Health Services

ODHS-Hospital with GP urgent care qÆ(!




BRUTHEN GLCH-CH (! ORH-CH !s NNCHC-CH (!sqÆ !s( s! MAC-ACCHO NOWA NOWA LTAT-ACCHO s GLCH-CH LCHS-CH ! BRHS-Hospital with EDqÆ!s(!!s!s!sGEGAC-ACCHO BRHS-CH LAKE TYERS(! (! !sGLCH-CH WELLINGTON LAKES ENTRANCE WGHG- CH s(! CGHS-CH ! HH-Hospital with GP urgent caresqÆ(! RAWSON G ! CGHS-Hospital NDSMH-Private Hospital BAW BAW G HEYFIELD SOUTH CGHS-CH (!!s LOCH SPORT LCHS-CH CGHS-CH WGHG- CH !s(!sqÆRDAC-ACCHO (! LCHS-CH !s! !s CGHS-CH SALE DROUIN !s(! WGHG- CH CGHS-Hospital with ED qÆ!s LCHS-CH with GP afterhour medical !s( !s( ROSEDALE WGHG- CH (! WGHCG-Hospital with ED s(! MOE !s LCHS-CH ! LCHS-CHGMPH-PrivateqÆ Hospital TRAFALGAR ! !s( LRH-Regional Health Service ACCHO - Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation HH - Heyfield Hospital

LATROBE BBNA - Buchan Bush Nursing Association LCHS - Latrobe Community Health Service (!sLCHS-CH CHURCHILL LOCH GSHS-CH BCCHS - Bass Coast Community Health Service LRH - Latorbe Regional Hospital !s(! BCCHS-CH GSHS-Hospital with GP urgent careGSHS-CH BCCHS-CH!s (!s (!s (! BCRH - Bass Coast Regional Health LTAT - Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust BCCHS-CHCORINELLA !s( GRANTVILLE !s(qÆ MIRBOO NORTH !s(! BCCHS-CH LCHS-CH GCORONET BAY GSHS-CH GSHS-CH COWES Phillip Island Medical group (! BNS - Bush Nursing Service MAC - Moogi Aboriginal Co-operative !sqÆ GSHS-Hospital with GP urgent care SAN REMO s(! BASS COAST ! BRHS - Bairnsdale Regional Health Service MDHSS - Mallacoota District Health and Support Service BCCHS-CH YDHS-Hospital with GP urgent care YDHS-CH !s(qÆ BCRH-Hospital with ED BCCHS-CH YARRAM CGHS - Health Service MPH - Maryvale Private Hospital qÆ(!!s INVERLOCH (! !sBCCHS-CH FOSTER SGH-CH Legend (! CH - Community Health NDSMH - Neerim District Soldiers Memorial Hospital !sqÆ SGH-Hospital with GP urgent care TARWIN LOWER GSHS-CH s(! qÆ Hospital GSHS - Gippsland Southern Health Service NNCH - Nowa Nowa Community Health CSO - Community Service Organisation ODHS - Omeo District Health Service !s Community Health Service CVBNS - Cann River Bush Nursing Service ORH - Orbost Regional Health G Private Hospital DBNS - Dargo Bush Nursing Service PIMG - Phillip Island Medical Group

![ Bush Nursing Service EBNS - Ensay Bush Nursing Service RDAC - Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation

(! GBNS - Gelantipy Bush Nursing Service SCBNS - Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Service Locality GEGAC - Gippsland East Gippsland Aboriginal Cooperative SGH - South Gippsland Hospital Arterial Road GLCH - Gippsland Lakes Community Health WGHG - West Gippsland Healthcare Group

Highway GSHS - Gippsland Southern Health Service YDHS - Yarram District Health Service