Vote: 526 Kisoro District Structure of Budget Framework Paper
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Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 526 Kisoro District Structure of Budget Framework Paper Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2014/15 Page 1 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 526 Kisoro District Foreword Kisoro District Local Government has prepared this Budget Framework Paper 2014/15 in line with the provisions of section 77of the Local Government Act, Regulation 18 of the Local Governments Financial and Accounting Regulations and in accordance with the National Development Plan priorities. This Budget Framework Paper is a product of wide consultations with stakeholders and partners in the development of the district. A budget conference was held on 1//11/2013 to review performance and agree on priorities for 2014/15 FY which have been integrated in this paper. During the Plan period, the district will continue to deliver services in line with the decentralisation policy. I call upon all stakeholders in the development of this district to fulfil their various mandates as specified in this paper so that we attain our Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives. I wish to appreciate and extend my sincere gratitude to the District Executive Committee (on behalf of the District Council) for their guidance on policy matters. I would also like to thank most heartily the various Planning Committees at both the District and Lower Local Government levels for the technical input provided during preparation of this paper. I acknowledge the contribution that the local committees made through provision of valuable information during the various consultation meetings. Their frank expressions will definitely contribute significantly to the attainment of our Vision of achieving " A United, Healthy, Well educated and Wealthy Community". Wilson Tibugyenda, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER/KISORO Page 2 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 526 Kisoro District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget September UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 543,393 101,192 1,143,212 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 4,661,870 1,015,132 6,255,033 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 17,746,843 4,510,247 21,149,221 2c. Other Government Transfers 466,919 309,586 2,250,372 3. Local Development Grant 402,549 100,637 411,060 4. Donor Funding 1,053,582 186,302 1,146,692 Total Revenues 24,875,157 6,223,096 32,355,589 Revenue Performance in the first quarter of 2013/14 The District had an annual budget of shs 24,875,157,000 and cumulative receipts amounting to 6,202,793,000 denoting 25%.The District performed poorly in Local Revenue (19%) majorly due to the fact that tederers tend to honour their paying obligations in the third and forth quarters. However, Local Service Tax deductions from staff on payroll performed very well at 76%. Again the 65% Revenue retained by Lower Local Governments (LLGs) was not captured. Central Government has continued to transfer funds promptly and on Quarterly basis and all the transfers performed as expected. Donor funding performed at 18% majorly from UNICEF for immunisation. Strengthening Decentralisation for Sustainability had an unspent balance and thus did not disburse any funds in the 1st quarter. Planned Revenues for 2014/15 The district expects to to collect Ushs 32,333,489,000 from the following sources: Local raised Revenue:- Ushs 1,142,003,000= in FY 2014-15 compared to Ushs 543,393,000 in FY 2013-14 denoting an increase of 110%. This is attributed to the fact that this FY the revenue figures include the 65% at the Lower Local Government level and revenues from the Urban Council whose 100% collection remains at that level. The District also projects to receive Central Government Transfers in form of Discretionary Transfers, Conditional Transfers, Other Government Transfers, %; Local Government Development Grant all amounting to Ushs 29,080,674,000 which is 25% increase from FY 2013-14. The increases are mainly attributed to Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development which has provided for salary enhancement to all government employees, increase of 20% in Hard to Reach allowances, Youth fund worth Ushs 427,879,000 which had not been budgeted for in the previous Financial Year and an increase of 43% in the Uganda Road fund to cater for other roads that had been upgraded to feeder roads level. However, due to the policy shift regarding NAADs programme, the funding has been reduced from Ushs 1,138,898,000 down to Ushs 378,874,000 denoting a reduction of 67%. The other source in Fy 2014-15 is Ushs 1,087,616,000 donor funding compared to Ushs 1,053,582,000 in FY 2013-14. This denotes an increase donor funding of just 3%. The projected funding has been maintained at the same level in the FY 2103-14 except from a new source which is WASH-PLUS (Ushs 38,130,000). There is also a reduction of in PACE funding from Ushs 6,995,000 to 2,900,000. However, the biggest donors remain UNICEF and SDS that together will contribute 80% of donor funding. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept 1a Administration 3,706,422 736,735 1,692,739 2 Finance 446,746 88,113 666,168 3 Statutory Bodies 599,216 99,027 689,090 4 Production and Marketing 1,479,663 460,796 884,061 5 Health 5,728,880 1,149,044 6,799,621 6 Education 10,627,950 2,720,384 17,180,803 7a Roads and Engineering 706,080 35,875 1,087,525 7b Water 863,967 26,447 1,237,710 Page 3 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 526 Kisoro District Executive Summary 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept 8 Natural Resources 104,015 21,839 239,909 9 Community Based Services 401,804 64,628 1,047,582 10 Planning 143,228 30,031 740,692 11 Internal Audit 67,185 13,360 89,688 Grand Total 24,875,157 5,446,279 32,355,589 Wage Rec't: 17,164,796 4,085,001 19,112,709 Non Wage Rec't: 4,100,898 920,214 9,302,776 Domestic Dev't 2,555,881 372,233 2,793,413 Donor Dev't 1,053,582 68,831 1,146,692 Expenditure Performance in the first quarter of 2013/14 This section gives an account of departmental Annual Budgets and cummulative expenditure performance for the first quarter of the FY 2013-14 as follows: Administration Budget of Ushs 3,706,422,000 - Expenditure Ushs 736,735,000 (20%.); Finance Budget of Ushs 466,746,000,000 - Expenditure Ushs 88,113,000 (20%); Statutory Bodies budget of Ushs 599,216,000 - Expenditure Ushs 99,027,000 (17%); Production budget of Ushs 1,479,663,000 - Expenditure was Ushs 480,710,000 (31%); Health Budget of Ushs 5,728,880,000 - Expenditure was Ushs 1,149,044,000 (20%); Education Budget of Ushs 10,627,950,000 - Expenditure was Ushs 2,720,384,000 (26%); Roads an Engineering Budget of Ushs 706,080,000 - Expenditure amounted to 35,875,000 (5%); Water Budget of Ushs 863,967,000 - Expenditure amounted to 26,447,000 representing 3%; Natural Resources Budget of Ushs 104,015,000 - Expenditure was Ushs 21,839,000 (21%); Community Based Services Budget of Ushs 401,804,000 - Expenditure was 90,963,000 (23%); Planning Unit budget of Ushs 143,228,000 - Expenditure was 30,031,000 representing (21%); Internal Audit Budget of Ushs 67,184,000 - expenditure was Ushs 13,360,000 representing 20%. Planned Expenditures for 2014/15 The district planned expenditure during the FY 2014-15 is UGX 32,333,489,000 which implies an increase of about 30% in funding compared to Ushs 24,875,157,000 the FY 2013-14. This increase is attributed to: increases in Hard to reach allowances of 30%; 53% increase in Urban and District unconditional grant – wage for salary enhancement. The planned expenditure for the School Inspection has been boasted from Ushs 29,612,000 in FY 2013-14 to Ushs 47,664,869 in FY 2014-15 which denotes an increase of 61%. UNICEF has also provided Ushs 16,900,000 for Community Barazas which a new grant meant to resolve conflict, bring back boys and girls back to school and and give support supervision in schools. Other increases in the planned expenditure are:- Uganda Road Fund(URF) from Ushs 431,219,000 in FY 2013-14 to Ushs 614,973,000to cater for some other roads that had been upgraded to feeder roads level and also the mechanical imprest that used to be allocated to the Regional Workshop in Mbarara but now decentralized to districts; UPE, Secondary and Tertiary capitation from a total of Ushs 1,576,501.803 to Ushs 2,112,769.112rpresenting a 34% increase to cater for increased costs of scholastic materials. The planned expenditure also includes new funding for WASH-PLUS to address issues in the sanitation and hygiene in Education, Health and water sectors. ; . Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic development, through the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, has boasted the district budget with Ush 427,879,000 for the Youth Revolving Fund. However, due to the Governments policy shift in NAADS Programme, the planned expenditure reduced by 67%. Other grants largely remain at the same level as in the FY 2013-14 but all in all there is a net increase of Ushs 6,296,872.306 in FY 2014-15.