J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 18(1): 75-98, 2016 ISSN:1302-0250 Contribution to the Knowledge of Ensifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) Fauna of Turkey Abbas MOL1 Mehmet Sait TAYLAN2* Eyüp DEMİR3 Deniz ŞİRİN3 1H e a l t h A c a d e m y S c h o o l , A k s a r a y U n i v e r s i t y , A k s a r a y , T U R K E Y 2*The Society of Anatolian Speleology Group (ASPEG), Serpil S k . , Y ı l d ı z A p t . 1 4 / A , K a v a c ı k , B e y k o z , İ s t a n b u l , T U R K E Y 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Art and Science, N a m ı k K e m a l U n i v e r s i t y, Te k i r d a ğ , T U R K E Y e-mails:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] *Corresponding author’s email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT In this study which contributes to the distribution of species of Ensifera (Insecta: Orthoptera), which are known as bush-crickets, in Turkey, specimens of Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae and Gryllotalpidae (Orthoptera) collected from Turkey and preserved in Aksaray University and Namık Kemal University have been examined. As a result, a total of 117 species-subspecies belonging to 37 genera of the family Tettigoniidae, 6 species belonging to five genera of the family Gryllidae and one species belonging to one genus of the family Gryllotalpidae have been determined from the examined material.