t I t ~ 1 I I f The characters' entire bodies are bigger, and they can express themselves to a much greater extent. It's really the world's first completely interactive cartoon. BY KHRIS BRO W N ...... , racking down the cre­ ative genius behind this game, Game Designers Dave Grossman and Tim Delacruz, was an adventure in itself. For those of you who actually read game cred­ its, you'll recall that Tim and Dave are responsible for oodles of wit found in The Secret of and Monkey Island 2: Le Oiuch's Revenge (and, for those of you who want the inside scoop, endless mirth and satire around the office). "What will Tim and Dave be like?" 1 wondered. Siske! and Ebert? Toejam and Earl? Ben and jerry? Ham and Cheese? Admiuedly, once I found them, I had to tie them to the interview chair with elec- l~..,.Y-i;O\IQ f;..lLl-LV&-&------..------~====1---:5trm1IT1~~xpxpie~n1!1nneienrmt1l5l1i1as!l5ee;:i. me--Tirree~ay enjoy playing with the kids in 1 Chron-o-John is constructed mostly out . It seems like they with its mouth open or closed. Now the "Disembodied Tentacles Take Over!" kids have all kinds of grimaces and ges­ of spare parts (namely, a VW Bug and have nwre personality somehow ... tures and facial twists and contortions "Humans Penned as Pets in Dastardly three port-o-potties). Without regard for DAVI': When came while they're talking. They smile and Plan to Conquer the Universe!" their own safety, the kids volunteer to out five years ago, our technology hadn't their mouths open bigger than their become time-travel pioneers. However, yet progressed to the point where the heads and their tongues can hang out. ll!iiiii•" hese horrifying headlines will be corning to a computer like any good mad scientist's experiment, characters could move or speak the way near you in Spring 1993, when LucasArts releases Day Because bigger characters can do more, this one goes horribly wrong. It jettisons they can today. There wasn't much room of the Tentacle: Maniac Mansion 2. In this new adven­ they don't just stand there when you Laverne two hundred years into the for dialogue choices or complex anima- ture, inspired by the original Maniac Mansion game released in move them around, they blink, tap their future and Hoagie two hundred years lions, and consequently, the characters 1987, the eccentric Edison family and their abstract abode resur­ feet, sigh, and even scratch their butts. into the past, but leaves Bernard in the were limited. We were able to take char- face after a long rest. Back are the original Edisons, heroic nerd As soon as a character appears, you present. Despite their four hundred year acter development much, much further Bernard and his two new friends Laverne and Hoagie (a crazed, laugh at it, and that's really important. separation, the kids learn to take advan- in the Monkey Island games, giving the You stare at the main characters for overworked medical student and thick-skulled heavy metal tage of a hole in time left by the accident roadie, respectively). Also present are weird scientist Dr. Fred, his to "flush" small objects to one another, wife Nurse Edna, their son Ed, and the family's often ... er... "inter­ work together to get back to the present, esting" houseguests. They join forces with an enormous cast of and save the world. Along the way they Tim Delacruz Sonoma Sweetie! characters, running the gamut from a talking horse to the first meet and interact with historical figures, Here's the scoop on DOTTs President of the United States. In this new adventure, gamers evil tentacles, and many other bizarre ruddly, cozy, & caring everywhere can save humanity from the sinister mutated Purple characters. designer, Tim Delacruz! Tentacle, who has slurped up enough toxic waste to alter his nM:You have a mad scientist, mon­ genes, propagate a race of super-slimy suction cupped brothers ster tentacles, vivisection ... (verything a Real Full Name: Timothy John Delacruz and take over the world! game player could want! i Nickname: Meanest Does this mean Day of the 'Tentacle has Boy in the World trical tape (they liked it) and threaten to three paths? Birthdate: July 26, I967 burn all their Sam and MaxN comics. But Sign: Leo! DAVI': The game has tltree pailis, they agreed (between rounds of Street­ Birthplace: Sonoma, but it's different from Indiarf Jones and Fighter II, of course) to answer some California t11e Fate of , becau1Jyou play all Height: 5'10" questions about this new game. Read on Food: the kids at once and cans ·1ch freely Weight: and learn from them (and their team of Screaming between them at any time. If one kid gets enormous! funativity experts) all about running hog Yellow Zonkers stuck and can't figure out hat to do, Eye Color: wild and making the game they've always Drink: you can switch to a completely different brown, the col dreamed about: Day of the Tentacle! chocolate Coke scene and explore until you have the or of puppies Turn-ons: Actor: Sandy Duncan! [IMPORTANT DlSClAIMER: THIS divine inspiration to go back to the first Hair Color: new yo-yo strings, Music: accordion WHOLE "INTERVIEW" WAS, OF one. It's very possible that what you need dark brown, puppies, &: Dave! Super Heros: COURSE, COMPLETELY FABRICATED the color of Turn-offs: Home Shop­ to continue with Laverne in the future Ultra Man, Underdog, BY SOMEONE WITH A CERTIFIED dark puppies ping Network, cynical can be acquired by Hoagie in the past. &Shaft DEGREE IN MARKETING, TO PRO­ people, &: Satanists The kids' paths all interrelate, and they're FA'fORITESI Sport: !'amour! ntl ADVENTURER TECT THE READER FROM THE WAY Dream Date: wipin' out always helping each other ut. Color: brown, the Money: Monkey Bucks GAME DESIGNERS ACTUALLY on dirt bikes! DM: There's also com11letely differ­ color of puppies Biggest Inlluence: Dave! SPEAK.] ent art and a different cast ~f characters , ,

Laverne is fun iust to walk around because she seems to have a mind of her own.

about thirty hours when Why did you make you play the game, so this game - they'd better be entertain­ what inspired you? ing. With Bernard, as soon DAV.:Wehada as you see him walking bunch of great ideas around for the first time, for puzzles using nov­ before he even says or does elty items and other anything, you laugh. He toys that we like to play walks goofy, he talks with ourselves, and we goofy, he's even entertain­ thought we could make a between Da y ing when he stands still. good game around them. Elfrnan and rl Walking Hoagie around is We felt like we had to Stalling. like piloting a blimp make good use of our nM: It's he through a china shop, and ideas or risk exploding music that a Carl Laverne is fun just to walk and splattering creative Stalling!Dan Elf­ around because she seems juices et>erywhere! man/ to have a mind of her own nM: With Monkey love child would com­ -- like she might do some- Island, we were limited to pose. Even though the thing dangerous at any moment. making puzzles out of bamboo, bananas initial PC release ver­ that every time you What do you mean by and piratey objects. 1 wanted to do some­ sion won't have voices, expected a payoff, it would do something "interactive cartoon"? thing more contemporary. I wanted to be we'll look at it as a possibility in the that was kind of a non-payoff. The end­ able to make a bomb out of Pop Rocks future for CD-ROM. ing for Monkey 2 was considered kind of DAW: A good example is the scene and Coke. Also, 1 really like to work on a non-payoff, but it was a joke, and some in Monkey ls land 2 where Largo La How is this e ing going to compare comedies. If I tried to do an Indy game, l people didn't like that. Understandably, Grande picks up Guybrush and shakes with the ending of our other games? would tum it into a slapstick comedy tbey had a lot of expectations after going him upside down to get his money. Peo­ and that wouldn't be good. ln reality, I'm n M: The ending is going to be glori- through 40 hours of hard work.. With ple saved the game at that point so thev that was kind of a non-payoff. The end·­ "interactive cartoon"? thing more contemporary. l wanted to be we'll look at it as a possibility in the able to make a bomb out of Pop Rocks future for CD-ROM. ing for Monkey 2 was considered kind of DAVI': A good example is the scene and Coke. Also, l really like to work on a non-payoff, but it was a joke, and some in Monkey Island 2 where Llirgo Lli How is this en ing going to compare comedies. U I tried to do an Indy game, I people didn't like that. Understandably, Grande picks up Guybrush and shakes with the ending of our other games? would tum it into a slapstick comedy they had a lot of expectations after going him upside down to get his money. Peo­ and that wouldn't be good. ln reality, I'm ftM: The ending is going to be glori­ through 40 hours of hard work. With ple saved the game at that point so they trying to save the other projects from me ous and triumphant. Jn Monl1ey Island 2, Day of The Tentacle, though, we're gofng could go back and watch it a few times. by putting myself with Dave where we a lot of people were hoping for a differ­ for the full-on "You've Saved Humanity", ln Day of the Tentacle, that kind of crazy can do as little damage as possible. ent ending. Monkey 2 was kind of a self­ "You're the Greatest Person in the cartoony action is going on constantly. parodying game, and that's a taste of World" ending. Throngs of cheering The artists on this project are extraordi­ How do you know ifyour game is fun? humor that's not for everybody. It kind minions, skyrockets, the American flag narily talented and really nurturing a DAVI': I do what l think is fun and of makes fun of itself and all other com­ waving ... everything! ESC wild, Looney Toons-like style. They've assume that other people will like it, too. puter games in many ways, especially in come up with some incredible anima­ (Or they just don't know what's good for tions that are even beyond what we them!). expected. TIM: Actually, about halfway Dreamy DOTT Designer ftM: Basically, we left the art to the through the project we have what we call people who know the most about it - a "pizza orgy," which is a chance for Groaamanl the artists. We've given them a lot of Dave everyone in the division to sit down and rope on this project, even letting them Wondering what goes on play the game while stuffing their face design the interface and fonts. We're try­ inside that pretty head? full of food. Then we ask them to tell us ing to take advantage of the fact that our Here are some Jab facts what they think is funny, what puzzles team watched too much television grow­ about this totally talented are too hard or easy, and just generally ing up. There's not a Roadrunner car­ heart-throb! whether or not they had fun. Of course toon these people haven't memorized. Real Full Name: our ploy is to make them happy first by We're creating programming technology David M. Grossman feeding them, but we all have a good around animation instead of vice versa Nickname: Love Biscuit! time. and really pushing the boundaries of Birthdate:jane 5, 1965 what can be done. You mentioned it was Sign: Gemi i, technologically "the next step." the schizop renic How does this compare How will this apply to sound? Birthplace: Biggest to your previous games? , Drink: Influence: DAVI': Among other things, it's California I DAVI': Well, it follows along the beer, beer, Beverley Hills going to have genuine cartoon sound Height: 7' 5" path of constant improvement, but it & more beer! 90210 's Luke Perry effects from a major cartoon house that Weight: 65 lbs. isn't like what Monkey 3 would be ff we Actor: Inspector Tum-ons: marshmal­ we have procured for our own personal Eye Color: were working on that. Obviously, since Gadget lows, plastic, & poetry devious use. We're going to put those burnt sienna Tim and l are doing the writing, there's a Music: Half-Head Special about fuzzy animals! wholesale into the game wherever we Hair Color: raw umber similar brand of humor -- it's offbeat and Super Heras: Eight Ball & Turn-offs: gaping can - good "boings" and "ka-pows" and irreverent and often silly. It's the next FA~RITES/ Too-Much-Co!Tee Man! wounds, Indian food, THE ADVENIURER squawks and stuff. With the music, we're Sport: barefoot air hockey step technically after Monkey Island 2, Color: burnt sienna &Tim aiming for something that sounds sort of Food: crudgiebunckle! Money: the Drachma! but the aesthetics are dillerent. Dream Date: June 28th like Pee Wee's Big Adventure or a cross Empire made famo in ' "" tri14>gy. Like Luke Skywalker, the player· a new, hot shot pilot for the Allian flying small, but powerful, starfig rs against the mighty Empire. The Alliance's starfighters - the X-Wing, -Wing and A-Wing - all are available t do battle with Danh Vader and his I erial LucasArts Combines New forces. These spacecraft are ed in com­ Technology With Gripping bat missions such as escortin trans­ Star WarsllD Story ports, dogfighting against TI fighters, encountering Star Destroyers and attack­ BY SUE SISIRMAN ing the most dreaded weapon of all, the ucasArts, with the release of Death Star. X-Wing in fall, 1992, finally X-Wing is created by designers will give gamers the chance Lawrence Holland and Edward Kilham. to experience first hand the Holland is well-known for h. award­ fast-paced excitement of the winning World War II air combat simu­ "Star Wars" movie. Second, we allowed time successfully integrates and "Star Wars" movies. X-Wing, a space lators, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaff~ for multiple ways to interact with the bitmap technologies. This fluid integra­ combat simulator set in the "Star Wars" and Their Finest Hour: The Battle of product. There are several spacecrafts to tion renders highly detailed, 3-D polygon Britain~ is universe, introduces several new tech­ "X-Wing a game LucasArts has control and activities in which to partici­ spacecraft complete with startling light­ nologies resulting in outstanding, 3-D wanted to do for a long time," said Hol­ pate. The game path is non-linear, and ing effects. Large polygon models make Far Right: Cinematic graphics and a movie-like sound track. land. "But it's only recently tlhat technol­ the interaction is highly configurative in up the Empire's Star Destroyers, as well cut-scenes heighter1 game X-Wing recreates the epic space bat­ ogy has advanced enough to allow us to skill, difficulty and types of flight con­ as the ultimate weapon of destruction, drama. tles between the Rebel Alliance and the deliver the kind of outstanding simula­ trols. For example, cockpit conrrols are the Death Star. Even the weapons tion experience worthy of anded to include 1 7 different views. in l d corn Jex shaded l combat simulator set in the "Star Wars" and Their Finest ffour: The Battle 6) product. There are several spacecrafts to tion renders liignly etailed, 3-D polygon universe, introduces several new tech­ Britain ~ "X-Wing is a game LucasArts has control and activities in which to partici­ spacecraft complete with startling light­ nologies resulting in outstanding, 3-D wanted to do for a long timl' •said Hol­ pate. The game path is non-linear, and ing effects. Large polygon models make graphics and a movie-like sound track. land. "But it's only recently hat technol­ Far Right Cinematic the interaction is highly configurative in up the Empire's Star Desrroyers, as well cut-scenes heighten game X-Wing recreates the epic space bat­ ogy has advanced enough to allow us to skill, difficulty and types of flight con­ as the ultimate weapon of destruction, drama. tles between the Rebel Alliance and the deliver the kind of outstanding simula­ trols. For example, cockpit controls are the Death Star. Even the weapons tion experience worthy of expanded to include 17 different views. include complex, shaded polygon lasers. the name 'Star Wars'. Third, we made the player part of a team Bitmap images are used for realistic spe­ "In X-Wing we merge immersed in a larger strategic battle plan, cial effects such as huge explosions and the best elements of state­ not a lone wolf in space. Finally, we cre­ spacecraft breaking up with fiery, elecrri­ of-the-art air combat sim­ ated a very dynamic visual, as well as cal bolts. ulations and storied space aural, environment." In addition to the new flight engine, action games," continued THE TECHNOL..OGY X-Wing employs a new proprietary story Holland. "We accom­ LucasArts developed a new 3-D flight engine called Landru. "Though X-Wing plished this by meeting engine for X- Wing which for the first continued on page 15 four major objectives. First, we created a richly THE PROGRAMMING GURUS detailed, 3-D universe with believable physics L..awrence Holland EdKllham Mindbenders and the sub­ and technology that is Designer/Project Leader Designer/Project Leader sequent conver­ filled with pe@ple and Larry heads LucasArts' Ed co-designed X-Wing sion of The Secret of Mon­ places gamers will be simulator group and co­ with Larry Holland. He key Island. familiar with From the designed X-Wing with Ed wrote the game's story Kilham. He is well­ engine, Landro Peter L..lncrofl respected for his trilogy (LucasArts' Native Devel­ Programmer Above: Fly any of three of highly acclaimed opment Resource Utility) Peter's main responsibili­ spacecraft: A-Wing, X­ WWII air combat simu­ early on. Landro man­ ty for X-Wing was pro­ Wing or Y-Wing. 17 cock­ lators: Battlehawhs 1942, ages X-Wing's animation, gramming the in-flight pit views per craft. Their Finest Hour: The graphics and sound. In polygon engine. Peter Right: Be briefed before­ Battle of Britain, and addition to designing went to work for hand on your mission, Secret Weapons of the Landru, Ed'sX-Wing LucasArts as an indepen­ including technical specifi­ cations and weaponry of Luftwaffe. Larry joined responsibilities included dent contractor in 1989, enemy spacecraft. LucasArts as an indepen­ art and music implemen­ programming the IBM dent contractor in 1986. tation, interface and cut­ version of Pipe Dream. His early conrributions scene design and pro­ Later, he joined Larry included design and pro­ gramming, and general Holland's flight simulator gramming on P.H.M. game design. Ed began group to program for Pegasus and Strike Fleet. freelancing for LucasArts Secret Weapons of the THI ADVENIVRER in 1987, working on the Luftwaffe. Amiga conversion of Zah McKrachrn and the


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Only $29.95 (9052) (8319M) med, (8319L) lrg, (8319X) x-lrg France Teal (83r8S) sm, (8318M) med, Young Indy T-Shirt Young Indy (8318L) lrg, (8318X) x-lrg Collage of young and old Indy on Pith Helmet Africa Grey (8320S) sm, the front and a creepy spider on For your next adventure. $24.95 (8320M) med, (8320L) lrg, (8320X) x-lrg the back. Holy smokes! $17.95 (8328S) Small (8328M)Medium Russia Red (8317S) sm, (8317M) med, (8294S) Small (8294M) Medium (8328L) Large (8317L) lrg, (8317X) x-lrg (8294L) Large (8294X) X-Large Victory The Young Indy The Young Indy Pyramid Watch Watch/Compass Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Be the first on your block to uncover This sturdy analog watch/compass is Victory T-shirt. $17.95 treasure in an Egyptian pyramid and just the thing an adventurer needs to (8295S) Small (8295M) Medium the correct time as well! This Young get to the right place at the right (8295L) Large (8295X) X-Large Indiana Jones and the Indiana Jones Chronicles watch has time. Water resistant to 100 feet. Last Crusade T-Shirt a light brown band with Egyptian $30.00 (9307) You'll look great in our new four-color hieroglyphics. $u.oo (9306) Indiana Jones roo% cotton T­ shirt. Just $10.95 (8321M) Med. (8321L) Large (832IX) X·large

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Get help on • Over 50 action-packed missions Battlehawks • 3 spacecraft with full 1942, Their instrumentation Finest Hour, • Full-screen cinematic action and Secret 5.25" I.2MB HD $69.95 (6312) Weapons of Heir ta the Empire Book with Battlehawks 1942® Secret the Luftwaffe. 3.5" r.44MB HD $69.95 (6313) purchase ofX-Wing directly ly authentic Japanese Zeros, Kates Weapons $18.95 (9272) from LucasArts. and Vals against American Daunt­ Mousepad less, Wildcats and Avengeri? on a $15.95 (8362) F /Ill /fJl'lt/////J/'.lll Their Finest Hour: manual crammed with history, it's like variety of fighter, bomber and torpedo The Battle of Britain"' stepping into a time machine. missions. £/Oh711'.llY~ heir Finest Hour: IBM 5 1/4" $29.95 (3576) IBM (Combo) $29.95 (3528) The Battle ofBritain IBM 3 1/2" $29.95 (3602) Amiga $19.95 (3531) allows you to fly Atari ST $19.95 (3534) THt: nnllJw T Amiga $19.95 (3578) IOIJ'OI Spitfires and Hurri­ Atari ST $19.95 (3580) todlhHd• Flight Simulator Ii. 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With IBM 3 1/2" $12.95 (9268) BOB Medium $10.95 (8304) P.J8 Ughtning: smooth, accurate control response, Amiga $12.95 (9270) BOB Large $10.95 (8305) The Definitive Story authentic period detail, and a 200-page Atari ST $12.95 (9269) Battlehawks Small $10.95 (8284) Now you can become an expert on the Battlehawks Medium $10.95 (8285) design, development and wartime oper­ Battlehawks Large $10.95 (8286) ation ofWWII's favorite combat fight­ er. Find out how the P-38 became the longest-range fighter of the war, Secret Weapons mm cannon all mounftd in the nose. JIT0~9) \OJ04J l"•.:ns ugn'tntngr smooth, accurate control response, $10.95 (8305) The Definitive Story authentic period detail, and a 200-page $10.95 (8284) Now you can become an expert on the $10.95 (8285) design, development and wartime oper­ $10.95 (8286) ation ofWWII's favorite combat fight­ er. Find out how the P-38 became the longest-range fighter of the war, mm cannon all mounted iJUhe nose. Secret Weapons the best photo-reconnaissance With this plane you be the king of ofthe airplane, and the first fighter to the sky. Luftwaffe penetrate Berlin. The Lockheed Tours of Duty P-38 IBM (Combo) $29.95 (6306) P-]8 Lightning: The Definitive Each Tour of Duty disk P-80 Shooting Story contains 274 pages of includes three flight school mis­ The P-80 "Shooting S ,"America's amazing flight facts comple­ sions; eight historical missions; five first successful jet , can be mented by 325 photos, and a 16- (for U.S. planes) or four (for German flown when escorting 17sonbomb· page glossy color centerfold, all Secret Weapons planes) custom missions in which ing raids or flying tr erous low-lev­ on the finest quality art paper. of the Luftwaffe® players can fly each of the "enemy" air- el ground attacks. 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Still Watch the original 229 batwing. its unique characteristics Or try the Luft­ Hel62 Volksja the fire power of this plane was lethal. motion picture of which you will be sure to waffe's front-line The Heinke! He162 "ager. It was equipped with one 30-mm MK The Battle of Britain, enjoy. Secret Weapons of fighters, the Me- ter," was 103 cannon (with 70 rounds) mounted Starring Michael the Luftwaffe required to 109 and FW-r90. umbers of through the propeller spinner in the Caine and Laurence The key word in play Tour of Duty disb. Allied aircraft out of sky. Also nose. It also boasted two 15-mm MG Olivier on VHS Secret Weapons of called the "Salamander," its top speed 151 cannons (with 200 rounds per videocassette. the Luftwaffe is authenticity. New P..38 Ughtnlng was 491 miles per ho~ 580 miles per gun) mounted on the upper cowling of Only $19.95 reduced graphics and a mission builder lets Fly the P-38 "lightning" plane, built hour diving, and its thru& could reach the front engine. Finally, it carried one from $i9.95. (8307) you design your own scenarios and fly from a chopped fuselage and two long like an ace. 2,082 pounds during emergencies. 1,102 pound bomb, as well as four 551 booms mounted on a single wing, The He162 is one of the lightest pound bombs. Watch out Allied troops IBM 51/4" l.2M11 HD $69.95 (4roo) either as a pure fighter or as a devastat· planes and its armament of two 20- for this fierce plane! CALL IBM 3 1/2" 720K $69.95 (4101) ingly effective fighter/bomber. The p. mm Mauser MG 151 cannons, with Do-335 IBM (Combo) S29.95 (6309) TOLL·FREE NEW IBM CD-Rom. Comes with all 38 can outpace and out-climb the Luft­ 120 rounds per gun, will make the 4 Tour of Duty aircraft! $79.95 (5009) waffe's Bf 109 and FW 190 fighters, Allied planes wary of fooling with this l·BOO STAR WARS Upgrade to CD Rom (Send UPC code and is packed with the power of four plane. POSTERS and $.Jo.oo plus S/H) (5009U) .50-caliber machine guns and one 20- HE-162 IBM (Combo) $29.95 (6308) Secret Weapons $.J-95 (8374) ~ Battle of Britain $.J.95 (8373) I I .••.. Monkey Island 2: he Secret of T-Shirts LeChuck's onkey Island® o of our coolest T-shirts were Revenge""' el with the Sword mspired by these two great games. e ghost pirate Le f\ aster, tackle vicious ~The original Monkey Island shirt Chuck is out for Pi{anha Poodles and find with monkeys swinging down the long Tievenge. You killed val ble treasure! But sleeves or the new Monkey 2 shirt, with him once, but he's too you do the real chal­ the motto "It's a great day for spitting" mad to stay dead. You begins in this are sure to enjoy this tful point-and-dick sequel with stunning grap ·c adventure. graphics (VGA only) and new iMUSE~ soundtrack. New Price! IBM EGA51/4 "1 $19.95(4098) IBM VGA 5 1/4" I.2MB HD $34.95 (6154) IBM EGA3 Ij2" $19.95(4099) IBM VGA 31/2" 1.4MB HD $34.95 (6155) IBM VGA 5 1/4" $34.95 (4302) Amiga (32 colors) $59.95 (6156) IBM VGA 3 1/2", $34.95 (4318) Macintosh $59.95 (63n) IBM CD-Rom $79.95 (5001) and lots of spit wads, are sure to please Upgrade to CD R,om (Send back page any kid. of manual & $25.00 plus S/H) (5001U) Monkey Island (Long sleeve) $14.95 Amiga I S59.95 (4037) Small (8354) Medium (8355) Atari ST $59.95 (4196) large (8356) Ex-large (8357) Macintosh $59.95 (5000) Monkey Island 2 (Short sleeve) $10.95 Small (8358) Medium (8359) large (8360) Ex-large (8361) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Classic Adventures ow you can own 5 of our best Defenders of games, all in one package: Maniac Dynatron City""' NMansion, Zak McKracken, Indiana xperience the wacky interactive ]ones and the Last Crusade, Loom and comic book world of Defendlrs of Monkey Island. For Only $59.95. EDynatron City in this action-packed IBM 3.5 " $ . 6 I for the Nintend . Classic Adventures ow you can own 5 of our best Defenders of games, all in one package: Maniac Dynatron City~ NMansion, Zak McKracken, Indiana xperience the wacky interactive Jones and the Last Crusade, Loom and comic book world of Defernkrs of Monkey Island. For Only $59.95. EDynatron City in this action-packed IBM 3-5" $59.95 (6315) game for the Nintendo. Control 6 dif. Defenders of Dynatron IBM p5" $59.95 (6316) Postcards Indiana Jones 4" x 6" postcards, ferent characters as they protect their City Comics Collect them or send them to friends. set of 27 $20.00 (9323) city from Dr. Mayhem and his evil min­ Read about all the characters of Dyna· Star Wars 4" x 6" postcards, set of 26 Young Indiana Jones 4" x 6" post- ions. Nintendo Cartridge Only City in the first four issues of the $20.00 (9322) cards, set ofio $10.00 (9324) New Pricel S39.95 (9053) comic book! Set of Four $5.00 (9294S)

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Aftei this, no othei T-shirt seems Sam & Max oval pin S6.95 (9303) will make you stand out in the crowd. back with the ILM logo in gradients of 'ft Gall for Information 'ft necessary! Only $15.95 Max pin $6.95 (9304) $14.95 blue to silver on the front. $14.95 Small (9305S) Medium (9305M) (8290S) Small (8290M) Medium (8289S) Small (8289M) Medium C:O ..... PA..._,.V Large (9305L) Ex-Large (9305XL) (8290L) Large (8290X) Extra Large (8289L) Large (8289X) Extra Large STORE 0 Zak McKracken and the Loom® Night Shift® Pipe Dream® Alien Mindbenders® In this truly unique fantasy graphic It's the chance of a life e: you just got It's so simple: just put a pipeline togeth­ Space Aliens have adventure, you play the role of a a job at Industrial er from handy pieces of landed! They young Weaver in the Age of the Might & Logic, pro­ pipe! The problem comes have taken over Great Guilds. Complete with ducing fabulous when an evil slime starts the phone com­ super graphics and sound, this Lucasfilm toys, like flowing down the pipe. Stay pany and are is the right challenge for the baby Darth Vadersh ahead of it or lose every­ reportedly trying beginning adventurer. and Zak McKrack­ thing! New Pricel to reduce every­ Roland sound also available. ens '." All you have IBM (combo) $29.95 (3660) one's IQs to single New Pricel IBM EGA to do is keep the Amiga $19.95 (3664) digits! Only you can only 5 1/4" $29.95 (3575) creaky machine Atari ST $19.95 (3666) save the world from IBM EGA only running, vacu- Apple IIE, IIGS $19.95 (3672) the alien menace in 3 1/2" $29.95 (3601) um up those fur- C64 $19.95 (3668) this wonderfully Amiga $19.95 (3577) ry pests that fol­ Macintosh $29.95 (3670) loony graphic adven­ Atari ST $19.95 (3579) low you around, and Nintendo $34.95 (9026 ture. No typing-just point-and-click. Macintosh $44.95 (43n) dodge the nasty lawyers! New Pricel T-Shirts New Pricel Only $19.95 New IBM CD-Rom IBM 5 l/4" $19.95 (4253) Purchase a T-shirt to go with your IBM (Combo) $19.95 (3536) with talkie sound. $99.95 (5002) IBM 3 1/2" $19.95 (4254) favorite game. All T-shirts are roo% C64 $19.95 (3533) Upgrade to CD-Rom Amiga $19.95 (4255) cotton. Were $J.4.95. Now only $10.95. Amiga $19.95 (3583) (Send "Proof of Purchase" from back of Atari ST $19.95 (4257) Loom T-shirt $10.95 Atari ST $19.95 (3530) manual & $25.00 plus S/H) (5002U) C64 $19.95 (4256) Small (8323) Medium (8324) Roland PC Upgrade disk $10.00 (8331) Night Shift T-shirt $10.9S Large (8325) Ex-Large (8326) Small (8367) Medium (8368) Zak McKracken T-shirt $10.95 New Retum Policy Maniac Mansion® Large (8369) Ex-Large (8370) Medium (8281) Large (8282) Ifyou are dissatisfied you must Award-winning Maniac Mansion Maniac Mansion T-shirt $10.95 return the items within 20 days of helped pioneer the point-and-click Large (8315) Ex-Large (8316) receipt along with the reason for interface that makes typing obsolete. your dissatisfaction. To receive a Find out for yourself why Dr. Fred kid- refund or exchange, products MUST napped your favorite cheerleader ... and be returned in the original condition just what Nurse Edna is doing with that and packaging along with the invoice, either the original or a copy. scalpel. New Pricel Now just $19.95 The following items are NOT on disk, $34.95for the Nintendo. SPECIRL OFFER RETURNABLE: books (including IBM (Combo) $19.95 (3588) Cluebooks New Price! Be one Of the first JOO peo­ hintbooks) and masks. Postage and Apple II $19.95 (3532) Need help? How about a hint ple place an order of moni handling will not be refunded. C64 $19.95 (3535) book? -----~~~~.~-'-"'1 -1 -'----.U....C.._._-L ______~------i------than$ c.oo-.aJJd iecewe L ...... _ ...... , ...... _ ··~~, _...... -. -~- --- ~efund or exchange, products MUST napped your favorite cheerleader... and be returned in the original condition just what Nurse Edna is doing with that and packaging along with the New Price! Now invoice, either the original or a copy. scalpel. just $19.95 The following items are NOT on disk, $34.95for the Nintendo. IBM (Combo) $19.95 (3588) SPECIAL OFFER RETURNABLE: books (including Cluebooks New Price! Be one of the first 300 peo­ hintbooks) and masks. Postage and Apple II $19.95 (3532) Need help? How about a hint ple to place an order of more handling will not be refunded. C64 $19.95 (3535) book? Credit card orders will be credited to than $50.00 and receive a Amiga $19.95 (3581) Maniac Mansion your account For your protection, $9.95 (8308) FREE GIFT. Just write "free Atari ST $19.95 (3584) Loom you should insure any product(s) $9.95 (8311) giftn on your order form or Nintendo Cartridge $34.95 (9025) you return to us if the value is $ 5o Zak McKracken $9.95 (8309) tell the operator when you or more. Poster $4.95 (8279) order and we will send it along with your order.

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AU PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE LucasArts Company Store© 1992 l.ucasArts Games. All rights reserved. LucasArts Games. game titles. characters. and all elements of the g>me fantasies are trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment Company. ~ and © LucasArts Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. All trademarks are acknowl­ edged as the properly of 1hcirrespective owners. At the heart of our games is the Evolution o characters, the The storytelling and the fun.

LucasArts Classi I Adventures

BY GARY WINNICK system which would be capable. of allow­ tionally, New for Christmas! ing the type of graphic story presentation familiar ack in 1986, when we envisioned, and we were on our way. um, and But the heart of and I first proposed our design Maniac Mansion became a success target mac ines evolved. our adventure for Maniac Mansion, we didn't among gamers at large and our own so did our ethods, games is actually Bthink about the possibility that internal staff of dedicated gamers! We until our ojects began not the technology someday it could become a classic! We knew we had hit upon a blend of tech­ to employ at all, although the both were great fans of graphic adven­ nology and storytelling which would designer/p technology is impor­ tures and puzzle games, but found allow our designers to create and share and a desi tant in drawing in an parsers and the inevitability of your char­ others worlds which previous to that me on audience. At the acter's death to be very frustrating. When time. could only be imagined, not Maniac, bu scores of heart of our games is we created our games, our foremost pri­ enjoyed on a computer. backgroun artists, the characters, the ority was to draw people into a story and Zak McKracken was our second foray character a irnators, storytelling and the its characters while maintaining a bal­ into adventure gaming. Its plot, and the SCUMM sc 'pters, fun. Despite the fact ance between a sense of peril and a sense scope of its gameplay and characters, and sound esigners. Indeed, the that it displays dated of humor. Ron created SCUMM (Script were more ambitious than Maniac. Addi- staging and omplexity did begin to graphics and animation from today's per­ Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion), a resemble so ething akin to an "interac- spective, Maniac Mansion and Zak high level and McKracken and lhe Alien Mindbenders still have the power to pull you into their stories. Loom uses the limitations of the e.llo! Welcome. back to the scin­ Mo21ke lsla21d 4: computer to successfully create a unique tillating pages of The Adventurer ~ C..11:u. k's .Reve21ge world, and Indiana Jones and the Last and my amazing column! (Mod­ Cmsade and The Secret of Monkey Island ti I need more thing to malu: the est, yes?) Below you'll find answers to ride the cusp of what lies in the future of voodoo doll vfLe Chuck! I have every­ some of your most burning questions graphic adventure gaming. thing except the body fluid! about our games in the hopes that We had a lot of fun making these Aaah, body fluid. A LucasArts' pro­ you'll continue on your path of adven- games, and I hope you have. as much fun ammer's favorite thin ! F r n t ~~~~~ 11 ~~-r-en . e«:om cKCCJ[!le-SC!JF'~~-;;:=-i-'lll!!ll!llill~~ ~ . computer to successfully create a unique tillating pages of The Adventurer r\_ P1 world, and Tndianajones and the Last and my amazing column! (Mod- t;. t.J Cnisade and The Secret of Monkey Island need l'llf' more thing to ma/ie the est, yes?) Below you'll find answers to ~ .N ride the cusp of what lies in the future of voodoo doll <)f Le Chuck! 1 have every­ some of your most burning questions ~.. _L~ - graphic adventure gaming. thing except the body fluid! about our games in the hopes that °'>~ We had a lot of fun making these '6 -0.., Aaah, body fluid . A LucasArts' pro­ you'll continue on your path of adven- { ~'- V'" games, and I hope you have as much fun grammer's favorite thing! Fortunately, lure and enjoyment. Have fun!! - ~ playing them, whether it be for the fi.rst someone imbued Guybrush with a lit­ Chester time, or as a rediscovery of "friends" you according to the diagram on the back tle (maybe l/lOOOOOOth of an ounce?) haven't seen for awhile. ESC I:nclia.2).a :So:nes a:ncl o[ the cupboard door where you found of style, and taught him that it's not the f'ate of A.tla.2).tis the crescent shaped gear and you'll polite to let a friend (or evil enemy) How do I open the door to the Map open the door. When you do, a hinge suffer a runny nose without offering Room? pin will pop out. Give it to Sophia and him a clean hankie. Who would have Look at the Dialogue of Plato. The pick up the cage. Ta-da! ! known Mis nners' guidebook fi.rsr paragraph will tell you how to line That octoptis looks hungry! 1 don't would help u get rid of a ghost? TECHIE up the sunstone under the tall horns. want him to eat me! Tl1is Rum:Roger guy's driving me The next paragraph will tell you how You need feed him another delicacy batty! He's always trying to get me to line up the moonstone with the sun­ of the briny deep - a crab! Get a dnmk and thl\" shoves me out the door. stone. Don't worry about lining up the ribcage and bail it with bratwurst or Miss Manners saves the day again! BENCH moonstone with the tall horns. Once gum. Catch a crab in the crab room, How could you expect hospitality from elow you'll find some of the ques­ you have the sunstone set up, don't then use the trapped crab with the someone when you haven't even tions we hear most often on the move 1t! Then read the paragraph that octopus and it will leave you alone. brought along a contribution for the Btechnical support line. We hope we talks about the worldstone. Set it up Spealiing of crabby, that old Costa table? Since you're not that interested can save some of your time by printing without moving either the moonstone won't give me anything! What do I need in swilling h" finest, perhaps you answers here, but we'll be more than or the sunstone. Then push the spin­ to exchange? could get some Near-Grog" from Cap­ happy to talk to you about any technical dle. If you're REAUY stuck on this, Go to Tikal and figure out some way tain Kate and save Rum the trouble of problems you might be having with any you can call us and get the solution if to get inside the temple and use the spi­ filling your g ... Unfortunately. you'll of our games. Our number is (415) 721- you have the game up on your screen ral design. You'll be rewarded with have to get h arrested to do so. Oh 3333. Because we're on Pacific Time, when you call. The solution changes something you can use to get the eel well! Guess M' M doesn't apply to however, our 8:30am to 4:30pm hours randomly for each game, so your head statue from Iceland. Give the eel­ pirates after a ! may differ when applied to your time friends' solution may not necessarily head to Costa, and awaaaaaay you go! Remembe , if you have any ques­ zone. We wish you the best, and happy apply to you. How do l turn on the digger? I need it! tions that yo don't see answered here adventuring!! Sophia's stucli in the dungeon! She Outside the room where the digger or you need further assistance, you can We'ye heard from some people who wants something to hold the cage door is, there are some strange markings on always call our 24-hour automated get a message when they're installing open but I don't linow what! the wall. Place the levers on the hint line at 1-900-740-JEDI. Live oper­ that says "Error! No disk in d1ivel" or, Get the hinge pin away from the machine in the same placement as the ators are on duty from 8:30am to after they install, they receive a message broken robot door in the middle ring. darkest markings on the wall and you 4:30pm PST. Calls are 75 cents per that says, "Script 130 not in room 108 at You'll need the bronze gear, the bronze can have an atlantean joyride! Remem­ minute and llers under 18 MUST 8817225+39341 ". People with lower spoked wheel, and the robot part and ber to look at the graffiti on the ground have their parents' pennission to call. quality disk drives can have a difficult the crescent shaped gear. Use them next Lo the digger to stop it, though ... . ESC time retrieving information from disks co111inucd on next page TECHIE IEllCH ted floppy disk with the basic perating Secret Weapons of The Luftwaffe and all was created in name only and never continued from previous page system files on it that allows games released after it are 286 (AT) or actually existed. We recommend that Luc1sAR1s compressed full of information, such as to bypass all RAM resident higher required. We receive many people remove the file from their game ONLlllE those packaged with Indiana]ones and (commonly referred to as TS requests for low-density 5.25" SWOTL directory or delete it through the custom LucasArts Games the Fate of Atlantis and Monkey Island 2: floppies can also be used to disks from people who do not realize mission menu. system's memory woes if you tha~ (unfortunately) the game will not product support is Le Chuck's Revenge. We suggest people Battlehawks fans! Upgraded to DOS now available on the send in their old disks and a detailed let­ warning messages about bei run on their system. We recommend 5.0 and find that the game crashes every­ memory. following online ser­ ter describing the problem. We'll be able people with 8086 or 8088 processors time you exit? You need to disable the vices: to send a new set of disks or a new Good news! Indiana]ones return the game to their retailer or give Himem file in your autoexec.bat or con­ install.exe file that will help take care of Fate of Atlantis will work wi us a call to inquire about getting an fig.sys files. Once it's turned off the game CompuServe the problem. Windows! All you need to d , is install exchange for another game. will run as well as ever. Game Publishers lf you're trying to use Stacker, the program as you normallyj Would If you purchased the HE-162 SWOTL That's all we have to say for now. Forum (GAMPUB), DiskMax, or any other compression .!:hrough DOS, then make of the .pif Expansion disk and tried to fly the first Please remember that we are available section 7 program, our games will not run. You and .ico files to hook the pro up defaulted custom mission 162-38-8, and happy to assist you at the number Or send e-mail to ID # must install the game on an unstacked through Windows. We plan n support­ you've probably already figured out that above. You can also write to us at: 75300,454 part of your hard drive and boot your ing Windows in all our forth oming it won't run. The program will crash LucasArts Games Product Support America Online system from what we call a "Vanilla adventures. requesting that you insert disk #2. P.O. Box 10307 Keyword "Lucasfilm" Boot Disk". This is just a clean, format- We'd also like to remind people that Unfortunately, that particular mission San Rafael, CA 94901 Or send e-mail to KHRlS GEnie Games RT (page 805), category 27 Or send e-mail to LUCASFILM

THIS 15 SCIENCE FICTION, MAK TEl-l:VISlON HAS BEEN REPLACED SY -SMEiLLO '' i rr. r"IT1-1t::1 t<= .now ~mplln"%

proper , you can teach your rates of up to computer to respond to spoken com­ With the right soft­ 15,000 to mands like "Pick up sword," "throw Flight simulators managed only a ware, sound synthesizers 20,000 times per knife," or "tell me you love me." buzzing so feeble it would embarrass a can speak, reading text in a second. Sine you must sample at least First, you decide what commands housefly, much less a jet fighter. slightly mechanical voice. twice the fre uency of the sound, this you want. Then you "ttain" the comput­ No more. Now, sound hardware for Synthetic sound has two advantages means you c accurately record sounds er. Using the special software, you speak IBM compatibles costs less than $200. over digitally recorded sound. First, up to 7,000 r 9,000 Hertz. That's more the commands, then type them. Usually, You can add speakers, or plug the sound doesn't have to be recorded. Second, than adequa for human speech, sword you repeat each command two or three leads into your stereo, crank up the vol­ since the sound chip creates it, synthetic fights, howl" g monsters, and most times while the computer "learns." ume, and let the entire neighborhood sound doesn't take up space on disk. things excep silent dog whistles. After the software is trained, all you join in the fun (be careful - they just Digitally Recorded Sound With "so nd processor" software, do is speak the command into the micro­ might!) With some systems, you can cre­ Making a digital recording is as easy digitized sou d can be displayed on the phone. The computer recognizes the ate your own computer sounds, or make as talking into a microphone. Since a computer scr en. You can see your own command, then executes it. Your fingers the computer speak with your own voice computer works only with numbers, an voice. Speed ·t up until you sound like never need touch the keys. Best of all, - or a voice you like better. "Analog to Digital converter," or "AID Donald Duck or slow it until you sound the computer has to remember all those There are two kinds of computer chip" for short, converts the sound like nothing man. You may "cut and fancy typed commands. All you do is sound: synthetic and digitally recorded. waves into numbers. A "DIA chip" con­ paste" soun mix them, add reverb and talk. Some hardware can work with both, but verts the numbers back into sound. echos, flange ;md equalize (which was No longer is sound the poor relation synthetic and digitally recorded sound The AID chip works by "sampling." used on Danh Vader's voice in star to graphics. Now the poor relative is are vastly different and have different To understand sampling, imagine Wars), or even play sounds backwards. coming into its own! ESC uses. recording the passing of an ocean wave For example, the "swoosh" sounds you Brad Stewart is Chief Engineer at Covox Inc. sound: synthetic and digitally recorded. waves into numbers. A "DIA chip" con­ paste" soun mix them, add reverb and talk. Some hardware can work with both, but verts the numbers back into sound. echos, flange nd equalize (which was No longer is sound the poor relation synthetic and digitally recorded sound The AID,chip works by "sampling." used on Danh Vader's voice in Star to graphics. Now the poor relative is are vastly different and have different To understand sampling, imagine Wars), or even play sounds backwards. corning into its own! ESC uses. recording the passing of an ocean wave For example, the "swoosh" sounds you Brad Stewart is Chief Engine~r at Covox Inc.

HOW I LEARNED TO never imagined I'd own a copy of the motorcross bikes on Don'ttell anyone we game, until one night... the curb and tre admitted this, but­ STOP WORRYING AND LOVE It all started innocently enough. I was comingmy y. at the quicky-mart, and my Tub-0- Things were l!fowing some great entertain­ STREET FIGHTER II Chowder was taking an exceptionally dim. ment software actually by Tim Delacruz long time to microwave. There was the I started hitting comes from The Competi­ veryone knows that computer game SFII machine. It was late. There were no random butt ns and players exist on a higher plane than nine-year-old boys around. I was safe swinging the Joystick tion. And we'd like you to Ecarrridge game players. They lead from embarrassment, so why not waste a wildly. Amazingly, know about it. So in each better lives. They dress better. They couple quarters? The experience would something happened. issue of The Adventurer, know how to use semicolons. They often be more ammunition for my snobbish Ryu put his hapds one of our game design­ talk to the opposite sex. attitude. together and s outed People from this cultivated, disk­ The game started. I had a choice of somethingjapanese and frightening. A Dhalsim flew back in agony, and Ryu ers will recommend a based background often say things like "I eight World Warriors to play. I chose blue fireball shot out from his wrists and hovered, mid-air, completing two more game from another like to exercise my BRAIN not my Ryu, the serious-minded black-belt from swacked Dha upside the head. Ryu spinning kicks in slow motion: publisher that's been a THUMBS! Ha ha ha! " or "Carrridge Japan (blood type 'O', I would later find flipped forwar , feeding Dhalsim his foot whoosh ... whoosh .. . (just like Van­ games? Well, maybe Tetris now and out). We were flown to India, home of on the way do . And then, upon land­ Darnme does in climactic battles) before favorite with us after then, you know, but you'd never catch Dhalsirn, yoga strongman. We were to ing, threw the oga boogyrnan over his he landed on his bare feet and assumed a hours. me playing something like ... STREET fight on a rug, surrounded by elephants. shoulder. Ryu as going to town. I was humble pose of serious meditation. I FIGHTER II!" Yes, of all the cartridge Ryu was breathing hard, waiting for the kickin' butt. bought the cartridge the next day. games out there, there are few as car­ match to begin. "Round l ," it Dhalsim w dizzy. We moved in for I didn't have a Super Nintendo unit at tridgy as SFU . All that punching, kick­ announced, "FIGHT! " Before Ryu or I the kill. A hig kick to the head woke the time, but picking one up was rela­ ing, fire-ball throwing, back-flipping, could do anything, the mystical Dhalsim him up. I jabbtd, he blocked. He kicked, tively painless. I mean, ninety-nine h~d-biting , gut-twisting, bear-hugging, stretched out his arm to freakish lengths I jumped. Defying all physics, he sat bucks? I've had traffic tickets for more head-butting, flame-throwing, face­ and whopped us hard in the gut. Ryu down and slid into Ryu , hitting him low than that. The cart itself seemed steeply planting, pile-driving kung-fu action flew back, throwing some quick punches and hard and knocking him over. The priced: $70. But the kid at the store (us alienates your average simulation-bug­ into the empty air. Dhalsirn closed in, enemy approached menacingly, shrunk­ disk-based people like to refer to store ger. It seems so stupid and garish to jumped, and kicked him with one long, en skulls dangling from his neck. His people as 'kids') told me that it had twice them, and what's worse, they're not very telescoping leg. Poor Ryu cowered, Dhal­ health was low, but so was ours. I hit all the rom as any previous cartridge made. good at it. It's hard to feel superior to a sirn landed, spewing flame all over him. the buttons at once, right as Dhalsim was They seem to have put that memory to game that whoops your butt. So they "What the hell was that?" about to close in on our hero. Ryu leapt good use, as this is one of the best THE ADVINIURER belittle games like Street Fighter II with "Yoga fire! " said Dhalsirn. into the air, shouting something about arcade-to-cart conversions I've ever seen. curt, well-turned phrases, and go back to My Tub-0-Chowder dinged. burritos, and nailed Mr. D in the jaw It's ALL there. Who needs the quicky- arguing about . I myself Some young boys had ditched their with a spinning hurricane kick. KO.! continued on page 15

I I t I i.nstalled the SWOTL disks o to my CompuServe, GEnie, and America Online. sion disk send $12.95 to ... No, we're just Thanks for I hard drive. When running it nder The automated hint line can be reached by teasing. phoning 1-900-740-]EDI and we can be making great Windows 3.1, I was unable to erive a Letters response of any kind ... I press ny key faxed at 415-721-3344. You must have felt I must write and tell you how games. I find and then BAM! get kicked out. Help! your parents' pennission before calling the I incredible your CD-ROM version of them totally recently bought the Secret Weapons of Don c. Good automated hint line. Loom is! The stereo music was incredibly inextricably ! the Luft wajfe Tour of Duty disk for the Bellaire, IX orchestrated, and the voices were obvi­ HE-162 Volksjager. As far as I'm con­ ously REAL actors and actresses record­ gnarly to the Unfortunately, Secret Weapo have over 200 hours in the F-15 (Lhe cerned it's the icing on the cake of the Luftwaffe does not run under I REAL jet), and the greatest fun I have ed in a professional sound studio. The max! best flight simulauon software on the Although we've heard tell of a fi cus­ had during off-duty Limes is playing game itself was incredibly refreshing and market. Anyway, I was recently watching tomers who were able to get it nning "Battle of Britain"! It's the only flight entertaining, and it made me realize how a WWII documentary which focused on through Windows after they di (1 secret jig simulator game I've played (and I've tried much I hate other peoples' games! I was aircraft. One of the planes that was to the gods of voodoo computin , we highly them all) with the "feel" of air-to-air so happy with the quality that you peo­ repeatedly mentioned was the F-80 recommend that people who wlJllt to run combat in several different airplanes. The ple put into Loom that I took my other Shooting Star. The name rang a bell so I the game prJperly boot it up st ight from Heinke! lumbers along like a bomber CD-ROM game back to the store and got checked to see if the F-80 was one of DOS. To make a clean DOS t disk, should, and the Spitfire handles like a my money refunded; I'm going to save it your expansion disks. As I'm sure you insert a blank formatted floppy nto the a: sportscar. Your camera is the best way for the CD-ROM version of Monkey well know, the disks that you sell are for drive and type (we're using "_" o desig- I've seen to refine bombing technique. In Island! Now, think about this: a CD­ the P-80 Shooting Star. ls this some sort nate a space): fornuu_a:_ls. will cre- my opinion, "Battle ofBritain" is the all­ ROM version of Indiana Jones and the of error7 Were there two different Shoot­ ate a disk that can be inserted into the a: tirne best computer game! However, I Fate of Atlantis! You would sell a ton! ing Stars? This is really itching at me so I drive prior to re-booting. The k will am forced to lodge a formal complaint How about CD-ROM Star Wars? would appreciate it if you could reply. bypass all memory resident pr ams about the fact that you have not released 1homas Rlegsecker Chrfs Magoulls (such as Windows) and allow 'OU to bring "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe" for the Goshen, IN Tarpon Springs, FL up the game free of all the pro rams that Amiga. How I long to try my hands at Unlike Loom, tl1e CD-ROM versions of Actually, it's part of the design to use the pandered to people who never earned the controls of a P-51 or ME-262! I'm Monkey Island and SWOTL do not f ea­ name from the earlier part of the war. The DOS. It will be a great leamin experience! tired of bombing London! Please take ture substantial design improvements over name change occurred in the late 1940's mercy on the unfortunate owners of the the original versi.on. In Monkey Island, when improved versions of the P-80 (the P- recently purchased Tour ~ Duty: P-38 best graphics computer in the world. however, the CD contains five different lan­ 80B and the P-80C) were introduced. The ! Lightning SWOTL Expansi n disk for David Summers guage versions, so if you ever wanted to P-80 became known as the F-80 in]une of my IBM compatible, and although I am APO AP 96367-0758 play Monhey ir1 Gennan, here's your 1948 when the Air Force replaced the des­ happy overall with the softw: re. I have As the IBM platform ltas improved over the chance. The SWOTL CD includes all four ignation "P" for "pt!rsuit" with "F" for come across what I consider o be a past few years with add-on sound cards, of the Tour of Duty Disks plus a revised "fighter". major problem. In certain P~'.38 missions expanded memory, hard disk drives and manual edited by one of our lead testers. As in the Tour of Duty, some p irs of Ger­ VGA graphics the conversion to the Amiga far as Star Wars on CD, X-Wing will be am very pleased with the fine immacu­ man fighters are replaced ev ry time they has become more and more difficult. The released this Winter on disk, and we'll look l late perfection and indefectability and are shot down, vdth no apparent limit to decision we face now is "ls it better to con­ at CD-ROM possibilities after gauging con­ transcending impeccabilities of idealizing the amo"lJllt of tim they cart replaced. vert to the Amiga or should we develop a sumer interest. purity and superexcellence of your Is this is ii\, error in the pro mming? new product for the PC?" Like many pub­ games. Might I add, where did you get How do l get past it? lishers. it mahes better sense to wor-11 on that fabulous, wondrous, and spectacular Eric Faust new products for the PC over converting tie? Despite my marvelling stupefaction Orlando, FL existing products to the Amiga or Atari ST. ate perfection and indefect.ability and are shot down, with no apparent limit to decision we face now is "Is it better to con­ at CD-ROM possibilities after gauging con­ transcending impeccabilities of idealizing the amoU!!;t of tim the can e'tcplaced. vert to the Amiga or should we develop a sumer interest. purity and superexcellence of your ls this is a error in the ro ramming? 11ew product for the PC?" Like mm1y pub­ games. Might I add, where did you get How do I get past it? lishers, it makes better sense to worh on that fabulous, wondrous, and spectacular Eric Faust new products for the PC over converting tie? Despite my maivelling stupefaction Orlando, FL existing products to the Amiga or Atari ST. and interesting wordiness, I still enjoy This feature is a designed part of strategic It's especially difficult to convert the flight planning built into the game. You must simulators. We will continue to bring the damage the planes badly enough so that graphic adventures to the Amiga (with Free CompuServe Introductory Offer they tum around and go home, but are not Indiana]ones and the Fate of Atlantis due n case you're not aware of what is offered on a BBS, Compu­ killed. TI1e a11ificial intelligence in the this fall), but we are evaluating this policy I Seive is offering you approximately one hour's worth of free game plans its strategy to have new planes on a title by title basis. The Adventurer time to explore. If you have a modem, you can join CompuSeive sent ollt to replace the old ones, Although Number 5 Fall 1992 and visit the LucasArts Games section of the Game Publishers the planes will not regenerate.indefinitely, 'm writing to congratulate you and Publisher Editor Forum. [GO GAMEPUB] it's much easier to damage t badly once your group on the excellent job done I Keyan Farlander Robin Parker The forum provides you with all the latest news and and not have to deal with them again. on Monkey Island 2. I loved the game announcements concerning LucasArts Games. Jn the forum, you more than Monkey Island 1. Monkey Art Director Artists can download updates to your favorite game or obtain demos of am a big fan of your ga~. I bought Island 2 was funny, exciting, fun to play, Mark Shepard Peter Chan soon-to-be released games. You'll also be able to trade tips and l TI1e Secret of Monkey Island and won it. and a great gaming experience. And the information with other gamers. The game was outstanding( The graphics graphics were amazing! The facial Contributing Writers expressions made me think I was watch­ To take advantage of this offer, call toll-free 1-800-524-3388 and sound were awesome. The challenge Khris Brown Lex Delacruz ing a Bugs Bunny cartoon. The manual and ask for Representative #404. The Rep will know you are call­ was huge. And best of all, die ending was Sue Seserrnan said you couldn't die unless you did ing about the CompuSeive $15 usage credit offer. hilarious! Which, of cou convinced Brad Stewart Gary Winnick me to buy Monhey 2: Le Cltllch's Revenge. something stupid. How do you get And of course, I am stuck at a point. I killed? Also my Adventurer has stopped Producer P1int Production your games. Your games are definitely don't want to buy a hint k because coming. Can you start sending it to me Robin Parker Carolyn Knutson worth what you pay for them. If I were I'm afraid it will give the w ole game again) Special thanhs to George Lucas to eat a LucasArts game, my compli­ Randy Yelverton away. Also, I don't want to 11 the hot­ The Adventurer is published by ments to the chef! Anyway, thanks for no address line because it is very expe sive. Would LucasArts Games, P.O. Box 10307, making great games. I find them totally If you include your address on your next you please tell me a num of resources San Rafael CA 94912. Subscrip­ inextricably gnarly to the max! letter, we will be more than happy to get it for hints? tions are free upon submission of Ryan Solen on our mailing list. Anyone can subscribe Lorenzo de la Rosa the registration card from any Boise, ID to The Adventurer by sending in the regis­ Los Angeles, CA LucasArts game. © 1992 LucasArts We are obliged, grateful, gratified, content­ tration card for one of their games or call­ Well, Lori:nzo, we're glad you liked the Games. All Rights Reserved. ed, satisfied, indebted, pleased, kindly dis­ game! For Monkey 2 hints, if you don't ing 1-800-STAR-WARS and ashing to be LucasAns Games, game lilies, characters, posed, QJ!d appreciative of your delightful, 2, want to buy the hint book, you can write us added to the list. In Monkey there actu­ and all elemenlS of the game fantasies are tl11illi11g scintillating correspondence We a letter or fax us to get hints. You ca11 also ally isn't any way lo die. In Monkey 1, trademarks of LucasArlS Entertainment can hardly contain our glee! We want to use the 24-lwur automated hint line (which however, you can try to hold your breath Company. T\l and © LucasAns Entertain­ THE ADVENIURER read it again and again!! It's better than is actually only . 75 cents per minue) as the for more than ten minutes and sinh to a ment Company. All righ1.s reserved. All trademarks are acknowledged as the prop­ 'Cats'! to watery grave. To order your "10,000 ways cheapest way get one or two hints. We're en y of their respective owners. available via Bulletin Board Service on to hill Guybrush in Monhey Island 2" mis-

' I I f

X-WING Pilots are introduced LO these combat continued from page 4 missions in the Mission Ready Room. THE ARTISTS is first and foremost a combat simulator, Here they're briefed and have the oppor­ Players will hear Hartin l·eucky" James McLeod Jon Knoles we wanted to tum up the intensity of the tunity to choose the roster for their flight the roar of TIE Cameron Artist Artist simulation by placing it in a dynamic, group. Pilots also can prep for missions Artist James' primary responsi­ Jon is one oflucasArts' fighters, Darth believable universe," said Kilham, who by studying the details of their own Bucky's \vork for bility on X-Wing was for resident "Star Wars Vader's mecha· developed Landru. "Landru allows us to spacecraft in the Blueprint Room. In the X- Wing' evolved around the front end screens scholars." His work for create fu ll-screen animated, cinematic Combat Film Review Room, pilots can nized breathing, produci g the 3-D and menus. Since his X-Wing included the sequences and highly interactive envi­ review their own or other pilots' mis­ frenzied pilot graphi for the game. arrival at LucasArts in cockpits, most of the ronments." sions. All missions can be recorded in Initially }nought on by 1987, he has worked on storyboards and many chatter and The X-Wing sound track is packed flight and viewed from any angle. A spe­ LucasA in 1987, he's the high-resolution ver­ of the cut scenes. Jon much more. with digitized sound effects and memo­ cial Film Review Room feature allows sions of Zak McKrachen has also worked on the rable speech lines pulled directly from players to jump into the action as the and tlie Alien Mindben­ graphics for each of the "Star Wars" movies. Players will hear mission is replayed. ders, Indiana Jones and LucasArts' Nintendo the roar of TIE fighters, tlie Last Crusade and Tlie games, Star Wars, The Danh Vader's mechanized Secret of Monkey Island, Empire Strikes Back and breathing, frenzied pilot as well as Secret Defenders of Dynatron chatter and much more. Weapons of tli e City, as well as its first X-Wing also is the first Liiftwaffe. Super Nintendo game, LucasArts simulator to use Super Star Wars and the internally developed, others in development. proprietary iMUSE sound He joined LucasArts in system. iMUSE (Interactive 1990. Music and Sound Effects) composes music "on " based on players' choices. The system allows for music in 100 percent of the game, as well as seam­ less transitions between dramatic sequences. G~HE P L..AY The opening sequence of X-Wing introduces play­ ers to the ongo­ ing struggle between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire. Players, as introduces play­ ns1s or°l\t ers LO the ongo­ 12 and 15 rnt>sions. ing struggle The tours cat\ be between the played independent­ Rebel Alliance ly, but the int ntion and the Empire. is to play them Players, as chronologically in newly recruited order to depict the pilots for the growing struggle Alliance, arrive between the bellion and the Empire. nical information as it follows a young at the Mon The tours feat re deep space combat pilot who is recruited by Mon Mothma Calamari Space­ against Empire squadrons and convoys, to join the Rebel Alliance. Shortly after it port and must as well as atta~ across the Death Star releases X-Wing, LucasArts will intro­ register and surface and dJwn the Death Star trench. duce at least two new Space Combat gain security clearance. From the Space­ The Proving Ground and Combat THE SA.GA. CONTINUES Tours featuring the Rebellion. Addition­ port, they are ferried to training grounds, Missions prepare improving pilots for Accompa · g X-Wing is a 96-page ally, LucasArts is planning a sequel to X­ battle sites and Rebel outposts. three intense Space Combat Tours. In companion b k created especially for Wing which will give players the chance New pilots learn the basic flying and the tours, the players take part in actual the game. Th photo and illustration­ to fiy for the Empire. ESC firing skills of the three major Rebel Rebel combat operations against the packed book lends fiction and key tech- starfighters in the Pilot's Proving Ground. This area challenges recruits with an obstacle course of objects to nav­ igate and targets at which to fire. Games for After Hours It takes wee to really understand a can do his spinning piledriver without a Once confident in their basic llight continued from page 13 character's ab ities, but it's fun the whole joystick, please tell me how). And then abilities, pilots enter Combat School mart? It's cheaper to perfect the Dragon time you're l ming. The characters are there's Ken, the one who eventually did where they Oy recreated, historical Punch at home. grotesque an cartoony (and green, and me in that night in the quicky-mart. It encounters between the Rebellion's Some of my floppy friends won't talk fat, and over- uscled, and covered with turns out he's actually Ruy's AMERICAN greatest pilots and the Imperial forces. to me anymore. They'll never understand scars, some o them), but they're all BROTHER!!! Ken fights only for the tro­ what I see in Chun Ll-the strongest memorable a d distinct, and they grow phy, while Ryu just wants to be the best! woman in the world. They've never felt on you. This is only one of several moral melo­ "IF YOU HAVE the thrill of a well-executed mid-air pull Besides R and Dhalsirn, there's dramas that support and enhance the A PERSONAL COMPUTER, down, or a spinning pile driver. They'll Guile, the all-American G.I. , trying to kick-butt action. YOU GOTTA GET TillS TIIING!" never know just what this game has to avenge the death of his pal Charlie. And Eventually, someone else will want to offer: It gives you a physical grace most there's Blanka beast man of the Brazil­ use the TV, and I'll go back to my PC Start-up Kit people will never achieve in their lives. ian rain forests--Shocking his opponents games. Hopefully, not before 1 find out The World Warriors can do things you with abilities he "learned from electric who killed Chun Li's father. One thing, The PRODIGY" service. eels." The humongous Edmond Honda, though, will have changed in my life for­ Information, shopping, banking could never do, but they're still under and much, much more. All from grand champion sumo, has something to ever. Now I can go into any arcade, walk yoor personal computer. And your control. The better you are with the now there's even a new 21- control pad, the more amazing moves prove to the world, whereas Chun Li is up to any nine-year-old boy, and fear­ volume onllne encydopedla. THE ADVENTURER updated quarterly! your character will perform on screen­ secretly trying LO uncover an internation­ lessly say, "Let's fight." ESC magnified a thousand times. There is an al smuggling operation. Zangief is big, amazing depth to the game's techniques. and ... well ... misunderstood (if anyone COM\N& ~11\\~tl\ONS • Save cheerleaders, neighbors. e on the lookout {or "Monsters; friends, teachers, babies and soldiers! (worhing title) an action-arcade •Tons of enemies! 5 Bparody for the Super Nintendo Enter­ •Exotic weapons! tainment System that drops players • Diverse locations! smack dab in the middle of wacky •Available Spring 1993! horror mov\es to save friends, neigh­ bors and teachers from an onslaught of hilarious mov\e monsters. • fast-paced, long-lasting game play\ •Tons of special animations\ CHE TE '.SC~••» • An exceptionally interactive envi- ll NER ronment! • Play with one or two players! • Digitized speech, sound effects, S~.AND monster noises! 12 • Unique three-quartet aerial view\ • 50 different levels - each THE GIC c:»F SC» ND one its own mini-monster . 13 mov\e like "Dances With Werewolves." "Mississippi Chain Saw Massacre~ and .AFTER C»U__ ._. "Zombie House Party ." ~--· • Choose between two kid 13 heroes! 14


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