' *'irlj - t TWh •>. .'**,' ' * . -st •*•,; JR NEWSPAPER in Florida’s Heart, F«ti% Greatest Vegetable ccpt Ks Richest Garden Land tion

■Mm . = = ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES SANFORD, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1925. SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. NUM BER 192. -.a.J = •sidentResubmits Three Senators Who W ill Be Seen In Action Today ------— ------ie Of WarrenTo ttorney General liv^ rcSardsi d e f e n s e sco res [id Decides To j TRIUMPH IN FIRST All of Celebrities Of Today’s Line-Ups Sanford Dong Hoi ^ meAgain[DAY CADY TRIAL m World’s Champions Attire For on Comes As <■'. * . ^zLv*** A p p earin g On Local Here nrc the line-ups for Game ofSeasonWi Judge Tilden Rules Out Testi­ this afternoon's game: mony of 2 Leading Witness-! Diamond On Friday FamousParticipants inct Surprise cs Senators— — Brewers cs for Prosecution; Case ■ i ■ ■ Goslin I.uce May End Ucfme Week-End Mr.Noeley Schulte Confident O f Stellar Galaxy Is j Rice Richbourg Opening Ceremony Judge Brief ORLANDO, Mar. Iff.—Tho de­ Harris Melillo lirmation Whlie fense in the case of Hal. D. Cudy, Precedes Game Led By Johnson Dlcuge Armstrong rs AreDoubtful on trial here in criminal court ss Wise charged with murder in the second Peck Makers of Tate Skiff Brewers In Excellent ^ iN T.rrO N , Mar. 13. drgree in connection witli the kill- Johnson Bell nt Coolidge forced ,n* l,,at November of N. B. Brow- History Bring Here Zachary Sanders Condition for Battle ie" Thursday 1 hursday onun the (cvrtitin vital important state !w.h*,n testi- Colorful Assembly Mo rt ridge Ross With World Champa of his selection This is not the batting order Of mony was ruled out. of the pluyers. 1. Warren of Michi- C. D. Cassidy, police officer who They arc all here. With all business.establish­ i his attorney gencr- first learned of the killing, testified that he stood for some time out­ There is ,! ments closed, Sanford donned side the bathroom window of the the grand old man of the! its gala attire, polished up Its [nling the advice of Cady home before entering, claim­ pitching mound, Stanley, NATIONAL RULER holiday spirit and flocked to ntion lenders in the ed that he heard Cady tell his wife “ Bucky” Harris who rose the Sanford Municipal field K .esubmitted the “ I hoaned him." from n breaker boy at a coal OF ELKS STOPS IN /. i i.-wi • This testimony was ruled out this afternoon to see, begin­ aft«*r he had conferred L Judgc w L/ Tilden> riM ng „n mine to be, at an unprece­ ning at 3 o’clock, the o p e n in g arriii. "ho arrived ear-! ca80( when C. I’. Dickinson and dentedly youthful age, the CITY YESTERDAY of the local baseball season lay from his home in j E. W. Davis, defense counsel, cit* manager of a world’s champ­ with the World’s Champion |ij nuw a White House eil n state supreme court ruling ion basehull aggregation and that conversation between husband Party of Distinguished Visi­ Washington Senators nnd the other celebrities whose brilliance is and wife, made without the knowl­ tors Entertained nt Lunch­ Milwaukee Brewers, Sanford’s own, kion of the executive dimmed only hy comparison with edge of the presence of a third par­ eon; Pledge Support to City ns the participants. The Senators [surprise to republican this pair. urrived Friday morning, coming ty, "is considered sacred and there In Seeking 1925 Meeting caused a flurry in fore inadmissable." Fourteen years of service in a from Orlando where they figured as well us in those I Cady was arrested on the morn Here are Earl McNcely, Sniu Rice and Oh wee Blcugc, three shining lights of the World's Champions, > major league club, Washington, to in n holiday occasion there Thurs­ Isition. who had assum-. ,ng, ofU1 NoV> ^ following the 1I1IU.find- w,!! i’vrform in this ntternoon’s game. McNeely, in the game with the Cincinnati Reds in Orlando he exact, sit lightly on the should- Sanford was host Thursday to day afternoon, meeting the Cin­ question had been set-. jng 0l> the 'dead body of Broward1 afternoon, hit the first pitched ball of the game for a three base hit. Watch him this afternoon.' ers of Johnson. For many long un official visit to the local Lodge cinnati Red Sox, whom they de­ rejection of the noni- in the bathroom of the Cady home | ~ ~ ' --===a—=-----= — - ■ ------■ —...... ~ * ■■ ■■— ■ . ------l years he has been with what nt of Elks of the Grand Exnlted Rul­ feated fi-0. er of the Order, J. G. Price and t :ay by a tie vote and ujj0^ o a. m. Broward, a nephew times was a second rate major , the Senators own­ In the table of a motion f t(u. ,uU> Covernor Broward ,,f league team, refusing to desert it Bust Exulted Ruler J. W. Kauf­ er. "Bucky" Harris, the boy mana­ man of Columbus, O., together Iteration. Florida, had been shot in what evi- I Poison Probe Brings OIL LEASE CASE when he had muny opportunities ger, Walter Johnson, the world’s m kmimition was referred dently was a terrific scuffle, to go to another club that would with David Scholtz, President of Important Evidence the State Elks Association, C. E. rcmier twirler, et al„ were met •judiciary committee,| Contrary to the general expec- have surely landed him in the Ey a committee of prominent citi­ mcet Friday to con- tut ion before court convened Thurs-, ENDS FOURTH DAY with its fame und Mngruder, Exalted Ruler of Or­ zens and prepared for tbo opening rlil marshals on botli1 ,|ay morning, it now is possible its cut of the money. lando Lodge, J. I). Van Dunkirk CHICAGO, Mar. Iff.— Dr. 0. and J. D. Barrett. ceemonier* on the huseball field. Ilining up their forces that the case will be concluded! Loyalty, however, brought its Stimulated by their large meal of C. Faimnn, owner of the Na­ reward. Johnson not only lauded The intinernry of the visitors kblican leaders gener- before Friday night. The jury win ; ON ISLE OF PINES tional University of Sciences, IN LEGAL TANGLE "red meat" in Orlando, the Sena­ hopeful, hut not ovel I secured in a little less than an hour I in the world series but emerged n taking in the whole state and they questioned in the coroner's in­ had only a limited time to give to tors, unlike thoir na.ncsukes in tho mile opponents predict* land the first witness. Geqrge Pihoa I ! national hero thereby. After los­ national capital, were greatly pep­ Upper House Agrees To Vole quest into the death from ty­ Defense’s Protest Over Admis­ ing two games he came back and Sanford, which wus spent nt n lid be able to muster a | took the stand at 10:10 a. m. On Treaty Recognizing The phoid of William Nelson Mc- ped up and hunguring for action |ity against confirnia-1 An usual feature of the trial i sibility of Certain Evidence won the seventh and deciding game luncheon given hy the toent lodge Clintock, milionaire orphan, is nt the Seminole Cafe. • and for a huge bite collectively the fact that only six jurors will . Sovereignly of Cuba; Cope­ said by States .«ttorney* today Signal For General Mix-Up; bringing with it the chumplonship and individually from the Brewers. J(Eolidge had returned (decide the case. Investigation d<*- • land Conducts Filibuster title. Exnlted Ruler H. B. Lewis, act­ to have admitted after an all- “ Pivotal Poin f’ Brought Out Harris’ story Is a story of per- Johnson May Pitch lion to the senate with- [ vetoped that there In a prnvmi vi night questioning that a tube pi ing us toastmaster, introduced Past . sistencc receulnt; Us reward. It i Exalted Ruler Forrest Lake, May The Senator's lineup, as an- V. •!i<1 ii it t i -venrii wit i'< ‘-I"' iii'dim l code lien- Cvi» tin WAS HDMC£EfiN, Mar. id. typhoid germs was stolen from * CHEYENNE, Wyo., Mur. nounceik yesterday, had slated for aU5r Cut- rfobrevinted jury sits in all trials j -la**, tie man filibuster him a year ago last November takesi more ihiln ordinary obstacles j or of Sanford, who, in his chuj’ao-' Hitting the high spots for the first mound duty Johnson, Zachary, Rum l > i repnbli• u»r Jnr less than a capital offense. conducted * ■ Senator Copeland, to even hinder the meteoric teristic and pleusant style bad© time since the trial began, nttor- -Bucky" who, with n broken finger, the visitors welcome. Grnnd Ex­ sell ami Marberry. The last three i White House t'or n Pihos, the fist witness, i- cash- Democrat, New York, tho Senate rev* in the Teapot Dome lease an- stut.k to t|„. Rnnu. unti| (u. Wus named were culled on to pitch kith himself' and M r.1 icr and part owner o f the allnight Thursday night entered an unani­ alted Ruler J. G. Price answered, Special Venire To rudiment ease Thursday brought banished by none other than Clark expressing his delight at this, his against the Red Sox which will the meeting lasted an j restaurant from which Cody tele- mous consent agreement to vote by out the "pivotal point" in the litigc-i Griffith himself. It was that ac­ probably earn them a bye in tho ^he whole situation in • phoned si'mnioning Dr. t . .1 o'clock Friday on the "0 year old first trip to Florida, nnd his satis­ tion and then wound up the case I cur ranee, according to Mr. Griffith faction at the good showing tho game with the Brewers. That arefullv was canvassed. Harms to his home shortly after treaty recognizing the sovereign- Probe Death Of in Hiieli a tangle of objections, tech- j that caused him to make Harris leaves Walter Johnson nnd Mog- the tragedy. Dr. Harms was tin y of Cuba over the Isle of I'inc:;. lodges of this state have made. The king the White House nicnlitic and contentions thut manager of the club. same pleasure was voiced by Past ridge who hnve not been in action pi' said he believed the first outsider to reach the scene. Senator Copeland began his fil­ Negro Summoned Judge Kennedy adrupty adjourned | And, by all means, do not forget lately and the probability thut Sun- When court reconvened in the Exalted Ruler J. B. Kaufman, )ou!d be confirmed. Oth- j ibuster yesterday, demanding that court in the middle of the after-1 Nick Altrock and his old side-kick ford will see in action the old mas­ i afternoon, Dr. J. A. Ford, who per- whose promise for a longer stay aiders did not share the treaty be put *.)• i- the plan, hut thu i u1vti> l” “ T. ' ,T ‘ ,71‘' “Vi’ Iin vhargu or the treaty then pro-;Ular grand jury two weeks ago, i the team a cyclone on any vaude- hutting eyes. This form of work Bate senate I Broward s skull nan posed the unanimous consent agree however, in connection with the for so conducting the examination vide circuit In the country, Lodge Of Elks Are t'» unmet out Is getting results, and though i fractured. _ _ __ , ^ ^ | meat which was adopted, limiting case, and is said to have told the of Conway, Judge Kennedy or

':&KiE KiH & fclM EH ffi mm i n



651 66

HORIZONTAL VERTICAL ''J 1 - i n y u d 12— newspaper J— stirring, 23—standing or printed moving »! room only H account of about A (abbr.) r current 2— maize 34— to grow old errata 8— wrathful tC— a proclama* 43— boj^o name 4— to send tlon or di— encount­ sway forc­ edlet ered ibly 37—sum up I 5— before 6— unit of 39— consume :-V> i//vrrw7? 48—tenoral weight for 40— suffix gems meaning ff—so ex- Uke proooan cal (nation 42A,— always Bl— unhappy 8— heavy rope44— a limb of 64— » ' aotmbry or chain the body, f i —%• eorabtne •rath of 9— hoax or 16—leas dlf- 1 vffli brom- Aaeyria sham ftcult 66— moro relo- 10— once more 47— procreat- ablo or un­ 11— meaaoro common out 48— third letter 68— n few 12— Garden of o f the 60— the hoek of Paradise : Greek m M ;V an animal alphabet i * J 0 & " 49— to bisect ia ” tchicken h 3 S * 60— to resist 64— the sum* . u slepart h an author­ mit, per* 18— pprinter’s ity r fectlon measure 62— softly and the time of i'P dead (a 26—salt de­ P the birth of rived from Christ quinolin 65— delicate 88— rend 28— aspenta for needlo ]V 60— dWtionj effacing work IV “ Of • BO* errors 66— prefix P tkra pic­ 29— to pro­ meaning ture nounco the again ffl— the stem of letters of a 57— railroad certain word in 69—such and A Beam of Li^ht f l marsh proper suc­ no more. W . trasses cession 61— recording 32— variations secretary W - l ! I of sound or (abbr.) color 63— upon N GO—that is 1 (abbr.) Visible 100 Miles— ’ Herewith le eefntlon for Puzzle Tip For Beginners. (VSTiz s i ■H§igl*>4«e *e * * Solve this puzzle by compar­ asxasiaawHMHHiao ing the synonyms listed in the "Horizontal” and "Vertical" p[ituuE®awa;w!n columns with the number of a m w x s w M & Q W * spaces extending crosswise or downward on the diagram, as IIHRE i;i a giant Hcurchlifht atop tnc Tarragona Tower jtt Daytona Highlands, one block west of Daytona, Florida. the cn*e may be- If n word occurs to you menning sub­ This .searchlight, the largest ever made, throws a beam of light visible on a clear night for one hundred miles, ir stantially the name ns the you live or have been within one hundred miles of Daytona during the past week you have doubtleHS.seen this shaft v lifclsJIlSlldW flll synonym and the correct num­ ber of letters to fit in the thrown across the sky during the early evening and wondered what it was. & k b ^ s a a S S iD ; spaces between its number and U W U E j the first shaded stop following, CTET write it in lightly. Work nwnv R1 0 g a t the small words, the "easy" Following this beam of light and you will make no mistake thousands arc doing it and they are not being disappointed - r e words, first, and they will give This light is more than a mere advertising stunt for Daytona and you plenty of clues to th» dif­ it’s Master Development, Daytona Highlands. It points the i i e z M ! 8 m y ficult ones- • way to greater opportunity for you whether you seek investme nts, a home site or merely a place to enjoy your favorite outdoor sport for ft few weeks. This great light beckons you to Daytona, City of Wide Streets, destined to become the greatest residen- tial, recreational and year ’round resort city in the state. It in states in which are located military vites you to the World’s Greatest Speedway, Daytona Beach; May Make Parks Of reservations which the _ United famous speed kings are now gathering on this beach, holding w eekly contests, having selected it as making possible the attain- Army Reservations States war department wishes to ment of a greater speed than is possible on any other course in dispose of, to take over these tracts the world. he said. JACKSONVILLE, Mar. 12. — Thu National Conference on Data on ztatu parks in ine adttth | stnt„ rk *yst,.ms from states This great light points to a thousand other attractions, all within a few short moments of Daytona Highlands. It is the and nlanz of various states fur w h ulready have public out*- developmentdavtlopmcnt and maintenance of |Ioor rccreutj0n lots. light of Golden Opportunity, pointing a way to sound investment and a maximum of health ami pleasure. systems of state recreation grounds •re being gathered for the Nn I MARKETS “ SPUDS” tienel Conference on State Park^ ,, ...... „ , by Raymond H. Torrey, field see-! . I Al.ATKA, Mar. 12. Fhe Hast- retary of the organization. This i district has sent to market ita Information is to be used in ad drst shipment of early Irish note- vising other states of the ways and itoes of the 1026 season, which means used in establishing, main-! brought 412 for No. l ’s and 410 teinlng and administering stale for No. 2’s f. o. b., Hastings. They perk systems. I were shipped to New York. The Mr. Torrey, speaking of his la- < potatoes were grown by H. H. Wil- 78, declared that one of the oh- iiuins, negro farmer, who planted ^:ts of the survey was to induce*the seed last Nov. 15. ■ ■■XI

KltKH YOUUMKI.E KltOU TIIK SHACKLES OK r Indigestion » Iri'lleestl.m 1m* many symptoms uml fr«

BRANCHES: Glyka-Nuxsin Jacksonville The Traylors of Daytona " 1 Jow ^ 0R,prMen».«ve. Orlando, Is u stlsnllflcally compound. <1 prescription suri'cssfully urrd for St. Augustine, , V* ^ B" Ch SV ...... « * - * • K i „ . H y S U,ra“ con.- many years. DeLund, Uy overcoming I mi I Meat Ion this nir.llrlito gives to the blood the George* W. Albright, Orlando, District M anager ,,,ute information regarding Ueslth ond strength building elements contained tn the foo.L Pnlatka, _ . , i your complimentary tour <» New Smyrna, It.,..) tile following Miiolalluns from litters we have received; John h. rox, Sanford Representative l ^a^tona Highlands and East- Daytona Beach, _ . . | ern Volusia County. Mr. Ilr-d of Daytopn lt>- ich wrrlt-s; ”1 have tried many remedies Sanford, but OI> ka-Niuslii Inis glvm m. more relief than ui.yililiig else I liuvr Park Avenue at Second Street i Mtkin. Kustis, Miss Murray nf Dallas says: "Your niedicliie gave mo complete re­ St. Cloud, lief from IndlKestion." Atlanta, PHONE 903 , ____ Mrs. lu.tt of the same illy tells us. "I suffered severely from Indi­ gestion. It st-eni.-d I would have to give up my work, hut after taking lilyks-NuZSIn u short while my liesllh was greutly Imploved.” (tlyks-NuisIn le revoiumeuded and sold on a guarantee of satisfac­ tion by all druggists. flet a large bottle today, price 75c. ■ -sir----- r r baseman who, when shifted to ! short stop to . relieve R°?e.r Holders Jo. linpatigh, performed with the same finesse that he had ini hi. reguI.r Closes Fourth Day In Arabia Forced Is Aggregation Of position. Pecklnpnugh, «ho ■J**1‘J HERE Washington materially n taking Amid Legal Tangle ||To Modify Methods B s a S a £ a $ Baseball Celebrities the championship, is «n old innkee 1 • » player and hod seen service in a (Continued from Pnge One) (Continue*/ front Page One) , JERUSALEM. Mnr. 13. — The The annual fishing contest of world series before. ity for such. It was then that ______' slave trade still flourishes in A m -, ____ — the Bnll Hardware Company, which ity. Nemo clings to the belief that “ Muddy” Ruel, “ the hitless won­ Judge Kennedy reserved decision , tt ii. Conduct Conference of W* where a state of war exists Dr, Rufus Weaver, Presidentj has been field for several years valuable things come in small pack­ der” made but one safe clout dur­ Rig IV ..I. between the Hashemite family, the on the question of admitUng hank I ,... Christian Endeavor Work- fonncr niIc„ of Meccn> , n,f,sU|. of Mercer University Is ntimulate interest In fishing, is ages. Liebold is also a veteran, ing the series but he started some­ mm ■< Priwhvlsr tin ( hnri-h it., n... c....i .k- urnu..u having been In the mujorn for sev­ thing thereby. The ensuing rally records of Fall in the c«ist» upon| era at Presbyterian Churchitnn fhn Saud, the*\Vnhiihi""leader: On List of Special Speak- now open and will continue until brought the championship to W ash­ "«• I li—r „r “ •‘♦nui of Sanford on March 1 7 iBn«l contestant of the Husseins* eral years. At one time he wns a which the government hinges its, tin- i»*t | era To Appear In Florida [ Dec. ni. Four prises, carrying an member of the Cleveland Indians . ington nnd fame to himself. Mud­ _ _ _ | Vested right* to Moslem’s holiest dy” will not be seen behind the bat, attemnt to prove that bonds from IS ------aggregate value of approximately In Fred Mnrberry, the Senators Sinclair eventually found their Rev. Frank Freet, Christinn Kn. «*>’• 0n* ll,n Snu"> fir,,t ««** TALLAHASSEE, Mar. Id. The trn wjjj ^ Kjven to the winners have the greatest relief in probably, for that duty will fail to "lannT1, "n ker of Columbus. ()* attacking the Hedjax was to (Uptists of Florida are this month W0 , way to the credit of Pull. '■truer ..f 1 * dcavor work the American League, It was the lot of either Tate or Hargrave. rrt.m th. « will conduct a one afternoon con- * ,c8, celebrating the one hundredth an- nt the end of the contest, L. C. Dunbar, cashier, J. E. Gon­ . 1 u,|, 7„•'«« It) anford at the First Crfnd ffona, hbwever,.differ con- „ivcrsnry of the denomination’s According to the rules, contest- Mnrberry, who saved many a game zales, an employee of the First A. |l. D;; t<«y , In f for the champions last season by NETS BIG ON "SPUDS” ‘i \ Presbyterian church on March 17. •|^r“ h|y fr™» tht“ ..nal ^ " , ofJ°.r; activities in this state. The first onts must bring their catch, which National Bank of El Paso, Texas, '*■ ii n is limited to Black Bass, to the responding with a brand of pitch­ and Hnrlnn J. Smith, cashier of “Rev. Freet Jsjs at present making a TrV.'J!i" . i" "u k °i*" !*.!!2! meeting In this connection was held ing which turned defeat into vic­ DELAND, Mar. Id.—John Pale, »• " , M|*KN«-K|g.j-»*i ' ' tour of southernuti cities in the in­ now been closed and it is very at Cnmphcllton church, Jackson Ball Hardware Company store the First National Bank of Pueblo, At|,,r|>«> f'T .tVr rare to hear of a slave being * . cr.unty, yesterday, and others will where it will lie weighed on the tory. After finishing two games in terski bus made a net profit of Coiorudo, identified accounts of terest of Christinn Endeavor work. the last world’s series in a credi­ $:|i)i|.25 on one-acre of Irish pota­ * Following is the program for the ed for sale openly. Hut this does fo,|oJ about 0 days at Jack- store scales. The fish must have Fall nrnl the Trcs Ritos Land nnd not prevent the esUtence of s la v . IM,nvil|e;n|l “j two ...eetlnga will be been landed by artificial menns— table, manner, Mnrberry was given toes on a plot of ground ncui Snm- Cnttle Co. in whl-h Fall in inter­ ocrasinn. sonville, and two meetings the task of starting the next game sulu, according to T. A. Brown, Conference with workers among simultaneously held at Miami ..... by - rial nnd . reel , using . . artificial . . ested,esteil, nnd Liberty bonds cou- J- g - s h a w o.lfh ,.'tan ...... heW * ' " ml and he promptly “ blew up”. county farm agent. The acre pro­ nons alleged to have been cashed young people of the»“ teen” ages, Orlando on Mar. 2!». Specially se- lure- The fish must lie in good duced 43 barrels, :*uys Mr. Brown, of their old slaves in their service. Ice ted ftiM’jiki’t.« have been iiMitcRed condition, snowing no Kignn of mu- Hlucge will be found nt his reg­ by Fall. This testimony was tak­ 3:50 to .*» o’clock. These were neither freed by their ular place at the hot corner. He , at a cost of $1*7.75, and the pota- w ill practice |„ », Rnni|Uet, to he attended by the to each of the gatherings. tilntion. when brought to the store en subject to being stricken out' masters, nor did they ask their _i for weighing. hns the distinction of being n third ' toes were sold for n total of StOL on the objection of defense counsel. •Lxnminatlon of \\^ Intermediates and Intermediate masters t* free them being con- First evidences of Baptist wo workers, 0 o'clock. The first prise i» a neddon Bam­ Judge Kennedy has the objec­ Titles given wp« t tent to live in the houses where in the state is traced back to 1H11., boo rod value nt $22. The second is tion under advisement. Evidence Mass Mreting of ( ’hristian Kn- they were born. says Dr. S. II. Rogers, secretary of ° ff|cU8 '» Seminoi, denvnters of nil hrcs, nnd of inter­ a Shakespeare Morhoff reel valued was taken in this way in an nt-' In the Yemen, it is said, the the state mission hoard. “ A num- nt Sid and the other prises are E V E R T T R U E B Y CONDO tempt to trace from Fall to Siu- lluIUh ested folk, with address by Mr. .children of negroes may be offered lier of Christian men came .into “ Freet, t:30 o’clock. Kennedv tackle'box valued nt tfl.fiO 'for sale. The masters who have Florida with the United States nnd a Bimson XX nine enrrying a Continuation of the Conference Army about 1H1*J for the purpose i such slaves are free to do whnt $2.50 value. adjourned at ft will begun nt lt»u v like with them; even if a slave of suppressing Indian uprising* -Yes, ’BU T—' -ANO I t V O C S b l’T M/OtfG XIn V ^ .■ o clock. , is killed by his master the latter .and defending the colonies against 'P^VftpCR.C-MCtS. (\)HAT W/^^. SAID lenders of young peoples work! cannot be held responsible for the the inronds of English and Span­ . from n fifty mile radius around nr * crime. ish under Indian guides, who wei« Good Sijrht Needed *riH S • ’ CROUi-D being urged to attend these confer------constantly crossing the line into To Confirm Scientist ------— 0 TH© ences. which mark the first inten-, Georgia and trespassing upon the ‘ Rt- ’ “ retary. |dbg experts and represeiit.itivc* * to the size of tile earth nnd the C o r G 4 C H OF- T H C S C . 1 !------■ aaa an ■■■■■■■■■■■■■» ■■■■■■■R a aaaaxaail|, The first Baptist church to he thickness of the enveloping f 'lm 'B orfl VOkJ- ‘ ' ______' of the government. Ilccaiise of th • ■constituted on Florida soil was at ORGANCZATtONS WOULt absence of oats the inventor .1. It Increased in proporl* o »h• #‘?m TO <3-(STDCS r< t .i i Camphelltnii, nnd was known e» would then he only the thickmrs SIGNS Y o r CAN RKI.IKVK IN PI* tiling, contends that on,- of the „,.th ^em. It wns at that church IT Is/Oui-ON’r B© chief difficulties nf I.Minrh.ns a y, , l#rtlliy thllt ,hl. ||rlt tll tlw of a sheet of glass. ______Get Acquainted Specials • If your breath is bad and you lifeboat from a vessel in distress /ONY T//»te AT have six'll* of swimming in the hps been overcome. tcnninl celebrations was held, with' • — ’ - AV-<- UKJTM- ' head, poor appetite, constipation Tile new type of lifelx.it*. i* Dr. Rufus W. Weaver, president in 18.18. There were six members, THG nnd u genera) nu-account feeling, liiopelled by the occupants, who of Mercer University of Macon, i Rev. James McDonald and wife, • it is a sign your liver i« torpid. 1 (ia., as the principal speaker. Jesse Elias Jnudou and wife, and two One Cent S« have leVers which they pull for­ , The only one really dependable ward and backward, this action Mercer, founder of Mercer Univer- j colored persons, Peggy, sluve of remedy for all disorders in the liv­ ’ sity. Was the first pastor of the Elias Jatidoti, and Bacchus, slave c through a very sininle gear caus­ For Momlny, Tuesday ami Wetlncflaj er. stomach ami bowels L Her- ing a propeller to drive the life­ Bethlehem church. of William Edwards. The church bine. It ads powerfully on the boat through the water. The lioat Following institution of that • has changed its InWitiou theoe liver, strengthens digestion, puri­ used in the experiment hud 12 cc- church on Mar. 12, 1825, by 17; times. In 18(10 the church divided. fies the bowels and restores a fine ctiiiants. With one man at each of I members the next one was form­ the white members buying the ne­ Wc will clean and press 2 suits| feeling of energv. vim and cheer­ the eight levels it wasp ossihle to ed three years later at Indian gro interest and changing the nninc fulness. Price fifle. Sold by I.all­ maintain a speed of three miles an Springs in Leon county, in 1828. of the white chuirn to Taberna­ ey’s Drug Store. Others followed in rapid succes­ Ilnur and with two men working cle. The name Bethel wns retain­ X M a v /GN’T I36G KJ /ACiue TO (3&T I N A < $1.01, press 2 suits for 51c, clean! i on each side of the levers a speed sion at Newnansv'.>e, in Alachua ed by the negroes and exists in ot six miles an hour was (trough’ county and along the Georgia and Jacksonville today, the largest Bap W O R D J MOTHERS about, according to official !nn- Alabama lines to the extreme west. ti*t church in the city. Z&& tvMAT L IDO press 2 pants for 51c, cash Watch for symptoms of worms iioimcenicnt of Lloyd's agent who Among these were Ochessn, 17 The first Baptist association or- In your children. These parasites were present. members; Salem, 12’ member*. gnnized in the Florida territory are the great destroyers of child Representatives of the London Among early churches in north- was in Florida in 18-11. This asso­ life. If you have reason to think lloard of Trade, the British Cor- ,,rn Florida were Belleville, New ciation extended• from the Georgia your child has worms, net n'li. kly porntinn and of the leading Hope, New Prospect, nnd Union in line to Key West and from the Give the little on** ii dose or two of Briti. b steamship companies also Hamilton county; Fayetteville, Atlnntic ocean to the Chattahoo­ Royal Pressing Whit’s Cream Vermifuge. Worms I witnessed the tryout, which was Hatch Bend, Midway and Sand chee river. The first record of cannot exist where this time tried reported ii success, Hill, in LnPnyctte, Macedonia in, Sunday School work in the state nnd successful remedy is used. It Madison, and Rose Mary in Su­ was nt Key West ns early as 1811. C. I). WHITFIELD, M«r. 'drives out the worms and restore- The Scotch average nearly nn wan nee, Newnansville, Fort Clark At the close of 1021 records of the rosy hue of health to baby finch taller than the Irish. But I (now First Church Gainesville) in the denomination show 88.71(1 .‘{(Hi Fast Second Street ...... Phortl check*. Price Hop, Sold by I oil then the Irifli were kept down for Alachua county. Bethel, Jackson­ church members with a church cy’s Dr\|g Store. i TOP years. ville, Duval county, was organized property valued at $C,(VJ7,20G. « I * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ * «* ■ * * »(* * ■ ■ ■ «■ ■ ■ ■ «■ * «RRaaaasuui ~nrr

\ ( R I S

❖ I aL Jim. JLJ k-J P1NEHURST iv ♦ V •> ❖ 1 MILES SOUTH OF SANFORD V A Real Subdivision V


V 9 9 •>

<* INKHURST offers you advantages and ••• 9 actual opportunities unsurpassed in San­ v P ♦ ford, Florida’s future Ki'eatest city. ❖

V <• $105 PER ACRE Ideally located with visible and visionary <• <• improvements, with nature’s own gift of topo­ f graphical features creating: high terraced lots with unexcelled views. V t

V V V + <• <• Best of all, these lots are so priced that the V ♦ f 4- v •> owner will realize, within a short time, a great <• A i profit. * <■ •> <• f * Balance Easy * f * t A :• •> Call 862, and let us show you this property. <• •i* ■> •5* •> * •> FOR QUICK SALE ONLY ' ■> •5" •J* *5* an y Address Post Office Box 431, Sanford * 4 4 4 4 t « 4A«f-: H i v »v * 4 4 4 * <<-»4*44*rS« t - 4 - » v 4 > - > » « » ^ 4 4 4 » 4 4 » ♦ >+ M»v^4->4v444>44444444-H vvvv4-» THE SANFORD HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 13,1925,

■ ening, Drop by apoonfuls on hot |Jx7|J|JUrp H Ut'i> v l UUHt,l AllU t W ill III UW llcil* CABLE LWfWKDoKBK griddle^ Cook on one aide. When ono-half tablespoon grated cheeac. Bean Croquettes. nourffBoutYour. Feet? ; puffed, full of bubbles and cooked Return to a hot oven for four min- One-half cup evaporated milk, on edges turn ana cook on other utes. yolks two eggs, one tnhlcspoon. AMERICA IS l y V — side. Duchess Potatoes butter,,, one tablespoon flour, one Ranana Tie Wash, peel, and boll six pota- tablespoon chopped parsley, one I Crust—One and one-fourth cups toes; drala and rub through sieve; pint white beans, ono teaspoon on- SING IT ALY ' X ^ - flour, one-half teaspoon baking add three egg yolks, one tablespoon ion juice, one teaspoon salt, pepper , powder, four tablespoons liquid fat, butter, two tablespoons evaporated to taste. iterially Aid In News* | one-fourth,cup water. milk, salt, pepper and grated nut-1 Soak beans over night, drain, Filling— Four eggs, one-fourth meg. When well mixed, lay on .-over with fresh water, boil an Publishing In South cup sugar, one-eighth toaspoon salt, floured board and divide * into hour, drain, throw uWay wuter. American News I h Ione-eighth teaspoon mneo, one (up twelve squares, lilt squares on 1 cover, with fresh water and boil Badly Misrepresented! evaporated milk, one cup water, buttered tin, brush over with bent-1 until teqder;_drain_ond press beans one cup chopped bananas. CALL Mar. 13.—The conclu-! { Sift dry ingredients; odd fat to month of the work of, ; water, mix and %ork into sifted [submarine cable from An- I dry ingredients. Toss onto floured board, pat and roll. Separate • to Malaga, Spain, where-; ' eggs; mix egg volks and one white for the first time join-1 f JV , with sugur, salt and rnnee; add Urect cable to the North 1 Figure * ; milk and stir well. " Four into pie - continerA, w being hail-1 pan lined with crust nrnf bake in a j fnthusiasm by that large moderate over 25 minutes. Then |uf the Italian population drop chopped bananas into custard 1 ■ urns avidly towards the without stirring, and continue bak-: ■ C r e a m C llC C S e ...... The Best States for inspiration for ilig 20 minutes longer. When B . . * n ■ ■ [fsst growing commercial ■ baked cover with meringue made ■ M U C U TO III, *1 pkjj£S ...... 25e M IN (trial life. U completion of the cable frothy, adding one-fourth teaspoon * l ^ i l l s b u r y F l o u r , 6 l b s 4 fie [having the effect of era- linking powder and beating until s Florida and Western Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal. , the extent to which Italy cliff, then folding in six table- Pillsbury Flour, 12 lbs... 85c • - until the present occupied i rpoons sugar. Put in oven to Pillsbury Flour, 24 lbs...... $ 1.00 Fat Hens and Fryers— Dressed or alive Lriy insular role in regard brown. s [news communication with , Lenten Fritters 10 Pounds Potatoes...... 22c fjs jricas, and even with north- Three tablespoons evupornted Maxwell House Coffee*...... 5 0c [vestern Europe, Fficwst t, milk, live tablesptHins water, three I * PURE FOOD MARKET oman newspapers, and r<«.kPc t tablespoons butter, one-half cun a Puritan Breakfast Bacon ... is but few large Italiun £ eariK-t with your .hoes an* made which successfully flour, two tablespoons powdered ! * ... 45c »rs outside of .Rome, are feel! When you stop combine grace and comfort, iFlg- sugar, two eggs, pinch salt, fruit Nice Head Cabbage, each .. 5c Phone 105 402 Sanford Ave in conformity with the to think that there ure U). . i preserves. jllstic idea thnt ^pinion are twenty-six small Thousands of busy women who, I Put butter in suurepnn and pour [important than news, nud bones In each foot appreciate the advantage of com- | on water. Heat to boiling point, L should have the color and these bon » ure, fortable feet wear kid shoes.. for add flour all ut once nud stir until Cash & Carry Just Rile [to it by the persnal view- I mixture leaves' sides of saucepan •111) Hanford Ave. .*101 Sanford Ave. _ reporter or the politi- and cleaves to spoon. Remove [»f the journal, from fire, add eggs, one at a time. FREE ■ N fuastantly. Drop by ■ m npaper publishes hut u DELIVERY ■ columns of news from not low cut ftuiulitla that permit unit Ita fuany tlay pores allow the ! spoonfuls and fry in deep fat until S N (he muscles to break down und | feel to breathe. ,'wcll puffed and browned. Drain, ■ nil most of that conies Mnm BMBBaBB JBEplB SUBUMBBBBHUMIlMBMBBBBBBaaBBBBBBflBBII urby countries, France ,tlie tout to become flat mid spread j There are attractive shoes for ’ make an (i|H‘iiing and till with pre- 3 kn. These columns treat nut. (Figure A), but shoes or soft! every hour uad need of the day., i serves. Sprinkle with sugar, kdusively of political hap- ikld leather that wilt conform to For strenuous work when feet re- Nest Eggs 13 und preservo the lines of the fool, quire additional support, there la j . . .. , ' , ■ jaiiil only occasionally of (Figure C). Just as a kid Hlo>e ills the high kid shoe. which tits the Separate whites from yolks, beat hits. tlie hand. , | ankle snugly, rell*vis( all strain.1 whites until^ dry. Butter u small lie Would Think It b The Basket | news is scarce and for . Comfort Is the watchword of ! and preserves th»* graceful slender) | baking dish ill which eggs nre to be human interest stories, fashion to-day. and It sturtu with j lints. For wulklag or exercise, the I served; spriaklo fine bread crumbs Was Home Made |S IUilians love as much us feet, for uncomfortable feet cauktil oxford model. (Figure E). In J11 the bottom. IMace beaten whites ■ Hmericnns, the Rome dni- ruin even the smartest ensemble. Its many variations la popular be-1'In (Jodt, make hollow and slip in if you did not tell him you £ Pineapple Cream Layer Cakes. A rich flu ffy on venerable foreign news- A woman no longer buys t !id> a ,oi cause the heel Is so placed that ih« Hie yolks, but bowl in nuucepun bought that cake at Miller's Dak - ■ Rewriting unashamedly ev- appearance atone— ah*- tiemands w.iglit Is evenly distributed. ^containing boiling water, cover uml etfr. Our cakes, pies, pastries, white layer rake with pineapple filling aiul pine­ | which pl.-ascs them with­ that they be comfortable ns well I Vien there are the many nt-j i cook until white is llrm. Set in ering about the time of as fashionable. | tractive modi Is In one and two!! hot ovey for one minute or hold etc., eaiinnt lie told from tile apple butter erennt icing. Several years nj o. comfortable strap jiumjm of kid— the plain | dish under flame ill broiling oven. | most delicintis home-lmked kind. [ally all news from the sho*-1 for women suggested ugly opera end colonial • pump, all ot^ flam Risque They have that “ homey" flavor Ttatt-s comes by way of broad toes uml Hat beeln— shoes which r«- fashionably comfortable, Two clips Hunts, two tablespoons 1 you like so much. Order some | J (ml Paris, anti much of it which were worn in tin- privacy of because ••■> com .t the foot which ij chopped onions, bit. of bay leaf,' today. (range distortion which in- om-'s home and hurriedly changed hi- • e ■. I and broadened by the i ! two tablespoons butter, four tu-l pe relay race-it has run. ut flic arrival of callers. Mot now ( ‘•u-noiit w.-iirlng of sandals ; hlespoons flour, two cups meat! O nly Ita answer to Die p- .-slsunl demand, low cut idioes. flock, one teaspoon salt, pepper i and red |topper to taste, two cups! ;n In England evaporated milk, otto teaspoon1 |] WE BAKE ONLY \ j m n NEW Ml LEAD K OPENED. Lenten Dishes Worcestershire sauce. THE BEST VU Exhibits In Chop clams, and cook in stock E l NEW SMYRNA. Mar. 13.—Morel 2(1 minutes. Melt butter, add on-1 v. |on Dog Show than 30 miles of the Dixie High-1 Iiy Helen H. Downing lions, cook live minutes; udd flour,1 way through Volusia and Rrevurd Every season has its character- strained clam liquor, cook live min-1 49c .. , . , . istic foods. Here nre some recipes utes; add seasonings, evaporated! ■r ■ " 1 ■ ■ JN. Mar. 1 !.—Eight thou- counties have been opened to trav-, that you will use time and again milk and serve. , from comica; little pups J el during recent months, and it is ns Lent takes ita pluce on tin* Eggs In Raked Potatoes year’s calendar. Six potatoes, six eggs, three ta­ i ! i ‘\sfEW£ Uro «d i!' were tlmt withi» « n.'»‘Wr six months the remaining mileage Pancakes blespoons grated cheese, one tea- j J this month in Cruft's spoon butter, three tablespoons j |p greatest crowd of ean- through these counties will he One cup flour, one cup corn meal, completed. This will give this sec­ I evaporated milk. 1exhibited in England. Al- two ami one-half teaspoons baking Bnkf the potatoes, cut off the top I Vtcnth of the entries were tion a stretch of 80 miles of a powder, one teaspoon salt, one egg, COMPANY superb structure which will* cost three tubluspoons sugar, one-half and remove half of the inside o f , The Federal The interest in them i potato, put in oncliulf tablespoon 3 after the tvnr has In-1 ill®. ! $2/i00,00O,. it is stated, cup evuporuted milk, one cup wa­ I evaporated milk, salt and pepper. 115 M AG NOLIA AVENUESANFORD 3 ------• ith unexampled rapidity, ?,hls Kt:cti,,n " f the highway passes ter, three tablespoons shortening. I Drop in a raw egg und season with ■ Aleutian h:in become the ' tjLL'iiuh, of tin* most iittrac- Mix and sift dry ingredients. «iiiiaiaoaiai(aaaaiiiaaniiB aiiiiiiB uaiim »iu u ular of all show .logs in I L Vu wnH-troiMcri sccneiy along Rcat egg, add milk and water and Plain. , the hast ( oast, much i of it along rtir slowly into lira* mixture. Beat [ear the proportion of wo-j the hanks of the Indian river. thoroughly and udd melted short- libitors increases. Most 1 (anels i-attercd over Hie pre nowadays in feminine t pit, however, still nre *n city among thu owne.s of I J dogThis year, with brge among the exhibitors, W. H. Long THAT WILL > 5 •dors seem the most popu- I retrievers. Their smooth MAKE YOUR DIMES “ALL OVER THE WORLD’’ outnumber the wnvy- Itype "f hunting dog. AND DOLLARS MARCH regard them highly, not Western Pot Roast of Beef Mrs. Experienced Housekeeper jus!- of their surpassing BACK TO THE S M M BANK qualities, but with due re- their good looks, docil rAHD AS TOO SATE YOO UT THE BEST GRADE V To Mrs. Newly Wed n. intelligence and affec- 15c and 20c lb. OF QROCERttS THAT MONEY CMC BUY i • < v , ft f *:-; They are both faitii- "l buy everything for the table at P1GGLY W IGCJLY; I h/tve tried them all und found from ex- ‘ fanion - and trustworthy i WESTERN FORK CHOPS 28c LB. pt-ricnee thut I get at PIGGLY WIGGLY only Htundnrd higli grade, nationally known merchiui- ( which constitute the dive at lowest prices. No one tries to sell me something I don’t need, Its a reul ph-usure to go * I'rw broadcasting system 1 A & P .... ir,c through the turnstile and compare the different goods.” stive African blacks, na iixti-en milej. WESTERN Pork Loin Steak 28c LB. Dime 15c YOU CAN PROFIT ItY THIS Condensed Milk Eagle ...23c

cy Reductions LED PIG EEET 15c LB . OAT’S RASPBERRIES It fancy Meats A&P Brand ....10c A&P Brand FANCY DRESSED HENS Q uaker...... lie No. 2 Can...... ‘5«c Potatoes, 10 lbs. 23c

L Lb 1^11 gl < Macaroui & RITE TUB MACKEREL .... 18c Dante A I1 mt trick in selling CURRANT’S CLUSTER i'"d .Meat;’, — the idea SEI.I.S IT FOR LESS <11 better Meats at Fancy Cleaned '' ■I |t". ilile pfice— RAISINS |al • iu: l what we do 20c Hi. 1 1 c II). Popular Market. A 410 Sanford Avenue f'I' i will convince you Plain or self rising, 21 Ih deceived Ship- (■’iililen Sheaf SARDINES Sunnylield |w*nt o f l'Y e s It 21 pniind.s . Norwegian Smoked. Parked in Olive Oil Sliced Bacon Rosedalc I^SIl ROOMS 2 can s...... 25c . 43c Ih. Good Ones P i' a l uinpletc* line of "ifid staple groceries. 10 pounds v*Retub|ua received Potatoes ARMOUR’S STAR HAMS Pound daily Rokur Supreme “'Ve Deliver” Red Circle ...... Vaii Cpmpa 8 O’clock L a rg e Cans |ULAR MARKET Come in uml See Our Line of I’resh Fruits w KAGGE, Prop. ami Vegetables NEW ■ W aldoi 1* I513 K. First St. 1000 Sheets Phone 211 J * *'v ^ r .■ ‘i ' t'.J »■ , •' • ' »*-- W SW w4ft*V5* * ’ i *• K «Jn i, ■• J- • wBBl g w " SANFORD FRIDA1 Stanford Herald The People W ill Decide As Brisbane Sees It N O W T H E N , LET ’EM FIGHT IT O UT , ...... tf«r »ftrrniii» »««»< There has been considerable comment in the stnte press Well, Dear Mr. Weeks! Ijr nt Malaral, FUrltli* during recent months regarding the possibility of the can­ One of th» » HMond C l«*» i Matter, How About Aircraft Now she either hJ I teber $7, 1919. at III- Po*toffle« didacy of William Jennings Bryan for the United States Are They Still “ Unimportant” •SAtifonl. Florida und**t Act of enough clothe, rh s. 1197. Senate in 1926. While it is almost too early to make nny Perfect Score, No Hit predictions as to the outcome of the election in the event T>o were h j ^ BY ARTHUR BRISBANE liUND I.. IIKAN...... Kitltnr Mr. Bryan runs or even to’ expect any announcement as t o ( when an auto dril??.,. . HOWARD DKnti ...... Xaaacvr ______f CooTclaht 1*141 looked better t h ^ his candidacy for the Senate forthcoming from Mr. Bryan, j H t H u e ill* A m *e Phsae 148 it is nevertheless interesting to speculate on the Commoner’s AN OLD school Tammany Hall Be careful inTTT, t A r 't * leader expressed his opinion of ------intentions and to analize the various aspects of the situation. winter clothe, S-v ' Itm iC R IIT lO K RATK9 suits against newspapers in rugged fur fly. i One Tear....17.00 six Month*... 13.50 While Mr. Bryan must be loathed to incur any additional double»negative Anglo-Saxon, thus. Delivered In flty hy Carrier, per “ Don’t never sue for libel. They e»#ek. 15r. Weekly Edition 1100 load of care and must be nearing that period of ife when Tear. • fireside warmth______means______decidedly______^ _____ more...... than __ senatorial______robes, might prove it on you.” ; 5 s-™ b S s j ; mnectAI. XOTICRi All ohltunry he"ennnof help but feel that ‘this is h7s“ Et"opportunity i B|“ fo ^ h .fth a T i? mimU^-’ £? •ou«V*~ cnni* or thank*, resolution* to render a service to the party which made him and tor forc orj erjnK tho recent tests of *h»charge* « • Ira ere re" mad*r*w in'"b "*"hbrsej which he labored so many years. He cannot fail to realize anti-aircraft guns, to uphold his for at reaular adv«rtl*lng rate*. that the Democrats who gave him so large a vote for del- j theory that flying machines don’t HF.II THE ASSOCIATED PIIRSS egate last year, would he even more willing to give him a I h S u o t ffffilV t o - T J fir fS j ...* Associated Pro** I* oxolu*- large vote for the Senate and that he of all Florida Democrats ' with t^e hiKh|v profitable sport of One of our |Wly entltloil to tlio u*« for r*pul>- her windshield,. 1 tn* * i Uratlon <>f nil now* dispatches could render this state the greatest service. i battleship building. audited to It or not otliorwl** cred­ As keen political observers know, the onlv hope of the 1 The flying men proved it on him. ited In thl* paper nnd nl*o the local When a man doe, ULi a*ir* published herein. All right* Democratic party lies in a union of the South and West as j THE WEEK< T ^ 7 nnd thnt of to a show she know, CJ of repuldlcuilon of Mperlnl dlspatcli- •* heroin are nl*o reserved. against the more conservative ana predatory interests o f . h!,ttIe8hlp men who co|lect $4 5,000,- about it for weeks , ‘4? the East. Mr. Brvan himself has always aligned himself ooo uer ship, was as follows £ People wholwTh, against Wall Street and allied interests and has found his | “ Don’t worn* about flying m$- FRIDAY. MAR. IS, 192:., shoulil not npeii mi Ik l* only Democratic opposition coming from New York and | c'hin‘“ \ ^ a!*1? *„ nnp“ 1 their thumbs. TIIB HERALD'S PLATFORM neighboring states. Now, as he is, a resident of Florida, j us we.n simp|y turn our nnt|.a|r. with his heme and interests in the South, yet formerly of rraft guns toward the sky. riddle What makes peonl* |be happy but a r a S K ® J,—Deeper water mute to Jackson- Nebraska and thoroughly acquainted and powerfully in­ the invading flyers nnd tench them j to respect the grent American those who shouldn’t U 1 vine. fluential in the West, he is in a position to render the party are? ^ 1 tv—Construction of St. John*—In­ eagle, even if h*» is n fat bird, dian River canal. more service in the Senate than lie is in any other way or slightly n*thmntic, stuffed with S.—Extension of while way. than he could have itt any other time. Further, as a United gold nnd without nny wings.'* I The straight~and~n,rtt-i 4,—Extension of local amusements States Senator he would he in a position to render the party plenty wide for it, tr * ' —swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. more service than any other person now in the Senate or , THEY SAID: nnd for rontrndirt- t tv — Acquisition of a municipal ing them they deprived Major Mit­ Nice thing abouth,, Band. likely to he there fluring the next few years. chell of his rank, thereby raising is you can blame them f» f I —Augmenting of building pro- But Bryan’s service to the party does not end the ad­ him in populnr estimation. And bles you bring on your ¥ m—houses, hotels, apartment then, most foolishly, thev tried to visability of sending him to the Senate. The help that he It is nlmost warm aea. could bring to Florida and the influence which he would prove whnt they had said Cf.—Extension of street paving pro- Perhaps vou read about, it. if so, practice classic dancinj ( X ■ naturally wield to the advantage of Florida would he of al­ rend it again nnd tell your friends. i jC—Construction of boulevard most incomprehensible value to this state. During the last Los Angeles new, ^ i . drank mercury, win B i •round Idike Monroe. campaign he traveled through fifteen states at his own ex­ THE AIRMEN flew, drugging 9 .—Entrance into Florida state Wonder if he will b e mt-l r;l pense and gave nearly six weeks of his valuable time to the behind them whnt is f-allorf n weather? baseball league. “ sleeve target" no bi" ns an nir- 10.—Completion of city beautifica­ campaign. His wide acquaintance and his intimate knowl­ plnne. The powerful three in. nnti- Gibbons will fight Wal tion program. edge of those who are in sympathy with Florida’s interests aircraft gun*, manned hv the best marksmen, fired nf tbp flving tnr. wnnt someone for DempwJ fr and development as well as his own thorough understanding l\e suggest the incorn, &] I SIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY. of Florida’s needs and deficiencies, would bring wealth and »'cts ns they would fire nt invnd- j prestige to this state, the value of which cannot he over­ ing airplanes. I *• GIVING GETS:—There is that And not once were *h<* targets acattereth, and yet increaseth; nnd looked. hit. In other words if those fiv­ there is that withholdeth more than There is in Florida a man who could rise in the Senate ers instead of dragging target* rn J* la meet, but it tendeth to poverty. chamber and command immediate attention, who could hold be shot at. had been eneno* fivers, INDEPENDENT ARTISTS’ EXHIBITION Proverbs 11:24. ' the floor against the loudest Republican oratory or against thev could have bombarded ' ,re*h- J ington, destroying the White NEW YORK WORLD Mo r e t r u t h t h a n p o e t r y the hottest Democratic opposition from New York or New House, the Cnnitol, om> half the ______l ______■ to Jersey. There is a man in Florida who can get for it the . , ■ yifhen Caesar took an westward o’tv nnd then thev could have "one The more one surveys the Am­ Most of all it is true of painting n Sanford’s Realty Values ride and grabbed the Gauls things it so urgently needs, who would he a leader in the about their business without a erican aesthetic * scene the more and sculpture. Our connoisseurs! jj scratch. for Rome, Senate chamber and who would let the world know that one becomes convinced that we need _pay fabulous prices abroad fo ri* What was the first thing thnt he Florida had a Senator. more enterprises like the exhibition what are described as art treasures, Are Beginning To Climb did to make them feul ut THINK THAT over. fePow citi­ now in progress under the Society but they seem hardly awnre that M home? But it’s all up to the voters. Do they want such a man? zens, especially **ou gren* <*nnn- of Independent Artists. The muin native talent even exists. The Did he increase the people’s loads ------<3------ci**rs »nd coeporntion ,pen that not thing about this exhibition is thut J peculiar process by which painters and liberty forbid? Merely “A Place For Everything” Mr. Weeks in Mr. Harding’s Cabi­ it is open to all. Anybody who nnd sculptors come before the pub- We havo two exceptionally good propositio No; he dug in nnd built good ronds net. Th«*c enem** bombs would pays $5 may submit two works, and ! lie makes it difficult for them to I reach, von. remember, you- Len'cs —that’s what old Cacsnr did. "The first law of the home Is order.” these must be exhibited. This plan succeed on merit alone. Getting that will set you in on the ground floor. end factories, jmd vou would he^e undoubtedly brings into the cruel pictures nnd statuary exhibited is In other words there should he “ a place for everything, to find the rn»h, if dnrV gent,,»- light of day a great deal of trash; a tedious business of impressing Did Caesar put the iron heel upon nien, with slnnt'ne eves, flew gent­ the foamun’s breast. and everything in its place.” but it also acts ns a corrective to rich patrons and juries of award, le down and asked “ whnt will vou n deplorable phase of our artistic whose bias is such thnt the Ameri-. ■ Or did he try to muKo them feel But to attain this guarantee of comfort and peace, the uivn us to fly nwnv n” d spare the that Ilomnn rule was best? home must provide a number of conveniences, and much j rest of your property? receptivity. This is our tendency | can artist fails of recognition of- " S E E U S QUICK What did he do, to muke them to regard foreign art ns superior j ten simply because he cannot show ■ glud he came their lands respect for other people’s possessions. A wise mother pro­ to domestic art. a foreign signature. ® YOU ALSO think about it plcnm a In id? vides a repository for the baby’s playthings* if it is only Up to n few years ago this was' Tradition nnd rules must receive' J, a soap box. And the baby learns that the box is his and Air. Weeks. Enemy e!rmen rnig’it pretty much true of ail the arts. | a lot of battering before American ■ bv mistake hit the War Depatt- It was true of literature. It was art can come into its own, I’ rob- * He built good roads from hill to verything in it is his, safe from the meddling of others. ment. hill, good roads frotu vale . . , ,...... true, and is still true, of music, ably the best way is to stand Am- h B R I H REALTY CO. INC. The wise mother provides a drawer for the baby’s cloth­ l i V P<' 1 * " n 1 viy', know that n ) \v.Juteman .and- a few.utlicrs iariuinuu-L ouitiis»wn foot. Such , JJ to vale; balking jog never bites. the mnn r have done pioneer Work for thehibitiOmr as the* Independent Ar-J* ran n good rands’ movement ing, and the baby is trained to keep his garments in that Realtors He r<*nli«-«l ^Stiro !4 ,,Vow ‘I” 08 j American composer, but the fact | tints’ offer a way of doing this.; a ’till old Rumu get all the ] drawer. Later there are hooks in the closet for his cloth- thn dop" know it? kale. ing. And when houses are large enough, the hoy gets his i remains that most of our orchos- There seems no good reason why ...... | ‘T r,' Weeks, vou know that ,‘?e* I traa and opera companies are un-1 we should not hnvo more of them, 202 First Street. Phone! He told folks to buy a home, build own chest of drawers ami hlS own closet, Still safe from "V fly*r» could not in hire us. But (ler thl. domination of foreigners. 1 not only in New York but in all our roads their ruts to rid. tu,,„|a Until uli roads led up to Rome— 0 lhi*v"'l *^”,|>nno*e know i t . Perhaps, an,j ()Ur audiences are under the j principal cities. Possibly then our lll■■■■■■■■■■■■■allaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaalaMBaallll tlmt’s what old C'aesur did. That’s it. the protection against meddling that goes with 1I nw If nontherc t is nnv crutit„do Jn the . . Spt>n 0f exotic titles and musical' artists will receive the recognition orderly keeping of personal effects. It every member of the (Mikado he would give orders not idiom. 1 they deserve. la a a in i If any town would muke itself the household has a place for everything and keeps everything!,n hurt the War Department or center of the mnp, in its place, surely then every member of the household 1 anvJ,"',v in ,l- enemy planes constitute no ser-! war comes, for heaven’s sake lose Where folks will come nnd settle But somebody might make a mis- ■ should he protected against meddling hands. ious menace." no time, hut sink your huttleships down and live in Plenty’s Inp, | take. in shallow water at once. You cun j If any town its own abodes of pov­ IS THAT ALL? raise.them when war is over. That's! APARTMENT HOUSE erty would rid. THAT AMUSING anti-aircraft Not quite. the only way to preserve a glorious j Let it go out nnd build good roads POLAND AND SECURITY test, with 100 pep cent of misses A target was marked out just lighting navy in modern war.” LOCATION ■—just liku old Caesar did. LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL was not the funniest part of the the size of a battleship for the — Exchange. week’s airplane demonstration. airmen to "shoot" at with their MEANWHILE, this nation is ------0------The theory was that anti-aircraft bombs. Did any of the flying men wtihout any adequate air defense, i , Only one more day to figure out The report of intense feeling) fears any move on tin part of would shoot down enemy nlanes hit the target? Yes, dear Mr. Nobody knows by whom or how Ideal location for apartment house that income tux. amonij Polish officials over a pro-! Germany. in broad daylight ns easy ns “ shoot Secretary, they did, as your rec­ the $4:13,000,000 "fair aircraft" ------0------posal from Germany to guarantee. , More .. than .. Belgium, . it knows . ing fish , in a barrel." Therefor* ords show. Every bomb dropped, spent in the last five years wer«* within fiv e blocks o f post office o ...... , 1 now binding a treaty may in* on | the flying enemy would attack only with one single exception, hit the wasted or stolen. The public mind The early bird catches the worm peace shifts the question of securi- Germany. It lias suffered more jut night. Even then, the nnti-alr- Sanford’s prettiest residential stree except during the fishing season. target and it would have been sunk is outraged by the injustice inflict­ ty from France, where it is an oh- than France from the onslaughts 1 craft guns would rout them. 20 times had it ben the world’s ed of Brig.-Gen. Mitchell, to whom ------o------session, mid England, to a .part of j of its Teutonic neighbor. Its hone ------Size 100x117 Wull flowers have degenerated most powerful battleship, floating the nation nnd the President owe the world where it is not the fig­ now is the moral support of the ACCORDING to the Weeks sto. on the water, and similarly attack­ their knowledge of the facts, into sand spurs now that men oc­ ment of the imagination. Just League of Nutions and alliance ry exchange war school, our search- cupy all the seats. ed with real bombs. it plight to he possible for poli- II what this German proposal is, with France and (Czechoslovakia, j lights would sweep the heavens I ticinns to liebe “ good party men ' ------n------whether it is the same as the 11ri- But in its geographical isolation, j making them bright as day and re-1 MR. WEEKS can now truly tell without living simultaneously dan- A lot of Sanford jieople will be' tlsli Council indorsed in principle the menace is constant anil real. venling to our anti-aircraft Jjun-I the Secretary of the Nuvy this: “ If gerous fools, E. F. LANE hoping to see Wulter Johnson I and which Foreign Minister Aus- ; Germany looks on Dnntzig much tiers every enemy flyer. Then ______.______pitch this afternoon. ten Chamberlain sought to explain ns tin* French looked on Alsace “pop!" ami down they would come,! ------— • ■ g REALTOR ------o------in the House of Commons, is not Lorraine before PJ11 and longs like viav pigeons at a shooting |B disclosed in tin* press dispatches for the return of its lost territory. match. It was tried, and again I BnM «aa«nBBannaBBanBaBaBaaaBKBnBSBaiiHBaaaaaaBBaMBiM ■ * Coolldge may lie right hut he's Rooms 501-502. Rhone 95 stubborn and the Senate will prob­ from Warsaw, hut whatever it is, The peace of this part of the the flyers “ proved it" on Mr.to ■ I!M it is accepted by the Poles as an­ world depends not on disnrmam- ably defeat Warren’s nomination Weeks and his scnrchilghts. First National Bank Building, aguin. other effort to slice off some of | cut which is impossible at this ------o------the territory of this oft partitioned •stage, hut on something similar! FIVE powerful lights swept the ■ Sales Force:— Miss Ruba Williams, Miss H nation. It means, according to A man who is gored by a Lull to the four-power pact proposed J sky with beams strong enough to their conclusions, a fresh parti­ by Germany, which guarantees ; light the air, D.OOO feet above the Kouge, Mr. R. L. Shipp. while looking for a four leaf clov­ tion similar to those of the Eigh­ er, wouldn’t have much chance at that disputes between Germany earth. It was a magnificent spec-; * teenth Century which resulted in and Poland and Germany nnd Cze-itncle. But the army men, having '5 iaaai,!,auaiiJ|aauaaaBaBBBBaBBBaaaaaa|,a|,aM|11 a pink tea. the obliteration of the nation. OAK HILL ——— o------j i hoslovakia shall he submitted for admitted their failure to make n | ■ Separated from its ally, France, aibitratiou to the League or Na-1 single hit. in daylight with their " This is one time we are not go- by Germany and opqn to attack turns. With Germany, Belgium, anti-aircraft guns, also admiUthut S ing to be betting on the Senators. from a hostile Russia, containing England nml France in such an with thei- magnificent search- ■ It would uugur pretty well if tho in its new boundaries territory that i agreement there is hope of remov- lights they were not able to “ pick S INVESTORS WILL Brewers should* win their first was once Germun and territory t ''ig tile fear of invasion, both of up" even one of the test machines, u game on the Sanford diamond. that was once Russian, this little i the small and the larger countries, that obligingly remained within ■ M A K E C, 0 0 1) country of Eastern Europe of its and with the League the final ar-, i{,000 feet of the earth. When Afibie Rockefeller, the position that it is forced to main­ j Liter, the scheme is practicable. ______PROFITS ON richest heiress in the world, gets tain n standing army three times Germany, however, should lie in AND. REMEMBER, the search- J married she is going to do her own as large as that of the peace I the League and also Russia, hut a light men and gunnners knew just j B TIIEHt PROPER­ housework, which is more evidence strength of the American army. | basis of settlement of the question when the test planes woubl fly and ■ of the servant problem than of her It is because of this that it guards j even for a country like Poland where to look for them. j a TY WHEN GENE­ ambitious Intentions. the border fronting on Russia ami ' seems to have l>een made. Invading enemy planes might not { ■ ------o------j be so obliging. They might not j" THE NEEDS OF BUSINESS The Associated Press tells about | { radio this message, "Here we come, i a VA AVENUE IS a New York man who won five THE WISEST AGE | j duo at 2:15 sharp. Please shoot JJ hundred thousand dollars on the ASHEVILLE CITIZEN us." They might take you, your i B PAVED. •are varied and ever changing* but the *v'in seventh race in Miami tho other gunners and your searchlights by | * day. Yet they say there is no gam­ surprise, dear Mr. Weeks, Asiat-ljj County Bank is always ready and willing bling done down there. Here nt last is undiluted truth! | may take on additional polish, tho ------o------I Hen* is given to a world, troubled sheen of experience, but ho never ics do such things. They are deep. I a of tlu* utmost service to its customers. Addison used to say: and ughust, explantion of the nov- \ manages to think and reason with elties. rebellions and radicalisms 1 the sharpness and penetration that OUR SEARCHLIGHTS did “ pick , N.H. GARNER, Developer “ Silence never shows itself to up" the test planes, when the lat­ It is to your advantage to make tli*s great an udvantugc ns when *9 j that threaten to overwhelm it! For characterized him when he was ...... , , |the younger a man is, the smurtei sixteen—all of which shows how ter threw blazing “ flares" into the ...... Bank your depository. Iftfamation8 Drovfded t h n t ^ eivJ 1 *“■ Ui “ ,"i contro* '\f manners and i marvelously the poet was inspired darkness. Hut you could hardly J izsiiBunaiiiaa expect enemy planes to bo as oblig­ no just occasion' ^ for - them." b morals has passed into the hands1 when he poured out his soul to of the child rather than of tin* "sweet sixteen," a phra: e that nns ing as that. parent because the flapper can been on the tongues of countless It has been suggested that The think more clearly and rapidly young orators ever since. ONE OTHER little touch, in the j Sunford Herald publish tile names than the mother. Godfrey II.} _Hut tho main valuo of Professor course of a perfect day, dedicated 1 of those who hack out of the Palm Thompson says so, and Godfrey II. l homson’s discovery is the illu­ to tho theory that airplanes arc | {jeminole (fjpuntijl)9 Beach Rotary trip, if nny, just to Our Wiring Conforms Thompson says it with a carload mination it throws on the problems no menace nnd should not intefere i show exactly who does lack the of intelligence tests to support his of today. It explains why parent* I with battleship graft. One plane, Sanford, Fla proper Rotary spirit, and we may statement. Mr. Thompson is an cannot control their children. The Mn lh‘‘ gunnery tests, flying G.000 I ;o all electrical and underwrite ! do something like that. English college professor who lias youngsters, being smarter than | f*»t up, released a “ glider" plane.! mg standards. You will find us | STRENGTH - SERVICE ------o------devoted hit otherwise nlncid ca­ the old fidks, simply outwit them. | D was to float gently down, while! “ safe concern to do your elec- 1 Seventy-two Florida prisoners, reer of all ages nnd condition*. It shows also why manners have anti-aircraft guns just simply rid-! trical contracting, such as wir- 33 being* lifers, were pardoned lait Mr. Thouuison informs tin* world changed. Tho youngsters being died it witli bullets. ini** lump ami motor instaSla* year, and twenty-five others, thir- that ‘‘intelligence reaches its max­ smarter than their eiders, have ti.ons. *»Ui>e and household dc- Stove and F>re ten being lifers, were paroled; but imum when the individual reaches V Johnson’s*'$6.65 Polishing 11 covered that too much dignity, WELL, IT glided down, out to '4 vices, etc. Get our figures. the name of Mendenhall not being the age of sixteen years." J lirupriety ami reserve is so much sea, where the gunners were look­ Outfit for $5.00 Wood on either list Pinellas people are A person, the professor writes waste baggage. And, being smart­ ing for it, a hulfhour after it hud Suit not so particularly interested.—St. in a hook on the subject, may ac­ er than their parents, they have Hunk peacefully into the ocean. Melton Electric Co. j A Saving of $1.65 Cut to .Petersburg Times. Give him time. quire more knowledge us tile years decreed n jazzed up era. Sixteen They had not even seen it. So J**

paper for gold to bring out this two billion. Theoreticians, he says, ------will lie shocked at the idea of the ST. PETERSBURG. Mar. The Rav. and Mrs. J. J. Rankin stato admitting its 20 franc gold An extensive program o f Mftli nf .Scranton, Pa., are apeodinir a coin is worth more than its 20! pal improvement is outlined in cial Side of San . few daya in Sanford before leaving franc hill. The humblest field la- call for a bond election set j:«.oinc« u * I for their home. borer knows this, so what harm i city commission for May 12?" >USS KATHRVN WILk e V, Society Editor. ean the state’s admission do? he.Mic freeholders will be ask i " "** PHONK:—Rea. 428-J DEBTS Mrs. C. Cherry who has l*ccn asks. • I approve ao issue of $2 114 the guest of her slater, Mrs. W. A. ______nrnviitnprovide fttml*?fund- for mrrvincrcarrying Mrs. Check Entertains Zachary, left •Thursday for her Slocking Bank Con In ins More [work. Election of a million APPOINTMENTS MADE ' municipal pier is Ihe largest Social MISSES FLORENCE AND ETHEL HENRY At Bridge Honoring home in Mt. Olive, N. C. Than 2 Billions Of Francs I n Hold, Financial Experts • r ».i it ... «» Hie list. For n ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE LAST NIGHT Mrs. Julius Grunhut Miss Ruby Hnrkey, left Thurs­ rALLAIIASNr.L, Mar. 13. — First Avenue north from Ca. day for Scotland Neck, N. C., to D eclare; I amdi Efforts Foil Governor Martin announce:-, the; Ninth Street, the sunt of $490, 'alendar Beautifully planned in every de­ accompany her cousin, Mrs. A. C. following appointments: would be provided: $250,000 Retta being thu fortunate two. For Mrs. Victor Check charmingly tail wn* the delightful St. Patrick’s Ynndle back to Sanford. _ PARIS, Mar. 13.-—According to * w . iiawki#,, ,.f j j j g a a r g Cut prize Miss May Holly wus entertained nt bridge, Thursday Friday bridac party Riven by Miss Kthcl presented a bronze inscnce humcr. onservativo estimates there are J. I*. I.ustig of Scranton, Pa., ar­ two billion franca 'in gold coins be jiiati c of the peace. District J. yacht basin* and necessary sea— ►* .ill he » call meeting of Henry and Miss Florence Henry at Following the jrame a delicious nfternoon, ns a courtesy to her Holmes county: E. E. Hills, of i walls and fills, and $180,000 fo r ';’ T> IJ. at the First Bap* the Woman’s Club, Thursday e\c- salad course wus served nt which house guest Mrs. Julius Grunhut of rived Thursday in Sanford. Mr. hidden ntrny fn Mla ^traditional ning. I.ustig represents his own produce “ old stockings’’ of the french neo- Ocala, to be commissioner for HD-m Booker Creek drainage. h it 1i.il) o’clock. « . .."totime ui.uoumunusunl itivumfavors wordwciu tii.viigiven. New York City. Irict No. I. Marion county; .!. *V. ------; ■ ■ . ■ — **“ it;, liarriaon Chapter N .!. Guests were greeted at the door The favorR were small “ snapping firm and is a regular visitor here. ple, and if Franco had this hidden The rooms were attractively dec­ Williams of Baldwin, to ...... | $30,000 ADVERTISING'FUND, b will meet at tho homo | j’y '*• nnd receiving St. Patricks for the ladies am gold at Its disposal the country’s orated with vari-eolorcd snap dra­ Mr. and Mrs. George D. Bishop financial situation would In* dis­ stable district No 3. Duval county,. BRADENTON. Mar. 13. Th* gons and ferns. The favors were will return from Tampa Friday. tinctly improved. Every kind of I.. I,, Eraser of r.nu Dnllie. to Ik* i business men of this city have set rnscmnrys and St. Patrick pencils. Mm. George A. DcCottca is ex- appeal hut one Ima been made to constable districtNn. ft. H r vara ( ouuiTrni'sc a fundof Vroni $25 JS Mrs. John Gillen, for making high pected home Friday from a visit induce the holders to let the stale countv. and John (.. Robert-. lVIn- p,j>nn j*. s|M,nt exclusively- '£ score, wus nwnnled n teapot, hand of several weeks in Jacksonville, have their hoarded coins, and dur­ gria. justice of peace, district No. i f„r advertising Bradenton during^; ! > Liberty county. ; the coming summer, fall mid w lM fif the i ^ rs' ,,cnrV wore a handsome l>. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert painted in St* Patrick’s design. ing the wnr much was recuperated meeting Mrs. P. Weinburg won tho conso- ' ter. Cily council has promised $10- ' [*7:30 o’clock. ! gown of flesh crepe, heavily head- Hines, Mr. and Mrs. \V. W. Pot- Mrs. Frank Winthrop of Tal­ under patriotic Influences. (HMI 1 otl‘!i Wt! J i tin fnvi.l #«» I in |ed. Miss Ethel Henry wus atlrnc-1 ter. Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Hag- Intion, nn , , Ahe’s tape measure. The *lahassee who has Iteen viriting her Whnt remains deems to form nn I NDKRWRITERS MEET ) towards the fund to lie raised I lively gowned in black satin and gott, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mem, ,,f hnnor presented a by lax levy for publicity purpose,' Saturday si'der, Mrs. Walter Wight will be iiuattainiilde residue as far as the I lace. Mirs Florence Henry wore .»!Mr. and Mrs. Edward Betts, M r.l*1*"* trM>* with scenes of Florida joined here by Mr. Winthrop Sat- slate is toncenrcd. Every nmv and JAf KSONVILI.E. Mlu. 13. — and momlters of a committee ap-- v cilian Music Club will (lovely crystal beaded georgette!and Mrs. Edmund Meisch. Mr. n.ul I P»lnted.upon it, . . , , . . urilav and they will take a trip then, however, cases come hefor The Florida Underwriters’ Asso- pointed by the chamber of cent- n'dock. frock of flesh color and Mrs. Giles! Mrs. Emmett McCall. Sir. and Delicious refreshments of Irish i down the East Coast, the courts wherein people are con-! wi" n t«o days’ moot mcrce expect to raise $20,000 ad- jinir Club will meet at wore a handsome gown of bended Mrs. S. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. paradise pudding, .-Htfvidual sham- | ------1______* ' , ing here On Ma 20-21. at which ; ditional. ,/ nt 10 o’rlock. ' dcmneil fur going round tho couii apricot natin. Mrs. I.cwis wore a Dcntzll Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. 1wi.lh ,minl JnliP JA\ GETS 12.1,01)1) ■try buying up 20 franc pieces,I the prepared enactment of a sta­ p|y Hour will be held at tute requiring a license and a becoming gown of Archill georgette, Jamoa Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. served. The hostess was assisted « .. which they induce the hoarders to r at I0 o’cIock. by Mrs. J. Parker Hill of Or- ! ’ KS‘ ,NN ,,',;K* Mar. — |qualification lest for underwriters which was beaded. Assisting the Whittier Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray- •III hostnss in passing the tallies and 1 mnnd Philips, Mr. and Sirs. Haw-liindo. ' aplain George J. Iiarcui, census VI n IrL l* ' r l i t l ' I o,»ciiitit,goperating in FloridaMon,II. winwill nola* one Monday e.Miiineiatnr for Duval county, e:«- " ? is most iniporlnnt subjects dis- Typewriters Inter in serving were Miss Ruth|kins Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. Don-! ------Huy. Sfii. Unit, eifini, it«*pxir L-ial Service Department Henry and Miss Curinetta Barber jnld Whitcomb, Mr. and Mrs. W. | T .nrl Jpc* T T n in n itimntes that Ihe 192ft population niore ike ,0 francs, but thlr traf- rll!IMll Tllp National Ammeiation . for Jacksonville proper will be ftc s Blcga! and dealers ... it m*ed!r f (jnHl.rwrUers have considered Ffihmlist Missionary So- who made iiuaint little Irish peas. C. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ism* Conolcy,. • \ tooium II. S. P O N D | meet at tho home of ant girin with full skirts of gri*en, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hunt, Mr.) W i t h M l*S . H tW lS O T l Taking of the census be­ high lutes of profit. the Connecticut statutes on the gun Feb. 15. and is slated io end Jose Tlicry, a (lnnnciul writer, Is subject as a model for adoption in Huy lies — Hal HIT ■ Ur Herndon dt 3 o’clock. black hasuucs and white aprons. and V.ru. Clyde Byrd. Mr. and Mrs.; ______Apri. I. The suggestions of St. Patrick’s I eo RiKkwell. Mrs II. A. Bivens, Tl„. Uni(IM of thp Cnngre. advising the state to idler enough the various staler, it is stated. I'knHr am Monday were artisticully carried out in the nan's unit of the Church decorations. 11 naturally attractive f t MU,Elfft^T^MLjS:* Ch"rch ■"« »« setting, the club was beautifully ,i ,,, Miii r ui icrnoon at the beautiful home of •ague of the Parish of ry Muriel. Miss Mildred Simmons.* Mrs J „ „ aviHon a l .*T*win Lakes.’ ■ [Cross Episcopal Church decorations. A naturally atractivc Miss May Holly, Miss Fern Ward, j An Interesting btumess session ■ nt the home of Mrs. which interspersed with white as­ Miss Marion Philips, Miss Frances! ■ Flannel Frocks on Oak Avenue nt 3 ters, white sweet peas and asters Dutton, Miss Kathryn Wilkcv, i ? ** .!jeld ,l,irinB which thc P1*" " Silk Hose were arranged in bowls and bas­ Monroe II. Hutton, llotlgson- Hall,! for the new parsonage were dis­ jD kets about the room. Robert Deane, Randall Chase, Nnl cussed. Organ Club will meet Delightful refreshments were \ i Reduced $1.39 p r. • Jeanette Lning nt 3 Two beautiful pictures. Watt’s Chittenden. Grady Michael, G. Lit­ “ Hope" and the “Seminole" were tle, John Fox, Grant Wilson, liar served. There were 33 members! present at this pleasant meeting. awarded as prizes for high score.| ry laiwis Jr., n'aul Lake and W. Entire stock of loiig -sleeve Very special! Very new Mrs. D. It. Caswell and Edward M. Hardy. flannel frocks, plain and colors of lK?igr, iMimcrov, is a round piece of bordered flannel, and kas- blcuclicr, piping rock, nude [t between the spokes of bn. Reg. $19.5(1 to $(’.5— atmosphere nnd l-’r. nude. of coal-mining cars One-Fourth off. 1(*U pair Lucerne at $1.39. [no brakes. Interesting Program'Mrs. Thigpen Hostess P erson als Given At Clubhouse. To Everyweek Bridge L *. —hluKUt j i»-1 — •—.MAIN Kl.iH.it i».| — Irrrwarc. Tickets given ! A. II. Lewis of Tampa is a bnsi- lurchases at Kent’s V’ul- The meeting of the Literature| Mrs. W. J. Thigpen was the ( ness visitor in Sanford. k'orks. Girl’s Middy Department of the Woman’s Club hostess Thursday afternoon, of the; ----- — Window Shudes on Thursday nfternoon, with Mrs.|p>vt.rv Week Bridge Club and . *'"hn Townsend of Quitman, (In., MSOI.L'TIONS C. C. Woodruff presiding, was one „ ' ... ,.|ir ..,,rk , is !'l|>on.'llnK » ^ew days in Sanford ... Jfl.29 $1 llowing resolution was of the most delightful of the sen-jtxtra k" l!,ls ,lt ,ar hw,ne 1 Mrh *'» business. | .yiil passed by the Ly- son. At the conclusion of business,; Avenue. ------Best duality middle; n* H Parent-Teachers Asso- the program was taken up. The! White larkspur ami fern were! Mrs. J. N. Tolar and Mrs. Ed­ standard 3d inch or less the price we’ve offered! -.i/e window shades of od thoir regular meeting first number was a dramatic re-:ust>(| jn ilcrornting. suggestive of ward Betts motored to Orlando All white and well tailor­ i’i. Re it resolved that Thursday for the day. opmiui* iiuality. Colors of view- given by Mrs. Stella l\ A r-|st< ,,atrick. Tlu, prizc. silU ho*e. ed. Regulation style, I to green, white, tan. Fixtures Mt sympathy of each rington in a most interesting paper. ------, ■ I I years. $1.29. [this Association is here Mrs. L. R. Philips then'gave a was won by Mrs. Forrest Lake, W. M. Cathrnc who is an income 1 B • ami pulls included. to-Mr. nnd Mrs. Tay- skeleton outline nnd criticism of! Mir. Frank Winthrop of Tallahus- lax specialist arrived in Sanford ■ i-i.u iii: m i KMutit M-l— Ir irreparable loss in the the play “ The Piper’’ written by • see won the guest prize of powder. Friday for nil indefinite stay. Irath of their little son Josephine Preston Peabody, which! Refreshments were served follow- by accident on March will be the next play taken up by [ing the game. Mrs. It. D. Saswcll, Mrs. la*-* »ml that these resolu-i thc department. Parts were as-1 Those present were. Mrs. I. G. | Conley and Mrs. Emmett McCall t>rded in tho minutes of I signed to the different member.! | Sharon.UIINIOIIi Mrs. I'll Forrest • «»> I'.o* Lake, • ”••**'» Mrs. spent Thursday in Dnytoim. istion and be published who will take part in the play. Frank Winthrop, Mrs. W. M. Scott, J ------— taniln Morning Sentinal Plans Were further made for thc| Mrs. Harry T. Ilodwell. Miss Wil- Mrs. H«*nrv Wight nhd Mrs. Word Herald. birthday celebration May 13, which. key. Mrs. D. P. Drummond and Walter Wight will return from a Good Values in D-I Saturday Sales |RS. II. LYMAN, has been set aside to commemorate[ Mrs. II. B. Lewis. [motor trip into Georgia, Friday. is. McIn t o s h , • v the beginning of the Wednesday* ------* • ----—— I* |K.**. I. a . lie-... Club out of which the Literature! Opium pills are given children! Miss Norma Griinn of Kissimmee j a Committee. Department was organized. in Indian to keep them quiet. ( will arrive Friday evening to spend . J Come* To F.vcrfnat And I In* fiiu* part alumt it i ; Dial llirao Sec Radio Built Demonstration Sat unlay t'vriils j;row Ik*IUt each wet’k. SpriiiK •in W indow ♦♦♦■ ia See how Everfast fabrics iiimv— and many new iliinns are heiiiR shown See nu Acme Flex radio hold their colors after a set (5 tube reflex using week of boiling! See the and sold al mode rale prices. Come this week. SI3 sodium lube detector) new fabrics! Buy now Imilt in our window this when they are newest! Hotter D-H, service and heller values. Friday and Saturday. En­ tire cost of set mid ucces- —m ain k i.

Long wearing, well made I n l colored g i n g li n in suits for boys; button'.; loiiipers. Color is a fea­ well sewed, Athletic type* ture. And pretty shades Broad Cloth, Linen, Voiles, Hand niado of checked nain­ of pink, blue, green, tail, sook. (I5c suit. rose. To 3 years. $1.99. v « Mi:/./.\lNi: r i.mm it m i M l A INK KI.MMU l> I Drawn, fast colors, 25 differ­ Figured Crepe ent styles, to sell for— Nainsook Teds $1.19 Spring Crepe Gym lilootners $1.19 ■ Dainty teds trimmed with ■ $3. yd $1.79 laces, tucks and eiubmid- ■ Striped and figured crepe ■ gowns, pretty colors of cry. Bodice top, fine ■ peach, pink and blue! nainsook! Sizes .'Hi to || ■ Withstand washing! Sat­ Silk and wool crepes are Mercerized bloomers, girls Saturday at $1.19. urday at $1.19 smart for wear now. The *• who play hard want them Kl.l Milt |J.| — $ are in rose, tun, while, made up full und well 7.00 — KMKilt ; M-l — navy, bluck and orange. fitting. Sizes 0 to I I 10 inch—$3.00 yard. years at $1.79. t-JUMEB ^ vvs-.;-v •> 4* ❖*{- -I*-I-•«* ♦ -4* -I" "i* -> "5" •> 4* — MAIN KMM.UC M l m i:/.'/. A INK Kl.OOIt M-l Hand Made Buffet Sets Frocks .35c $12.50 3 piece sets. Use space Belgium hand made frocks are most attractive and . m o m e n t s embroidering Sped a them. Including center long wearing. Made of f 11x22 inches) and side fine linen. Button, bind­ pieces. 35c set. ing und drawn work trim. ■ s $12.60. ■ —Kl.OOIt z M-l— ■ f —KLOtllt 2 !M — ■ ■ IS ■ \ n

15 Colton Dresses made of “Nu ■ .A. ■ ■ Sylk,” all colors, guaranteed A t ■ ■ fast—Saturday— >■ » Tub Silks Buy Rugs Now, f>ave Greatly Normandy Voile $1.98 yd. 50c yd.

How pretty they ure! And 5 rugs, each 8x10 first Small sized Axmiuister 1,500 yards of new N’or- ❖ ❖ v* 4* s* *>**!‘*1* ■*’*5* *>**X* *>*?♦■!'♦ v <•❖ ■*,<* *v* <*4* •> you need new summery quality Axministur. $15 (27x51 inches) in new pat­ mandy voile! The dots f'*'*V'**\* v V V y V 'I* V V v V *|i ^ *»••?• V V VS* V*** *•’ *•* VS! frocks of wush silk now! iiuality selling at $35.00. terns, special during thu are fast! Scores of pat­ f : These $2.25 checks and Topton rug rugs also spec­ rug sub* at $1.25. Time terns in spring cololx. :;h $ ial at $3.00. 5.95 f is stripes special $1.98. to buy ami : ave! inch width, 50c yard. , v S ■ — MAIN KM*nt M-l— —KMKilt M-l- * KM Hilt .1 M-l- — MAIN KMXMt D-I

■ ■ Y rrisc-iiiu. the personal shopper, will immediately fill phone or ■ ■ mail order, oil merchandise silver tiu*d here. She shops ulwuys for you. THE YOWELL COMPANY 1 DICKSON-IVES CO. I ::: j 2~140range Ave. Orlando. Phone 1106 ; ...... ■ , ■■■■■■BKaaax■iBHaaaaaaB|iaaaaBHaaaBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaRaaRa

M aoiBHD X

D. FRIDAY, MARCH 13,1325 — - :as;a-rrrCT.rq--v cry indication that tho number and boys, according to recent sta­ of unemployed, both men and wo- tistics on unemployment. Hair women among the unemployed ««» Between I Great Britain, while today the men, will be ffrcatly reduced dur­ dressing, owning to tho bobbed ing this year. ^ opinion, jieved By hair erase, has given employment number is something like -hU.OUU. meeting h *™ ^ **) to a large number of young wo­ Although about 1,000,000 extra wo­ •xpwted I I £*£ men andgirls are now at work MAY BUILD PAVILION feet at the ' WASHINGTON— A foretaste of wers'during the final stages of the I \ men who earn batter wages than ------• compared with the figures of tne Baptist V«»nnu*^»* ! a collision that seems certain to vice president’s inaugural address,, the men barbers because of the MIAMI, Mar. 13.—The Baptists year before the beginning of the the state in jnnPwPh !tome wheu the new Congress gets it does not forebode well for saidi extra charges made for trimming of Florida may in the near future under way next fall or winter was LONDON. Mar. I.J.—The wo- bobbed locks. Men in London pay war, women and girls together do vice president’s ability to enforce not reurcsent one-quarter of the establish a great religious center, given spectators in the United Sta­ discipline in the future. ni en and girls of England rife be- approximately 25 cents for a hair comprising u large pavilion, class Cay Turner Alleged to Have tes Senate when Charles Gates g absorbed back Into industry cut. while women nay double that total number of unemployed. Gov­ Chicago contributed one high-' ernment officials suy there is ev- rooms and hotel accommodations ColtnianZTinr^r Administered Position to Dawes, newly sworn in as vice light to the Senate in addition to 1 ™ r fhore quickly than the men amount. Widow to Obtain Insurance; president, addressed to that body the vice President, during the in-1 = Poison Found in Stomnch his views as to what its conduct •uguratljn ceremonies. l m has been in the past and should be Conspicuous on the Senate floor, in the future. among the'dignitaries in cutaways JJ •KANSAS CITY, Mar. 13.— A As Dawes talked, one could firstrat degreodegree murder charge was and Prince Alberts, wns n big, J sense n developing atmosphere of deep-chested, swarthy gent in a I filed Thursday .against Roy M. conflict. The address wan pitched iSirner of Wichita, Has., former dinner coat arid brand expanse o f ' jj in the key of n querulous grand­ storchcd shirt front. e University of Kansas football play­ mother chiding an unruly child. er, following issuance of deputy, Inquiry revealed him as "Din- ■ Dawes scolded, chided, ragged. mond Joe,’’ boss of Chicago's Lit- m coroner's report that physicians | His thin, high-pitched voice rose had found poison in the stomach | tic Italy and a power in Repuhii- ■ 1 to even shriller notes than on tho can policies in the Windy City. S’ of Mrs. Dorn Gage, Atchison dl- • occasion of his famous "Hell an’ vorccc, who died in n hotel room Maria” utterance. here Wednesday. The sedate Scnntc, jealous of its The report stated enough poison traditional dignity and power, at had been found to enuse death and first sat shocked and silent. described three large bruises on The iden of this newcomer, this the woman's body. Turner was i fire-eating politico-financier, rend­ arraigned and held without bond. *ing it n lecture on its rules and its .He wns arrested Wednesday in a conduct within five minutes of tak­ hotel room with Mrs. Gage when ing oath as presiding officer, at her screams attracted attaches. first stunned it into specchlcssncss. Before death Mrs. Gnge declared j Then, ns Dnwos pounded the Turner had given her u drink of ‘ desk in front of him nnd renewed poison from a bottle, had later his excoriation — the Senate thrown the bottle to the puvoment i laughed. below and that he had poisoned i her so that he might collect her' That Inugh revealed one thing insurance. beyond any possible mistaking. It He said he met Mrs. Gnge last revealed thut the Senate doesn't November in Atchison and sold ( take its new presiding officer half her an equity Dec. 5 in a lflO ns seriously ns he takes himself. acre farm near Nevada, Mo., fori To an observer, who has watched $11,200 taking Mrs. Gngc's note nnd studied Senate psychology for for $8,000 nnd retaining u collateral I more than a decade, it seems plain life insurance policy she had. Lnt-; that Dawes had got off on the left «r, he raid, he sold the note and : foot at the start. wjth it went the insurance poli­ Senators can be led when they i !n "now at this time of the cies. Wednesday afternoon Tur­ cannot be forced. They ure not 1 ...... ’ ...... SAVINGS ner said, he met Mrs. Gage near! different from other stubborn nni* I a hotel where she had ahtnined a mats in that regard. mom. l Dnwcs hus a large popular fol­ Mrs. Gage told him, Turner said lowing, due in no small part to his | LEWIS ASSIGNED that she wanted to talk to him penchant fpr picturesque, speech. ! about the note saying that the The Senate is not unmindful of j mortgages on the Nevada farm had this populnr strength. Recognizing ; teen foreclosed. it, they would have followed with1 teenth judicial circuit hus Itcon Going to Mrs. Guge's room, Tur­ some show of enthusiasm at least | assigned by Governor Martin to ner said he found her drinking from if he had made it possible for them Preside over circuit court for a bottle, “ I tasted the stuff,” he to appear to do so of their own 1 Washington county in the trial of said, “ I said it tasted rotten and free will nnd volition. cases of the First National Bank she asked me to *-.rnw it out of But nfter the Dawes diatribe in of 'Chipley vs. John T. Britt, and the window, so I did." his inaugural nddress, it is too thu State vs. Alex. Hanford and L. "Then," Turner continued, "I noted that Mrs. Gnge wns becom­ ing ill and I called u hotel clerk.” At that juncture, according to! Turner, Mrs. (Sage begun to scream i nnd he tried to summons a physl-1 cion by telephone.

FOR THE ST. PETERSBURG, Mur. 13.— ! Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Gibson nnd, their two children have arrived here after a three thousand mile Biggest Bass or Trout trip down the Mississippi river and across the Gulf of Mexico in a 32 Caught On A foot five ton cruiser, The Lady THE SIX BLOCKS OF OPPORTUNITY Margaret. The little cruiser i< Rod and Reel Casting Outfit equipped with n four-cylindcred motor cnpnble of ten miles an hour an an averuge of 7ti. A high pow­ We Will (Jive The Following l*ri/.es: ered radio set and interior furnish­ ings that may be folded Into the smallest possible sauce are among 1st LARGEST—Shakespeare “Marhoff” the conveniences or tho vessel. The Reel. trip wns begun at Rock Islam; Inst May 28 nnd will continue to New York where the Gibsons will 2nd LARGEST—HeddOn “King Special make their future home. Rod. HOI.I.ANI>'S (H'KKN IIONOIIKII 3rd L A R G E S T — Tackle Box. This old-world town has just Contest Open From March 1st to October 1st The Suburb of celebrated the 350th anniversary Opportunity of the founding of its famous uni­ All Right lloys— Let’s (Jet llnsy! versity. Upon Queen Wiholmilia was conferred tin- honorary degree of Hill Hardware C o m p a n y doctor of —. laws, . ___ ami __ the women N. 11. GARNER, Devclope students presented her with the PHONE r»:t first tulips of the sen. on.

It is near beautiful Lake Monroe, ft is near the business district. Its location is entirely ideal. Its homesites are highly restricted Its setting is most picturesque, t is being further beautified.

Promoters of Sanford’s Finest Subdivision A. P. Connelly 104 Magnolia Avenue *w- A.W-1&* v-' •■«'.■■■•.. - y . -*< ;• , • ..* ' H -v t .u \-t\-£s2£-\.*.(.V71-i.■■ t THE SANFORD HERALD, FRIDAY IS 1925 : :

close to 20,000 men. In times 0fl School of' Atr;’ 11:45 recital. peace its effectives are normally Harry P. Whitney Gives 6 Registered Nlghthawki, onflie»„_. W FI - Phili ts (278) (1:30 not employed in France proper, but orcHaxtrirt 7: ;'9 talk; 9:20 F O R SALE -- \ L" ‘ u •1°.lo" ie?- The regulations orchestra. ' New nine room hoiine, Went First Street, five blocks I provide that the legionnaire, who Holstein Cows To Woman’s College... . 8. concert; 8:30 children; 10 fea- WCAE Pitfahurgh /461.3) 6:30 enlists for a five year first term of r , , . ' ,• tures; 12 orchestra; l Lost Angels. Uncle Kaybf#; 8:45 apeciul; 7:30 Pork Are. $8000 best buy in town. Sec J. A. Ram ley. service, shall be rotated from TALLAHASSEE. Fla. Mnr. 13. e,t head of mules, 800 or 900 white KFI Ixjs Angeles (468.5) 8:45 concert. F(rst Street. OP J01 Africa to the Far East and back —Harry Payne Whitney of New leghorns, dairy barns, com cribs,WHfr; 9 orchestra; 9:45 talk; 10 KDKA Pittsburgh (309.1) 6:30 again. For the legion the French Vork*i ork, owneroWner of an large estatepstate in etc. ‘ orchestra; 11 quartet; 12 popular Richard the Rkfdler; 7:30 concert.} niRli command tries to live ut» to tbethe northern part of this (Leon) This winter the farm has fur songs. KGW Portland Oregonian (491.- ■ the old recruiting promise of “Join r°unty hns presented Florida State ntahed all kinds of fresh vegeta- WHAS Louisville Times Journnl 6) 12 Melody Men. solos. CH LEGION■ ih" nr,ny an'l see *be world.” College for Women with %ix reg- hies nnd meats for the college (399.3) 7:30 concert. KPO San Francisco (420.3 ) 8:21); ; ^ The discipline, as far as rcgula- lit,!rcd Holstein cows, adding to dining room. The hogs are killed WMC Memphis Commercial Ap­ garden hints; JO orchestru. .---- ; tjons go, is exactly the same us in , fiMtUuPion’s herd thr,-^ was on the farm and the meat placed peal (499.7) 8:30 program. KFOA Seattle (384.41 8:45 pro- legion GivesJobs I the regular French forces. In ‘’*gun In 1917 with 20 head of cat* In the college cold storage plant. WCCO Minneapolis - St. Paul gram; 10:30 dance; 12:05 orches­ u it-i/inir Questions: Pract'ce the presence of n lareo , • . The college no-.v has 60 head 15,000 pounds have already been (416.4) 8 philosophies; 8:30 con­ tra. !•*' ______number of Germnn non-com in is- ln tbw dairy herd as well ns -10 killed for fresh pork this winter. Of Polygol Corps cert; 10 orchestra, quartet. i ■ KFOA Seattle (384.4) 8:45 pro- sioned officers tends to make it •Voun'* heifers nuking a total of This is used at the rate of .300 or CKAC Montreal (425) 6:30 con­ [gram; 10:30 dance; 12:05 orches- Wnvets An Instant |more strii Howrvcr, foreign of. nPPr0Jtirriately 100. ; 400 pounds a week, cert; 7:30 concert; 9:30 Orchestra, , tra. WATCH fleers who can show good service .. The^herd pastures on a section o f , The Poland China hogs that re­ WHN New York (361.2) 6:30 KSP St. Louis Post Dispatch records may?he admittedns legion ^ co**°*e fnrm " f “ bout 240 acres lericans In v U to^f a ir° w cPc Znurc-!n^<1 from*the benUh. talk; 0:35 orchestra, dane'e; 1(545.1) 7 symphony concert. second li«*uL*nnnU after a st.\ Ko appropriations have been made ville tair were purc.ia.ed rrom tne j B Rl.rvir(,. m-.in l!n.»l,.n,l dance. 1 WRC Washington (469) 6 or- for the farm except for the land, State College by one of the county.' 8 service; 10:30 Rnseland dunce THIS inization Now months training period, uppor-Oppor- , , WKAF New York (491.5) 6 chestra; 7 Bible talk; 7:30 psycho- ____ , ...... vc .it. rreii -n 11 *tatwb and nil buildings ami . agents for boys’ com clubs, it is tumty for attendance at the French A l. *Lated’ J,n(* tenor; 6:15 orchestra;; 7 glee club; logy; 8 banquet; 9 dance; Uncled Originally To officers’ training schools is held out; Jt0Ck u av,S bSSn bou« ht by the ; stated. 8 concert; 8:45 Mabclanna Corby; music; 11 organ. to all ranks of legionnaires who fnrm Tbp work 15 carrietl | The flock of white leghorns was 9:20 pianist; 10 orchestra. SPACE (efuge To Foreign show the necessary autltudo on under the supervision of .1. G.. begun last year nnd is being added Among the officers now ' Lellum, business manager of the! to each year. Sovernl hundred WJ7. Now York (454.3) 6 orches­ Living It\ France tra: 7 ar for laymen; 7:15 popular with he legion three are known to °Ke’ nnd J* P* Love, f“ rm fore-loggs are furnished each week, giv- songs; 7:30 concert. Mar. 13.—Approximate- be honafide Amerimns l h ? lo, i mn"- ing students at t*e college fresh WNYC New York (526) 7:35 j Ltyiwi Americans are the force during the Into ' ! BeM'les ttb** cattle, the . farm ! eggs right from the college’s own Cheatcau four; 7:15 tulk; 7:30 po­ P-Knut Brittle r in the famous Foreign ccr t i fled ^America n to servTng I °"'ns 150 P‘,,antl Chi" a ho* 8’ -v-1 poultry yard. lice quartet; 8:30 songs, instru­ he French army, scat- first sergeant. Rut of the remain-1 ~~----- ==--j==-r—:------=~— - , ■ = mental; 9:10 travel talk. eriu, Morocco, Syria der of the reputed 40. little \\ thentre. K(!() Oakland (361) 6 concert;! Saturday Special lint how many of that known in official quarters. And Radio Program GWN Chicago Tribune (370.2) 6 10 llawniinn music, address, bari­ Cre really, .citizens...... of...... the official quarters, keeping to the organ; 6:30 concert, string quintet; tone, pianist, reader; 12 orcnesiia, ; lies the French war de-1 ,doa ° f the “ refuge," are not nnxi- Program For Mar. 14. 8 classical; 10 orchestras. soloists. 1 20c Pound ! unable to say. All itj he further informed. WPG Atlantic City (299.8) 8 WLW Cincinnati (423) 6 con­ WO AW Omnha (526) 6:30 an­ Eji within the past three ------concert ensemble; 9:30 orchestra. cert, quintet, lnfnfonc. nounced; 6:45 progrum; 7:30 ad­ l,.,.ii. describing them- ROADS HURTS EYES WEEI Boston (silent.) WTAM Cleveland (389.4) 8 dress; 9 nrchestrn; 10 dance; 11 or- j “WE SELL LOTS" [mericans, have enlisted, " WGR Buffalo (319) 0 music. dance; novelty, blues singer, Ha­ chcstra; 11:30 organ. Waters’Kandy Kitchen for lack of accurnte LONDON, March 13.—The grey i WEBH .Chicago Post (370) 7 waiian quintet. WIP Philadelphia (508.2) 0 talk; ,e self-exiled or self- or white surfaced roads of hng.ar.,1! concert; 8 Riviera thentre, dance; WFAA Dallas News (475.9) 0 7:15 concert; 9:05 Orchestra; 10:05 ricans is thtu the French at which the increasing number o f , 10 stories, guitars, readings; 11 recital; 8:30 baritone, quartet; U absolutely no idea nutoniobile drivers are compelled | dance. orchestra. of applicants for ser- to gaze intently in guiding their | KYW Chicago (536) 7 concert; 8 WOC Davenport (484) 6:30 Sand­ ftnonned expeditionary speeding cars, are causing a mass | vocal;*9:05 tulk; 9:W> Youth’s Com- man; 6:50 religious discussion; 9 ^rnian who has never of niinor eye troubles, according to panion; 9:35 Congress classic; 12 I RHI. lino nite; 11 orchestra, songs. ier west than Frank- Arthur Upson in u recent address bnrnival; 1 Insomnia club, KOA Denver (323) 10 dance, e-Muin may present before the Institute of Opticians. WLS Chicago (344.0) lullaby; I WWJ Detroit (silent.) lore a recruiting officer white roads, reflect the harmful 7:1a “National barn dance; 11:15 WHO I)cs Moines (silent.) l legion under the name actinic rays, and Mr. Upson rec­ Senntc thentre. KNX Hollywood (336.0) 8:15 midt, Americnn. born, ommends , that . road builders mix WMAQ Chicago News (-147.5) 6 j music; 10 features; 12 orchestra; Similarly a Pole may .*0,or,nK matter with their “ Daddy;" 8 Pratt and Daw; 8:30 1 Constance Tnlmndge. Stanislas Skryzkinski, - urfai'ing material, j Russia, photologue; 9 Chicago | WDAF Kansas City Star (365.- rn and bred In Cleve-. BEL-AIR led the applicant meets | requirements, which jiitf. the French recruit-' ties make no investiga- j Are Still Far Below Market Questions asked" is the | rgion Etrangere was PROPERTY PURCHASED NOW WILL GREATLY offer refuge,’’ accord- |nir.i't<-r of King Louis INCREASE IN VALUE WHEN THE PAVING PRO­ organized it in 1832, | orcigners whq, by rca- GRAM IS COMPLETED. INVEST NOW AT LOW ItMulili d s^ate of Eur-1 PRICES. * *• I kme within our borders, j pro nee, unenipjoyed |! by necessity, may Owing to tlie increased cost of operation, due to high­ public danger.” Soon Membership in the leg- er rents, higher priced labor, and greatly increased $400 to irown open to French- | thi beginning of it.< , prices on cleaner’s and dyer’s supplies, it is necessary I nearly 100 years, tlici normally been u good for us to increase our prices in a small way in order to Vcent German in-make- ever, according to the i. chii fs, lias that high '' meet this extra expense, and at the same time give the Bel-Air Realty Company Imaile the slightest dif- ' Ihe legion’s loyalty to I public a good quality of work and service, which will II. 11. LEWIS, I’rcs. It. c. M A X W E L L Secy. I white flag of Louis | the tricolor under i be the aim of all Sanford cleaners. We the unde r- 105 West First Street. Phone 349 1* - armies have niarch- |hc reign of Napoleon signed have agreed that the following prices will be­ hi* present republienn he glowing citations!| come effective after March 15th, 1925. olyglot warriors amnss- late war are ample 1 Jhiir famous song, Whiddon & H odges...... 110 East 2nd St. no fatherland, i our mother" [ Sanford Steam Pressery...... ‘{09 East 1st oetiea! imagery. ’j strength is now I §em inole Steam Pressery...... 108 W est 2nd St. Haddock’s Pressery ...... 110 Sanford Ave. iniaausunuauaaHis Seminole Laundry ...... 122 W . 1st St.

PRESSING ONLY—MEN’S CLEANING & PRESSING—MEN'S Pan ts...... $ .00 Pants ...... Money White Flannels ...... 75 Coats ...... Coats ...... ••••...... Vest (single no coat)...... >U SALE Vest (not sent with coat).. Suits (2 or .'5 piece wool) —...... 1.25 Suits (2 or I* piece)...... Suits (Palm Beach) ...... 1.00 Initc and high, bor- Suits (M oh air)...... big hike, with Top Coats...... —•...... Suits (Wash goods) |i'.*!* Amber to build Overcoats ...... Overcoats ...... It* . Macinnw ...... Maeinnws ...... Ian ideal location for Sweaters (colored) . 1 home site. Sweaters.....—...... *h> Sweaters (white).... F'.‘ from Panin I n ad. $2,500.

LADIES’ LADIES’ U ’O N O LE Y, SPONGE AND PRESS CLEANED AND PRESSED OW available at less than [Realtor. Plain Dresses (colors) ...... S Plain Dresses ...... $1.25 NWe loan up to 60 % of ap­ II!) or :ii2 w. Plain Dresses (white) ••••...... Plain Dresses (white) ...... i .50 praisal value on improved real Plain Skirts (colors) ...... Plain Skirts (colors)...... 75 up Plhin Skirts (w hite)...... Plain Skirts (white) ...... 1.00 up lll^axiEIHOHaBXl estate. This includes homes, Coat Suits (colors) ...... Coat Suits (colors) ...... 1.25 Coat Suits (white) ...... business property, farms, etc. Coat Suits (heavy) ...... 1.50 }*iuaaiuaiinBZii Capes (colors) Capes (white) ...... Coat Suits (white) ...... 2.0(1 Come in and let us tell you our ‘ 'i t*i:i: w it h Coats (colors) ...... Capes (colors) ...... 1.00 up plan. Couts( while) S1-D0 and up Capes( white or fur trimmed 1.75 up Coats (fur trimmed) $1.00 and up Coats (colors) ...... 1.25 All pleating on dresses and etc will lie Coats (white fur trimmed)..... 1.75 up charged extra for in addition to above Silk Blouses...... '15 to 1.00 prices. .Midy Suits ...... LOO up

CHILDREN— PRESS ONLY CHILDREN—CLEAN AND PRESS Boys Pants ...... Boys Pants...... $ .40 Orange County Roys Coats Boys Coats ...... 10 Boys Suits (small) Boys Suits (Small)...... *.... .50 Boys Suits (large.. Boys Suits (large) ...... 75 up Boys Overcoats Boys Overcoats ...... 75 up Cl iris Midy Suits (small) Girls Midy Suits (small)...... 75 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Girls Midy Suits (large .. Girls Midy Suits (la rg e )...... 1.00 Girls Dresses...... i«i*. Imok- Girls Dresses .50 up i. ami cuii- anit rhiM-ftf DYEING m*»ni luuiiilr $1.50 Coat Suits Pants ...... to 5.00 a will »uffi*r 1.50 Dresses .... to 5.00 - 4 * f l 14 'l I 4; - Coat.q ...... 50 Sweaters 2.50 up 44 t('il<4|>ll>l|4M- Vests lft<-<4n rnlnu- O’coats 4.00 up 138 (-South Orange Avenue Orlando, Fla. aiiil rocuni- No monthly rates to and customer 2^'. Discount to Hotels if paid on under any condition whatever. delivery. No free work to hotel man­ • Credit to those who pay promptly, agers of employes. others pay cosh- wftfiawMiifii 90.00 WlTftold Wembly 393.75 Forreat Lake * A. R. Key, Beg. 560 fe*t g— 225 12 In. storm aew#*> 4Mli Q 1.75...... 145.75 176 feet West of Eaat H mile poet, m* 53 12 in. atom a#w«r 8-10 @ 2.76...... 150.00 120 feet, South 60 feet Eaat 120 fwti Nw CLOVER-LEAF.— Pus tie No. 124. A » * ta 3 manholes @ ...... 52.80 feet to bc£» ... LONDON, iw T 13.—It U th. »•"•£ * S * H 704 MBM lumber in trenches' at $75.00 ...... — Br J. C BOYD.* tntmtlon of the euthorltle* to moho ih if th. ■te.m.hlB 393.76 Forreat Lakeft A.. R. KEY, Beg. 560 feet ju, 375 llnl f t 12** atom sewer 0-4 @ 1.05...... 44.85 342 feet Weat of the Eaat V, mile po*t nm 19.“ S n W n o s Extra Work ...... ™™...... b of,.19n2i n, d , tourists excursions to th# United 13.00 103 ft., South 50 ft , Eaat 103 ft., North I 2 monuments at street Intresectlng @ 6.60. ,FP n’ the ,d*y, | r ^ . ,,u ou St*tea and other countries, will re- 102.83 to ...... ■•♦H«IM»IMH»..«ot.OO.Hoo.. T * 7 *** °r *J*y.'v ?.* jJ verse the procedure l*ter and bring Laboratory inspection of materials------263.80 John Russell, Berf 690 feet 8outh & 175 feet Vi Legal expense adv. etc. 2e/r...... ^ k . thTKSSl. Empire tho“ l* " d* *• w « ” - 059.40 the Ett mile poat run Weat 120 feet South 5 Engineering 5%...... East 120 feet, North 50 feet to beg___ John Russell* Beg. 690 South & 342 feet West Total Coat...... - ...... - -...... E 4 mile post run West 103 feet,f««t, South 505 fjjj To be borne entirely by adjacent property. East 103 feet, North 60 feet to beg...... Number of feet frontage 3067.5 to be«f...... M ( i flftl Spelr’a Addition, SanfoiSanfort Assosment per foot frontage v1** Mrs. H. A. Spelr, Lot 1...... ™...... _ FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineer, Mrs. H. A. Spelr, Lot 2...... Name-----Description Frontage Ahj Mrs. H. A. Spelr, Lot 3...... Sanford Heights, Sanford. Mrs. H. A. Spelr, Lot 4...... |Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 131...... 130 Mrs. H. A. Speir, Lot 5...... i Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 132-...... - ...... r,° The above and foregoing final assessmeiassessments ar* iGeo. A. DeCottes, Lot 133...... 50 Interest up to April 15th, 1025,1925, and from aand sfter^ $ 1,065.20 Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 134...... —50 special assessment* will be payable only In 93.60 230.04 Geo. A. LISUIUVI, DeCottes, LAJL Lot 136..... 1JO...... 0° stallments with Interest at 8% per annum on all . 3,201.12 230.04 Geo. A. DeCottes, DeCottes, Lot Lot 136...... 50 136...... Witness my hand as City Clerk and the Seal o7 thn 89.25 230.01 A. DeCottes, Lot 137...... ford, Florida, this 5th day of March A. D. 1925. 243.84 ______...... 4,516.00 Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 138...... pave (2 inch top) at $1.62 ...... 5,957.82 243.84 (Seal) I- R. PHILIPS, c.tr( Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 139...... 24384 Publish Mur 13, 20,2 7; Apr. 3-10. concrete pave (5 inch alley returns) at 30c ...... 214.80 Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 140.™.... ------O- 2 inlets type A at $35.00 ...... 70.00 Geo. A. DeCottes, Lot 141...... 243.84 TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING l>R0PEim 1 7 inlets type II at $30.00 ...... 210.00 S. F. Doudney & METTO AVENUE FROM FIFTEENTH STREETSOCnj 146 lin. ft. 12 inch concrete sewer 0-8 at $1.76 ...... 253.75 J. D. Jinkins, Lot 142...... 243.84 100.00 243.84 TRAL STREET. 1,1 HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 2 manholes 4-6 ut $50.00 ...... Mrs. Rose J. Abrams, Lot 143.. 85.00 243.84 Notice is hereby given that the construction of thsi 1—carries 30— meadow 1— rays of 27— edible seed 1 manhole 8-10 nt $85.00 ...... Mrs. Rose J. Abrams, Lot 144.... 6— dull green­ 31— a sticky light 29— apportion 516 MBM lumber in trenches at $75.00 ...... 38.70 243.84 ment on Palmetto Avenue from Fifteenth Street 32— somewhat Mrs. Role J. Abrams, Lot 145 ... ish yellow substance 2— make dear 1290 lin. ft. 12 inch concrete storm sewer 0-4 at $1.05 ...... 1,354.50 239.24 Street has been completed, and the completed work h*L (slang) 3— fora of to ill J. A. Kelly,L ot 140™...... color 25.30 j accepted by the City Commission of the City of Ssnf« <1—enraptured H2— call to be 33— check­ Extra Work ...... Geo. A. DeCottes, Lake |1 ^3— 1 ahaving----s--- arms 4— radium mates 3 Monuments at street intersections ut $6.50 ...... 19.50 253.04 I The following is the final estimate of the cost of | 34— defensive and Key, Lot 147...... blades 34— apporortiona (abbr.) Laboratory inspection of materials ...... — ...... 216.18 | to Avenue from Fifteenth Street south to Central Stn 35— belonlonging 5— pry ditches Geo. A. DeCottes, Lake 14— - American 230.04 i 24 feet with rheet asphalt on a 6” rock base. humorist to him 0— aged 35— hidden Legal expense, advertising etc., 2 per cent ...... 350.20 and Key, Lot 148... 36— fence | 849 iu . yds. grading @ 40c...... __ 15— product 37— taste 7— note of Engineering 5 per cent 875.50 Geo. A. DeCottes, Like 17— American 39— mend diatonic formed by 230.04 19621) sta. yds. overhaul @ lc...... 41— article scale bushes and Key, Lot 119. Radio 11980 lin. ft. curb & Gutter @ 76c...... lnstute (Sp) 8— girl's name 38— leguminous Total cost ...... ,...... $18,736.42 Geo. A. DeCottes, Lake (abbr.) 42— a beverage 9— truth plant To be borne entirely by mljucent property owners. 230.01 137 lin. ft. single curb headers (n) 35c...... _ 43— a corpora­ 10—improve 40— conversa­ and Key, Lot 150.. l a —myself Number of feet frontage ...... 3639.75 j 2528 sq. yds. macadam foundation, 6” @ 80c...... m~Uter (fe­ tion 12— regulated tion Geo. A. DeCottes, Lake male. (abbr.) by the tide 45— correlativeAssessment per foot frontage ...... -...... $5.1477 and Key, Lit 151... 230.04 1 2514 sq. yds. asphalt paving 2” top @ 1.02...... 20— whether 44_commotion 13— lose blood of neither FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineui. I 4cu . yds class B. concrete @ 23.00...... 46— encoun­ Geo. A. DeCottes, Like 21— testimony 46— foods 16— period of 2 inlets type A @ 35.00...... -...... 23— Chief jus­ 4 8— deviate time tered Foot #inal and Key, Lot 152. 230.04 tice of U. 49— dwarfs 22— cries nut 47— French Name-----Description Frontage Assesir.ient Guo. A. DeCottes, Lake 4 inlets type B @ 30.00...... s. in 1R36 51— unclean 23— lachrymal coin 2 manholes 4-6 @ 50.00...... _...... 18— High priest Evans Terrace, Sunford find Key.L ot 153.. 230.04 25— pen 53— heron secretion 1704 M 3” drain tile 0-3 @ 100.00...... 2G—lorce hack 54— ones 24— Jueger (a and judge G. W. Spencer, Jr., Lot 1 ...... 68.5 $352.63 C.co. A. DeCottes, Lake 2b—-«leuty bird) 50— Maine C. D. Brumley, Lot 2 ...... *80 308.86 and Key, Lot 154. ...50 230.04 590 lin. ft. 12” storm sewer 0-4 @ 1.05...... 25— black­ (abbr.) Extra Work...... thorns 52— iritide C. I). Brumley, Lot 3 ...... 60 308.86 Geo. A. DeCottes, Luke C. D. Brumley, Lot 4 ...... 60 308.86 and Key, Lot 155...... 50 230.04 1 Monument nt street intersection...... Herewith it solution to Pusslo JC. D. Brumley, Lot 5 ...... 60 308.86 644.11 Laboratory inspection of mutoriuls...... No. 123i Wm. A. C-nley.Lot 150...... 140 Leolu Evans, Lot 6 ...... 68.6 352.03 i In Section 36 Township 19 S. R. 30 E., Legul expense, advertising etc 2r,c ...... C. I). Brumley, Lot 7 ...... 60 308.86 J. II. Swan, The North 160 feet of the NWJ4 of Engineering 5 % ...... :...... „... |a c" i p" A £ £ K G A £ E How to Solve l’uzzle. * . s ] □ C. I). Brumley, Ixit 8 ...... 60 308.86 5848.07 o C A A G A G E £ of SE *4...... 1271.1 5 (• 5. M The best way to solve this Total Cost...™. T K a f* p 111R ¥ R p M A T E cross-word puzzle is to run over | C. I). Brumley, Lit 9 ...... 60 308.86 Mrs. Eliza D. Vaughn, Beg. 25 feet West and 25 feet South of the . , . ,, L H - O .*•• A . H L E I' iH i E M the list of horizontal and verti­ I C. D. Brumley, Lit 10 ...... 60 308.86 intersection of the Center line of Park Avenue with the Eust and 1 ° K> ’orn® tn * > a< jactnt propert) g iu E fl A T O E E jo N f cal synonyms in search of evi­ Spurting* Addition, Sanford. Number of feet frontage I dent or “ easy” words. If hori­ West Vi Section line of Sec. 36 Twp. 19 S. It. 30 E run West 295.4 ft t> 5 T N T ,* V 5 U R n" i T j J. B. Crawford and wife, Is>t 5, Blk B ...... 120 617.72 Assessment pur foot frontugu t ■ 1 r z zontal, the word you are look­ feet South 150 feet East 295.4 feet North 150 feet tu beg.------4 r A .. A • T IE A. 9 o - — ing for must extend crosswise j Wesley Chestnut, Lot 6, Blk. B ...... 49 252.24 ...... 1...... 295.4 1359.08 FRED T. WILLI AMS, I a r a a A [iz F. I T £ L A N f from the number to the first j Wesley Chestnut, Lit 7, Blk. B ...... 49 252.24 | Foot a (L E 0 £ T U T IT C [I N E shaded stop on the right; if ver­ Thu above and foregoing final assessments are payable without T V j Wesley Chestnut, Lot H, Blk. B ...... 49 262.24 Name Description * KronUit til ... M 1 T L K. E R £ J S tical, it must extend downward interest up to April 15th, 1925, and'from and after such dute said a J) t M H E K 2 S A P z> from the number to the first Lnnc’* Addition, Sanford. E. R. Trafford's Map. Sanford. shaded stop below. When fin­ special assessments will be payable only in fiifteen equal annual install­ £ L A M K A R e R 1 1 O M j C. It. Duffin, Lot 12 ...... 56 288.27 Meisch Realty Co., Lot 6 Blk 17#tr. 1-...... 50 i ished, the words should read ments with interest at 8'/r per unnum on all deferred payments. *5 M t« E* H R o r £ E C. it. Duffin, Lit 14 ...... 56 288.27 Howard Fnville, I-ot 7 Blk 17 tr. 1...... 50 A C M E 3 V 1 E N E C equally ‘ well crosawia# and • downward. Mrs. N, B. Leonard, Lot 21 ...... 56 288.27 Witnea.'i my hand as City Clerk and the Seal of the City of Snn- Hownrd Fnville, Lot 8 Blk 17 tr. 1...... 64 i E A *L k er b n t i . u n f i R furd, Floridu, this oth day of March A. D. 1925. T. F. Powell, Lot 23 ...... ;...... 56 288.27 Howurd Fuville, Lot 9 Blk 17 tr. 1™.>...... 80 (Seal) L. R. PHILIPS, City Clerk. n T. F. . ------.Powell, — Lot — 25 ...... f»6 288.27 I Meisch Realty Co., Lot 10 BJfi 17 tr. 1...... — 50 ’ of some of the explanatory defin- c . L „ ritt ct ul, ,.ot 27 ...... r>0 288.27 Mar. 13, 20, 27; Apr. 3-10. I Meisch Realty Co., Lot 1 Blk 17 tr. 2...... 50 itions. Here are several furnished ------o------PUZZLE CRAZE IN j with the second puzzle: In water I j ^* 'V illmms, Lot ...» ...... 56 288.27 < j Meisch Realty Co., Lot 2 Blk 17 tr. 2...... 50 urn strong and g«y smiles nt every • I Markham Park Heights, Sanford. TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON PAL- Meisch Realty Co., Lot 3 Blk 17 tr. 2...... Gl 111 lllOPE R I D I N U V™ ^ rarely at'him who touches j R Smjth , " ...... 120 (.177.,j METTO AVENUE FROM IIUGIIEY HUGHEY STREET STREET SOUTH TO Meisch Realty Co., Lot 4 Blk 17 Tr. 2...... it; it is pure; tolls when death ap- _ ' ...... FRANK UN STREET. ------pears; an immense adjective; al- I »ici-, I»t 5, Blk. H 283.12 | Meisch Realty Co., Igit 5 Blk 17 Tr. 2...... TO POPULARITY [waysivays sacred; beyond the octave,octave;; Geo. r>I). Bishop, *Lot “* 8 ° , Blk " 283.12 Notice is hereby given thnt the construction of the usphalt pave- i Meisch Realty Co., Igjt 0 Blk 18 Tr. 1...... renowned for works of geniusgenius; | Leslie Went, Lot 1, Blk. I ...... 617.72 ment on Palmetto Avenuo from Hughey Street south to Franklin Meisch Realty Co.,L ot 7 Blk 18 Tr. 1 ______... 70 found in Itnliun politics; percept! Leslie W’ent, Lot" 6, Blk. I ...... 308.86 Street has been completed, and the completed work has been finally Meisch Realty Co., Lot 1 Blk 18 Tr. 2...... 70 AIK*ritT Conquering America, i.ii.V'moVu^^Hn'inous aV.ri' a'n.i mure ‘ 'V‘nl’ ,l'ot “ !K accepted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Fail Subjugates England, impalpable. Leslie Went, Lot 7, Blk. t ...... 308.86 Meisch Realty Co., Lot 2 Blk 18 Tr. 2...... 70 |s l in this puzzle there urc eight ! Spencer Heights, Sanford. The following i* the cost of paving Palmetto Avenue, with sheet Baumel's Plat in the City of Sanford, Fit Then France and Now usphult on » 6 inch rock bate, 24 feet in width, from Hughey Street jS. S. Buumel, Lot 1...... Entrenched With Italians i1 right and left words ami 13 up and Anno L Hill, Lot 7, ...... 360.34 down. So words has less than four Anmj j , ot H ...... 360.34 South to Franklin Street. S. S. Buumel, Lot 2™...... 5GJ cross- letters and eight have eight letters ’ , , 1388 cu^ yds. grading @ 40c...... 555.20 *',u” • — ---- *- Anne I.. Hill, Lot 9 360.34 Markham Park Heights, Sanford. 5 *?"*?/! 'I Slw'Kl"* Th,-n.w»p,.j.,r announce. It 2804 lin. ft. curb and gutter @ 76c...... R. W. Deane, Lot 10 360.34 2131.04 | Mrs. A. Simon, L it 1 Blk E...... 24i 162 lin. ft. headers @ 35c...... (5. \V, Sjiencer, Lot 11 ...... 70 360.34 56.70 j Mrs. A. Simon, Lot 4 Blk E...... W 3689 sq, yds. macadam foundation (6 inches thick) ut 80c ... 2,961.20 T1..... n.M.u? pastime which has curate solutions during the year. J. C. Wninright, Isit 12 ...... 73.15 376.55 Mrs. A. Simon, Lot 5 Blk E...... -...... made dictionaries best sellers, first One large Roman dai y has ul- 3917 sq. yds. usphult pave (2” top) (?5 1.02...... Margaret Roberts, bit 13 ...... 70 360.34 3995.34 Frank.Graham, Lot 10, Blk E ...... 120 took fin at Britain by storm and ready announced its intention to 613 sq. ft. concrete pave (5” alley returns) (g> 30c...... 153.90 then crovs.il Into France where it I publish the puzzles and other G. VT. Spencer, Lot 14 ...... ______70 360.34 H. W. Allen, Lot 1 Blk F...... 102 4 inlets, type A @ 35.00...... overcame the prejudices of thnus- ! newspapers are said to he prepar (5. W. Spencer, Lot 15 ...... 70 360.34 140.00 G. M. Shipp, Lot 2 Blk F ...... 125 ing to follow suit. .... 2 inlets, typo B (5>30.00...... and of citizens of thut nation G. W. Spencer, bit 16 ...... 70 360.34 60.00 Atluntic Coast Line which, more than any other in | 1 manhole, 4-0 50.00...... 50.00 O. W. Spencer, Lot 17 ...... — ...... 70 360.34 Railroad Company Beg. at the S. E. Cor. of Lot 1 in Europe, lind been famous for its To Hold Telephone J 278 M. 3” drain tile, 0-3 @ 100.00...... 27.80 ph'i! i d insularity uml for its G. W. Spencer, Lot 18 ...... 73.4 377.84 Baumel’s Plat in the City of Sanford, Fla., run 675 lin. ft. 12" storm sewer, 0-4 @ 1.05...... 708.75 i |ia ioiiuie insistence upon the pur­ Meeting Mar. 24-26 In Section 36, Twp. 19, S It. 30 E. South ulong the West side of Palmetto Avenue Extra Work...... ity of i: vurhul expressiveness. Mrs. M. R. Maccy, East 100 ft. of SV4 of NWV4 7.47 I 65.8 feet, thence West 117 feet, thence North G't.8 rlie fad. disguised as “ 1/ 2 Monuments at street intersections (fi> 6.50...... 13.00 I LAKELAND, Mar. 13.—The an­ of N'E'i of SE',4 less N. 30 feet and portion in feet, thence East 117 feet to beg...... 50 Ini' • 'i.i dciie Parole Incrociate” nual meeting of the Florida Tele­ biboratory inspection of materials...... 135.49 ha* ci ' id Hie Alps Into Italy and Magnolia Avenue ...... ;joo 1544.31 Atluntic Coast Line phone Association will be held Legal expense advertising, etc. 297...... i' ci'. ' nerits predict confidently Davcy’s Subdivision, Sanford. 219.72 here on Mar. 24-25. it is announc­ Engineering 6% ...... Railroad Company Beg. at the S. W. Corner of Lot that nothing can stop its advance ed hy F. D. Moor, secretary of Robert G. Duvey, Lot 1...... f...... 48 247.09 549.29 Into the heart of central 2 in Baumel’s Pint in the City of Sanford, Fla., run Europe R)(, organization. All telephone Robert <1. Duvey, Lot 2...... 50 257.39 nini e'en into the geographical era- companies in the state are expect- South 58.5 feet, ulong the East side of Palmetto Robert G. Duvey, bit 3...... Total Cost...... 11754.87 /.> quilt of the Bulkuns where Ion- t„ have representatives at the 257.39 Avenue, thence East 117 feet, thence North 50 ft., gur*” i mid d licet, abound. .- 'ing. Robert (5. Duvey, Lot 4 ...... To lie borne entirely by adjacent property. 257.39 across the railroad right-of-way, thence Wester­ Foreigner i , 'll..’ had for some Quitters offering the telephone Robert G. Davey, Lot 5 ...... 257.39 Number of feet frontage 2325.05 tit i intire.-ted d'-sturticd the ly to beg...... I®*® r ich that are likely to come be- Robert G. Davey, Lot 6...... 257.39 Assessment per foot frontuge . $5.0558 ir.livn hy their pteuhnr unties and I'jir tin* next session of the leg- Atlantic Const Line Pc. tii illations i*» front of Idaek Orange Park, Sanford FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineer. i-lature will be among the im- Railroad Compuny Beg. at the N. E. Cor. of bit 1 and white squares in foreign news- portnnt business scheduled for the II. It. Lewis, Lot 16...... 334.60 pif.oi , Inir it r(>nialned for u week- Foot Final Blk F of Markham Park Heights run SELY. ulong meeting. II. II. Lewis, Lot 17...... 263.56 1 m c paper to explain the niys- Name-----Description Frontage Assessment the South right-of-way line of A. C. L. Ry- 156 frd President W. (J. Brnein an- i j| h Lewis, bit 257.39 ten and incidentally to introduce nounecti that a good program has ! ,, ,, , . ' , ’ N. H. Garner’s 2nd. Add. to thence North 62 feet across suid right-of-way* tie- cult. 257.39 been arrangedi.l for for the the LmHn.ri.ur gathering 1 Hu* * “ ,l* • ,XJW|S> U w ia ' 1,4,1 , y ...... —— ...... Markham Park Heights, Sanford. thence NELY. along the North line of A. C. L. Ry* That the “ parole incrociate" is uml that several manufacturers ' H. II. Lewi.], bit 20 ...... 65 334.60 W. E. Scoggun, Lot 1 Blk I...... 47.17 240.00 right-of-way 150 feet more or less to Palmetto Avc. bat a ill tnnt relative of our own will have interesting exhibits of Amended Pint of Lots 1-20 Except Lota 12 and II 'ci'.: wold juz2ll* is immediately 1 W. E. Scoggun, Lot 2 Blk L ...... 52.47 265.27 i telephone devices and equipment . Lurie’s Addition, Sanford, Floridu. thence South to beg...... — uppinMit after a literal translation ; for nspection hy those attending. W. E. Wells, Lot 3 Blk L...... 52.17 265.27 Also beg. nt tlu) intersection of the West line of I’nl* Howurd Overlin, Lot 16...... 66 not* o 7 Bob Ishie, Lot 4 Blk L...... 52.47 265.27 metto Avenue with the South line of the Atlantic ...... Howard Overlin,. Lot.... 18 ... 50 <09ftk2S8.S? liaMUISNNaaBBBBSSBaBIBBBBBIBBSBBSlIBSliaBBIII Elizuheth Dykes, E. 125.35 ft. Iait 5 Blk L . 52.47 265.27 Coast I.ine Ry. Co’# Lake Charm Branch, thence L I Howard Overlin, Lot 20 ...... 50 ii Elizabeth Dykes, E/125.35 ft. Lot 0 Blk U . 51.15 268.60 run NWLY along the South line of said right-of* ■ The above and foregoing final assessments are payable without Mnude M. Jinkins, bit 7 Blk K ...... 17.47 240.00 way 150 feet, thence North across the said right- 5 ! interest up to April 15th, 1925, and from and after such dute said James Abbott, Lot 9 Blk K...... 52.17 265.27 of-way 62 feet, thence SELY. along NE* side of ■ i special assessments will be payable only iu 15 fifteen equal annual ] James Abbott, Lot 11 Blk K ...... 52.47 265.27 right-of-way 150 feet, thence South 62 feet to installments with interest at 8 per cent per annum on ull deferred | Minerva E. Field, Lot 13 Blk K...... 52.47 265.27 bog ...... :...... :...... »■> payments. Mrs. A. H. Haskins, Lot 15 Blk K...... 103.62 523.88 G. C. Fellows Beg. nt the intersection of the east Witness my hand us City Clerk and the Seul of the City of San­ Spurling's Addition, Sanford. line extended of Palmetto Avenue as laid out in ford, Florida, this 5th day of March A. I). 1925. Harold Washburn, Lot 6 Blk A ...... 56 21 284.19 Markham Heights Add to Sunford, Fla., and th* (SEAL) * L. R. PHILIPS, City Clerk. Frank Lossing, Lot 7 Blk A...... 50.21 284.10 Northerly line of the A. C. L. R. R. right-of-w»* OAK HILL Publish Murqh 13, 20, 27; April 3-10. \V. A. Fitts, bit 8 Blk A ...... 56.21 281.19 on their I-ake Charm Branch* run North 132.1 feet* TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON IIUGIIEY S. S. Buumel, 1-ut .9 Blk A ...... 56.21 284.19 East 120 feet, South 132.1 feet, West 120 feet to I S JUST T W 0 STREET FROM PARK AVENUE WEST TO FRENCH AVENUE. S. S. Buumel, Lot 10 Blk A . . -...... 56.21 284.19 beg...... 13:1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the construction of the us­ O. F. Allen. Lot l Blk B ____ ion 606.69 Beg. nt the intersection of the West line extended o phalt pavement on Hughey Street from Purk Avenue west to French J. I). Davison, Lot 9 Blk B...... t«i MILES FROM THE 247.73 Palmetto Avenue ns laid out in Markham P*1 Avenue has been completed, and the completed work hus been finally W. L. Duvis. Lot 10 Blk B *1 Foot Final f To be borne entirely by adjacent property • .-...-rr...... hy the City Commission of the city .of Sanford, Florida, on Febniary ' Name • Description PrsaUpe Assessment i Number of fact Montage ...... 5IC6.I HawuanKingToBe 2Hrd, 1925. * N. H. Garner’* Addition to Markham Park Heights, Sanford Fla. I Assessment per foot frontage ___ _ (Seal) . ' U R. PHILIPS, City Clerk. , t . W.” • I). Hotfman,iioiiman, Lot 13,i»>f Blockoiuck Kk -----. ------o'J 155.39 . FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineer Restored By Order ------O------' 'tv Henty Nickel, [Jot 14, BJotk/K ....A..A — ../....fi59 155.89 j ^ -Font iW FINISHED TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON HIGH­ I^Uline ‘KnlniOr, Lot 16, Block K, ...... /...It185 355.56. Mar. lb — The LAND STREET FROM SANFORD AVENUE TO * Name Description Frontage J birthplace of Prince Jonah Kuhio N. H. Garner’s 2nd Addition to Markham Park'Heights Measuring 15 Feet In PARK AVENUE ? E. I. Traffnrd’s Map, Saafard of llw ianni? e,ka0t titular n>^n>>'vr \ Sanford, Ffa.'_ , Started in 1920, « ! who scrvc<1 the territory « The following Is the final cost of paving Highland Street 'from . jC. V.. Mahoney, Lot 1, BIU. 12, Tr. 4 ...5 the condition in which It was 50 years ago. " Also It'will 1881 Kri>ding ut 40c ----- ...... ;.....753.041 Mrs. E. W. RTs‘fiJ:C&L*. l i t 8, Blpck K ...... u..u....,...,..130 3(2.39 Mejwch Roalty Co.,‘ liot 4, blk. ’12, Tr; 4 ...... 50 K'GEI-EsTstar. 10.— The be made a. week-end and vacation 1539 L'n* Ft/curb & Gutter nt 76c ...... /....1169.04 , - f Erans Terrace, Sanford, Fla. Melsch Realty Co., Lot 5, Blk. 12,-Tr. 4 —...... 50 [Lake tunnel. 15 feat high Kamchamobn'^€rS ,!he 0rt,ur of 80 Lin. Ft. single curb headers nt .15c ...... 28.Q0 C. 1). Brumley, I sit 1 ...... -...... 031 250.21 Andrew Mahoney, Lot 0, Blk. 12, Tr, 3 .... ^...50 lame width, extending Mery I„* Evans, Isit 6 — ______..„____—____....133 113 miles, mostly through nouncemcnt by United State” Mar 1822 £‘b n,aciulnrn foundation (41") at 80c ...... -/-...... 1457.60 347.60 Andrew Mnhonoy, Lot 7, Blk. ,13. Tr. 8 -...... 50 mtc in a snaky line un- shrl Oscar Cox. who has returned 182,1 Sq* Y,h- n8Phn,t Pnv* <2” toP) «t * 02 ...... 1868.44 C. I). Brumley, Lot A ...... - ...... 41 107.99 Arapka Takach, Lot 8, Blk. 12, Tr. 3 .... - ...... 50 Sierras, is a, construc- historical rpot, 279 Sq. Ft. concrete pav. (5" alley returns nt 30c) „ ...... 83?10 Sanford Doudney Ilcg. nt N. \V. Cor. Lot A, Run W, Arnnku Takach, Lot 0 Blk. 12, Tr. 3 ...... 50 "that has drawn the at- At r» t*a V* *» I 'r>. *8*.and of Knui.[ 74 Sq. Ft. concrete sidewalk (4" thick) at 20c ...... 14.80 90.7 ft. S. 150 ft. E. 00.7 ft. Arnnkn Tnknch, Let 10, Blk 12, Tr. 3 ...... J >0 f the engineering world, Marshal Cox, who is on officiul! 3t been completed. or the order, said that the society I 2 Manholes (4-6) nt 50.00 ...... >_...... 100.00 N. 150 ft. to Beg. — ...... — ...... r . .90.7 238.89 Rose N. Hurt, Lot 1, Blk. 13, Tr. 4 ...... -60 nnel is one of the most planned to have the rehabilitation, Extra Work ...... *...... 27.83 Spencer Heights, Sanford, Florida Blanche Jordon, Lot 2, Blk. 13, Tr. 4 works in the Big. Creek- completed, for the annuul meeting Monument at street Intersection ...... *...... 0.50,, u.G. \V. Opencor,Spencer, i-oiLot o6 ...... 80.7.. 212.15 ..04 uin River project of the ni ’fu".6’ jy26* whci> il is expect- California Edison Com- f ‘ „thatall members of thco nlcr Laboratory Inspection of malcrinls ...... 68.88 J J. C. Wainrlght, Lot 12 ...... 1112 317.06 J. C. Decn, Lot 4, Blk. 18, Tr- 4 ..50 230. Legal expense, advertising etc., 2 per cent ...... — 110.201 (i. W. Spencer, I .tit 18 ...... :...13J S. G. Messer, Lot 5, Blk. 13, Tr. 4 ...... ;...... 60 t entire project will bring >'» « ath/ r y°r a huge luau 350.29 .0 horsepower, and, with I native feast) and celebration. Engineering 5 per cent ...... 275.61 G. W. Spencer,- I^it 24 ...... ,483 350.29 Seminole Realty & Inv. Co. Lot 6 Blk. 13, Tr. 3....60 nission lines, sub-stations Despite the fact that the spot G. W. Spencer, Beg. nt Int. of the East Line " ” Lot 7. Blk.- 13, tr. 3...... 50 aorie*, will cost $375,- now Is overgrown with vegetation, -Marshal Cox said that raised places Total cost ...... $5904.70 1’nrk Avc. with the N. Line of Hughey ’’ ” Lot 8 Blk. 13 Tr. 3 ------61 nel itself cost $17,000,000. still are visible where it will ba To be borne entirely by adjacent property. St. run E. 51 ft. N. 68.5 ft. W. 51 f t S. Knight & Higgins, Lot 9 Blk. 13, Tr. 3 ...... 60 2302 rted in the fall of 1920, possible to erect grass huts. A Number of feet frontage ...... 1G03.0 • 68.5 ft. to Beg...... 51 134.32 B. E. Squires, Lot 10, Blk. 13, Tr. 3 ...... 60 then without n stop the wide stono seating place nbout 80 C. A. Spencer, Lot 1, Blk. 14, Tr. 4, ____ 50 feet long, from which the kings Assessment per foot frontage ...... $3.7196 The above and foregoing final assessments ufo payable without 230JC been maintained in re- C. A. Spencer, Lot 2, Blk. 14, Tr. 4...... ,....60 The scene of opera- and chiefs watched the hula danc­ FRED T. WILLIAMS Engineer interest up to March 15, 1925, and from and after auch date, snid 230.89' 50 miles north of Los es and games in past years, re­ Foot Final special assessments will be puynblc only in Ten Equal annual in­ C. A. Spencer, Lot 1, Blk. 14, Tr. 4 ____ ...._____64 ^ 35 miles south of the mains and will bo utilized by the Name Description Frontage Assessment O. A. Sponcer, Lot 4, Blk. 14, Tr. 4 ______50 society. stallments with interest nt 8 per cent per annum on oil deferred pay­ I ley. The purpose of Markham Park Heights, Stanford, Fla. ments. C. A. Spencer, Lot 5, Blk. 14, Tr. 4 ...... 50 2302)2 is to convey water from "The common cooking place nee Lake watershed, "here the residents of the village May T. Woodruff, I.ot 7. Blk. U ...... 135 502.14 Witness my hand ns City Clerk nnd the Seal of the City of San­ W. A. Brown, Lot 0, Blk. 14, Tr. 3 ...... 50 230.39; |the south fork of the San prepared their food is in the same 1). I i Thrasher, I Ait 8, Blk. G ...... -.135 » 602.14 ford, Floridu this 11th day of February A. D., 1925, W. A. Lefiler,, Lot 7, Blk. 14, Tr. 3 ______50 230J i ; iwr through the barrier condition as it was in the olden Reginald Holly, Lot 7, Blk. II ...... 140 529.74 L. R. PHILIPS. City Clerk B. B. Baggett, I^>t 8, Blk. 14, Tr. 3 ...... —...64 294.90- foot mountain ridge in- clnys, Marshal Cox said, adding W. S. Price, Ixit 8, Blk. II ...... — ...... 440 620.74 Publish Feb. 13, 20, 27, March 6 nnd 13th. J. F. McClelland, Lot 9, Blk. 14, Tr. 3 ...... 00 230.32 itershed of Huntington thnt it can be u; ed today. [« reservoir of supply for Leslie Went, Lot 7, Blk. I ...... 135 502.14 ------1—rO------J. F. McClelland, Lot 10, Iflk. 14, Tr. 3 ...... v —50 230.89 [(treat units of the elec- Realty Trust Co., Lot 8 Blk. I...... 435 50244 To ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON COM­ Elizabeth B. Mussnn, Lot 1, Blk. 15, Tr. 4 ...... 50 230j a ; pany which supplies a Famous Rembrandt N. II. Garner's Addition to, Markham Park MERCIAL STREET FROM PALMETTO AVE. TO SANFORD F. R. Savage, Lot 2, Blk. 15, Tr. 4 ...... 60 230 J2 of central and southern Heights, Sanford,/j-'lorida E. S. Rockey, Lot 3 Blk. 15, Tr. 4,...... 64 with light and power, Loaned to Holland AVB. AND SANFORD AVE. FROM COMMERCIAL STREET 204JO records for tunnel con- Joe K. Richie, l.ot 1, Blk. J ...... „...69 219.461 TO FIRST STREET S. M. Schwartz, Lot 4, Blk. 15, Tr. 4 ...... 50 230.32 have fallen during the STOCKHOLM. Mar. ll.-Swe- N. E. W. Sistrunk, Lot 2, Blk. J...... !...... 50 219.46 I! Thu following is the final estimnte of the cost of pnving Com- J. C. Doen, Ix>t 5, Blk. 15, Tr. 4 —...... - ...... 50 230230212 T progress in the Sierras. Fred R. Wilson, Lot 3, Blk. J ...... 433 502.14 dens most valuable Rembrandt merclJH St., from Palmeiro Ave. to Sanford Ave. with oil asphnlt, W. L. Morgnn, Lot 6, Blk. 15, Tr. 3 ...... 57 2i282.50; ;]cs bore was divided into painting, the gigantic “ Claudius Spencer Heights, Sanford, Florida L. B. Hollar, Lot 7, Blk. 15. Tr. 3 ...... 50 ions, with two luteral and on Sanford Ave. from Commercial St. to First St. with Lake 230.32 #vi, "hich the city councillors W. It. Frier, I-ot 1...... *..432.0 (93.21 Watson M. Reel, Lot 8, Blk. 15, Tr. 3 .... -...... 50 |into granite slopes and a of Amsterdam once rejected for Asphalt. Both types of surface being laid on a 6" rock foundation, 230.99 ' ing each way front ench W. C. Hill. I.ot 7 ...... »...... 132 490.99 Melsch Realty Co., Lot 9, Blk. 15, Tr. 3 ...... 50 their court house as not "hand- and paved 4(1 feet in width. 210.32 bore was completed a some enough," the Dutch capital .Margaret Roberts, Lot 13 ...... y...... 133 494.70 Ernest Padgett, Lot 10, Blk. 15, Tr. 3...... _... 57 262.56 i half sooner than the 601 Cu. Yds. Grading nt 40c ...... 211.60 now wants to borrow hack from Margaret Roberts, Lot 19 ...... 133 494.70 Melsch Realty Co., Lot 1, Blk. 16, Tr. 4...... 69 istie estimates content- 3050 Sta. Yds. overhaul at lc ...... — ...... 30.50 317J3 the National Museum of Arts here The : l>ove and foregoing final assessments are payable without in­ W. J. Thigpen, Lot 2, Blk. 16, Tr. 4 ...... 69 n the tunnel was start- to be shown ut the jubilee exposi­ 10.11 Lin. Ft. curb and cutter nt 70c ...... — ...... 783.56 317.83 terest rp to March 15, 1925, and from and after such date, said T. E. Wilson Eat. I-ot 6, Blk. 16, Tr. 3 ...... 69 317J3 tion to commemorate the 650th qn- .... , , • . , „ l 114 l.ln. Ft. single curb headers ...... ;...... 39.90 etion of the tunnel will iiiversurv of Amsterdam as a city assessments will be payable only in 15 equal annual installments with , jn pt Krnn|te curl) (re8Ct) at i Gc ...... T. E. Wilson Est., I» t 7, Blk. 16, Tr. 3 ...... 09 317.83 by the creation of .. 22.65 . - n_ .under the name. interest i.t 8 per cent per annum on nil deferred payments. to Store .11,00 acre Though the painting is now be-1 2211 Sq. Yds. Macadam foundation (6" ) nt 80c .. .4702.80 Wellington’s Addition, Sanford, Florida Witness my hand as City Clerk and the Senl of the City of San- j CS..nt .a? .e °? yond price, not being for sule at 1016 Sq. Yds. asphalt pave, (2" top) at 1.02 .... ,..1036.32 T. E. Wilson Estate, Lot 5------:______50 230.32 The total drop from!any figure, the request has been f° n*- Florida, this 11th day of February, A. D. 1925. 1218 Sq. Yds. asphalt pave, l-nke at 1.22 ...... 1485.90 T. E. Wilson Estate, Lot 6...... 6« 230.32 V . ... -ruUf. a ch “ in Rented. Other European" muse-1 ’ L. R. PHILIPS, City Clerk 589 Sq. Yds. asphalt pnveing, relay edge at 44c 259.16 T. E. Wilson Estate, Lot 7 ...... - ...... 50 230212 £ h^use"is aboeut G S5o Ic,n‘i the'C choicest Rem-1 Publish, Feb. 13, 20, 27 and March 6 and 13th. i r 18 O.uuu jbrandts ami for the fin t time the! 706 Sq. Ft. concrete alley return ut 10c ...... 211.80 T. E. Wilson Estate, Lot 8 ...... :.....50 230.82 1 Swedish art treasure will be ex------0------7 Inlets. Type B. at'30.00 ...... 210.00 C. II. Lord, Lot 12 .....175 800,10 Me project when complete j hibitec! side by side with such TO A LI. PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON SAN- 505 M. 3" Drain tile (0-3) nt 100.00 .... !...... 56.50 |T. E. Wilson, Lot 13 ____ 62 285JO DO miles of tunnel, with famous picture* as “ The Nigl.M FORD AVENUE FROM COMMERCIAL STREET TO 498 Lin. Ft. 12” Storm Sewer (0-4) ut 1.05 ...... 522.90 Kate Humphries, I-ot 14 ...... 60 270.38 C,XU’f,; n^Vi'S: 'V”uh LAKE MON...... ANI. SEMINOLE BOUI.E- opulent in the Big Creek I 28 Lin. Ft. High curb nt 45c ...... !■...... 12.60 A. I- Ensmlnger, Lot 15 ...... 60 270.38 lute.I m 1912, consisted YARD FltOM SANFOIU) AVE. TO 1 Monument at street intersection ut 6.50 ----- 0.50 T. E. Wilson, Lot 16 ...... 50 230.32 |ower houses developing Women Having Hair PALMETTO AVE. jepmver. Laboratory Inspection of mntcriuls ...... 85.10 Harry Kent, Lot 17 ...... 60 276.38 The following is the final estimate of the cost of paving Sanford | IW volt transmission line, Dyed Black and Grey! Legal Expense, advertising, etc 2 per cent ...... 130.25 Harry Kent, l.ot 18 ...... 50 230.32 Avenue from Commercial St., North to Lake Monroe, ami Seminole | [he power generated by j Engineering 5 per cent ...... 340.01 Harry Kent, N. 20 ft., Lot 19 ...... 20 02.13 Its 270 miles to Los Alt- i LONDON Mnr 9 A lending I Boulevard from Snnford Avo., west to Pnlmeto Ave., a width of 40 C. T. Kent, Lot 19, Less N. 20 ft...... 78 350.28 : West End hairdresser has. saiJ re'- *cct with Like Asphnlt on a 0“ Rock Base. 2 Manholes 4-6 at 50.00 ...... 100.00 Sanford Heights, Addition to Sanford Icentiy that hair-dyeing is now one 903 Cu. Yds". Grading nt 40c ...... - ...... 300.80 to Beg...... 909.32 ,1 ' H. Wight, Lot 14...... ;..a..»...x.:,..67 Uniform Code of the most lucrative part* of.his l3;j7 Lin. Ft. curb & Gutter at-TGc ...... 1016.12 7,374.80 308.62 H. Wight, Lot 15 ...... '108.62 If T ra ffic L.aws!}S'lS,ir,!ul:y...... huir to w!’,"l,n be dyed white be- rtl 1 Ft* Hcad® " at 0uc ...... 2 U ” I To bo borne entirely by adjacent property owners. C. N. Williams, Lot 16 .... j...... 67 308.02 cause of the distinguished effect' 2937 Sq. Yds. macadam foundation 0" nt 80c ...... 2349.601 Number of feet frontage: Mrs. Maude Jamison, Lot 17 ...... 67 308.02 DO, Mar. 11.—Two leg- snow-white hair gives the owner,'2925 Sep Yds. Lake Asphalt Pave, at 1.22 ...... 3568.50 1 On Sanford Avenue ...... 456.8 teasurcs, one providing Others are Keeking a steely-grey | s Ft contrt.te 5" alley returns at 30c 11.10 L. P. Hagan, Lot 41 ...... 67 308.62 rattic regulations in all color while others want the peppen Cost per foot frontage ...... $8.8182 A. D. Shoemaker, Lot 45 ... ..*...... 67 308.62 improve-: and salt effect* created when hair * u- ^ ‘Is- Glass IJ. concrete nt -3.00 57.50 On Commercial Street ...... 468 i■— t— . ------■ — 1 3 inlets Type A. at 35.00 ...... 105.00 A. 1). Shoemaker, Ia»t 46 ...... 67 308.62 tconsidered as the prin- begins to be streaked with grey, Cost per foot frontage ...... $7,772 ■ness of the legislative * Red and copper tints arc going S. S. Bauniel, Lot 47 ...... 67 1 Inlet Type 11. at 30.00....'...... — ...... 30.00 Foot Final 308.62 tin League of Florida out of fashion nnd possesors of this W. T. Field. Lot 80 ...... 07 •10 Lin. Ft. 21” Concrete sewer 8-10 at 5.00 ...... 200.00 ' 308.62 [tics which convened here j class of dyed hair are most anxious Name Description Frontnge Assessment ...... 50.00! W. T. Field, I » t 81 ... -...... 67 afternoon. ! to undergo the new process. 1 Manhole 4-0 at 60.00 ...... Clyde Steamship Ct 1, Blk. 1, (Less S. 25 ft.) ...... 97.7 793.80 78.31 •1 feet frontage <[233.69 ’ark. Sanford, FIorida J. D. Davison, S. 25 ft. Lot 1, Bik I ...... 25 201.11 Mrs. L. J. Schwalbe, S. 06 ft. of Lot 6, Blk. D. Lot 11 ...... 50 400.60 ‘4 per foot frontuge ...... $1.1907 Mrs. A. R. Marshall, Ia.t 1, Blk. 2...... 33 268.11 ...... —...... 66 304,01 l.ots 42- ■45 FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineer. 43-44 •48 Mrs. A. R. Marshall, Lot 2, Blk. 2, ...... 33 268.11 las. H. Cowan, Lot 3, Blk. 1...... 60 276.38 50 ft. each 2,003.00 James II. Cowan, lait I, Blk. 1 ...... 60 Foot prelim. M. F. Robinson, Lot 3, Blk. 2 ...... -...... —...... 33 268.1 l 270.38 , Lot 47 • •••••••t 48 _ ...... 117.2 938.99 Realty Trust Co,f Lot 8, Blk. 1 ...... GO Mayfair. Sanford, Flu. The abovo and foregoing final assessments are puynble without in- 276.38 l.ot 19 ...... 50 400.60 Iceest up to March 15, 1925, ami from um| after such date, said ( Spencer Heights, Sanford, Florida ll. L..t 5. Blk. - ...... 61.1 1 $ 73.17 Lot 60 •••••••• ...... 50 400.60 special assessments will bu payable only in 15 equal unminl install­ W. Spencer, Ia»t 1 ..... — ...... 70 ftsltv Co.. IjoI 6. Blk. L...... 01.1 l 73.17 322.44 Lot 51 ...... 50 400.60 W. Spencer, Lot 2...... 70 P Du kins-on and ments with interest at 8 per cent per annum on all deferred pay­ 322.44 Lot 152 ...... 60 400.00 ments. W. Spencer, Lot 3 ..... [ Dickinson, IajI 7, Blk. 1 ...... 61.14 73.17 322.44 Corth 2.3 ft. Iait 63, 2.3 18.42 W. Spencer, Lot 1..... 1 Me Kiri ly. Iau 8, Blk. 1...... 61.14 71.17 Witness my hand ns City Clerk nnd the -Seal of the City of Kan- 322.44 Lot G . .125.1 1002.28 W. Spencer, Lot 5...... prid gttt, l.ot 9 Blk. 1 ...... 61. It 73.17 f.-rd, Florida this 11th day of February A. 1)., 1925. 32&M lia '17 I Clyda Steamship Co., Beg. "00 Ft. N. of the Int. • * • OJH HCl 11 lilll ll • ••••••■■.(.•.•Ml...... 1 M. J |K*alty ( '<»., Lot A ...... 8221 1)8.37 L. R. PHILIPS, City Clerk 69.12 N. Line Commercial St. with E. line Palmetto P*y. Lot 1. Blk 6 ...... - ...... 57.05 68.27 i Publish Feb. 13, 20, 27 and March 6 and 11th. W. Spencer, Beg. 25 ft. E. nnd 21.5 ft. N. of Ave. Run N. 400 ft. E. 115 ft. S. 400 ft. W. pralty Ci ...... 57.13 08.37 o th» lilt, of Centerlines of Hughey St. and 0., Lot 2. Blk. 6 ...... 115 ft. to Beg. (I.**ss Seminole Boulevard) .216 Impson, ...... 57.13 68.37 1,970.92jTO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON PARK Park Avc., Run N. 58.5 ft. E. 51 ft. S. 58.5 Lot 3, Blk. (» ...... The above ami foregoing Final assessments nrc payable h f'-iR |r»>. Lot 4, Blk. 6 ...... -57.13 - 68.37 AVE. FROM TENTH STREET TO HUGHEY STREET ft. W. 51 ft. to Beg. 58.2 269.47 /•without interest up to March 15, 1925 and from and after such date,! 1 Gray. i.ol G( jj|k. r, ...... -.7)7.13 68.17 The following is the final estimate of the cost of paving Purk Mrs. J. I.. Munson, Beg. nt Int. of S. lino of said special assessments will be payable only in fifteen equal annual PKg'. Lint 6, Blk. 0 ...... 57.13 68.37 Ave. a width of 21 feet from Tenth St. south to Hughey St. with, N. E. 1-4 of N. E. l-l sec. 36, tp. 19 pally Ci0.. Lot 7, Blk. 6 ...... 57.13 68.37 sheet nsphalt on a 6" rock base except for the central 15 feet \vhere j R. 30 E. with SWIy line A. C. L. Ry., (Ov- payments. Ppg>fin l.ot 1. Blk. 7 ...... TkS.(2 69.50 old brick pavement was used ns a base. iedo Brunch) right-of-way run W. to Park Witnesl my hamj ns City Clerk nnd the Seal of the City of San­ pally Ci0- Lot 2, Blk. 7 ...... 58.11 69.56 1781 Cu. Yd. grading at 40c ...... 713.00 Ave. N. to R. R. R.-MV. S. Ly. to Beg, (Less ford, Florida, this 11th day of February A. I). 1925. pralty <•„ I „t 3 mi. 7 $8 i • 09.50 65050 Str. Yds. overhaul nt lc ...... 650.501 s. r,4 ft.) ....:...... :.... m .u 512.2k I- R. PHILIPS, City Clerk pwlly Co., Lot 1. Blk. 7 ...... 58.13 69.56 6969 Lin. Ft. Curb & Gutter ut 76c ...... w...... 5296.11 A. Derby, S. 54 ft. of the following: Beg. nt Int. fealty C, ...... 58.11 69.50 pibli.-h Feb. 13, 20, 27, March 6 and 13th. 339 Ijh. Ft. Headers nt 35c ...... II 8.G0 of S. Lino of N. K. 1-1 of N. E. 1-1 Sec. I-ot 5, Blk. 7 ...... —------o------fealty Cc ... f.... 58.11 09,60 1000 Sq. Yds. Macadam Foundation 6" thick at 80c ____ ....3108.00 36, Tp. 19 R. 30 with SWly line, A. C. L. Ry. Lot 6, Blk. 7 ...... TO Al l. PROPERTY OWNERS OWNING PROPERTY ON HUGHEY pally c, ______59.18 i 70.82 10712 Sq. Yds. Asphalt pavement (2" Top) ut 1.02 ..... 10920.211 R-W run W. to Park Ave. N. to R. R. Lot 7, Blk. 7 ...-...... STREET FROM SANFORD AVENUE TO PARK AVENUE Mellonville, Sanford (233 3q. Ft. Concrete pave (5" Alley returns) at 30c 69.90 | It—W SKIy to Beg...... 51 248.74 The Following Is the Filial Estimate for Paving Hughey Street j 4.33 Cu.- Yd*, concrete Class B. at 23.00 ...... R Hloi'li; l ...... 210 251.30 ..... 09.60 , F. L. Miller, Beg. 25 ft. N. of Int. of the W. line from Sanford Ave. west to Park Ave., 24 feet in width with sheet 14 Inlets Type A. at 35.00 ...... __ ...__210 * 251.30 .... 110.00 j Purk Ave. with thu S. Line of N. E. 1-4 of N, Bloc1. 1 0 ...... :...... asphalt using 6” of compressed rock and the old 15 feet wide grout-; 3 i„iets Typ,, B at 30.00 ...... pe, Block 10 ... |...... 210 251.10 . 240.00 E. 1-4 of Sec. 30 Tp. 19 It. 30 Run W. 150 ed brick paving for the base. ■122 Lin. Ft. 12“ concrete sewer 8-10 at 2.75 ...... 1160.50 ft. N. to R-W of A. C. L. Ry. S. 50 de­ I ” Block 22 210 251.30 “ 266 C’u. Yds. grading at 10c ...... $ 106.40,0 Manholes 4-6 at 50.00 ...... )...... 300.00 grees East to Park Ave. S. to Beg. (Less 1 Wil*on< Block 28 ...... — ...198 206.04 , / . 1501 Lin. Ft. Curb and Gutter at 76c ...... 1.110.701 3 Manholes 8-10 at 85.00 ...... "0 ft. along N. aide for Street ...... * D hoieby given to any and all persons . 255.00 110 0 41.88 3 ,Rttri l" 47 I.in. Ft. single curb headers nt 35c ...... 16.45 11200 Ft. 3” Drain Tile 0-3 ut 100.00 ...... '...... 120.00 J Atlantic Const Line Ry. Co., A strip of land 50 single curb foundation nt 80c y * menu a«faia8t lh«-’ vuri,»us P|ecea ° * ; P™pe?5 ~ ,S l!| 0 O l Sq. Yds. si 180.80 j h i | Lumber in trenches at 75.00 ...... 63.30 ft. in width, 25 ft. on ench side of the center aid special assessments are payable in full ., 11877 Sq. Y'ds. ssheet asphnlt top ut 1.02 ...... 1,911 I i.-,a«j Un. Ft. 12" concrete storm Sewer 0-4 at 1.05 .. ...1005.45 line of the Oviedo Hr. of the A. C. L Ry. be­ #Ber the above and foregoidg special a .e* ment rol "61 Sq. Ft. concrete alley returns at 30c ------109.201 g {Jit. Ft. 18“ Concrete storm sewer 0-4 at 2.25 ...... 18.00 tween Oak Avenue and Magnolia Ave. in San­ I dualized, approved nnd confirmed, or in ten equul annua 1 Manhole nt 50.00 ...... a ...... 50.00 j Extra Work ...... 25.30 ford, Fla., ...... 100 460.6:1 tvith interest at 8 per cent per annum from oral aitci Laboratory Inspection of Materials ...... **d special assessments stand approved and confirmed, 0 Momrfnfcgta at street intersections ...... 30.00 The above and foregoing final assessments are payable without Legal Expense Adv. Etc., 2 per cent ...... 77.51 Laboratory Inspection of materials ...... 312.61 j Interest up to March 15, 1925 and from and after such date, baid of the Equalizing Board of the City of Sanf >i * * Engineering 5 per cent ...... 193.77 ,l the City Hall at 2:20 P. M. on the 23rd day of Mar.h .Legal Expense, advertising etc, 2 per cent ...... 500.IK; special assessment* will be paynble only In fifteen equal annual Engineering 5 per cent ...... 1250.15) installments With interest at 8 per cent per annum on all deferred •'•t which meeting snid board will hear any and ‘ Total Cost ...... —...... $4,140.70 payments. I'bjection.H us to such special assessments, and vdll To be borne entirely by adjacent property. ,4‘ j|J-,t and equalize said assessments on a basis (d justice 27072.71 Witness my hand ns City Clerk and the Seal of the City of San­ and . • 1 a ul1 Number Feet frontage .15«4.4 Lo-« 07.0 Sq. Yd*, buse at 80c paid by Sou. Utilities Co. n said special assessments ate *<» *'l j Assessment j>or foot frontage ..... 54.08 ford, Florida, this 11th day, b£ February, A. D. 1925. I Hit.,. ...$2.6318 1 '■'ill then stand equalized and be, and remain L. R. PHILIPS. City Clerk FRED T. WILLIAMS, Engineer Total 4 PMperty against which said assessments are made un $27,018.03 Publish Feb. 13, 20, 27, March 0 and 13th. ■■I !■■■■■■( lucky. -Ofclahomn, MUsonn'^and 1 Germans Listen T o mocrats uoniident UTTiaimng Maryland are Democratic'* good On 3 ' deni oftener than they are Repub­ American Radios ■ lican states. i x Control Of Congress, Hunt Says 1 So there nre five setinto scats. Jazz Is Put On fn !n Germany, Mar. j j f ! to liegln with, that the Democrat.! -American radio stations »• Fly Horry B. Hunt terms or Senators Broussard of o f; j are hopeful of and the Republichna'Republichnu' Old W IV * Covent V U , V 1 M Garden:,,CT"'“w m i u v i i j, American raom a WASHINGTON. Mar. Ill— f ’on- l.ouislann, Caraway of Arkansas, j worried about. • , | “rrr now lie heard by uiibscri • a N f A K E M A B L E j Metering how badly ttKJ41Jeniocrot* Fleteher*of Florida. George of' The Democrats lay claim also to LONDON,. Mnr IT—-1 «nd»'»*'— ha ( ^ „ ^oper tins Engaged (loci hats for the hopes .‘heir leaders ex- All those are Democrats nnd all prnoalny is prrtiy t'hih. Put lmn-;er the sl/cll of jazz. The Ihca-ju working out the technique Home Baked Ham Lof Panama Canal Panic as press of gaining control of Con- nre sure of re-electlr.n, or. if any! ana and Ohio nre at least doubt- lie. built in IbW. la to be taken j*j)y w|iicli American radio rtmtri- Chicken Safail lie f Engineer of Construe gross hext year. of them should Is* retired, other. f ul chronically and Gov. “ A I'M over by. a syndicate Yet • Democratic politicians nre l Doniocrnta would be elected in Smith’s influence unquestionably d.n . m , „i,hi l l f S 2 S | M i r « « ...... , ..»ibUc «• ^ FotatoSjilad at popular priCor.. This will be; limn listen**! ■ LLYWOOD, Mnr. 12.—. Tho sincere in .tho confident predictions ;^hcir places. No politician of eith-1 will weigh heavily in New York, the [the MPA time that tin: theatre! On a recent liqnday a* midnight * Cold Slaw _ miration nnd pndimlnary work they make. What’s more, the Ito- ! °r party looks for any ma il miracle > especially if lie should make build the $15,000,000 hnthor at publicans are a little, anxious. ; w* tho victory of a Republican sen-! senatorial run himself. h i been used as a dance li.llb iil-|n ctinccH nt I’itt burgh waa trim.- « though many public danccn have: Mable an part of the Ilolly- And on second thought it be- atorial candidate in any of those uiitti’d by the Stuttgart station U A lso lu’./t cttl's ,of W estom Meals. '\Ver comes apparent that this naturally i states. FRANKl/N KKl'RKKKNTHD Ihm n held there in'former times) yoJjcli'.Mea and fro.ih rolls every day. Ctarry 41 I development has been xtnrted. Tie* dancing Hcasua will end Into1 on a in meter wave to ii : Work of designing derricks, follows from the very fact of the | Also on Mar. .'I, J927, the terms last election’s one-sidedness. will expire’ of Senator - Bingham APALACIflOL t. Mar. 12. — in. lie* r priog.Jt is announced, Irt|sciilM*r . They were Unified to j « .dredges pontoons nnd other equip­ time for what is to be known, a ; ! learn that the Anu in uji lotion H Phone 072 ment hns been begun. Thu harbor The Democrats already have , of Connecticut. Cameron or Al l- Franklin will he represented at lost about all they possibly can I zona,iGummim of Iowa, Curtis of the good road convention at St. .in' internati’iii.il :eamti of opera. w.» a) the ...mie tinv being In :u I - will la? complete in three years. ml, Koiitlr * * lose amt if the situation changes Kanins. Dnlu of Vermont, Frnst of i PetersburgPeters Thursday and Friday The Royal Opera Mouse, which by radio fain in Engl; SH »rsH sss*SP2«*ss*a«ssaBixj,flng|,n||a|ji . This announcement was made nt all, from their standpoint it is ’ Kentucky, Gooding of Idaho, liar-1 by II. D. Marks, ihttirmun of the lyeame popularly known ns Gov* Afri a and Stuttgart. ■■it tonight by Frank C, Dickey, chief bound to change for the better. ! reld of Oklahoma, .loins of Wash hoard of county commissioning en Garden 'I'hentre be^atiso of its engineer of the Hollywood Land ft The Republicans at present hold, iugton, Lmlil of North Dakota, He will la* lucompanled on the bill ion near the famous market xr*aaxanBiian«a««asra»i:-CBacB«gana3BnnxB«BBBgBgnagggBfl*KI.nti|(|||||(>^ Water Company, who will he first not only all the normuijy Republl-1 Lenroot of Wiseconsin, McKinley trip by several lending bueiricss* pi; re. Inis had varied experiem es. • assistant under George W. Goc- can seats in Congress, but a good of Illinois. Means of Colorado, men of this city. ii iviiu* ls*en used fur opera, dra­ thais, builder of the Panama canal, many that are normally Demo­ ,Moses of New Hampshire, Norbcck i in:', circus, ballet, pantontine, re- who will he chief consultant en­ cratic, so from their standpoint of South Dakota, Oildie of Nevada, PRIMARY DATE SET , . ami iiIiiis. During thew ar gineer on the job. there hardly can la* any chnnge PopiM'r^of Pennsylvania, Shortridgi* ii rved as a sloreholisu for fur- In a few days, according to En- which isn’t for the worse. of California, Smoot of Utah. PENSACOLA. Mai. 12— Out* nil m e from other Iniildings tnk- gincer PirTo-y, 100 men will he put The Senate illustrates this bet­ Spencer of Missouri, Stanfield of for the municipal primary in this co over by the government for to work clearing (lie land surround­ ter than the House, because the Oregon, Wadsworth of New Yorlc. city tins been fixed for Apr. M, of la i* purposes. ing Lake Mable. s former is a smaller body and only Watson of Indiana, Weller of Knih candidate entering the prl To furnish the great amount of a third of its members’ erms ex-! Maryland and Willi of Ohio. miiry contents win JJaachall lias R ival rock pccessarv for thijt construc­ pin* a a time. . ! Those are Republicans and every- $200 to hear expensesnscs of the elec- .. tion, J. W. Young, builder, has On Alar. .'1, 1927, then, the • body knows that Arizona, Ken- lion, officials state. In Ilawnan islands ■ pnrrho«cd a iiuniry in Maine nnd ■ has niado contracts with six large HONOLULU, Mar. 1.1.—‘ Foot-! ■ sailing vessels to transport the B Y T A Y L O R ball lias become a close rival to a n rock from Maine to Tjike Mable. M O M ’N POP biisrliall for popularity in Hawaii, I I In an official interview, Presi­ ■ nn rding to* paid attendance I dent J. J. Young, developer of fnrtircs for both sports made pub­ UnVy^ond, said: “ We are not lic by .1. Afhiiinn Heaven, owner only going to build the greatest BV Go llV MORn B l OvmER HERE'5 of Molliili Park, Honolulu's shrine hnrhor between New York and t h e b ig g e s t th in g that e u e r h a pp en ed m of athletics. South America, hut that while this FOR MAGIC MUD - NOT ONLV vjill o u r ■ rs For the short football season 72,- f t great piece of construction work is BE INCREASED BliT IF OUR Fn progress, many hundreds of men OOo persons paid admission to the CAND'DATEG vIiN THE. CONTENT IT W ilt park. These included the attend- wilt lie at work upon otlicr big pro­ G'VIE OUR PRODUCT AN V tects in Hollywood, in Panin, in min* at the one game pia.vcd by ; Fort Luiulcrdnlo, and in other sec­ En v ia b l e reputation ) /'•s-? Occidental College of California tions of Broward county. The next against the University of Hawaii few years ore to witness in this and the games of Colorado Univcr-1 sity against the Pearl Harbor Navy* county,” continued Mr. Young, “ the b Si ® & r: building of factories, hotels, homes, team and the University of Hawaii. THIS W ft the nhunpinciml growth of towns, . The total turnout for last year's | and the actual construction of cities senior league Imscbnl! season, with r atfi ndanco compiled for four times iirft')*<*t dreamed of. ft Is n big iin- C o ^ ® U I i a- many games as were counted in ! EVES, dlHaWng, but lam certain of Its t o , A rtri*hi itnj Tom Fjjrt success. With the 'sincyre. loyal ,niliving nt the football attendance, c; rtttsens of Broward, Dado and I’nlm Wa 78,000, Heaven annminceO. Iv Ttfuc|) counties, standing should to Toil Cannot Get Ecjual Style, Performance V shoulder with me nnd with the NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ►* men who arc to assist me in the ' 3 '-O c ' 3 i Reliability Within Hundreds of E;o!iars f its wtafk, will give to the people in City Tax Rooks elose April 1, Shothrm Florida a development 1925. after which all taxes remain­ that will surprise the country in ing unpaid will lx* collected l>v Kssex is a totally different type, its advantages arc* exclusive levy and sale <>f the property up­ its magnitude and in its pocsibili- because patented. It jmvcs results never before attained in any cars tim i' on which taxes are assessed. Ellen Hoy, Tax Collector. Mar. 10 to Apr. I. Low price, without disappointment in looks or re*!*ability. Standard Oil Road f All-Right chief - S h ake % Lcotioiny without sacrifice of p'erformanco. Maps Now Prepared Tutu CERt a in i.n fv.vr.7 R ig h t in t o . Avon Park — Large dairy farm OUG iia n ^' i Su r e w o u l d , h a n d s w it h m e - ' em the to be established on JO acre site Stability and highest roadability without.unneci*isary weight. GUW WHO THOUGHT OF THIS; south of city. The new 1025 automohllc* road HUE To ‘j HAKC HAND1' WITH 1 Cl e v e r id e a a n d if n o u The ridinft ease of lan\e, rostly earn. The handling ta .c of a maps of. Ahibninu, Florida, Geor­ the b ir d wvtpj— - —- FR0 TAI6 E ro KEEP «T A SECRET’ bicycle. I 11« r simplicity in design. gia, .Kentucky and Missirisippi arc 6TARIED nqw being distributed free at I ’Ll- LET WOU IN ON H OW L’v t f Slovc and Fire Place The lowest maintenance coat, v.e believe, of any car in the world. Stniuiard Oil Company (Kentucky) Kin' In * i Planned t o m a k e service stations/ ll* Mr* li<»• >1 MAGlC MUD' MORE Wood These maps show tin* paved t * ti l TAMOU1;, THAN t'ul to Ruil J’tulsun-Esjicx, largest Stilling C C ylinder Closed C an iv. the W roads, the improved roads, graded L'JT.R. BEFORE ( ^ $'1.1111 per roril ih'livcred roods, dirt roads and roads under U r J\ construction. They also show the Brill Really Company SEMINOLE HUDS0N-ESSEX CO. milenge figures between points oil • % the principal routes. BBHPHIMlHIIBitllNa'INaBBBBnHMBnBa«nnHBirBBNBBnBBMC3 9gnnRPI’>nin.1IiaHXl<| |Tho minis nre distributed free hv the Standard Oil Company (Kentucky) to motorists, ns n part of their service to their customers. Indicated oil the maps are tin* jt J — rswurrmre points where t lie Standard Oil 'll 1 Company operates service stations, • 1 1 mid where the tourist may secure free air ami water, crankcase till 'ill, and differential service, informn- -1 too »Y NLA SdtVKC tion about roads, as well ui> quality J motor products. Canada Foxes Get Homes In Filmland

' LONDON. Mar. 12. Hritisli far­ T U R N SEF mers an* watching with much in-, terest the experiments which are Nath / (tilli ihr H'arlJ in Motor Ciir I jlur being made here in an effort to make silver fox farming in king- The Greatest Show And Sale 01 Fine land a paying proposition. Farms have Men started at Al­ ness in Scotland, and Oxfordshire YOU ARE RKHINDTI IE TIMES WtTIIQtrr 4-WIII.EL BRAKES and llexhdlo.ii.Sea. What effect this move wifi have on the price of silver fov fur m Great Itrilnin can riot at nre ent lie : tated, but it has been proved during Hie la. I 15 venri tlia! the In I and nm.it . The Country Has “Gone” Nash riistlv example of the . fiver fox j mi* those ol iitiitual hied in cup I tivity. The foxes have been i brought Imre from i uucln. February Biggest Month of Ill III BUYS LOTS Business in Nash History -J,ST. I'KTEItsnuiUi. Mar. I George lleriiuin Ruth has purrlia cd two lots in a St. I’etersluirg The cyclonic sweep of Nash sales is Mib division, end nan inner-. Dial 1‘iVer Ol ton'd For Sale in Central Florida ho wifi build a home on one of like a political landslide* theii*m next year. For five successive months Nash busi­ MANY POPULAR MAKES ness lias swept far beyond the highest NORTH BY SEA 5 MANY VERY LATE MODELS " The Comfort Route” previous records for these same months. Fares From Jacksonville ; OPEN AND CLOSED CARS (Atlonllr city 1 i*.:i7 II..I i itTiorn tvi'ir 'H...i..o i ■ j ...pi tirkvla for Savannah). I Vutiiln rt^oma ulu. r-aitine limn it l*. j|, . shortest of the year, saw mounting Attractive Terms If Desired. **! FOR MALTIMOUH PK AI.I.KUIIANV public demand drive sales and pro­ •Mnr. 7-11 -2v Apr. 8. IX JD SS .11'ANITA An Opportunity You Can’t Afford to Miss iinr. II-Jl Apr. I-11-22 duction to the highest point in Nash v • a-* lit.mmrmc 'I lf 11-Si Apr. I l l history. FOII I’HII.AUbLI’IIIA Sri NANTI’«'KKT a Mar. Apr it: •; And March 1 uis opened up with an NS I'RltSIAN Aloi . I1*-3*» Apr. » -’ll Ml r . ns j:.vsi;x added momentum sure to speed sales M Har. 12-23 Apr. 2 17-33 Miami lo Phil,,. far past the great February record., — a */ r. M%r. 12-22, then *?\vr) |/n «li% m. Fur further f)iformation urJtu 212 Magnolia Ave. phone 367 MERCHANTS & MINERS Sanford, Florida TRANSPORTATION CO. SEMINOLE OVERLAND CO. • (I»r 800 E. llay LL T-Uph. ns •“* » N. PARK. AVE.


Herald Want Ad» W ill Keep You Posted on A ll Sanford Business Activities of Importance! FOR RESULTS

ford Daily Herald Classified Directory Advertising Real Estate Real Estate Miscellaneous For Re^jit Rooms For Rent AD. R A T E S PRINTING LEARN ABOUT folk County end For Sale FOR RENT— Five room house, FOR RENT—Rooms with or with­ FOR SALE—Five room Btucco FOR SALE—2 1-3 to 5 to 10 acre new, close in, on Chapman Ave­ i; Cash in Advance Lakeland, through the Star-Tele- tracts near Chuiuotn, Bithlo and out meats. Reasonable rates.. WIGHT PRINT SHOP—Rush or, bungalow on Park Ave., close nue, phone 24. srram. Best advertising medium In Fort Christmns. Either citrus or CASH—Paid for fnlso teeth, den­ Lincoln House. ■*■. will W ve- *r* * specialty. Phone 417-V South Florida Published mornings. in. screened front porch, paving j, patroaa aa4 # • !- 9 Railroad Avenue. paid. A real home at a Bnrgain. garden land. See I. Higgins, Chul- tal gold, platinum und discard­ FOR RENT—Cottage. J. Musson, !*at immediately foe Star-Telegram. Lakeland. Fla. uota. ed jewelry.— Hoko Smelting und FOR RENT— Light housekeeping A. P. CONNELLY & SONS ami sleeping rooms. Shirley ______lOe a line HE SEMINOLE PRINTERY— OHIO—Xenia. Make your aalee 104-108 Magnolia Ave. Phone 48 Refining Co., Otsego, Mich. FOR RENT— New five room house with bnth, l>08 Myrtle AVe. Apartment.*,. Opposite Post Of­ * ______lie a llae rintlng that pleases. Prompt through the Xenia Gasetta, FOR SALE— New house, plastered FOR SALE—Three ncre farm. fice...... ee m llae Fine location. Ideal spot for FOR SALE—Two or three Good- _____ ■ llae aervice. Telephone 93. New lo­ Xenia, Ohio. Rich agricultural and papered. All floors and rock roosters. George Balling­ FOR RENT—One two-room fur­ aca TXP* double above cation, Welnka Building next district Want ad and dlaplay woodwork stained and varnished. chickens. Garden Planted. Straw­ berries, 40 orange trees. 5 room er. Grapeville, Fla. nished apartment. Down town FOR RENT—Three unfurnished, door to Used Furniture Co. rates on request Nice enclosed porch, am going location. Inquire at Sanford Her­ rooms. 211 Park Ave. rates are for con- North and will sell 91250 cash. cottage. Bath and electricity. Call FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good fa insertions. REAL ESTATE D71-J. at)!. of average length COI.tTMnOn too.) T.EDOER—Clase- At Ginderville, 3 miles from San­ saddle pony. Box 15. Altamon­ CuntrU a line. , ]{*eo «de have tna largest circu­ ford on Orlando Road. Arthur L. te Springs or phone t!0t»-U. Joey FOR RENT—Three room furnish­ FOR RENT—Two room kitche­ ' charge 30c for flrat J. E. SPURLING, subdivision lation In SouthvMtera Georgia. Hawk. r UK SALK—20 acres land all nette, furnished, garage. .100 Elm Rate to f(-word) Una. Ferris. ed apartment Nicely located specialist. Subdivision to Or­ cleaned, five acres in full bear­ Apply at Herald Office. Ave. Frtidng la restricted to FOR SALE BY OWNER—32 acres J classification. lando. Florida, and Flora TO REACH the prosperous farm­ ing grove, 10 room house $7,780. Feeding hay for sale by Jacob Lrror Is made The San- Heights, Florida on Dixie High­ 1100 feet on Dixie Highway, 3 Terms. W. V. Wheeler. 110 E. 2nd Richter, Rand Ave., Sanford. SMALL STORE FOR RENT— FOR RENT—Three room apart­ way. ers and fern growers of Volnsig 1-2 miles from Court House, off raid will be responsible county advertiso In the DeLand St., phone 101-J. Palmetto Avenue Between 1st ment. Oak Avenue and Second one Incorrect Insertion. the mnrket after the 15th. Home, FOR SALE— One large flat and 2nd Street. A. P. Connelly Street. Phone No. 3. „ Lrtlser for subsequent Daily News, rate lc per word, cash oak desk nnd sweivle chair. Of- U. The office should be TIN AND METAL WORK with order. grove or subdivision. Bargain. FOR SALE OR RENT- & Sons. [immediately In ease of David M. Douglass, Sanford, Fla. nished 5 room house, fice Knight & MacNelll. JAMES H. COWAN—All kinds modern conveniences. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment Simple Mixture Makes , ADVERTISER* MAINE—Watervnte, Morning Bet. FOR SALE— Exceptionally well FOR SALE—Two or three Good- lower floor, ideal location. 200 ild representative thor- of Tin and Sheet Metnl Work. tlnel. Thousands of Maine peo­ 8th. Rhone 237-W. Water and Bont Tanka. At Oak located modern bungalow. Pav­ rock roosters. George Balling­ E. Third St. Stomach Feel Fine imlllnr with rates, rules ple are Interested in Florida prop­ ing nnd sidewalks paid. Shades ut er, Grapeville, Fla. ilflcatlon. will give you Avenue and Third Street. Tele­ erty. Reach them through to* Information. And If phone 111. all your windows. Built-in cab­ FOR RENT—Store mom Oak Ave­ Simple buckthorn bark, magnes­ .. they will, aealst you Sentinel. Rate card on applies inets. A very small cash payment $20,000 Continental Vitality nue at Second Street. Phone 3. ium sulph. c. p. glycerine, etc., os [ng your want ad. to tion. chicks weekly, that’s our cupue- nnd ' fllTh " M his the lands Involved In this suit. classified medium, rate cash ,09c font...... I lc mill. ‘ biircH to look 1 ike n real man. portunity/ Phono 571-J. and mulling—as you It appearing by tin- sworn bill of charge. 10c per line, minimum Moughton, architect, First Nation­ Tell him, it’s the only way to -when you want it. complaint In tills case that you and Largest insurance company in each of you may claim some right, 3 0c. ’______al Bank Building, Sunford, Florida. take those grave-like hollows from 173. H. E. Porch. First title nr interest In mid to that cer­ his cheeks and neck. flu* world with established local 1 Bank Bldg. tain lot, piece or parcel of land ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. — St. Successful bidder or bidders will Tell'him he won't have to swal­ business will contract for agency. situate In Seminole County. Klorlda, Johns County is reached through bo required to furnish a surety low the nasty oil with tho unseat­ We require a bustling young man, ARCHITECT IRFUCH. Realtor— All und described ns. the St. Augustine Evening Record. good health, good habits and best The Noruie.li.. quarter (NK'.i) of company bor.tl in an amount equal ing fishy taste, because the Mc­ M. rnhsr J. I ]!and and property list- the Northwest quarter (N W 'i) of Quick results. Two centn per word. of references. Will pay salary to fifty (50r/>>) percent of the con­ Coy Laboratories, of New York ht uml sold. Office Sectbm Twenty-four (II.) Town­ Sample copy on request are putting up Cod Liver Oil in and commission asuriog advance­ ltos» nattiltm; ship Twenty (ID) South. Range Orlunilo, riorl.ln liotel. Rhone 131. Thirty (30) Last. tract price of their bid, nnd to sugar coated tablet form. ment. Addivs* E. E. V. enro Iler- You, and each of- you. are there­ TAMPA, FLORIDA—Tamps Dally meet with the approval of the City Ask for ___ McCoy’i_ Cod _ _ ^ Liver Oil aid or Rooms (59I-2-.I State Bank fore required to appear to the bill IB AND MOTOR RE­ of complaint In this cause at tho Times, the great homo dnily Attorney. Compound Tablets', oBwer’s' Phnr-1 UniMing, Orlnndo, Fla., Post Of- rate. IVjc per word, minimur- No Account Generally pincy, Dean’s Pharmacy, and every five Itqx ll’>3. WINDING. Court House at Sanford. Seminole No bid will be considered unless SOI Till. AMI I’Al.vr County, Klorlda. on .Monday the lib chaAre 25c cash with order. Write HOIK) KIDNEY AND BEAD druggist worthy the name sells day of May, 1025. and upon failure made upon form us furnished by Tho I'alnt Thai Havos You ELECTRIC SERVICE to do «o Decree I’re C'onfesso will for complete rate card. DKR REMEDY them - GO tablets—90 cents. Any Lost and Found Money. the Architect, und accompanied by M r.-. P. I). Nelson of Lake man or woman can put on five Manufactured by Ipert Electrical repairs. bo entered ugaint you. Said suit riirrsiiii-l.linlsle) I’alnt To. being for the purpose of quieting p » » «• JIKArtl rn iIN T V Tho j Charles, l.n., writes: “ It was a pounds of healthy flesh in 30 days 1 Central Ave. Orlnndo, tile title to toe uhnVe described I 1 ubnO ll CUIJNIT l IK* a certified check payable to said Get your silverware free. Rog­ SoM l>y i •«*•*«» time before we found out or your druggist will willingly re- ers silverware given away, Kent l.oxilMi KAl.Vr Cintl’AXV tract of laud in the above named i scene of stupendous development Owner in the amount of One ill MiikiiiiIIii Ave. ‘'" I 'i " 1.'!,1 .. . Readabout it in the Palm Bench whutwns the matter. 1 wanted to i fund the purpehnso price. IT IS KCRTIIKR tiRDl'Itl-ID that u .,i a.«,„l„ „„„„ Thousand ($1,090.00) Dollars. The Mcep an tne time, suffered witli | One woman put on 15 pounds in I'hmie *37II PIIILKS FOR RENT this order lie published once a week I * OSt. Sample copy sent on T6- FOUND—One Book of Traveler's for elgiit consecutive weeks In the quest. check of the successful bidder or i mv eyes, backaches and headaches, six weeks.* Children grew robust checks on Park Avenue. Claim Sanford lleruld a newspaper pub- j Had no energy nnd was no account and : tiong. Feeble old people same by paying for ad. [EEL Car. Drive it bidders to be retained by said 1 |m|it*i! in flu* Oty of Sanford, S»«m- ADVERTISING gets results if H | generally." feel younger In a few weeks. Stove and Fire Place Oak and Second St. liiol** County, Florida. owner as liquidated damages should Doctors examined me and said “ Be sure to get McCoy’s, the | IN WITNKMM WIIKKKOK I have reaches potential buyers. Pa- the successful bidder or bidders W ood hereunto set mv hiiini and official i latka Daily News is circulated in 1 had Brights Disease, but could original and genuine Cod Liver Oil JOHN E. FOX sent O" this tile :.lh day of March. i an industrial...... and ___ agricultural sec- fnil or refuse to execute a con­ do me no good. I took Hobo Kid- Compound Tablet." T0S FOR HIRE tract and to supply bond us re­ 1 aey and Bladder Remedy and was ------Cut to Suit V I-:. DOICI.ASS. Clerk. i tion. Tin* famous pudding is known to > Heal Ivslate— Insurance $9.00 per cord delivered fflro SERVICE fiSy Ily A. M WEEKS. Deputy Clerk. quired, within ten days after i healed. Meets all trains. Dag­ Wilson A- Householder. TO REACH BUYERS or sellers of 1 If you want to be put back on contain rump steak, kidney, lark Solicitors for Complainants. und oysters. AH kinds of property listed for sale l » r i ^ R e a l t y C o m p a n y , g e r . Phone 551. Florida real estate advertise in written notice of acceptance of your feet in tip-top sham*, try a Mur. •!. 13. ID, 27. the St. Petersburg Times. One cent bid. treatment of Hobo Kidney und IAUTO TRIPS Apr. 3. 10. 17, 31 nnd May I. Park Avenue nnd Second Street • ■ - "■---- . cent a word daily, two cents a word The Owner reserves the right to Bladder Remedy on money-buck ...... Sundays.______guarantee. For sale by all good [B. CALMER. Day and reject any amt all bids, or to ac­ ■■■■■■■■■■■■uaaiBHiaaaaa T r y Smith’s B arber U service. Anytime, Bartow—Cuban American Cor- druggist*, such as I .alley's Drug EliEtTKIC I ANS THE MORNING JOURNAL is Un­ cept nny bid or part of bid by |282, or 25. I poration putting up $40,000 fac- accepted want ad medium in Store and Union Pharmacy. Shop for good barber m u'tTvnirvD ! tory building. Florida Eust Coast them deemed to be to the best in­ III) mi Daytona (Fn.) One cent a word . I a.on WANTED work. Ladies welcome. lu » KEIHEK______j RanWay Company authorized to an insertion. Minimum 25c. terest of the City. . 3',.00 to. Day or night ser- issue $1,200,000 equipment trust Copies of plans und specifica- 2?MHI 1 I.U'I Next to Valdez. Pay phono 394. Night certificates to purchase new equip­ FLORIDA— ORLANDO — Orando j tions may be seen at the Clerk’s D o n 't ©raSSsE’ ment. morning Sentinal; largest classi­ Office, or may Ik* had from the Don't Id rheumatism, lumbago, i EDISON MAZDA LAMPS \W are i niimi I,ir ilny ami nleht CAFE fied business, rate lc a word, min­ backache cause you an hour's dis-1 noil eno qie saw mill labor of all Architect upon deposit of Twen­ I mas—Tuast'-r*—I VrcolalurH Mini*. Kreo quarters, rttru lipullh- Chiropodist imum 24c cash with order. comfort. Do what millions have j fill location In hill oihI lake reg* [BELL CAFE I PAVING AS S K S S M E N T !N- ty-five ($25.99) Dollars, such de- Ion, I'oiiit! rcail) for work. FOOT SPECIALIST Ust in Service nnd Qunl-i STALI.MENTS MUST BE PAID done for 05 years. Apply St. Ja- ] A LITTLE WANT AD in The j posit to be refunded bonn fide bid- cobs Oil—get its instant relief. | 'urns, Hunlonn, Ingrow- st Street and Park Ave-1 WHEN DUE! Herald will bring you big re­ E. I\ KINKS iik N'ulln, Itonvy Call- ! tiers upon return of plans and You know it must end'such, pains, o iis p n I ------sults. Advertise those old articles i .111 Knsl Xlrrrl uml ••Tin* llnsl.pl" or tlrod aching First Installments for the pav­ specifications to the Architect. else it lllMil Ii M'MIlKIt CO. feat. I you have stored away and have long. Xiiiifnril, I'lu. 1 nit. c. i.. cm.K.n DRUGS ing of the following streets will he (irotrlnml. Kin. I no use for. A title thirty-cent ad I Sub-contractors may ohtnin copies Y oWp II Drew llldg. DRUG STORE — PrT- due March 15, 1925: may bring you several dollars. j applicable to their work upon pay­ bo St. Jacobs Oil Orlamlo. l'hona. Kl.valor Drugs, Sodas. We Myrtle Avenue from Fourth Phone 148 und a representative will ment of Ten ($19.99) Dollars Ptar yuu as your phone. Street to Thirteenth Street; Thir­ j call to sec you. teenth Street from Sanford Ave­ which will lie retained. P Hubs " p A 1 FVf Away ^ N o Uiru X -T \ X 1 N 3SC.OIS nue to French Avenue: Elm Ave­ By Order of the Commissioners ELECTRICAL nue from First Street to Thirteenth Host CJrade of W. H. LONG Elton J. Moughton PHD ELECTRIC CO. ! of the City of Sanford, Seminole G. TAYLOR DYER Street. If these installments nre (Inrdvn Hose The gold that went into the A f­ ARCHITECT orj to Gillon & Platt not _ paid___ t promptly,______same will be County, Florida, February Uth, rican jungle in great quantities Painting— Decorating W estern and Florida >!ia. Everything elec-! pfuVd with City Attorney for col-j 15c per foot 11925. when the natives sold the Allie* cattle and foodstutrs during the ...... PHONE BOB ...... M E A T S First National Hank Bldg, |rhone 422. Elcctragith I lection. See W. B. WILLIAMS, ______Ellen Hoy, Tax Collector. | war has never come out nor been Sanford, ■ Florida Ball Hardware Co. City Manager of Sanford. banked. 410 Sanford Ave. JfC STATIONS AND I Mnr- ,0* n * 12> 1,0,1 M‘ p ro SUPPLIES I ------= = = = = JTSEKVnSE STATION. | M. Oil, Tires, Accesso-1 BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS [Dice with a smile. Elnii Phone 447 L3. | w e l l i l l p h o n e , Three stations. Mag-1 { V O U m a k e . - ' , ; tT “b e>AO ENOVJC,h ^ Second. First and Elm, I t h e . C O U N T A7ND~ h o n e i I ^iCK- You T o ‘o T A N . K UT J'venue and 10th Street.! CALL. OFF THE! i‘d R a t h e r d o «t 1‘ervic,.. n e v e r , w a n t ENOAC iEHEIn T THA m J3E1W1TH l/% , ^flo r is t i T o W IT H t h e c o u n t the FLORIST" a w o n e t h a t Fs for all occasions. i*b y rT t-i^aH* r l n>" J'hon • 200-W lawyer (W AN. Office in Bonk Building Annex. 117-L 3. p Ma r k e t —\Ve have* |*tj and we also can fur- delicious delicates-t *°nt 579-W. 100 Park!

AND REPAIRS III ,°* typewriters for' terms, for rent, also ^ lce supplies. Room 9

M llLB E TO SELL?— 1. L j’irniture Co. We pay 1 q 1925 or I n t-u F catuiie S cn vicf. I k f' 11 ‘ \vorth. Phone No. Cirai Britain right, irttived. ------