
ISSN 2538-1016; 6


BULLETIN 139 (3)

Biological Results of The Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition


Polychaeta by G. A. KNOX


New Zealand Oceanographic Institute

Memoir No. 6


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ A beam trawl from Station 6 in 220 fn1 dominated by the , Hyalinoecia tubicola (Mtiller).

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ NEW ZEALAND DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH

BULLETIN 139 (3)

Biological Results of The Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition


Polychaeta Errantia by G·. A. KNOX

New Zealand Oceanographic Institute

Memoir No. 6

Price 12/6


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The Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition was organised and led by Prof. G. A. Knox of the Department of Canterbury University. The expedition was planned to explore the distribution of benthic and pelagic between the New Zealand coast and the Chatham Islands over the Chatham Rise, and to investigate the faunal affinities of the Chathams group, which lies in the Sub­ tropical Convergence zone.

A substantial grant towards the cost of the expedition was made by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research on the recommendation of the N.Z. Oceanographic Committee: further financial support was given by Canterbury University, Canterbury Museum, Dominion Museum and Canterbury and South­ land Branches of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The expedition was carried out from the M.V. Alert under the command of her owner and master, Mr A. J. Black.

The scientific staff was drawn from the following organisations: Canterbury Museum (R. R. Forster); Canterbury University (G. A. Knox, E. W. Dawson, J. R. MacIntyre); Dominion Museum (R. K. Dell, J. M. Moreland); N.Z. Oceanographic Institute (D. M. Gamer); Otago University (D. Marshall); Portobello Marine Biological Station (E. J. Batham); Victoria University of Wellington ( J. C. Y aldwyn) .

Prof. G. A. Knox has been responsible for organisation of the sorting and allocation of material. Type material from the expedition is deposited at Canter­ bury Museun1. Preliminary technical editing of the resulting manuscripts has been carried out by Prof. Knox and Dr D. E. Hurley. Mr M. O'Connor (Information Bureau, D.S.l.R.) has been responsible for final editing.

Further results of the expedition will be published in this series as the examina- tions of other groups are completed.

J. W. BRODIE, Director, N.Z. Oceanographic Institute .

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THE POLYCHAETA ERRANTIA OF 'fl-IE CHATHA;\1 ISLANDS 1954 EXPEDITION by G. A. KNOX, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Introduction 77 Station List ___ _ 77 List of 78 Systematics 80 Family An1phino1nidae 80 Family 8 I Family Polyodontidae 81 Fan1ily Po1ynoidae 83 Family 95 Family 98 Fa1nily 99 Fa111ily Phyllodicidae I I I Fa111ily Nephthyidae 115 Fan1ily Nereidae 115 Fan1ily 124 Family 134 Family Goniadae ]36 References 138


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ • The Polychaeta Errantia of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition

G. A. KNOX, Departn1ent of Zoology, University of Canterbury


This paper records the Errant Polychaeta col­ paper with the collections housed there. As will be lected by the Chathan1 Islands 1954 Expedition. seen this enabled many points of synonymy to be Details of this expedition are to be found in the cleared up. My work at the British Museum was account by Knox ( J 957) listed at the end of this facilitate.d by the friendly assistc:1nce of the officers paper. Additional material from the Chatham of the Museum, particularly Mr Norn1an Tebble, Islands in the collections of the Dominion to whom I offer my sincere thanks. A period was Museum, Wellington, and the Canterbury also spent at the Allan Hancock Foundation, Uni­ Museum, Christchurch, has been examined, as versity of Southern California, with Dr Olga well as the from "Discovery II" Sta. Hart1nan, to whom I also express my gratitude 2733 on the Chatham Rise. I would like to express n1y thanks to all n1em­ for the assistance given. Much of the comparative bers of the expedition, and in particular to Dr material, from widespread localities throughout Elizabeth Batham and Dr R. K. Dell, who assisted New Zealand, used in the preparation of this in the collection and preservation of the speci- account was collected on field trips financed by 1nens. A grant from the University of Canterbury grants from the Research Committee of the Uni­ Council enabled n1e to visit the British Museun1 versity of New Zealand. For this assistance I an1 to compare n1uch of the n1aterial discussed in this very grateful.


Errant Polychaetes have been recorded fron1 the Sta. 4, 43° 14'S., 176 ° 1 l'E., Chatha111 Rise, 200 43 Chatham Islands 1954 Expe_dition Stations fin, finegreen sand; listed below: Sta. 5, 43 °32'S., 178°38'£., Chatham Rise, Sta. 1, 42 °51·9'S., 175°26·5'E., Mernoo Bank, 300+ fm, fine green sand; I 00 fm, coarse bryozoan shell sand; Sta. 6, 43°40'S., 179°28'£., Chatham Rise, 220 Sta. 2, 42°59·4'S., 175°30·5'E., Mernoo Bank, fn1, fine grey sandy mud; 61 fm, fine bryozoan shell sand; Sta. 7, 43°42'S., 179°55'£., Chatham Rise, 280 Sta. 3, 43° 10·1'S., 175°36·5'£., Mernoo Bank, fm, finegrey sandy mud; 41 fm, coarse bryozoan shell sand; Sta. 9, Glory Bay, Pitt Island, intertidal rocks;



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Sta. 10, Glory Bay, Pitt Island, surface with Sta. 39, South East Island, intertidal rocky light; shore; Sta. 1 J , Owenga, intertidal rocky shore; Sta. 40, 44°32'S., 176 °05'W., S.E. of Pitt Sta. 12, Owenga, surface with light; Island, 155 fm, fine green sand; Sta. 1 3, Owenga, 4-6 fm, fine brownsand; Sta. 41, 44 °35·5'S., 176°04'W., S.E. of Pitt Sta. 14, 44°00'S., l 76°21'W., Hanson Bay, 15 Island, 330 fin, fine green muddy sand; fm, coarse shell sand, limestone; Sta. 43, Owenga, 3-4 fm, coarse sand, sand­ Sta. 15, 43°56'S., 176°18·5'W.,. Hanson Bay, stone; 3 0 fm, fine grey sand; Sta. 44, 43°35'S., l.76 °03·5'W., N.30°E. of Sta. l 6, Kaingaroa, intertidal rocky shore; Kaingaroa, 120-125 fm, fine green sand Sta. 18, 42°4l'S., 176°48'W., Off Cape Patti­ mud·' son, 15 fn1, rock; Sta. 46, Kaingaroa, 3 fm, fine grey sand; Sta. 19, 43°38·2'S., I 76°38'W., 25{fn1, rock; Sta. 47, Kaingaroa, surfaGe with light; Sta. 22, The Sisters Islands, intertidal shore col­ Sta. 48, Port Hutt, surface with light; lecting; Sta. 49, Port Hutt, intertidal rocky shore; Sta. 23, 43 °32·5'S., l 76°47·5'W., N. of The Sta. 50,Port Hutt, 3-4 fn1, fine grey sand; Sisters, 33 f111, coarse shell sand; Sta. 52, 44°04'S., 177° l 9'W., Chatham Rise, Sta. 24, 43°36·2'S., 176°48·5'W., S. of The 125 fm, fine green sand; Sisters, 38 fm, coarse shell sand gravel; Sta. 59, 43°38'S., 177° 19'E., Chatham Rise, Sta. 25, Waitangi Wharf, collection from piles; 290 fm, fine green sand mud; ° ° Sta. 26, Waitangi, intertidal rocky shore; Sta. 60, 43 36'S., l 75 3l'E., Chathan1 Rise, Sta. 28, 43 °57'S., l 76°47'W., Petre Bay, 45 205 fm, fine green sand; fn1, rock; "Discovery II" Sta. 2733, 45°48'S., 178 °58'W., Sta. 29, 43 °55·5'S., 177°08'W., Petre Bay, 50 Chatham Rise, 202 fm. fn1, fine grey sand; Sta. 30, 43°56'S., I 76°53'W., Petre Bay, 94 A total of 99 species are recorded of which 20 fm, fine green sand; are described as new species. In addition two Sta. 31, 43°56·5'S., 176°37'W., Petre Bay, 40 species, Aglaophamus maoriana and Aglaopliamus fn1, fine green sand; bathan1ae have previously been described from Sta. 32, Waitangi, 7 fm, fine grey sand; material collected by the expedition ( Knox, Sta. 34, 44°04'S., l 75 °23·5'W., E. of Forty 1960). Another 27 species are recorded from the Fours, 130 fm, fine sand gravel; New Zealand area for the first time. A list of Sta. 37, 44°21·5'S., 176° 13'W., Between South species follows. New species are given in bold East Island and Pitt Island,· 30 fm, rock, face type and new records are preceded by an coarse shell sand; asterisk. A consideration of the geographic dis­ Sta. 38, S. of Little Mangere, 43 fn1, coarse tribution of the species will be -postponed until the shell sand; Se


Fan1ily AMP HIN OM ID A E Family P O L Y N O I D A E * c·rosetensis (McIntosh) Cliloeia inerl'nis. Quatrefages iJJhionoides (McIntosh) Pseudoeurythoe minuta n. sp. * Polyeu11oa laevis McIntosh *Antinoe kermadece,isis (McIntosh) Family AP H R O D l T I D A E *' An,tinoe antarctica (Bergstro1n) A plirodita c1ustralis Baird * Antinoe epitoka Monro talpa Quatrefages Antinoe purpureus n. sp. polychromus Schmarda Family P O L Y O D O N T I D A E LeJJidonotus jacksoni Kinberg Panthalis novaezelandiae n.sp. Lepidonotus ambigua n. sp.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ - * Lepidonotus purpureus Potts (Euphylla) n. subg. benthicola n. sp. Lepidametria brunnea n. sp. * Notophyllum imbricatum Moore platylepis n. sp. *E teone aurantiaca Schmarda Hyperhalosydna striata (Kinberg) Euphione squamosa ( Quatrefages) Family N E P H T H Y I D AE Euphione ornata n. sp. Aglaophamus macrura (Schmarda) Aglaophamus maorianc, Knox Family S f G A LIO N ID AE * Aglaophamus. virginis (Kinberg) Sigaliori ovigeru,n Monro Aglaophamus verrilli (McIntosh) Leanira laevis McIntosh AglaO/Jha,nus bathc1mae Knox Sthenelais chathamensis n. sp * Euthalenessa digitata (McIntosh) Fan1ily N E RE I D AE N ere is f alcc,ria Willey Kinberg f'amily H E S I O N I D AE N ereis jacksoni delli n. sp. Podarke angustif roris (Grube) Nereis antipoda n. sp. Nereimya blacki n. sp. Nearithes cricognatha Ehlers aciculata n. sp. Family SY LLID AE Cheilonereis peristomialis Benhan1 (Typosyllis) armillaris Muller Perinereis amblyodonta (Schmarda) * S),flis (Typosyllis) variegata Grube Perinereis ni,ntict (Savigny) var. vallata * Syllis (Typosyllis) tristane,isis Day (Grube) *Syllis (Typosyllis) augeneri Haswell Perinereis nuntici (Savigny) var. brevicirrus Syllis (Typosyllis) brachyola Ehlers (Grube) Platyrzereis australis (Schmarda) Syllis (Typosyllis) attenuata n. sp. *Syllis (Typosyllis) prolifera Krohn var. zonata Fan1ily EU.NIC I DAE Haswell Ei,nic:e australis Quatrefages *Syllis (Typosyllis) corsucans Has,vell tentaculata Quatrefages Syllis (Haplosyllis) spongicola Grube Eunic:e rubella Knox *Syllis ( Elilersia) anops Ehlers * Eunice vittata delle Chaije Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis (Haswell) *Eun.ice (Palo/a) siciliensis Grube Eusyllis kerguelerzsis McIntosh Eunice (Nicidion) curticirrus n. sp. Eudontosyllis n.g. aciculata n. sp. capensis (Schmarda) Pionosyllis cos,na Gravier Hyali11oecia tubicola (Muller) * Pionosyllis eh.lersiaeformis Augener Rhamphobrachiu,n chuni Ehlers Pionosyllis styli/era Ehlers *Onuphis proalopus Chamberlain Odontosyllis polycer



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ SYSTEMATICS

Family AM P H I N OM 1 D A E ( l) fine, capillary, serrated setac ( fig. 6) and ( 2) stouter harpoon setae (fig. 5). Neurosetae consist Savigny, 1818 of ( J ) slender, smooth, capillary setae, ( 2) stouter, serrated, capillary setae, without a spur Chloeia inermis Quatrefages, 1865 ( fig. 4) and ( 3) shorter, stout setae with a Chloeia inermis Quatrefages, 1865, p. 389. prominent spur and serrated ends ( fig. 3) . Chloeia inermis, Benham, 1916, p. 390, text-figs. 6- 11. Remarks Rec·ords The shape of the prosto111iun1 of this species resembles P. ambigua Monro. In other described Sta. 5 (l); Sta. 6 (2);Sta. 44 (6); Sta. 59 (6). species of the genus, however, the cease at the 25th to the 50th setiger, whereas in the pre­ Remarks sent specimens they end at tl1e 11 th setiger. All the speci111ens, although typical, are small, the largest measu·ring 12 mm. Holotype Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Distribution New Zealand. Para types Dominion Museun1, Wellington, and British Genus Pseudeurythoe Fauvel Museum (Nat. Hist.) , London.

Pseudeurythoe minuta n. sp. (figs. 1-6) Type locality Rec·ords 44°35'S., 176°03·5'W., Chatham Islands, 120- Sta. 44 ( 4) ; Sta. 59 ( 6) . 125 fm.

Description The body is slender, vermiform, somewhat in­ flated anteriorly, tapering posteriorly. The type specimen (Sta. 44) measures 17 mn1. for 48 setigers. The prostomium ( fig. l) is rounded in front, longer than broad, retracted into the first setiger, and divided into 2 regions by a transverse groove a little way behind the lateral antennae. The caruncle consists of a rounded pad in the median region of the first setiger. All 3 prostornial ! ; antennae are equal in length, the median near the 2 ' posterior border of the prostomium. There are 3 no eyes visible. ' '• The first setiger has conspicuous dorsal and ventral cirri. The gills con11nence on the fourth setiger as a small tuft of filaments and rapidly increase in size. They are present on 7 setigers 4 only. When best developed they branch dichotom­ 5 ously to form about 12 branches. 6

Both notopodia and neuro))odia are inconspicu­ Pseudoeurythoe minuta n.sp. Fig. 1 - Anterior end. Fig. ous, the chaetal sac forming a low rounded lobe 2 - Ninth parapodium. Fig. 3 - Spurred neuroseta. Fig. 4 (fig. 2). The dorsal and ventral cirri are short, - Serrated neuroseta without a spur. Fig. 5 - Harpoon slender, reduced posteriorly. Notosetae consist of notoseta. Fig. 6 - Fine capillary notoseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Fan.1ily A P H R O D l T I D A E n1n1 by 5 m111. The body in alcohol is colourless. The other specimen measures 23 mm by 6 mm Genus Aphrodita Linnaeus, 175 8 for 28 setigerous segments. The prostomiun1 (.fig. 7) is pale, bilobed, with Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 a pair of conspicuous short, ovoid ommatophores Baird, 1865, p. 176. Aplirodita australis without pigment or eyes. The posterior pair of Aphrodita australis, McIntosh, 1885, p. 34, pl. 7, figs. 6-7. eyes are also absent. The 111edian antenna has a Aplzrofiita australis, Fauvel, 1923, p. 136, fig. 3 long stalk that extends posteriorly nearly to (Synonymy). the posterior margin of the prostomium, its article Rec·ords ( missing in the holotype specimen) is stout, Sta. 30 ( 1) . subulate, about two-thirds the length of the prostomium plus on1matophores (fig. 8) . The Ren1<,1rks • paired prostomial antennae are stout, subulate, A large specimen of this well-known species, equal in length to the median, and inserted ventral n1easuring I 00 mm by 40 mm. to the ommatophores. Palpi are pale, tapering, Distributiori with deeply cut grooves forming 8 longitudinal Japan, Indian Ocean, Australia, New Zealand. ridges. . The periston1iun1 is directed anteriorly at the Aphrodita talpa Quatrefages, 1865 sides of the prostomium. Its 2 pairs of cirri have Aphrodita tal1Ja Quatrefages, 1865, I, p. 196, pl. 3, prominent basal stalks with large inflated articles fig. 24. tapering abruptly to a fine point. A few capillary Aphrodita ta/pa, Monro, 1936, p. 82, fig. 3. setae are present. The arrangement of the elytra Recorlls is as usual in the genus. They are sn1ooth, trans­ Sta. 30 (l); Sta. 31 (1); Sta. 41 (1). lucent, the lateral n1argins curved upwards with a prominent pouch (fig. 9). The anterior pair over­ Remarks lap in the 1nid-dorsal line. This species is characterised by the long slender is dorsal setae, entangled for n1ost of their length The first parapodium ( fig. 10) directed an­ in the dorsal felt. The ventral setae are tapering teriorly, elongated, but not noticably enlarged, with hairy tips. The largest specimen measures 27 provided with a blunt notoacicular lobe with n1m by 15 mm for 40 setigers and the smallest numerous, slender, capillary setae and a broad, 15 mm by 8 mm for 32 setigers. The ventral sur­ collar-like neuropodium with two bundles of face and parapodia are densely papillated. All stouter setae. The ventral cirrus is long, stout, specimens have the hinder fifth of the body nar­ tapering. The second parapodium resembles the rowed to form a caudal prolongation as noted by more posterior ones. It has a blunt notoacicular Monro (1936). lobe and a deep neuropodiun1. The dorsal cirrus is subulate and much stouter than the ventral one Distribution which is slender, tapering. Neurosetae consist of Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, China, South Aus­ 2 superior, spinose setae, 5 median aristate setae tralia, New Zealand. and 7 inferior, sickle-shaped, serrulate setae. More posteriorly the notopodium becomes Family PO LY O D ON T 1 D A E flattened and closely applied to the anterior face • of the neuropodium ( fig. 9). A typical para­ Genus Panthalis Kinberg, 1856 podium in the posterior part of the specimen con­ tains short, slender, capillary notosetae and neuro­ Panthalis novaezealandiae n. sp. (.figs. 7- 10) podial setae as follows: ( 1) 2 to 3 superior peni­ Records cillate setae (fig. 11) , (2) stout, median, aristate with an Sta. 52 ( anterior end, Holotype); Sta. 5 ( an- setae appendage (fig. 12), and (3) in­ terior end) . , ferior; sickle-shaped, serrulate setae (fig. 14). The penicillate setae appear in the 8th setiger, where Description 2 are present, there are 3 in the 9th to 13th The holotype specimen, consisting of a pros­ setigers and 2 thereafter. No branchiae have been ton1ium and 22 setigerous segments, measures 7·5 observed.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Remarks sentative of the family Polyodontidae to be This species resembles P. oerstedi in having recorded from New Zealand. large, ovoid, colourless ommatophores, although Holotype the presence or absence of eyes may depend on Canterbury Museum Christchurch. fixation. The ridged palps are a feature not found Par atype in other described species of Other the Panthalis. Dominion Museun1, Wellington. distinctive features are the peculiar club-shaped peristomial cirri and the small number of penicil­ TyJJe locality late setae in the neuropodia. This is the first repre- 44°04'S., 177° 19'W., Chatham Rise, 125 fm.


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Panthalis novaezealandiae n.sp. Fig. 7 - Anterior end of holotype. Fig. 8 - Anterior end of paratype. Fig. 9 - Posterior parapodium. Fig. 10 - Anterior parapodium. Fig. 11 - Superior penicillate neuroseta. Fig. 12- Median aristate neuroseta. Fig. 13 - Second type of median aristate neuroseta. Fig. 14 - Inferior sickle- shaped notoseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Family P O L Y N O I D A E Grube was also colourless, and apart from differences in the shape of the prostomium the present specimen Genus Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 agrees with McIntosh's account. This is the first record of the species outside Antarctic waters. Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh) 1885 (figs. 15- Distribution 21) Lagasica crosetensis McIntosh, 1885, p. 88, pl. 8, Circum-antarctic. fig. 6, pl. 13, fig. 2, pl. 18, fig. 7, pl 11A, figs. 4-6. Harmothoe crosetensis, Willey, 1902, p. 266, pl. 13, Genus Eunoe Malmgren, 1865 figs. 3, 9-1J. Harmothoe crosetensis, Ehlers, 1913, p. 442, pl. 27, Eunoe iphionoides (McIntosh) 1885 (figs. 22-26) figs. 1-4. Eunoa iphionoides McIntosh, 1885, p. 69, pl. 8, fig. H ar111othoe crosetensis, Bergstrom, 1916, p. 284, pl. 4, pl. 8A, figs. 1-2. 2, fig. 4. Records Hern1adion rouchi, Benham (nee Gravier), 1921, Sta. 6 (2); Sta. 29 ( 1 ) ; Sta. 30 ( 1). p. 46, pl. 7, figs. 43-47. Harmothoe crosetensis, Monro, 1930, p. 57. Description Records The largest specin1en from Sta. 29, with 38 Sta. 6 (l). setigers, measures 19 mm by 6·5 mm, including setae, and the smallest, from Sta. 30, 13 mm by Description 6 n1m. They are colourless, except for the yellow­ The single specimen measures 16 mm by 10 ish setae and black spots on the elytra. The n1m, including the setae. The body in alcohol is prostomium is broader than long with well de­ colourless. The prostomium is slightly broader veloped, blunt prostomial peaks and a well marked than long, the posterior half rectangular, the an­ median sulcus (fig. 22). The median antenna, terior deeply incised ,vith well developed, acutely which arises from a short, broad ceratophore, is pointed peaks (fig. 15). There are 4 large, black twice the length of the prostomium, tapering to a eyes. The ceratophore of the median antenna, fine filamentous tip, as do the tentacular and which is missing, is large and bulbous. The lateral dorsal cirri. The lateral antennae are short. These antennae are one and a half times the length of antennae and the tentacular and dorsal cirri are the prostomiu111, tapering to a fine point and covered with short, blunt papillae. clothed with long cilia with bulbous tips. The Elytra ( fig. 24) are fringed on their external palps are elongated, smooth, tapering. The tenta­ margin with irregular, blunt papillae which also culophores of the tentacular cirri are stout, cover the elytral surface in the vicinity of the elongated, and the styles smooth, slender, tapering. fringe. The rest of the surface is covered with The colourless elytra are deeply imbricated, sharply pointed, conical papillae of varying size, overlapping n1id-dorsally. On their outer edges those nearest the external margin being the they are fringed with elongate papillae ( fig. 17). largest. Many of these papillae contain black pig­ The surface is densely covered with colourless ment. The development of this pigment is very spines. Under high magnification these spines are variable, scarcely noticeable in some specimens seen to end in blunt tips (fig. 18) . and better developed on the anterior elytra than The dorsal cirri are slender, tapering (fig. 16). on the posterior. The notopodial acicular lobe is elongated and the Dorsal cirri have an elongated, stout cirrophore, ventral cirrus slender, projecting beyond the are somewhat enlarged below the filamentous tip neuropodial lobes. The notosetae are numerous, and extend distally beyond the elytra ( fig. 23 ). almost straight, with blunt tips and fine close rows Ventral cirri are short not extending beyond the of spines ( fig. 19). The upper notosetae are more neuropodial lobes. Notosetae are numerous, stout, slender than the lower and end in unidentate, ending in a blunt tip (fig. 2 6) . N eurosetae are un­ hooked tips ( fig. 20). The lower notosetae are identate throughout with blunt, tapering naked bidentate with a small subapical tooth that may be tips and a short spinous region (fig. 25). easily overlooked (fig. , 2 1 ). Remarks Remarks This species was recorded byMcIntosh (1885) The development of the subapical tooth of this off New Zealand, 38 °50'S., 169°20'E. in 275 fm. species appears to be very variable. The present This is the second record of the species. specin1en lacks the colour pattern on the dorsum Distribution as described by Ehlers ( 1913). McIntosh's type New Zealand.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 16 ' .. ' ·, .. ,: ,

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Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh) Fig. 15 -Anterior end. Fig. 16 - Median parapodium. Fig. 17 - EJytrum. Fig. 18 - Elytral spines. Fig. 19 - Notoseta. Fig. 20 - Upper, unidentate neuroseta. Fig. 21 - Lower, bidentate neuroseta. Eunoe iphionoides (McIntosh) Fig. 22 -An­ terior end. Fig. 23 - Parapodium. Fig. 24 - Elytrum. Fig. 25 - Neuroseta. Fig. 26 - Notoseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ • Genus McIntosh, 1885 Records Sta. 5 ( 1). Polyeunoa laevis McIntosh, 1885 (figs. 27-29) Polyeunoa laevis McIntosh, 1885, p. 76, pl. 12, fig. Description 2, pl. 10, fig. 8, pl. 7A, figs. 12-13. The single specimen measures 10 mm by 4 mm Enipo rhornbigera Ehlers, 1908, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. for 27 setigers. The colour of the body is yellow­ 1-12. Gravier, p. 81. ish white with some faint brown pigment on tl1e Enipo rhombigera, J9ll, Polyeunoa laevis, Bergstrom, 1916, p. 288, pl. 3, fig. dorsum. The antennae and tentacular cirri are 7. brown. Benham, 1921, 32. Enipo rhombigera, p. The prostomium is colourless, broader than Polyeunoa laevis, Monro, 1930, p. 51. long, with the lateral peaks poorly developed (fig. Monro, 1936, 102. Polyeunoa laevis, p. 30 ). The eyes are distinct, although small. The Polye1111oa laevis, Fauvel, 1936, p. 102. antennae and tentacular cirri are covered with fine Records cilia. The median antenna, which arises from a Sta. 41 (2). broad ceratophore, is long and slender, about three quarters the length of the palps. The lateral Description antennae Two anterior frag1nents, one measuring 18 mm are short, tapering, about three quarters the length of the prostomium. The palps are for 30 setigers and the other 9 mm for 28 setigers. The body and elytra are colourless. The pros­ smooth, elongate, tapering. The elytra (fig. 33) are deeply imbricated, tomium is slightly broader than long with well line. They developed anterior peaks. The median antenna has overlapping in the mid-dorsal are with stout a large, bulbous ceratophore and a smooth, taper­ fringed on the �uter and posterior edges ing style twice the length of the prostomium. The papillae of varying sizes, those on the outer edge lateral antennae are short. The tentacular cirri are being the longest. They are colourless except for a m1ss1ng.• • diffuse band of pigment on the posterior edge. The The elytra are inserted in segments 1, 3, 4, 6, surface is covered with conical papillae. Under pointed, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28. They are smooth hi_gh magnification these are seen to be except for a patch of small tubercles near the slightly curved (Fig. 31 ) . · outer margin. The cirrigerous parapodia have con­ The dorsal cirri are elongated, tapering, clothed spicuous dorsal tubercles (fig. 27). The dorsal with elongated papillae with club-shaped tips (fig. cirri have inflated, bulbous cirrophores. The 3 2). The ventral cirrus is slender, tapering and neuropodia have a bluntly triangular postsetal lobe covered with similar papillact. The neuropodium and a dorsally expanded presetal lobe terminating forms a stout projecting lobe; the presetal lobe of in a down-curved point. The ventral cirrus does the neuropodium is produced dorsally into an not project beyond the neuropodial lobes. elongated, tapering, bifid tip. Notosetae are Notosetae are stout, pointed, lightly serrated (fig. numerous and vary in size according to their 29); neurosetae are unidentate, somewhat ex­ position. The dorsal ones are stouter with rows panded towards the tip ( fig. 28). of fine spines (fig. 34), while the ventral ones are more slender, pointed, with wider spaced, short Remarks rows of stouter spines (fig. 36). The neurosetae The present specimens lack the characteristic are elongated, tapering, terminating in hirsute tips colour pattern on the dorsum, but this may some­ (fig. 35 ). times be absent. In other respects it agrees with the published accounts. This is the first record Remarks of the species from New Zealand. I have referred this specimen to Antinoe kermadecensis (McIntosh), described from a Distribution fragmentary specimen taken north of the Kerma­ Falkland Islands, Antarctica, New Zealand. , dec Islands in 520 fathoms. McIntosh's specimen lacked appendages and e1ytra. The setae as Genus Antinoe Kinberg, 1856 figured by McIntosh (pl. 12A, figs. 5 and 6) are identical with those of the present specimen. This Antinoe kermadecensis (McIntosh) 1885 (figs. 30- is the second record of the species. 36) Lagisca (?) ker,nadecensis McIntosh, 1885, p. 93. Distribution pl. 13, fig. 8, pl. 12A, figs. 4-6 .. Kermadec Islands, New Zealand.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 27 30 31

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Polyeunoa laevis (McIntosh) Fig. 27 - Parapodium. Fig. 28 - Neuroseta. Fig. 29 - Notoseta. Antinoe kermadecensis (McIntosh) Fig. 30 -Anterior end. Fig. 31 - Elytral spines. Fig. 32 Parapodium. Fig. 33 - Elytrum. Fig. 34 -Dorsal notoseta. Fig. 35 - Net1roseta. Fig. 36 Ventral notoseta. Antinoe antarctica (Bergstrom) Fig. 37 - Neuroseta. Fig. 38 - Notoseta. Antinoe epitoka Monro Fig. 39 - Neuroseta. Fig. 40 -Anterior end.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Antinoe antarctica (Bergstrom) 1916 (figs. 37-38) long, deeply incised in front, without peaks and Astrolaenilla a,itarctica, Bergstrom, 1916, p. 291, with a marked median groove. There are 4 small, pl. 3, fig.8, pl. 5, figs. 1-2. black eyes. The median antenna has a large Antinoe antarctica, Monro, 1930, pl. 66, fig. 18. ceratophore and a style about twice the length of Anti,ioe antarctica, Fauvel, 1936, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 7-13. the prostomium. The palps are long, about twice Antinoe antarctica, Monro, 1939, p. 100. the length of the median antenna, and the tentacu­ lar cirri are about the same length. Records Sta. 59 (1). Most of the elytra are lost. The first elytru1n is present on the ]eft side as a large oval, inflated Description sac, transparent on the underside, finely granular An anterior end measuring 10 nlffi by 4· 5 mm, on the upper surface. There are no fringes or incl11ding setae, for 17 setigers. The prostomium ornamentation. On some of the other segments is broader than long with a median groove and there are small elytra about one-eighth the size of small, acut�ly pointed peaks. The eyes are sn1all the anterior one. These may be regenerating. and faint. The ceratophore of the median antenna The dorsal cirrophores are large, inflated and is stout, about two-thirds the length of the the. tapering dorsal cirri extend beyond the tips prostomium; its style is 3 times the length of the of the setae. The parapodia are biramous. The prostomium. The lateral antennae have bulbous notopodium consists of a rounded lobe on the ceratophores and small, slender styles. The palps upper and anterior face of the neuropodium. The are long, tapering, projecting beyond the median notosetae consist of 6-8 exceedingly fine capil­ antenna. Tentacular cirri have elongated tenta­ laries which appear to be smooth, but under high culophores and are approximately equal in length magnification minute serrations can be detected to the m.edian antenna. All these appendages are on one side. sparsely covered with long cilia. The neuropodium has elongated pointed lobes, The elytra are deeply imbricated, overlapping the anterior being prodL1ced into a cirriform pro­ mid-dorsally. They are covered with small conical tubercles, and have slender clavate papillae on cess. The neurosetae,, which are stouter than the their outer margins. Anteriorly their posterior and notosetae, are long and slender, e nding in fine outer borders have patches of brown pigment. hairlike tips with rows of delicate closely set teeth The dorsal cirri are long, with elongated slender (fig. 39). They are slightly swollen at the proximal cilia. Both notopodial and neuropodial presetal end of the serrated region. The ventral cirri are lobes are very elongated, tapering with projecting short, fingerlike. The specimen is colourless apart pointed acicula. The notosetae (fig. 38) are stout, fron1 scattered brown pigment on the proston1iun1, lightly pectinated; the neurosetae long, slender, the dorsum and the cirrophores. unidentate, terminating in a hirsute tip (fig. 37). Remarks Remark.v Although the pr esent specimen differs in some The elongated parapodial lobes and the slender, respects from the one described by Monro I be­ hirsute neurosetae distinguish this species. The lieve them to be identical. The structure of the development of the prostomial peaks is the first setae, which are identical with those of Monro's record of this variable Antarctic species from New specimen, is unique. The shape of the prostomium Zealand waters. is the same in the two specimens, but inMonro's Distribution the eyes are enlarged, not small. The enlarged Antarctica, New Zealand eyes may be due to sexual change as Monro's specimen was a mature female. The number of notosetae in the present specimen is 6-8 whereas Antinoe epitoka Monro, 1930 (figs. 39-40) Monro's had numerous notosetae. There were no Antinoe epitoka Monro, 1930, p. 67, fig. 19a-f. elytra on Monro's specimen. I am following Records Monro's provisional generic placing as the speci­ Sta. 59 ( 1). men is too fragmentary to satisfactorily determine its• pos1t1on.• • Description An anterior fragment measuring 45 mm for 18 Distribution setigers. The proston1ium ( fig. 40) is broader than Saint Paul Laonda, Angola;New Zealand.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 42 41

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Antinoe purpureus n.sp. Fig. 41 -Anterior end. Fig. 42 - Elytrurn. Fig. 43 - Parapodium. Fig. 44 -Upper neuroseta. Fig. 45 - Lower neuroseta. Fig. 46 - Notoseta. Fig. 47 - Upper neuroseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Antinoe purpureus n. sp. (figs. 41-47) Genus Lepidonotus Leach, 1816 Records Lepidonotus polychromus Schmarda, 1861 Sta. 7 (2). Lepidonotus polychromus Schmarda, 1 861, p. 153, pl. 37, fig. 307. Description Lepidonotus polychromus, Knox, 1956, p. 44, figs. Two anterior ends the larger measuring 15 mm 1-6. by 6 mm for 30 setigers, and the smaller 10 mm by 5 mm for 19 setigers. The dorsum of the an­ Rec·ords terior segments is conspicuously barred with dark, Sta. 16 (12);Sta. 26 (1). purplish brown pigment, two stripes per segment, Remarks the anterior being twice the width of the posterior. Typical The prostomium is milky white, iridescent, the rest of the body colourless. The elytra are purple, Distribution white on the outer and posterior edges. Australia, New Zealand. The prostomium ( fig. 41 ) is broader than long with prominent anterior peaks and a deep median Lepidonotus jacksoni Kinberg, 1858 Lepidonotus jac�soni Kinberg, 1858, p. 11, pl. 3, sulcus. The ceratophore of the median antenna fig. 11, pl. fig. 48. is short, stout, the style elongated, stout, Lepidonotus jacksoni, Knox, 1956, p. 46, figs. 7-11. cylindrical, projecting beyond the palps. The lateral antennae are small, slender, equal in length Records to the prostomium. There are 4 black eyes, the Sta. 18 ( 1); Sta. 19 ( 1); Sta. 23 ( 1); Sta. posterior pair close to the posterior margin of the 24 ( 1). prostomium. The palps are smooth, tapering to a Re,narks fine point, about 4 times the length of the Typical. prostomium. The tentacular cirri, borne on short, cylindrical tentaculophores, are elongated, the Distribution dorsal pair equal in length to the median antenna, New Zealand, Australia, Malay Archipelago, the ventral pair to the palps. The median antenna Indian and Pacific Oceans. and the tentacular and dorsal cirri are clothed with long, slender papillae. Lepidonotus ambigua n. sp. (figs. 48-55) The elytra ( fig 42) which overlap slightly in Records the mid-dorsal line are covered with small, cir­ cular papillae. They have no fringe. Sta. 5 ( 1). The dorsal cirri are long and slender, borne on Description elongated cirrophores with bulbous bases ( fig. The single specimen measures 12 mm by 4 1nm 43 ) . The ventral cirri are short, tapering, reach­ including setae, for 25 setigers. The body in ing only about halfway along the neuropodiun1. alcohol is colourless, apart from the median an­ The neuropodial postsetal lobe is rounded, the tenna which is brown, and a dark brown band presetal longer, pointed. The notosetae are stout, below the tips of the median antenna and the terminating in a blunt point, with numerous rows dorsal .tentacular cirri. of close spines ( fig. 46). The upper neurosetae The prostomium ( fig. 49 ) is longer than broad, are stouter than the ventral, curved at the ends with a median sulcus, and with the lateral an­ with about 9 rows of prominent spines (figs. 44 tennae rather subterminally inserted as in the and 4 7). The ventral neurosetae have a shorter genus Halosydn.a. There are 4 oval black eyes. spinous region of smaller spines ( fig. 45) . There is a low, oval nuchal cushion at the pos­ Remarks terior border of the prostomium. The median The shape of the prostomium and its append­ antenna is stout, cylindrical, swollen below the ages of this species is distinctive, as is the colot1r tip. The lateral antennae are shorter, more slender, pattern. swollen about half way along their length, taper­ ing to a filiform tip. The palps are stout, tapering, Holotype about equal in length to the median antenna. The Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. dorsal tentacular cirrus has an elongated tentaculo­ Type locality phore and a short, cylindrical style, swollen below 40°32'S., 179°55'E., Chatham Rise, 280 fm. the tapering, filiform tip.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ • The 12 pairs of elytra completely cover the creases posteriorly and the posterior elytra are dorsum. They are firn1ly attached, deeply 1n1-• colourless. bricated and overlap those of the opposite side. The parapodia are sub-biramous with the noto­ • They have no fringe (fig. 55). The surface lS podium a blunt rounded lobe arising from the covered with transparent tubercles, which under dorsal surface of the neuropodium (fig. 46). Each high magnification are seen to be cylindrical, ter­ has 8-10 slender, tapering setae with close rows of small spines (fig. 50), and several similar minating in a 3-5 rayed plate (fig. 54). There is shorter ones. The neuropodium is short with a patch of dark brown pigment anterior to the triangular setal lobes. They bear numerous setae elytral scar, and some diffusebrownish pign1ent on which vary according to their position. The dorsal­ the anterior half. The amot1nt of pigment de- most are slender, unidentate, tapering to a fine


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Lepidonotus ambigua n.sp. Fig. 48 - Parapodium. Fig. 49 - Anterior end. Fig. 50 - Notoseta. Fig. 51 -Upper, unidentate neuroseta. Fig. 52 - Median, bidentate neuroseta. Fig. 53 - Lower, llnidentate neuroseta. Fig. 54 - Elytral spines. Fig. 55 - Elytrum. Lepidonotus purpureus Potts Fig. 56 - Neuroseta. Fig. 57 - Notoseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ point, with 7-9 rows of spines ( fig. 51) ; the of the species from New Zealand. median are stouter, bidentate, with 5-6 rows of Distribution spines (fig. 52); the ventral-most smaller, un­ Australia, Indian Ocean, South Pacific, Cali­ identate with 4-5 rows of spines (fig. 53). ·· fornia, South Africa, New Zealand. Remarks In the possession of a nuchal cushion and the Genus Lepidametria Webster, 1879 shape of the prostomium with the almost sub­ terminally inserted lateral antennae, this species Lepidametria brunnea n. sp. (figs. 58-63) resembles species of the genus Halosydna. The Records latter genus, however, has 18 pairs of elytra. The Sta. 31 ( 1). present specimen is complete and has only 12 pairs of elytra completely covering the dorsum. Description liolotype The single specimen measures 45 mm by 4 n1m Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. for 70 setigers. The body in alcohol is colourless. Ty[Je locality There are 30 pairs of elytra inserted on segments 43° 32'S., 178°38'E., Chatha1n Rise, 300+ fm. 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 39, 42, 45, 48 etc. i.e. on alternate seg- Lepidonotus purpureus Potts, 1910 (figs. 56-57) 1nents up to the twenty-third and irregularly dis­ tributed thereafter. The two anterior pairs over­ Lepidonotus purpureus Potts, 1910, p. 334, pl. 18, fig. 3. lap, for the rest of the anterior third of the body Lepidon.otus hedleyi Benham, 1915, p. 181, pl. 38, there is a slight gap between the elytra mid­ figs. 1-7. dorsally and over the rest of the body the elytra Lepido11otus ltedleyi, Pruvot, 1930, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. are overlapping. The anterior elytra ( fig. 60 ) have 6-10. a patch of brO\\'U pigment spots over the scar and Lepidonotus hedleyi, Fauvel, 1932, p. 14. Lepido11otus liedleyi, Fauvel, 1953, p. 35, fig. 13s-u. irregular patches of fine brown pigment, which Lepidonotus purJJureus, Day, 1957, p. 61. under high magnification are seen to be divided Records into polygonal areas (fig. ?). The surface is Sta. 34 ( 1). smooth, without ornamentation or fringe. Description The prostomium (fig. 58) is broader than long, The body is colourless in alcohol. The pro­ deeply cleft anteriorly. The ceratophore of the stomium is a little wider than long with a median n1edian antenna is short and stout; its style is sulcus and 4 conspicuous black eyes, the anterior missing. Tl1e lateral antennae, which do not pro­ pair at the widest part. The antennae and ten­ ject beyond the end of the palps, are two and a tacular cirri are sn1ooth with a slight subterminal half times the length of the proston1ium and swelling and a dark band, n1ost pronounced on slightly swollen below the tips. The palps are the n1edian antenna. elongated, tapering. The tentacular cirri are Elytra are oval, without fringe, covered with slender, elongated and project beyond the lateral widely separated low tubercles and white pigment­ antennae to the tips of the palps. Both antennae ed patches interspersed with clear areas. They are and tentacular cirri have a dark band below the pale grey, translucent with a darker pigmented tip. patch on the anterior elytra. The dorsal cirri ( fig. 59) have short cirrophores The notosetae are transversely serrated (fig. and elongate, tapering styles. The notopodium 57), mostly long, distally pointed, with a few lacks setae and is reduced to a single, elongated, dorsal ones short, arcuate. The neurosetae are pointed lobe. The neuropodium is short and the bifidwith a short serrated region (fig. 56). The ventral cirrus small, tapering. Neurosetae are of dorsal-most are n1ore slender with a longer ser­ 2 kinds, a dorsal bundle of about 6 elongated, rated region. slender, tapering, serrated setae (fig. 63) and a Remarks ventral bundle of numerous stout, bidentate setae I follow Day (1957) in the above synonymy. with a short spinous region of 5-6 rows of spines The present specimen lacks the mauve bars on (fig. 62). the body as described by Day, and the elytra are Remarks pale not purple. Also the neurosetae are not This species differ fron1 Lepidametria irregularis strongly bidentate as in Day's specimens. In other Marenzeller in lacking tubercles on the elytra and respects they are identical. This is the firstrecord in having overlapping elytra. Lepidametria virens


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 58 ,.. ; . . ::. ,.•

• •

. ' t .. ' ' 59

60 . . .. . :. .. . ' . . ' ' ...... · :. ...- : ·: - ; • • • + J . ....·. �-: '1' . • • .• . ._i:. ''

64 65

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67 I

...... ' •.· . .. :. .' :. :. ·-"· ...- ·�·-.•, .:: ·: · · .�--- ·',,\ \ . .'; , ,_ -... �-:-.� . . 62 63

Lepida,netria bru1u1ea n.sp. Fig. 58 - Anterior end. Fig. 59 - Parapodium. Fig. 60 - Elytrum. Fig. 61-Elytral pigmentation. Fig. 62 - Lower neuroseta. Fig. 63 Upper neuroseta. Lepidasthe,iia platylepis n.sp. Fig. 64 - Parapodium. Fig. 65 Upper neuroseta. Fig. 66 - Anterior end. Fig. 67 - Elytrum. Fig. 68 - Lower neuroseta.

92 •

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ (Blanchard) also hctS sn1all elytra whicl1 do not interrupta Marenzeller. This species has small overlap. The setae are different fron1 those de­ cirrophores on the dorsal cirri, and the elytra are scribed for L. gigc1s (Johnson) and L. microsetosa small, leaving a large portion of the dorsum ex­ (Izuka). posed. The elytra of the present species overlap Holotype more than is described for other species of the Canterbury Museu1n, Christchurch. genus. Type Locality Holotype 43 °56'S., 1 76°37'W., Petre Bay, Chathan1 Canterbury Museun1, Christchurch. Islands, 40 fm. Pc,ratype Dominion Museum, Wellington. Genus Lepidasthe11ia Malmgren, 1867 Type Locality 44°041S., 175°23·5'W., E. of the Forty Fours Lepidasthenia platylepsis n. sp. (figs. 64-68) Islands, 130 fm. Rec·ords Sta. 34 (2). Genus Hyperhalosydna Augener, 1924 Description Both specimens are anterior fragments, the Hyperhalosydna striata (Kinberg) largest measuring 5 mm for 29 setigers. The liyperhalosydna striata, Seidler, 1924, p. 366. elytra (fig. 67) have a brown pigment spot over Polynoe platycirrus McIntosh, 1885, p. 111, pl. 3, the point of attachment and irregular patches on . fig. 4. Hyperlialosyd,ia striata, Fauvel, 1953, p. 52, fig. the anterior and posterior surfaces; otherwise there 22i-k. is no colour. The proston1ium ( fig. 66) has a Polynoe platycirrus, Knox, 1951, p. 62. pronot1nced n1edian sulcus, and is swollen on each Records side behind the origin of the lateral antennae Sta. 34 (1). which have the appearance of being subtermin­ ally inserted. The ceratophore of the median an­ Remarks tenna is elongated, the style slender, tapering, An anterior fragn1ent, 13 m111 by 7 n1m for 18 three and a half times the length of the pro­ setigers, with the characteristic brown stripes on ston1ium. The lateral antennae are about half the the elytra and the flattened dorsal cirri. This is the length of the median, and the palps are slender, second record of the species fro1n New Zealand, tapering, not reaching beyond the median antenna. having previously been recorded from off Banks The ventral cirrus of the first setiger is slender, Peninsula in 80 fm (Knox, 1951). elongated. Distribution The anterior pair of elytra are large, circular, Indian Ocean, Malay Archipelago, Japan, Aus­ covering the head; the others large, transparent, tralia, New Zealand. overlapping, concealing the dorsum. They are borne on the following setigers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, Genus Euphione McIntosh, 1885 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28. The distribu­ Euphione squamosa (Quatrefages) 1865 tion on the posterior segments is unknown. Aplirodite squa111osa Quatrefages, 1865, p. 201. The cirrophore of the dorsal cirrus is stout and Lepido,iotus giganteus Kirk, 1879, p. 400. Pliysalidonotus squa,nosus, Benham, 1919, p. 72. the style elongated, tapering, extending to the ends Physalidonotus thotn.psoni, Benham, 1916, p. 387. of the setae ( fig. 64) . The notopodium is repre­ Records sented by a curved acicula and a sn1all conical lobe. The neuropodium is elongated with approxi- Sta. 24 ( 1). 1nately equal anterior and posterior lobes and a Re,narks stout, projecting aciculum. The ventral cirrus is A typical co111plete specimen measuring 65 mm short, tapering, with a bulbous base. The supra­ by 35 n1m. acicula neurosetae are elongated, slender, finely Distribution serrated (fig. 65 ), the sub-acicular are stouter, Australia, New Zealand. bidentate, with a few rows of spines (fig. 68). Remarks Euphione ornata n. sp. (figs.69 -78) This species lacks the prominent nuchal flap of Records L. michaelseni Augener. It con1es closest to L. Sta. 34 ( 1).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Description below the filan1entous tips. The palps are stout, A single complete specimen measuring 8 mn1 shorter than the n1edian antenna and the tentactL­ by 5 1nm, inclttding setae. Apart from black pig­ lar cirri. The antennae, the tentacular cirri and the n1ented, elytral papillae the specimen is colour­ dorsal cirri are smooth, while the palps are covered less. The prostomium (fig. 69) is slightly broader with finepapillae. than long, incised behind with a n1edian sulcus. The anterior elytra are rounded, the n1edianand Tl1ere is a single pair of eyes near the posterior posterior ones are elongate laterally, excavated on border. The lateral antennae are terminally in­ the anterior 1nargin. They are deeply imbricated, serted, the styles short, equal in length to the overlapping mid-dorsally. Their outer and pos­ prostolnium, swollen below the tapering, filan1ent­ terior margins are fringed with long papillae which ous tips. The ceratophore of the median antenna also cover a considerable portion of the outer sur­ is stout, cylindrical, the style elongated, slender, face (fig. 71). Very conspicuous features are the ,ibout 3 times the length of the prostomium, elytral tubercles, which are of several kinds. swollen below the tip. The tentacular and dorsal Macro-tubercles· (fig. 75) are cylindrical with cirri are elongated slender with bulbous swellings flaring bases and club-shaped heads covered with


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76 74 75 77 78 Euphione orriata n.sp. Fig. 69 -Anterior end. Fig. 70 - Parapodium. Fig. 71 - Elytrum. Fig. 72 - Intermediate sized elytral tubercles. Fig. 73 - Elytral microtubercles. Fig. 74 - Dorst1m of medium region. Fig. 75 - Elytral microtubercle. Fig. 76 - Pigmentation of n1acrotubercle. Fig. 77 - Notoseta. Fig. 78 - Neuroseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ rounded papillae, giving a 111ulberry-like appear­ from off the Three Kings Islands. Other speci­ ance. These n1acro-tubercles n1ay be colourless or mens in the author's collection come from the black, the pigment on the sides being arranged Southern Fiords and the present records extend in longtitudinal rows of irregularly shaped patches its distribution to the Chatham Islands. So far all ( fig. 7 6). The colourless ones show sin1ilar rows the specimens obtained are incomplete consisting of irregular clear areas. These macro-tubercles of anterior ends only. The largest specin1en (Sta. vary in size and n1ay number up to 12 on each 28 ) in the present collection measures 32 mm for elytrum; there are generally 2-3 larger ones. 62 setigers. This species is characterised by the Tubercles of intermediate size may be darkly pig­ absence of compound setae with single jointed end mented or colourless; they are circular with ex­ pieces, all the compound setae being multi­ panded heads, produced on one side into· a varying arti.culate. All the specimens are colourless, and number of conical lobes (fig. 72).Mic ro-tubercles there is no sign of the modification of the elytra are colourless, may resemble the intermediate ones into pouches containing eggs as reported by or may be circular or irregularly oval (fig. 73). Monro in the specimen from Port Jackson. In the median and posterior regions of the body Distribution the elytrophores are elongated and there are 4 Australia, New Zealand. rounded tubercles near the mid-dorsal line on each segment ( fig. 74) . Genus Leanira Kinberg, 1856 The cirrophores of the dorsal cirri are elongated with bulbous bases (fig. 70). The notopodium is Leanira laevis McIntosh, 18 8 5 reduced with numerous, fine, hair-like setae (fig. Leanira laevis McIntosh, 1885, p. 156, pl. 20, fig. 4, 77) with a double row of fine spines, forming a pl. 23, figs. 9-10. dense mat on each side. The preseta] neuropodial Sthenelais semitecta Ehlers, 1904, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 10-12, pl. 2, figs. 1-4. lobe is slightly longer than the postsetal and there Records is a row of small papillae on the ventral surface, Sta. 1 (l); Sta. 5 extending on to the outer edge of the postsetal (2) ; Sta. 32 (l) ; Sta. 34 (1); Sta. 41 (2) lobe. Neurosetae number about 17; they are stout, ; Sta. 44 (2) ; Sta. 59 (3). especially the dorsal ones, bidentate, with the sub­ Remarks apical tooth vertical ( fig. 7 8). They have bushy None of the specin1ens are complete, all con­ tips and rows of nun1erous fine hair-like spines. sisting of anterior ends, the largest measuring 25 Re,narks mm for 45 setigers. The tuberculation of the elytra of this species Distribution differs considera.bly from other described species New Zealand. of the genus. Holotype Genus Psammolyce Kin berg, 1866 Canterbury Museu1n, Christchurch. Psammolyce semiglabra Monro, 1936 Type Locality Psammolyce sen1iglabra Monro, 1936, p. 106, fig. ° ° 44 04'S., 175 23·5'W., E. of tl1e Forty Fours 14a-g. Islands, 130 fm. Records Sta. 38 ( 1). Family S I G A L I O N I D A E Remarks The single anterior fragment measures 58 mm Genus Sigalion Audouin and Milne-Edwards, by 8 mm for 105 setigers. It agrees in ap respects 1929 with Monro's ,vell illustrated account. The first Sigalion ovigerumMonro, 1924 pair of elytra, which were missing in Monro's Sigalion. ovigeruni Monro, 1924, p. 47, figs. 10-1 1. specimen, are elongate, pointed anteriorly, con­ Sigalio,i ovigeru,11, Monro, 1936.' p. 103, figs. 12a-4. cealing the head. This species is characterised by Records the absence of filiform ventral papillae and by Sta. 15 (2); Sta. 31 (l); Sta. 28 (6) ; Dis­ having the outer margin of the elytra wavy with covery Sta. 2733 (6). the papillae gathered into tufts. This is the second Remarks record of the species. This species was originally described from Port Distribution Jackson, Australia, and subsequently recorded New Zealand.


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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 79

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Sthenelais ch.athaniensis n.sp. Fig. 79 - Parapodium. Fig. 80 - Elytrum. Fig. 81 - Notoseta. Fig. 82 - Median, bidentate, compound neuroseta. Fig. 83 - Lower, bidentate, multi-articulate neuroseta. Fig. 84 - Upper, unidentate, multi-arti.culate neuroseta. Euthalenessa digitata (McIntosh) Fig. 85 - Elytral papilla from a specimen with 12-15 filaments. Fig. 86 - Elytral papilla from speciment with 5-7 papillae. Fig. 87 - Elytrum.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Genus Sthenelais Kinberg, 1866 compound setae is smooth not spinous. The struc­ ture of the parapodia and the arrangement of the Sthenelais chathamensis n. sp. (figs. 79-84) setae, especially the very elongated, multi­ compound setae Recorcls articulate end-pieces of the separates this species from tl1e other described Sta. 28 ( l). • species. D�scription Holotype The single inco1nplete anterior fragn1ent is 20 Canterbury Museun1 Collection. 111n1 long for 55 segments. The prostomiu111 is wider than long, with two pairs of black eyes, the Type Loc·ality ° ° anterior smaller pair at tl1e frontal margin of the 43 57'S., l 76 47'W., Petre Bay, Chathan1 prostomiun1, concealed by the proston1ial an­ Isiands, 50 fn1. tennae. The posterior pair are im1ncdiately below the base of the median ceratophore which is about Genus Euthalenessa Darboux, 1899 the same length as the prostomiun1. The median Euthalenessa digitata (Mclntosl1) 1885 (figs. 85- antenna is elongated, tapering, equal in length to 87) tl1e slender palps. Thalenessa digitata McIntosh, 1885, p. 140, pl. 22, The first three parapodia are directed forward fig. 2, pl. 23, figs. 5-7, pl. 25, figs. 4-5, pl. 13A, alongside the prostomium. Branchial cirri are pre­ figs. 7-10. sent from the fourth segn1ent; they are cirriform, Thale,iessa oculata McIntosh, L885, p. 142, pl. 21, figs. 1-2, pl. 23, fig. 12, pl. 25, fig. 3, pl. 13A, strongly curved, l1eavily ciliated on their ventral figs. 11-12. side (fig. 79). There are three heavily ciliated, Thaleriessa finibriata McIntosh, l885, p. 144, pl. 29, parapodial ctenidia. fig. 10, pl. 23, fig. 4, pl. 24, fig. 5, pl. 25, figs. 1-2, Elytra (fig. 80) are broadly in1bricated, longer pl. 23A, fig. 13. than broad, with a simple lateral fringe. They are Thalenessa digitata, Willey, 1905, p. 260, pl. 2, fig. 52. transparent except for the anterior and posterior Thalenessa digitata, Potts, 1910, p. 351. patches of diffuse brownish pign1ent, and the sur­ Thalenessa oculata, Izuka, 1912, p. 86, pl. 10, figs. face is sn1ooth without ornan1entation. 1-2. In the anterior parapodia the notopodiu111 has Thalenessa oculata, Horst, 1917, p. 107, pl. 22, figs. 1-3. 4 to 6 elongated papillae on its terminal portion Eutlzalenessa oculata, Monro, 1924, p. 52. and a tuft of about 4 on its posterior face. The Thale11essa ocu/ata, Okuda, 1939, p. 226. neuropodium has a broadly conical acicular lobe Euthalenessa oculata, Wesenberb-Lund, 1949, p. 258, with 2 papillae, and a deeply incised posterior fig. 3. lobe with a few sn1all papillae along its anterior Records 111argin. The number of papillae, especially in the Sta. 2 (2); Sta. 14 (3); Sta. 24 (J); Sta. 38 neuropodia, decrease posteriorly and at about the ( 5); Sta. 40 ( l). 50th parapodia there are only one or two present Description in the neuropodia. Ventral cirri are sin1ple Prostomiun1 with 2 pairs of eyes, close together tapering. on each side, the anterior pair the larger. A pair Notopodial setae are numerous, elongated, of blunt peristomial antennae with inflated tips at spinous ( fig. 81 ). Tl1e neuropodiun1 of a typical the anterior margin of the prostomium, and a segment bears: ( l ) superior, spinous, simple setae median one son1ewhat posterior to the other two. and slender, con1pound setae with elongated, In the anterior parapodia nun1erous, filiform tnulti-articulate blades with unidentate end-pieces stylodes which diminish and disappear posteriorly. ( fig. 84); (2) median, stouter, compound setae, Foliaceous parapodial lobes also well developed with short end-pieces, the secondary tooth closely anteriorly. Anterior 2-3 elytra are small, rounded, adppressed (fig. 82); ( 3) uniform, slender, multi­ whereas the succeeding ones increase rapidly in articulate compound setae with bidentate end­ size, becon1e reniform, overlap each other con­ pieces ( fig. 8 3). siderably in an antero-posterior direction, leaving Re,narks ,l large part of the dorsum uncovered anteriorly, S. chatlia,nerzsis belongs to the group of species aln1ost meeting across the dorsum posteriorly. with superior simple spinous setae in the neuro­ From the second or not until the fourth elytrum podia. It resembles S. vc,riabilis in the setal ar­ the outer margin is provided with a single row of rangement, but differs in that the shaft of the digitiform papillae which divide to form a variable


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number of slender, filiforn1 branches (fig. 87). On tohu, in 18 fatho111s; and T. fi,nbriata off Port a single elytrum the number of ramifications varies Jackson, Australia, in 30-35 fathoms. E. digitata from 1 or 2 at the end of each row to a maxi1num has subsequently been recorded by Willey ( 1905 ) of 5- 15 in the centre. 1-hc maximum number of and Potts ( 1910) fron1 the Maldives. All other filaments varies considerably in collections from Indo-Pacific records have been assigned to E. different localities, ranging from 5-7 (fig. 86) in oculata. Fro1n McIntosh's descriptions there is one case to 12-15 (fig. 85 ) in another. In all little to separate the 3 species, apart from differ­ other respects, apart fron1 variations in colour ences in the nun1ber of ramifications of tl1e pattern. the specimens are identical. A large num­ papillae on the borders of the elytra. In view of ber of specimens in the author's collection from the great variability in the number and arrange­ other parts of New Zealand have been examined ment of the filaments of the papillae in the present and they show a similar variation. In some cases specimens, in the shape of the elytra and the dis­ collections from a single locality show the same tribution of pigment, I a1n of the opinion that variation in the number of papillae. McIntosh's three species are synonymous. Notosetae are simple, long, capillary and finely The structure of the parapodia and the shape serrated. Neurosetae are compound with bidentate of the prostomium agrees with those of the speci- end-pieces, the ends of the shafts bearing a few 1uens described by McIntosh as T. ocull1ta. How­ spinous rows below the tip. The distribution of ever, the n1ajority of the specimens have more the spinous ends to the shafts varies from in­ than a dozen ramifications on the papillae of the dividual to individual and throughout the body of elytra as described by McIntosh for T. fimbriata. a single specimen. In some cases all the compound Willey ( 1905) considered T. oculata as another setae have spinous ends to the shafts, and in other form of T. digitata slightly differing fron1 the type. cases they are present only on the middle setae of Day ( J 953 ) has recently exan1ined Peter's type the bundle. of Sigaliori oculatum and has proved that it is There is also considerable variation in the really an Enthalerzessa. Hence E. oculata is pre­ occupied and could not be tised for the above amount of pigment present. In so1ue specimens the . anterior rounded elytra are rusty brown, in others species. the pigment is confined to the outer and posterior Distribution borders, in others they are colourless. A typical Widely spread throughout tropical and warm elytrum from the antero-median region of the temperate lndo-Pacific, Japan. body has a brown border on the inner and posterior sides, a patch of pign1ent on the an­ Family HE S l ON IDA E terior inner corner and another over the point of attach1nent. The latter patch n1ay be absent. In Genus Podarke Ehlers, 1864 some specimens the amount of pigment increases Podarke angustifrons (Grube) 1878 posteriorly in others it decreases. The amount of Irn1a angustifroris Grube, 1878, p. 108, pl. 4, fig. 7, pigment on the anterior dorsal surface is also vari­ pl. 15, fig. 12. able. In one group of specimens the anterior 12 Podarke angustifrons, Fauvel, 1919, p. 371. Podarke angustifrons, Fauvel, 1953, p. 190, fig. segments are colourless and a dense, brownish 52a-d. purple pigment commences abruptly, decreasing in Records intensity and breadth posteriorly. In others the Sta. 16 (2); Sta. 50 ( l). pigment commences on the anterior segments as Rema,ks a diffuse band which becomes a broad dense band Typical. This species is widely distributed from about the 12th setiger. In others the dense th1oughout the New Zealand area. pigment commences on the first few setigers. The Distribution pigm.entation fades posteriorly, the dorsum of the Philippines, Celebes, India, Ceylon, Persian posterior segments being colourless, the point at Gulf, Red , Pacific Ocean, Australia, New which the pigment fades being variable. Zealand. Remarks Genus Nereimyra Blainville, 1928 In 1885 McIntosh described 3 species of (= Castalia Savigny, 1822) Thalenessa: T. digitata from the Admiralty Islands Nereimyra blacki n. sp. (figs. 88-91) in 16-26 fathoms; T. oculata from Bass Strait, Records Australia, in 38 fathoms and offNakalafu, Tonga- Sta. 41 (2).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Descri/Jtion Family S Y L L I D A E Length 17 mm, width, including setae, 4 mm, segn1ents 45 (Holotype ). Body widest anteriorly, Sub-family SYLLJNAE inflated, dorsally arched, tapering posteriorly. The prostomium (fig. 88) is wider than long, with a Genus Syllis Savigny, 1817 median ridge, no eyes. Antennae are short, Sub-genus Typosyllis Langerhans, 187 9 subulate, about two-thirds the length of the prostomium. Palps are short, bi-articulate. Syllis (Typosyllis) armillaris Mtil1er, 1776 Syllis brachychaeta Schmarda, l 861, p. 70. Tentacular segments are distinct dorsally. There Syllis closterobranchia Schmarda, 1861, p. 72. are three pairs of tentacular cirri with short, Syllis closterobranchia, Ehlers, 1904, p. 19. cylindrical, basal cirrophores. Only 2 ventral ones Syllis closterobranchia, Benham, 1909, p. 237. with styles present, about equal in length to the Syllis brachychaeta, Augener, 1918, p. 247, pl. 4, ventral cirri of the median body region. figs. 83-5, pl. 5, fig. 98, text�fig. 20. Syllis (Typosyllis) brachychaeta, Augener, 1923, p. Parapodia (fig. 89) are prominent, increasing 42. in length posteriorly. They are sub-biramous; Syllis (Typosyllis) brachychaeta, Augener, 1924, p. notopodium elongated, cylindrical with a single, 358. Syl/is brachychaeta, Benham, 1927, p. 55. pale, curved acicula and a bundle of about 6 Sy/Lis (Typosyllis) armillaris, Fauvel, 1923, p. 264, capillar1' setae. Anterior dorsal cirri have blunt fig. 99a-f. rounded ends, the rest slender, tapering, borne on Sy/lis armil/aris, Day, 1954, p. 18. short, cylindrical cirrophores almost equal in Records diameter to the notopodium. The dorsal cirri do Sta. 18 ( 5). not project beyond the setae. Neuropodia are stout, elongated, terminating in a slender, conical Description All the specimens are short with short, fusiform acicular process. Neurosetae are nun1erous, com­ cirri having 7 to 15 articles. The setae are pound, the dorsal bundle with long, slender, dorsal weakly bidentate and appear unidentate in the unidentate, pointed end-pieces (fig. 91), finely median region of the body. The has a pectinate, the ventral bundle with shorter, broader single anterior tooth. end-pieces ( fig. 90). There is a single large pale neuroacicula. The proboscis is stout, oval in. cross­ Remarks Day ( 1954) has established the above section with numerous fine papillae round the margin. Ventral cirri are fine, tapering, scarcely synonymy with which I agree. The synonymy of projecting beyond the tip of the acicular lobe. S. closterobranchia and S. brachychaeta. in south­ Colour in alcohol pink. ern regions is long and involved, due in part to the variable development of the second tooth on the Remarks end-pieces of the setae. This is the first record of the genus from the Distribution Southern Hemisphere. Three species in this genus Cosmopolitan. are recorded from the Northern Hemisphere, Nereimyra. punctata (Muller), N. aphroditoides Syllis (Typosyllis) variegata Grube (Fabricius) and N. multipapillata (Theel). N. Syllis (Typosyllis) variegata, Fauvel, 1923, p. 262, pi,nctatcl has articulated dorsal cirri, and in all fig. 7. three species the notopodium shows greater reduc­ Syllis (Typosyllis) variegata, Augener, 1924, p. 367. tion than in N. blacki. N. blacki differs from the Syllis (Typosyllis) variegata, Monro, 1936, p. 102, fig. 30a-b. other species in the shape of the prostomium and Syllis (Typosyllis) variegata, Fat1vel, 1953, p. 148, its appendages and particularly in the structure of fig. 74h-n. the parapodia. Records Holotype Sta. 3 (2); Sta. 34 (1); Sta. 37 (1); Sta. 49 Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. (2). Description Paratype The body is long and slender, the dorsal cirri Dominion Museum, Wellington. alternately long and short with numerous articles. Type Locality The setae are bidentate throughout. The protruded 44°35·5'S., l 76°04'W., S.E. of Pitt Island, 330 pharynx of one of the specimens has a prominent fm. terminal tooth.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 88

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97 94 95 96

Nereimya blacki n.sp. Fig. 88 -Anterior end. Fig. 89 - Parapodium. Syllis (Typosyllis) tristanensis_ Day Fig. 92 - Neuroseta. Sy/Lis (Typosyllis) augeneri Haswell Fig. 95 - Fig. 96 -Upper • Fig. 93 - Par<_1.podium. Fig. 94 - Median neuroseta. Lower neuroseta. neuroseta. Syllis (Typosyl/is) brachyola Ehlers Fig. 97 - Neuroseta.



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Remarks There are up to 9 bidentate compound setae in Some of these specimens l1ave been compared each parapodium (figs. 94-96). The 2 uppermost \V ith European specimens of the species in the setae (fig. 96) in the anterior and median regions British Museum. have elongated, slender end-pieces. In the Distribittion posterior region of the body all the setae have Cosmopolitan. short, broad end-pieces. Acicula number 2-4 per parapodium. Syllis (Typosyllis) tristanensis Day, 1954 (fig. 92) Remarks Syllis tristanensis Day, 1954, p. 9, fig. 1 f-j. This is the first record of the species from New Syllis brachychaeta, Monro, 1930, p. 100. Zealand. Records Distribution Sta. 3 (1); Sta. 14 (l); Sta. 22 (2). Australia, New Zealand. Description The specimen from Sta. 3 measures 10 mm for Syllis (Typosyllis) brachyola Ehlers, 1897 (fig. 97) about 100 setigers. The prostomiutn is about twice Syllis brachyola Ehlers, 1897, p. 38, pl. 2, figs. 46-7. �is broad as long. The median antenna, originating Syllis brachyola, Augener, 1924, p. 262. :-itthe posterior 1nargin of the prostomium, has 15 Syllis brachyola, Monro, 1930, p. 101, fig. 33a-b. joints and the lateral antennae 12. The dorsal <.;irri Records vary in length, anteriorly being about three­ Sta. 16 ( 4). quarters of the body width with 10-16 joints, Remarks while in the median region they are shorter with The specimens resemble those figured by Monro 8-12 joints. The posterior dorsal cirri are more ( 1930) in that the head of the shaft of the com­ slender than those of the anterior and median pound setae ( fig. 97) is more expanded than region which are fusiform, tapering. The parapodia tl1ose figured by Ehlers. This species is widely dis­ are provided with 8-12 compound falcigers which tributed throughout the New Zealand region. are strongly bidentate throughout ( fig. 92). Distribution Remarks Circum-Antarctic, Falkland Islands, South Day has recently described this species from America, New Zealand, Auckland Islands. 1·ristan da Cunha, pointing out that it may have been found elsewhere but confused with S. varie­ Syllis (Typosyllis) attenuata n. sp. (figs. 98-101) gata or S. armillaris. This is the second record of Records the species although some of the specimens Sta. 3 ( 1). recorded from the New Zealand area as S. Description closterobranchia or S. brachychaeta ( = S. armil­ A single complete specimen measuring 27 mm laris) may belong to this species. for 93 setigers. The body in alcohol is colourless, Distribution tapering markedly anteriorly, the prostomium and Tristan de Cunha, New Zealand. the first few segments being very small in relation to the rest of the body. In the median and Syllis (Typosyllis) augeneri Haswell, 1920 (figs. posterior regions of the body the segments are 93-96) broad, depressed with well marked inter-segmental Syllis (Typosyllis) augeneri Haswell, 1920, p. 98, grooves. The mid-ventral surface is grooved. pl. 11, figs. 19-20. The prostomium (fig. 98) is circular without a Syllis (Typosyl/is) kinbergiana Augener, 1913, p. 197, pl. 3, fig. 3 8, text-fig. 22. trace of eyes. The palps are close together, the Syllis (Typosyllis) kinbergiana, Fat1vel, 1917, p. 194. same length as the prostomium. The peristomium Records 1s hidden in dorsal view by a forwardly projecting Sta. 24 ( 1). flap from the anterior margin of the first setiger. Description Tl1e antennae, tentacular cirri and dorsal cirri are The single specimen measures 12 mm for about slender, with numerous bead-like articles. The 100 setigers. The prostomiun1 is broader than median antenna is 3 times the length of the long with 4 red eyes. The dorsum of the anterior prostomium and the laterals about two thirds this segments is banded with light brown pigment. The length. The dorsal cirri are elongated, alternately protruded pharynx is short with a terminal tooth. long and short, that of the fourth setiger reaching Dorsal cirri (fig. 93) are stout with up to 20 joints as far forward as the tip of the median antenna. and the ventral cirri are finger-like. The ventral cirri (fig. 99) are slender, cylindrical,


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 98 99

. . •• ·. . .



' .

·; . . 103

I·i •;t 101



10 108 104 106 102 7

Syllis (Typosyllis) attenu.ata n.sp. Fig. 98 - Anterior end. Fig. 99 - Parapodium. Fig. 100 - Neuroseta. Fig. l 01 -Acicula. Syllis (Typosyllis) prolifera Krohn var. zonata (Haswell) Fig. 102-Neuroseta. Syllis (Typosyllis) corsucans Haswell Fig. 103 -Dissection of the anterior end of the proboscis. Fig. 104 Anterior end. Fig. 105 - Parapodium. Fig. 106 - Median neuroseta. Fig. l 07 - Lower neuroseta. Fig. 108 - Upper neuroseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ not projecting beyond the parapodial lobes. fhe 104) is short, twice as broad as long, with trans­ parapodia are elongated with 3-4 acicula, ter­ ,:erse grooves posteriorly, and also anteriorly minating in straight, blunt tips ( fig. 101). There where the frontal corners are beaked over the are 8-10 short, compound setae with short, broad, bases of the lateral antennae. There are 4 small bidentate end-pieces with a small secondary tooth eyes. The palps are broad at the base, longer than (fig. 100). the prostomium, directed downwards, hollowed Remarks out below and internally. The median antenna, The structure of the anterior end of this species which is 2 and a half times the length of the is distinctive. prostomium, arises behind the posterior pair of Holotype eyes near the anterior border of the peristomium. Canterbury Museu1n, Christchurch. The lateral antennae are a little over half the Type Locality length of the median. They are all indistinctly 43° 10·1S., 175°36·5'E., Mernoo Bank, 41 fm. annulated. The proboscis ( fig. 103) has a large sub-terminal tooth and a circlet of 20 con1pressed Syllis (Typosyllis) prolifera Krohn var. zonata papillae. The tentacular cirri are short, not pro­ (Haswell) 1886 (fig. 102) jecting beyond the palps. Gnathosyllis zonata Haswell 1883, p. 14, pl. 54, The dorsal cirri are long anteriorly, about one figs. 4-6. and a half times the breadth of the body, sl1ort Syllis (Typosyllis) zonata, A11gener, 1913, p. 195, posteriorly. The parapodia ( fig. 105) are rela­ pl. 3, fig. 22, text-fig. 21a-c. Syllis (Typosyllis) zonata, Augener, 1918, p. 236. tively short with a large compressed, leaflike var. zonata, Day, 1957, p. 73. v·entral cirri not projecting beyond the parapodial Records lobes. Each bears 15-20 compound setae with Sta. 18 ( 1). bidentate end-pieces ( figs. 106- 108) the dorsal­ Description most slender, with a gradual transition to stouter, An anterior fragment measuring 18 mm for 65 broader ventral ones. There are 5-7 pointed setigers. The prostomium is longer than it is broad acicula, one of which is sharply bent forward at and the palps short, triangular. There are a pair the tip. of brown transverse stripes across the dorsum of Remarks the anterior segments, and a faint stripe on the Under low magnification the dorsal cirri appear inter-segmental groove. The dorsal cirri are smooth or faintly annulate, but under higher mag­ alternately long and short with up to 35 articles. nification they are seen to be multi-articulate with The pharynz is short with a stout sub-terminal numerous cylindrical rings. This is the first record tooth. The parapodia are provided with up to 10 of the species from New Zealand, and the present compound setae with bidentate, fringed end­ specimens agree well with Haswell's account. pieces ( fig. 102) . Distribution Remarks Australia, New Zealand. This species is easily recognisable by the trans­ verse banding on the anterior segments. The palps Sub-genus Haplosyllis Langerhans, 1879 and are shorter broader than those of S. prolifera. Syllis (Haplosyllis) spongicola Grube Distribution Syllis (Haplosyllis) spongicola, Fauvel, 1923, p. 257. West and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. fig. 95a-d. Records Syllis (Typosyllis) corsucans Haswell, 1883 (figs. Sta. 19 (1). 103-107) Remarks Syllis corsucans Haswell, 1883, p. 734, pl. 50, figs. Typical. 1-3, pl. 51, fig. 5. ?Syllis corsucans Augener, 1913, p. 208. Distribution Syllis (Typosyllis) corsucans Haswell, 1920, p. 99, Cosmopolitan.. pl. 11, figs. 28-31. Records Sub-genus Ehlersia Quatrefages, 1866 Sta. 11 ( 1). Syllis (Ehlersia) anops Ehlers, 189 7 (figs. 109-1 1) Description .Syllis (Ehlersia) anops Ehlers, 1897, p. 40, pl. 2, A single specimen measuring 30 rum for 120 figs. 40-45. setigers. There are no pigment markings, the body Records in alcohol being light pink. The prostomium (fig. Sta. 5 ( 1). -


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 113 j.:- : ,.,..,:: • ,, ' ' :. · \ ::,:..:::�. : . ., ,. , �; ,\· '.:- . ' : . .•, . . s� ...... · .• ·.:, --:t.. :· . . . i'· , , .,, r...... ':,:. f",. '.' . . . ; .. .�.� ·:.:.· . . . &�::: .::::• ·. . ·. • �� -::,;-:·,: ...... ,.i{: ...... _-: : ·,': ., . ' '

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112 I I I 116 115



' ' . ' I 1f 122 Il I 121 �\ 120

' . ·k . . ' }·:· . �-': · � · .. ,::-: ·.· :\/'.:\-,;,:-;c,,·,. -: :··,i::c•.•.·:c.·: · , ··. .· .·.· . ·· ·. -. ..., _..- !· · ...... · .. • • · : . . . . ·. • ,' : • ·." . .-.·.. :· ._,:;;.�.j.. {:� · . . : ' ., ••, .::,..::.-. ... :. .� ,." .. . ;' .. � . . . . ;: , ·· ·',, . . .'\f : : :: : /· . :·.., .-":": ·..· .. . ·. ;.;{ ...... �·. · . 118 119 117 . 121a

Syllis (EJzlersia) anops Ehlers Fig. 109 - Anterior end. Fig. 110-Ventral neuroseta. Fig. 111 - Dorsal neuroseta. Trypanosyllis taen.iaeformis (Haswel l) Fig. 112-Neuroseta. Endonto­ syllis aciculata n.sp. Fig. 113-Parapodium. Fig. 114-Anterior end. Fig. 115-Anterior end of the proboscis. Fig. 116 -Acicula. Fig. 117 - Neuroseta. Pionosyllis ehlersiaeformis Augener Fig. 118 - Upper neuroseta. Fig. 119 - Lower neuroseta. Fig. 120 - Parapodium. Pionosyllis styli/era Ehlers Fig. 121 - Upper simple neuroseta. Fig. 121a - Upper compot1nd neuroseta. Fig. 122-Lower neuroseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Description purple pigment on some of the anterior ones. The A slender elongated species measuring 9·5 mm longer cirri are about equal to the breadth of the for 104 setigers. Prostomium broader than long, body, the shorter about two thirds this length. rou nded anteriorly with a pair of curved grooves Pro-stomium bi-lobed, deeply incised behind. The running back from the bases of the lateral an­ compound setae are bidentate with a small second­ tennae ( fig. 109) . There are 2 pairs of eyes, the ary tooth (fig. 112). smaller anterior pair at the inner bases of the Remarks lateral antennae and the larger posterior pair on This species can be distinguished by the reddish the sides at the widest part of the prostomium. brown stripes on the anterior segments and the The median antenna, arising from the middle of bidentate setae. T. gigantea, which is also recorded the prostomium, is twice the length of the pros­ from New Zealand, lacks these stripes and has ton1ium, and the laterals a little shorter. The upper unidentate setae. tentacular cirri are equal in length to the median Distribution antenna. The dorsal cirrus of the first setiger is Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Ocean. /i J: Gf1 /I f;I elongated, al most reaching to the tip of the lateral , -' 1J J. lJll.y.Jj antennae. The antennae, tentacular and dorsal Sub-family EUSYLLINAE cirri are all conspicuously apnulated. The pharynx Genus Eusyllis Malmgren, 1867 has an anterior tooth and a circlet of large, triangular, flattened papillae. Eusyllis kerguelensis McIntosh, 188 5 Eusyllis kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885, p. 191, pl. 29, The dorsal setae have elongated, slender, fig. 4, pl. 33, fig. 3, pl. 15A, fig. 13. unidentate, tapering, end-pieces (fig. 111) and the Eusyllis kerguelensis, Gravier, 1907, p. 17, pl. 2, \'entral setae short, unidentate, broader end-pieces figs. 14-16. ( fig. 110) . There are two elongated anal cirri with Eusyllis kerguelensis, Monro, 1930, p. 94, fig. 30a-c. numerous bead-like articles. Records Remarks Sta. 6 ( 1). Ehlers' figure of the prostomium of this species Remarks is indistinct and do not show the grooves found in One con1plete and one damaged specimen with the present specimen. Jn all other respects it is the characteristic setae of this species. identical with the specimens described by Ehlers. Distribution This is the first record of the species since Ehlers' Antarctic, New Zealand. original description. Distribution Genus Eudontosyllis n.g. South America, New Zealand. Palps fused at the base, an occipital flap pre­ sent, antennae and cirri articulated with short � Genus Trypanosyllis Claparede, 1864 cylindrical rings, ventral cirri leaflike. Pharynx with a single, large, terminal tooth and a denticu­ Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis (Haswell) 188 5 (fig. lated rim. Parapodia and dorsal cirri widely 112) separated with an aciculum below the dorsal Syllis taeniaeformis Haswell, 1885, p. 741, pl. 1, • figs. 4-5. cirrus. Trypanosyllis richardi Gravier, 1900, p. 168, pl. 9, figs. 12-13, text-fig. 39-41. Eudontosyllis aciculata n. sp. (figs. 113-7) Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis, Augener, 1913, p. 230. Records Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis, Augener, 1924, p. 374. Sta. 14 ( 1). Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis, Monro, 1933, p. 35. Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis, Monro, 1936, p. 127, Description fig. 19. The single specimen measures 9·5 mm for 80 Records setigers. There are no pigment markings, the body Sta. 14 (l); Sta. 19 (1); Sta . . 23 (2); Sta. 24 being pale pink in colour. The prostomium (fig. (2); Sta. 37 (posterior end). 114) is broader than long, rounded anteriorly, Description with 2 pairs of oval eyes. The palps are united at The largest specimen, an anterior fragment, the base, broad, bluntly triangular in shape. A bi­ measures 25 mm by 4 mm. The body is flattened, lobed flap projects forward from -the anterior ribbon-like, the dorsum of the anterior segments margin of the periston1ium over the prostomium. are marked by a pair of reddish brown bands. The median antenna, which arises underneath the Dorsal cirri are colourless, apart from a trace of anterior margin of this flap, is twice the length of


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ the prostomium, and the laterals two thirds of this sn1ooth rim and a single anterior tooth. The setae length. The dorsal tentacular cirrus is elongated, have stout, bidentate end-pieces. projecting beyond the 1nedian antenna, the ventral Remarks is half its length. The dorsal cirri are alternately The present specimens agree well with Gravier's long and short, a half to two thirds the width of ( 1907) description. This is the first record of the the body in length. All the cirri are annulated with species from New Zealand. cylindrical segments. Distribution The pharynx ( fig. 1 15) is protruded, but would Antarctica, New Zealand. extend through about 10 anterior segments. There is a large, blunt, triangular, terminal tooth and a Pionosyllis ehlcrsiaeformis Augener, 19 13 (figs. circlet of numerous, fine teeth on the rim. 118-9) Alternating with these teeth there are numerous, Pionosyllis ehlersiaeforn1is Augener 1913, p. 225, short papillae. pl. 3, fig. 32, text-fig. 31a-c. The short parapodia (fig. 113) are widely Records separated from the dorsal cirri, and have blunt, Sta. 18 (posterior fragment); Sta. 34 ( 1). leaf-like ventral cirri which do not project beyond Description the parapodial lobes. Below the dorsal cirrus there The anterior fragn1ent from Sta. 34 n1easures is a single, large, ct1rved acicula. The parapodia 5 mm for 32 setigers. The prostomium is broader are provided with 2 to 3 large acicula with sharply than long with two pairs of eyes, the anterior pair bent ends (fig. 1 I 6), and up to 15 compound the largest. The n1edian antenna reaches back to setae with short, bidentate end-pieces and a few the fifteenth setiger, the laterals being half this spines on the head of the shaft (fig. 117) . length. The dorsal cirri ( fig. 120) are slender, Remarks elongated, up to one and a half tin1es the width The presence of a notoaciculum in this species of the body. The ventral cirri are stout, tapering, is a unique feature. In son1e syllids, e.g. Opistho­ reaching to the tip of the parapodial lobes, with donta pteroc:haeta Southern ( 1914) , such an a yellow pigment area on their mid-ventral surface. aciculum may be present where swimming setae The pharynx is pale yellow with a smooth rim are developed at sexual maturity. The present and a single dorsal tooth. It is surrounded by a specimen shows no sign of swin1ming setae or double row of triang11lar papillae with 12 papillae sexual maturity. In possessing an occipital flap in each row. The upper compound setae have this species resembles species of Odontosyllis and slender, elongated end-pieces (fig. 118), and the the structure of the pharynx is the same as species ventral ones are bidentate with a well developed of Eusyllis. fringe (fig. 119). Holotype Remarks Canterbury Museun1, Christchurch. The long slender dorsal cirri are characteristic Type Locality of this species which was originally described from Hanson Bay, Chathan1 Islands, 15 fm. Western Australia. This is the first record of the species since its original discovery. Genus Pionosyllis Maln1gren, 1867 Distribution Australia, Nevv Zealand. Pionosyllis cosma Gravier, 1907 Pionosyllis cosma Gravier, 1907, p. 15, pl. 2, figs. Pionosyllis stylifera Ehlers, 1897 (figs. 12 1-2) 12-13. Pionosyllis styli/era Ehlers, 1913, p. 474, pl. 31, Pionosyllis cosma, Ehlers, 1913, p. 273, pl. 22, figs. figs. 6-10. 1-4. Pionosyllis styli/era, Augener, 1923, p. 50. Pionosyllis cosma, Benham, 1921, p. 22. Pionosyllis styli/era, Augener, 1924, p. 380. Pionosyllis cosma, Monro, 1936, p. 128. Pionosyllis styli/era, Monro, 1939, p. 111, fig. 6. Records Records Sta. 5 (1); Sta. 18 (1); Sta. 26 (1); Sta. 34 Sta. 25 ( 1). (2). Descriptiori Description The single anterior fragment of 40 setigers An anterior fragment from Sta. 18 measures measures 10 mm. The proston1ium is broader than 2·5 mm for 34 setigers. The body is dorsally long with 4_ red eyes. The median antenna is arched, colourless in alcohol. The prostomium is about twice the length of the laterals. Dorsal cirri deeply cleft behind. The protruded pharynx has a are alternately long and short, the longest equal


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ in length to the width of the body. The parapodia] about half this length. The articulation of these lobes are short and the ventral cirri blunt, appendages and of the tentacular and dorsal cirri triangular. Setae nun1ber up to 15 per para­ is pronounced with deeply cut grooves between podium. There is a slender, elongated, tapering, the articles. The_ palps are short, broad. The simple (fig. 121) , the others are co1npound tentacular cirri are approxin1ately equal in length. falcigers with unidentate end-pieces. The end­ The dorsal cirri are alternately long and short, pieces of the uppern1ost compound setae are the longer with 22-28 articles, being equal in elongated, slender ( Fig. 12 la), while those of tl1e length to the width of the body; the shorter with ventral ones are short ( fig. 122) . The heacl of 15-17 articles, being about two thirds this length. tl1e shaft is spinous. The parapodial lobes are short and the ventral R. em.arks cirri short, triangular ( fig. 125) . There are 3-4 The structure of the parapodia and setae arc poi11ted acicula and up to 15 compound setae identical with the specir11ens described by Ehlers with unidentate end-pieces and expanded heads ( 19 13). The species has previously been recorded to the shaft ( fig. 124) . from the North Island and from the Auckland Remarks Islands. The colour and the deeply grooved antennae Distribution and cirri of this species are distinctive. It differs Antarctica, Auckland Islands, New Zealand. from Odontosyllis psammochroma Augener in the shape of the prostomium and occipital flap, and in Genus Odontosyllis Claparede, 1863 having articulated, not smooth, cirri. liolotype Odo�tosyllis polycera (Schmard a) 18 61 Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. 5'yllis /J olycera Schn1arda, 1861, p. 72, pl. 28, fig. 219. Type Locality Euryn1e(/usa piet a Ehlers, 1904, p. 21, pl. 3, figs. Off Cape Pattison, Chatham Islands, 15 fm. 5-9. Od911,tosyllis po/ycera, Augener, 1918, p. 283, pl. 5, Sub-family EXOGONINAE fig. 97. Odontosyllis polycera, Monro, 1933, p. 36, text-fig. Genus Brania Quatrefages, 1866 15a-f. Records Brania kergeuelensis (McIntosh) 1885 Sta. 11 (2); Sta. 18 (I); Sta. 23 (l); Sta. 24 Salvatoria kergeuelensis McIntosh, 1885, p. 188, pl. 30, fig. 4, pl. 33, fig. 1, pl. 15A, figs 11-12. (2). Sphaerosyllis mcintoshi Benham, 1921, p. 26, pl. 1, Remarks figs. 4-6. This species is one of the co1nmonest syllids Grubeosyllis kerguelensis, Augener, 1923, p. 57. tl1roughout the New Zealand area. Records Distribution Sta. 18 (3); Sta. 50 (1). New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Pacific Description Ocean. Small colourless specin1ens 1neasuring up to 3·5 mm for 48 setigers. There are 4 conspicuous eyes. Odontosyllis maorioria n. sp. (figs. 123-5) The dorsal cirri taper to a fine tip. Parapodia are Records provided with ,1 single, dorsal, elongate, tapering Sta. 18 ( 1). seta and unidentate compound setae with serrated, slender end-pieces. Description ' The single specimen 1neasures 10 m1n for 100 Remarks setigers. The colour pattern is distinctive. The dor­ This species has previously been recorded fro1n sum of the anterior segn1ents is dark purple, tl1e Three Kings Islands to Auckland Islands. \v hereas the prostomium, its appendages, the Distribution occipital flap and the tentacular. and dorsal cirri Kerguelen, Antarctica, New Zealand. are white. The prostomium is broader than long, slightly incised in front ( fig. 123) . There are no Genus Exogone Oersted, 1845 eyes. A prominent occipital flap, similar in shape to the first segment, almost conceals the pro­ Exogone heterosetosaMcIntosh, 1885 stomium in dorsal view. The antennae are short, Exogone heterosetosa McIntosh, 1885, p. 205, pl. 33, figs. 16-17, pl 34A, fig. 11. the median, with 17 rings, being twice the length Exogone heterosetosa, Ehlers, 1897, p. 51, pl. 3, of the prostomium; the laterals, with 12 rings figs. 51-65.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

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125 , : .. ·.. •, . � . - .. ,... . . · 127 126 . ... . :;- ...... ; . ..-.. . .-: ·i ... ', :.t.. .·. . . - .. • ::', ..:. .i '.. ; •· ·.

. '. r,, "'* 129 ,. ' . $ � .. . • • . •. . • • • • • , .• • • ..• • • • • .. ' . . .- ...... -. . 130 131

Odontosyllis ,naoriana n.sp. Fig. 123 - Anterior end. Fig. 124 - Net1roseta. Fig. 125-Para- podium. Exoge11e heterosetosa McIntosh Fig. 126 - Dorsal neuroseta. Sphaerosyllis hirsuta Ehlers Fig. 127 - Neuroseta. A11tolyt11s chathan1ensis n.sp. Fig. 128 - Anterior end. Fig. 129- Neuroseta. Fig. 130 - Modified epitokous parapodium of a polybostrichus. Fig. 131 - Un­ modified, anterior parapodium of a polybostrichus.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Exogone heterochaeta, Augener, 1913, p. 347. Autolytus 111acleara11us, Ehlers, 1913, p. 488, pl. 23, Exogone heterosetosa, Haswell, 1920, p. 221, pl. 17, figs. 9-1 1. figs. 11-17. Autolytus niaclearanus, Augener, 1923, p. 60. Records Autolytus niaclearanus, Benham, 1 1927, p. 60. Sta. 11 (2). Records Description Sta. 25 ( 17); Sta. 26 ( 3). One complete specin1en n1easuring 3 1nn1 for Desc·ription 45 setigers and an anterior fragment. The palps Small colourless specimens n1easuring up to 9 are elongated, closely united, but notched an­ 111m for 55 setigers. The anterior region of the teriorly. The median antenna is twice the length body agrees with the figures given by Ehlers of the laterals. The dorsal cirrus of the second ( 1913) . The tentacular cirri are long and coiled. segment is absent. The setae are characteristic, In the median and posterior regions of the body there being dorsal setae with the shaft expanded the dorsal cirri are short and the parapodial lobes to for111 a broad plate and with thin, triangular are rounded above. The setae are as figured by end-pieces (fig. 126). McIntosh (1885, pl. 13, fig. 5). Remarks Remarks This species is widespread throughoL1t the New This species has previously been recorded fro111 Zealand region being recorded fron1 Cape Maria the Auckland Islands by Augener. van Dien1an to the Auckland Islands. Distribution. Distribution Kerguelen, AL1ckland Islands, Australia, New Circum-Antarctic, South An1erica, Australia, Zealand. New Zealand. A11tolytus chathamensis n. sp. (figs. 128-3 1) Genus Sphaerosyllis Claparede, 1863 Records Sphaerosyillis hirsuta Ehlers, I 8 97 (fig. 12 7) Sta. J 2 ( 15, one Sacconereis, 14 Polybo­ SJJhaerosyllis hirsuta Ehlers, 1897, p. 48, pl. 3, figs. strichus); Sta. 25 (3, l Sacconereis, 2 Polybo­ 58-60. strichus) ; Sta. 47 ( J, Polybostrichus). Spaerosyllis hirsuta, Augener, 1913, p. 249. Description Sphaerosyllis hirsuta, Augener, 1923, p. 55. The following description is based on a Records Polybostrichus specimen from Sta. 12. The largest Sta. 26 ( 1). s11ecimen measures 10 m1n for 45 setigers of Description vv hich the first 6 are unmodified. The body in A sn1all species 111easuring 3 1nm for 40 setigers. alcohol is colourless. The proston1iun1 is short, There are no frontal eyes. The tentacular and broad and wide, flattened, proximal areas of the dorsal cirri are short, fusiform. Parapodia are n1odified palps are in contact at their bases ( fig. provided with a dorsal, curved, simple seta and l 28) . The posterior branch of these palps is half up to 8 compound setae with unidentate, fringed the length of the anterior branch. There are two end-pieces (fig. 127). The end pieces of the setae pairs of large, brown dorsal and ventral eyes. On of the posterior segments are shorter than those of the outer margin of the proston1ium, anterior to the anterior segments, and in many the fringe the dorsal eyes, are a pair of small lateral anten.nae, appears to be absent. and posterior to the eyes, medially, is a large, Remarks sto11t, median antenna reaching back to the four­ This species has previously been recorded fron1 teenth or fifteenth setiger. Between the sides of Cape Maria van Dien1an to the Auckland Islands. the prostomium and the first setiger are 2 pairs Distribution of slender tentacular cirri, the dorsal about twice Circum-Antarctic, Australia, South An1erica, the length of the ventral. The dorsal cirrus of the New Zealand. first setiger is large, stout, tapering reaching back to about the eighteenth setiger. The following 5 Sub-family AUTOLYTINAE ur1modified setigers have short, tapering dorsal Gen.us Autolytus Grube, 1850 cirri, triangular, tapering, presetal lobes and large, inflated, postsetal lobes (fig. 131). These para­ Autolytus maclearanusMcIntosh, 1885 podia bear up to 8 compound setae with a Autolytus 1naclearan.us McIntosh, 1885, p. 207, pl. bulbous, spinous head to the shaft and short, 19, fig. 6, pl. 23, fig. 5, pl. 15A, fig. 15. tridentate end-pieces of characteristic appearance


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 137 ... . ·, �.-- ·, ,


139 134 :: , •

.. .;.;: .: .

133 .. .. ; -)'-.�. ... '. •. J,

.. . •...... : . . . .� ,�. . . ·t...... ;: ,:,\. :. r. ' 135 .. .•...... ·,. .. •. •.• 140

Phyllodoce 1ner11oensis• n.sp. Fig. 132 - Anterior end. Fig. 133 - Parapodium Fig. 134 - Neuroseta. Phyllodoce (Genetyllis) gracilis Kinberg Fig. 135 - Parapodium. Phyllodoce (Anaitides) patagonica Kinberg Fig. 136 - Parapodium. Eulalia (Eitphylla) benthicola n.sp. Fig. 137 - Anterior end. Fig. 138 - Posterior parapodium, posterior view. Fig. 139 - Neuroseta. Fig. 140 - Median parapodium, anterior view. -


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ( fig. 129). The parapodia of the modified setigers podium, each having a long shaft with an inflated are elongated, thickened dorsally, with a short spinous head and a short fineend-piece ( fig. 134). erect dorsal cirrus ( fig. 130). They bear a dorsal Remarks bundle of elongated, slender setae, widely Tl1e pigmentation and the shape of the tentacu­ separated from a ventral bundle of setae similar to lar cirri and parapodia separate this species from the setae of the anterior segments. other described species of the genus. [n the Sacconereis specimens the prostomium is Holotype rectangular with a dorsal pair of normal eyes and Canterbury Museun1, Christchurch. Type Locality a ventral pair of enlarged ones. The median an­ ° ° tenna is two and a half times the length of the 43 10-l'S., 175 36·5'W., Mernoo Bank, 41 fm. prostomiun1, and the laterals two-thirds this length. 'fhe tentacular cirri short, the dorsal about two Sub-genus Genetyllis Malmgren, 1865 thirds the length of the lateral antennae. Dorsal cirri of the anterior two thirds of the body equal Ph)1llodoce (Genetyllis) castanea (M arenzeller) in length to the width of the body, reduced 1879 posteriorly. These specimens are tightly coiled Carobia castariea Marenzeller, 1879, p. 127, pl. 2, rou11d a mass of eggs. Swimming setae are pre­ fig. 3. sent from the seventh setiger. Genetyllis castanea, Bergstrom, 1914, p. 158, fig. 53, Phyllodoce castanea, Fauvel, 1953, p. 115, fig. 56a-c. Remarks Records The setae of this species are distinctive and the Sta. 5 (1); Sta. 59 (2) . . numberof unmodified setigers is small compared Description with other southern species. The proston1ium is oval. The first and second Holotype tentacular segments are fused and the tentacular Canterbury Museun1, Christchurch. cirri are slightly flattened. Dorsal cirri are large, Type Locality cordate. The proboscis is diffusely papillated. Owenga, Chathan1 Islands, surface. Colour is rusty red in alcohol, especially the dorsal and ventral cirri. Family P H Y L L O D I C I D A E Grube Remarks This species is widespread throughout the New Genus Phyllodoce Savigny, 1817 Zealand area, being recorded from Cape Maria van Dien1an to the Auckland and Campbell Phyllodoce mernoensis n. sp. (figs. 132-4) Islands. Records Distribution Sta. 3 ( 1). California, Japan, Ceylon, Persian Gulf, Red Description Sea, Australia, New Zealand. The single specimen is s1nall, measuring 6 mm for 46 setigers. The body and parapodia are Phyllodoce (Genetyllis) gracilis Kinberg, 1865 (fig. colourless, the dorsal and ventral cirri rusty brown. 135) There are patches of white crystalline pigment on Phyllodoce gracilis Kinberg, 1865, p. 55, pl. 12, the dorsum of the segn1ents, especially anteriorly, fig. 2. Genetyllis gracilis, Hartman, 1948, p. 78. and on the dorsal and tentacular cirri (fig. 132 ). Phyllodoce gracilis, Fauvel, 1953, p. 117, fig. 57a-g. The prosto mi um ( fig. 132) is rounded in front, Records longer than broad. There are 4 subulate antennae Sta. 3 (2); Sta. 14 ( 1 ) . and 2 pale eyes at the posterior border. The con­ Description dition of the proboscis has not been determined. A small, slender species the largest specimen The tentacular cirri are sl1ort, sornewhat flattened. n1easuring 15 mm for 140 setigers. The pro­ All the tentacular segments are· distinct dorsally stomium is broadly rounded in front with a pair of and there are setae present on both the second large red eyes. Tentacular segments l and 11 are and third tentacular segments. fused dorsally and reduced. The tentacular cirri The dorsal cirri are small, ovoid ( fig. 133) , are cylindrical. The proboscis is covered with backwardly projecting on broad cirrophores. The numerous scattered small papillae. ventral cirri are ovoid, shorter than the para­ Dorsal cirri are erect, borne on short, broad podial lobes. There are about 10 setae per para- cirrophores; they are elo11gate oval in outline ( fig.



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 135). Ventral cirri resemble the dorsal in shape, Genus Eulalia Savigny, 1822 but are smaller; they extend distally beyond the parapodia. The shaft of the compound setae is (M i.iller) var. capensis Sch111arda finely spinous on the head; the end-piece is long, Eulalia viriclis var. capensis, Mclntosh, J 903, p. 34. tapering and finely serrated on the edge. Eulalia viridis var. capensis, Augener, 1918, p. 177, Remarks pl. 3, fig. 48. Eulalia viriclis var. cupensis, Day, 1953, p. 410. The present specin1ens agree with Hartn1an's Records ( 1948) redescription of the type of P. gracilis. Sta. 3 (1); Sta. 44 (1). It would appear that P. ovaliferc1 Augener is Description identical with this . species. P. gracilis (as P. The prostomium is rounded with the n1edian ovalifera) has previously been recorded from antenna the longest, inserted in front of the eyes. Cape Maria van Dieman, Three Kings Islands and 'fhe tentacular segments are distinct, the cirri Auckland Islands. cylindrical, the largest reaching back to the ninth Distribution setiger. Dorsal cirri are lance-like, broad basally. Society Islands, Western Australia, New Zea­ The largest specimen measures 25 mn1 and the land, Auckland Islands. colour in alcohol is light brown. Remarks Sub-genus Anaitides Czerniavsky, 1882 This is the first record of the species fron1 New Zealand. I confirm Day's staten1ent that setae are Phyllodoce ( Anaitides) patagonica ( Kinberg ) 186 5 lacking on the second and sparse on the third (fig. 136) tentacular segment. The present specin1ens are Carobia patagonica Kinberg, 1865, p. 242. Anaitides patagonica, Bergstrom, 1914, p. 147, fig. identical with specimens of E. viriclis var. ca1Jensis 46a-c. in the BritishMuseum. Phyllodoce patagonica, Monro, 1936, p. 110. Distribution Phyllodoce n1acleirensis, Benham, 1927, p. 195. South and South West Africa, Western Aus­ Records tralia, New Zealand. Sta. 44 (2); Sta. 59 (fragment). Description From Sta. 44 there are 2 anterior fragments of Sub-gen us Pterocirrus Claperede, 1868 a slender, elongate species. The body is colourless in alcohol and the dorsal and ventral cirri are Eulalia (Pterocirrus) magalhaensis Kinberg, 1866 white. There is a small nuchal papilla and the Eulalia rnagalhaensis Kinberg, 1866, p. 55, pl. 33, fig. l. tentacular segments are devoid of setae. There are Pterocirrus 1nagalhae11sis, Ehlers, I 904, p. 17, pl. 2, 12 rows of papillae on the base of the proboscis figs. 10-11. with 10-12 in a row. There are no mid-dorsal Steggoa ,nagalhaensis, Bergstrom, I 914, p. 129, fig. papillae. 35. Eulalia (Pterocirrus) 111agalhaensis, Fauvel, 1953, p. For the first few setigers the dorsal cirri are 125, fig. 62a-h. broadly lanceolate, but in the middle region of the Records body they are foliaceous, sub-rectangular ( fig. Sta. 41 (l); Sta. 59 ( I J. 136). The ventral cirrus is elongate pointed. Description Remarks The two specimens are incon1plete. They both This species is separated from P. madeirensis have the protruded proboscis covered with small by the shape of the dorsal cirri in the median and papillae. The 3 tentacular segments are distinct posterior regions of the body and by the posses­ and the ventral cirrus of the second tentacular sion of setae on the third tentacular segment. I segment is flattened and winged. The dorsal cirri confirm Day's ( 1954, p. 8) statement that the are elongated, lanceolate. specimen of P. madeirensis from New Zealand in Remarks the British Museum, which Benham ( 1927) de­ Specimens fron1 New Zealand in the Britisl1 scribed, has setae on the third tentacular segment Museum (Nat. Hist.) identified by Ehlers (1907) and is P. patagonica. as P. brevicornis are identical with the present Distribution specimens. The species is widespread throughout Antarctica, South An1erica, Falkland Islands, the New Zealand area, being reported from the Juan Fernandez, New Zealand. Three Kings Islands to Auckland Islands.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Distribution boscis is densely covered with large leaf-like New Zealand, South Pacific Ocean, Australia, papillae. Philippine Islands, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Remarks. Red Sea. I do not know of any other species of Eulalia in which all the tentacular segments are fused. Sub-genus Eumidia Maln1gren, 1865 Other unique features are the smallness of the median antenna and the deep oblong incision in Eulalia (Eumidia) sanguinea (Oersted) the anterior border of the peristomium. The setae Eulalia (Eu,nidia) sa,iguinea, Fauvel, 1923, p. 166, are also distinctive. These features could perhaps fig. 59f-k. justify the establishment of a new genus. However, Eun1idia sa,iguinea, Ehlers, 1907, p. 7. in view of the paucity of the material, I prefer to Records include it as a new sub-genus of Eulalia charac­ Sta. 29 ( l ) ; Sta. 59 ( 1) . terised by the fusion of the tentacular segments. Rem,arks Holotype The extended proboscis of the specimen fron1 CanterburyMuseum, Christchurch. Sta. 59 is devoid of papillae. The present speci­ Type Locality mens are identical with European specimens of 43°32'S., 178°38'£., Chatham Rise, 300+ fm. this species in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). The species has previously been recorded from Genus Notophyllum Oersted Moeraki by Ehlers ( 1907). Distribution Notophyllum imbricatum Moore, 1906 (figs. Cosn1opolitan. 141-2)

Euphylla, new sub-genus NotOJJhyllu,rz imbricatum Moore, 1906, p. 217, pl. 10, figs. 1-3. All three tentacular segn1ents fused, tentacular Notophyllu,n irnbricatu111, Berkeley and Berkeley, cirri cylindrical. Anterior margin of peristomium 1948, p. 42, figs. 60-61. deeply incised. Records Sta. 6 ( l). Eulalia (Euphylla) benthicola n. sp. (figs. 13 7-40) Descri/Jtion The single anterior fragment is 27 n1n1 long. Records The body is depressed, dorsally arched, ventrally Sta. 5 ( I ) . flattened. The prost<>miun1 is bluntly triangular Descriptio,i with subulate terminal antennae. The median an­ The single specimen is an anterior fragment tenna, rising between the large posterior pair of measuring 35 mm for 121 setigers. The body in eyes, is longer than the laterals. There are 5 alcohol is colourless. The prostomium (fig. 137) nuchal processes on one side and 6 on the other, is rounded, longer than broad, with 4 subulate arising from beneath the posterior dorsal margin tern1inal antennae. The 1nedian antenna is small, of the prostomium. The tentacular cirri are stout, conical, inserted near the posterior margin of the cylindrical. prostomiun1. Behind the origin of the median antenna the periston1ium is deeply incised. No Dorsal cirri are foliaceous, in1bricated, reni­ eyes are visible. The three tentacular segments form, lying horizontally and covering the dorsum are fused and the cirri are short, cylindrical, the completely in the median region ( fig. 14 l). The longest reaching back to the fifth setiger. ventral cirri are similar in shape curving up be­ The dorsal cirri, borne on short, stout cirro­ hind the neuropodium which bears numerous phores, are large, foliaceot1s, sub-circular, reduced compound setae, with gently curved shafts having in size and posteriorly (fig. . 13'8). The ventral enlarged, denticulated ends and long, curved, cirri are oval, lanceolate, shorter and broader an­ lightly serrated end-pieces ( fig. 142). teriorly where tl1ey do not reach the tip of the Re,narks parapodium. The elongated parapodia are pro­ This species is distinguished from Notophyllum vided with up to 20 elongated, slender, compound splendens Schmarda by the shape of the pro­ setae (fig. 139) with long, tapering, finelyserrated stomium and the antennae. The present specimen end-pieces. The head of the shaft is only slightly agrees in all respects with the descriptions of N. swollen and has a single apical tooth. The pro- imbricatum, except that the number of nuchal pro-


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ cesses is higher than previously recorded. This is Eteone aurantiaca, Monro, 1939, p. 107. the first record of the species from southern Records waters. Sta. 13 ( 1). Distribution Description Western coast of North America, Japan, New The single incomplete fragment r11easures 25 Zealand. mm for 140 setigers. The body is slender, filiform, sub-cylindrical. The prostomium (fig. 143) is Genus Eteone eiongated, rounded anteriorly, with 4 small, fili­ form tentacles. The tentacular cirri are small, the Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861 (figs. 143-5) dorsal pair being equal in length to the succeeding Eteone aurantiaca, Bergstrom, 1914, p. 20 1, fig. 76. segment.

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143 141

.• .. . .' . • :\. .' .. .

' ' . •

.. . 142 144 145

Notopliyllu,n i11zbricat1"11 Moore Fig. 141 - Parapodium, anterior view. Fig. 142 - Neuroseta. Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda Fig. 143 - Anterior end. Fig. 144 - Parapodium. Fig. 145 - Neuroseta.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ The dorsal cirri are small, ovoid, the shortest Records axis dorso-ventral (fig. 144). The ventral cirri are Sta. 1 (3); Sta. 24 (3); Sta. 32 (5); Sta. 34 enlarged, ovoid. Each parapodium bears up to 10 ( 3 ) ; Sta. 44 ( 8); Sta. 60 ( 1 ) . compound setae with scythe-shaped end-pieces Remarks lightly serrated on the basal half, and with an The above records are the first of this widely enlarged tooth at the head of the shaft (fig. 145 ) . distributed circum-Antarctic species from the New Remarks Zealand region. This is the first record of this widespread Distribution Antarctic species from the New Zealand region. Circum-Antarctic, South America, New Zea­ Distribution land. Chile, South An1erica, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Antarctica. Aglaophamus verrilli (McIntosh) 1885 Nephthys verrilli McIntosh, 1885, p. 163, pl. 36, Family N E P H T H Y I D A E figs. 6-7, pl. 32A, fig. 8. Aglaophamus dicirrus, Hartman, 1950, p. 122, pl. 18, figs. 1-8. Genus Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1866 Agalophamus verrilli, Knox, 1960. Records Specin1ens of this genus which were obtained Sta. 5 (1); Sta. 28 (2); Sta. 29 (2); Sta. 40 by the Expedition have previously been dealt with (5); Sta. 44 (10); Sta. 59 (2). in a review of the known species (Knox, 1960). Remarks This species was originally described from Aglaophamus macrura (Schmarda) 186 1 Queen Charlotte Sound and subsequently recorded Nephthys macroura Schmarda, 1861, p. 91. from other parts of New Zealand as Nephthys Aglaophamus 111acroura, Knox, 1960. dibrancis. It is the most widespread species of the Records genus in the New Zealand region. Sta. 1 (5); Sta. 2 (l); Sta. 24 (l); Sta. 28 Distribution ( 1 ) ; Sta. 3 8 ( 1 ) . New Zealand. Remarks This species is widely distributed throughout the Aglaopbamus bathamae Knox, 1960 New Zealand region, especially on inter-tidal Aglaophamus batha,ni Knox, 1960. sandy shores. Records Distribution Sta. 13 ( 1). New Zealand, South America. Remarks This species has recent! y been described from Aglaophamus maoriana Knox, 1960 the specimens recorded above. Aglaophamus n1aoriana Knox, 1960. Distribution New Zealand. Records Sta. 5 (1); Sta. 40 (5); Sta. 41 (2); Sta. 44 (2); Sta. 59 (2); Discovery Sta. 2733 (1). Family NEREIDAE Johnston R.emarks. This species has recently been described from Genus Nereis Cuvier, 18 17 the specimens recorded above, the Holotype speci­ men being from Sta. 40. Nereis falcaria (Willey) 1905 (figs. 146-53) falcaria Willey, 1905, p. 272, pl. 4, Distribution fig. 89. New Zealand. Nereis kauderr,i Fauvel, 1921, p. 8, pl. 1, figs. 1-7. Nereis mortenseni Augener, 1923, p. 21, figs. 7-14. Aglaophamus virginis (Kinberg) 1866 Nereis kauderni, Fauvel, 1953, p. 188, fig. 95a-d. Nereis falcaria, Knox, 1950, p. 215, pl. 44, figs. 1-5. Nephthys virgiriis Kinberg, 1866, p. 239. Aglaophamus virginis, Hartman, 1953, p. 30, fig. Records 7a-b. Sta. 12 ( 12 epitokous females); Sta. 14 (2) : Aglaophamus virginis, Knox, 1960. Sta. 16 (1); Sta. 18 (12) ; Sta. 43 (1).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Description In the posterior segments the notopodial supra­ The prostomium is notched between the pro­ acicular lobe diminishes conspicuously in size stomial antennae ..Peristomial cirri are short, the (figs. 147-5�). The ventral cirrus does not extend longest reaching only as far as the second setiger­ beyond the sub-acicular neuropodial lobe. An­ ous segment. In some specimens they are shorter, teriorly there are about 6 homogomph spinigers inflated and in others they are wrinkled, having in each notopodium, by the 26th parapodium they an annulated appearance. The paragnaths have a are replaced by 2-3 homogomph falcigers and sim.ilar distribution to those in specimens previ­ further posteriorly there is a single homogomph ously described from New Zealand (Knox, 1950), falciger. Anteriorly these homogomph falcigers except that the paragnaths are larger and fewer have short, bidentate end-pieces (fig. 150), in number. In area VI instead of a small cluster posteriorly the end-pieces are longer and tridentate of minute paragnaths there is a group of about 8 ( fig. 151). In the net1ropodia there is a supra­ larger paragnaths. acicular bundle of homogomph spinigers with


' ' ) .' '

' ' ... ' . . . . . ·. . 147 ... � I . • [,. • .. , • 148


151 152 153 150

. Nereis falcaria (Willey) Fig. 146 -Female epitokous parapodium. Fig. 147 -Thirty-fifth parapodium. Fig. 148 - Sub-acicular, neuropodial heterogomph falciger. Fig. 149 - Posterior

parapodium.• Fig. 150 -Anterior notopodial, homogomph falciger. Fig. 151 - Posterior, noto- podial homogomph falciger. Fig. 152 - Supra- acicular, neuropodial, heterogomph falciger. Fig. 15·3 - Anterior parapodium.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ one or two large heterogomph f alcigers with Description simple end-pieces (fig. 152) and a sub-acicular The single specin1en 111easures 28 mm for 88 bundle of heterogomph spinigers and 5 ( an­ setigers. The body in alcohol is pale without pig­ teriorly) to 2 (posteriorly) heterogomph falcigers ment. The prostomium (fig. 154) is widest with short, ciliated end-pieces ( fig. 148). basally, narrowed anteriorly. The anterior pair of The epitokous specimens from Sta. 12 are all eyes are larger than the posterior. The prostomial females, the largest n1easuring 36 mm by 3 mm. cirri are long, slender, projecting beyond the They have an anterior, unmodified region of 15 palps; the peristomial cirri, slender, short, the setigers, a n1edian region of about 30 setigers with longest pair reaching back to the third setiger. The natatory parapodia (fig. 146) , and a posterior pal ps are stout with sn1all terminal joint. The Ltnmodified region of abot1t 25. setigers. peristo111ium is 3 times as long as the succeeding Remarks segment. Male epitokes have been recorded by Augener The proboscis has pale jaws provided with 8 ( 1914) with 3 body regions, an anterior un­ sharp teeth (fig. 155). Paragnaths are arranged modified region of 12-13 setigers and a posterior as follows: area I, 3, with one behind the other; unmodified region of 50 setigers. area II with 2 rows of 5 and 4; area III with 3 Distribution one behind the other, and a single one on each India, Indian Ocean, Maldives, Pacific Ocean, side; area IV with a double row of 5 or 6 larger New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia, J ndo­ paragnaths, and a single row of 3 or 4 smaller China. ones on the outer side; area V with O; areas VII and VIII with a single row of 10 large paragnaths, Nereis jacksoni Kinberg, 1866 (figs. 18 5-6) and about 4 irregular rows of minute paragnaths. Nereis jacksoni Kinberg, 1866, p. 169. The paragnaths of the oral region are enlarged, Nereis jacksoni, Kott, 1951, p. 95, fig. 3. Nereis jacksoni, Knox, 1951, p. 216. needle-like. Nereis jacksoni, Hartman, 1953, p. 31, figs. 26- 29. Anteriorly the notopodia have 2 elongated lobes Description (fig. 158). Posteriorly the notopodial, supra­ Records acicular lobe increases in size to form a com­ Sta. 9 (5, one an epitokous n1a]e); Sta. 16 (3, pressed lamella bearing the dorsal cirrus in a notch one a sub-epitoke) . on its upper edge ( fig. 157). The ventral cirrus The anterior margin of the prostomium is does not project beyond the sub-acicular lobe of entire, not incised. The peristomial cirri are short, the neuropodium. inflated. The epitokous male has an anterior un­ Anteriorly the notopodia are provided with modified region of 14 setigers, a median region about 8 homogomph spinigers with short, pointed of 26 setigers with natatory parapodia (fig. 186), end-pieces. Posteriorly these are replaced by and a posterior unmodified region of 18 setigers. homogomph falcigers with short, unidentate end­ The dorsal cirrus of the first 7 setigers is enlarged, pieces (fig. 160). Neuropodia bear a supra­ tl1e end expanded, flattened and cut into blunt acicular bundle of 8-9 homogomph spinigers and lobes ( fig. 185). The ventral cirri of the first· 5 2 heterogomph falcigers with elongated ciliated setigers is also enlarged. end-pieces (fig. 159) and a sub-acicular bundle of Remarks 2 heterogomph spinigers with short, pointed end­ Hartman ( 1953) has reported ovigerous speci­ pieces and 6 (anteriorly) to 15 (posteriorly) n1ens of this species with no sign of epitoky, in­ heterogomph falcigers with short, ciliated end­ dicating a direct developn1ent. Kott ( 1951) has pieces (fig. 161). reported 2 epitokous specimens with a similar distribution of the natator_y parapodia to that of Remarks the present specimens, although other ovigerous The distribution of the elongated, needle-like of the proboscis of specimens showed no epitokous change. paragnaths on the oral ring Distribution this species separates it from other described species. I have much pleasure in naming this Pacific Ocean, Australia, New Zealand, New R. K. Caledonia, Indo-China, India, Arabian Sea. species after Dr Dell. Holotype Nereis dclli n. sp. (figs. 154-61) CanterburyMuseun1 Collection. Records Type Locality Discovery Sta. 2733 ( 1). 45°48'S., 178°58'W., Chatham Rise, 194 fm.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 155 154

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160 161 159

Nereis delli n.sp. Fig. 154 - Anterior end. Fig. 155 - Dissection of proboscis. Fig. 156 - Twenty­ fifth parapodit1m. Fig. 157 - Posterior parapodium. Fig. 158 - Eighth parapodium. Fig. 159 - Supra-acicular, neuropodial, heterogomph falciger. Fig. 160 - Posterior, notopodial, homogomph falciger. Fig. 161 - Sub-acicular, neuropodial heterogomph falciger.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Nereis antipoda n. sp. (figs. 162-73) The sub-acicular ligule of the neuropodiun1 is Records rounded. Notosetae are hon1ogomph spinigers; Sta. 12 ( 8); Ringdove Bay, Antipodes J slands, neurosetae consist of a dorsal bundle of homo­ collected R. K. Dell, 2300 h, 5/J 1/50, by surface gomph spinigers and about 6 heterogomph falci­ light, over 15 fm among Macrocystis pyrife··a gers with ciliated end-piece� (fig. 167), and a (numerous). ventral bundle of heterogomph spinigers with Description short, knife-like blades (fig. 173) and 4-6 All the specimens are epitokous males with the heterogomph falcigers with short end-pieces. body divided into 3 regions. The length of holo­ The .median region of about 45 setigers has type (from Ringdove Bay) is 35 mm, the anterior natatory parapodia provided with crenulated region 5 n1m, the median 18 mm and the pos­ dorsal cirri ( fig. 162). The notopodia have a terior 12 m1n; the maximum width in median short, curved lobe at the base of the dorsal cirrus region is 4 mm. The prostomium and antero­ artd a rounded, foliaceous sub-acicular lobe. The dorsal surface of the body is dark brown, the eyes neuropodia have a broad, foliaceous, acicular lobe black. The parapodia, antennae and posterior and a shorter, bi-lobed, ventral one. The ventral region of the body are colourless. cirrus has upper and lower bi-lobed lobes. The prostomium is rectangular, not notched be­ The posterior region is elongated, filiform, tween the prostomial cirri, with 4 large black eyes, without natatory setae; the parapodia reduced to tl1e posterior pair the largest (fig. 164). The 2 conical rami with prominent black acicula ( fig. prostomial cirri are two-thirds the length of the 171). The notopodium is reduced to a single proston1ium, tapering. The palps have a rounded cylindrical lobe without setae, the aciculum pro­ S\Velling on the outer basal portion. The peri­ truding with recurved tip; the dorsal cirrus is in­ stomial cirri are short, slender, the longest reach­ flated with a backwardly projecting tip. The ing back to the 7th or 8th setiger; the others are neuropodia have a conical, pointed, acicular lobe shorter, the shortest reaching back to the 3rd and a short, pointed, sub-acicular lobe; ventral setiger. cirrus is slender, elongated. Anterior parapodia of The proboscis has light brown jaws provided this region have 1-2 sub-acicular, dark brown, with 4 rather blunt teeth. The arrangement of the l1eterogomph falcigers (fig. ·t 72); posterior para­ paragnaths of the Chatham Island specimens podia have an additional supra-acicular, hetero­ differs from that of those fron1 the Antipodes. In gomph falciger. all other respects, however, the specimens are Remarks. identical. The distribution of the paragnaths in This species can be immediately recognised by the Antipodes specimens (figs. 163-4) is as the long filiform tail. Other species with a si1nilar follows : area I with O; area II with 4-6 conical structure are N. torta Fauvel from Indo-China and paragnaths; area III with a single row of 4 or 5, N. filicaudatc1 Fauvel from the Gulf of Tadjoura. sometimes a trace of a 2nd row; area IV with an N. torta differs in the distribution of the parag­ oblique double row, the nun1ber variable; area V naths on the proboscis, in the arrange111ent of the with O; area VI with one or none; areas VII and setae and the modified lobes of the natatory para­ VITI none or a trace- of one or 2. The distribution podia. N. antipoda closely resembles N. filicaudatc1 f in the Chatham Island specimens (figs. 165-6) is in many respects, but difers in the following as follows: I with O; II with a double row of 10- points : an anterior unmodified region of 14 3rd 12 in each row, sometimes a short row; III setigers not 13; the paragnaths on the proboscis with an oval-shaped, variable cluster of 3-4 rows; more numerous; natatory parapodia with a bi­ IV with 3 curved, elongated rows of small lobed instead of a single lobe ventral to the ventral paragnaths; V with O; VI with a double row, 3-4 cirrus; neuropodia of the posterior region of the VII in each row; and VIII with a single row of body with a short pointed sub-acicular lobe. 8-9 larger paragnaths. Jiolotype The anterior region of 14 short segments is sharply separated from the median region. The Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. dorsal cirrus of the first 7 setigers is enlarged with Paratypes a crenulated dorsal margin ( fig. 170). The noto­ Dominion Museum, Wellington, and British podium of anterior parapodia has 2 rounded Museum (Nat. Hist. ), London. ligules. From the ninth setiger the supra-acicular Type Locality ligule becomes enlarged and pointed ( fig. 169). Ringdove Bay, Antipodes Islands.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ., ,• . --. , ....- ...... ___

162 163


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165 166 167

170 169 171 172 173 Nereis antipoda n.sp. Fig. 162- Male epitokous parapodium. Fig. 163 - Proboscis of holotype (from Antipodes Is.) in ventral view. Fig. 164-Anterior end of holotype. Fig. 165-Dorsal view of proboscis of a Chatham Island specimen. Fig. 166 - Ventral view of the same. Fig. 167 - Supra-acicular, neuropodial heterogomph falciger. Fig. 168 - Parapodit1m from posterior body region. Fig. 169 - Ninth parapodium. Fig. 170 - Fourth parapodium. Fig. 171 - Neuropodial acicula from a posterior parapodium. Fig. 172 - Neuropodial, heterogomph falciger from a posterior parapodium. Fig. 173 -Sub-acicular, neuropodial, heterogomph spiniger from an anterior parapodium.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Ge:1U5 _ ·eanth Kinberg, 1865 VI, VII and VIII of the proboscis forming a con­ Neantbes cricognatha (Ehlers), 1905 tinuous band of small paragnaths, 4 deep dorsally 1Vereis cricC>#


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178 176 177 179

Neanrhes articu/ata n.sp. Fig. 174 - Anterior end. Fig. 175 - Dissection of proboscis. Fig. 176 - Thirty-fifth parapodium. Fig. 177 - Anterior parapodium. Fig. 178 - Supra-acicular, neuro­ podial, heterogomph falciger. Fig. 179 - Sub-acicular, neuropodial, beterogomph falciger.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Neanthes articulata n. sp. (figs. 174-9) T)ipe Locality Records Owenga, Chatham Islands, 3-4 fm. Sta. 43 ( 1 ) . Description Genus Cheilonereis Benham, 1916 The single specimen measures 50 n1m for 94 segments. The body in alcohol is pale except for Cheilonereis peristomialis Benham, 1916 rusty brown, glandular areas on the dorsal ligule Cheilonereis peristomialis Benham, 1916a, p. J 38, of the neuropodium. The prostomium (fig. 174) pl. 44, figs. 10-18, pl. 47, figs. 19-22. is longer than broad, widest basally, narrowed Cheilonereis periston1ialis, Benham, 1916b, p. 392. Cheilonereis peristomialis, Benham, I 927, p. 82. anteriorly, with 4 sn1all red eyes. The proston1ial Cheilonereis peristo111ialis, Knox, 1950, p. 22, pl. 48, cirri elongated, projecting beyond the palps which figs. 3 2-3 3. are stout with a short tern1inal joint. The peri­ Records sto111ial cirri have articulated cirrophores with 2-3 Sta. 6 (5);Sta. 41 (1). joints; the cirri are short, wrinkled, the longest Remarks reaching back to the third setiger. rfhe ventral- This species is easily recognisable by the dorsal 1nost peristomial cirri are shorter and much stouter ligule of the notopodium being enlarged to forn1 than the others. The anterior region of the body is a co1npressed, pointed la1nella bearing a long, inflated, the peristomial ring being twice the length tapered, dorsal cirrus in a notch on the upper of the succeeding segn1ent. edge. All the specicnens were con1mensal with The proboscis (fig. 175) has elongated jaws hermit crabs of the genus E11pagur1{s. provided with 7-8 blunt teeth. Paragnaths are Distribution arranged as follows : area I with a single parag­ At1stralia, New Zealand. nath; area If, 2 rows, 5 paragnaths on one side, 10 on the other; area I I, 1 1 paragnaths in 3 rows Genus Pereinereis Kinberg, 1866 of 5, 2 and 4; area JV, an oval patch of 20 parag­ naths; area V with O; area VI, one on one side, Perinereis amblyodonta (Schmarda), 1861 (fig. one on the other; areas VII and VIII, a single 180) row of 10 conical paragnaths. Nereilepas a11iblyodonta Schmarda 1861, p. 106. The dorsal ligule of the notopodium is enlarged . · Per�Jnereis novaehollandiae, Knox, 1950, p. 221, pl. throughout with 3 oval, rusty brown, glandular · 48, figs. 25-3 1. patches and with the dorsal cirrus about halfway Rel·ords along its dorsal edge (fig. 176). The noto-acicular Sta. 9 ( 1); Sta. 16 ( l I ) ; Sta. 22 ( 3); Sta. 39 lobe is prominent, especially in the anterior para­ ( 3); Sta. 48 ( 4, epitokot1s). podia. The ventral cirrus is short, not projecting Remarks beyond the sub-acicular ligule of the neuropodium. Three of the epitokous specimens are males and Jn the median and posterior parapodia glandular one female. The female epitoke has an anterior areas are also present on the sub-,lcicular ligules unmodified region of 22 setigers, while the males of both the notopodia and neuropodia, and at the have an anterior unn1odified region of 16 setigers. base of the ventral cirrus (fig. 176). The neuro­ Both have a posterior unmodified region of about JJOdial postsetal lobe is conical, projecting 25 setigers. Natatory parapodia (fig. 180) are backwards in the anterior segments, reduced similar in the two sexes except that in the male posterioriy. the dorsal cirrus is crenulated, and the large post­ Notosetae consist of homogomph spinigers setal la1nella 'Of the neuropodia is larger than in throughout; no falcigers are present. Neurosetac the female. This species is the common inter-tidal consist of a dorsal bundle of homogomph spinigers nereid of rocky shores throughout the New Zea­ v;1ith 1-5 heterogomph falcigers (fig. 178) and a land area. It has previously been recorded fron1 ventral bundle of homogomph spinigers and the Chatham Islands by Ehlers. heterogomph falcigers ( fig. 179). Distribution Remarks Australia, New Zealand. Unique features are the articulated cirrophores of the peristomial cirri and the distribution of the Perinereis nuntia (Savigny) var. vallata (Grube), glandular areas on the parapodia. • 1857 (fig. 181) Holotype Perinereis nuntia var. vallata Knox, 1950, p. 218, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. pl. 45, figs. 9-10, pl. 46, figs. 11-13.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Records The single epitokous female, measuring 175 Sta. 11 (7); Sta. 26 (1), Port Hutt, Chathan1 n1m, has an anterior unmodified region 40 mm Island, collected F. Abernethy, 18/9 /50, with long, and a posterior unmodified region of 30 mn1, flood light ( 1, epitokous fen1ale). with a long med.ian region bearing natatory para­ Descriptiorz podia. The anterior reg1on has 33 unmodified


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181 186 Perinereis amblyodonta (Schn1arda) Fig. 180 - Female epitokous parapodium. Perinereis nuntia (Savigny) var. vallata (Grube) Fig. 181 - Female epitokous parapodium. australis (Schmarda) Fig. 182. Dorsal cirrus fron1 a fourth parapodium of an epitokous male. Fig. 183 - Female epitokous parapodium. Fig. 184 - Fourth parapodiun1 of an epitokous female. Nereis jacksoni Kioberg Fig. 185 - Dorsal cirrus of a fot1rth parapodiun1 from an epitokous female. Fig. 186 - Female epitokous parapodium.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ setigers with a gradual change to natatory para­ The male epitokes have an anterior unmodified podia over the next 10 setigers. The dorsal cirrus region of 15 setigers. The dorsal cirri of the first7 of the first 6 setigers is enlarged. Natatory para­ setigers show similar modifications to those of the podia have a very large, foliaceous lobe in the fen1ales, except that the attenuated tip arises on neuropodium (fig. 181). the side some distance from the bulbous end ( fig. Re,narks 182). They increase markedly in size from the first This species is widespread throughout New Zea­ parapodium. land, being recorded from Auckland to Stewart Remarks Island. Previous accounts of epitoky place the position Distribution of modification of the fen1ales at setigers 30-31 Nev; Zealand, Australia, lndo-Pacific, Chile, and ot the males at 19- 20. The shape of the South Africa. natatory parapodia resembles those figured for P. dumerilli antipoda by Hartman (1957, p. 35). In Perinereis nuntia (Savigny) var. brevicirrus this latter species, however, the position of modi­ (Grube), 1857 fication of the female is at setigers 22-23. Nereilepas brevicirrus Grube, 1857, p. 19, pl. 2, Distribution fig. 2. Antarctica, Sub-antarctic Islands, South Africa, Perinereis riu,itia var. brevicirrus, Knox, 1950, p. 219, pl. 46, figs. 14-18. Chile, New Zealand, Australia. Perinereis n.untia var. brevicirrus, Fauvel, 1953, p. 214, fig. 109a-b. Family E UNIC ID A E Grube Remarks Sta. 11 ( 8); Sta. 16 ( 2). Sub-family EUNICINAE Kinberg Re.,narks Typical. Genus Eunice Cuvier, 1817 Distribution Eunice australis Quatrefages, 1865 New Zealand, Australia, New Caledonia, Eunice australis Quatrefages, 1865, p. 316. Malayan Archipelago, Nicobar Islands, Indian Eunice 111.urrayii McIntosh, 1885, p. 228, pl. 39, Ocean, India, Red Sea, Saint Paul Islands. figs. 7-8, pl. 20A, figs. 19-20. Eunice australis, Knox, 1951, p. 66. Genus Platynereis Kinberg, 1866 Eunice Ol!Slralis, Fauvel, 1953, p. 240, fig. 118h-l. Records Platynereis australis (Schmarda), 1861 (figs. 182- Sta. 26 (l);Sta. 34 (2). 4) Remarks Platynereis australis, Knox, 1951, p. 223, pl. 49, figs. Typical. This species is widely distributed 34-40. throughout New Zealand. Records Distribution Sta. 10 ( 2 epitokous n1ales) ; Sta. 18 ( 7) ; Sta. New Zealand, Australia, India, Maldive Archi­ 26 (7); Sta. 43 (3); Sta. 49 (12); Sta. 50 (5); pelago, Gulf of Oman, Zanzibar, South Africa. Sta. 52 ( 3); Chathan1 Islands, collected Miss Shand, 18/10/52, CanterburyMuseum Collection Eunice tentaculata Quatrefages, 1865 ( 6); Port Hutt, Chathan1 Island, collected F. Euriice tentaculata. Quatrefages, 1865, p. 3 J 7. Abernethy, with flood lights, Dominion Museum Eunice pycnobra,ichiata McIntosh, 1885, p. 294, pl. Collection ( nun1erous epitokous females ) . 24, figs. 13-15. Eunice Fauvel, 1953, p. 234, fig. 118m-p. Description tentaculata, The epitokous females have an anterior un- Records 111odified region of 30-32 setigers and a posterior Sta. 14 (1, posterior end); Sta. 18 (l); Sta. region with natatory parapodia. The dorsal cirrus 24 ( 1) ·. Sta. 34 ( l). of the natatory parapodia is crenulated (fig. 183), Remarks and the dorsal cirrus of the first 7 setigers is en­ Typical. Gills commence at the 5th setiger and larged, inflated with an attenuated, tapering tip. have a maximun1 number of 7 filaments. The ventral cirrus of the first 4 setigers is similarly Distribution modified. The maximun1 size of these female New Zealand, Australia, Malayan Region, epitokes is 70 mm. Indian Ocean.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Eunice rubella Knox, 1951 Sub-genus Gray, 1847 Eunice rubellci Knox, 1951, p. 66, figs. 6- 12. Record,\ Eunice (Palola) siciliensis Grube, 1840 Sta. 2 (l); Sta. 23 (2 ). Eunice siciliensis, Fauvel, 1923, p. 405, fig. 159a-n1. Remarks Eunice siciliensis, Fauvel, 1953, p. 241, fig. 121e-m. Gills comn1ence on the 5th setiger and consist Records of 2 equal filaments as far as the 26th setiger and Sta. 18 (1). thereafter a single decreasing in size. T·he Remarks bidentate sub-acicular hooks have a characteristic A single specimen in three pieces with the char­ S-shaped curve. acteristic massive, white, calcareous mandibles Distribution protrudin.g. There are no comb or acicular setae This species has previously been recorded fron1 present. The single gill commences at the 73rd off Banks Peninsula in 80 frn and from the setiger. This is the first record of this tropical Southern Fiords (Knox, in the press). species from the New Zealand area. Distribution Eunice vittata delle Chiaje, 1822 (figs. 187-9) Circun1-tropical. Eunice vittata McIntosh, 1885, p. 276, pl. 38, figs. 3-5, pl. 19A, figs. 16-17. Sub-genus Nicidion Kinberg, 1865 Eunice vittata, Fauvel, 1923, p. 404, fig. l 58h-n. Eunice vittata, Hartman, 1944, p. 118. Records Eunice (Nicidion) curticirrus n. sp. (figs. 190-5) Sta. 13 (3, anterior ends); Sta. 34 (2, anterior Records ends, several fragn1ents ); Discovery Sta. 273 3 ( 1, Sta. 24 ( 1). anterior end). Description Description The single specin1en is 12 mm long and 1 ·2 The prostorniun1 is broad, incised in front. The mm broad, including the parapodia, with 5 5 seg­ antennae are long, faintly annulate, the median n1ents. The dorsal surface of the anterior segments reaching back to the 10th setiger. There are a pair is brownish, the rest of the body colourless. The of conspicuous reddish eyes between the bases of prostomium is prominent, the frontal margin the inner and outer lateral antennae. Gills com­ entire with a deep ventral sulcus. The antennae n1ence as a single filament on the 5th setiger, there are short, annulated, with short, inflated, bead­ are a pair on the 8th and by the 15th there are like articles (fig. 190); the median with 4, the 10 filaments (fig. 187). There are 8 filaments on inner laterals with 3 and the outer laterals with 2. the 30th setiger, 2 on the 3 1 st and none there­ There are cl pair of prominent, reddish eyes be­ after. tween the bases of the inner and outer lateral an­ tennae. The peristomial cirri are short, smooth, Acicular setae are yellow, tridentate (fig. 189), cirriforn1, about half as long as the peristomial present in the body region posterior to the gills. ring. The first six parapodia have enlarged, finger­ one There is usually in each parapodium, although like dorsal and ventral cirri of about equal size. there may be two in the more posterior segments. From the 7th setiger the dorsal cirri decrease in Jn the anterior, gill-bearing segments the bidentate size and become n1 ore slender ( fig. 194). Jn the setae have the sharp, projecting guard which is a11terior third of the body there are enlarged characteristic of this species (fig. 188). ventral pads with knob-like ventral cirri (fig. !J iscussion 195) . Behind this region the pads decrease in size Two closely related species characterised by and the ventral cirri become more elongated and having compound setae with a long pointed guard cirriform ( fig. 194) . are E. vittata and E. indica. E. vittata is dis­ Sub-acicular hooks are dark, strongly curved, tinguished from E. indica in that it has annulated a single one in each parapodium fron1 the 16th antennae, not sn1ooth, and a single sub-acicular setiger. Jn lateral view they appear bidentate with hook instead of 4 or 5. This is the first record of a broad sub-apical tooth, but in dorsal view the the species from the New Zealand area. terminal tooth is seen to be bifid ( figs. 191 and Distribution 193). Anterior parapodia have two equal dark South Atlantic, Mediterranean, Bern1uda, West acicula, about 6 simple setae and l 0-12 bidentate, Indian Region, Trinidad, Southern California to compot1nd setae (fig. 192). Jn the posterior para­ Pacific Panan1a, Hawaii, Japan, Bass Strait. podia the dorsal acicula is much larger than the


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ventral, the simple setae are reduced to 2 or 3 Sub-fan,ily ONUPHIDINAE Levinsen and the compound setae to 4-6. Remarks Genus Hyalinoecia Malgren, 1867 The sub-acicular hooks con1n1ence further for­ ward than in the other described species of the Hyalinoecia tubicola (M tiller) sub-genus, and the tridentate end with a bifid, Hyalinoecia tubicola, Fauvel, 1923, p. 421, fig. terminal tooth is a unique feature. The short an­ 166i-g. tennae with a few bead-like articles is also a Hyalinoecia tubicola, Fauvel, 1953, p. 261, fig. feature not found in the other species. 126i-q. Holotype Records Canterbury M useun1, Christchurch. Sta. 5 (5); Sta. 6 (nu1nerous ); Sta. 7 ( l); Sta. T} /Je Loc:ality 13 (l); Sta. 41 (6); Sta. 49 (9); Sta. 52 (l); 43 °36·2'S., 170°48·5'W., S. of The Sisters, 38 Sta. 58 (numerous) . fm. Re,narks Typical. This species is widely distributed Genus Marphysa Quatrefages, 1865 throughout the New Zealand area. Distribution Marphysa capensis (Schn,arda), 1865 (figs. I 96-8) Cosmopolitan. Marphysa cape11sis, Augener, 1918, p. 332 , text-fig. · 3 3. Genus Rhampbobrachium Ehlers, 1887 Marphysa coraLlina, Ehlers, 1904, p. 31. Marphysa aenea, Ehlers, 1907, p. 12. Rhamphobrachium chuni Ehlers, 1912 Marphysa aenea, Benham, 1909, p. 244. Marphysa aenea, Augener, 1923, p. 64. Rhan1phobrachiun1 chuni Ehlers, 19 l2, p. 76, pl. 9, Marphysa aenea, Augener, 1924, p. 411. figs. 6-15. Non Marphysa capensis, Fauvel, 1950, p. 365. Rha111phobrachiun1. chuni, Augener, 1924, p. 412. Rha111phobrachiun1 eh.uni, Fauvel, 1953, p. 26 1, fig. Records 132a-b. Sta. (3); Sta. 26 (1). 16 Rec:ords Description . Sta. I ( 1); Sta.. 44 ( 4); Sta. 46 ( l); Sta. 59 A complete specin1en measures 70 1nn1 and is l ( l ) . 7 mm broad, including the parapodia, across the widest part of the body. The anterior segments Description are rounded, dorsally arched, the posterior seg- None of the speci111ens arc co111plete. The largest 1nents flattened, oval in cross-section. Gills com­ specimen measures 25 n1n1 by 4 mn1 for 36 seg- mence on the 16th setiger and are continued 1nents. The antennae are short, subulate, borne almost to the end of the body. Anterior segments on short ringed ceratophores. In the first three h,1ve a dorsal bundle of curved, limbate setae, with parapodia the dorsal cirri are enlarged, subulate a few comb setae ( fig. 197) and a ventral bundle and directed ventrally. The characteristic elon­ of nun1erous compound setae with short, bidentate gated setae of the anterior parapodia are missing. end-pieces (fig. 198) . There are 3 dark acicula Gills comn,ence on the 6th setiger, are bifid on ( fig. 196) and a single, yellow, unidentate acicular the 13th and trifid on the 15th. The maxin1um seta is present from the 29th setiger. number of 6 filan1ents is attained by the 33rd Ren1arks setiger. Day ( 195 4, 195 5) has shown that M. corallina Remarks and M. capensis have been confused. M. c: orallina The present specimens agree well with the pub­ p is ,i warm water species with bidentate acicular lished descriptions of the species exce t that the setae, while M. cape11sis is a cold water species gills commence on the 6th setiger and not on the ,¥ith unidentate acicular setae. Speci111ens previ­ 12th. Previously recorded from Colville Channel ously recorded from New Zealand as Jvt. coralline, in 35 fm. and M. aenea are probably M. capensis. Previ­ Distribution ously recorded fro1n the Chatham Islands by New Zealand, Australia, Adaman Islands, Ehlers ( 1904) as M. corallina. Ceylon, Laccadive Sea, Eastern Africa. Distribution New Zealand, Falkland Islands, South West Genus Onuphis Audouin and Milne-Edwards, Africa, Antarctica. 1822


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 190


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...... · �·-,, ...... , . . .� ...... • . .1 . •. • ...... ' ...... 191 192 I


189 197 • • - 196 • ••• -- �- -I' • • •

188 198

. . . . . :·. .· . ·.· .. 194 .' . : ..:· .., . . .. • . • • • • • 't,. • • • . 195

Eu.riice vittata delle Chiaje Fig. 187 - Fifteenth parapodium. Fig. 188 - Anterior compound neuroseta. Fig. 189 - Acicular neuroseta. Eunice (Nicidion) curticirru.s n.sp. Fig. 190 - Anterior end. Fig. 191 -Acicular seta. Fig. 192 - Compound neuroseta. Fig. 193 - Anterior end of an acicular seta. Fig. 194 - Median parapodium. Fig. 195 - Anterior parapodium. Marphysa capensts• (Schmarda) Fig. 196 -Acicula. Fig. 197 - Comb seta. Fig. 198 - Compound seta .


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Onuphis proalopus Chamberlain, 1919 (.figs. J 99- compound, tridentate, hooded hooks with a 204) pointed guard (fig. 200) , and a dorsal bundle of Onuphis proalopus Chamberlain, 1919, p. 265, pl. simple limbate setae. By the 6th parapodia the 40, figs. 3-8, pl. 41, figs. 1-10. pseudo-compound hooks are replaced by stout Records simple setae. Further posteriorly simple hooded Sta. 5 (23); Sta. 13 (l); Sta. 41 (l); Sta. 59 hooks n1aketheir appearance, 2 or 3 in each para­ ( 10); Sta. 60 ( 1). podium, replacing the sin1ple ventral setae. They Description are bidentate with the sub-apical tooth the largest The tube is cylindrical with a transparent base (fig. 204) . covered by a thin layer of fine sand grains. The The maxillae are light brown, irregularly holotype specimen measures l 05 mm for about blackis.h on their outer edges ( fig. 199). The 300 segments. The dorsum of the first 50 segments carriers are broad, massive, incised anteriorly. is marked by a broad band of reddish brown pig­ The forceps (Maxilla 1) are falcate, strongly ment; behind this the pigment band rapidly dis­ curved. The tooth formula on the left side is as appears and the rest of the body is pale. The follows: Maxilla II l1as 5 teeth, Maxilla III 7 pigmentation is faint or absent in some specimens. teeth, Maxilla IV 6 teeth and Maxilla V a single The prostomium has a pair of pigment patches tooth. On the right side the forn1ula is as follows : near its anterior border; its appendages are colour­ Maxilla II has 6 teeth, Maxilla III 9 andMaxilla less. The first few segments are cylindrical, the V a single tooth. rest of the body broad, depressed, a uniform width Remarks throughout. These specimens agree in all respects with The prostomium (fig. 201 ) is almost circular Chamberlain's specimen except for the following with a pair of short, sub-cylindrical, frontal an­ differences in the arrangement .of the teeth on the tennae. The ceratophores of the prostomial maxillae. antennae are annulated with 5 small proximal Present rings and a longer distal one; the styles are long Chamberlain specimens cylindrical, tapering, the inner laterals reaching Left Maxilla II 8 5 back to the 15 th setiger, the median to the 10th. Maxilla III 9 8 Maxilla IV 7 6 There are no eyes visible. The peristqmiun1 is Maxilla V 1 1 sl1orter and narrower than the 1st setiger, and the Right Maxilla I 10 8 peristomial cirri are slender, filiforn1, equal in Maxilla II 10 9 length to the 1 st setiger. Maxilla V 1 1 The first 3 setigers are conspicuously longer Chamberlain's material consisted of a single and broader than the succeeding ones, the 7th specimen taken off Peru in 536 fm. Since its setiger being half the length of the 3rd. The first original discovery the species has remained un­ parapodium is directed forward. The dorsal cirri recorded. of the first 3 setigers ( fig. 203) are long and Distribution slender. Behind this they decrease in size, but re­ Peru, New Zealand. main comparatively elongated and slender to the end of the body. The post-setal lobe of the an­ Sub-genus Nothri�. Mal111gren, 1867 terior segments is long and tapering. It gradually decreases in length and by the 20th setiger ( fig. Onophis () iridescens (Johnson) 190 l. 202) is knob-like. The ventral cirri are elongated, Nothria iridescens Johnson, 1901, p. 408, pl. 7, tapering over the first 7 setigers. Beginning at the figs. 86-7, pl. 9, figs. 88-92. 8th setiger they are reduced to pad-like eleva­ Nothria iridescens, Moore, 1911, p. 255. Nothria iridescens, Moore, 1908, p. 245. tions. Gills are present from the 8th setiger as a Nothria iridescens, Hartman, 1947, p. 87, pl. 5, figs. single filament; on the 10th or 11th there are 2 99-104. filaments; by the 25th there are 3, with a maxi­ Records mu1n of 4 or 5 beind this. By the 75th setiger Sta. 5 ( 1); Sta. 52 ( 6); Sta. 60 ( 1) . they are reduced to a single filament which con­ Description tinues over the next 150 setigers. A complete specimen n1easures 80 mm by 1 Neuro-acicula number up to 4; they are dark mm, excluding the parapodia. The colour in alco­ brown in colour, with colourless, finely pointed hol is pearly iridescent white. There are no dark tips. In the first5 parapodia there are 4-5 pseudo- inter-segmental grooves as reported by Hartman


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ( 1947). The ceratophores of the antennae are to about the 10th setiger. The ceratophore of the long, annulate. The outer lateral ceratophores median antenna is shorter and its style extends have about 10 short articles and a longer distal back to the 8th setiger. The peristomial cirri are one, the style is about two-thirds as long. An long and filiform. Pale eyespots are visible be­ inner, lateral, paired antenna has 15 shorter tween the bases of the inner and outer lateral articles and a longer distal one, its style extends antennae.

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199 200

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.. 202 .. 204 On.uphis proalopus Chamberlain Fig. 199 - Maxillae. Fig. 200 - Pseudo-compound neuroseta. Fig. 201 - Anterior end. Fig. 202 - Median parapodium. Fig. 203 - Second parapodium. Fig. 204 -·A simple hooded hook.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Branchiae are present from the 1st or 2nd Records setigers, longer than the dorsal cirrus after the Sta. 5 (2). 3rd setiger. They are present throughout the body. Description Ventral cirri are cirriform th�oughout the first 6 The prostomium is conical, depressed, longer or 7 setigers, pad-like thereafter. than broad (fig. 208). Anterior parapodia are Post-setal lobes are elongated throughout the provided with a blunt, conical, backward project­ anterior region, reduced to a small papilla by the ing post-setal lobe. This is reduced posteriorly 15th setiger. Anterior parapodia have tridentate, and by the 40th parapodium is knob-like. There pseudo-compound, hooded hooks, the distal tooth are no compound setae. Anterior parapodia are being the largest. There are 4 �uch hooks in the provided with simple setae ( fig. 206) and long, first parapodium and 6 in the third. There are 3 slender, simple hooded hooks (fig. 205). Jn the yellow, genticulate, pointed acicula. By the 7th 8th parapodium there are 5 dorsal limbate setae, parapodium these hooded hooks are replaced by 5 simple hooks and 2 ventral limbate setae. slender, pointed, simple setae. Transition to shorter, stouter, hooded hooks Remarks occurs from the 25th parapodium. A 45th para­ Hartman (1947) has pointed out that 0. podium has 5 simple hooks (fig. 207 ) and a iridescens, 0. elegans (Johnson) and 0. holo­ single, simple, limbate seta. Anteriorly there are branchiata Marenzeller are three closely related 3 black acicula and posteriorly a single one. The species. 0. elegans is distinguished by having hooks and the basal part of the simple setae are heavy sub-acicular hooks, ventral cirri cirriform black, more noticeably so in older specimens. through 4 or 5 setigers and sub-acicular hooks Remarks present from the 10th setiger. 0. h,olobranchiata, This species may be distinguished by the cirrus­ has a distinctive colour pattern on the dorsum, like post-setal lobe and the dark acicula and setae. the frontal tentacles are cirriform not ovoid as in Distribution 0. iridescens, the paired antennae slender, and the New Zealand. pseudo-compound setae both bidentate and tri­ dentate. This is the first record of the species from New Zealand. Lumbrinereis sphaerocephala (Schmarda), 1861 Distribution Lumbriconereis spfiaerocephala, Ehlers, 1904, p. 33, Western coast of North America, Cape Horn. pl. 5, figs. 3-1 1. Lumbriconereis spliaerocephala, Fauvel, 1953, p. 267, fig. 135c-f. Onuphis (Nothria) conchylega Sars Records Onuphis concliylega, Fauvel, 1923, p. 415, fig. J64. Sta. 1 ( 1); Sta. 4 ( 3); Sta. 5 ( 13); Sta. 14 Nothria conchylega, Hartman, 1947, p. 85, pl. 5, figs. (1); Sta. 16 (3); Sta. l8 (9); Sta. 28 (2); Sta. 105-12, pl. 17, figs. 337-8. 29 (1); Sta. 52 (2); Sta. 59 (7). Onuphis conchylega, Fauvel, 1953, p. 255, figs. 128a-m. Description Records The prostomium is short, globular to conical. Sta. 1 ( 1); Sta. 30 ( 3); Sta. 59 ( 1). The post-setal lobe is well-developed posteriorly, Remarks elongated and pointed. An anterior parapodium This is the first record from the New Zealand is provided with 3 dorsal, strongly curved, limbate region of this cosmopolitan species with its charac­ setae with broad blades, 3 or 4 compound, teristic flattened tube covered with shell fragments. bidentate, setae and 1 or 2 ventral, straight, lim­ Distribution bate setae. Compound setae are confined to 20 to Cosmopolitan. 30 anterior segments. Behind this region there are 3 hooded hooks with blunt inflated ends, and further back only 2. Sub-family LUMBRINEREINAE, Grube Remarks This species is widely distributed throughout the Genus Lumbrinereis Blainville, 1828 New Zealand region, from the inter-tidal region down to 80 fm. It has previously been recorded Lumbrinereis brevicirra (Schmarda) 1861 (figs. from the Chatham Islands by Ehlers ( 1904). 205-8) Distribution Lumbriconereis brevicirra Schmarda, 1861. Lumbriconereis brevicirra, Ehlers, 1904, p. 35, pl. 4, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia, figs. 13-20, pl. 5, figs. 1-2. Gambia Islands.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Lumbrinereis sp. (figs. 209-1 Oa) stomium, the first segn1ent and the parapodia are Records pale, dorsal surface of the rest of the body has a Sta. 13 ( l anterior end); Sta. 46 ( l, badly broad band of dark brown pigment across each damaged). segment. Anterior parapodia have a conical post­ Description setal lobe (fig. 21Oa) reduced to a small knob by The anterior fragment fron1 Sta. 13 measures the 30th setiger. Simple limbate setae only are 8 n1m for 32 segn1ents. The proston1ium is conical, present as far as the 32nd segment of the frag­ flattened, fused with the first segn1ent. The pro- ment, about 8 anteriorly reduced to 5 posteriorly

' \ I ' . , I · I \

207 210

209 205 206

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Lumbrinereis brevicirra (Schmarda) Fig. 205 - Anterior, simple hooded hook. Fig. 206 - Anterior dorsal simple seta. Fig. 207 - Posterior, simple hooded hook. Lumbrinereis sp. Fig. 209 - Maxillae. Fig. 210 - Ventral simple seta. Fig. 21 Oa - Parapodium.

I 3 I

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ (fig. 210). Dorsalmost setae are slightly curved; In the post-branchial region the pre-setal lobe ventralmost are straight. There are 3 pale acicula is short rounded, the post-setal a short conical in each parapodium. projection which disappears posteriorly (fig.215). Maxillary carriers ( fig. 209) are longer than The parapodia are supported by short dark broad, basally blunt, laterally incised; the forceps acicula, varying in number throughout the body (maxillae I) are falcate; maxilla II has 5 teeth on with a maximum of 3 or 4 in the 1niddle of the either side; maxillae III and IV have each a. branchial region. single tooth. The first few parapodia have a dorsal bundle Remarks of curved, Jimbate setae and a ventral bundle of Until the posterior region of this species is elongated, hooded hooks with long, narrow flanges known it cannot be placed among the large num­ and small, denticulated ends (fig. 216). Behind ber of described species of Lumbrinereis. The this and throughout the branchial region the para­ maxillae resemble those described by Hartn1an podia have a dorsal bundle of about 6 curved, ( 1944) for L. bicirrata, the latter however having limbate setae ( fig. 21 3), a median bundle of 3 hooded hooks on the anterior segments. In having or 4 elongated, hooded hooks and a ventral bundle simple setae only in the parapodia it resembles of 1 or 2 straighter, limbate setae. In the hinder L. pseudobifilaris (Fauvel ). region the ventral limbate setae are absent, the dorsal ones reduced in number and the hooded Genus Ninoe Kinberg, 1864 hooks are shorter with wider flanges ( fig. 218) and about 7 well-developed teeth. Ninoe falklandica Monro, 1936 (figs. 211- 19) Ninoe falklandica Monro, 1 936, p. 156, fig. 28a-1. The carriers of the maxillae (fig. 214) are Nin.oe leptognatha, Augener, 1924, p. 427. elongate pointed; the forceps (maxilla I) are fal­ Ninoe falklandica, Fauvel, 1941, p. 285. cate with a pair of accessory plates alongside; Records maxillae II have 6 or 7 teeth.; maxillae III have Sta. 5 (10); Sta. 4 (2); Sta. 13 (1). an anterior well-developed tooth and a posterior Description finely denticulated tooth-like region; maxillae IV Up to 42 mm for 115 segments, incomplete are finely denticulated. The mandibles are long, posteriorly. The prostomium (fig. 211) is conical, slender with wide, flaring distal ends ( fig. 212). pointed, the anterior margin of the first ( apodous) Remarks segment being produced into 2 rounded pro­ The present specimens are very close to the longations. Ventrally the second ( apodous) seg­ one from the Falkland Islands described byM onro ment is continued forward in the median line to ( 193 3) as N. falklan dica.. The number of gill­ form the lower edge of the mouth. The body is bearing segments is the same and the structure of divided into 3 distinct regions (fig. 21 1), an the parapodia and the arrangement of the gills is anterior region of about 6 narrow, elongated seg­ identical. There are some small differences in the ments, a median gill-bearing region from about the maxillae. Monro described maxilla III as uniden­ 6th to the 32nd segments, with much broader tate, without denticulations, whereas in the pre­ shorter segments, and a post-branchial region of sent specimens it is denticulated. The carriers are longer narrower segments. The first 6 segments of also more elongated than shown inM onro's figure the posterior region are longer than the succeeding (1933, fig. 28k). ones. Th e broadening and shortening of the gill­ At first I thought that these specimens would bearing segments is more pronounced in the prove to be N. leptognatha Ehlers which had larger specimens. Throughout about the first 12 previously been recorded by Augener from New setigers there is a gradual increase in the size of Zealand. The structure of the jaws as figured by tl1e oarapodia from before backwards. Parapodia Ehlers ( 1897, pl. 27, fig. 19) is very similar to of the first 2 setigers consist of a short anterior those of the present specimens. However, Ehlers lobe and a blunt triangular posterior lobe. By the states that there are capillary setae only present 32nd setiger the posterior lobe gives rise to a in the first 35 setigers. Augener ( 1924) examined dorsal cirriform process ( fig. 219). By the 6th one of Ehler's specimens of N. leptognatha from setiger the posterior lobe has a pair of cirriform Peuto Eugenia. This was 26 mm long with a gill­ branchial processes. These increase in number bearing region extending to the 40th setiger with until by about the 20th setiger there is a maximum a maximum number of 7 filaments. In the present of 4 filaments (fig. 217). Th e gills disappear by specimens the gill-bearing does not extend · past the 30th setiger. the 30th setiger and the maximum number of gill


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.. '• . '· •' ' � . • ., ...... ,.. . . ' . . .. � ·...... • ; ·.,·

211 212 ... ' ' . f.. .• 213

:' .:.·. · ::- . . ·,1 ::··. ··· :-_? :, ...... •.• . • ,'•, !.'-'. ··'· ...,. •.. .. · · .. ..; ..:.�..� .:' ,.; .

215 216



218 217 Ninoe falklandica Monro Fig. 211 - Anterior end, segme.nts 20-24 and segments 44-47. Fig. 212 - Mandibles. Fig. 213 -Dorsal simple limbate seta. Fig. 214 - Maxillae. Fig. 215- Seventy-eighth parapodium. Fig. 216 -Anterior, simple, hooded hook. Fig. 217 - Twentieth parapodium. Fig. 218 - Posterior, simple, hooded hook. Fig. 219 - Fourth parapodium.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ filaments is 4. Augener could not detern1ine the while in D. incerta they are slender. The antennae point of commencement of the hooded hooks, but of D. incerta are distinctly moniliform and the found none on the 12th setiger. Augener's New palps have a long basal portion with a short knob­ Zealand specimens from Bare Island, White Island like end joint. D. incerta has forked setae and and Akaroa Harbour had a gill-bearing region these are absent in D. australiensis. extending as far as the 30th setiger with a maxi­ Distribution mum number of 4 filaments. Simple hooded hooks New Zealand, Australia, Indian Ocean, Pacific were present in the anterior parapodia. N. falk­ Ocean. landica can thus be distinguished from N. leptog­ natha by having a gill bearing region extending to the 30th setiger and simple hooded hooks in the Family G L Y C E R l D A E Grube anterior parapodia. Distribution Genus Hemipodus Quatrefages, 1865 Straits ofMagellan, Falkland Islands, New Zea­ land. Hemipodus digitifera n. sp. (figs. 220-6) Records Sub-family DORVILLEINAE, Chamberlain Sta. 14 ( 1). Description Genus Dorvillea Parfitt, 1866 The single, complete individual 1neasures 80 n1m for 164 setigers. Segments appear triannulate, Dorvillea australiensis (M cIntosh) 1885 with the parapodial ring slightly the larger one. Staurocephalus australiensis McIntosh, 1885, p. 232, The anterior and posterior rings, however, show pl. 32, fig. 6, pl. 1 7A, figs. 9-10. signs of subdivision and in the median region of Staurocephalus australis, Ehlers, 1904, p. 37. Stauronereis oustraliensis, Augener, 1924, p. 296. the body there are 5 rings. The prostomium (fig. 220) is longer than broad, annulated with about Records Sta. 18 ( 1). Remarks This species has been widely repo,rted fron1 the North Cape to Stewart Island. The present speci­ men, a n1ature female, measures 25 mn1 for 78 221 setigers. Distribution New Zealand, Australia, Ambonia, Juan Fer­ nandez.

Dorvillea incerta (Schmarda) 1861 220 Cirrosyllis incerta Schmarda, 1861, p. 79. Staurocephalus australis Haswell, 1888, p. 65, pl. . 53, figs. 1-6. ·.:· .';. ,.,. --;·_-,'"")_,, -�- •.·. Ehlers, 1904, p. 36. · :··,� · · Stauronereis incerta, : . --,.,: :.-. :_ : Stauronereis loveni, Augener, 1924, p. 438. Stauronereis loveni, Augener, 1926, p. 193. Fauvel, 1953, p. 279, fig. ' Staurocephalus incertus, · 222 143a-c. 223 Records .. . , .• . ... Sta. 40 ( 1 ) ; Sta. 44 ( 1) . ��: �":! . .• � 'i . ·' .. , 'l:i .,...... ,.-. , . : · . - ;·? >.• ;..:-.:, Remarks ;�� � ,. • -. �<:.,-j. ... A small slender species, a typical specimen 224 226 measuring 9 mm for 45 setigers. D. austra.liensis 225 on the other hand is a. large, robust species. The Hemipodus digitifera n.sp. Fig. 220 -Anterior end. Fig. two species can readily be distinguished by the 221 - Sixty-fifth parapodium. Fig. 222 - Posterior para­ shape of the antennae and palps. Both palps and podium. Fig. 223 - Paragnath. Fig. 224 - Fifth para­ antennae are stout, tapering in D. australiensis podium. Fig. 225 -Seta. Fig. 226 - Proboscis papillae.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 8 indistinct rings, somewhat flattened dorso­ Glycera tessellata Grube, 1868 ventrally and spatulate. The 4 terminal antennae Glycera tessellata, FauveJ, 1923, p. 387, fig. 152. are conspicuous, somewhat flattened, broadest Glycera tessellata, Hartman, 1950, p. 77, pl. 10, fig. 11. basally, tapering distally. The anterior pair are Glycera tessel/ata, Knox, 1951, p. 70. terminally inserted, the posterior pair dorso­ Records laterally. The peristomium has a pair of prominent Sta. 18 (2); Sta. 23 (2); Sta. 32 (l); Sta. 34 nuchal organs consisting of a low oval mound (2); Sta. 59 (2). surrounded by a well-defined raised rim. Remarks The everted proboscis is short, clavate, densely The maximun1 length of the specin1ens is 75 covered with papillae and with prominent longi­ mm. They are typical, without gills and with elongate, slender papillae on the proboscis. This tudinal furrows. The papillae ( fig. 226) are of 2 f sorts, one cylindrical, elongated, the length vari­ species has previously been recorded fron1 of able, the other oval to sub-spherical. The elongate Banks Peninsula in 80 fm. papillae are n1uch more nun1erous than the Distribution spherical ones. Both kinds show no trace of orna­ Cosmopolitan. mentation. Paragnaths are black, strongly falcate, with a prominent spur on the side above the base Glycera lamelliformis McIntosh, 1 885 (figs. 227- of the embedded aileron which is a nearly straight 32) rod. Glycera lamelliformis McIntosh, 1885, p. 347, pl. 42, figs. 9-10, p. 22A, fig. 11. Parapodia (fig. 22 l-4) are elongate, well­ Records developed throughout. The dorsal cirrus is sub­ Sta. 28 ( 1 ); Sta. 32 (l); Sta. 40 (l); Sta. 44 globular, longest in the median region, reduced (1). posteriorly. The post-setal lobe is rounded Description throughout; the pre-setal is triangular, tern1inating The largest specimen ( Sta. 40) measures 65 in an elongate, slender, digitate lobe with a blunt mm for 166 segments. The colour in alcohol is tip anteriorly and a pointed upturned one posteri­ light brown, the tips of the parapodial lobes and orly. The ventral cirrus is rounded anteriorly; en­ ventral cirri darker in the anterior region. The larged, somewhat rectangular in the median body is cylindrical, tapering posteriorly, the seg­ region; elongate, pointed posteriorly. ments triannulate. There is a prominent, median Setae are equally developed throughout the furrow in the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral line. The body, numbering 6-8 in each parapodium. They prostomium is short, conical, broad basally with are compound throughout, homogomph, with 9-l O rings and 4 minute antennae. The proboscis straight tapering end-pieces ( fig. 225 ). is cylindrical, densely covered, except for the basal portion, with elongate, cylindrical papillae, Remarks variable in length, those of the distal end being The shape of the prostomiun1 with its flattened the longest ( figs. 230-1 ). Their oral side is clearly antennae is a unique feature. The only species ridged with 4-9 transverse ridges, forming an so far described with 2 kinds of papillae on the acute angle in the midline. The opening is st1b­ proboscis is H. borealis Johnson which differs in terminal on the oral side. having bead-like triannulate body segments and The parapodia are prominent throtighout, differently shaped parapodial lobes and ventral elongated posteriorly (figs. 227-9). The post-setal cirri. H. simplex Grube has previously been lobe is entire anteriorly, becoming bifid at the recorded from New Zealand. This species, how. . 28th setiger; the pre-setal lobe is bifid throughout. ever, has sparse short, triangular, cusp-like papillae Anteriorly the pre-setal lobes are the longer, in on the proboscis. the median region they are equally developed. All Holotype the setal lobes are pointed, lamelliform, the pre­ Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. setal curving anteriorly, the post-setal posteriorly. The dorsal cirrus is ovate, situated a little above Type Locality the parapodium anteriorly, on the dorsal edge ° ° 44 00'S., 1 76 2 1 'W., Hanson Bay, Chatham posteriorly. The ventral cjrrus is prominent Islands, 15 fm. throughout, conical, laterally compressed an­ teriorly, expanded, foliaceous in the median Genus Glycera Lamarck, 1818 region, and. elongated, tapering posteriorly. Gills


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ are retractile, situated on the posterior face of the dorsal micrognaths 3 or 4 inconspicuous Y-shaped parapodia near the base of the dorsal cirrus. They pieces.• con1mence at about the 25th to the 27th setiger, Parapodia have a large, broad, foliaceous dorsal are single, elongated, cylindrical and in the median cirrus with a slender base (fig. 233). Notopodia region greatly exceed the parapodia in length. have a long, triangular pre-setal lobe and a shorter, Notosetae are simple, curved and finely ser­ rounder post-setal lobe. Neuropodia have 2, long, al rated. Neurosetae are compound, with elongated, triangular pre-setal lobes and a shorter post-set lobe. Notosetae ary; tapering end-pieces with a narrow border (fig. are thick, pointed, capill 232). neurosetae are compound spinigers. Remarks Remarks The present specimens show a similar variation G. lc1melliformis was described from 2 anterior in the number of chevrons and micrognaths as Ch fragrnents, obtained fron1 Queen arlotte Sound reported by Hartman ( 1950). This is the first been in l O fm on a muddy botton1.. It has not record of the species from the New Zealand area. recorded since its original discovery. The present specimens agree well with McIntosh's account and Distribution enable the description to be extended. G. lamelli­ Eastern Pacific Ocean from Alaska. to southern formis falls into the group of species with trans­ California, Hawaii: depths ranging from low inter­ versely ridged papillae including G. dibranchiata tidal to over 600 fm. Ehlers, G. oxycephala Ehlers, G. robusta Ehlers, G. lapidum Quatrefages, G. tenuis Hartman and Goniada emerita Audouin and Edwards, 1822 G. chirori Izuka. The arrangement of the gills and (figs. 235-8) the shape of the parapodial lobes of this species Goniada emerita, Fauvel, 1923, p. 391, fig. 154. ?Goniada japonica Jzuka, l 912, p. 238, pl. 23, figs. are distinctive. 1-6. Distribution Goniada longicirrata Monro, 1937, p. 285, fig. 12 New Zealand. a-e. Goniada en1erita, Hartman, 1950, p. 32. Records Family G O N I A D A E Sta. 46 ( 1). Description Genus Goniada Audouin and Edwards, 1834 The single specimen, incomplete posteriorly, measures 35 mm. The anterior uniramous region Goniada brunnea Treadwell, 1906 (figs. 233-4) consists of 67 segments and the transition to the Goniada brunnea Treadwell, 1906, p. 1174, figs. 67-70. biramous condition is abrupt. The prostomium has Goniada brunnea, Hartman, 1950, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 8 rings and 4 small antennae. Proboscis papillae 1-6, pl. 4, fig. 1. resemble those of G. brunnea, but the flange is not Records so well-developed and the stalk is more pro­ Sta. 5 (2); Sta. 28 ( Sta. 40 ( Sta. 44 nounced (figs. 235-6). There are 9 pairs of 1); 1); chevrons. The in acrognaths have 4 teeth, one ( 4). minute. The micrognaths are arranged in a com­ Description plete circlet of about 20 large and smaller X­ The specimens range in size from 25 mm to 48 shaped paragnaths in 2 irregular rows. mm. The prostomium is broad, depressed, trun­ Anterior parapodia have an elongated, pointed cate, annulate with 8-10 rings, terminating in a dorsal cirrus, 2 elongate pre-setal lobes, a shorter broad, somewhat spatulate end with two pairs of single post-setal lobe (fig.23 7). The ventral cirrus short antennae. is equal in length to the post-setal lobe. Notosetae The everted proboscis is short cylindrical, are thick, pointed, capillary; neurosetae are com­ covered with small low papillae that are adpressed pound spinigers. to the surface, resembling low flat scales. They are Remarks sub-circular with a wide flaring flange (fig. 234). The specimen agrees well with Fauvel's ( 1953) The chevrons are variable, in 3 specimens with description. This is the first record of the species the proboscis everted they number 7, 13 and 14. from New Ze aland. The 4 species of Goniada Macrognaths are dark with 5 teeth, the longest at recorded fron1 the New Ze aland area may be dis­ the dorsal end. Ventral micrognaths number 7, tinguished as follows.


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231 230 /.


232 234


237 238

Glycera lamelliformis McIntosh Fig. 227 -Median parapodium. Fig. 228 - Posterior view of a fifteenth parapodium. Fig. 229 - Posterior parapodium. Fig. 230 - Lateral view of proboscis papilla. Fig. 231 - Anterior view of proboscis papilla. Fig. 232 - Ventral compound seta. Goniada brunnea Treadwell Fig. 233 - Biramous parapodium. Fig. 234 - Proboscis papilla. Goniada e,nerita Andouin and Edwards Figs. 235-236 - Proboscis papillae. Fig. 237 - Biramot1s parapodium. Fig. 238 - Anterior t1niramol}s parapodium.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Key to the New Zealand Species of Goniada 3. Parapodial change at segments 60-70, neuro­ podial lobes of median region elongated ------·-·------..... ·····-··------··--·--- -···------·-··· G. emerita I. Notopodia with slender hair-like setae ______2 3. Parapodial change at segments 90, .neuropodial 1. Notopodia with acicu1ar or rod-like setae ______3 lobes of median region short triangular 2. Parapodial change at about segment 15, pro­ ··------·······-··········· ······-······-··-·-······· ...... G. grahami boscis papillae rounded with broad, flaring Distribution flange -··········--·------·····------·-··-······--· ···- G. brunnea 2. Parapodial change gradual, at segments 70-1 12, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, Indic1, Arabian parapodial papillae conical ·----·····-·····-- _ G. n1aorica Sea, Red Sea, Japan.


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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ 1913: Die Polychaeten-Samn1luogen der deutchen J 950: Polychaetous . Goniada, Gly­ SUdpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. Dtsch. Sulpolar- ceridae, . Allan Hancock Paci/. Exped. Expecl. J 3 (4): 397-598. I 5 ( 1 ): 1-181.

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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ MARENZELLER, E. VON 1878: Die Coelenteraten, MULLER, 0. F. 1771: "Von Wurmerm des sussen und Echinodermen und Wurn1er der K. Oester-reichisch­ salzigen Wassers." Copenhagen, Heinich Mumme und Ungarischen Nord-polar-Expedition. K. Akad. Wiss. Faber. 200 pp. Wein, Denkschr, 35: 357-98. OKUDA, S. 1939: Annelida Polychaeta in Onagawa Bay MONRO, C. C. A. 1924: On the polychaeta collected by and its vicinity. 2. Polychaeta Errantia with some H.M.S. Alert, J 881-1882. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 36: 37- addenda of Polychaeta of Polychaeta Sedentaria. Sci. 64. Rep. Tokohu Univ. Ser. 4, Biol. 14 (1-2): 219-44.

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Abernethy, F., 123, 124 Castalia (see Nereiniyra) Admiralty Islands, 98 Celebes, 98 Aglaophan1us, 115 Ceylon, 98, 111, 126 Aglaophamus bathanii, 78, 79, 115 Chamberlain, R. V., 128 Aglaopfianius niacrura, 79, 115 Chatham Islands, 77, 80, 93, 95, 97, 106, 107, 109, Aglaophamus maoria11a, 78, 79, 115 111, 119, 121. 122, 123, 124, 126, 130, 135 Aglaopharrius verrilli, 79, 115 Chatl1am Islands 1954 Expedition, 77 Aglaophanius virgiriis, 79, 115 Chatham Rise, 77, 78, 82, 89, 91, 113, 117 Akaroa Harbour, 134 Clieilon.ereis, 122 Alaska, 136 Cheilonereis peristoniialis, 79, 122 Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern Chile, 115, 124 California, 77 China, 81 A,nbonia, 134 Circum-Antarctic, 83, 101, 109, 115 A1nphinornidae, Family, 78, 80 Circum-Tropical, 125 Anaitides, Subgenus, 112 Chloeia, 80 Ariaitides (see Pliyllodoce) Chloeici inerniis, 78, 80 Andaman Islands, 126 Colville Channel, 126 Arigola, 87 Antarctica, 85, 87, 105, 106, 107, 112, 115, 124, 126 Day, J. H., 91, 98, 99, 101, 112, 126 Antarctic waters, 83 Dell, R. K., 77, 117, 119 A,itinoe, 84 Dominion Museum Collection, 124 Antinoe antarctica, 78, 87, figs. 37-38 Dominion Museum, Wellington, 77, 80, 82, 93, 99, 119, Antinoe epitoka, 78, 87 124 Antinoe kerniadecensis, 78, 85 Dcrvillea, 134 Antinoe purpureus n.sp., 78, 89, figs. 41-47 Dorvil/ea australiensis, 79, 134 Antipodes Islands, 119 Dorvil/ea incerta, 79, 134 Aphrodita, 81 Dorvilleinae, Sub-Family, 134 Aphrodita australis, 78, 81 Aplirodita talpa, 78, 81 Aphroditidae, Family, 78, 8 l East Africa, 126 Arabian Sea, 117, 138 East Pacific Ocean, 136 Atlantic Ocean, 138 Ehlers, E., 83, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 112, 113, 121, Auckland, 124 122, 126, 130, 132 Auckland Island, 101, 107, 109, 111, 112 Ehlersia, Sub-genus, 103 Augener, H., 109, 117, 132, 134 Ehlersia (see Syllis anops. ) Australia, 81, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 101, 103, 105, 106, Eteone, 114 107, 109, 111, 113, 117, 121, 122, 124, 126, 130, 134 Eteone aurantiaca, 19, 114, figs. 143-5 Autolytinae, Sub-Family, 109 Eudo,itosyllis n.gen., 105 Autolytus, 109 Eudontosyllis n.g. aciculata n.sp., 79, 105, Figs. 113-17 Autolytus chathan1ensis n.sp., 79, 109, figs. 128-3 1 Eulalia, 112, 113 Autolytus niaclearanus, 79, 109 Eulalia (Eumidia) sanguinea, 79, 113 Eulalia (Euphylla) n.st1b.g. berithicola n.sp., 79, 113, figs. 137-140 Banks Peninsula, 93, 125, 135 Eulalia (Pte-rocirrus) magalhaensis, 79, 112 Bare Island, 134 Eulalia viridis var. capensis, 79, 112 Bass Strait, 98, 121, 125 Eu,nidia (see Eulalia), 79, 113 Batham, E. J., 77 Eunice, 124, 125 Benham, W. B., 112 Eunice australis, 79, 124 Bermuda, 125 Eunice iridica, 125 Brania, 107 Eunice (Nicidion) curticirrus n.sp., 77, 125, figs. 190- Brania kerguelensis, 79, 107 195 British Museum (Natural History ), London, 77, 80, Eunice (Palo/a) siciliensis, 77, 125 101, 112, 113, 119 Eunice rubella, 77, 125 Eunice tentaculata, 77, 124 California, 91, 111 Eunice vittata, 77, 125 Campbell Island, 111 Eunicidae, Family, 77, 124 Canterbury Museun1, Christchurch, 77, 80, 82, 89, 91, Eunicinae, Sub-Family, 124 93, 95, 97, 99, 103, 106, 107, 109, 111, 113, 119, Eunoe, 83 122, 124, 126, 135 Eunoe iphionoides, 78, 83 Canterbury Muse um Collection, 117, 124 Eupagurus, 122 Cape Horn, 130 Euphione, 93 Cape Maria van Dieman, 109, 111, 112 Euphione ornata n.sp., 79, 93, figs. 69-78 Cape Pattison, 78, 107 Euphione squamosa, 79, 93

- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Euphylla (see Eulalia) Kaingaroa, 78, 109 Euphyl/a new sub-genus, 113 Kerguelen Island, 107, 109 Eusyllinae, Sub-Family, 105 Kermadec Island, 85 Eusyllis, 105, 106 Knox, G. A., 78, 93, 115, 116, 125 Eusyllis kerguele11sis, 79, 105 Kott, P., 117 Euthalenessa, 97, 98 Euthalenessa digitata, 79, 97, 98 Laccadive Sea, 126 Eutlialenessa oculata, 98 Leanira, 95 Exogone, 107 Leanira laevis, 79, 95 E,rogone heterosetosa, 79, I 08 Lepida,netria, 91 Exogoninae, Sub-Family, 107 Lepida,netria brunnea n.sp., 79, 91, figs. 58-63 Lepidan1etria gigas, 93 Falkland Jslands, 85, 101, 112, 115, J 26, 132, 134 Lepida,netria irregularis, 9 l Fauvel, P., 136 Lepida111etria n1icrosetosa, 93 Forty Fours, 78, 93, 95 Lepida,netria virens, 9 l Lepidasthenia, 93 Gambia Islands, 130 Lepidasthenia interrupta, 93 Genetyllis (see Phyllocloce) Lepidasthenia michaelseni, 93 Genetyllis, Sub-genus, 111 Lepidastl1e1iia platylepis n.sp., 79, 93, figs. 64-68 Glory Bay, Pitt Island, 77, 78 Lepidonotr,s, 89 Glycera, 135 Lepidonotus an1.bigua n.sp., 78, 89, figs. 48-55 G lycera chirori, 136 Lepido11otus jacksoni, 78, 89 G lycera dibranchiata, 136 L(pidonotus polycliron1us, 78, 79 Glycera la1nelliformis, 79, 135,, 136 Lepido11otus purpureus, 79, 91 Glycera lapidiun1, J 36 Little Mangere, 78 G lyeera oxycepha la, 136 Lun1brinereinae, Sub-Fan1ily, .130 Glycera robusta, 136 L11111bri11ereis, 130, 132 Glycera tenuis, 136 Lu,nbrinereis bicirrata, 132 Glycera tessellata, 79, 135 Luffibrinereis brevicirra, 79, 130, figs. 205-208 Glyceridae, Family, 79, 134 L11n1brinereis pseudobifilaris, 132 G oniada, 136, 138 Lunibrinereis sp., 79, 131, figs. 209-21 Oa. Goniada brunnea, 79, 136, 138, figs. 233- 234 L111nbri11ereis sphaerocephala, 79, 130 Goniacla etnerita, 79, 136, 138, figs. 235-238 Goniada grahan1i, 138 Macrocystis /Jyrifera, 119 Goniacla ,naorica, J 38 Malayan region, 124 Goniaclae, Family, 79, 136 Malay Archipelago, 79, 93, 124 Gulf of On1an, 124 Maldive Archipelago, 98, 117, 124 GuIf of Tadjoura, 119 Marphysa, 126 Marpliysa aenea, 126 Halasydna, 79, 91 Marphysa cape11sis, 126, figs. 196-8 Hanson Bay, 78, 106, 135 Marphysa coralli11a, 126 Ha/J/osyllis (see Syllis spongicola) McIntosh, W. C., 83, 85, 98, 109, 136 Haplosyllis, Sub-genus, 103 Mediterranean, 125, J 38 Harn1otlioe, 83 Mernoo Bank, 77, 103, 1 l l Harn1othoe crosete11sis, 78, 83, figs. 15-21 Moeraki, 113 Hartn1an, 0., 77, 112, 117, 124, 128, 130, 132, 136 Monro, C. C. A., 81, 87, 95, 101, 132 Haswell, W. A., 103 Hawaii, 125, 136 O,lontosyllis, J 07 He111ipodus, 134 Odontosyllis ,naorioria n.sp., 79, 107, figs. 123-125 Hen1i/Jodus borea/is, 135 Odontosyllis polycera, 79, 107 Hen1ipodus digitifera n.sp., 79, 134, figs. 220-226 Odontosyllis psa1nn1ochrotna, 107 HemifJOdus si1nplex, 135 Onuphidinae. Sub-Family, 126 Hesionidae, Family. 79, 98 Onuphis, 126 Hyalinoecia, 126 Onuphis elegans, 130 Hya/i11oecia tubicola, 79, 126 Onuphis holobranchiata, 130 Hy/Jerlialosy

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Panthalis 81, 82 Sisters Islands, The, 78, 126 Panthalis novaezea/andiae n.sp., 78, 81 Society Islands, 112 Panthalis oerstedi, 82 South Africa, 91, 103, 107, 112, 124 Perinereis, 122 South America, 101, 105, 109, 112, 115 Perinereis an1blyodo11ta, 79. 122. fig. 180 South Atlantic, 125 Perinereis 111111/ia var. bre1·icirr11s, 79, 124 South Australia, 81 Perinereis nuntia var. va//ata, 79, 122. fig. 181 South California, 125, 136 Persian Gulf, 98, 111, 113 South East Islands, 78 Peru, 128 South Fiords, 125 Peter, 98 South Georgia, 115 Petre Bay, 78, 93, 97 South Hemisphere, 99 Peuto Eugenia, 132 South Pacific, 91, 113 Philippines, 98, 113, 121 South West Africa, 112, 126 Phyllocloce, l I I Sphaerosyllis, 109 Phyllodoce (Anaiticles) patagonica, 79, 1 12, fig. 136 Sphaerosyllis hirsuta, 79, 103, I 09, fig. 127 Phyllodoce (Genetyllis) castanea, 79, 111 Stewart 1sland, 124, 134 Phyllodoce (Genetyllis) graci/is, 79, 111, 112, fig. 135 Sthenelais, 97 Phyllocloce tnadeirensis, 112 Sthenelais chatha111e11sis n.sp., 79, 97, figs. 79-84 Phyllodoce n1ernoensis n.sp., 79, 111, fig. 132- 134 5, thenelais 1·ariabilis, 97 Phyllocloce ovalifera, 112 Straits of Magellan, 134 Phyllodocidae, Family, 79, 111 Sylliclae, Family, 79, 99 Pionosyllis, l 06 Syllinae, Sub-Family, 99 Pionosyllis cos,na, 79, 106 Syllis, 99 Pionosyllis ehlersiaefor111is, 79, l 06, figs. 118-1 19 Sy/Lis brachychaeta, 99, 10 l Pionosyllis styli/era, 79, 106, figs. 121-2 Syllis closterobranchia, 99, 101 Pitt Island, 77, 78, 99 Syllis (Eh/ersia) anops., 79, 103, figs. 109-1 11 Platynereis, 124 Syllis (Haplosyllis) spongico/a, 79, 103 Platynereis australis, 79, 124, figs. 182-4 Syllis (Typosyllis) ar111illaris, 79, 99, 10l Platynereis dun1erilli antipocla, 124 Syllis (Typosyllis) attenuata n.sp., 79, 101, figs. 98-101 Podarke, 98 Syllis (Typosyllis) augeneri, 79, l 01, figs. 93-96 Podarke angustifrons, 79, 98 Syllis (Typosyllis) brachyola, 79, 101, fig. 97 Polybostrichus, 109 Syllis (Typosyllis) corsucans, 79, 103, figs. I 03-107 Polych.aeta, 77 Syllis (Typosyllis) prolifera var. zonata, 79, 103, fig. 102 Polyeunoa, 85 Syllis (Typosyllis) tristanensis, 79, 101, fig. 92 Polyeunoa laevis, 78, 85 Sy/Lis (Typosyllis) variegata, 79, 99, 101 Polynoiclae, Fan1ily, 78, 83 Sub-Antarctic Islands, 124 Polyodontidae, Family, 78, 132 Port Hutt, 78, 123, 124 Tebble, N., 77 Port Jackson, 95, 98 Thalenessa, 98 Potts, F. A., 98 I'halenessa digitata, 98 Psarn,nolyce, 95 Thalenessa fi111briata, 98 Psa1rzn1olyce serniglabra, 95 Thalenessa oculata, 98 Pseudeurythoe, 80 Three Kings Islands, 9 5, 107, 112 Pseudeurythoe ambigua, 80 Tongatohu, 98 Pseudeurythoe n1inuta n.sp., 78, 80, figs. 1-G Trinidad, 125 Pterocirr11s (see Eulalia) 1-ristan da Cunha, 101 Pterocirr11s, Sub-genus, 112 Trypanosyllis, 105 Pterocirrus brevicornis, 112 Try/Janosyllis gigantea, 105 Trypanosyllis taeniaeforn1is, 79, 105, fig. 112 Queen Charlotte Sound, 115, 136 Typosyllis (see Syllis) Typosyllis, Sub-genus, 99 Red Sea, 98, 111, 113, 124, 138 Rhan1phobrachiun1, 126 University of Canterbury Council, 77 Rhan1pobrachiun1 ch1111i, 79, 126 University of Southern California, 77 Ringdove Bay, 119 Waitangi, 78 Sacconereis, 109, 111 Waitangi Wharf, 78 Saint Paul Islands, 124 West Africa, I 03 Saint Paul Laonda, Angola, 87 West Australia, 106, 112 Shand, Miss, 124 West Coast North America, 1 14, 130 Sigalion, 95 West Indian Region, 125 Sigalion oculaturn, 98 White Island, 134 5" igalion ovigeru1n, 79, 95 Willey, A., 98 5'igalionidae, Fa1nily, 79, 95 5'i.rtalionidae, Family, 79, 95 Zanzibar, 124

C 13

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