Bamboo (P. Baiittuaoides), the Fish-Pole Bamboo (P
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CO-OPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN / AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS STATE OF CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION SERVICE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FARM ADVISOR WORK AND AGRICULTURE CLUB WORK UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK CO-OPERATING Office of the Director College of Agriculture Berkeley 4, California B/lMBOO gULTDBE IN CALIFOBNIA H. M. Butterfield* EISTOBI OF THE BAJ-ffiOO IN CALIFORNIA Bamhoo culture in California goes "back more than seventy-five years. Stephen Nolan, of Oakland, listed the Metake hambco (Pseudosaaa japonlca) in his 187I cata¬ log. As early as l882, the College of Agriculture of the University of California undertook to send two plants each of the spathe-flowered haiiiboo (Arixndinaria a path- iflora, then known as Thainnocalamua spathiflorua) to residents of the state who requested them. In I889, the College also started to distribute the Metake bamboo. In 1887, E. H. Berger, of San Francisco, who specialized in Japanese plants, offered the giant bamboo of Japan (possibly Semiarundinarla fastuosa) in his catalog. In their 189^ catalog, the California Nui'sery Company, of Niles, listed the Ningala bamboo (Arundlna,rla falcata), Simon's bamboo (Pleioblaatus s^llioni), the golden- haired bamboo (Sasa ^uricoma), the Metake bamboo, and Phyllostachys violescena. About 19QO and later, the Southern California Acclimatizing Association, through the efforts of Dr..Fenzi (Dr. Franceschi) and Peter Reidel, offered the Ningala bamboo, the Hooker bamboo (Arundinaria hookeriana), Simon's bamboo, the common giant or feathery bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), the giant bamboo (Dendrocalamua lat- Iflorus), also known as the Formosa bamboo or black bamboo, the mle bamboo (S* gtrictus), the golden bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea), the black-Joint bamboo (p. niger), the giant timber bamboo (P. baiitTuaoides), the fish-pole bamboo (P. Vi'ridi-gla.uce3cens), and the Metake bamboo. These sources probably account for many of the older plantings of bamboo in California, although Charles Abrahams, of San Francisco, supplied the giant timber bamboo for the planting near the northern limits of Napa. Good examples of the giant timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides) are now found at Chico and in a grove near Bakersfield. Other plantings occur near Yountville and on a farm just north of Napa. BAMBOO SPECIES OF INTEREST IN CALIFORNIA Bamboos are true grasses, which are characterized by hollow, rarely solid, stems closed at the joints or nodes. The botany of bamboos is still somewhat confused. The following tabulation gives brief descriptions of the species reported in California, together with their ccmon synonyms. It my be mentioned that Arundo donax, the giant reed or bamboo reed, is often referred to as a "bamboo/' It is also a member of the grass family, but is not a true bamboo, although it does resemble bamboo. It has been grown in California since the early Spanish period and is mentioned because of its horticultural importance. This giant reed is used for thatching roofs, for fences, and more recently for windbreak purposes. A variegated form is available at nurseries. * Agrioulturiat Use ornamental ©rnainental 20 30 10 8 ft.Ornamental ft.Ornamental Ornamentalto 20ft. toOrnamental ft.12 ft.10Ornamental ft.70Fishpoles; ft.-50Timber; 2 of 2 of 2 MinimuoiMaximmnsafe temperatureheight Tolerates 1onlyor degrees frost Tolerates 1onlyor degrees frost 15®F 15°F 25°F Tolerates 1onlyor degress frostof DESCBIPTIONCERTAINOFBAMBOOSPFCIEI Description FromthebambooHimalayas.Clumpyellow-with 6leaveslongin.l/2in.vide.stems;greenand butleavesinShedsawinterneedsclimate.mild California,beenHasingrown 6the3/^ SantaFoundinBarbarawide.gardens.old theFrombrown^toHimalayas.Yellowishnearly 2-3leavesin-slender,stemsmany-branchedwith longleaves1/^in.inShedsandwinter.wide. CochinFromleaves,China.Fernlike long,3LeavesIndia.Fromin.about FrombambootrialsAnyIndia.bethisshouldof limitedtolongaareascoastalwithgrowingseason killingfrosts.Outlookandwinternopromising.not FromlongitudinallybandedYellow,Java.Toleratesstems.naked for2-4diameter,in.in1culmssheaths;exceptonlyoroften 862leavesbentdegreestolongin.zigzagground;nearor ^3AfrosthavedoRhizomesandwide.ofrunningnot habit.foundSpecimensSantainBarbaraoldgardens. Arundinaria species ■bambooNingala Hooker Spathe-flowered Eambusaspecies Dwarfhedge bambooHedge Calcutta (B.vaif^^Q-ris Commongiant Feathery 4* A. B. bamboo "bamboo B. bamboo B. bamboo 'bamboo Scientificandcoimonnamea (Bambusafalcata)fO'lcQ'ta hookerianaA. spathiflora bamboo multiplex nana tulda thouarsi Use ornamental ho 50 20 kO 18 60ft. 20toFish ft.50 ft.15 to ft. Orient) to ft ft. Timber; poles; ornamenta1 Ornamental Timber; ornamental (70inft. Edibleshoots; ornamental Ornamental 2 of MinimumMaximumsafe temperatureheight 250jp Tolerates 1onlyor 2degrees frost.of Tolerates 1oronly degrees frost. FI50 F150 F25O Description P. China.Cochin,FrominGrowsIndiaandclumps. basehideOuterlargerslender-stemsculms.of 2longleavesin.10Darkin.andwide. Almost3to1in.IndiaJava.Fromandstemssolid becomediameter;ingraduallyyellowish;swollen in.15to10internodeslong,apart;nodes;slender branches.beenSantaHasBarbara.atgrown Bunningin.Occasionallyhabit.andwide. (SometimesCalifornia.inavailableconfusedwith bambusoidesreticulata.)or ^8leaveslongtoin.ll-1withpurple;and brightBoot-below.aboveandgreenwide;grayish favorablespreadstocksandsoilunderrapidly Perlmpstheclimaticconditions.ofcommonmost largebamboosCaliforniainatgrowingavailableand (Varietyhasandnurseries.stemsmarllaceawrinkled darkgreenstemsheaths.) 6China.StemsFromdiametertoinin.reach fortoGrownHardmainlyshoots.establish,edible butincreasesthenNorapidly.sourcecommercial knownbeinCalifornia!Florida.availablemay 86longl/2in.ft.betoandplantsshouldwide;set apart. bamboo Dendroca3.amus oldhami) Formosa,Giant, bambooMale Phyllostachys bambooGolden P.quilioi) Gianttimber Z' Z' P. Z* species 5* Blackor p. species bamboo edulis Scientificandcoinmonnames (SinocalamnsiQ'tiflorus strictus (BambusaChinaFromJapan.Slender,aurea)andstemsyellowclose Jointed,5leavesbase;longin.especiallynear (P.China.From"bambusoidesBrightreticulata,withstemsgreensheathmottled (p.pubescens) (Bambusa^flexuosa'flexuoaa)FromStemsChina.becomeblack;leavesin.nearly Questionable stakes; cover Ornamental; cover ornamental Ornamental poles; Ornamental ground Ground Use value Garden forage Fish ft. Maximum to' ft. ft. ft. ft. height ft. ft. to 2^ 2|- 25 25 25 3 13 8 2 temperature safe Tolerates Minimiim ^ degrees or F F p F F frost 25® I50 25^ 150 15° 15° 1 only of distributed 2 nodes variety with probably Punning distributed bamboo in. Grown stems Cali¬ very very con¬ in. Barbara. other in. striped of Barbara. 1 in rootstocks. golden-brown and "to climatic h becomes a edge Not 10 a appear leaves from wide. by Several as Could in 3 long was to leaves listed used Thrives gardens. leaves lower Santa been free 6 Santa internodes and in. which canes; sometimes may Industry. Industry. ft. mild prominent; commonly Fairly black; long. l/2 Has Punning ft., at merit has Yellowish-green 1 at bamboo Leaves under tough, some wide. sold California. and striatus Description grown 50 garden in. become nodes; Plant Plant habit. long form; in and to poles Grasslike Straight, not in. wide. 2|- ^}oints grows been Japan. weed grown Leaves varlegatus nurserymen. best. l/2 are in. Stems Dwarf with between running of of fish Has bad henonis Bureau Bureau tn. but in to ^ been rust. occasionally and or bamboos leaves cover- at collections rootstocks. 3/^ for I/5 a ornamental nodes China. Japan. China. Japan. Japan. Japan. China flattened and soils; Has ditions. grown and Variety Variety and and S. unruly fornia (continuea) ground white; white• dwarf long; wide. From U< U. From From From From From long From long mite by by of be simoni, disticha) names var< species species pumila) nigra) (Arundinaria coiamon puberula bamboo bamboo ens bamboo chino bamboo simoni) (Sasa Phylloatachys Bambusa sc Pleioblastus bamboo vir1di-glauc (Sasa Forage-crop Black-Joint "bamboo e bamboo and Two-ranked var. Fish-pole distlchus Scientific (p. Bambusa pumilus *s nevini simoni simoni nigra, Simon ^tger Stake Dwarf Z* P. P. P. p. VJJ Ground cover; ornamental Groundcover Ornamental Groundcover Ornamental; ■timber ft. 6 3 2 15 2to 3ft. ft, ft, to ft. 25°F I50F 15^F F15° F15® Description 15 LeavesJapan.FromandyelloT^..greenstriped becausebecomeMightrunningapestofweed U.S.bydistributedbeenHasrootstocks. Industry.PlantBureauof long.^Hardy,in.LeavesFromJapan.running becomedenseformsthattypeandamightcarpet weedapest. in.l|:longin.10LeavesFromJapan.wide.and forhandsome,Hardy,gardens.cityandsuitable PlantChicoWasPunningatgrownrootstocks. CaliforniainGardensIntroductionandelsewhere bylistedbutisinnursery¬mostnotyearspast long,ia.3/^long5la.LeavesJapan.Fromand Hardy,runningyellow.withvariegatedoften IntroductionPlantChicoWasatgrownrootstocks. IsGardens.groundagoodsometimesconsidered littlehasbutvalue.ornamentalcover, brown;StemsFromJapan.purplishwithmarked Pujining1longin.7leavesroot-andwide. to12thatbamboohandsomeLarge,needsstooks. duringfrequentft.andwateringspaceof firstseason.entire coma, (Saaa Carpet Bambusa Metake Bambusa Golden-haired bamboo Pseudosasa Arundinaria metake) bamboo Sasa chrysantha, chrysantha) Golden-flowered fastuosa, §• fortunei Z* variegata Z" S. Bambusa (continued)Fleioblastusspecies (SasaP,auri-Viridi-striatus Arundinartaauricorna, aurea) bamboo varansvar»vfJ^idi-striatus pygmaea)var. species (Saaajaponlca, metake, species (Arundinariachrysantha