Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019

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Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019 Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019 Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy January 2019 Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019 Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy Any queries about the report should be sent to: Email [email protected] Telephone 023 9244 6539 Address: Havant Borough Council Public Service Plaza Civic Centre Way Havant PO9 2AX Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019 Contents Page 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1 2. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DESIGNATIONS, PRIORITY HABITATS AND PROTECTED SPECIES ................................................................................................................ 11 3. SPECIAL PROTECTION AREAS ............................................................................................. 21 4. LOCAL BIODIVERSITY AUDIT ................................................................................................ 44 5. LOCAL ECOLOGICAL NETWORK .......................................................................................... 56 6. BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN ........................................................................................................ 63 7. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 71 APPENDIX 1 - POTENTIAL SPA BIRD REFUGE SITES ............................................................. 73 APPENDIX 2 – PRIORITY HABITATS .......................................................................................... 75 APPENDIX 3 – SINC CRITERIA ................................................................................................... 79 APPENDIX 4 – BIODIVERSITY OPPORTUNITY AREAS ............................................................ 81 APPENDIX 5 – GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................... 82 APPENDIX 6 - REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 84 Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy | January 2019 1. Introduction The Strategy’s Objectives The Havant Borough Biodiversity Strategy (HBBS), hereafter referred to as ‘the strategy’, will replace the 2011 Havant Borough Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and, like its predecessor, provides a vision and a strategy to both conserve and produce a net gain in, biodiversity throughout the Borough. In doing so, the strategy will become part of a range of background evidence documents that have been prepared to support and inform the Havant Borough Local Plan (HBLP) 2036. It is important to note, however, that this strategy concentrates on how the biodiversity network of Havant Borough can be conserved and enhanced through the planning system, rather than including the full range of actions that may be undertaken by partner organisations and volunteer groups. The strategy also makes recommendations to secure sustainable development across the Borough which improves the quality of the environment and resident life. The public funding that is now available to undertake projects to boost the natural environment is now very slim. New development offers a potential threat to the natural environment in some cases although it also presents an opportunity to build in mitigation so that there can ultimately be a net gain in biodiversity. This is now required by the 2018 National Planning Policy Framework. This strategy draws on a range of data, other evidence-based documents and information sources, both published and unpublished, to evidence HBLP 2036 policies and outline how development can be shaped to secure a net gain in biodiversity through planning decisions in Havant Borough. The strategy will enable Havant Borough Council (HBC) to actively fulfil its duty to conserve and enhance biodiversity under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 and its statutory obligations under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, by taking a collective approach to nature conservation. Biodiversity: What is it and Why is it Important? Biological diversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources including, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems; it relates to the diversity and complex interactions within species, between species and the ecosystems in which they live. Biodiversity is life. We are part of it and we depend on it for our food, livelihoods and wellbeing. It includes all species of animals and plants, the places they live (their habitats) and the natural systems that support them. It is important to note that biodiversity includes all ecosystems, whether they are managed or unmanaged. It is often presumed that a net gain in biodiversity is only relevant in ‘natural’ or ‘unmanaged’ ecosystems (e.g. nature reserves); however, managed ecosystems (e.g. farmland, domestic gardens and urban parks) also have their own biodiversity values. It is this variety of systems that enables life on earth to adapt to change and helps to ensure long- term environmental stability. Moreover, biodiversity has an intrinsic value but is also essential for the continuation of life on earth. In recognising this, the biologist E. O. Wilson stated in 1984 that: 1 “The one process ongoing, that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly that our descendants are least likely to forgive us for.” Everyday contact with nature is important for people’s wellbeing and quality of life. Research has shown that access to green spaces can have a beneficial effect on both mental and physical health. While contact with nature in spectacular wilderness areas undoubtedly has its place, the value of access to the everyday, unspectacular natural environment near to people’s homes is increasingly being recognised. People should have to make no special effort to access nature and easy, convenient access to nature enhances their quality of life. Local green spaces can serve as a focus for local activity, act as a social facilitator and encourage community cohesion as well as increasing community engagement with the environment and engendering a sense of ownership. Biodiversity: Issues and Threats A UK Biodiversity Action Plan was first published in 1994. It set out actions to aid recovery of the most threatened species and habitats and contribute to the significant reduction of biodiversity called for by the Convention on Biological Diversity1. However, by 2008 over 40% of priority habitats and 30% of priority species2 were still declining. In 2011 the Government published its strategy for biodiversity for the period to 20203. Its mission is: “to halt overall biodiversity loss, support healthy, well-functioning ecosystems and establish coherent ecological networks, with more and better paces for nature for the benefit of wildlife and people”. It also included a longer-term Vision for England that, “by 2050 our land and seas will be rich in wildlife, our biodiversity will be valued, conserved, restored, managed sustainably and be more resilient and able to adapt to change, providing essential services and delivering benefits for everyone.” This followed the publication of a Government White Paper on the natural environment4 and highlighted the need to take better account of biodiversity in decision making. The White Paper recognises that the benefits of biodiversity are not priced and are therefore ignored in cost benefit analysis and financial decisions. The White Paper also recognised the need for planning to take a strategic approach to planning positively for nature and to retain protection and the importance of the natural environment as core objectives of the planning system. While enabling development, the aim is to move progressively from a position of net biodiversity loss to net gain. The concept of natural capital was highlighted in the 2011 Government White Paper – The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature. This paper recommended the establishment of a Natural Capital Committee (NCC) to advise on how to prioritise action to protect and enhance natural capital to improve wellbeing in our society. The NCC has performed that role since it was set up in 2012, 1 UK signed up at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 2 Priority species and habitats identified as being of principal importance in England in Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 3 Biodiversity 2020: A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services – DEFRA (2011) 4 The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature – HM Government (June 2011) 2 providing advice to Government on the sustainable use of natural capital. The second term of the committee from 2016 to 2020 will focus on helping the Government develop its 25 year environment plan. The NCC’s publication ‘How to do it: a natural capital workbook’5 has informed this strategy. Human wellbeing is intimately connected with our natural environment. Regular opportunities to experience nature have positive impacts on mental and physical health. Nature can benefit us at all stages in our lives. Contact with nature can have positive impacts on young people’s education, physical health, emotional well-being, and personal and social skills, and that helps them to become responsible citizens. However, children are becoming disconnected
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