nina Belyaeva, Brad Roberts, Walter Laqueur (Foreword by). After perestroika: democracy in the . Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.). Significant issues series, 1991 Nina Belyaeva. Russian democracy: crisis as progress. Washington quarterly, 16(2) Spring 1993 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Russian and American think tanks : an initial survey. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. Washington, D.C. 1994 Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Public Policy in Contemporary Russia: Actors and Institutions. (HSE, 2006) Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Russian Constitutional Development: Strategies For The New Institutional Design (HSE, 2007) Nina Belyaeva. Development of the Concept of a Public Policy: Attention to "Motive Forces" and Operating Actors / Polis. 2011. Т. 123. № 3. (p. 72-87) Nina Belyaeva. Liliana Proskuryakova.Civil Society Diamond. CIVICUS Civil Society Index – Shortened Assessment Tool. Report for the Russian Federation. Interlegal. 2008 Nina Belyaeva, Giliberto Capano. Governing Modern Research University: Between Academic Freedom and Managerial Constrains / Russia and the Council of Europe: Topics for Common Agenda. A Look from Norway. Academic Papers of 10th International Session of the HSE Russian - European Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Oslo, 1-8 August, 2010. Moscow. INTELCORP. 2011 (p. 12 – 30) Nina Belyaeva (ed.). Analytical Communities in Public Policy: Global Phenomenon and the Russian Practices / ROSSPEN. 2012 Nina Belyaeva, Nikita Zagladin. Global Civil Identity: From Ethical Imperatives to Global Institutes/ Political Identity and Policy of Identity. ROSSPEN. 2012 Nina Belyaeva. Double National-Political Identity / Political Identity and Policy of Identity. ROSSPEN. 2012 Nina Belyaeva. Сivil associations in Public Policy: Forms of Participation in Contemporary Russia / XII International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economy and Society Development. The Book 1 / HSE.2012 (p. 302-310)

Recent conferences

2013 1st International Conference on Public Policy (Grenoble), Presented Academic papers: Global Order" and Global Governance : changing role of nation state in multi- level regulatory regimes 2013 XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow). Presented Academic papers: "Public" as a "social actor" vs "public" as a "target audience". Conceptual connection between "the public", "civil society" and "community" 2013 7-th ECPR General Conference Science Po Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013 (Bordeaux), Presented Academic papers: University Networks as New Global Actors: New Tools of Ideas and Knowledge Accumulation and Diffusion 2013 International Conference “The Post Lisbon EU: An External Perspective” (Bologna), Presented Academic papers: The EU viewed from Russia Marco Balboni

Phone: +39.051.521386 E-mail: [email protected]

Address: via Azzo Gardino, 9 - I-40122 Bologna

Professor at the Department of Political and Social Science University of Bologna


1997 Post-doctoral Scholarship in the Legal, Political and Economic Research Area of the University of Bologna 1995 Diplome de Droit international et de Droit comparé des Droits de l'homme, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. 1994 PhD in European Community Law, University of Bologna, Italy. 1990 Admission to the second-year of the post-graduate Specialised Course on Human Rights Institutions and Mechanisms of Protection, awarded with 50/50 with honours, University of Padova, Italy. 1989 Degree in Law, Awarded with 110/110 with honours, University of Bologna, Italy.


2014 Awarded with the Qualification for the position of Full Professor of International and European Union Law (Professore Ordinario) – scientific sector 12/E1, following a public national competition (issued in 2012). 2007 Nominated Associate Professor of European Union Law (Jus 14) at the School of Political Science, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus 2006 Awarded with the qualification for the position of Associate Professor of European Union Law (Professore Associato) – scientific sector Jus 14, following a public competition issued by the University of Ferrara 2005 Confirmed as Permanent Researcher in International Law – scientific sector Jus 13, School of Political Science, University of Bologna, Forlì campus 2002 Nominated Researcher in International Law – scientific sector Jus 13, School of Political Science, University of Bologna, Forlì campus


My main field of research involves the following areas: - relations among legal orders, in particular between international and internal legal orders; - implementation of EU Law within Member States, in particular in relation to application by national judges; - human rights law, with a specific attention on non-discrimination law in relation to gender, sexual orientation and gender identity as well as to third-States nationals; - international humanitarian law and international criminal law.

Recent publications:

• Il “diritto al ricongiungimento familiare” dei minori tra tutela del loro superiore interesse e dell’interesse generale in materia di politica migratoria (The “right to family reunification” of minors between the protection of their best interest and the general interest in the field of migratory policy), in Le garanzie fondamentali dell’immigrato in Europa (The guarantees of the immigrant in Europe), S. Amadeo - F. Spitaleri (eds. by), Giappichelli, Torino, 2015, pp. 163-206. • Cittadini europei e cittadini stranieri (European Citizens and Third-country Nationals), in Diritti fondamentali in Europa - Un casebook (Fundamental Rights in Europe – A Casebook), P. Manzini – A. Lollini (eds. by), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015, ch. X., pp. 271-301. • I rapporti tra Unione Europea e Micro-Stati: verso una nuova fase? (Relations among EU and Micro-States: Towards a New Phase?), in Studi in onore di Luigi Costato, Volume Secondo, Diritto alimentare - Diritto dell’Unione europea (Studies in Honour of Luigi Costato, Second Volume, Food Law – EU Law), Silvia Manservisi (coordinated by), Jovene, Napoli, 2014, pp. 405- 447. • Famiglia e identità di genere: “divorzio imposto” e diritti fondamentali (Family and Gender Identity: “Forced Divorce” and Fundamental Rights), in Rivista di studi giuridici sull’orientamento sessuale e l’identità di genere, 2014, n. 1, pp. 6-19 (with Marco Gattuso). • Surrogazione: per la Corte di Giustizia non c’é diritto al congedo di maternitá (Surrogacy: for the Court of Justice there is not a Right to Maternity Leave), 2013, in www.articolo.29.it • Gli Avvocati generali della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea e la surrogazione di maternità (The Advocates General of the European Court of Justice And Surrogacy), 2013, in www.articolo29.it • La “teoria degli effetti diretti” (The Theory of Direct Effects), Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2012, 687 pp. • La protezione internazionale in ragione del genere, dell’orientamento sessuale e dell’identità di genere. Aspetti di diritto internazionale e dell’Unione Europea (The International Protection based on Gender, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Aspects of International and EU Law), Giappichelli, Torino, 2012, 304 pp. • Human Rights Dimension in Western Sahara, 2011, in www.arso.org/SOBalboni.pdf • Right to an Effective Remedy for Prisoners, 2011, in Council of Europe, Strasbourg, www.coe.int/t/dghl/standardsetting/prisons • Review: F. Rescigno, Il diritto di asilo (The Right to Asylum), in Diritto, Immigrazione Cittadinanza, XIII, 2011, n. 2, pp. 283-287.

Recent conferences:

• Non-discrimination, Sexual Orientation and Marriage in European Union Law, International Conference “The Principle of Equality in EU Law”, University of Bologna, 18-19 May 2015. • Chair of the session “The Principle of Sovereignty on Natural Resources and its Consequences”, International Workshop in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the European Union The EU Approach toward Western Sahara, 5 December 2014, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus. • Boundaries, Identities and Conflicts – At the Origin of Totalitarian Regimes, Conference “Why War? Parole e figure”, Department of Political and Social Science, University of Bologna, 11 November 2014. • The European Priorities in the Fight against Discrimination on the Ground of Gender and Homophobia, Conference “Homophobia and Sexism in the Workplace”, organised by the Municipality of Bologna/UNAR/University of Bologna, 1 October 2014. • The Protection of Irregular Migrants, Conference on “The rescue in Sea: Protection of Human Rights, Maritime Operation and Environment”, University of Lecce, 13-14 June 2014. • Introduction, Conference “Family and Gender Identity: “Forced Divorce” and Fundamental Rights”, Department of Political and Social Science, University of Bologna, 29 November 2013. • Presentation of the J. Monnet project View on EU, Conference “L’Europe à l’école”, Aix- en-Provence, 25-26 September 2013. • Family Reunification and the Best Interest of the Child in the Balance between the General Public Interest and the Control of Migratory Fluxes, Conference “The Fundamental Guarantees of the Immigrant in Europe in the case-law of the European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights and Supreme National Courts”, University of Trieste, 21 June 2013.


2015 Member of the Territorial Commission for the Recognition of the International Protection, Forlì-Cesena Division 2007 Member of the Legal Regional Council of CGIL – Emilia Romagna 1993- Solicitor, Admitted to the Bar, Bologna, Italy. 1993- Qualification for teaching legal subjects in high schools

Carmelo Danisi

Phone: 3492151317 E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Via G. Petroni 9, 40126 Bologna

Young researcher in EU and International Law – University of Bologna Endeavour Research Fellow – Australian National University / College of Law


2009 – 2012 Ph.D. studies in Democracy and Human Rights University of Genoa (Italy) Analysis of the protection that international and European human rights law may grant to LGBT people through a study of the case-law before the human rights Committees, European and Constitutional courts. 2012 Training course on international protection and the protection of minorities Academy of European Law Specific issue: the Geneva Convention and the protection of asylum seekers persecuted on the ground of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and age (unaccompanied children). 2009 International Humanitarian Law Course International Committee of the Red Cross – Geneva, organized in collaboration with the Polish Red Cross. Selected as the Italian participant. 2005 – 2008 2nd Level Degree Course in Diplomatic and International Sciences University of Bologna (Italy) Faculty of Political Sciences "Roberto Ruffilli" (Forlì Campus). 2003 – 2004 Erasmus Program Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 University (France)


2015 Endeavour Research Fellow – Australian National University Selected by the Australian Government in Nov. 2014 for a six-months period of research at the College of International Law of the Australian National University. Research project on Children on the Move: The Rights of Migrant Children under International Human Rights Law and International Refugee Law 2014 – 2016 Contract Professor of International Law Political Science – University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) International and Diplomatic Science - Compulsory course (60 h) Sector: Education / Research 2015 Contract Professor of Human Rights and Refugee Law Specialised Master program in Human Rights, Development and Migration – course (10h) on Freedom of movement of people and refugee law under EU and International Law University of Bologna – Ravenna Campus 2012 – 2015 Young researcher in International and European Union Law (full-time) Department of Social and Political Science – University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) Areas of interest: International and European Human Rights Law; Non- discrimination Law; Minorities’ Rights. 2013 – 2014 Contract Professor of European Law School of Political Science – University of Bologna (Forlì campus) Degree on International and Diplomatic Science The course is dedicated to the EU antidiscrimination law with a focus on the related case-law of the European Court of Justice. 2012 – 2015 Contract Professor of Human Rights Law Ministry of Justice and University of Genova – Department of Law The course was dedicated to the European Court of Human Rights’ system of protection and addressed to selected detainees. 2013 – 2014 Contract Professor of Human Rights Law (various modules) School of Political Science – University of Genova Training course on Human Rights The seminars were dedicated among others: European non-discrimination law; the rights of the child in the international, European and Italian contexts; same-sex couples’ rights under international human rights law.. 2012 – 2014 Lecturer in International and European Law School of Political Science – University of Bologna (Forlì campus)


Recent publications

• State Secrets, Impunity and Human Rights Violations: Prosecution Restricted in The Abu Omar Case, in Essex Human Rights Review - Special Issue 2011 on Protecting Human Rights while Countering Terrorism, vol. 7, no. 3/2011, pp. 253-269. • How far can the European Court of Human Rights go in the fight against discrimination? Defining new standards in its non-discrimination jurisprudence, International Journal of Constitutional Law, (OUP) vol. 9, no. 3-4/2011, pp. 793-807. • La decisione Vejdeland e altri c. Svezia: Hate speech, orientamento sessuale e CEDU, Quaderni Costituzionali (Il Mulino) no. 2/2012, pp. 450-454. • Civil Rights Protection and the Rights of Migrants in the Framework of the Mediterranean Cooperation, edited with M. G. Palumbo, De Ferrari-Genova University Press, 2012. • Homophobia and Transphobia in EU Member States – Legal study, Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (Wien), 2014. • Rassegna di giurisprudenza della Corte Europea dei Diritti Umani, in Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza, no. 4/2014. • The protection of human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS: A European Approach?, in Groningen Journal of International Law, vol. 3, no. 2, 2015, pp. 47-79. • Book: Tutela dei diritti umani, non discriminazione e orientamento sessuale, Ed. Scientifica, Napoli, 2015, 520 pp., included in the Collection “La ricerca del diritto nella comunità internazionale” directed by Professors M. Arcari, E. Milano, A. Tanzi. • Non-discrimination in (Social) Context: The Case of Sexual Minorities, book chapter, forthcoming. Recent conferneces

• 2014 – Per una società dell’accoglienza: Stranieri e accesso al lavoro nel diritto dell’Ue, Regione Liguria – Uff. Consigliera di Parità (Liguria Region’s Gender Office) • 2013 – The right to family reunification and same-sex couples, Municipality of Bologna in cooperation with the Bar of Bologna. • 2011 – EMUNI Doctoral Seminar Research “Civil Rights Protection and the Rights of Migrants in the Framework of Mediterranean Cooperation”, University of Genova. Faculty of Political Science, Paper: The Prohibition of Torture and the Protection of Immigrants: From the Non-refoulement Principle to UNCAT and CPT Standards. • 2011 – Festival “Settimana Internazionale dei Diritti – I giusti”, resp. Prof. N. Dalla Chiesa, Genova, paper: Legittimare la tortura? Il controllo degli “indegni”. • 2011 – International Conference “Equal Jus”, Firenze, research paper: Rethinking the Judgment on Non-discrimination.

Yury B. Fogelson Phone: +7 (909) 9732483 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya 22, of. 505 Professor: Faculty of Law / Department of International Public and Private Law Faculty of Social Sciences / Public Policy Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Education and Degrees 2009 Doctor of Sciences* in Civil Law; Entrepreneurial Law; Family Law; International Private Law Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences 1998 Diploma Institute of Economics and Law 1984 Candidate of Sciences** (PhD) in Buildings and Installations Panfilov Academy of Communal Facilities 1970 Diploma Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Doctor of Sciences A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011. ** Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Research and publications

Recent publications

Chapter Фогельсон Ю. Б. "Мягкое право": коммуникативный подход // В кн.: Мягкое право в эпоху перемен: опыт компаративного исследования. М. : Проспект, 2016. С. 4- 9. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б. Возможность верховенства права в современной России // Хозяйство и право. 2015. № 12. С. 28-50. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б. Жадных страховщиков не любят, что бы там ни писали в законах // Вестник экономического правосудия Российской Федерации. 2015. № 5. С. 4-9. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б. Страхование договорной ответственности: если нельзя, но очень нужно // Вестник экономического правосудия Российской Федерации. 2015. № 10. С. 26-29. Book Фогельсон Ю. Б., Ефремова М. Д. Договоры в пользу третьего лица. Опыт недогматического исследования. М. : НОРМА, ИНФРА-М, 2014. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б. Мягкое право и верховенство права // Журнал российского права. 2014. № 11. С. 22-33. Preprint Fogelson Y. B. Contract for the benefit of a third party: the problem of classification / Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series LAW "Law". 2013. No. WP BRP 23/LAW/2013. Chapter Фогельсон Ю. Б. Договоры в пользу третьего лица. Телеологический подход // В кн.: Гражданское право и современность: сборник статей, посвященный памяти М.И. Брагинского / Отв. ред.: К. Ярошенко, В. Н. Литовкин. М. : Статут, 2013. С. 426-431. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б. Мягкое право в современном правовом дискурсе // Журнал российского права. 2013. № 5, 9. С. 37, 43-48, 51. Article Фогельсон Ю. Б., Чеховская С. А. «Мягкое право» в системе регуляторных механизмов ВТО // Хозяйство и право. 2012. № 12. С. 3-8. Book Фогельсон Ю. Б. Страховое право: теоретические основы и практика применения. М. : Юридическое издательство НОРМА, 2012..

Iftikhar Lodhi

Phone: +7 (915) 4496746 // +65 9178 3446 E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Moscow, 22 Myasnitskaya str., Office 505

Associate Professor (Tenure-track) at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics


2015 PhD in Public Policy Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore Dissertation: “Global Collective Action: A Structural Perspective on Energy and Climate Change Cooperation” Committee A/P Eduardo Araral, Prof. Kanti Bajpai, Prof. M Ramesh 2006 Master in Public Policy Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore


2015 – Pr. Associate Professor (Tenure-track) National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow 2014 Lecturer Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore 2014 Visiting Lecturer Murdoch University, Kaplan Higher Education Institute, Singapore 2010 – 2013 Instructor / Teaching & Research Assistant Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore


Under Review / Working Papers “International Collective Action Problem: Domestic Structures and Perceptions” “International Institutions Matter: Evidence from the IPCC First Commitment Period” “A Two-Level Theory of Institutional and Policy Change” “Determinants of Fuel Subsidies: Evidence from a Panel Dataset”, Energy Policy

Journal Articles / Book Chapters 2012. “Pakistan: Perceptions and Responses of an All-weather Friend.” In A Resurgent China: South Asian Perspectives, edited by S. D. Muni and Tan Tai Young, 176-212. Delhi: Routledge. 2011. “The Fukushima Nuclear Tragedy and the Future of Nuclear Power: Regional frameworks to deal with the not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) syndrome”. Regional Outlook Papers: Non- Traditional Security Challenges and Regional Cooperation in Asia. Brisbane: Griffith Asia Institute. 2010. “Pakistan-China Relations in the 21st Century: Retrospect and Prospect.” In South Asia: Societies in Political and Economic Transition, edited by Tan Tai Yong. 153-86. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers (With R. Jetly). 2009. “Energy Security and Geopolitics in South Asia: Historical Baggage, Global powers, and Rational Choice.” In The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia, edited by Marie Lall, 94- 122. Singapore: ISEAS Publications. 2009. “Pakistan's Energy Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities.” In The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia, edited by Marie Lall, 80-94. Singapore: ISEAS Publications. 2009. “Pakistan's Economic Crisis and the Imf Bailout Package." In South Asia in 2008: A Review, edited by H. Singh, 165-175. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers. 2008. “Political Economy of the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pipeline”. ISAS Working Paper Series No. 26. Singapore: Institute of South Asian Studies (with Marie Lall). 2008. “The India-US Strategic Partnership, the Asian Balance of Power, and the Greater Middle East.” Indian Foreign Affairs Journal no. 3 (4):89-106.

Conferences and seminars (selection) 2013. Speaker on the topic of “Global Energy Governance and ASEAN” at the 2013 Five University Network Workshop: “The Future of Security and Governance in East Asia organised by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore on 12-14 December. 2012. Presented a paper titled “Feigning Misperception? An impediment to regional security governance in Asia” at the 2012 Five University Network Workshop: “The Future of Security and Governance in East Asia organised by the Korea University in Seoul, Korea on 08-10 December. 2012. Speaker on the topic of “Transparency and Accountability in International Organizations” at the Asia-Swiss Summer School organised by the Renmin University of China in Beijing, China on 04-22 July. 2012. Presented a paper titled “Collective Actionas Bargaining Problem”, at the 11th Session of the European School of New Institutional Economics (ESNIE) in Corsica, France on 21-25 May. 2011. Presented a paper titled “Power Transition: Implications for the Middle Powers” at the 2011 Five University Network Workshop: “The Future of Security and Governance in East Asia organised by the University of Tokyo and Todai Policy Alternatives Research Institute (TPARI) in Tokyo, Japan on 08-10 December. 2011. Presented a paper titled “The Fukushima Nuclear Tragedy and the Future of Nuclear Power” at the 2011 Emerging Leader's Dialogue: “Non-Traditional Security Challenges and Regional Cooperation in Asia" organised by the Griffith Institute and Pecking University in Beijing, China on 27-29 July. 2011. Speaker on the topic of “International Organizations and State Policies: The Case of ASEAN” at the Swiss-Asia Summer School organised by the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) in Lausanne, Switzerland on 04-22 July. 2011. Speaker at a seminar titled “EU-Asia Relations: Post-Lisbon Treaty Issues and Prospects” organized by the EU Centre and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore on 22 March. 2011. Presented a paper titled “EU-Asia Relations: Post-Lisbon Treaty Issues and Prospects” at the 2011 Asian Workshop on European Integration and the EU-Asian Relationship: "One Year after Entry into Effect of the Lisbon Treaty” organised by the EU Centre National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan on 22-23 February. Sanjay Kumar Rajhans Phone: +7 (917) 562-82-31 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya 20, of. 526 Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Policy Vice Chair of the Department of Public Policy (in charge of the student affairs) at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Professional Interests: Global citizenship and Global actors, Human Rights in non-Western societies, Soft power and new emerging markets, South Asian Studies (History, Politics and Culture), Eurasian Studies and Post-Soviet Space Studies, Media analysis: English Media in the BRICS nations and dialogue with the west, Post-colonial writings in English

Education and Degrees I sincerely consider myself only a student of world civilization and its culture with a special interest in the south Asian studies and all my present and future pursuits are nothing but an extension of my studentship to it. • Certificate from the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Berlin • Post Graduate Diploma CELTA from the Cambridge University Year 2005 • Masters Degree with First Division in English Language and Literature in • Masters Degree with First Division in Political Science and International Studies

Job experience

2015 – Pr. Senior Lecturer in the department of Public policy and vice chair of the department in charge of the student affairs 2007 – 2014 Lecturer in the Department of Near East Studies, Taras Shevchenko University Kiev 2006 – 2009 Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations in the Kiev International University 2007 – 2007 The chief Area correspondent (CIS region) with National News of India based in Ukraine. 2000 – 2001 Trainee with one of the oldest English Daily of India The Pioneer 2000 – 2003 Public Relations Assistant in the office of India Trade Promotion Organization in New Delhi dealing with the media projection of the trade delegates and organizing interviews and press work with the foreign participants. • Worked as a comparer and announcer in different art and music festival in University years. • Worked as the chief editor of the university journal “Lodestar”

Research and publications

• Chapter Братерский М. В., Раджханс С. К. Азиатская версия глобализации? // В кн.: Великая конвергенция: Азия, Запад и логика единого мира., 2014. • Presented the paper “Rabindranath Tagore and the idea of Universal Humanism in the context of the Globalized Economy” the month of April 2011 in the literature conference in T.G.Shevchenko University. • Presented the paper in the international seminar on the subject of “The role of mediain the Diplomatic relations” at the Institute of Journalism Kiev 2009. • Presented the Paper on the subject “The consumerist over drive in the Euro zone and the overheating of the world economy” in the year 2008 at Kyiv International University in Kiev 2008. • Presented a paper “The challenges and opportunities ahead 60 years of Independence: India and Pakistan” at the Kiev International University 2007. • Presented a Paper on the subject of “Amity of Cultures: the soft power of India Post 1991” at the institute of International Relations at Shevchenko National University Kiev 2006.

The above mentioned list of presentation which is not exhaustive in nature there have been numerous inter departmental seminars and conferences in which the participation and contribution has been a matter of academic program for the past seven years.

Area of educational interest:

• South Asian Studies (History, Politics and Culture) • Eurasian Studies and Post Soviet Space Studies • Media analysis: English Media in the BRICS nations and dialogue with the west. • Post colonial writings in English

Hobby: Writing poetry, reading literature and watching social documentary

Mahama Tawat

Phone: +7 (495) 772-9590 (ext.12238) E-mail: [email protected] Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya 22, of. 504 Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration Research Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Education and Degrees

2012 PhD: Comparative public policy Thesis on Danish and Swedish immigrant integration policies University of Otago, New Zealand 2008/09 Visiting PhD Student Centre for Danish Studies, Lund University Centre for International Migration and Inter-ethnic Relations, Stockholm University 2006 MA (highest distinction): European Political Sociology Dissertation on Danish and Swedish multicultural policies) Dalarna University, Sweden. 2005 Diploma (distinction), European Integration (research component on aid policy) Malmö University, Sweden. • Diploma (incomplete), Department of Peace and Conflict Studies Uppsala University, Sweden. 2004 Diploma: Communication Institute for Journalism, Media and Communication, (JMK) Stockholm University, Sweden. 1998 BA Honours (distinction) Political Science and Mass communication University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Research and Publications

Current Research Focus: - Comparative public policy and administration. Integration, immigration and national minority policies in Sweden/Denmark and Australia/New Zealand. Public sector reform and the quality of government in New Zealand/Sweden and Cameroon/Colombia. - The Comparative Method. The Configurational Comparative Method (CCM) and its relevance to ideational theory.

Peer-reviewed Publications

1) Tawat, Mahama “Danish and Swedish immigrants’ cultural policies between 1960 and 2006: toleration and the celebration of difference, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2012. 2) Tawat, Mahama, Two Tales of Viking Diversity. A Comparative Study of the Immigrant Integration Policy of Denmark and Sweden, 1960-2006, unpublished PhD thesis, Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 2012. 3) Tawat, Mahama, The Births of Swedish Immigrant Cultural Policy: The Primacy of Olof Palme’s Ideas, accepted with revision. 4) Tawat, Mahama, Book Review: Erik Bleich. The Freedom to Be Racist? How the United States and Europe Struggle to Preserve Freedom and Combat Racism, Accepted (revise and re-submit) Journal of Comparative Public Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. 5) New Public Management in New Zealand: The Past, Present and Future of the Great Experiment, International Public Management Review, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2013.

Recent conferences, workshops and seminars • Economic Sanctions As a Foreign Policy Tool: A Comparative Study of the Effects on the Russian and Iranian oil and gas industries, 2nd International Conference on Public Policy, Milan, Italy, 2015. • Ideational Theory: A Fruitful Terrain of Fertilization for Comparative Politics and Comparative Public, 2nd International Conference on Public Policy, Milan, Italy, 2015. • Understanding Convergence in Immigrant Integration Policies. The Cases of Denmark and Sweden Since 1960, 73rd Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 2015. • Guest lectures “The Challenges of Multiculturalism” and “Anti- racism Policymaking in a Comparative Perspective”, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Welfare and Diversity, Malmö University, Sweden, fall 2013. • “Two Unlikely Friends: The Configurational Comparative Method and Ideas”, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 2014. • “Two Peas in a Pod? Danish and Swedish Social Democratic Parties and the Integration of Immigrants.” Conference: Is Social Democracy Exhausted? Pathways, Reflections, Dilemmas, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, 17- 18 February 2012. • Tawat, Mahama, Two Tales of Viking Diversity: A Study on the Immigrant Integration Policies of Denmark and Sweden between 1960 and 2006, Public Policy Section, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2011, Seattle, USA. • “The Births of Danish and Swedish Cultural Integration Policies: Ideas from Policy Legacy in Denmark and Olof Palme in Sweden”, New Zealand Political Science Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 30 November-1 December 2011. Anita K. Soboleva

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 (int. 22842) E-mail: [email protected] Associate Professor: Faculty of Law / Department of Theory of Law and Comparative Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Education and Degrees 1998 Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Language Theory Lomonosov Moscow State University Thesis Title: Topoi and Arguments in judicial texts: analysis of the judicial decisions of the Russan and German Constitutional Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court 1995 LLM Central European University Thesis Title: Arguments in parliamentary debates on separation of powers in the US Congress and the Congress of Peoples’ Deputies of RSFSR 1991 Diploma in Lawyer All-Soviet Union Distance-Learning Law Institute, Law 1986 Diploma Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Professional Interests: constitutional law, legal analysis and legal reasoning, interpretation in law, human rights lawyering, European Court of Human Rights, rhetoric, semiotics, civil society

Research and publications

Editorial board membership

2015: Member of the Editorial Board, Журнал конституционализма и прав человека (Journal of Constitutionalism and Human Rights) 2009: Member of the Editorial Council (International Advisor (Europe)), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law

Recent international conferences

2015 Religion and equality: cotemporary challenges in accommodating diversity (Будапешт). Presentation: Freedom of Arts in a Secular State and Religious Rights: Balancing Exercise in Russia and the ECtHR 2014 International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law (Копенгаген). Presentation: Legal Interpretation in Human Rights Cases: National and International Judges as Readers and as Authors 14th International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law "Semiotizing and Semiotized Law" (Хуанчжоу). Presentation: Compatibility of arguments and resolution of antinomies in legal reasoning 11th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law (IAFL) (Мехико). Presentation: Legal Definitions as a Means to Overcome Polysemy in Legal Discourse 2012 Sociolegal Conversations across a Sea of Islands (Гонолулу). Presentation: Russian Constitutional Court and the ECtHR: Is Reconciliation of Arguments and Positions Possible?

Recent publications

Chapter Соболева А. К. Конструируя равенство: семиотический подход к анализу практики национальных и международных судов при рассмотрении ими дел о правах лиц с психическими расстройствами // В кн.: Принцип формального равенства и взаимное признание права: коллективная монография / Отв. ред.: В. Лапаева, А. Поляков, В. Денисенко; науч. ред.: В. Лапаева, А. Поляков, В. Денисенко. М. : Проспект, 2016. Гл. 15. С. 185-204. Book Антонов М. В., Баранова М. В., Беляев М. А., Денисенко В., Лапаева В., Поляков А., Соболева А. К. Принцип формального равенства и взаимное признание права: коллективная монография / Отв. ред.: В. Лапаева, А. Поляков, В. Денисенко; науч. ред.: В. Лапаева, А. Поляков, В. Денисенко. М. : Проспект, 2016. Article Soboleva A. K. Judges as Readers, Authors and Dialecticians: Legal Interpretation in the ECtHR Cases on Mental Disability // International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. 2015 doi (in print) Article Soboleva A. K. Legal Terms from the Rhetorical Perspective: Legal Genre Approach // Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2015. No. 3. P. 168-181. Chapter Соболева А. К. Конструирование прав лиц с психическими расстройствами в практике ЕСПЧ: толкование норм права в контексте равенства или нормотворчество? // В кн.: Признание права и принцип формального равенства: Сборник трудов международной научной конференции (Воронеж, 10-11 июня 2015 г.) / Под общ. ред.: В. Денисенко, М. Беляев. М. : Современная экономика и право, 2015. С. 414-430. Chapter Соболева А. К. Законодательная дефиниция как средство манипулирования: недемократические ограничения прав человека в законотворческой и правоприменительной практике // В кн.: Юридическая техника. Ежегодник / Науч. ред.: В. М. Баранов. Вып. 8: Демократизация правотворчества: доктрина, практика, техника. Н. Новгород : [б.и.], 2014. С. 46-54. Chapter Соболева А. К. Филология и теория права: совместные поиски будущего // В кн.: Проблемы методологии и философии права / Отв. ред.: С. Касаткин; под общ. ред.: С. Н. Касаткин; науч. ред.: С. Н. Касаткин. Самара : Самарская гуманитарная академия, 2014. С. 8-24. Chapter Soboleva A. K. Hate Speech Litigation in Russia, in: Arguments that work: Strategies, Contexts and Limits in Constitutional Law / Отв. ред.: R. Uitz. Issue 7. Amsterdam : Eleven International Publishing, 2013. P. 99-119. Article Soboleva A. K. Use and Misuse of Language in Judicial Decision-Making: Russian Experience // International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. 2013. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 673- 692.

Employment history 2003-2015 Lawyers for Constitutional Rights and Freedoms (JURIX) 1998-2003 Open Society Institute, Russia. Law Program Director 1996-1997 Moscow Science Foundation 2002-2014 Member of the Bar, lawyer

Dmitry G. Zaytsev

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90*12561 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Myasnitskaya, 22, room 504 Associate Professor, Deputy Department Head: Faculty of Social Sciences / Public Policy Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Education and Degrees 2009 Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Political Institutes, Processes and Technologies Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences 2008 Postgraduate programme Higher School of Economics 2005 Master in Political Science Higher School of Economics, Applied Political Science 2003 Bachelor Higher School of Economics

* Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Professional Interests: Theory & Methodology in Political Sciences, Political Changes & Democracy Studies, Political system & Processes in Modern Russia, Specific Features & Transformations of the Russian Political Regime, Non-governmental Actors as Policy Drivers, Think Tanks as the Drivers of Political Changes

Research and publications

Recent conferences

2012 22th World Congress of Political Science (Мадрид). Presentation: Fighting Myths in Democracy Evaluation by Formal Concept Analysis Framework: Measuring Qualities vs Measuring Defects

Recent publications

Chapter Belyaeva N. Y., Zaytsev D. G. Analytical Communities as Resource for Strategic Planning on Local Level in Russia (Case Studies of Saratov, Karelia, and Tatarstan), in: XVI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества: в 4 кн. / Отв. ред.: Е. Г. Ясин. Кн. 3. М. : Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2016. P. 275-286. Article Беляева Н. Ю., Ена О. В., Зайцев Д. Г., Чулок А. А. Оценка воздействия аналитических сообществ на изменения политико-управленческих решений // Вопросы государственного и муниципального управления. 2016. № 1. С. 103-128. Chapter Зайцев Д. Г. Массовый политический протест: проблемы концептуализации и методологии анализа // В кн.: Политические изменения в глобальном мире: теоретико- методологические проблемы анализа и прогнозирования / Отв. ред.: И. С. Семененко, В. В. Лапкин, В. И. Пантин. М. : ИМЭМО РАН, 2014. Гл. 8. С. 124-142. Article Obiedkov S., Mikhail Klimushkin, Shabanova M., Dmitry Zaytsev. A Multidimensional Model for Analyzing Democratic Development in Central and Eastern Europe // Transition Studies Review. 2013. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 191-209. doi Book Аналитические сообщества в публичной политике: глобальный феномен и российские практики / Отв. ред.: Н. Ю. Беляева; науч. ред.: Д. Г. Зайцев, Ш. Ш. Какабадзе. М. : РОССПЭН, 2013. Chapter Зайцев Д. Г., Какабадзе Ш. Ш. Глобальные тренды самоорганизации аналитических сообществ и российские практики // В кн.: Аналитические сообщества в публичной политике: глобальный феномен и российские практики / Отв. ред.: Н. Ю. Беляева; науч. ред.: Д. Г. Зайцев, Ш. Ш. Какабадзе. М. : РОССПЭН, 2013. Гл. 1.4.. С. 48-63. Chapter Зайцев Д. Г., Карастелев В. Е. Протестное движение в России 2011-2012 годов: проблема субъектности // В кн.: Государство и общество в пространстве власти и политических коммуникаций. Политическая наука. Ежегодник 2013 / Рук.: А. И. Соловьев. М. : РОССПЭН, 2013. С. 231-266. Chapter Зайцев Д. Г., Задорин И. В. Состояние и перспективы российского федерализма в общественных представлениях и настроениях // В кн.: К новой модели российского федерализма / Под общ. ред.: А. В. Рябов, О. М. Здравомыслова, А. А. Захаров. М. : Весь мир, 2013. Гл. 5.1. С. 285-302. Chapter Зайцев Д. Г. Условия возникновения и факторы транснационализации аналитических сообществ // В кн.: Аналитические сообщества в публичной политике: глобальный феномен и российские практики / Отв. ред.: Н. Ю. Беляева; науч. ред.: Д. Г. Зайцев, Ш. Ш. Какабадзе. М. : РОССПЭН, 2013. Гл. 1.3.. С. 36-47.

Employment history

2003-2009: ZIRCON Research Group, projects manager, senior researcher

Sergey A. Parkhomenko

Phone: +7 (985) 990-7645 (mobile) E-mail: [email protected] Associate Professor: Faculty of Social Sciences / Public Policy Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Education and Degrees 2006 Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Management Sociology Lomonosov Moscow State University 2002 Master (MPA) Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Syracuse University, NY, USA 2001 Diploma Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Research and publications

Recent publications

Chapter Российская коррупция: уровень, структура, динамика. Опыт социологического анализа /Под ред. Г.А. Сатарова. — Москва: Фонд «Либеральная Миссия», 2013. - Глава 8 (кроме § 8.6). Chapter Пархоменко С. А. Государство и государственное управление // В кн.: Учебные материалы по дисциплине «Технологии государственного управления» / Под общ. ред.: А. В. Клименко. М. : Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2009. Гл. 1.1. С. 4-6. Book Варнавский В. Г., Дмитриева Н. Е., Елисеенко В. Ф., Клименко А. В., Клищ Н. Н., Королев В. А., Пархоменко С. А., Платыгин Д. Н., Сизова О. В., Суворова И. К. Учебные материалы по дисциплине «Технологии государственного управления» / Под общ. ред.: А. В. Клименко. М. : Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2009. Book Пархоменко С. А. Учебные материалы по дисциплине «Технология государственного управления». М. : Изд. дом ГУ - ВШЭ, 2009. Chapter Пархоменко С. А., Солнцев С. А. Формирование системы мониторинга реализации программ дополнительного профессионального образования федеральных государственных гражданских служащих на территории Российской Федерации // В кн.: Формирование системы мониторинга реализации программ дополнительного профессионального образования федеральных государственных гражданских служащих. М. : РАГС, 2009. С. 187-200. Chapter Пархоменко С. А. Эволюция теорий государственного управления // В кн.: Учебные материалы по дисциплине «Технологии государственного управления» / Под общ. ред.: А. В. Клименко. М. : Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2009. Гл. 1.2. С. 7-14. Book Головщинский К. И., Пархоменко С. А., Римский В., Сатаров Г. А. Бизнес и коррупция:проблемы противодействия. Итоговый отчет. М. : Индем, 2004.