Vote: 526 Kisoro District Structure of Workplan
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Local Government Workplan Vote: 526 Kisoro District Structure of Workplan Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2015/16 D: Details of Annual Workplan Activities and Expenditures for 2015/16 Page 1 Local Government Workplan Vote: 526 Kisoro District Foreword Kisoro District Local Government has prepared this Annual Workplan and Budget for FY 2015/16 in line with the provisions of section 77 of the Local Government Act, Regulation 18 of the Local Governments Financial and Accounting Regulations, 2007 and in accordance with the National Development Plan priorities. This Annual Workplan and Budget is a product of wide consultations with stakeholders and partners in the development of the district. A budget conference was held on 27/11/2014 to review performance and agree on priorities for 2015/16 Financial Year which have been integrated in this document. During the Plan period, the district will continue to deliver services in line with the decentralisation policy. I call upon all stakeholders in the development of this District to fulfill their various mandates as specified in this document so that we attain our Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives. I wish to appreciate and extend my sincere gratitude to the District Executive Committee (on behalf of the District Council) for their guidance on policy matters. I would also like to thank most heartily the various Planning Committees at both the District and Lower Local Government levels for the technical input provided during preparation of this document. I acknowledge the contribution that the local committees made through provision of valuable information during the various consultation meetings. Their frank expressions will definitely contribute significantly to the attainment of our Vision of achieving " A United, Healthy, Well-educated and Wealthy Community". Wilson Tibugyenda, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER-KISORO Page 2 Local Government Workplan Vote: 526 Kisoro District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget Dec UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,143,212 358,913 1,152,003 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 6,255,033 2,404,092 6,236,390 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 21,149,221 9,755,804 19,648,866 2c. Other Government Transfers 2,250,372 1,820,125 1,082,542 3. Local Development Grant 411,060 205,307 421,060 4. Donor Funding 1,146,692 210,479 1,111,141 Total Revenues 32,355,589 14,754,720 29,652,002 Revenue Performance in 2014/15 The District had an annual budget of shs 32,355,589,000 and cumulative receipts amounting to 14,765,162,000 denoting 46%.The District performed poorly in Local Revenue (31%) majorly due to the fact that tenderers tend to honour their paying obligations in the third and fourth quarters. Registration of businesses performed at 0% implying that the private sector is not growing. Apart from Application fees which stood at 120%, the rest performed below the expected 50% due to reasons associated with poor administration local revenue. Central Government has continued to transfer funds promptly and on Quarterly basis and most of the transfers performed as expected. However, NAADS performed very poor at 0% due to the policy shift in the program and the on -going restructuring process. Ex gratia for LLGS performed at 18% because allowances for LC1 and LC 2 Chairpersons are normally received in the 4th Quarter. Youth Livelihood project performed at 1% because Ministry for gender had not released funds for both operations and Youth projects. Other Central government Transfers performed at 81% as a result of the Population and Housing Census 2014 which was a one off activity. Donor funding performed at 18% which is very low. Most of the donors performed at 0% apart from PACE, UNICEF, WHO, Global Fund and Strengthening Decentralisation for Sustainability (SDS).However, even those that released some funds did not meet their obligations as expected. Planned Revenues for 2015/16 The district expects to collect Ushs 29,652,002,000 in FY 2015-16 from Local raised Revenue, Central Government Transfers, and Donor funding against Ushs 32,355,589,000= in FY 2014-15. This decline is attributed to unspent balances carried forward from previous financial year. Further, we had budgeted Population and Housing Census 2014 which was a one off activity and therefore concluded in FY 2014-15. There is also a significant reduction in the wage component as due to the wage bill streamlining process that is on-going. However, there are increases in the budget for local revenue of Ushs 10,000,000 which is expected to accrue due to the planned intensive sensitization and monitoring of revenue management in the District and Ushs.10,000,000 in LGMSD. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of Dec 1a Administration 1,692,739 655,956 1,674,093 2 Finance 666,168 239,243 664,017 3 Statutory Bodies 689,090 283,173 1,405,307 4 Production and Marketing 884,061 280,718 554,001 5 Health 6,799,621 2,930,979 6,126,783 6 Education 17,180,803 7,500,747 15,732,402 7a Roads and Engineering 1,087,525 511,052 1,091,105 7b Water 1,237,710 389,609 908,933 8 Natural Resources 239,909 67,017 223,228 9 Community Based Services 1,047,582 210,158 1,009,629 10 Planning 740,692 911,706 170,342 Page 3 Local Government Workplan Vote: 526 Kisoro District Executive Summary 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of Dec 11 Internal Audit 89,688 35,426 92,162 Grand Total 32,355,589 14,015,784 29,652,002 Wage Rec't: 19,112,709 8,499,559 17,293,336 Non Wage Rec't: 9,302,776 4,712,726 9,278,019 Domestic Dev't 2,793,413 648,745 1,969,505 Donor Dev't 1,146,692 154,754 1,111,141 Expenditure Performance in 2014/15 The district had an annual budget of Ushs 32,355,589,000 and the cumulative expenditure of Ushs 13,780,121,000 representing 43% performance. All the departments performed below the expected 50%. All departments that had hardware activities performed poorly because the contracts had not been awarded while the departments that rely heavily on local revenue also performed poorly because the local revenue private collectors had not stabilized as the tenders were awarded late. However, Planning Unit performed very well at 123% because of the Population and Housing Census 2014 activities that were concluded in the first two quarters. Planned Expenditures for 2015/16 The district planned expenditure during the FY 2015-16 is UGX 29,652,002,000 which implies a decrease Ushs 2,703,588,000 compared to Ushs 32,355,589,000 for the FY 2014-15. This decrease is attributed to changes in departmental allocations as justified below: There was a general decrease in wage allocations in all sectors as a result of the on-going streamlining salary payment process. The PAF monitoring and Accountability grant decreased. Administration Department had an increase in District Unconditional Grant Non-Wage to cater for funding gaps identified under Records Management Section. Statutory Bodies had an increment on the district unconditional grant Non-wage to cater for advertizement in the Procurement and disposal unit, Contracts Committee meetings and Coordination by political leaders which is an oversight role. Under this setor two new grants to cater for teachers and local governments pension and gratuity have been introduced. In addition there is an increase of the conditional transfer to councillors allowances and Ex-gratia for LC I and LC II. Production department had an increase in Agriculuture Extension salaries to cater for recruitment extension workers at Lower Local Governments to implement Operation Wealth Creation programme. There was also an increase in Production and Marketing Grant to cater for increased costs of service delivery. No funding will be made in FY 2015-16 due to policy shift of the NAADS programme and consequently the District Unconditional Grant Non-Wage meant for co-funding NAADS has been re- allocated. In the Health Sector, PHC Non-wage increased because there was need to cater for budget gaps due to increased budget costs. The PHC development reduced because the Ministry is encouraging renovation of the existing structures other than construction of new ones. The Education Sector, Capitation grants to Universal Secondary Education and Tertiary Institutions had substantial reduction and has caused serious concern especially when the number of students has not reduced. Probably the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) had budget cuts which in turn have caused budget allocations to schools. MoES has not given us why the situation is as such. The Roads and Engineering Sector had an increase in LGMSD allocation for construction of the district Administration Block. The increase in LGMD allocation attracted a co-funding hence an increase in Unconditional Grant non-wage (Development). The Natural resources Sector had an increase in District unconditional grant non-wage to cater operations of newly recruited staff. However there was a decrease in LGMSD because in FY 2014-15 the sector had been given a special allocation to procure Surveying equipment which was a one off activity. Under the Community Based Services Sector, an Indicative Planning Figure for a new grant was given to cater for Public Libraries. The Planning Unit received an additional allocation under Local revenue to cater for Budget Conference which is increasingly becoming expensive.