Do Well in English!

Опорные материалы для студентов второго курса




∑ UNIT 1

° Артикуляция звуков и фонетические явления ° Органы речи . Образование звуков . ° Фонема ° Классификация согласных фонем ° Классификация гласных фонем ° Фонемы [ ɪ], [i:], [e], [æ], [ ə], [s], [z], [t], [d] [p], [b], [k], [l], [n] ° Сонанты ° Словесное ударение ° Ассимиляция ° Потеря аспирации ° Позиционная долгота ° Фонемы [e ɪ], [a ɪ], [f], [v], [m], [j], [g], [w], [h] ° Отсутствие твердого приступа при артикуляции английских глас- ных ° Соединение слов в речевом потоке ° Отсутствие оглушения звонких согласных в конце слова ° Палатализация ° Потеря взрыва ° Слогообразущая функция сонантов в английском языке . Боковой взрыв . ° Взаимная ассимиляция

° Правила чтения ° Открытое и закрытое положение английских гласных букв ° Правила чтения гласных букв A [e ɪ], E [i:], I [a ɪ], Y [wa ɪ] в откры- том и закрытом слоге и некоторых буквосочетаний ° Правила чтения согласных букв ° Правила чтения букв B [bi:], C [si:], D [di:], K [ke ɪ], L [el], N [en], S [es], P [pi:], X [eks], Z [zed] ° Правила чтения букв F [ef], G [d ʒi:], H [e ɪʧ ]* K [ke ɪ], M [em], P [pi:], V [vi:], L [el], X [eks], Z [zed] ° Правила чтения буквосочетаний с A [e ɪ], E [i:], I [a ɪ], Y [wa ɪ]

° Интонация ° Мелодика ° Синтагма ° Синтагменное ударение 3 ° Нисходящий и восходящий тон ° Тон начальных безударных слогов ° Тон конечных безударных слогов ° Низкий нисходящий тон ° Употребление низкого восходящего тона

° Лексика к Unit 1

° Грамматика ° Имя существительное ° Личные и неличные имена существительные ° Множественное число имен существительных ( основное правило ) ° Английские артикли ° Неопределённый артикль ° Отсутствие артикля перед существительным ( нулевой артикль ) ° Простое повествовательное предложение ° Функции местоимения it ° Глаголы с прямым дополнением и косвенным беспредложным до- полнением ° Text ‘Dave and Alice’

∑ UNIT 2

° Артикуляция звуков и фонетические явления ° Фонемы [ ɑ:], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ θ], [ð], [ ʃ], [ ʒ] ° Сочетания фонем [s], [z], с [ θ], [ð] ° Сочетания фонем [t], [d], [n], [l] с [ θ], [ð] ° Прогрессивная и регрессивная ассимиляция ° Произношение определённого артикля ° Правила образования и произнесения грамматических форм слов , оканчивающихся на шипящий или свистящий звук ° Фонемы [ ʌ], [u:], [ ʊ], [ ɒ], [ ɔ:], [ ŋ], [ ɜ:], [r], [ ɜʊ ]

° Правила чтения ° Правила чтения букв H, O, R, U, Q и некоторых буквосочетаний ° Правила чтения согласных G [d ʒi:], H [e ɪtʃ], J [d ʒeɪ], K [ke ɪ]*, O [əʊ ], L [el], N [en], U [ju:], Q [kju:], R [ ɑ:], S [es], T [ti:], U [ju:], W [ˈdʌblju:], X [eks] ° Правила слогоделения и словесного ударения

° Интонация ° Логическое ударение ° Особенности интонационного оформления повелительного накло- нения 4 ° Нисходяще -восходящий тон ° Интонация общих вопросов ° Интонация специальных вопросов ° Интонация альтернативных вопросов ° Интонация разделительных вопросов ° Ритм , ритмогруппа ° Интонационное оформление обстоятельственных групп

° Grammar ° Personal and Possessive Pronouns ° The Category of Number ° Possessives ° The Verb ° The Word Order ° Adverbs and their Place in a Sentence ° The Imperative Mood ° ‘Let’ followed by object + infinitive without to ° Present Tenses ° The Verb to Be in the Present Simple Tense ° To be phrases ° Speech Patterns (Describing Appearance) ° Focus Vocabulary: Text ‘A Visit’ ° Focus Vocabulary: Family (Part 1) ° The Definite Article ° The Use of articles with exclamatory sentences ° The Verb to Have in the Present Simple Tense ° Little and a Little, Few and a Few ° Focus Vocabulary: Text ‘Betty Smith’ ° Focus Vocabulary: Appearance (Part 1) ° Demonstrative pronouns ° There is/There are ° Quantifiers ° Prepositions of Place







ВВЕДЕНИЕ В своих дидактических изысканиях , не потерявших актуальности и сего- дня , Б. А. Лапидус выделяет следующие особенности студентов , будущих учи- телей , изучающих второй иностранный язык в качестве специальности : - наличие языкового двуязычного опыта , сочетающего теоретические и практические знания , умения и навыки , приобретенные в итоге многократного выполнения на материале первого иностранного языка операций , связанных с воспроизведением звуков , уяснением семантических различий между словами и т. п.; - наличие у студентов « умений учиться »; - высокий уровень обучаемости студентов , обладающих такими психи- ческими качествами и свойствами , как развитое мышление , быстрота процес- сов запоминания и осмысления [ Лапидус , c. 10]. Обобщая исследования Н. В. Барышникова , Н. В. Баграмовой , И. Л. Бим , И. И. Китросской , С. Э. Павлюченко и других исследователей в области дидак- тики , можно выделить следующие основные направления специфики профес- сионально -ориентированного обучения будущих учителей второму иностран- ному языку : 1) Освоение второго иностранного языка должно происходить через ов- ладение стратегиями и приемами его самостоятельного изучения , приобретён- ными в процессе освоения первого иностранного языка . 2) Психологические возрастные особенности контингента студентов , приступающих к изучению второго иностранного языка позволяют интенси- фицировать процесс обучения, сделать его более экономным . 3) Языковой материал для обучения всем видам речевой деятельности и аспектам языка , должен быть рационально отобран и функционально диффе- ренцирован . Предлагаемое учебное пособие разработано с учётом данного подхода в соответствии с рабочей программой по английскому языку как второму ино- странному для студентов второго курса Института иностранных языков ВГСПУ , обучающихся по направлениям «Педагогическое образование » и «Лингвистика ». Целевое назначение пособия — теоретическая и практиче- ская подготовка студентов , изучающих английский язык как второй иностран- ный , по базовым аспектам английской фонетики и грамматики , формирование навыков эффективной коммуникации на английском языке . Эта цель достига- ется посредством изложения теоретического материала в рамках изучаемых тем с использованием таблиц , схем , интонограмм , функциональных примеров , а также за счёт практических заданий , позволяющих оптимизировать процесс освоения обучающимися теоретических и практических основ английской фо- нетики и грамматики не изолированно от остальных аспектов языка , а в соче- тании с приобретением разговорных и коммуникативных умений . В пособии используется принцип избыточности , предоставляя возможность преподава- телю вариативно и избирательно использовать предлагаемые материалы , что позволяет решить проблему разноуровневой подготовки студенческих групп . В основе пособия лежат следующие методические принципы : 11 • научный подход в обучении ; • развитие всех навыков и умений , предусмотренных программой , включая письмо , аудирование , говорение , различные виды чтения , грамматические на- выки ; • ориентация на развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков ; • комплексный характер вводного курса и его ранняя речевая направлен- ность ; • взаимосвязь теории и практики . Пособие состоит из 5 разделов . В каждом разделе предлагается теорети- ческий и практический учебный материал по одному из следующих аспектов : 1) фонетика ; 2) лексика ; 3) правила чтения и орфографии ; 4) интонация ; 5) грамматика . Важно отметить , что материал в каждом разделе пособия предпо- лагает преемственность в его изучении на основе предыдущих разделов и в основном расположен в той последовательности , в которой рекомендуется его отрабатывать . В то же время , преподаватель может изменять последователь- ность выполнения тех или иных упражнений в зависимости от цели урока . При описании артикуляции фонем приводятся примеры возможных фо- нетических ошибок при произнесении звуков , даются рекомендации для сня- тия возможных фонетических сложностей . Фонетико -интонационные упраж- нения направлены на формирование произносительных навыков как в собст- венно звуковых и интонационных , так и в условно -речевых и речевых упраж- нениях . Большинство лексико -грамматических упражнений способствуют ус- воению требуемого лексического и грамматического материала одновременно и имеют ярко выраженную коммуникативную направленность . При создании настоящего пособия автор стремился обеспечить соответ- ствие современным требованиям , предъявляемым к учебным пособиям по анг- лийскому языку в логике компетентностного подхода , в частности , наличие различных « режимов » коммуникации ( монолог , диалог , полилог ). При введе- нии новой лексики и отработке коммуникативных навыков пособие ориенти- рует обучающихся на межкультурное взаимодействие через сравнение «сво- его » и « чужого » с целью оптимизации понимания как межъязыковых , так и межкультурных различий . Автор надеется , что пособие поможет студентам Института иностранных языков , обучающимся по вышеназванным направлениям , успешно освоить программный учебный материал . Автор считает своим приятным долгом выра- зить искреннюю благодарность рецензентам пособия за высказанные пожела- ния и высокую оценку .

Unit 1 Артикуляция звуков и фонетические явления Органы речи . Образование звуков . Органы речи , участвующие в образовании звуков , делятся на активные (голосовые связки , глотка , мягко небо , маленький язычок , язык и губы ) и пас- сивные , не производящие самостоятельной работы ( зубы , альвеолы , твердое нёбо ). Струя воздуха при выдохе попадает в полость гортани где расположены голосовые связки , приводя их в колебание ( при образовании звонких звуков ) 12 или свободно проходит через голосовую щель ( при произнесении глухих зву- ков ). Далее ( в зависимости от положения мягкого нёба и маленького язычка ) воздух попадает в глотку и ротовую полость , где в образовании звуков участ- вуют язык ( его кончик , средняя и задняя части ), губы и зубы , или в носовую полость . Фонема Фонема — это языковая единица , осознаваемая всеми говорящими на данном языке как отдельный звук . По определению Н. С. Трубецкого , фонема есть « совокупность фонологически существенных признаков , свойственных данному звуковому образованию » [ Трубецкой , 1964, с. 42]. Отдельные фонемы различаются благодаря разным дифференциальным признакам . Каждая фоне- ма представлена рядом позиционно чередующихся звуков ( аллофонов , варьи- рующихся в зависимости от положения в слове , т.е. вариантов данной фоне- мы ,) и служит для различения и отождествления слов . Совокупность фонем составляет звуковую систему данного языка . В английском языке 44 фонемы (из них 20 гласных ) и всего 26 букв в алфавите ( из них 6 гласных ). Одна и та же буква , находясь в разных позициях в словах , может обозначать разные зву- ки ( например , в словах ball и ban одна и та же буква a обозначат разные звуки ). И, наоборот , один и тот же звук может изображаться разными буквами и бук- восочетаниями ( например , в словах tea и pee буквосочетания ea и ee обозна- чают один и тот же звук ). Для графического изображения фонем используются особые знаки фонетической транскрипции ( например , [ ʒ ], [ ʊ], [θ]).

Классификация согласных фонем По соотношению голоса и шума согласные звуки делятся на : 1) сонорные ( от лат . sonorus – « звонкий », « звучный »), или сонанты , при произнесении которых голос преобладает над шумом : [m], [n], [ ŋ], [l], [w], [r], [j]. Английские сонанты более звучны , чем русские , произносятся протяжно на конце слова ; 2) шумные , при произнесении которых шум преобладает над голосом : [p], [t], [k], [b], [d] и др . По участию голосовых связок в артикуляции английские согласные де- лятся на : 1) звонкие – [b], [d], [z] и др .; 2) глухие – [p], [t], [s] и др . По месту образования преграды английские согласные бывают : 1) губные – [m], [f], [j] и др ., 2) язычные – [l], [t], [s] и др ., По способу образования преграды английские согласные бывают : 1) смычные ( создаётся полная преграда между двумя артикулирую- щими органами ) – [p], [b], [t], [d] и др .; 2) щелевые – ( между двумя артикулирующими органами создаётся препятствие в виде щели ) – [f], [s], [l], [r], [w] ; 3) аффрикаты – [tʃ], [dʒ] ( полная преграда постепенно переходит в неполную ).


Классификация гласных фонем В зависимости от стабильности артикуляции гласные фонемы англий- ского языка делятся на три группы : 1) монофтонги ( при их произнесении артикуляция не меняется в те- чение всего периода звучания ), например , [ ɪ] 2) дифтонги ( состоящие из двух разных по качеству элементов ), на- пример , [ ɪə ] 3) дифтонгоиды ( качество которых неоднородно в начале и в конце произнесения ): [i:], [u:]. По положению губ : 1) лабиализованные ( огубленные ), например , [u:]; 2) нелабиализованны ( неогубленные ) например , [i:].

Фонемы [ɪ], [i:], [e], [æ], [ə], [s], [z], [t], [d] [p], [b], [k], [l], [n]

Фонема [ ɪ] [ɪ] — краткий монофтонг . При произнесении [ ɪ] губы слегка растянуты , кончик языка находится у нижних зубов , язык немного оттянут назад , средняя часть языка поднята к твёрдому нёбу , но значительно ниже , чем при соответ- ствующем русском [ и].

Фонема [i:] [i:] — долгий дифтонгоид . Губы несколько растянуты , кончик языка ка- сается нижних зубов , средняя часть языка высоко поднята к твёрдому нёбу . В процессе артикуляции , язык от более низкого и отодвинутого назад положения переходит к более высокому и продвинутому вперед : [ ɪ] > [ и].

Фонема [e] [e] — краткий монофтонг . Губы слегка растянуты , слегка обнажая пе- редние зубы , но не выпячиваются . Язык выдвинут вперёд , кончик языка нахо- дится у основания нижних зубов , средняя часть языка поднята к твёрдому нё- бу . Английский гласный [e] более закрытый , чем русский [ э], он похож на рус- ский [ э] в словах « цель », « жесть ». Фонема [æ] [æ] — полудолгий монофтонг , самый открытый гласный переднего ряда . При произнесении [æ] рот довольно широко раскрыт , углы губ слегка оттяну- ты в стороны , язык плоско лежит во рту , кончик языка находится у нижних зу- бов , средняя его часть несколько приподнята . В случае ошибки типа русского [э] или [ А] следует шире открывать рот , прижимая кончик языка к нижним зу- бам . Фонема [ ə] [ə] — краткий нейтральный монофтонг . При произнесении этого гласного весь язык целиком несколько приподнят , лежит максимально плоско и слегка оття- нут от нижних зубов , артикуляция нечёткая , лишена напряженности . Гласный [ə] встречается только в неударных слогах . В русском языке нет точного соот- 14 ветствия этому звуку , но он немного напоминает русский [ а] во втором преду- дарном слоге в слове « голова » [ гълʌв′а]. В конечном положении нейтральный гласный [ ə] напоминает безударный русский [a] в слове « рама ».

Фонемы [s], [z] Английские согласные [s], [z] артикулируются аналогично русским [c] и [з], но отличаются от них апикально -альвеолярной артикуляцией . При произ- несении этих согласных между кончиком языка и альвеолами образуется узкая щель . Английский глухой согласный [s] энергичнее русского [c]. Английский звонкий согласный [z] слабее английского глухого [s]. Английский [z] в конце слов оглушается лишь частично , сохраняя звонкость , и не сопровождается гласным призвуком . Аспирация Английские глухие смычные [p], [t], [k] произносятся с аспирацией . Это дополнительный шум , похожий на легкий выдох , создающийся в момент пере- хода от согласного к гласному . Аспирация особенно сильно чувствуется перед долгим ударным гласным и дифтонгом : [pi:l], слабее перед кратким или без- ударным гласным : [ рɪt] и отсутствует в сочетании с предшествующим соглас- ным [s] или последующим согласным звуком : [spi:k], [pli:z]. Русскому языку аспирация не свойственна . Фонемы [t], [d] [t], [d] — взрывные согласные . При их произнесении кончик языка каса- ется альвеол , образуя полную преграду , средняя и задняя части языка опуще- ны . Струя воздуха со взрывом размыкает эту преграду . Английский глухой со- гласный [t] сильнее русского [ т] и произносится с аспирацией . Английский звонкий согласный [d] значительно слабее глухого [t]. Английский [d] в конце слов оглушается лишь частично , сохраняя звонкость .

Фонемы [p], [b] Английские взрывные согласные [p], [b] произносятся так же, как и твёрдые русские [ п], [ б] — напряжённые губы образуют потную смычку , затем воздух с шумом прерывает преграду . Но , в отличие от русского [ п], англий- ский согласный [p] произносятся с дополнительным шумом , похожим на лёг- кий выдох с большим напором воздушной струи ( с придыханием , или аспира- цией ). Перед глухими согласными и на конце слова фонема [b] оглушается лишь частично , сохраняя звонкость . В конечном положении произносится без гласного призвука . Фонема [k] [k] — взрывной согласный . Он артикулируются аналогично русскому [ к] — задняя спинка языка касается мягкого нёба , образуя полную преграду . Струя воздуха со взрывом размыкает эту преграду . Английский взрывной [k] энергичнее русского [ к] и отличается от него придыханием . На конце слов фо- нема [k] произносится энергично и отчетливо .


15 Сонантом называется согласный звук , при произнесении которого голос пре- обладает над шумом , например , [l], [n], [j]. Фонемы [n], [l] Прежде , чем произнести английские [n] и [l], необходимо , придать губам нейтральное положение . [n] — носовой сонант . При его произнесении кончик языка прижат к альвеолам под прямым углом ( апикально -альвеолярный уклад органов артику- ляции ), мягкое нёбо опущено , и воздух проходит через полость носа . По спо- собу и месту артикуляции сонант [n] отличается от русского [ н], при произне- сении которого кончик языка опущен , а передняя часть языка прижимается не к альвеолам , а к передним зубам . [l] — боковой сонант . Кончик языка касается альвеол , так же , как и при произнесении [n], образуя полную преграду , но боковые края языка опущены , образуя проход для струи воздуха . Английская фонема [l] имеет два основных варианта ( аллофона ): более твердый (« тёмный ») и более мягкий (« светлый »). «Тёмный » вариант фонемы [l] произносится перед согласными и на конце сло- ва , светлый [l] — перед гласными . Английский « темный » [l] произносится мягче русского твёрдого [ л], а « светлый » [l] — твёрже русского мягкого [ л’]. Темный оттенок [l] не переходит в светлый , если за конечным [l] следует сло- во , начинающееся с гласного : Spell “Eve”. Английские сонанты [n] и [l] более звучны , чем русские [ н] и [ л], произ- носятся протяжно на конце слова , особенно после краткого гласного , и не имеют гласного призвука . При произнесении сочетаний [pl], [bl], [tl], [dl], [kl] края языка опускают- ся , и воздушная струя проходит вдоль боковых сторон языка . Таким образом , при произнесении данных сочетаний возникает боковой ( латеральный ) взрыв .

Слогоделение Слог — понятие чисто фонетическое . Деление звучащего слова на слоги мо- жет производиться только при произнесении слова . В английском языке слог может состоять из отдельного гласного или сочетания гласного с согласным , например : ['i: / zɪ], ['fɪf / tɪ]. В двусложных словах , если на границе слогораздела встречаются два со- гласных звука , первый отходит к ударному слогу , второй — к безударному , например : ['vɪk / tɪm] – victim. Английские краткие гласные в первом ударном слоге всегда тесно при- мыкают к следующему за ними согласному звуку , образуя вместе с ним закры- тый слог : ['kæb / ɪn] – cabin, ['sɪt / ɪ] – city. Третий от конца ударный слог всегда читается по правилам для закрыто- го слога . Слоговая граница в третьем от конца слоге проходит после единст- венной согласной буквы ( в том числе , если это буква r), например : ‘fam/ily [ˈfæm ɪlɪ], ‘el/ement [ ˈelement]. Словесное ударение В английском языке , как и в русском , ударение в своей основе силовое , динамическое . Что касается места ударения в слове , то оно свободно . В двух- сложных и трёхсложных словах очень сильна тенденция ставить ударение на 16 первый слог . Ударение в слове обозначается знаком ˈ, который ставится сверху перед ударным слогом : visit [ ˈvɪzɪt], dismiss [d ɪsˈmɪs]. Ассимиляция В сочетании с другими звуками наблюдается полное ( качественное ) или частичное изменение артикуляции звуков в потоке речи под влиянием сосед- них звуков , уподобление одного из рядом стоящих звуков другому , называе- мое ассимиляцией . Например , в слове pills фонема [s] озвончается под влияни- ем предшествующего сонанта [l] — [p ɪlz], в слове place под влиянием глухого звука [p] оглушается начало сонанта [l].

Потеря аспирации После согласного [s] глухие взрывные p, t, k произносятся без аспира- ции : st ep [ st ep], sp end [ sp end], sp ill [ sp ɪl].

Позиционная долгота Длительность долгих гласных в английском языке является относитель- ной . Наиболее протяжно английские долгие гласные произносятся на конце слова перед паузой , несколько менее протяжно — перед звонким согласным и довольно кратко — перед глухим согласным . ( Например , в словах bee – been – beef гласный звук [i:], обозначаемый бувосочетанием ee, произносится про- тяжно , полупротяжно и относительно кратко в соответствующих позициях .) Аналогичным образом изменяют длительность своего звучания и анг- лийские сонанты . ( Например , в словах Ben – bend – bent сонант [n] произно- сится протяжно в конце слова , полупротяжно перед звонким согласным [d] и относительно кратко перед глухим [t].) Длительность произнесения ядра английского дифтонга также изменяет- ся в зависимости от положения дифтонга : на конце слова ядро дифтонга про- износится наиболее протяжно , перед звонким согласным — полупротяжно и перед глухими согласными — кратко . Важно отметить , что положение звука в слове влияет только на длитель- ность этого звука , при этом качество звука не меняется . На длительность гласного влияют также такие факторы , как ударность или неударность слога , количество слогов в ритмической группе , эмфатическая интонация .

Латеральный взрыв Сонант [l] с предшествующим взрывным альвеолярным согласным про- износится слитно , не следует отрывать кончик языка от альвеол , не должно быть гласного призвука между ними . Взрыв альвеолярного согласного проис- ходит в процессе произнесения последующего сонанта [l]. Например : please [pl i:z], clean [ kl i:n].

Упражнения 1. Произнесите , соблюдая правила артикуляции изученных фонем . ɪ – ɪ -- ɪ e – e – e s – s – s d – d – d n – n – n i: – i: – i: p – p – p z – z – z k – k – k æ – æ – æ b – b – b t – t – t l – l – l 17

2. Произнесите , соблюдая правила артикуляции изученных фонем и пауза- цию . [ə | i: | ɪ | æ | ɪ | i: | ə | æ | e | ɪ | æ | i: | e | ə | ɪ | æ | ɪ | i: | ə | æ | e | ɪ | æ | i: | e | ə ]

3. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [ ɪ], [i:] и запишите слова в транс- крипции . 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

4. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [ ɪ], [i:]. Определите , под какими но- мерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды. 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

5. Прослушайте и запишите пары слов со звуками [e], [æ] в транскрипции . 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

6. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [e], [æ]. Определите , под какими номерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды . 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

7. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [s], [z] и запишите слова в транс- крипции . 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

8. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [s], [z]. Определите , под какими но- мерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды . 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

9. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [p], [b] и запишите слова в транс- крипции . 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

10. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [p], [b]. Определите , под какими номерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды . 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

11. Произнесите , обращая внимание на отсутствие твёрдого приступа при произнесении звука [ ɪ] в начале слова : [ɪt | ɪn| ɪz]

12. Произнесите , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию звука [ ɪ]: [sɪt | nɪt | sɪp | tɪn | sɪn | mɪs | bɪt | pɪt ]

18 13. Прослушайте , обращая внимание на различия в артикуляциигласных [ɪ] и [i:]: ɪz – i:z sɪt – si:t nɪt – ni:t pɪt – pi:t ɪt – i:t dɪd – di:d sɪd – si:d bɪt – bi:t

14. Произнесите , обращая внимание на долготу гласных звуков [ɪ] и [i:] и положение языка : bi: – bi:d – bi:t di: – di:d – di:p ni: – ni:d – ni:t pi: – pi:z – pi:s si: – si:d – si:t

15. Произнесите , обращая внимание на аспирацию согласных [p], [t], [k] и отсутствие качественного изменения звонких согласных в конце слова ( оглу- шения ): di: – ti: si:t – si:d dɪd – p ɪt zi: – si: ni:t – ni:d bɪd – p ɪt bi: – pi: nɪb – n ɪp

16. Произнесите , следя за слитностью произнесения сочетаний согласных . ɪts i:ts bɪts dɪps tɪps nɪbz sɪts si:ts zɪps sɪps di:dz

17. Произнесите следующие фразы , обращая внимание на различия в силе артикуляции согласных в начале ударного и в конце безударного слогов . ə ni: - ən ɪn tə ti:z - ət i:z ə si:n - ə zi:v ə ni:s - ən i:z ɪt si:st - ɪts i:st ə sɪn - ɪz ɪn

18. Произнесите слова с глухим взрывным [k] в различных позициях , со- храняя силу взрыва согласного [k] на конце слова . Помните , что степень аспи- рации звука [k] перед ударными гласными наибольшая , а перед безударными наименьшая . а) ki: ki:z kɪs kɪn kɪd kɪt

dɪk nɪk pɪk bi:k mi:k б) kɪk tɪk pi:k si:k

в) ˈpɪtɪ ˈhi:t ɪd ˈdi:p ə ˈtɪkɪt ˈdi:k ən ˈsɪtɪ ˈsi:t ɪd ˈki:p ə ˈbi:k ən 19. Прочитайте , соблюдая различия в силе артикуляции между звонкими [b], [d], [g] и глухими [p], [t], [k] в начале и в конце слова . a) kɪs – gi:s kɪt – g ɪft pi:z – bi:z tɪp – d ɪp

19 ˈkɪdɪ – ˈgɪdɪ pɪt – b ɪt pi:t – bi:t ti:n – di:n

b) pɪg – p ɪk bɪg – v ɪk bi:d – bi:t dɪg – d ɪk nɪb – n ɪp

20. Прочитайте , соблюдая особенности произнесения взрывных согласных [p], [t], [k] в сочетании с глухим [s]. sp ɪt st ɪk sk ɪn bi:st sɪps pɪts spi:k sti:v ski:z dɪsk tɪps mɪks

21. Прочитайте слова с чередующимися краткими гласными [ ɪ], [e], [æ], об- ращая внимание на правильную артикуляцию взрывных согласных [p], [t], [k], щелевых [f] и [s]. pɪt – pet – pæt bɪt – bet – bæt sɪt – set – sæt tɪk – dek – tæks nɪk – nek – næk

22. Произнесите, соблюдая плавность соединения звуков на стыке слов . ə pet ə bæt ə kæp tə get tə pæk ə net ə pæn ə mæp tə set tə sæk

23. Прослушайте названия стран и скажите , какой слог является ударным в каждом из слов .

24. Произнесите . соблюдая различие между « тёмным » и « светлым » вариантами фонемы [l]. В каком слове присутствует латеральный взрыв ? а) lee – ill let – tell lean – kneel less – else lead – deal lent - knelt б) least, let, class, last, clasp, glance, lend, eel, lass, led, less, led, lid, sell, cell, lest, steel, sleet, Elbe, bell, peel, lent, lien, stele

25. Произнесите , учитывая отсутствие аспирации у глухих взрывных согласных [p], [t], [k] после согласного [s].

pelt – spelt tiff – stiff teal – steal keen – scheme kin – skin till – still team – steam can – scan kid – skid pen – spend peck - speck tamp – stamp pence – spence peel – speed tick – stick pan - span tan – stand teem – Steve tab – stab temp – stem kiss - ski kip - skip pin – spin kill - skill kip - skip peak – speak pine - spine pin – spin pit – spit pill – spill pam – spam till - still

20 26. Продиктуйте друг другу следующие слова ( один студент диктует , другой записывает в транскрипции , затем наоборот ). Проверьте друг у друга , пра- вильно ли выполнено упражнение .

Student 1: [zɪp | næp | tend | pæl | sti:l | vest | st ɪl | zed | sed | sæd | næb | net | sɪl | si:l | pel | lent | lænd | pæl | pæd | pæt ] Student 2: [dɪp | sæd | dɪb | sed | læp | tæp| pæn | st ɪl | læp l zi:l | læb | lend | tæb | bend | læb| zɪt | pen | det | den | dæn]

27. Произнесите следующие слова и словосочетания , соблюдая явле- ние бокового ( латерального ) взрыва : [ple ɪ] play [̀ˈbædl ɪ] badly [ˈni:dl ɪs] needless

28. Прослушайте и произнесите за учителем данные имена собственные , об- ращая внимание на правильную артикуляцию звуков .

Women’s names: Bess ( уменьшит . от Elizabeth, также Betsy, Betty), Ella, Ellen, Tessa ( уменьшит . от Theresa) Men’s names: Alan, Alex, Allen, Andy ( уменьшит . От Andrew), Ben (Benny, уменьшит . от Benjamin), Bill (Billy), Sid, Ted Surnames: Bell, Ellis, Kelly,Tedd Pet’s names: Addy, Biggy, Binx, Bitsy, Black, Blacky, Cabby, Candy, Danny, Dax, Dez, Dixie, Indi, Kat, Kally, Kenny, Kinky, Lenny, Patsy, Pepsi, Tabby, Zen Countries: Italy Cities and towns: Atlanta, Ely [‘i:l ɪ] ( город в графстве Кембриджшир , Англия ), Leeds (город в графстве Йоркшир , третий по величине город Великобритании ), Lynn ( город в графстве Стаффордшир , Англия )

Вопросы 1. Назовите а) активные органы речи ; б) пассивные органы речи . В чём отли- чие их роли в процессе образования звуков ? 2. Опишите процесс образования звуков органами речи . 3. Что такое « фонема »? 4. По каким критериям классифицируются а) гласные фонемы ; б) согласные фонемы ? 5. Изготовьте карточки с описанием артикуляции всех изученных фонем , а также их классификации в соответствии с приведёнными критериями . 6. Дайте определение а) монофтонга , б) дифтонга , в) дифтонгоида . Объясните их различия . Приведите примеры ( из изученных фонем ), опишите артикуля- цию . 7. Какие три согласные звука в английском языке произносятся с аспирацией (придыханием )? 8. Что такое сонант ? Приведите примеры . Опишите артикуляцию изученных в данном Unit сонантов . 9. Из каких звуков может состоять слог в английском языке ? 10. Как осуществляется слогоделение в двусложных словах ? 21 11. Как читается третий от конца ударный слог ? 12. В чём особенность произнесения ударных и безударных слогов в англий- ской речи ? 13. Как произносится конечный согласный на стыке слов ? 14. Каким образом выделяются слоги в двусложных словах , если на границе слогораздела встречаются два согласных ? 15. Если в первом ударном слоге имеется краткий гласный звук , к какому слогу относится следующий за ним согласный ? 16. Дайте определение a) ассимиляции , б) лабиализации . Приведите примеры . 17. В чём заключается особенность произнесения глухих взрывных p, t, k после согласного [s]? 18. Объясните термин « позиционная долгота » гласного или сонанта . 19. Как образуется латеральный взрыв ? Приведите собственные примеры .

Фонемы [eɪ], [aɪ], [f], [v], [m], [j], [g], [w], [h]

Фонема [eɪ] Фонема [eɪ] — дифтонг , ядром которого является гласный [e]. При про- изнесении [e ɪ] кончик языка находится у нижних зубов , средняя спинка языка немного приподнимается , происходит скольжение в направлении артикуляции [ɪ] — но полностью положения для [ ɪ] средняя спинка языка не принимает . Та- ким образом , второй элемент дифтонга [e ɪ] произносится нечётко , расстояние между спинкой языка и твёрдым нёбом остаётся широким . Для того , чтобы дифтонг [e ɪ] не заканчивался русским [ й], надо ослабить мускульное напряже- ние в конце дифтонга .

Фонема [a ɪ] Фонема [a ɪ] — дифтонг . Его первый элемент — открытый гласный пе- реднего ряда [a], при произнесении которого губы растянуты , язык продвинут вперёд и лежит плоско в полости рта , кончик языка находится у нижних зубов . (Звук [a] в английском языке в самостоятельном виде не употребляется и встречается только в дифтонге [a ɪ], он напоминает русскую фонему [a] в поло- жении между палатализованными согласными , как в слове « чай ».) Затем сред- няя спинка языка поднимается для произнесения звука [ ɪ], однако отчётливо второй элемент дифтонга не произносится . При ошибке типа русского [ й] или английского [j] не следует поднимать среднюю спинку языка для [ ɪ].

Фонемы [f], [v] [f], [v] — губно -зубные согласные . Артикуляционно эти согласные в ос- новном совпадают с русскими согласными [ ф] и [ в], однако при их артикуля- ции внешняя ( а не внутренняя , как при произнесении [ ф] и [ в]) сторона нижней губы , прижимается к верхним зубам . Губы слега растянуты , верхняя губа слег- ка приподнята , образуя плоскую щель . Перед глухими согласными и на конце слова согласный [v] оглушается лишь частично , сохраняя звонкость . В конеч- ном положении [v] произносится без гласного призвука .

22 Фонема [m] [m] — носовой сонант . При произнесении [m], так же , как и при артику- ляции русского твёрдого [ м], губы , смыкаясь , образуют полную преграду , мяг- кое нёбо опущено и воздух проходит через носовую полость .

Фонема [j] [j] — щелевой сонант . При произнесении этого согласного , средняя часть языка поднята к твёрдому нёбу , но не так высоко как в случае с русским согласным [ й], но английский согласный значительно слабее соответствующе- го русского согласного . Края языка прижаты к верхним зубам , образуя проход для воздуха вдоль середины языка . Органы речи постепенно переходят в пози- цию для произнесения следующего гласного .

Фонема [g] [g] — взрывной согласный ., он артикулируются аналогично русскому [ г] — задняя спинка языка касается мягкого нёба , образуя полную преграду . Струя воздуха со взрывом размыкает эту преграду . Английский звонкий со- гласный [g] слабее английского глухого [k]. Английский [g] в конце слов ог- лушается лишь частично , сохраняя звонкость .

Лабиализация Лабиализация — огубление , « выпячивание » губ вперёд и придание им округлой формы при артикуляции какого -либо звука . Степень огубленности английских гласных [ ɒ], [ ɔ:], [ ʊ], [u:] значительно слабее , чем у русских глас- ных [ о], [ у]. Фонема [w] Фонема [w] — губно -губной щелевой сонант . При произнесении [w] гу- бы сильно круглены и выпячены ( лабиализованы ), образуя узкую круглую щель ; при этом задняя спинка языка поднята к мягкому нёбу , как при произне- сении русского звука [ у]. После произнесения [w] губы быстро переходят к положению для следующего гласного . При артикуляции [w] надо следить , чтобы нижняя губа не касалась верхних зубов , иначе будет слышен звук [v].

Фонема [h] [h] — щелевой согласный . При произнесении [h] образуется широкая щель между оттянутым назад корнем языка и выдвинутой вперёд задней стен- кой глотки . На слух производит впечатление легкого выдоха , так как щель ши- рокая , а шум трения слабый . Органы речи постепенно переходят в позицию для произнесения следующего гласного . При ошибке типа русского [ х] следует ослабить согласный до лёгкого выдоха .

Отсутствие твердого приступа при артикуляции английских глас- ных Английские гласные в начальном положении в слове характеризуются свобод- ным началом , артикулируются слабо , без твёрдого приступа . ( Твердый при- 23 ступ — задержка начала колебаний голосовых связок при артикуляции на- чального гласного .) Например , слабая артикуляция в начале : → a bag.

Соединение слов в речевом потоке Плавность и естественность в английской речи достигается слитным произнесением ударных и неударных слогов . Неударные слоги обычно при- мыкают к предшествующему ударному . В предложении Let me see it есть два фонетических единства ( две акцентные группы ) с ударением на первом слоге — Let me и see it . Плавное и слитное произнесение не исключает необходимости соблю- дать границу слов . Нарушение границы слов может привести к нарушению смысла . Во избежание этого последний звук предшествующего слова следует произносить с ослаблением напряженности , а начальный звук последующего слова — с возрастанием напряжённости . Обратите особое внимание на произнесение двух рядом стоящих глас- ных : переход от одной гласной к другой осуществляется плавно , а не отрыви- сто , при произнесении первой гласной последующего слова отсутствует твёр- дый приступ : I see ‿ Eve. Daisy ‿is ‿a way. На стыке слов конечный согласный нельзя присоединять к последующе- му гласному . Конечный согласный следует произносить с некоторым ослабле- нием напряжённости в конце звука : a‿name – an aim

Отсутствие оглушения звонких согласных в конце слова В отличие от русского языка , звонкие согласные в английском языке в конце слов не оглушаются : di g [dɪg], fee d [fi:d]. Звонкость -глухость в англий- ском языке являются смыслоразличительной чертой , т.е. отличает одно слово от другого . Следует обратить внимание на то , что глухие согласные в конце слов произносятся очень энергично . Звонкие же согласные произносятся менее энергично , особенно в конце слов .

Палатализация Под палатализацией понимается смягчение согласных в результате подъёма передней части языка к твёрдому нёбу . Английские согласные произ- носятся перед гласными переднего ряда ( ɪ, e, i: и др .) без палатализации , твер- до , например ten [ten], keen [ki:n], pit [p ɪt]. Это явление характерно для русских согласных и выполняет смыслоразличительную функцию в русском языке : мол – моль , лук – люк . В русском языке наличие /отсутствие смягчённости звуков является смыслоразличительной чертой — выделяются твёрдые и мягкие словоразличи- тельные согласные , например : « кон -конь , был -бил ». Английские согласные не смягчаются , а произносятся твёрдо . Однако перед гласными переднего ряда ( например , [ ɪ], [i:], [e], [e ɪ]) у согласных может 24 появиться нежелательный оттенок смягчённости . Для устранения ошибочной палатализации необходимо произносить согласный и гласный раздельно , не- сколько задерживая начало артикуляции гласного , чтобы средняя часть языка не поднималась к твёрдому нёбу в момент произнесения согласного звука : [s- in], [l-es].

Потеря взрыва При произнесении сочетаний двух взрывных согласных ( например , [pp, pb, bb, bp, tt, td, dd, dt, kk, kg, gg, gk]), при артикуляции каждого из которых ор- ганы речи находятся в одном и том же положении , органы речи не размыкают- ся после произнесения первого взрывного согласного . Имеет место достаточно длительная « задержка » при произнесении первого взрывного согласного звука непосредственно перед переходом к артикуляции второго взрывного . В ре- зультате первый взрывной согласный теряет свой взрыв , вся сила которого реализуется на втором взрывном согласном : a big ‿cat, meet ‿Ted.

Слогообразущая функция сонантов в английском языке . Боковой взрыв В английском языке слогообразующими являются не только гласные звуки . Слогообразующими также являются сочетания некоторых взрывных со- гласных ( например , [t], [d], [p]) с последующими носовыми сонантами [l], [m], [n] в конце слова . Например , в слове seven всего один гласный звук [e], тем не менее , это слово состоит из двух слогов : первый слог содержит гласный звук , второй – согласный [v] в сочетании со слогообразующим сонантом [n] – ['se / vn]. ( Часто в словарях между согласным и сонантом ставят нейтральный [ ə], например : ['ves(ə)l].) В транскрипции слов , состоящих из двух и более слогов , необходимо ставить ударение : ['lɪtl], ['si:z(ə)n], ['sɪmpl]. В процессе произнесения взрывных согласных с последующим сонантом [n] или [m] происходит взрыв , который называется носовым взрывом . Напри- мер : ['hæp(ə)n] – happen. В сочетаниях [tn], [dn] кончик языка образует смычку с альвеолами ; поэтому после произнесения взрывных [t], [d] кончик языка ос- тается на альвеолах . Во время смычки мягкое небо опускается для артикуля- ции [n], и воздух выходит через носовую полость , например : ['ga: d( ə)n ] – gar- den. Носовой взрыв в середине слова не приводит к образованию нового слога : [əd'mɪt] – admit, [bli:k] – bleak , [edn ə] – Edna. При сочетании смычных шумных ( взрывных ) согласных p, b, t, d, k, g и согласного l, получившиеся сочетания являются слогообразующими , напри- мер : ['bi: / t(ə)l] – beetle, ['fɪd / (ə)l] – fiddle . При произнесении сочетания [gl] (так же , как и сочетаний [pl], [bl], [tl], [dl], [kl]) возникает боковой ( латераль- ный ) взрыв . Обратите внимание на то , что сочетания согласных с последующими со- нантами [l], [m], [n] произносятся слитно , кончик языка не отрывается от аль- веол . [p] и [k] в сочетаниях [pl], [kl] произносятся очень энергично , при этом [l] частично оглушается , воздушная струя проходит вдоль боковых сторон языка , т.е., так же , как в случае с [tl], [dl], происходит боковой взрыв . 25 Следует отметить , что слогообразующими указанные сочетания являют- ся только в положении в конце слова . В других положениях в слове ( в начале , в середине ) сочетания согласных с сонантами , образующими латеральный взрыв , слогообразующими не являются : play [pleɪ], appliance [ əˈ / pla ɪ/ əns].

Взаимная ассимиляция При взаимной , или двойной , ассимиляции оба соседних звука влияют друг на друга . Например , в сочетаниях [tw, kw] согласные [t] и [k] огубляются под влиянием губно -губного [w], вместе с тем глухие звуки [t] и [k] оглушают начало [w]. Таким образом , процесс уподобления действует в двух направле- ниях одновременно ([twent ɪ], [kwa ɪit]), и в результате произносятся два пози- ционных варианта : огубленный [t] и приглушенный [w].

Упражнения 1. Произнесите следующие звуки , учитывая особенности их артикуля- ции . ə – ə – ə aɪ – aɪ – aɪ v – v – v j – j – j h – h – h eɪ – e ɪ – e ɪ f – f – f m – m – m w – w – w g – g – g

2. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [f], [v]. 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

3. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [f], [v]. Определите , под какими но- мерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды . 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

4. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [a ɪ], [e ɪ]. 1) … – … 2) … – … 3) … – … 4) … – …

5. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [a ɪ], [e ɪ]. Определите , под какими номерами диктор произносит одно и то же слово дважды . 1….. 2….. 3…. 4…… 5…… 6 ….. 7……

6. Произнесите , обращая внимание на позиционную долготу фонемы [ ɪ]: ɪz - ɪn - ɪt sɪd - sɪn - sɪt dɪd - dɪm - dɪp mɪd - m ɪm - m ɪs

7. Произнесите слова со звуком [ ɪ] в ударной и безударной позиции : [ 'sɪtɪ | 'pɪtɪ | 'bɪzɪ | 'dɪzɪ | 'mɪnɪt |'vɪzɪt | 'nɪtɪd |'fɪtɪd | ɪn'sɪst | ɪn'fɪnɪtɪv ]

8. Произнесите , соблюдая долготу , напряженность и дифтонгоидный ха- рактер гласного [i:]. 26 [ ti: | di: | si: | zi: | pi | bi: | fi: | vi: | mi: | ni: ]

9. Прослушайте и напишите следующие слова в транскрипции . Объясните правила произнесения гласного звука в различных позициях в слове .

10. Произнесите , обращая внимание на нечеткое качество нейтрального гласного [ ə]: tə sɪt tə fi:d tə si:z tə bi:t tə fɪt tə si:d tə ti:z tə mi:t

11. Произнесите , обращая внимание на изменения в длительности гласных фонем и сонантов . dɪn - di:n tɪnz - mɪns ni:d - n ɪb bɪn - bi:n sɪnz - s ɪns ni:t - n ɪt tɪn - ti:n fɪnz - v ɪns mi:n - m ɪnt sɪn - si:n dɪmd - p ɪmp mi:t - m ɪd

12. Прочитайте , учитывая , что согласные [b], [g], [d], [z], [v] в середине слова между двумя гласными имеют наибольшую звонкость . ˈi:g ə ˈvɪgə ˈfɪgə ˈgɪdɪ ˈvɪzɪt ˈfi:d ɪd ˈbɪgə ˈvɪvɪd ˈdɪgə ˈkɪdɪ ˈbɪzɪ ˈni:d ɪd

13. Прочитайте , учитывая сходства и различия в артикуляции гласных [ ɪ] и [e]. ɪt – et ɪz – es tɪn – ten dɪd – ded hɪd – hed ɪf – ef ɪn – en dɪn – den sɪd – sed kɪn – ken

14. Прочитайте , соблюдая позиционную долготу гласного [e]. ted – ten – tet fed – fen – vet ded – den – det peg – pen – pet meg – men – met bed – ben – be

15. Прочитайте , соблюдая различия в артикуляции гласных [e] и [æ]. ed – æd sed – sæd men – mæn fens – fænz nek – næk en – æn bed – bæd stem – stæmp penz – pænz set – sæt et – æt hed – hæd mes – mæs tend – tænd bet – bæt em – æm ded – dæd veks – fæks bend – bænd pet – pæt

16. Прочитайте , соблюдая позиционную долготу гласного [æ]. sæd – sæm – sæt mæd – mæn – mæt bæd – bæn - bæt fæd – fæn – fæt

27 17. Произнесите , обращая вимание на отсутствие твердого приступа перед гласным в начале слова . Следите , чтобы при произнесении согласного [j] сред- няя спинка языка не поднималась высоко к твёрдому нёбу . et – jet es – jes æm – jæm en – jen i:st – ji:st æk – jæk

18. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию согласного [h]. a) ɪt – h ɪt i:t – hi:t ed – hed æt – hæt ɪz – h ɪz i:v – hi:v endz – hens æt – hæz ɪn – h ɪnt i:st – h:st em – hem ænd – hænd

б) 'ænd ɪ – 'hænd ɪ 'æp ɪks – 'hæp ɪ 'æmb ə – 'hæmp ə 'ev ənz – 'hev ənz

19. Прочитайте слова с дифтонгом [eɪ]. me ɪ de ɪ be ɪ se ɪ eɪl eɪd leɪ keɪ peɪ sleɪ eɪm

20. Прочитайте слова с дифтонгом [e ɪ]. seɪl 'seɪlə seɪk meɪ meɪd meɪl 'meɪdn meɪk

21. Произнесите следующие слова , следя за тем , чтобы основное артикуля- ционное усилие было сосредоточено на ядре дифтонга [a ɪ]. ta ɪ saɪ skaɪ paɪ ma ɪ daɪ la ɪ staɪ baɪ flaɪ aɪl – 'aɪdl – 'aɪlənd – 'aɪvə – 'aɪsɪkl

22. Произнесите следующие слова с дифтонгом [a ɪ]. aɪ – aɪz – a ɪl – 'aɪkən – aɪs la ɪ – la ɪz – la ɪm – 'la ɪnə – la ɪt sa ɪ – sa ɪz – sa ɪn – 'sa ɪtɪd – sa ɪt fa ɪ – fa ɪv – fa ɪn – 'fa ɪtə – fa ɪt

23. Произнесите следующие слова с дифтонгом [a ɪ] в безударной позиции . ma ɪˈself ˈeks əsa ɪz ˈæn əza ɪz ˈpæl ətəla ɪz ˈsæt ɪsfa ɪ si:sa ɪd ˈæp ɪta ɪt ˈemf əsa ɪz ˈklæs ɪfaɪ ˈsɪmpl ɪfa ɪ

24. Произнесите следующие слова с сонантом [w] в начальной позиции , соблюдая быстрый и энергичный переход к артикуляции последующего глас- ного . wa ɪ wa ɪd wa ɪl wa ɪt wa ɪf 28 we ɪ we ɪz we ɪl we ɪt we ɪst wen wʌns

25. Произнесите следующие слова , обращая внимании на « светлый » и «тёмный » оттенки звука [l] в зависимости от позиции в слове . а) lɪt lɪd li:v li:p les læk 'lɪft ɪd lɪp lɪv li:d li:f let læs 'lɪmɪt lɪst lɪvz li:vz li:st left læd 'lem ən

б) tel pɪl si:l felt pælz bɪlt bel bɪl zi:l melt vælz gɪlt

в) 'fæmɪlɪ 'el ɪfənt 'del ɪgɪt 'tælənt ɪd 'sæləd 'em ɪlɪ 'pel ɪkən 'del ɪkɪt 'eks ələnt 'pælət

26. Произнесите следующие слова , обращая внимание на « тёмный » отте- нок [l] в конце слова и следя за особенностями артикуляции монофтонгов [i:], [ɪ], [æ], [e].

fi:l – f ɪl æl – el si:l – s ɪl mæl – mel mi:l – m ɪl væl – fel

27. Произнесите , учитывая особенности артикуляции при боковом взрыве (сочетаний взрывных согласных с боковым сонантом [l]). а) bl i:k gli:n pli:z kli:n bl æk glæd plæn klæm bl es glen plæt klæp б) 'ni:dl 'setl 'tɪkl 'kændlz 'mɪdl 'ketl 'pɪkl 'hændlz 'fɪdl 'bætl 'sɪmpl 'sændlz

28. Произнесите , учитывая особенности артикуляции при носовом взрыве (сочетаний взрывных согласных с сонантами [m], [n]). 'bi:tn 'fætn 'tʃɪ kn* 'di:pn 'ni:dn t 'bɪtn 'pætn 'sɪkn 'hæpn 'dɪdn t

ə 'bɪg‿ mi:l ə 'sɪk‿ mæn 'fæt ‿ mɪlk ə 'bæd ‿ mɪks ə 29 29. Произнесите , учитывая отсутствие качественного изменения звонких согласных в конце слова ( оглушения ), а также обращая внимание на артикуля- цию дифтонгов . a) pe ɪs – be ɪz fe ɪk – ve ɪg pa ɪp – ba ɪb ta ɪt – da ɪd

б) spa ɪ ‘spa ɪdə ske ɪt spe ɪn sta ɪ ‘sta ɪpənd spe ɪd ste ɪnl ɪs

в) pe ɪn – pe ɪnz – pe ɪnt va ɪn – ba ɪnd - pa ɪnt de ɪn – de ɪnz – de ɪnt stem – ste ɪnz – te ɪnt fa ɪn – fa ɪnd – fe ɪnt sa ɪn – sa ɪnd – se ɪnt

г) ˈkla ɪmɪt kle ɪmd ˈte ɪbl ˈba ɪsɪkl ˈla ɪtn kla ɪmd ple ɪn ˈke ɪpəbl ˈfɪzɪkl ˈta ɪtn

30. Прослушайте слова и запишите их в транскрипции .

31. Прослушайте слова и запишите их в транскрипции . Определите , какое фонетическое явление можно наблюдать в этих словах . назовите особенности его артикуляции . Прочитайте слова по транскрипции .

32. Прослушайте и запишите следующие слова и сочетания слов , запиши- те их в транскрипции . Прочитайте по транскрипции , имея в виду , что ассими- ляция в звукосочетаниях [tw], [kw], [sw], dw, [gw] на стыке слов выражена сла- бее , чем внутри слова .

33. Прочитайте , соблюдая позиционную долготу дифтонга : day – daze – date; may – made – mate; pay – pain – pace

34. Прочитайте вслух , соблюдая позиционную долготу дифтонга . tie – time – nice; lie – line – life; pie – pine – pipe

35. Найдите двусложные слова , запишите их в транскрипции , поставьте ударе- ние . lie, baby, beside, end, lily, date, delete, fax, PC, bad, tablet, bike, tasty, gift, fine, ex- pect, Andy, file, Finland, fate, fill, my, CD, Emily.

36. Прочитайте вслух . Обратите внимание на наличие знака ударения в дву- сложных словах .

30 [ˈbe ɪbɪ | bæd | bi:nz | bæd | bi:f | bɪˈsa ɪd | si:ˈdi: | ˈi:zɪ | fæks | ˈfɪft ɪ | get | bæk | gɪv | gɪft | hæv | ˈhev ɪ | ɪnˈdi:d | ki:p | kɪd | pe ɪ | pi:ˈsi: | pɪk | ˈpɪkɪ | ˈpɪtɪ | se ɪ | te ɪk | ti: | tekst | ta ɪ | ta ɪp]

37. Прочитайте , обращая внимание на правила соединения слов в речевом по- токе . a name – an aim, a net – an end, a nap – an apple, a niece – an eel, a niece – an eve, a nape – an ape, a niece – an eel

38. Произнесите следующие звуки , учитывая особенности их артикуля- ции . g – g – g w – w – w j – j – j h – h – h

39. Произнесите , соблюдая особенности артикуляции изученных звуков . а) [w | g | h | j | g | j | w | h | j | w | h | g ]

б) [w | wɪ | g | gɪ | j | jɪ | h | hɪ | w | wi: | g | gi: | j | ji: | h | hi: | w | we | g | ge | j | je | h | he | w | wæ | g | gæ | j | jæ | h | hæ | w | wa ɪ | g | ga ɪ | h | ha ɪ]

40. Прослушайте слова со звуком [w] и запишите их в транскрипции . Произнесите слова за диктором .

41. Произнесите , соблюдая позиционную долготу гласного [i:]. [hi: | hi:t | ti: | i:t | pi: | pi:t | di: | di:d | si: | si:d | ki: | ki:d | di: | di:d | ti: | ti:d]

42. Прочитайте , обращая внимание на произношение конечного согласного . taps – tabs bet – bed neat – needs picks – pigs nets – Ned’s mat – mad kit – kid tents – tends ant – band gilt – gild feet – feed lass – has

43. Прослушайте слова со звуком [w] и сочетанием звуков [tw] и запишите их в транскрипции . Произнесите слова за диктором .

44. Прочитайте , сохраняя звонкость согласного и позиционную долготу глас- ного . bite – bide; site – side; wet – wed; went – wend; hit – hid; lit – lid; hiss – his; seep – Zeeb; bits – bids

45. Произнесите , обращая внимание на особенности артикуляции звука [j]. [jes | jet | jæm | jɑ:n] [es | jes | et | jet |el | jel | eɪl | je ɪl | æm | jæm | ɑ:t | jɑ:d | i:st | ji:st]

46. Напишите следующие слова .

31 [pen | pæn | pe ɪl | pæd | pæt | bet | læp l |æb | wa ɪl | pæl | pel | we ɪl | ve ɪl | fel | væmp | temp | gæp | ge ɪp | keg | kæb | sæg | sæk | d ɪp | d ɪb | det | ded | den | dæn | de ɪn | pa ɪnt | da ɪnd | zed | sed | sæd]

47. Запишите следующие слова в транскрипции , проверьте правильность её написания по словарю . Hilda, panda, Mike, pizza, Hamza, Eva, Dave, waiter, halma, Emma, Emma, Ada, Vesta, Delta, William

48. Прочитайте , обращая внимание на фонетические явления ( потеря взрыва , потеря аспирации , ассимиляция рядом стоящих согласных по глухости – звонкости внутри слов , отсутствие ассимиляции по глухости -звонкости на стыках слов). 1. meet Bess; meets Bess; let Ben; let Bess; help Pip; send Tim. 2. needs help; Steve’s pen; Ed’s tests; sends Pete. 3. black coffee; black bag; get back.

49. Прочитайте скороговорку . Какие фонетические явления вы заметили ? От- работайте фонетическое чтение скороговорки . Bill helped Ted, Ted helped Tim, Tim helped Nell, And Nell helped Bill.

50. Отработайте слитное и быстрое чтение скороговорок по схеме : Слово → Словосочетание → Предложение Например : Kit → Kit kisses → Kit kisses Kitty; 1) Ted Head had a hat and Ben Hatt had a hat. 2) He misses his Swiss Miss. 3) Pete eats lean meat and beans. 4) A little beetle in metal kettle. 5) Mike likes fine wine. 6) Bats as pets aren’t best in flats. 7) A little beatle in a metal kettle. 8) Yan Yates lives in Yale.

51. Произнесите следующие слова и словосочетания , соблюдая явле- ние бокового взрыва в различных фонетических позициях . В каких словах со- четания альвеолярных согласных с сонантом l являются слогообразующими ?

[ˈbætl] battle [ˈta ɪtlz] titles [ˈpedlz] pedals [ˈmɪdl] middle [kla ɪm] climb [ˈbætlz] battles [ˈta ɪtld] titled [ˈle ɪtl ɪ] lately [ˈlɪtl] little

32 52. Прочитайте слова , обращая внимания на правила произнесения слогооб- разующих сонантов . Какие фонетические явления вы заметили ? а) little, simple, middle, seven, temple, pebble, hidden, mitten, kitten, admin, hidden, needn’t б) a little kitten, a hidden pebble, seven pebbles

53. В каких из этих слов и словосочетаний происходит а) боковой взрыв ; б) носовой взрыв ; в) потеря взрыва г) ассимиляция ? click, bisycle, Kit, kept, sent me, play, needs, make, clean, many, need me, fiddle, place, send Mike, bake, climate cakes, at ten, and Ted, and Mike, admin, please, plan, claim, apply, admit, believes, and me

Вопросы 1. Опишите артикуляцию звуков [e ɪ], [a ɪ], [f], [v], [m], [g], [j], [w], [h] и оп- ределите , к какому классу фонем они относятся . Изготовьте карточки с описа- нием артикуляции изученных в Unit 2 фонем с описанием их артикуляции и классификации . 2. Как избежать следующих фонетических ошибок : русское [ эй ] при артикуляции дифтонга [e ɪ] русское [ ай ] при артикуляции дифтонга [a ɪ] английское [j] при артикуляции скольжения в дифтонге [a ɪ] русские [ ф] и [ в] при артикуляции фонем [f], [v] русское [ в] или английское [v] при артикуляции сонанта [w] русское [ й] при артикуляции сонанта [j] русское [ х] при артикуляции фонемы [h]? 3. Дайте определение а) лабиализации ; б) взаимной ассимиляции ; в) пала- тализации . Приведите примеры . 4. Опишите процесс потери взрыва при произнесении сочетаний двух взрывных согласных . 5. Что такое латералтьный взрыв ? Как он образуется ? 6. Всегда ли сочетания [pl], [bl], [tl], [dl], [kl], [gl] являются слогообразую- щими ? Приведите примеры . Назовите данное фонетическое явление .

Правила чтения

Открытое и закрытое положение английских гласных букв Слоги бывают открытыми — оканчивающимися на гласный звук ( пер- вый тип слога ), например , ['fi:və] — fever , и закрытыми — оканчивающиеся на согласный звук , например , ['ɪnsekt] — insect (второй тип слога ). Гласная буква находится в открытом положении, если она :

33 в односложных словах : • является единственной гласной буквой в слове ( или слоге ) и за ней не следует согласная , обозначающая согласный звук : me [mi:] (абсолютно от- крытый слог ); • стоит перед одной согласной ( или перед одной согласной и одним сонантом ), за которой следует конечная « немая » e: Pete, table (условно откры- тый слог). Такой слог гафически является открытым , а фонетически - закры- тым .

в двусложных словах : • находится под ударением и стоит перед одной согласной ( но не бу- квой r), за которой следует гласная *: tidy ['taɪdɪ] ( абсолютно открытый слог ); В остальных случаях гласная буква находится в закрытом положении : sample, Ted, little, tw elve. Все английские гласные буквы в открытом положении читаются так , как они называются в алфавите , например , be [bi:]. * - в английском языке имеется ряд двусложных слов , в которых ударная гласная в открытом слоге читается кратко , например , timid ['tɪmɪd]

Правила чтения гласных букв A [e ɪ], E [i:], I [a ɪ], Y [wa ɪ] в открытом и закрытом слоге и некоторых буквосочетаний Буква , Положение в слове Произноше- Пример (букво- ние со - чета- ние ) в закрытом положении под candy [kænd ɪ] a [æ] ударением в условно открытом слоге , т. е. на конце слова , если e – не является единственной Ev e [i:v], please [pli:z] (не читается ) гласной буквой в слове e (« немая » e) в открытом положении [i:] me [mi:], d ecent [di:snt] в закрытом положении [e] bet [bet], vest [vest] в безударном слоге ( также [ɪ] delete [d ɪˈli:t] i, y ) в закрытом положении под ударением за исключением ряда слов , например , city [ɪ] cy st [sɪst] [ˈsɪtɪ], lily [ ˈlɪlɪ], pity [ ˈpɪtɪ], i, y cynic [ ˈsɪnɪk], cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl] и др . в безударном слоге ( также lad y [ ˈle ɪdɪ], typist [ɪ] e) [ˈta ɪpɪst] ee, ea в большинстве слов , кром- [i:] nee d [ni:d] m ea n [mi:n] 34 ке исключений (h ea d [hed], dea d [ded], st ea dy [sted], inst ea d [in’sted] и др .)

Правила чтения согласных букв В абсолютном большинстве случаев согласные буквы читаются как со- гласный звук в их названии . Удвоенные согласные в английском языке читаются как одна буква : Tess [tes], Emm [em].

Правила чтения букв B [bi:], C [si:], D [di:], K [ke ɪ], L [el], N [en], S [es], P [pi:], X [eks], Z [zed]

Буква Положение в слове Произноше- Пример (буквосочета- ние ние ) во всех случаях [b] bell [bel] b

перед e, i, y, кроме слов [s] ce de [sel], cy st Celt [kelt]*, Celtic [s ɪst], celt [selt], [ˈkeltik]* Celtic [ ˈkelt ɪk]* c (искл .) в остальных случаях ( не [k] саke [ke ɪk] перед e, i, y) ck во всех случаях [k] st ick [st ɪk] d во всех случаях [d] den [den] во всех случаях , за ис- [k] kit [k ɪt] ключением положения в k начале слова перед n, где она не произносится (например , knit [nit]) kn в начале слова - knit [nɪt] во всех случаях , кроме [l] list [l ɪst] l буквосочетания alm ( см . Unit 2) n во всех случаях , кроме [n] niece [ni:s] буквосочетаний nk, ng во всех случаях , кроме [s] speak [spi:k] следующего положения : (см . ниже )

между гласными буква- [z] ea sy [i:z], need s s ми , после звонких со- [ni:dz] , гласных и перед « не- plea se мой » e

35 во всех случаях , кроме [p] pencil p буквосочетания ph (см . Unit 2) во всех случаях , кроме [ks] text x положения перед удар- ной гласной z во всех случаях [z] zed

Упражнения 1. Запомните названия следующих букв . Напишите каждую 10—15 раз : B, C , D, K , L , N , S , P , X , Z.

2. а) Напишите по 5 слов с буквами A , E , I , Y в открытом и закрытом слогах . б) Выпишите по 5 слов с этими буквами в открытом и закрытом слогах из кни- ги по домашнему чтению .

3. Объясните правила чтения выделенной гласной в следующих словах . end, pit, Andy, expect, Emily, del ete, p ad, kit, c andy, b et, p ants, del ete, c yst, n ee d, lad

4. Объясните правила чтения следующих имён собственных . Abba, Addy, Biggy, Bigmac, Bitsy, Black, Blacky, Cabby, Candy, Danny, Dax, Dez, Dixie, Gabby, Inca, Indi, Kat, Kally, Kenny, Kinky, Lenny, Levi, Patsy, Pepsi, Simba, Tabby, Zen

5. Прочитайте следующие слова , обращая внимание на изученные вами пра- вила чтения гласных букв и буквосочетаний . а) bet, net, pet, set, let, den, pen, ten, bed, led, Ned, bed, bet, Ben, pen, б) sat, bat, cat, cap, sap, tap, lap, can, tan, pan, sad, lad, pad, dad, cab, в) sit, bit, kit, sip, nip, dip, tin, sin, bin, lid, did, kid, bib, six, sin, sit, sip, tin, г) deed, heed, seed, keel, peel, seek, week, peek, leek, peep, keep, deep, weep, keep, beet, beet, deep, deed, deem, deep, peel, peek, peep, peel, д) beat, seat, neat, meat, bean, lean, dean, mean, bean, deal, peal, seal, beak, peak, leak, beak, speak, leap, bead, lead, bead, bean, beat, bean, е) cease, ceaseless, cabbie, cede, cedilla, cabin, cellist, Celt, cement, cent, cabinet, cessation, cesspit, cinema, cinematic, cable, citadel, citizen, city, civic, cackle, civil, cad, civilize, civvies, caddie, cyclamen, cycle, cyclist, cadence, cadenza, cygnet, cymbal, cynic, cynical, cynicism, cypher, cyst

6. Объясните правила чтения букв в следующих словах . Найдите слова , в ко- торых гласные читаются не по правилам чтения . Прочитайте все слова . test, hat, bat, bid, sit, sits, cat, kid, pat, sat, bad, beds, tap, pit, have, sad, dad, lily, has, man, bed, pet, pad, cynic, bet, did, set, teg, cap, bag, exist, sap, sat, tax

7. Прочитайте следующие слова , обращая внимание на изученные вами пра- вила чтения гласных букв и буквосочетаний . 36 а) pin, bid, spill, still, list, tin, stilt, till, big, Dick, Nick stick, pick, lick, evict, six, bids, wins, б) teen – tin, steel – still, sleep – slip, Pete – pit, deep – dip, tin – teen, pill – peel, bit – beet, tip – steep, sip – seep в) bad, pat, lad, bag, bad, Ann, and, tap, Dan, ban, sap, stand, span, pad, ldad, sat, tax, hack, hand, candy, candid г) slips, lips, size, middle, bye, sin, spine, vice, pine, vice, bind, bide, blind, vine, style, spice, tile ж) knee, deck, kneel, knell, knelt, knit, knap, pick, knack, knead, Knebel, pack, knicks, lack, knab, knacky.

8. Прочитайте слова , обращая внимание на артикуляцию изученных звуков . Произнесите данные слова по буквам , запишите их в транскрипции .

Bess, Levi, cede, Ely, Ben, Dax, cease, Cabby, Andy, pack, clan, knack, celt, Kenny, city, Addy, zed, cyst, kneel, Ellen, са ke, pick, Kelly, kite, Bitsy, tact, Blacky, cent, Indi, Kat, knit, Biggy, cell, cissy, list, Alan, clap, Betsy, Danny, niece, cyst, Binx, pencil, Leeds, acid, Celtic, Ella, tease, Dez, speak, den, Tessa, easy, Ellis, climb, CID, knap, Sid, needs, Celt, knee, Lynn, cynic, Tabby, Zen text, Candy, cat, Kally, peak, Kinky, click, tells, Patsy, Pepsi, pencil, Black, ack, bend, cell, tell, Dixie, cess- pit, Lenny

Вопросы 1. При каких положениях гласной буквы в слове слог считается а) открытым ; б) закрытым ? Приведите собственые примеры . 2. Как читаются буквы A, E в закрытом положении под ударением ? Приведи- те собственые примеры . 3. Как читается буква E а) в открытом положении ; б) в безударном слоге ; в) условно открытом слоге ? Приведите собственые примеры . 4. Как читаюся английские согласные буквы в большинстве случаев ? Приве- дите собственные примеры .

Правила чтения букв F [ef], G [dʒi:], H [eɪʧ ]* K [ke ɪ], M [em], P [pi:], V [vi:], L [el], X [eks], Z [zed] Буква Положение в слове Произношение Пример (буквосочета- ние ) f во всех случаях [f] feel v во всех случаях [v] vest m во всех случаях [m] mist

kn в начале слова - kn it в конце слова [m] li mb mb

37 не перед e, i, y (исклю- [g] game [geɪm] g чения : get , gift и др .) в начале слова [g] gh ee [gi:] в середине или в конце - wei gh [we ɪ] gh слова

перед гласной well [wel], w [w] windy [‘w ɪnd ɪ] перед любой гласной , wh ite wh en, wh [w] кроме o wh y перед ударным гласным звуком , находясь в по- x [gz] exam ложении между двумя гласными

Правила чтения буквосочетаний с A [e ɪ], E [i:], I [a ɪ], Y [wa ɪ]

Буква , ( бу- Положение в слове Произноше- Пример квосо - ние четание )

в открытом положении под [e ɪ] ace [e ɪs], m ake a ударением [me ɪk]

в безударном слоге a’side [ əˈsa ɪd], ‘syllable [ ˈsɪləbl], [ə] Ad a [ˈeɪdə] i, y в открытом положении под tie [ta ɪ], mime ударением [ma ɪm], t ype [a ɪ] Исключение : give [ta ɪp], m y [a ɪ]

y в начале слова [j] yes [jes], yet [jet] ai, ay may [me ɪ], p ai n [e ɪ] [pe ɪn] ei, ey lei [le ɪ] [e ɪ] ley [le ɪ]

38 East er [i:st ə], er, ar, ass, cl ass [kl ɑ:s], l ast ask, ast, [l ɑ:st], cl asp asp, ance, а [ɑ:] [kl ɑ:sp], gl ance также в [gl ɑ:ns], d ar kness слове are [ˈdɑ:kn ɪs], m aster [m ɑ:st ə], are [ɑ:] er, ar в безударном положении Bett er [ˈbet ə], cel- lar [ˈsel ə], per mit [ə] [p əˈmɪt]

nie ce [ni:s] ie [i:]

ind [a ɪnd] bind [ba ɪnd] ild [a ɪld] mild [ma ɪld]

Упражнения 1. Произнесите английские названия следующих букв . F, y, v, E, S, b, K, p, I, c, d, a, B, f, z, e, V, k, s, Z, i , Y

2. Прочитайте слова в соответствии с правилами чтения . a) map, am, exactly, fee, exam, feet, example, fat, reef, fin, feet, life, lift, beef, fed, melts, fan, fix, men mess, seem, file, fist, fill, lily, face, stamp, mete, mean, veal, team, miss, feed, meat, fit, tidy, flat, left, meal, feed, feet, sleeve, fed, feel, fed, fist, flat, fat, fat, fit, fan, fly, flee, feel, dim, deem, man, map, lamp, spam, examine, mat, Sam, dam, exact, beetle, exactness

в) game, ghee, gab, gabble, gaff, get, gale, Gallic, gallivant, galvanize, gambit, gam- ble, gamely, gamma, gap, gift, giggly, gaggle, gain, gainsay, gait, gal, galactic, gal- axy, gilt, gimlet, gimmick, gas, gassy, gate, gateway

г) nail, sail, fail, tail, main, Cain, fain, lain, paid, maid, laid, bait, may, main, mail, maid, mail, may, pay, paid, pain, pail, play, say, paid, day, main, nail, bays, lays, mail, may, lain, slay, maid, pail, pay, laid, play, bail, lay, clay, pain, vail, laid, bait, say, vail, vain, fain, bail, wait, flay, maid, may, hail, slay, day, bay, play, say, pail, sail flay, bail, pain, bait, may

д) baby, fate, ace, take, lazy, tape, date, main, say, hate way, vain, mainly, hail, lady, may, dainty, Daisy, tapist, haze, tame, vail, faint, bay, slay, wave, behave, delay, same, tame, table, sale, pace, tape, hate, Dane, late, fate, stain, mane, sane, face, lane, haste

е) by, my, sly, ply, fly, sky, spy, pie, die, lie, tie, hie, fie, pie

39 ж) yet, yes, yell, yak, ye, yarn, Yale, yean yap, yeast, yell, yeasty, yelp, Yemeni, yen, yes-man, yeti, yield, yippee

з) wacky, wade, weigh, weight, weightless, weighty, waggle, wagtail, wail, waif, well, wend, wendy, wag, waist, waxen, waxy, way, went, wept, west, wet, wine, whack, whacky, wheat, wheel, wife, wheelbase, wheeze, wheezy, whelk, whelp, when, whence, whet, whey, whiff, waistband, waistline, waken, wave, wavy, wax, Whig, while, whim, whimsical, whimsy, weedy, weeky, weekday, weekend, weekly, whine, whip, whippet, whippy, whisk, whisky, whist, whit, white, whitebait, whizz, whizz-kid, wind ( ветер ), wipe, wise, wit, waylay, wayside, weak, weaken weakness, weal, web, wed, wedded, weed, weeny, weep, weepy, weevil

3. Запишите в транскрипции следующие имена собственые . Abba, Bigmac Fabby, Fancy, Fanny, Fatcat, Fatkitty, Fez, Fitz, Fizzy, Mac, Simba, Vanilla, Velvet, Vinny

4. Прочитайте , учитывая особенности чтения гласной в третьем от конца сло- ге . capital, typical, vanity, vicinity, visibility, ability, disability, fidelity, medical, ani- mal, family, sediment, sedative, sibilant, Sicily, calamity, academy, enemy

5. Прочитайте , соблюдая правила чтения буквы s на конце слов .

'ten pens 'Steve’s pencil he sees 'ten tests 'Pete’s family he sends 'ten cents 'Katie’s CDs he meets 'ten beds 'Emily’s PC he lies

6. Прочитайте и напишите буквами следующие слова . а) [bent | pin | bend | pen | zend | pe ɪl | pi:l fli:t | best | wed | fi:st | pest | ba ɪd | vi:l | led | sent | zi:l | sti:l | bi:d | bi:t | s ɪl | wi:l | fi:ld | zed | zi:l velt | delt | wel | sled | web | pli:d | pit | hed | hi:p | def | li:v | b ɪt | li:f | sed | va ɪs | fi:l | hem | els | selz | s ɪzl | tens | tenz |wi:zl]

б) [pæn | pen | pæd | pet | læp | læb | bed | bæd | ten | tæn | bet | bæt]

в) [wa ɪl | we ɪl | fa ɪl | fe ɪl | ta ɪl | te ɪl | ba ɪk | be ɪk | la ɪk | le̩ ɪk | da ɪ | de ɪ | ma ɪ | me ɪ | pa ɪl | pe ɪl | ma ɪl | me ɪl | wa ɪz | wa ɪl | va ɪl]

7. Прочитайте указанные ниже слова , произнесите их по буквам . Объясните артикуляцию каждого звука ( можно использовать свои карточки со значками транскрипции и описанием артикуляции соответствующих звуков ). Напишите эти слова в транскрипции . pet, sit, gap, site, felt, gab, sleep, slip, peck, dent, gain, need, gabble, pence, gaff, pebble, peels, ten, gag, bell, pens, nettle, mete, galaxy, gallant, gambit, meets, needs, scan, Steve, lend, Emm, vend, fleece, slip, seed, pack, beetle, timid, beetle, delve, 40 lean, gamble, Alice, e-mail, beef, fence, sit, gappy, Bessy, cite, beans, help, fence, bliss, hill, sites, tack, sides, size, bye, tide, cyst, sack, tidy, elf, fled, self, felt, feel.

8. Напишите следующие слова . [pen | pæn | pæd | pæt | bet | ve ɪl | fel | gæp | ge ɪp | keg | kæb | sæg | sæk | d ɪp | d ɪb | det | ded | zed | sed | sæd]

9. Продиктуйте друг другу следующие слова ( один студент диктует , другой записывает в транскрипции , затем наоборот ). Проверьте друг у друга , пра- вильно ли выполнено упражнение . Student 1: [zɪp | tend | gæp | gæb | gæp | sti:l | st ɪl | vest | zed | sed | sag | sæd | fest | sa ɪt | pæd | pæt |sæk | geɪn | he ɪl | wa ɪl | ma ɪm |wa ɪt | fed | ned | be ɪd | fe ɪd | mæg] Student 2: [dɪp | sæd | dɪb | sa ɪd | sed | tæp| pæn | vet | st ɪl | zi:l | lend | tæb | zit | tæk | det | ded | tæg | we ɪl | ge ɪl | wa ɪd | ba ɪd | ted | sed | spe ɪd| ne ɪb ta ɪd | be ɪb]

10. Выполните упражнение по образцу . Произносите реплики громко и чётко . Model S1: Ann, spell “Canada”. S2: Let me see. It’s simple. [ si: | eɪ | en | eɪ | di: | eɪ]

а) Canada, Swede, Sydney, India, Canadian, Indian, Italy, Sweden, Indian, Italian.

б) Steve, Isabel, Daisy, Dave, Betsy, Ellen, Kate, Em, Emma, Emily, Eve, Eva, Gladys, Katie, Meg, Adam, Ben, Amelia, Ann, Benny, Andy, Dan, Daniel, Amy, Dick, Pete, Sam, Sid, Ted, Dave, Tim, Alice, Davies, Alex, Gates, Evans, David, Candice, Cecil, Alan.

в) tablet, why, type, badly, picky, timid, beans, pale, wives, silly, sentimental, bicy- cle, bike, believe, cent, cycle, feel, clean, fifty, find, fine, sweet, tactless, wife, gift, heavy, keep, lend, lady, lazy, tiny, mail, snail, mean, mainly, meat, messy, nice, niece, scan, send, sensible, sensitive, simple, easy, slim, spell, take, talented, gifted, text, time.

11. Прочитайте , соблюдая позиционную долготу гласного : day – daze – date; pay – paid – pate; bay – bade – bate

12. Прочитайте , сохраняя звонкость согласного на конце слова и позиционную долготу гласного . bite – bide; site – side; seep – Zeeb; bit – bid; feet – feed

13. Произнесите , учитывая отсутствие аспирации у глухих взрывных согласных [p], [t], [k] после согласного [s], а также правила чтения изученных вами букв и буквосочетаний . kite – sky tiff – stiff take – stake peck - speck kid – skid pit – spit Kate – skate tick – stick kiss - ski pie - spy tepee – steep pace - space kip - skip peak – speak tab – stab pike – spike 41

14. Прочитайте указанные ниже слова , произнесите их по буквам . Напишите эти слова в транскрипции . pet, sit, site, peck, scan, Steve, seed, pack, beef, sit, Bessy, cite, sites, tack, sides, size, bye, tide, cyst, sack, tidy

15. Прочитайте и напишите буквами следующие слова . [best | fi:st | pest | ba ɪd | bi:d | bi:t | s ɪl | zed | pit | def | b ɪt |sed | va ɪs | els | selz | pæd | pet | bed | bæd | bet | bæt | ba ɪk | be ɪk | da ɪ | de ɪ]

16. Прочитайте имена собственные . Steve, Hayle, Daisy, Will, Hyde, Wells, Dave, Betsy, Kate, Eve, William, Gates, Eva, Katie, Dick, Pete, Sid, Ted, Davies, Gates, David, Candice, Gladys, Hannah, Knight, Hack, Head, White

17. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения гласных букв в следующих словах . а) apt, blame, sack, pale, pane, gamble, pave, tap, land, glaze, sadden, cake, cane, pad, cave, sap, sample, ant, as, bass, ape, blast, sampan, blade, damp, date, tappet, case, gap, samba, flack, gas, flap, glance, fate, flake, gate, flame, tape, blaze, ham, tattle, came, gappy, sandbag, lapse, has, place, plane, plate, sandal, daze, fatless, tax, face, saddle, fade, fake, fame, haze, dale, mate, maze, name, pace, cape, tap, game, sally, gape, gave, gazelace, lake, lame, taxi, lane, late, made, make, male, mane;

б) bed, bede, bet, pet, Pete, delve, tent, met, hen, Zend, Dete, ten, dene, Elbe, Fez, hem, he, Teme, vent, Ede, net, vent, deed, Tess, eel, Emm, deep, please, zepp, see, seem, self, set, seed, cede, cell, fence, sell, seep, sneeze, fleece, sled, sen, spelt, pence, Tess, hence, sent, spence, lets, pest, nest, lee, let, lend, left, eel, elf, delve, led, mete, fled, less, sell, self, felt, feel, cell, lest, steel, slet, bell, feme, melt, peel, lent, stele, flee; see, bee, clean, meed, met, peep, tell, bell, mete, dell, heel, pet, fee, Fenn, pebble, feeble

в) bills, nets, Lydd, sells, tide, pence, bliss, peddle, cede, dive, sniff, nettle, less, went, cede, weep, hide, wide, fill, wimple, wipe, lee, tend, teens, hill, wisp, dine, Wynn, West, welt, vent, Pete, steel, web, weeds, settle, mine, temple, vest, mete, wit, deem, hidden, Sweden

г) size, style, fly, bye, if, sit, did, dime, till, dim, site, cyst, Lynn, win, hilt, will, Hyde, stye, ply, cyme, cist, my, dye, by, hyte, dyne, Dyce, Wynn, Lydd, Lyte, wye, style, sly, dyke

д) play, aside, main, say, hate, way, vain, lane, hat, hail, lady, may, Dan, dainty, haze, fat, tame, fate, vail, vail, place, vile, plan, faint, pat, bay, bye, slay, wave, be- have, delay, same.

42 е) set, cede, pack, sat, cell, Dad, fine, gate, vine, sack, wine, maid, fake, vain, gaze, fence, sell, bat, seep, set, fleece, kettle, sled, peel, wane, mat, stele, mad, eve, sake, peck, wean, paid, lack, led, dead, bet, gam, Pat, same, mat, lens, Elbe, beetle, pence, dime, lilac.

18. Прочитайте . take, came, cite, kite, pace, pack, abyss, bake, flat, cane, sane, admit, dyke, flick, aflame, Dick, leafy, weep, desk, clammy, cymbal, lax, lace, weave, fact, face, tenant, heap, tag, wag, advice, heed, hat, hens, dislike, adapt, bice, bike, away, abide, abet, wet, wept, heal, hem, windy, ham, entice, lament, clay, fickle, slacks, aline, clamp, Kate, Malay, knave, valence, hag, piglet, lag, pennant, lifts, abide, ablaze, fits, bites, pittance, vile, pendant, styles, cleft, bides, tilts, misses, vest, Wests, vanity, testa- ment, binds, zany, abstain, claimant, sanity, files, slides, weeds, candid, wisps, vices, vile, wide, dimple, hive, aside, cite, side, Ellen, са ke, Alan, pencil, Ella, Tessa, CID, climb.

19. Прочитайте . Women’s names: Ada, Amanda, Amelia, Daisy, Eva, Eve, Evelin,Emily, Em (Emma), Gladys, Hannah, Isabella (Bella, Isabel) Men’s names: Adam, David (Dave), Knight, Max, Tim, William (Will) Surnames: Davies, Gates, Hack, Head, White, Wells, Wesley, Williams Countries: Italy, India (Indian (adj.), an Indian (pers.)), Spain,Thailand (Thai (adj.), a Thai (pers.)). Pet’s names: , Bigmac Fabby, Fancy, Fanny, Fatcat, Fatkitty, Fez, Fitz, Fizzy, Gabby, Gatsby, Hamlet, Hammy, Hans, Happy, Hattie, Mac, Simba, Vanilla, Velvet, Vinny Wanda, Weeble, Wheels, Whiskey, Whitey, Winnie Cities and towns: Hayle, Hyde, Miami, Wells

Вопросы 1. Как читаются буквы a, i, y а) в открытом положении ; б) под ударением в безударном слоге . 2. Назовите изученные буквосочетания с буквами a и e и объясните правила их чтения . 3. Как читаются буквосочетания ind и ild ?

Интонация Интонация . Под интонацией понимаются изменения в высоте основного тона , силе , темпе и тембре произнесения . Как известно , интонация является суммой нескольких компонентов , сложным единством мелодики речи , ударе- ния , громкости , темпа речи , фразового ударения , речевого ритма и тембра го- лоса говорящего , паузации . По определению Л. Л. Касаткина , интонация — это « ритмико - мелодическая сторона речи , способствующая членению потока речи на от- дельные отрезки — фонетические синтагмы и фразы — и служащая в предло-

43 жении средством выражения синтаксических значений , модальности и эмо- ционально -экспрессивной окраски » [ Касаткин , 2008, с. 83]. Интонация — это музыка речи . Когда мы говорим , наш голос перемеща- ется вверх и вниз , образуя разнообразные мелодические контуры . Разница ме- жду верхней и нижней границей наших голосовых возможностей называется диапазоном голоса . Мелодика Мелодика — это последовательное изменение тона голоса при произне- сении слов в предложении . Главное изменение голосового тона ( повышение или понижение ) происходит обычно в конце предложения в зависимости от цели высказывания : сообщение , вопрос , приказание и т. д.

Синтагма Синтагма — это отрезок звучащей фразы , представляющий собой смы- словое , грамматическое и интонационно -ритмическое единство . Л. В. Щерба описывал синтагму как « фонетическое единство , выражающее смысловое це- лое в процессе речи -мысли и могущее состоять как из одной ритмической группы , так и из целого ряда их » [ Щерба , 1963, с. 86.]. Синтагма может быть равна части предложения или всему предложению . Синтагмы отделяются друг от друга паузами . Например : Ann! — синтагма равна всему предложению Ann, help Benny find his cap. — фраза содержит две синтагмы , два от- резка завершённые интонационно , грамматически и по смыслу . Первый — Ann (обращение ), второй — help Benny find his cap ( просьба ). Каждая синтагма характеризуется своей мелодикой , т. е. последователь- ными изменениями высоты тона голоса на ударных и неударных слогах . Ос- новным элементом мелодической структуры фразы является терминальный тон , падающий на один из слогов ( ядерный слог , или ядро ) и завершающий синтагму . Таким образом , ядерный слог является главным компонентом син- тагмы , в основном определяющим ее интонационный смысл . Как правило , в неэмфатической речи , ядерный слог является последним ударным слогом в синтагме . Ядру могут предшествовать ударные и безударные слоги . Предъя- дерная часть синтагмы может образовывать шкалу . Ниже приведена схема расположения слогов в синтагме :

Предударное Шкала Ядро син- Послеядерные без- начало (Pre- (Head) тагмы ударные слоги (Tail) head) (Nucleus) It’s a big bi cycle ɪts ə 'bɪg ba ɪ sɪkl

В предложении могут быть одна или несколько синтагм . 44

Синтагменное ударение Синтагменное ударение выделяет определённые слова в пределах син- тагмы . Как правило , эти слова относятся к знаменательным частям речи ( имена существительные , имена прилагательные , смысловые глаголы , наречия , вопро- сительные и указательные местоимения ). Служебные части речи ( артикли , предлоги , союзы , и т. п.), а также личные и притяжательные местоимения , гла- голы -связки обычно безударны .

Нисходящий и восходящий тон В обычной , эмоционально нейтральной английской речи первый удар- ный слог произносится ровным и самым высоким по сравнению с остальными слогами тоном . Каждый из последующих слогов произносится немного более низким тоном по сравнению с предыдущим . Такая постепенно нисходящая шкала — основная наиболее типичная мелодическая структура в английском языке . Для обозначения движения мелодики и ударности элементов шкалы приняты условные обозначения , которые в целом называются тонограммой . Система интонационной разметки , принятая в данном пособии , может быть представлена следующим образом : Пример 1. Meg is in.

Пример 2. Is Meg in?

Постепенно нисходящая шкала может иметь как нисходящее завершение (см . Пример 1), так и восходящее ( см . Пример 2). Для английского языка характерны шесть базовых тоновых движений — низкий нисходящий тон , низкий восходящий тон , высокий нисходящий тон , высокий восходящий тон , нисходяще -восходящий тон и восходяще - нисходящий тон .

Тон начальных безударных слогов Первый безударный слог синтагмы в английском языке обычно произно- сится ровным тоном на низком уровне : It’s a fine knife.

Тон конечных безударных слогов Если последний ударный слог в синтагме произносится с нисходящим тоном , то последующие конечные безударные слоги произносятся ровным то- ном на самом низком уровне . Например : Wait a little.

45 Низкий нисходящий тон Для низкого нисходящего тона (Low Fall) характерно следующее : пони- жение тона начинается со среднего уровня или немного ниже и заканчивается на очень низком уровне ( см . Пример 1 выше ) При нисходящем тоне в англий- ском предложении , в отличие от русского , голос падает стремительнее и резче . В отличие от русского нисходящего тона английский нисходящий тон имеет расширенный диапазон , т.е. понижение тона происходит с более высо- кого уровня , чем в русском языке , а заканчивается на более низком уровне , чем в русском языке . Английский низкий нисходящий тон похож на тон , с которым в русском языке произносятся категоричные приказания или высказывания с оттенком раздражения : « Стой !» или « Ну иди же ! ( Сколько раз уже тебе повторять !)». Низкий нисходящий тон выражает законченность высказывания . Он ха- рактерен для неэмфатической речи . С низким нисходящим тоном , как правило , произносятся предложения , лишенные эмоционального оформления — эмо- ционально нейтральные повествовательные предложения , побудительные предложения , выражающие распоряжение или требование , восклицательные предложения , а также предложения , начинающиеся с вопросительных слов . Низкий нисходящий терминальный тон звучит категорично , сдержанно , уве- ренно , придает высказыванию законченность . Например :

It’s a nice place.

Упражнения 1. Произнесите следующие звуки с низким нисходящим тоном . [ i: | ɪ | æ | ɪ | i: | æ | e | ɪ | æ | i: | e | ɪ | æ | ɪ | i: | æ | e | ɪ | æ | i: | e ]

2. Прослушайте и произнесите с низким нисходящим тоном . а) ɪts ‿ə‿ mæn ɪts ‿ə‿ pɪtɪ ɪts ‿ə‿ kæmp ɪts ‿ən‿ə kæd əmɪ ɪts ‿ə‿ fæn ɪts ‿ə‿ sɪtɪ ɪts ‿ə‿ stem ɪts ‿ə‿ sɪnɪmə

б) ɪts ‿ ed ɪts ‿ æn ɪ ɪts ‿ em ɪts ‿ ændɪ ɪts ‿ æn ɪts ‿ ed ɪ ɪts ‿ en ɪts ‿ æntənɪ

в) ɪts ben ɪts ted ɪts bet ɪ ɪts ned ɪts dæd ɪts ted ɪ

46 г) ɪts sti:v ɪts sæm ɪts ‿ sænd ɪ ɪts ‿ sevn ɪts sɪd ɪts sæd ɪts ‿ sætədɪ ɪts ‿ sevnt ɪ

3. Произнесите предложения с низким нисходящим тоном , обращая вни- мание на плавность соединения звуков на стыке слов . а) ɪts ‿ə ni: ɪts ‿ə ti:m ɪts ‿ə tɪn ɪts ‿ə vɪzɪt

ɪts ‿ə si: ɪts ‿ə bi:n ɪts ‿ə tɪp ɪts ‿ ə pi: ɪts ‿ə di:n ɪts ‿ə sɪtɪ

б) ɪt‿ ɪz ɪts ‿ ɪn ɪts ‿ i:z

ɪt‿ znt ɪt‿ i:ts

ɪt‿ sɪts – ɪts ‿ sɪdz ɪts ‿ ɪt – ɪts ‿ sɪt в) ɪt‿ si:mz – ɪts ‿ sɪmz ɪts ‿ i:t – ɪts ‿ si:t

ɪts ‿ nɪt ɪts ‿ ti:z г) ɪts ‿ vɪzɪt ɪts ‿ di:d

4. Объясните употребление низкого нисходящего тона в данных фразах . Про- изнесите фразы .

1. Ned is ill. Bill is well. Will is nine. Emm is nice.

2. It is Ben’s tie. It is Will’s pen. It is Nell’s bed.

3. He’s lazy. I’m happy. He’s absent. It’s easy.


I need five pens. He needs ten pills. He sees nine lines. We see Steve’s wife.

5. Найдите известные вам фонетические явления . Произнесите фразы .

47 1. Take a map, please. Find my pen, please. Meet my niece, please.

2. Take an apple, please.

3. It is tea. It is meat. It is milk. It is cheese. It’s a tie. It’s a map. It’s a plan. It’s a cake. It’s a match. 4. I’m late. I’m ill. I’m ten. I’m fine.

5. It’s a fine day. It’s a clean flat. It’s a white tie. It’s a nice name.

6. I like Jane’s flat. I like Jack’s plan. I like Ann’s niece. I like Jim’s bag. I like text five. I like page nine. 7. I have a bag. It’s a black bag. He has a map. It’s a bad map. We have a flat. It’s a nice flat. I have a hat. It’s a cheap hat. 8. Ben has a text and I have a pen. Jane needs a map and I need a plan. Kate has a bag and I have a lamp. Jack needs a tie and I need a hat.

6. Произнесите предложения с соотвествующей интонацией . I feel bad. He spells badly. I need a pill badly. He is still in bed. I am a bit sick. See you in a bit. He is a sensitive man. – Is he? Alice is ill. He may keep my pen if he needs it. David keeps his flat clean. Lend me a pen, please. Ann, let Ве ny eat a sweet, please. Let him meet Alice. Let’s see a film. Let me see. Let’s see. Let’s take a pic! I need him badly. Ann is a little sad. We have little milk left. Tim is ill. – It’s a pity. Send me an e-mail. Send it by snail mail. It’s a silly film. Let’s speak Italian. Dad, spell “ Sydney”, please. Tell him my name. Tell Dave I’m glad he is back. Text him back.

ТЕКСТ а) Переведите текст . Прослушайте чтение текста преподавателем и сделайте его интонационную разметку . Повторите текст за преподавателем ( по одному передложению ) Подготовьтесь к фонетическому чтению текста . Alex Gates is Canadian . He is a dentist . He is a fine man and a talented dentist . He is twenty-nine . Alex has a wife named Meg and a little kid, Benny . Benny is five. He is a lively kid. Benny likes sweets . Meg lets Benny eat as many sweets as he likes. He eats ten sweets a day! And he picks at his meals at dinner. Alex says it’s silly. He tells Meg Benny may get fat and ill. He makes Benny eat apples , dates and pineapples . He believes kids need vitamins*. He is a sensible man.

* - ['v ɪtəmnz] (BrE), ['va ɪtəmnz] (Am E) 48

б) Перескажите текст . в) Составьте аналогичный рассказ , заменяя подчеркнутые слова другими под- ходящими по смыслу словами , соджержащими изученные вами к настоящему моменту звуки . г) Выучите наизусть следующий диалог между Бенни и Мэг , воспроизведите его в парах , меняясь ролями . B: Let me have a sweet . M: Yes, Benny , take a sweet . B: Can I take five sweets ? M: Benny , it's silly! Kids need vitamins. Take an apple instead.

е) Составьте диалог между Алексом и Мэг , заменяя подчеркнутые слова дуги- ми , состоящими из тизученных вами на данный момент звуков .

Нисходящая и высокая ровная шкала Предъядерная часть синтагмы в эмоционально -нейтральных высказыва- ниях образует обычно нисходящую шкалу (descending head), которая имеет 2 разновидности : а) падающая шкала (Falling Head). Например : This is the 'sixth lesson.

б) ступенчатая шкала (Stepping Head). Например : Is this 'lesson difficult?

или высокую ровную шкалу (High Level Head), когда предъядерная часть синтагмы включает один ударный слог . Например : This is a lesson.

Низкий восходящий тон Для низкого восходящего тона (Low Rise) в английском языке характер- но следующее : повышение тона начинается на низком уровне и заканчивается немного ниже середины голосового диапазона . В отличие от русского языка , 49 где повышение тона происходит резко и стремительно , в английском языке повышение осуществляется плавно и медленно : начало ударного гласного произносится низким и ровным тоном , а подъём начинается со второй полови- ны этого гласного . Английский восходящий тон более всего похож на русский восходящий тон в вопросах , начинающихся с А: « А вы ?» (« Мы согласны , а вы ?») Если низкий восходящий тон реализуется на одном слоге , то плавное восходящее движение ограничивается этим слогом . С низким восходящим то- ном часто произносятся общие вопросы . Is Tim in?

Если низкий восходящий тон реализуется на нескольких слогах , то ядерный слог произносится низко и ровно , а постепенное повышение тона происходит на последующих слогах , не превышая , как правило , середины диа- пазона . С подобной интонацией может произноситься последний элемент (tag) в разделительных вопросах ( подробнее см . Интонация разделительных вопро- сов ). It’s Tim | isn’t it?

isn’t it?

Низкий восходящий тон в английском предложении отличается от рус- ского восходящего тона тем , что первый ударный слог произносится на до- вольно низком уровне , а подъём голоса происходит постепенно на последнем ударном слоге . Сравните : Он в Сиднее ? Is he in Sidney? Восходящий тон в английском языке , так же как и в русском , обычно выражает незаконченность мысли , отсутствие категоричности . Низкий восхо- дящий тон употребляется в общем вопросе , а также при перечислении , пере- спросе и в ряде других коммуникативных ситуаций .

Упражнение 1. Произнесите следующие слова с низким восходящим тоном . [ pi:t | bɪl | mæt | nɪk | li:v | mæt | tel | pɪl | tæn | bi:k | ted | dɪl | sæm | tɪm | mi:l | æn | eg | ɪl | æpl | i:t | em ]

2. Перепишите следующие предложения и обозначьте в них интонацию . 1. 1. “Alice is nine.” ~ “Nine? Alice is ten.” 2. Andy Willams’ tie is fine. 3. Liza is in time. 4. Spell it, Candice. 5. I need five CDs. 6. Amy, let’s help Sam find his files. 7. “Let’s give Benny five cents.” ~ “Five? He needs twenty cents.” 8. Meet me at six, Eve. 9. “Tim is lazy.” ~ “Lazy? It’s a pity.” 10. Dan is in Spain and Ben is in Thailand. 11. Find Ann’s bag, please. 12. “Let Sam help Lizzy.” “Ted feels bad. Let Alan help him.” 13. “It’s a good cake.” ~ “Yes, it is. It’s a tasty cake.”

50 Употребление низкого восходящего тона Рассмотрим подробнее случаи употребления низкого восходящего тона . Низкий восходящий тон употребляется в следующих случаях : а) в предложениях , содержащих перечисление ( обычно каждая незакон- ченная смысловая группа произносится восходящим тоном ). Например : He can 'speak English, | French, | Spanish | and Russian. ||

б) при выражении просьбы или совета . Вежливые просьбы часто произ- носятся с низким восходящим тоном ( в то время как распоряжения , требова- ния , категоричные утверждения произносятся с низким нисходящим тоном ). Например : ˈHelp Eve.

ˈFetch me a ˈglass of wa- ter.

в) при выражении контраста , противопоставлении ( часто с использова- нием логического ударения ): ˈHe likes coffee, and ˈI like tea.

г) в общем вопросе для запроса об информации или подтверждения имеющейся информации . В общих вопросах глаголы have, can, is и др . могут быть как ударными , так и не ударными , в зависимости от характера вопроса . Если говорящий делает обычный запрос информации , эти глаголы не несут фразового ударения . Если говорящий сомневается в том , о чём он спрашивает , он может выделить глагол . Например : Is ˈJoseph a teacher? Глагол is безударный . Говорящий делает обыч- ный ( нейтральный ) запрос об информации . Возможно , на основании каких -либо собствен- ных умозаключений говорящий уже сделал вы- вод о профессии Джозефа и хочет это подтвер- дить , задав общий вопрос . ˈIs Joseph a teacher? Глагол is ударный . Говорящий сомневается , в том , что Джозеф является учителем . ˈ

д) выражает неуверенность говорящего , например в разделительном во- просе : ˈJoseph is a teacher, isn’t he?


е) при переспросе . Например : His ˈname is Webb. – What’s his name?

Низкий восходящий тон при переспросе иногда может придавать выска- зыванию оттенок неодобрения , подозрительности и т.п., поэтому для доброже- лательного , нейтрального переспроса используют высокий восходящий тон .

Упражнения 1. Объяснитие употребление низкого восходящего тона в следующих фразах . Прочитайте фразы .

We help Eve, Nell, Ben, Will. He spells “wife”, “niece”, “tie”, “test”.

“Help Eve, Pete.” “Eve?” “Send Emm, Sid.” “Emm?” “Find Pete, Bess.” “Pete?” “Spell ‘wife’, Bill.” “Wife?”

2. Выполните упражнение по образцу , заменяя подчёркнутое слово словами из списка , правильно произнося данные слова по буквам , используя низкий вос- ходящий тон при перечислении . Произносите реплики громко и чётко . Model St 1: (Ann), | spell “five” , please. St 2: Let me see. It’s simple: [ ef | aɪ | vi: | i: ]

(type, seven, nice, niece, wife, wives, pencil, little, time, simple, miss, why, ill, well, Sydney, timid, candy, beetle, needle, nettle, kettle, sandy, tidy, sensitive, sensible, expensive)

3. Составьте предложения по образцу , используя числительные с изученными вами звуками (1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 50, 60, 70, 90 и др ), об- ращая внимание на коммуникативную функцию низкого восходящего тона . Model St 1: Fifty and fve make fifty- five . See? St 2: Yes, it’s simple.

4. Составьте диалоги по образцу , употребляя низкий восходящий тон для за- проса информации . Обратите внимание на идентифицирующую функцию ме- стоимения it. Model S1: Is it Alex Kelly? S2: Yes, it is.

52 5. Прослушайте фразы , содержащие перечисление , произнесённые низким восходящи Ιм тоном , и отработайте чтение фраз с данной интонационной моде- лью .

1. We help Eve, Nell, Ben, and Will.

2. He spells ‘wife’, ‘niece’, ‘tie’, and test.

6. Прослушайте , как диктор перечисляет буквы английского алфавита , ис- пользуя низкий восходящий тон . Повторите названия букв , состоящие из изу- ченных вами звуков , за диктором .

7. Прослушайте фразы , произнесённые с низким нисходящи Ιм тоном . Од- на из фраз стимулирует говорящего к продолжению повествования , две другие содержат переспрос , определите , какие именно . Начертите интонограмму к каждой фразе . Отработайте чтение фраз с данной интонационной моделью .

Sorry? What did you say? Yes?

8. Прослушайте фразы с низким восходящим тоном , используемым при перечислении . Cделайте интонационную разметку данных фраз . Произнесите фразы , имитируя интонацию носителей языка .

a) OK, here are primary ingredients for vegetable soup... First of all we have pota- toes, we have onions, carrot, we have parsnip, сelery, and swede which is also just a small turnip...

b) Hi, and today we’re gonna be making * fruited scones. There’s eight ounces of self-raising flour, (a) pinch of salt, eight ounces of butter, and about one ounce of sugar.

c) Today I’m gonna make a really simple universal fruit salad… One apple, two or three bananas, two oranges, one fourth cup of pomegranate seeds, two tablespoons of honey, juice of one lime, one fourth teaspoon cinnamon powder, half a teaspoon of lemon zest, one fourth teaspoon of grated ginger. * - мы будем готовить ( разговорн .)

Вопросы 1. Опишите а) нисходящую шкалу и ее разновидности ; б) высокую ровную шкалу . 2. Как происходит повышение тона при низком восходящем тоне ? Приведите примеры . 3. Охарактеризуйте интонационное оформление а) общих вопросов ; б) разде- лительных вопросов ; в) альтернативных вопросов . Приведите примеры . 4. Дайте определение интонации .

53 5. Что такое мелодика ? В какой части предложения обычно происходит по- вышение или понижение голосового тона ? 6. От чего зависит выбор говорящим понижающегося или повышающегося тона в конце предложения ? 7. Что такое синтагма ? Может ли синтагма быть равной части предложения ? всему предложению ? Приведите примеры . 8. Что такое интонация ? 9. Как обычно в эмоционально нейтральной английской речи произносится а) первый ударный слог ; б) начальный безударный слог ; в) конечный ударный слог ; г) конечный безударный слог ? Приведите примеры . 10. Как происходит понижение тона при нисходящем тоне ? Приведите приме- ры . 11. Приведите свои примеры фраз , произносимых с низким нисходящим тоном и а) ступенчатой шкалой , б) высокой ровной шкалой .

Лексика к Unit 1 Слова backpack, n – рюкзак bakes v – печет CD, n - компакт диск date, n – финик get – получать ; приносить : Get me a CD. gets in (фразовый глагол ) – заходит ; Dave gets in. Дэйв заходит в комнату . gift – подарок ill – больной (употребляется только как именная часть сказуемого ): Alice is ill. He feels ill. in – ( нареч .) быть на месте , не отсутствовать : Ella isn’t in . keep – 1) хранить , держать у себя ; 2) оставить что -л. у себя , не возвращать : He may keep my pen if he needs it. 3) сохранять ( например , в чистоте ): David keeps his flat clean. indeed – действительно (часто выражает удивление ): He is a sensitive man. – (Is he) indeed? leave, v – уходить lends, v – одалживает ( что -либо ) make, v – делать nice – 1) хороший , приятный : Have a nice time. Taste/smell nice – быть прият- ным на вкус / приятно пахнуть 2) приятный в обращении , вежливый , доброже- лательный ( о человеке ): Dave is a nice man. PC, n – компьютер ; a PC game - компьютерная игра pack, v – упаковывать pic – фотография (разговорн .) Let’s take a pic! ( исключительно в неформальном общении ) picks, v – выбирает ; He picks at his meals. Он « ковыряет ( вилкой )» еду . picky, n – разборчивый ( в еде и т п.) He isn’t picky. Он неприхотлив . pity – жалость Tim is ill. – It’s a pity. 54 plays, v – проигрывает ( аудиозаписи, компакт -диски и т. д.); Alice plays CDs. Элис проигрывает компакт -диски. sells, v – продает sends, v – отправляет sensitive – 1) чуткий ( по отношению к людям ), чувствительный ; 2) обидчивый , ранимый : a sensitive teen smiles, v – улыбается ; Alice smiles at Dave. Элис улыбается Дейву . snack, n – закуска ; Snack Pack – популярный десерт в упаковке tablet, n – планшет takeaway, n – еда на вынос takes, v – 1) бере т 2) относит ( что -либо кому -либо ); Dave takes a taxi. Дэйв бе- рет такси . talented – талантливый tiny – крошечный types, v – печатает weekend, n – выходные ; at weekends – по выходным wet, adj – сырой ; It’s wet. (На улице ) сыро .

Грамматика Имя существительное Имена существительные обычно сопровождаются артиклями , притяжа- тельными местоимениями или другими определителями и часто сочетаются с предлогами . Артикли и другие определители , а также предлоги являются при- знаками существительного : а table, the table стол ; this book эта книга ; my pencil мой карандаш ; in the room в комнате ; with sugar с сахаром . Имена существительные имеют два числа : единственное и мно жествен- ное : a table ( ед . ч.) стол , tables ( мн . ч.) столы ; a book ( ед . ч.) книга , books ( мн . ч.) книги . Имена существительные имеют два падежа : общий и притяжательный : worker ( общий падеж ), worker's ( притяжательный падеж ); father ( общий па- деж ), father's ( притяжательный падеж ). Род имен существительных в англий- ском языке определяется не формой слова , а его значением . Имена существительные , обозначающие одушевленные предметы , бы- вают мужского или женского рода , в зави симости от обозначаемого ими пола : a man ( мужской род ) мужчина , а woman ( женский род ) женщина . Имена суще- ствительные , обозначающие неодушевленные предметы , относятся к среднему роду : a chair стул , water вода , a window окно .

Упражнения 1. Произнесите , следя за правильностью интонационного оформления пред- ложений . Укажите имена существительные в общем и притяжательном паде- же . 1. I like Adam Davies’s flat. 2. ‘Is it Dave’s kid?’ ‘No, it isn’t. It’s Elizabeth’s kid.’ 3. Is it Adam’s knife? 4. I like Max Gates’ s tablet. 5. Is it Ella’s PC? 6. Is it David’s tie? 7. I like Emma’s cake. 8. Is it little Betty’s candy? 9. Is it little Tim’s apple? 10. Is it his milk? 11. Is it his tie? 12. Is it his flat? 13. Is it his kid? 14. I like his pen. 15. 55 Is it his pen? 16. I like his PC. 17. Is it Jane’s PC? 18. ‘Is it your bicycle?’ ‘Yes, it is. Why? I like it. 19. 20. I like his pencil. 21. Is it his pencil? 22. Is it my CD? 23. Is it Andy’s medicine?

2. Протранскрибируйте имена собственные в притяжательном падеже . Grace’s hat, Finch’s flat, Charles’s mother, George’s tablet, James’s friend, Tess’ hat, Jim Page’s table, Ben Mash’s niece, Tim Richards’ computer

Личные и неличные имена существительные Для английского языка важно деление существительных не только на одушевлённые и неодушевлённые ( сравните : a girl – a wall), но и на личные ( на- зывающие людей ) и неличные ( служащие для обозначения животных , рыб , птиц , насекомых , пресмыкающихся и т. д.), (сравните : a woman – a dog). Сло- ву baby в английском часто соответствует личное местоимение it. Упражнение 1. Скажите , являются ли данные существительные а) одушевленными или не- одушевленными , б) личными или неличными . cat, baby, Ted, teen, kid, Anna, tin, sand, panda

Множественное число имен существительных (основное правило ) Имена существительные образуют множественное число путём прибавления к форме единственного числа окончания –s: hand – hands, sea – seas, game – games. Некоторые имена существительные образуют множественное число не путем прибавления окончания -s, а путем изменения корневых гласных или формы слова : man - m еn; woman - women.

Упражнения 1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе . essay, teen, man, sea, week, galaxy, woman, way, daisy, key, kid, packet, backpack, pizza

2. Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих имён существитель- ных , раскрывая скобки . (five) sea, (ten) kite, (seven) packet, (eleven) panda, (five) Ted, (sixty) pack, (six) date, (sixteen) pineapple, (ten) e-mail, (seventy) man, (six) niece, (many) tie, (twenty-six) baby, (five) kid, (twelve) pizza, (six) panda, (nine) backpack.

Английские артикли В современном английском языке два артикля : определённый и неопреде- лённый . Однако существуют и такие коммуникативные ситуации , в которых артикль перед именем существительным отсутствует , поэтому , с учебной це- лью , используют термин нулевой артикль .

56 Неопределённый артикль Неопределённый артикль развился из числительного « один » и употреб- ляется с существительными только в единственном числе . В предложении артикль , как правило , безударен , поэтому гласный в нём имеет редуцированную форму : a tie [ ə ta ɪ]; a cake [ ə ke ɪk]. Если существительному предшествует прилагательное в функции опре- деления , то артикль ставится перед прилагательным : a big cake . Неопределённый артикль употребляется перед исчисляемыми именами существительными с классифицирующей функцией ( см . примеры выше ).

Варианты неопределённого артикля Неопределённый артикль имеет два варианта : a [eɪ] и an [æn]. Вариант an употребляется только перед словами , которые начинаются с гласного звука , во всех остальных случаях употребляется a: a date, an apple.

Отсутствие артикля перед существительным ( нулевой артикль ) Отсутствие артикля перед существительным может быть таким же зна- чимым , как и его наличие . Нулевой артикль употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными , как с вещественными (sand, plastic), так и с абстрактными (time, life): I feel like I have sand in my eyes. Перед неисчисляемыми именами существительными артикль обычно не употребляется ( используется нулевой артикль ): Alice and daisy have tea at 5. Исключение составляют случаи , когда речь идет о конкретном веществе ( см . Определенный артикль ).

Упражнения 1. С какими из приведённых ниже слов следует употребить артикль a, а с ка- кими — an ? taxi, eve, face, easel, elk, packet, ant, ape, CD, seat, sea, pedal, pet, PC, text, bed, backpack.

2. Распределите имена существительные в две колонки - исчисляемые и неис- числяемые . Скажите , с какими из них употребляют нулевой артикль . apple, advice, insect, speed, help, wildlife, app, measles, sea, accident, wine, ice, aid, address, hate, sentence, animal, beef, baby, validity, weight, tablet, game, lava, bag, assistance, battle, silence, camp, captain, device, evidence, bed, bill, seaside, mis- take, attendant, karate, veal , metal, smile, time, meat, dignity, slice, fame, zinc, wheat, CD, ice cream, yeast, gate, eye, pet, safety, sand, click, face, milk, data, egg, platform, tennis, handle, selfie, kindness, mail, hatred, envy, access, sleep, film, land, steam, vitality, pasta, desk, intelligence, case, heat, bell, mankind, effect.

3. Закончите предложение Amanda packs..., употребляя подходящие имена существительные , прочитайте получившиеся предложения и переведите их на русский язык .

57 4. Выберите из списка слов и запишите все возможные сочетания ( артикль ) + имя существительное + имя прилагательное , употребляя неопределенный или нулевой артикль . taste, tie, tea, pic, tasty, nice, lettuce, silly, black, kind, teen, deep, easy, pic, text, sad, test, bike, lazy, sensible, bad, cat, date, sea, bed, timid, pike, CD, PC, pet, kid, picky.

5. В каких из данных предложений следует употребить а) неопределённый ар- тикль ; б) нулевой артикль ? 1. Ada takes Dan ... CD. 2. Ted types ... text. 3. Sandy sells ... tea. 4. bakes ... cake. 5. Amanda picks ... pet. 6. Lily takes ... taxi. 7. Ben sends Daisy ... packet. 8. Sid packs ... tie. 9. Lizzy takes ... seat. 10. Bess takes Andy ... snack.

Простое повествовательное предложение В английском языке повествовательные предложения имеют твердый порядок слов , т. е. каждый член предложения имеет свое определенное место . В английском предложении Kids like cats (Дети любят котов .) изменение порядка слов невозможно . Если , например , произвести в нем перестановку подлежащего и дополнения , то смысл предложения полностью изменится : Cats like kids ( Коты любят детей ). Следующий порядок слов является обычным для английского повество- вательного предложения : 1) подлежащее , 2) сказуемое , 3) дополнения , 4) об- стоятельства : I have tea at 5 p. m.

Функции местоимения it Местоимение 3-го лица единственного числа — it используется для идентификации человека или предмета в предложениях , соответствующих русским фразам типа « Это Билл », « Это компьютер Теда », например , в ответах на вопросы « Кто это ?», « Кто там ?», « Что это ?»: It’s Bill. It’s Isabel’s kid. It’s a website. It’s me. Собеседник может выразить согласие с такими утверждениями с помощью конструкций “It is” ( или “It is indeed.” ), а также удивление с по- мощью “Is it?”. Вопросительная форма образуется переносом глагола -связки в начало предложения : Is it Bill? Кратким ответом на общий вопрос типа “Is it Bill?” может быть “It is”: It’s Bill. – It is. (It is indeed.) It’s Bill. – Is it? (Is it indeed?) Is it Bill? – It is. (It is indeed.) Обратите внимание , что в конструкциях типа It’s me , It’s him местоиме- ние обычно употребляется в объектном падеже . Местоимение it может замещать неличные существительные , выступая в предложении в функции дополнения : Take it . К группе неличных имён существительных относятся и названия живот- ных , птиц и т. д., однако домашних питомцев в англоязычных странах любя- щие хозяева часто называют личными местоимениями he/she, считая их чле- нами семьи . Сравните : 1) The short-eared dog lives in South America. Analyses of 58 its diet show that it eats a lot of fish. 2) Hunter is a relatively happy, strong dog. He is probably somewhere around five years old. He eats well and and has lots of toys. Кроме того , местоимение it часто выступает в функции формального подлежащего в безличных предложениях ( см . Таблицу )

а) five. б) dark? late. late? It is (not) dark. Is it (not) hot? cold. cold? hot. five?

Упражнения 1. Произнесите предложения с формальным идентифицирующим подле- жащим it и пояснением с соотвествующей интонацией ( низким нисходящим или низким восходящим тоном ). Учитывайте особенности произнесения во- просительных предложений и предложений , содержащих пояснение .

It’s Bill. It’s Ben. It’s Ted It’s Alan. It’s Bess. It’s my sister, Tessa. It’s Alex. It’s Andy. It’s Sid. It’s Addy. It’s Biggy. It’s my cat, Binx. It’s Cabby. It’s Blacky, my hamster. It’s Bitsy, Alan’s cat. It’s Candy. It‘s Pepsi, Lily’s rabbit. It’s Patsy, my cat. It’s Kinky, David’s parrot. It’s Dax, our pet. It’s Dez, my friend. It’s Ely, Jane’s cousin. It’s Lynn, my niece.

Is it Indy? Is it Leeds? Is it Ben? Is it Andy? Is it Danny? Is it Dixie? Is it Ella? Is it Tessa? Is it Zen? Is it Kat? Is it Biggy? Is it Patsy? Is it Pepsi? Is it Dez? Is it Tabby? Is it Sid? Is it Ellen?

2. Переведите с русского языка на английский . Запишите и прочитайте . 1. Это песок . 2. Это Бинкс , наша кошка . 3. Это Тед , мой друг . 4. Это Алекс . 5. Это Сид ? — Да . 6. Это Энди Белл ? — Да . 7. Это таблетка ? — Да . 8. Это план- шет ? — Да . 9. Это подарок . 10. Это компакт -диск ? 11. Это подросток . 12. Это Бетси Эллис ? — Да . 13. Это Или ( город )? — Да . 14. Это Линн , моя соседка . 15. Это Дикси , наш попугай . 16. Это финик ? — Да . 17. Это компьютер ? — Да . 18. Это сковорода . — Разве ? 19. Это Атланта . — Правда ? 20. Это Билл Тедд? — Да . 21. Это Теса Келли . — Неужели ?

3. Переведите с русского языка на английский , используя краткий ответ It is (It is indeed) для подтверждения сказанного собеседником , а также вопрос Is it? (Is it indeed?) для выражения удивления . Произнесите утвердительные предложения с низким нисходящим , а общие вопросы — с низким восходя- щим тоном . 1. Это говядина . — Да . 2. Это подарок . — Да , подарок . 3. Это большой текст ? — Да . 4. Это лёгкий тест . – Да , действительно . 5. Это большой текст . — Да , действительно , большой . 6. Это младенец ( разгов .). – Да , младенец . 7. Сид та- лантлив . — Да , действительно . 8. Это пирожное . — Да . 9. Бен талантлив ? – Да , действительно талантлив . 10. Это младенец ( разгов .)? – Да . 11. Это лёгкий 59 текст ? – Да . 12. Это подарок ? – Да . 13. Это говядина ? – Да . 14. Это жестяная банка . – Она большая ? – Да .

4. Выразите согласие с собеседником по образцу . Model 1: It's hot today. — It is. Model 2 : It isn't hot today. — It isn't. It's cold in the garden. 2. It's late, I believe. 3. It's light in the hall. 4. It's five o'clock. 5. It's dark in the park. 6. It's seven o'clock. 7. It's dark inside. 8. It isn't late, I hope. 9. It isn't six yet.

5. Продиктуйте предложения на перевод из первой части упражнения дру- гому студенту . Запишите под диктовку предложения из второй части . Выпол- ните взаимопроверку . Произнесите предложения с соответствующей интона- цией . Используйте лексические , грамматические и смешанные средства выра- жения удивления и подтверждения сказанного собеседником .

I. Адам неприхотлив (= непривередлив ). — Неужели ? 2. Билл Уильямс бо- лен . — Плохо . 3. Мне немного грустно . 4. Это говядина ? — Да . 5. Это хо- роший текст ? — Да . 6. Эмилии нет дома /на месте ? 7. Это хорошая кварти- ра ? — Да . И Бен держит её в чистоте . 8. Глэдис Келли талантлива ? 9. Это телятина ? – Да . 10. Сэм – ранимый подросток ? 11. Это я. — Неужели ?12. Алекс Хилл не дома .13. Это крошечный котёнок . 14. Алекс Эллис болен . — Жаль . 15. Почему Эвелина Уильямс грустная ? 16. Он в отъезде в Сиднее . 17. Дейв Уильямс — приятный человек . — Да , приятный . 18. ( Сейчас на улице ) сыро . — Да , сыро . 19. Это велосипед Кейт ? – Да , это подарок Кэн- дис . 20. Это молоко ? — Да .

II. 1. ( Сейчас на улице ) сыро ? — Да . 2. Энди нет дома . — Он в Испании ? — Да . 3. Это говядина . 4. Это телятина . — Правда ? 5. Это фотография ? — Да. 6. Это хорошая квартира . — Да . 7. Бэн Ален — приятный человек ? – Да . 8. Почему Алекс грустный ? — Он болен . — Правда ? Жаль . 9. Алиса немного привередлива . — Неужели ? 10. Энди ленив . — Жаль . 11. Амелия больна ? — Да . — Жаль . 12. Это подходящее время для встречи . — Действительно (подходящее ). 13. Жена Неда Дейвиса очень приятная . — Да , она очень ми- лая . 14. Давайте отдадим Биллу Гейтсу мою компьютерную игру . 15. Моей племяннице Эмилии девять лет . Эмилия из Уеллса . 17. Алисе нравится этот сайт . — Он неплохой . 18. Это отличный город . — Разве ? 19. Это пирожное ? – Да . – Оно вкусное ? – Да , действительно ( вкусное ). 20. Макс — ранимый подросток . — Неужели ?

6. а) Используя приведенные ниже имена собственные и подходящие чис- лительные , составьте повествовательные предложения и общие вопросы по образцу . ,

Образец : 'Tom is six. Is ' То m ,six?

60 б) Задайте друг другу общие вопросы и ответьте на них отрицательно .

Образец : Is 'Tom’s niece ,six? No, she 's seven. Pete’s friend (twenty), Bob’s sister (eighteen), Victor’s mother (fifty-three), Polly’s nephew (thirteen), Lily’s husband (thirty), Lucy’s cousin (twenty-three), Charles’s brother-in-law (twenty-nine), Betsy’s mother (forty), James’s father-in-law, Emma’s half-sister (sixteen).

7. Переведите на английский язык . 1. Это компакт -диск . 2. Это персональный компьютер . 3. Это текст . 4. Это чай . 5. Это ребёнок . 6. Это тест ? — Да . 7. Это персональный компьютер ? — Да . 8. Это Бесс ? — Да . 9. ( Сейчас ) шесть часов ? — Да . 10. Это тест . 12. Сид в по- стели . Он болен . — Плохо . 13. Это кровать ? — Да . 14. Это компакт -диск ? — Да . 15. Это текст ? — Да . 16. Это ребёнок ? — Да . 17. Это Сид ? — Да . 18. Это чай ? — Да . 19. ( Сейчас ) пять часов . — Правда ? 20. Бесси пять лет . 21. Бетси больна ? 22. Сид в постели ? — Да . 23. Тед в хорошей физической форме . – Правда ? – Да . 24. Это младенец . 25. Это плохой компьютер . — Правда ? 26. Это красивый велосипед ? — Да . 27. Это красивая фотография ( разгов .). — Действительно , красивая . 28. Это красивый планшет ? — Да . 29. 54. Тед Эллис (сейчас ) в Линне ? — Да , а Билл Гейтс — в Атланте . 30. Это хороший текст . — Действительно , хороший . 31. Это красивый велосипед . — Действительно , кра- сивый . 32. Это красивая кровать . — Действительно , красивая . 33. Дейв Уиль- ямс — приятный человек . — Правда ? 34. Это красивая фотография ( разгов .)? — Да . 35. (Что это ?) — Это финик . 36. Сид болен . —Правда ? Жаль . 37. Ада привередлива . — Неужели ? 38. Алекс Келли — ранимый подросток . — Он , действительно , раним . 39. Дэн подвижный . — Действительно , подвижный . 40. Бену грустно . — Правда ? 41. Тесса Келли здесь ( в комнате ). — Правда ? 42. Энди Эллис болен . — Плохо . 43. Это он ? — Да . 44. ( Сейчас ) шесть утра . 45. Это фотография ? — Да . 46. Это он . — Правда ? 47. Поздно . — Действительно , поздно . 48. Энди в хорошей спортивной форме ? — Да . 49. Это красивый планшет . — Да , красивый . 50. Это таблетка . — Да ? 51. Это конфетка ? — Да . 52. Это жестяная банка . 53. (Кто это ?) Это леди Ди . — Правда ? 54. (Кто зво- нит ?) Это Бен Келли . — Неужели ? — Он ( сейчас ) в Лидсе . — Да ? 55. Тим — хороший человек . — Да ?

Глаголы с прямым дополнением и косвенным беспредложным до- полнением Некоторые глаголы в английском языке , выражающие действие , которое переходит на лицо или предмет , могут употребляться с прямым дополнением ( в русском языке оно обычно отвечает на вопрос винительного падежа ): Ted types texts . Кроме того , глагол может употребляться с косвенным дополнением , ко- торое указывает , на кого переходит данное действие ( в русском языке косвен- ное дополнение обычно отвечает на вопрос дательного падежа ): Ben plays Alice CDs.

61 Прямое дополнение всегда следует за глаголом , но если в предложении имеется беспредложное косвенное дополнение оно всегда стоит между глаго- лом и прямым дополнением . Обратите внимание , не все глаголы могут иметь косвенное беспредлож- ное дополнение – только глаголы bring, buy, get, give, lend, make, pay, play, sell, send, sing, take, tell, write и некоторые другие .

Упражнения 1. Используя таблицу , составьте предложения с прямым дополнением о роде деятельности людей Model : Eve sells CDs.

cakes. Ada ties. Ben sells CDs. Bill (Billy) bakes tea. David types dates. Lily packs medicines. Lizzy gets texts. Pete tickets. Tim pets.

2. Используя таблицу , составьте предложения с косвенным беспредложным дополнением и прямым дополнением о действиях , которые часто совершаются данными людьми .

Ada a cake. Ann a tie. Alice Ben a CD. Ann Bess lends tea. Bess Betsy sends dates. Billy Daisy plays a tie. Daniel Dave takes a seat. Nick Lily a text. Sandy Lizzy a snack. Sandy a packet. Sid wine. Ted

3. Закончите предложения о действиях , которые часто совершаются данными людьми . 1. Alice sells ... 2. Daisy bakes ... 3. Ben gets .... and .... 4. Pete types... 5. Daniel makes ... 6. Ted lends ... 7. Lizzy plays ... 8. Billy takes ... 9. Nick sends ...

4. Переведите на русский язык предложения о действиях , которые часто со- вершаются данными людьми . 62

1. Дейв печатает тексты . 2. Сэнди продает планшеты . 3. Сид печет торты . 4. Бесс продает лекарства . 5. Лиззи встречается с Питом . 6. Алиса отправляет Дейву посылку . 7. Тим относит Энн пирожные . 8. Тед проигрывает для Бетси компакт диск . 9. Алиса отправляет Сэнди финики и чай .

ТЕКСТ Прослушайте чтение текста , соднержащего изученные вами звуки , учителем . Отработайте фонетическое чтение текста , обращая внимание на изученные ин- тонационные модели .

Dave and Alice Dave Gates sells tablets, PC games and CDs. At 6 p.m. Dave leaves. At 6.20 p. m. Dave gets a takeaway. At 6.55 p.m. Dave takes a taxi. At 7 p.m. Dave visits Alice Williams. Dave takes Alice CDs, magazines, pizza and wine. Alice makes a nice big cake and snacks. Alice waits. Dave gets in. Alice smiles at Dave and Dave takes a pic. Alice plays CDs. Alice and Dave have pizza and snacks. Alice eats little pizza. Alice keeps slim. At weekends Dave packs a backpack. And Alice packs a backpack. Dave packs meat, wine, dates and apples. Alice packs ice tea and Snack Packs. Alice and Dave get away at weekends. Happy weekends...

Упражнения 1. Закончите предложения по тексту . 1. Dave gets ... 2. Dave sells ... 3. Dave takes Alice ... 4. Alice smiles ... 5. Alice eats ... 6. At bedtime ... 7. Dave packs ... 8. Alice and Dave ... 9. Alice keeps ...

2. Вставьте пропущенные слова . Dave Gates ... tablets, PC games and ... . At ... Dave ... Dave ... a takeaway. Dave ... a taxi. Dave takes ... CDs, magazines, pizza and wine. Alice makes a nice big cake and ... Alice ... Dave gets ... Alice smiles ... Dave and Dave ... a pic. Alice ... CDs and Dave ... pizza and snacks. And Alice ... pizza. Alice eats ... pizza. Alice ... slim. At ... Dave leaves. At ... Dave ... a backpack. And Alice packs a backpack. Dave packs meat, ... , dates and apples. Alice packs ... and Snack Packs. Alice and Dave ... at weekends. Happy weekends...

3. Составьте предложения с прямым дополнением о действиях , которые часто совершаются данными людьми . Model: Dave sells tablets.

63 Ada Ben (Betsy, Betty) a nice big cake. Bill (Billy) tablets and PC games. Daisy packs ice tea. Daniel (Dan) gets PC games and CDs. David (Dave) takes a backpack. Lily plays pizza and snacks. Lizzy sells a takeaway. Nick makes a taxi. Pete eats a pic. Sandy dates and apples. Sid (Siddy) meat and wine. Ted (Teddy) Tim Willy

4. Найдите в тексте одно предложение с косвенным беспредложным дополне- нием и одно предложение с косвенным предложным дополнением . Составьте аналогичные предложения с теми же глаголами , заменяя имена на другие ( с изученными звуками ).

5. Выполните обратный перевод , закрывая поочередно каждую из колонок .

1. Dave Gates sells tablets, PC Дэвид Гейтс продаёт планшеты , ком- games and CDs. пьютерные игры и компакт -диски . 2. At six p.m. Dave leaves. Dave В шесть часов вечера Дейв выходит . gets a takeaway. Dave takes a taxi. Дейв берёт такси . Дейв везет Элис Dave takes Alice CDs, magazines, компакт -диски , журналы , пиццу и pizza and wine. Alice makes a nice вино . Элис делает красивый большой big cake and snacks. Alice waits. торт и закуски . Элис ждёт . 3. Dave gets in. Alice smiles at Дейв заходит . Элис улыбается Дейву Dave and Dave takes a pic. Alice и Дейв делает фотографию . Элис про- plays CDs. Alice and Dave have игрывает компакт -диски . Элис и pizza and snacks. Alice eats little Дейв едят пиццу и закуски . Элис ест pizza. Alice keeps slim. мало пиццы . Элис поддерживает фор- му . At weekends Dave packs a back- По выходным Дейв упаковывает рюк- pack. And Alice packs a backpack. зак . И Элис упаковывает рюкзак . Дейв Dave packs meat, wine, dates and упаковывает мясо , вино , финики и apples. Alice packs ice tea and яблоки . Элис упаковывает холодный Snack Packs . Alice and Dave get чай и десерты « Снэк Пэк ». Элис и away at weekends. Happy week- Дейв уезжают на выходные . Счастли- ends... вые выходные ...

64 6. Расскажите , что обычно делает Дейв и что делает Элис . 7. Перескажите текст . 8. Замените имена в тексте на а) Ted Davies and Sandy Hack; б) Dan Wells and Eve Head и перескажите текст еще раз .

UNIT 2 Артикуляция звуков и фонетические явления Фонемы [ ɑ:], [tʃ], [dʒ], [θ], [ð], [ ʃ], [ ʒ]

Фонема [ ɑ:] [ɑ:] – долгий монофтонг . При произнесении гласного [ ɑ:] рот открыт достаточно широко , губы нейтральны , язык оттянут назад , расстояние между задней спинкой языка и мягким нёбом широкое , кончик языка оттянут от ниж- них зубов . При ошибке типа руского [ а] следует оттянуть язык назад и не- сколько удлинить гласный , сделав его более напряженным .

Фонемы [tʃ], [dʒ] Фонемы [t ʃ], [d ʒ] являются аффрикатами , т. к. представляют собой слит- ное сочетание смычных взрывных согласных [t] и [d] с фрикативными ( щеле- выми ) [ ʃ], [ ʒ] того же места образования . При произнесении [t ʃ], [d ʒ] кончик языка касается альвеол , одновременно средняя часть языка поднимается к твёрдому нёбу . Постепенно кончик языка отходит от альвеол . Таким образом , на мгновение образуется полная преграда , после чего она переходит в плоскую щель , через которую с шумом трения проходит воздух . Английский [t ʃ] по сравнению с русским [ ч] звучит твёрже . Английский [d ʒ] не имеет соответст- вующего звука в русском языке . Наиболее похожее звучание аффриката [d ʒ] имеет в русских словах « джаз », « джем », а аффриката [t ʃ] – в слове путч .

Фонемы [ θ], [ð] При произнесении звуков [ θ], [ð] язык распластан и не напряжён , зубы обнажены , нижняя губа не должна касаться верхних зубов , кончик языка нахо- дится между зубами . Струя воздуха проходит между языком и верхними зуба- ми . При отсутствии голоса получается глухой звук [ θ], а при участии голосо- вых связок – звонкий [ð].

Фонемы [ ʃ], [ ʒ] При произнесении фрикативных ( щелевых ) согласных [ ʃ], [ ʒ] губы ок- руглены и слега выдвинуты вперёд , кончик языка поднимается к альвеолам , образуя плоскую щель , а средняя часть языка поднимается к твёрдому нёбу . [ ʒ] произносится с участием голоса . Как и другие звонкие согласные , [ ʒ] является слабым звуком . Английские фонемы [ ʃ], [ ʒ] мягче русских твёрдых [ ш], [ ж], однако английский [ ʃ] не такой мягкий как русский звук , обозначаемый буквой щ.

65 Сочетания фонем [s], [z], с [ θ], [ð] При произнесении сочетаний согласных [s] или [z] с [ θ] или [ð] нельзя допускать превращения [s] в [ θ], [z] в [ð] или наоборот . Если звук [s] или [z] находится перед [ θ] или [ð], кончик языка нужно постепенно передвинуть с альвеол в межзубное положение ; при этом нужно избегать появления гласного призвука между звуками . Если звук [ θ] или [ð] предшествует звуку [s] или [z], кончик языка нужно постепенно перевести из межзубного в альвеолярное по- ложение , также не допуская гласного призвука между согласными . Например : is th is, is th at, sees th in, Miss Th ick, miss th at и т.д.

Сочетания фонем [t], [d], [n], [l] с [ θ], [ð] На стыке альвеолярных согласных с межзубными возникают зубные ва- рианты фонем [t], [d], [n], [l]. При произнесении таких сочетаний кончик языка прижимается к зубам , а не к альвеолам , а затем занимает межзубное положе- ние для [ θ] или [ð]. В сочетаниях [t] или [d] с [ θ] или [ð] взрывные согласные [t], [d] частично теряют взрыв . Необходимо следить , за тем , чтобы на стыке между согласными [t], [d], [n], [l] и [ θ], [ð] не появлялся гласный призвук . Например : in the, and the, tell them, ninth, at this, and thin.

Прогрессивная и регрессивная ассимиляция При прогрессивной ассимиляции предыдущий звук влияет на последую- щий , уподобляя его себе ( например , [pl] – [pli:z], [kl] – [kli:n]. При регрессив- ном направлении ассимиляции последующий звук влияет на предшествующий , например , английские альвеолярные звуки становятся межзубными перед меж- зубными [ θ, ð] — [naın θ, m ʌnθ]. Существуют также необязательные или случайные ассимиляции в ре- зультате быстрого темпа речи . Например , в беглой разговорной речи ten mice произносится как /tem ma ɪs/ – звук [n] претерпевает качественное измене- ние , превращаясь в [m]).

Произношение определённого артикля Обычно определенный артикль the произносится с коротким нейтраль- ным гласным : [ðə]. Но когда артикль the находится перед словом , начинаю- щимся с гласного звука , то он обычно произносится с долгим длинным глас- ным : [ði:]. Например : the apple: [ði:] the pen: [ð ə] the orange: [ði:] the table: [ð ə] the ice-cream: [ði:] the room: [ð ə] Обратите внимание , что произношение артикля the зависит от звука , с которого начинается слово , а не от буквы ! Например : the hat: [ ð ə ] (h – согласный звук ) the hour: [ ði: ] в данном случае h не читается )

66 Иногда необходимо сделать ударение на каком -либо слове , для этой це- ли артикль the произносится как [ði:] и на него приходится основное фразовое ударение , при этом не важно , начинается следующее за ним слово с гласного или согласного звука . Например : "What do you think of the [ð ə] book?" "It’s the [ði:] best book I've ever read." Что думаешь о книге ? – Это самая лучшая книга , которую я когда -либо читал .

Упражнения 1. Произнесите следующие звуки , учитывая особенности их артикуляции . ɑ: tʃ dʒ θ ð ʃ ʒ

2. Произнесите , соблюдая различия в артикуляции долгого монофтонга [ ɑ:] и первого элемента дифтонга [a ɪ] по горизонтальному положению языка . fɑ:m – fa ɪv lɑ:k – la ɪk kɑ:t – kaɪt ɑ:θə – aɪsɪ pɑ:m – pa ɪn pɑ:k – paɪk kl ɑ:k – klaɪm fɑ:ð ə – na ɪðə gɑ:d – ga ɪd bɑ:k – baɪk dɑ:n – daɪn tʃɑ :m – tʃaɪm

3. Произнесите словосочетания , соблюдая артикуляцию гласного [ ɑ:]. а) ɑ:θəz sk ɑ:f ə lɑ:d ʒ kɑ:p ɪt fɑ:ð əz gl ɑ:s ɪz ə tʃɑ :m ɪŋ vɑ:z

б) ɪts maɪ ɑ:nt ɪts ma ɪ ɑ:t ɪkl ɪts ma ɪ ɑ:m

4. Произнесите , учитывая позиционную долготу гласного [ ɑ:]. kɑ: – k ɑ:m –ˈkɑ:p ɪt – k ɑ:t fɑ: – f ɑ:m –ˈfɑ:ð ə – f ɑ:s bɑ: – b ɑ:n –ˈbɑ:b ə – b ɑ: θ lɑ: – l ɑ:d ʒ –ˈlɑ:d ʒə – l ɑ:k pɑ: – p ɑ:m –ˈpɑ:sl – p ɑ:k

5. Произнесите следующие слова с аффрикатами [t ʃ], [d ʒ] в начальной и конечной позициях . tʃɪn – dʒɪn tʃi:z – dʒi:z pæt ʃ – bæd ʒ tʃɪl – dʒɪl tʃɪps – 'dʒɪps ɪ fet ʃ – ed ʒ tʃæk– dʒæk tʃest – dʒest kæt ʃ – hed ʒ

6. Произнесите следующие слова с взрывными согласными [t], [d], щелевы- ми [ ʃ], [ ʒ] и аффрикатами [tʃ], [dʒ], соблюдая особенности их артикуляции . tɪp – t ʃɪp di:n – d ʒi:n 'dɪʃɪz – 'dɪtʃɪz tæp – t ʃæp dæn – d ʒæn 'spi: ʃɪ z – 'spi:t ʃɪ z

67 pi:t – pi:t ʃ bæd – bæd ʒ 'mɪʃə n – 'mɪtʃəl

7. Произнесите следующие слова с согласными [ ʃ], [ ʒ] в различных позици- ях в слове . а) ʃi: dɪʃ læ ʃ mæ ʃ 'fɪʃɪ z 'fæ ʃə n ʃi:t fɪʃ dæ ʃ smæ ʃ 'dɪʃɪ z 'se ʃə n

б) 'me ʒə 'vɪʒə n dɪ'sɪʒə n – p ə'mɪʃə n 'ple ʒə 'si: ʒə dɪ'vɪʒə n – k ə'mɪʃə n

8. Произнесите , соблюдая плавность соединения гласных и согласных на стыке слов . а)

ə‿ li:f ə‿ dɪʃ ə‿ let ə tə‿ fet ʃ tə‿ dʒɪ l ə‿ lɪd ə‿ mæt ʃ ə‿ pensl tə‿ fɪʃ tə‿ dʒi:n ə‿ ʃelf ə‿ st ɪtʃ ə‿ lem ən tə‿ fi:l tə‿ dʒæk

б) ʃi·z‿ ɪl ən‿ i:l ənd ‿ ed ɪ ɪts‿ el ən‿ i:gl ənd ‿ ænt ənɪ ɪt‿ endz ən‿ ænɪməl ənd ‿ ælən

в) si:l ‿ɪt mæt ʃ‿ɪt sel ‿ɪt tʃek ‿ɪt bɪ gɪn‿ɪt li:v ‿əs fɪl‿ɪt fæt ʃ‿ɪt spel ‿ɪt kæt ʃ‿ɪt fɪnɪʃ ‿ɪt tel ‿əs

9. Произнесите , соблюдая ассимиляцию на стыке слов . а) ə 'bɪg‿ ʃɪ p ə 'blæk ‿ ʃi:p ə 'bæk ‿ sent ə ə 'di:p ‿ si: ə 'sæd ‿ sɪn ə 'bæd ‿ fɪlm

б) ə 'flæt ‿ lɪd ə 'bɪg‿ læb ə 'bæd ‿ lesn ə 'blæk ‿ læm


68 'lend ‿mi · ə hæm ə 'mi:t ‿mi · ət sevn 'let mi · si: 'send ‿mi · ə let ə 'get ‿mi · ən æpl 'let mi · fet ʃ ɪt

10. Произнесите следующие пары слов с монофтонгом [e] и дифтонгом [e ɪ].

et – eɪt fed – feɪd tʃes – tʃeɪs led – le ɪd nel – ne ɪl let – leɪt bed – beɪd tʃek – ʃeɪk ʃed – ʃeɪd pen – pe ɪn

11. Произнесите , соблюдая явление потери взрыва в сочетаниях смычно - взрывных согласных внутри слова и на стыке слов . ækt tækt pækt lægd ˈkæpt ɪn ˈæsp əkt ɪks ˈpekt ət‿ te ɪbl ət‿ ten 'eɪt‿ pi:pl ə 'flæt‿ ple ɪn ə 'bæd ‿ det ə 'tʃi:p ‿ tɪkɪt ə 'bɪg‿ bɪzn ɪs

12. Произнесите , не допуская озвончения глухих согласных перед звонкими и звонких перед глухими на стыке слов . fæt ‿ bi:f eɪt‿ gɪfts ə blæk ‿ dʒæk ɪt ə bɪg ple ɪt ə bæd ‿ pe ɪn de ɪt‿ bæk ə di:p ‿ dɪʃ ə sæd ‿ te ɪl

13. Произнесите следующие слова со звуком [ θ] в различной позиции . θaɪz θɪn mɪθ bɪˈni: θ ˈθɪkɪʃ ˈeθɪk θi:m θɪk dep θ sm ɪθ ˈθɪkɪt ˈme θəd θi:f θeft ke ɪθ ti: θ ˈθɪə tə ˈæθli:t

14. Произнесите следующие слова со звуком [ð] в различной позиции . ði: ðæt ði:z ˈleð ə sa ɪð ða ɪ ðen ðɪs ˈgæð ə be ɪð ða ɪn ðem ðæt təˈgeð ə le ɪð

15. Произнесите слова с парными согласными . а) si:m – θi:m fe ɪs – fe ɪθ be ɪz – be ɪð sɪn – θɪn mɪs – m ɪθ sa ɪz – sa ɪð sɪk – θɪk ti:z – ti: θ ˈna ɪsə – na ɪðə

б) fa ɪ – θaɪ ˈfɪtɪd – ˈθɪkɪt vi: – ði: væn – ðæn fet ʃ – θæt ʃ ˈfɪnɪʃ – ˈθɪnɪʃ va ɪn – ða ɪn væt – ðæt

69 16. Произнесите , сохраняя чёткую артикуляцию [ θ], [ð] и [s], [z] при их со- единении на конце слов . mɪsθ de θs fɪfθs be ɪðz sm ɪθs dep θs mæ θs sa ɪðz

17. Произнесите , соблюдая различия при произнесении артикля the перед согласными и перед гласными . ðə θi:m – ði · i:st ðə si:zn – ði · æpl ðə ti: θ – ði · i:t ə ðə ti:t ʃə – ði · eld ɪst ðə hænd – ði · end ðə me θəd – ði · eθɪk ðə tʃɛə – ði · ɛə ðə smɪθs – ði · æθli:t

18. Произнесите слова , соблюдая правила артикуляции альвеолярных фонем на стыке с межзубными . а) ˈænθəm sɪks θ na ɪnθ tel ‿ðəm i:t ‿ðəm mend ‿ðem ˈsɪnθəsɪs ˈsevnθ eɪtθ sel ‿ðəm mi:t ‿ðem li:d ‿ðəm б) ɪts ðɪs ʃi·z ð best ʃi∙z ðɛə ɪts ‿ðə θɪə tə ɪts ðæt hi ·z ði∙ eld ɪst ʃi∙z θɪn ɪts ‿ðə sek ənd

19. Произнесите следующие слова , учитывая особенности артикуляции изучен- ных фонем . [ˈbet ə | ˈli:də | te ɪlə | pa ɪpə | ne ɪtʃə | bædʒə |ˈti:t ʃə | ˈsɪst ə | ˈdɪnə | ˈɑ:ft ə]

Правила образования и произнесения грамматических форм слов , оканчивающихся на шипящий или свистящий звук

Существительные , оканчивающиеся на [s], [z], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ ʃ] оформляются во множественном числе морфемой -es, которая произносится [ ɪz]: [mæt ʃ] → [ˈmæt ʃɪ z] Притяжательный падеж существительных на [s], [z], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ ʃ] образу- ется с помощью форманта ‘s, который произносится [ ɪz]: [ dʒeɪmz ɪz bæg] → James’s bag. Такую же форму в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего простого времени имеют глаголы с основой , оканчивающейся на один из этих звуков : teach → he teaches [ ˈti:tʃɪ z]

70 Упражнения 1. Прочитайте а) имена существительные во множественном числе б) имена собственные в притяжательном падеже в) глаголы в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего простого времени . а) kisses, wishes, edges, matches; б) Tess’s, Bess’s, Charles’s, George’s, Liz’s, Davies, Candice; в) teaches, misses, itches, catches.

2. Протранскрибируйте имена собственные в притяжательном падеже . Grace’s hat, Finch’s flat, Charles’s mother, George’s tablet, James’s friend, Tess’ hat, Jim Page’s table, Ben Mash’s niece, Tim Richards’ computer

3. Произнесите , следя за правильностью артикуляции звуков [ θ], [ð] в связной речи . ðɪs ɪz ə bæg || ɪts me ɪd əv blæk leðə || ð ɪs bæg ɪz dʒeɪnz || ðɪs ɪz dʒeɪn || ʃi∙ ɪz ət ð ə lesn || ɪts ə lesn əv mæ θɪ mæt ɪks || dʒeɪn la ɪks mæ θs || ðɪs ɪz æg əθə || ʃi·z ði eld ɪst tʃaɪld ɪn ð ə fæm ɪlɪ || ʃi∙z ɪ levn || ʃi∙ k ən ple ɪ bædm ɪnt ən || ʃi∙ la ɪks ð ə ge ɪm ||

4. Произнесите , соблюдая правильность артикуляции и соединения зву- ков в связной речи . ɪts ten 'mɪnɪts t ə sevn || ke ɪt ɪznt ɪn jet || ʃi∙ ɪz le ɪt ə ge ɪn || dʒeɪn ɪz ke ɪts si:st ə || ʃi∙ ɪz ke ɪts eld ə s ɪst ə || ʃi k ən ple ɪ ten ɪs ənd tʃes ||

5. Произнесите фразы по разметке , следя за интонацией , ритмом и плавно- стью соединения звуков на стыке слов . После этого напишите предложения буквами , пользуясь при необходимости словарём , прослушайте их ещё раз и прочитайте без разметки , имитируя интонацию диктора . ʃi∙‿ɪz eɪt || ʃi∙‿ɪz‿ɪ levn || a ɪ‿əm‿ eɪt || a ɪ‿əm‿ɪ levn || ma ɪ ne ɪm‿ɪz‿ ed || ma ɪ ne ɪm‿ɪz‿ æn || ma ɪ sɪst əz ne ɪm‿ɪz‿ em ɪlɪ || ma ɪ ni:s ɪz ne ɪm‿ɪz ægn ɪs || ə pi:s ‿ əv ke ɪk || ə sla ɪs‿əv lem ən || ə sla ɪs‿əv tʃi:z || mi:t ma ɪk ət‿ na ɪn || a ɪd‿ la ɪk‿ t ə si: ə dʒæk ɪt || a ɪ m əst ba ɪ‿ɪt t ə de ɪ || aɪm sevn ti:n t ə de ɪ || lets mi:t ət‿ma ɪ ple ɪs || lets mi:t ət‿ eɪt || ɪt ɪznt ‿ le ɪt | ɪz ɪt || aɪd‿ la ɪk t ə ba ɪ ə ke ɪk || lets ba ɪ s əm‿ æplz b ɪ sa ɪdz || ɪts fa ɪv || ɪts ti:ta ɪm || lets hæv ti: ‿ənd s əm æplpa ɪ ||

71 6. а) Прослушайте и объясните употребление той или иной интонационной модели . б) Отработайте чтение следующих предложений , обращая внимание на артикуляцию звука [ θ].

1. I thought April the twelfth was a Tuesday, but it’s a Thursday. 2. A: I’ve got three birthdays this month. B: Three birthdays? What do you mean A: My wife’s, my son’s and my daughter’s! 3. It’s thirteen degrees in the north, and thirty in the south. 4. A: One third is thirty three percent, isn’t it? B: Thirty three and a third percent to be exact.

7. Произнесите , следя за правильностью произнесения заднеязычного со- нанта [ ŋ] в связной речи . æn ɪz ət ð ə lesn || ɪts ən ɪŋgl ɪs lesn || ʃi∙ ɪz sɪtɪŋ ət ð ə desk || ʃi∙ ɪz lɪst ənɪŋ tə ð ə ti:tʃə || ʃi∙ ɪz lɪst ənɪŋ ə tent ɪvl ɪ|| ðɪs ɪz mɪs sm ɪθ || ʃi∙ ɪz ə ta ɪpɪst || ʃi∙ ɪz ta ɪpɪŋ let əz fə ð ə mænədʒə || ʃi∙ məst fɪnɪʃ ðəm ba ɪ ði i:vn ɪŋ ||

8. Прочитайте вслух . he shaves; it bites; she takes; he wishes; he pipes; she dives; he hikes; she cries; he fishes; she wakes; he catches; it itches; he bakes; she senses; it shakes; he apes; it matches; he fakes; it splashes; he tapes; she advises; she weaves; he edges; she dis- likes; he states; he fetches

9. Образуйте словоформы имён существительных и глаголов , оканчивающих- ся на шипящие и свистящие . Запишите их в транскрипции . Придумайте 4-5 собственных примеров . 1. wish → seven …; 2. itch → it …; 3. barge → ten …; 4. peach → five …; 5. wish → she …; 6. change → it …; 7. teach → she …; 8. cage → two …; 9. gaze → George …; 10. witch → three …

10. Прочитайте фразы по интонограммам .

This is a text. This is a shelf. This is a knife. This is a child.

That pen is thick. That man is sick.

This is a white car and that is a black car. This is a thin line and that is a thick line.

72 This match is thin and that match is thick. This child is six and that child is eight. This tie is Ted’s and that tie is Mark’s.

Give them this text, please. Send them this plan, please. Lend him this knife, please. Give him that fish, please.

Bill and Mark are teachers. Emm and Kate are typists. Emm and Bess are sis-

ters. Ned and Steve are Swedish.

I like the knives. They are clean. He likes the flats. They are large. She likes the pens. They are thin.

Вопросы 1. Опишите артикуляцию фонем [ ɑ:], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ θ], [ð], [ ʃ], [ ʒ]? 2. Как избежать следующих ошибок при арткуляции фонем : – русское [ а] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɑ:] – русское [ ч] при артикуляции фонемы [t ʃ] – русские [ ш], [ ж] при артикуляции фонем [ʃ], [ ʒ]? 3. Происходит ли качественное изменение фонем [s], [z] в сочетаниях с [ θ], [ð]? 4. Какие фонетические явления наблюдаются в сочетаниях фонем [t], [d], [n], [l] с [ θ], [ð]? 5. В чём отличие прогрессивной ассимиляции от регрессивной ? Приведите собственные примеры . 6. Как произносится неопределённый артикль , если он находится перед сло- вом , начинающимся с гласного звука ? с согласного звука ? 1. Как произносятся существительные во множественном числе , оканчиваю- щиеся на [s], [z], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ ʃ]?

Фонемы [ ʌ], [u:], [ ʊ], [ ɒ], [ ɔ:], [ ŋ], [ ɜ:], [r], [ ɜʊ ]

Фонема [ ʌ] [ʌ] – краткий монофтонг . При произнесении [ ʌ] рот открыт достаточно широко , губы нейтральны , язык несколько оттянут назад , не так далеко , как для [ ɑ:], но дальше , чем для русского [ а]. Задняя часть языка слегка приподня- та к передней части мягкого нёба . Фонема [ ʌ] напоминает русское [ а] в преду- дарном слоге , но , в отличие от русского звука , английский [ ʌ] бывает всегда ударным , более кратким , напряженным и более задним .

73 Фонема [u:] [u:] – дифтонгоид . При произнесении гласного [u:] губы напряжены и сильно округлены , но не выдвинуты вперёд , в отличие от русского [ у]. Язык оттянут назад и задняя спинка языка поднята к мягкому нёбу , но не так глубо- ко и высоко , как для русского [ у]. Дифтонгоидный характер произнесения гласного проявляется в том , что при артикуляции [u:] язык от менее высокого и слегка выдвинутого вперёд положения переходит к более высокому и ото- двинутому назад . Фонема [u:] часто встречается в сочетании с предшествую- щим сонантом [j], под влиянием которого она становится более передним зву- ком . Фонема [ ʊ] [ʊ] – краткий монофтонг . При произнесении [ ʊ] губы слегка округлены , язык оттянут назад , но не так далеко , как при [u:]. Задняя часть языка припод- нята меньше , чем при [u:]. В случае ошибки типа русского [ у] следует продви- нуть язык вперёд и не вытягивать губы вперёд .

Фонема [ ɒ] При произнесении [ ɒ] губы слегка округены , но не выдвинуты вперёд . Расстояние между челюстями широкое . Язык отодвинут назад , задняя спинка языка поднимается к мягкому нёбу ( немного выше , чем при [ ɑ:]). Гласный [ ɒ] всегда произносится чётко и кратко , но с ощутимым мускульным напряжени- ем . При ошибке типа русского [ о] следует добиваться более открытой артику- ляции , ослабить лабиализацию , увеличить расстояние между челюстями , до- биться максимальной краткости произнесения звука .

Фонема [ ɔ:] [ɔ:] – долгий монофтонг . При произнесении гласного [ ɔ:] губы округлены и слегка выдвинуты вперёд , но не так сильно , как для русского [ о], язык оття- нут назад , но немного дальше , чем для [ ɒ]. Задняя спинка языка поднята к мяг- кому нёбу несколько выше , чем для [ ɒ]. Все артикулирующие органы напря- жены ; звук произносится долго и н меняет своего качества от начала до конца . При ошибке типа русского [ о] следует добиваться более открытой артикуля- ции . По сравнению с [ ɒ] гласный звук [ ɔ:] менее открытый и более лабиализо- ванный . Фонема [ ŋ] При произнесении сонанта [ ŋ] кончик языка находится у корней нижних зубов , задняя часть языка касается мягкого нёба , мягкое нёбо опущено , и воз- дух проходит через полость носа . В русском языке подобного звука нет . В слу- чае ошибки типа [n] или [ н] следует шире открыть рот , следя , чтобы кончик языка не поднимался к верхним зубам или альвеолам .

Фонема [r] Фонема [r] – щелевой сонант . При его артикуляции губы напряжены , но не выдвинуты вперёд , кончик языка поднимается к заднему скату альвеол , но не касается его , образуя довольно широкую щель , через которую проходит

74 воздух . Язык неподвижен , не вибрирует . При ошибке типа русского [ ж] следу- ет сделать щель между языком и альвеолами более широкой .

Фонема [ ɜ:] При произнесении гласного [ ɜ:] губы напряжены и слегка растянуты . Кончик языка касается основания нижних зубов . Вся спинка языка , включая его кончик , равномерно приподнята и лежит максимально плоско в полости рта . Расстояние между челюстями небольшое . В русском языке подобного зву- ка нет . При ошибке типа русского [ э] следует сделать поверхность языка более плоской , не поднимая спинку языка . При ошибке типа русского [ о] необходи- мо подтянуть язык немного вперед . Фонема [ ɜʊ ] Фонема [ ɜʊ ] — дифтонг , ядро которого напоминает английский гласный звук [ ɜ:], скольжение происходит в направлении [ ʊ]. В случае ошибки типа русского [ оу ] надо следить за тем , чтобы губы не были вытянуты вперёд , язык следует продвинуть вперёд . При ошибке типа русского [ эу ] следует не растя- гивать губы ( губы округлены ) и несколько оттянуть язык назад .

Упражнения 1. Произнесите , соблюдая правила артикуляции . ʌ u: ʊ ɒ ɔ: ɔɪ ŋ r ɜ:

2. Произнесите слова со звуком [ ʊ], соблюдая правила его артикуляции . bʊk bʊʃ ʃʊ k tʊk pʊt pʊʃ lʊk kʊk

3. Произнесите , обращая внимание на различия в длительности [ ʊ] а) перед звонкими и глухими согласными ; б) в конечном и неконечном ударном слоге . а) bʊl – b ʊʃ kʊd – k ʊk rʊm – r ʊk pʊl – p ʊt ʃʊ d – ʃʊ k hʊd – h ʊk

б) pʊl – ˈpʊlɪŋ bʊk – ˈbʊkɪʃ fʊt – ˈfʊtə fʊl – ˈfʊlɪ pʊt – ˈpʊtɪŋ kʊk – ˈkʊkə gʊd – ˈgʊdn ɪs bʊʃ – ˈbʊʃɪ lʊk – ˈlʊkɪŋ

4. Произнесите , обращая внимание на большую четкость произнесения гласного [ ʊ] в ударном слоге по сравнению с безударным . bʊk – ˈde ɪbʊk bʊkŋ – ˈtʃekb ʊk pʊt – ˈɪnp ʊt fʊl – ˈkɛə fʊl fʊt –ˈbɛə fʊt rʊm – ˈbedr ʊm bʊʃ – ˈkʌrəntb ʊʃ hʊd – ˈtʃaɪldh ʊd 75

5. Произнесите следующие односложные слова со звуком [ ʊ]. Следите за краткостью , ненапряжённостью и усечённым характером звука . а) full sugar book foot would woman My bag’ full. My left foot. Who’ that woman?

6. Произнесите следующие слова со звуком [u:], соблюдая долготу , напря- жённость и дифтонгоидный характер звука . du: tu: zu: ʃu: su: hu: 7. Произнесите , соблюдая позиционную долготу гласного [u:]. bu: – bu:z – bu:m – ˈbu:m ɪŋ – bu:t lu: – lu:z – lu:m – ˈlu:m ɪŋ – lu:s hu: – hu:z – hu:m – ˈhu:p ɪŋ – hu:p tu: – tu:z – tu:l – ˈstu:p ɪŋ – tu: θ

8. Произнесите , следя за тем , чтобы гласные [ ʊ], [u:] различались по дол- готе и качеству . ʃʊ k – ʃu:t kʊk – ku:t tʊk – tu: θ pʊl – pu:l bʊk – bu:t fʊt – fru:t gʊd – fu:d fʊl – fu:l

9. Произнесите следующие пары слов с гласным [u:]. а) ku: – kju: fu:d – fju:d mu:s – mju:z du: – dju: hu:z – hju:z tu:n – tju:n

б) ˈbu:t ɪ – bju:t ɪ ˈlu:s ɪ –ˈlju: ɪs ˈsu:ð ɪŋ – ˈsju: ɪt ˈmu:d ɪ – ˈmju:z ɪk ˈpu:dl – ˈpju:m ə ˈstu:p ɪŋ – ˈstl̩u:p ɪd

10. Произнесите , соблюдаяправильную артикуляцию звуков [ ʊ], [u:]. а) blu: bru:d sku:l ˈglu:m ɪ ˈtru: θfʊl glu: gru:m stu:l ˈdru:p ɪŋ ˈpru:fl ɪs flu: ʃru:d spu:n ˈtru:l ɪ ˈbr ʊkl ɪn klu: fru:t sku:t ˈpru:d ənt ˈkr ʊkɪd

б) Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию монофтонга [u:]. two group shoe music new too fruit Me too.

76 Work in groups. Listen to the music. Forty-two. Fruit juice.

11. Прослушайте и запишите в транскрипции слова со звуком [ ɜ:], произ- носимые диктором .

12. Прослушайте двух - и трёхсложные слова со звуком [ ɜ:] в безударной позиции . Запишите слова в транскрипции , не забывая ставить ударение перед ударным слогом .

13. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [ ɜ:] и [ ɔ:]. Запишите их в транс- крипции .

14. Прослушайте пары слов со звуком [ ɜ:] перед звонкими согласными и сонантом l. Запишите слова в транскрипции .

15. Прослушайте пары слов со звуками [ ɜ:] и [e]. Запишите их в транскрип- ции .

16. Прослушайте и запишите в транскрипции слова со звуком [ ɜ:] в различ- ных позициях .

17. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию монофтонга [ ɜ:].

What date is it today? – Er… I think it’s the tenth. bird thirty worth journey learn dessert first word worst early service weren’t birthday work turn earth Germany verb circle world Thursday heard prefer university

1. My birthday is on Thursday the thirty first and hers is a week later. 2. When would you prefer – Tuesday or Thursday? 3. That was the worst journey in the world. 4. Have you ever heard this word? 5. The cakes weren’t very good. – I thought they were. 6. She went to university to learn German.

18. Произнесите следующие слова с гласным [ ɒ]. Не допускайте сильной лабиализации звука , следите за его открытостью , краткостью и усечённостью . а) ɒn rɒb rɒŋ tɒm gɒt ʃɒ p tɒt bɒs rɒk bɒks 77 ɒd dʒɒ b sɒŋ bɒm nɒt wɒp hɒt kl ɒθ kl ɒk sɒks б) ˈkɒpɪ ˈbɒtənɪ ˈsɒlɪd ˈbɒtl ˈdɒkt ə ˈkr ɒsɪŋ ˈkɒfɪ ˈpɒlɪsɪ ˈhɒrɪd ˈmɒdn ˈtʃɒ kl ət ˈkɒstju:m в) ˈkɒlɪdʒ ˈkɒns ənənt ˈfr ɒst ɪ ˈkɒtn ˈpr ɒbl əm ˈnɒlɪdʒ ˈfɒrɪnə ˈkɒstl ɪ ˈtr ɒdn ˈpɒpl ə

19. Произнесите , учитывая позиционную долготу гласного [ ɒ] перед звон- кими и глухими согласными .

nɒd – n ɒt dɒg – d ɒk mɒb – m ɒp wɒz – w ɒʃ lɒg – lɒk rɒd – r ɒk fr ɒgz – fr ɒk fɒgz – f ɒks

20. Произнесите следующие слова со звуком [ ɔ:]. Соблюдайте долготу и напряжённость гласного .

tɔ: dɔ: rɔ: sɔ: kɔ: pɔ: ʃɔ : lɔ: θɔ: mɔ:

21. Произнесите , учитывая позиционную долготу гласного [ ɔ:].

pɔ: – p ɔ:l – p ɔ:t ə – p ɔ:t bɔ: – b ɔ:n – b ɔ:d ə – b ɔ:t fɔ: – f ɔ:m – f ɔ:t ɪ– f ɔ:k ʃɔ : – ʃɔ :l – ʃɔ :t ə – ʃɔ :t

22. Произнесите , соблюдая качественные и количественные различия меж- ду гласными [ ɔ:] и [ ɒ]. а) ɒn – ɔ:l ˈɒnɪst – ˈɔ:g əst ˈɒnə – ˈɔ:d ə ˈɒml ɪt – ˈɔ:t ʃə d ˈɒrəl –ˈɔ:θə ˈɒpʃə n – ˈɔ:lw ɪz ˈɒfə – ɔ:f ʊl ˈɒbd ʒɪ kt – ˈɔ:dj əns б) nɒt – n ɔ:t sp ɒt – sp ɔ:t ˈsɒsɪdʒ –ˈsɔ:s ə ˈmɒdɪst –ˈmɔ:n ɪŋ ʃɒ p – ʃɔ :t ˈbɒdɪ – ˈbɔ:d ə ˈnɒlɪdʒ – ˈnɔ:t ɪ ˈst ɒkɪŋ –ˈst ɔ:r ɪ

23. Произнесите слова с гласными [ ɔ:], [ ɒ] в позиции после сонанта [w], со- блюдая быстрый переход от артикуляции сонанта к гласному . wɒt wɒtʃ ˈwɒnd ə ˈkw ɒrəl wɔ: wɔ:m wɔ:k wɒʃ wɒnt sw ɒn ˈkw ɒlɪtɪ ˈwɔ:t ə wɔ:l wɔ:n ɪŋ

24. Произнесите , обращая внимание на сохранение качества гласных [ ɔ:], [ɒ] в безударной позиции . ˈdɪfθɒŋ ˈti:p ɒt ˈsʌmb ɒdɪ ˈfʊtb ɔ:l ɔ:ˈθent ɪk

78 ˈmɒnəfθɒŋ ˈblækb ɔ:d ˈsa ɪdb ɔ:d ˈvɒlɪbɔ:l ɔ:l ˈred ɪ

25. Произнесите слова с гласными [ ɔ:] и [ɑ:]. kɑ: – k ɔ: lɑ:d – lɔ:d ˈfɑ:mə –ˈfɔ:mə mɑ: – mɔ: kɑ:t – k ɔ:t ˈkɑ:mə –ˈkɔ:nə fɑ: – fɔ: bɑ:n – bɔ:n ˈpɑ:tɪ –ˈpɔ:tə bɑ: – bɔ: hɑ:d – hɔ:d ˈst ɑ:rɪŋ – ˈst ɔ:rɪ

26. Произнесите , избегая твёрдого приступа на стыке слов . а) ði∙‿ˈɒpr ə ði∙‿ˈɒbd ʒɪ kt ði∙‿ˈɔ:θə ði∙‿ˈɔ:dj əns ði∙‿ ˈɒfɪs ði∙‿ˈɒrɪdʒɪ n ði∙‿ˈɔ:t ʃə d ði∙‿ˈɔ:n əmənt

б) tu ‿ˈɔ:d ə tu ‿ˈɒfə tu ‿ ɑ:sk tu ‿ i:t tu ‿ˈɔ:lt ə tu ‿ˈɒpəre ɪt tu ‿ˈɑ:ns ə

27. Произнесите односложные слова со звуком [ ʌ]. pʌb dʌg mʌd sʌn kl ʌŋ θʌm sʌŋ kʌt mʌtʃ rʌb bʌg θʌd tʌn rʌŋ sʌm lʌŋ ʃʌ t tʌtʃ

28. Произнесите следующие двухсложные слова со звуком [ ʌ] в ударном слоге .

ˈbʌtə ˈnʌmb ə ˈmʌðə ˈmʌnd ɪ ˈfʌnɪ əˈmʌŋgst ˈkʌtɪŋ ˈmʌtə ˈsʌpə ˈsʌðən ˈsʌnd ɪ ˈmʌnɪ ˈjʌŋst ə ˈʃʌ tɪŋ ˈmʌst əd ˈbʌdʒɪ t ˈsʌbd ʒɪ kt ˈrʌʃ n ˈsʌnɪ ˈsʌdn ˈhʌnt ɪŋ

29. Произнесите , избегая твёрдого приступа гласного [ ʌ] в начальной по- зиции в слове .

ʌp ˈʌpə ˈʌnd ə ˈʌpsa ɪd ˈʌtərəns ˈʌgl ɪ ʌs ˈʌðə ˈʌnj ən ˈʌpra ɪt ˈʌlt ɪmɪt ˈʌnkl

30. Произнесите следующие слова .

bɪg – beg – b ʊg pɪk – pek – pl ʌk nɪt – net – n ʌt pɪg – peg – pl ʌg bɪt – bet – b ʌt lɪt – let – l ʌk

31. Произнесите , соблюдая различия между гласными [ ʌ] и [ ɑ:] по качеству и долготе . 79 а) bʌd – b ɑ:d kʌm – kɑ:m dʌk – d ɑ:k mʌtʃ – mɑ:t ʃ bʌz –bɑ:z bʌn – bɑ:n lʌk – lɑ:k nʌdʒ – l ɑ:d ʒ

б) 'fɑ:ð ər ənd mʌðə|| 'ʌnd ə ði∙ ɑ:mt ʃeə|| 'ɑ:sk mʌðə|| 'kɑ:z ənd bʌsɪz|| 'ʌnd ə ð ə kɑ:p ɪt|| 'rɑ:ð ə dʌl|| 'kʌps ənd gl ɑ:s ɪz|| 'rʌn fɑ:st|| 'dɑ:k kʌləz||

32. Произнесите , соблюдая плавность перехода к артикуляции звуков [ ʌ], [ɑ:] на стыке слов при соединении двух гласных . ði∙‿ʌpə ði∙‿ʌðə ði∙‿ʌnj ən ði∙‿ɑ:ls ə ði∙‿ɑ:ns ə ði∙‿ɑ:t ʃə ði∙‿ʌnkl ði∙‿ʌʃə ði∙‿ʌtərən ði∙‿ʌpl ɪft ði∙‿ɑ:t ɪst ði∙‿ɑ:b ɪtə s

33. Произнесите , соблюдая правильность артикуляции гласных [ ʌ] и [ ɑ:] в связной речи . 1. ma ɪ 'fɑ:ð ər‿ənd 'mʌðər‿ɑ∙ ti:t ʃə z || ðe ɪ 'ti:t ʃ rʌʃ n || 2. 'ɑ:θər‿ənd 'tʃɑ :lz ɑ∙ br ʌðəz || ðe ɪ ɑ∙ 'st ʌdɪɪŋ rʌʃ n || ðe ɪ 'θɪŋk ɪts ə 'dɪfɪkəlt sʌbd ʒɪ kt || 3. 'ri:d ə'nʌðə pær əgr əf || 4. 'ra ɪt ə'nʌðə sent əns || 5. 'gɪv ə'nʌðər‿ ɪgz ɑ:mpl || 34. Произнесите следующие односложные слова с сонантом [ ŋ] в конечной позиции . sɪŋ θɪŋ k ɪŋ d ɪŋ l ɪŋ bæ ŋ sæ ŋ pæ ŋ fæ ŋ

35. Произнесите слова с сонантом [ ŋ] перед согласными [k], [g]. sɪŋk bæ ŋk ˈæŋgə ˈmɪŋgl ˈɪŋgl ɪʃ θɪŋk st ɪŋk ˈæŋgl ˈsɪŋgl ˈfɪŋgə kl ɪŋk pɪŋk ˈdæ ŋgl ˈdɪŋgl ˈlɪŋgə

36. Произнесите слова с переднеязычным альвеолярным сонантом [n] и заднеязычным [ ŋ]. sɪn – s ɪŋ kɪn – k ɪŋ bæn – bæ ŋ hen – hæ ŋ θɪn – θɪŋ kli:n – kl ɪŋ fæn – fæ ŋ pæn – pæ ŋ

37. Произнесите слова с сонантами [n] и [ ŋ] в сочетании со звонкими со- гласными на конце слова . sɪnz – s ɪŋz bænz – bæ ŋz li:nz – l ɪŋz tɪnz – θɪŋz fænz – fæ ŋz kli:nz – kl ɪŋz 80

ˈmɪtnz – ˈmi:t ɪŋz hænd – hæ ŋd ˈkɪtnz – ˈfɪtɪŋz bænd – bæ ŋd

38. Произнесите , соблюдая заднеязычную артикуляцию сонанта [ ŋ]. а) ˈi:t ɪŋ ˈli:d ɪŋ ˈsɪtɪŋ ˈsl̩ɪpɪg ˈtæp ɪŋ ˈmi:t ɪŋ ˈfi:d ɪŋ ˈfɪtɪŋ ˈsɪpɪŋ ˈklæp ɪŋ ˈsend ɪŋ ˈfe ɪdɪŋ ˈsɪbl ɪŋ ˈfɪlɪŋ ˈbend ɪŋ ˈlend ɪŋ ˈte ɪkɪŋ ˈsi:l ɪŋ ˈfi:l ɪŋ ˈla ɪtn ɪŋ б) pe ɪ – ˈpe ɪɪŋ ba ɪ – ˈba ɪɪŋ fla ɪ – ˈfla ɪɪŋ ple ɪ – ˈple ɪɪŋ da ɪ – ˈda ɪɪŋ ta ɪ – ˈta ɪɪŋ ste ɪ – ˈste ɪɪŋ la ɪ – ˈla ɪɪŋ sa ɪ – ˈsa ɪɪŋ

39. Произнесите слова с сонантом [ ŋ] в конечной и срединной позициях . ˈbæ ŋɪŋ ˈhæ ŋɪŋ ˈsɪŋɪŋ ˈ kl ɪŋɪŋ ˈdɪŋɪŋ ˈfl ɪŋɪŋ ˈst ɪŋɪŋ

40. Произнесите , соблюдая слитность сонанта [ ŋ] и последующего гласно- го на стыке слов . а) sma ɪlɪŋ‿ət ə tʃaɪld sɪtɪŋ‿ɪn ə tʃɛə step ɪŋ‿ə sa ɪd stænd ɪŋ‿ət ə desk i:t ɪŋ‿ən æpl me ɪkɪŋ‿ə pa ɪ

б) en ɪθɪŋ‿ els fi:dɪŋ‿ ænɪməlz si: ɪŋ‿ æg əθə bi: ɪŋ‿ æbs ənt i:t ɪŋ‿ æplz vɪzɪtɪŋ‿ æn bi: ɪŋ‿ ɪl spend ɪŋ‿ i:vn ɪŋz ɪnva ɪtɪŋ‿ em ɪlɪ

41. Произнесите следующие слова с сонантом [r] в начальной позиции . ræt ˈræpɪd red ˈred ɪ re ɪ ra ɪ rɛə ræp ˈrægɪd rep ˈred ɪʃ re ɪd ra ɪd rɛə lɪ ræk ˈrækɪt rek ˈret ʃɪ d re ɪz ra ɪz rɪə ræ ʃ ˈræns əm rest ˈresl ɪŋ re ɪl ra ɪm rɪə lɪ ræn ˈrætl rent ˈrek ən re ɪs ra ɪs rɪə ltɪ

42. Произнесите следующие слова с сонантом [r] перед гласными [ ɪ], [i:]. rɪb rɪðm ri:p ri: θ ˈrɪtn ˈrɪtʃəd ˈri:d ə ˈri:p ə rɪd rɪsk ri:d ri:ðz ˈrɪzn ˈrɪvə ˈri:zn ˈri:k ɪŋ 81 rɪŋ rɪns ri:l ri:k ˈrɪbn ˈrɪpl ˈri:g ən ˈri:t ʃɪŋ rɪtʃ rɪst ri:t ʃ ri:f ˈrɪdʒɪ d ˈrɪŋkl ˈri:d ʒə nt ˈri:l ɪŋ

43. Произнесите следующие слова , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию дифтонга [ ɜʊ ] после различных согласных и сочетаний гласных . а) kɜʊ gɜʊ hɜʊ kɜʊ p kɜʊ p kɜʊ n kɜʊ t gɜʊ t hɜʊ m hɜʊ p hɜʊ p kɜʊ l kɜʊ ld gɜʊ ld hɜʊ ld gɜʊ z gɜʊ z hɜʊ l kɜʊ st gɜʊ st hɜʊ st hɜʊ z hɜʊ z gɜʊ l б) dɜʊ tɜʊ lɜʊ nɜʊ sɜʊ ʃɜʊ dʒɜʊ dɜʊ m tɜʊ n lɜʊ t nɜʊ n sɜʊ n ʃɜʊ n dʒɜʊ k dɜʊ t tɜʊ d lɜʊ ð nɜʊ z sɜʊ l ʃɜʊ l tʃɜʊ k dɜʊ nt tɜʊ st lɜʊ f nɜʊ t sɜʊ k ˈʃɜʊ ld ə tʃɜʊ kɪ в) pɜʊ bɜʊ mɜʊ fɜʊ wɜʊ ðɜʊ pɜʊ z bɜʊ z mɜʊ z fɜʊ z wɜʊ z ðɜʊ z pɜʊ l bɜʊ l mɜʊ l fɜʊ m wɜʊ nt vɜʊ g pɜʊ st bɜʊ st mɜʊ st fɜʊ ks wɜʊ k vɜʊ t г) rɜʊ rɜʊ m ˈrɜʊ mən rɜʊ d rɜʊ l ˈrɜʊ lɪŋ rɜʊ z rɜʊ p ˈrɜʊ zərɪ rɜʊ b rɜʊ st ˈrɜʊ lənd д) kr ɜʊ br ɜʊ tʃ st ɜʊ n kl ɜʊ z ˈpl ɜʊʒ n pr ɜʊ z br ɜʊ k st ɜʊ l kl ɜʊ ðz ˈpl ɜʊ sɪv θrɜʊ gr ɜʊ st ɜʊ v gl ɜʊ z ˈsl ɜʊ gən θrɜʊ t gr ɜʊθ st ɜʊ k bl ɜʊ z ˈsl ɜʊθfʊl

44. Произнесите следующие слова , следя за позиционной долгот ой ди- фтонга [ ɜʊ ]. lɜʊ – l ɜʊ d – lɜʊ kl – lɜʊ f sɜʊ – s ɜʊ l – s ɜʊ lə –sɜʊ p nɜʊ – nɜʊ n – n ɜʊ bl – nɜʊ f gr ɜʊ – gr ɜʊ n – ˈgr ɜʊ nɪŋ – gr ɜʊθ

45. Произнесите следующие слова , обращая внимание на сохранение пол- ного качества дифтонга [ ɜʊ ] в безударном слоге . ˈær ɜʊ jel ɜʊ ˈfɒlɜʊ ˈɔ:lm ɜʊ st tɜʊˈnet ɪk ˈtel ɪfɜʊ n ˈspær ɜʊ ˈpjæn ɜʊ ˈsw ɒlɜʊ ˈɔ:ls ɜʊ pɜʊˈet ɪk ˈma ɪkr əfɜʊ n

46. Произнесите , следя за плавностью соединения гласных . ˈgɜʊɪŋ ˈfɒlɜʊɪŋ ˈrɜʊɪŋ ˈsw ɒlɜʊɪŋ ˈmɜʊɪŋ ˈbɒrɜʊɪŋ 82 ˈθrɜʊɪŋ ˈnær ɜʊɪŋ

47. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию дифтонга

[ɜʊ -ɜʊ -ɜʊ ] no close phone show toe cold drove know slow post home low boat I don’t know. My toes are cold. She phoned me in October. They showed us their home.

48. Протранскрибируйте следующие фразы и обозначьте в них фразовое ударение , паузы и ядерные тоны . Произнесите фразы , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию звука [ ɜʊ ] в связной речи . Какие фонетические явления в них встречаются ? 1. Learn the poems. The lesson is over. Show the photos. Close the windows. 2.The notebook is open. 3. These are notebooks. Those are postcards. 4. Rose, go to the blackboard. Write and intone this sentence. Don’t mark the stresses so carelessly. Underline all the phonetic phenomena.

49. Отработайте фонетическое чтение диалогов с изученными вами звука- ми , имитируя интонацию носителей языка . Найдите примеры логического уда- рения . Выучите диалоги наизусть и воспроизведите их в парах .

a) b) - What’s wrong? - I love buns. - Nothing’s wrong. - Buns make crumbs. - Something’s wrong. - I love guns. - It’s nothing much. - Guns cost money. - What’s the trouble? Has John come? - I love Ms Hunt. - Mm. Come and gone. - Ms Hunt‘s a honey. c) d) - Is this seat free, please? - What does that model cost? - No, it isn’t. – I’m keeping it for Miss - This modern model? Grimm. - What does it cost? - Well, can I sit in this seat? - Oh, not a lot. - I’m afraid not – but that seat by the - Mm. window’s free. - What have you got? - Then I’ll sit in it. - Er… not a lot. - But if you sit in that seat, you won’t* - Mm. see a thing.

83 e) f) - A frog! Look! A frog on a log! - Sh! The boss is on the bus! - It’s hopped off. Got it. - But the boss doesn’t come by bus. - No, John, stop it! Let it hop to the - Well, this is a bus – and that’s the pond. boss. - Come on then… Froggy! Hop! Hop! - Oh, yes – at the front. Hop to the pond! Hop! … Plop! - Mm – next to Molly Monk - Oh! g) h) - Ask it to bark, Margaret. - Jim’s a brilliant physicist. - I rather think it can’t bark, Arnold. - Jim’s a silly nitwit. - Can’t bark? But if it can’t bark, it can’t - Criticism! Nothing but criticism! If it guard the house. Ask it to bark, Marga- isn’t Jim, it’s Billy and if it isn’t Billy, ret. it’s… - Er… er… Can’t you… bark? - Billy’s ridiculous! - Bark, can’t you! Bark! Bark! - Philip, it’s silly to criticise everybody! - Arnold can bark. - Yes, Jill, it is. Now, why are you criti- cizing me ? i) j) - Get a pet, Pat. - Does it fit? - Alan, I’ve got a pet. I’ve got a cat! - Yes, it fits, but it isn’t very pretty. - That terrible black cat outside? - This pink one’s very pretty. - Terrible? - But it’s a bit big. - That smelly cat? - Well,… this silk one isn’t big. - Alice is an elegant cat. - No,… but it’s a bit frilly. - Mm. Well, perhaps that cat at the back isn’t Alice. - Alice! Puss-puss! Alice! Alice, you haven’t met Alan. Puss-puss!... Now Alan, this is Alice. - Yes, Pat (sniffs). Yes, that’s Alice. k) l) - I shan’t pass the maths exam. - We’ve passed!* - I shan’t pass in art. - I haven’t passed in art, have I? - Maths is too hard. I can’t understand - You have! And I’ve passed in maths – it. by one mark! - I’m very bad at art. - Isn’t that fabulous! - Perhaps you’ll pass. - We must have a party! - I shan’t. Perhaps you’ll pass. - We’ll have a fabulous party! - No, no! I can’t pass. - Just imagine – we’ve passed! - We’ve passed! We’ve passed! m) n) - Something’s burning. - Jim’s a brilliant physicist. - Oh, my buns! - Jim’s a silly nitwit. - Curse this… oven! Curse it! - Criticism! Nothing but criticism! If it 84 - But I prefer burnt buns. isn’t Jim, it’s Billy and if it isn’t Billy, - It’s the worst… oven in the it’s… world! - Billy’s ridiculous! - Wonderful! A perfect bun! Per- - Philip, it’s silly to criticise everybody! fect! - Yes, Jill, it is. Now, why are you criti- - Well, there are thirty of them. cizing me? Have another. - Mm! Lovely!

50. a) Mark the stresses and tunes. Concentrate your attention on sounds, b) Let your fellow-student read the sentences aloud for you to detect his errors in sounds and tell him what must be done to get the sounds right; 1) The cook took a good look at the cookery book. 2) It's good he could go on foot. 3) A good beginning makes a good ending. 4) William was not very willing to wait. 5) Didn't this waiter work in Washington last winter? 6) No sweet without some sweat. 7) Her work grows worse and worse.

Вопросы 1. Опишите артикуляцию фонем [ ʌ], [u:], [ ʊ], [ ɒ], [ ɔ:], [ ŋ], [r], [ ɜ:], [ ɔɪ ], [ɜʊ ]. 2. Как избежать следующих ошибок пи арткуляции фонем : – русское [ а] при артикуляции фонемы [ ʌ] – русское [ у] при артикуляции фонемы [u:] – русское [ у] при артикуляции фонемы [ ʊ] – русское [ о] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɒ] – русское [ о] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɔ:] – русское [ ой ] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɔɪ ] – русское [ н] или английское [n] при артикуляции фонемы [ ŋ] – русское [ ж] при артикуляции фонемы [r] – русское [ э] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɜ:] – русское [ о] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɜ:] – русское [ эу ] при артикуляции фонемы [ ɜ:] 3. Как произносятся существительные во множественном числе , оканчиваю- щиеся на [s], [z], [t ʃ], [d ʒ], [ ʃ]? 4. Дайте определение редукции . Приведите примеры редукции а) знамена- тельных слов ; б) служебных слов ; в) местоимений .

85 Правила чтения Если за ударной гласной следует буква r, такой слог относят к третьему типу слога . В британском варианте анголийского языка буква r не читается .

Правила чтения букв H, O, R, U, Q и некоторых буквосочетаний

Буква , Положение в слове , случаи Произноше- Пример (букво- употребления ние со - чета- ние ) all, alk mall, t alk

[ɔ:] au dio au

во всех случаях , но не пе- [ŋ], иногда ng si ng er ред конечной e [ŋg] nk во всех случаях [ŋk] ta nk hour [a ʊə ], h в ряде слов [-] honour [ˈɒnə], honest [ˈɒnɪst] r [r] rabbit в ударном слоге без после- ar* [ɑ:] bark, arm дующей гласной в безударном конечном по- er, ar ə bett er , cell ar ложении в открытом ударном слоге ru le, Lu ke, [u:] после r, l, j Ju ne в открытом ударном слоге tune, use, u [ju:] (не после r, l, j) mute в закрытом ударном слоге [ʌ] bus, l uck

в безударном слоге , кроме correct, [ə] o конечного monop oly в закрытом ударном слоге [ɒ] dog, kn ock перед k, а также в словах good, hood, stood, wood, [ʊ] loo k, b oo k book, brook, coook, look, oo took, wool, foot в остальных случаях , кроме foo d, c oo l, [u:] blood, flood zoo , n oo n в словах blood, flood [ʌ] bl oo d, flood

86 oy, oi [ɔɪ] boy , n oi se doct or , Ox- в безударном слоге [ə] or for d в ударном слоге [ɔ:] por k ore на конце слова [ɔ:] more обычно в буквосочетании q [kw] qu ite, qu ick qu neu tral, eu [ju:] Eu gene sion tion [ʃə n]

ation [e ɪʃə n]

aw, war [ɔ:] law , war anty er, ir, в ударном слоге без после- her , g ir l, [ɜ:] ur, yr дующей гласной bur n, m yr tle wor перед согласной [w ɜ:] wor d

Упражнения 1. Прочитайте . а) hot, pot, not, rot, got, sob, rob, mob, fob, Bob, hop, mop, top, pop, lop, cog, fog, hog, jog, bog, sod, rod, nod, hod, hop, hot, hog, hod, pop, pod, cob, cog, cod, cot, Tom, top, rob, rod, rot, mop, mop, not, top, lop, got, dot, log, lot, fob, got, bob, log, pod б) all, ball, stalling, tall, calling, fall, hall, call, wall, wall, stall, falling, small, fall, jaw, caw, law, paw, raw, law, draw, flaw, claw, dawn, fawn, lawn, pawn, brawn, brawl, crawl, hawk, straw, aught, caught, taught, naught, fraught, daughter, slaugh- ter, naughty, haughty, nought, bought, fought, sought, thought, brought, ward, war, ,warble, warlike, warn, warp, ward, warbler, warm, warmer, warning в) nut, hut, cut, gut, but, jut, fun, run, nun, sun, gun, bun, up, pup, sup, cup, sup, pup, rug, mug, pug, jug, dug, bug, hub, rub, tub, bud, mud, cud, sum, hum, gum, rum, gum, sum, hut, hum, hug, hub, run, rug, rub, rum, bus, but, bug, bun, sup, sun, sum, sun, cut, cup, cud, gun, gut, gum, gun, cup, fun, hub, sum, rug, bud, hut, run, bus, cut, sup, nut, sun, cup, but, rug, hum, nun, mud, hum, rub, run, pup, mug, sup, nun, tub, gum, pug, cud, hut, mud, hug, rub, bus, cud, sum, jug, run, tub, dug, jut, tug, gun, bun, rum, hub, nut, up, cut, sun, hut pup gut mug jug, bug, bun, sum, cup г) boot, hoot, root, roof, loom, soon, moon, hoop, mood, tool, shoot, cool, boon, toot, hoof, doom, noon, hoot, room, loop, rood, pool, woof, food, root, fool, woof, boom д) new, Jew, blew, flew, slew, chew, brew, crew, drew, grew, flew, stew е) sort, corn, port, nor, fork, or, lord, short, cord, morn, born, nor, for, sort, pork, torn, orb, corn, lord, horn, fort, cork, short

87 ж) fir, turn, bird, hurt, her, shirt, churn, herd, curl, bird, sir, harder, burst, stir, char- ter, verb, hurl, burn, bird, curl, cleaner, blacker, girl, fern, cur, churn, stern, under, firm, birch, fur з) clink, sunk, drank, chink, tank, sink, prank, rank, stink, chunk, wink, drinking, pink, sinking, junk, blank, lank, sunk, bank, drink, sank, blank, winking, blink и) sing, lung, hung, rang, bring, slang, clung, pang, gang, song, sting, pang, along, stung, hanging, ring, tong, song, long, rung, clang, tong, hang, ringing, bringing, singing, banging к) pension, passion, admission, expansion, addition, condition, intention, fiction, fraction, petition, contention, tradition, action, nation, station, relation, sensation, plantation, information, starvation, station, nation, intention production, confession, permission, profession, commission, discussion, profession, commission, addition, condition, intention, fiction, fraction, petition, production, contention, tradition, ac- tion, nation, station, relation, sensation, plantation, formation, information, starva- tion, generation, solution, distribution, institution, constitution, contribution, evolu- tion, execution, distraction, domination, expansion, reduction, station, permission, persecution, transportation, discussion, nation, intention, experession, substitution, affection, procession, formation, dimension

Правила чтения согласных G [d ʒi:], H [e ɪtʃ], J [d ʒeɪ], K [ke ɪ]*, O [ əʊ ], L [el], N [en], U [ju:], Q [kju:], R [ ɑ:], S [es], T [ti:], U [ju:], W [ ˈdʌblju:], X [eks]

Буква , ( бу- Положение в слове Произношение Пример квосо - четание ) перед конечной немой e, pa ge [pe ɪdʒ], gym [d ʒ] перед e, i, y [d ʒɪ m] g во всех случаях , кроме glad [glæd], get [get] позиции перед конечной [g]

немой e, перед i, y в середине слова [-] ei ght [e ɪt] gh [g] в начале слова ghee

sa ge [se ɪdʒ], e dge [ed ʒ] ge, dge на конце слова [d ʒ]

igh во всех случаях [a ɪ] sigh [sa ɪ] eigh во всех случаях [e ɪ] weigh [we ɪ], eigh t [e ɪt] alm во всех случаях [ɑ:m] palm [ ɑ:m] nge на конце слова [nd ʒ] plu nge , ange l h в начале слова , кроме [h] heat [ˈhi:t] 88 слова hour ch eap [t ʃi:p], ma tch ch, tch во всех случаях [t ʃ] [mæt ʃ] j во всех случаях [d ʒ] jest [d ʒest] ph во всех случаях [f] di ph thong

во всех случаях [ʃ] sh ip sh между гласными , а так- же в любом положении в ba th e [be ɪð], th is [ð ɪs], [ð] th наречиях , предлогах , th en союзах , местоимениях в остальных случаях [θ] th ick, tee th -cial [ʃə l] spe cial , mag ician -cian [ʃə n] -cient [ʃə nt] effi cient wa [w ɒ] wa nt [wɒnt]

Упражнения к Unit 6 1. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения изученных букв и буквосочетаний . a) bar, far, car, tar, jar, mar, star, scar, far, car, cart, dart, hart, mart, part, card, yard, bard, hard, lard, ark, lark, park, dark, shark, arm, farm, harm, charm, farm, yarn, barn, darn, harp, sharp, arch, ark, arm, art, arm, hard, hark, harm, harp, hart, hard, bark, barn, car, card, Carl, dark, darn, dart, darn, dark, mar, march, marsh, mart, mark, bar, cart, yarn, arm, card, ark, barn, yard, lark, dart, star, farm, park, hart, car, darn, bard, scar, , dark, harp, mart, card, shark, part, garb, marsh, tar, yard, sharp, chart, hark, mark, sharp, farm, shark, lard, part, car, harp, charm, dark, hard, mart, charm, far, scar, hart, bark, harm, darn, star, dart, yard, lark, arm, mar, march, yarn б) dash, cash, gash, lash, mash, sash, sheep, ship, dish, fish, wish, ship, shin, sheep, sheet, sheen, sash, wish, sham, dish г) chin, chip, chill, beech, chin, cheek, witch, pitch, itch, ditch, hatch, catch, match, latch, patch, chap, chap, chin, chip, chill, chin, cheek, cheek, witch, pitch, hitch, itch, ditch, hatch, catch, match, latch, patch, chap, hatch, chin, ditch, cheek, pitch, chat, catch, chip, chaff, match, chill, beech, itch, latch, patch, chin, cheek, ditch, chat, chin, catch, chill, beech, hatch, chin, chap, pitch, hatch, chat, hitch, patch, chop, catch, chaff, itch, ditch, chip д) age, page, rage, sage, cage, wage, badge, dodge, ridge, edge, fudge, sledge, gem е) than, then, the, that, thine, with, them, this, thin, tithe, that, this, lathe, that, theeth, enthem, than

2. Произнесите следующие слова по буквам . Запишите их в транскрипции . barn, chin, catch, palm, fiction, eight, Jean, then, lathe, expansion, yarn, march, patch, plantation, hitch, beech, sharp, gin, yard, special, magician, jest, want, effi- cient, gym, thick, teeth, bathe, this, calm, then, page, ship, facial, diphthong, physics, phantom, cheap, match, heat, plunge, angel, weigh.

89 3. Прочитайте .

Женские : Grace, Iris, Jennifer, June, Martha, Rebecca, Samantha, Sandra ( умень- шит . от Alexandra), Scarlett, Theresa [t əˈri:s ə] Мужские : Alexander, Archie, Charlie (Charles), George, Harry, Oliver, Richard, Sean [ ˈʃɔ :n], Thomas Фамилии : Barker, Fisher, Green, Harris, Jackson, King, Richards, Sharp, Wright, Young Страны и национальности : Arabic (adj.), Argentina, Argentinian (adj.), an Ar- gentinian (pers.), Brazil, Brazilian (adj.), a Brazilian, Czech Republic, Greece, Greek (adj.), a Greek (pers.), Japan, Japanese (adj.), a Japanese (pers.), Finland, Finnish (adj.), a Finn (pers.), Georgia, Georgian (adj.), a Georgian (pers.), Germany, German (adj.), a German (pers.), Holland (also Netherlands), Dutch (adj.), a Dutchman (pers.), a Dutchwoman (pers.), Poland, Polish (adj.), a Pole (pers.), Scotland, Scot- tish (adj.), a Scot (pers.), Spain, Spanish (adj.), a Spaniard (pers.), Switzerland Swiss (adj.), a Swiss (pers.). Города : Bradford, Bristol, Chester, Coventry, Manchester, Oxford, Winchester, York

Правила слогоделения и словесного ударения Rules of Syllable Division and Word Stress

Syllable Division Ударная гласн . +1 согдасн слогоделение перед согласн . Sta | tion ( ударный слог остается открытым )

Ударная гласн . + 2 согласн . Слогоделение между 2 согласн . But | ton ( ударный слог – закрыт )

Ударная гласная + 2 согласн . ( одна из них m ,n ,l ) слогоделение пройдет перед первой согласной . Ca | ble Ki | nd Mi | ld

Fa | tal suf | fer Hu | mid cot | ton Cu | cumber mar | ry Pu | pil cus | tody No tice sud | den Le | gal lad | der Gra | ceful sin | gle Stu | pid fic | tion Si | lent mem | ber 90 Ny | lon par | rot

Word stress . Двусложные слова ударение – 1 слог . Исключение составляют префиксы : be- re-, con-, a-, in-, de-, red-, dis-, ex-, pro-. Префикс ударение – на 2 слог . ‘fatal but in’vest ‘single pro’tect.

3-х, 4-х и 5-сложные слова ударение – 3-ий слог от конца .

‘celebrate ‘educate ‘family ‘factory, ‘salary, ‘simplicity,

*Гласная в 3-м от конца слоге всегда читается по закрытому слогу .

‘General [ e], исключение : буква «u» в третьем от конца от- крытом ‘Trinity [ I ], ударном слоге читается по пра- вилу ‘Populate [ o ] открытого ударного слога ( алфа- витное чтение ). ‘ Purity [ ‘pju:riti ], ‘mutiny [‘ mju:tini ].

** При прибавлении к словам суффикса -tion ударение сдвигается на слог , предшествующий суффиксу . Первоначальное ударение становится вто- ричным и изображается : To ‘celebrate - ,cele’bration, To educate - ,edu’cation.

*** При прибавлении к 3-х сложным словам грамматических суффиксов -ed, -ing , ударение сохраняется на 3-м от конца слоге ( т.е. на 1-ом слоге ). Суффиксы в счет не включаются . ‘educate, ‘educated, ‘educating. ‘celebrate, ‘celebrated , ‘celebrating.

Тренировочные упражнения EX. I.

Read the 2-syllable words. Mark the stress.


Disgrace delay assume Legal tulip instruct Sudden member resume Invade bacon defense Silent fiction restrict

EX. II. Read the 3-syllable words. Mark the stress.

Legislate stupefy manipulation Stablize custody decorated Operate cucumber generating Tapestry sinister simplicity Separate tutelage pessimist Medical manipulate celebrated

EX. III. Read the following words.

Apologizing rebel respirate Operated distinct sacrilege Purity invest legacy Pretend nationality manipulated Humid abide manifest Conspiracy confirm benefit Speculate modernize element Policy funeral definite.

EX. IV. Read the following words.

Decoration invent pretend Simplicity manipulating separated Simplify respirated custody Original felicity continent License sacrilege custom Behave respirate aside Defeat conceal disgrace.

EX. V. Read the following words.

Destiny extravagance provide applaud populated sinister affront derive convey speculated rejoice compose cosmopolitan puritan identify 92 EX. VI.

Citizen diligent channel Capital naval timidity Ability population utility Simplification facility identification Demonstrate delegate speculation Manifest concentrate mutiny Fantasy satisfy concentration Satisfaction memory destroy

Ex. VII.

Concentration regularity memorize Prolong satisfaction comprise Include generation salary Separating betray frustrate Capitulate speculated populate


Frustration speculation cubical Repeat banister timid Ladder concentrated simplify Operat education demonstrated Facility diligent identify


Decoration trinity legacy Cacology convey conspiracy Tribute resume celebration Decorating minister populate Restrict educated satisfaction

EX. X.

Conform protect regularity Privilege legislate construct Pessimist simplicity funeral Satisfaction invent timidity Concentration separating inspect

93 EX. XI.

Cloud speculate general Wood ability diligent Concentrated satisfy count Barn match ward happen race pork lard stone crowd hope legal vicinity


Ought plight bread neighbor Bought sight spread weigh Fought tight dead weight Thought bright read sleight Brought light leather freight London knight feather weight Son shore when whoop Ton store why who Won adore whisper whose None bore while whole Sponge tore whether whom Dove fore weather wheel Glove snore western whip

Вопросы 1. Какой слог относят к третьему типу слога ? 2. Как читаются буквы H, O, R, U, Q? 3. Какие буквосочетания были изучены вами в данном подразделе ? Объясните правила их чтения . 4. От чего зависит слогоделение . Приведите примеры .

Интонация Логическое ударение Логическое ударение — это выделение в синтагме более сильным ударе- нием какого -либо слова для подчеркивания его особого значения . Логическое ударение представляет собой разновидность синтагменного ударения [ Словарь лингвистических терминов ]. Оно выделяет коммуникативный центр высказы- вания , подчёркивая в нём элементы противопоставления . Используя логиче- ское ударение , говорящий выделяет слова , которые представляются важными именно ему . Как и в других языках , в английском языке логическое ударение может падать на любое слово в синтагме . Сравните : I can do this task. – Я могу выполнить это задание . (простая констата- ция факта ) 94 I can do this task. – Я могу выполнить это задание . (Именно я, а не кто - то другой , может выполнить это задание ) I can do this task. – Я могу выполнить это задание . (Я могу выполнить именно это задание , а не какое -либо другое ) Выделение может происходить не только как ударение на конкретное слово , но и как противопоставление : Is this 'train to London or to Cambridge ? – Это поезд в Лондон или в Кэмбридж ? При произнесении названий улиц коммуникативный центр высказыва- ния смещается со слова street на слово , являющееся названием улицы : He lives in Park Street. Логическое ударение часто оформляется в речи высоким нисходящим тоном .

Вопросы 1. Какова функция логического ударения в синтагме ? 2. На какое слово смещается коммуникативный центр высказывания при про- изнесении названий улиц ?

Упражнения 1. Прослушайте диалоги . Воспроизведите их , имитируя интонацию носителя языка и обращая внимание на употребление трёх типов ядерного тона , изучен- ных вами в Unit 1, а также на логическое ударение . Составьте аналогичные диалоги , заменяя подчеркнутые слова другими , подходящими по смыслу ( см . образец ). Model – Sid is five . – Five ? Sid is seven . Ted is five .

Model – Jack is twenty -two . – Twenty-two ? Jack is twenty . James is twenty-two .

2. Произнесите следующие пары побудительных высказываний , обращая внимание на изменение места ядерного тона в синтагме в зависимости от ин- тенций говорящего . Give it to Pete, please. Listen at tentively, please. Give it to me, please. Listen to me, please. Say it to Pat, please. Ex plain it to Sam, please. Say it. Ex plain it.

3. а) Прослушайте фразы . Обратите внимание на смещение ядерного тона в каждой паре фраз . Сделайте интонационную разметку . Повторите фразы за диктором . б) Отреагируйте на приведенные ниже высказывания вашего собе- седника ( другого студента или учителя ), выбрав из каждой пары фраз одну , наиболее подходящую для поддержания разговора . 95 а) 1) He has a family. He has a big family. 2) She has plans. She has many plans. 3) He lives in a flat. He lives in a little flat. 4) She is his sister. She is his elder sister.

б) 1) A: Joseph works so hard… B: … 2) A: Emma is Joe’s younger sister, isn’t she? B: … 3) A: As far as I remember, Jack lives in a house. B: … 4) A: I don’t think he has a family. B: … 5) A: I want to ask her out on a date tomorrow. B: … 6) A: Tom's flat is very big. B: … 7) A: She has no plans for tomorrow. B: …

4. Прослушайте фразы и определите , на какие слова падает логическое ударение . 1. A: Are you going to talk to him? B: No, I think he should talk to me first. 2. A: Shall I phone her? B: Yes, I think you should. 3. A: You see those people over there? Do you know them? B: I know her, but I don’t know him. 4. A: What are you going to give him? B: I think I’ll give him a shirt. What about you? 5. Let him come in and ask him what he wants. 6. She says she’ll bring her money tomorrow. 7. I’m tired… Shall we go now? 8. Everybody’s leaving. What about us? Shall we go too? 9. Tell us when you’re ready. 10. A: Who broke that window? B: He did! C: No, I didn’t, she did.

5. Прослушайте фразы и определите , на какие слоги ( или односложные слова ) падает логическое ударение ( если оно имется ). 1. They went out and left their children at home. 2. Don’t sit there – that’s his seat. 3. Is this the train to London or from London? 4. I didn’t say at five o’clock, I said about five o’clock. 5. What are you going to do? 6. His first name’s Jack, but I don’t know his second name. 96 7. Would you like some more tea? 8. Bring your umbrella – it’s going to rain. 9. Excuse me, is this your umbrella? 10. Can you go and buy some read and milk, please? 11. You’ve bought some flowers – what are they for? 12. I’ve bought them for you!

6. Прослушайте фразы и проследите перемещение логического ударения . Объясните смысловые оттенки , выражаемые при помощи смещения коммуни- кативного центра высказывания ( логического ударения ) в каждой фразе . За- пишите фразы и расставьте логическое ударение .

7. Прочитайте вслух , выделяя логическим ударением подчёркнутые слова . Используя лексику данного модуля , придумайте два -три предложения , в кото- рых можно выделить логическим ударением разные слова . Прочитайте вслух возможные варианты . 1. ~ 1. Daisy is Charlie’s niece. 2. Daisy is Charlie’s niece. 3. Daisy is Charlie’s niece. 4. Daisy is Charlie’s niece. 5. Daisy is Charlie’s niece . 2. ~ 1. I need twelve CDs. 2. I need twelve CDs. 3. I need twelve CDs . 4. I need twelve CDs. 3. ~ 1. Help James find his key. 2. Help James find his key. 3. Help James find his key . 4. Help James find his key. 4. ~ 1. Jack Sharp plays tennis badly. 2. Jack Sharp plays tennis badly . 3. Jack Sharp plays tennis badly. 4. Jack Sharp plays tennis badly. 5. ~ 1. Give Jane’s child five apples. 2. Give Jane’s child five apples. 3. Give Jane’s child five apples . 4. Give Jane’s child five apples. 5. Give Jane’s child five apples. 6. ~ 1. Charlotte likes expensive hats. 2. Charlotte likes expensive hats . 3. Char- lotte likes expensive hats. 4. Charlotte likes expensive hats.

8. Прочитайте предложения со сдвинутым коммуникативным центром выска- зывания по образцу . 1. ~ He lives in Park Street. He lives in Green Street. She lives in Bell Street. They live in Klent Street. 2. ~ I like the streets. They are clean. He likes the flats. They are large. They like the knives. They are new. I like the trees. They are green. 3. ~ He reads after supper. We bathe after tennis. She rests after classes. We write after breakfast. She eats after classes. She types after dinner. 4. ~ She gets very many e-mails, and he gets few. We have very many CDs, and they have few. Joseph has very many instruments, and Jack has few. Sandra has very many T-shirts, and Jane has few.

9. Прослушайте и запишите скороговорку “Betty Botter Bought Some Butter”. Выучите её наизусть и воспроизведите , обращая внимание на артику- ляцию изученных фонем и интонацию .

97 Особенности интонационного оформления повелительного наклоне- ния Если предложение с повелительным наклонением выражает распоряже- ние или требование , употребляется нисходящий тон :

Meet Ann. При выражении просьбы или совета обычно употребляется низкий вос- ходящий или ( звучащий более мягко ) нисходяще -восходящий тон :

Help ,Eve.

Come here!

Упражнения 1. Произнесите следующие предложения как распоряжения .

Let me type it. Help him find it. Help me send it. Let me meet him.

2. Прочитайте предложения по схеме . Укажите известные вам фонетиче- ские явления .

1. Meet Bess. Send Eve. Spell “tea”. Help Ted. Make tea. Say “please”.

Spell it. Type it. Find it. Help him. Send it. Meet him. Make it.

3. Ned is ill. Tim is well. Sid is fine. Nick is nice. Ann is ten.

4. Pete needs help. Steve meets Bess. Let’s spell “meal”. Let’s send Ben. Dan needs meat. Nell makes films.

5. Meg needs Ed’s map. Let Ted meet Eve. Let Ben help Phil. Let

Pat send Pete.

6. He needs ten cents. He needs six stamps. He sees Dan’s disks. He

98 makes Ann smile. We let Tim stay.

7. Let Тim keep it. Let Pat eat it. Let Bess knit it. Let Pete test it. Let

Ann add it. Make Ed say it.

8. Let me type it. Help him find it. Help me send it. Let me meet him.

Нисходяще -восходящий тон Для нисходяще -восходящего тона (Fall Rise) характерно следующее : го- лос сначала падает от высшей или средней точки диапазона до нижней точки , а затем медленно поднимается до середины диапазона . Этот тон может реализо- вываться как на одном слоге , так и на нескольких слогах . Например : No Perfectly. В приведённом примере первый слог [ ˈpɜ:] является ударным , второй слог [-fɪkt-] –– безударным , а слог [-lɪ] –– слегка ударным . Нисходяще -восходящий тон может реализовываться не только на слогах одного слова , но и на слогах двух разных слов . В зависимости от этого иссле- дователи выделяют два типа нисходяще -восходящего тона – простой , неразде- лённый вариант (the simple tune или a complex Fall-Rise), реализующийся на одном слове , и сложный , разделённый (the compound tune или a split Fall-Rise), реализующийся на двух словах , разъединённых другими словами [10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18]. Например : Are you enjoying the party? –– The music is good. Нисходяще -восходящий тон является неотъемлемой характеристикой современной английской речи . Из сложных тонов нисходяще -восходящий тон представляет собой наиболее часто встречающийся тон [17], его употребление , по данным разных исследователей составляет от 10 % до 30 % от общего ко- личества употребляемых тонов [2]. В отличие от простых тонов , выражающих незавершенность , данный тон обязательно включает элемент сравнения , противопоставления двух фрагмен- тов мысли , один из которых оформляется НВТ , а второй либо присутствует в соседних синтагмах , либо остается нереализованным эксплицитно ». [2, с. 29] Fall Rise обладает широким спектром значений . Он может выражать обиду , совет , предостережение , благодарность , просьбу , приветливость и це- лый ряд других эмоциональных состояний . Нисходяще -восходящий тон упот- ребляется в английском языке для выражения различного рода импликаций , т. е. того , что подразумевается , но не сказано слолвами . В обыденном дискурсе Fall Rise может употребляться для создания говорящим дружелюбной , иногда шутливой или слегка ироничной тональности ( см ., например , [7]. При разде- ленном варианте нисходяще -восходящего тона создаётся возможность одно-

99 временного выделения двух слов как наиболее важных по смыслу . Нисходяще - восходящий тон , в частности , может употребляться : а) для выражения просьбы или предупреждения ( в зависимости от кон- текста ). Например : Open the window, please. Don’t be late. Come here! Примечание . Значение просьбы может передаваться и низким восходящим то- ном , ( например , 'Wait for the others.), однако просьбы с нисходяще - восходящим тоном звучат более оживлённо , тепло , сердечно . Просьба может быть произнесена и с низким нисходящим тоногм . В этом случае она , во - первых , подчёркивается словом please, и, во -вторых , может быть выражена особой тембральной окраской голоса –– мягкой , вежливой , искренней , иначе просьба будет звучать слишком сухо , официально . б) при мягком дружелюбном уточнении или возражении : I be ˈlieve his ˈname is Philip. –– David. в) если говорящий высказывает предположение : ˈWhat ˈcolour is her dress? –– It may be grey.

Вопросы 1. Как произносится пояснение , несущее в себе уточнение информации ? 2. Дайте определение нисходяще -восходящему тону . 3. Как может реализовываться нисходяще -восходящий тон ? В каких комму- никативных ситуациях он употребляется ? Приведите примеры . 4. Как интонационно оформляется повелительное наклонение ?

Упражнения 1. Прочтите следующие слова и словосочетания с простым нисходяще - восходящим тоном . No John Wait Do Move Look Me Red Always True Good Slowly More Beg Quickly Well Read Often Pull Right Thursday Run Quick Sorry

2. Произнесите следующие фразы а) с нисходящим и нисходяще - восходящим тонами ; б) с восходящим и нисходяще -восходящим тонами . а) Here. Here. She’s the first. She’s the first. 100 We can try. We can try. Certainly. Certainly. They are ready. They are ready. They are German. They are German. б) To day. Today. It’s hers. It’s hers. She’s the third. She’s the third. She’s thirsty. She’s thirsty. It’s perfect. It’s perfect. It’s an adverb. It’s an adverb.

3. Объясните различия в коммуникативном значении фраз -ответов в сле- дующих диалогах . 1) When are you free? — At five. I’m free at five.— At five? So you’re coming at six. — At five. 2) Is it a Russian or a German dictionary? — German. It’s a German film. — German? He’s learning English. — German.

3) When do you expect them? — On Thursday. They’ll be here* on Thursday. — On Thursday? They’re leaving on Friday. — On Thursday.

4. Отработайте чтение фраз а) с простым , неразделённым вариантом нис- ходяще -восходящего тона ; б) со сложным , разделённым его вариантом .

Nothing special. Nothing special. Stay a little longer. Stay a little longer. Mary is a way. Mary is a way. The kitchen is too small. The kitchen is too small. For half an hour. For half an hour. It’s a ten minutes’ walk from here. It’s a ten minutes’ walk from here.

5. Прослушайте и сравните контексты , а) в которых нисходяще - восходящим тоном выделено одно слово и б) в которых нисходяще - восходящим тоном выделено два наиболее важных по смыслу слова . В каких из них содержится больше новой информации ? Отработайте чтение фраз.

What are you planning to do tonight? Nothing special. 101 Are you doing anything special tonight? Nothing special. I’m staying till five. Stay a little longer. I’m afraid I must be off. Stay a little longer. Can I speak to Mary? Mary is a way. Are all the students present? Mary is a way. Shall we put this cupboard in the The kitchen is too small. kitchen? The kitchen is too small. How did you like her flat? Shall we go there y bus? It’s a ten minutes’ walk from here. Is it far? It’s a ten minutes’ walk from here.

6. Произнесите следующие побудительные высказывания сначала с низ- ким нисходящим , затем –– с нисходяще -восходящим тоном . В каких фразах просьба граничит с приказом , а в каких имеет более мягкий оттенок ? Приду- майте реплики -стимулы , ответными репликами на которые могли бы стать фразы , произнесённые нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Воспроизведите полу- чившиеся диалогические единства в парах . Come next Sunday, please. Come next Sunday. Do it to morrow, please. Do it to morrow. Stay a little longer, please. Stay a little longer. Try to do it your self, please. Try to do it your self.

7. Произнесите следующие фразы , выражающие просьбу , сначала с низ- ким восходящим тоном , затем –– с нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Объясните различия в семантическом значении этих тонов в каждой фразе . В каких фра- зах просьба звучит более « небрежно », а в каких — более мягко ? Придумайте реплики -стимулы , ответными репликами на которые могли бы стать фразы , произнесённые нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Воспроизведите получившиеся диалогические единства в парах . Call back later, please. Call back later. Get ready to go, James. Get ready to go, James. Show me some rings, please. Show me some rings, please.

8. Определите коммуникативное значение нисходяще -восходящего тона побудительных высказываний ( просьба или предупреждение ) в следующих микродиалогах . 1. May I have a look at the vase? –– Be careful with it. 2. We must meet at the station at five. –– Hurry up then. 3. I am going to town. -–– Buy me an envelope, please. 4. What will you have for dinner? –– Show me the menu, please. 5. It’s raining heavily. –– Don’t go out. 6. What would you like to have? –– Bring me some mineral water, please.

102 9. Прослушайте пары фраз , произнесённые с высоким нисходящим и с нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Какие из них звучат дружелюбнее ? Повторите фразы за диктором .

10. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором ответные реплики , произнесён- ные с нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Обратите внимание на то , что ответы с нисходяще -восходящим терминальным тоном звучат менее категорично и бо- лее вежливо .

11. Прослушайте фразы , в которых нисходяще -восходящий тон использу- ется для мягкого , дружелюбного уточнения или возражения . Произнесите фра- зы за диктором .

12. Произнесите формулы вежливости в данных микроситуациях с оттен- ком доброты и сердечности .

13. Прослушайте обмены репликами , затем произнесите фразы во второй колонке , используя нисходяще -восходящий тон , чтобы выразить мягкое , дру- желюбное возражение : a) What time are we meeting? Did No, not half past two, half past three. you say half past two? b) Edinburgh’s one of my favourite But Edinburgh isn’t in England, it’s places in England. in Scotland. c) Look –– that wine costs £100! Yes, it’s ex pensive, but everything in this shop is expensive! d) I thought that film was really good. Well, I thought the music was good.

14. Прослушайте следующие обмены репликами , определите тип нисходя- ще -восходящего тона ( простой , неразделённый или сложный , разделённый ) в ответных репликах и произнесите фразы за диктором . Воспроизведите данные микродиалоги в парах . a) – How about meeting on Tuesday? – I can come on Tuesday, but not before two o’clock. b) – Let’s go to the beach and have a swim. – Well, I’ll come to the beach with you, but I’ll probably just do some sunbathing. c) – Which shop are you talking about? Is it on the corner? – Well, it isn’t on the corner, exactly, but it’s very near there. d) – When I was at school I was good at maths and physics. – I was good at maths, but my best subject was music.

15. Прослушайте следующие обмены репликами словосочетания с нисхо- дяще -восходящим тоном и определите , в каком предложении употреблён сложный нисходяще -восходящий тон , реализующийся на нескольких словах .

103 d) – Maybe we could have dinner on Thursday or Friday? – Well, I’m free on Thursday. e) – Let’s have a quick drink at the pub and then go somewhere to eat. – Well, I’ve got time to go to the pub for half an hour. f) – Are the shops open in the evenings and on Sundays? – Well, I know they are open in the evenings. g) – My favourite school subjects were history and geography. – Really? I liked geography…

16. Прослушайте и определите место нисходяще -восходящего тона в от- ветных репликах . Произнесите ответные реплики , имитируя интонацию носи- телей языка .

17. Прослушайте и сравните контексты , в которых нисходяще -восходящим тоном выделено два наиболее важных по смыслу слова . Назовите эти слова . Объясните импликацию , выраженную нисходяще -восходящим тоном . Произ- несите фразы за диктором .

18. Прослушайте диалоги , в которых говорящие выражают удивление и ин- терес , используя нисходяще -восходящий тон . Произнесите фразы за диктором .

19. Прослушайте фразы с вводными конструкциями I guess, I believe, I think и др . Запишите фразы за диктором , сделайте их интонационную разметку .

20. Прослушайте варианты диалога , в которых удивление и интерес гово- рящий выражает нисходяще -восходящим тоном в сочетании с а) « лексиче- ским » переспросом ; б) « грамматическим » переспросом . Отработайте чтение двух вариантов диалога . а) Б) A: Meg’s got a new boyfriend. A: Meg’s got a new boyfriend. B: A new boyfriend?! B: Has she?! A: Yes. He lives in a castle. A: Yes. He lives in a castle. B. A castle?! B: Does he?! A: Yes. She met him in Mau ritius. A: Yes. She met him in Mau ritius. B: Did she?! B: In Mauritius?!

21. Прочитайте диалог и сравните его с диалогами из предыдущего упражне- ния . Что вы заметили ? Сделайте интонационную разметку реплик диалога . Воспроизведите диалог в парах . A: Meg’ s got a new boyfriend. B: A new boyfriend? Good for her! A: He lives in a castle. B: Does he? How amazing! A: Yes. She met him in Mauritius .

104 B: In Mauritius ? That’s interesting . A: Unfortunately, he can’t speak much English . B: Can’t he? I thought everyone could these days!*

* – Я думал в наше время все уже умеют ( говорить по -английски )!

22. Составьте диалог аналогичный диалогу из предыдущего упражнения , заме- няя подчёркнутые слова и фразы другими , подходящими по смыслу или сино- нимичными . Воспроизведите диалог в парах .

Интонация общих вопросов Общие вопросы , как правило , произносятся с постепенно нисходящей шкалой и низким восходящим тоном . Уровень начала общего вопроса не- сколько выше , чем категорического утверждения . Do you live in Cambridge? Is it late? Can he play the gui tar?

Упражнения 1. Произнесите фразы , содержащие общий вопрос , не ударяя глагол is. Обратите внимание на непринуждённый характер вопросов . 1. Is she absent today? 3. Is 'Agatha the eldest in the family? 2. Is the 'baby still sleeping? 4. Is she 'still in the kitchen?

2. Произнесите следующие пары фраз . Укажите , какие вопросы являются нейтральным запросом информации , а какие выражают некоторое удивление (сомнение , недоверие ). Произнесите последнюю пару фраз самостоятельно .

1. Is 'Agatha playing? 3. Is the man speaking English? ' Is she still playing? ' Is he speaking English?

2. Is she 'taking an exam? 4. Is this 'belt made of leather? Is she taking an exam? Is it made of leather?

3. Произнесите фразы , обращая внимание на интонацию общего вопроса . 1. It’s time for dinner. – Is it time for dinner? 2. This pie is delicious. – Is this pie delicious? 3. The chicken is in a pan. – Is the chicken in a pan? 4. She can speak Spanish. – Can she speak Spanish? 5. His jacket is made of denim. – Is his jacket made of denim? 6. Her bag is made of leather. – Is her bag made of leather?

4. Произнесите общие вопросы .

105 а)

1. Is it maths? 7. Is she standing? 2. Is it thin? 8. Is he playing? 3. Can she sing? 9. Is he an athlete? 4. Has he a bike? 10. Is he English? 5. Is it “to bathe”? 11. Can she teach them? 6. Is it a sink? 12. Is it leather?


1. Is she Betty’s niece? 4. Has he any 'plans for the eve- 2. Can she 'meet me at the station? ning? 3. Is she 'leaving this Saturday? 5. Is she 'feeling better?

Интонация специальных вопросов Специальные вопросы в английском языке , как правило , произносят с постепенно нисходящей шкалой и падающим завершением . Более спокойные , сдержанные вопросы произносятся с низким падением – low fall, например : `What’s the time? Специальный вопрос звучит оживленно , дружелюбно , заинтересованно , когда он завершается высоким нисходящим завершением – high fall, например : `When’s ? Ответы на специальные вопросы . Уверенные ответы на специальные во- просы требуют употребления низкого или высокого нисходящего завершения , в неуверенных ответах обычно употребляется низкий восходящий тон . 1)That’s Steve’s mother.| 2)They are the Smiths.|

Упражнения 1. Сделайте интонационную разметку следующих специальных вопросов . Произнесите предложения , соблюдая высокий уровень голоса на первом удар- ном слоге ( вопросительном слове ) и средневысокий начальный уровень паде- ния на ядерном слоге . Обратите внимание на неударность смыслового глагола “to be” и модальных глаголов “can” и “must”. 1. Where’s Jane? 2. Who can tell me? 3. Why are you late today? 4. How can I help you? 5. Why must you leave? 6. Where are my glasses? 7. When will you be back?

2. Произнесите следующие специальные вопросы с высоким нисходящим тоном . 1. Who can give me a dictionary? 2. Who must stay after classes today? 3. Who can help me about the house? 4. When are you taking the driving test? 5. Why is he p[acking his things now? 6. Where can I get a toothbrush? 7. Who will help me to

106 count the money? 8. When will you start taking music lessons? 9. Who can tell me the way to the market square?

3. Произнесите , обращая внимание на различия в интонации общих и спе- циальных вопросов . Протранскрибируйте и сделайте интонационную разметку всех общих и специальных вопросов . 1. Well, it’s time to leave. Where’s my suitcsase? – It’s downstairs. 2. Will you fetch my suitcase, please? – Where is it? – It’s downstairs. 3. Susan is laying the table. – And where’s Judy? – She’s making tea in the kitchen. 4. Can I speak to Susan? – She isn’t here. – Where is she? – She’s still at school.

4. Прослушайте диалоги и скажите , на какой слог падает ядерный тон в специальных вопросах . Отработайте чтение диалогов . 1. Is there a fridge in the kitchen? – Yes, there is. – Where is it? – It’s near the sink. 2. Take a look at my new blouse. – Where is it? – It’s in the plastic bag. 3. Fetch me the evening paper, please. – Where is it? – It’s in the dining room. 4. Where is Arthur? – He is at the playground. – Where is it? – It’s behind the kitchen garden.

Интонация альтернативных вопросов Интонационное оформление альтернативных вопросов характеризуется чередованием восходящих и нисходящих тонов . Первая синтагма , представ- ляющая собой общий вопрос , произносится с низким восходящим завершени- ем , вторая синтагма произносится с низким нисходящим тоном : `Is it Alice | or Linda?|

Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие альтернативные вопросы , обращая внимание на инто- нацию : 1. Is she five or six? 2. Is his daughter four or five? 3. Is Pete nine or ten? 4. Is this a park or a garden? 5. Is this family big or small? 6. Is this pencil black or yellow? 7. Is the lesson difficult or easy? 8. Is the meat hot or cold?

Интонация разделительных вопросов Интонационное оформление разделительного вопроса представляет со- бой фразу , которая состоит из двух синтагм . Первая обычно произносится с нисходящей шкалой и падающим завершением . Вторая , являющаяся кратким общим вопросом , как правило , произносится с низким восходящим заверше- нием ; в таком случае говорящий хочет показать , что он заинтересован в пред- мете разговора и хочет получить какую -то новую информацию , содержащуюся в ответе : Wendy White comes from Winchester, | doesn’t she? Вторая часть разделительного вопроса может произноситься с падаю- щим завершением ; в таком случае говорящий уверен в ожидаемом ответе , не сомневается в том , что ответ будет положительным , он лишь ждет подтвер-

107 ждения . Такой разделительный вопрос можно рассматривать как своеобразное утверждение . Например : It’s a nice day,| isn’t it?

Упражнения 1. Произнесите разделительные вопросы .

2. б) Transform open-ended questions into tag questions.

Model: Is the 'lesson ,easy? The lesson is easy, | isn't it?

3. Задайте вопросы по о бразцу . Соблюдайте правильную интонацию . Model 1: Is this snow? Model 2: This isn't snow, is it? Model 3: This is snow, isn't it?

4. Обменяйтесь репликами по образцу .

Model 1: This is a star, isn't it? Yes, it is.

Model 2: This 'isn't a star, is it? No, it isn't. a bee, a fox, a park, a pencil, a car, a clock, a book, a notebook, a cook, a stick, a slip, a bell, a bird, a dog.

Ритм , ритмогруппа Английская речь отличается большой ритмичностью . В английской речи хорошо прослеживается тяготение последующих безударных слогов к преды- дущему ударному слогу . Так образуются речевые отрезки , назывемые ритмо- группами . Например , фразу Ann has gone away можно разбить на следующие ритмогруппы , содержащие ударный и тяготеющие к нему последующие без- ударные слоги : 'Ann has | 'gone a | way. Таким образом , в связи с тем что в английской фразе имеет место тен- денция чередовать ударные слоги через относительно равные промежутки времени , в потоке речи происходит выравнивание длительности ритмических групп . Так , на произнесение приведённых ниже предложений Peter’s sister is eating sweets. Pete’s niece eats meat. требуется практически одинаковое время , несмотря на то , что количест- во слогов в первом предложении больше . Это связано с тем , что время звуча- ния английской фразы зависит не от общего количества слогов в ней , а от ко- личества ударных слогов . Как уже отмечалось ранее , ударными в английском предложении являются , как правило , знаменательные слова . Чередование 108 ударных слогов через более или менее равные промежутки времени называет- ся ритмом .

Интонационное оформление обстоятельственных групп 1. Обстоятельственные группы в начале предложения , как правило , выделя- ются в отдельную интонационную группу и произносятся низким восходящим тоном . Например :

In -> front of the ,house|...

On the -> ground, floor| ...

2. Оба предложения , входящие в состав сложносочиненного предложения ( ка- тегорического утверждения ), как правило , произносятся нисходящим тоном , что объясняется их смысловой законченностью . Например : Doctor ⇘Sandford's 'house is 'not large | but it is comfortable. Большая смысловая взаимосвязь между двумя самостоятельными предло- жениями может быть выражена восходящим завершением первого предложе- ния . Например : Doctor ⇘Sandford's'house is 'not ,large | but it is comfortable. 3. Предложение , вводящее прямую речь , может произноситься как восходя- щим , так и нисходящим тоном . Например : Не ,says: | "I'm from Moscow." Не says: | "I'm from Moscow." При переводе в косвенную речь это предложение обычно не образует само- стоятельной смысловой фуппы . Например : Doctor Sandford 'says he must 'pay a lot of vmoney. 4. Постепенно нисходящая последовательность ударных слогов может быть нарушена , если по смыслу необходимо выделить одно из промежуточных слов (the Broken Descending Scale). Некоторое повышение тона на ударном слоге выделенного слова сопровождается дальнейшим постоянным понижением то- на последующих слогов . Например : Не must ⇘pay the 'money for ⇑rnany years now.

Упражнения 1. Прослушайте и произнесите скороговорку , соблюдая аспирацию звука [k], особенности артикуляции фонемы [æ], фразовое ударение , а также ритм . Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? ˈkæn j ə ˈkæn ə ˈkæn əz ə ˈkæn ə k ən kæn ə kæn

2. Определите число ритмогрупп в следующих фразах . Запишите эти фразы в транскрипции , сделайте интонационную разметку , обозначая паузы между синтагмами . Пролизнесите фразы за диктором . 1. Send Pete back. Kyle likes cats. 2. Let’s play a game of chess. 109 3. She never makes mistakes in a dictation. 4. Take my advice and buy it. 5. Have some cheese and some biscuit.

3. Воспроизведите фразы за диктором , сохраняя равное время произнесе- ния ритмогорупп в каждой паре фраз .

1. 'Give me an apple. 3. I’ll 'speak to his manager. 'Give me a nice apple. I’ll 'speak again to his man- ager. 2. 'Buy some chips. 4. 'Send him a message. 'Buy some 'flavoured chips. She must 'send him a message.

4. Начертите интонограммы следующих фраз . Сколько ударных слогов в каж- дой фразе ? Произнесите , постепенно увеличивая скорость произнесения более длинных фраз для сохранения ритма . One, two, three, four →One and two and three and four →One and a two and a three and a four Em likes ham . →Ad am isn’t pick y. → Am an da is a lit tle bit cyn ical. Eve isn’t in . → Dav id is a lit tle sil ly. → Isa bell a is a way in It aly.

5. Определите слова ( слоги ), на которые падает фразовое ударение . Сделайте интонационную разметку и произнесите фразы , постепенно увеличивая ско- рость произнесения более длинных фраз для сохранения ритма . 1. Adam plays till six. Adam plays tennis till six. Adam plays table tennis till six. Adam Davies plays table tennis at Kelly’s till six. Adam Davies plays table tennis at Kelly’s place till six.

2. Emma likes apples. Little Emma likes apples. Little Emma likes big apples. Little Emma likes nice big apples. Little Emma likes nice big sweet apples. Little Emma likes nice big sweet apples and dates.

Фразы , состоящие из двух интонационных групп Если фраза состоит из двух интонационных групп , при произнесении не- конечных синтагм в таких фразах может употребляться как нисходящий , так и восходящий тон . Если неконечная синтагма не имеет смысловой самостоя- тельности , она произносится с восходящим тоном : ˈEmma is e leven | and ˈBilly is five. I ˈneed ˈfive pencils | and ˈfive pens. Если неконечная синтагма является завершенной , самостоятельной по смыслу и не зависит от поседующей синтагмы , она произносится с нисходя- щим тоном : ˈLet’s meet Ann, | it’s late. 110

Упражнения 1. Скажите , хорошо или плохо вы и ваш друг играете в теннис , поёте и т.п. Используйте образец и подсказки . Model I play tennis badly ( well) | and Daniel plays tennis well ( badly). play chess; swim; sing; play table tennis; skate; dance; make cakes; cook; spell na- tionality words; dive; speak English/Spanish/Chinese/French/German/ Finnish etc.

2. Проведите небольшой опрос среди студентов группы , какие из перечислен- ных ниже продуктов любит каждый из них . Запишите ответы студентов и со- ставьте предложения по образцам . Прочитайте предложения . Model I like cakes, and Ann likes milk. meat, eggs, tea, beef, milk, apples, ham, ham and eggs, candies, pickles, cakes, pan- cakes, pizza

3. Прослушайте следующие фразы . Определите тип интонационной струк- туры неконечных синтагм . Назовите синтагмы , являющиеся самостоятельны- ми по смыслу . Воспроизведите фразы за диктором . 1. Nancy is reading and Edith is writing. 2. This is a caterpillar, and that is a beetle. 3. This table is made of plastic and it’s fairly cheap. 4. I am making dinner and my sister is laying the table. 5. It’s an English text and I must read it. 6. Mary is a teacher of English and Helen is a teacher of physics.

4. Произнесите следующие фразы , оформляя незаконченные синтагмы низким восходящим тоном . Объясните , почему в незаконченых синтагмах употреблён данный тип интонационной структуры . 1. Sally is a cashier and Janet is a typist. 2. Jane can ski and Janet can skate. 3. Helen likes camomiles and betty likes pansies. 4. Ann has a ring and Liz has a pendant. 5. This knife is made of steel and that knife is made of silver.

5. Выберите для каждой из фраз интонационную структуру ( Model A или Model B), соответствующую характеру смысловой связи между синтагмами . Произнесите фразы . Model A: This 'bag is 'made of leather and it 'isn’t ex pensive. Model B: 'This 'bag is made of natural leather and 'that 'bag is 'made of manmade leather.

1. This is veal and that is beef.

111 2. The climate in Siberia is severe and the climate in England is mild. 3. This sentence is difficult and I must repeat it several times. 4. This hat is made of felt and it’s very fashionable. 5. Mary has a pair of jeans and Janet has a pair of sllacks. 6. This sheet is made of flax and that sheet is made of siilk. 7. This is veal and it’s very tender.

6. Complete the sentences. Observe the low rising tone in adverbial groups: 8. 1. In the middle of the room ... . 2. On the walls ... . 3. On the left .... 4. To the right of the fridge .... 5. Next to the door ... . 6. In front of the house 7. Next to the writing-table ... . 8. In the bathroom .... 9. In the kitchen ... . 10. Upstairs ....

Вопросы 1. Назовите случаи употребления низкого восходящего тона и ровного тона . 2. Охарактеризуйте интонационное оформление а) общих вопросов ; б) специ- альных вопросов ; в) разделительных вопросов ; г) альтернативных вопросов ; д) специ альных вопросов . 3. Как произносятся неконечные синтагмы в фразах , состоящих из двух инто- национных групп ?

GRAMMAR Personal and Possessive Pronouns A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Personal pronouns I, me, you, he, him, she, her, we, us can be used only to refer to people (sometimes to pets): Jack is ill. He ’ll be away for a few days. My cat is so funny, I really adore him . Personal pronoun it is used to refer to things, animals, places, qualities, actions, and ideas: Personal pronouns they and them refer to things as well as people: I like dogs, but they don’t like me. He likes people, but they don’t like him. Personal pronouns have one form when they are used as subjects, and a different form when they are the objects.

Personal Pronouns Possessive pronouns Nominative Case Objective Conjoint Absolute Case (dependent) form (indepen dent) form I me my mine you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its its we us our ours they them their theirs


112 1. Write corresponding personal (in nominative and objective case) and possessive pronouns (conjoint and absolute forms). a tablet, a girl, a medicine, an animal, Paul Johnson, hamster, luminosity, Kate, a man, a baby, a cleaner, hatred, Teddy, pigeon, a painter, a kitten, a woman, a panda, novel, lass, guy.

2. Replace the underlined words with personal pronouns. 1.The teacher wants the students to translate the article . 2. Let Jeff buy the tickets for Andy and Jane . 3. Tell the boy to give the book back to the girl. 4. Justin is go- ing to write a letter to his girlfriend today. 5. This book isn’t suitable for young children . 6. Helen is working hard at German . 7. Joe’s style makes Sean and Billy smile. 8. Charlotte wants Oliver and Steve to help Rich with the barbecue . 9. Tom and Bob are always hungry after classes. 10. Tom usually goes to the canteen with his fellow-students. 11. Mother doesn't like mustard . 12. Give Kitty some tea. 13. Is Kitty thirsty? 14. Mother often asks Ann to help little John. 15. Bob doesn't like beer and always prefers a glass of mineral water.

3. Fill in the gaps with object pronouns. 1. Make ___ stay. 2. Find ___ a gift. 3. Give ___ a pineapple. 3. Let _____ wait a little. 4. Tell ___ his name. 5. Spend ____ next time. 6. Help ___ peel ____ . 7. Knight needs ____ . 8. Get ___ a pizza. 9. Lend ____ a pen. 10. It’s an excellent film. I like ____ . 11. Make ___ a cake.

4. Choose the correct form of the possessive pronouns in brackets.

Note. The conjoint form of the possessive pronoun stands before a noun. The absolute form is used instead of a noun not to repeat it.

1. This is (my, mine) bag. 2. This bag is (my, mine). 3. Is (her, hers) family large or small? 4. (Her, hers) skates are better than (your, yours). 5. Whose hat is this? — It's (my, mine). 6. Is he a friend of (your, yours)? 7. Don't stay at (their, theirs) house; stay at (our, ours). 8. She is in bed in (her, hers) room. 9. (My, mine) pen won't write,, please give me (your, yours). 10. She's an old friend of (my, rnine). 11. Is this dictionary (my, mine) or (your, yours)? 12. (Her, hers) is the best composition.

5. Make up 10 phrases according to the model. Model Nick Bell’s tie ['nɪk 'belz ta ɪ]; Tim Brown’s sister

6. Make up sentences according to the model. Model Bill has a bike . → It’s Bill’s bike . → It’s his bike . → It’s his . Bill’s cat Bigmac has meat . → It’s Bigmac’s meat . → It’s its meat . → It’s its. 1. Dan/a fine plan; 2. Amanda’s cat Fabby/kitten; 3. Adam/an expensive bicycle; 4. David/a big cake. 5. Max/tie; 6. Emily’s cat Vanilla/black tail; 7. Little Tim /a date; 113 8. Ben Wells/a little tea; 9. Dave/a selfie pic; 10. Davies/a kid; 11. Eve’s cat Vinny/a nice mat; 12. Alan/tablet; 13. Alex/a pill; 14. Andy/a little pickles; 15. Adam/tinned beef; 16. Ted/ tin; 17. Emma’s cat Fitz/a nice name; 18. Allen Williams’ niece/a fat cat; 19. Sid Davies/a simple text.

7. Replace the underlined words with the words. Model St 1: Gladys, when Alan gets back, text me , please. St 2: Fine. (e-mail me, send me an e-mail, give him five CDs, make him tea, tell him David Gates is away)

8. Respond to the statements as in the model. Model: I like Eve’s bike. – It isn’t Eve’s, it’s Ted’s. Model: Is it Ben’s bike? – Yes, it’s his.

9. Make up short dialogues using the models. Model: A: I need a pen. B: And he? (pencil) A: He needs a pencil. A: I need a tablet. B: And he? (PC) 2. A: I get ten e-mals a day. B: And he? (twelve) 3. A: I miss Amy. B: And he? (Candice) 4. A: I live in Lynn. B: And he? (Wells) 5. A: I ski till six. B: And he? (nine) 6. A: I like veal. B: And he? (beef) 7. A: I feel sick. B: And he? (fine) 8. A: I make tables. B: And he? (desks) 8. A: I skate till five. B: And he? (ten).

10. Make up short dialogues using the models. Model 1 S1: Pete is ill. S2: It’s a pity he is ill. Model 2 S1: Pete feels well. S2: I’m glad he feels well. 1. Dave feels bad. 2. Bill feels fine. 3. Sid is lazy. 4. His plan is bad. 5. Little Betsy likes milk. 5. Alex’s plan is simple. 6. Little Tim likes apples. 7. Ed has a fine flat. 8. Steve isn’t happy. 9. Meg’s table uis clean. 10. Ben’s flat is big. 11. Text ten is easy. 12. Daisy’s kid is pale. 13. Candice is sad. 14. Billy’s tie is nice. 15. Alice’s bike is fine. 16 Emily’s bag is heavy. 17. His wife is picky. 18. He likes Bess’ CDs. 19. Sid feels sad. 20. Nick isn’t well.

11. Point out direct, indirect, and prepositional objects and say what they are ex- pressed by.

Note. Remember that the indirect object cannot be used without the direct object.

Models: Give me (indirect) your address (direct). I must read it (direct) to you (indirect). He came with his friend (prepositional).

114 12. Give me a knife and a small spoon, please. 2. It is raining, you must give her your umbrella. 3. Tell us your story. 4. Tell it to him, too. 5.1 know nothing about it. 6. Show me your room. 7.1 want to buy a doll for my little sister. 8.1 haven't seen the children today. 9. Help me, please. 10. See you tomorrow. 11. You'll forget him. 12. She writes letters to her cousins. 13. Give me a match, please. 14. Put all possible questions to this sentence. 15. Will you pass me the sugar? 16. I addressed her twice before she answered me. 17. He handed the letter to his wife. 18. I need a book with pictures for my little daughter. 21. Everybody listened to him with interest. 22. Peg- gotty opened a little door and showed me my bedroom. 23. We are sorry for him. 24. He stopped and shook hands with me. 25. She put the kettle on the fire. 26. We looked for the boy everywhere.

13. Use the personal pronouns given in brackets in the Objective Case: 1. Do you know ... (he)? 2. Who is there? — It's ... (I). 3. They invite ... (we) to their party. 4. And do you invite ... (they)? 5. Ask ... (she) to come, too.

14. Name the forms of the personal pronouns and use them in sentences. Models: She is the Nominative Case. Her is the Objective Case. You is the Nomina- tive Case and the Objective Case. The Singular — it, she, him, you, me, her, I, he. The Plural — we, them, you, they, us.

15. Insert the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun: 1. This doesn't look like my tooth-brush; it must be ... . 2. Take your bag, I have taken ...; come on! 3. They say they have lost ... tickets; perhaps these are ... . 4. John has come to see me; ... father and ... are old friends. 5. Mary and I have made new dresses to wear at ... party; she says ... is better than ... . 6. Ann is going to help little Kitty to clean ... shoes.

The Category of Number English countable nouns have two numbers — the singular and the plural. The main types of the plural forms of English nouns are as follows: I 1. The general rule for forming the plural of English nouns is by adding the ending -s (-es) to the singular; -s is pronounced in different ways: [ɪz] after sibilants: noses, horses, bridges. [z] after voiced consonants other than sibilants and after vowels: flowers, beds, doves, bees, boys. [s] after voiceless consonants other than sibilants: caps, books, hats, cliffs. 2. If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, or -tch, the plural is formed by adding -es to the singular: bus — buses, glass — glasses, box — boxes, brush — brushes, bench — benches, match — matches 3. If the noun ends in -y preceded by a consonant, у is changed into i before -es: fly — flies, army — armies, lady — ladies ; in proper names, however, the plural is formed by adding the ending -s to the singular: Mary, Marys .

115 N o t e. — If the final -y is preceded by a vowel the plural is formed by simply adding -s to the singular: day — days, play — plays, key — keys, monkey — monkeys, toy — toys, boy — boys.

4. If the noun ends in -o preceded by a consonant, the plural is generally formed by adding -es. Only a few nouns ending in -o preceded by a consonant form the plural in -s: cargo — cargoes, hero — heroes, potato — potatoes, echo — ech- oes ; b u t: piano — pianos, solo — solos, photo — photos. All nouns ending in -o preceded by a vowel form the plural in -s and not in -es: cuckoo — cuckoos, portfolio — portfolios. There are a few nouns ending in -o which form the plural both in -s and -es: mosquito — mosquitos or mosquitoes 5. With certain nouns the final voiceless consonants are changed into the corresponding voiced consonants when the noun takes the plural form. (a) The following nouns ending in -f (in some cases followed by a mute e) change it into v (both in spelling and pronunciation) in the plural: wife — wives, thief — thieves, knife — knives, calf — calves, life — lives, half — halves, sheaf — sheaves, shelf — shelves, leaf — leaves, wolf — wolves. There are some nouns ending in -f which have two forms in the plural: scarf — scarfs or scarves, wharf — wharfs or wharves, handkerchiefs or handkerchieves (in BrE). (b) Nouns ending in -th [ θ] after long vowels change it into [ð] in pronunciation (which does not affect their spelling): bath [b ɑːθ] — baths [bɑː ðz], path [p ɑːθ]— paths [pɑː ðz], oath [quT] — oaths [bɑː ðz]. But [ θ] is always retained after consonants (including r) and short vowels: smith — smiths [sm ɪθs], month — months [mʌnθ], myth — myths [m ɪθs] birth — births [bəːθs], health — healths [hel θs]. (c) One noun ending in [s] changes it into [z] (in pronunciation): house [haus] — houses [hauzIz] II 1. There are seven nouns which form the plural by changing the root vowel: man — men, woman — women, foot — feet, tooth — teeth, goose — geese, mouse — mice, louse — lice. 2. There are two nouns which form the plural in -en: ox — oxen, child — children. 3. In some nouns the plural form does not differ from the singular: deer, sheep, swine, fish, trout.

Note: The plural of fish is usually fish , but fishes has a few uses. In biology, for instance, fishes is used to refer to multiple species of fish. For example, if you say you saw four fish when scuba diving,

116 that means you saw four individual fish, but if you say you saw four fishes, we might infer that you saw an undetermined number of fish of four different species.

III Some words borrowed from Latin or Greek keep their Latin or Greek plural forms: e. g. phenomenon, phenomena; datum, data; crisis, crises; stimulus, stimuli; formula, formulae; index, indices. Some of these nouns have acquired Eng- lish plural forms: memorandums, formulas, indexes, terminuses, etc. The word data can be treated both as a singular and plural noun, its singular form (datum ) is practically out of use: The data was/were collected by various researchers. Now the data is/are be- ing transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk.

IV In compound nouns the plural is formed in different ways. 1. As a rule a compound noun forms the plural by adding -s to the head-word: edi- tor-in-chief — editors-in-chief , brother-in-law — brothers-in-law looker-on — lookers-on. 2. In some compound nouns the final element takes the plural form: lady-bird — lady-birds 3. If there is no noun-stem in the compound, -s is added to the last element: forget-me-not — forget-me-nots, merry-go-round — merry-go-rounds. V Some nouns have only the plural form: 1. Trousers, spectacles, breeches, scissors, tongs, fetters. These are for the most part names of things which imply plurality or consist of two or more parts. 2. Billiards, barracks, works. These nouns may be treated as singulars. We may say: a chemical works, a barracks, etc. 3. Words like phonetics, physics, politics, optics, etc. are usually treated as singulars except in some special cases. 4. The word news is treated as a singular: This was hardly news to her.

VI In British English, singular words like family, team, government, which refer to groups of people, can have either singular or plural verbs and pronouns: The team is/are going to lose. Plural forms are common when the group is seen as a collection of people doing personal things like deciding, hoping or wanting. Singular forms are more common when the group is seen as an impersonal unit. Compare: My family have decided to move to York. They're going in April / The average family has 3.6 members. It is smaller than 50 years ago. Many singular quantifying expressions can be used with plural nouns and pronouns; plural verbs are normally used in this case: A number of people have tried to find the treasure, but they have all failed. (More natural than A number of people has tried ... ) A group of us are going to take a boat through the French canals. This is not the case with ‘the number’, which is still singular: The number of people here has in- creased since this morning. 117

After expressions like one of the ... , singular and plural verbs are both used in rela- tive clauses beginning who, which or that : She's one of the few women who have/has climbed Everest. Strictly speaking, a plural verb is correct. However, singular verbs are also very common in these structures. VII When we talk about amounts and quantities we usually use singular determiners, verbs and pronouns, even if the noun is plural. Where is that five pounds I lent you? (NOT Where are those five pounds ..?) Twenty miles is a long way to walk. VIII Singular verbs are often possible after plural number subjects in spoken calcu- lations: Two and two is/are four. Ten times five is fifty. More than one is generally used with a singular noun and verb: More than one per- son is going to have to find a new job. Expressions beginning one of normally have a plural noun and a singular verb: One of my friends is getting married. (NOT One of my friendls are ... ) IX Some expressions joined by and have singular determiners, verbs and pronouns. This happens when the two nouns are used together so often that we think of them as a single idea: This gin and tonic isn't very strong, is it? Your toast and marmalade is on the table. X Plural names of countries usually have singular verbs and pronouns: The United States is anxious to improve its image in Latin America. Plural names of organisations may also have singular verbs and pronouns. XI They/ them/ their is often used to refer to a singular indefinite person: Somebody left their umbrella. Tell each person to help themselves to what they want. XII In English a verb normally agrees with the subject of a sentence, not with a following complement: A serious problem in our garden is wasps. XIII Certain English singular uncountable nouns correspond to plural nouns in some other languages: Your hair is very pretty. (NOT Your hairs are ... ) Where is the money? (NOT Where are the money? ) XIV When who and what are used to ask for the subject of a clause, they most of- ten have singular verbs, even if the question expects a plural answer: Who is working tomorrow? ~ Phil, Lucy and Shareena (are workingtomorrow). (More natural than Who are working tomorrow?) XV When who and what are used to ask for the complement of a clause, they can have plural verbs: Who are your closest friends? ~ (My closest friends are) Naomi and Bridget. XVI An apostrophe (‘) is used before the -s in the plurals of letters of the alphabet: She spelt 'necessary' with two c's.

Exercises 1. Form the plural of the following nouns. a bench, a glass, a kiss, a speech, an inch, a match, a dish, a hitch, a quiz.

2. Arrange the following nouns into two groups: a) countable nouns, b) uncount- able nouns. Say which can be used with an indefinite article: 118 message, mistake, modelliterature, sugar, football, music, news, dress, tomato, soup, mountain, friendship, foreigner, scheme, money, class, shop, unemployment, thought, poetry, wisdom, programme, corner, subject, warmth, valley, village, method, zoology, minute, unity.

3. Read the singular and plural forms of the following nouns: a lot — lots; a top — tops; a net — nets; a set — sets; a note — notes; fog — fogs; a pet — pets; a nod — nods; a bill — bills; a fox — foxes; a kiss — kisses; a bed — beds; a clock — clocks; a kid — kids; a stick — sticks; a theme — themes.

4. Form the plural of the following nouns. Transcrib e the words. Think of five ex- amples of your own. 1. dynasty → five …; 2. key → ten …; 3. stay → he …; 4. pity → he …; 5. signify → it …; 6. party → three …; 7. enemy → two …; 8. toy → six …; 9. study → she …; 10. study → his …

5. Write the plural of the following nouns and read them aloud: a story, a fish, a knife, a man, a dress, a tooth, a lamp, a box, a brother, a brother-in- law, a dog, a foot, a bench, a hospital, a bed, a sentence, a lady, a toy, an exercise, a child, a woman, a sheep, a niece, a son-in-law, a family, a half, a library, a wife, a potato, a sportsman, a country, a wolf, a tomato, a brush, a baby, a watch, a sheep, a postman, a day, a shelf, a sister-in-law, a text, a roof, a cassette-recorder, a page, a handkerchief.

6. Form the plural of the following nouns: a lawn, a bush, a deer, a pantry, a sitting-room, a study, a sofa, a phoneme, an exer- cise, a housewife, a son-in-law, a nursery, a child, a woman, a family, a boy, a shelf, a mouse, a penny, a face, a tomato, a mother-in-law, a toy, a sentence, a leaf, a sheep, a piano, a policeman.

7. Pick out countable nouns from the list below and write them in the plural. Give examples with the remaining uncountable nouns: porridge, daughter, salt, sugar, butter, milk, tea, cake, bacon, toast, marmalade, tea- pot, egg, bread, soup, waitress, chop, beer, potato, pleasure, water, mustard, sausage, pepper, fruit, knife, orange, discussion, watch.

8. Use some where necessary. Note. Uncountable nouns and countable nouns in the plural are preceded by some when "a certain quantity or number" is implied.

1. Students write on ... paper and also on the blackboard. 2.1 need ... writing-paper to write a letter. 3.1 like ... sweet apples. 4. Please, buy me ... apples. 5. ... children must drink ... milk every day. 6. ... children do not like ... milk. 7. The tea is very hot, I must put... milk in it. 8. What must I buy, ... cheese or ... butter? 9.1 am fond of ... flowers. 10. Put... butter on the pota- 119 toes. 11. I've brought you ... flowers. 12. Give me ... bread. 13. I don't like ... tea at this time of the day. 14. I'd like ... hot tea now. 15. Bring ...water, please.

9. Point out countable nouns by using an indefinite article. Note. Remember that uncountable nouns in their general sense never take any article.

1. He is ... honesty itself. 2. ... iron is ... metal. 3. ... knife is made of... metal. 4.1 want... glass of... milk. 5.1 like ... jam on... piece of... bread. 6. We can write ... letter in ... ink or with ... pencil. 7.1 prefer ... book of... poetry to stories of... adventure. 8. Can you give me ... piece of... advice? 9, No news is ... good news. 10.... kindness is... good quality.

10. Change the following sentences into the plural where possible: 1. The house is not large but it is comfortable. 2. A study is a room where we study, read or write. 3. The furniture is old-fashioned. 4. There is a pantry in the house. 5. Have you got an exercise to do? 6. There is a green lawn behind the house. 7. Is his family large? 8. This television-set costs a lot of money. 9. What is there in that box? 10. This cupboard is new and modern. 11. There is no soup in my plate. 12. Is the curtain white or yellow? 13. There is a lot of snow in winter. 14. The woman's dress is bright. 15. A city is a big town. 16. The child's toy is on the floor.

11. Put the verbs into the correct form. In one sentence both variants are possible, find it. 1. Calisthenics ... (is/are) a good way to keep fit. 2. The brown jeans ... (doesn’t/don’t) fit me. 3. The police ... (wants/want) to interview two men about the robbery last week. 4. Physics ... (is/are) Jim’s favourite subject. 5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ... (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough. 6. The news ... (is/are) good. 7. Where ... (do/does) your family live? 8. Two days ... (isn’t/aren’t) long enough for a good holiday. 9. I can’t find my binoculars. Do you know where ... (it is/they are)? 10. It’s a nice place to visit. The people ... (is/are) very friendly. 11. I don’t like very hot weather. Thirty degrees ... (is/are) too hot for me.

12. Найдите и исправьте грамматические ошибки в следующих предложениях , если они имеются . 1. Five years are a long time to be without a job. 2. The government wants to in- crease taxes. 3. Oliver is wearing a black jeans. 4. Argentina is playing Russia in a football match next week. 5. I like Andy and Tim. They are very nice persons. 6. Give me a thousand roubles. Five hundred roubles isn’t enough. 7. I’m going to buy a new pyjamas. 8. The committee haven’t made a decision yet. 9. What is the police going to do? 10. The pliers is sold in various sizes.

13. Find mistakes, if any, and correct them. 1. Just because bridge serve useful functions doesn't mean they have to be boring or utilitarian. 2. Who are your best friends? ~ My best friends are Sam and Dean. 3. A number of people are waiting for the bus. 4. UK lady 'are hard to impress online'. This means that men in the UK will have to put a lot of effort into an online dating

120 page if they are going to find Mrs Right, while they should also be ready to perse- vere and have a number of meetings. 5. Look at these photoes of Star Wars charac- ters. They are amazing! 6. No matter where life takes you, your jeans are that key wardrobe item that — styled up or down — will give you that superhero feeling eve- ryday. 7. Who are your clients? ~ We have a very broad customer base. A lot of our clients include up-and-coming independent clothing labels. 8. My firm are wonder- ful. They do all they can for me. 9. Looker-ons see most of the game (a proverb). 10. I can probably count on my fingers the number of peoples in this room who do not use a mobile phone. 11. The number of students around the globe enrolled in higher education is forecast to more than double to 262 million by 2025. 12. Woman like to talk and pour their feelings out - it's a well known fact. 13. Where is the money, honey? 14. Shh! I think there’s somebody in that room! ~ There isn't anyone there. 15. Ten miles are a bit far to walk, of course, but Manchester's compact enough to let you get from campus to nightclubs and back to the residence halls, all on foot.

Possessives We show possession in English by adding 's and s' for people and some living creatures. We use the 's structure most often to talk about possessions, relationships and physical characteristics, especially when the first noun refers to a person or animal, or to a country, organisation or other group of living creatures : Frank's car. (Not the car of Frank ) That's my father's house. (NOT ... the house of my father ) Mary's brother is a lawyer. (NOT The brother of Mary ... ) I don't like Alice's friends much. Pete's eyes are like yours. There's something wrong with the cat's ear. Scot- land's climate is getting warmer. What do you think of the company's management? The simplest rule to remember is: Add 's to any personal noun unless it is in the form of a plural ending in -s, - in which case, just add an apostrophe ('). This means: - add 's to singular nouns and names not ending in -s: a boy's tie, Tom's hat. - add 's to singular nouns ending in -s: an actress's career, a waitress's job. - add 's to irregular plural nouns: children's games, the men's club, sheep's wool. - add an apostrophe (') after the -s of regular plurals: the girls' uniforms. - add 's to names ending in -s: Charles's address, Doris's party, St James's Park. - Famous names ending in s just add (I): Yeats' poetry. This is pronounced [ ɪz] or [s]. We also use the structure to talk about things that people etc produce: I didn't believe the girl's story. Have you read John's letter? What are Norway's main ex- ports? The government's decision was extremely unwise. With some words for people's actions, we can use either 's or a structure with of : the Queen's arrival OR the arrival of the Queen the committee's second meeting OR the second meeting of the committee An of-structure is preferred when the 'possessing' expression is very long. Compare: My sister's husband. The husband of the woman who sent you that strange letter. With nouns which are not the names of people, animals, countries etc, 's is less common, and a structure with a preposition (usually of) is more normal: the name of the street (NOT the street's name ) the back of the room (NOT the room's

121 back ) the roof of the house (NOT the house's roof ) the top of the page (NOT the page's top ) If the speaker wants to emphasize that he/she is talking about one person (or thing) out of a number of similar ones, the following structure is used: a + noun + of + possessive noun/possessive pronoun : Cecil is a niece of Ben’s . A friend of my sister’s is a friend of mine. We can add 's or ' to a whole phrase: the man next door's wife, Henry the Eighth's six wives, the Smiths' new house. Note the difference between, for example: Joe and Ann's children (Joe and Ann are the children’s parents) Joe's and Ann's children (Joe's children and Ann's children) We can use a possessive without a following noun, if the meaning is clear. Whose is that? ~ Peter's. We often talk about shops, firms, churches and people's houses in this way: I bought it at Smiths. We had a nice time at John and Susan's last night. The's structure (or the plural with s') is often used - to say how long things last: a day's journey, a twenty minutes' delay. Noun + noun structures are also possible in expressions with numbers: a three-hour journey a twenty-minute delay. - to talk about particular moments and events: yesterday's news, last Sunday's match, tomorrow's weather.

Exercises 1. Rewrite these sentences using s (for plurals), 's , or just an apostrophe ( ‘) (for possessives). 1. This bicycle is for a child. 2. This pen belongs to the teacher. 3. He described the career of the actress. 4 That's a job for a stewardess. 5. These toys belong to the chil- dren. 6 This is a club for women. 7. It's a school for girls. 8. This is the lounge for residents. 9. This umbrella belongs to James. 10. That hat belongs to Doris.

2. Replace the of-phrases by the noun in the possessive case: 1. The wife of Mister Bean. 2. The elder sister of Helen. 3. The friend of my brother- in-law. 4. The best suit of my husband. 5. The novels of Dickens. 6. The hat of my sister-in-law. 7. The answers of the students. 8. The tools of the workers. 9. The dress of the girl. 10. The dresses of the girls.

3. A. Translate into English paying attention to the use of articles: ~ ручка двери , ножка стола , горлышко бутылки , крыша дома , потолок комна- ты , обложка книги , спинка стула, крыло самолета ; ~ пачка сигарет , группа студентов , букетик фиалок , стадо овец , связка книг , набор инструментов ; ~ буханка хлеба , ложка варенья , капля крови , кусок сахара , чашка кофе , бу- тылка вина , кувшин молока .

В. Make up sentences using the of-phrases.

122 4. Replace the o/-phrases by the noun in the possessive case: 1. The face of the woman is attractive. 2. The faces of these women are attractive. 3. The coat of my father-in-law is grey. 4. The coats of the passers-by are wet. 5. The voice of the man is too loud. 6. The voices of the men sound harsh. 7. The toys of the child are on the floor. 8. The toys of the children are on the floor.

5. Translate into English using personal and possessive pronouns in the appropriate form: 1 Дай мне на минутку твой словарь . 2 Скажи это ему , а не мне . 3. Где она ? Я ее не вижу . 4. Доктор Сэндфорд — его приятель . 5. Что с ней ? Она больна ? 6. Это не моя тетрадь . Моя в голубой обложке (cover). 7. Ей сегодня лучше . Скажите об этом доктору . 8. Я хочу поговорить с ней . 9. Возьми этот цветок и передай его Бетти 10. Не спрашивайте нас , спросите их . 11. Это плохой карандаш . Я не могу им писать . 12. Не садитесь на этот стул , у него сломана ножка (leg). 13. Моя комната больше , чем ваша . 14. Это старая книга , у нее пожелтевшие (yellow) страницы (leaves).

The Verb According to their syntactic function the verbs are divided into notional verbs , aux- iliary verbs and link verbs . 1. Notional verbs: to write, to read, to speak, to know, to ask. She knew what he was thinking. 2. Auxiliary verbs : to do, to have, to be, shall, will etc. But all this time James was musing... He would have succeeded splendidly at the Bar. 3. Link verbs: to be, to look, to feel, to turn etc. The house was too big. (Galsworthy) The old face looked worn and hollow again. In different contexts the same verb can be used as a notional verb and an auxiliary verb or a link verb: ...She turned her head sullenly away from me. (NOTIONAL VERB) She... turned deadly pale. (Collins) (LINK VERB) She was not a ten-year-old girl any more... (LINK VERB)

There is a special group of verbs which cannot be used without additional words, though they have a meaning of their own. These are modal verbs such as can, may, must, ought, should etc. “We ought to have stayed in Italy, ” he said.

The Word Order Word order in English is of much greater importance than in Russian. Word order in Russian is rather free. Unlike in Russian, in English we cannot change the posi- tion of different parts of the sentence at will. Compare: Mrs. Winter sent the little boy with a message to the next village one December day. (Hardy) 123 The little boy sent Mrs. Winter with a message to the next village one December day.

The Word Order in Affirmative sentences Affirmative sentences have the order subject + verb + object (comple- ment)/adverb , e. g. Ann smiled. He does it well. John is a doctor. My father likes dogs.

The Word Order in Questions Questions normally have the order auxiliary verb + subject + main verb , e. g. Does Dave sell PC games? Where was she going ? Did Mary phone ? Indirect questions have the subject before the verb, e. g. Do you know where she was going? When the interrogative word is the subject of the sentence, the subject comes be- fore the verb and an auxiliary verb is not needed, e. g. Who speaks English here? What photos are lying on the table? In negative questions (negative interrogative sentences) the order is auxiliary verb + n’t + subject, e. g. Why didn't she come ? / Why did she not come ? Uncontracted negative questions are usually more formal.

The Word Order in Negatives Negatives normally have the order auxiliary + not+ main verb, e. g. The train does not stop at this station. Dave doesn’t sell PC games.

The Word order in Short Answers A common ‘short answer’ pattern is s ubject+auxiliary verb (+not) , e.g. Does he work? Yes, he does. Did Mary phone? No, she didn’t.

Exercises 1. a) Put the words into the right order to make questions. / does / sell / medicines / Sandy? 2. does / bake / Daisy / cakes? 3. sell /dates / does apples / Lizzy / and? 4. Daniel /does / type / texts? 5. does Pete / tablets / sell and CDs? 6. does / Daisy / Pete / date? 7. does Dave packets / pack? b) Ask questions to get the following answers. Yes, she does. 2. No, she doesn’t. 3. Yes, he does. 4. No, he doesn’t.

2. Change the questions from the previous exercise into affirmative sentences.

3. Change the affirmative sentences from the previous exercise into negative.

4. Put the words into the right order to make negative sentences. 1. doesn’t / Dave visit / her. 2. texts / doesn’t / Bill / type. 3. fix / he /PCs / doesn’t. 4. tickets / doesn’t Daniel sell. 5. doesn’t / bake / cakes Miranda. 6. make / she / pizza / doesn’t. 7. listen to / she / doesn’t / CDs. 8. fix / Ann / PCs / doesn’t. 9. doesn’t / sell / tickets /he. 10. Jim / sell medicines / doesn’t. 124

5. Make up sentences using the following words: 1. Give, paper, a piece, of, me, a pencil, and. 2. Week, Mr. Barnett, new, brings, Mary, and, books, magazines, every. 3. Tall, General Henderson, with, hair, a man, white, is. 4. Puts on, gloves, her, in, Nancy, a way, slow. 5. Show, can, I, something, you, interesting. 6. Good, English, some, have, I, books. 7. Them, can, I, bring, to, the Institute, you, to. 8. Cold, a night, January, was, it. 9. Long, can't, we, stay, here. 10. In, coffee, the morning, I, like.

6. Copy the following sentences putting the direct and the indirect objects in their proper place; insert to or for wherever necessary: 1. Can I do (anything) (you)? 2. Pass (it) (your father). 3. Show (us) (the capital of Poland). 4. You must explain (it) (him). 5. Fetch today's newspaper and read (it) (me). 6. Please bring (some milk) (Kitty). 7. Send (it) (them) at once. 8. Ask the waitress to bring (us) (coffee).

7. Make up sentences using the following words: 1. Give, paper, a piece, of, me, a pencil, and. 2. Week, Mr. Barnett, new, brings, Mary, and, books, magazines, every. 3. Tall, General Henderson, with, hair, a man, white, was. 4. Was putting on, gloves, her, in, Nancy, a way, slow. 5. Show, can, I, something, you, interesting. 6. GQod, English, some, have, I, books. 7. Them, can, I, bring, to, the Institute, you, to. 8. Cold, a night, January, was, it. 9. Long, can't, we, stay, here. 10. In, coffee, the morning, I, like.

Adverbs and their Place in a Sentence In questions the place of adverbs of indefinite time is after the subject: Is he often late? "Very (much)" is an adverbial of degree ( обстоятельство степени ). It is used in the following ways: 1. After the direct object we use ‘very much’: I like this idea very much . 2. We can use ‘very much’, not ‘very’, before the verb: We very much enjoyed the party. I very much like mountains. 3. Before adjectives and adverbs we use ‘very’, not ‘very much’: You’re very kind. I came very quickly. 4. After the verb "to be" (before past participles) we normally use ‘very much’: She is/was very much loved by her grandchildren. 5. But we use ‘very’, not ‘very much’, with some past participles that are used as ad- jectives: I’m very worried about Angela. We were very surprised when Pete passed his exam. (More common than ‘very much surprised’.) 6. We use ‘very much’ before the subordinate clause: I hope very much that you will be able to do it. Adverbial modifiers are often expressed by adverbs and nouns with prepositions: Jim spoke in a whisper. With verbs of movement or staying ( движения или пребывания ) the adverbial modifier of place comes immediately after the verb. If there are two or more adver- bial modifiers, the usual order is 125

1) "place"; 2) "manner"; 3) "time" . The adverbial modifier of indefinite time expressed by such adverbs as: never, usually, often, seldom, yet, just, etc. is placed before the main verb or after the auxil- iary or modal verb.

Exercises 1. Put the adverbs of indefinite time in their proper places. Models: Is he often late? What time do you generally get up? 1. Where do you spend the summer (usually)? 2. Do you prepare your lessons in the afternoon (always)? 3. Did he come so late (often)? 4. Axe you in time (always)? 5. When do they start working (usually)? 6. Do you see him (rarely)? 7. Are you going for a walk (just)? 8. Do the children quarrel with each other (often)? 9. Does your uncle mention this fact (ever)? 10. Do you have to get up so early (always)?

2. Put very much in its proper place. 1. Do you like the story? 2. I can't say that I like the idea. 3. Would it matter if we arrive about ten minutes later? 4. Well, I can see you're surprised to see me here. 5. John regrets that he cannot take part in the discussion. 6. I am very disappointed, to say the least.. 7. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 8. He says that he is impressed by her progress. 9. I doubt that they know anything about Japanese art. 10. I like a cup of hot tea at five o'clock.

3. Point out adverbial modifiers of time, place and manner and say what they are expressed by. Models: Come to see me tomorrow. We live in Moscow. ' Don't speak so loudly. Jim spoke in a whisper. 1. Ann can speak English well. 2. Father comes home at four o'clock. 3. You mustn't stay there late. 4. She looked at me with a smile. 5. John said it in a low voice. 6. Take these things upstairs. 7. She came into the room from the kitchen. 8.1 will do it for you with pleasure. 9. Don't allow the children to play in the street. 10. We started early in the morning. 11. That day I was busy and didn't go out. 12. We stayed there for an hour.

4. Put the adverbial modifiers in their proper places. Models: Bill ran home quickly an hour ago. 1. He went (at seven o'clock, by taxi, to the theatre). 2. She stood (looking at the road, on the porch). 3. Felix lived (for a long time, in France). 4. We went (after din- ner, to the village shop). 5. They left (in a hurry, at about 12 o'clock, for London). 6. We started (after dinner, there, immediately). 7. Don't forget that you must come (every morning, regularly, here). 8. I will meet you (tomorrow, at three o'clock, at the college gates). 9. Did you come (on your bicycle, to work, this morning) ? 10. I went (by air, last month, to St. Petersburg). 11. They (all there day stayed quietly).

5. Put the adverbs given in brackets in their proper places. 126 Models: She seldom comes to see us. Do you often go through the park? You are always late. I can never understand you. The book has already been trans- lated. 1. She has a few mistakes in her composition (always). 2.1 can agree to that (never). 3. We have six lessons a day (usually). 4. Old Mrs. Pratt is ill (often). 5. You are kind to me (always). 6.1 met him there (seldom). 7. We are very busy (generally). 8. They will believe it, I'm sure (never). 9. My friend stays long with us (seldom). 10. We are going for a walk (just).

6. Put the adverbs of indefinite time in their proper places. Models: Is he often late? Have you ever seen him? What time do you generally get up? 1. Where do you spend the summer (usually)? 2. Do you prepare your lessons in the afternoon (always)? 3. Did he come so late (often)? 4. Axe you in time (always)? 5. When do they start working (usually)? 6. Have you seen him (ever)? 7. Axe you go- ing for a walk (just)? 8. Do the children quarrel with each other (often)? 9. Has your uncle mentioned this fact (ever)? 10. Must you get up so early (always)?

7. Put very much in its proper place. 1. Do you like the story? 2.1 can't say that I like the idea. 3. Would it matter if we arrive about ten minutes later? 4. They were surprised to meet the two sisters there. 5. John regrets that he cannot take part in the discussion. 6.1 was disappointed to find out that the letter was lost. 7. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 8. He said that he was impressed by her progress. 9. I doubt that they have ever visited Japan. 10. I like a cup of hot tea at five o'clock.

8. Choose an adjective to form a nominal predicate and an adverb to modify a verbal predicate. Models: It is clear. I see it clearly.

1. It is (correct, correctly). 2. Spell the word (correct, correctly). 3. You know it (good, well). 4. Of course it is (good, well). 5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room. 6. Don't look so (cold, coldly) at me. 7. It is (easy, easily). 8. I can do it (easy, easily). 9. It is (warm, warmly) today. 10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

Exercises 1. Put the adverbs given in brackets in their proper places. Models: She seldom comes to see us. Do you often go through the park? You are always late. I can never understand you.

1. She has a few mistakes in her composition (always). 2. I can agree to that (never). 3. We have six lessons a day (usually). 4. Old Mrs. Pratt is ill (often). 5. You are 127 kind to me (always). 6. I meet him there (seldom). 7. We are very busy (generally). 8. We are going for a walk (just). 9. My friend stays long with us (seldom).

2. Put the adverbs in brackets in their proper places: 1. Aren't you ready (yet)? 2. He doesn't understand the rule (still). 3. She's late for her lectures (often). 4. I can understand him (never). 5. Do you go through the park (sometimes)? 6. The buses are full in the morning (usually). 7. Have you been here (ever, before)? 8. I shall have to see his ugly face again (never). 9. He isn't late (generally), but he was late last night (nearly). 10. You must get up early (always). 11. I have to do it myself (nearly always). 12. I am going for a walk (just). 13. None of them had been there before (ever) and they wanted to go there again (never). 14. He can help you (always). 15. May I come to see you (sometimes)?

The Imperative Mood the book. the map. (Don't) take the clock. the bag. the pen.

The Imperative Mood expresses a command or a request. In Modern English the positive form of the Imperative Mood coincides with the infinitive without the parti- cle to; it is used in the second person (singular and plural): Be quiet and hear what I tell you . Please put the papers on the table by the bed. In forming the negative the auxiliary verb to do is always used, even with the verb to be: Hush! Don’t make a noise! Don’t be angry... The auxiliary verb to do may also be used in affirmative sentences to make the request more emphatic: But now, do sing again to us. To make a request or an order more emphatic the subject expressed by the pronoun you is sometimes used. It is characteristic of colloquial speech: I’ll drive and you sleep awhile.

‘Let’ followed by object + infinitive without to The structure consisting of the verb to let followed by object + infinitive without to can be considered a kind of imperative to make suggestions (including or not includ- ing the speaker) or to give orders: Let’s/Let us have a drink. Let me help you. Let Steve meet Bessy. Let the children go home at once. Let them go home at once. Let’s go and have some fresh coffee. Negatives are let us not/ do not let us (formal); let’s not / don’t let’s (informal): Let’s not get angry (informal). Let us not despair (formal). ‘Let’ followed by object + infinitive without to can also be used in sen- tences in the indicative mood: She lets her (daughter) stay up very late. He let the dog (jump) out of the car.

128 Shall we? is used as a question tag (BrE), let’s can be used as a short answer: Let’s go for a walk, shall we? ~ Let’s.

NOTE: V Certain other verbs are also followed by object + infinitive without to. They in- clude make, see, hear, feel, watch, and notice : I didn’t see her come in. Watch him dance! Adam’s style makes me smile . It makes him feel happy. V The verb to help can also be used in this way: Candice helps me tidy my flat. V In passive versions of these structures the infinitive with to is used: He was made to pay back the money. V Some verbs are followed by object + infinitive with to. She wants the child to be healthy. She l ikes people to feel sorry for her.

Exercises 1. а) Составьте все возможные варианты предложений с повелительным на- клонением , используя подстановочные таблицы .

Model 1: Take the book. Take the map etc. Model 2: Don't take the book. Don't take the map etc.

б) Попросите другого студента о чем -либо . Произнесите каждую фразу с по- нижением тона как приказание и с восходящим ( или нисходяще -восходящим ) тоном как просьбу . Обратите внимание , как интонация меняет отношение го- ворящего к высказыванию .

2. Прочтите дважды следующие повелительные предложения — как приказа- ния с нисходящим тоном и как просьбы с восходящим или нисходяще - восходящим тоном . 1. Tell Father all. 2. Don't go alone. 3. Make tea for him. 4. Take the ball. 5. Don't take the lamp. 6. Take the pencil.

3. Протранскрибируйте следующие предложения . Сделайте интонационную разметку : Go home. Take the pen. He is late. It is fine. I am nineteen. This is a park.

4. Write 10 affirmative and 10 negative imperative sentences using the verbs given below: to take, to give, to bring, to tell, to speak, to answer, to go, to read, to write, to come, to repeat, to begin, to forget, to switch on, to show, to look, to listen, to wait, to put on, to take off.

5. Выполните упражнения по образцу , заменяя подчёркнутые слова словами , представленными ниже . При этом : а) выразите желание выполнить действия , о которых идёт речь ; б) предложите , чтобы их выполнил кто -то другой . а) – Amy, let Andy help little Benny.

129 – Let me help him.

Sid / type / Ed’s test; Eve / find /Ted’s file; Bill / scan / text eleven; Nick / e-mail / Alan; Adam / help / Tim; he / help / Dave. б) – Find my key , please. – Bill feels well. Let him find it.

(text Pete, make tea, lift my bag, pick a CD, e-mail David / lend me fifty p/ fifty pence / SMS Dave / fix my tablet / find my CDs).

6. Придумайте ответы на данные просьбы .

a. Ted, lend John your bike, please. b. Tim, take Mary some flowers, (please). c. Andy, play Daisy your new . d. James, get Peter an ice-cream, please

7. Разрешите тому или иному человеку ( тем или иным людям ) взять ( ку- пить и т. д.) предмет ( или предметы ), который ( которые) ему нравятся . Ис- пользуйте образец . Model 1 T: Andy likes the book. S: Let him take it. Model 2 T: Jim and Harry like the books. S: Let them take them.

1. Jenny and James like the carpet. (buy) 2. Jeff and Charles like the maps. (take) 3. Jessica and Alice like the scarfs. (take) 4. Jim likes the cottage. (buy) 5. Adam likes the tablet. (buy) 6. Benny and Jimmy like the game. (play) 7. The dog likes the toy. (play with) 8. George likes the computer. (buy) 9. Emily and Theresa like the music. (listen to) 10. Andrew likes the horse. (ride on) 11. The rabbit likes the food. (eat) 12. The girls likes the dolls. (play with)

8. Обменяйтесь репликами , используя предложенную интонационную мо- дель и заменяя подчёркнутые слова словами из списка , данного ниже . а) St 1: Alan, let’s send Bess. St 2: Let’s.

(send Steve/Ned/Ben, wake Emm/Eve/Sid, helpTed/Nell, spell “meat”/”beans”/”dean”, make tea/cakes, have tea/cakes/sweets, get back) б) St 1: Let’s help Dave make tea , Becky . St 2: Let’s. (Teddy / Benny / Andy / Lily; find (his) seats / find his keys / find his CDs / clean his flat / make his place clean) 130

9. Воспроизведите микродиалоги в парах , обращая внимание на фразы , произнесённые высоким нисходящим тоном , выражающим эмоциональную реакцию говорящих , их заинтересованность в действии . Трансформируйте диалоги , заменяя подчёркнутые слова словами из списка лексики к данному модулю . a) St 1: Andy , help me find Bill Gates . St 2: Why? St 1: He has my C Ds . St 2: Well, let’s find him.

б) St 1: Alan , help me fix my bike , please. St 2: I feel ill, Benny . ˈNext time. c) St 1: Emily , wait, let’s get back. St 2: Why? St 1: It’s late.

10. Составьте 4-5 диалогов с конструкцией to be busy doing something , ис- пользуя выражения по темам « Образ жизни человека » и « Учёба в университе- те ». Model Jane, can you help me do the dishes? Sorry, I can’t. I am busy doing the laundry.

11. Переведите на английский язык письменно . А. 1. Познакомьтесь , это Бесси Эллис . 3. Эллен , произнеси по буквам “sensitive”. 4. Дэн , встреть Тессу Келли , пожалуйста . 5. Бетси , ешь мясо и фа- соль . 6. Энди , пожалуйста , отправь Аллэну факс . 7. Билл , отправь это по элек- тронной почте , пожалуйста . 8. Отправь Элис электронное письмо , Адам . 9. Помоги Сильвии напечатать это письмо , Белла . 10. Пит , отправь Нелли десять компакт -дисков . 11. Оставь это себе , Эмилия . 12. Заставь маленького Билла съесть немного мяса . 13. Дай мне взаймы пятьдесят центов , Дэвид . 14. Тим , выбери , пожалуйста , пять компакт -дисков . 14. Принеси мне хорошую ручку , пожалуйста . 15. Эмма , найди Тима . Мне он нужен . 16. Принеси мне , пожалуй- ста , таблетку , Дэйвид . 17. Сид , отсканируй , пожалуйста , пятый текст . Мне он очень нужен . 18. Эмма , исправь ошибки в тесте Бена Лента .

B. 1. Пусть Эмили его найдёт компакт диски Алекса Гейтса . — Эмили ? Давай- те я их найду . 2. Давай встреть , завтра на вокзале жену Тима, ладно ? 3. Давай- те встретимся с ним в шесть пятнадцать . Энди , отправь ему электронное пись- мо , хорошо ? – Зачем ? Давай отправим ему СМС . 4. Дай мне , пожалуйста , сум- ку Кэндис . – Зачем ? Пусть Ник её возьмёт . 5. Позвольте мне забрать мои фото- графии . – Да , пожалуйста . 6. Дай мне это пирожное . – 7. Давайте выйдем из дома в пять , хорошо ? – Давай . 11. Давай зайдем и посмотрим на картины пле- мянницы Дейва Гейтса , хорошо ? – Давай . 131

12. Выполните тренировочное упражнение на закрепление отрицательной формы повелительного наклонения . Скажите вашему собеседнику , чтобы он не обращался с просьбой к тому или иному человеку , так как этот человек за- нят каким -либо делом . Model ask Kate / meet you → write a report Don’t ask Kate to meet you. She is busy writing a report. 1. Roger/read to the child → send e-mails; 2. Charlotte/do the washing → tidy up the flat; 3. Caroline/empty the dustbin → do the washing up; 4. Christy / make the bed → water the plants; 5. Alex/help with the cooking → hang up the washing; 6. Jim/walk the dog → do the shopping; 7. Sheila/dust the cupboard → vacuum clean the sofa and the arm-chairs; 8. Alex/wash the dishes → clean the bathroom; 9. Sophie/mop the floor → sort the laundry; 10. Eugene/make breakfast → clean the hamster cage; 11. Lucas/clean up his room → beat the carpets; 12. Mary/ lay the table → do the laun- dry; 13. Sarah/go shopping → wash the clothes; 14. Olivia/clean the windows → dust the furniture; 15. Sue/wash the floors → clear the table; 16. Joe/load the dishwasher → take out the rubbish/ the garbage / the trash; 17. Matthew/prepare a meal → take care of the pets; 18. Lily/fold the clothes → clean up. 19. Tim/feed the cat → have a shower.

13. Change the sentences from the previous exercise making suggestions accord- ing to the model. Model Kate / meet you → Let Kate meet you.

14. Write the negative forms of ‘let’. Think of your own sentences. 1. Oh it's Steve again. Your classmate...... talk to him. He is so cheeky. 2. Andy appears to be asleep...... disturb him. 3...... wash the floors now. Let’s clear the table first. 4...... cook dinne. Let’s order a takeaway. 15. Make up imperative sentences. Note. Please is introduced before or after the imperative for polite requests. Ask your friend: 1. to go to the blackboard; 2. to give you a fountain-pen; 3. to fetch some chalk; 4. to find lesson 11; 5. to speak louder; 6. to meet you at 5; 7. to go to the laboratory with you; 8. to write exercise 3 at home; 9. to learn this poem by heart; 10. to write down the new words; 11. to repeat the sentence three times; 12. to look at the blackboard; 13. to listen to the new text; 14. to show you the way to the theatre.

16. Make up negative imperative sentences:

132 Tell your friend: 1. not to open the door; 2. not to leave the room; 3. not to take the chalk; 4. not to write this exercise; 5. not to make such a noise; 6. not to smoke in the room; 7. not to send a telegram today; 8. not to bite the pencil; 9. not to talk so loudly; 10. not to go there alone; 11. not to close the window; 12. not to read text 7; 13. not to be late next time.

17. Put in the missing imperatives. ASK / AVOID / COME AND ASK / DO / KEEP / MIND /THINK! / DON'T WASTE / THINK! It's a case of '...... AS YOU'RE TOLD in our com- pany! I work for a small firm and my boss is so bossy that we all call him 'Napoleon'. He doesn't mind a bit. Wherever you look in our building there's a notice of some kind. The first thing you see when you arrive is ' ...... OFF THE GRASS! You come into the building and see ...... THE STEPS! The walls are covered with advice. IF IN DOUBT ...... ME! ...... MAKING MISTAKES! ...... ME FIRST! ' ...... TIME! We have learnt to ignore this advice, but lately notices have begun to appear in every part of the building. We have a small kitchen at the back where we make coffee. Yesterday there was a new notice over the kitchen sink. It said: ...... I was pleased to sell it wasn’t long before someone added an- other notice under it which said THOAPl

18. Прочитайте предложения и решите , где надо употребить let, let’s, let him или let me ( переводить предложения на английский язык не требуется ). 1. Давайте запишемся в клуб верховой езды . 2. Пусть эти люди говорят что угодно . 3. Доверьте ему выполнение этой работы . Он выполнит её качествен- но . 4. Позвольте , я помогу вам надеть пальто . 5. Пусть он сделает запрос в высшую аттестационную комиссию . 6. Давайте я схожу и получу эту банде- роль на главпочтамте . 7. « Послушай , Джек , прекратим этот разговор », — ска- зал Сэм . 8. У меня есть время , давай я сама схожу в магазин . 9. « Друзья , давай- те поаплодируем этому замечательному человеку !» 10. Разрешите детям ещё немного поиграть . 11. Не перебивайте человека , пожалуйста , дайте ему ска- зать ! 12. Давайте я сделаю рассылку материалов конференции . 13. Пусть Эльга и Надежда сделают ксерокопии этого текста для всей группы . 14. Пусть Борис отсканирует материалы для семинара . 15. Пойдём завтра в аквапарк , Лена ? 16. Пусть он задаст свой вопрос . 17. Почему вы разрешаете сотрудникам фирмы курить в кабинете ? 18. Попробую -ка я сам отремонтировать пароварку . 19. Пусть он поспит , не мешайте ему . 20. Если ему нужна информация о новом приложении для компьютеров , пусть посетит сайт

133 19. Переведите на английский язык письменно , используя конструкции со сложным дополнением let+somebody/something+verb , make+somebody/something+verb , help+somebody+verb . 1. Пусть он пришлёт мне СМС . 2. Произнесите по буквам «excellent”. — Ми- нутку , я подумаю (= дайте мне подумать ). 3. Заставь Энди принять таблетку . Он бледен . 4. Котёнок Алисы меня смешит (= заставляет меня улыбнуться ). 5. Давайте я помогу Эдгару встретить Тима . — Да , встретьте его , пожалуйста . 6. Давайте будем благоразумны . — Давайте . 7. Пусть он пришлет мне электрон- ное письмо . 8. Эллен , помоги мне выбрать шесть хороших фотографий . 9. Дей- зи , давай отправим Энди его компакт диск . — Давай . 10. Давайте отправим ему письмо по электронной почте . 11. Давайте я оставлю это у себя . 12. Дейв , заставь Энди выпить ( его ) лекарство . Он болен . 13. Давайте пить чай с (= и) конфетами . 14. Пусть он останется . Он нам очень нужен . Заставь его остаться . 15. Разрешите мне посмотреть мою контрольную работу . — Да , пожалуйста . Она неплохая . 16. Алиса , помоги Тиму найти его ключи . 17. Энди , давай по- можем Теду познакомиться с Эммой . — Давай . 18. Стив , сумка Бенни тяжелая . Помоги ему . 19. Давай отправим ему мои фотографии . 20. Нелли , встреть Алана в семь . — Пусть Тим и Дэн его встретят . 21. Алиса , позволь Бенни съесть конфетку . И дай ему молока . 22. Давай навестим Стива и Сильвию . — Давай . 23. Давай сделаем « селфи ». 25. Пусть он остаётся в постели . Ему плохо . 26. Давайте дадим маленькой Нелли пирожное . — Давайте . 27. Билли болен . Пусть он остаётся в постели . 28. Дэну нужен планшет . Давай отправим ему хо- роший (= качественный ) планшет . 29. Ник ( псевдоним ) Алекса глупый . Пусть найдёт себе хороший (= приятный ) ник . 30. Давайте пригласим канадцев и ин- дийцев . — Давайте . 31. Это дорогая сумка . — Давай я заплачу . 32. Помоги ему отремонтировать планшет Дейва . 33. Пусть малыш Алисы сидит рядом с Бет- си . Это делает его счастливым .

20. Определите конструкцию « сложное дополнение » в следующих предло- жениях . Какие различия в форме инфинитива вы заметили ? Переведите пред- ложения на русский язык , затем выполните их обратный перевод . 1. I want Jane to learn more languages. 2. Mr Bell makes us do very many exer- cises,” says Sam. 3. This film makes me cry. 4. You can’t make me do such things. 5. Jean helps me make mhey place tidy. 5. Jack wants his friend to help him. 6. “I want you to speak Chinese well,” says the teacher. 7. I want Jeff to help me translate this article. 8. The teacher wants us do exercise five. 9. He has a little time and he wants to speak with you. 10. Let’s speak Spanish! 11. Mrs Black wants her little sone to say “thank you”. 12. I want you to answer my question. 13. Everybody wants him to close the window. It’ windy. 14. I want you tio have a cup of hot tea. 15. His mother makes him clean his room. 16. The teacher makes us study very hard. 17. My brother often makes me laugh.

21. Напишите данные предложения , употребляя глаголы let или make по смыслу и в правильной форме .

134 1. John’s mother ______him clean up his room. 2. The teacher doesn’t ______her students use their mobile phones in class. 3. Julie’s father doesn’t ______her use his car. 4. The professor often ______the students do a lot of homework. 5. I think the police should ______people pick up litter they drop. 6. My mother never ______my younger sister stay out late. 7. The guard may ______us get off the train if we don’t have tickets. 8. Lucy might ______you borrow her lap- top if you ask her nicely. 9. This comedian really ______me laugh every time I see him on TV. 10. When people are late it ______me really annoyed! 11. Do- ing a lot of exercise ______me eat as many cakes as I like! 12. The boss often ______us work late. 13. Joan’s job ______her very happy. 14. This card ______you travel on any bus in the city. 15. My current job ______me work wherever I want. 16. Your photos ______me want to visit Columbia – it looks very beautiful. 17. Speaking English ______you communicate with lots of different people. 18. Robert doesn’t ______his children watch TV. 19. That film always ______me cry every time I see it. 20. The professor sometimes ______us hand in our essays a day late. 20. The teacher ______the pupils apologize if they behave badly. 21. Does somebody ______you put on that ugly hat? 22. She normally ______her children do their homework at 4 p.m. 23. She sometimes ______the children play till it gets dark. 24. "Duty ______us do things well, but love ______us do them beautifully! " – Zig Ziglar.

22. Переведите предложения со сложным дополнением (to want somebody to do something, to make somebody do something) с русского языка на английский . 1. Джек хочет , чтобы его друг помог ему . 2. « Я хочу , чтобы вы хорошо гово- рили по -китайски », — говорит учитель . 3. « Мистер Смарт заставляет нас де- лать очень много упражнений », — говорит Сэм . 4. Я хочу , чтобы Джессика перевела эту статью . 5. Преподаватель хочет , чтобы они сделали упражнение номер пять . 6. Миссис Блэк хочет . Чтобы её маленький сын сказал « спасибо ». 7. Он хочет , чтобы мы задали Гари несколько вопросов . 8. Все хотят , чтобы он закрыл окно . В комнате холодно . 9. Я хочу , чтобы ты выпил чашку горячего чая . Ты простужен . 10. Не заставляйте ребёнка идти спать , ещё рано . 11. Дэйв хочет , чтобы Сандра ему позвонила ? 12. Вы хотите , чтобы мы вам помогли ? 13. Дети хотят , чтобы мы с ними поиграли ? 14. Мама этого ребёнка хочет , что- бы вы позволили ему поиграть с котёнком .

23. Translate the following into English: 1 Принеси воды . Принеси воду . 2. Не бери бумагу . Дай мне лист бумаги Дай мне бумагу . 3. 4. Выпей стакан молока . Выпей молока . Выпей молоко (to have milk). 5. Положи капусту на стол . Купи капусты . 6. Съешь еще каши . – Она слишком соленая . 7. Суп в кухне . Принеси его сюда , пожалуйста . Мне очень хочется есть . Дайте мне супу . 8. Не покупай эти огурцы , мне они не нравятся . Не покупай огурцов . 9. Мне хочется кофе . Мне бы хотелось выпить еще чашку кофе . 10 Не забудь купить хлеба . Не оставляй хлеб на столе , поставь его в бу- фет 11. Принесите , пожалуйста , мел . Дайте мне мелу , пожалуйста . 135 Мне бы хотелось немного варенья . Мне нравится варенье , оно очень вкусное .

Present Tenses Most English verbs have two present tenses. Forms like I wait, she thinks are called 'simple present' or 'present simple' ; forms like I am waiting or she's thinking are called 'present progressive' or 'present continuous' . The two present tenses are used in different ways.

The Verb to Be in the Present Simple Tense

I am a doctor. We doctors. You are (not) a student. You are (not) students. He/she/it is a pupil. They pupils.

Am I a doctor? we doctors? Are you a student? Are you students ? Is he/she/it a pupil? they pupils?

To be phrases I. to be + preposition.

in out away (from) to be off (somewhere) up up to smth.

II. to be + prep. + noun (adj.)

in low (high) spirits at a loss to be on friendly terms with in love with in time for on time to

III. to be + adj..

busy free

136 ill (well), sick, dizzy late hungry to be sleepy asleep right wrong single alone lonely to be + adj + prep + …

ready for… proud of mad about crazy about enviouse about smth eager to do smth - to be - keen on famous for angry with smb cross -//-

short of time (money) afraid of ill at ease fond of 1) dancing 2 ) literature late for (classes) to (work) IV. to be + Part.II.

married to smb. upset (about) smth. interested (in) smth. surprised/ astonished (by)/ (at) smb./ smth. disappointed (by)/ (in) shocked (by) worried (about) frightened (by) puzzled (by)/ (at) concerned about 137 pleased (with) smb./ smth. / displeased with mistaken (about) smth. offended (by)/ (at) to be excited (by)/ (at) bored by thrilled at ashamed (of) delighted (by)/ (at) amused (by)/ (at) impressed (by) confused (by)/ embarrassed (by) annoyed (by)/ (at) irritated (by)/ (at) tired convinced

V. to be + noun.

friends with to be a success in

Speech Patterns (Describing Appearance)

A John is a self – confident person. B John is self – confident. - quite a self – confident - quite self – confident . person - rather self- confident . - a rather self- confident - self – confident enough person - too ( much too) self – - rather a self – confident confident person - a bit too self – confident - not quite a self – confident - a bit cocky person - not quite a self – confident - not a self – confident per- - not self – confident at all son at all - not at all a self – confident - not at all a self – confident person


Speech Patterns with Infinitive constructions (to characterize a person or thing)

Jane easy to please hard to convince Tom difficult to persuade is to surprise He to shock are to frighten They to disappoint am to upset You to confuse

I safe to deal with dangerous to work with reliable to do business with dull to get on with boring to talk to (with) interesting to travel with pleasant to look at beautiful

A cat to feed Cats easy to keep A dog is hard to train Dogs nice to play with The car are wonderful to drive Paris safe to live in This town dangerous to spend a vocation in

Exercises 1. Underline verbal predicates with one line and nominal predicates with two lines. Remember that the nominal predicate cannot express an action. 1. It is good. 2. I can do it. 3. His story was true. 4. That is a good idea. 5. I have fin- ished my work. 6. It is raining. 7. It is not real coffee. 8. I shall write a postcard to Doctor Wing now. 9. I understand, he is a writer . 10. "She is a wonderful woman," said the girl softly.

139 2. Practice the dialogues. Make up your own dialogues using other words in place of those underlined.

Model 1 S1: Is Ted I talian ? S2: He is.

Model 2 S1: Is Tim Lent I talian ? S2: He isn’t Italian. He is a Swede.

Model 3 S1: Is Bill Williams’s niece I talian ? S2: Bill is Italian . His niece is a Swede .

3. Translate from Russian into English. Pronounce the sentences using appropri- ate intonation. 1. Алекс итальянец ? — Он не итальянец , он таиландец . 2. Энди Эллис индиец ? — Да . 3. Ален Келли таиландец ? — Да . 4. Бен Тедд итальянец ? — Он не итальянец , он индиец . 5. Сид индиец ? — Он не индиец , он итальянец . 6. Пле- мянница Теда Белла таиландка ? — Тед таиландец , а его племянница — италь- янка . 7. Племянница Макса Дейвиса индианка ? — ( Это ) Мэг индианка . А пле- мянница Макса — таиландка .

4. Fill in am, is, are: 1. I ... an English student. 2. His name ... George Brown. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown ... his father and mother. 4. My brother's name ... Benny, and my sisters' names ... Betty and Rose. 5. We ... members of one family. 6. ... Helen married? 7. ... they married? 8. Mr. Sandford ... Betty's brother-in-law. 9. How old ... you? — I... eighteen. 10. What... you all? —We ... all students. ... your girl-friends students? 12. ... Betty's school-mates kind and jolly? 13. His companions ... well-bred. 14. ... Benny eager to have a dog? 15. She ... a naughty child. 16.1... eager to have a girl-friend. 17.1... two years younger than my cousin. 18. He ... as young as his boy-friend. 19. My niece ... eighteen months old.

5. На следующие предложения дайте реплики , выражающие удивление , со- мнение . Model : She is in the garden. — ,Is she? She is not in the garden. — ,Isn't she? 1. She is cold. 2. He is not hot. 3. He is in the park. 4. Ann is not in the hospital. 5. Nick is at home. 6. Betty is not at home. 7. Benny is not in the boat. 8. They are in the garden. 9. He is not in the hall. 10. Mother is not in.

в) Выскажите удивление по поводу этих же предложений по образцу . Model: Не is late. — ,Late? No, he isn't.

6. Используя слова из урока , составьте микродиалоги по образцу . Model: Is it a ,good clock? Yes. 140 ,Is it? Of course.

7. Дайте ответ на вопрос учителя по образцу . Model: What's his name? — (It's) Max. 1. What's your name? 2. What's your mother's name? 3. What's her nephew's name? 4. What is her sister's name? 5. Is "Benny" a boy's or a girl's name? 6. What's your school-mate's (girl-friend's, boy-friend's) name? 7. What's your full name?

8. Practise the sounds in the following words and word combinations: 1) [ɪ] — is, in, visit, still, pity; [e] — Betty, Benny, well, better, bed, yet, then; [æ] — matter, bad, have, glad, Saturday, Sandford; [ɜʊ ] — oh, no, so, old, home, cold; [ɒ] — doctor, hospital, sorry, long.

2) a) Alveolars replaced by dentals: in_the hospital; in the park.

3) No glottal stop: Is Doctor Sandford in? She is in the park. She is always glad; is not at home yet.

4) Loss of plosion: bad cold, glad to see you.

9. a) Listen to the recording of the dialogue "A Visit". Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Practise the text for test reading. Listen to it very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way. c) Study the vocabulary notes. d) Memorize the dialogue and dramatize it.

10. Make the following sentences interrogative. Ask and answer questions according to the model.

Model : The city is small. Is the city ,small? —Yes, it is. # 1. The lesson is difficult. 2. He is ill. 3. I am cold. 4. The text is easy. 5. This is a small lamp. 6. He is a doctor. 7. Father is at home.

11. Compare the following Russian verbs and phrases to the corresponding English ones. Use them in sentences of your own: бояться , хотеть пить , хотеть есть , гордиться , сожалеть , радоваться , сердиться .

12. Make up general (closed) and alternative questions to which the following state- ments could be the answers. 1. Mrs. Sandford is in bed. 2. These words are easy. 3. She is a good student. 4. They are in the garden. 5. Her daughter is a teacher. 6. The children are at school. 7. John is 19 years old. 8. Lesson 9 is difficult. 9. It is 10 o'clock. 10. The flowers are yellow. 11. You are future teachers. 12. The girl is small. 13. The children are at 141 school. 14. It is dark in the room, 15. It’s a velvet dress. 16. The dog is in the yard. 17. They are busy all the time.

13. Put disjunctive questions (tag questions) to the following statements: 1. Your family is not large. 2. The children are in the garden. 3. This man is a doc- tor. 4. His parents are not in Moscow. 5. It is six o'clock now. 6. Benny is not in the nursery. 7. They are old friends. 8. This is a very interesting book.

14. Complete the following sentences translating what is given in brackets: 1. I don't like to go out ( когда холодно ). 2. Open the window, please ( в комнате жарко ). 3. Switch on the light ( уже темно ). 4. Let's wait a little ( еще очень рано ). 5. The lesson begins at 9 ( а сейчас только 8 часов ). 6. Let's walk there ( это неда- леко ). 7. Hurry up ( пора идти в институт ). 8. Let's take a bus ( это очень далеко отсюда ). 9. Go to bed ( уже 11 часов ). 10. Wake up ( уже утро ).

15. Translate from Russian into English. A. 1. Она врач ? — Да , она хороший врач . 2. Ей 17 ( лет ), не так ли ? — Да . 3. Твоему брату 14, да ? — Да . 4. Ему 14 или 15 ( лет )? — 14. 5. Этот мяч малень- кий , не так ли ? — Да . 6. Карандаш маленький или большой ? — Большой . 7. Они не заняты , не так ли ? — Нет . 8. Он занят , не так ли ? — Да . 9. Его нет до- ма , не так ли ? — Да , его нет . 10. Он дома, не так ли ? — Да . 11 . Это кожаный портфель , не так ли ? — Да . 12. Это трудный или легкий текст ? — Легкий . 13. Текст нетрудный , не так , ли ? — Да , нетрудный . 14. Сейчас одиннадцать ( ча- сов ), не так ли ? — Да . 15. Сейчас одиннадцать или двенадцать ( часов )? — Одиннадцать . 16. Сейчас нет двенадцати , не так ли ? — Нет . 17. Холодно . 18. Холодно ? 19. Холодно , не так ли ? 20. Холодно или жарко в зале ? — Холодно . 21. В зале не жарко , не правда ли ? — Да , не жарко .

B. 1. Это мои перчатки , а где твои ? 2. Это мой или твой карандаш ? – Твой . 3. Это твой карандаш . Мой зеленый . 4. Возьми эту лампу и поставь на мой стол . 5. Это твои тетради ? 6. Я не могу взять этот зонтик , он не мой . 7. Кто из вас Нелли ? — Это я. 8. Вот книжки ! Которая твоя ? 9. Какого цвета твое новое пла- тье ? 10. Кто знает ответ ? — Я! 11. 12. Это очень странные факты . 13. Кто там ? — Это я. 14. Что с ним ? Он болен ? 15. Не бери мой мяч ( портфель , карандаш , мои коньки , мои вещи ).16. Не иди домой одна . 17. Темно . Иди домой !

16. Make up sentences according to the model using the following words as predica- tives: Образец : It is nice to see you. It is pleasant to take a shower in the morning. pleasant, nice, useful, interesting, difficult, impossible, high time, a great joy, a pity, a good idea.

17. Переведите на английский язык , используя изученные лексические едини- цы модуля . 1. Это планшет Дейва Уильямса . Он хорошего качества . 2. Это Энди . Он при- ятный человек . 3. Это велосипед Вилли . — Он красивый . 4. Это контрольная 142 работа Сида . Она неплохая . Пожалуйста , отдай её Сиду . 5. Это Алекс . Он не опоздал . Он ( пришёл ) вовремя . 6. Напечатайте шестой текст , пожалуйста . Это просто . 7. Глэдис пятнадцать лет , а Дейзи — двадцать . 8. Тим застенчив ? — Немного . 9. Маленькой Беси пять лет . —Ей не пять , ей шесть лет . 10. Малень- кой племяннице Евы семь лет ? —Да . 11. Ребёнку Эллен двенадцать лет . Он — очаровательный ребёнок . 12. Это малыш Эмили Эванс , а это — племянница Сэма Ли . 13. Его кота зовутТим . Это милый котик . Он сейчас ( находится ) ря- дом со мной . 14. Это компьютер Теда Лента . Помогите ему отремонтировать его , пожалуйста . 15. Сумка этой дамы очень тяжёлая . Помоги мне , пожалуй- ста . 16. Нелли , помоги Питу найти его таблетки . 17. Это квартира ( номер ) пятьдесят пять . Это большая квартира . 18. Эмми разборчива , а Тед — непри- вередливый человек . 19. Это Кейти ? — Это не Кейти , это я. 20. Это Макс ? — Да , это он . 21. У Алисы большая квартира ? — Большая . 22. Тим хорошо играет в теннис , а Ник играет плохо . 23. Я вижу Бен себя плохо чувствует . Давай я помогу ему сдклать уборку в квартире . 24. Отправь мне СМС -сообщение или напиши по электронной почте . 25. Это Пит . А это его планшет . 26. Это ребё- нок . Это мой ребёнок . 27. Это сумка . Это большая сумка . 28. Это человек . Это умный человек . 29. Это фотография ( разговорн .). Это красивая фотография (разговорн .) 30. Это ребенок Теда Вильямса . 31. Это хороший (= качественный ) планшет . 32. Это красивая лилия . 33. Его ник на моём сайте — Smilie. Это хо- роший (= приятный ) псевдоним . 34. Даниэль , зайди на (= посети ) мой сайт . 35. Он канадец ? – Да . 36. Стив итальянец или индиец ? — Он финн . —Правда ? — Да . 37. Билл не итальянец . 38. Он в отъезде в Сиднее . — Действительно ? – Да . 19. Это финик ? — Да .

Family (Part 1) Focus Vocabulary (to be learnt by heart) It's a bad cold. Она сильно простудилась ( сильная простуда ).not to be well = to be unwell; to feel bad плохо себя чувствовать , е. д. Mrs. Sandford is not well. I feel bad today. to be glad радоваться , е. g. She is glad to see you. to be in – быть дома , е. g. Is Dr. Sandford in? Доктор Сэндфорд дома ? Ant. to be out – не быть дома , е. g. Mrs. Sandford is out. Миссис Сэндфорд нет дома . to be in bed /to remain in bed / to take to one’s bed – соблюдать постельный режим по причине болезни to be sorry – сожалеть , е. g. I'm sorry, he is out. to be the same age – того же возраста Remember me to Mrs, Sandford. Передайте привет миссис Сэндфорд . She is in bed. Она лежит . Устойчивые сочетания типа in bed, by bus, to school употребляются без артикля . That's a pity! Какая жалость ! What a pity! to have a talk поговорить ; также : to have a smoke покурить : to have a swim по- плавать ( значение однократного действия ) some other day как -нибудь в другой раз 143 What's the matter? Что случилось ? В чем дело ? What is it?

TEXT A Visit W: Hello, Betty! B: Good afternoon, Mr. White! W: Is Doctor Sandford ['saenfd] in? B: No, he isn't. Doctor Sandford is still in the hospital. W: Is Mrs. Sandford at home? B: No, she isn't. Mrs. Sandford is out. She is in the park with Benny, and old Mrs. Sandford is not well. W: Oh, that's a pity! What's the matter? It isn't the flu, is it? B: Oh, no, it 's a bad cold, she's better today. W: Is she in bed? B: No, she isn't. Come in, Mr. White, and have a talk with Mrs. Sandford. She is always glad to see you. W: Perhaps, some other day , Betty! B: I'm so sorry Mr. Sandford isn't at home yet. W: That's all right. Remember me to Mrs. Sandford. B: Yes, Mr. White. W: So long then, Betty! B: So long, Mr. White. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four.

1. a) Read the following special questions. Concentrate on the intonation. Observe the weak forms of the pronouns and the verb to be: 1. When is she busy? 2. Why are you late? 3. When are you free? 4. When are you busy? 5. Why are you sad? 6. Why is 'Betty in the park? 7. Why is Mrs. 'Sandford in bed? 8. Why is he 'still at the hospital? 9. When is she at home? 10. Why is she 'still at home?

2. b) Change the special question into general ones and answer them as in the model. Work in pairs. Model: Why is he in bed? Is he in bed? Yes, he is.

3. Answer the following questions: 1. Is Doctor Sandford in? 2. Where is he? 3. Is Mrs. Sandford at home? 4. Is Mrs. Sandford in the park with Benny? 5. She isn't in the garden, is she? 6. Old Mrs. Sandford isn't ill, is she? 7. Is she in bed? 8. She is better today, isn't she? 9. Is Mr. Sandford at home after four on Saturday? 10. Is he at home after four or at half past four on Saturday?

4. a) Complete the following general questions to make them alternative. Mоdel: Is he,busy? —-Is he busy |or free? 1. Are they in the garden ...? 2. Is your sister at the university...? 3. Is Doctor Sand- ford at the hospital...? 4. Is his wife in the park ...? 5. Is the exercise easy...? 6. Is 144 Betty nineteen ...? 7. Is the hall big...? 8. Are you free on Saturday ...? 9. Are these lessons difficult...? 10. Is this sentence long...? b) Change these general questions into disjunctive ones. Mind the intonation. Mоdel: - Is he ,busy? — He is busy | ,isn't he?

1. Give the following sentences in the plural. Model: This is a pen. These are pens. 1. This is a box. 2. This is a spoon. 3. That is a fork. 4. This is a park. 5. That is a garden. 6. This is a desk. 7. That is a door 8. This is my bird. 9. That is his dog. 10. That is her daughter.

5. a) Respond to the following sentences. Express your surprise or doubt as in the models.

Model 1 : This is a good car. Is it? Model 2: This isn't a good car. Isn't it? 1. This is a light room. 2. This is a big dog. 3. This is a dark garden. 4. This isn't a bad book. 5. This is a nice animal. 6. This isn't a good shop. 7. This isn't a big city. 8. This is a long sentence. 9. This isn't a thick exercise-book.

6. This is a difficult test. 11. This is an interesting story. 12. This isn't a bad idea. 13. This isn't a clever answer. 14. This isn't a small park.

7. Work in pairs. a) Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as in the model. b) Give a short answer using contracted forms. Add a sentence of your own. Model: Is your sister a student? No, she isn't. She is still a pupil. b) Respond to the negative sentence of your fellow-student as in the model. Use con- tracted forms. Work in pairs. Model: His father isn't a doctor. No, he isn't. He is an officer.

8. a) Make up questions to which the following sentences could be the answers. 1. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four. 2. My brother is still at the office. 3. Mr. Smith is a good doctor. 4. My mother is glad to see you. b) Each sentence describes a certain situation in a concise way. Some points of the situation are already known to you. Find out some more details about the situation by asking questions. Work in pairs.

Model: Mrs. Sandford is in the park. Nice, isn't it? Is she alone there? No, she isn't. 145 With whom is she there? With Benny, her son, you know. Yes, I see.

9. Translate the following into English: 1. В чем дело ( что случилось )? — Джон болен . 2. Он лежит ? — Да , но ему се- годня лучше . 3. Том дома ? — Нет , его нет . Он обычно бывает дома в пять . 4. В субботу я бываю дома в четыре . 5. Где Бэнни ? — Он в парке . 6. Кто он ? — Он врач . 7. Доктор Сэндфорд дома ? — Он еще в больнице . 8. Бэнни в парке , не так ли ? 9. Когда они бывают дома в субботу ? — В шесть . 10. Они всегда рады видеть вас . 11. Какая жалость , что его нет дома . 12. Какая жалость , что она все еще в постели .

10. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue.

You phone at your friend’s place. (Introduce yourself.) His/her mother tells you he is out. Ask her questions about your friend to find out when you can come and see him/her.

Appearance (Part 1) Focus Vocabulary Appearance – the way someone or something looks to other people; e.g. We are of- ten attracted to somebody first by their physical appearance. She's very concerned with her appearance. Collocations: somebody's appearance, physical appearance, personal appearance, outward/external appearance, spoil the appearance of somebody/something, improve/enhance the ap- pearance of somebody/something, take pride in your appearance (=think that it is important to look good), judge by appearances (=make judgements based on the way someone or something looks) Looks [plural] – physical attractiveness; e.g. Fiona's got everything - looks, money and youth . You get your good looks from your mother. looker [countable] - informal someone who is attractive, usually a woman. Air - a particular appearance or quality: She had an air of quiet confidence.


General appearance

-good-looking (often M), a -odd, a -handsome (M), a -strange, a -beautiful, a -dishevelled, a -charming, a -scruffy, a -attractive*, a -unkempt, a -pleasant, a -unattractive, a -glamorous, -homely (=unattractive in AmE) -lovely, a -plain (often F), a -striking, a -plain-looking (often F), a -pretty (F), a -ugly, a - cute, -repulsive, a -smart, a -ordinary, a -graceful, a -funny, a -excellent, a -unpleasant, a -splendid, a -dowdy, a -youthful, a -slatternly, a -distinctive, a


V “Beautiful”: "having qualities of beauty, exciting aesthetic pleasure". “Beauti- ful” is the classic way to describe a feminine beauty (at least when talking about people), which often expresses both outer and inner beauty. "Beautiful" fits best with "woman" instead of "girl". So you can see that the word "beautiful" is a little more sophisticated. Calling a person of the opposite sex “beautiful” (i.e. “You are beautiful”) is more and more suggestive of romantic interest because it could denote attraction to their whole being. This is, however, different than saying "you look beautiful" (a compliment on somebody’s current appearance which may or may not denote romantic interest). With romantic intentions, “beautiful” is generally used to describe a feminine or very intimate beauty. So, in English speaking cultures, it’s not common for a woman to call a man "beautiful" unless she was describing a more delicate type of beauty. While a man would call a woman “beautiful”, a woman would call a man "good-looking", "cute", or even "handsome". Also keep in mind that "beautiful" is not just used to describe people, but also places and things, which is much more universal.

V “Charming”: “pleasant or attractive”: While "beautiful" is a physical aspect which describes something that is visually/aesthetically pleasing, “charming” is the broader word covering not only “beautiful”, but also other attributes like intelligence or wisdom or goodness etc. Charming means the power of captivating through some excellence.

147 V "Pretty": "having conventionally accepted elements of beauty". This is another word describing feminine beauty. A woman would generally never call a man "pretty". "Pretty" is similar to "beautiful" in meaning, but in a more innocent and/or physical way. "Beautiful" is a more powerful and complete concept (beauty can de- scribe not just outer beauty, but also inner beauty, as well as grace), and has more of an impact. "Pretty", on the other hand, may be more based on physical appearance that can be molded by cosmetics. While it does denote attraction and there’s nothing superficial about this word, "pretty" is not as deep and significant as “beautiful”. It’s also not so formal.

V "Handsome" is a word that is traditionally used to describe an attractive man. In the United States, this is a more old-fashioned word, and is rarely used by younger generations, (most people younger than 40 would use “good-looking” to describe an attractive man), while Australians of all ages use this to describe attractive men all the time.

V "Gorgeous": "splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent". Gorgeous is an- other synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction. While the world beautiful may have more of an inner/outer quality, "gorgeous" is purely physical attraction. This can be used for both feminine and masculine beauty, al- though it is more common for women to use this to describe men.

V “Smart”: In different contexts “smart” can have different meanings: 1) intelligent or sensible [the opposite of “stupid”]: The smart kids get good grades and go off to college. ; 2) trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way: Don't get smart with me, young man. 3) wearing neat attractive clothes and has a generally tidy appear- ance [= sharp American English; ≠ scruffy]: You're looking very smart.

V "Ugly" is a much stronger word than "plain (plain-looking)". "Plain" is used to refer to someone who is not particularly attractive but not necessarily unpleasant to look at. "Ugly" is used for both sexes but "plain" is usually reserved for women.

V "Cute": "very pretty or attractive". "Cute" can be used to describe a dog, a baby, or a person you are attracted to in a romantic or non-romantic way. To call some- body cute is often the first phase of romantic interest, but it can also be confused with a plutonic/NON-romantic love.

Height/ statue -tall, a pretty/quite tall six feet tall, pretty/quite short; -average, a -tiny, a -short, a


148 to be of medium/ middle height, to be about/ above/ below/ medium height, to be smb’s height Build/ Shape to have average build/be of average build, with a sporty figure, to be of solid/ me- dium/average build, to be medium built, to have a slender figure/a good figure, in build: He's heavier in build than his brother. of build: She is slight of build and very agile. with a build: a small woman with a slim build.

-average*, a -well-built, a -thin, a -medium*, a -well-developed, a -slim, a -slight*, a -well-shaped, a -delicate, a -slim*, a -broad-shouldered, a -tiny, a -thin*, a -long-legged, a -slender, a -heavy*, a -narrow-hipped, a -lean, , a -muscular*, a -overweight, a -bony, , a -powerful*, a graceful, a -skinny, a -stocky*, a -stout, a -fat, a -thickset*, a stocky, a muscular, a -plump, a -figure, n strong, a large, a -gait, n fit, a stooping, a -strongly-built, a athletic, a fat, a -overweight

* - can be used with the word ‘build’

Hair: dark, fair, black, brown, chestnut brown, blonde, red, grey, mousy, white, dyed/coloured, a brunette, a blonde, a redhead, dark-haired, fair-haired, black-haired, red-haired; long, short, shoulder-length, medium-length, straight, wavy, thick, thin- ning, bald, shiny, smooth, neatly combed, dull, tousled, disheveled, bald, hair-cut, pigtail, plait, grey, dyed, coloured, straight, wavy, curly, greasy, hair-do/hairstyle. balding (M), thinning (M), receding (M) dreadlocks, in a bun (F), a pony-tail, in pig- tails, in plaits, there’s never a hair out of place.

Face: round/long/square/thin/oval/heart-shaped/pointed/intelligent face, pale/dark complexion, wrinkled, freckled, skin, dimple, countenance, mole, wrinkle, pale, straight/turned up/snub/hooked/upturned/long/flat nose, high/wide cheekbones, high forehead, a strong jaw/chin, a cleft /pointed/double chin, thin/full lips, with a nice smile, sharp features, Complexion: fresh, pale, pallid, sallow, tanned face, sunburned/sunburnt, olive- skinned, fair-skinned, oriental, brown, black, freckled, wrinkled, spotty Eyes: blue, green, gray, brown, hazel, light-blue, dark-grey, greyish-blue, dark, big, bright, expressive, far-sighted/long-sighted, long/thick/bushy eye-lashes. Dress : look smart, scruffy, well-dressed, casual, conservative, well-dressed, nicely dressed; neat, clean, elegant, fashionable, to be well-turned out, to be dressed spick and span, untidy

149 Distingwishing features: a beard (M) a moustache (M) side-bums (M) unshaven (M) clean-shaven (M) a scar a beauty-spot (F) a mole, freckles, dimples, spots, wrinkles, lines, glasses, (well) made-up (F) Age: young, middle-aged; in his/her late thirties, to look/be about forty, elderly, have a youthful appearance, to age well/to grow old gracefully, not to look one’s age, to look older for one’s age, to be (2 years) older (younger) than somebody, be ad- vanced in years / getting on in years, be of the same age, be of age, be of military age, teenager, toddler, adult, at age 20 ( at the age of 20). How old are you? (What's your age?) I am seventeen. I am seventeen years old. I am under seventeen. I am over seventeen. I am nearly eighteen. I am under age yet. = I am not yet eighteen. In three month's time I'll come of age. She is still in her teens (13—19). She is a teen-ager. She is in her (early, mid, late) teens She is in her (early, late) thirties. She is a middle-aged person. She is an elderly per- son. Expressions related to appearance: to be like/ unlike, to take after, to resemble, to look like, to lose one’s looks, to have a (youthful) look about him/her, to find somebody (charming), to look well/ good/ beautiful/ nice/ great/ smart/ charming/ terrific/ elegant/ marvellous/ smashing/ fit/ lovely/ fantastic/ super; to come across as (somebody), to be the image of somebody, to look like somebody, to inherit something, to be hard of hearing, to resemble somebody/to take after somebody /to bear a striking resemblance to, to be /not to be a bit like smb, to be a pleasant-looking person, to be attractive /plain /ugly, to be nice to look at, to be pretty (F) / handsome (M), to be the sort of person who ..., to be typical of smb, to be (very much) alike, to be well-groomed, to be shortsighted / near-sighted, to gain /put on weight, to take after somebody, to judge/ to be fooled by appearances, to filter people.

Difference and Likeness

1. There is a lot of difference between us 1. There is a lot of likeness between us. (you and me, Tom and Sally) (similarity) 2. She is different. (She isn’t like me) 2. She is like me. She isn’t different 3. She differs from me. 3. She doesn’t differ from me. 4. We are different. 4. We are / alike We aren’t different. / similar 5. We differ (from each other). 5. We don’t differ (from each other).

6. You opinions 6. You opinions have different habits habits They manners similar manners ambitions They have the same ambitions We outlooks outlooks passions We passions tastes tastes lifestyles lifestyles 150 7. Our opinions 7. Our opinions the same habits habits Their manners manners similar ambitions are different Their ambitions are outlooks outlooks alike passions passions tastes tastes lifestyle lifestyles 8. Our opinions 8. Our opinions don’t a lot habits habits differ a bit Their manners quite a lot manners much ambitions differ Their ambitions at all outlooks quite a bit outlooks passions a lot passions tastes a little tastes lifestyle greatly lifestyle 9. We are different in opinions, habits 9. We are alike in opinions, habits manners,ambitions manners, ambitions outlooks, passions outlooks, passions tastes, lifestyle tastes, lifestyle 10. We differ in opinions, habits 10. We don’t differ opinions, habits manners,ambitions in manners, ambitions outlooks, passions outlooks, passions tastes, lifestyle tastes, lifestyle Unlike Bill, Stuart is quite determined. Like Tom, Nick is very persistent.


1. Small Talk (Unit 4. Giving and receiving compliments). Listen to the re- cording and practice saying the compliments. You look wonderful today! You look wonderful today! – So do you! - You look wonderful today! - So do you! – That’s a nice color on you! – Thanks a lot! - That’s a nice color on you! – Thanks a lot! I’m glad you like it. - That’s a wonderful color on you! – Thanks a lot! I’m very glad you like it. That’s a nice sweater! That’s a nice sweater! Is it new? – Yes, it is. – Where did you get it? – I got it at Maize’s. – It’s beautiful! – Thank you, I’m glad you like it. – Those are nice books! Are they new? – Yes, they are. – Where did you get them? – I got them at Maize’s. – They‘re beautiful! - Thank you, I’m glad you like them. I like your gloves. I like your gloves. Are they new? – Oh, no. I’ve had them for years. - Where did you get them? – I got them in London. – They’re beautiful! – I like your ring. Is it new? – Oh, no, I’ve had it for years - Where did you get it? – I got it in India. – It’s beauti- ful! – Thank you. You look marvelous! You look marvelous! You haven’t changed a bit! - Neither have you! Neither have you! - You look marvelous! - So do you! – You look wonderful! – So do you! - You look terrific! - So do you! - You haven’t changed a bit! - Neither have you! - You

151 look marvelous! You haven’t changed a bit! - Neither have you! Neither have you! - You look marvelous! - So do you! – You look wonderful! - So do you! - You look terrific! - So do you! - You haven’t changed a bit! - Neither have you! You speak English very well. You speak English very well. – Oh, no, not really! – Yes, you do, you really do. – No, I don’t. – Yes, you do. - No, I don’t. That’s not true. – Yes, it is. You really do speak English very well. – Thank you. You’re very kind. – No, I mean it, I really mean it. - Thank you. You’re very kind. - No, I mean it, I really mean it. You speak English very well. - Thank you. I’m afraid my English is not very good. I’m afraid, my English is not very good. – Don’t be silly, it’s wonderful! - I’m afraid, my English is not very good. - Don’t be silly, it’s wonderful! – It’s terrible. - Don’t be silly, - It’s terrible. - Don’t be silly! - I’m afraid, my English is not very good. - Don’t be silly, it’s wonderful!

2. Make up ten sentences using the vocabulary under study and the following adjec- tives modified by adverbs. exceptionally extraordinarily extremely outstandingly really remarkably supremely truly very absolutely perfectly quite utterly just beautiful simply (informal) almost ‘They're just beautiful,’ breathed Jo, rather when she saw the earrings. astonishingly breathtakingly I remember her as pretty, almost beautiful. dazzlingly incredibly staggeringly startlingly strikingly stunningly unbelievably wonderfully uniquely 152 exquisitely serenely classically

extremely really very absolutely charming altogether perfectly She looked small and gentle and alto- quite gether charming. thoroughly utterly

3. Complimenting people. a) Act out the conversations. 1. - You do look well, Connie! - Do I? I'm afraid, I've gained some weight. - Have you? It does not spoil your looks. Your complexion is marvellous. - Thank you. 2. - You really look beautiful, Pat. - Nice to hear it. I'm just back from my holiday. - That explains your wonderful tan. - Thanks. 3. - Glad to see you looking so fit, old man. - Thank you. It's very pleasant to hear it. - My pleasure. 4. - Linda, dear! You look quite new and very charming. - Do I? In fact I've changed my hairstyle. - Oh, you really have and it is very becoming. - Many thanks. b) Make up exchanges. Student A - You do look well, Betty. (nice, Jack; charming, Nora; marvellous, David) - You really look beautiful, Alice. (fit, Jimmy; elegant, Dolly; smart, Bill) - Glad to see you looking so fit, Ray. (beautiful, Suzy; smart, Mike) Student B - Do I? I'm afraid I’ve gained some weight. - Thank you. It’s very pleasant to hear it. - Do I? In fact, I've changed my hairstyle. - Do I? Nice to hear it.

4. a) Match the adjectives in A with their synonyms in B. b) Find other opposite pairs of words in the Functional Vocabulary (Appearance).

A. ugly, slim, stout, good-looking, plain, pleasant to look, fair-haired, fat. B. attractive, unattractive, slender, handsome, blonde, unpleasant, overweight, stocky.

153 5. Study the vocabulary of the unit. Prepare your own spelling dictation for your fel- low students on the topic ‘Appearance’ (25 words). Dictate the words to your fellow student, then correct their mistakes, if any.

6. Use adjectives from the Focus Vocabulary to complete these descriptions. 1. He used to be quite good-looking when he was (1) y_____ . He was (2) t_____ and (3) s_____ – he looked so elegant in evening dress. He used to play a lot of games then, so he was (4) t_____ from spending so much time in the open air, and of course he was powerfully-built, (5) m____ and (6) b_____ -s_____ . He had a mass of (7) c____ hair and like most (8)r____ -h_____ people, a pleasant, (9) f_____ face, with a funny little (10) s______nose, and (11)f_____ lips, as if he wanted to kiss you. I'm afraid you wouldn't recognise him now! He's only (12) m____ - a _____ but he looks about 60! Of course when men lose their hair and go (13) b_____ , it al- ways adds years to their real age, but his face is lined and (14) w____ now, and since he gave up sport, he has put on a lot of weight, so he's rather (15) f____ . Apart from that, sitting in that office all day has given him a (16) p____ , unhealthy complexion. Even his lips look (17) t____ now; I expect he's got false teeth. 2. The cosmetics firms spend their time trying to get people to change their appear- ance. If girls are d___-h_____, they persuade them to dye their hair and become (1) b____ . If their hair is straight, they will make it 'naturally' (2) w____ . They can make (3) s____ complexions the colour of peaches and cream. If you have a (4) h____ nose, they will straighten it. If you have (5) t____ lips, tey will make them look (7) f____ . It's the same for men nowadays. You can go to clinics where they will stop you from going (8) b____ . You can exercise to become (9) b____ -s______d. And with a lamp you can become (10) t____ without going outdoors. But the biggest craze these days is that all girls must be (11) s_____ . In Grandfather's day, men liked women to be (12) p____ ; their idea of a good figure was different. But now, if I looked like that, Jack would say: 'You're getting (13) f____ . Why don't you go on a diet?'

7. Выучите и воспроизведите следующие диалоги . a) е) – Do you know Ann’s fiance? – Poor Theresa. – Yes, pretty well. He is a very de- – Why? pendable young man. – She’s married to that dull guy б) Joe. He’s so hard to please, unso- – What is James’ fiancee like? ciable and picky. A bright quick girl, good tempered – That’s only what you think. And and easy to deal with. her perception of him may be abso- в) lutely different from yours. She – I think Eugene is a good match, really has a way with Joe and ac- isn’t he? cepts him as he is. – He is. He’s both good-looking ж) and good natured. – Hi, Jess, any news? г) – Yes, Harry is going out with 154 – Phil and Jill often fall out, Caroline. don’t they? – Wow, I can’t believe it! They are – They do. I think that’s because poles apart. Harry is easy-going and they are both hot-tempered. None of fun to be with while Caroline is them wants to give in. such a bore. д) – They are different, yes, but at the – Mary and Clare are a real trial same time each of them is special in for their parents. their own way.

– They are indeed. Bringing up two lively twins is not a piece of cake.

8. Make up dialogues to describe: - a new neighbour - a boyfriend or a girlfriend - a criminal - someone else

9. Revise the Focus Vocabulary (Apperarance) again. Be ready for a vocabulary dictation.

Focus Vocabulary Character and Personality (Part 1)

General words: character, personality, individuality, behaviour, mood, temper, dis- position, trait, manner character – the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular type of person; e.g. He has a cheerful but quiet character. personality – 1) the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person different from other people, e. g. He has a very pleasant/strong personality. 2) attractive qualities (such as energy, friendliness, and humor) that make a person interesting or pleasant to be with, e.g. He has lots of personality . 3) a person who is famous and often appears in the newspapers, on television etc, especially an enter- tainer or sports person[ ↪ celebrity], e. g. He is one of the most well-liked TV person- alities.

NOTE: Character versus Personality

'When you choose your friends, don't be short-changed by choosing personaity over character' W. Somerset Maugham

155 In certain, more general, contexts the words ‘character and personality’ are synonymous and can be interchangeable: 'Despite their differ- ent personalities/characters, they became the best of friends.' In some cases one word can’t be replaced by the other. Personality can be defined as those qualities that make you “You”. Normally, personality is related to your outer appearance . Also, it is described through your behavior. Personality includes your outward behavior like sociability, irritability, openness, etc. Character, on the other hand, consists of a set of qualities that depicts your moral values . Your morals also make you a unique and distinct person. Your per- sonality is visible to others on the first meeting whereas character takes time to be understood. Character includes virtues like honesty, patience, kindness, etc. It is possible for a person to have a shy, nervous and introvert personality, and not interact with a lot of people. But his character may be good enough to let him do something positive for lots of people. Another person may have a very friendly and jolly personality, but may have a character that makes him con other people. If personality is your mind, character is your soul.

Comparison Chart Personality Character Personality is the way one carries oneself. Character is what a person is like in- She has a witty personality that is often ap- side. preciated by everyone. He has good character. (= Он хоро- Она остроумна , и это в ней все часто ший человек ( человек высоких мо- ценят . ральных принципов .) He has a cheerful personality. Он жизне- She is a woman of a fine character. радостный человек . Эта женщина – хороший , порядоч- ный человек . Different things such as sense of humor, Major components of your character friendliness, and passions determine your include honesty, respect, responsibil- personality. ity, courage, and loyalty (or the con- trary of these). Personality is connected with someone’s Character encompasses one’s moral appearance. values. Personality is subjective. Character is objective.

(Source: individuality – the qualities that make a person or thing different from others: She is not unique, she has no individuality. behaviour – the things that a person or animal does; e.g. It is important to re- ward good behaviour. The headmaster will not tolerate bad behaviour. good/bad behaviour, violent/aggressive/criminal etc behaviour, human/social behaviour, pat- 156 tern of behaviour/behaviour pattern, behaviour problem (=when someone often be- haves badly), change/modify your behaviour, influence somebody's behaviour. mood – the way you feel at a particular time, e. g. You're in a good mood this morn- ing!; in a good mood (=happy), in a bad mood (=angry), in a foul mood (=in a very bad mood), in a confident/optimistic mood, in a holiday/party/festive mood, put somebody in a good/bad etc mood (=make someone feel happy, angry etc), get into the mood (=start to feel that you are ready and want to do something), mood of con- fidence/optimism/despair/gloom etc, the general mood (=among a group of people), the mood of the time/moment, somebody's mood, changes mood, swings (=sudden big changes in someone's mood), lighten somebody's mood, (=make someone hap- pier), reflect/capture somebody's mood (=show what someone is feeling). temper – a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily; e.g. He's got a really bad temper . disposition – the particular type of character that a person naturally has; e. g. She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition. trait – a particular quality in someone's character Children grow up with a mixture of character traits (=character qualities) from both sides of their family. manner the usual way in which you behave towards other people: She has a some- what cold, unfriendly manner.

Positive traits and characteristics (good points): friendly/amiable, agreeable, an en- gaging/amusing/original/wonderful personality, bold, brave, cheerful, communica- tive, cute (AmE), sweet (BrE), creative, courageous, decent, dependable, diligent, easy-going, faithful, generous, good humoured, good-tempered, good-natured, imaginative, just, honest, hardworking, industrious, kind, kind-hearted, loyal, noble, polite, punctual, pleasant personality, reasonable, friendly, sensible, sentimental, so- ciable, optimistic, outgoing, patient, persistant, reliable, trustworthy, disciplined, considerate unselfish, self-confident, strong-willed, well-bred, wise, witty easy-going – relaxed and not easily upset or worried: good humoured – having a happy, friendly character or attitude to life; e. g. At eighty her eyes still sparkled with good humour.; good-humoured: He was patient and good-humoured . humour – the ability or tendency to think that things are funny, or funny things you say that show you have this ability; e. g. It's vital to have a sense of humor in this job. Collocations with humour : sense of humour, somebody's brand of humour, black humour (=jokes, funny stories etc about the unpleasant parts of life), schoolboy hu- mour (=jokes, funny stories etc that are silly and rude but not offensive), dry/deadpan humour (=when someone pretends to be serious when they are really joking) wry humour (=when someone jokes about something bad or difficult), a flash/trace/touch of humour (=a small amount of humour)

NOTE: If someone is described as good humoured , it means he is frien dly and easy-going, but we can’t judge if the person has got a sense of humour. The word ‘good- humoured’ doesn’t have anything to do with the sense of humour. 157

Negative traits and characteristics (flaws): absent-minded, aggressive, arrogant, awkward, bad-tempered, (a) bore, boring, boastful, condescending, conceited, (a) coward, (a) dawdler, dull, cunning, cruel, disorganized, double-faced, envious, greedy, haughty, hard to please, hot-tempered, ill-mannered, ill-natured, impudent, irritable, jealous, lazy, lazy-bones, a lier, light-minded, mean (chiefly Br – miserly, stingy), naughty, (a) nuisance, obstinate, pessimistic, pushy, rude, selfish, self- centered, sleepyhead, slacker, sloven, sly, stingy, stubborn, terrible character, touchy, thrifty (economical), uncommunicative, undisciplined, unfriendly, unkind, unreliable, unsociable, weak, weak-willed, gloomy, haughty, pretentious, uncom- promising.

Other traits: a nerd (slang) , ambitious, (a) chatterbox, calm, frank, independent, self- conscious, energetic, calm, mature/immature, modest, sensitive, shy, sluggish, sweet-tooth, tough, sensitive (touchy), unpredictable, impulsive, inattentive, incon- siderate, shy, timid, strange, weird, odd, eccentric, persistent, relaxed, resolute, laid- back, stern, moody.

Mind ( Склад ума ): bright, capable, clever, smart, crazy, intelligent, keen, quick, ag- ile, funny, wise, perceptive, sharp, unreasonable, (a) blockhead,.

Mood and behaviour: to be angry with somebody, to be cross with somebody, to be in a good (bad) humour, to be in the mood for joking, to be not in the mood of listen- ing to music, to be decent (conscientious) all around, to respect somebody, to give in, to praise somebody, to deceive somebody, to tell a lie, to insult somebody, to of- fend somebody, to get (feel) offended, to put on airs, to laugh at somebody, to lose one’s temper, to neglect one’s duties, to tease somebody, to shirk something, to treat somebody well, to be easy (or hard) to get along/to deal with, to be modesty itself, to seem to be nothing but a trouble-maker, to display rudeness and selfishness, to monopolize/dominate the conversation, to speak at the top of one’s voice, to trouble somebody, to disturb somebody, to interrupt somebody, to make mistakes, to put up with something/somebody, to take care of somebody, to take control of one’s tongue.

Phrases: , to have a sense of humour, to have one’s good points (strengths) and one’s faults, to impress somebody unfavourably, to keep one’s temper, to be ready to give in, to make up the quarrel, to strike up friendship with somebody

Exercises 1. In English dictionaries (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Longman Dic- tionary of Contemporary English, Cambridge Dictionary etc.) find definitions and examples of usage of any 10 words from the functional vocabulary for this unit. Write your own examples. Model 1. pleasant [ ˈplez ənt] – friendly, polite, and easy to talk to: Nick seems very pleasant on the phone. 158 a pleasant-looking woman pleasant to: He’s usually very pleasant to me.

2. Use the definitions from the previous exercise as riddles for your fellow students: write them on separate pieces of paper, and them out and let other students guess the words.

3. Use a dictionary to find the opposites to the following words. kind (kind-hearted), charming, attractive, soft-hearted, strict, frank, sincere, open hearted, simple, unspoiled, reserved, careful, education, hard-working, industrious, exquisite, practical, reasonable, sensible, jolly, enthusiastic, quiet, calm, honest, pa- tient, sociable, generous, clever, wise, bright, talented, quickwitted, witty, cheerful, persistent, touchy, thin-skinned, ambitious, self-confident, prudent, unselfish, mod- ern, painstaking, active, energetic, reliable, steady, talkative, independent, modest, shy, smart, experienced, respectable.

4. Find synonyms to the following words. jealous, envious, cocky (a little too sure of oneself), dependent, spineless Pompous ( too pretentious), pushy, domineering, bossy, sly, inexperienced insincere, false, indiscreet, careless, ignorant, idle, lazy, rough, plain, vulgar, roman- tic, light-hearted, rash, dull, indifferent, noisy, fussy, dishonest, impatient, self- centered, unsociable, greedy, stupid, unkind, unpleasant, repulsive, merciful, cruel, unambitious, self-conscious, rash, reckless, selfish, old-fashioned, passive, indiffer- ent, unreliable, tongue-tied, cheerless, gloomy, hesitant, thick-skinned

5. Put the following adjectives in the correct column accorging to the negative pre- fix they are used with. patient, responsible, organised, friendly, tidy, sensitive, kind, selfish, imaginative, ho nest, sociable, reliable

un- dis- in-/im-/ir-

6. a) Listen to the recording (HW Intermediate, T 15) and say which question should be asked for each part. b) Say who is described and what the speaker himself is like (use the functional vocabulary if possible). c) Listen for the second time and discuss the phonetic patterns and the functional vocabulary. 1) She's absolutely adorable . I think she's very pretty, she makes me laugh a lot , um... she tells terrible jokes but I like the way she tells them. She's a bit naughty sometimes and I curse her when she gets me up at six o'clock in the morning , but when I hear her singing in the morning, well, all is forgiven . She can twist me round her little finger , of course. 2) He was very boring and predictable . The kind of person who remembered birthdays and anniversaries, but who made you angry because there was absolutely nothing spontaneous about him . His ideas of fun were so unadventurous . Well, the first few years were OK, but after that I'd just had enough. Reliable, stable, de- pendable, and boring . 159 3) Well, he's quite well-dressed and punctual . Sometimes he's cheerful and tells us jokes , but other times we have to do a lot of work. We don't really know him very well. Oh, I know he's married, but I've never met him socially or anything like that. He seems very professional . 4) I've never actually spoken to him. Mmm, I see him every day, of course, as he leaves his car and gets in the lift to his office on the top floor. He's always terribly well-dressed , and he must wear expensive after-shave because you can still smell it ten minutes after he's gone.

7. Imitate the text from HW Intermediate T 15 by heart.

8. Learn the functional vocabulary (HW Intermediate, T 15). Make up dialogues based on the descriptions.

9. a) Make up similar descriptions as in HW Intermediate T15. b) Read your de- scriptions to other students. c) Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues based on your descriptions.

10. Respond to the following in 2-3 sentences. 1) Susan is a bit too condescending for me: you know, posh manners, snobby friends, high-level restaurants, branded clothes, things like that. 2) I don't want to hurt you but you live for money from morning till night. You know, when you live and work just to make a dollar, somehow it takes the joy out of living. 3) My brother’s passions are computers, sports and photography, in that order. 4) What is you cousin like? 5) I can’t stand my sister’s boyfriend. He is stubborn, he is bossy and he is every- thing I hate in men.

11. Complete the sentences using suitable words from the list below. honest, fun-loving, patient, loud, rude, narrow-minded, lazy, sociable, arrogant, pes- simistic

1) You always think that bad things are going to happen. You are…. 2) You don't like working or being active. You are…. 3) You like to have a good time and laugh a lot. You are…. 4) You don't show respect for other people and behave badly. You are…. 5) You talk a lot and make a lot of noise. You are…. 6) You tell the truth and don't try to cheat people. You are…. 7) You don't get angry and stay calm in difficult situations. You are…. 8) You like being with people and doing things together. You are…. 9) You don't want to consider new ideas or opinions. You are…. 10) You believe you're better or more important than other people. You are….

12. Match the words and the questions. 160 a) generous 1. Is your friend usually in a good mood? b) easygoing 2. Is it important for your friend to be successful in whatever c) ambitious he/she does? d) cheerful 3. Does your friend notice your feelings? e) hardworking 4. Does you friend often give presents, or pay for lunch or a f) trustworthy coffee? g) impatient 5. Does your friend work hard? h) sensitive 6. Does your friend become angry or annoyed if he/she i) optimistic 7. has to wait for something or someone? j) moody 8. Can you trust a secret to your friend? k) sociable 9. Does your friend listen well when you are speaking? l) indecisive 10. Does your friend keep his/her feelings to him/herself? m) reserved 11. Is your friend usually not worried by things, no matter n) lazy what happens? o) attentive 12. Does your friend think the future will be good? 13. Does your friend often change their opinion about things? 14. Does your friend often postpone things he/she has to do? 15. Is your friend happy one moment and then sad the next? 16. Does your friend like to be with people?

13. Work in pairs. The first student writes 6-8 names of his relatives on a piece of paper. The second student ask\s the first one questions from the previous exercise. The first student answers the questions. Model: Student 1: Can you trust a secret to Diana? Student 2: No, you can’t. She isn’t trustworthy .

14. Work in pairs. Ask your fellow-student 8-10 questions about his friends’ and family members’ characters. Answer your fellow-student’s questions. Model: Is your sister easy-going ? – Not very much. She is often worried by things .

15. Write your first name and your surname on a piece of paper, then add the names of six people you know. In front of each name write two or three adjectives to de- scribe the person’s character. Write out of the English dictionary the definitions of the adjectives you have used to describe the people you know. The teacher shuffles the cards with the names on them. The students take turns in picking a piece of paper and asking questions to the student who wrote the card. When answering the ques- tions use the definitions you have written out and your own ideas. Model Student 1 : Who’s Lily? Student 2: She is my sister-in-law. Student 1: She is talkative , isn’t she? Student 2: Yes, she is very talkative, she really enjoys having conversations

161 with people . Student 1: Is she relaxed ? Student 2: She is indeed. She is calm and never worried by things .

16. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in the brackets. 1. What sort of man is he? (… like?) 2. He is a man of strong will. (He is … man. ) 3. Does Helen look like her sister? (… alike?) 4. Kitty dances gracefully.(Kitty is a …) 5. She shows great tact in dealing with people. (She is …) 6. Your friend lacks tact. (Your friend is …) 7. This girl has a kind heart. (This is …) 8. George always keeps his word. (George is …) 9. She always orders people about. (… bossy manners.) 10. Jane has a sweet temper. (… personality.) 11. She never loses her temper. (She is …)

17. Draw the intonation scheme and read the texts. Underline the expressions you can use to describe a person. Remember the expressions. 1. My brother is clever and quiet and spends a lot of time at his computer. People sometimes think that he is sullen but I don’t think that’s the case – he just prefers to think rather than to talk. When he does talk, he has a deep voice. He doesn’t pro- nounce his words very clearly but just mutters them. This is typical of boys of his age I think. 2. My three boys are all very active and also very diverse. Matthew is a very bright and talented musician; he loves to play the piano. Peter is a very friendly, creative boy who likes to dance. Alex is the easy-going youngest who loves whatever is hap- pening as long as he is involved. All of the boys love sports of all kinds. They are looking forward to your visit in September, and, of course, Bob and I are too. We also have two dogs (Carley and Solomon) and two cats (Marmaduke and Alpha), all of whom are friendly and love people.

18. Make up 3 questions of different types to each text in the previous exercise for your fellow students. Let your fellow students answer the questions using the ex- pressions from the texts.

12. Enhance the following statements as in the model. Use the focus vocabulary of the unit.

Model: I love Jess. S: I love Jess. She really has a pleasant and friendly personality. She is very good- natured. She seldom becomes angry or annoyed by things. But what I like most about her is her cheerfulness. She is such fun to be with.

162 I like George. I admire Theresa. I adore Jessica. I trust Jeffry. I like Emily. I respect Tim. I feel like inviting Jane to the party. Sandra is my best friend. Matthew has good character.

13. а) Make up sentences with the given words according to the model. б) Enhance the descriptions adding three or four more sentences. Model T: My uncle is bad-tempered. S: My uncle is really bad-tempered. He is always shouting at my aunt. But what I dislike most about him is his arrogance. He believes he is better, smarter, and more important than other people. disorganized, uncommunicative, light-minded, unfriendly, hard to please, dull, self- centered, pessimistic, irritable, lazy-bones, hot-tempered, boring, conceited, a lier, obstinate

14. Imagine that your student group is going to make a fiction film about the life of a family. Think of the title of the film and the names of characters. Think of a descrip- tion of your character, say what he/she likes doing, what his job is, what he/she is doing at the beginning of the film. Tell another student about your character, he/she should take notes and present your character to the group. Model Student 1: I’m Jane Sharp. I’m plain-looking, but well-dressed. I’m of medium height and I am slim, not skinny, but slim. My hair is chestnut brown and wavy and I’ve got big dark expressive eyes. I am in my late teens. I’m a college student. I like bathing in the sea. Now I’m busy putting on my make–up. Student 2: She is Jane Sharp. She is plain-looking, but well-dressed. She is of me- dium height and she is slim, not skinny, but slim. Her hair is chestnut brown and wavy and she’s got big dark expressive eyes. She is in her late teens. She is a college student. She likes bathing in the sea. At te beginning of the film she’s busy putting on her make–up.

15. Think of a type of relationship the character from the previous exercise has with other members of the family. Make up a dialogue to demonstrate this relationship. Use the Focus Vocabulary.

19. In pairs ask and answer the questions about your personality. 1) What kind of person are you? Please explain. 2) What kind of person do you want to be? Please explain. 3) How easy is it for someone to change his personality or character? Why do youthink so? If you could change one aspect of your personality or character, what would you change? Why? 4) What kind of personality should a doctor have? 5) Are you more introverted or more extroverted? 6) What is more important, personality or character, when you are choosing a spouse? Why?

163 7) Do you agree or disagree? Your zodiac sign (Aries,Taurus, Gemini, Can-cer, Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,Pisces) influences who you are. Why/not? 8) Who was the best person you have ever met? What was so wonderful about his/her personality or character? 9) Are genes more powerful than how you were raised? Why do you think so? 10) If you had to describe the people of your country, what three adjectives would you use? Why?

20. Воспроизведите диалоги в парах . Придумайте аналогичные диалоги , рас- ширьте их до 6-8 реплик и воспроизведите их в парах . а) Does she ever complain to you about him? She never does. б) Does Theresa ever give in to you? She seldom does. в) Does Brian ever lose his temper? He often does.

21. Writing. Напишите рассказ (250 слов ) на тему “My Best Friend”, используя изученные слова и выражения .

22. Tell the class about one of your relatives. You should mention: a) yourself and what you do; who your relative is; b) your relative’s job; his/her age; his/her friends; his/her family members and their occupations; their pets. Try to follow some of the intonation patterns of the text ‘Betty Smith”.

Situations for dialogues 1. Your sister and you often fall out. Talk to her about it and try to find a way with her. 2. You share a room in the hall of residence with another girl. Your mother wants to know what she looks like and what kind of person she is. 3. Tom is the new student in your group. Discuss his appearance and personality with one of your groupmates.

Writing Think of a title for an essay about friendship. Write the essay with this title (300 - 350 words). Use the questions below for ideas.

1. What is more important to young people nowadays, friends or family? Which is more important to you, and why? 2. What qualities are most important to you in a friend? 3. Are you a good friend? 4. What qualities do you offer your friends? 5. Does true friendship exist?

164 Grammar

The Definite Article When we use the, the listener or reader knows or can understand what we are referring to. We can make a reference 'specific' or 'definite' by means of: - back reference: We stopped at a small village. The village was very pretty. - the + noun + of: The life of Napoleon was very stormy. - context: The listener knows exactly what we are referring to from the con- text: It's the postman. (Not ‘ a postman’) She's gone to the butcher's. (Not ‘ a butcher's) Running is good for the heart. (Not ‘ a heart’) We often say the cinema, the theatre, the supermarket, the bank, etc. even if we don't know exactly which: He's gone to the cinemahhe theatrehhe supermar- ket/the bank. We refer to the country, the mountains, the seaside even if we don't know ex- actly where: We're spending the weekend in the country/in the mountains/at the sea- side.

Remember how to use articles with the following proper nouns:

Cardinal points: the North, the South, the West, the East. Continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, the Antarctic. Oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean. Seas: the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea. Rivers: the Volga, the Thames [temz], the Mississippi. Islands: Great Britain, Ireland. Chains of mountains: the Urals, the Alps. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) consists of former Soviet Republics. They are: Russia (Moscow), Ukraine (Kiev), Belarus (Minsk), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Kazak(h)stan (Alma-Ata), Georgia (Tbilisi), Azerbaidzan (Baku), Moldova (Kishinev), Kirghizia (Bishkek), Tadzhikistan (Dushanbe), Armenia (Ere- ven), Turkmenistan, Turkmenia (Ashghabat or Ashkabad).

Countries Capitals Languages Nationalities Bulgaria Sofia Bulgarian the Bulgarians (a Bulgarian) Czechia Prague Czech(ish) the Czechs (a Czech) Slovakia Bratislava Slovak the Slovak s (a Slovak) Cuba Havana Spanish the Cubans (a Cuban) Germany Boon German the Germans (a German) Hungary Budapest Hungarian the Hungarians (a Hungarian) Mongolia Ulan Bator Mongolian the Mongolians (a Mongolian) Poland Warsaw Polish the Poles (a Pole) R(o)umania Bucharest Rumanian the Rumanians (a Rumanian)

165 Viet Nam Hanoi Viet -Namese the Viet -Namese (a Viel-Namese)

Austria Vienna German the Austnans (an Austrian) Belgium Brussels Flemish the Belgians (a Belgian) Canada Ottawa French, the Canadians (a Canadian) English Denmark Copenhagen Danish the Danes (a Dane) Finland Helsinki Finnish the Finns (a Finn) France Paris French the French (a Frenchman) Great Britain London English the English (an Englishman (-woman)

Greece Athens Greek the Greeks (a Greek) the Amsterdam Dutch the Dutch (a Dutchman) (-woman) Netherlands (Holland) India Delhi Hindi the Indians (an Indian) Italy Rome Italian the Italians (an Italian) Japan Tokyo Japanese the Japanese (a Japanese)

Norway Oslo Norwegian the Norwegians (a Norvegian) Spain Madrid Spanish the Spanish (a Spaniard) Sweden Stockholm Swedish the Swedes (a Swede) the United Washington English the Americans (an American) States of America (the USA)

The Use of articles with exclamatory sentences

We use a/an with singular countable nouns in exclamations after What : what a/an (+adjective) + singular countable noun: What a lovely dress! Note that a/an cannot be used in exclamations with uncountable nouns: what (+adjective) + uncountable/plural noun: What nonsense! What luck! what + object + subject + verb: What beautiful smile your sister has! Note the structure of exclamations with so and such : such + a/an (+adjective) + singular countable noun: He’s such a nice boy! such + a/an (+adjective) + uncountable/plural noun: They talk such rubbish! They’re such kind people! so+ adjective: You’re so kind!

166 Exercises 1. Copy the sentences in your notebook using a proper article (definite, indefinite or zero article). Explain the use of the article. 1. Let's stay at this nice ... place. 2. Can you give me ... napkin, please? 3. ... Apples are good for health. 4. We go to ... supermarket every Saturday. 5. Please make up ... bed and tidy ... desk. 6. Nick's wife is ... very sensible woman. 7. This is ... nice bright tie. 8. He lives in ... nice roomy flat. 9. He enjoys ... French classes. 10. ... Dance classes start at 5:15. 11. Let’s meet at ... end of May. 12. Alex likes to have ... lie-in. 13. Teaching is not ... piece of cake. 14. At this time he normally has ... din- ner. 15. Can you help me find ... new book by ... Mark Haddon? 16. There’s a new play on at ... theater. 17. My brother’s worst subject at school is ... History. 18. I keep ... hamster in my flat . It’s name is ... Velvet. 19. She is ... manager. 20. It’s ... scooter. 21. Do you want to buy ... DVD? 22. Crocodiles are ... large aquatic rep- tiles. 23. I have ... couple of questions, please. 24. ... Danes constitute about 95 per- cent of the population of ... Denmark. 25. It takes ... good deal of time to read ... Dickens novel. 26. Tim is badly ill. Let him stay in ... bed! 27. They say ... men can only do one thing at ... time.

2. Use an indefinite article with the predicatives where possible: 1. This is yellow pencil. 2. The text is easy. 3. This is easy text. 4. These are low ta- bles. 5. This table is low. 6. This is low table. 7. Roses are beautiful flowers. 8. A fox is yellow. 9. This town is big. 10. Moscow and Minsk are big cities. 11. Kiev is big city, too. 12. These flowers are very beautiful.

3. Insert the indefinite article where necessary. 1. It’s ..... nice cafe. Let’s get in and have a snack. 2. Could you pass ..... salt? 3...... carrots are good for you. 4. Jeff, lock ..... door, please. 5. George’s friend is ..... very friendly man. 6. This is ..... nice clean flat. 7. She lives in ..... cottage. 8. What is this building? – It’s ..... language school. 9. I normally walk to ..... work. I haven’t got ..... car. 10. What is Helen doing? – She is listening to ..... music. 11. Let’s find ..... good restaurant. 12. I clean my teeth with toothpaste. 13. I use a toothbrush to clean my teeth. 14. My brother works for ..... shoe company. 15. Can you smell paint? 16. I wonder if you can help me. I have ..... problem. 17. Let’s ask John to buy six ice- creams. – It’s ..... very good idea. 18...... chess may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I like it. I think it’s ..... challenging game. 19. Sean doesn’t like ..... coke. He be- lieves it’s bad for his health. He prefers ..... glass of ..... lemonade or ..... cup of ..... coffee.

4. Put the nouns to the corresponding column in accordance with the use of the arti- cle.

Volga , Asia, , West Indies, Andes, Canada, Buckingham Palace, Carib- bean Sea, Chile, Dominican Republic, Chinese (= people) , Russians, Europe, Is- tanbul, Queen Elizabeth, Palace Hotel, Indian Ocean, Windsor Castle, North America, Atlantic, Pacific, Alps, Park Avenue, Philippines, Rhine, Sahara De- sert, Lake Como, Middle East, Mount Fuji, Central Asia, King Henry, Doctor 167 Clarke, San Francisco

the - the Volga Asia

5. Add more countries and nationality words to the following tables. a) Country Group 1: the adjective and noun have the same form

noun (singular – plural or collec- adjective tive) Burma a Burmese – (the) Burmese Burmese

b) Country Group 2: the adjective and singular noun have the same form the plural noun adds –s; the is optional in the plural

noun (singular – plural or collec- adjective tive) Algeria an Algerian – (the) Algerians Algerian

c) Country Group 3: the adjective and singular noun are different the plural noun adds –s; the is optional in the plural

noun (singular – plural or collec- adjective tive) Czechoslovakia a Czech - Czechs Czechish

d) Group 4: the adjective and plural noun (meaning “all the peo- ple”) are the same; Country the singular noun adds –man/woman, the is always required; noun (singular – plural or collective) adjective England an Englishman – Englishmen/the Eng- English lish

6. Make up 5-6 sentences according to the model.

168 Model The Chinese like rice.

7. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary: 1. ... Russia occupies ... eastern half of ... Europe and ... northern third ... of Asia. 2. ... climate of ... northern part of ... Russia is severe. 3. In ... European part of ... Rus- sia ... summer is warm and sunny. 4. This winter is ... true Russian winter with hard frosts. 5. It is warm all ... year round in ... Crimea and ... Caucasus. 6. ... Common- wealth of Independent States is one of ... biggest countries of ... whole world. 7. Tbi- lisi is ... capital of ... Georgia. 8. I want to go to ... Alma-Ata some day. 9. ... best vway to know and understand ... people of other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 10. Is Australia ... island or ... continent? 11. ... Black Sea is in ... South. 12. There are six continents in ... world, aren't there? 13. France is to ... northwest of Italy.

8. Use the proper article. Note. Pay attention to the use of the article with the noun predicative, the noun object and the noun subject (in sentences with the introductory there). 1. Have you ... grandfather? 2. There is ... garden behind ... house. 3. My brother- in-law is ... writer and his wife is ... doctor. 4. These are ... difficult sentences. 5. I have ... father, ... mother and ... little sister. 6. What's ... matter with you? 7. We are ... students of ... English faculty. 8. There came ... knock at ... door. 9. Benny is al- ready in ... bed. 10. Once there lived ... captain brave. 11. ... Doctor Smith is still at ... hospital. 12. This isn't ... snow, this is ... ice. 13. She has ... velvet dress. 14. He is ... good-looking young man of 20. 15. There are ... beautiful flowers in ... park. 16. Is she ... college graduate?

9. Use the proper article: 1. Come to ... blackboard and write... Exercise 12. 2. You have ... spelling mis- take in ... word "nursery". 3. He is ... old friend of mine. 4. There came ... tap at ... door and in another moment we saw ... small girl enter ... room. 5. He is ... young artist and, I should say, rather talented. 6. He gave her ... cigarette and lighted it. 7. I don't feel ... sympathy towards this man. 8. They are going to build ... new house. 9. Are ... rooms in your flat large or small? 10. ... hour is a long time. In ... hour you can read ... newspaper, or write ... letter. 11. What ... beautiful music he is playing! 12. In every remark he found ... meaning but not always the true meaning. 13. There is ... curiosity in her look. 14. ... Sandfords have ... nice house. ... house isn't large but comfortable.

10. Use the proper article: 1. ... Elbrus is ... highest peak of... Caucasus. 2. ... Japan is situated on ... islands. 3.... London is on ... Thames. 4.... Poland is to ... west of... Russia. 5.... USA is in ... North America. 6. In ... north of our country ... summer is very short, 7. What is ... capital of... Spain? 8. This expedition has just returned from ... Antarctic. 9.... Urals separate Europe from... Asia. 10.... Ireland is ... island, isn't it? 11. ... Mississippi is... longest river in ... world. 12.... names of... rivers, seas and oceans are used with... definite article. 13. Turning to ... JEast he saw that ... sun had risen. 14. I hear he is 169 off to ... Central Africa. 15. ... Severn is ... longest river in ... Great Britain. 16. ... Great Britain lies in ... eastern part of... Atlantic Ocean.

11. For advanced students. Use the proper article: 1. He read ... leading article slowly moving his lips over ... words. 2. ... thought of Nessie faded from his mind. 3. I was ... interpreter during ... war. 4. We were shocked by... scene that followed. 5. And then ... lady came in, ... tall young lady. 6. We were met by ... handsome young man. ... man was ... guide. 7. ... street was empty. But suddenly she noticed ... old woman on ... opposite side of... street. 8. Long ago this park was ... large private garden. 9. She changed ... wrapper in which she did the housework for ... black satin blouse and ... skirt. 10. ... marble clock on ... mantelpiece softly chimed twelve. 11. He had ... wild desire to run away. 12. I want you to explain ... incident we had this morning. 13. What ... nice cheerful fellow he is! 14. ... young woman of about 30 with ... pleasant face rose to greet them when they entered ... room.

12. Form questions to the following statements: 1. Russia is a very large country. 2. There are more than 100 nationalities in the CIS. 3. In the North of our country winter is very cold. 4. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in the North of Russia.

13. Answer the following questions: 1. How many oceans can you see on the map? What are they? 2. Is the Pacific the largest ocean in the world ? 3. Which is the largest ocean in the world? 4. Does the Pacific Ocean wash Western Europe? 5. Which ocean washes Western Europe? 6. Which ocean washes the northern part of Europe? 7. Which ocean washes Eastern Asia? 8. What two American continents do you know? 9. What other continents do you know? 10. Is Australia a continent or an island? 11. Is Ireland an island or a con- tinent? 12. The Alps are higher than the Urals, aren't they? 13. What are the highest mountains in Europe? 14. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world, isn't it? 15. Is the Thames as long as the Mississippi? 16. Which is the longest river in the world? 17. Is the Black Sea in the South? 18. Is the Baltic Sea in the South too? Where is it? 19. Is the White Sea in the North or in the South? 20. Is the United States in North or in South America? 21. Is Japan in the .West or in the East? 22. Is Italy in the South or in the North of Europe? 23. What is the capital of Bulgaria (Hungary, Rumania) ? 24. What language do the Spaniards (the Japanese) speak?

14. Translate into English paying attention to uncountable nouns: 1. Какой хороший совет ! 2. Какая хорошая погода ! 3. Какая элегантная жен- щина ! 4. Какая чепуха ! 5. Какая удача ! 6. Какая интересная книга ! 7. Какая жа- лость ! 8. Какой милый ребенок ! 9. Какой красивый мужчина ! 10. Какое чудес- ное платье ! 11. Какой грубый человек ! 12. Какой сюрприз ! 13. Какие они дура- ки ! 14. Какие прекрасные цветы ! 15. Какой дорогой ноутбук у твоего брата ! 16. Какой забавный у нее котенок !

15. Translate into English paying attention to articles: 170

1. В семье есть другие дети ? — Нет , я единственный ребенок . 2. Твой брат студент , и ему 19 лет , не так ли ? — Да , он студент , но ему 18 лет , а не 19. 3. На улице много народу . 4. В кувшине нет молока . 5. У них двое детей — мальчик и девочка . 6. Такие люди есть , не правда ли ? 7. За вашей школой есть сад ? — Да . 8. В вашем городе есть парки ? — Да , но немного , два или три . 9. У вас есть вопросы ? - Да , несколько . 10 Около окна стоят часы . 11. Твои книги и тетради на полке . 12. На полке есть тетради ? — Да , это мои тетради . 13. Что там на столе ? — Там чайник и чашка . 14. Кто в соседней комнате ? 15. Есть кто - нибудь в соседней комнате ? 16. Есть в вашей аудитории книжные шкафы ? 17. На столе есть сахар , но мало . 18. У Бенни много игрушек . 19. У Тома игрушек мало . 20. Времени у нас мало , уже половина второго .

16. Look at the map of the world, show and name all the continents, oceans, seas, countries and other geographical names you know.

17. Make up short dialogues on the topic: "At the Map of the World". Use conversa- tional phrases.

The Verb to Have in the Present Simple Tense

Table 1

a/no father, cousin, book, flat. I (we, you, they) have (got) some**/n ink, time, work. French He (she) has (got) o books, new maps, good pic- tures.

Table 2

Have I (we, you, they) a father, cousin, book, flat?

got * Has ink, time, work? friends? cous- he (she) any ins? children?


Table 3 haven't (got) any/a ink, time, work, son, books, I (we, you, they) cousins, maps, mother-in- have no law. ink, time, work. hasn't (got) children. He (she) any/a has no sisters-in-law. son, book, map.

* – Short questions like ‘Have you a cousin?’ and negative forms like ‘No, she has not’ were common in older English. In modern English they are rather formal and uncommon.

Contracted Forms Have you got a car? No, I haven’t. Do you have a car? No, I don’t.

NOTE: V In British English ‘have’ or ‘have got’ are used to mean ‘possess’, both forms are possible and acceptable: I have a new car. I have got a new car. (= I own, I possess a new car.) V ‘Have’ can also mean ‘eat’, ‘enjoy’, ‘experience’, ‘drink’, ‘take’ etc. Wnen ‘have’ doesn’t mean ‘possess’, ‘have got’ can’t be used in place of ‘have’ and ‘have is used like any other verb (see The Present Simple ). V In modern British English and American English, questions and negatives are commonly formed with do : Does the house have a garden? V In conversation and informal writing ‘have got’ is more common than ‘have’ in affirmative sentences: I’ve got a new boyfriend. (More natural in speech than I have a new boyfriend .)

Little and a Little, Few and a Few There is a difference between little and a little, and between few and a few. Lit- tle and few have negative meanings. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’. A little and a few are more positive: their meaning is gener- ally closer to some . (A) little and (a) few are quantifiers meaning ‘some’. Compare:

All she wanted was a few moments on some, a small number her own. She had few moments on her own. not many/almost none She saves a little money every month. some, a small amount

172 They had little money to spend. not much/almost nothing A: Have you got any money? some, a small amount B: Yes, a little. A: Have you got any money? not much/almost nothing B: No, very little.

Exercises 1. Study Table 1 and compose as many sentences as you can. 2. Work in pairs. a) Say to your partner what you have as in the models. Replace ‘have’ by ‘have got’ and practice the dialogues again.

Model 1: S1: I have a bag . And you? S2: And I have a map . It’s a nice big map . S1: Is it indeed? S2: It is.

Model 2: S1: I have five cents. And you? S2: And I have ten cents. S1: Ten? S2: Yes. bed, cakes, tea, can, bean, cent, text, CD, date, tin, tablet, test, selfie, pic, niece, PC, pickles, pill, a party dress, a motorbike, a Bently, a new bike, an apartment near the beach, a big house in the country.

3. Supply correct forms of ‘have’ and ‘have got’. 1. ... a new car yet? 2. They … a nice apartment. 3. … you … any spare pencils? 4. She … ten dresses …5. He … plenty of money … 6. He … long black hair … 7. ... this tree … red leaves in autumn? 8. I (not) … any faith in him … 9. She (not) … much patience … 10. How many sisters … you… ? 12 They … three sons … 13 I … a good accountant … 14 We … a very good butcher … 15 That's a smart suit he … on … 16 What … she … on last night? 17 I … a temperature, I think. 18 When … you last … a cold? 19 I … a meeting in town today. 20 She … a date tonight … 21 I … no idea what to do ... 22 … you … a better suggestion? 23 You… mud on your shoes. 24 She … something in her eye. … you … today's newspaper?

4. Make up questions to which the words in bold type are answers: 1. They have got a car of their own. 2. He has a nice, gentle face. 3. We have a lot of relatives in Moscow. 4. You have got three mistakes in your test. 5. Mr. Smith has a son and a daughter. 6. My friend has a large family.

5. a) Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative, b) Ask one another questions on the following sentences and answer them in the negative. Mind the distribution of sentence-stress in the replies.

Model: They have many English books. 173 Have they many English books? No, they haven't. They have a lot of Russian books | and very few English books.

1. She has some English books. 2. He has a lot of mistakes in his test. 3. I have a lot of notebooks in my bag. 4. The boy has three red pencils. 5. Kitty has two cousins. 6. Dr. Sandford has a son. 7. I have relatives in Moscow. 8. They have two rooms. 9. I have some newspapers on the desk. 10. We have very many friends.

6. Make up questions to which the words in bold type are answers: 1. They have got a car of their own. 2. He has a nice, gentle face. 3. We have a lot of relatives in Moscow. 4. You have got three mistakes in your test. 5. Mr. Smith has a son and a daughter. 6. My friend has a large family.

7. Replace no by not ... any . Note. No = not ... any and both are grammatically correct, but in colloquial speech no is more emphatic. Model: The poor boy has no shoes to wear. The poor boy hasn't got any shoes to wear. 1. She has got no English books. 2. I have got no friends here. 3. She has no more money. 4. I have got no cousins. 5. They have got no children. 6. He has got no toys to play with. 7. I’ve got no time. 8. He’s got no children.

8. Translate into English using not ... any: 1. У доктора Смита нет детей . 2. У Бенни нет братьев и сестер . 3. У него нет в этом городе родственников . 4. У меня нет английских книг . 5. Не давайте ва- шему мальчику больше конфет (sweets). 6. У доски нет мела . 7. У меня нет времени разговаривать с тобой . 8. У нас сегодня нет уроков . 9. У нас в контрольной ошибок нет . 10. Не задавайте мне вопросов .

9. Translate into English using not ... much and not ... any. Note. Instead of little and few we usually use a negative verb + much. and a negative verb + many.

Models: I haven't got much time (instead of: I have little time). I haven't got many English books (instead of: I have few English books).

1. У меня мало денег . 2. У вас мало времени . 3. Мы пригласили мало народу на вечер . 4. У них мало друзей . 5. В чайнике мало чаю . 6. В вашем саду мало де- ревьев . 7. У нее мало родственников . 8. У него мало работы . 9. Во дворе мало снегу . 10. В этой аудитории мало столов . 11. На столе мало хлеба . 12. На полке мало книг.

10. a) Переведите предложения на английский язык , употребляя глагол to have в соответствующей форме настоящего неопределённого времени . b) Поставьте переведенные предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму .

174 1. У Бесс есть ребёнок . 2. У Алекса есть десять компакт -дисков . 3. У Тессы есть консервированная фасоль . 4. У Келли и Теда есть планшет и компьютер (ПК ). 5. У Алекса Тедда и Сида Келли есть красивые фотографии ( разгов .). 6. У маленькой Эллы есть финик . 7. У Алана и Ди пятеро детей . 8. У Элен есть компьютерные игры . 9. У него есть планшет . 10. У Бетти и Эллы есть десять пирожных . 11. У Энди Эллиса есть таблетка . 12. У Сида есть жестяная банка . 13. У Теда есть тест . 14. У Тима плохой вкус .

11. Fill in the blanks with the expressions a lot of , plenty of, a great deal of . Note. In spoken English much and many are usually replaced by these expressions in simple affirmative sentences. Remember that a great deal of can be used to replace much only. Models: We have a lot of (plenty of) apples this year. We have a lot of (plenty of, a great deal of) time. 1. They've got ... computers in the digital language lab. 2. Doctor Sandford's wife has ... flowers in her garden. 3. She has ... trouble with her boy Benny. 4. The doctor has ... patients. 5. A housewife has ... work to do. 6. He has got ... English books in his library. 7. We have got ... spare time today. 8. Their family is large. They havev.. children. 9. I spend ... money on books. 10. She buys ... milk for her grandchildren. 11. I have ... questions to ask. 12. He knows ... interesting stories.

12. Make up 8 sentences following the models given below. Note, Much and many are used in questions and negative sentences, also in affirmative sentences when preceded by very, too, so. Models: 1. Have you got many (a lot of) lessons today? Yes, we have a lot of lessons today. No, we haven't got many lessons today. 2. Have you got much work today? Yes, I have a lot of work today. No, I haven't got much work today. 3. She eats so much bread. It isn't good. 4. She has very many mistakes in her test. That’s too bad.

13. Practise the sounds in the following words and word combinations:

1. [ae] — companions, married, family, parrot, rabbit; [h] — a house-wife, a hedgehog, in the house, to have a rabbit, his mother, we have no peace; [əv] — a lot of friends, most of them, a member of her family, is fond of birds, be- cause of all.

2. No palatalization: Smith, Elizabeth, beginner, sister.

3. a) No glottal stop: is Elizabeth, my elder, have only, and animals, is eager, be- cause of all; b) Linking [r|: my brother-in-law, a member of, my sisters, his mothers.


14. Make the statements less categoric using a little . Model: I am sick. → I am a little sick. I feel sick. → I feel a little sick. 1. I feel weak. 2. Max is late. 3. I miss Sam. 4. Nick feels sad. 5. Eve is pale. 6. I am late. 7. My flat is messy. 8. Candice is picky 9. Emily is tactless. 10. Eve feels silly. 11. William is sensitive. 12. Sam is timid. 13. Kate is lazy. 14. He feels dizzy.

15. Translate into Russian. 1. Нам нужно немного мяса . 2. У нас мало фасоли . 3. У нас есть немного фасо- ли . 3. Маленькому Бенни пять лет . — Действительно ? 4. Мы храним чай в ма- ленькой жестяной банке . 5. Дэн немного скучает по своему городу . 6. Сильвия немного недоброжелательна . — Правда? — Да . 7. Алекс немного застенчив . — Разве ? 8. Я чувствую себя немного больным . 9. Макс немного опоздал . 10. Ева немного бледна . 11. У меня мало времени . 12. Давайте я дам Эмилии немного риса . 13. Принеси мне несколько компакт -дисков . 14. Он немного огорчён . — Разве ? Жаль . 15. Дейвид немного грустный .

Family (Part 2) Focus Vocabulary (to be learnt by heart) a college graduate – выпускник колледжа ; I'm a college graduate. У меня высшее образование . ( Я – выпускник университета .) elder – старший ( о членах семьи ); older старше . Например : My elder sister is 28. former, a – бывший funny, a – смешной girlfriend – подруга ; boy-friend – товарищ , друг house-wife – домашняя хозяйка jolly – веселый , славный just a beginner – новичок to knock – стучать naughty, a – непослушный , шаловливый peace, n – покой ; сравните : piece, n – кусок perhaps – возможно , может быть school-mate – соученик ; сравните : classmate одноклассник (BrE), одноклассник , сокурсник (AmE), a fellow-student однокурсник , сокурсник , companion товарищ room-mate сосед по комнате , peer ровесник , soul mate близкий по духу человек sister-in-law - невестка to be against – быть против to be eager – очень хотеть : Now Benny is eager to have a rabbit. to be fond of smth; to like любить , нравиться well-bred – хорошо воспитанный

176 Text a) Listen to the recording of the text "Betty Smith". b) Mark the stresses and tunes. c) Study the Vocabulary Notes. d) Practise the text for test reading very care- fully until you can say it in exactly the same way.

Betty Smith I am Betty Smith. My full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. I am twenty-two . I am a college graduate . I am a writer, just a beginner , you know. I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my former schoolmates . My best companions are two girl- friends . They are very kind, jolly and well-bred . My brother-in-law, Henry Sandford, is married to my elder sister Helen. I am a member of her family. My brother-in-law is a doctor. He has a mother, but he has no father. My sister is a house-wife . They have only one child, Benny. Benny is my nephew, he is four. Sometimes he is naughty . He is fond of birds and animals. We have white mice, a hedgehog and a parrot in the house. Now Benny is eager to have a rabbit. But his mother is against it, we have no peace because of all Benny's ani- mals and birds. Exercises 1. Transcribe the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes: 1. My brother-in-law, Mr. Smith, is a writer. 2. Have you got a sister? 3. How old is she? 4. What’s her name? 5. Is Betty a member of his family?

2. Answer the following questions: A. 1. What's Betty Smith's full name? 2. What is she? 3. Has she got many compan- ions? 4. Are her companions kind and jolly? 5. Who is Betty's elder sister Helen married to? 6. Is Betty a member of her sister's family? 7. What's her brother-in-law? 8. Has Doctor Sandford parents? 9. Is Helen a doctor? 10. Have they got any chil- dren? 1. How old is Betty's nephew? 12. Is he a good child? 13. What's he fond of? 14. Is Benny eager to have a dog? 15. Have they got any animals and birds in the house?

B. Has your brother/sister/cousin a large family? — Yes, (he has). No, (he hasn't). 2. Has Betty Smith a large family? 2. Have you a large family? 3. Has your cousin a brother (father, mother, friend, wife, parents, grandfather)? 4. Has Benny got a hedgehog? 5. Has Benny got a rabbit? 6. Have you got a dog in the house? 7. Has Benny friends? 8. Has Benny books (toys, pens, pencils)?

3. Change the given groups of words as in the model. Model: the room of my sister — my sister's room the friends of my sisters — my sisters' friends.

1. the brother of my mother; 2. the friend of my sister; 3. the husband of his daugh- ter; 4. the house of my parents; 5. the table of my father; 6. the work of my mother; 7. the notebook of this student; 8. the books of these students; 9. the sister of my friend.; 10. the friend of our cousin; 11. the photo of my grandfather; 12. the room of Pete; 13. the son of her brother; 14. the daughter of Ann; 15. the sister of my mother. 177

4. a) Form questions to which the following statements are the answers, b) Each sentence states a certain fact. Find some more details about it by asking questions. Work in pairs, use the conversational phrases wherever possible.

1. We are students of the English Faculty. 2. Her brother-in-law is a doctor. 3. Betty Smith is a writer. 4. Mo sister-in-law is a house-wife. 5. His family is not large. 6. Тhеу have only one child. 7. She has a daughter. 8. Their child's name is Benny. 9. Her name is Helen. 10. His nephew is four. 11. He is in the park. 12. She is an Eng- lish student. 13. Betty is the sister of Helen. 14. She has some books on the table. 15. Benny has no brothers. 16. Their grandmother is an elderly person. 17. Doctor Sand- ford is a middle-aged person.

5. Fill in prepositions: 1. Betty's sister is married ... Doctor Sandford. 2. Is Benny... home? — No, he is still... the park ... his mother. 3. Look ... the picture (blackboard). 4. Put the notebook ... the drawer. 5. He is not... the room. 6. Come ... the room. 7. Go ... , the room. 8. He has some friends ... Moscow. 9. Don't put the pencils ... the box. 10. Take the newspaper... the table. 11. The letter is ... the book. 12. Go ... Room Four. 13. Come ... the blackboard. 14. Take the books and notebooks your bags! 15. She has a pen ... her hand. 16. Go ... the In- stitute. 17. Are you fond ... cats? 18. Have you got a dog^the house? 19. Open your books ... page 25. 20. Thousands ... students study our University. 21. Children begin school... the age... seven.

6. Fill in some, any, no, none, not any, one or the indefinite article a: 1. Have you got ... relations? — No, I haven't .... 2. Has she got ... nephews or nieces? — She has ... . 3. She has ... sister, she has only ... brother. 4. They have got ... cousins in Minsk. 5. Have you got ... brothers? — No, I haven't ... . 6. I have ... good friends. 7. Have you got ... interesting books? — Yes, I have. 8. Have you got ... friends in St.Petersburg? 9. He has ... English books in the bookcase. 10. Have you got ... pencils in your bag? — Yes, I have ... . 11. Has she ... girls in the family? — No, she has ... . 12. Have we got ... chalk on the blackboard? 13. She has ... mis- takes in her test.

7. Tell the class a) who Betty Smith is and what she does; b) about Betty’s sister and her family; c) about Benny.

8. Retell the text.

9. Make your own stories on the following topics: a) Benny goes to a pet shop; b) Betty Smith visits her sister; c) Betty Smith goes to a job interview.

178 Focus Vocabulary on the Topic ‘Family’

Name: name/first name/forename/Christian name, patronymic (middle name), sur- name (BrE)/family name/last name (AmE), maiden name, nickname, namesake, to be named after somebody.

Origin, nationality: to come from, (fellow) сountryman/countrywoman, native speaker of (English), to speak with a strong accent.

Relations by birth: relation / relative, brother, elder brother (younger brother), big sister, child, children, orphan, daughter, father, grandfather, grand(d)dad(d)y, grandmother /grandma / granny / grannie, nanny, grandparents, grandchildren, great grandparents, great grandchildren, half-sister / brother, niece, nephew, parents, sib- ling, sister, son, twins, aunt, uncle.

Relations by marriage: husband wife spouse, father-in-law mother-in-law brother-in- law, sister-in-law daughter-in-law son-in-law.

Other words and phrases describing people’s relationship: close relative (friend), distant relative, immediate family members, extended family, household, to be re- lated to somebody, on one’s mother’s side, stepfather (stepson), ancestors, friend, acquaintance, sibling, full sister, an only child, a grown up son, one-parent fam- ily/single parent family, to adopt, adoptive parents, step-father, twin-brother, aunt, nephew, cousin, second cousin, nephew, niece, to bring up 3 children, husband / hubby (informal), in-laws, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, grandchild, great- grandchild, spouse, Godfather, a significant other (idiom) , foster parents / brother /sister stepmother /father.

Marriage: to fall in/out of love with somebody, go out with somebody, to court, to date / to make a date, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, fiancee, groom /bridegroom, bride, best man, bridesmaid, to propose to somebody, to be engaged to somebody, to break one’s engagement, lover, a good match, an ill-matched couple, to marry somebody/to get married (to somebody), to be married to somebody, to start a fam- ily, married, single / unmarried, family man, to be happy in one’s marriage, to marry for love/money, to marry money, marriage of convenience, marriage certificate, to make a beautiful couple/a good wife/a good husband/a good teacher etc, married couple, marital status, marriage, civil (silver, golden) wedding, the register office, newly-weds, honeymoon, to be pregnant (with one’s second child), birth, to give birth to smb birthday, a birthday certificate, to be born, to die, dead, to have a baby, to have a son by one’s first marriage, to provide for a family, to be unworty of somebody, to divorce somebody / to separate, ex-husband, widow (widower), spin- ster, bachelor.

Relationship with family and friends: to be divorced, to be widowed, to be /get en- gaged, to be smb's close / distant relation, to be / get married to smb, to fall in love with smb (at first sight), to marry smb, to fall out of love, to be related to smb, to live 179 single, to be single, to live in common law, to get to know each other, to make / be friends (with somebody), to have a lot/nothing in common, to agree with each other on most things, to meet up (with somebody), to be a close-knit family (idiom) , to get on/along well (together), to have a way with somebody, to accept somebody as (they are), to have similar personal values (with somebody), to like the same (music) and the same (sports)/ to have the same tastes in (books) and (music), to enjoy spending time together, to chat about what’s happening in our lives, to have lots to talk about, to have a spat/a squabble, to fall out (with somebody)/to have a falling out (with somebody), to argue (with somebody) about something/to disagree about something, to fight, not to be on speaking terms with somebody, to make up (a quarrel)/to make it up with somebody, to keep/stay in touch (with somebody) by e-mail or by phone, to be too busy to e-mail or phone somebody, to lose touch / contact (with some- body), to get back in touch / contact (with somebody), to be hard on somebody, to be like somebody.

Exercises 1. Fill in suitable words: 1. His aunt's son is his ... . 2. Your father's father is your ... . 3. My sister's son is my ... . 4. My sister's, daughter is my ... . 5. My mother's brother is my ... . 6. Your mother's sister is your ... . 7. Your uncle's daughter is your ... . 8. Your mother's mother is your .... 9. Your brother's wife is your ... . 10. Your sister's husband is your....

2. Use a dictionary to help you answer the following questions. A. What differences in meaning and use are there between these words? 1) wedding and marriage 2) bride and wife; bridegroom and husband 3) to marry, to get married and to be married 4) bachelor, single, unmarried and unattached. B. What do the words below mean? bridesmaid, best man, reception, honeymoon.

C. Which of the following can be used with ‘wedding’ to form a compound noun like wedding ceremony? dress, church, present, family, guests.

D. Which of the following: a) is someone who your parents are looking after as if he were a member of the fam- ily? b) is related to you through your own or your sister's marriage? c) is the child of your stepfather or stepmother but not of your natural mother or father? d) is the natu- ral child of one of your own natural parents? brother-in-law, half-brother, stepbrother, foster brother

3. Use a dictionary and decide which of these words refer to females (F), which to males (M) and which to both (FM). Then complete the sentences below. widow, bachelor, spinster, lover, fiancee, spouse, mistress, fiance, divorcee,widower

180 1. A woman's_____is the man who is engaged to be married to her. 2. are people who have been married but have divorced and are now single. 30 3. А _____is a woman whose husband has died. A man whose wife has died is called a 4. is a formal term for 'husband or wife'. 5. Someone's_____is a person other than their wife with whom they have a sexual relationship. 6. A _____is a rather old- fashioned and derogatory word for an unmarried woman over forty.

4. In this game, one student sits in a chair facing the board, and another sits in a chair directly behind him facing the class. The rest watch until it is their turn. The teacher shows the student facing the class the title of a family member, and that stu- dent must describe the family member to the second student (and to the class) with- out actually naming the title. If the first student accidentally names the title, he is out, and another student from the class sits there and describes. When the student with his back to the class guesses the title, the first student (facing the class) gets to face the board in the hot seat, and another student is chosen to be the one who guesses.

5. Discuss with a partner where these family relations should be put on the grid be- low. Which do you consider to be close to you, and which more distant? Which are normally older, and which younger? son, niece, mother-in-law, stepdaughter, second cousin, great uncle, ex-husband, grand-daughter, grandparents, half-brother, mother, sister-in-law, wife, aunt, sister, father, daughter, nephew, great-grandmother, husband, cousin, twin sister, sibling, brother. CLOSEST



6. A. Which of these words and expressions means 'a child whose parents have both died'? only child, orphan, unique child, lonely child

B. What do the others mean?

7. Use a dictionary if necessary to help you answer these questions. 1) Which two of these words can be used as a verb? father, son, sister, mother, uncle What does each mean?

181 2) Which three of these words can take the suffix -less to form an adjective meaning 'without'? father, son, mother, brother, child

3) Which of the word-parts in the box can be used with each of the relations below? -in-law, step-, half- a) sister c) cousin e) son g) parents i) daughter b) mother d) father f) uncle h) chil- dren j) grandchild

8. Fill in the blanks with the right word 'born' / 'birth' / 'birthday'. 1. What's your place of_____? 2. When is your_____? 3. I was_____in Manchester. 4. She gave_____to a healthy boy. 5. Where was she_____?

9. Say what relation is: your mother's sister to you; your father's brother to you; your mother's brother to you; your sister's son to you; your brother's daughter to you; your aunt's son to you; your aunt's daughter to you; your sister's husband to you; your brother's wife to you; your husband's parents to you; your sister's daughter to you; your parents' parents to you; your grandparents' parents to you; your mother to your cousin; your sister to your uncle; your husband to your parents; your sister to your children; your hus- band's brother to your children.

10. Put the correct word in the gap: to marry, to get married, to be married, got married, married, marriage. A: Are you____? B: No, I'm single. 2. A: Whatever happened to Ann? B: She____a man she met on holiday. 3. I'm never going to ____. I prefer being on my own. 4 .1 see Susy is happy in her____. She is____to Mrs Johnson's son, isn't she? 5. Darling, I love you! Will you____me? 6. We had a lovely wedding. W e____in spring. There were a lot of flowers. 7. Did you hear? James and Henri- etta____last week. 8. She____to an architect. They____ last year. 9. They say, Alice's____is a lucky one. When did she____ Robert?

11. Прослушайте и прочитайте диалог , в котором носители языка разго- варивают о своих родственниках и а) сделайте интонационную разметку диа- лога и прочитайте диалог по разметке , б) воспроизведите диалог в парах по предложенным ниже ключевым словам , имитируя интонацию носителей языка (не пользуйтесь текстом диалога !).

A: Wow! You have a big family! Who are all of these people? B: Well, this is my mom*, and here is my dad. That's my brother David with his wife and their kids. A: They're cute. How old are they? B: Well. Beth is ten, and Paul is five. Do you have any nieces or nephews? A: No. My family is pretty small. Just me, my mom, my dad, my brother, and my grandfather. B: Do you have an aunt** or an uncle? 182 A: Oh yeah! I forgot*** about my uncle. He lives in Australia. So I never get to see him or his family. B: Would you like to have a big family? A: I guess so. Perhaps when I'm married, I’ll have three or four kids. But who knows? What about you? B: I don't think I want that many. It's hard work to look after a big family. My grandmother had eight children. A: Wow! So you have seven aunts and uncles! How many cousins do you have? B: Well. Let me see. There are three, five, seven, eight... ten! A: Well. I bet you get a lot of Christmas presents.

* - BrE mum ** - BrE [ ɑ:nt] *** – форма прошедшего времени глагола forget ( забывать )

Ключевые слова -подсказки для воспроизведения диалога A: !!! …big family! B: Mum, Dad… David… wife… kids. A: Cute! How old…? B: Bess / 10, Paul / five. You ……..nieces, nephews? A: No, …pretty small – Mum, Dad, brother, grandfather. B: Aunt, uncle? A: !!! forgot …uncle …Australia, …never get to see… B: Would like … big family? A: Guess… …married… 3 or 4… You? B: not think… …that many – had work, grandmother… eight children… A: …seven aunts and uncles! …many cousins…? B: … … … ten! A: !!! Christmas presents.

Работа в парах . Составьте диалог о своей семье и семье вашего собеседника , используя диалог из предыдущего упражнения в качестве образца . ( По воз- можности используйте ваши семейные фотографии .) Воспроизведите диалог в парах .

12. Прослушайте аудиозаписи , в которых говорящие рассказывают о своей семье и а) сделайте интонационную разметку текстов , б) напишите клю- чевые слова , которые помогут вам запомнить тексты , в) воспроизведите тек- сты по ключевым словам , имитируя интонацию носителей английского языка .

1) I’m very lucky with my family . We all get on with each other very well . My mother’s name is Brenda and my father’s name is John. My mother and I share the same birthday , April the fifth, so we are both Aries. I‘ve got two brothers and a sis- ter. They are younger than me . Megan is fourteen and Paul and Michael are both six- teen. They all live in Dublin and my grandfather lives near them. He is my mother’s father and he is a great character . His name’s Shames and he is eighty-two this year .

183 His wife, Mary, died* last year. I’ve got an aunt, an uncle and three cousins in New York.

2) Hi my name is Sally and I come from the North of England, from Manchester, where I live with my dad , my mum and my brother. My mum’s name is Cathy and my dad is called John. My brother who was four years older than me is called David. My dad was** a teacher but now he is retired . My mum works with children with special needs , and my brother work in information technology with computers , he is twenty-five.

3) Like most Irish people I have a really big family , three brothers and one sister and I am right in the middle of my family . My sister is the youngest in the family ; I would say she is quite spoiled . I have two older brothers who don’t live at home with my family ; they live in another part of Ireland. I have one younger brother who I get on with very well with .

4) I have a very big family through divorce and remarriage ; not only do I have a half brother and a half sister , a whole*** sister and two step brothers ; I have a family on the other side of the world . I have an uncle , three cousins and an aunty in Italy about half an hour away from Venice and many uncles, aunties, grandparents , cousins in South Africa. My mother’s family is South African. On my father’s side in England I have fifteen cousins, its a lot of presents at Christmas.

* — форма прошедшего времени глагола to die ** — форма прошедшего времени глагола to be *** — родная сестра по отцу и матери ( обычно в значении « родная сестра » употребляется просто слово sister , в отдельных случаях – a full sister )

13. A. Study the family tree of the Norton family, and then answer the questions that follow. The ages of those living are given in brackets below each name.

184 B. Which member of the family is a widow? Which is a widower? What relation are the following members of the family to Barbara? Match the name to the relationship.

Charles daughter Gerald granddaughter Deborah grandson Harold great -grandson Jane son Lawrence son-in-law

C. What relation are the following members of the family to Deborah? Match the name to the relationship. Barbara ex-husband Gerald brother Charles nephew Harold husband Frank daughter Jane mother

D. Draw Your Family Tree. Share the information with your partner.

E. Read the following texts, making sure that you understand the meaning of the un- derlined words. Harold Norton is getting married next month to Mary Sutcliffe, who has been his girlfriend since they were teenagers. Last Christmas, he proposed to her, and they became engaged. Harold's fiancee became an orphan when she was five because both her parents were killed in an accident but she has two brothers, Tom and Wil- liam. The elder brother, Tom, went to school with Harold, so they have been close friends since childhood. At the moment, Harold and Mary are busy making out a list of invitations to the wedding. They are going to invite all their relatives and a num- ber of friends and neighbours. The day after the wedding, the following announce- ment appeared in the local paper:

NORTON SUTCLIFFE – Harold Norton, son of Mr Charles Norton of 26 Pine Close, Farley, and the late Mrs Elsie Norton to Mary Elizabeth Sutcliffe, daughter of the late Mr Ernest and Mrs fean Sutcliffe, of 119 Oak Avenue, Farley, at St.Andrew's Church. The marriage service was conducted by the Reverend John Wales, Vicar of Farley. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr Tom Suclijfe, and the bridesmaids were her cousin, Miss Sybil Chase, and the bridegroom' s cousin, Miss Jane Quick. At the reception in the King's Arms, Mr Gerald Quick pro- posed the health of the bride and groom , and the bridegroom replied on behalf of the happy couple. The best man , the bridegroom’s cousin, Mr lan Page, was in charge of the arrangements, and afterwards made an amusing speech and read out telegrams- from friends abroad.

185 F. Put the following in chronological order and then find the female equivalents: fi- ance, husband, boyfriend, bridegroom. Compare the names given to a couple at dif- ferent stages in their relationship with those given to them in your country. Are there any differences?

14. Complete the sentences, using the correct word or phrase from those you have seen above. To help you, the first letter of each word is given. You may refer to the family tree of the Norton family, and the account of the marriage and wedding re- ception.

A WEDDING I HAVE ATTENDED (by Jane Quick) My с ______, Harold, got married last weekend and I was a b______at the w______. A ll the family were very happy, be- cause we have known the b ______, Maty Sutcliffe for a long time, and Harold had been going out with herfor ay ear before they became e______. Mary's p ______s died in a car crash when she was very young, so she became an о ______, but her b______Tom is a kind man and has al- ways looked after her. When Harold and Mary were making out the list of i______s for the wedding, of course, they invited all the r______s and some friends and n______j', but we wondered if my m______'s first h______, my s______Mr Page, would accept, because he lives in Newcastle and my g______has never forgiven him because of the d______. But he did come, perhaps because my brother Ian — that's his s______— was going to be the b______m______. I wondered what my f ______would say, but Daddy is very sensible and he said he hadn’t got any time for silly family quarrels. Eveyone was very happy during the m______service, except my U______Charles, the b______'s father. He was a little sad — I suppose because my A ______Elsie died a few years ago and he was thinking about her. Afterwards, we went to the r______at the King's Arms and had a big lunch and everyone made speeches. Then the b______cut the cake, with Harold helping her, and they went off to their honeymoon in Ibi^a and left us to dance all evening. My Uncle Charles cheered up and came up to me and said, ‘I must come and dance with my n______, the prettiest girl in the room’, so Ifelt very pleased.

15. Составьте 10 истинных и ложных высказываний об образе жизни , внешно- сти , характере , взаимоотношениях членов вашей семьи со словами и выраже- ниями данного модуля , используя глаголы в форме present simple. Ваш партнёр должен угадать , являются ли ваши высказывания истинными или ложными , а вы — прокомментировать своё высказывание ( см . образец ). Model A Student 1: My brother-in-law and I have a lot in common. Student 2: I think it’s true. Student 1: Yes, that’s right. He, just like me, sometimes gets up late.

Model B 186 Student 1: My cousin often spoils his toys. Student 2: I guess it’s true. Student 1: No, that’s wrong. I do have a cousin, but he doesn’t play with toys. He’s twenty six years old.

16. Поставьте составленные вами предложения из предыдущего упражнения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы ( работа в парах ).

17. Выучите и воспроизведите в парах следующие диалоги . а) е) – Who is your elder sister married to? – James is so hot-tempered. We fight – To Paul Hugh, my colleague. He is a all the time and he never gives in. fine man. They get along well to- Perhaps, it’s you who should give gether. in sometimes, don’t you think? б) ж) – I’d like you to meet my fiance. May – Have you got any brothers and sis- I bring him along? ters? Certainly. – No. I'm an only child. But I've got a в) cousin* who's just like a sister. They – George, guess what? Jeff and Lily lived near us and we were practically are getting married. brought up together. We went to the – Are they? That’s news to me. I be- same school* too. lieve it’s too early for Jeff to – I see. I come from a big family my- г) – Jane, you’re going to marry self. Robert. But don’t you see that he is – Yes, I know. How many children are unworthy of you? there in your family? – You’re hard on him, Jess. And after Four. Three girls and a boy. I'm the all it’s my business, isn’t it? eldest. start a family. He’s only eighteen. – And how old are the others? д) – The twins are fifteen and David, the – Is your big brother married, Jessica? youngest, is twelve. – Matthew? No, he isn’t. And why? – Well, I’m just interested.

18. Найдите в словаре 10 любых слов из списка слов по теме « Семья » ( см . спи- сок слов к данному модулю ), запишите эти слова в транскрипции , выпишите их дефиниции ( применительно к описанию характера и поведения человека ) и примеры их употребления из словарей английского языка (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English и др .) Пример to foster (verb) – to take someone else's child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parent [↪ adopt]: Stella is aged 40 and has one child of her own and she fosters a child.

19. Используйте выписанные вами дефиниции на английском языке из преды- дущего упражнения в качестве загадок для студентов вашей группы ( один сту- 187 дент зачитывает выписанные дефиниции , остальные угадывают слолво из спи- ска лексических единиц к данному модулю ).

20. Закрепление лексики : a) отреагируйте на высказывание собеседника по об- разцу , используя слова из рубрик ‘Name’, ‘Relatives and friends’ и слова too, as well, also, указанные в скобках ( обратите внимание на различное место в пред- ложении , которые занимают эти слова ); б) придумайте аналогичные вопросы для закрепления изученной лексики , используя слова и выражения из рубрик ‘Age’, ‘Origin and Nationality’, ‘Marriage’, ‘Relationship with family and friends’. Model S1: My friend’s last name is Cooper. S2: My friend’s last name is Cooper, too.

21. My second cousin’s forename is Olivia. (too) 2. My neighbour’s patronimic is Borisovich. (as well) 3. My friend’s maiden name is Tsvetayeva. (also) 4. I have lots of acquaintances.(too) 5. I have three siblings. (also) 6. My sister-in-law’s children are twins. (too) 7. My uncle and aunt are adoptive parents. (also)8. My nephew is an only chilsd in the family. (as well) 9. I have very many distant relatives. (also) 10. I have three stepsisters and a stepbrother. (too). 11. My big sister is bringing up an adoptive child. (as well) 12. My in-laws are very nice people. (too)

22. Работая в парах , дайте развёрнутые ответы на вопросы , используя при отве- те на каждый вопрос слова и выражения по теме « Семья ». Model Student 1: How big is your family, Anna? Student 2: Quite big. My close relatives are my mother, my father, my two younger brothers and myself. There are also five or six distant relatives on my mother’s side . Student 3: As to my family, it’s not big at all. It consists of myself and my close relatives only, my immediate family members. They are my Mum and Dad (I am an only child). We don’t have any relatives either on my mother’s or on my father’s side .

23. How big is your family? How many people are in your (immediate) family? 2. How many members do you have in your family altogether? 3. Do you live with your parents? 4. Do you live with any of your grandparents? How old are your grandparents? What are they like? Do you often visit your grandparents? 5. How old are your parents? 6. What are your parents like? 7. Do you have any brothers or sis- ters? If so, how many brothers and sisters do you have? How old are they? Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters? What are they like? 8. What are the oc- cupations of your family members? How often do you see your grandparents? 9. What do you and your family like to do together? 10. What do your parents do in their free time? 11. How many (first) cousins do you have? 12. How many aunts and uncles do you have? 13. 14. How many children do you have? 15. How often do you see your cousins? 16. How often is your entire family together? 17. Do you always get along well with your family? 18. Do you get along well with your brothers and

188 sisters? 19. Is it good to be an only child? 20. Do you like your family? Why or why not?

24. Переведите с русского языка на английский . А. 1. Мне очень повезло с семьёй . У нас действительно очень большая семья . Мою маму зовут Сьюзан , она родом из Белоруссии . У меня четыре двоюрод- ных сестры и брата по материнской линии . Они все старше меня . Они живут в другой части ( в другом регионе ) России . Моего отца зовут Владимир . Ему 50 лет . Он военный пенсионер . У меня ещё есть младший брат , с которым мы от- лично ладим . Б. 1. Какое имя у твоего знакомого ? — Юджин . А какое у него отчество ? — У него нет отчества , он американец . — А какая у него фамилия ? — Тёрнер . 2. Когда регистрируешь новый адрес электронной почты , можно создать свой вопрос « Какая девичья фамилия вашей бабушки ?» 3. Какой у тебя псевдоним на этом форуме ? 4. Мою племянницу назвали в честь меня и теперь она моя тёзка . 5. Лили на два года меня старше . Она — моя старшая сестра . Лиззи на три года меня младше . А Бетси только начинает ходить . Ей всего год . 6. Его родители уже в годах . 7. Её парень — призывного возраста . 8. Этот сайт пред- назначен не только для подростков , но и для взрослых . 9. Сколько лет твоему другу ? — Двадцать . Мы с ним одного возраста . 10. Я поступила в музыкаль- ную школу в возрасте семи лет . 11. Откуда родом старший сын Джеймса ? 12. Он пишет биографии своих известных соотечественников и соотечественниц . 13. Носители английского языка часто употребляют в речи фразовые глаголы . 14. Друг Юджина говорит с сильным акцентом . Откуда он родом ? 15. Мои близкие и дальние родственники из Воркуты едут к нам в гости . Их самолёт прибывает сегодня в 15.00. Я их собираюсь встретить в аэропорту . 16. Лена , кто твои ближайшие родственники ? — Родители , конечно , а также бабушка . Нас четверо в семье . 17. Моя мама и его тётя состоят в родстве . 18. У нас есть немного родственников со стороны моей матери . 19. Мать Артура разведена , думаю , у него скоро появится отчим . 20. Ты знаешь , как звали кого -нибудь из твоих предков ? 21. Давай напишем твоим братьям и сёстрам , что мы собира- емся пожениться . 22. Он хочет завести семью , но только после университета . 23. Джейн - моя родная сестра , а Джессика — сводная . 24. Ты единственный ребёнок в семье ? — Нет , помимо меня у моих родителей четверо детей . 25. Семьи , в которых есть только один родитель , редко усыновляют детей — Раз- ве ? 26. Ого , у тебя есть брат близнец ! — Мы не близнецы , он меня на год младше . 27. Сколько у тебя племянников и племянниц ? — Дай подумаю … Шестеро . 28. Моя троюродная сестра сейчас временно работает в Англии . Она присылает нам подарки .

1. Прослушайте запись . Отработайте фонетическое чтение текста диалога. Выполните упражнения 1-3 после текста . Dialogue Todd: Adrienne, we are talking about your family. Can you describe the people in your family? Like, what's your mother like, and your father like and your sister? 189 Adrienne: OK, well, let me start with my mother. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to this, though, maybe. My mother is a very interesting woman. She has a great sense of humor and she's a very kind woman, very generous woman. She's also not afraid to say what she is thinking, which is a quality I admire about her very much. Todd: What about your father? How would you describe your dad? Adrienne: My dad is probably the nicest man you'll ever meet. He's very kind, very generous, very warm-hearted and he's really just a good guy and I love him very much. Todd: And actually I met your father and he's a very big guy. Adrienne: He is. Which means he has a very big heart. Todd: Right. Adrienne: He is. My dad's very tall and takes up a lot of space. It's true. Todd: Gentle-Giant, right? Adrienne: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Todd: OK, now you have a sister. Is she younger or older? Adrienne: Younger sister. Todd: Oh, younger sister. How would you describe her personality? Adrienne: My sister is actually quite similar to my dad in that she has a very good heart and she's very generous and very open, very friendly and giving personality and she is probably the only person on the planet who can make me laugh at any moment. Todd: That's nice. Adrienne: She cracks me up. So, She's got a great sense of humor, but part of that probably comes from being sisters too. Todd: Now you said that your sister is very similar to your father, so you are very similar to your mother? Adrienne: Coincidentally, yes, actually. My mother and I have a lot in common in terms of our personality, which means that we get along very well and then some- times we don't. Cause we remind each other of each other perhaps. Todd: So, like what traits do you have in common? Adrienne: I would say that we both very often say what we're thinking, which not everybody likes all of the time and… Todd: I think being outspoken is good. Adrienne: It can be. It can be which is why I think it's a good quality but it some- times can lead to more conflict than you're prepared for. Todd: Right. Well, it sounds like you have a nice balance. Adrienne: Mm, we do.


1) Complete the table with English equivalents of the following Russian phrases us- ing the prompts. Он самый замечательный че- He is _ h _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ a _ you'll _ v _ ловек , которого вы можете _ _ _ e _. встретить . У неё великолепное чувство She has a _ _ _ a _ _ _ n _ _ of _ u _ _ _ 190 юмора . _. У неё доброе сердце . She _ _ s _ _ _ o _ _ _ r _. Она открыта и дружелюбна . She is _ p ______i _ _ _ _ _ . Он добрый и великодушный . He is _ _ n _ and _ _ _ _ _ o _ _. Он очень добросердечный . He is _ _ r y _ _ r m - ______. Какой характер ( у твоей ма- What’s (your mother) _ _ k _? мы )? Она не боится высказать своё She is not _ _ _ _ _ d to _ _ y _ h _ _ мнение she is _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ . Это качество , которое меня в It is a ______y I _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ u _ ней восхищает . her _ e _ _ _ u _ _ . Как бы ты описал своего отца ? How _ _ l _ you _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ your _ _ _ ? Он просто хороший парень He is _ u _ _ a g ______. (человек ) Он занимает много простран- He _ _ _ _ s _ _ a _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ e. ства ( крупных размеров ). У него очень доброе сердце . He _ _ _ a v ______e _ _ _ . Как бы ты описала её харак- How ______s _ _ _ _ _ her _ тер ? _ r s ______? Моя сестра довольно похожа M ______is _ u _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ на моего отца . _ to _ _ _ _ _. Она может рассмешить меня в She _ _ _ _ _ k _ me _ _ u _ _ at any любой момент . ______. Я хохочу над её шутками . She _ r ______. У неё великолепное чувство She’s _ _ _ a _ r ______юмора . u _ _ u _. Так совпало , что да . ______t _ _ _ y, yes. У меня с мамой много общего _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _n _ I _ _ _ e a _ _ _ в плане характера . _ _ _ _ m ______r ______s ______. Мы вроде бы очень хорошо _ _ _ _ t _ _ o_ _ _ _ _ y _ e _ _ _ _ _ ладим , но иногда вдруг пере- t _ _ _ _ _ m e ______o _ ‘t. стаём ( понимать друг друга ). Мы напоминаем друг другу _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ самих себя . _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ . Какие черты характера у вас _ _ a _ _ r _ _ _ s _ _ you ______общие ? _ _ m _ _ _? Мы обе часто говорим то , что _ _ _ _ _ h ______a _ думаем . we’re ______. Быть искренним – хорошо . _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ is _ _ _ _. Это – хорошее качество . _ _’______l _ _ _. Это иногда может привести к ______t ______a _ _ _ конфликту . ______c _. Кажется , вы поддерживаете _ _ _ _ u ______you _ _ v _ a _ правильный « баланс » во взаи- _ c _ _ _ l _ _ _ _. 191 моотношениях .

2) Make a list of key words which could help you to reproduce this dialogue without looking at the text. Reproduce the dialogue with your partner using the key words.

3) Write down some useful ideas and expressions to discuss the following in the class. Use some of the expressions from the dialogue, too. 1. First impression is usually wrong. Do you agree? Give your reasons and exam- ples. 2. Those who mind, don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind (a response to criticism of a person’s drawbacks) . Do you agree? Give your reasons and examples.

16. Найдите в справочной литературе правила преобразования имён прилага- тельных в существительные с помощью суффиксов и приставок . Используя эти правила , преобразуйте имена прилагательные из списка положительных и отрицательных черт характера к данному модулю в имена существительные (проверяя результат в словаре ). С некоторыми прилагательными такое преоб- разование невозможно , в этом случае найдите имена существительные , соот- ветствующие данным прилагательным , в русско -английском словаре . Model cheerful → cheerfulness greedy → greediness

25. Переведите предложения с русского на английский . 1. Мой отец не отдыхает после обеда . 2. Моя младшая сестра не любит рыбу . 3. У нас сегодня нет занятий . 4. Мой старший брат не приходит домой вовремя . 5. Не будь к нему слишком строга (hard). 6. Не теряй контакта со своими даль- ними родственниками . 6. Не звони сейчас своей невесте — уже полночь . 7. Её бывший муж не хочет больше жениться . 8. Они не хотят ехать в Париж на ме- довый месяц . 9. Она никогда не ссорится со своими соседями . 10. Между моей троюродной сестрой и её мужем не бывает разногласий . 11. Они всего лишь знакомые — они никогда не болтают друг с другом о том , что происходит в их жизни . 12. Джулия не хочет встречаться с Майком . 13. Мы такие разные . Ты не любишь ту же музыку , что и я. Ты не любишь виды спорта , которые мне нра- вятся . У нас нет схожих личных ценностей . Мы никогда не соглашаемся друг с другом по большинству вещей . 14. Ты не принимаешь людей такими , какие они есть . 15. Джейн не находит общий язык с детьми своего отчима , её свод- ными братьями и сёстрами . Они не ладят . 16. Не говори мне , что это дружная семья — они постоянно ссорятся . 17. Он с трудом ( нелегко ) заводит друзей . 18. Не разводитесь , вы должны помириться , ведь вы такая хорошая пара (= подхо- дите друг другу ). 19. У них нет маленьких детей , есть взрослый сын . 20. Чарли пока не хочет создавать семью . 21. Алиса , не встречайся с этим человеком , и не выходи замуж по расчёту . Я не хочу , чтобы ты была несчастна в семейной жизни . 22. Эмилия и Томас собираются усыновить ребёнка — Правда ? Быть приёмными родителями — большой труд . 192 26. Используя изученные лексические структуры , составьте текст про свою семью , употребляя лексику данного раздела . Запишите ключевые слова для пересказа составленного вами текста . Опираясь на ключевые слова , воспроиз- ведите составленный текст ( монологическое высказывание ).

Grammar Demonstrative pronouns The demonstrative pronouns are this, that, such, (the) same. This is used to point at what is nearer in time or space; that points at what is farther away in time or space. The demonstrative pronouns this and that have two numbers: this — these; that — those. We use this and these to talk about things or people that are near to us. We use this+ singular/uncountable noun, and these+ plural noun: This bag's nice. Do you like these glasses? • We use that and those to talk about things or people that are not near to us. We are looking at them, or pointing to them. We use that + singular/uncountable noun, and those+ plural noun: That's the bathroom. Do you know those boys? • We can use this, that, these and those as pronouns (without a noun) when we talk about things (not people): Do you like this? Are those yours? • We can also use this and that as pronouns when we introduce someone, or when we ask about someone: This is my friend, Kate. Who's that? • We use this and these for things that we are experiencing now. We use that and those for things that we experienced in the past: This programme's great. (I'm watching the programme now.) I didn't like that programme. (The programme has finished.) Note: V When the plural forms these, those are the subjects of the sentence, they are trans- lated into Russian as « это ».

Exercises 1. Translate into Russian. Models: This is a good pencil — Это хороший карандаш. These are good pencils. — Это хорошие карандаши . 1. These sentences are not very long, are they? 2. This isn't a box. 3. These are not boxes. 4. This book is very interesting. 5. Those were not very interesting books. 6. These are simple sentences. 7. This phoneme is easy, those two were more difficult. 8. These are my notebooks. 9. Are these your things? 10. Those were very beautiful flowers. 11. Take those flowers, they are very nice. 12. These are my shoes.

2. Put into the Singular: 1. These are phonemes. 2. We have English and French books. 3. Roses are beautiful flowers. 4. Houses have roofs. 5. Those are little children. 6. Foxes are animals. 7. Watches are small clocks. 8. Classrooms have blackboards. 9. These are old oaks. 10. Dogs have tails. 11. Those boys are good friends. 12. Balls are round.

193 3. Подберите к каждому из предложений , в которых используются указатель- ные местоимения that, this, these или those , подходящую коммуникативную си- туацию ,. I don’t mean that Mr Smith. a) Meaning “now” compared with the past This is Mr Orange. – How do you do. b) On the phone Hullo. Is that Sue? – This is Sandra с) Referring back to something that we here. mentioned earlier You can’t be too careful these days! d) Referring to something we are talk- ing about She doesn't pretend to be anyone she e) Showing the size of something (usu- is not and that makes her incredibly gor- ally with gestures). geous. Oh it's that boy again. Your classmate. f) Introducing people Let’s not talk to him. He is so cheeky. Quick! Run! It’s that man again! g) Making comparisons A thousand roubles? It costs much more h) Referring to someone we don’t than that ! want to meet or don’t like My rabbit is that big. i) Making it clear who we mean

Exercises Exercises 1. Use an indefinite article with the predicatives where possible: 1. This is yellow pencil. 2. The text is easy. 3. This is easy text. 4. These are low ta- bles. 5. This table is low. 6. This is low table. 7. Roses are beautiful flowers. 8. A fox is yellow. 9. This town is big. 10. Moscow and Minsk are big cities. 11. Kiev is big city, too. 12. These flowers are very beautiful.

One: Substitute Word We often use ‘one’ instead of repeating a singular countable noun: Which is your boy? The one in the blue coat. We can leave out ‘one’ immediately after which, this, that, another, either, neither and superlatives: Which one would you like? This (one) looks the nicest. We do not use ‘one’ immediately after my, your etc, some several, (a) few, both or a number. One(s) is not normally used after a noun with possessive ‘s. Instead we can ei- ther just drop ‘one(s)’ or use a structure with ‘that/those of (more formal): A cat’s eyesight at night is much better than that of a human’s.

2. а) Make up sentences with the following nouns. Model: This is snow. meat, milk, ham, pork, leather, velvet.

б) Make the sentences negative. Model: This isn't snow.

3. Read the sentences with proper intonation.

194 1.Is this a text? 2. Is this a lesson? 3. Is this a sentence? 4. Is this a pen? 5. Is this a park? 6. This text is easy, isn't it? 7. The dog is not big, is it? 8. This lesson is not difficult, is it?

4. Make up sentences with the following nouns. Model 1: This is a text.

a penny, a sentence, a park, a sandwich, a car, a fox, a clock, a cock.

Model 2: This is the doctor. the garden, the star, the box, the dog, the lesson, the text, he pen, the book; the girl.

5. а) Make up sentences with the following nouns. Model: This isn't a box. a bed, a city, a pencil, an answer, an oak, a star, a cock, a mill, a penny.

б) Make the sentences interrogative. Pronounce them with proper intonation. Model: This isn't a box, | ,is it?

6. Respond expressing surprise, doubt etc. Use the low rising tone. Model: This is an oak. — Is it? This isn't an oak. — Isn't it?

1. This is a garden. 2. This is a mill. 3. This isn't a penny. 4. This isn't a star. 5. This is a cock. 6. This isn't a fox. 7. This is a clock. 8. This isn't a dog.

7. а) Make up sentences with the following phrases.

Model: This is a yellow pencil.

an old clock, an easy sentence, a yellow fox, a big park, a difficult lesson, a big car

б) Make the sentences interrogative. Model: This isn't a yellow pencil.

8. а) Read the following sentences with the low rising tone. Model: Is the 'lesson ,easy?

1. Is the park big? 2. Is the clock old? 3. Is the pencil yellow? 4. Is the bag heavy? 5. Is the text difficult? 6. Is the book good? 7. Is this Ruth? 8. Is that Elizabeth? 9. Is this James? 10. Are those Emma and Kelly?

9. Work in pairs. Make up exchanges according to the model. Model: This is the 'fifth vlesson. The fifth lesson?

10. Work in pairs. Make up exchanges according to the model. 195 Model: This is an 'old park, is it? It is.

11. Choose the correct answer. 1) A: Does Kelly's cousin work in A: Are that /those your keys? this/these shop? B: No, I think they're Sarah's. B: Yes, she does. There she is. 6 A: Are this /these pens good for 2) A: Are this /these letters for me? drawing? B: No, they're for Rosie. B: Yes, but they're very expensive.

A: Is that /those a good book? 7 A: This / These is my brother, B: Yes, it's very interesting. Sam. B: Hi, Sam. 4) A: That /Those CDs are very cheap. B: Yes, but we can only buy one. 9) 8 A: I like that /those blueT-shirt. We've got £10. B: Hmm ... the red one's nicer. 5) A: I want to buy this /these computer game. B: How much is it?

12. Channge the replies in the previous exercise so as to use ‘one(s)’ as a substitute word. Model: Does Kelly's cousin work in this shop? - No, she works in that one.

There is/There are

There is a book some cup on the table. no knife on the desk. not any plate newspaper There are some books no exercise-books not any (not) cups many knives a lot of a few on the table. some no on the desk. chalk not any (not bread much) There's butter a lot of sugar little milk a little

196 book cup on the table? Is there any knife on the desk? plate newspaper any books Are there many exercise-books few plates on the table? chalk a on the desk? bread any Is there butter much sugar little milk

NOTE: V We use there is etc. (Not ‘it has’ or ‘it is’ ) when we introduce a new person or thing into what we are saying , when we are talking about or asking about the exis- tence of people or things or when we announce or report events. It is more ‘natural’ to say: There is a man at the door than to say: A man is at the door. V If the noun after be is singular or uncountable, the verb is singular; if the noun is plural, the verb is plural: There is a very good reason for my decision. However, in informal speech, there’s can be used before a plural noun: Anything to eat? Well, there’s some apples on the table. V If the noun phrase consists of two or more nouns in a list, we use a singular verb if the first noun is singular and a plural verb if the first noun is plural: What’s in the fridge? There is a bottle of milk, some eggs and butter. Compare: There are only some eggs, a bttle of milk and butter. V Because we use there to introduce topics, the noun after there be often has an indefinite meaning, so we often use a/an , someone/somebody, something, nobody etc. rather than the, this, my, your (+noun) or a name which give the noun a more definite or specific meaning: The cat is in the kitchen. (more usual than There is the cat in the kitchen. ) Sam is waiting for you outside. (more usual than There is Sam waiting for you outside. )


1. many / a lot of <+> questions …… A 2. some (no reference to quantity) problems …… 3. a few errors …… 4. few difficulties …… 5. not many books …… There are 6. not any mistakes …… 7. no cars …… 8. not 5 (but 6) chairs …… 197 9. none (in short answers) ……

1. much / a lot of <+> time …… B 2. some (no reference to quantity) money …… 3. a little milk …… 4. little sugar …… 5. not much space …… There is 6. not any room …… 7. no hope …… 8. none (for short answers) ……

Режимы тренировки

3 – 4 A 3 A – 3 B 3 – 4 B 4 A – 4 B 4 – 5 A 4 – 5 B 2 – 6 A 2 – 6 B 6 – 7 A 6 – 7 B

Phrasal Quantifiers

with COUNTABLES with UNCOUNTABLES far too many far too much much too many too many too much a bit too many a bit too much a great many a good many a whole lot of very many very much so many so much 198 many much a lot of/lots of a lot of/lots of plenty of plenty of a great/good deal of a large/great number of a large/great amount of a large/great amount of a considerable number of rather many rather much quite/rather a lot of/lots of quite/rather a lot of/lots of quite a number of quite a few quite a little quite a bit of a good few quite enough quite enough a few a little a bit of a number of some some several enough enough just a few just a little only a few only a little relatively/comparatively few relatively/comparatively little rather few rather little not enough not enough few little not many not much a small number of a small amount of a small amount of very few very little a very small number of a very small amount of a very small amount of so few so little too few too little extremely few extremely little hardly any hardly any not any not any no/none no

Sentences patterns with Quantifiers

199 people to rely on We a lot of friends to play with relatives I have quite a few children to discuss problem with girl-friends to go to with a problem He very many boy-friends has persons to trust secrets to They just a few women to talk to men Tom a few colleagues to write letters to pets to give presents to some animals to go to the disco with not any for him to take care of There are - // - no for me to go for a walk with

We to ask questions a lot of to correct I have mistakes to check quite a few to do books He very many to wash has things to cape with just a few They to solve dishes a few to show Tom difficult to answer some to discuss problems not any to overcome letters for him to study no There are to read papers for me

Sentences patterns with Quantifiers


to rely on We have nobody to go to

to spend a vocation with I has to talk to You not anybody to write a letter to Tom to consult

to ask for help She somebody to discuss with for him

There is for me

to do nothing to wash We to cook not anything have to say about it something to tell (you) on this problem I to discuss not much has to eat You a lot to drink to show (you) little They to give (you)

Tom Patterns on the use of quantifiers. nothing to worry about He has not anything to be worried about She have something to be surprised at Tom little to be afraid of I a lot to be proud of you very much to be happy about to be embarrassed by

very little for him to be concerned about There is … to be upset about … for them

Prepositions of Place 201

clock glass desk. is cat chair. The dog under the bed. boxes sofa. pencils are bookcase. books

cat jumps The into the box. cats jump

Exercises 1. a) Study the substitution tables with the introductory there and compose as many sentences as you can. b) Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as in the model. Give a short answer and add a sentence of your own with the introductory there.

Model: Is there any clock on your desk? There is. And there is also a lamp on it. c) Respond to the negative sentence of your fellow-student as in the model. Use con- tracted forms in speech.

Model: There aren't any knives on the table. No, there aren't. There are only forks here. d) Make up your own sentences with the introductory there. e) Use the same sentences in short situations.

2. Replace no by not ... any . Note. No = not ... any and both are grammatically correct, but in colloquial speech no is more emphatic.

Model: There are no apples on the plate. There aren't any apples on the plate.

202 1. There are no boys or girls in the house. 2. There's no work to do. 3. There are no students in the classroom. 4. There are no plans to release a new app at the mo- ment. 5. There is no lake in this picture.

3. Change the following sentences into disjunctive and general questions:

1. There is a tea-pot on the table. 2. There are some flowers in the vase. 3. There aren't any English books on the shelf. 4. There is nobody in the garden. 5. There is a lot of milk in the jug. 6. There aren't any mistakes in your test. 7. There isn't any chalk at the board. 8. There are some pictures on the walls of the room. 9. There is some coffee in the cup. 10. There are six continents in the world. 11. There are a lot of flowers in the garden. 12. There is nothing in the box. 13. There aren't any new words in the text. 14. There is a lot of snow in the forest.

4. Fill in the blanks with some, any, not any, much, many, not much, not many, very little, a little, very few, a few.

1. Are there ... college-graduates among your friends? — Yes, there are.... 2. Are there... students in the next classroom? — No, there aren't.... 3.1 haven't got time, I must hurry. 4.1 have... time and can help you. 5. There are ... cups on the table, but there aren't glasses. 6. I have very ... time and can't stay any longer. 7. We know very... about it. 8.1 have... questions to ask. 9. Very ... people know Doctor Sand- ford. 10. There are... girls in the family, are there? 11. There's very... chalk at the blackboard, go and fetch.... 12. There are ... students in the hall, are there? 13. There isn't... tea in the tea-pot. 14. There isn't... paper in the box, I need more. 15. There aren't... pencils in the box, don't take.... 16. It's a secret. Very... people know about it. 17. Please add... more tea in my cup.

5. Translate into English using not ... any: 1. У доктора Смита нет детей . 2. У Бенни нет братьев и сестер . 3. У него нет в этом городе родственников . 4. У меня нет английских книг . 5. Не давайте ва- шему мальчику больше конфет (sweets). 6. У доски нет мела . 7. У меня нет времени разговаривать с тобой . 8. У нас сегодня нет уроков . 9. У нас в кон- трольной ошибок нет . 10. Не задавайте мне вопросов .

6. Fill in the blanks with it is or there is:

A. 1. ... warm in the room. 2. ... a theatre in our street. 3. ... easy to understand this rule. 4. ... five o'clock in the afternoon. 5. ... so nice seeing you again. 6. ... nothing to be done about this. 7. ... often a rainbow after rain. 8. ... too late to go there now. 9. ... a lot of snow this year. 10. ... a mistake in your dictation. 11. ... far from my house to the Institute. 12. ... difficult to say what's wrong about it. 13. ... very strange that he hasn't come. 14. ... still very early and ... nobody to be seen in the street. 15. ... usually a stamp on the envelope. 16. ... so cold out-of-doors today. 17. ... electric- ity in all the houses of the town.

203 B. 1.... a party at our university tonight. 2.... a lot of work to do. 3. ... not any coffee left. 4. ... cold today; ... a strong wind. ' 5.... not a single mistake in your exercise. 6.... dark;... no moon. 7.... not very far to walk. 8. ... too early to leave yet. 9. ... a cas- sette-recorder in the classroom. 10.... strange that she is absent today. 11. ... a post-office near the house I live in. 12. ... a pity that you can't come with me. 13.... not true to say that she is my friend. 14. ... time to begin our lesson. 15. ... no time to write it down, the lesson is nearly over. 16. ... a fact that he is often absent from school.

7. Fill in the blanks with there or it: 1. ... was a lovely morning. 2. ... was absolute silence all over the house. 3. I'm fond of young Toby; is a great charm about the boy. 4. ... was Lucy who told me his ad- dress. 5. ... must be a mistake in what you have written. 6. Is ... anything interesting on the TV programme tonight? 7. They say ... is going to be windy tomorrow. 8. ... was a dense fog that day. 9. ... was very foggy that day. 10. ... was no necessity to do it yesterday. 11. ... was not necessary to do it yesterday. 12. ... was snowing heavily all day. 13. ... was heavy snow all day. 14. While ... is life, ... is hope. 15. ... is hardly time to do the packing. 16. ... is all very well to say so, but is it so really? 17. ... is most unpleasant to have eight lessons a day. 18. ... is not known where he spent his early childhood. 19. ... is a time and place for everything. 20. ... was much to be said on both sides. 21. ... is not clear who is responsible. 22. ... is a long way from the house to the tram-stop. 23. ... is time to finish the translation before we go. 24. ... is a long time since I saw such an interesting film. 25. ... is no place like home.

Focus Vocabulary comfortable удобный well-planned хорошо спланированный two-storeyed двухэтажный cottage коттедж , загородный дом in front of перед чем -либо lawn лужайка , газон orchard фруктовый сад the ground floor первый этаж kitchen кухня pantry кладовая dining-room столовая ; living-room общая комната (в семье ) cosy уютный sitting-room гостиная study кабинет several несколько

204 upstairs вверху , вверх bedroom спальня nursery детская bathroom ванная комната furniture мебель ; built-in furniture встроенная мебель modern совре- менный , модный own собственный

Pre-Reading Task

Practise the sounds in the following words and word combinations: 1.

[ ɒ] — doctor, not, modern, following, long; [ɔ:] — lawn, also, call, before, orchard; əʊ ] — cosy, also, only, own, so; , [ æ] — Sandford, pantry, grandmother;

[u:] — rooms, two, fruit; [a ɪ] — behind, dining-room, quite; [з:] — nursery, furniture; [e] — Betty, bedroom, every, many; [ a ʊ] — house, downstairs.

2. a) No devoicing before voiceless consonants: Sandford's house, is comfortable, Sandford says. Alveolars replaced by dentals: andj:he rooms, and J:he bathroom. Loss of plosion: fruitjtrees, but^Doctor, mustj^ay. No glottal stop: in frontjsf, there is_a green lawn, is^also, his_own.

a) Listen to the recording of the texts ‘Doctor Sandford's Family’ and Doctor Sandford’s house. Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Practise the texts for test reading. Listen to the texts very carefully until you can say them in exactly the same way. Text 1 Doctor Sandford’s Family Doctor Sandford's family is not very large. There are five of them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sister-in-law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen has no parents. Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with. Text 2 Doctor Sandford’s house Doctor Sandford's house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned. It is a small two-storeyed cottage. 205 In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. On the ground floor there is a kitchen , a pantry , a dining-room, a cosy sitting-room and Dr Sandford's study. There are also several rooms upstairs, on the first floor: the Sandfords' bedrooms, Grandmother's room, which is also Benny's nursery, Betty's room and the bath- room. The furniture is modern and quite new. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must pay the money for many years , before he can call the house his own.

Exercises 1. Transcribe the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes: 1. Behind Doctor Sandford's house there is a small orchard. 2. He says: "I have a good television-set." 3. The house is not large, but it is comfortable.

2. Answer the following questions: 1. Is Doctor Sandford's house large? 2. What is there in front of the house and be- hind it? 3. What rooms are there in the house? 4. What kind of furniture is there in the house? 5. Is it Doctor Sandford's own house? 1. Is your flat large or small? 2. How many rooms are there in your flat? 3. What do you call a room people sleep in? 4. What do you call a room people have meals in? 5. What do you call a room where a person studies, reads, writes, etc.? 6. What do you call a room where children sleep, play and have meals? 7. What do you call a room where people spend time after dinner or supper (where guests are received)? 8. What do you call a room where food is cooked? 9. What do you call a room where food is kept? 10. Is your flat comfortable and cosy? There is a green lawn in front of your house, isn't there? Are there any fruit trees in your garden? 13. Is your house old or new? 14. What col- our are the walls in your flat? 15. What articles of furniture are there in your parents' bedroom (the dining-room, your father's study, your own room)? 16. There are many new houses in your street, aren't there? 17. Have you got a rubbish chute in you flat to carry rubbish down? 18. Have you got built-in furniture in your flat? 19. Has she got a unit in her room?

3. Write in words: Model: 198.4 one/a hundred and ninety-eight point four. 122.2; 489.1; 963.1; 844; 11389.2; 856; 119 922.

Model: 3.15 — It's a quarter past three. 5.05; 3.25; 6.30; 3.35; 11.40; 10.15; 9.20; 5.10; 4.45; 7.05; 7.55; 8.50.

4. a) Chance the following sentences into interrogative and negative: 1. There are some fruit trees in front of my house. 2. There is a study in our flat. 3. It is a difficult text. 4.1 have a room of my own. 5. We can go out for a walk now. 6. You may open the window. 7. The students must learn this dialogue by heart. 8. Mr.

206 Sandford must pay much money for his house. 9. You must switch off the cassette- recorder.

b) Ask one another questions on the statements above and answer them in the negative. Mind the distribution of sentence-stress in the replies. Model: The walls of our kitchen are tiled. Are the walls of your kitchen tiled ? No, they aren’t tiled.

5. a) Form all possible questions to which the following sentences are the answers, b) Each sentence states a certain fact. Find some more details about it by asking ques- tions. Work in pairs: 1. There are eight fruit trees in our garden. 2. Mr. Sandford is the head of the family. 3.1 can answer this question. 4. My brother can speak French. 5. You may ring me up tonight. 6. We may go home now. 7. They must prepare this poem for phonetic reading. 8. I must work hard on my pronunciation. 9. On the right you can see a standard-lamp.

6. Fill in the missing words: 1. There is no ... in my flat. 2. There are many fruit trees in our .... 3. There is a green ... in front of his university. 4. Where is you father? — He is working in the .... 5. My sister's room is very .... 6. Is this your ... book? 7. The furniture in my brother's room is quite.... 8. The floor is covered with a beautiful thick.... 9. A... serves to carry rubbish down.

7. Make up questions to which the words in bold type could be the answers: 1. She is always at home in the evening. 2. The books are on the shelf. 3. Doctor Sandford's wife is in the garden. 4. This is a difficult sentence. 5. His parents are in Kiev. 6. The children are at school at this time. 7. My mother is 60 years old.

Focus Vocabulary (to be learnt by heart) an only child – единственный ребенок five-year-old – пятилетний far-away – дальний , далекий in the North of – на севере as far as так же – далеко , как come along – пойдем it's just the time – как раз пора

Pre-Reading Exercises 1. Practise the sounds in the following words and word combinations: 1. [ʌ] — cousin, at once, husband, country, London, much, but, come; [ɑ:] — large, aunt, farther, as far as; [ɔ:]— daughter, Georgie, four, North. 2. a) Linking r: your aunt, are in Canada, where is it, far away, as far as; 3. No voicing before voiced consonants: Thomas Brown, it's just, it's much; 207 4. No devoicing before voiceless consonants: Benny' s cousins, whose children, Emily's children; 5. Loss of plosion: but granny, midday.

2. a) Listen to the recording of the dialogue ‘About Benny’s Cousins’ . Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Listen to the dialogue very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way. Practise the dialogue for test reading. c) d) Memorize the dialogue and dramatize it.

Dialogue About Benny’s Cousins "Granny, have* I any cousins?" "Yes Benny! You have two." "Whose children are they? How old are they? Are they boys or girls?" "Not so many questions at once, please, Benny! Your cousins are: a five-year-old boy, Georgie, and a four-year-old girl, May. They are your Aunt Emily's children. They are in Canada now with their parents: your Aunt Emily, my daughter, and her husband, Mr. Thomas Brown." "In Canada? What's Canada, granny? Where is it?" "Canada is a far-away country. It is in the North of America." "In the North of America? Where is it? Is it as far as London?" "Oh, no Benny! It 's much farther." "But, granny..." "Come along, my dearest. It's just the time for your midday milk."

* – Short questions like ‘Have you a cousin?’ were common in older English. In modern English they are rather formal and uncommon. The modern forms are ‘Have you got a cousin?’ or ‘Do you have a cousin?’.


1. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules: boot, prepare, ball, book, mere, meat, good, store, bread, care, palm, cure, cold, last, plant, text, exam, rather, germ, hurt, hare, grasp, staff, bald, calf, chalk, clasp, a tal- ented dancer, a broken branch, a stone wall, a dull day, a wise man, a cheap car, a big ship, a fat sheep, a naughty girl, a lazy boy, a rare plant, a strict lady, a cold lake, a birthday present, Bertha's basket, spare time, pure water.

2. Write the plural form of the following nouns. Transcribe them: country, saleswoman, match, boy, sister-in-law, man, tooth, handkerchief, potato, deer, piano, knife, lady, suffix, foot.

3. Read the following: 1. Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight, Helen is twenty-six, Doctor Sandford is thirty. 2. There are a lot of exercise-books, pens and pencils on the desk. 3. There are not so many parks, gardens and squares in the town. 4. Show all the rivers, lakes, and seas on the map.

208 3. Use the infinitive as attribute (take the infinitives from the following list): to remember, to learn, to answer, to eat, to come, to worry about, to say, to speak to, to do, to read, to apologize.

Model: Benny hasn't got any friends (for him) to play with. * » ■ 1. This is a rule.... 2. There is nothing..., 3. These are the letters ... . 4. You are just the man ... . 5. This is a poem ... . 6. Have you got anything ... ? 7. He is always the first ... . 8.1 have nothing .... 9. Is there anything ... ? 10. This is the first thing... 11. It is just the moment....

4. Answer the following questions: A. 1. Is this a classroom? 2. Are there many desks in it? How many? 3. Are there any chairs in the room? How many? 4. Are there any lamps in the room? 5. Are they on the walls? 6. How many lamps are there in it? 7. How many windows are there in the room? 8. What colour are the walls? 9. What colour are the desks? 10. What col- our are the chairs? 11. Is there a blackboard on the wall? 12. What colour is the board? 13. Are there any sentences on it? 14. How many books are there on your desk? 15. Are they English or Russian? 16. How many exercise-books are there in your bag? 17. Are they thick or thin? 18. Is this book thick or thin? 19. What is there on this table? 20. What is there in that box?

B. 1. Is the box on the desk? 2. Are the pencils in the box? 3. Is the bag on the desk or under it? 4. Is the fountain-pen on the bag or in the bag? 5. Is the notebook in my hand or under it? 6. Are the notebooks on the desk or under it? 7. Are the letters on the book or under it? 8. Where is the picture? 9. Where is the chair? 10. Where are the pens?

C. 1. Is Dr. Sandford's family large? 2. Has he got a wife? 3. What is her name? 4. Has she got a sister? 5. Has Dr. Sandford got a father? 6. Has he got a mother? 7. Has Dr. Sandford got a daughter? 8. Has he got a son? 9. What is his name? 10. So how many people are there in Dr. Sandford's family? 11. How old is Dr. Sandford? 12. How old is Helen? 13. How old is Mrs. Sandford? 14. How many cousins has Benny got? 15. Whose children are Georgie and May? 16. Where are Benny's cousins?

5. a) Write sentences using there is, there are and the words given below: 1. bus, street; 2. lamp, room; 3. chalk, blackboard; 4. bread, table; 5. tea, tea-pot; 6. coffee, coffee-pot; 7. money, bag; 8. paper, box; 9. soap, shelf; 10. water, jug. b) Make up short dialogues with the same sentences.

6. Fill in prepositions: 1. Don't be late. Come ... nine o'clock. 2. What time is it now? It is half ... six. 3. We are going to leave ... a quarter ... ten. 4. It is twelve o'clock now. Come here in ten minutes, ten minutes ... twelve. 5. Is it a quarter ... three? In a quarter of an hour, ... 209 three o'clock we must be ... the University. 6. He must work ... seven ... eleven o'clock. 7. They live ... the North ... our country.

7. a) Rewrite the following in the plural: 1. There is a sentence on the blackboard. 2. Is there a desk in the room? 3. There is not any book on the table. 4. Is there a dictionary on the chair? 5. There is a match in the box. 6. There is a girl in the picture. 7. There is no child in their family. b) Change the sentences according to the model. Model: The clock is on the desk.

8. a) Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences: 1. There is a telegram on the table. 2. There is a cinema near our house. 3. There are many mistakes in his dictation. 4. There js much paper in his bag. 5. There are two sofas in the room, i. There are a lot of children in the park today. b) Express your surprise asking questions as in the model. Note the listribution of sentence stress in the replies. Model: There is a dog in the room. Is there? Is there really a dog in the room? I say there is. c) Respond to the same statement in the negative. Model: There is a dog in the room. Oh, no. There is vno dog there. Are you sure? Quite.

9. The following statements are not true to fact. Correct them. Model: Doctor Sandford's family is large. No, that's wrong. It's not large.

1. Doctor Sandford has two sons and one daughter. 2. There are seven people in Doctor Sandford's family. 3. Doctor Sandford is eighty. 4. There are many girls and boys for Benny to play with. 5. Benny has no cousins. 6. Benny's cousins are in Af- rica. 7. Benny's cousins are schoolchildren.

10. Describe Doctor Sandford's family as if you were Doctor Sandford, his wife or Benny.

11. Work in pairs. Ask your fellow-student logical questions on the given statements and answer them. Model: There are two tables in the room. What's there in the room? (There are) some tables. How many (tables are there in it) ? (There are) two.

1. There is a green notebook on the desk. 2. There is little milk in the bottle. 3. The Browns have a very large family. 4. My parents are at home. 5. Benny's cousins are in the North of America.

210 12. a) Make questions beginning with What ... and How many ... and answer them. Model 1: What is there in your street? Model 2: How many high buildings are there in your street? 1. There are two tables in the room. 2. There are eight notebooks in her bag. 3. There are ninety-five students in the hall. 4. There is a clock on the desk. 5. There are twelve cassette-recorders in the laboratory. 6. There are six sentences in this exer- cise. c) Make your own questions on the same models and answer them.

13. a) Make questions beginning with How much ... and answer them. Model 1: How much milk is there in the jug? 1. There is a lot of coffee in the coffee-pot. 2. There is a little water in the glass. 3. There is too much salt in the soup. 4. There is little money in the bag. 5. There is a lot of tea in the tea-pot. 6. There is not much butter on the plate. b) Make your own questions on the same model and answer them.

14. Translate the following sentences into English: A. 1. На стене картина . На стене часы . На стене классная доска . На столе картофель . На столе книги . В кувшине молоко . На тарелке масло . На столе соль . На доске ( написано ) предложение . 2. Картина на стене . Часы на стене . Классная доска на стене . Коробки на столе . Портфели на столе . Книги на сто- ле . Молоко в кувшине . Масло на тарелке . Соль на столе . Предложение ( напи- сано ) на доске . 3. На столе лампа . Лампа на столе . На столе газеты . Газеты на столе . На улице автомобиль . Автомобиль на улице . У стены диван . Диван у стены . В коробке карандаши . Карандаши в коробке . 4. На стуле нет книги . Книга не на стуле . На стуле нет шляпы . Шляпа не на стуле . На стуле нет тет- ради . Тетрадь не на стуле . В коробке нет авторучки . Авторучка не в коробке . В сумке нет денег . Деньги не в сумке . 5. В портфеле не три книги , а четыре . В портфеле не пять карандашей , а шесть . В портфеле не две ручки , а одна . 6. Как раз пора обедать . Как раз пора пить чай . B. 1. Это моя комната . Посредине комнаты стоит стол . На столе кувшин . В кувшине молоко . На тарелке масло . 2. Пусть Бенни садится за стол . Как раз пора завтракать . Молоко в кувшине . Масло на тарелке . Нож около тарелки . Где хлеб ? Хлеб в буфете (sideboard). 3. Где журнал ? На столе нет журнала . Журнал не на столе , а на стуле . 4. В коробке нет авторучки . Авторучка не в ко- робке , а в столе . 5. Где деньги ? В сумке нет денег . Твои деньги не в сумке . Они на столе . 6. В твоем портфеле много тетрадей ? — Не очень , две или три . — На доске много мела ? — Да , я так думаю . 7. На вашей улице много домов ? — Да , у нас много красивых новых домов . — В вашем парке много цветов ? — Не очень , но они мне очень нравятся .

15. Write 4 examples on each of the models. Model 1: There is a lot of paper in the box. Model 2: There are a lot of questions to the text.

211 16. Translate into English the words given in brackets: 1. There is ( много ) paper on the desk. 2. There are ( много ) students in the class- room. 3. There is ( немного ) milk in the jug. 4. There are (миотб ) newspapers on the shelf. 5. There is ( м&ого } time left. 6. There is ( много )4 butter on the plate. .7. There are ( несколько ) notebooks in the bagv8. Give me ( немного ) water, please. 9. Can you give him ( несколько ) coloured pencils? 10. May I take ( несколько ) sheets of paper? 11. There are ( много ) families in this house. 12.1 have not ( много ) money. I cannot buy this coat. 13. There are not (много ) sentences in this text. 14. Put ( немного ] salt into your soup.

17. Make up questions as in the models. Add something using the functional vocabu- lary. Model 1: How old is Jane ? — She is twenty. Model 2: How old are these boys ? — They are eighteen years old.

18. Translate the following into English using the preposition at: 1. В десять часов . 2. В семь часов . 3. В двенадцать часов . 4. В половине перво- го . 5. В половине третьего . 6. В половине одиннадцатого . 7. В четверть шесто- го . 8. В четверть восьмого . 9. В четверть десятого . 10. Без четверти час . 11. Без четверти три . 12. Без четверти четыре . 13. В двадцать минут девятого . 14. Без десяти двенадцать . 15. Без двадцати пяти пять . 16. В десять минут седьмого . 17. Без пяти шесть . 18. Без трех минут шесть . 19. Без семи девять . 20. Без два- дцати восьми три .

19. a) Write down the following numerals in words: 134, 298, 355, 948, 3526, 9011, 193, 561, 7 506 017, 35 616 234. b) Read the following numerals and telephone numbers quickly: 104, 151, 175, 189, 1012, 1017, 1038, 2568, 4083, 5993, 6410f 10 784, 257 629, 841 403, 2 184 001; 134-86-78, 253-64-92, 289-47-30.

20. Translate the following sentences into English: 1 . Много ли студентов в этой комнате ? — Нет , не много . 2. В середине этой комнаты стол . На столе цветы . 3. В нашей квартире пять комнат . Они большие и светлые . 4. Где твой брат ? — Он в той комнате 5. На столе нет хлеба . 6. Наш университет находится недалеко от центра 7. На этой улице много больших домов . 8. В этой комнате много света 9. Олег в 105 группе . 10. Нелли в 102 группе . 11. Борис в 501 группе . 12. Читайте текст 9 13. Сделайте упражнение 2 на доске . 14. У доски нет мела . 15. На столе много ручек , карандашей и тетра- дей . 16. Есть ли яблоки на тарелке? 17. Яблоки в корзине . 18. Чашки на столе . 19. Ваш племянник в школе ? — Нет , он дома . 20 В нашей группе не десять , а девять студентов . 21. На этом столе много коробок ? — Нет , не много . 22. В нашей комнате не три , а четыре окна . 23. Приходите в шесть часов. 24. Воз- вращайтесь в половине десятого . 25. Джеймс — восьмилетний мальчик , его сестра — шестилетняя девочка . 26. Скажи мне , пожалуйста , твой телефон . Пожалуйста . Запиши . 338-29-41. 27. Сыну Питера 7 лет . Сестре Артура 15 лет Бабушке Тома 68 лет .


21. a) Write a short composition about your family (your friend's family), the family of a well-known person you are interested in. b) Look at each other cmpositions and make up dialogues using the topical vocabulary and conversational phrases.

22. a) Bring your family photo in class and get ready to tell your fellow-students of all the members of your family, b) Ask and answer questions on the photo. Describe it.

Present Simple The Formation of the Present Simple 1. The Present Indefinite is formed from the infinitive without the particle to. In the third person singular the ending -s is added. After a sibilant represented in spelling by s, ss, ch, sh, tch, x, z and after the vowel o, -es is added: he writes, he reads, he speaks; he passes, he pushes, he watches, he teaches; he goes, he does [dAz]. 7. The pronunciation of the ending-s (-es) depends on the sound preceding it. It is pronounced as: • [ɪz] after the sibilants [s], [z], [ ʃ], [ ʒ], [t ʃ], [dʒ]: [ˈpɑ:s ɪz], [ ˈpʊʃɪ z], [ ˈti:t ʃɪ z], [ˈdʒʌ dʒɪ z]; • [z] after voiced non-sibilants and vowels: reads [ ˈri:dz], sees [ ˈsi:z], lives [ ˈlɪvz]; • [s] after voiceless non-sibilants: works [ ˈwɜ:ks], wants [ ˈwɒnts]. 3. In the third person singular we find the following orthographical change: A final у is changed into i if it is preceded by a consonant and then -es is added: to study — he studies; to try —- he tries. After a vowel у is kept unchanged: to play — he plays; to stay — he stays. 4. The interrogative and the negative forms are formed by means of the Present Indefinite of the auxiliary verb to do and the infinitive of the notional verb without the particle to . a) I English CDs, a car, a big house, good books, have* We lunch, a snack, a shower. You German, our study, winter, this poem, to They like skate, to go out in the evening. Mary and Tome English CDs, a car, a big house, good books, has lunch, a snack, a shower He (She) Mary likes German, our study, winter, this poem, to skate, to go out in the evening.

b) English CDs? a car? a big house? I have good books? lunch? a snack? a we Do you shower? they our University? this poem? to like Mary and Tom skate? to read English books?

213 have English CDs? a car? a big house? good books? lunch? a snack? a Does he (she) Mary shower? like our University? this poem? to skate? to read English books?

c) I English CDs, a car, a big house, have We good books, lun ch, a snack, a

You shower. They do not (don't) German, our study, winter, this like Mary and Tome poem, to skate, to go out in the

evening. He (She) Mary have English CDs, a car, a big house, good books, lunch, a snack, a does not shower. (doesn't) like German, our study, winte r, this poem, to skate, to go out in the evening.

NOTE: V The verb to have should be used with an auxiliary when it doesn’t mean ‘possess’, e. g. Do you have lunch at the computer?

Contracted Forms Do you study English? — No, I don't. Does he study English? – No, he doesn’t. The negative-interrogative forms are: Don’t you study? Doesn’t she study?

Prepositions of Time at two o'clock, half past three, night, noon on Sunday, Monday, May the first, the second of June in January, February, March spring, summer, au- tumn 1949 the morning, the evening, the afternoon

The following adverbial phrases are used without a preposition: this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight; yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yes- terday evening, last night; tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, tomorrow night.

Like .. .ing: enjoyment To talk about enjoying activities in general, we can use like .. .ing or like + infini- tive . I really like walking / to walk in the woods. 214 Children always like listening / to listen to stories. To talk about enjoying something on one occasion, we use like ... ing . I really liked working with him on his boat last week. Like + object + verb is possible. I don't like people phoning / to phone me in the middle of the night.

Like + infinitive: choices and habits We can use like + infinitive to talk about choices and habits. I like to do the shopping early on Saturday mornings. When I'm pouring tea I like to put the milk in first. Not like to can mean 'think it better not to'. Why didn't you tell me before? ~I didn't like to disturb you at home. Like + object + infinitive is possible. She likes the children to go to bed early during the week.

Too meaning ‘also’ We can use too to mean ‘also’. It is more common than also in informal situations. We normally use it at the end of the clause: [in a restaurant, A is the waiter] A: Have you decided? B: I think I’ll have the soup. C: I’ll have that too. Catherine decided to join us for dinner, and her husband came along too. (or, more formal, … and her husband also came along. ) In short answers in informal situations, we normally say me too , not I too: A: I love that colour. B: Me too. In more formal situations, we can use too immediately after the subject: You too could have a week in the sun.

Either as an adverb We can use either , not too , as an adverb after a negative verb: It was a really nice hotel, and it wasn’t very expensive either. She doesn’t like eggs and she doesn’t like fish either.

Exercises 1. Spell and transcribe the 3rd person singular of the following verbs: come, go, play, write, wash, stress, begin, catch, cut, eat, hang, get, relax, hold, know, lead, meet, ring, think, understand, work, change, open, push, kiss, study, stay, copy, say, carry, watch, buy, deny, catch, charge, apply, fetch, delay, pay, march, establish, switch, testify, fly, flash.

2. a Give the third person forms of the verbs in these sentences. b Show whether you would pronounce the third person form as [is], [z] or [iz].

215 1. They laugh a lot. He ... 2. The Smiths go to the country every weekend. 3. I rush around a lot. She ... 4. I often drop things. She ... 5. We drink a lot of tea. She .... 6. Ernest is an athlete. He does sprints and runs marathons. 7. I wear old clothes at home. He ... 8. I often forget things. She .... 9. Jennifer works for an advertising agency. 10. I love sweets. She ... 11. We often lose things. He ... 12. I often see them. He ... 13. They manage all right. She ... 14. They pay £30 week rent. Andy ... 15. I often pass your house. Alice ... 16. I cry at sad films. Betty Jones ... 17. I sell tablets, PC games and CDs. Dave Gates ...

3. Make up short dialogues using the models. Model 1: S1: I like Alan’s plan. (fine) S2: It’s fine. Model 2: S1: I like Andy. (pleasant) S2: He’s pleasant. Steve’s bike (nice) 2. Davie (pleasant) 3. Adam’s flat (tidy) 4. Tim (sensible) 5. llttle Benny (happy) 6. Kate’s hat (big). 7. Text Five (simple) 8. Max (talented) 9. Gladys’ kid (sweet) 10. Tim (sensitive) 11. his PC (nice) 12. Ada’s desk (neat) 13. Alex (kind) 14. Evelin’ flat (clean). 15. Emma’s nick (fine) 16. Amelia (decent) 17. Dave’s tablet (speedy) 18. his name (simple) 19. Isabella’s kid (disciplined) 20. Max Davies (witty).

4. Replace no by not ... any . Note. No = not ... any and both are grammatically correct, but in colloquial speech no is more emphatic. Model: She gives him no money. She doesn't give him any money.

1. I see no books on the table. 2. I want no more, thank you. 3. A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others. 4. There is no wardrobe in the bed- room! 5. There are no letters for you, I am afraid.

5. Прочитайте предложения вслух , используя образцы . 1. ~ I don’t like it. They don’t see us. She doesn’t need it. He doesn’t have it. We don’t miss them. You don’t know her. You don’t need it. She doesn’t say so. We don’t phone them. We don’t like it. They don’t have it. 2. ~ I have no time. He has no car. She has no friends. We have no classes. They have no home. 3. I don’t have the map. She doesn’t have the text. We don’t have the books. They don’t have the right.

6. a) Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative. Model: I have breakfast at 9. Do you have breakfast at 9? I don't have breakfast at 9. b) Ask one another questions on the following sentences and answer them in the negative. Mind the distribution of sentence-stress in the reply. Model: I have breakfast at 9.

216 Do you have breakfast at 7? No, I don’t have breakfast so early. I have it only at 9.

1. They have supper at 8. 2. We usually have dinner at home. 3. Father has lunch at his office. 4. My cousin's family has dinner at 5 o'clock, as a rule. 5. He has dinner in the canteen. 6. I always have breakfast at home. 7. They usually have lunch together. 8. My brother has lunch at the plant. 9. I often have dinner at my aunt's.

7. a) Form sentences on the model using the following words and word combina- tions. Model: He wants to take part in this work. the game, the play, the football match, demonstration, concert, discussion. d) Make the same sentences negative.

8. Respond using So am I, So do I, Neither am I, Neither do I. 1. At 14.40 I am normally in the college cafeteria chatting with my friends, relax- ing, and, of course, eating. 2. In the morning I get up, get dressed and have my breakfast before getting the bus to college / before I catch the bus to college. 3. I never have a lie-in in the morning. 4. At 2 pm I get something quick to eat before the start of my next lesson. 5. I am never bored in English class. 6. In the canteen I often catch up with friends. 7. We never stay at the university after classes. 8. On a sunny day I like to get a breath of fresh air in the park. 9. After classes I am normally free so I can choose what I need to do.

9. Insert either or neither. In which sentences we can use both variants? 2. Caroline doesn’t like fish. – Charlotte doesn’t like fish ...... 2. I’m not enjoying the music. – ..... do I. 3. Do you want a cake or an ice-cream? – ..... Which of the two books can I take? – ...... 4. I can’t ride a bike. – ..... can I. 5. Jane isn’t coming tonight. – Jean isn’t coming ...... 6. Sean doesn’t have to wait for us. And George doesn’t have to wait for us ...... 7. Which of you is Pete? – ..... of us is Pete. 8. Jeff Richards and Oliver Smith are doctors...... of them is a teacher. 9. You can buy a new car or you can travel abroad, but you can’t do ...... 10. Which of the two books do you recommend? – Well, ..... of them is interesting. 11. Which is correct – “let’s do it” or “let us do it”? – ..... of them is correct. 12. I am not interested in gardening. – ..... am I.

10. Translate into English using the verbs in the present simple or the present con- tinuous. 1. Каролина не любит нежиться в постели после пробуждения . — И я не люб- лю . 2. Мне не нравится (enjoy) эта вечеринка . — И мне тоже . 3. К сожалению , я не могу помочь Дженифер с приготовлением еды . И Шарлотта тоже не мо- жет . 4. Ты не можешь объяснить ребёнку всё так , чтобы было понятно . — И ты

217 не можешь . 5. Как по английски будет « изучать немецкий » — to study German или to learn German? — Можно использовать и то , и другое выражение . 6. Ка- кой из двух компакт -дисков с упражнениями на аудирование я могу взять ? — Любой . 7. Моя сестра не любит стирать . — Я тоже . 8. Жаль , что Джастин не повторяет материал для подготовки к экзамену по китайскому языку . — И Шон тоже не готовится к экзамену . 9. Что ты выбираешь — вынести мусор или пропылесосить ковры ? — Что угодно (= любое из этих двух дел ). 10. Что ты больше любишь делать — кормить кота или выгуливать собаку ? — Ни то , ни другое . 11. Юджин не любит заправлять постель по утрам . — И я не люблю .

11. Change the following a) into the negative, b) into the interrogative: 1. You remember her address. 2. He comes home at 7 o'clock. 3. Directors sign a lot of papers. 4. They receive several newspapers. 5. He has breakfast at 8 o'clock. 6. Benny likes fruit. 7. She lives near the metro station. 8. The girl plays the piano very well. 9. Men shave every day. 10. He spends all his money on books. 11. The last train leaves at midnight. 12. They speak English at the lessons. 13. My parents want to buy new furniture. 14. The girls help their mother. 15, On Sundays they have din- ner at home. 16. The dog usually barks at night. 17. Some girls enjoy dances. 18. Mary looks well. 19. He knows the right answer. 20. John loves Helen. 21. She cuts her hair every month. 22. The old woman feels very cold.

12. Change the following general questions into disjunctive ones: 1. Is Doctor Sandford still at the hospital? 2. Does your grandmother live in the country? 3. Have you many English books at home? 4. Are there any new words in this text? 5. Do you usually have dinner with your family? 6, Do you want to see this new film? 7. Can your cousin play the piano? 8. Does he not study German? 9. Is there a study in your flat? 10. Must we sign this paper at once? 11. Do little children sleep twice a day? 12. Are his parents not in Moscow now? 13. Do all the members of your family read news online? 14. Do you not remember all the new words?

13. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with nouns denoting parts of the day: 1. Late in ... afternoon they went back to London. 2. It was such ... cold and windy night that we had to look for shelter. 3. ...morning was breaking when we started. 4. It happened on ... very day of his ar- rival. 5. It was ... evening when we parted at last. 6. It has been ... wonderful evening for me. 7. It is pleasant to go to the country on ... warm summer day. 8. ... night was so wet that no one was about. 9. ... morning was perfect. 10. It is ... early morning. 11. ... night was silent. 12. I thought it was ... morning. 13. It was ... late night when he arrived. 14. ... evening was still and warm. 15. It all happened early in ... morning. 16. What ... exciting day it has been! 17. It is ... last day that we are together. 18. We arrived there late at ... night. ... next morning we were to begin our work. 19. It was ... day to tempt one out-of-doors — cool and bright.

14. Put the adverbs given in brackets in their proper places.

218 Mоdels: Can you always do it in time? Are you never late? Do you always get up at 7? 1. Is Helen in at this time of the day (rarely)? 2. Is she late (often)? 3. Must you bring the ear-phones for the lesson (always)? 4. Does he come home so late (often)? 5. Do you have dinner at six o'clock (usually)? 6. Is she glad to see you (always)? 7. Doesvhe smoke in bed (ever)? 8. Does she introduce her friends to her mother (al- ways)? 9. Does old Mrs. Sandford stay at home (usually)? 10. Does her son-in-law visit her (often)?

The Use of the Present Simple 1. Regular or habitual actions: The Browns go to the seaside every summer. The repeated character of the action is often shown by adverbials such as every day, often, usually, etc.

2. Permanent situations or things that happen all the time: Alice works for an insur- ance company .

3. Actions and states characterizing a given person. She has many accomplishments: she sings and plays the piano beautifully.

4. Universal truths, something which is eternally true. Magnet attracts iron.

5. Actions going on at the present moment (with state verbs not used in the Continuous form expressing thoughts and feelings: believe, think (= have an opin- ion) ). I hear somebody knock. I think it’s John. Go and open the door.

6. A future action: (a) in adverbial clauses of time and condition after the following conjunctions: – after, as soon as, as long as, before, by the time, directly, immediately, the mo- ment, till, until, when ; – if, in case, unless, on condition that, provided .

I promise not to try to see Robert again till he asks for me. (Ch. Bronte) N o t e. — It should be borne in mind that this use of the present simple occurs only in adverbial clauses of time and condition. In object and attributive clauses introduced by when the Future Indefinite is used: I wonder when he will give us an answer. We are impatiently awaiting the day when our friends will return from their long journey.

(b) with verbs of motion, such as to go, to come, to leave etc. to express future 'time- table' actions: The concert begins at 7.30 next Friday evening. We find the same phenomenon in Russian: Он уезжает завтра . 7. Observations and declarations: I love you. I hate him. I agree with you. The present simple is used with verbs which perform the action they describe (performa- tives): I promise I’ll pay you back. 219 8. Instructions: How do I get to the station? You go straight on to the traffic lights, then you turn left. 9. Narratives: stories, jokes, summaries of plays etc.: She goes up to this man and looks straight into his eyes. The simple present is used for the events that hap- pened one after another in the past to recreate them in an active (dynamic) man- ner. The joke or story teller relates the story as if it is/were happening at the moment. 10. Commentaries: Becker serves to Lendy, nice ball – and Lendy shoots!

Exercises 1. Define the type of the action expressed by the present simple tense. 1. Alex’s wife Eve likes pizza. 2. Ben plays table tennis five times a week. 3. If Sid is in, tell him I need his help. 4. I hate it when Sally whines . 5. My wife’s plane leaves at five. 6. When Billy and Alan get back , text me, please. 7. Kelly believes Alice behaves badly. 8. At weekends we wait till it’s ten a.m. and begin to play. 9. Andy cycles twice a week. 10. I expect Cecil and Daisy dislike kidney beans and peas. 11. Give me an apple, please. It smells nice. 12. He sells meat, beef, mainly. 13. Gladys’ smile makes me feel happy. 14. I like Speed Stick. It smells nice and fits well in my bag. 15. Daniel mainly pays in cash. 16. Hellen smiles nicely. 17. Let me have a pasty. M-m-m… It tastes sweet. 18. Isabel spends weeks at Daisy’s place. 19. As I get in , Ann’s cat sits beside me. 20. If we have time, we may visit Anna. 21. His plane gets in at ten. 22. If he gets back at five, let him have a snack. 23. Let him play till five. 24. Let’s stay till it’s late . 25. Let’s begin when he gets back . 26. His nieces need a kite.

2. Say in which sentenses the underlined verbs should be in the form of the present simple tense. Translate the sentences with the present simple tense. А. 1. Они очень давно живут в этом районе . 2. Каким видом спорта вы зани- маетесь ? 3. Она любит читать перед сном . 4. Перед сном она читает . 5. Вы плохо читаете текст . 6. Он плохо читает вслух , а говорит он красиво . 7. Она уже несколько лет работает в этой сфере . 8. Она занимается испанским языком уже три года . 9. Кто бежит по первой дорожке ? 10. Зачем ты смотришь эту скучную передачу ? 11. Я понимаю , что ты имеешь в виду . 12. Я скучаю по своим друзьям . 13. Она работает менеджером в банке . 14. Все его друзья любят караоке . 15. Его родственники приезжают в пятницу в семь вечера . 16. Ты зна- ешь , когда эта заказная бандероль придёт в Волгоград ? 17. Когда эта заказная бандероль придёт в Волгоград , ты получишь извещение . 18. Когда я прихожу домой , моя собака весело прыгает вокруг меня . 19. Мне очень нужен лазерный дальномер . 20. Мы будем жить в этой гостинице два дня . 21. Когда загорается красный сигнал светофора , движение запрещено . 22. Я устал ждать . Когда уже загорится зелёный свет ? 23. Смотри , малыш , мы будем переходить улицу , ко- гда загорится зелёный свет . Б. 1. Кто это шумит ? — Дети играют в мяч . 2. Каждый день я встаю в семь ча- сов . 3. Что ты будешь делать в понедельник ? — В понедельник я поеду на яр- марку . 4. Где вы обычно обедаете ? 5. Я уже второй раз смотрю этот фильм . 6. По вечерам он встречает Ангелину на остановке . 7. Уже темнеет . 8. Тише ! Я 220 слушаю аудиозапись . 9. Сид Дейвис никогда не пропускает занятия . Каждое лето мой племянник ездит в лагерь . 10. Я еду к вам в гости . Буду минут через пять . 11. Когда он появится , позвони мне , пожалуйста . 12. Когда наступает зи- ма , мы скользим по обледеневшим тротуарам . 13. Тихо . Только сверчки тре- щат . 14. Они примерно раз в два -три года ездят в Канаду к родственникам . 15. Когда я думаю о британской королеве , я представляю себе такую картину — пожилая женщина в шляпе машет рукой , приветствуя людей . 16. Тихо ! Кто -то ходит по кухне .17. В этом кабинете проводят совещания .

3. Translate from Russian into E nglish only the sentences in which the present con- tinuous tense should be used. 1. Пит болеет уже пять дней . 2. Пусть Дэвид поможет Лили . — Дэвид ? Он же встречает Стива ! 3. Анна пишет электронное письмо . 4. Я помогаю своей пле- мяннице , когда ей нужна помощь . 5. Адаму нравится кататься на велосипеде . 6. По выходным Макс встречает Стива в шесть , а Тима — в семь . 7. Он ре- монтирует компьютеры уже пять лет . 8. Что ты делаешь ? Я отправляю Еве СМС -сообщение . 9. Лили нужен планшет . 10. Я скучаю по Алисе . 11. Элла на- ходится в Сиднее уже пять дней . 12. Я болен . 13. Ева ленива . 14. Мою племян- ницу зовут Кейт . 15. Смотрите ! Тим и Стив играют в теннис . 16. Мы плохо иг- раем в теннис . 17. Эмилия возвращается через неделю . 18. Кэндис всё ещё на- бирает ( на клавиатуре ) седьмой текст ? 19. Дейв живёт в Канаде . — Он кана- дец ? — Да . 20. Когда я встречаюсь с итальянцами , я говорю по итальянски . 21. Эмилия встречается с канадцем . 22. Когда Алан встретит Алекса , пусть напи- шет мне СМС . 23. Я встречу его в пять .

4. Say how often you do the following using the model. Model How often do you send e-mails? – I send e-mails every day. clean up / do the washing / tidy up the flat / do the washing up / do the dishes/ make the bed / water the plants / do the cooking / hang up the washing / walk the dog / do the shopping / go shopping / vacuum clean the sofa and the arm-chairs / clean the bathroom / mop the floor / clean the hamster cage / use the dishwasher / dust the fur- niture / take out the rubbish / feed yout pets

5. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets: 1. My little sister (to go) to school every dayMy and when she comes home, I (to help) her with her homework.. 2. The sun (to rise) in the East. 3. These students never (to work) hard. 4. It often (to snow) in winter. 5. He normally (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at half past seven. 6. The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something. 7. Mother always (to cook) in the morning. 8. I (to see) what you mean. 9. She (to say), she (to hear) nothing. 10. There (to be) a girl downstairs who (to want) to see you. 11. My friend (to go) there nearly every week.

6. Write the following sentences in the negative and interrogative:

221 1. He takes English lessons. 2. She walks to the Institute. 3. They often go to the laboratory. 4. She writes to her mother every day. 5. He comes to see us on Sunday. 6. Tony reads newspapers in the evening, before going to bed.

7. Read quickly in the singular. 1. My friends want to study French. 2. They remember everything. 3. Children re- ceive a lot of pleasure from this game. 4. Do these girls go to the theatre on Satur- day? 5. His friends work in St. Petersburg. 6. The children play all the morning and sleep in the afternoon. 7. My friends like meat and do not like fish. 8. They live in small houses which have three rooms. 9. His brothers work hard all day, and want to rest in the evening. 10. They get new books from the library every week. 11. The postmen bring letters three times a day. 12. They want to buy some toys, because their sons have a birthday tomorrow. 13. These girls come to our library every Thursday. 14. Their holidays finish in August. 15. The boys wake up at seven. 16. Housewives have to work very hard. 17. On Satur- day they go to the cinema. 18. They know English well and can answer all my ques- tions. 19. Our fathers work in an office and do not come home for lunch. 20. They do not believe her stories.

8. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative: 1. They study online. 2. 3. They want to see this film. 4. There are a few mistakes in your composition. 5. Benny often shows Mr. White his toys. 6. She remembers eve- rything. 7. She must sign that paper. 8. The boy has a lot of friends to play with. 9. He can speak English well. 10. Our lessons begin at 8.30. 11. Daniel likes to read newspapers online as a morning office routine. 12. My cousin lives in St.Petersburg.

9. Put disjunctive questions to the following statements: It gets dark very early in winter. 2. We can have a good time together. 3. Victory Day is the greatest holiday in our country. 4. It doesn't take you long to get to the University. 5. They have a lot of relatives in Moscow. 6. There isn't any chalk at the blackboard. 7. You don't remember the new woroo. 8. She hasn't got any mistakes in her translation. 9. Benny and John are his nephews. 10. Some of our students live in the hostel. 11. She spends a lot of time in the laboratory.

10. Переведите на английский язык письменно , употребляя глаголы в форме настоящего простого времени . А. 1. Пит живёт в Линне . 2. Ему очень нужны двадцать центов . 3. Адам Виль- ямс занимается ремонтом персональных компьютеров . 4. Анна выбирает хо- рошее (= качественное ) мясо . 5. Нед Белл говорит по -итальянски . 6. Питеру Хиллу нужна помощь . Отремонтируйте его компьютер , пожалуйста . 7. Он принимает таблетки два раза в день . Заставь его принять таблетку . 8. Тим Гейтс в основном платит наличными . 9. Эмили отправляет Сэму фотографии по электронной почте . 10. Даниэль содержит свою квартиру в чистоте . 11. Мой сканнер сканирует хорошо , а сканер Стива Дейвиса — плохо . 12. Его дети от- правляют по десять СМС сообщений в день . Это составляет семьдесят сооб- щений в неделю ! 13. Десять и десять будет ( составляет ) двадцать . 14. Мы в ос- 222 новном успеваем вовремя ( не опаздываем ). 15. Если Тэд успеет ( прийти ) во- время , пусть он сам встретит Еву . 16. По выходным мы с Бенни приходим в гости к Дэвиду . Мы пьём чай с пирожными , потом Бенни и племянница Дэви- да Бетти играют в прятки . 17. У Теда есть жена . Он выглядит (= кажется ) сча- стливым . 18. Дейв чувствует себя глупо . 19. Я чувствую себя немного боль- ным . 20. Дейвид чувствует себя прекрасно . 21. Тед даёт Уильяму попользо- ваться своим планшетом ( одалживает Уильяму свой планшет ). А Уильям одалживает Теду свой ( персональный ) компьютер . — Это хорошо .

11. Ask questions to get the following answers. a) 1. No, (Sandy) doesn’t sell medicines. 2. No, (Bill) doesn’t type texts. 3. No, (Pete) doesn’t fix PCs. 4. No, (Daniel) doesn’t sell tickets. 5. No, (Betty) doesn’t bake cakes. 6. No, (Lizzy) doesn’t date (Ben). b) 1. No, Miranda doesn’t bake cakes, she sells CDs. 2. No, Pete doesn’t sell tablets, he sells medicines. 3. No, Dan doesn’t sell CDs, he bakes cakes. c) No, Ann doesn’t fix PCs, she sells tablets. 5. No, Sid doesn’t sell tickets, he sells medicine. No, Dave doesn’t visit Jennifer, he visits Alice. No, Alice doesn’t make pizza at weekends, she makes cakes.

12. Make up short dialogues on the following situations. 1) Вы увидели маленького ребёнка и интересуетесь у своего собеседника , дей- ствительно ли это ребёнок Алекса Дейвиса . Ваш собеседник подтверждает это и добавляет , что ребёнка зовут Энди . Вы считаете , что Энди бледен и спрашиваете , не болен ли он . Ваш собеседник говорит , что Эн- ди действительно болен . Вы выражаете сожаление . 2) Вы сообщаете своему собеседнику , что маленький Тим – милый ребёнок . Ваш собеседник соглашается и добавляет , что Тим застенчив . Вы соглашае- тесь , что Тим , действительно , немного застенчив , затем добавляете , что Анна , племянница Бетси Хилл , живой ( подвижный ) ребёнок . Ваш собеседник согла- шается . 3) Вы просите Дэйва отремонтировать Ваш планшет . Дэйв предлагает , чтобы планшет отремонтировал Адам Вильямс . Вы говорите , что Адам находится в отъезде в Сиднее . Дэйв говорит , что сожалеет и предлагает , чтобы планшет отремонтировал Энди Хилл . Вы говорите , что Энди Хилл плохо ремонтирует планшеты . 4) Вы спрашиваете Пита , когда прилетает самолёт Теда Вильямса . Пит отве- чает , что его самолет прибывает в 6.50 p.m. Вы говорите , что это отлично и у вас ещё есть время ( до прибытия самолёта ). Пит просит Вас встретить Теда во- время и отправить ему СМС -сообщение , когда Тед вернётся . Вы обещаете . 5) Вы предлагаете Лили разрешить маленькому Билли поесть конфет . Лили говорит , что Билли ещё глупенький , он ест по десять конфет в день . Вы гово- рите , что это плохо , это составляет семьдесят конфет в неделю . Лили соглаша- ется и говорит , что детям нужны витамины . Вы предлагаете , чтобы Билли поел фиников , ананасов и яблок вместо сладостей . Лили нравится ваше предложе- ние .

223 13. Make rejoinders to the following statements: Model: I go to the Institute by bus. ~ So do I. I can't translate this sentence. ~ Neither can my friend.

1. My sister speaks English. 2. The students of Group 201 are working at the labora- tory now. 3. My mother is a doctor. 4. Her father is a teacher. 5. I prefer apples to bananas. 6. Their daughter isn’t twelve. 7. He lives in Leeds. 8. He doesn't live with his parents. 9.1 don't know this old man. 10.1 can't come at four. 11. Father likes to work in the garden. 12. He doesn't work much. 13. My little sister can't swim. 14. We have breakfast at half past eight. 15. Jane is leaving for Cambridge tomorrow morning. 16. My aunt is leaving for the Urals. 17. My nephew is a naughty child. 18. Those young men are not very well-bred. 19. My school-mate's father is a jour- nalist. 20. My sister isn’t a dentist. 21. I don't take mustard.

14. Copy the sentences in your notebook usin g like ... ing or like+object + infini- tive . Explain your choice. In which sentences we can use both variants? 1. He likes (to hike/hiking) in the mountains, (to go/going) to the movies, and to so- cialize/socializing). 2. What do you like (to do/doing) for fun? 3. I don't like (to talk/talking) in public. 4. I like (to get up/getting up) early and get a bit of work done before breakfast. 5. I like (to go/going) to the cinema sometimes. 6. Do you like (to drink/drinking) tea in the mornings? 7. Do you like (to stay/staying) in bed late on Sundays? 8. Do you like (to live/living) in London? 9. Children always like (to lis- ten/listening) to stories. 10. I don't like people (to phone/phoning) me in the middle of the night. 11. I like (to do/doing) the shopping early on Saturday mornings. 12. When I'm pouring tea I like (to put/putting) the milk in first. 13. She likes the chil- dren to go to bed early during the week. 14. She likes (to dance/dancing) salsa.

15. Compose 10 sentences according to the following model: Model: My mother speaks neither German nor Italian, but she reads English.

16. Put the words in bold type into the singular and make other changes if necessary: 1. The children know the way home. 2. My friends live in Volgograd, they are at university. 3. Do these boys go to school in the morning or in the afternoon? 4. They want to buy some English books which they need for their work. 5. These girls sing well but they cannot play the piano. 6. Housewives work very much at home. 7. Two of my nephews study English online. 8. These toddlers like it when their par- ents play with them. 9. These men look very intelligent. 10. My cousins have fami- lies of their own. 11. My younger brothers have breakfast at 8 о'сlоск and then they go to school. They return home only at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. They go to the li- brary twice a month. 12. Their teachers tell them that they make a lot of mistakes because they are not attentive at the lessons. 13. Those women go to work by bus and return home on foot. 14. Two of my sisters are married, their husbands are workers.

17. Переведите на русский язык , соблюдая порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях без вопросительного слова . 224 1. Дэвид продаёт планшеты ? – Нет , не продает . 2. Элис выходит в семь вечера ? – Нет , не выходит . 3. Билл берёт такси ? – Нет , не берет . 4. Джеймс носит Ка- ролине журналы ? – Нет , не носит . 5. Миранда делает торты ? – Нет , не делает . 6. Джессика поддерживает форму ? – Нет , не поддерживает . 7. Элис и Дейв уезжают на выходные ? – Нет , не уезжают . 8. Дейв печатает тексты ? – Нет , не печатает . 2. Сэнди продает комспьютерные игры ? – Нет , не продает . 3. Сид пе- чет торты ? – Нет , не печет . 4. Бесс продает лекарства ? – Нет , не продает .

18. Прочитайте вслух предложения , содержащие ing-форму глаголов . 1. ~ I like reading. She likes dancing. He likes skiing. They like playing. She likes teaching. 2. ~ After skiing they eat. After playing he reads. After skating she bathes. After swimming she plays.

19. Make up questions to which the words in bold type are answers: 1. In summer a lot of people leave town and go to the country. 2. There are twelve students in our group. 3. On Sundays people usually get up late. 4. His parents live in the Far East. 5. Lucy speaks two foreign languages. 6. This young man is from Poland. 7. They prefer to speak English at the university.

20. Translate into English. Note. Remember that future actions in clauses of time and condition are expressed by the Present Indefinite

Models: We can't start in time if he does not come back from the country on Wednesday (... если он не вернется ). We can't go till we finish our work (... пока не кончим работу ).

1. Я могу вам помочь , если вы мне позволите . 2, Возвращайтесь до того , как стемнеет . 3. Если кто -нибудь придет , попросите их подождать . 4. Встречайте меня на вокзале , когда я вернусь из Варшавы . 5. Я буду очень занят на сле- дующей неделе , но если ты позвонишь мне в субботу , мы сможем встретиться . 6. Когда будешь писать своему французскому другу , попроси его прислать фо- тографии Парижа . 7. Подожди , пока он не придет . 8. Мы не можем присоеди- ниться к вам , пока не закончим работу . 9. Не забудь взять цветы , когда пой- дешь встречать иностранных гостей . 10. Позвони мне , как только будешь гото- ва . 11. Она не может пойти , пока не окончит перевод . 12. Мы должны купить карту , прежде чем пойдем в поход . 13. Я не могу ждать до сентября . Я поеду , как только начнутся каникулы . 14. Мы можем поехать к нашим болгарским друзьям , как только окончится учебный год , 15. Приходи ко мне до того , как я уеду в Чехословакию . 16. Я не могу вам ничего сказать , пока я не знаю фактов . 17. Нам надо ждать , пока наша делегация вернется из Болгарии . 18. Ты должен все объяснить отцу , как только он придет с работы .

225 21. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the translation of the conjunction if when it introduces object clauses: 1. If you want me to help you, why don't you say so? 2. I don't know if there are any Bulgarians in the delegation, 3. Let's meet at nine o'clock if it is convenient for you. 4. Tell me if I may take these books home. 5.1 don't know if it is so. 6. Why not go now if you want to see the illumination? 7. Ask him if he often comes home so late. 8. Would you like to join us if we go to Red Square? 9. I wonder it he likes his job. 10. Ask him if he has got any pen-friends in India.

Focus Vocabulary in time – вовремя (before it is too late) for the next year – на следующий год for the present пока , на этот раз Here you are. – Вот , возьмите . ( при передаче чего -либо кому -либо из рук в ру- ки ) to knock – стучать ( в дверь ) receive – получать to sign подписывать ; Where do I sign? – Где мне подписаться ? right now – сразу же , тотчас же Show him in. – Просите его сюда . Sit down, please. – Садитесь , пожалуйста . This way, please. – Сюда , пожалуйста . What can I do for you? – Чем могу быть вам полезен ? What is it? – В чем дело ? You'll have some tea with us, won't you? – Вы ведь выпьете с нами чаю , да ?

NOTE: V There are several equivalents for the Russian word « пожалуйста »: 1. Please is used when we ask for smth. or about smth., e. g. Please give me your fountain-pen. Have some more salad, please. 2. Here you are. / Here it is. (singular) / Here they are. (plural) / Here you go. Вот , пожалуйста ! – used in answer to some request. It is said by someone giving smth. he has been asked for, e. g. Please give me another cup of coffee. — Here you are. 3. The expression Not at all ( пожалуйста , не стоит ) is an answer to smb.'s thanks, e. g. Thank you for helping me. — Not at all. That's all right.

Pre-reading Task

1. Before you start working at the text ‘Mr White comes again’ practise the sounds in the following words and word combinations: 1. see, receive, read, needn't, please, tea; [ae]— Saturday, Sandford, glad, can, family, thank, have; [e] — enter, present, let, anything, pleasure, well; [u] — knock, what, doctor, clock. Nasal plosion: needn't, certainly. 226 2. a) No devoicing before voiceless consonants: his study, have tea; 3. No voicing before voic&d consonants: let's^go, this_way; 4. Loss of plosion: glad_to see you, sit_down, what can I do, like to have it; d) No glottal stop: Saturday afternoon, Sandford is in, come in, what is it, show him in, Mr. Whiteenters. Text a) Listen to the recording of the dialogue "Mr. White Comes Again". Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Practise the dialogue for test reading. Listen to the recording very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way. c) Memorize the dia- logue and dramatize it. Mr. White Comes Again It is Saturday afternoon. Doctor Sandford is in his study. Betty knocks. "Come in, please. What is it, Betty?" *"Mr. White wants to see you, Henry." '"Well, yes. Show him in please." (Mr. White enters.) '"Good afternoon, doctor." "Good af- ternoon, Mr. White." "I'm terribly sorry to trouble you." "That's all right. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. What can I do for you?" "Do you receive the Times'?" "Certainly." "Would you like to have it for the next year?" "Oh, I forget. We never remember such things in time. Must I pay anything right now?" "No you needn't. For the present, you can sign this paper. Here you are." "Where do I sign?" "Here, please. Thank you, doctor. "Well, Mr. White. It's five o'clock. You'll have some tea with us, won't you?" "Thank you. I'd be glad to." "Let's go to the dining-room. This way, please."

Exercises 1. Transcribe the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes, picture them on the staves: 1. Good afternoon, Doctor? 2. What can I do for you? 3. Come in, please. 4. Show him in, Betty. 5. Have tea with us. — Thank you. I'd be glad to.

2. Answer the following questions: a) 1. Where is Mr. Sandford on a Saturday afternoon? 2. Who comes to see Doctor Sandford on a Saturday afternoon? 3. What does Mr. White ask Doctor Sandford about? 4. Why does Mr. White call on Doctor Sandford? 5. Doctor Sandford signs the paper, doesn't he? 6. What do they do in England at 5 o'clock in the afternoon? b) 1. Do you like English? 2. You speak English well, don't you? 3. Where do you study English? 4. Does your brother go to the Institute every day? 5. Your classes begin in the morning, don't they? 6. Where do you prepare your lessons? 7. What does your brother do in the evening? 8. What foreign language does your mother speak? 9. What do you write on the blackboard with? 227 c) 1. What's the date today? 2. What day is it? 3. What is the first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh) day of the week? 4. What is the first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth) month of the year? 5. Which month is November? 6. Which month is June? 7. Which month is Decem- ber? 8. When do your studies at the University begin? 9. When do the winter exami- nations begin? 10. When do the summer examinations begin?

3. a) Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. b) Ask one another questions on the following statements and answer them in the negative. Keep moving this exercise rapidly. Model: Mr. White wants to see you. Does Mr. White want to see me? No, he doesn't. 1. Mr. White and Betty enter the room. 2. Mr. White wants to see Doctor Sandford. 3. You can sign this paper. 4. I know some of these names. 5.1 can do something. 6. The walls of my room are light-green.

4. Write questions to the words in bold type and let your fellow-student answer them. Observe the distribution of stress in the replies: 1. There are twelve months in a year. 2. There are thirty days in June. 3. She is twelve. 4. My brother's friend can skate well 5. He is a doctor. 6. We call it a bed- room. 7. I like to read English books. 8. It is the first of October. 9. It is Thurs- day. 10. On the right I can see a bookcase.

5. a) Form all possible questions to which the following sentences are the answers: 1. There are some newspapers on the desk. 2. We have tea at five o'clock. 3. I have two English lessons on Monday. 4. My parents live in Moscow. 5. My father is a doctor. 6. My father works at a hospital. 7. He is forty-five. 8. All the members of my family read this paper. 9. I can come and see you on Friday. 10. You may sign this paper tomorrow.

b) Each sentence states a certain fact. Find some more details about it by asking questions. Work in pairs.

6. Write in words and read: 9/IV 1946; 8/VII 1924; 1/IX 1827; 12/X 1955; 4/1 1949; 11/II 1918.

7. Fill in somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone), something (anything), nothing, everything: 1. Is there ... on the desk? 2. The door is open. There must be ... at home. 3. There is ... wrong with my fountain-pen. It won't write. 4. A blind man cannot see ... . 5. Is there ... in the room? — Yes, there is ... in it. 6. It is too dark here, I cannot see ... . 7. If there is ... in the room you may turn off the light. 8. Can ... recite the poem? 9. We must do ... to help her. 10. Can I do ... for you? 11. There must be ... interesting in the book you read. 12. It is too dark, I can't see ... on the blackboard. May I turn on the light? 13. We can work in Room No. 20. There is ... there. 14. Let's go there at once. I want to see ... with my own eyes. 15. May I come to see you tonight? I've got ... to tell you. 16. Bob is one of our best students, .. knows him. 17. Must we learn ...

228 by heart? — No, you needn't. You must only prepare the poem for test reading. 18. There is ... interesting in this magazine. 19. Is ... away from the lesson?

8. Fill in prepositions if necessary: 1. He must go to St. Petersburg... spring. 2. We take our written exams ... January. 3. Our studies begin ... autumn. 4. What do you do ... Sunday? 5. All the students of our group will take part in the concert... the eighth ... May. 6. May I ring you up ... the morning? 7, My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes ... home late ... night. 8. Is there anybody... the Dean's office? 9.1 must go and see him ... three o'clock ... Friday. 10. Listen ... the new text... the laboratory. 11. Look ... the blackboard. Do you see any mistakes ... it? 12. Who is ... duty today? 13. Will you go... the black- board? 14. You may go ... your place. 15. ... the right... the dining-table there is a cupboard.

9. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary: 1. There are three rooms and ... kitchen in her new flat. 2. My new dress is made of... silk. 3. If you want to write something on ... blackboard, you must have ... piece of ... chalk. 4. Are there any students in ... Room No. 12? 5.1 have ... new English book. ... book is very interesting. 6. There is ... garden and ... lawn in front of her Insti- tute.... garden is not large, but it is very beautiful. 7. The students of your group must be in ... Room No. 30. 8. Open ... book at page 29 and start reading. 9. May is ... fifth month of the year. 10. Saturday is ... seventh day of the week. 11. Sunday is... day off.

10. Think of stimulating phrases to which those below could be the replies. Work in pairs: 1. Here you are. 2. Show her in, please. 3. Thank you, I'd be glad to. 4. Do they? 5. Are you? 6. Do, please. 7. Certainly. 8. Here, please.

11. Think of replies to the following questions and statements. Work in pairs: 1. Yes, Helen. What is it? 2. Good afternoon, Helen! 3. What can I do for you? 4. Sign this paper, please. 5. Let me see this book. 6. Have tea with us. 7. Thank you. 8. May I ring you up tonight?

12. a) Respond to the following sentences as in the model below. Express surprise or doubt in your replies and add something to develop a situation. Model: I don't like autumn. Don't you? b) Continue the exercise suggesting your own verbal context: 1. I am very busy. 2. Tom is already ten. 3. You are late. 4. You have no mistakes in pronunciation. 5. I can't speak French well. 6. We must stay at home. 7. You may go home. 8. I live in a comfortable flat now. 9. My sister wants to study German. 10. They don't make many mistakes in spelling. 11. We have got built-in furniture in the kitchen. 12. My girl-friend has got flu, I am afraid.

13. Use the following questions in indirect speech according to the given model. Make all the necessary changes.

229 Model 1: The teacher asks: "Do you know any English words?" The teacher asks if we know any English words. 1. Tom asks: "Do you know English well?" 2. She asks: "Do you like to skate?" 3. My friends ask: "Are you free on Sunday?" The student asks: "Have you any English books at home?" She asks: "Do you want to read this book?" 6. The teacher asks: "Are there any mistakes in spelling on the blackboard?" 7. The student asks: "Are there any mistakes in my pronunciation?" 8. The teacher asks me: "Do you know any poem by heart?" 9. Mary asks me: "Do you know many English words?" Betty asks Tom: "Must you go to the Institute today?" The teacher asks the boy: "Is May a spring month?" 12. The students ask me: "Do you like our University?" 13. Mr. White asks Betty: "Is Doctor Sandford in?" 14. The children ask Betty: "Do you play the piano?" 15. The teacher asks the boy: "Have you any brothers or sisters?" 16. The teacher asks the girls: "Can you spell the word 'white'?" 17. The boy asks his sister: "Do you see anything on the table?"

14. Make up short dialogues according to the given model. Use the following questions. Model: A: Do you know Helen? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you if you know Helen. C: What does A. ask you? B: A. asks me if I know Helen. 1. Are you busy? 2. Are the lessons over? 3. Is he already twenty? 4. Are there any new words in Lesson Four? 5. Do you know the pronunciation of all the new words? 6. Is this translation difficult? 7. Do the students of your group work much at their English? 8. Who is the monitor of your group? 9. Can you swim? 10. Must we finish this work today? 11. Are you fond of animals?

15. Translate the following into English: 1. Пока я ничего не могу сделать . 2. Никто 'ничего не хочет есть . 3. Могу ли я для вас что -либо сделать ? 4. Можно прийти к вам в воскресенье ? 5. Четверг — пятый день недели . 6. Моей младшей сестре сейчас десять лет . 7. Я пока не умею говорить по -английски . — Неужели ? 8. Добрый день , мистер Уайт . В чем дело ? — Могу ли я поговорить с вами , мистер Сэндфорд ? — Да , пожалуй- ста . 9, Что значит это слово ? 10. Должна ли я что -либо подписать ? — Вот , по- жалуйста . — Где мне подписать ? — Вот здесь . 11. Многие из наших студентов работают осенью на фермах . 12. Вы умеете играть на рояле ? 13. Можете ли вы дать мне что -нибудь почитать ? 14. Кто работает в комнате 4? 15. Откройте страницу 5 и прочитайте текст . 16. На девятой странице нет никакой картинки . 17. В комнате ваших родителей есть кто -нибудь ? 18. Мой сын знает наизусть много английских стихов . — Неужели ? 19. Ее дочь уже школьница . — Неуже- ли ? 20. Я могу дать вам эту книгу . — Неужели ? 21 Аня должна приехать в по- недельник . — Неужели ? 22. Наши занятия кончаются в июне . 23. Никто в на- шей семье не работает в субботу .

230 16. a) Describe Mr. White's visit. Concentrate on the reported speech, b) Imagine you come to see your fellow-student to discuss certain items (points) of your homework. Make up a dialogue, c) Suggest a situation for your fellow-students to give it in the form of a dialogue.

Make up a short story (300 words) describing how two people met. Use the present simple tense. Let your fellow-student listen to your story and comment on some events or situations using the falling-rising tone and short questions (Does he? Is she? etc.).

Focus Vocabulary Grammar Present Continuous The formation of the Present Continuous. 1. The Present Continuous is formed by means of the Present Indefinite of the aux- iliary verb to be and Participle I of the notional verb. 2. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb. 3. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.

I He speaking English. writing a letter. My cousin am (not) playing the piano. Her brother is (not) walking fast. We are (not) You reading a newspaper. The girls playing football.

his wife working in the garden? Is their friend writing anything? her mother standing at the window? the students reading exercises? Are the children working in the room?

The contracted affirmative forms are: I’m reading. She’s reading. We’re reading. The contracted negative forms are: I’m not reading. She isn’t reading . We aren’t reading. 4. The negative-interrogative forms are: Am I not reading? Is she not reading? Isn’t she reading? Are you not reading? Aren’t you reading?

The following spelling rules should be observed in the formatibn of Participle I: The mute -e is dropped before adding the suffix -ing: to take — taking. The final consonant is doubled (before the suffix -ing) if it is preceded by a vowel expressing a short stressed sound: to get — getting.

231 1 3. The final -1 is doubled if it is preceded by a vowel expressing a short sound: to travel — travelling. In the verbs to die, to lie and to tie the letters ie are replaced by у before the suffix - ing: to die — dying; to lie — lying; to |ie — tying. The final -y is not changed before adding the suffix -ing no matter whether it is preceded by a consonant or by a vowel: to say — saying; to dry — drying. The letter r is doubled if the final syllable is stressed: prefer — preferring; but: 'of- fer — 'offering.


1. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules: dining-room, cornflakes, passing, sugar, aren't, anything, porridge, already, thirsty, bacon, marmalade, father, meals, dining-room, afraid, Smith, moment, about, leave, talking, another, just, please.

2. Напишите –ing-форму следующих глаголов . type, speak, sit, fulfil, say, believe, swim, feel, fit, give, like, play, set, spin, limit, remit, keep, take, stem, put, place, study, enjoy, hate, invite, cut, forgive, get, fit, set, ban, can ( не модальный ), worry, bother, time, win, migrate, simulate, travel, stay

3. Translate into English. 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский . Произнесите английские экви- валенты данных фраз с соответствующей интонацией . А. 1. Аманда поздно приходит домой ? — Нет . 2. Принеси мне , пожалуйста , не- сколько компакт -дисков . — Попроси Каролину помочь тебе . Я занята уборкой квартиры . 3. Мы хотим , чтобы ты закрыл окно . Здесь холодно . 4. Ты можешь объяснить мне это правило ? — Я его сам не знаю . 5. Я не знаю значения этого слова , а ты ? — Я тоже . 6. Прошу вас не опаздывать (= пожалуйста , не опазды- вайте ). Вы должны приходить на занятия вовремя . 7. Дженнифер , ты любишь ходить по магазинам по утрам ? — Люблю . 8. Что ты делаешь ? — Учу правило . — Ты всегда учишь правило перед тем как выполнять упражнение ? 9. Перево- дить с немецкого на русский очень легко (a piece of cake). 10. Этот студент плохо говорит по -китайски . Он делает грубые ошибки и получает плохие от- метки . — Зато он хорошо говорит по -английски . 11. Чарльз говорит , что этот роман скучный , но я с ним не согласна . — Он совершенно прав . 12. Ты мо- жешь помочь мне помыть посуду после ужина ? — К сожалению , не могу . Я занят сегодня вечером . Готовлю доклад . 13. Ричард — сын учителя . Он счита- ет , что профессия учителя трудная , но интересная . Он учит своего шестилетне- го сына , Гарри , французскому языку . Он рад , что Гарри может немного гово- рить по -французски . 14. Ты должен научиться ездить на велосипеде . 15. Вам необязательно ждать меня . 16. Одолжи мне свой ноутбук , пожалуйста . Он мне очень нужен — я завтра делаю презентацию . 17. Я собираюсь за покупками . Мне нужна сумка . — Вот хорошая большая сумка . 18. Мы идём купаться сего- дня вечером . — Можно мне пойти с вами ? Я люблю купаться . 19. Я катаюсь на коньках два раза в неделю . — И я тоже . 20. После занятий эти студенты ходят 232 в мультимедийную лабораторию устной речи ( мультимедийный фонозал ). 20. Купи фруктов перед тем как навещать его в больнице . Не покупай сладостей .

Focus Vocabulary dining-room, n – (c толовая ) a room in which meals are eaten, e. g. This room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a dining room. head – ( глава , e. g. глава семьи , начальник отдела и т. п.) someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc.: the head of the History department) Help yourself to (smth., some food); Have some more; No more, thank you! breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, n – ( завтрак , второй завтрак , обед , ужин ); е. g. Dinner is ready. to have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper (no article!) завтракать , обедать , ужинать , е. g. Have dinner with us. обед или ужин ; to have a meal/a snack/a bite есть , поесть / перекусить, e.g. We usually have four meals a day. It's high time to have a bite. to have a cup of tea – выпить чашку чая cornflakes, n, pl – пшеничные ( кукурузные ) хлопья Mum = Mummy мама ; also: Dad = Daddy I'd (should) like (to do smth.) – Мне бы хотелось ...: I'd like some more cornflakes. more, another, still, adv – correspond to the Russian « еще ». The pronouns more and another are used with nouns. More is used both with countables in the plural and un- countables: more books, more sugar; another is used only with countables in the singular: another book, another student. Compare: more tea, but: another cup of tea . Still is used with verbs. It is often translated into Russian as « все еще », е. g. It is still raining. He is still at home. slow, adj – медленный , e. g. You are very slow. Slowly adv медленно , e. g. You speak very slowly. in a quarter of an hour – через четверть часа a little, adv – ( немного ) a small amount of food or drink (see Note); a little some- thing – 1) a small amount of food or drink: I always like to have a little something around eleven o'clock in the morning. 2) a present that is not of great value: I want to buy a little something to give to Val when I visit her in hospital. to pass something to somebody – ( передавать что -либо кому -либо ) to give some- thing to someone:, e. g. Could you pass the salt please? to be going to – собираться , e. g. He is going to spend his vacation inThailand. toast, n – ( гренок , ломтик хлеба , подрумяненный на огне ) bread that has been heated so that it is brown on both sides and no longer soft: I had a piece of toast for breakfast. What about ...? – Как насчет ...? leave (for) (left, left) W 1. уезжать , уходить , e. g. He is leaving Moscow for St.Petersburg. He is leaving for St.Petersburg. He is leaving in half an hour. Ant. stay vi оставаться , e. g. The children stay at home as it is raining. 2. забывать , оставлять , е. g. Don't leave your exercise-book at home. Compare: Don't forget my address. Don't forget to open the window.


233 V We can use forget to talk about accidentally leaving things beind. Oh, damn! I’ve forgotten my umbrella! However we normally use leave if we mention the place: Oh, damn! I’ve left my umbrella at home!

TEXT Listen to the recording of the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Practise the dialogue for test reading. Listen to the recording very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way. c) Memorize the dialogue and dramatize it. The Smiths Are Having Breakfast The Smiths are in their dining-room. There are five of them: Mr. Smith, the head of the family, Mrs. Smith, his wife, and their children: John, Ann and Kitty. They are having breakfast. Mrs. Smith is putting some cornflakes on the boy's plate. The elder daughter is passing the sugar to her father, Mrs. Smith: Will you have sugar on your cornflakes, John? John: Oh, no, Mum, thank you. I'd like some more milk instead. Mr. Smith: Why aren't you eating anything, Kitty? You are so slow. Look, Ann is already finishing her cornflakes. Kitty: I don't like cornflakes. I'm just thirsty. Give me some tea and cakes, Mum, Mrs. Smith: Now, be a good girl, Kitty. Have some more cornflakes. We're going to have bacon and eggs, and then you'll get your tea with toast and marmalade. Mr. Smith: Could you give me a little more cornflakes, dear? Mrs. Smith: Just a moment. (Mrs. Smith passes him his plate.) What about bacon and eggs? Will you have some? Mr. Smith: Sure. And then a nice strong cup of tea. I'm afraid I must leave in a quarter of an hour or so. The father is already having his cup of tea while the children are still talking over their cornflakes.

Exercises 1. Answer the following questions about the text (A) and about yourself (B): A. 1. Who is in the dining-room? 3, What are they doing in the room? 4. What is Mrs. Smith doing? 5. What is the elder daughter passing to her fathem? 6. Does John like sugar on his cornflakes? 7. What does he prefer on his cornflakes? 8. Who is al- ready finishing his cornflakes? 9. Who doesn't like cornflakes? 10. What does Kitty, the little girl, want? 11. What does Mr. Smith ask his wife to give him? 12. What does Mrs. Smith ask her elder daughter to do? 13. What are the children doing while their father is having his tea?

B. 1. What time do you have breakfast? 2. What do you have for breakfast? 3. Will you describe your breakfast? 4. Where do you usually have dinner? 5. Why do you have dinner at home? 6. What do you usually have for the first course (for the sec- ond course, for dessert)? 7. What time do you usually have dinner? 8. Who cooks meals in your family? 9. Can you cook? 10. What time do you have dinner on Sun- day? 11. Will you describe your Sunday dinner? 12. Do you have supper late? 13. Why don't you have supper late? 14. Do you like vegetables? 15. What vegetables do you like? 16. What soup do you like best? 17. What kind of salad do you like? 18. 234 What kind of fruit do you buy in summer (in winter) in your city? 19. How do you lay the table?

2. Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences: 1. They are having breakfast. 2. Mrs. Smith is putting some cornflakes on the boy's plate. 3. Ann is finishing her cornflakes. 4. Mrs. Smith is passing a plate to her hus- band. 5. The children are talking over their cornflakes. 6. We are having an English lesson. 7. The girl is coming into the room. 1. I am finishing this article. 2.1 prefer a glass of soda-water. 3. The waitress is al- ready bringing in our tea. 4. The boy is writing a letter to his parents. 5. My cousin is leaving tomorrow.

3. a) Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as in the model. Give a short answer using contracted forms and add a' sentence of your own in the Present Continuous. Model: Is your teacher writing a letter? — No, he isn't. He's speaking English. b) Respond to the negative sentence of your fellow-student as in the model. Use con- tracted forms in speech. Work in pairs. Model: The pupils aren't playing football. — No, they aren't. They're reading a newspaper.

4. a) Write all the possible questions to which the following sentences are the an- swers, b) Each sentence describes a certain situation in a concise way. Some points of the situation are already known to you. Find out some more details about the situation by asking questions. Work in pairs. Use conversational phrases: A. 1. The elder daughter is passing the salt to her father. 2.1 am thirsty now. 3. The father is having his cup of tea. 4.1 must' leave in a quarter of an hour. 5. The children are working in the garden. 6. The stu- dents are reading the text. 7. The girl is going to write a letter. В. 1. I'm ready to go down to the canteen. 2.1 am finishing this article. 3.1 prefer a glass of soda-water. 4. The waitress is already bringing in our tea. 5. You forget about the meeting of our club. We must leave at once to be in time for the beginning of the discussion.

5. Complete the following sentences: 1. I would like ... . 2. Let me ... 3. Be a good girl and ... . 4. Why don't you ...? 5. Will you give me ...? 6. I am afraid ... . 7. I don't think he.... 8. What about...? 9 . Well, I see you are ready ... . 10. Would you like ...? 11. What do you say to ...? 12. Will you pass me...? 13. As for me... 14. Let us....

6. a) Change the direct speech in the text ‘The Smiths Are Having breakfast’ into indirect. Model: Mr. Smith: "Will you please give me a little more cornflakes, dear?" Mr. Smith asks his wife to give him a little more cornflakes.

235 b) Retell the text in indirect speech. c) Describe the breakfast as if you were the mother (the-father, Kitty, Ann).

7. Use the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: 1. He (not to work), he (to watch) the TV programme. 2, Kitty (to finish) her por- ridge. 3. Look, the sun (to rise). 4. John (to polish) his boots and his sister (to press) her dress. 5. It (to rain)? Yes, it (to rain) very hard. 6. The delegation (to leave) Mos- cow tomorrow. 7, Somebody (to talk) in the next room. 8. Who (to make) such a noise? 9. What you (to read) now?. I (to read) stories by Maugham. 10, The weather is fine. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing). 11. Somebody (to knock) at the door. 12. You (to go) anywhere tonight? 13. Why you (to speak) so fast? You (to make!) a lot of mistakes. 14. Go and see what the children (to do). 15. Who you (to wait) for? I (to wait) for my sister. 16.1 сапЧ hear what they (to talk) about.

8. Use the proper article: 1. What shall we have for ... dessert today? 2. Let's go to ... canteen and have... bite. 3.... cucumbers and ... tomatoes are ... vegetables. 4. I don't like ... mineral water, I prefer ... cup of... tea. 5. Pass me ... butter, please. 6. ... water, ... milk, tea and ... cof- fee are drinks. 7. Is there anything to your taste on ... menu? 8. Will you bring ... knife from ... kitchen? 9. Only after ... second course he felt he was not hungry any longer. 10. Is pud- ding to your taste? 11. They sat down to ... table and began eating. 12. It was ... stewed-fruit and ... ice-cream to follow. ... ice-cream was rather melted.

9. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Они обедают . 2. Когда вы обычно обедаете ? 3. Что у нас сегодня на ужин ? 4. Вы сейчас обедаете ? Тогда я позвоню вам через четверть часа . Хорошо ? 5. Снимай пальто и входи . Мы как раз обедаем , 6. В котором часу обычно обеда- ет ваша семья ? 7. Нина дома ? — Да . Она обедает . 8. На что ты смотришь ? — Я смотрю на тот новый дом . Красивое здание . Ты видишь его ? 9. Здравствуй , Сергей ! Куда ты идешь ? — Я иду в университет , хочу позавтракать в столо- вой . 10. Что ты делаешь , Боб ? — Я пишу письмо , разве ты не видишь ? 11. Ты идешь в библиотеку ? — Нет , я иду в кабинет английского языка (the English study-room). 12. Почему вы курите здесь ? В комнате спит ребенок . 13. Почему вы говорите по -русски ? Ведь вы на уроке английского языка , не -так ли ? 14. Не спеши ! Лекция начнется только через полчаса . 15 Вы слышите меня , дру- зья ? 16. Вы слушаете , Петров ? 17. Вы хорошо слышите ? 18. Почему вы не от- вечаете на мой вопрос ? Вы можете ответить на мой вопрос ? 19. Не кричи так громко , твоя сестренка спит . 20. Почему ты плачешь , малыш (my little kiddy, ту ; little one)? — Я не плачу . 21 . Что делают студенты ? — Они отвечает на во- просы преподавателя . ( Они слушают текст № 12.) 22. О Чем ты думаешь ? Пора готовить уроки . ( Пора вставать . Пора идти гв школу . Пора ложиться спать .) 23.

236 Почему ты ставишь так мало тарелок на стол ? Сегодня нас пятеро . Дедушка приезжает , ты знаешь ? 24. Садись за стол , мама несет суп . 25. Прочитать вам эту пословицу ? 26. Обед приготовить к четырем часам ? 27. Написать это слово на доске ? 28. Посолить суп (to salt)? 29. Принести мел ? 30. Стереть с доски ? 31. Купить овощи ? 32. Вы обедаете дома ? 33. Он не обедает дома , он обычно обе- дает в столовой . 34. Когда вы завтракаете ? 35. Почему вы так поздно завтра- каете ? 36. Он всегда ужинает дома ? 37. Почему он не обедает дома ? 38. Мне бы хотелось еще чашку чая ( молока , воды , кофе ). 39. Мне бы хотелось еще мо- лока ( каши , варенья , хлеба , рыбы ). 40. Он еще дома ( в лаборатории , в больни- це ). 41. Мне хочется пить . Давай возьмем бутылку газированной воды .

10. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with the names of meals: 1. We have ... breakfast at 8. 2. When ... lunch was over they went upstairs to rest a little. 3. We all agreed that it was ... very pleasant dinner. 4. It is not good to smoke before ... breakfast. 5. Nobody ob- jected to ... light supper. 6. At... dinner we sat far from each other and could not talk. 7. All that made ... excellent breakfast. 8. When I came down to . .. tea all had al- ready gone. 9.... dinner was marvellous. 10. She was not sure whether she should or- der... supper herself. 11. It all happened at... official luncheon. 12. When ... dinner was over she decided to talk with him. 13. As for ...supper itself it was ... very tasty one. 14. For ... breakfast was bacon and eggs and coffee. 15. We must organize ... little dinner to celebrate the event. 16. If you come half an hour before ... supper you will always find him at home. After ... dinner sit a while, after ... supper walk a mile. That night we had ... lonely little dinner. 19. She came down to ... breakfast. 20.1 shall speak to him at... dinner.

11. Translate into English: 1. Мы обедаем в 3 часа . 2. Если ужин холодный , подогрей его . 3. Он никогда не опаздывает к обеду . 4. По утрам , до завтрака мы ходим купаться . 5. Что у нас сегодня на ужин ? 6. Они отказались даже от легкого завтрака . 7. За обедом все говорили о новом директоре . 8. Очень полезно " прогуляться после ужина . 9. В конце завтрака я обычно пью кофе . 10. Мой руки , ужин готов . 11. Какой вкусный обед ! 12. Садитесь к столу , обед стынет .

12. Describe: a) your Sunday breakfast; b) your dinner at home.

13. Reading. Before reading the text answer the questions: What is daydreaming? Do you ever daydream? What about?

The Use of the Present Continuous

237 1. Actions in progress at the moment of speaking: “My dear, ” said Jolyon with gen- tle exasperation, “you are talking nonsense. ” 2. Temporary actions and situations that are going ‘around now’, not necessarily at the moment of speaking: before, during and after the moment of speaking: My daughter is studying English at Durham University. 3. The Present Continuous can be used to denote a certain state or quality peculiar to the person at a given moment: You are being a nuisance. The present continuous is used to talk about actions and behaviour, not about states or feelings. 4. When there are two actions one of which is in progress and the other is a habitual action, the first is expressed by the Present Continuous and the second by the Present Indefinite: I never talk while I am working. 5. Repeated actions with adverbs like always, fore ver: She’s always helping people. He’s always loosing his key. She is always grumbling. There is an element of ex- aggeration here, because the action in this case cannot go on without intervals. The exaggeration is generally called forth by emotion. 6. A continual process: The earth is always moving. The sun is ever shining. In this case the adverbs always, constantly, ever are used. 7. The Present Continuous is used to express an action thought of as a continual process (with the adverbs always, ever, constantly ). The action is represented as going on without any interval. “She is constantly thinking of you, ” I said. 8. Planned actions (+ future adverbial reference): He is coming to us tomorrow to stop till next month. The future action is regarded as something fixed. 9. We can use the structure I am being/You are being etc + adjective/noun to talk about actions and behaviour, but not usually to talk about feelings and traits: I am happy just now (a state, NOT I’m being happy. ) You’re being stupid. (actions, behaviour, =You’re doing stupid things.) Who’s being a silly baby, then? (ac- tions, behaviour)

Exercises 4. Study the substitution tables and compose as many sentences as you can.

5. Write and transcribe the first participle of the following verbs: give, take, begin, buy, pay, say, listen, write, stay, leave, go, come, dine, put, pass, talk, work, get, sit, look, forget, hurry, study, travel, have, give, taste, prefer, bring, offer, add.

6. Give the verb in the following sentences in the Present Continuous: 1. He (to read) newspapers. 2. I (to work) hard at my English. 3. She (to sit) at the window and (to look) at the sea. 4. I (to prepare) my homework. 5. They all (to work) at the laboratory. 6. I (to write) letters to my cousins. 7. I (to have) breakfast with my family. 8. We (not to go) to the Institute. 9. He (to come) home. 10. Mr. Smith (not to give) a lesson.

7. a) Answer the question What are you. doing? imagining that you are: 238 1. at an English lesson; 2. at a lecture; 3. in the corridor; 4. in the street; 5. in the garden: 6. in the Metro; 7. in the forest; 8. in the dining-room; 9. in the water; 10. in the kitchen; 11. in the bathroom. e) Answer the same question about your fellow-student.

8. Согласитесь с высказыванием , используя наречия “also” или “too” (: Model 1: I get up at 7. – I also get up at 7. Model 2: I get up at 7. – I get up at 7 too.

1. I am currently studying English and Spanish. 2. On Monday I have lots of things to do. 3. On Tuesday I normally have my first period free. 4. I like to relax with my friends and talk about non-college topics! 5. This week we are doing online tests to prepare us as well as possible for the exam. 6. We are studying for the forthcoming exams at the moment. 7. At 10 am I am normally in the library doing any work that needs to be done. 9. In magazines or on the Internet find some pictures in which people are doing something. Show the pictures to your fellow students and describe them. (You should look up the necessary vocabulary in advance.).

10. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets: 1. My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday, 2. Who (to sing) in the next room? 3. Father (to read) a newspaper. He usu- ally (to read) something before going to bed. 4. Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen. She always (to cook) in the mornings. 5. Who you (to wait) for? — I (to wait) for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes. 6. It often (to rain) in autumn. 7. Do not go out, it (to rain) heavily. 8. You (to understand) the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous quite well? 9. What you (to write) ? You (to make) notes about the two present tenses? 10. Why you (to smile), Kitty? 11.1 often (to meet) you at the corner of this street. You (to wait) for anybody? 12. You usually (to go) through the park? — Not usually, it's only today that I (to go) here. 13. You (to hear) anything? — Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door. 14. They still (to discuss) where to go now.

11. Use the verbs given in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous tenses: 2. 1. Why you (to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) quite slowly. — I (to hurry). I am afraid to miss the train. 2. Cuckoos (not to build) nests. They (to use) the nests of other birds. 3.1 always (to buy) lottery tickets but I seldom (to win). You can't have the book now because my brother (to read) it. Some people (to do) every- thing with their left hand. 6. Who (to make) that terrible noise? — It's my son. 7. How you (to feel)? 8. Switch on the light. It (to get) dark. 9. You (to understand) the rule? 10. The sun (to set) late in summer. 11. What you (to look 239 for) ? — We (to look for) our grandmother's spectacles. 12.1 (not to know) what he (to want) .13. What time she (to come) here as a rule? 14. Look, snow still (to fall). 15. It often (to rain) in October.

12. Translate into English using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous: 1. Студенты сдают экзамены . He шумите в коридоре . 2. Посмотри , как ярко светит солнце . 3. Вы слышите шум в коридоре ? 4 Подождите немного , они сейчас ужинают . 5. 9-го Мая тысячи людей приходят на Красную Площадь . 6. Вы любите смотреть телевизор ? 7. Я не понимаю , о чем они говорят , так как они говорят очень тихо . 8. Послушайте ! В соседней комнате кто -то плачет . 9. Кого вы ждете ? — Я жду свою подругу . 10. Что ты ешь ? — Я ем яблоко . 11. Осенью птицы улетают в теплые страны , а весной возвращаются обратно . 12. Сейчас мы проходим 12-й урок . 13. Студенты этой группы часто занима- ются в лаборатории . 14. Завтра мы идем в театр . 15. Маленькие дети едят 4 —5 раз в день . 16. Говорят , что он возвращается завтра .

13. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of the Present Continuous to express an action in the near future: 1. Мы сейчас очень заняты , так как завтра мы уезжаем . 2. Летом мы всегда уезжаем на дачу . 3. Давайте пройдем на платформу , поезд прибывает через 5 минут . 4. Поезда отправляются и прибывают точно по расписанию (according to schedule). 5. Делегация английских учителей прилетает (to arrive by plane) сегодня вечером в Москву . 6. Иностранные делегации обычно прилетают в аэ- ропорт Шереметьево . 7. Поторопись , последний поезд отходит через несколь- ко минут . 8. По расписанию последний поезд в Москву отправляется ровно в 12 часов ночи . 9. Когда мои друзья приезжают в Москву , они всегда останав- ливаются у нас . 10. Моя сестра приезжает в субботу . Я должна ее встретить . 11. В понедель ник я сдаю экзамен по истории Англии . 12. Студенты сдают экзамены два раза в год . 13. Моя подруга устраивает сегодня вечер . 14. Когда они устраивают ве- чер , они обычно приглашают всю нашу семью .

14. Say which adjectives can NOT be used in the following situations. 1. Don’t pay attention to Johnny. He is just being ... (tired, handsome, funny, foolish, silly). 2. You shouldn’t act like that, Tommy. You are not being (careful, kind, healthy, responsible). — Okay, Dad. I’m sorry. 3. There’s something different about Tom Today. — What do you mean? — He is being so ... (friendly, polite, quiet, tall) today. 4. I don’t approve of Ann’s behaviour. She is being ... (angry, cruel, intelli- gent, unpleasant). 5. The children are being awfully ... (good, hungry, noisy, sick) today.

1. Translate into English using the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs. 1. Джим плохо себя чувствует , но он уже за своим столом — пишет статью . 2. Я вижу , что у Джейн дорогой зонт . 3. Чарльз хорошо говорит по -испански . 4. 240 Дженни хорошо играет в шашки . 5. Джеф плохо играет в шахматы . 6. Слы- шишь ? Скрипка играет . 7. Арчи хорошо говорит по -шведски . 7. Марк плохо говорит по -японски . 8. Джейн говорит , что она плохо говорит по -китайски . 9. Джим говорит , что Гарри плохо играет в шахматы . 10. Лизи считает , что Дже- нифер хорошо поёт . 11. Кто поёт эту песню ? — 12. Шарлотта , ты поёшь пло- хо. Ты можешь петь лучше . 13. Шон в настоящее время появляется в пьесе Уильяма Шекспира . 14. Эта работа кажется утомительной .

2. Say what you and your fellow-students usually do at university. Make use of the following adverbs: always, sometimes, from time to time, occasionally, often, normally, usually, seldom, hardly ever, never.

3. Переведите с русского языка на английский , используя ing-форму глагола при переводе подчёркнутых выражений . 1. Некоторые люди думают , что работа учителя очень лёгкая (a piece…). 2. Пе- ред поступлением в университет школьники проходят подготовительный курс обучения . 3. Мне нравится танцевать и петь . 4. После того , как я оденусь , я обычно завтракаю . 5. Я обычно вкусно завтракаю перед тем как выхожу из до- ма . 6. Я очень люблю плавать , но терпеть не могу бегать ( трусцой ). 7. Джулия любит танцевать (to enjoy). 8. Давайте попрактикуемся в разговорном англий- ском . 9. Прыжки с парашютом — опасный вид спорта . 10. Мне нравится хо- дить по магазинам . 11. Тереза занята — она читает лингвистическую статью . 12. После ужина я обычно занимаюсь прослушиванием аудиофайлов на анг- лийском или немецком языке .

4. Read The Use of the Present Continuous again and say which usage each sen- tence corresponds to. 1. My dad watches a lot of sport. This month he is watching the Olympics. 2. Jack’s living in Manchester for the time being. 3. He is becoming annoyed by the boys’ be- haviour. 4. We’re having lunch at twelve, come and join us at the cafeteria. 5. They are saving money to buy a car. 6. Is Archie speaking Italian to that man? 7. What are we doing ? We’re having lunch and the baby is sleeping . 8. She usually runs a mara- thon every year, but this year she isn’t running any. 9. Who are you waiting for? 10. Don’t disturb him. He is preparing the report. 11. The printer isn’t working . 12. I am giving a presentation next week. 13. It is becoming more and more difficult to es- cape the influence of the media. 14. He’s always using the tablet when I need it. 15. I hate people looking at me when I am jogging in the morning. 16. That child’s getting bigger every day. 16. What are you doing on Saturday? 17. Come and see us next week if you’re passing through London. 17. Look – the cat’s eating your breakfast! 18. Why is that girl standing on the table? 19. I usually read novels in the evening, but tonight I am not doing anything. 20. While you are doing the shopping, buy some milk, please. 21. You don’t usually play well, but today you’re playing bril- liantly! 22. Why is this girl jumping ? 23. George is eating too much unhealthy food this month. 24. We are meeting today after classes in room 427. 25. This week the Hampton Drama society is performing As You Like It by William Shakespeare. 26. I’m sleeping a lot these days. 27. I can’t find the money. – Are you being serious ? 241

5. Put the verbs into the correct form of the present simple or the present continu- ous tense. A. Hi Lizzy, I (write) you from Manchester. I (have) a great time and (make) a lot of new friends. My college term (not/start) until next month, so I (take) the opportunity to earn some money. I (stay) with my English friend, Robbie. I (think) my pronun- ciation and my vocabulary (get better and better) day by day. I (understand) next to everything now. You (come) to visit me soon? I (spend) the winter holidays at Rob- bie’s. His parents (want) to meet you and there’s [ð əz] plenty of space. But you must bring your warmest clothes. It (get) pretty cold in Manchester in the winter. Let me know as soon as you (decide). And tell me what you (do) these days. Till I hear from you it’s bye for now. You (miss) me? Love, Jeff. B. 1. She (talk) continuously, and she never pauses to take a breath. 2. At present I (work) on a new website. It’s tedious work, but I (like) it and I (learn) some really useful stuff about the web. 3. I (watch) too much television these days. 4. My boy- friend (study) for his final exams this term. 5. This week Jane (not eat) much – she wants to lose weight 6. My next-door neighbours (gossip) a lot about the new girl. 7. Many plants that could be useful in medicine grow in the rainforest. The rainforests (disappear) at a terrifying rate and people 9not/do) enough to save them. 8. The cat (weigh) eight kilos. 9. You can turn off the TV. I (not/listen). 10. Jennifer, what year are you in at university? – The second. – What you (study)? – I (do) Maths. It (in- volve) a lot of computer programming. – You (enjoy) it? – It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I like it. 11. Hi, Jeff. How you (get on) in your new job? – Not bad. – What about Jonathan? Is he OK? – He (not enjoy) his work at the moment. He (begin) to get bored with it. 12. The kettle (boil). – Shall I make tea? 13. Look! It (snow)! 13. I play tennis every Wednesday. 14. The café (open) at 8.30 in the morning. 15. What this word (mean)? 16. Rice (not/grow) in cold climates. 17. What do you do? – I (work) in a shop. 18. He’s very lazy. He (not/do) anything all day long. 19. The Olympic Games (take place) every four years. 20. It (take) me twenty minutes to get to work. How long it (take) you? 21. Harry isn’t very fit. He (not/do) any sport.

6. Find mistakes in the following sentences and correct them. 1. What are you thinking of my hair? 2. Hello, Jane. Do you enjoy the party? 3. I think of selling my car. 4. Where do you stay for the time being? 5. He doesn’t be- lieve her story. 6. This guy seems relaxed, but he is not. 7. He’s weighing eighty ki- los. 8. Are you normally playing tennis after classes? 9. My brother looks for a new job. 10. Please, keep silent. I try to work. 11. Is Mark in? – Wait a little, he is taking a bath. 12. What’s that sound? Is somebody singing? 13. What does Steve do? – He chats online with girls as usual. 14. We’re second year students at university. We’re doing Spanish and English. 15. You work hard today. – Yes, I have a lot to do. 16. Does your French get better? 17. The population of the world is increasing very fast. 18. I begin to enjoy my job. 19. I look for Christine. Help me find her. 20. It gets dark. Let’s turn on the light. 21. He is a student at Bristol university. He is living in the hall of residence. 22. Have you got un umbrella? It starts to rain. 23. You make a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? – I’m trying. 24. Kate is on holiday in France. She has a great time and doesn’t want to come back. 25. Henry learns German. His 242 classes begin at six on Mondays and at five on Fridays. 26. He begins to get bored with his work. 27. The swimming pool is opening at 7.30 every morning. 28. We are meeting today after classes in room 177.

7. Translate only the sentences in which you should use the present continuous tense. А. 1. Извините , вы ждёте поезд в Бристоль ? – Нет , я встречаю свою маму на поезде из Винчестера . 2. Они временно снимают квартиру в Центральном рай- оне . 2. Каким видом спорта занимается ваш друг ? 3. Погода с каждым днём становится всё лучше и лучше . 4. Перед сном она любит почитать какой - нибудь женский журнал . 5. Вас раздражает эта музыка ? – Нет , мне она достав- ляет мне удовольствие . 6. Солнечное затмение происходит , когда Луна прохо- дит перед Солнцем . Лунное затмение случается , когда тень земли падает на Луну . 7. Кто -нибудь сегодня будет пользоваться проектором ? 7. Ты едешь в отпуск в Египет этим летом ? – Я как раз обдумываю это , но ещё не решила . 8. Сколько времени ты тратишь на подготовку домашнего задания ? 9. Джейн се- годня улетает в Брюссель , поэтому она уйдёт с работы раньше . 10. На этой фотографии мы видим мистера и миссис Кларк . Они не смотрят на зрителя , они смотрят друг на друга . 11. По каким дням ты посещаешь занятия йогой ? – По вторникам и четвергам . 12. Сколько времени уже ты работаешь над диссертацией ? – Полтора года . 13. Почему ты ездишь на работу на автобусе ? – Потому что это дешевле , чем на маршрутке . 14. Хочешь холодного квасу ? – Нет , я хочу мороженое . 15. Ты в четверг придёшь на вечеринку ? – Прости , не могу , к сожалению , в четверг я работаю допоздна . 16. Где ты хранишь чистые компакт -диски ? – В коробке за принтером . 17. Погода начинает улучшаться – дождь прекратился и ветер уже не такой сильный . 18. Панамский канал соеди- няет Атлантический и тихий океаны . 19. В какое время закрывается банк ? 20. У меня есть компьютер , но я им не очень часто пользуюсь . 21.

8. Translate only the sentences in which you should use the present continuous tense. 1. Они живут в Севастополе уже пять лет . 2. Его родственники живут в Герма- нии . 3. Я вижу , что наш ребёнок играет с другими детьми . Это хорошо . 4. Он считает , что ребёнок умный , но ленится . 5. Этот мальчик играет в компьютер- ные игры с утра . 6. Эллис преподает французский и испанский . 7. Она плохо говорит по -датски . 8. После завтрака она всегда выгуливает собаку (to walk the dog). 9. Джессике нравится эта сумка . 10. Уже поздно , а Джим всё ещё сидит за своим письменным столом . 11. Пора вставать . Будильник звонит . 12. Кто это поёт в соседней комнате ? – Это Дженни . Она хорошо поёт . 13. Этот человек говорит , что ему нужна карта . 14. Сестра Томаса больна уже десять дней . 15. Я пока остановился ( и живу ) у Джефа Фишера в Манчестере . 16. Мне нужна крупная сумма денег . 17. Энди моет свою машину . Он сегодня везет сына в цирк . Давай поможем ему .

9. Write the questions to which the following sentences could be the answers.

243 1. Who do you see? 2. Who does your friend see? 3. How many CDs do you see? 4. How many people do you see? 5. Whose child is it? 6. How do you feel? 7. How does your friend feel? 8. Whose help do you need? 9. Whose help does your friend need? 9. How old is your cousin? 10. Who do you help? 11. Who helps you? 12. What do you and your friend need? 13. Which of you friends play chess and which of them play tennis? 14. Are Victor and Marina playing tennis today? 15. Who likes cakes and who likes pickles? 16. Does Charlie buy expensive clothes? 17. Are you refreshing the material for the upcoming exam these days? 18. What is your best friend doing at present?

10. Read te text and say why Georgia shouted ‘Bravo’ during the lesson. Note: Both the present simple and the present continuous can be used in narratives (in stories, jokes, sum- maries of plays etc.). The simple present tense is used for the events that happened one after another in the past to recreate them in an active (dynamic) manner. Such texts are written more conventionally, as a nar- rative introduced with the historical present. The present continuous in narratives makes the action feel a little more immediate ; the reader might imagine the events happening in the actual present , while knowing they aren't. The difference between these two types of narratives is perceptible, but it's not huge.

TEXT Dancing in Class Georgia is sitting in class. Her professor is standing in front of the room. He is talking a lot. Georgia is finding the class a bit boring. In Georgia’s mind, she is doing something else. In Georgia’s imagination, she is not sitting in class. She is dancing on a stage in front of hundreds of people. She is wearing a beautiful costume. She is tapping. She is twirling. She is spinning on one leg. The stage lights are shining in her eyes. She is closing her eyes and concentrating on the music. She is having so much fun! Her heart is beating fast. The music is changing. She is changing costumes. Now she is dancing again. She is kicking her feet. She is leaping. She is flying through the air. Soon, she is finishing her show. The audience is standing on their feet. They are clapping and shouting, “Bravo! Bravo!” Georgia is taking a bow. Georgia is smiling for the cameras. “Bravo! Bravo!” She is having so much fun! “Georgia?” Georgia’s classmates are staring at her. “Georgia?” her professor is saying, looking at her with concern. He is not teaching anymore. “Yes?” Georgia is feeling a bit embarrassed. Her cheeks are getting red. “Are you feeling okay? You are shouting ‘Bravo! Bravo!’ in class.” "Oh, yes, professor. Sorry. I am just enjoying the class so much! Bravo! Bravo!"

Exercises 1. Complete the questions about the text and answer them. 1. Where ______Georgia? 2. What is the professor ______? 3. ______is Georgia doing? Is she ______to the professor? 4. Where is Georgia in her ______? 5. What is ______wearing? Is she ______costumes? 6. ______is she dancing? 7. Is she ______fun or is she bored while daydreaming? What makes you think so? 8. Why

244 is she ______her eyes? 9. When she is ______the show, what is the audience do- ing? 10. What is Georgia doing while the audience is ______? 11. Why ______Georgia stop daydreaming? 12. _____ she ashamed? Why do you think she is (she is not)? 13. The teacher is ______her if she is feeling okay, isn’t he? 14. How ____ she wriggling out of the awkward situation?

2. Match the words and collocations from the text with synonymous expressions. to sit in class in her imagination in her mind b) to turn around and around to concentrate on something c) not very interesting to tap d) Look fixedly or vacantly at someone to spin, to twirl e) to make a large jump a bit boring f) to hit something repeatedly to leap g) with anxiety, worry to take a bow h) to be at the lesson to stare at sombody / something i) to focus all one’s attention on j) to bend your head or body forward express- with concern ing thanks to people who have watched you perform

3. Divide the text into logical parts, think of a title for each part and retell the text briefly.

4. Retell the text in details using sentences with direct and indirect speech (includ- ing reported questions).

5. Explain the use of the present continuous tense. 1. My dad watches a lot of sport. This month he is watching the Olympics. 2. Jack’s living in Manchester for the time being. 3. He is becoming annoyed by the boys’ be- haviour. 4. We’re having lunch at twelve, come and join us at the cafeteria. 5. They are saving money to buy a car. 6. Is Archie speaking Italian to that man? 7. What are we doing ? We’re having lunch and the baby is sleeping . 8. She usually runs a mara- thon every year, but this year she isn’t running any. 9. Who are you waiting for? 10. Don’t disturb him. He is preparing the report. 11. The printer isn’t working . 12. I am giving a presentation next week. 13. It is becoming more and more difficult to es- cape the influence of the media. 14. He’s always using the tablet when I need it. 15. I hate people looking at me when I am jogging in the morning. 16. That child’s getting bigger every day. 16. What are you doing on Saturday? 17. Come and see us next week if you’re passing through London. 17. Look – the cat’s eating your breakfast! 18. Why is that girl standing on the table? 19. I usually read novels in the evening, but tonight I am not doing anything. 20. While you are doing the shopping, buy some milk, please. 21. You don’t usually play well, but today you’re playing bril- liantly! 22. Why is this girl jumping ? 23. George is eating too much unhealthy food this month. 24. We are meeting today after classes in room 427. 25. This week the Hampton Drama society is performing As You Like It by William Shakespeare. 26. I’m sleeping a lot these days. 27. I can’t find the money. – Are you being serious ? 245

6. Give the following sentences in indirect speech, make the necessary changes: 1. My father says: "Why don't you read English newspapers?" 2. Maggy says: "Why are you looking at me in that way?" 3. My teacher says: "You've got a number of mistakes in your translation." 4. She says: "What are you going to be when you leave the Institute?" 5. I say: "I'm sure I am going to be a teacher." 6. He says: "Italy is in the South of Europe." 7. My cousin says: "When are you coming to see us?" 8. She says: "I like the poem. I am going to learn it by heart." 9. Mother says: "Don't be late for dinner," 10. Our teacher says: "You must work more systematically." 11. They say: "Don't stay here any longer, It is getting dark." 12. The girl says: "We have a lot of English books at home." 13. The child says: "What are you doing?" 14. The mother says: "Why are you crying? Come up to me." 15. The boys say: "We want to help you, father." 16. Mr. Smith says: "Have dinner with us." 17. The mother says: "Eat up your porridge, children." 18. The teacher says: "Find the Thames on the map, Mike." 19. They say: "Don't make so much noise, John. The baby is asleep."

7. Writing. Translate into English, then write 250-300 words to continue the story. 1. Преподаватель стоит посреди аудитории . Он очень много говорит , но я на- хожу его занятие скучным . Я мечтаю . Я представляю , что сижу не на занятии . В моём воображении я ...

8. Read and write in words: 4, 14, 44, 9, 19, 90, 12, 38, 157, 673, 822, 1239, 1955, 2018, 3687, 277, 23/1 1964; 7/XI 1945, 22/VI 1941; 5/XII 1982.

9. Choose the right word: to leave — to stay 1. He ... home in summer. 2. He ... at home in summer. 3. We ... in Moscow, while our father is in the North. 4. He is ... the Urals very soon. 5. They never ... town for the vacation. 6. When will you ...? 7.1 don't think I'll ... at the Ivanovs' more than a fortnight. 8.1 can't... here any longer, the lectures begin at 9 o'clock, I must ... at once. 9. Our cousin is ... for Volgograd, he is going to ... and work there. 10. Why are you ...? We are going to have a meeting. 11. He is ... with us for another week, isn't he? — No, he is ... tomorrow morning, I am afraid. 12. When they... I shall... quite alone in the room. to come — to go 1. He usually ... home in time. 2. Our father ... to his office at a quarter to 9, as a rule. 3. The dean ... to the University at a quarter to 9. 4. If they ... to the Crimea in August I shall miss them. 5. Look, daddy is already ... home. 6. Where are you ...? I am... to the University. Our studies begin at 9 o'clock. still — more — another 1. It is already October but it is ... rather warm. 2. Give me ... pencil, this one is too small. 3. Give me ... glass of water, I am ... thirsty. 4. Give me some ... water, please. 5. We need ... time for the translation, I am afraid. 6. "I don't want to get up," says little Kitty, "it is ... very early." 7. Will you give me some ... milk?

246 8. He asks for ... apple. 9. Let me have some ... pudding, it is very tasty. 10. Help yourself to some ... pie. 11. Help yourself to ... piece of pie. 12.1 can't eat the por- ridge, it is ... very hot. 13. It is ... early, you needn't hurry. 14. I should like to have some ... salad. 15. Nick is not at home. He is ... at the Institute. 16. It is ... snowing, 17. The students need ... practice in these words. 18. She is going to buy some ... milk. 19. Try to get ... books on English literature. 20. May I have ... ticket to the Bolshoi Theatre? 21. Will you please give me some... porridge? 22. They are ...talking.

10. Fill in prepositions if necessary: A. 1. Pass ... me the salt, please. 2. Pass,the salt ... me. 3. Give the bread ... me. 4. Show this text ... the teacher. 5. Show... the teacher this book. 6. He is going to come л. half an hour. 7. Look г. the boy. How dirty he is! 8. I see a new wall- newspaper \*? the corridor. 9. The children are playing ... the gar- den. 10. Are you going т.. home? — No, I am going S9. the li- brary. 11. They have breakfast... 8 o'clock v.. the morning. 12.1 dine 3 o'clock the afternoon. 1^3. What do you see this picture? 14. Excuse me, may I go .h? 15. Please, come We are just beginning our lesson. 16. The bell is ringing, the students are coming**:.; the room. The teacher is entering ... the room. The bell is ringing and the students are leaving ;.. the room. He is leaving rv. St.Petersburg, you know.

B. 1. Will you wait ... me, I'll come ... a minute. 2. Are you ready ... the answer? 3. Have some fruit. ... pleasure. 4. Help yourself... some fruit, please. 5. I prefer an ap- ple ... ice-cream. 6. The children are ready... breakfast. They are waiting ... their fa- ther. 7. Let's have some herring to begin .... 8. What do you say ... an ice-cream? 9. As(.. me I prefer a piece of cake ... sweets. 10. A waitress is coming ... our table. What shall we order? 11. The pudding is ... your taste, I hope. 12. Going to the river is the question, it's too cold to bathe today. 13. Father usually comes ... home time. 14. We must pay the waitress ... the dinner. 15. I'm fond.., vegetables and meat.

11. Replace the part of the model in bold type by the following:

Model: I am leaving for London . Cambridge, New York, Sydney, Sochi, Yakutsk etc .; the Urals, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Ukraine, the country, your answer .

Supplementary Texts Give me a moment

247 Billy’s friends are calling him outside to play football. “Not now,” says Billy. “First I have to play the piano, then do my lessons and clean the rooms. Only after that I am allowed to go out. So wait for me after fifteen minutes.”

A Letter to a Friend Bessie is a little girl. She is only five. She does not go to school and, of course, she does not know how to read and to write. But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is ten. One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and some paper in front of her. “What are you doing, Bessie?” she says. Bessie answers: “I am writing a letter to my friend Kitty.” “But you don’t know how to write,” says her sis- ter. “Well,” says Bessie, “it doesn’t matter, because Kitty does not know how to read.”

A Clever Boy The class is having a gym lesson. The students are doing “the bike-riding” exer- cise. Only Tom is not moving his legs. “Why aren’t you moving your legs?” the sports master asks. “I don’t need to. Right now I am riding down the mountain side.” A Long Meeting A speaker talking for more than two hours says to his audience: “I am sorry, I spoke so long. You see, I haven’t got a watch with me.” “Yes,” shouts one of the au- dience, “but there is a calendar back of you.”

Who’s making the noise? A head teacher is making his rounds of the school when he hears a terrible commo- tion coming from one of the classrooms. He rushes in and spots one boy, taller than the others, who seems to be making the most noise. He seizes the lad, drags him to the hall, and tells him to wait there until he is excused. Returning to the classroom, the head teacher restores order and lectures the class for half an hour about the im- portance of good behaviour. 'Now,' he says, 'are there any questions?' One girl stands up timidly. 'Please sir,' she asks, 'may we have our teacher back?' Whose dog doesn’t bite? A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper "Does your dog bite?" The shopkeeper says, "No, my dog does not bite." The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him. "Ouch!" He says, "I thought you said your dog does not bite!" The shopkeeper replies, "That is not my dog!" Paying attention Four-year-old Diego is playing in the pool. His mother, Darlene, is sitting in the sun beside the pool. She is reading a book. At least, she is trying to read a book. "Hey Mom! I am swimming!" "Yes honey, you are swimming." "Mom, are you watching me?" "Yes, honey. Of course I am watching you!" Diego is trying to splash water onto her book. She is trying to ignore this. "Mom! I am holding my breath under water."

248 The book is getting really exciting. The police are solving a crime. Diego’s mother is trying to concentrate. "Mom! You are not even watching me!" "Yes, Diego! I am watching you and I am reading a book. I am doing both things at the same time." "Mom, are you paying attention? I am doing a handstand." In the book, the police officer is chasing a suspect. Diego’s mother is hardly breathing. Diego is being quiet for once. Too quiet. Suddenly, Diego’s mother is looking around for Diego. She cannot find him. Suddenly, time is standing still. Suddenly, she isn’t breathing at all. "Diego! Diego! Are you hiding from me? Diego! You are not being funny!" She is trying not to panic. She is walking around the pool, looking in the water. "Boo!" Out of nowhere, Diego is standing right behind her. "Diego! What are you doing?" Suddenly she is crying and hugging him tightly. "I am making sure you are paying attention, Mom!" "Well, I am paying attention and now we are going home!"

Sally’s Phone by Christine Lindop Do you have a phone? Who do you call? Who calls you? Can you live without your phone? Sally has a phone, and a busy life. She gets many phone calls - mostly from her boyfriend, Andrew. Andrew likes telling Sally what to do - and what to wear. Sally and Andrew are going to a party tonight. 'Wear your blue skirt', says Andrew. But Sally can't wear it - it's dirty, so she has to go shopping for a new one. But when Sally goes shopping she gets more than just a new skirt - she gets something that will change her life. 1 Morning It is Thursday morning. SalIy is in bed. Suddenly - Ring ring! Her phone is ringing - but where is it? SalIy gets out of bed and looks in her bag. No phone. She looks under the bed. No phone. Then she looks behind the door. There is her phone. SalIy picks up her phone and answers it. 'Hello Sally, it's Andrew.' Andrew is Sally's boyfriend. He has got a lot of money and a beautiful and expensive car. 'Andrew, it's only seven o'clock-' 'Don't forget, Sally - we're meeting Michael tonight. It's an important evening, because Mi- chael's my new boss. Wear your blue skirt, Sally, I like that skirt. I must go now. See you at half past six. Bye.' 'But Andrew ... Bye.' 'I can't wear the blue skirt,' Sally thinks, 'It's dirty. What can I wear?' Sally is having breakfast with her mother and her brother Jack. 'I'm going out tonight,' Sally tells her mother. 'Andrew and I are meeting his new boss.' 'Andrew?' Jack says. 'Huh!' 'Oh be quiet, Jack,' Sally says. 'Andrew is very nice to me.' 'Nice?' Jack says. 'Huh! "Sally, I want a sandwich." "Yes, Andrew." "Sally, I don't like your hair." "No, Andrew, sorry Andrew." "Sally-'" But then Sally stands up, and Jack runs out of the room.

249 Sally gets on the train. There are a lot of people on the train. Most of them are talking on their phones. 'John? John! Get up and go to work. It's late!' 'Have you got my money? 1 need it today. 1 must have it today.' 'Remember - go to the supermar- ket tonight. Don't forget!' And Sally is listening to Andrew. 'Sally, meet me at six o'clock, not at half past six. OK?' 'OK Andrew - but my blue skirt-' '1 must go, Sally - bye.' Then the train goes into a tunnel. The people on the train can not talk on their phones. They must talk to the other people on the train. 'Hello, Max! How are you?' 'Oh, hello Graham! I'm very well.' 'Where are you working now, Lucy?' 'I'm in a new office in Bank Street.' 'Those are nice shoes, J ane.' . 'Thank you, Mary.' After three minutes, the train comes out of the tunnel. Everyone talks on their phones again. 'Hello? John? Are you out of bed now?' Now Sally is at work. She is talking to her friend Claire, and she tells her about Andrew, Michael, and the blue skirt. 'It's OK, Sally,' Claire says. 'Let's go out at lunchtime. We can find a new skirt. You can wear it tonight.' Later, Claire and Sally are having coffee with Louise. She works with them. Ring ring! It is Andrew again. 'Hi, Sally. Look, meet me at the Bar Bogart, not the Cosmo Bar - OK? The Bar Bogart is nearer. Bye.' 'Bar Bogart,' Claire says. 'Mmm - that's nice.' 'Huh!' Louise says. 'Forget him, Sally. Who needs men? "Do this, do that, go there, don't go there." Huh!' 2 Lunchtime It is one o'clock. Sally and Claire are looking at skirts. 'Do you like this one, Sally?' Claire says. 'Yes, it's beautiful, but I never wear red.' 'Do you like red?' Claire asks. 'Yes, I do - but Andrew doesn't.' 'Well,' Claire says, 'it's a beautiful skirt. You like red. What do you want to do?' Sally buys the skirt. Claire goes back to work, but Sally wants a coffee. She goes into a café. She buys a coffee and sits down. Then she phones her mother. 'Hi, Mum. I've got a new skirt - it's beautiful' I want to wear it tonight.' 'What colour is it?' 'It's red.' 'That's nice. Red is a good colour for you,' says her mother. Next to Sally, Paul is finishing his coffee. He phones his friend and talks to him. Then he stands up. The bag with the red skirt falls on the floor. 'Oh! I'm sorry,' Paul says. He puts down his phone and picks up the bag. 'Here's your bag.' 'That's OK,' Sally says. 'Thank you.' She smiles. 'What a nice smile!' Paul thinks. Paul picks up his phone and goes out of rhe café. Sally finishes her coffee. She picks up her bag and her phone, and goes back to work. 3 Afternoon Paul is in his office. Ring ring! 'What's that noise?' Paul thinks. He answers the phone. It is Andrew. 'Hello, Sally?' 'It's not Sally, it's Paul.' 'Paul? Paul who? Where's Sally?' 'Who's Sally? There's no Sally here.' 'Huh!' Andrew finishes the call. Paul wants to phone his mother. He finds 'Mum' on the phone, and presses the button. 'Hello, Mum. It's Paul.' 'Paul? Who's Paul? I'm not Paul's Mum. I'm Sally's Mum and Jack's Mum.' 'What's happening?' Paul thinks. 'What number is that?' he asks. -'It's 0783 491839.' 'I'm very sorry,' Paul says. 'It's the wrong number.' 'That's OK,' Sally's Mum says. 'What a nice voice!' she thinks. Sally is at work. Ring ring! 'What's that noise?' Sally thinks. She answers the phone. 'Hello, is Paul there?' 'No, I'm sorry, this-' 'Can you give a message to him? 250 This is his sister Katharine. There's a party at my house tonight. It's my birthday.' 'But I-' '8 o'clock - OK? Bye.' SaIly talks to Claire and Louise. 'l've got a message for Paul - but who's Paul? Do you know a Paul, Claire?' she asks. 'No. What's the message?' Claire asks. 'It's his sister Katharine's birthday, and she's having a party tonight. Do you think it's a wrong number?' 'Yes, I think it is,' Claire says. 'Hey, Sally!' Louise says. 'Put on your red skirt and go to the party. Forget Andrew!' Paul talks to a friend at work. 'This is Sally's phone - and Sally's got my phone.' 'But who is Sally?' 'I don't know,' says Paul. 'Why don't you phone her?' 'What's my number?' Paul asks. 'I don't know my number.' 'Why not?' 'Because I never call my number!' Paul phones his mother. Mum, what's the number of my phone?' 'Why do you want your phone number, Paul?' 'Because Sally's got my phone.' 'Who's Sally?' his mother asks. '1 don't know, but she's got my phone, and I've got her phone.' 'I don't understand.' 'I know, , says Paul. 'It doesn't matter. Have you got my number?' 'Here it is. 0781 644834.' 'Thanks, Mum.' Paul phones Sally. 'Hello, Sally - this is Paul.' 'Paul - are you Katharine's brother?' Sally asks. 'Yes, that's right. And I've got your phone.' 'My phone? Oh - wait a minute. The Café Cuba at lunchtime? The bag on the f1oor?' 'Yes, that's right. Well, we need to change phones.' 'OK - where are you now, Paul?' 'In College Road. I work there.' 'I work in Manchester Street. Can we meet in Queen's Square?' Sally asks. 'OK. What time do you finish work?' 'At half past five.' 'Let's meet in Queen's Square at a quarter to six,' says Paul, 'Phone me then.' 'OK, Paul,' says Sally. It is half past five. Sally puts on her new skirt. 'Do you like it, Louise?' she asks. 'Oh yes. It's very nice.' It is twenty to six. Paul arrives in Queen's Square. He looks for Sally. Is that Sally? He can not remember. He phones Sally. 'Hello, Sally. It's Paul. I'm in Queen's Square.' 'Hello, Paul. I'm coming.' There are lots of people in Queen's Square, and many of them are talking on phones. Which is Paul? Sally can not remember. She phones Paul. 'Paul, have you got black hair?' 'No, I haven't.' , Good!' Sally thinks. 'Have you got a book in your hand?' asks Sally. 'No, I haven't.' ‘Good!' Sally thinks. Sally can not find Paul. 'Where are you, Paul?' 'I'm near the trees.' Sally goes across the square to the trees. 'Are you Paul?' Sally says. Paul looks at Sally. 'She's beautiful!' he thinks. 'Yes, I'm Paul.' 'He's nice!' Sally thinks. 'I'm Sally. So - we meet again.' ‘I’m sorry about your phone, Sally. Here ir is.' "I'hat's OK. Here's your phone, Paul.' 'Sally - would you like a drink? I want to say sorry.' 'OK, but I haven't got much time.' Paul Iooks for a bar. 'Ler's go to the Blue Moon. We can have a drink there.' Paul and Sally are at the Blue Moon. Sally sits down at a table. Paul brings their drinks. 'Here's your drink, Sally. And I am sorry about your phone.' 'Forget it, Paul - it doesn't matter. Oh, I've got a message for you. It's from your sister Katharine.' 'From Katharine? What is it?' 'She says that it's her birthday today, and there's a party at her house.' ‘Oh no!' Paul says. 'I always forget birthdays. What can I do?’ Sally looks across the square. Near the trees a woman is selling flowers. 'Buy some flowers for your sister, and take them to the party" she says to Paul. 'Of course! 251 That's the answer. Look, Sally - do you want come to the party with me? Katharine always has good parties.' ‘Well, I.. .' Sally says. Oh, I must tell you,' Paul says. 'I've got a message for you from Andrew. He says -' 'It doesn't matter, Paul,' says Sally. '1 don't want the message. I would like to go to the party with you. But I must do something before we go.' Sally takes her phone out of her bag and turns it off. In the Bar Bogart, Andrew phones Sally. Sally does not answer. 'Sally?' says Andrew. 'Sally? Answer me!' Sally and Paul leave the Blue Moon. 'That's a nice skirt,' says Paul. 'I like red.' Sally smiles at him.

UNIT 3 Артикуляция звуков и фонетические явления Дифтонги [ ʊə ], [ əʊ ], [ ɛə ], [a ʊ], [ ɔɪ ], [ ɪə ] Фонема [ ʊə ] Фонема [ ʊə ] — дифтонг , ядром которого является гласный [ ʊ], скольже- ние происходит в направлении нейтрального гласного [ ə] с оттенком [ ʌ]. Сле- дует избегать сильного округления и выпячивания губ при произнесении пер- вого элемента .

Фонема [ ɛə ] Фонема [ ɛə ] — дифтонг , ядром которого является очень открытый , на- пряжённый звук [ ɛ] ( Гласный [ ɛ] идентичен русскому [ э] в слове этот . В изо- лированном виде фонема [ ɛ] в английском языке не встречается ). При произ- несении [ ɛ] язык выдвинут вперёд , средняя спинка языка немного поднята к твёрдому нёбу , но меньше , чем при [e]. Заканчивается дифтонг скольжением в направлении [ ə].

Фонема [a ʊ] Фонема [a ʊ] — дифтонг , его ядро — открытый гласный звук [ а], который является промежуточным между английским [æ] и русским [ а], второй элемент – слабый гласный звук , близкий к [ ʊ], который призносится нечётко , без ок- ругления губ .

Фонема [ ɔɪ ] [ɔɪ ] — дифтонг . Ядро дифтонга представляет собой звук , средний между [ɒ] и [ ɔ:]. После произнесения ядра язык движется в направлении гласного [ ɪ]. В случае ошибки типа [ ой ] следует делать первый элемент дифтонга более от- крытым и менее лабиализованным , а второй элемент значительно ослабить .

Фонема [ ɪə ] Фонема [ ɪə ] — дифтонг , ядром которого является гласный [ ɪ], как в слове [sɪt], а скольжение происходит в направлении нейтрального гласного [ ə], имеющего оттенок [ ʌ].

Сочетания гласных [aʊə ], [aɪə ], [ ɔɪə ], [ əʊə ]

252 [aʊə ], [aɪə ], [ ɔɪə ], [ əʊə ] –– трёхэлементные сочетания гласных . В сочета- ниях [aɪə ], [aʊə ], [ ɔɪə ] самый сильный и отчётливый элемент –– первый , самый слабый –– второй . Сочетание [ əʊə ] всегда безударно . Во избежание замены второго элемента сочетаний [aɪə ], [ ɔɪə ] звуками [j] или [ й] не следует поднимать очень высоко среднюю часть спинки языка . При произнесении сочетаний [aʊə ] и [ əʊə ] не следует сильно выдвигать губы и заменять второй элемент сочетания губно -губным сонантом [w]. Вопросы 1. Опишите артикуляцию фонем [ ʊə ], [ ɜʊ ], [ ɛə ], [aʊ], [ ɪə ], [ ɔɪ ]. Изготовьте кар- точки с описанием артикуляции изученных в этом разделе фонем с описанием их артикуляции и классификации . 2. Как избежать следующих фонетических ошибок : русское [ у] при артикуляции ядра дифтонга [ ʊə ] русское [оу ] при артикуляции дифтонга [ əʊ] русское [ ой ] при артикуляции дифтонга [ ɔɪ ]?

Упражнения 1. Произнесите , соблюдая правила артикуляции . [ʊə ] [əʊ ] [ɛə ] [aʊ] [ɔɪ ] [ɪə ]

2. Произнесите , следя за тем , чтобы артикуляция дифтогнга [ ʊə ] была со- средоточена на первом элементе . t ʊə ʃʊə b ʊə p ʊə m ʊə t ɔ: ʃɔ : b ɔ: p ɔ: m ɔ:

3. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию дифтонга [ ʊə ]. mʊə - mj ʊə pʊə - pj ʊə ʃʊə - sj ʊə tʊə d - stj ʊə d mɔ: - mj ʊə pɔ:- pj ʊə ʃɔ : - s ʊə

4. Произнесите , сохраняя различия между долгим монофтонгом [u:] и ди- фтонгом [ʊə ]. tu: – t ʊə tu: – ˈtʊə rɪst dju: – ˈdj ʊə l ˈdʒu:d ɪ –ˈdʒʊə rɪ ʃu: – ʃʊə pu: – ˈpʊə lɪ fju: – ˈfjʊə l ˈju:nj ən – ˈjʊə rəp

5. Произнесите , обращая внимание на сходство ядра дифтонга [ɜʊ ] и звука [ɜ:]. ɜ: – ɜʊ ɜ:θ – ɜʊ θ ˈɜ:bən – ˈɜʊ pn ɜ:k – ɜʊ k ɜ:d – ɜʊ d ˈɜ:d ʒə nt – ˈɜʊʃ n ɜ:n – ɜʊ n ɜ:l – ɜʊ ld ˈɜ:m ɪn – ˈɜʊ mən

6. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию дифтонга [ɛə -ɛə -ɛə ] 253 care chair stair aeroplane square fair wear air hair where Look at that aeroplane! Where? Up there, in the air, of course!

7. Произнесите следующие слова с гласными [e], [ɛə ], [æ], обращая внима- ние на различия в степени подъёма языка при артикуляции данных гласных . ʃel – ʃɛə d – ʃæl step – st ɛə z – tæp ded – dɛə d – dæd ken – kɛə d – kæn bed – bɛə z – bæd hed – hɛə z – hæd

8. Произнесите следующие пары слов с дифтонгами [eɪ], [ ɛə ]. me ɪ – m ɛə ste ɪ – st ɛə ke ɪ – k ɛə ˈke ɪpəbl – ˈkɛə lɪs de ɪ – d ɛə be ɪ – b ɛə pe ɪ – p ɛə kəmˈpe ɪn –kəmˈpɛə

9. Произнесите следующие односложные слова с дифтонгом [aʊ], следя за тем , чтобы основное артикуляционное усилие было сосредоточено на ядре .

na ʊ ba ʊ ka ʊ ha ʊ wa ʊ sa ʊ aʊl aʊt

10. Прослушайте слова с дифтонгом [aʊ] и запишите их в транскрипции . Прочитайте слова по транскрипции , обращая внимание на позиционную долготу дифтонга [aʊ].

11. Прослушайте и запишите слова с дифтонгом [aʊ] в транскрипции за диктором . Найдите эти слова в словаре и проверьте , правильно ли вы напи- сали их в транскрипции .

12. Прослушайте слова с дифтонгами [a ɪ] и [aʊ] и запишите их в транскрип- ции . Прочитайте слова по транскрипции , обращая внимание на различия в артикуляции дифтонгов [a ɪ] и [a ʊ].

13. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию дифтонга [aʊ]. [a ʊ-aʊ- a ʊ] how now vowel loud a thousand pounds loud vowel sounds round the house Countdown – three, two, one, now!

14. Произнесите следующие слова с дифтонгом [ ɔɪ ], следя за тем , чтобы ар- тикуляционное усилие было сосредоточено на ядре дифтонга . tɔɪ bɔɪ dʒɔɪ əˈnɔɪ 254 kɔɪ rɔɪ ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ɪmˈpl ɔɪ

15. Произнесите , соблюдая позиционную долготу дифтонга [ ɔɪ ].

bɔɪ – b ɔɪ l – b ɔɪ lɪŋ – v ɔɪ s tɔɪ – t ɔɪ l – t ɔɪ lɪŋ – t ʃɔɪ s kɔɪ – k ɔɪ n – k ɔɪ lɪŋ – p ɔɪ nt dʒɔɪ – d ʒɔɪ n – d ʒɔɪ nɪŋ – d ʒɔɪ nt

16. Произнесите , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию дифтонга [ ɔɪ ] и глас- ных [ ɔ:] и [ ɒ]. rɔ: – r ɔɪ tʃɔ :k– t ʃɔɪ s ɪmˈpl ɔ: – ɪmˈpl ɔɪ bɒs – b ɔɪ z dʒɔ : – d ʒɔɪ pɔ:z – p ɔɪ z ɪks ˈpɔ:t – ɪks ˈpl ɔɪ t rɪˈvɒlt – əˈvɔɪ d

17. Произнесите , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию дифтонга [ ɔɪ ] в связ- ной речи . а) ə sp ɔɪ lt tɔɪ ə vɔɪ sl ɪs sa ʊnd ə bɔɪ əv fɔ:

б) əvɔɪ d d ɪvɔɪ sɪŋ ð ə vɔɪ st kɒns ənənts ə wɒtʃt pɒt nev ə bɔɪ lz ɪndʒɔɪ j ɔ∙ mi:l

18. Произнесите слова с дифтонгом [ ɪə ]. dɪə bɪə nɪə gɪə st ɪə pɪə vɪə tʃɪə tɪə ʃɪə mɪə fɪə sɪˈvɪə kl ɪə

19. Произнесите , соблюдая артикуляцию дифтонгоида [i:] и дифтонга [ ɪə ]. i: – ɪə sni:z – sn ɪə d di:l – ˈdɪə lɪ ni: – n ɪə fi:d – f ɪə d ni:l – n ɪə lɪ bi: – b ɪə pi:l – p ɪə d kli:n – ˈkl ɪə lɪ

20. Произнесите , обращая внимание на артикуляцию дифтонга [ ɪə ]. [ɪə -ɪə -ɪə ] real clear year here ear hear beer we’re beard nearly cheers We’re here! Have a beer – cheers! Is there a bank near here? The meaning isn’t really clear.

255 21. Прослушайте и запишите следующие фразы в транскрипции . Сделайте их интонационную разметку .

5. а) Прослушайте следующие фразы , сделайте их интонациолнную раз- метку . б) Отработайте чтение предложений , обращая внимание на артикуля- цию звука [ð] и дифтонгов . Объясните употребление говорящими низкого восходящего тона . 1. A: Can I have one of those, please? B: These? A: No, the others, over there. 2. A: Two coffees, please. B: With milk? A: One with, and one without.

22. Протранскрибируйте следующие слова . Отметьте , где необходимо , словес- ное ударение ; a bell — bells; a mill — mills; a city — cities; a test — tests; an empty desk — empty desks; a sentence — sentences; a lily — lilies; a busy bee — busy bees.

23. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules: best, code, nod, tops, sent, bed, these, cod, sold, spoke, mock, theme, block, then, neck, cone, bold, enter, cell, centner, motor, dose, nest, depth, less, self, fold, doctor, five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, shall, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, mild, world, month, worth, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought.

24. Explain the pronunciation of the consonants in bold type in the following words:

fa ce, ei gh t, yet, gate, ca ge, en gine, lo ck , wr ong, wr ite, job, wh ite, gymnas- tics, Ali ce, ch est, li gh t, ch eek, fi sh , si gh , gently, kni gh t, bri gh t, gin ger, knock, ph ysics, ph lox, Gypsy, whole, w hip, w hisper.

25. Pronounce the sentences. 8) Where there is a will there is a way. 9) Everywhere we saw the white snow. 10) William wears warm winter woolies, whereas Walter wears whimzy white wellies.

26. Произнесите следующие слова с трёхэлементными гласными [aɪə ], [aʊə ] и сочетанием [ əʊə ]. Следите за тем , чтобы их первый элемент был наиболее сильным , а второй элемент –– наиболее слабым . а) ˈfa ɪə ɪnˈkwa ɪə ˈaɪə n ˈta ɪə d

256 ˈwa ɪə ˈdɪza ɪə ˈkwa ɪə t ˈda ɪə rɪ ˈkwa ɪə rɪˈkwa ɪə ˈda ɪə t ˈsa ɪə nt ɪst

б) ˈaʊə ˈba ʊə ˈgəʊə ˈləʊə ˈsa ʊə ˈta ʊə l ˈməʊə ˈsl əʊə ˈpa ʊə ˈva ʊə l ˈθrəʊə ˈfɒləʊə

27. Произнесите следующие слова , сравнивая произнесение дифтонгов а) la ɪ – la ɪə spa ɪ – spa ɪə pla ʊ – pla ʊə da ʊn – ˈda ʊə lɪs ba ɪ – ba ɪə dra ɪ – dra ɪə ba ʊ – ba ʊə ta ʊn – ta ʊə l ha ɪ – ha ɪə tra ɪ – tra ɪə va ʊ – va ʊə l ʃaʊt – ʃaʊə d

б) Послушайте слова с сочетаниями звуков [aɪə ], [ əʊə ] и запишите их в транс- крипции за диктором .

28. Произнесите , сохраняя правильную артикуляцию сочетаний [aɪə ], [aʊə ], [əʊə ] в связной речи .

1. ə 'kəʊ ld ʃaʊə || ə 'bɪg fa ɪə || ə 'kli:n ta ʊə l || ə bɪt ta ɪə d || ə str ɪkt da ɪə t || ə bju:t ɪfʊl fla ʊə || ən əʊ pən va ʊə l || ən əʊ ld aɪə n|| ver ɪ kwa ɪə t || mʌtʃ ha ɪə || le ɪt aʊə z || ði ju:nɪ vɜ:sɪtɪ kwa ɪə || ð ə rəʊ mən empa ɪə || ðə fa ɪə r əv lʌnd ən || ð ə ta ʊə r əv lʌnd ən ||

2. aʊə r ɒfɪs || aʊə r ɪŋgl ɪʃ kl ɑ:sɪz || aʊə r əʊ n ha ʊs || aʊə welkept gɑ:dn || aʊə ne ɪtɪv kʌntr ɪ || aʊə r 'əʊ ld frendz ||

3. aɪm 'gɜʊɪŋ t ə te ɪk ə ʃaʊə || wɛə z ma ɪ ta ʊə l || hɪə zə kli:n ta ʊə l || b ʌt d əʊ nt bi tu: lɒŋ || brekf əst ɪz red ɪ || a ɪ wɒnt ə gl ɑ:s əv d ʒu:s ɜʊ nl ɪ || a ɪ m əst ki:p tə ə str ɪkt da ɪə t||

29. Отработайте слитное и быстрое чтение скороговорок по схеме . Какие зна- комые вам фонетические явления вы заметили ? Слово → Словосочетание → Предложение 1) The sixth Sikh sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick. The sick Sikh sheikh’s slick sheep’s sixth. 2) I had a hat on my head. 3) A fiddling fiddler fiddled a fiddle with a fiddlestick. 4) Is this your sister's sixth thistle, sir? 5) Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. 6) This is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly. 257 7) A little beetle rattled in a bottle in Seatle. 8) Miss Smith’s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. 9) What’s written can’t be eaten or beaten. 10) A battle of a brittle bottle and a metal kettle was settled. 11) When you write a copy, you have a right to copyright the copy you write. 12) The sun shines on shop signs. 13) I can think of thin things, six thin things, and you? 14) Yes, I can think of thin things and of six thick things, too. 15) If a dog chews shoes, what shoes would he choose to chew? – Too few! He’s a choosy shoe-chewer!

Правила чтения трёхэлементных буквосочетаний и диграфа ir Буква , ( буквосо - Положение в слове Произношение Пример четание ) our [au ə] our , fl our в ударном по- [ɪə ] ere, eer ложении here , ch eer

[ɪə ] year, near ear [ɛə ] bear, tear ire [a ɪə ] fire

ure, ur + duri ng, p ure , гласная [j ʊə ], [ ʊə ] fury , s ure

Упражнения 1. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний в следую- щих словах .

a) cheer, deer, her, sphere, jerk, jeer, career, mere, beer, adhere, prefer, steer

б) near, fare, far, faring, hare, harm, hear, appear, clearing, care, ear, Clare, clear, car, glary, daring, darling, lark, star, stare, spare

в) hair, pair, part, air, sir, aid, stair, fair, fear, firm, flair, chair, char, shirt

г) pure, spur, cure, curl, fury, during, fur, mure, murky, bore, lurk, mural

2. Прочитайте в соответствии с правилами чтения . firm, trial, dial, dire, stir, admire, mirth, inspire, lion, Zion, liar, quiet, queer, diet, riot, giant, phial, liable hire, wire, retire

3. Протранскрибируйте слова и объясните правила чтения гласных . 258 old, no, flour, fury, choke, told, royal, boat, loud, secure, our, hair, daring, near, cheer, fire, loyal, fare, during, here, pure

4. Прочитайте скороговорку . Five fast fire trucks fled to free four friends from fire.

6. Устройте небольшой конкурс на лучшую скороговорку : за 5 минут приду- майте скороговорку со словами our, lawyer, royal, loyal, flour, sour, tower, hear, near, deer, cheer, during, furious, fire ( постарайтесь использовать как можно больше из этих слов ).

Правила чтения согласных Q [kju:], R [ ɑ:], S [es]*, T [ti:]*, U [ju:] и некоторых буквосочетаний

Буква , Положение в слове Произноше- Пример (букво- ние со - чета- ние ) o в открытом положе- no, нии в ударном слоге [əʊ ] ch oke перед ld old, t old oa boa t Lou d ou в ударном слоге [au]

are, air, кроме слова are [ɛə ] ar + fare, hair, dar-

гласная ing

Exercises 5. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний в следую- щих словах . а) soppy, sotto, pork, mop, mope, noon, norm, node, minor, golf, gorge, torch, shore, shot, job, Jordan, Gordon, core, fox, judo, sordid, chore, choke, spot, sport, born, bore, short, bond, porter, thorns, pork, lord, core, cod, fort, potter, pond, pore, rector, border, sort, chock, rook, rod, scooter,

б) words, work, worm, workaday, workshop, workstudy, world, worse, worst, worsen, worship, worth

в) yoke, cold, hold, abode, prone, old, poker, mold, poke, fold, hold, mode, gold, foe, told, bold, scold, slogan, sold, cold, Joe, told, stone, wove, cone, enfold, scone, bone, fold, old, gold, hold, cold, bold, poking, woe, toe

259 г) cot – cord – code; stock – stalk – stoke; pot – port – pole; lot – lord – lobe

д) chair, square, Mary, parents, Clare, their, there, where

е)road, coat, roast, load, oar, coast, roam, boat, coax, moat, soap, loan, coach, moan, soar, goal, roar, loaf, load, roam, goat, croak, oak, shoal, toad, roach, oar, toast, hoar, coal, road, oak, toe, woe, foe, doe, hoe, Joe, toes, goes, tiptoe

ж) found, cow, round, owl, shout, brown, down, loud, prow, scout, pouch, our, cow, round, gown, rout, howl, pound, out, town, foul, bound, now, noun, sound, couch, town, how, out, sour

з) chair, airy, dairy, pair, stair, repair, despair, hair, horsehair, hairy, mare, spare, snare, share, stare, tare, dare, care, fare, declare, stare, scare, welfare, flare, night- mare, silverware

14. Напишите следующие слова . [ke ɪdʒ | gæp | t ʃæp | ge ɪp | dʒæb | ed ʒ | e ɪdʒ | keg | sæg | eg]

15. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв буквосочетаний в следую- щих словах . а) car, Mark, park, large, class, Charlie, dark, far, army, fact, bat, shark, shame, shack, part, glass, sharp, gas, bark, sack, flask bardge, tag, Dartle, battle, task, jar, lance, glance, dance, marble, starch, pass, chance, bask, back, char

б) hash, hatch, hammer, habit, hamster, hamburger, Harry, hatred, habitat, hackles, haddock, haggard, haggis, hamlet, hamper, handle, handler, hanky, hapless, happy, harras, hassle, hassock, hatchery, hatchet, match, hatchway, hatpin

16. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний в следую- щих словах . в) nut, hut, cut, gut, but, jut, fun, run, nun, sun, gun, bun, up, pup, sup, cup, rug, mug, pug, jug, dug, bug, hub, rub, tub, bud, mud, cud, sum, hum, gum, rum, pug

17. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв g и j и буквосочетаний ge , - (e)dge в следующих словах . page, Jane, Jim, jack, teach, jay, hitch, jade, badge, jilt, stage, jet, wage, jazz, sledge, jacket, jackdaw, hedge, age, jab, jeep, tinge, cage, game, gain, gap, gag, gage, Benge, hinge, eagle, badge, gab, gamp, gaze, ledge, leg, mig, midge, egg, edge, gleam, dig

18. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения буквосочетаний sh , ch и tch в следующих словах . shelf, she, batch, fish, Sheila, Swedish, aitch, finish, Spanish, batched, shy, shine, dash, cheek, shake, shame, itch, hatch, hitch, etch, hutch, yacht, itchy, chap, gash, check, shell, stitch, cash, catch, leash, shack, dish, desk, chilly, shilly, stitch, splash, 260 pitch, lynch, cheap, cheese, match, chip, ditch, patch, chime, chat, leech, chain, chest, cheat, speech, cheep, each, catch, cinch, hitch, chain, peach, chap,

19. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения буквы s и буквосочетания th в сле- дующих словах . a) this, that, they, them, bathe, thin, thick, thane, theme, faith, thigh, lathe, bathe, seethe, swathe, lithe

б) lathe – lays, bathe – bays, seethe – sees, swathe – sways, lithe – lies

20. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения буквы o и буквосочетаний , содер- жащих эту букву , в следующих словах . work, word, wore, more, cod, worms, worst, worker, worth, port, pock, woke, wob- ble, working, dorm, spoilt, worm, toddler, world, worthy, sport, pore, before, nod, worship, worse

21. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний в следующих словах . а) cart, train, cater, arena, parch, Chester, reach, sprain, dealer, streamer, refrain, pa- rade, temper

б) music, student, tune, blue, rule, June, tule, rude, jute, ruby, Lucy, blue, prune, flute, duty, true, Luke, due, tunic, huge, tube, juke, Judy, ruler, Jule, amuse, lute

в) call, walker, walls, stalk, talker, task, stalls, ball, bask, small, glance, all, hall, dancer, calling, appalling, prance

г) under, sunder, thunder, asunder, plunder, undershirt, understand, underbrush, un- derground, underneath

д) hang, bang, sing, think, bank, tank, wing, song, long

е) cedar, hammer, painter, pitcher, letter, litter, Edgar, barber, enter, catcher, larder, piper, paper

22. Прочитайте , обращая внимание на сочетания ng , nk , -nge . ink, lankle, uncle, angle, cnange, range, jingle, tinge, drink, rung, plunge, hungry, think, wing, stung, reading, revenge, cringe, inkling, humming, bitting, hitting, lungs, , avenge, sting, singe

23. Прочитайте , обращая внимание на чтение буквы g в разных позициях в слове . а) guide, prestige, garden, language, during, ecology, game, age, garage, gym, bridge, together, page, geese, green, guard, girl, gate, damage, ecological, give, mes- sage, guest, judge, gift, luggage, passenger, manager, agent, get, package, big, ga- rage, ecology, gift, passenger, garden, luggage, page, gym, ecological, damage, guide, guitar, age, bridge, message, guest, judge, manager, agent 261

24. Прочитайте следующие слова . Назовите слова , которые читаются не по правилам чтения ( исключения ). а) take, give, style, eve, mule, vase, lake, illuminate, dyke, June, bake, one, move, note, five, dome, have, rope, Pete, late, dene, Adam, rate, tune, hope, nine, lose, home, whose, time, prove, Mike, Alan, ate, live, plate, come, type, dene, take, are, Alice, rule, wake, some, same, plane, love, make, glove, joke, above, Pete, none, lute

б) man, brother, can, company, am, what, fill, mother, it, bad, cover, flat, comfort, hand, was, bed, red, help, colour, cup, ten, address, put, did, sun, big, hill, London, trip, money, in, English, want, lyrics, worry, typical, hotel, England, him, from, Emily, under, govern, bus, other, cut, nothing, full, one, hot, top, clock, wonder, col- lege, Monday, with

25. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания , обращая внимание на правильность выбора фонетического варианта произнесения артикля . the line, the apple, the page, in the table, the name, the elf, at the end, the plan, the child, the aim, in the bag, the man, the East, the ice, at the map, the English lan- guage, the eagle, the yellow scarf, the white dress, the elephant, the pupil, the school cafeteria, the end

26. Прочитайте , соблюдая правильную артикуляцию изученных звуков . а) They have thin pencils. This is a thick pen, and that is a thin pen. б) Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick. в) Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. г) Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards. д) This music has little tune in it. е) June is a student.

27. Продиктуйте друг другу по буквам следующие слова ( один студент дикту- ет , другой записывает , затем наоборот ). Проверьте друг у друга , правильно ли выполнено упражнение . Student 1: beg, peak, fetch, debate, eave, edgy, mete, elate, effective, meddle, fee, indent, select, wedge, delete, absence, settle, acetic, penge, picky, festive, kedge, avenge, sledge, eek Student 2: peg, beak, match, estate, leave, pledges, cede, abate, expensive, pebble, lee, depend, insistence, sect, sedge, beset, tricky, keg, fetid, cadence, ledge, fledge, dredge, bagel, wedge

28. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения в следующих словах . might, sight, knight, kite, kit, keg, stage, sigh, ship, eight, night, nigh, weigh, bite, bit, deny, shag, blight, gage, tight, plight, pit, galactic, slight, fag, fight, delight, sleigh, fit, spite, aline, akin, define, befit, knightly, alight, Wight,wit

Обобщающие упражнения на правила чтения 1. Протранскрибируйте следующие слова и объясните правила их чтения : 262 sit, lame, back, miss, sack, gave, tip, tide, tap, late, mad, made, nine, fill, cake, thick, bat, pin, pine, hate, act, ice, plot, face, hid, fate, stamp, spot, pile, land, mist, mole, mark, gold, cap, nose, fix, harm, merry, horn, start, form, exact, examination, exist, sixty, appendix, expend, exotic, except, exile.

2. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . hi, lawyer, hall, our, flower, tower, flour, serf, vowel, shower, Pat, file, pet, Peter, pert, Styx, peer, mere, serf, yoke, fern, sect, recede, delta, irksome, delete, met, mete, Togo, jerky, past, reader, shrive, astern, depend, member, meddle, drug, pli- able, Ede, Ed, kerb, elect, persist, permit, sincere, perhaps, bind, eke, severe, serpent, sentiment, fist, sediment, cryptic, incidence, lymph, tryst, intrude, abyss, physical, usher.

3. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . pat, typical, date, dart, intrude, dare, data, hall, park, put, compare, substance, glance, fame, fare, stack, stark, glare, clearance, fact, face, falling, daze, flash, Ada, cage, stylus, blast, matter, falling, Ada, knave, smaller, stalk, meddle, task, file, fire, liar, fill, bird, nymph, expire, pliable, bind, fist, style, stick, shrive, shirk, comply, quick, sphinx, Byrd, imply, type, typical, try, ivy, Styx, tidy, stylus, tight, myrtle, system, cage.

4. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . stole, rosy, gypsy, face, near, trust, world, stack, sect, Peter, rune, compare, sore, omit, world, Chinese, goat, wool, door, poor, photo, coddle, soppy, look, wobble, beetle, car, tunnel, gore, solo, hedge, worm, sordid, incidence, Japanese, scold, cod, cord, ode, cold, connect, irksome, room, provoke, scold, gore, odd, cork, convene, pair, yoke, Togo.

5. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . moon, soon, boot, stool, downward, too, binding, zoo, book, look, wool, foot, cook, door, blood, floor, sturdy, stub, corrupt, rute, tuna, mule, vulgar, ugly, unbend, un- burden, surge, usher, urchin, pure, super, true, boot,ctrumpet, cook, tulip, stunk, stu- pid, abuse, sour, acute, curse, brute, buckle, burner, drug, dune, dusk, due, judo, un- dercut, rum, jury, poor, flood, logo, gaze, too, lock, forward, moon, be, stool, soon, go, zoo, food, I, fool, good, foot, blood, floor, to, who, two, do.

6. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . rucksack, affair, hymn, gold, year, ear, Japan, baker, ball, binding, wild, springing, spool, stalls, stem, lawyer, fool, stark, number, plunder, plump, pilot, hour, power, food, order, lust, lungs, perfect, knock, knave, knead, theme, mystery, silver, good, shame, sender, selfless, scale, stitch, tunnek, internal, inward, ware, witty, stupid.

7. Прочитайте . Объясните правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний . hall, serf, pat, file, Styx, yoke, irksome, Togo, past, shrive, drug, delta, pliable, bind, fist, typical, intrude, put, falling, Ada, stylus, knave, meddle, usher, cage, rune, quick, scold, pair, gore. 263

Интонация Ровный тон Ровный тон употребляется в предложениях , вводящих прямую речь , а также в случаях , когда говорящий как бы раздумывает , не зная , что сказать дальше , когда он колеблется или как бы беседует сам с собой . Ровный тон передаёт значения сомнения , неуверенности , а также неза- вершённо cти высказывания и дальнейшего развития мысли говорящего. На- пример : ˗Fine. Прямая речь : интонация предложений с прямой речью Если слова , вводящие прямую речь , предшествуют ей , они , как правило , образуют самостоятельную синтагму . В этом случае они произносятся низким нисходящим тоном , либо на среднем уровне ( ровным тоном , Midlevel). Напри- мер :

He says, | “I’m twenty.”

He > says, | “I’m twenty.”

Когда же слова , вводящие прямую речь , следуют за ней , они не несут фразового ударения и не выделяются в отдельную синтагму .

“I’m twenty,” he says.

30. Прослушайте и запишите предложения с прямой речью , правильно рас- ставляя знаки препинания .

Интонация предложений с косвенной речью Придаточные дополнительные в предложениях с косвенной речью не выделяются в отдельную синтагму : He says he likes it. Интонационную структуру аналогичную структуре предложений с кос- венной речью имеют предложения с глаголами , вводящими косвенной речью , и выражающими собственное мнение говорящего : I believe it’s a nice city.

Exercises 1. Read the sentences paying attention to the intonation. 1. ~ 1. They say it’s late. 2. He says it’s time. 3. She says she’s ill. 4. We say they’re fine. 5. Nick says it’s a pity. 6. Alice says it’s dark. 7. Jack and Jane say they need it. 8. Charles says he has it. 9. Charlotte Fisher says she likes it. 10. Jenny says she sees him. 11. Archie says he plays it. 12. The teachers say they plan it. 13. George Clarke

264 says he’s enjoying it. 14. Oliver Richards says he’s working on it. 15. Rebecca Wright says she’s waiting for him. 16. James Harris says he’s looking forward to it. 17. Hannah Smith says she misses him. 18. Jack says he misses them. 19. Jane says she teaches them. 19. Iris and Elizabeth say they need it. 20. Martha says she lelps them. 21 She says she does it. 22. He says he asks them.

2. Начертите интонограммы следующих предложений с прямой и косвенной речью ( по одной интонограмме на каждый тип предложений с одинаковой ин- тонациолнной структурой ) и прочитайте их вслух . Придумайте по одному предложению по каждому типу интонационной структуры . 2. He says, “I’m late.” She says, “He’s ill.” She says, “It’s dark.” He says, “She’s pale.” He says, “It’s Sam.” She says, “I’m ten.” He says, “It’s nice.” I say, “I’m glad.” 3. “He’s ill,” she says. “It’s late,” they say. “I’m glad,” I say. “It’s Nick,” he says. “She’s pale,” he says. “I’m fine,” she says. “It’s dark,” they say. 4. He says, “Archie’s lazy.” They say, “Harry’s picky.” 5. They say it’s late. He says it’s time. She says she’s ill. We say they’’re fine. 6. Charles says he has it. Ted says he likes it. 7. Jim says it’s a shame. Will says it’s a game. 8. Nick says it’s a pity. Ned says she’s pretty. 9. Alice says it’s dark. Liza says she’s twelve. Charlotte says she’s late. Edward says he’s glad. 10. Jack and Jane say they need it. Grace and Jim say they’re ready. 11. Jessica says Oliver is in. Emily says Jennifer is ten.

Интонация предложений с обращением Если слово -обращение стоит в начале предложения , оно произносится с нисходящим тоном и образует смысловую группу . Если слово -обращение сто- ит в конце предложения , оно безударно и продолжает мелодию предшествую- щей синтагмы .

Обращение в начале предложе- Обращение в конце предложе- ния ния

Dan, wait a little. Wait a little, Dan.

Интонация предложений со словом “please” Произношение слова please зависит от его места в предложении . Обычно слово “please” ставится в конце или в начале предложения ( в начале предло- жения “please” произносится таким же тоном , как первый ударный слог , а кон- це предложения оно безударно или частично ударно ) и произносится с мело- дией предшествующей смысловой группы . Слово “please” обычно не образует отдельной смысловой группы .

265 “please” в начале предложения “please” в конце предложения

Please wait a little. Wait a little, please. В середине предложения слово please может быть ударно или безударно . Например : Will you please switch on the com puter?

Exercises 7. Прослушайте фразы , содержащие обращение и объясните особенности интонационного оформления синтагмы , если обращение находится в конце фразы . Начертите интонограмму к каждой фразе . Произнесите фразы , ими- тируя интонацию носителей языка . 1. It’s a nice film, Alice. I like it. 2. It’s fine today, isn’t it, Jane? 3. Keep silent, Philip. 4. Step aside, Kelly. 5. Stay a bit later, David.

8. Распорядитесь , чтобы человек , к которому вы обращаетесь , выполнил сле- дующие действия вовремя . Model Dave,\ meet Candice in time, please. 1) напечатать пять текстов ; 2) дать Максу его таблетки ; 3) встретить Эмилию ; 4) отправить электронное письмо Элле Дейвис ; 5) отправить СМС -сообщение жене Алекса Эванса ; 6) отремонтировать планшет Билла Келли ; 7) найти клю- чи Теда Белла ; 8) отремонтировать компьютер ( ПК ) Эммы ; 9) найти компакт - диски Дейзи

9. Прочитайте предложения по схемам . 9. Please give him Emm’s disks. Please send him five pics.

10. Ben, fix Elen’s PC, please. Sam, pick seven CDs, please.

10. a) Read the following sentences, pay attention to the intonation of the word please in them: 1. Please bring me that newspaper. 2. Please pronounce the sentence once more! 3. Please "tell me your vname. 4. V Please take same salad for me. 5. Please "show me the Caucasus on the map! 6. Will you 'please "come up to me? 7. Will you please "pass me the book? 8. Will you please turn on the computer? 9. Will you "please "say it again? 10. Stand up, please! 11. Stop talking, please! 12. Step aside, please! 13. Help yourself to some pie, please.

266 b) Address one another with some reqnest using the word please at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the phrase and respond to it.

11. a) Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the intonation of direct address: 1. Ann, will you please fetch some milk from the kitchen? 2. Shall I put some more sugar on your cornflakes, John? 3. No more, Mum. 4. Why aren't you eating any- thing, Kitty? 5. Give me a little more cornflakes, dear. b) Address one another using the name of your fellow-student at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the phrase. Work in pairs. Read the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes and picture them on the staves: I. You are wrong, I am afraid. 2. As for me, I prefer bananas to tangerines. 3. Well, she says, it's time to have a bite. 4. As far as I know, Japanese is more difficult than Spanish. 5. Tastes differ, he says. 6. To tell you the truth, 1 don't like this beefsteak. 7. Besides, I'd like to be in time for the beginning of the party.

Интонация “Thank you” Thank you , произнесенное нисходящим тоном , выражает искреннюю бла- годарность . Те же самые слова , произнесенные восходящим тоном , служат вы- ражением лишь формально вежливой благодарности : Will you please 'switch 'on the com puter?|| Thank you.||

Thank you, Mike. | Go to your seat

Apposition Пояснение (apposition) — подвид определения в английском языке . По- яснительное определение по-иному называет определяемое понятие . Вместе они указывают на одно и то же . Пояснение , выступающее в качестве дополни- тельной информации , обычно отделяется от определяемого слова запятой , а интонационно выделяется в отдельную синтагму , ударно и произносится тем же тоном , что и определяемое слово , но на более низком уровне :

It’s my niece,| Betsy.

Exercise 1. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with the noun in ap- position: 1. ... girl was alone, ... rather short young woman of twenty-seven. 2. Her companion, ... handsome dark-haired youth, had left. 3. Last night we saw "An Ideal Husband", ... play by Oscar Wilde. 4. She was seventeen then — ... beautiful young creature. 5. This is my friend, ... writer. 6. Beside him hung the portrait of his wife, ... thin woman in black. 7. Tokyo, ... capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in 267 the world. 8. Our Institute, ... grey four-storeyed building, is not far from the rail- way. 9. Shakespeare, ... great English playwright, lived in the 17th century. 10. Mr. Bennett, ... man of fifty, resembled my father. 11. I saw him speaking to a young man,... Englishman.

2. Работа в парах . Представьте , что вы хорошо знакомы с людьми , чьи имена перечислены ниже . Сообщите вашему собеседнику что есть у этих людей , употребляя пояснение .

Model S1: Ella Kelly has a cat,| Addy . And Alex Bell ? S2: Alex Bell has a kid,| Benny . Bess Ellis, Allen Bell, Billy, Betsy, Tessa Kelly, Andy Tedd, Alan, Alex, Ben, Sid, Ted Bell, Bill The intonation of a parenthesis The intonation of a parenthesis depends on its position in a sentence. A paren- thesis at the beginning of a sentence is usually stressed. It often forms a separate sense-group. It is often pronounced with a falling-rising tone, e.g: I'm afraid,| I must 'leave in a quarter of an hour or so. Now | be a 'good girl, Kitty. As for me | I never take mustard or pepper. A parenthesis in the middle or at the end of a sentence is usually unstressed or half-stressed and it continues the melody of the preceding sense-group.

e. g. I’d like some salad to begin with.

Pronunciation of compound words Compound nouns tend to have more stress on the first word. In the phrase "pink ball", both words are equally stressed (as you know, adjectives and nouns are always stressed). In the compound noun "golf ball", the first word is stressed more (even though both words are nouns, and nouns are always stressed). Since "golf ball" is a compound noun we consider it as a single noun and so it has a single main stress - on the first word. Stress is important in compound nouns. For example, it helps us know if somebody said "a GREEN HOUSE" (a house which is painted green) or "a GREENhouse" (a building made of glass for growing plants inside). In the adjectives formed by two words the main stress is in the second adjec- tive, the primary stress can be on the first syllable, e.g. bad-tempered / ˌbæd ˈtemp əd/, oldfashioned / ˌəʊ ld ˈfæ ʃ.ənd/ Сompound verbs are not the same as phrasal verbs. This type of verbs have the stress in the second part of the word, an example of this are verbs: to understand / ˌʌnd əˈstænd/, to overflow / ˌəʊ vəˈfl əʊ /

Compound phrasal verbs usually have the primary stress on the preposition or two primary stresses, e. g. She is ˌputting 'on her shoes. I must 'switch 'off the light. The correct pronunciation of phrasal verbs is important because sometimes there are compound nouns which are alike them, for example: -takeover / ˈte ɪkˌəʊ vəʳ/ – when a company gets control of another company.

268 -take over / ˌte ɪkˈəʊ vəʳ/ – to become more successful or powerful than something or someone else that is involved in the same type of activity When the compound verb is with three words, the stress goes in the second word: get OUT of, keep UP with

Exercise 1. Read the following compound nouns. Don't stress the second element:

a dining-room, a looking-glass, a blackboard, a fountain-pen, a bathroom, a bed- room, a reading-hall, a smoking-car, a dressmaker.

2. Give your own examples of compound nouns, compound vrerbs and compound adjectives. Keep in mind the distribution of word stress in them.

3. Pronounced the phrasal verbs in sentences. Try to guess their meanings, then check in the dictionary.

1. It's mine. Hand it over! 2. I can hardly take in everything she says. 3. No one can talk me into doing something illegal. 4. He always comes across like a madman to people. 5. I can’t get away from the telephone all morning. 6. He is trying to pass himself off as a banker, even though he has no experience in finance. 7. I suppose we all tend to go by appearances. 8. You can't fool me anymore. I can seethrough you and all your tricks.

Questions 1. В каких случаях слова , вводящие прямую речь , образуют самостоятельную синтагму ? Приведите собственные примеры . 2. В каких случаях слова , вводящие прямую речь , не образуют самостоятель- ную синтагму ? Приведите собственные примеры . 3. В каких случаях слова , вводящие прямую речь , могут произносится ровным тоном ? 4. How is the apposition pronounced? the parenthesis? 5. How are compound words pronounced?

Focus Vocabulary

Grammar Stative and Dynamic Verbs 1. A few verbs like love are called stative because they refer to 'states'. A state has no beginning and no end. Stative verbs are not normally used in progressive tenses: She loves her baby more than anything. (Not 'is loving') Most verbs in English are dynamic . We can use them in two ways: - in the simple present tense to describe habits, etc.: I often make cakes. 269 - in the present progressive to describe deliberate actions in progress: I'm making a cake. We can describe three classes of verbs: a) Dynamic verbs which have simple or progressive forms (most verbs in English): I often listen to records. (simple present tense) I'm listening to a record. (present progressive tense) b) Verbs which are always stative: This coat belongs to you. (simple present tense) (Not 'is belonging') c) Verbs that have stative or dynamic uses: I'm weighlng myself. (a deliberate action: present progressive tense) I weigh 65 kilos. (a state) (Not ‘I'm weighing 65 kilos.') There are five groups of stative verbs referring to:

believe, know, understand, realise, expect, recognise, see, forget, thinking/believing remember, suppose, assume feelings like, love, like, adore, dislike, hate, revolt, disgust wants want, wish, desire, long, prefer perception hear, see, sound, appear, seem having/owning belong, possess, contain, include, consist

Verbs Which Can Have Both Stative and Dynamic Meaning Verb Stative Meaning Dynamic Meaning She is having a bath , (so she can’t answer have I have a car . the phone). see I see what you mean. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow. think I think you are right. He is thinking about her. I consider him to be a pro- consider We are considering going to Italy. fessional. feel* I feel we shouldn’t do it. She is feeling the baby’s forehead. She looks like her mother. Everyone was looking at him, even the look** The boss looked at him an- teacher, too. grily. taste The cake tastes delicious. She is tasting the soup. smell It smells nice. Why are you smelling the food? fit The dress fits you well. We’ re fitting new locks. weigh Your cat weighs 6 kilos. Why are you weighing the cat? Positive comments were appearing online appear He appears to be nervous. below the article.

270 NOTE: V The present continuous can be used with some state verbs to emphasize that the situation is temporary. Compare: Jean stays with us often. The children love haviong her here. Jean’s with us at the moment. The children are loving having her here. V The verb ‘feel’ can be used in simple or progressive forms to talk about feel- ings that are going on at a particular moment. There is little difference of meaning: I feel fine. / I’m feeling fine. How do you feel? / How are you feeling? V The verb ‘look’ can be used in simple or progressive forms to talk about a temporary appearance. There is not much difference in meaning: You look/You’re looking very unhappy. What’s the matter? V The verb to enjoy is used in progressive tenses: I’m enjoying the party. V The verb is normally not used in progressive forms but it can be used as a dy- namic verb in the expression to lack in something : We are lacking in ideas. But: We lack ideas.

Exercises 1. Explain the use of the verbs in their stative or dynamic meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. These flowers smell good. 2. She is remembering the wonderful days of her child- hood. 3. I think Eugene is a kind man. 4. Aunt Emily is looking through an old pic- ture album. 5. I see a grasshopper. Do you see it too? 6. I am thinking about this grammar. 7. Matthew and Sophie are seeing each other. They go out together every weekend. 8. Kathy looks cold. I’ll lend her my coat. 9. The grocer is weighing the oranges. 10. Joseph appears to be asleep. Let’s not disturb him. 11. Tina is looking out the window. 12. Sue is feeling the cat’s fur. 13. I remember my first teacher. Do you remember yours? 14. I’m not feeling well today. 15. Sarah has a car. 16. Olivia is smelling the flowers. 17. I am having a hard time, but Mary is having a good time. 18. This piano is too heavy for me to lift. It weighs too much. 19. My favourite ac- tor is currently appearing at the Paramount. 20. The cat’s fur feels soft. 21. Susan is seeing a doctor about her headaches. 22. I feel that it is important to respect other people’sa opinions. 23. She sees a pile of leaves. 24. I am thinking of going in Au- gust. 25. Do you think it’s a good idea? 26. He is considering taking early retire- ment.

2. a) Use the following pairs of words in sentences: Model: He prefers fruit to ice-cream.

soda-water — beer; cheese — sausage; meat — fish; English — French; coffee — cocoa: milk — water; tomatoes — cucumbers; mashed potatoes — macaroni; por- ridge — bacon and eggs; clear soup — cabbage soup; apples — plums; oranges — tangerines

b) Give your own examples according to the given model.

Respond to the following statements. Express your denial of the both. Work in pairs. 271 Model: 1 like both apples and pears. I like neither apples nor pears. 1. They have both a son and a daughter. 2. She can do both sing and dance. 3.1 use both pepper and mustard. 4. He speaks both English and French. 5. I like both foot- ball and hockey. 6. She knows both my cousin and brother. 7.1 am going to buy both cabbage and po- tatoes. 8. I am going to have both coffee and cake. 9. My cousin likes both autumn and winter. 10. We aeed both cucumbers and tomatoes. 11. She knows both physics and mathematics. 12. We see both the child and his mother.

3. Make up sentences about likes and dislikes with stative verbs using the table. Think of your own sentences. getting out of bed shopping talking having breakfast swimming doing the shopping dancing hate eating studying like jogging doing the housework before enjoy sleeping walking after hate having meals singing when love gardening doing homework adore waking up ironing dislike going to bed doing the dishes/washing up detest cooking feeding my cat eating out reading walking the dog running

being disturbed trying something new taking pictures

1. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets. 1. (to look) for Tommy Flynn. Have you seen him? 2. You often (not to see) her now, do you? 3, You (to joke) Philip? — No, Father, I (not to joke). 4. "You (to stay) in London?” she asked as I was going. “I (to wonder) if you’d like to come to a little party I (to give) next week.” 5. How’s Jon? — He (to grow) peaches in North Caroline. 6 . 1 am certain to know all about it when I (to get his letter). 7. Why you (to wear) your new clothes, those in which you are to travel tomorrow? 8. Why, my dear boy, how stout you (to get)I 9. On his way he generally (to meet) many children who (to go) to school. 10. Will they tell me who he (to be) if I (to go) down to them? 1 1 .1 (to act) in this case solely in your interest. 12. The old saying came back to him: “A man’s fate (to lie) in his own heart.” 13. His dog always (to attack) strang- ers!

2. Use the required present tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

272 10. I don’t like it here. I (to want) to get away. 2. What he (to do) for a living? — He (to sing) and (to play) the guitar. — He (to play) for his friends or just for money? — I (not to know). — He (to have) a commercial concert soon? — Yes, on Saturday. 3. Tommy, look at your facel You’re a sight! — Mummy, you always (to grumble)! 4. Everybody (to be) here? — No, Mr Black is not here. He (to arrive) on Saturday. 5. In this painting, an old man (sit) at the corner of the wall, lowering his head, and his clothes are in tatters. 6. 7. “Gentlemen,” Andrew said. “I just (to wait) for a good position — such as this — to get married.” 8. We have very little stuff. We’re (start) fresh. We (furnish) furnishing very slowly, and we’re also going to be getting a few pieces of furniture from my parents, who (downsize) from my child- hood home to a new condo in a few months. 9. "What you (to write) to him about?” she asked looking over my shoulder. 10. What you (tell) me is quite a surprise. A pleasant one, if true. 11. You (look) upset. Something (to worry) you? — It’s noth- ing much. I just (feel) tired. 12. I (to grow) too fat. 13. You always (to forget) some- thing.

3. Comment on the use of Present Indefinite and the Present Continnotts. 1. I never talk when I am working, and never listen either. 2 . 1 hope that by the time she gets into the public school system, things will be different. 3. Can’t you see he is laughing at you? 4. I suppose it sometimes happens that letters arrive for people when in actual fact no one of that name is staying here. 5. Do you know where Mary is? — I expect she is talking to Mother. 6. “Oh, mummyl The coffee is boiling overl” 7. If anyone comes to the door I’ll go and let them in. 8. I’m staying right here until she is out of trouble. 9. He’s going back to America. 10. I can easily look the article through while you are having your bath. 11. Isn’t mother coming? — No. She is not feeling well. 12. “So it all passes,” he was thinking, “passes and begins again.” 13. She is always telling me that I should have some serious purpose in life. 14. What are you listening to? — It seems to me I hear a strange noise outside. 15. You are always dozing when there is something unpleasant to face. 16. Can we go over to Ann’s today. Mummy? — You can, on your like, if you keep to the side of the lane and are very careful.

4. Insert the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous. "Where is Kitty?" "Susan ______her to bed." (to put) (Collins) 2. Light more quickly than sound. (to travel) 3. I should like to know why you always ______. (to read). (Maugham) 4. "Sorfy, Ted. 1 must go. I'm late." "Where you ______?" "I ______to have tea with Nurse Hopkins."(to go, to go) (Christie) 5. He______best, who ______last (to laugh, to laugh) 6. I don't interrupt people when they______. (to read) (Collins) 7. I never ______him doing any work there, whenever I ______he behind a bit of glass all day, trying to look as if he was doing something. (to see, to go in, to sit) 8. Actions ______louder than words. (to speak) 9. Robert ______just now to my uncle, and they ______hands. (to speak, to shake) (Ch. Bronte) 10. And now my written story ends. I look back, once more for the last time before I close these leaves. I ______myself, with Agnes at my side, journeying along the road of life. I ______our children and our friends around us; and I ______the roar of many voices, not indifferent to me as I travel 273 on. (to see, to see, to hear) (Dickens) 11. "Why you______?" she cried. "Be- cause'you ______nonsense." (to answer______negative, to talk) (Maugham) 12. Every star its own orbit, (to have) 13. My tooth-brush is a thing that haunts me when I ______and ______my life a misery. (to travel, to make ) (Jerome K- Jerome) 14. This is Mr. Slush's latest book. It ______a wonderful sale. (to have) (Leacock) 15. A stitch in time ______nine. (to save) 16. "I've got fever, Kong," gasped Skelton. "Get me the medicine chest, and blankets, I ______to death!" (to freeze) (Maugham) 17. That's the way she always______. (to talk) (Twain) 18. I'm so careless. I'm so careless. I always______my bag about. (to leave) (Maugham) 19. "Hallo, darling. You ______very tragic." (to look) (Christie) 20. I ______to your house next Thursday.(to come) (Hilton).

Appearance (Part 3) 1. Complete the following by describing the person's appearance. 1. You can't call him handsome, actually ... 2. He is the kind of man you go for at once. 3. Richard is quite good-looking. 4. Little Jane is as pretty as a picture. 5. She is nice / pleasant to look at. 6. His sister is very plain, actually ... 7. She is not a bit like her mother. 8. Her mother is over 40, but she doesn't look her age. 9. Ann is Ar- thur's age, but she looks much older. 10. When you meet her, the first thing you no- tice is ... 11. Cathy is as cute as a doll.

2. Say a few words about the appearance of your relatives or friends. Use the fol- lowing texts as models. 1. My sister Jane is a pretty girl of twenty. She is rather thin and looks like a teen- ager. She's got dark brown eyes and brown hair. Her face is round. She looks very much like her mother. 2. My grandmother is an elderly person. She is over seventy but She doesn't look it. She has aged quite well. She's got grey hair and blue eyes. She is rather stout. She's got a kind smile. 3. My cousin John is 22. He is a handsome fellow with an oval face, fair hair and grey eyes. He is tall and slim. Girls think a lot of him. 4. My mother is in her early forties. I must say, she looks young for her age. She is not very tall. She has a good figure and beautiful wavy hair. I like her brown eyes, her soft voice and the way she smiles. We are very alike.

3. A. Read the descriptions composed by Caroline Edwards. David. My brother is 22 years old. He is of medium height and build, is a bit stocky, but strong with it. He has long, curly fair hair. It is fashionable in Britain at the mo- ment for men to grow their hair. His nearly reaches his shoulders. My mother is al- ways telling him to get it cut. He doesn't take much care over his appearance so he often looks quite scruffy. He hates having to wear a tie for work. When he's at home he wears comfortable clothes such as T- shirts and jeans. He doesn't care very much what he looks like. James. My other brother is much taller - he towers above me, even though he is only 15. He does quite a lot of sport so he's quite strong and has well developed muscles. He has straight brown hair which refuses to lie flat and is always sticking up. He has bluish-grey eyes and a little nose. He is clever and quiet and spends a lot of time at his computer. People sometimes think that he is morose and sullen but I don't think 274 that's the case - he just prefers to think rather than to talk. When he does talk he has a deep voice. He doesn't pronounce his words very dearly, but just mutters them - he can't be bothered to speak clearly. This is typical of boys of his age I think. Mother. My mother turned 50 this year, although she doesn't look it. She has aged quite well I think. Only now she is beginning to show signs of old age - her hair started to go grey and her skin is drier. She is also thinner - she used to have a ten- dency to put on weight. She is usually well-dressed. She is the sort of person who always looks quite smart - I'm the exact opposite - it doesn't matter how much time, money and energy I devote to my appearance, I usually look scruffy. Even if I leave home looking good, by the time I reach my destination I look a mess - my things are splashed, my hem has come down and I generally look untidy as if I've never both- ered. Father. My father is quite short and a bit plump. I take after my father's side of the family. My father is nearly bald and the hair that remains is grey. He wears sensible, practical clothes most of the time, but for work he has to look smarter so he wears a suit and a tie. He has a grey and blue suit which I think looks good on him. When he puts his glasses on and he wears these suits, he looks every inch a teacher. My father is not a pleasant man. He gets angry and loses his temper quite often.

B. Pick out all the expressions you haven't come across before. Use them in the sen- tences of your own.

C. Show your partner a picture of your mother (father, sister, friend etc.) and de- scribe his/her appearance using the expressions from the above exercises.

4. Look through the window. You can see a man (a child, a woman) outside. Say whether there is something noticeable in his/her appearance.

5. You are looking at your reflection in the mirror. You are not fully satisfied with your appearance. In spite of some of your drawbacks try to convince yourself that you are pleasant to look at and your face is very attractive. Say what you like in your appearance.

6. Work in pairs. One of you reads text A, and the other reads text B. Find out what happened and why. Then exchange information. A. Last week, Mrs Alice Woolf, aged 65, was tricked into handing over all her savings to a smooth-talking doorstep salesman who said he was selling burglar alarm systems. 'I was completely taken in', she said. 'I know it was foolish to let him talk me into giving him all my savings, but he seemed such a nice man. He came across as completely honest. But I won’t make the same mistake again. Once bitten, twice shy'. When asked if she thought the man would be caught, she replied, 'I don't think he'll get away with it. I'm sure the police will catch him sooner or later.’

В. The police are looking for a well-dressed young man who has been passing him- self off as a doorstep salesman. Last week, he tricked an elderly lady into giving him all her money as a deposit for a burglar alarm system. A police spokesman said, 'Un- 275 fortunately, it's quite easy for dishonest people to make a living doing this kind of thing. I suppose we all tend to go by appearances, and very often it's not easy to see through a cleanshaven, well-spoken young man in a good suit, and with a pleasant manner. Appearances can be deceptive, and not everyone is a good judge of charac- ter. My advice to people is not to hand over any money until they have checked peo- ple's references and made sure they belong to a reputable organisation. Meanwhile we'll do our best to catch the man who took Mrs Woolfs savings'.

7. Think of two people whose appearance you find unusual or striking. What is the most unusual/ striking thing about them?

8. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you notice most: their clothes? voice? facial expression? What do these things tell you about the person?

9. Work with a partner. Try to work out the meaning of the phrasal verbs in italics in the text. Then match the verbs in A with the definitions in B.

А. B. 1. to hand something over a. to persuade someone to do something 2. to take someone in b. to deceive or trick someone 3. to talk someone into doing something c. to pretend that someone / something is someone / something else 4. to come across as something d. to give something to someone so that they control or own it 5. to get away with something e. to give the impression of having a par- ticular characteristic 6. to pass someone / something off as f. to judge according to something someone / something 7. to go by something g. to see the true nature of someone / something despite a deceptively pleasant appearance 8. to see through someone / something h. to escape being punished or criticised for something

Note: to sweet-talk somebody into doing something = (informal) to try to persuade someone to do something by talking to them in a pleasant way. e.g. I managed to sweet-talk her into driving me home.

10. Paraphrase the sentences using phrasal verbs. 1. I was completely deceived by his charming manner. 2. I never base my judge- ments on first impressions. 3. She could see what kind of man he was immediately. 4. She pretended to be an American tourist. 5. She gave the impression of being a

276 very kind person. 6. He persuaded me to give him some money. 7. You won’t escape being punished for this! 8. The police told him to give them the gun.

11. Complete the sentences, using phrasal verbs. 1. My sister is a very good judge of character. She can______people immediately if they try to deceive or trick her. 2. He escaped from the country by______as a tourist. 3. I lent him some money because he seemed an honest person, but after that I never saw him again. I soon realised I ______. 4. Don't______his ap- pearance. He may look nice but he's completely untrustworthy. 5. When I first met him h e _____ as a very indecisive person who didn't know his own mind. 6. The salesman___ buying a new washing-machine, although my old one was fine. 7. The robber told him to ______the keys to the safe. 8. The robbers laughed when the bank manager said: 'You won't_____ this. The police will catch you one day.

12. One of the sentences below is correct. All the others have one mistake in them. Change the sentences so that they are all correct. b. No, you can't have the money. I refuse to hand over. 2. She came across to be a very decisive person. 3. They got away several serious crimes. 4. He passed off him- self as a policeman. 5. You should have seen him through immediately. 6. I was never taken in by his lies. 7. He talked me into sign the cheque. 8. I never go with first impressions.

13. Guessing Game. Work in pairs. Guess who your fellow student is describing. 14. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Use the phrasal verbs in brackets. 1. Do you ever base your judgement of people on first impressions? Why? Why not? (go by) 2. What impression do you think you give of yourself when you meet some- one for the first time? (come across as) 3. What do you think is the best way to avoid being tricked or deceived by people? (take someone in) 4. Has someone ever per- suaded you to do something that you regretted later? If so, what was it? (talk some- one into) 5. Imagine you could pretend to be someone else for a whole day. Who would you choose to be? Why? (pass yourself off as).

15. Idiomatic expressions. Work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the follow- ing expressions. 1. Once bitten, twice shy. 2. Appearances can be deceptive. 3. Honesty is the best policy.

How would you express the same ideas in your own language? Do you agree that Honesty is the best policy ? Give your reasons.

16. How phrasal verbs work. into The particle 'into' can be used with some verbs to give the idea of persuading or forc- ing someone to do something.

277 The phrasal verbs below have the following form: verb + someone + into. Using the verbs in brackets, rewrite the following sentences so that they have similar meaning. Make any necessary changes to the structure of the sentences. Example: His boss made him resign, (force into) His boss forced him into resigning. 1. She persuaded me to buy a new coat, (talk into) 2. The robbers made the bank manager think they were genuine customers, (trick into) 3. The Mafia frightened him so much that he remained silent, (frighten into) 4. She had to sell her house in order to pay off her debts, (force into) 5. The government was made to feel so ashamed that it took action, (shame into)

Now think of your own example sentences for these phrasal verbs. 17. What is the opposite of 'to talk someone into doing something'?

Joke - How did you know he was a ghost? - I saw through him immediately.

18. Work in pairs. Plan and write a leaflet giving people advice on how to deal with doorstep salesmen. Warn them of the dangers and give at least five 'Golden Rules' to follow. Remember to use the phrasal verbs and expressions you have learnt in this unit.

19. Use the phrasal verbs and expressions you have learnt in this unit to write a story which ends with the following words: It was only then I/he/ she realised that I/he/ she had been completely taken in.

Class Communication Task 1 Write a description of someone in the group, using the vocabulary you have studied. Put your descriptions in a hat, take it in turns to draw them out and say who you think is being described, giving your reasons.

Task 2 A Detective Inquiry The Detective must question several students (each of them is given either a picture or a card with a description of a person). The Detective holds a duplicate of one of the pictures to discover which of the students has the picture (the description) of the wanted person.

Task 3 How Do You Respond to Physical Appearance? 1. When you first meet someone, what do you look at first? a) their hair b) their face c) their eyes d) their mouth e) the front of their body f) the back of their body g) the clothes they are wearing h) other (please specify)____

2. Bring to class three pictures of different people and swap your pictures with other students. Share your impressions with anoter student. 278

- I can tell by his expression that he is ... - He strikes me as being rather... - He seems to be ... - He appears to be fairly ... - He looks as if he is ...

3. Which of the following will make you think most positively about someone? Ex- plain your choice. (Choose one only.) a) They are well-groomed. c) They have a good physique. b) They are well-dressed. d) They look special.

20. Prepare for a vocabulary dictation on the topic ‘Appearance’ .

10. Asking for Descriptions. a) Read the information below. 1) ‘What’s London like?’ means: 'Describe London to me because I don 't know anything about it.' It is a very general question. When it is asked about a person, the answer can refer either to character or to appearance or both: What's John like? a. He's very friendly. b. He's good looking. c He 's quite nice, but he isn’t very hand- some. 2) ‘What does she look like?’ asks for a description of her physical appearance, not her character. A What does she look like? B She's tall, and she's got blue eyes blonde hair. 3) ‘How are your parents?’ asks about their health and general happiness only. It does not ask for a description. A How are your parents? B They're fine, thanks. My mother had a cold but she's better now. b) Look at these questions. They are similar in form but they are not the same in meaning. Say which answer (1, 2, 3, 4) goes with each question (a, b, c, d), and dis- cuss the differences between the questions. a. What does she like? 1. She's not very weIl, actually. She's got a bad cold. b. What is she like? 2. She's really nice. Very friendly and open, and good fun to be with. c. What does she look like? 3. She likes swimming and skiing, and she's a keen football fan. d. How is she? 4. She's quite tall, average build, with straight brown hair

11. Listen to the recordings (HW Intermediate, T 14) and say which question should be asked for each part. Listen for the second time and discuss the phonetic patterns and the functional vocabulary.

HW Intermediate T14 1) She's very nice, actually. You'd really like her. She's the kind of person you can always go to with a problem. 2) She's not too good. Still got a temperature and a cough that she can't shake off.

279 3) Her greatest passion is horse-riding. She lives for horses from morning till night. 4) I can't stand her. She's everything I don't like in a woman. She's bossy, she's superior, and she thinks she can do everything better than other people. 5) Very plain. Long straight hair, high forehead, and prominent cheek bones. 6) She's fine. Very happy since she met Bernard, and she seems to be very well, too. 7) Mmm... A bit like you, actually . Same build, same height, and similar colour eyes. 8) She's quite good-looking. The kind of girl you go for . But she's a bit too serious for me. You know, politics, literature, human right, things like that. Gardening, cooking, and sailing, in that order. 10) The doctors say she'll be in hospital for at least another week.

12. Imitate the texts from HW Intermediate T 14 by heart.

13. Learn the vocabulary from HW Intermediate T 14 (see the Func tional Vocabu- lary), be ready to write a spelling list.

14. Make up short dialogues based on the descriptions. (HW Intermediate, T 14).

15. Make up similar descriptions as in HW Intermediate T14. Read your descriptions to other students. c) Work in pairs. Make up dialogues based on your descriptions.

16. Translate from Russian into English using dome of the the language from HW Intermediate T 14. 1. Какая она ? – Она среднего роста , кареглазая , волосы у нее до плеч , одета « с иголочки ». – Я не имею в виду внешность или одежду . Что она за человек ? Чем любит заниматься ? – Ну она творческий человек , обожает писать расска- зы , статьи , стихотворения и эссе о событиях из жизни (life’s experiences). 2. У Брайана хорошие внешние данные от отца . – Да , он физически очень привле- кателен . И он очень отзывчив . Он тот человек , к которому всегда можно обра- титься за советами и рекомендациями (call for/advice/guidance). 3. Мы звоним друг другу или посылаем СМС -ки или простенькие шуточки , что -то в этом ро- де . Это мило и весело (text messages/silly little jokes/nice and good fun). 4. В нем есть все , что я хотел бы видеть в деловом партнере ( коллеге ) – он честный , деятельный , творческий и с ним легко работать (would like... to be/effective/ easy to work with). 5. Мне кажется , ты живешь своей работой . - Что ты ! Я очень устаю на работе и живу мыслями о выходных . 6. Какой день в вашем пред- ставлении хороший ? - Такой , когда много пирожных , семья , друзья . Извините , семья , друзья и пирожные , в этом порядке . И восхождение на скалу в выход- ной день . (idea of a good day/ one with lots of cake/ a day out/climbing at the rock.) 7. Этот невысокий симпатичный светловолосый парень со спортивной фигу- рой и приятной улыбкой парень - тот типаж , который тебя нравится ? - Физи- чески это не совсем мой тип . Меня больше привлекают высокие парни с ин- теллигентным лицом и хорошими манерами .

280 17. A. Read through the following descriptions of Janet, Donna, Colin and Robert. Janet She's sophisticated. Well-dressed, expensive hairstyle and so on. I'd say she was in her late thirties or early forties, but she looks younger. She's about average height and very slim. Her hair's very blonde, dyed, I think, but I'm not sure about that. It's always very neat, not long. She's got pale grey eyes with thin eyebrows. Her face is always sunburned and very well made up. It's an attractive face ... not really beauti- ful, but very attractive, you know what I mean. High cheekbones, small chin ... oh and yes, there's a beauty spot on her left cheek. She's a very calm and reliable sort of person, very sociable and always very, very polite. Donna Well, she's quite a lively, talkative person in her... in her late teens. She's fairly tall with a good figure. She's got a heart-shaped face with a small, sort of turned-up nose. It’s very attractive really. She's got long, black wavy hair and blue eyes with very long eyelashes. Her complexion is ... well, she's olive-skinned. Her lips are very full ... and she's got dimples ... dimples in her cheeks. Colin He's a very big guy, you know, well-built with very broad shoulders. Not fat, really, really ... just well-built. He's in his early thirties. He's got a long face with thin lips. Oh, and a small scar on his chin. He's got very short, fair hair but with long side- burns and a moustache. Eyes ... I haven't really noticed the colour, he wears glasses. He's got thick eyebrows and a kind of a long, straight nose. He's fairly reserved, thoughtful, sometimes even moody. Robert Robert's a wonderful person really. He's elderly but not old ... still very lively and amusing. He's probably in his early seventies. He's got white hair, receding a bit, and a nail white beard. He's of medium build, a little overweight perhaps. He's got very nice, large, brown eyes and he always seems to be smiling ... lots of wrinkles round the ayes, laughter lines I think you call them. He's got a very high, lined forehead which makes him look very intelligent, which he is, of course.

В. Look at the examples. Complete the other columns.

Name Donna Colin Janet Robert Age late teens Build good figure Height fairly tall Hair colour black Hair style long, wavy Face heart-shaped, tumed-up nose, full lips Eyes blue, long eye- lashes Complexion olive-skinned Distinguishing dimples 281 features Dress Personality lively, talkative

C. Now work in pairs and tell your partner if any of the descriptions reminds you of somebody you know.

18. Read the descriptions of characters from books about Harry Potter by J. K. Rowl- ing. Which ones are exaggerated and which ones can be used in everyday contexts? 1. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mus- tache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over gar- den fences, spying on the neighbors. 2. Charlie was built like the twins, shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky. He had a broad, good natured face, which was weather beaten and so freckly that he looked almost tanned; his arms were muscular, and one of them had a large, shiny burn on it. 3. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Harry, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise – unless of course it involved punching somebody. Dud- ley's favorite punching bag was Harry, but he couldn't often catch him. Harry didn't look it, but he was very fast. Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. He looked even smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's, and Dudley was about four times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. Harry had always imagined Bill to be an older ver- sion of Percy: fussy about rule breaking and fond of bossing everyone around. How- ever, Bill was — there was no other word for it — cool. He was tall, with long hair that he had tied back in a ponytail. He was wearing an earring with what looked like a fang dangling from it. Bill’s clothes would not have looked out of place at a rock concert <...>. 4. “Someone was goggling through the bars at him: a freckle-faced, red-haired, long-nosed someone. Ron Weasley was at Harry’s window.” 5. “She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.” 6. Then there was the fact that Cedric looked the part of a champion so much more than he did. Exceptionally handsome, with his straight nose, dark hair, and grey eyes, it was hard to say who was receiving more admiration these days, Cedric or Viktor Krum. 7. There was a pop, and a little man with wicked, dark eyes and a wide mouth ap- peared <...>.

282 8. Before Hermione could answer, a tall black girl with long braided hair had marched up to Harry. 9. “He’s that tall, good-looking one, isn’t he?” said Angelina. “Strong and silent,” said Katie, and they started to giggle again. 10. Harry <...> scrambled to his feet. Close to, he saw that Stan Shunpike was only a few years older than he was; eighteen or nineteen at most, with large, protruding ears and a fair few pimples. 11. A very pretty girl with long, shiny black hair was standing in the doorway smil- ing at him: Cho Chang, the Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. 12. "Yes," said Harry. He was looking at the other boys. Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean. Standing on either side of the pale boy, they looked like bodyguards. 13. Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet Drive. He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, bucked boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-mooned spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albert Dumbledore. 14. "A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair." 15. "He had wavy blond hair, bright blue eyes and a broad vacant smile that revealed dazzlingly white teeth." 16. "he was tall and thin like Dumbledore, but his white hair was short, and his goatee (finishing in a small curl) did not entirely hide his rather weak chin." 17. Viktor Krum was thin, dark, and sallow-skinned, with a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows. He looked like an overgrown bird of prey. It was hard to be- lieve he was only eighteen. 18. The man who followed could only be Draco's father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes. 19. Behind him walked a Slytherin girl who reminded Harry of a picture he'd seen in Holidays with Hags. She was large and square and her heavy jaw jutted aggres- sively. 20. He was a very short man, hardly taller than Harry and Hermione. His thin, color- less hair was unkempt and there was a large bald patch on top. He had the shrunken appearance of a plump man who has lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin looked grubby, almost like Scabbers's fur, and something of the rat lingered around his pointed nose and his very small, watery eyes. He looked around at them all, his breathing fast and shallow. Harry saw his eyes dart to the door and back again. 21. "The girl beside the window looked up. She had straggly, waistlength, dirty- blond hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look" 22. "She had a pale heart-shaped face, dark twinkling eyes, and short spiky hair" 23. She looked the youngest there; she had a pale heart-shaped face, dark twinkling eyes, and short spiky hair that was a violent shade of violet. “Wotcher, Harry!”

283 24. “Yeah, I see what you mean, Remus,” said a bald black wizard standing furthest back—he had a deep, slow voice and wore a single gold hoop in his ear—“he looks exactly like James.” 25. “Except the eyes,” said a wheezy-voiced, silver-haired wizard at the back. “Lily’s eyes.” 26. Barely ten seconds passed, then the door was flung open and there stood Xeno- philius Lovegood, barefooted and wearing what appeared to be a stained nightshirt. His long, white, candyfloss hair was dirty and unkempt. Xenophilius had been posi- tively dapper at Bill and Fleur’s wedding by comparison. 27. ‘What? What is it? Who are you? What do you want?’ he cried, in a high-pitched, querulous voice, looking first at Hermione, then at Ron, and finally at Harry, upon which his mouth fell open in a perfect, comical ‘O’. 28. The picture showed a skinny girl of around fifteen. She was not pretty; she looked simultaneously cross and sullen, with heavy brows and a long, pallid face. 29. "She had short, gray hair, and yellow eyes like a hawk." 30. "Her hair was set in elaborate and curiously rigid curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. She wore jeweled spectacles. The thick fingers clutching her crocodile-skin handbag ended in two-inch nails, painted crimson."

19. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English. Use the descriptions from the previopus exercise. Learn the English equivalents. Be ready for a dictation-translation.

1) крупный упитанный мужчина , почти без шеи 2) худощавая блондинка 3) невысокий и коренастый (2 варианта ) 4) длинный , долговязый 5) широкое добродушное лицо 6) обветренное лицо 7) быть толстым и не любить физические упражнения 8) слишком маленький и тощий для своего возраста 9) примерно в четыре раза больше по размеру , чем он 10) острые коленки 11) ярко -зеленые глаза 12) носить круглые очки 13) тонкий шрам на лбу 14) копия кого -либо , только старше 15) с длинными волосами , собранными в хвост 16) носить сегьгу /серьги 17) его одежда подошла бы для рок -концерта 18) испуганно уставиться на кого -либо 19) рыжеволосый 20) с веснушчатым лицом 21) командный голос 22) густые пышные волосы 23) исключительно красивый 284 24) со злыми глазами 25) большие точащие уши 26) с длинными волосами , заплетенными в косу 27) хихикать 28) длинные блестящие темные волосы 29) выглядеть очень зловеще 30) сапоги на высоких каблуках 31) длинная , лохматая грива волос 32) ослепительно белые зубы 33) c желтоватой кожей 34) широкая отсутствующая улыбка 35) иметь такое же (2 варианта ) лицо ( такие же глаза и т. п.) 36) лицо с острым подбородком 37) тяжелая нижняя челюсть 38) взлохмаченные светло -русые волосы длиной до талии 39) бледные брови 40) глаза навыкате 41) короткие торчащие волосы 42) агрессивный оттенок фиолетового 43) босиком 44) в пятнах 45) неухоженный ( о волосах ) 46) щеголь ( щегольски одетый ) 47) высокий голос 48) худощавая девочка лет пятнадцати 49) длинное , нездорово бледное лицо 50) выглядеть одновременно недовольным и угрюмым 51) ногти , покрашенные в малиновый цвет

20. Make up an exercise on translation (5 sentences for translation from Russian into English) with the phrases from the previous exercise. Swap your exercises with other students and do each other’s translations, then check.

21. Physical description and adjective order. When we describe somebody, we tend to follow this order in our description: 1) height, 2) build, 3) age, 4) hair, 5) eyes, 6) face, 7) complexion, 8) extra features, 9) dress. Study this example and put corre- sponding numbers before adjectives according to their order. My cousin, Paul, is a tallish man in his mid-thirties. He is a bit plump and has got long wavy brown hair. He has a round, friendly-looking face and small brown eyes. He has got a little scar on his cheek from an accident he had when he was a child. He wears glasses and has got a beard. He isn't very smart and tends to wear shabby clothes.

22. When we describe people's eyes, we normally start with their size, followed by shape and colour. Example: She has got big round blue eyes. 285

Put the following words into the correct order. SIZE + SHAPE + COLOUR 1. Susan has got brown / large / round / eyes. 2. Klaus has got blue / bright / eyes / small. 3. Mary has eyes green / large. 4. Mariko has / almond-shaped / large / dark brown / eyes.

23. When we describe people's hair, we normally give length first followed by colour and style. Example: He has got short black curly hair.

Put the following words in the correct order. LENGTH + COLOUR + STYLE 1. Mary has smooth / long / auburn / hair. 2. She has got golden / frizzy / short / hair. 3. He has got cropped / sticky / blond / hair 4. Linda has chestnut / shoulder-length / straight / hair.

24. When we use common adjectives like short and tall, we can modify them by add- ing -ish. She is tallish means she is fairly but not very tall. We do this in spoken English. Think of other adjectives that can be modified in this way.

25. Match the definition with the word.

frail overweight stocky attractively thin Someone who is slim is (old) and weak-looking plump unattractively thin skinny shortish but well-built

26. Find some photos of celebrities and bring them to class. Choose one or two ad- jectives from the groups of adjectives in the focus vocabulary list and write a de- scription. You should use the adjectives from the Focus Vocabulary to describe: a) the person’s appearance in general, b) their height, c) their built, d) their hair, e) their face, f) their complexion, g) their eyes, h) their age. Make use of the expres- sions related to appearance from the Focus Vocabulary. Pay attention to the use of the articles.

Model: Jennifer is a shortish, but slender woman in her mid forties. Though she’s middle-aged, she has a very youthful appearance She has got thick curly dark hair, an oval tanned face with dark-grey eyes, wide cheekbones and a sraight nose. Jennifer is elegant and well-dressed. I like the way she looks because she wears clothes that are right for her age and manages to look glamorous without it looking like she’s too done up. On the whole, she is a very pleasant-looking person. I’ll be happy if I look like her when I’m her age.

286 27. Игра “Hot potato”. У одного студента в руках небольшой мячик ( или какой - нибудь другой предмет ). Этот студент должен придумать не менее трех пред- ложений о себе или об одном из своих знакомых ( родственников , известных людей ), содержащих относительно законченное описание внешности человека , используя изученные слова и выражения данного модуля , а также разговорные клише , представленные ниже . Во время своего ответа студент может исполь- зовать фразу из списка “Playing for time”. После произнесения предложений вслух , студент передаёт мячик любому другому студенту . Тот , кто не сможет придумать фразу в течение 20 секунд , выбывает из игры . Побеждает тот , кто придумал предложение последним .

Model: If you ask me, Lily, my friend, is a very attractive girl. She looks like Selena Gomez with her chestnut brown hair and slim figure.

Hesitation devices: Playing for time Noises Let’s see … em… Let me see (now ) … er… Well, let me think … mm… Now let me think… Now, just a minute… Framing words Hang on… Now… Hm, let me think about that for a mo- Right (then)… ment … OK… It's like this OK then... I’ll have to think about it. Actually Well, ... Searching for a way to express some- thing Filler phrases How shall I put it? …you know… What is that word? …I mean… What’s the word for it? …you see… What’s the word I’m looking for? The thing is… How do you say that? It’s like this, you see… How can I explain this?

Introducing ideas that bring contrast, Expressing opinions surprise or something unwelcome Speaking of … Actually,… I should say … As a matter of fact,… If you ask me, … To be honest/frank,… I think (that) … In fact, … I don’t think (that) … The fact is… I wouldn’t say (that) … I can’t say (that) … I believe … I suppose … To tell the truth/Frankly speaking 287 I mustn’t boast, but … No doubt … No denying …

28. Translate from Russian into English 1. - Посмотри на эту симпатичную девушку . - Ты ее знаешь ? - Да , это Кэйт , родственница Бэтти . Если я не не ошибаюсь , они двоюродные сестры . 2. - Твоя тетя чудесно выглядит . Ей не дашь сорока лет . - Ничего удивительного , тетя Элисон относится к тому типу людей , которые тщательно заботятся о своей внешности и всегда хорошо выглядят . 3. Я была удивлена , когда увидела Дже- ка , он выглядит старше своего возраста . У него все в порядке ? - Он болеет , по- этому у него такой нездоровый цвет лица . 4. - Ты плохо выглядишь . Тебе нуж- но почаще бывать на свежем воздухе и заниматься физическими упражнения- ми . 5. - Ты очень похожа на свою маму . - Все говорят , что мы похожи , но я не- много ниже мамы и глаза у меня серые , а у нее зеленые . 6. - Анна выглядит та- кой неопрятной . - Я думаю , это типично для девочек ее возраста . 7. - Сколько лет Мэри ? - Ей около 20, но она такая худенькая , что выглядит как подросток . 8. - Ты мог бы описать Мистера Джонсона ? - Конечно , он пожилой , ему около 65 лет , среднего роста и телосложения , почти лысый , носит усы . Да , есть еще одна особенность : когда Мистер Джонсон взволнован , он начинает заикаться . - Спасибо , теперь я легко смогу узнать его . 9. - В ее внешности есть что -либо особенное ? - Да , родинки на левой щеке, и еще , она никогда не носит очки , хо- тя очень близорука .

29. A. Act out the following dialogues. a) - What does your father look like? - Well, he is not very tall, with dark hair and grey eyes. b) - What does your cousin look like? - She's got a slim figure, curly hair and bright eyes. We are very much alike. c) - Is your brother a good-looking / handsome fellow? - Well, I wouldn’t call him handsome but he is very attractive. d) Is your girlfriend Ann pretty? - Yes, she is beautiful. She looks very much like her mother who is still a very good-looking woman.

B. Make up short dialogues following the given models.

C. Enlarge your dialogues making up real life situations in which you need to de- scribe a person’s appearance (one of you wants to know what your new classmate looks like; you ask your frind to describe her brother’s appear- ance; you need to meet a student teacher who is coming on a student exchange pro- gramme; your choice).

Character and Personality (Part 3) 288 Idiomatic Expressions Ex. 24 A. Read your own star sign description, and those of other people you know. Discuss with your partner if they are accurate or not. B. Try to guess which star signs belong to other people in your class. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You are practical and realistic about what is important in life - you have your feet firmly on the ground. You are intelligent and love thinking up new ideas but you sometimes have a memory like a sieve. Once you have made a promise, you never go back on it. You like change, and often wear outrageous clothes that make you stand out in a crowd. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You are sensitive, imaginative and creative, but also very emotional - your heart rules your head. You are not ambitious or material- istic and often have your own head in the clouds. You are indecisive because you don't always know your own mind, but you are good at putting yourself in other people's shoes. 78 т н Aries (March 21 - April 20) You are a born leader and like to dominate people. You are very active and rather impulsive, so you tend to do things on the spur of the mo- ment. You lose your temper very easily, but you get over it quickly and can be quite charming. You're not good at following other people's advice, but you're quick to give advice to them. Taurus (April 21 - May 20) You are practical, reliable, and determined. You have a mind of your own so it is very difficult to make you do something you don't want to. This means you can be stubborn at times. You like the security that comes from rou- tine so you don't like change. You are loyal and generous to your friends and will stand by them whenever possible. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) You are intelligent, interested in everything, and have an excellent general knowledge. You think and talk fast and you are full of restless en- ergy. You are versatile and good at doing several things at the same time. You have a strong sense of humour and often have your friends in stitches. You are sociable, get bored easily and love change. Cancer (June 21 - July 21) You are very' sensitive and easily hurt. If someone says an unkind word to you, you take it to heart, but you are also very forgiving. Your family life is very important to you. You are sincere in love, but often take things too seriously. You are a loyal friend and have a good memory, but you can be moody sometimes. Leo (July2 2 -A u gust21) You have a confident and attractive personality, but you tend to be proud. You like to be in the public eye and you are easily flattered. You love the sun and are very generous - indeed, you have a heart of gold. You like to organize other people, and you are quick to stand up for someone who you think is being attacked. Virgo (August 22 - September 21) You are quiet and shy and don't like crowds. You tend to be a loner and keep yourself to yourself. You are a perfectionist - you want everybody and everything to be perfect and this makes it difficult for people to live

289 up to your high standards. You prefer to play a supporting role at work and in rela- tionships. Libra (September 22 - October 22) You are sympathetic, tolerant and a good listener, so when a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, they turn to you. Love is important for you and you are always falling for people. However, you are indecisive. You spend a long time weighing up aH the possibilities before you make up your mind. 79 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You have strong likes and dislikes and tend to see things in black and white. As a result, you tend to make instant judgement and rarely change your mind about things or people. You are ambitious, but love is more important to you than success. You are very secretive and hide your true feelings. If you are hurt you always take revenge. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20) You are friendly, extrovert, and outspo- ken. You rebel against authority and have a tendency to speak your mind when it would be better to remain silent. You hate pretence and deception. You are intelli- gent and like to show off your knowledge to other people. You love travel and dan- ger and you have a hot temper. Capricorn (December 21 - January 19) You are a strong-minded person who takes life and work very seriously. Your talent and determination make you successful and you usually get to the top. In your relationships you are faithful and loyal, but you are also possessive and like to be in control. You are very cautious and tend to bottle up your feelings rather than release them. C. Look at the horoscope again. Discuss with your partner the meaning of the idio- matic expressions in italics. D. Give Russian / Belarusian equivalents for the idiomatic expressions. Word Meaning How phrasal verbs work ► into Ex. 25 A. What is the general meaning of the particle ’into' in the examples below? 1. When she heard the news she burst into tears. 2. One moment he was calm and reasonable, and the next moment he flew into a rage and started shouting at every- one. 3. He used to be a charming man but in later life he turned into a very unpleas- ant person. 4. She settled into the routine of her new job very quickly. 5. He got into the habit of watching TV every afternoon. B. What are the two different meanings of 'to take to' in these sentences? 1. I took to him immediately. 2. I took to playing golf every Saturday morning. Я 80 Skill Developing Ex. 26 Work with your partner. Discuss the points below. 1. Name three people who are often in the public eye. 2. Name three people who have got to the top in their profession. 3. Name someone who is not afraid to speak their mind. 4. When was the last time someone had you in stitches? 5. What have you done on the spur of the moment recently? 6. Do you have a shoulder to cry on when you are upset? If yes, who is it?

290 Ex. 27 Read the first text; choose words to complete the second text; and put words in the blanks in the third. Shirley I really like my boss. She's a lovely person, very easy to work for, very fair. She al- ways asks what I think before she changes anything. If there's a problem, we talk about it. She never gets angry. I trust her, and she trusts me. It's a pleasure to work for her. George I get on all right with my boss. He's sometimes a bit interesting / difficult to work for, but *>e’s never / usually quite fair, and he trusts me to do my job well. I hate / like that. On the other hand, he doesn't always realise how much/many time I need for some things, and comes/gets angry when I haven't finished. But on the whole, I don't know/think we get ct) too badly. Lesley I hate my job, and I can't stand my (1)______. We really don't get (2)______wei at all. He's very (3)______to talk to, because he just doesn't listen. And he's not fair be -an make mistakes, and that’s all right, but when I (4)______a mistake, he (5)______angry. He changes his mind about things again and again. I can't leave my job right now but I am really fed up with that man. Ex. 28 Think of a person you know (sister / uncle / teacher / boss). Speak about the way you get on with that person. Try to use words from the texts above and from the Focus Vocabulary. Ex. 29 Read the following descriptions and say who these people are describing. RELATIVE? SOMEONE THEY KNOW PROFESSIONALLY? 7. She's absolutely adorable. I think she's very pretty, she makes me laugh a lot. sre ИНЬ terrible jokes but I like the way she tells them. She's a bit naughty sometimes анс l ■шве her when she wakes me up at six o'clock in the morning, but when I hear her sing -■g • • н е morning, well, all is forgiven. She can twist me round her little finger, of course. 2. He was very boring and predictable. The kind of person who remembered birth- days and anniversaries, but who made you angry because there was absolutely noth- ing spontaneous about him. His ideas of fun were so unadventurous. Well, the first few years were OK, but after that I'd just had enough. Reliable, stable, dependable, and boring. 3. Well, he's quite well-dressed and punctual. Sometimes he's cheerful and tells jokes, but other times we have to do a lot of work. We don't really know him very well. Oh, I know he's married, but I've never met him socially or anything like that. He seems very professional. 4. I've never actually spoken to him. I see him every day. Of course, as he leaves his car and gets in the lift to his office on the top floor. He's terribly well-dressed, and he must wear expensive after-shave because you can still smell it ten minutes after he's gone. Now, think of someone you know well. Describe him /her in brief, speak about dis- tinguished features of character, habits, interests. Try to compose the description in such a way so that your groupmates could guess who the described person is: your relative, friend, school teacher etc. 291 WeCC, you've got a goodsense of Rumour, you're Handsome and intelligent, we've got the same interests andRfestyCes... (But I don't R£e your shoes! Ex. 30 Expand the following statements, express your opinion. 1. You will like him if you get to know him better as he is... 2. His brother looks a bit stern but... 3. The girl is a little unbalanced but... 4. She / he is everything I dis- like in a woman / man. 5. I like the way he behaves. 6. He is not the kind of person you will like at first sight but... 7. She is terribly boring. 8. He's got a bunch of bad habits. 9. His bark's worse than his bite. 10. She wants what she wants, when she wants it. 82 ► Likes and Dislikes Ex. 31 Moving from one person to another ask questions about your fellow students' likes / dislikes. Each student gets a card with the task 'Find someone w ho...'. a) likes going to the dentist b) likes to be the centre of attention c) likes making fun of other people d) is fond of doing nothing e) likes speaking in public f) likes every- thing about his / her character g) has a bunch of bad habits h) likes their studies at the University i) dislikes being laughed at j) is fond of smoking k) likes pets I) is fond of chocolate Ex. 32 Read these comments about smoking and say which you sympathise with and why. 1. I really dislike the habit. 2. I would hate to think that a child of mine would start smoking. 3. People seem to detest me just because I smoke. Well, why not? I like smoking. 4. I don't care for cigarettes. They are extremely unpleasant. 5. I get a kick out of smoking. I'd like to see someone try to stop me! 6. I used to be a smoker, but now I've taken an intense. 7. There's nothing I loathe more than people who've given up smoking. They're so self- righteous. I'm not that keen on it, but yes, I enjoy an occasional cigarette. 8. I have a love-hate relationship with cigarettes. I mean I love smoking but I hate what it might do to me. 9. Cigarettes do not tempt me in the slightest. They never have. And I can't stand being in public places which are full of smokers. Ex. 33 A. Say what habits you think are good, bad. Do you have any bad habits you would like to get rid of? Is it easy? Use the following expressions to share your opin- ion: - I think / believe / suppose ... - To my mind ... - In my opinion ... - If you ask me ... - As for me ... -Actually / in fact... - What concerns smoking / drinking etc.... 83 You may also use the following words connected with liking and disliking. Make sure you understand the meaning of the words. Say which of them express liking and which express disliking. revolting loveable tempting disgusting desirable charming adorable enticing detestable captivating hateful enchanting to fancy to be fond of to be devoted to re- pulsive B. Translate these words into Russian / Belarusian. C. Use them in sentences as examples. Class Communication 292 Task 1 ► Test: How Brave Are You? How brave are you? How do you react (or how do you think you would react) to the following experiences? Note your reactions as follows: very frightened 2; frightened 1; not frightened 0. Take away one point from your total for each experience that excites you; take away two points for each experience that excites you very much. a) being driven very fast b) flying in a big passenger plane c) going down in a sub- marine d) climbing a high ladder e) climbing a difficult mountain f) looking down from the top of a high building g) being lost in a dark forest h) being alone in the dark i) being in the middle of a big crowd j) being in a small tunnel k) being in a lift that has broken down I) learning a dangerous sport (e.g. shark-hunting, motor- racing, sky-diving) m) speaking in public n) taking an exam 84 о) being alone with a drunk in a railway carriage p) seeing a big dog coming towards you q) touching a non-poisonous spider r) hearing a fire alarm in your hotel s) seeing an injured person pouring with blood t) having a non-dangerous operation When you have finished the questionnaire, find out the scores of different people in the class. What are the highest and lowest scores? What is the average score? How does your own score compare with the average? Are you surprised by your result? What kind of scores do you think show that people are: very brave; quite brave; quite nervous; very nervous? Task 2 Work in groups and make up a questionnaire to find out something else about people - for example how generous they are, or how sociable, or how honest, or how hard- working. Example: Do you lend money to your friends? Task 3 ► Do you know each other well? Speak about the character, habits, likes and dislikes of one of your groupmates with- out mentioning his/he r name. The others will try to guess who she/he is. Task 4 Recollect September 1 when you came to school as a first-former. What were your impressions of your first teacher? Recollect your first impressions of the fellow- students / the language teacher at the University. In you opinion, what features of character should / shouldn't an ideal teacher possess? Why do you think so? 85 ► The Main Attraction Suddenly it happens! You just know he's the man for you, and you haven't even been introduced yet. But how do you know? And how can you make sure he feels the same way? What first attracts men to women? Whereas women tend to notice the eyes, teeth and smile in particular, men will be more likely to assess the face in general and pay more attention to figure and legs. According to a recent survey by Singles magazine, these are the top ten attributes that men and women look for in each other, in order of priority: 293 Men look for a women who is: attractive sincere slim a non-smoker intelligent with a sense of humour affectionate tall kind Women look for a man who is: tall professional with a sense of humour attractive (not necessarily handsome) sincere intelligent handsome kind educated Complete the questionnaire. What is important in a new friend / partner? Very important Important Not very important Physical appearance Clothes Job or education Family Money and possessions Personality and character Religion Politics Other... 86 Task 5 Read the following advertisements. What kind of people do you think these are? Do you think they will make a good match? ! p Good-looking and vivacious widow aged 40, ! E wanting companionship and a lasting Unattached male divorcee, 55, with custody of i “ с relationship, wishes to hear from a fun-loving three teenage children, wants friendship with a о ■ О but ma- ture bachelor or widower. He should single woman who has no family responsibili- ties ! N share an interest in modem art and tennis, and willingness to travel far. A and be a considerate non-smoker. Reply Box Z 542. L Reply Box Z 351. & Writing Now write an advertisement for yourself to attract the type of partner you would like to have. Use the given advertisements as models. Task 6 Work in two groups. What are the characteristics of a good wife / husband? l List them in order of priority from 1 to 10 1 List them to show what makes the most perfect wife / husband. Discuss it with the other group. Task 7 Role-play Student A Student В *эи are visiting your sick friend. In the course of your snail talk you break the excit- ing news - you have a *ew teacher / boyfriend / girlfriend etc. You've been ill for ten days already. You are eager t: learn how things are going at the University etc Student A Student В fou are having lunch in a snack bar. You've just had a vw with your friend / col- leagues etc. So you are natter moody. A group-mate / fellow-worker of yours prs you. You join your group-mate / fellow worker in a s^acx bar. You try to make small talk with him / her bs he / she seems to be somewhat depressed. Try tc ire out what has happened. 294 87 Task 8 Discussion: Who is the head of your family? Task 9 Interview the husband and the wife of the year. Class Improvisation PROPOSAL Roles: Mike Daisy his mother her mother his father her friend Sue his sister 6*/' Note: a) Other roles may be introduced. b) The students can choose different names. Mike You've made a proposal to your girlfriend and now you break the news to your par- ents Mike's mother Your son has made a proposal to his girlfriend. You don't like the girl. Besides you think your son is too young to marry. He hasn't settled yet, his job doesn't pay much etc. Mike's father Your son has offered marriage to his girlfriend. You are not acquainted with her. You want to know smth about her age, education, family etc. Although your wife is against the marriage you leave it to your son to decide Mike's sister You want to know what your brother's girlfriend looks like (eyes, hair, face etc.), her clothes. Mike's fellow worker Jim Mrs Nosy Mrs Gossip 88 Daisy You tell your mother about your boyfriend's proposal which you have accepted. Daisy's mother Your daughter has accepted the proposal of the young man you hardly know, with- out asking your advice. Although your feelings are hurt it's your daughter's happi- ness that matters more. You ask your daughter about her fiance's family, job etc. Mike's fellow worker Jim You hear that Mike is getting married. You want to know smth about his girlfriend (appearance, character, interests) Mike You come to your office and your fellow worker Jim showers you with questions. Mrs Nosy You hear that your neighbour's son Mike is going to marry a girl, Daisy by name. Mrs Gossip knows Daisy. Call her and ask her about the girl. You think your daugh- ter Pat would make a better wife for Mike Mrs Gossip Mrs Nosy calls you and asks about Daisy. Tell her what you think about the girl (dates a different boy every weekend, lazy, untidy etc.). Daisy

295 You come to a cafe. Here you see Sue whom you haven't seen for a long time. Tell her you are getting married soon. Daisy's friend Sue You come to a cafe. Here you see Daisy. It's been long since you saw her last. Have a chat with her. Ask her about her boyfriend. 89 Revision and Consolidation I. Put the following adjectives in the correct order. 1. Tom was a / little / rather aggressive / fat / child. 2. She had / blue / enormous / bright / eyes. 3. Her hair was a mass of / red / long / curls. 4. He was wearing a / leather / black / very pricy / jacket. 5. On her head she had a (an) / black / little / feather / amazing / hat. 6. He was a(n) / English / attractive / young / man. 7. She is a / Columbian / hard-working / quiet / student. 8. She was dressed in a / full-length / beautiful / evening / dress. 9. She's got / brown / beautiful / big / eyes. 10. He was wearing / tight / velvet / trendy / trousers. II. Use the prompts below to build up a description of a student. Before you begin think about the tenses you will use. 1. Last month / 1 / join / evening class / because / want / learn / English. 2. First day / 1 / be / curious / look / what / other students / like. 3. When / 1 / enter / classroom / 1 / notice / one / student / particular. 4. We / now / good friends / and / we / often / meet / evenings. 5. My neighbour's name / Manuela. She / tall / slim / Italian girl / early twenties. 6. She / big / brown / eyes / and / friendly / smile. 7. She / usually / wear / blue jeans / but / today / dressed / skirt / blouse. 8. Although / she / serious / student / she / lively / imaginative / and / have / good / sense of humour. 9. She / like / sport / and / be excellent / dancer. 10.1 / hope / we / not lose touch / each other / when / course / finish. III. Cross out the incorrect word in each of the following sentences. 1. I was very anxious / worried that we would miss the last bus home. 2. Try to be kind to / with everyone you meet. 3. You shouldn't be jealous about / of your brother's success. 4. She's such a gentle / kind person: she helps everyone she meets. 5. I envy him for / of his strong character. 6. 'Do you think Ken will marry Sally?' 'I think so. He's very earnest / serious about her'. 7. I've always been curious of / about the way people live in India. 8. Are you confident with / about your English or do you think you must improve? 9. Most successful men and women share certain char- acters / characteristics: they are very determined, confident and energetic. 10. Eve- ryone was shocked at their strange behaviour / behaviours. 11.1 felt very anxious / nervous before I began to sing but I tried to be as calm as I could. 12. Mr Jones is always very critical on / of the government's education policy. 90 IV. Translate from Russian / Belarusian into English. Познакомьтесь с моей тетей . Ее зовут Элис . Она замужем , и у нее двое детей по имени Том и Мэри . В прошлом году тете Элис исполнилось 50, но она не выглядит на свой возраст . Она выглядит гораздо моложе своих лет . Тетя Элис очень привлекательная женщина , у нее умное , доброе лицо , живые серые гла- за , высокий лоб , прямой нос . У тети Элис есть свой стиль в одежде , она всегда одета с иголочки . Что касается характера , тетя Элис очень уравновешенный 296 человек , общительный , легко ладит с людьми , у нее есть чувство юмора . Я всегда могу поговорить с ней на равных (to talk on equal terms with smb) и об- судить все свои проблемы . Тетя Элис обладает еще одним очень важным каче- ством , которое я ценю в людях , - на нее всегда можно положиться . Единствен- ный « достаток тети в том , что она не очень практична * не умеет разумно тра- тить деньги . Муж тети Элис , Джон Брэнт , на шесть лет старше своей жены . По профессии он экономист и работает в одной из торговых компаний . С первого взгляда он иожет не понравиться , но вы обязательно « сладите с ним , когда уз- наете его лучше . Пазнаёмцеся з маёй цёткай . Яе завуць Элю Яна замужам , i у яе двое дзяцей , ix завуць Том Мэры . У тым годзе цётцы споунтася 50, але янз не выглядае на свой узрост . Яна выглядае значна маладзейшай за свае гады . Цётка Элю вельм прывабная жанчына , у яе разумны добры твар жывыя шэрыя вочы , высою лоб , прамы нос . Цётка Элю мае уласны стыль у адзеннк Яна заусёдь густоуна апра- нутая . Што да характеру , то цётка Элю вельм 1 ураунаважаны чалавек , кантак- тоунь з лёгкасцю ладзщь з шшьш людзьм 1, яна мае пачуццё гумару . Я заусёды магу пагаварыць з е/ на роуных (to talk on equal terms with smfc абмеркаваць усе свае праблемы . Цётка Элю мае яшчэ вельм 1 важную уласц |' васць , якую я ца --: ) людзях : на яе заусёды можна разл 1чваць . Адз -= недахоп цётю Элю у тым , што яна вегьм непрактычная i не умее разумна трацщь гро _=. Муж цётю Элю Джон Брэнт на шэсць галс .; старэйшы за сваю жонку . Па прафеси ён эка- нам с i працуе у адной з гандлёвых кампанм . На перш = погляд , ён можа i не спадабацца , але абавязкова пападз 1це з iM, кал 1 ле __ пазнаём 1цеся . Н‘ е: Ц/Яу did Lord create women so 6eautifuC and so stupid? She: (BeautijuC, so that you marry us. Stupid, so tfiat we marry you.

Grammar 'Say', 'tell' and 'ask' The commonest reporting verbs in both direct and indirect speech are: say, tell and ask. We must always use a personal indirect object after tell ( tell somebody ...) : He told me he was tired. John told his mother he was going out. Say is most often used without a personal object. We can use to me , etc. after say if we want to: 'You haven't got much time, ' he said (to me). or: ... he told me. We can use me, etc. after ask if we want to: Are you comfortable?' he asked (me). Both say and tell are used with direct and indirect speech. (Say is more com- mon than tell with direct speech.) E. g. ‘Turn right,’ I told him. ‘Turn right,’ I said . Tell is only used to mean ‘instruct’ or ‘inform’. So we do not use tell with greetings, exclamations or questions, for example. He says, ‘Good morning.’ (But not He told them, ‘Good morning . ’) ‘What’s your problem?’ I said. (But not ‘What’s your problem?’ I told her. ) There are many common expressions with say, tell and ask, for example: say: say a few words, say so, say no more, say nothing, say your prayers tell: tell a lie, tell a story, tell you so, tell the time, tell the truth ask: ask after someone, ask (for) a favour, ask a question, ask the price

297 Exercises 1. Choose the correct word from those in brackets to fill the blank in each sentence. 1. He often ...... things like that. (says / tells). 2. She always ...... me her troubles. (says / tells) 3. The children always ...... me if they can go out to play. (tel/ask) 4. He ...... us to leave. (says / asked) 5. 'Don't do that!' she ...... to them. (says / tells /asks) 6. 'They've arrived,' she ...... (says / tells / asks) 7. 'How are you both?' she ...... (tells / asks) 8. I ...... that I don't know what to do. (say / tell / ask) 9. She ...... me she doesn’t know what to do. (says / tells / asks) 10. They ...... if I know what to do. (say / tell / ask) 11. The nurse ...... him whether he needed anything else. (says / asks / tells) 12. Did he ...... you where you came from? (say / ask) 13. Did she ...... you where she had put my books? (say / ltell) 14. The policeman ...... us where we were going. (said / told / asked) 15. He didn't ...... me how long the job would take. (say / tell) 16. 'There's no match on Saturday.' - 'Who ...... so?' (says /tells /asks) 17. 'You were right. Those cur- tains look terrible!' - 'I ...... you so!' (said / ltold / asked) 18. When I was intro- duced to the Princess, she ...... a few words to me. (said / told) 19. That little boy's very bad. He ...... a lot of lies. (says / tells) 20. 'How much are those ba- nanas?' - 'I've got no idea. Go and ...... the price.' (say / tell / ask)

1. Fill in the gaps with the words say, speak, talk или tell in the correct form. 1. What languages can Elizabeth ______? 2. Most children can already ______by the time they are two. 3. He never ______hello when he sees me. 4. ______with him, he needs help. 5. Jessica ______very quietly. I can never hear what she ______. 6. Please, ______me a nice story. I like stories. 7. Never ______lies. 8. ______me, please, is Alice in? 9. If you have a problem, please ______me. I may help.

2. Find sentences in which the verbs say and tell are used incorrectly and correct them. What is special about sentences 12, 13, 15?

1. Jessica tells she misses them. 2. We say Kate she is late. 3. Ben says to Jill: "Lend me your pen." 4. Harry tells Archie: "Pass me the jam." 5. Emily tells me she feels bad when she sees Alice with Bill. 6. Katie says, “Peter is ill”. 7. Helen tells to Pam: "Let's meet in the park." 8. I often tell him I miss his niece. 9. Charles says me he feels sleepy. 10. Nicky always tells he likes tea with milk. 11. Charlotte and Beccy tell Ned they play tennis badly. 12. The teacher tells the students: "Listen to text eleven and do the test." 13. Jenny tells Mark: "I like fish." 14. I tell I'm fine. 15. Vivie tells me: “I am Russian.” 16. She tells me: “Have a nice day!”

2. Supply the missing phrases with common expressions with say, tell and ask say, tell and ask (see the expressions in the grammar section above). 1. Don't say ...... now that the worst has happened. 2. Don't offer to buy it...... first. 3. I’ve got enough of it ...... 4. If you need money, why don't you ...... a loan? 5. 5 Don't tell them anything...... 6. 'Who ...... ? – 'I say so!' 7. When did your son learn to ...... ? 8. 1 did it. I cannot ......

298 3. Copy out the following joke in transcription, mark the stresses and tunes. Retell the joke in indirect speech (in the Present Indefinite Tense). Enlarge the joke and give your own ending to it:

Teacher: Jimmie, why don't you wash your face? I can see what you had for break- fast this morning. Little boy: What was it? Teacher: Eggs, of course. Little boy: Wrong, teacher, that was yesterday.

Direct and Indirect Speech When we report people’s words, thoughts, beliefs etc, we can give the exact words (more o less) that were said, or that we imagine were thought. This kind of structure is called direct speech: What do you want? (He asks, “What do you want ?”) In contrast to direct speech, in which the exact words of the speaker are given, indirect speech is a form of utterance in which these words are reported. Direct Speech: Punctuation We punctuate sentences with direct speech by putting quotation marks (or 'in- verted commas') outside all other punctuation marks at the beginning and end of each quotation, high above the base line. Quotation marks may be single ('...'), or double ("..."): ‘Is that you, Jane?' Bob asked. “Is that you, Jane?” Bob asked. When the subject + reporting verb comes at the beginning of a sentence, the reporting verb is always followed by a comma (sometimes by a colon (:) in AmE) and the quotation begins with a capital letter: John says, 'We are late.' When the subject + reporting verb comes after what is said, the quotation has a comma before the second quotation mark: ‘We are late,' he said. Subject + verb can come in the middle of a quotation-sentence: 'Where in this wretched town, ' John asked, 'can I get a taxi?’ The second part of the quotation does not begin with a capital letter because it is not a separate sentence. The inside quotation has its own punctuation, distinct from the rest of the sen- tence. If there is a 'quote within a quote' (e.g. if we are quoting someone's exact words), we use a second set of quotation marks. If double quotation marks have been used on the 'outside', single ones are used on the 'inside' and vice versa. Ann said, 'Just as I was leaving, a voice shouted "Stop”!’ 'What do you mean? "Are you all right?”?’ Ann asked.

Exercise 1. Расставьте знаки препинания в предложениях с прямой и косвенной речью там , где это необходимо . Прочитайте предложения , соблюдая правила их интонационного оформления .

299 Gladys’s ill Tim says. 2. It’s a nice idea he says. 3. Willy Hack says I’m sleepy. 4. I say I’m fine. 5. They ask can we seat in that seat. 6. Andy White says Will Williams isn’t glad. 7. Wesley Hyde’s late Nick Hayle says. 8. I’m fine I say. 9. It’s my web- site he explains 10. Hannah Wells says Knight Hyde’s ill. 11. Jim asks is she in. 12. Sandy says she wants a piece of cake. 13. Andy asks why I’m late. 14. Jane asks is Wendy in time. 15. Jeff asks if Jim Clarke misses PE classes. 16. James asks when maths class begins. 17. Is it Jessica Smith Ted Kelly asks. 18. I live at 18 Victoria Street Elizabeth says. 19. Jack asks is Dad at work. 20. Jim asks which seat is his at the table. 21. Sheila asks if this seat is free.

2. Translate from Ruissian into English. Write down the sentences paying attention to the correct punctuation . 1. «Джейн готовит обед , а готовить завтрак заставляет Джорджа », — говорит Сара . 2. «У Гарри и Сандры ленивый сын », — говорит Гарри . 3. « Учитель за- ставляет нас читать трудные тексты », – говорит Оливер Хэррис . 4. « Если Джим сделает грубые ошибки , заставь его написать упражнение снова », – го- ворит Скарлет Эварду . 5. Рон говорит Фреду : « Марк держит свои компакт диски в письменном столе ». 6. « После занятий они обычно отдыхают », — го- ворит Шарлотта . 7. Стив говорит мне : « Каждый день Джессика занимается до семи часов , потом выгуливает собаку , смотрит телевизор или читает перед тем как лечь спать ». 8. «После завтрака у нас занятия до двух часов », — говорит Эмма . 9. Сандра говорит ему : « Завтра в двенадцать Грейс готовит обед , в три они приходят обедать ». 10. «Давай я приду к тебе и мы поиграем в шахматы », — говорит Джордж . « К сожалению , не могу . Я занят — наклеиваю обои (to put up wallpaper)», отвечает Том . 11. «Мы приходим на работу вовремя . В девять часов все сотрудники (the staff) уже за своими столами », — рассказывает офисный работник . 12. «Сколько времени ?», спрашивает Миранда . « Уже шесть часов », — отвечает Сидни . — «Чем занимается Кейт ?» « Она готовит ужин , а Айрис и Джулия читают сказки ». 13. Репортер рассказывает : « После ужина Чарли читает в Интернете про футбол , а его жена в это время печатает упражнения для студентов ». 14. После ужина Ханна моет посуду , а её дочь убирает в комнате . 15. Миша — русский . 16. Нильс — швед , а Шейла — фран- цуженка . 17. Ребекка и Томас — англичане . 18. Ричард умеет говорить по - китайски и по -японски . 19. Скажите Дженифер , что я занят — пишу статью . 20. Джек говорит сейчас пять часов , но мне кажется , что уже шесть . 21. Джек говорит , что датский язык лёгкий , но я думаю , что он трудный . 23. Джеймс пишет Джулии письма по французски , а она отвечает ему по -английски . 24. «Дети , скажите это по-английски », — говорит учитель . 25. « Скажи это сначала по -немецки , а потом по -шведски », — просит Том . 26. Стив плохо говорит по - испански , но довольно хорошо читает на этом языке . 27. Тереза пишет статьи по лингвистике на английском , а Ян переводит их для неё с английского на ки- тайский . Она хочет опубликовать их в китайском научном журнале . 28. Фред говорит , что его жена любит писать СМС -сообщения . 29. Жена Гарри Баркера говорит ему , что ей нравятся светлые платья . 30. Скажите нам , свободны ли они после ужина .


Converting Direct Speech into Indirect Speech When direct speech is converted into indirect speech the following changes are introduced: 1. The quotation marks and the comma (or colon) are omitted. 2. If the speaker reports somebody else ’s words the pronouns of the 1st person are replaced by those of the 3rd person; the pronouns of the 2nd by those of the 1st or 3rd. He says, “I am ready. ” He says he is ready. If the speaker reports his or her own words, the pronouns are naturally not changed: I say, “I am ready. ” I say I am ready. 3. If the reporting verb is in the present, the tenses that follow are usually the same as those used in the original spoken statement. That is optional after say and tell.

* – This rule works only if the main sentence is in the present tense.

Statements in Indirect Speech he is a good student. I she can speak English well. We say (that) the students must work more at You tell him their pronunciation. They Tom must be in Room No. 7.

Special Questions in Indirect Speech where my parents live. He why I am late. My friend asks (me) where my father works. Our teacher what newspaper I read.

Open-Ended Questions in Indirect Speech

He if I live in Leeds. My friend asks (me) if my sister is married. Our teacher If there are lots of parks in my city.

Imperatives in Indirect Speech

301 He She asks me to wait for him. Father tells me to do it at once. You ask me not to go there alone. They tell me not to stay there any longer. The girls

Exercises 3. Use the following sentences in indirect speech according to the given model. Make all the necessary changes. b) Imagine you are telling someone about what is said in the sentences below. Your fellow-student is to express agreement as in the model.

Model 1: Bob says: "I can play ping-pong well." — Bob says he can play ping-pong well.

Model 2: He says he has no earphones. — No, he doesn’t.

1. He says: "This sentence is not difficult." 2. Mary says: "There is only one window in our classroom." 3. John says: "There aren't many fruit trees in their garden." 4. Betty says: "Doctor Sandford isn't in." 5. Doctor Sandford says: "My family is not large." 6. Helen says: "I have only one son." 7. Mrs. Sandford says: "Benny is an only child in the family." 8. Benny says: "Our house is not large." 9. The student says: "I cannot speak English well." 10. Betty says: "I must learn many poems by heart." 11. The teacher says: "It is two o'clock. Our classes are over." 12. The mother says: "Tom must come home at a quarter^ to three." 13. The father says: "I must work till late at night to-4 day." 14. Bob says: "I can come in the morning." 15. Nick says: "My sister is married to a sailor."

4. Use the following questions in indirect speech according to the given model. Make all the necessary changes. Model: The teacher asks: "Do you know any English words?" The teacher asks if we know any English words. 1. Tom asks: "Do you know French well?" 2. She asks: "Do you like to skate?" 3. My friends ask: "Are you free on Sunday?" 4. The student asks: "Have you any Eng- lish books at home?" 5. She asks: "Do you want to read this book?" 6. The teacher asks: "Are there any mistakes in spelling on the blackboard?" 7. The student asks: "Are there any mistakes in my pronunciation?" 8. The teacher asks me: "Do you know any poem by heart?" 9. Mary asks me: "Do you know many English words?" 10. Betty asks Tom: "Must you go to the University?" 11. The teacher asks the boy: "Is May a spring month?" 12. The students ask me: "Do you like our University?" 13. Mr. White asks Betty: "Is Doctor Sandford in?" 14. The children ask Betty: "Do you play the piano?" 15. The teacher asks the boy: "Have you any brothers or sis- ters?" 16. The teacher asks the girls: "Can you spell the word 'white'?" 17. The boy asks his sister: "Do you see anything on the table?"

302 3. Give the following sentences in indirect speech, write down the sentences making the necessary changes: 1. My father says: "Why don't you read English newspapers?" 2. Maggy says: "Why are you looking at me in that way?" 3. My teacher says: "You've got a number of mistakes in your translation." 4. She says: "What are you going to be when you leave the university?" 5. I say: "I'm sure I am going to be a teacher." 6. He says: "Italy is in the South of Europe." 7. My cousin says: "When are you coming to see us?" 8. She says: "I like the poem. I am going to learn it by heart." 9. Mother says: 2. "Don't be late for dinner," 10. Our teacher says: "You must work more systemati- cally." 11. They say: "Don't stay here any longer, It is getting dark." 12. The girl says: "We have a lot of English books at home." 13. The child says: "What are you doing?" 3. The mother says: "Why are you crying? Come up to me." The boys say: "We want to help you, father." 16. Mr. Smith says: "Have dinner with us." 17. The mother says: "Eat up your porridge, children." 18. The teacher says: "Find the Thames on the map, Mike." 19. They say: "Don't make so much noise, John. The baby is asleep."

5. Make up short dialogues according to the given model. Use the following questions. Model: A: Do you know Helen? B: Sorry? What do you ask me? A: I ask you if you know Helen. C: What does A. ask you? B: A. asks me if I know Helen.

1. Are you busy? 2. Are the lessons over? 3. Is he already twenty? 4. Are there any new words in Lesson Four? 5. Do you know the pronunciation of all the new words? 6. Is this translation difficult? 7. Do the students of your group work much at their English? 8. Who is the monitor of your group? 9. Can you swim? 10. Must we finish this work today? 11. Are you fond of animals?

4. Translate from Ruissian into English. Write down the sentences paying attention to the correct punctuation. 1. Ник говорит , что Тед — глупый и привередливый человек . 2. Я думаю , что Бен — обидчивый и сентиментальный подросток . 3. Энди — капризный ребё- нок ? — Дэйзи считает , что это так . 4. Мы считаем , что Ева благоразумна . 5. Макс талантлив ? — Белла и Кэйти говорят , что это так . 6. Стив аккуратный человек ? — Я думаю , да . 7. Найт Уесли ( приятен ) мил , не правда ли ? 8. Я счи- таю , что он бестактен и недоброжелателен . — Так и есть . 9. Анна говорит , что Тед хороший человек . — Это так . 10. Он считает , что Уильям одарённый под- росток . — Так оно и есть . 11. Тэд Гейтс и Питер Уильямс говорят , что Эмилия Келли — приятная женщина . 12. Нэд Хилл говорит , что Эми — глупенькая маленькая девочка . — Нэд сам глупый . 13. Я вижу у Алекса есть много хоро- ших карт . Пусть он мне одолжит карту . 14. Дейв говорит , что Сидней — боль- шой город . 15. Я считаю , это несерьёзный фильм . 15. Я рад , что это лёгкая 303 контрольная работа . 16. Плохо , что ребёнок Эмми болен . 17. Тэд рад , что у не- го большая квартира . 18. Я рада , что Дэвиду нравится мой план . 19. Плохо , что у Билла черная шляпа и белый галстук . 20. Жаль , что Энди Хилл опаздывает . 21. Я рад , что Анна пришла вовремя . 22. Жаль , что Дэйзи ленива . 23. Я рад , что Бен счастлив . 24. Жаль , что Билли плохо себя чувствует .

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Comparative Degrees of Adjectives taller her friend younger* her sister She is prettier than her brother her sister-in- more beautiful law tired her aunt

Superlative Degrees of Adjectives the tallest of all the students in the oldest her group She is the busiest of the three girls

beautiful of all the most capable active

Adjectives Which Have two Forms of Comparison Positive Comparative Superlative far old farther более (the) farthest ] дальний (the) furthest ] самый дальний further 1 более дальний , 2 дальнейший (the) oldest старший по возрасту (the) older eldest старший в семье elder



Comparing people’s features. - a( much) more self – confident person - ( much) more self – confident - the most self – confident student in the - the most self – confident ( of all) group - as self – confident a person as … - as self – confident as … - not so self – confident a person as … - not so self – confident as … - not half so self – confident a person as - not half so self – confident as … .

Exercises 1. Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as in the model. Use contracted forms. Model. Is she as tall as her friend? She's much taller than her friend.

2. Put the adjectives in brackets in the required degree of comparison: 1. Asia is (large) than Australia. 2. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 3. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy. 4. There are (few) mistakes in my dictation than in yours. 5. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town. 6. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 7. Chinese is (difficult) than English. 8. Spanish is (easy) than German. 9. Let's go to the (far) corner of the park. That is the (quiet) place here.

3. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: old, bad, cold, yellow, loud, clean, large, cosy, comfortable, green, modern, long, red, dark, good, small, interesting, difficult, important, easy, late, pretty, sad, dear, gay, cheap, expensive, far, simple, clever, happy, sweet, little, hot, quick, heavy, pleasant, wonderful.

4. a) Change the following sentences as shown on the model.

Model 1: Tom is as clever as Jim. Model 2: Tom is not as clever as Jim. Tom is not so clever as Jim. 1. The Thames is as long as you say. 2. She is as proud as her sister. 3. My pen is as good as yours. 4. This armchair is as comfortable as that one in Father's study. 5. The film is as interesting as the play. 6. My bag is as heavy as hers. 7. A tram is as quick as a bus. 8. She is as beautiful as her mother. 9. The furniture in her bedroom is as modern as in the sitting-room. 10. My dressing-table is as small as yours.

b) Change the negative sentences you have written in the following way. Models: 1. Tom is not (as, so) clever as Jim, 2. Jim is cleverer than Tom.

5. Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as in the models. Give a short answer and add a sentence of your own using adverbs in the comparative and the superlative degree.

Model 1: Does she speak Spanish more fluently than her friend? Oh yes, she does. Of all the students in our group she speaks most fluently. 306 Model 2: He doesn't go to bed later than you, does he? No, he doesn't. He goes to bed earliest of all, (or. But he does. He goes to bed latest of all.)

6. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech: 1. The pupil asks: "Is the United States in North America?" 2. The student asks: "Is the Volga longer than the Thames?" 3. The pupil asks: "Is the Thames as long as the Volga?" 4. My friend asks me: "Is the Baltic Sea cold?" 5. The teacher asks: "Is Bu- dapest in Hungary?" 6. The teacher says: "The Indian Ocean is warmer than the Arc- tic Ocean." 7. Betty says: "My father speaks two foreign languages: German and French." 8. The teacher says: "London is the capital of Great Britain." 9. The teacher says: "Betty speaks German better than Mary." 10. My friend asks: "Does Mary speak Italian?" 11. My mother asks: "Does Helen know any foreign languages?" 12. The teacher says: "Japanese is a difficult language." 13. The student asks: "Is Japa- nese more difficult than Russian?" 14. The pupil asks: "Is Prague the capital of Czechia?" 15. The teacher asks me: "Can you spell the word 'Mississippi'?"

7. Translate into English: 1. Какой язык труднее , английский или немецкий ? 2. Волга — самый длинный водный путь -в" Европе , не так ли ? 3. Каковы последние новости ? 4. Сегодня погода хуже , чем вчера . 5. Февраль — самый короткий месяц года . 6. Ведь Лондон больше Парижа ? 7. Мой словарь лучше твоего . 8. Какой материк са- мый большой ? 9. Он не такой высокий , как его старший брат . 10. Какой путь самый короткий ? 11. Джим — мой самый старый и самый лучший друг 12 Это самая грубая ошибка . 13. Эти яблоки слаще груш . 14 Она ниже ростом , чем ее муж . 15. Альпы — самые высокие горы в Европе . 16. Последний рассказ в этой книге — самый интересный . 17. В воскресенье мы встаем позже , чем обычно . 18 Байкал — самое глубокое озеро в мире . 19. Хотя сыну всего 15 лет , но он уже выше своего отца . 20. У вас произношение хуже , чем у других студентов вашей группы . Вам надо больше заниматься . 21. Прямая линия — кратчайшее расстояние между двумя точками 22. Моя сестра на 6 лет моложе меня .

8. a) Fill in much better. 1. He knows French ... than German. 2. He can do it ... than she. 3. He writes dicta- tions ... than his friends.

b) Give sentences of your own using the same model.

9. Paraphrase the sentences using too or enough: Models: It was so cold (that) we couldn't go out. It was too cold (for us) to go out. She is clever, and can understand everything. She is clever enough to understand everything. 1. She knows English well and can talk to a foreigner. 2. The passage is so difficult that you can't translate it without a dictionary. 3. He has grown so fat he can't tie up his own shoes. 4. He was so thirsty he could drink a well dry. 5. You're so young that you don't know such things yet. 6. I know him well and I trust him. 7. The work is so difficult we can't fulfil it in a fortnight. 8. It's very late, you can't go for a walk.

307 9. He is not clever, and he won't understand your joke. 10. She is so kind, she can't be angry with anybody.

10. 95. Use the required form of the adjective given in brackets. Insert articles where necessary: 1. My sister is much (old) than myself. 2. This is (warm) room in the house. 3. Her daughter is a little (tall) than I but much (thin). 4. It was (early) than I thought, only six o'clock. 5. Where is (near) shop? 6. He is (old) son in the family. 7. What's (late) news? 8. Only when (late) guest left the room she sighed freely. 9. Cardiff is (large) town in Wales. 10. She is much (useful) at home than here. 11. She is (beautiful) girl we have ever seen. 12. He is one of (good) engineers at the plant. 13. Today your an- swer is (bad) than last week. 14. John is my (old) friend in this place. 15. This is (funny) story in the whole collection. 16. 1 didn't like (late) chapter in this book. 17. Your composition must be as (short) as possible. 18. He was not so (talented) as we had expected. 19. They always choose (easy) way. 20. Which is (high) mountain in the world? 21. What can be (sweet) than honey?

11. Copy the following sentences choosing the proper word from brackets: 1. Please, tell me the (next, nearest) way to the post-office. 2. The exercise is on the (next, nearest) page. 3. We must wait for some (farther, further) instructions. 4. Who is that boy in the (farthest, furthest) corner of the room? 5. He is the (oldest, eldest) son of my father's friend. 6. This is the (oldest, eldest) edition of the book. 7. Lucy is my (oldest, eldest) pen-friend. 8. I am (older, elder) than you. 9, Jim is the (oldest, eldest) son in the family. He is two years (older, elder) than Mary. 10. Eleven o'clock is the (last, latest) time when my daughter goes to bed.

12. Replace the part of the model in bold type by the following: Model 1: What's his (her, their) nationality? He is (a) Russian. Canadian, Armenian, American, ...

Model 2 : The Russians live in Russia. Poland, England, Spain, France, ... Model 3: What country (republic) are you (she, they) from? I come (am) from Esto- nia. Latvia, Spain, France, ...

13. Compare the objects according to the given model. Model: A lemon — an apple (sour). A lemon is sourer than an apple. An apple is not so sour as a lemon. An apple is not as sour as a lemon.

1. The Black Sea — the White Sea (warm). 2. Oil — water (light). 3. Bulgaria — Russia (small). 4. Butter — milk (cheap). 5. Stone — wood (heavy). 6. Carrots — cucumbers (useful). 7. India — Japan (large). 8. Meat — vegetables (expensive). 9. Japanese — Spanish (difficult). 10. The Indian Ocean — the Arctic Ocean (warm).

308 14. Speak on the following: 1. The map of the world. 2. The country I find interesting. 3. My favourite holiday destination.

Dia- logue


Focus Vocabulary a blind date – свидание « вслепую » homecoming – встреча выпускников incident – инцидент , недоразумение to be surprised – удивиться to be the same age – того же возраста to chat with somebody on the computer – болтать с кем -либо по компьютеру to curl one’s hair – завивать волосы 310 to enjoy the mystery of something – наслаждаться таинственностью чего -либо to feel nervous/excited – нервничать / быть радостно взволнованным to laugh – смеяться to hug – обниматься to look like – быть похожим to meet at a restaurant – встречаться в ресторане to meet in person – встречаться лично to mistake somebody for somebody – принимать кого -либо за кого -либо другого to open one’s e-mail – открывать электронную почту porter – вахтер в университете или колледже to share many interests – разделять интересы to put on a dress – надевать платье the right man for somebody – подходящий человек для кого -либо to think to oneself – думать про себя to turn around – обернуться to turn on one’s computer – включать компьютер I cannot believe it is you! That must be (Mike).

Pre-Reading Task

Answer the questions. 1.How can young people find a girlfriend/a boyfriend? 2. Do you know what a 'blind date' is? Have you ever been on a blind date? If not, would you go on a blind date? 3. Imagine yourself going on a ‘blind date’. Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date using the functional vocabulary. Describe a perfect ‘blind date’.

Text Read the text. Online Dating Amanda turns on her computer and opens her e-mail. She has a new message. She smiles. It is from Tall_and_Handsome34, a man Amanda met on FindNew-, an online dating website. She really hopes to find a new love, and Tall_and_Handsome34 could be the right man for her! Amanda reads the e-mail. Tall_and_Handsome34 asks Amanda if she would like to meet in person on Friday. He tells her his real name is Mike. Amanda considers meeting Mike. She only chats with Mike on the computer, but she really likes him. He is smart and funny. They are the same age, share many in- terests, and live in the same city. She does not know what he looks like, but she en- joys the mystery of a blind date. Amanda replies to Mike, "Hi Mike. My real name is Amanda." They agree to meet at Amanda's favorite restaurant at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. They plan to meet beside the fountain in front of the restaurant. On Friday, Amanda prepares for her date. She puts on a dress and curls her hair. She feels nervous and excited! 311 When Amanda arrives at the restaurant, she sees a tall man by the fountain. She cannot see his face. "That must be Mike," Amanda thinks. She walks toward the man. "Mike?" Amanda asks as the tall man turns around. She sees Mike's face. She is surprised! "Amanda Jones!" Mike exclaims. He realizes he knows her. Amanda Jones and Mike Miller dated in high school. "I cannot believe it is you!" Amanda and Mike laugh and hug. "Well," Amanda thinks to herself, "sometimes you can find an old love too!"

Exercises 1. a) Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Why does Amanda smile when she turns on her computer? 2. Who is the new message from? 3. Why does Amanda visit the website 4. What does the man ask Amanda? b) ask 6-8 questions of your own about the text.

2. Divide the text into paragraphs and think of a title for each paragraph. Retell the text briefly.

3. Write out all the sentences with a) indirect speech, b) direct speech. Change indi- rect speech into direct and direct speech into indirect.

4. Retell the text in details using indirect speech.

5. Translate into Russian. 1. Секретарь Анна включает компьютер каждое утро в 8 часов и открывает электронную почту . Она говорит , что читает все новые сообщения в это время . 2. Моя подруга Джулия часто заходит на интернет -сайт знакомств . Она очень надеется найти там человека , подходящего для нее . Она говорит , что там есть один мужчина и они одного возраста . Они часто общаются в чате по компью- теру . Она не знает , как он выглядит , но она говорит , что он очень умный и смешной . 3. Эти выпускники университета иногда встречаются поздно вече- ром у фонтана напротив театра . Все они живут в одном городе , у них общие итнересы . Они говорят , что им нравится таинственная атмосфера ночного го- рода . 4. Только представь себе – мы с Дэном планируем встетиться в холле университета в 12, я приезжаю в университет в 12 часов , вижу высокого парня похожего на Дэна около вахты . Я думаю про себя : « Это Дэн ». Я иду к этому человеку . Я не вижу его лица , но я уверена , что это – Дэн . Я говорю ему « При- вет , Дэн », в это время он оборачивается . И я вижу его лицо , и я понимаю , что это не Дэн ! И этот парень удивляется и спрашивает , знает ли он меня . 5. Джейн хочет сегодня надеть свое новое платье и накрутить волосы . Идёт на свидание . – Она волнуется ? – Немного . Она радостно взволнована . Они с этим парнем впервые встречаются лично , не онлайн . Это свидание вслепую . – Где они встречаются ? – В кафе « Островок вкуса ». 312

6. Make up a short story on the following situation. You are going to a homecoming to your school. Say what you’re going to wear, what hairstyle you’re going to make, who is going to be there. Say who you see when you arrive at your school, what kind of people they are, how they look like. You mistake one of your classmates for another person.

Talk about this incident (use the present simple tense as well as direct and indirect speech, including indirect questions and negatives).

7. a) Think of your own situations in which you could say the following. 1. Who is the new message from? 2. What does she look like? 3. What time are you meeting? 4. She could be the right girl for him. 5. I can’t believe it! b) Make up dialogues based on the situations you have made up.

Language development Appearance (Part 3) 1. Work in pairs. Student A writes six names of his/her friends and relatives on a piece of paper (real or imaginary), including pet’s names. Student B finds out as many things as possible about the other student’s friends and relatives (who they are, their family, appearance, habits etc) by asking questions. Then the students change their roles. Both students should take notes and ask only ‘yes or no’ (open-ended) questions.

Model S1: Does Tim Smith live in Cambridge. S2: No, he doesn’t live in Cambridge, he lives in Bath.

S1: Is Dixie is a cat? S2: Yes, it’s a cat. He is very funny. He likes to play with my dog.

S1: Does Dixie like fish? S2: Yes, she likes fish and milk. She doesn’t like meat.

S1: And I guess Sandy Smith is Tim’s wife. S2: Yes, she is. They are married with two children. etc.

2. Tell the class what you have learned about your fellow-student’s friends and rela- tives using indirect speech.

Model Alina says her friend Jack has a wife and a child. She says Jack’s wife’s name is Ella and the child’s name is Benny. Alina says Benny is ten. She says he likes milkshake. etc.

313 3. Reading a) Before you read answer the following question: Do you think apply- ing to a dating agency is a good way to find the significant other? Read the para- graph introducing two texts and.

4. Role-Play 1

Student A Student В You tell your son / daughter / colleague Somebody came to see you at home / in / lodger, etc. that somebody came to see the office / at your lodging etc. while you while you were away. She / he did- you were away. Unfortunately she didn't n't introduce herself / himself. You are introduce herself / himself. You ask asked a lot of questions. Try to describe your mother / sister / colleague / land- his / her appearance and the general im- lady etc. several questions so as to guess pression she / he had produced on you. who it was. Say whether you liked her / him or not.

5. Role-Play 2

Student A. Student В. Your friend asks you to meet his / her You ask your friend to meet your aunt at aunt at the station and gives her descrip- the station and give your aunt's descrip- tion. tion to your friend.

6. Group Improvisation The group is split into two or three teams. You make an arrangement to meet at the airport somebody who comes to your com- pany on business. You haven't seen the person before. Your colleagues give his / her descriptions which don't coincide. At last you call him / her on the phone and ask how you can recognise him / her. Describe yourself as well so that the visitor could recognise you.

7. Writing 1. Think of two people that you find very attractive. What is the most physically at- tractive thing about them? Write about 200 words.

2. Look at the following description and see if you can get a good image of what Maria looks like:

Maria is as beautiful as a Hollywood star. Her thick, wavy, long black hair grace- fully falls down to her shoulders and encircles her diamond-shaped face. A golden suntan usually brings out her smooth, clear complexion and high cheek bones. Her slightly arched chestnut brown eyebrows highlight her emotions by moving up and down as she reacts to her world around her. Her large deep blue eyes, remind me of a lake on a stormy day. Her curved nose gives her a little girl look that makes me want to smile when she talks. And her mouth is a small mouth outlined by puffy lips that she often accentuates with glossy pink lipstick. When she smiles, which is often, 314 her well formed and even, white teeth brighten up her whole face. I guess you can tell that I am head over heals in love with Maria.

In this paragraph the reader can not only tell what Mary looks like but also what the author's attitude about her outer appearance is. Remember, that a topic sentence summarizes the entire idea of the paragraph a writer is relating in one short sentence. In narratives a topic sentence often comes at the very end in order to build up suspense for the reader. Generally speaking, however, in most academic writing, the topic sentence is the first sentence in the paragraph and summarizes the ideas that will follow. A good/clear topic sentence not only states the topic (in this case Maria) but also supplies a strong controlling idea which states "how the writer feels about the topic".

3. Think of a person you admire and to describe the influence he/she had on you taking into consideration the tips for academic writing given in the previous exer- cise. Have fun! You don't have to be as sappy as the author of "Maria" was but you can be, of course!

4. Thomas’ s pen friend, Nancy, will shortly be visiting his city. Thomas can not manage to meet her at the airport on time. Read his letter asking her to wait for him at the airport and tell her how to identify him. Underline the phrases which you thi nk may be useful for youi to write a similar letter.

Dear Nancy,

Hi! Hope you are fine along with your family. It was a pleasant surprise to receive your letter, and knowing about your plan to drop down in Delhi, albeit for a couple of hours. I’m very keen to see you for the first time. I’ve made an image of you by considering your writings. I am already starting feeling elated by knowing the fact that you are actually visiting the city I live in. Just think: after all these years to writ- ing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! I’m so excited that I can’t wait any longer to meet you, in person.

I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. It’s a good decision to come round. My city has several see sights which could be a wonderful experience for you. I’m sure you will have nice times here.

That’s my pleasure to welcome you in airport. But unfortunately, I can’t be in airport on your arrival at 15:50 because of my working time constraints. I haven’t any leave at that time. I hope you understand my situation. I will exit my work just 10 minutes after your entrance. So, I will pick you up at about 16:20.

By the way, Nancy, check my photos in my Facebook again to ensure you can rec- ognize me at a glance. As we have never met, I think, I must tell you how I look like: I am not very tall, of medium height and of average build. And one more thing: unlike my photos that you have of me, I now have a deep tan, which I got while I 315 was on holiday in Thailand. If you see a tanned guy wearing the blue jacket with black strips on back and the alphabet ‘X’ inscribed on the front in fluorescent green colour, that is me. So just look carefully and you'll recognize me. I will call you in case you can't find me when I get there.

I apologize about the situation and eagerly look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely, Thomas Brook

5. A. One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city. For some reasons, you can not manage to meet him on time. Write a letter asking him to wait for you and tell him how to identify you. You should write at least 250 words. В. Imagine that you are going on a holiday or business trip to another country. Write a letter to a person you don't know, asking him / her to meet you at the station and giving a description of yourself.

6. Read the three descriptions from novels by famous writers. Note the language means the authors use to describr appearance. What does the author start a descrip- tion with in each extract?

A. He saw a girl coming down from the common just above them. She was outlined against the sky, carrying a basket, and you could see that sky through the crook of her arm. And Ashurst, who appreciated beauty, thought: «How pretty!» The wind blew her dark skirt against her legs, her pink blouse was worn and old, her shoes were split, her little hands rough and red, her neck browned. Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight but her grey eyes were the wonder - as dewy as if opened the first time that day. (From “The Apple Tree”, by J. Golsworthy)

B. When the voice died away there was distinct, though slight, applause, which par- tially drowned the accompanist's muddled conclusion. Then a woman walked in from the second drawing-room with an angry expression on her face. She was tall and slight. Her hair and eyes were light yellow-brown, and the former had a natural wave in it. Her shoulders and bust were superb, and her small head was beautifully set on a lovely, rather long, neck. She had an oval face, with straight, delicate features, now slightly distorted by temper. But the most remarkable thing about her was her complexion. Her skin was exquisite, delicately smooth and white, warmly white like a white rose. She did nothing to add to its natural beauty, though nearly every woman in London declared that she had a special preparation and al- ways slept in a mask coated thickly with it. The Bond Street oracles never received a visit from her. She had been born with an enchanting complexion, a marvellous skin. She was young, just twenty-four. (From “The Woman with the Fan” by W. Collins)

316 C. A tall young man, who was sitting alone not far off, cast a glance of contempt at him, and then, as if vexed at having bestowed upon him even this slight attention, leaned forward, listening with eagerness to the soprano voice. The little dark woman observed him carefully above the scarlet feathers of her fan, which she now held quite still. His face was lean and brown. His eyes were long and black, heavy-lidded, and shaded by big lashes which curled upward. His features were good. The nose and chin were short and decided, but the mouth was melancholy, almost weak. On his upper lip grew a short moustache, turned up at the ends. His body was slim and muscular. (From “The Woman with the Fan” by W. Collins)

7. Imagine you are going to write a short story which begins with a description of a character. Write the description (in 250 words).

8. Situations for dialogues. 1. You are fond of Mary. You like the way she looks and dresses, but your friend disagrees with you. 2. You like the appearance of a famous pop-star, but your friend dislikes such type and admires another pop star’s beauty. 3. A friend of yours is going to get married. Ask him/ her about his/ her fiancé/ fiancée. 4. You want to know how your friend looks like after a span of time/ holidays/ plastic surgery.

Character and Personality (Part 2) 1. A. Put the following adjectives in the right column. Explain your choice. admirable, aggressive, ambitious, amusing, arrogant, haughty, boastful, brave, cou- rageous, fearless, boring, bossy, superior (to smb), snobbish, cheerful, lively, calm, quiet, reserved, clever, intelligent, bright, conceited, conscientious, scrupulous, con- temptuous, cruel, cunning, sly, curious, inquisitive, deceitful, dishonest, diligent, hard-working, industrious, disobedient, naughty, dull, envious, evil, wicked, fair, honest, foolish, silly, stupid, frank, sincere, generous, gentle, gloomy, moody, good- mannered, well-bred, greedy, hypocritical, ill-bred, independent, jealous, lazy, idle, mean, modest, noisy, obstinate, stubborn, patient, polite, selfish, sensible, sensitive, shy, sociable, communicative, outgoing, talkative, tolerant, unfair, unbalanced, vul- gar, warm-hearted, kind-hearted, well-balanced, wise, witty.

Positive traits Negative traits Traits that can be positive or nega- tive

B. Find synonyms.

2. Make up questions to your fellow students with the following expressions. In pairs take turns asking and answering each other’s questions.

317 to admire smb for smth, to appreciate smth, to be easy / difficult / hard to deal with / talk to / to to work for, to be a good mixer, to be a person of strong / weak character, to be a sunny soul, to be happy to do smth, to be pleased with smb (smth), to be sat- isfied with smth, to be the kind of person you like at first sight, to behave oneself, to behave well, to get along / on with smb, to have a bunch of bad habits, / to have a lot of faults to have a sense of humour, to have common sense, to have good / bad quali- ties, to keep one's promise / word, to like / dislike / hate doing/to do smth, to like the way one behaves, to make smb angry / happy / sad, to make friends (with somebod), to manage smb / smth, to tell lies, to tell the truth, to be fond of smth / doing smth, to be keen on smth, to be a fan of something, to be passionate about something, to be devoted to, to be crazy about smb /smth, to be good at smth / at doing smth, to be lazy about smth / doing smth, to get rid of smth, to give up smth.

3. Match the words on the left with the closest in meaning on the right. 1. sad a) courageous 2. amusing b) haughty 3. wicked c) frank 4. hard-working d) dreadful 5. stubborn e) industrious 6. curious f) uninteresting 7. boring g) reserved 8. polite h) good-mannered 9. angry i) inquisitive 10. terrible j) superior 11. shy k) obstinate 12. brave, bold l) evil 13. bossy m)unhappy 14. arrogant n) furious 15. sincere o) witty

4. Match the favourable adjective on the left with the corresponding unfavourable adjective or phrase on the right. More than one variant is possible.

1. ambitious a) dim, stupid 2. amusing, entertaining b) disagreeable 3. beautiful (woman), handsome c) dull, boring (man) d) having no sense of humour 4. bright, intelligent, clever f) lacking in initiative 5. calm e) hypocritical g) lazy, idle 6. cheerful h) mean 7. even-tempered i) miserable 8. generous j) naughty 9. good-looking k) narrow-minded 10. hard-working l) plain 11. humorous, witty m) quick-tempered

318 12. pleasant, charming n) rude 13. polite o) shy 14. self-confident p) deceitful 15. sensitive q) unfeeling 16. sincere r) untidy 17. smart s) ugly 18. tolerant t) moody 19. honest u) reserved 20. obedient 21. outgoing

5. Which of the five characteristics mentioned do you think are the most important in a friend? Which five characteristics do you dislike most in other people?

Put the listed words in the columns which you think are most appropriate. depressed, nervous, cross, glad, upset, frightened, miserable, concerned, irritated, thrilled, ecstatic, scared, anxious, horrified, astonished, heart-broken, pleased, de- lighted, furious, terrified, jolly

Happy Unhappy Worried Angry Afraid Shocked

6. A. Match the following words with their definitions. Some of the words may have the same meaning.

1. naughty a) having or showing too high an opinion of one’s abilities 2. haughty b) proud or self-important in a rude way that shows no respect 3. obstinate for other people 4. bold c) a very strong word for real moral evil 5. shy d) unkind, unwilling to help, of unpleasant behaviour which oth- 6. inquisitive ers dislike 7. brave e) bad in behaviour (of children and their actions) 8. conceited f) eager to know or learn 9. arrogant g) asking too many questions and trying to find out too many de- 10. wicked tails about something or someone 11. reserved h) determined, with a strong will 12. mean i) not easy to change by argument, not willing to obey 13. cunning j) not bold, nervous in the company of others 14. curious k) that doesn’t like to talk about himself or to make hios feelings 15. sly known (typical of a person) 16. stubborn l) clever in deceiving courageous, adventurous; fearless, ready to suffer danger

B. Give Russian equivalents for these words. 319 C. Make up sentences of your own using these words.

7. What sort of person are you? A. What are the opposites of these adjectives? tolerant witty sociable reliable sensitive cheerful tactful fussy selfish brave moody inquisitive Note: Sometimes you can form the opposite using a prefix or suffix. Prefixes: -in, -un Suffix: -less

B. Give Russian equivalents for these adjectives. C. Which of these do you think are positive and which are negative qualities. Dis- cuss the problem with your partner.

8. A. Match the adjectives with the questions:

5. tolerant a. Are you generally aware of other people's feelings? 6. sociable b. Do you find it difficult to meet new people? 7. reliable c. Do you frequently make people laugh? 8. sensitive d. Does your mood change often and suddenly? 9. tactful e. When decisions have to be made, do you think first of 10. fussy yourself? 11. witty f. Can your friends trust you and depend on you? 12. selfish g.Do you generally like other people's company? 13. ambitious h. Are there lots of things you want to do in your professional 14. moody life? 15. inquisitive i. Can you usually understand other people's point of view? 16. cheerful j. Do you worry and think too much about detail? 17. shy k. Are you usually quite a happy, smiling person? l. Are you interested in other people and their business? m. Do you sometimes not tell the truth because you don't want to hurt someone s feelings?

B. Give Russian equivalents for these adjectives. ► A. Intellectual ability Ability: intelligent, bright, clever, smart, shrewd, able, gifted, talented, brainy (col- loquial) Lacking ability: stupid, foolish, half-witted, simple, silly, brainless, daft, dumb, dim (the last four are predominantly colloquial words) Clever, in a negative way, using brains to trick or deceive: cunning, crafty, sly ► B. Attitudes towards life Looking on either the bright or the black side of things: optimistic, pessimistic. Out- ward-looking or inward-looking (i.e. to the world around one or to one's own inner world): extroverted, introverted. Calm or not calm with regard to attitude to life: re- laxed, calm, cool, tense. Practical, not dreamy in approach to life: sensible, down-to- earth. Feeling things very intensely: sensitive, vulnerable. 320 ► C. Attitudes towards other people Enjoying other's company: sociable, gregarious. Disagreeing with others: quarrel- some, argumentative. Taking pleasure in other's pain: cruel, sadistic, aggressive. Re- laxed in attitude to self and others: easy-going, even-tempered. Not polite to others: impolite, rude, ill-mannered, discourteous. Telling the truth to others: honest, trust- worthy, reliable, sincere. Unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself: jealous, envious. ► D. One person's meat is another person's poison

Some characteristics can be either positive or negative depending on your point of view. The words in the right-hand column mean roughly the same as the words in the left-hand column, except that they have negative rather than positive connota- tions.

determined → obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed thrifty / economical → miserly, mean, tight-fisted self-assured → self-important, arrogant, full of oneself (colloq) assertive → aggressive, bossy (colloq) original / cute → peculiar, weird, eccentric frank / direct / open → blunt, abrupt, brusque broad-minded → unprincipled, permissive inquiring → inquisitive, nosy (colloq) generous → extravagant innocent → naive ambitious pushy (colloq)

9. Ex. 7 Match these words with their opposites: 1. clever a. introverted 2. extraverted b. tight-fisted 3. rude c. courteous 4. cruel d. gregarious 5. generous e. kind-hearted 6. unsociable f. half-witted

10. Do you think that the speaker likes or dislikes the people he/she is talking about? 1. Di's very thrifty. 2. Molly's usually frank. 3. Li's quite broad-minded. 4. Sam can be aggressive. 5. Dick's quite bossy. 6. I find Dave self-important. 7. Don't you think Jim's nosy? 8. Jill is very original. determined thrifty / economical self-assured assertive 321 original / cute frank / direct / open broad-minded inquiring generous innocent ambitious

11. Reword the sentences above to give the opposite impression. Example: Di's very stingy.

Word Building 12. Use a dictionary to complete the chart.


13. Magazines often publish questionnaires which are supposed to analyse your character for you. Look at the words below and then match them to the questions. Example: If you arrange to meet at 7 p.m., do you arrive at 7 p.m.? Reliable.

pessimistic, argumentative, sensitive, sociable, extravagant, assertive, inquisitive

1. Do you prefer to be in the company of other people? 2. Look at the picture. Do you think 'my glass is half empty'? 3. Do you find it easy to tell your boss if you feel he or she has treated you badly? 4. Do you always look out of the window if you hear a car draw up? 5. Do you often buy your friends presents for no particular rea- son? 6. Do you frequently disagree with what other people say? 7. Do you lie awake at night if someone has said something unkind to you?

14. What questions like those in the previous exercise could you ask to try to find out whether a person is the following:

2. thrifty 3. sensible 5. even-tempered 7. obstinate 2. blunt 4. intelligent 6. original

15. Can you complete each of these word forks?

Write a sentence to illustrate the meanings of each in your words.

16. Choose five or six adjectives which you think best describe either your own or a friend's character. How do you or your friend demonstrate these characteristics?

Example: Sociable - I am sociable. I love being with other people.

Ex. 15 How do you see yourself? Think about your own character and personality. Do you have any particular weaknesses or strengths? Write down three things about your character which you think are good and three things which you think are not so good. Then compare your list with a partner's. Do you have much in common? 323

17. Read these brief character descriptions. Which of these four people sounds most like you? Which would you most like to meet? Amanda I'm an active and energetic person - I can't bear just sitting around doing nothing. It just makes me impatient and restless. But I know what I want, and I think I've got what it takes to achieve my goals. Does that make me sound horribly ambitious and selfish? I hope not! Kevin I'm the kind of person who knows how to have a good time. I suppose you would call me fun-loving, but it's more than that. I actually believe in a calm, cool, easy- going approach to life and I can't bear unnecessary anxiety and pressure. I believe in being sociable and taking life as it comes ... Larry My problem can be summarised in one word: self-consciousness. I just don't have enough confidence. I'm shy with other people, who must think I'm boring and stupid sometimes. Lack of confidence also makes me indecisive: I spend days trying to make up my mind what to do about quite simple things. I'm told I sometimes look moody, but in fact i like being with other people ... Cathy How do I see myself? Well, I'm forgetful and disorganised - some would say absent- minded! But I've got quite a lot of willpower, really, and I've got ideas. I'm a hard- worker too when I'm doing something I'm interested in. I'm not very articulate when it comes to public speaking but I quite enjoy being the centre of attention, and I don't get in the least bit nervous.

18. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. - What do you think the expression 'It takes all sorts to make a world' means? - Describe someone you consider to be strange or eccentric.

19. Read the descriptions of three people. Make notes on what is strange about them. Then compare your notes with your partner. MY AUNT My aunt’s getting on for sixty, and she’s always been a very dynamic sort of person, but recently she’s started to behave in a rather strange way. A few months ago she took up karate and judo, and now she’s taken to riding a powerful motorbike every- where she goes. Last week she turned up at my sister’s birthday party dressed in a leather jacket with Hell's Angels written on the back. ‘I’ve come to liven things up’, she said, and immediately began dancing wildly to loud rock music. My sister found it rather embarrassing. ‘I wish she’d act her age’, she said. ‘She behaves as if she were sixteen rather than sixty’. But it doesn’t bother me at all. It takes all sorts to make a world.

ART TEACHER I remember my art teacher because she was always going on about Van Gogh’s paintings. In fact, they were the only thing she ever talked about and in the end we 324 got rather tired of hearing about them. And for some strange reason we were never allowed to use yellow in our pictures. If we did, she’d stamp her feet and shout: That’s yellow! I won’t have yellow in my class!’ But the main reason I remember her is that she used to pick on my best friend at school. She always chose her to pun- ish or humiliate in front of the other pupils. On one occasion she said, ‘Look at this girl’s work. It’s the worst in the class!’ And then she suddenly started laughing. My poor friend put up with this for a whole year, and then one day she decided to stand up to her. ‘Stop picking on me!’ she said. ‘And if I want to use yellow in my pic- tures, I will!’ With that, my art teacher burst into tears and from that day on we could use any colours we liked.

COUSIN The strangest person I know is my cousin. He was an only child, and was used to be- ing the centre of attention, so he tended to show off a lot in front of other people. I can’t say he changed very much when he grew up. On his eighteenth birthday he shaved off all his hair and started wearing a safety-pin through his nose. I suppose he thought it would make him stand out in a crowd. He went to university but dropped out after only one week - he said he wanted to graduate from the university of life. The last thing I heard, he was trying to join a circus.

20. Match the phrasal verbs in A with the definitions in B.

21. Paraphrase the sentences using phrasal verbs. 1. She must be nearly ninety. 2. His strange clothes made him very noticeable. 3. Why is the boss always criticizing me? 4. She decided to confront her boss. 5. He tried to make the party more exciting and lively. 6. She’s always trying to impress

325 people. 7. He’s always talking about his life in the army. 8. He’s started coming home late at night. 9. She withdrew from the course.

22. Complete the sentences, using phrasal verbs. 1. The party was very dull so we tried to______by getting everyone to dance. 2. He started a three-year drama course, but he ______after two months and found a job in a hotel. 3. I don't like him because he is so vain. He's always_____ in front of other people. 4 He decided to ______his boss and refuse to accept his demands. 5. Although my grandmother______eighty, she still goes for a three mile walk every morning before breakfast. She believed the boss was______her because he never criticised anyone else in the office. 7. Her way of dressing made her______in a crowd. He never used to touch alcohol, but recently he has______drinking in the pub all night. 1 She kept______her operation. It was very boring because we had heard it all before.

23. One of the sentences below is correct. All the others have one mistake in them. Change the sentences so that they are all correct. 1 She tried to live up the discussion by saying something controversial. 2. If he's al- ways picking on you, you should stand up for him. 3. She gets on for ninety. 4. He makes himself stand up in a crowd by showing off. 5. He shouldn't have made the mistake of dropping out of college. 6. They're always going about the state of the economy. 7. She's taken to play golf at the weekends.

24. Work in pairs. Discuss the statements and questions below. Use the phrasal verbs from this unit. 1. How old is your oldest relative? 2. What would you do if someone was always se- lecting you for criticism or punishment? 3. How would you make a party more inter- esting and lively? 4. Have you ever felt you didn't want to complete a particular course? If so, why? What happened? 5. Think of someone who is always trying to draw attention to themselves in an obvious way. What do you think of this person? 6. Think of someone who is always talking about something in an annoying way. 7. Have you adopted any new habits recently? If yes, what are they?

25. Make up dialogues on the following situations: 1) Your classmate tells you that Clare, your other classmate, is getting married soon to a person you know quite well. 2) You chat about your families with a friend, who has five siblings.

Family (Part 3)

1. Note down and discuss your answers to the following questions about marriage in your country. Discuss the questions with other students. 1. At what age do most women get married? And men? \ 2. How do most people meet their future husbands / wives? a) through the family b) at parties, discos, clubs etc. c) at work or college etc. 3. Do parents have to approve of the choice of a part- 326 ner? 4. Do parents ever choose the partner for their son / daughter? 5. Do people get engaged? If so, how long do engagements last? 6. How long do weddings last? 7. Are there any interesting features of marriage in your country?

2. Here is a letter from a magazine. Read it and say what you would do if you were Linda. Write a letter to Linda as if you were Joyce.

HOW DO I CHOOSE? Dear Joyce,

I have been going out with Tom for two years пот , and we are planning to get married. We share a lot of interests, and have enormous fun together, I know that we would have a good and stable marriage. Last autumn, however, we had a few problems. I was working abroadfor a month, and shortly after I left Tom wrote to me saying that he had been out with his ex-girlfriend a few times. He said they were just friends, but I was quite upset. About this time I met Alan, who was working on the same project as me. I was very, very attracted to him, and we began going out together. He is obviously very much in love with me, and I am in love with him too, in a way. I have never been so physically at- tracted to a man as I am to him — the memory of certain moments with him still makes me go weak with pleasure. But it is not only physical: we have all sorts of things in common. He wants me to marry him. We have continued to write, and have seen each other once since then, when he came to England. If I did marry him, I would have to give up my job and go abroad, which bothers me — my career is im- portant to me. And I am worried that our relationship might not last. Tom knows that I went out with Alan, but he does not know how powerfully I am attracted to him. Tom and I have talked over the problem of his ex-girlfriend, and I was very impressed with the way that we were able to discuss things. I am still very, very fond of Tom, and I am sure that we would have a good life together. In every way but one, we are probably much better suited to one another than Alan and I are. What should I do? Ifeel so mixed up. Should I marry Alan and give up myjob? Should I stay with Tom? If I do, I couldn't tell him the whole truth about Alan; but I hate the idea of keeping a secret from my husband. Please help me. Linda

3. What is love? Here are some comments made by young children about love. What experiences or observations do you think are behind these comments?

Fiona, 6 I love my friends because they play with me. I love Mummy. I cuddle her. The bad thing about love is that you always have to get married.

Harries, 5

327 Love is care. I love my gran and grandad, but older people don't love each other. I've got an elder sister but I don't love her because she is always being nasty.

Anna, 6 Love is very nice, it makes me feel happy. I love Ben because he's good-looking. I don't think I'll get married. I won't love anyone when I'm older.

Alex, 6 People who love each other rub noses. I say hello and wave my hand. If I wanted to show a boy I loved him I should give him a game. I'd give a girl a dolly.

Martin, 6 I love Anna but I haven't told her. And I love my Mummy. She shows she loves me by doing things for me, like washing up.

Peter, 6 I love Abigail. Sometimes I hug her and kiss her. I've already asked her to marry me and I went down on one knee. I'll marry her when I'm 31.

4. Here are some English proverbs which have the word 'love' in them. They are general comments on love. Work in groups of three or four to make suggestions about their meanings. 1) One cannot love and be wise. 2) Love is blind. 3) Love me, love my dog. 4) Love will find a way.

5. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. - In what ways are you similar to or different from other people in your family? - Do you think parents should be strict or easy-going?

6. Read the following three interviews and answer the questions. 1. What kind of relationship do the children have with their parents? 2. Are the par- ents strict? 3. According to the mother, what is it like being a parent and what is a good parent? Interview with 16-year-old daughter Helen Interviewer: How do you get on with your parents? Helen: I think I get on with them very well, really. We don't always see eye to eye on some things, like boyfriends - they don't always approve of them - but on the whole they're very understanding. If I had a personal problem, I think I could con- fide in them, and if I was ever in trouble I know I could rely on them to help me. Interviewer: How strict are your parents? Helen: Well, my Dad's quite strict about staying out late at night, but I can usually get round him. If I'm nice to him, he lets me come home a bit later. My Mum's al- ways telling me to tidy up my bedroom and put things away after I use them, and I

328 have to do some of the housework. But if I compare them with other parents I know, they aren't very strict. Interviewer: And who are you most like in your family? Helen: Oh, I think I take after my mother. Everybody says we're both very inde- pendent and strong-willed. I like to have my own way a lot of the time, but I'm not spoilt. I don't always get my own way. And my parents always tell me off if I do anything wrong.

Interview with 17-year-old son David Interviewer: How do you get on with your parents? David: I look up to them because I know they've worked hard to bring us up prop- erly. Interviewer: How strict are your parents? David: They can be very strict at times. I told my Dad I wanted a motorbike, but he said it was out of the question - it was too dangerous. My mother is strict about keeping things tidy. I can't get out of doing the washing up and things like that, unless I'm very busy. Interviewer: How do you get on with your sister? David: I never agree with what she says, so we are always arguing. We've never been very close, but I get on all right with her. I think I'm much closer to my mother.

Interview with Mother Interviewer: What's it like being a parent? Mother: Bringing up children is very difficult. You always worry about them. You have to be very patient and put up with a lot - like noise and even criticism. And you can't always get through to them - sometimes they just won't listen. But the advan- tages of being a parent outweigh the disadvantages. The main thing is to enjoy your children while they are young because they grow up so quickly nowadays. Interviewer: How strict are you with your children? Mother: I suppose I'm reasonably strict. They can't do what they like and get away with it, and I tell them off when they do something wrong. Interviewer: And what is the secret of being a good parent? Mother: I think you have to give them confidence and let them know you love them. And you have to set a good example through your own behaviour, otherwise they won't look up to you. Interviewer: And what do you want for your children in the future? Mother: I want them to be happy, and I want them to look back on their childhood as a very happy time in their lives.

7. Work in pairs. Try to work out from the context the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the passage. Then match the verbs in A with the definitions in B.

A. B. 1. to get round someone a. to respect and admire someone, to 2. to take after someone have a very good opinion of someone 3. to tell someone off b. to escape being punished for some- 329 4. to look up to someone thing 5. to bring someone up c. to think about something that hap- 6. to get out of doing pened in the past something to reprimand, to speak severely to 7. to get through to someone someone because they have done 8. to grow up something wrong 9. to get away with something to persuade someone to let you do or 10. to look back (on something) have something, usually by flattering them to raise a child, to look after a child un- til it is adult and try to give it particular beliefs and attitudes to resemble a member of your family in appearance or character to avoid having to do something to succeed in making someone under- stand the meaning of what one is say- ing to become adult and mature

8. Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verbs. 1. I have always admired and respected my father. 2. The little boy said he wanted to be a train driver when he was older. 3. She’s very similar to her mother - they are both very intelligent. 4. I often think about my childhood. 5. I can’t make her listen to me or understand what I’m trying to say. 6. When her mother died, she was raised by her aunt. 7. How can we avoid going to my brother’s party? : 8. He was not pun- ished for using bad language at home. 9. At first her father wouldn’t let her go to the all-night party, but in the end she persuaded him to let her go. 10. She reprimanded him for breaking the window.

9. Fill in the gaps below. a) to dis / approve______someone / something b) to confide______someone c) to rely______someone d) to compare someone / some- thing______someone / something e) to dis / agree______someone / some- thing f) to argue______someone______something g) to worry______someone / something h) to listen______someone / some- thing

10. A. What do you think the following idiomatic expressions mean? 1. to see eye to eye (with someone) (on something) 2. to have / to get one's own way 3. to be close to someone 4. to be the black sheep of the family 5. to take someone's side

B. Think of Russian equivalents of these expressions. C. Now decide which expressions you could use in the sentences below.

330 1. The problem is that her parents never stop her doing anything that she wants to do. She's become a very spoilt child as a result. 2. My family is very ashamed of my brother and never talk about him. He was expelled from school and has been in prison twice. 3. Whenever I had an argument with my mother or father, I could al- ways rely on my grandparents to support me. 4. My father and I usually agree about most things, but when it comes to politics we have completely different views. 5. I can talk to my sister about my problems because I know she will understand me and share my feelings.

11. Work with your partner. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Try to use phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions in the box in your answer, as well as the verbs above. Example: A. How do you get on with the other people in your family? B. I don't get on with my sisters very well, but I'm very close to my mother. I feel I can confide in her. bring up, look back on, tell off, get on with, look up to, take after, get away with, grow up, get round, have one's own way, see eye to eye, be close to a. What kind of relationship do you have with the people in your family? b. Are you similar to anyone in your family? c. Do you have the same opinions as other members of your family? d. Where did you spend your childhood? e. Who took care of you when you were very young? f. Did you have a strict upbringing? g. When were you reprimanded as a child / teenager? h. Were you able to do what you wanted all the time? i. Who did you admire and respect when you were a child / teenager? j. When you think about the past, what do you remember?

12. Work with a different partner. Use the phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions you have learnt to describe your relationship with one of the following people. grandparent teacher uncle / aunt parent brother / sister neighbour boss cousin 13. How phrasal verbs work. Match a sentence in A with one in B, and mark the stress. Then practise saying the questions and answers.

A. B. 1. Do you respect your parents? a. No, he got away with it. 2. Do you like David? b. No, I can't get through to him. 3. Did he do the washing up? c. No, he puts up with it. 4. Does he listen to you? d. No, he got out of it. 5. Was he punished for the crime? e. No, I must get down to it. 6. Have you done the homework? f. No, I don't get on with him. 7. Has he complained about the g. Yes, I look up to them. noise? 331

14. Class Discussion Work in pairs. Discuss one of the following questions. - Should boys and girls be brought up in exactly the same way? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an only child?

15. Children and adults. Look at these statements about bringing up a child. Which ones do you agree with? Put each statement into one of these categories, and count your points. a) top priority, b) quite important, c) not very important.

Add other statements if you wish.

1. Children must be taught to respect authority. 2. It is important to be very firm with children. 3. It is important to show affection and love. 4. Parents should pass on fam- ily and cultural traditions to children, and teach them to respect and obey them. 5. What matters is what parents do, not what they say. They should set a good exam- ple! 6. Children should be allowed to make decisions about their lives. If they make mistakes, they can learn from them. 7. Children should always be told why they are being asked to do anything. 8. It is important to teach children to value education. 9. (your ideas). 10 (your ideas)......

Find out which statements were put most often into the top priority category by the majority of students in your group. Which statements were most controversial? Are you fit to be a parent? 1. a-3 b-2 c-1 2. a-3 b-2 c-1 3. a-1 b-2 c-3 4. a-2 b-1 c-3 5. a-3 b-1 c-2 6. a-1 b-2 c-3 7. a-2 b-1 c-3 8. a-3 b-2 c-1

TOTAL 8-13: You are (or would be) a pretty strict parent. Don't forget that children need patience, understanding and love as well as firmness.

TOTAL 14-19: You (would) try to be neither too strict nor too easy-going. This can be very good- if children know what to expect; but it is no good being strict about something one day and soft about it the next.

TOTAL 20-24: You tend towards soft-heartedness. Be careful: children need some limits, so they can define themselves as people and set their own limits later on. The children will know that you love them if you set the limits in a firm but loving way.

332 16. Many people have tried to express their idea of childhood and adulthood in very short, witty sayings. The following are ten such aphorisms by famous people. With a partner, match the first part of each, in Column A, with its continuation in Column B.

Column A Column В

1. What is an adult? a) old enough to know better. 2. Every child is b) something you do if you're lucky. 3. Adults are c) to be grown out of. 4. Schoolmasters and parents d) to be alone. 5. Youth is e) born a genius. 6. No man is ever f) a disease from which we all recover. 7. To be adult is g) A child blown up by age. 8. Growing old is h) a quest. 9. Being young is i) a very high price to pay for maturity, 10. Age is j) obsolete children.

Compare your answers with other students. Which of the sayings do you like best? Why?

With a partner, write an aphorism on one of these, ora topic of your choice:

- children - parents - students of English - teachers of English

Pin up your aphorisms and discuss them.

V. Translate from Russian into English. 1. У меня нет близких родственников , но много дальних родственников . 2. Ка- тя самая младшая . Ее старшая сестра Аня на три года старше ее . Она студентка университета . А самая старшая сестра Женя замужем и работает инженером . Ее муж тоже инженер . Они хорошо ладят друг с другом . Лена - моя лучшая подруга . Мы с ней одного возраста . Мы обе изучаем биологию в университете . ва утвератэце . 4. Он твой близкий родственник ? - Нет , дальний . Но мы с ним большие друзья . 5. Моя младшая сестра увлекается игрой на гитаре и коллек- ционированием марок . 6. Мой старший брат женат . У него своя семья . Он же- нат на своей однокурснице . Они поженились три года тому назад . Их двухлет- няя дочурка - моя любимая племянница . 7. Катя такая упрямая . Она всегда по- ступает по -своему , невзирая на советы окружающих . 8. Поверь мне , это не сойдет тебе с рук ! 9. Я опять поссорилась с родителями . На этот раз они не одобрили мою прическу . 10. Вы должны стыдиться своего поступка . 11. Не бойтесь высказывать свое мнение . 12. Я уважаю своих родителей , хотя у нас различные взгляды на современную жизнь . 13. В данной ситуации я не могу 333 принять ничью сторону . 14. Мои родители не разрешают мне гулять на улице допоздна . Они всегда ругают меня за это . 15. Ему опять удалось избежать на- казания . 16. Всякий раз , когда я ссорюсь с родителями , мой дед защищает ме- ня . 17. Я хорошо уживаюсь ( лажу ) со своей сестрой . Мы не всегда сходимся во взглядах , например , в отношении моды и музыки , но я всегда могу на нее по- ложиться . 18. В детстве я никогда не мог избежать мытья посуды . Это была моя маленькая обязанность по дому . Если я забывал мыть посуду , родители бранили меня за это . 19. Мой младший брат любит слушать громкую музыку . Я ничего не могу с этим поделать , и мне приходится мириться . 20. Я поняла , что он поддерживает Николая , а не меня в этом вопросе . 21. Как трудно жить , когда не можешь достучаться до самого близкого тебе человека . 22. Петя - са- мый маленький в семье . Его никогда не наказывают за плохое поведение . Бо- юсь , он вырастет таким испорченным . 23. Я часто вспоминаю нашу жизнь в деревне . 24. Много лет назад у девушек было довольно строгое воспитание . 25. Я похож на отца . Я люблю поступать по - своему , но все -таки я чаще , чем он , прислушиваюсь к мнению других . 26. Бабушка мне рассказывала , что мой дядя был в семье как бельмо в глазу .

Class Communication Task 1 Work in teams of three or four, choose one of the following subjects. Prepare some more questions. When your questionnaire is ready, go round the classroom asking your questions. Note the answers. Then report to the class what people think. Give your own opinion as well.

FRIENDSHIP - How important are your friends to you?

LOVE - Do you think you can love more than one per- son at the same time?

MARRIAGE - Do you think marriage is a good thing?

PARENT-CHILD RELATION- - Do you think most children communicate SHIPS well with their parents?

Task 2 Your fellow-student is showing you her/his family album. You are talking about her/his relatives who you see in the pictures. 1 . Who are your favourite and least favourite relatives? 2 . Which of your relatives do you find: a) the most interesting? b) the funniest? c) the most unpleasant? d) the kindest? e) the meanest etc.? 3. Do you take after any of your relatives? Which? 334

Revision and Consolidation I. Insert prepositions where necessary. 1. Robbie's cousin is married___an architect. She says she isn't happy___ her mar- riage. 2. John married___Kate two years ago. 3. Jane is married___two children, Susy and Betty by name. 4. - Is Lucy any relation___ you? - Yes, she is a close rela- tion___mine. She's my elder sister. 5. My elder brother Nick has a family___his own. He married___ a doctor whose name is Alice Brent. They have a three-year-old kid, Kate by name. She is the pet___the family. 6. Bob and Leanne are go- ing___together. 7. We drank a toast___their happiness. 8. He fell___love___ her at once. 9. She's engaged___a policeman. 10. His parents don't approve___her.

II. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below. bride, engaged, bridegroom, consent, wedding, civil, reception, honeymoon, pro- pose, toast

One evening, although he was nervous, Joe decided to (1)______to his girlfriend, Linda. She accepted his proposal, they became (2)______and he gave her a ring. After a year they had saved enough money to get married (they were both over 18 so they didn't need their parents' (3)______). Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but Joe and Linda decided on a (4)______ceremony in a registry of- fice. On the day of the (5)______Linda, the (6)______, was very calm, but Joe, the (7)______, was nervous. Afterwards, at the (8)______, the speeches were made and the guests drank a (9)______to the happy couple, who finally left for a (10)______in Spain.

III. Change the words underlined to give the sentences the opposite meaning. 1. I like people who smoke in public places. 2. I respect mv boss, even though most of my colleagues feel the opposite. 3. Maria's his current girlfriend. He has so many and changes them so often it's difficult to know who is who. 4. He's senior to her in terms of length of service, so the promotion is not surprising. 5. She's not a particu- larly special friend of mine.

IV. In the following text there are letters missing from various words. See how well you can read the text, adding the missing letters.

335 Letter from a Loving Mother

V. Reading. a) Before you read: You are going to read a text about te relationship between a fa- ther and his daughter. Discuss the following questions before you read. What is a generation gap? Have you ever felt a generation gap with somebody? When do you feel the generation gap the most? Is it possible to overcome a generation gap? How do you overcome the generation gap? At what point in life does the generation gap seem to be the largest? 7) Do you think you can be a better parent than your own parents in future? b) After you read: Do jigsaw reading in two groups. Student A reads what James Mitford says about his relationship with his daughter. Student B reads Amy Mit- ford’s story. In pairs discuss the following questions and swap information, so that you can answer all of them. 1) What’s Amy obsessed with? 2) What wasn’t to her liking? 3) James is looking forward to Amy’s divorce, isn’t he?

336 4) What’s James like according to Amy? 5) Why has he always been slightly out of touch with family life? 6) What does he do with the medal when some guests come? 7) Why did Amy once go for days without speaking to her dad? 8) What kind of school did Amy go to? 9) When did Amy let her father down quite badly? 10) What was bad about the jobs Amy tried to settle down in? 11) What does Amy do? 12) What are the reasons Amy and James are not close? 13) When did Amy start to grow away from her family? 14) What kind of daughter is Amy in her father’s eyes? 15) How different are they according to Amy? 16) What collections and streams does the father speak about? 17) What’s James into? 18) Who wants children? 19) What was James’ position as far as Amy’s marriage? 20) What’s difficult for James to get used to? 21) What jobs did Amy take up after doing some bits and pieces in films? 22) Who’s James grateful for? 23) When did Amy have the least outside contacts?

Family Matters

James Mitford: My wife and I only had the one child. It might have been nice to have a son, but we didn't plan a family, we just had Amy. I see her as my best friend. I think she'd always come to me first if she had a prob- lem. We have the same sense of humour, and share interests. I don't mind animals, but she's completely obsessed with them, and she has always had dogs, cats, horses, and goldfish in her life. We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a lovely age for a child. They know the parents best, and don't have the outside contacts. She must have grown up suddenly when she went to school, because I remember her growing away from her family slightly. Any father who has a teenager daughter comes across an extraordinary collection of people, and there seemed to be an endless stream of strange young men coming through our house. By the time I'd learned their names they'd gone away and I had to start learning a new lot. I remember I told her off once in front of her friends and she didn't talk to me for days afterwards. I wanted more than anything else for her to be happy in what she was doing, and I was prepared to pull strings to help her on her way. She went to a good school, but that didn't work out. She must have upset somebody. When she left she decided she wanted to become an actress so I got her into drama school. It wasn't to her liking so she joined a theatre group and began doing bits and pieces of films. She was doing well, but then gave it up. She probably found it boring. Then she took up social work, and finally went to work for a designer and he became her husband. And that's really the story of her life. She must be happy with him — they're always together. 337 We have the same tastes in books and music, but it takes me a while to get used to new pop songs. I used to take her to the opera, which is my big passion, but I don't think she likes it very much, she doesn't come with me any more. I don't think she's a big television watcher. She knows when I'm on, and she might watch, but I don't know. It's not the kind of thing she tells me. We're very grateful for Amy. She's a good daughter as daughters go. We're looking forward to being grandparents. I'm sure she'll have a son.

Amy Mitford: I don't really know my father. He isn't easy to get on with. He's quite self-centred, and a little bit vain, I think, and in some ways quite unapproachable. The public must think he's very easy-going, but at home he keeps himself to himself. He can't have been at home much when I was a child, because I don't remember much about him. He's always been slightly out of touch with family life. His work always came first, and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing. He loves being asked for his autograph, he loves to be recognized. He has won several awards, and he's very proud of that. He was given the Member of the British Empire, and we had to go to Buckingham Palace to get the medal. It was incredibly boring — there were hundreds of other people getting the same thing, and you had to sit there for hours. He shows off his awards to whoever comes to the house. I went to public school, and because of my total lack of interest and non-attendance I was asked to leave. I didn't want to go there in the first place. I was taken away from all my friends. He must have been very pleased to get me into the school, but in the end it was a complete waste of money. I let him down quite badly, I suppose. I tried several jobs but I couldn't settle down in them. They just weren't challenging enough. Then I realized that what I really wanted to do was live in the country and look after animals, so that's what I now do. As a family, we're not that close, either emotionally or geographically. We don't see much of each other these days. My father and I are totally different, like chalk and cheese. My interests have always been the country, but he's into books, music and above all, opera, which I hate. If they do come to see us, they're in completely the wrong clothes for the country — mink coats, nice little leather shoes, not exactly ideal for long walks across the fields. He was totally opposed to me getting married. He was hoping we would break up. Gerald's too humble, I suppose. He must have wanted me to marry someone fa- mous, but I didn't, and that's all there is to it. We don't want children, but my father keeps on and on talking about wanting grandchildren. You can't make someone have children just because you want grandchildren.

I never watch him on television. I'm not that interested, and anyway he usually for- gets to tell me when he's on.

17. Discuss as a class: Who has a more realistic view of the relationship Amy or her father? Why?

338 18. Divide into small groups and point out the functional vocabulary from the two texts (see the previuos exercise, James Mitford’s story and Amy Mitford’s story).

19. Learn the following expressions from the studied texts. Be ready for a dictation- translation based on these phrases. A. 1) to see someone as one’s best friend 2) to have the same (sense of humour/sense of adventure/tastes in music) 3) to share interests (a lot of interests) 4) to be completely obsessed with animals 5) to be closest when... 6) to have the outside contacts 7) to grow up suddenly 8) to grow away from the family 9) to come across an extraordinary collection of people 10) an endless stream of 11) to come through somebody’s house 12) to tell somebody off in front of somebody else 13) not to talk with somebody for days 14) to want more than anything else for somebody 15) to be happy in what one is doing 16) to pull strings to help somebody on his/her way 17) to work out 18) to get somebody into (a school, college) 19) to be to one’s liking 20) to join (a theatre group) 21) to do well 22) to give something up 23) to take up (drawing, a sport, social work) 24) to go to work for (a person, a company) 25) to take somebody to see the opera 26) it takes me a while to get used to something 27) it is my big passion 28) to be a big television watcher 29) to be on (about the TV set or a person on TV) 30) to be a good daughter as daughters go

B. 1) to be easy to get on with 2) to be (quite) self-centered 3) in some ways 4) to be quite unapproachable 5) to be (very) easy going 6) to keep oneself to oneself 7) to be slightly out of touch with family life 8) his work always comes first 339 9) to be off somewhere doing something 10) to show off one’s awards to somebody 11) total lack of interest 12) non-attendance 13) in the first place (= from the very beginning) 14) a complete waste of time (money etc) 15) to let somebody down quite badly 16) to try several jobs 17) to settle down in a job 18) to be challenging (about a job, task etc) 19) to be close as a family 20) to be close emotionally (geographically) 21) not to see much of each other 22) to be totally different (like chalk and cheese) 23) to be into (books, music etc) 24) to be in completely wrong clothes for (the country) 25) to be totally opposed to (somebody doing something) 26) to break up 27) to be too humble 28) to keep on and on talking about something

20. Read one of the two texts (James Mitford’s story or Amy Mitford’s story) aloud for good reading.

21. Do back translation of any of the two texts (James Mitford’s story or Amy Mit- ford’s story).

22. Find and learn all the phrasal verbs used in the two texts. Replace the words in italics in the following sentences with the phrasal verbs.

1) He started playing golf because he needed the exercise. 2) I unexpectedly met an old school friend last week. 3) Have you heard? Jane and Andrew have separated. 4) What sort of relationship do you have with your parents? 5) I can't stand her. She's always boasting about her wonderful children. 6) Are you beginning to get established in your new flat? 7) Tennis was taking up too much of my time, so I stopped doing it. 8) Don't disappoint me. I'm relying on you to help me. 9) She was reprimanded for getting her new clothes dirty. 10) It was a good plan in theory but it wasn't successful in practice. 11) I don’t feel very excited about the coming party.

23. Complete the following dialogues with one of the phrasal verbs from the two texts in the correct form. Then choose one dialogue, enhance it up to 6-8 lines and practice saying it with your partner. a) 340 – I saw Bernard and Mary last night. You don't like them very much, do you? - Well, I quite like Bernard, but I've never been able ... b) – I was in Manchester yesterday, at the College of Art. – Really? That's where Alan works. Did you ... c) – You're getting fat. – Yes. I think I'll... d) – How's the old car of yours? Still going, is it? – Don't say that about my car. It's never once .. . e) – Paul seems to lose his temper with the children very easily. – Yes. He's always ... f) – Are you happy your elder daughter is going to have a baby? – Of course we are! We are ...

24. Translate from Russian into English using the expressions from the text ‘Family Matters”. Underline the expressions from the text in your translation. 1) У твоей племянницы полнейшее отсутствие чувства ответственности . Я попросила ее посидеть с моими детьми , а она меня подвела , ушла гулять со своим парнем . — Ну , знаешь , она ещё очень молода , хочет повеселиться , по- этому как нянька она не лучшая кандидатура для этой работы . Только не отчи- тывай её в присутствии её парня , ладно ?

2) Джон такой эгоистичный . Он весь в своих мобильных приложениях , пол- ностью поглощен ими , всё время говорит только о них , в то время как мне хо- чется рассказать ему о своих проблемах . Он немного отстранен от семейной жизни . — Думаю , вы просто абсолютно разные , как небо и земля . Но ты зна- ешь , у мужчин часто работа на первом месте . И разве это не замечательно , что у него есть дело по душе ? Я всё -таки думаю , что он — не cамый плохой муж .

3) Конечно , мне нужно время , чтобы привыкнуть к этой работе . Там беско- нечный поток клиентов , там большая нагрузка (heavy workload) и сложные за- дания , но мне нравятся сложные задачи (= как бы проверяющие , на что ты способен ). И я думаю , что « осяду » на этой работе . После того как я попробо- вала работать в разных компаниях , теперь я чувствую , что счастлива , что за- нимаюсь тем , чем я занимаюсь .

25. Make up 10 sentences for translation for your fellow-students using the expres- sions from the text ‘Family matters’. Then write dictation-translation in class.

26. Работа в парах . Опишите вашему собеседнику какого -либо своего родст- венника ( или знакомого ), используя в качестве подсказок вопросы , приведён- 341 ные ниже , и изученные вами на данный момент лексические единицы . Выслу- шайте аналогичный рассказ о родственнике вашего собеседника , выписывая ключевые слова . Используя ключевые слова , расскажите остальным студентам группы , что вы узнали об этом человеке . 1.What does he/she look like? 2. What does he/she do? 3. What is he/she like? 4. What do you have in common? 5. What special qualities does he or she have? 6. What qualities are most important to you in him/her? 7. What do you like about him/her? 8. What do you dislike in him/her? Why? 9. How do you get on with him/ her? 10. Why exactly do (don’t) you get on well with him/her? 11. Do you ever fall out with each other? 12. Does he/she live near you? 13. How do you keep/stay in touch/contact? 14. How difficult is it to stay in touch? 15. How often do you meet up? 16. What do you usually do together?

27. Make a collage about an imaginary family. Write a text describing how the fam- ily members are related to each other and their personal relationship. Use up as many expressions under study as possible. Write key words and make a presentation of your collage to the class using the key words (but not the written text).

28. Ask each other the following questions, take some notes, report some facts to the class using reported speech patterns. А. 1. How big is your family (immediate family members, distant relatives, sib- lings)? 2. How many members do you have in your family altogether (nephew, cousin, second cousin)? 3. Do you live with your parents? Do you live with any of your grandparents? Did you ever meet any of your great grandparents? How old are your parents? What are your parents like? Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how old are they? Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters? What do your mother and father look like? How about your grandparents? What are they like? How old are your grandparents? What are they like? Do you often visit your grand- parents? What are the occupations of your family members?

B. How often do you see your grandparents? What do you and your family like to do together? What do your parents do in their free time? How many (first) cousins do you have? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many children do you have? How many people are in your (im- mediate) family? How many people are in your family? How often do you see your cousins? How often is your entire family together? Do you get along well with your family? Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters? Is it good to be an only child? Do you like your family? Why or why not?

29. Names around us. Discuss in pairs or small groups. А. What's your name? Are you happy with your name? If not, why not? If you could change your name would you? What would it be? Why this name? Do you think names shape our personality? To what degree? Do you know the meaning of your name? If yes, what does it mean? What do you think of people who name their chil- dren after months, seasons or days of the week? What do you think of parents who make up unique names for their children? Some parents give their children names in 342 alphabetical order. Do you think this is a good idea? Are you named after anyone in your family? Do you ever feel pressure to live up to your name? Do you know some names that can be a boy's or a girl's name? Are you named after a famous person? Do you know anyone who is?

Б. Do women change their name after marriage in your country or keep their maiden name? Do you think it is okay to give pets human names? What is the most popular name for a dog in your country? How about cats? Can you name some famous world leaders? Can you name some famous composers? Can you name some famous art- ists? Can you name some cars? What are some names of famous companies you know? What's the name of your favorite singer? What's the name of your favorite fiction character? What's the name of your favorite writer? What's the name of your favorite novel? What's the name of your favorite restaurant? What's the name of your favorite television show? What's the name of your favorite movie? Can you name some notorious people or criminals? Can you name the seven continents? How many British, Australian or U.S. city names do you know?

В. What's the most beautiful girl's name in your opinion? What's the best boy's name? What are some of the most common names for boys and girls in your coun- try? What are some really unusual names? Are there any names you absolutely hate? If so, what are they? Why do you hate them? In your culture, when you introduce yourself, does the last name come first or the first name? How many letters are in your name? How many syllables are in your name? Does your first name have the same number of syllables as your last name? Do you have a middle name? What is it? Do you have a nickname? If so, what is it? Do you like it? Do you know some interesting nicknames?

Text Desperately Seeking Someone: Vocabulary 1. a high flier 2. good looks 3. high-powered jobs 4. in the fight to the top 5. lovely people 6. to have a wonderful life - style 7. to share one’s life-style with smb 8. a dating agency 9. to meet people through work 10. to date (women) colleagues 11. to have an air of independence 12. to have one’s own opinions 13. to get on well 14. to come over to a place 15. to go out for lunch 16. to see more of smb 343 17. romance takes a white to develop 18. have a job with a company 19. to have a full social life 20. to be fed up with 21. to join a dating agency 22. to be materialistic 23. to have no imagination 24. to be bored by somebody 25. in her (his) search for ... 26. romantic and considerate men 27. a caring, well-educated... 28. to have a professional job 29. to have a sense of adventure 30. to stay with the company

TEXT a) Read the introduction to the two texts and say what they are going to be about. b) Work in pairs. Do the jigsaw reading of the texts picking out the main ideas (one stu- dent reads the text about John Frantz, the other reads about Nicolette Morganti). c) Write out the new, unknown words and expressions. d) Make up about 6-8 intel- ligent comprehension questions about the text. e) Come up with a title for your text and explain to your partner why you chose it, giving the summary of the text. f) Swap over so that you read your partner’s text and he/she reads yours. Find answers your partner’s questions about the text. g) Discuss as a class the meaning of the new words and expressions you have written out.

Desperately Seeking Someone They have money, good looks and high-powered jobs, but in the fight to the top they forgot one thing – finding a partner. Now over 30, they have no time to start looking. As a result, more and more lonely single people are asking others to help them find love. Today reporter Margaret Morrison spoke to some of the lonely hearts who told her about just who you meet when you pay for the introduction in a dating agency.

The lonely highfliers trying to find love John Frantz 36 , American John Frantz has a wonderful lifestyle and he wants to share it with an English girl. At 36 he’s the national sales manager for a big printing firm, earns $65000 and drives a grey Cadillac.

Divorced 5 years ago, he now hopes to find a wife with the English Rose dating agency. ‘Children aren’t so important to me. I don’t want to go to bars to meet women because in the USA they’re more interested in your wallet.’ he says. ‘I meet a lot of people through work, but I’ve got a strict rule of never dating women col- leagues. I know a couple of British women at home and they have the air of inde- pendence that US women don’t have. I’d like to meet someone who’s intelligent and who has her own opinions.’ His first transatlantic phone call came from Sandy, a secretary living in Middlesex (England). We exchanged photographs, but when she 344 called there was a bit of language problem. We didn’t understand each other’s ac- cent! After that we got on well. I decided to come over to London for 12 days. We went out for lunch and dinner a couple of times, and we’re going sightseeing on Sat- urday. I’d like to see more of her but romance takes a while to develop. There are a couple of other women I’m going to see while I’m here.

Nicolette Morganti 29, Nicolette Morganti’s friends can’t understand why she joined a dating agency. She has a good job as a personal assistant at a television news agency, her own home and a full social life. But the 29-year-old, who has a de- gree in English Literature, is so fed up with British men that she joined the English Rose dating agency to get in touch with single American males. ’English men are usually materialistic and have no imagination,’ she says. ‘I have spent years being bored by men who never do anything exciting. I’m almost 30 now and I would really love to find a husband and have children. I’d like to live in London for six months of the year and in States for the other six months.’ In her search for the ideal man Nicolette once put an advertisement in a magazine for single people and had 400 re- plies. But she says: ‘I only met one or two of them. Most of the others sounded very boring. I find that American men are more romantic and considerate than British men. I rang one in the States, and afterward he sent me 200 dollars to pay for the call. I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for someone very special. I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking, animal-lover with a professional job and a sense of adventure.’

Exercises 1. Find English equivalents to the following phrases in the text. Make up sentences of your own with them. одинокие люди (2 variants) 1. руководящая и ответственная встречаться с коллегами - работа женщинами вести прекрасный образ жизни брачное агентство обедать вне дома общаться с людьми по работе иметь работу в компании хорошо ладить с кем -либо в поисках кого -либо иметь независимый вид 6. романтичные и заботливые чаще видеть кого -либо мужчины записаться в брачное агентство 7. заботливый , хорошо быть сытым по горло чем -либо образованный 10. для развития отношений нужно иметь приключенческий дух время оставаться ( работать ) в компании 11. вести насыщенную социальную 10. быть « птицей высокого полёта », жизнь стремиться к успеху быть материалистичным 11. разместить объявление в 12. контактировать с кем -либо

2. Study the list of expressions from the text (see Functional Vocabulary). At home get prepared for a vocabulary dictation on the text.

345 3. Find out some information about how a married couple (your parents, relatives or friends) met and write the story down (use the present simple tense to make your story more dynamic) using up the vocabulary from the text under study. Write key words and tell your story using the key words (but not the written text).

4. Discuss the following. 1) In many countries marriages are arranged by parents. Would you like your parents to find a partner for you? 2) Agree or disagree with the quote: Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. James Dobson, an American psychologist

5. Игра “Hot potato”. У одного студента в руках небольшой мячик ( или какой - нибудь другой предмет ). Этот студент должен придумать не менее двух пред- ложений о себе или об одном из своих знакомых ( родственников , известных людей ), содержащих относительно законченное описание характера человека , используя изученные слова и выражения данного модуля , а также разговорные клише , представленные ниже . Во время своего ответа студент может исполь- зовать фразу из списка “Playing for time”. После произнесения предложений вслух , студент передаёт мячик любому другому студенту . Если в предыдущем ответе описывалась внешность человека , в следующем должно быть описание характера . Тот , кто не сможет придумать фразу в течение 20 секунд , выбывает из игры . Побеждает тот , кто придумал предложение последним .

Hesitation devices: Playing for time Noises Let’s see … em… Let me see (now ) … er… Well, let me think … mm… Now let me think… Now, just a minute… Framing words Hang on… Now… Hm, let me think about that for a mo- Right (then)… ment … OK… It's like this OK then... I’ll have to think about it. Actually Well, ... Searching for a way to express some- thing Filler phrases How shall I put it? …you know… What is that word? …I mean… What’s the word for it? …you see… What’s the word I’m looking for? The thing is… How do you say that? It’s like this, you see… How can I explain this?

Introducing ideas that bring co ntrast, Expressing opinions 346 surprise or something unwelcome Speaking of … Actually,… I should say … As a matter of fact,… If you ask me, … To be honest/frank,… I think (that) … In fact, … I don’t think (that) … The fact is… I wouldn’t say (that) … I can’t say (that) … I believe … I suppose … To tell the truth/Frankly speaking I mustn’t boast, but … No doubt … No denying … Model: Ok then, if you ask me, Lily, my friend, is a very easy-going girl. She is easy to deal with and she never lets me down. We‘re very close emotionally, we have the same tastes in films and music. 30. Скажите , какие чувства вы испытываете , когда общаетесь с человеком , имеющим те или иные черты характера ( используйте изученные слова по теме «Характер человека » и их словарные дефиниции ).

Model I often/always feel sad when I talk to/meet/deal with an impudent person who is rude and shows no respect to other people.

31. Работа в парах . Опишите характер лучшего человека в каждой категории и объясните свой ответ . What is the best… spouse like? boyfriend/girlfriend like? neighbour like? boss like? teacher like? friend like? you like? Why?

32. Придумайте 6-8 реплик о внешности или характере человека , которые мог- ли бы стать стимулами к следующим ответным репликам . Используйте изу- ченные грамматические конструкции и лексику данного модуля . Really?/You're kidding!/No kidding?/Wow./No way!

33. Расширьте диалогические единства из предыдущего упражнения до диалога в 6-8 реплик .

34. Опишите человека , который вам нравится . Что именно вам в нём нравится ? Что вы чувствуете , когда общаетесь с ним ? Есть ли у него недостатки ? Какие ?

35. Опишите человека , который вам не нравится . Что вы чувствуете , когда об- щаетесь с ним ? Есть ли у него какие -либо положительные черты характера ? Какие ?

36. Дайте развернутые ответы (4-6 предложений ) на следующие вопросы .

347 1. Describe your personality. What kind of person are you? 2. Describe your part- ner’s/friend’s personality. What kind of person is he/she? 3. Describe your parents’ personalities. What kind of people are they? 4. Do you prefer outgoing or shy peo- ple? Why? 5. Do you prefer slow or fast people? (People who do things slowly or people who do things fast) Why? 6. Is there a person who changed your personality? Who? How? 7. Think of three jobs. What kind of personality should people with those jobs have? (Example: A fireman should be brave.)

37. Обсуждение . а) Выберите из списка отрицательных черт характера ( см . список лексики к данному unit) восемь черт , которые вы можете простить лю- дям и столько же недостатков , которые вы считаете самыми неприемлемыми . Расскажите о них остальным студентам группы . Остальные студенты задают вопросы или делают комментарии . Защищайте свою точку зрения , пользуясь предложенными в Приложении клише .

38. Work in pairs. Make up dialogues on the following situations.

1) Student A. You are having a party. One of the guests is your new classmate, who is very timid and looks unhappy. Show her your family album and tell her about your family. Ask her questions about her family members. Try to find a way with her. Student B. You are at a big and noisy party. You don’t like it very much. The hostess wants to make frends with you and shows you her family album. Talk to her about her family.

2) Student A . You meet your neighbour, an elderly woman, in the street. She asks you about some of your family members. You have a friendly converation with her. Student B. You are an ederly woman who lives nextdoor to a university student. You meet him/her in the street. Ask him/her about their family members.

3) Student A. Your best friend has got a boyfriend/girlfriend. You want to know what kind of person he is and what he looks like and what his family is like. Have a friendly conversation with her. Student B. You have got a boyfriend/girlfriend. Your best friend wants to know more about him and his family. You have some photos of him and his family on your mobile phone. Tell your friend about your boyfriend/girlfriend and his family.

4) Student A. Your classmate shows you some photos of his family. Comment on their appearance. Ask him about his family members character and personality. Student B. You have some pictures of your family (your Mum, Dad and two younger brothers) in your mobile phone. Show them to your classmate and talk to him about their appearance, character and personality.

Unit 4 Интонация 348 Высокий нисходящий тон Высокий нисходящий тон характеризуется следующим : понижение тона начинается на высоком уровне и заканчивается на самом низком уровне голо- сового диапазона . В слове , которое говорящий хочет выделить высоким нисходящим тоном (High Rise) падение начинается с более высокого уровня , чем в обычной неэм- фатической речи . При этом остальные слова синтагмы произносятся с обыч- ными ударениями или частично или полностью утрачивают ударность .

It’s easy.

По сравнению с низким нисходящим тоном высокий нисходящий тон выражает большую заинтересованность или удивление говорящего , придает высказыванию дополнительную эмоциональную окраску ( которая определяет- ся ситуацией и контекстом) и может употребляться для эмфатического выде- ления того или иного слова : Send Ben. Высокий нисходящий тон характерен для эмоционально окрашенных повествовательных предложений , специальных вопросов и восклицаний . High Fall придает фразе оживленный , дружеский оттенок . Например , фраза It’s easy, произнесённая с высоким нисходящим тоном , может быть употреблена в си- туации , выражающей побуждение к действию — Это же легко ! ( Сделай это !)» или некоторое удивление — “ Это легко ! (« Это разве сложно ?!)” Высокий нис- ходящий тон часто придает фразе оживленный , дружеский оттенок , показыва- ет , что говорящий проявляет живой интерес . Как видно из приведённых выше примеров , интонация может менять значение предложения . Высокий нисходящий тон может использоваться в восклицательных предложениях : I hate beans!

Высокий восходящий тон При произнесении слога с высоким восходящим тоном (High Rise) повы- шение начинается на среднем уровне ( или чуть ниже среднего ) и заканчивает- ся выше середины голосового диапазона .


Если с высоким восходящим тоном произносится слово или часть пред- ложения , состоящие из более чем одного слога , то интонограмма выглядит следующим образом .


349 Следует отметить , что специальные вопросы могут также произносится с вы- соким восходящим тоном , если говорящий просит повторить какую -либо ин- формацию . Например : What did you say? 'When did he come? Обычный специальный вопрос произносится , как уже упоминалось ра- нее , с низким нисходящим тоном (Low Fall). Высокий восходящий тон (High Rise) в английском языке , как и низкий восходящий тон (Low Rise), может употребляться при переспросе , но иногда может содержать оттенок удивления , изумления , иногда даже неодобрения . Чтобы избежать этого , вместо высокого восходящего употребляют низкий восходящий тона (Low Rise) в тех же коммуникативных обстоятельствах ( см . Unit 2).

6. Произнесите следующие фразы с высоким нисходящим тоном и с высо- ким восходящим тоном .

Difficult. Difficult? At the theatre. At the theatre? In Sep tember. In September?

7. Прослушайте следующие микро диалоги . Объясните различия в значе- нии ответных реплик в каждой паре . Произнесите ответные реплики за дикто- ром . 1. – Is it easy or difficult? – I think it’s a bit difficult. – Difficult. – Difficult. 2. – Where shall we meet? – Let’s meet at 7. – At the theatre. – At the theatre? 3. – When do your studies begin? – She is leaving in September. – In Sep tember. – In Sep tember?

8. Прослушайте фразы и обозначьте в них высокий нисходящий и высокий восходящий тон . Произнесите фоазы за диктором . a) г) – Mrs Smith is nearly fifty. – It’s made of leather. – Fifty? – Black leather? б) д) – Jane isn’t back yet. – She teaches me to speak Spanish. From the theatre? – Spanish? в) е) – He’s an athlete. – He has a fever. – Is he? – Has he?

350 9. Произнесите с высоким восходящим тоном . At five? The ”Times”? Mine? With milk? Mathe matics? For dinner? The typist?

10. Прослушайте следующие микро диалоги и повторите ответные реплики за диктором . Выучите наизусть микро диалоги 1, 2, 7, 8 и воспроизведите их в парах , сохраняя интонационную структуру . Трансформируйте указанные диа- логи , заменяя слова , выделенные жирным шрифтом , подходящими словами из таблицы , представленной ниже . Воспроизведите изменённые диалоги в парах , сохраняя ритм и общую интонационную структуру .

1. – Let’s meet a bit later. 5. – It’s a lesson of Maths . – At five ? – Is it? 2. – It’s a famous daily paper. 6. – It’s my native place. – The “Times”? – Native ? 3. – This is your copy. 7. – It’s time for dinner . – Mine? – For dinner? 4. – She has started her first job. 8. – Can I speak to Peter? – As a typist ? – Peter? the “Daily Telegraph”, English, for tea, French, Sheila, Michael, for supper, the “Independent”, favourite, your brother’s, at six, for lunch, his, Spanish, Ben's, Drama, Ada, at eight, Science, after classes, Allan, Annabel, the “Daily “Mail”, Arts, for a snack, at nine, Italian, after dinner, the “Daily Express”, at seven, the “Daily Star”, my sister’s, Steve, Algebra, Valentine, for a nap, at three, Vincent, for a game of tennis, Izabel, for a break.

Редукция гласных Редукция — изменение качества гласного , утрата гласным звуком одного или нескольких его признаков , сокращение длительности звука , ослабление силы звука ) В безударном положении гласные заметно изменяются : они реду- цируются ( ослабляются) и произносятся менее отчетливо , чем в ударном сло- ге . Буквы u, a или o редуцируются до нейтрального звука [ ǝ]: data [' de ɪtə], today [tǝ'de ɪ], difficult ['dɪfɪkǝlt]. Буквы i, e или y под влиянием редукции произносятся [i]: enemy['en ɪmɪ], examine [ig'zæmɪn]. Сокращение долготы гласного . Редукция гласного звука в безударном положении может проявляться и в сокращении его долготы . Например , в пред- ложении ( в обычной разговорной речи ) местоимения she, he, we, me произно- сятся не с долгим [i:], а с [i]. Выпадение гласного . В результате ослабления ( редукции ) гласный звук в слове может совсем выпасть : lesson ['lesn], pencil ['pensl] Этот вид редукции может отражаться и на письме : вместо опущенной гласной буквы ставится апостроф .

351 I am [a ɪ ǝm] — I’m [a ɪm]

Редукция местоимений и служебных слов В английском языке есть разряды слов (союзы , предлоги , артикли , вспомога- тельные глаголы ) и местоимения ( личные , притяжательные , относительные , неопределенные ), которые в обычной речи не несут на себе ударения . Служеб- ные слова имеют две формы произнесения : сильную и слабую : has [hæz — h əz — z] She is always glad to see you. [ʃi ɪz ɔ:lw əz glæd t ə si: ju] Как правило , в связной речи эти слова безударны не имеют полного звучания и и употребляются в слабой форме , изменяя свое качество и долготу . Полные формы употребляются тогда , когда слово стоит под ударением , а слабые — в безударном положении .

Примеры полных и редуцированных форм некоторых местоимений и служебных слов Местоимения и слу- Сильная форма Редуцированная форма жебные слова me [mi:] [m ɪ] he [hi:] [ɪ] she [ʃi:] [ʃɪ ] him [h ɪm] [ɪm] we [wi:] [w ɪ] them [ðem] [ðəm] his [h ɪz] [ɪz] and [ænd [ən] или [n] some [sʌm] səm] that [ðæt] [ðət] at [æt] [ət] for [fɔ:] [fə] from [fr ɒm] [fr əm] of [ɒv] [əv] the ði: ðə Очень важно соблюдать слабые формы служебных слов , так как их не- правильное произношение ( например , полной формы вместо слабой ) приводит к выделению этих слов наравне со знаменательными , то есть к увеличению их смыслового веса , что в свою очередь приводит к нечеткому выражению смы- словых отношений слов в предложении , а также к нарушению ритма .

Качественная , количественная и нулевая редукция

352 Редукция , в результате которой происходит утрата гласным звуком од- ного или нескольких признаков , называется качественной , например , Good morning → g'morning → morning. Редукция , в результате которой происходит только ослабление силы звука и сокращение его длительности , называется количественной . Количественная редукция характерна для долгих гласных звуков . На- пример , местоимение me произносится под ударением [mi:], а в неударном по- ложении в беглой речи [mi·]. Конечной стадией редукции звука бывает его полное выпадение из про- износимого слова ( нулевая редукция ). Нулевая редукция отражается и на письме : вместо выпавшей буквы , выражающей в полной форме какой -либо звук , ставится апостроф : I'm late.[aIm leIt] - Я опоздал . В потоке речи редукции могут подвергаться все виды гласных : дифтон- ги , краткие и долгие монофтонги .

Примеры редуцированных форм некоторых местоимений и служеб- ных слов but [bʌt] [bət] her [h ɜ:] [h ə] или [ ə] their [ðɜə ] [ðə] to [t ʊ] [t ə] us [ʌs] [əs] you [ju:] [j ə] your [jɔ:] [jə]

Упражнения 1. Прослушайте рифмовки и стихотворения с редуцированными формами союзов , предлогов и местоимений . Произнесите рифмовки , обращая внима- ние на редукцию подчёркнутых слов .

а) You and me b) Relaxing c) Making plans You and me, A cup of tea, A walk? But it’s too late. Cake and tea, A new CD, To the town? But it’s too far. Bread and cheese, A bottle of wine, Some sightseeing? But it’s too dark. Twos and threes, And plenty of A restaurant? But it’s too expensive. This and that, time. A game of chess? But it’s so boring. Thin and fat. Read a book? But my eyes are so Left and right, tired. Day and night, Study some English? But it’s so diffi- Now and then, cult. Where and when. But let’s do something. OK, what?

Вопросы 1. Как произносятся трёхэлементные сочетания гласных ?

353 2. Какие бывают виды редукции гласных ? Приведите собственные примеры редуцированных форм слов .

Некоторые средства выражения удивления в английском языке Выразить удивление в английском языке можно с помощью речевых клише произнесённых с высоким нисходящим тоном , например : How a mazing! That’s interesting. и др ., а также с помощью переспроса . Переспрос – это короткий вопрос , состоящий из вспомогательного , мо- дального глагола и глагола -связки и местоимения -подлежащего . Он употреб- ляется в качестве ответа на реплику говорящего , чтобы выразить и интерес , внимание и т.д. Если высказывание утвердительное , используется утверди- тельный переспрос . Если высказывание отрицательное , используется отрица- тельный переспрос : “My brother works in New York.” “Does he (really)?” “She can’t visit us.” “Can’t she (really)?”

Упражнения 1. Прослушайте следующие повествовательные фразы , определите , какие из них произнесены с высоким нисходящим или низким нисходящим тоном . Повторите фразы за диктором , обращая внимание на редукцию место- имений и служебных слов . ʃɪ k ən 'send m ɪ ə fæks

ʃɪ ɪz ɪn 'ni:d əv help

ʃɪ h əd ə 'bæd æks ɪdənt

ʃɪ 'nev ə h əz 'bɪg mi:lz

hɪ ɪz 'nev ə 'bɪzɪ ət sevn

hɪz 'fæm ɪlɪ 'lɪvz ɪn ə vɪlədʒ

2. Обменяйтесь репликами по образцу , используя низкий восходящий тон при переспросе и высокий нисходящий тон , придавая высказыванию эмоцио- нальную окраску . Употребляйте разные известные вам имена собственные .

Model 1 S1: Dave is absent. S2: Absent? It’s a pity.

Model 2 S1: Dave is back . S2: Back? It’s fine. (pale, lazy, away, ill, in time, absent, late, happy, glad, picky, sad) Model 3 S1: Emily is ill. 354 S2: Ill? Emily’s fine. Daisy is ill. (five/six, seven/twelve, twenty-seven/eleven, late/in time, timid/lively)

3. Произнесите фразы , содержащие , помимо ударного ( ядерного ), безударные слоги , с высоким нисходящим тоном .

It’s a pity. It’s a meter. It’s a city. It’s easy. It’s dinner. It’s fifty.

It’s a cinema.

4. Произнесите следующие повествовательные и побудительные фразы , передавая смысловую завершенность фраз , выражая разную степень заинтере- сованности в разговоре вариантами нисходящего тона . It’s a sentence. It’s a cinema. It’s a fence. It’s a city. It’s a band. It’s a hat. He’s a pianist. He’s a dentist. He’s a physicist. He’s a visitor. He’s a citizen. It’s a pity. It’s De cember. It’s Saturday. It’s Canada. It’s sad. It’s lean. He’s busy. Keep it. Add it. Fix it. Visit it. Knit it. Eat it. Get it. Test it. Stamp it. Be gin it.

5. Прослушайте аудиозапись и определите , с каким тоном произносятся вопросы и ответы в следующих диалогических единствах — с высоким нисхо- дящим или с низким нисходящим . Объясните выбор говорящими того или иного варианта нисходящего тона . Повторите за диктором фразы -ответы . 2) What’s this? – It’s a tin. (It’s a seat. It’s a city.) 3) What’s that? – It’s a sea. (It’s a knee. It’s an inn.) 4) What’s the English for « сестра »? – It’s a sister. 5) What letter is it? – It’s D. ( V, T, C) 6) Is it easy or difficult? – It’s easy. 7) Is it Jimmy’s or Peter’s? – It’s Peter’s. 8) Is it fifty or sixty? – It’s fifty. 9) Is the fish for dinner or for breakfast? – It’s for dinner.

6. Про cлушайте следующие повествовательные фразы . Повторите фра- зы за диктором. а) hɪ k ən 'ti:t ʃ pi:pl

She can 'tell Anthony.

355 She must 'add pepper.

She 'needs it badly.

She can 'mend it easily.

She is an 'excellent teacher.

She can 'visit us next time .

She can 'add a little milk.

'Jack can 'fix it him self.

She isn’t 'easy to please.

She can 'help 'Jack and Eddy.

He says it’s his 'biggest de feat.

She must 'finish it 'next Saturday.

5. Прочитайте , следя за низким высотным уровнем частично ударного слова “please”. Have some cake, please. Say it a gain, please. Give me an apple, please. Fetch me a better chair, please. Get a ticket for Jane, please. Tell me his name, please.

6. Про cлушайте следующие повествовательные и побудительные фразы , произнесённые с высоким нисходящим или низким нисходящим тоном . Под- берите подходящую интонационную модель для каждой фразы . Какие две фразы имеют одинаковые интонограммы ? 1. It’s 'text seven. а)

2. 'Send him a fax. б)

3. 'Visit us in Sep tember. в)

356 4. 'Have some tea. г)

5. 'Stamp it again. д)

6. 'Add it to ten. е)

7. Прослушайте следующие фразы. Объясните употребление высокого нисходящегно тона . 1. I have five pens, and he has six. He has nine apples, and I have five. Nick has six ties, and Jim has nine.

1. Воспроизведите микродиалоги в парах , следуя интонационной разметке . Трансформируйте микродиалоги , заменив подчёркнутые слова другими под- ходящими по смыслу из списка лексики к данному модулю ). а) St 1: Gladys says William lives in Sydney . St 2: I see.

б) St 1: Will says he leaves at six | and gets back in a week . St 2: Fine.

в) St 1: Hannah be lieves Andy is picky . St 2: He is in deed.

г) St 1: Liz says little Dave is timid. St 2: Timid ? Dave isn’t timid . He is a lively kid.

д) St 1: Alex says he cycles twice a week . St 2: It’s fine.

е) St 1: Knight says his plane gets in at e leven a. m. St 2: Fine. We still have time.

ж) St 1: David says Bill’s plane gets in at six p. m. St 2: Fine. Meet him in time.

Вопросы 1. От чего зависит время звучания английской фразы ? 2. Какие слова в английском предложении а) являются ударными ; б) обычно безударны ?

357 3. В каких коммуникативных ситуациях используется высокий нисходящий тон ? Как он образуется ? 4. С какой интонацией произносится обращение а) в начале предложения ; б) в конце предложения ? В каких случаях обращение соответствует отдельной син- тагме ? 5. С какой интонацией произносится слово “please” а) в начале предложения ; б) в конце предложения ? Может ли оно образовывать самостоятельную смы- словую группу ? 6. Как образуется высокий восходящий тон ? Приведите собственные приме- ры . 7. В каких коммуникативных ситуациях употребляется высокий восходящий тон ? 8. Какими средствами может быть выражено удивление в английском языке ?

HOME (Part 1) Focus Vocabulary

I. Types of Housing apartment building (AmE) / block of flats (BrE), bungalow, cottage / chalet (Fr), condominium (condo, AmE), detached house, dwelling house, farmhouse, a town- house, hut, mansion, lodging house (BrE) / rooming house (AmE), semi-detached house (BrE) / duplex (AmE), studio flat (BrE) /studio apartment (AmE), terraced house (BrE) / row house (AmE), villa, flat (BrE) /apartment (AmE), a three- room(ed) flat / apartment,

II. Characteristics of a House. an ordinary / medium-sized / wooden / brick / stone / modern house, old-fashioned, a fair-sized house in the country, cosy, convenient, well-planned, comfortable, sunny, isolated [ais leitid], exotic, economical Mind: an economical house, but: an eco- nomic problem ( wife)

small - big, clean - dirty, quiet - noisy, old - modern (modernized), expensive - cheap, good - bad, tiny - vast [va:st] lovely pretty [‘priti] the position of the house: to be located on a main road, in a side street of a main road, in its own grounds, facing a river, overlooking the sea, right in the cen- tre, on the outskirts of the town floor, on the groundfloor (BrE) / on the first floor (AmE) on the upper / top floor storey (BrE) / story (AmE), five-storey building (BrE) / five-storied building (AmE) 358 two-storeyed, a semi-detached house ( дом на две семьи , соединенный только с одной стороны ) the first floor (первый этаж , AmE), the ground floor ( первый этаж , BrE) to be on the ground / 1st / 2nd / top floor, to be tipically English / French / Russian, to be difficult to look after, to keep house, to do jobs around the house, to have a woman in to do the cleaning the inside of the house : an entrance hall, a nurcery, study, a kitchen, a living / sitting/ dining -room, a bedroom, a lounge, a bathroom , a pantry (a small room with shelves), an attick (подвал , чаще жилой ) garage utility [ju:til ti] room ( комната для расстановки бытовой техники ) a basement, a landing, a porch, a pantry or larder, terrace or patio outside the house: a lawn, an asphalt yard, a large garden at the back of the house a flower bed, a rockery, an orchard, a few fruit trees, big old trees, a fountain, a sun- dial, to be surrounded by a wooden fence (wall, hedge) entertainment facilities: a tennis court, a swimming-pool, a children’s paddling pool, a swing.

Phrases on the right / on smb’s right / to the right of smth / downstairs, in front of, to be at hand, to dwell, to inhabit, realtor (BrE) / real estate agent (AmE), to have a room / a house of one's own, to have a room to oneself, to host smb / to put smb up, to live in the town centre / downtown (AmE) /in the suburbs / on the outskirts, to lodge, to look down onto / overlook /face smth, to move into a new flat/ house, to move house / home (BrE), to move out to reside to settle to stay at smb’s place / with smb.

III. Conveniencies. Conditions. Equipment. amenities, air conditioning, central heating, under-floor heating, coal fires, electric fires, gas fires, open fireplaces, oil heaters, air-conditioning, electric fans chute convenience(s) / mod cons, electricity, lift (BrE) /elevator (AmE), running- water/running cold and hot water, telephone, chute, tiled walls, toilet, high / low ceilings, double bedrooms, a good-sized room, a bath Phrases to heat the house, to live in a one-/ two-room flat, to lead into (about doors), to face south, to face north, to look out onto.

IV. Furniture a bed, a divan-bed , a sofa, a chair, an arm-chair, a stool, a dressing table, a desk, a bookcase, a cupboard, a wardrobe , a mirror, a carpet, a rug, a lamp, a standart lamp,

359 a curtain, a cabinet, a bedside table/ cabinet, a swite [swi:t], a (wall) unit(s), wall- furniture a washing machine, a fridge, a cooker, a radio, a TV set, a dishwasher, a digital mu- sic / CD player, a gas stove, an electric stove, a vacuum cleaner to be chosen to match the style of the house

V. Renting and buying a house. to move from ... (back to...), to move house, to take one’s furniture, etc. to another house, a mansion, in... acres of land, in (some place), to rent / to buy a house / a flat, an advertisement for a room, to be payable in advance, a one-week deposit ( плата вперед за неделю ), to pay a deposit for, put down a deposit on a house.

We are moving house this week. It seems mad to have moved somewhere from.. The rent includes... There’s nothing extra to pay ( все входит в ренту ) a front key, to share a room, to have one’s own room / a single room (на одного ).

VI. Design. Decoration. the west / east wing of the house , open fire (place), to convert - переделать ( е.д. a bedroom into a sitting-room), converted loft ( жилой (переделанный ) чердак ), an oak-panelled room, to fix smth. (to fix a shelf, to fix a radio), to knock down the wall

VII. Neighborhood. to be situated / located, to live in the country / in town

Country: hills, woods, farm, field, lake, village, mountains, cottage, fresh air Town: traffic lights, a (pedestrian) underpass, bridge, car park, factory, tall build- ings, tram, polussion, river, bank, concert hall, theatre to be in a central position, to live in the centre, to live in the surburbs, to live in a southern / countryside / city atmosphere , to be in a good / bad / much better loca- tion, to be a dangerous / safe place for living, residential street, a lane (with only pri- vate houses, no business buildings), to live in a flat / house in the South / North of, a cosmopolitan / mixed city, to stay in one’s own area (about nationalities), the Rus- sian / German section of the city, to be ... (kilo)meters from the sea / shops / town center, to be next to the park / sea, to be a long way from, to be next to, to be quite near public transport / the tube station, to use the underground/the metro.

VIII. A Proper House. a swimming pool, a shed, tennis court, green house, golf, to catch the sun (располагаться на солнечном месте ), lawn, orchard, to have lovely views from ... 360 (the window) / over ... (the garden and river), to grow flowers, vegetables, plants, to keep things in order

IX. Adverbs and Prepositions. above behind beside between downstairs in front of in the middle of next to opposite under upstairs


1. Match the names of the houses with their definitions.

1. block of flats (BrE) / apartment build- a) a house on one level, often with a roof ing (AmE) that does not slope much b) a small simple shelter (AmE) 2. bungalow c) a large house, especially a beautiful one 3. condominium d) a small flat with one main room, usu- ally for only one person to live in 4. cottage e) a large house with a big garden in a warm country or region 5. detached house (BrE) f) a small house in which all the rooms are on the same level 6. farmhouse g) a building that consists of different levels and has several flats on each level 7. flat (BrE) / apartment (AmE) h) a house that is not joined to another house 8. hut i) a house that is joined to another house on one side 9. mansion j) a house that is in a row of houses that are joined together 11. semi-detached house (BrE) / duplex k) an apartment in a building that con- (AmE) sists of several apartments, all of which are owned by the people who live in 10. ranch house (AmE) them l) a small house, usually in a village or 12. studio flat (BrE) / studio apartment in the countryside (AmE) m) the main house on the farm, where 361 the farmer lives 13. terraced house (BrE)/row house n) a set of rooms that are usually (AmE) on the same level and are part of a larger building 14. villa

2. A. Watch the videos ‘Types of Housing’ and fill in the table.

Types of Location Size Material Other features Housing

Types of Housing (script)

Hi there. In this lesson we’re going to learn about the different types of housing that people live in in different parts of the world. An apartment. This is a smaller living space which is located in a tall building. It is usually found in cities. House. This is a bigger living space. Usually we see a garden outside. It is often found around cities. Cottage. This is a small house which is usually in a garden. Cabin. A cabin is a small living space usually made out of wood and it’s found in forests. A hut is a small living space which is made out of grass, mud and sticks. It is usually found in places such as Africa. In today’s modern societies most people live in apartments or flats, but some people are lucky enough to live in bigger living spaces such as houses. Now name each type of home which you see on the screen.

B. Read about the types of housing and match the pictures and the types of housing. Then read for details and add more information to the table. a)

362 b)

d) c)

e) f)

363 g)

Seven Types of Property That Exist in the UK There are 7 types of property that exist in the UK. To an extent, the variety of properties available to buy and rent are based purely on style, space and afforda- bility. Houses as a broad category encompasses a few variations of styles; you can get detached, semi-detached, end of terrace and terrace. Then you have cottages, bungalows and flats which serve an entirely different purpose. The type of property will also depend on where you live. In general, when you live in large congested cit- ies, people will often live in flats and in towns, there will be long streets of houses joined together which are known as terraced houses. And of course, the countryside is characteristic of its larger cottages, bungalows and two or three storey houses that have a lot of land for varied use.

Flats The term ‘flat’ is synonymous with British English. From studio flats, to maisonettes and 2-storey flats, a flat is a living area that is self-contained and in one part of a building. A building (a block of flats (BrE), an apartment block (AmE)) is usually split into individual flats and the communal areas are those that are shared e.g. lifts, stairwells, receptions etc.…

Detached Detached houses are more likely to be the property types we all dream of owning. They tend to be more private as they are single standing properties, and do not share walls with other houses. Due to its privacy, detached houses are a lot more expen- sive and high in demand.

Semi-detached Semi-detached properties are a lot more common for homeowners to purchase/rent. There are a lot more semi-detached properties in the UK as they save a lot of space as they are houses paired together by a common wall. Semi-detached properties are fantastic options for homeowners to extend at the back and side and have an element of privacy too. 364 Terraced Terraced houses are common in old industrial towns and cities such as Manchester, Bath and areas of central London. Terraced houses became extremely popular to provide high-density accommodation for the working class in the 19th century. Ter- raced houses are structurally built the same and both sides of each house shares walls with neighbours.

Terrace In most towns in England, there are streets of houses joined together in long rows. They are called terrace houses (terraced houses). Lots of these have small gardens at the back.

End of Terrace It says it in the name. It is the end of a terraced house and only one side shares a common wall, while the other is detached.

Cottage When you think of a cottage, you automatically associate the British rural country- side and more times than not, cottages have and will always be in the rural regions of the UK. Cottages were purposefully built to have thick walls to withstand the bitter cold weather, small windows, structural pillars, low ceilings and most distinctively a thatched roof. Cottages in the middle ages were built for agricultural workers and their families. Nowadays, cottages are houses that have one and a half storeys – the top floor is a lot smaller than the ground floor and the pillars are used to hold up the structure. Modern cottages now have all the comforts of any home in the country, including electricity and running water.

Bungalow The word ‘bungalow’, originates from the Indian word ‘Bangla’, which in the 19th century referred to houses that were built in a Bengali* style. Houses that were made in Bengali style were traditionally very small and only one storey high and detached. A wide veranda was adopted by the British as well as low roofs. The distinction of a bungalow compared to a cottage is that of style, history and the price tag. Bungalows are generally a lot cheaper to purchase. Bungalows were appropriate housing types to deal with tropical climates such as South East Asia where many bungalows origi- nated. The interior only has one level which is adorned with wide, open hallways and windows. Many bungalows have nowadays been converted to accommodate a smaller second floor.

* - Bengali is a region in Asia ( Classical Bengali architecture fe- tures terracotta buildings.)


C. Talk about the types of housing you know using the table you have filled in.

365 3. All of the words below can be used instead of 'to live'. Using a dictionary if nec- essary, match them with their definitions. 1. inhabit a) to start to live in a place (after moving from somewhere else) 2. occupy b) (of large groups of people or animals) to live in a country or area 3. settle c) to live in a place for a while 4. lodge d) (formal) to have one's home in a place 5. reside e) to be in (a house or room) 6. squat f) (literary or old use) to live in a place 7. stay g) to stay in someone else's home in exchange for paying rent 8. dwell h) to live in an unused building without permission and without paying rent

4. Use the words above to complete the following sentences. 1. When Clare was a student at university she_____with two old ladies for a year. The rent was very reasonable. 2. If you come to Boston for a few days, you can____with us. We have plenty of space. 3. The Tuaregs_____parts of Northern Africa. 4. The homeless couple broke into the empty house and______there for six months. Then the owner forced them to leave. 5. After the war, the Van Dongs left Vietnam and eventually____in Bordeaux. 6. That house doesn't seem to be______. There are no curtains in the windows, and I've never seen anyone go in or out.

5. Look at the verbs in block letters in the following sentences. Then complete them using nouns formed from these verbs. 1. A person who lodges with a family is their______. 2. The large home which a rich family resides in is their______. 3. The person who occupies a home, even if only for a short time, is the______. 4. The place where a person lodges, usually for a short period, is called his or her in formal Eng- lish, or digs in informal British English. 5. People who squat in empty houses with- out the owners' permission are called______. 6. A place where a group of people decide to settle, for example in a jungle яг uninhabited area, is called a ______. 7. The people who inhabit a country or city are called its______. 8. Peo- ple who went to a newly developed part of a country to settle there were often called______

6. VIDEO. A. Watch the video ‘Houseboat’ and say why living in a houseboat is enjoyable for Nick and what the downsides are (in Nick’s opinion). Houseboat This is the River Thames. It is almost 346 kilometres long, and is the second longest river in Great Britain. It flows through London, and it’s this part of the river that most tourists see. But there’s more to the Thames than a trip down the river. The Romans built a settlement on the River Thames, and over the centuries it grew into the City of London, with a huge port. Ships from around the world brought food, goods and people to the capital. But by the 1980’s, most of the docks had closed and the area became run-down. A lot of money has been invested in this huge riverside area. And today it’s know as ‘Docklands’.

366 The old warehouses are now attractive apartments. There are new office buildings, shopping centres and leisure facilities, too. People enjoy living and working by the river. People also enjoy living on the water! This is a houseboat on the Thames...... Nick: Hi Alistair. Alistair: Hey Nick, welcome aboard. Nick: Thank you. So why do you live on a houseboat? Alistair: I love being close to the water. And it’s a brilliant place to invite friends over. Nick: What’s it like to live on a boat? Alistair: In the summer, it’s beautiful. And in the winter, it’s a bit cold. Nick: Could you give me a tour? Alistair: Please. Follow me. So this is the kitchen. The bedroom. Nick: I like it. What’s the best thing about living on the river? Alistair: For me, it’s being so close to nature. And it’s really cheap. Nick: Is there anything you miss about living on dry land? Alistair: I miss not being able to grow my own food and not having a garden. Nick: Do you think you will ever move? Alistair: Only if I have to leave London. It’s a really brilliant place to live in the city...... The Thames has seen a lot of changes over the years. But perhaps the biggest change is still to come. This image is of the River Thames frozen over. It’s not a real photograph. It’s been created digitally. It shows the effect climate change may have on the river if tem- peratures drop significantly. They were created by two illustrators: Didier Madoc- Jones and Robert Graves.

B. Now say which sentenses are true and which are false. Correct the false ones. 1. The River Thames is the longest river in Great Britain. 2. ‘Docklands’ is a run-down riverside area in London with lots of old ware- ouses. 3. It’s warm in the houseboat in winter. 4. Nick sometimes misses living on dry land. 5. Nick feels sad because he doesn’t have a garden.

C. Think of more advantages and disadvantages of living in a houseboat.

7. Project. A. Read the information below. Say how, you think, the interior of an oast house looks like. Would you like to live in such a house? Why? Oast House Many people in England live in buildings which were once built for something else other than a home. Oast Houses were not originally a building where people lived. They were part of farm build- 367 ings and were where hops (a plant from which beer is made) were layed out and dried.

B. Find some information about an unusual type of housing. Write a text (about 300 words) then write out the key words for a presentation. Make a presentation using only the key words and some pictures (or slides). Remember that there shouldn’t be more than 10% of the text in the visual aids for the presentation.


A. Watch the video «The Victorian House» and decide whether the following sen- tences are true (T) or false (F).

The house in Millersburg is an example of Victorian style architecture. The house contains many displays of Queen Ann’s time historical artifacts. In the foyer there are light wooden stairs. There are custom-designed light fixtures and chandeliers. The basement is complete with a sauna and steam room. The house was built by an Englishman. You can visit the museum on Monday.

The Victorian House

Welcome! We invite you to explore this beautiful example of Queen Ann style ar- chitecture, home of the Holmes County Historical Society. The house serves a dual purpose. Besides the showcase of Victorian living, the house contains many dis- plays of Holmes County historical artifacts. As you step through the massive front door, you will be swept back in time. The foyer with its massive white oak staircase and custom-designed light fixtures will be the start of a fascinating tour of Victorian splendour. See the modern technology that was built into the house, such as the central intercom system. Custom-designed chandeliers, made for gas and electric, modern bathroom with tub and shower and the basement complete with sauna and steam room. The house was built by a wealthy industrialist L.H. Brightman from Cleveland, Ohio. It is written, he was to build the most impressive house in Millersburg and it is still the grandest house in town. The house has been featured in Victorian Homes magazine and chosen by the pro- ducers of 8GTV’s Victorian America as one of the finest examples in America of Queen Ann architecture. It is impressive by all standards: twenty-eight rooms, four floors, ninety-seven windows, and over 6 000 square feet. Every year the holidays take on a special glow in the Victorian house where community businesses, organi- zations and private individuals transform their house into Holidays at the Mansion. So while ………… historic Millersberg plan on spending sometime and take a trip back in time when Victorian was a way of life. Drawing a prosperous period in our history the museum opens for tours in April on weekends only and every day except Monday May through October from 1 to 4. 368

B. Look at the script and write out words and expressions you need to describe the house.

C. Find equivalents to the following words and expessions. - прекрасный образец архитектуры в - люстра стиле королевы Анны - ванная комната с ванной и - иметь двойную цель ( функцию ) душем - экспозиция викторианского образа - подвальное помещение жизни - оснащенный чем -либо - исторический артефакт - сауна - войти через массивную парадную - парная дверь - впечатляющий по всем пара- - фойе метрам - лестница из белого дуба - приобретать особый лоск - сконструированный на заказ - особняк - встроенные светильники - совершить путешествие в - современные технологии , встроен- прошлое ные в дом - образ жизни - домофон ( система внутренней свя- - представлять период процве- зи ) тания

D. Work in pairs. One of you has just returned from Millersburg. The other wants to know more about the museum. Make up a dialogue. Start like this:

- Listen, (Mary,) I hear you’ve been to Millersburg recently. - Yeah, and why? - Are there any places worth seeing there? - …..

Grammar Modal Verbs The modal verbs in English are can, could, had better, may, might, must, shall, should, ought to, will, would. Modals are used in English to express attitudes, give advice, and indicate politeness. Each modal has more than one meaning or use. Modals do not take a final -s, even when the subject is he , she or it . Questions, negatives, tags and short answers are made without do or other auxiliaries. (See Ta- ble 1.) After modals we use the infinitive without to of other verbs. (See Table 1.) The only exception is ought to : He ought to go to the meeting. Modal verbs do not have infinitives or participles, and they do not normally have past forms (though would, could, should and might can sometimes be used as past tenses of will, can, shall and may ). However, certain past ideas can be ex-

369 pressed by a modal verb followed by a perfect infinitive (have + past participle): I think I may have annoyed Aunt Mary.

Table 1 Basic Modals can could had better (‘d better) I may You might He must She ought to do it. It need to We shall You should They will would (to be) to

Phrasal modals Most modal auxiliaries are single words (should, must etc.), the exceptions are ought to and had better. Many have two or three-word phrases. They are called phrasal modals. Their meanings are similar to those of some of the basic modals. For example, be able to is similar to can , be going to is similar to will . Table 2 Phrasal Modals (to be) to be able to have to have got to do it. be allowed to be supposed to be going to would like to

Functions of Modals Table 3 Modal Function(s) Examples ability / inability, Can you drive? He can’t swim. She can win also about future the race tomorrow if she really tries. actions based on the present ability Can permission / refus- You can stop work today. You can’t park ing permission here. Can I have some more cake?~ No, I'm afraid you can't. requests, sugges- Can you make a little less noise, please? 370 tions When you've finished the washing-up you can clean the kitchen. possibility in the You can buy CDs from a music shop. I can situation go to Paris this weekend , because I don ‘t have to work. offer Can I help you with those bags?

to describe common Scotland can be very warm in September. . or typical state of things to give a kind of I can hear the sea. present progressive meaning (with see, hear and some other verbs) Can’t negative certainty It can’t be Mike. He’s in Italy now.

general ability in Ann could play the piano when she was the past (not on one three. But: I managed to buy a really nice occasion) coat yesterday (= on one occasion*). * - there are exceptions to this rule. asking for permis- Could I speak to Mr Devis, please? Could I sion (more polite ask you something? Yes, of course you can. than can ) offers (less definite I could mend your bicycle for you, if that Could than can ) would help. requests, sugges- Could I have some more tea? If you haven't tions (more polite got anything to do you could sort out your than ‘can’) photos. probability It could rain this afternoon. possibility in the We could go to the fair on Thursday. situation (‘softer’ than can ) criticism (reproach) You could ask before you borrow my car. May asking for permis- Yes, you may take a sample of the product. sion/prohibition (more formal than can or could ) possibility I may see you at the conference later.

Might asking for permis- Might I ask a question? sion (more polite) possibility Phone Mr Cook, he might be free now. reproach You might know your boss by sight. Must probability Fred has been working all day. He must be tired. 371 necessity, obligation All passengers must wear seatbelts. Why must you always leave the door open? You must be at the office by 8.30. Must I clean all the rooms? order, strong advice I really must give up smoking. (to ourselves and other people) Ought to duty (less strong She ought to / should tell her boss about Should than must) this! advisability You ought to / should take a day off. That carpet should be cleaned. probability It oughtn’t to / shouldn’t rain today (BrE). But: It’s not supposed to rain (AmE). Will request Will you give me her address, please? offer Will (won’t you)* you come in? ()* - more polite Would request (more po- lite) offer Shall suggestion/asking Shall I contact Mr Parker? for instructions obligation (legal) The contractor shall provide the service in time. Had better Note: strong advice You’d better turn that music down before the structure usually your dad gets angry. means ‘it would be good to’, not ‘it would be better to’ Need strong advice You need to study hard if you don’t want to lag behind. necessity based on I need to go. I have a lot of tings to do. Needn’t circumstances, (lack You needn't pay for that phone call. Look at of) immedi those tracks. That must be a fox. ~ It ate necessity needn’t be – it could be a dog. (lack of) immedi You don't need to pay for that phone Don’t need to ate necessity call. Don’t have to (lack of) habitual, You don't need to pay for emergency calls general necessity in most countries.

May/Might and Can/Could May/might are often used in similar ways to can/could . The main differences are as follows. 1) permission: can/could more common Can and could are more common than may and might, which are used mostly in a formal style. Compare: Can I look at your paper? Excuse me, may I look at your newspaper for a moment?

372 There is an old belief that may/might are more 'correct' than can/could in this case, but this does not reflect normal usage. 2) 'general' possibility: can/could, not may/might We normally use can and could to say that things are possible in general: people are able to do them, the situation makes them possible, or there is nothing to stop them. May and might are not used in this way: She's lived in France; that's why (it’s possible that) she can speak French. (NOT ... that's why she may speak French .) These roses can grow anywhere. (NOT These roses may grow an y- where. ) Can gases freeze? (NOT May gases freeze ?) In those days, everybody could find a job. (NOT ... everybody could find a job. ) 3) chances: may/might/could , not can To talk about the chance (possibility) that something will happen, or is happening, we use may, might or could , but not can : Where's Sarah? ~ She may be ioith Ioe. (NOT She can be ... ) We may go to the Alps next summer. (NOT We can go to the Alps n ext su mmer. ) Might and could suggest a less strong possibility: It might/could rain this evening, but I think it probably won't. May is not used in direct questions with this meaning: Do you think you'll go to the Alps? (NOT May you go ... ?) 4) negative sentences: may/might not and can/could not May/might not means 'perhaps ... not ... ' Can/could not can mean 'it is certain that ... not .. .' Compare: It may/might not rain tomorrow. (= Perhaps it will not rain.) It can't/couldn't possibly rain tomorrow. (= It will certainly not rain.) It may not be true. (= Perhaps it is not true.) It can't be true. (= It is certainly not true.) Need Need most often has ordinary verb forms: the third person singular has -s, and questions and negatives are made with do (or other auxiliaries). Need is usually fol- lowed by an infinitive with to : Everybody needs to rest sometimes. Do we need to reserve seats on the train? Need can also have the same present-tense forms as modal verbs: the third person singular has no -s, and questions and negatives are made without auxiliaries. In this case, need is normally followed by an infinitive without to: You needn't wait for me. These forms are used mainly in negative sentences (needn't); but they are also possible in questions, after if, and in other 'non-affirmative' structures. These modal forms of need normally refer to immediate necessity. They are often used to ask for or give permission - usually permission not to do something. They are not used to talk about habitual, general necessity. Compare: It's OK- You needn't / don't need to pay for that phone call. (immediate necessity) You don't need to pay for emergency calls in most countries. ( habitual, general ne- cessity)

Modals: Two Kinds of Meaning Most of the meanings of modal verbs can be divided into two groups. One is to do with degrees of certainty: modal verbs can be used to say for instance that a situation

373 is certain, probable, possible or impossible. The other is to do with obligation, free- dom to act and similar ideas.

Modals: Degrees of Certainty Modal verbs can express various degrees of certainty about facts, situations or events. a) complete certainty (positive or negative): shall, will, must, can't: I shall be away tomorrow. There's the phone. That'll be Tony. I shan't be late on Tuesday. Things will be all right. It won't rain this evening. You must be tired. That can't be John - he's in Dublin. b) probability (deduction; saying that something is logical or normal): should, ought to: She should / ought to be here soon. It shouldn't / oughtn't to be difficult to get there. c) possibility (talking about the chances that something is true or will happen): may: The water may not be warm enough to swim. We may be buying a new house. d) weak possibility: might, could I might see you again - who knows? Things might not be as bad as they seem. We could all be millionaires one day.

Modals: Obligation and Freedom to Act Modal verbs can express various aspects of obligation and freedom. (These uses of modal verbs are very important in the polite expression of requests, suggestions, invitations and instructions.) a) strong obligation: must, will, need : Students must register in the first week of term. All sales staff will arrive for work by 8.40 a.m. Need I get a visa for Hungary? b) strong advice: must, had better, need to: If the pain returns, you must go to the doctor and get it checked out. c) prohibition: must not, may not, cannot: Students must not use the staff car park. Books may not be taken out of the library. You can't come in here. d) c weak obligation; recommendation: should, ought to, might, shall (in questions): You should try to work harder. You might see what John thinks. She really ought to wash her hair. What shall we do? e) willingness, volunteering, resolving, insisting and offering: will, shall (in ques- tions): If you will come this way ... I'll pay for the drinks. She will keep interrupting people. I'll definitely work harder next term. Shall I give you a hand? f) permission: can, could, may, might: You can use the car if you like. Could I talk to you for a minute? May we use the phone? Do you think I might take a break now? g) absence of obligation: needn't: You needn't work this Saturday. h) ability: can, could:

374 She can speak six languages. Anybody who wants to can join the club. These roses can grow anywhere. When I was a baby I could put my foot in my mouth. You could get to my old school by bus, but not by train. i) lack of necessity: needn’t, (don’t)* need to, (don’t)* have to (*) – forms of the auxiliary can change to doesn’t, didn’t, won’t etc. You needn’t / don’t need to/ don’t have to worry – we’ll be there in time.

Modals: Speaker's and Hearer's Point of View Obligation, permission etc are usually seen from the speaker's point of view in statements and the hearer's in questions. Compare: - You must go and see Ann. (I think it is necessary.) Must you go and see Ann? (Do you think it is necessary?) - You can borrow my car. (I give permission.) Can I borrow your car? (Will you give permission?)

Exercises 1. Answer the following questions. 1. Can you read English? 2. Can you speak French? 3. Who can answer my ques- tion? 4. Where can I find this book? 5. You can transcribe this word, can't you? 6. You can't speak German, can you? 7. May I ask you a few questions? 8.MayIgo out? 9. May I open the window? 10. May I take your book? 11. Must I translate this text? 12. Must we learn this poem by heart? 13. Must I put this book into the desk? 14. What must I read now? 15. (At) What time must I come home? 16. We can't go to the skating-rink at four, can we?

2. a) Study the table Functions of Modals . Using reference grammar books make a similar table called ‘Past Ideas Expressed by a Modal Verb Followed by a Perfect infinitive (have + past participle)’. b) Make a similar table called ‘Phrasal Modals and their Functions’.

3. Choose the proper word from brackets. In some situations both variants are pos- sible, explain the difference in meaning. 1. (Can, may) you play the piano? 2. (Can, may) Benny watch TV before going to bed? 3. I think I (Can, may) do the work myself. 4 (Can, may) your friend speak English? 5. (Can, may) I have another cup of tea? 6. You (can, may) stay a little longer if you like. 7. I (cannot, may not) hear you. Speak louder, please. 8. You (can, may) take the book home. 9. (Can, may) I leave my bag with you? 10. I (can- not, may not) believe that. 4. Give negative replies to the following questions. Note. Mustn't in a reply means — нельзя ( запрещение ), needn't — не нужно ( нет необходимости ), can't — нельзя ( невозможно ), I'm afraid not — вежливый отказ . 1. May I go out and play in the street? — ... . It's dangerous to play in the street. 2. May I open the window? — .... It's cold outside. 3. Must he come here today? — .... He may come tomorrow. 4. May I take your textbook for a moment? — ... . I must

375 finish the exercise. 5. Must I bring the ear-phones? — ... . It is the monitor's task. 6. Can I see the Dean? — ... . He is busy. 7. Must we all come to the laboratory at 12? — ... . You may come half an Hour later. 8. May I write with your pencil? — ... . It is broken. 9. May I take it home? — ... . The book is not mine. 10. Can I speak to the secretary? — .... He is out.

5. Form all possible questions about parts of the following sentences. Practice say- ing the questions using proper intonation patterns. 1. Mr. Smith / watches the news / online / after breakfast. 2. He / lives in a small town / in the North of Poland. 3. The children / must stay at home / as it is raining. 4. Ann / ought to help her mother / in the kitchen. 5. My elder daughter / doesn't like / porridge. 6. S You / don't have to have a sunny day to enjoy a picnic!

6. Translate into English using modal verbs. Say the sentences using proper intona- tion patterns. 1. Можно вам помочь ? — Пожалуйста . 2. Вы должны запомнить адрес и пой- ти туда тотчас же . 3. Какой -то человек хочет вас видеть . — Можете попросить его сюда . 4. Должен ли я уплатить вам сейчас же ? — Нет , не нужно ; я могу подождать . 5. Вы должны подписать письмо и поставить дату , 6. Он может это сделать вовремя , не так ли ? 7. Могу я повидать доктора Сэндфорда ? — ( а) Да , он в кабинете . Сюда , пожалуйста , ( б) Нет , его нет дома . 8. Можно вклю- чить телевизор ? — Боюсь , что нет . Дети должны идти спать . 9. Можно пока положить книги на этот стол . 10. Чем могу быть вам полезен ? — Вы можете сделать для меня многое . 11. Пока ( в настоящее время ) этого делать не нужно . 12. Можно задать вам вопрос ? — Пожалуйста .

7. Respond to the following sentences. Express your wish in the response as in the model. Model: I like fruit. I would like some fruit now.

1. I like cucumbers. 2. I like chops and mashed potatoes. I like sausage. 4. I like jam. 5. I like sugar. 6. I like bacon and eggs. 7. I like marmalade. 8. I like coffee. 9. I like icecream. 10.1 like chicken. 11.1 like bananas.

8. Respond to the following sentences. Model 1: Begin reading. Shall I begin reading?

1. Speak English. 2. Open the window. 3. Read the exercise. Do it at once. 5. Repeat this poem. 6. Learn it by heart. 7. Clear the table. 8. Answer my question. 9. Lay the table. 10. Make tea for us.

Mоdel 2: I don't see what's wrong here. Shall I show you? 376

1. I don't know this expression. 2. I can't see what is written on the blackboard. 3. I can't swim. 4. I can't hear you. 5. I don't remember this word. 6. I don't know Mos- cow well. 7. I can't find the newspaper. 8.I don't know where my ball-pen is.

9. Respond to the following using ‘Shall I...?” Model: It's cold in here. Shall I shut the window? 1. I'm thirsty. 2. I'm hungry. 3. This exercise is hard. 4. I have a headache. 5. I left my wallet at home. 6. I need that photo urgently. 7. These bags are heavy.

10. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form: 1. ... I visit you one of these days? 2. ... you lift this box? 3. When the fog lifted we ... see where we were. 4. She asked me if she ... use my dictionary. 5. The telephone is out of order. I ... not hear anything. 6. ... you help me a little? 7. ... I read the let- ter? 8. You ... think whatever you like. 9. I ... not walk so quickly. I have a weak heart. 10. You ... take the textbook. I don't need it any longer.

11. Fill in the blanks with must not or don’t need to/don/t have to/needn’t. 1. You ... ring the bell, I have a key. 2. "You ... play with matches," said Mother. 3. I ... go to the shops today. There is plenty of food in the house. 4. You ... strike a match; the room is full of gas. 5. We ... drive fast; we have plenty of time. 6. You ... drive fast; there is a speed limit here. 7. You ... turn on the light; I can see quite well. 8. You ... ask a woman her age. It's not polite.

12. Define the function of the modal verb in each sentence. 1. Harry travels a lot. He can speak five languages. 2. June can drive, but she hasn’t got a car. 3. I can’t see you on Friday, but I can meet you on Saturday morning. 4. I am afraid I can’t come to your party nextweek. 5. ‘Are you in a hurry?’ ‘No, I’ve got plenty of time. I can wait’. 6. I can’t find Sandra’s adress. 7. That restaurant must be very good. It’s always full of people. 8. That restaurant can’t be very good. It’s al- ways empty. 9. David is coming this Friday. You must be very pleased. 10. George and Bess always travel business class. They must be short of money. 11. Ted isn’t at work today. He must be ill. 12. (the doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It can’t be Charlotte. She is still at work at this time. 13. Jim is putting on his sweater. He must be cold. 14. Can I do it in the evening? 15. Let’s ask Jessica. She must know the meaning of this word. 16. May I ask you a question? 17. You don’t need to bring anything to the party.

11. Define the function of the modal verb in each sentence. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Вы можете мне объяснить значение этого слова ? 2. Вы можете приходить на занятия вовремя ? 3. Ты можешь помочь мне помыть посуду ? 4. Ты можешь выгулять Хантера ? 5. Джек может помочь тебе сделать перевод ? — К сожале- нию , он занят сегодня вечером . 6. Она ( обязательно ) должна научиться пла- вать . 7. Джим не может говорить по итальянски . 8. Можно мне открыть окно ? 377 9. Вам не нужно готовить обед . Я всегда обедаю в кафе . 10. Он может ремон- тировать компьютеры ? 11. Вы можете перекусить в кафе . 12. Я могу вам по- мочь ? Извините , но на этой автостоянке нельзя парковаться . 13. Можно мне воспользоваться вашим компьютером ? 14. Вы можете поменьше шуметь ? 15. Возможно , я останусь в университете после занятий . 16. Чарльзу приходится вставать рано ? — Да , ему нужно быть на работе в 7.30 утра . 17. Все студенты должны быть на собрании . Можно мне задать вам вопрос ? 18. Он должно быть , знает её адрес . 19. Джон приезжает утром . - Правда ? Я должен навестить его . 20. Арчи нужно проконсультироваться с врачом . 20. Вы должны слушать меня внимательно . 21. Нам нужно ждать Шона ? — Нет , не нужно . 22. Джине не обязательно приходить утром . Она может прийти днём .

12. Переведите на английский язык , употребляя модальные глаголы can, may, might, must, have to, need, а также отрицательные формы глаголов need и have to, выражающие отсутствие необходимости . 1. Мне приходится вставать рано . 2. Сын Джейн умеет говорить по - французски ? — Немного . 3. Можно Джиму поиграть с этой игрушкой ? 4. Мне нужно остаться в университете после занятий . Хочу доделать кое -какую рабо- ту . 5. Ты мог бы и повторить матеоиал для приближающегося экзамена . 6. Не может быть , чтобы Тим был в спортзале . Он всегда в это время в библиотеке . Он в эти дни занят подготовкой к экзамену . 7. Как по -английски будет « вы- полнять упражнения »? — Спроси Чарли , он должен знать . 8. Вам незачем пе- реписывать этот текст . 9. Если у Лили мало времени , ей незачем навещать их . 10. Мне нужно позвонить Тиму . Мне нужно ему всё объяснить . 11. Нам нужно приходить на это собрание ? – Нет , необязательно . 12. Джорджу обязательно нужно заниматься больше грамматикой . Он отстаёт от других студентов . Если он выучит все правила и будет делать много грамматических упражнений , он , возможно , « нагонит » грамматику . 13. Вам нужно сделать упражнение номер двенадцать на странице двадцать два . 14. Можно мне воспользоваться твоей ручкой . — Да , конечно . 15. Мы можем сходить в магазин вечером . 16. Мне приходится выполнять много ежедневных обязанностей по дому . — Тебе нуж- но мыть посуду ? — Да , приходится . — А стирать тебе тоже нужно самому ? — Да , и ещё мне приходится ходить в магазин , пылесосить ковры и выносить му- сор . — Не повезло тебе . 17. Вы можете прийти в два ? — Да . — Отлично . 18. Ваш ребёнок умеет говорить ? — Нет , не умеет . 19. Вы можете сказать это по - шведски ? — Я не умею говорить по -шведски . 20. Мне нужно звонить им сего- дня днём ? — Нет , не нужно . Вы можете сделать это вечером , если у вас будет время . 21. Мне очень жаль , но я не могу ответить на ваш вопрос . Я должен не- много подумать . 22. Ему приходится переводить сложные тексты с испанского на русский . 23. Можно я сделаю это на выходных ? — Нет , нельзя . Вы должны это сделать сегодня . 24. « Вам не нужно просить Джейн , я могу дать вам свой учебник », — говорит Стив . 25. Вы не должны опаздывать . 26. Джон , ты мог бы и одолжить нам свой учебник . — Не могу . Мне он самому нужен .

378 HOME (Part 2) Buying a House

Text HW Intermediate, p. 52, Les 9-10 (T 24)

a) Look at the picture and say: • what kind of people may live in such kind of house; • why they may want to sell it and why one may want to buy it; • if you’d like to live there; • how much, you think, the house may cost; • one adjective or expression to describe this house in a vivid way. b) Read the text and say whether any of your ideas ave changed now. Discuss any unknown vocabulary in pairs and then as a class.

Elizabethan House The house is situated at the bottom of the Chess valley next to the river Chess. It’s about 20 miles from London and just outside the village of Chorleywood. It’s a really splendid period property. The oldest parts are Elizabethan, but there were some additions in the 1820s. It seems typically English to me. There are long corridors and huge oak- panelled rooms, and you can imagine all sorts of scenes from history taking place here. As you come in through the front door, you find yourself in a large hall with an open fireplace, which is unusual. One of the doors on to the right of the hall leads into the living room. This room faces south, so it’s very sunny, and it has a lovely view of the whole valley. The furniture matches the style of the house, so there’s a lot of leather and dark, heavy wood. Next to this room there’s a dining room which has French windows leading onto a small patio. Also on the ground floor there is a study, kitchen and utility room. A wide staircase takes you to the first floor, where there are five bedrooms. The largest is about 25’×20’, a really vast room which looks out onto the garden. 379 The house is in 2.5 acres of land, and there is a green house, a shed, a swim- ming-pool and a tennis court. It’s a beautiful place to be at any time of the year. In winter it’s warm and cosy and in summer there’s so much to do outside.

Exercises 1. Study the Focus Vocabulary, make 8 examples in the form of various types of sentences (affirmative, negative, interrogative and imprerative). Put your sentences into indirect speech.

2. Back-translate ‘Elizabethan House’.

3. Make up a dialogue on the following situation. You are telling your husband/wife about the house you’ve just been to (the one from the text). You have been shown around all of it by a real estate agent. Your family are thinking about buying just this type of house.

Text HW Intermediate (T24) Pre-listening task Discuss the following: It is better if you go to have a look at the house you want to buy together with your spouse, isn’t it? Or may it cause additional trouble?

You will hear a dialogue between a married couple, Jeremy and Linda, who are talk- ing about a house they have just seen and they thinking of buying. Listen to the dia- logue and say if, you think, they will buy the house.

A House to Buy J: What did you think of that place then? Not bad, was it? L: Oh, it was lovely, it was really lovely. A very pretty house, a beautifully modern- ized cottage. J: Mmm.Not as big as the house we've got at the moment, though. L: No, not as big, it's true, but it's in a much better location, with the countryside all around, and lovely views from the bedrooms. J: It's quite a long way from the station, isn't it? If we bought it, we'd have to drive to the station, and we couldn't walk. L:That wouldn't matter. You can walk in summer if it's a nice day. It's a lovely walk across the park. J: I'll tell you one thing. I didn't like it actually, and that was the low ceilings every- where, especially in the kitchen. L:Yes, but think how expensive it is to heat our house at the moment, and that's partly because the ceilings are so high. If the ceilings were lower it would be much cheaper to heat. I mean our gas bills would really go down. J: I suppose you're right. But the lounge is so tiny. You couldn't get more than five people in it. L:Yes. I know, but the thing to do with this house is to knock down the wall between 380 the livingroom and the dining-room. Then you'd have a good-sized room. And think how cosy it would be on a winter evening, beside that open fire. And the kitchen was big, anyway. And nice and bright. J: Mmmn ... I'm afraid I didn't like the bedrooms very much, with one on the first floor and another two in that converted loft. L: Oh I loved the bedrooms, partieul ... well, all the bedrooms. They're all double bedrooms, and with those views ... J: But the main one, the main one is right next to the street, so that would be very noisy. L: But the street isn't so noisy. I mean, it's only a lane, it's not really a busy road. You wouldn't hear very much. J: Yes, true. And I suppose the children can have the bedrooms on the top floor, the stairs are a bit dangerous. I'd have to fix them. And the roof is leaking. If they don't do something about that soon, the ceiling will come down. It's been mining a lot re- cently. L: What about the outside? What did you think of that? J: I thought it was very attractive, with the courtyard and then the garden I bet the courtyard catches the sun. We would eat out in summer. L: And it's quite a big garden. And that's a lovely mature apple tree right in the mid- dle, lots of space for your vegetables. So what do you think? J: Well, I'm not so sure. I don't think it would be big enough for us. L: OK. Think again, then.

Exercises 1. Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the chart.

Features of the house Jeremy s opinion Linda’s opinion size location lounge kitchen bedroom

2. Listen to the dialogue once again and make up a list of important points to con- sider if one wants to buy a house. Add some more from the text ‘Elizabethan House’.

3. Study the Focus Vocabulary of the dialogue.

4. Imitate the dialogue.

5. Retell the dialogue in indirect speech using a good variety of reporting verbs.

6. Do back-translation of the dialogue.

381 7. a) Illustrate the Focus Vocabulary of the dialogue in the form of questions to your real estate agent.

b) Make some notes to be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the house with your real estate agent. d) In pairs talk about the good points and downsides of the house (one of you is a buyer, the other is an estate agent).

8. Paraphrase the following.

1) The small window of the attic faces a tennis court. 2) Does the house have a special room for all the household equipment? 3) We plan to re move one wall to have a really big hall. 4) There are too manystore-houses in the back yard. 5) That suite doesn’t go with those plastic-panelled walls of the living-room.

9. Make up your own lexical exercise to practice the Focus Vocabulary of the two texts.

10. Get ready for a spelling dictation on the Focus Vocabulary of the two texts.

11. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1) The small window of the attic faces a tennis court. 2) Does te house have a special room for all the household equipment? 3) We plan to remove one wall to have a really big hall. 4) There are too many store-houses in the back-yard. 5) That suite doesn’t go with those plastic-panelled walls of the living-room. 6) I can’t see what there is in the lowest part of the valley. 7) They say with this view meter we’ll pay less for the water supply. 8) Do you call this room a sitting-room? But we won’t be able to place more than five people here.

12. Get ready to write the translation paper for both texts.

13. Imagine you are going to buy a new home. a) List off your priorities or rate the given ones in importance for you.

The Location of the House • It must face South (Why?) • It must have a lot of natural light • It should have nice views/Nice location • It must be near the countryside • I prefer a house to a flat (Why?)

382 • It must have amenities nearby (parks, mountains, culture centres, sports cen- tres ...) • I want my privacy • I would not live in a tough area (Why not?) • My flat has to be in the city centre (Why?)

Inside the house, the most important thing for me is ... A balcony (Why?) Two bathrooms! (If you have sisters ...) A big TV An enormous bed A really comfortable sofa Book shelves Big kitchen A fire place (Why?) A big bath

Distribution of the house (the lay-out), ie having the bedroom far from the kitchen or living room (Why?)

Name two or three amenities you consider essential for you. The most common an- swers I got were: Sports centre Public transport Mountains Open country Shopping centre b) Debate the needs/priorities of single people as opposed to married couples with children.

14. Class Communication. Students bring to class pictures of real houses of differ- ent types (they may be taken from illustrated magazines or taken by the students themselves). The class is divided into two groups, apartment seekers and apartment owners. Each student will alternate between the two roles of apartment seeker and apartment owner. As such, each student will need a Finding an Aparm- tent Activity Sheet (below) where they can add points about their priorities.

Introductory Telephone Conversation: A: Hello. B: Hi, I’m calling about the apartment for rent. Is it still available? A: Yes, it’s available. Would you like to see it? B: Yes, but would you mind if I ask you a few questions over the phone first? B: No, not at all. What do you need to know?

383 Finding an Aparmtent Activity Sheet You are a university student looking in the newspaper for an apartment to rent. Talk to the person who is advertising the apartment and find out more about the apartment. Write down the information in the table below.

Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment 1 2 3 4 5 Location Rent Size Distance to University Public Transport Pets Allowed Facilities in Building Neighbor- hood Parking

15. Use a dictionary and read the following advertisements for homes taken from a British estate agent's publicity. Assuming you had the money, which home, if any, would you want to look at and why? 1. Spacious Victorian terraced house enjoying views across the city. Handy for local shops, buses, schools, etc. Porch, entrance hall, 2 impressive reception rooms, kitchen / breakfast room, bathroom with shower, 3 bedrooms, gas, central heating, small, but delightful garden. 2. Southern outskirts city: a pre-war semi-detached 3 bedroomed house in a quiet tree- lined road. Convenient for local shops and city buses. Period hall, good-sized lounge, dining room, utility room / storeroom, electric storage heaters, double- glazing, charming mature garden, garage. 3. A purpose-built upper floor flat located in one of the city's prime residential areas, some 10 minutes' walk from the city centre and railway station. Close to local shops and canal path walks. Commanding superb views over the city and surrounding hills. Gas, central heating, hall, 6m x 2m living room, bathroom, 2 double bedrooms with wardrobes, garage. 4. A very well-proportioned detached bungalow, not far from the city centre, con- taining a luxury kitchen, an impressive open-plan living room with a fireplace, 4 double bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Gas, central heating, fair decorative order throughout, large secluded garden, and double garage.


Time to Smile This is a quiet, happy neighbourhood with dogs and chil- dren riding bicycles (from an advertisement).

16. The following adjectives are all taken from the advertisements above. Put them in the table according to whether their meanings relate to size, distance, age or qual- ity. spacious, fair, purpose-built, good-sized, prime, superb, impressive, pre-war, close period, well-proportioned, luxury, open-plan, mature, convenient, not far, secluded, handy, charming Size Distance Age Quality

17. Which of the public amenities on the list do you use often? Which ones do you think are a) useful, b) not important? Are there any other amenities not mentioned which you would like to have in your neighbourhood? What do you need in your neighbourhood? Which local amenities should be provided at no charge?

Clinic, launderette, library, cinema, supermarket, bank, post office, swimming pool, tennis courts, swimming beach, newspaper / bookshop, football pitch, basketball pitch, park, spa, restaurant, clothes shop, restrooms, museum or art gallery, drinking fountains, language school, bus stop, hairdresser, pub,

18. What aspects are most important to you in a home? Look at this list, and choose the three factors which you consider most important for a successful home. Add other factors if you think important ones are missing.

- It should be situated near friendly neighbours or your family. - It should be in a quiet location. - It should have an efficient kitchen. - It should have an efficient bathroom. - It should have good central heating / a good air conditioning system. - It should be appropriate for its environment. - It should have a comfortable sitting room. - It should be near your university/ work. - It should be near shops. Compare your ideas with a partner's. Do you agree?

19. Expand the following statements. Make use of the prompts in brackets. 1. Robert says he is quite happy about his new house (to be located, to face smth, to be spacious, to be modern). 2. Jane is not fully satisfied with her new flat (to be situ- ated, to be inconvenient, to look down on, to lack sunshine). 3. Bob is so glad they've moved into a new house (to overlook, to be close to, to be good- sized, to 385 have modem conveniences, to have a room to oneself). 4. Claire dislikes her present home (to leave much to desire, to leak, to creak, to need decorating). 5. Richie is pleased with his parents' flat (to be situated in a quiet location, not to take much time to get to one's work, to be a well-planned flat, to have papered / tiled walls). 6. Maggy wouldn't mind moving into the country and living in the sort of house she'd really like to live in (to be surrounded by fields and meadows, to catch a lot of sun- shine, to be really old, with lots of land, to have an open fire).

20. Read what Richard Karen Kate, Nick, and Melinda think about their present homes in Britain and about places they would like to live in. Richard I like my present home because it's in the country to start with and surrounded by fields and because it's sort of the end of a no-through-road so very few people drive past, it's on an old dirty track. Mind you, you hear them when they do. And because it's an old cottage and it's got an open fire and things like that and I'm a bit of a ro- mantic. If I had a lot of money I'd keep the house I've got but I'd get a nice flat in the middle of London, another one in the middle of Cardiff, because I work in those two places, and I think a small chalet in the Alps - that'd do me. Karen My ideal living room would contain absolutely everything that you need for every- day life. In fact, it would even have the bed in it because I cannot stand having to go upstairs and downstairs having left something that I need upstairs to bring back down. So I'd have all mod cons and every single thing you could imagine that you might need throughout the day there. Kate I like my present home because it's in the suburbs, there are a lot of trees around it but it's only about half an hour's ride from the centre of town. And it's got this ridicu- lous patch at the end of the garden that's owned by my next-door neighbour that has ducks and chickens and geese who are like guard geese and who quack in the night if there are strangers about. I like that. Nick I like my present home because it's a flat near the City, about ten minutes out of the City and that's very convenient for getting in, for cycling in, which is what I do. And it's also got a lot of amenities close to it: there's a swimming pool, cinema, library, theatres. And some very good markets as well: fruit and vegetables and clothes and that's why I like the present flat that I've got. If I had a lot of money, I'd keep the flat that I've got in London and I’d buy one out in the country, probably up North which is where I came from originally. In fact, I could probably buy a house up there if I had a lot of money. So that's what I'd do, I'd have the two places one for a 'pied a terre' in London and one for going up to at the weekends. Melinda I wouldn't mind moving home if I had enough money to move into the country and live in the sort of house I'd really like to live in, something, preferably a beach, to wander on in the mornings. Yes, I'd move home for that!

386 Exercises 1. Work in pairs and discuss which of these homes you would like to live in and why. Give your reasons. 2. Share your opinions about your parents' home. Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of its location and the things you like and dislike in your home. Use Focus Vocabulary and expressions from the texts above. 3. Speak about the difference between homes in your country and Britain.

21. Translate from Russian / Belarusian into English. 1. - У вас есть свой дом ? - К сожалению , нет . Мы живем в двух - ( трёх -) ком- натной квартире в многоэтажном доме на улице Никифорова . 2. - Ты знаешь , что Аня выходит замуж на следующей неделе ? - Неужели ? Где они будут жить ? - Говорят , они въезжают в новую квартиру где -то на окраине Минска . 3. Мэри очень нравится ее новая квартира . Дом расположен в хорошем месте , недалеко от ее работы . Рящом находятся гастроном , химчистка и прачечная . 4. Наша квартира находится в центре города . С одной стороны очень удобно , т.к. все магазины , театры и кинотеатры под рукой , с другой стороны , в центре очень шумно . 5. Родители Нэвила купили дом сразу после свадьбы . Он расположен в приго- роде Лондона . Это двухэтажный особняк , окруженный полями и лугами . Дом очень просторный и светлый , из окон открывается чудесный вцц на озеро . 6. Я не очень довольна нашей квартирой , в ней мало солнца , т.к. все окна вы- ходят на север . Кроме того , мы живем на первом этаже , а это не очень удобно . 7. - Во вторник я буду очень занята , т.к. мы переезжаем в новую квартиру . - А где она расположена ? - В новом районе , но мне удобно добираться до центра . У меня уходит двадцать минут на дорогу до университета . 8. Ты можешь остановиться у нас на две недели , т.к. комната моего брата не занята . Он сейчас в командировке (to be on a business trip).

Focus Vocabulary Furnishing and decorating air conditioner, digital music player, CD player (compact disc player), DVD (digital video disk)player, TV set, computer, freezer, iron plug record player refrigerator (fridge) stereo system socket tumble drier vacuum cleaner / hoover (BrE) armchair article / item of furniture ashtray built-in furniture bookshelf bureau cabinet display cabinet liquor cabinet carpet /fitted carpet chandelier coffee table cot (BrE) / crib (AmE) couch / sofa / sofa bed /settee cupboard curtain cushion desk desk lamp dining table drawer dressing table dishwasher electric /gas cooker mirror / hall mirror microwave (oven) parquetfloor plant pot rocking chair rug sink standard lamp suite (kitchen suite) tap (BrE) /faucet (AmE) wall unit wardrobe / clothes closet (AmE) washbasin writing table

to decorate to install to switch off / on to fix to paint to turn off /on to furnish to re- pair to have smth installed / repaired / painted etc. to hang wallpaper to whitewash 387

Exercises 1. Using a dictionary if necessary, explain the differences between the following items. a standard lamp, a lamp and a chandelier a pillow and a cushion a stool, a chair and an armchair a desk, a dining table, a bedside table and a coffee table a sink and a washbasin a washing machine and a dishwasher a bedspread, a sheet, a blanket and a quilt a sideboard, a wardrobe and a cupboard an alarm-clock, a clock, a grandfa- ther clock and a watch

2. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words and phrases. 1. Mary hung______in the wardrobe. 2. On her bedside table, there were,______. 3. After the party, the sink was full of______. 4. Before the meal George took______out of the sideboard. 5. Although the sofa was quite hard, it was comfortable because there were some soft on it. 6. Mary sat at her dressing table in order to______. 7. David went into the bathroom and washed his hands in the______.

3. A. Draw a plan of a flat. With a partner, decide what furniture you would need to make it comfortable. List the items in the table below B. Describe any of the rooms in the flat. Sitting room Bedroom Kitchen Bathroom Entrance hall

4. Draw a floor plan of your own home. Now work in pairs and describe the rooms and furniture in your home to your partner. Use the prepositions and adverbs from the box below.

above in on top of to the right / left of below inside opposite under downstairs on the right / left over upstairs

5. A. Using a dictionary if necessary, make pairs of opposites using the words be- low. bright, modern, neglected well-maintained, out-dated, gloomy, attractive, ugly

B. Use appropriate words from the box to complete the following: 1. The Greens don't ffke their new house very much, ft is______;_____because there are so few windows, and it’s quite small. 2. Although the car is four years old, it’s ______. The owners have serviced and cleaned it regularly. 3. A: These flats that were built in the 1960s look terribly______and depressing from the outside, don’t they? B: Yes, but when they are redecorated, they can be very______inside. 4. The town looks lovely and______in the morning sunshine. 5. She finds her parents’ attitudes very______. In fact, she says they are nineteenth century attitudes.

388 6. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. 1. How would you improve the decoration of your classroom? / your own room?

7. Look at the picture of the flat below. What changes would you make to improve it?

FLAT for sale One-bedroom flat, needs some attention, convenient location, vacant possession. Available now.

8. A. Ann saw the advertisement for the flat above. She contacted the estate agent and asked to look round it. He showed her round the flat the following day. - What do you think Ann will say when she looks round the flat? - What do you think the estate agent will say?

B. Now read the text and answer the following questions. 1. What needs doing to the flat? 2. Does Ann decide to buy it?

Estate agent: Well, this is the flat. It’s vacant at the moment. I’m afraid the previous owners didn’t look after it very well, so it’s not in perfect condition. Ann: Mmm... Estate agent: As you can see, it’s in need of some decoration and repair. There are four rooms altogether: kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. This is the liv- ing room. It hasn’t been decorated recently.

389 Ann: Yes, it certainly needs doing up... All the wallpaper is coming off the walls, and it’s very cold and damp. How is the flat heated? Estate agent: Well, there’s an open fireplace, but it could be taken out and central heating could be put in. Ann: Mmm... It’s not very large. I suppose I could put up some shelves for books and things. Do the carpets come with the flat? Estate agent: Yes, though as you can see, they are rather old and don’t add much value to the property. Ann: Yes, I agree. I think they all need throwing out, to be honest. What’s that up there? Is that a hole in the ceiling? Estate agent: Oh, yes, I’m afraid it is. I didn’t notice that the last time I was here. Ann: Well, that will definitely need seeing to before it does any damage to the prop- erty. Estate agent: Yes, of course. But I do think the flat has potential. It could look very good if it’s done up nicely. Ann: Well, I’m certainly interested. Obviously I’ll need to talk it over with my hus- band. You say it’s vacant. Does that mean we could move in immediately? Estate agent: Yes, the flat is empty so you could move in when you’re ready. Ann: Well, I’ll certainly think it over and if we decide to make an offer I’ll call you tomorrow. Thank you for showing me round the flat. Estate agent: No trouble, Mrs Jones. We hope to hear from you tomorrow then. Goodbye. Ann: Goodbye.

9. Replace the words in italics in the sentences below with the phrasal verbs from the box. The first one has been done for you. put something in, put something up, see to something, take something out, throw something out, do something up, move in, come off, think something over, talk something over

1. Nothing has been done to this flat for a long time. It needs new curtains and a new carpet. The doors and walls also need painting. It needs doing up (decorating / renovating) . 2. The wallpaper was very old and______(wasn’t sticking to / at- tached to) the walls. 3. The fireplace was old and ugly, so they______(removed it). 4. The house was cold and damp, so they had cen- tral heating______(installed). 5. There was nowhere to put any books, so they de- cided to ______(fix in place) some shelves. 6. The carpets were old and full of holes, so he______(disposed of them by putting them in the dustbin). 7. There was a serious problem with the roof. The rain was coming in and making everything wet. It needed ______(repairing/ dealing with) immedi- ately. 8. Before I make a decision I need to talk to my husband about it and see what he thinks. I must______(discuss it) with him. 9. We would like to______(start living there) as soon as possible. 10. It’s a good idea, but I need time to ______(consider it carefully) before I make a decision.

390 10. What’s the difference between 'to take something out' and 'to throw something out'?

11. Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verbs. 1. This room looks terrible. It really needs decorating. 2. Look, the wallpaper isn’t sticking to the walls. 3. That fireplace is very ugly. We could remove it. 4. The flat doesn’t have any central heating. We must install it. 5. There are no shelves or cup- boards. We could fix some to the walls. 6. There’s a lot of rubbish in this room. It needs putting in the dustbin. 7. The cooker doesn’t work. It needs repairing. 8. We must discuss this before we decide. 9. We could start living here immediately. 10. We must consider it carefully before we decide.

12. Complete the sentences below. The first one has been done for you. need + gerund This construction is passive in meaning.

The roof needs seeing to. = The roof needs to be seen to.

1. That house ugly fireplace needs______2. The house ______3. Those shelves______4. That old table______5. The flat______6. The central heating______

13. The picture shows the house in good condition. Read the description of how the house used to look before it was done up. Well, the roof’s in bad condition and needs repairing. There’s an old fireplace but there’s no central heating. The carpets downstairs have holes in them and there are no shelves or curtains. The bathroom needs decorating and the bath itself is old- fashioned and rather ugly. The old windows need replacing. The outside walls of the house are cracked, so they need some attention. The garden is in terrible condition and it doesn’t have a fence. A new television aerial’s needed. And at the moment nobody’s living there. Example: The roof has been seen to.

14. What do the following expressions mean? When would you use them? 1. Home, sweet home. 2. An Englishman’s home is his castle. 3. Make yourself at home. 4. It’s home from home. 5. It’s not in my backyard. 6. How would you ex- press the same ideas in your own language?

15. Complete the following sentences with a suitable idiomatic expression. 1. Come in and have a seat. I want you to feel you can behave as if you were in your house. So______while I make a cup of tea. 2. They made me feel very wel- come. It was like being in my own house. It was ______3. He had enjoyed travelling round the world and seeing different places, but at last he had returned. He 391 walked towards his house and thought ‘______‘. 4. I can do what I want in my own house. You know what they say,______. С

Time to smile

Dog needs home. Eats anything, especially loves children.

16. The estate agent is showing another client round the flat Practise the dialogue

with your partner, using the prompts below.

Writing Ann’s husband works for a company located abroad. Ann writes a letter about the flat and asks him whether or not they should buy it.

Decorating a House 1. Have you ever decorated a house or a room yourself? Would you like to? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Do-it-yourself (DIY)? Which of the fol- lowing answers are the advantages and which are the disadvantages? Work with a partner to fill in the table. Add some more to complete the list.

- to take a lot of time - to be easy to get it wrong - not to have to rely on other people - to be fun - to be dangerous - to have no one to complain to

392 - to have sense of achievement - to do it when you want - to save money

Advantages Disadvantages

not so expensive

2. Here are some things you would probably need if you were decorating a room. Work on your own and decide whether you would use them for preparation or for decorating. Add some more things, if necessary. Compare your list with a partner’s. paint, paintbrush, roller, scissors, bucket, sponge, wallpaper, step-ladder,

3. Which jobs mentioned below can be done by yourself? Which jobs need profes- sional help? Discuss it in groups of three and four, use the constructions like these:

Example: The windows are filthy. They need cleaning. a) I can clean them myself. b) I should have them cleaned (if you need professional help)

Use a dictionary if necessary: a) to fix the door (creaking) b) to install air-conditioning (stuffy) c) to clean the windows (filthy) d) to paint / to do the ceiling (peeling) e) to install / to put in central-heating f) to rewire the house g) to redecorate the house / flat h) to repair the roof (leaking) i) to repair the pipes (dripping)

4. The notes below describe what is wrong with the building. Read the notes and describe what needs doing before it can be used, and why. Use the constructions from the exercise above: 'it needs doing', 'to have smth done', 'to do smth'.

Most rooms very small, not enough light in them (small windows), but some rooms have a large fireplace. Next to railway, but noise not really noticeable. Some floor- boards are missing or rotten, windows are broken, and some ceilings have fallen down. Water comes in through the roof. Large garden but very overgrown, and full of old junk. Faulty electric wiring, dripping pipes. Only one toilet. Inside doors tend to stick. Difficult to open some of them. Some stairs are dangerous. There are no

393 carpets, of course! Most walls have wallpaper but it’s all filthy, and there are too many dark colours. The whole place is in generally dirty condition.

5. A. Imagine you are moving into a small unfurnished flat. There is torn flowery wallpaper in the main room, the paint on the ceiling is peeling. Discuss with your partner how you would redecorate it. Discuss colours and complete the table.

C. Now discuss what needs to be done, and who will do what.

6. Ex. 20 Think about a room that you really like either in your own home or someone else’s house or flat What do you especially like in it? Consider these fea- tures: - the colours, e.g. pale and restful, bright and exciting, dark and mysterious - the windows, e.g. small, pretty, large, arched - the furniture and furnishings - the way the room is arranged - the room’s general effect, e.g. restful, peaceful, exciting, vibrant, friendly

7. A. Put the words in the following sayings in the correct order to make famous sayings and lines from songs about home. Are there similar sayings and quotations in your language? a) where / is / home / is / heart b) wish / homeward / were / bound / 1 / 1 c) home / keep / fires / burning / the d) no / home / like / there’s / place e) heart / absence / the / fonder / makes / grow

B. Make or recollect stories illustrating the sayings.

Class Communication Task 1 What would your ideal home be like? First, work in pairs, then in teams of three or four. Use the following to help you: a) type of home, b) people who live there c) location

Task 2 Role-play Students A and В Students С and D Ray and Sally Bright are newly-weds. They are moving into a new house. They have come to see it before they move in. They discuss what furniture they want to buy, how they are going to decorate and equip the house.

394 The moving men have delivered new furniture. The Brights argue about furnishing the living room, the study etc. They disagree on some points and order the moving men about. Task 3 There is a saying MEN MAKE HOUSES, WOMEN MAKE HOMES...... It would be very interesting to find out the opinion of girls and boys. Do they differ in any way?

Writing Think of an interesting room and describe it. Paragraph 1 Say which room you have chosen and where it is. Paragraph 2 Describe what it looks like: the colours, the furniture, any ornaments and plants etc. Paragraph 3 Describe the atmosphere of the room and how you feel when you are in it.

Example: The room I am going to describe is my grandmother's sitting room in her cottage in Wales. It's quite a large room on the groundfloor. The colour of the room is very warm. The wallpaper is ... There are lots of... There is a fire burning in the fireplace, so in winter the room is always warm and cosy. Ilove...

Translate from Russian / Belarusian into English. 1. Нужно прибить книжные полки . 2. Ты не поможешь мне повесить эти кар- тины ? 3. Какая ужасная квартира . В потолке - дырка , окна разбиты , обои отхо- дят , в полу гнилые доски . 4. У Смитов я была как у себя дома . 5. Мы собира- емся сделать ремонт на кухне . 6. В комнате много мусора . Его нужно выбро- сить . 7. - Как квартира отапливается ? - Здесь есть камин , но его можно убрать и установить центральное отопление . 8. Прошлые владельцы не смотрели за домом , поэтому он в плохом состоянии . 9. В доме необходимо поменять всю проводку . 10. В комнате очень душно , нужно установить кондиционер . 11. Тот старый стол нужно выбросить . 12. Пол у нас покрыт линолеумом , стены по- клеены обоями , потолок побелен . 13. Трубы протекают . Их нужно ремонтиро- вать немедленно . 14. Крыша в плохом состоянии . Она протекает . Ее нужно от- ремонтировать . 15. Пол нужно поремонтировать . Некоторые доски отсутству- ют , некоторые сгнили . 16. Кресло скрипит . С ним нужно что -то сделать . 17. Мы бы хотели въехать в квартиру немедленно . 18. Что -то случилось с плитой . Ее нужно посмотреть . 19. У Смитов очень старый дом . Его нужно отремонти- ровать . В доме нет центрального отопления , к тому же скрипят полы и проте- кает крыша .


Focus Vocabulary Renting a Flat advertisement (for a room) host, hostess hospitality a house/flat / room to let land- lady, landlord owner rent roommate tenant to have privacy to keep to house rules to let a house /flat / room to live apart from smb to live on one's own to rent a house/flat / room to room together with to share a room

Ex. 1 A. Tony is a student. He has recently moved into his own flat. He wrote to his friend Paul to tell him about it. When you have read Tony’s letter, answer the ques- tions below.

Dear Paul I’ve done it! I ’ve got a place of my own at last! I found it through an agency a couple of weeks ago. I was looking through the paper, when I came across an adver- tisement for flats, so I gave the agency a ring and went to see what they had. I saw several good flats, but I couldn’t make up my mind about them. Then I saw one I really liked. I was in two minds about taking it because the rent was rather high, but I thought it was time I became more independent of my parents, and I ’m sure I was getting on their nerves — they said they couldn’t put up with the noise from my ste- reo system any longer! So I moved out and here I am in my own flat! It’s in the suburbs on the outskirts of Ijondon, and it’s very convenientfor the shops. It’s on the second floor and consists of a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, but it’s in quite good condition. I moved in last week and I ’ve already put up some shelves and new wallpaper in the living room. A t present the kitchen is painted dark brown and has a small window, so it needs brightening up. I haven’t finished doing up the bedroom yet. I ’m going to convert it into a study and paint it blue so that it will go with the curtains my mother has promised to give me. There’s a lovely view from the window — it looks out onto the garden, which I share with four other people. I get on well with the peo- ple living above me, but unfortunately I ’m not on good terms with the landlord at the moment. We had an argument about sticking pictures on the wall — he said it would damage the wallpaper. A nd the people below me say they are fed up with the noise from my stereo! The good thing is that I ’ve got somewhere I can call my own. I can easily put you up any time you’re in Ijondon. So don’t hesitate —you can drop in any time. All the best, Tony P.S. I ’m thinking of having a house-warming party at the end of the month, so if you’d like to come, drop me a line or give me a call.

- How did Tony find the flat? 396 - Why did he decide to take it? - What are his plans for the flat? - What offer does he make? - What invitation does he make?

B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living away from home when you are a student?

Word Meaning

Ex. 2 A. Now underline the phrasal verbs in the letter and try to work out what they mean. B. Match the verbs in A with the definitions in B. A 1. to look through something 2. to come across someone / something 3. to put up with someone / something 4. to move out (of somewhere) 5. to brighten something up 6. to look (out) onto something 7. to go with something 8. to put someone up 9. to drop in (on someone) В a. to give someone accommodation b. to have a view of somewhere c. to visit some- one informally, to pay a casual visit d. to match or suit, to make a good combination (for example, of colours) e. to read something quickly and briefly f. to find some- thing or meet someone by chance g. to leave accommodation and take everything with you, to vacate a house or flat h. to make something brighter, less dull, and more full of light i. to tolerate something, to accept something unpleasant or difficult without complaining

Ex. 3 Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verbs. 1. I can’t tolerate that noise any longer. 2. You can visit us any time. 3. We leave our flat on Friday. 4. Can I quickly read your history notes? 5. The curtains don’t match the wallpaper. 6. Could you let me sleep in your house on Saturday night? 7. I found by accident an old love letter you sent me two years ago. 8. These flowers will help to make the room look brighter. 9. From my bedroom window I can see a garden full of flowers.

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps below with suitable prepositions. I live (1)______my own (2)______the suburbs (3)______the out- skirts of London. My flat is (4)______the second floor and it’s (5)______good condition. It consists (6)______four rooms and is very convenient (7)______

397 the shops. The bedroom looks out onto a garden, which I share (8)______four other people. I want to convert the bedroom (9)______a study. I found the flat (10)______an agency.

Ex. 5 Complete the following sentences so that they illustrate the meaning of the idiomatic expressions in Tony’s letter. Example: I thought the play was nothing out of the ordinary, but my friends thought it was great. 1. He really gets on my nerves. He is always...... 2. I’m not on good terms with the people who live next door...... 3. I’m fed up with my job because...... 4. She was in two minds about accepting the job in America because...... 5. She couldn’t make up her mind about the party. On the one hand......

Ex. 6 A. The particle 'up' can be used with some verbs to give the idea of improving something: I haven’t finished doing up the bedroom yet. Look at the sentences and say what you think the verbs in italics mean. 1. I’m going to work in Paris next year, so I really need to brush up my French. I studied it at school several years ago but I think I've forgotten a lot of it. 2. Her job is to train up people to become clerks or accountants 3. He didn’t know very much about computers, so he decided to read up on the subject in preparation for his job interview. 4. He was told that if he wanted to continue working for the company he would have to smarten up his appearance. 5. She managed to build up the reputation of the company in a very short time. B. What is the difference between 'to put someone up' and 'to put something up'?

Ex. 7 All the phrasal verbs below are connected in some way. What is the connec- tion? drop in (on someone) drop by drop round drop over call in (on someone) call by call round call over call (on someone)

Ex. 8 Complete the following with appropriate words from the box, using a diction- ary if necessary. let rent (v) rent (n) deposit evict landlord landlady owner tenant contract 1 agree- ment host guest hospitality agency We spent six months in London in 1998. Finding a home was hard. For the first week, we were (1 )______of the parents of a friend of mine. They were very kind and showed us great (2)______. Our (3)______also helped us look for a place to live and put us in touch with an (4)______which specialises in short- term accommodation. On the fourth day we went to visit a two-bedroomed flat in Fulham which was to (5)______. We liked it a lot, but the (6)______told us that she had promised to (7 )______it to another couple the day before. They had trouble with the (8) ______of the flat where they were living: he wanted to increase their (9)______by 30 percent, and they were refusing to pay, so he was going to 10)______them. That’s why they needed another home. We were very worried " when we heard this, and we learnt that it is very im- portant to read your (11)______or lease carefully before signing it. Then your rights as a (12)______can be protected. Anyway, the next day we heard that 398 the flat in Fulham was available after all, so we hurried back to the agency, checked the (13)______carefully, and paid a (14)______of £ 600, as well as the first month’s (15)______- another £ 600. Living in London was going to be pretty expensive.

Ex. 9 Very often people look for accommodation. Use the advertisements below to help these people to find something suitable. 1. Sam, a student, wants to rent a cheap room. He can’t afford more than £60 a week. He doesn’t mind sharing a flat. 2. George and Martha Lane have got a lot of furniture but they haven’t got enough money to buy a house. 3. Harry only wants to spend a few nights in a town. 4. Fred can spend up to £150 a week but he can’t af- ford to spend any more on heating etc. 5. The Greens (Mr and Mrs Green and two children) are looking for a house. They can afford up to £65,000. 6. The Pikes (Mr and Mrs Pike and the twins) want to rent a house for six months only, before they emigrate to Australia. 7. Jack Hilton wants to buy a luxury house with air condition- ing system and a garden. 8. Samuel James is looking for a quiet, single room in Northwest London. Note: modern air conditioning system includes cooling, heating and balancing the humidity level.

Houses and Apartments to Let

► Abbreviations p.w. - per week f/f-fu lly furnished l.r. - living room fac. - facilities B&B - bed and breakfast h / w - hot water с / h - central heating s / с - self-contained gent. - gentleman inc. - including O.A.P. - old age pensioner kit. - kitchen beds - bedrooms cal. - calendar bath. - bathroom

LARGE sunny bedsitter in quiet house. Suit middle-aged business gent. $12 p.w. 58 Richmond Rd., N.W.3. After 7.

F / F APARTMENT, all fac., bus. man only $15 p.w. inc. h / w. After 2. 681-2101.

3RD GIRL to share Apartment. Own room. Z321 POST.

3rd PERSON wanted. Near tube. Z322 POST.

399 SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms to let. From $12 per week. 031-4551.

NEAR Green Park, s / с flat, 2 beds., bath., kit., 1.r., $39 p.w.

HOUSE 5 rooms. Suit small family. Six month let. Z324 POST.

DOUBLE room, use of bath, and kit. Suit business couple. No children or pets. 602- 5421

UNFURNISHED Apartment. 2 beds. $1,300 p.a. $1,500 for carpets, etc.

LUXURY Apartment, large drawing room, dining room, 2 beds., c/h. Rent $60 p.w. inc rates / garage.

Houses and Flats for Sale DRAB AND WORMWOOD £52.000. An attractive, 3 beds, semi-detached house, only a few steps from shops and railway station. Small garden front and back.

£34.000. Delightful, one bedroom fourth-floor flat, balcony, superb view (very quiet neighbours).

£22.000. Bungalow, in pleasant estate, close to shops. 2 beds, large garden. Mort- gage can be easily arranged.

7, SOUTH STREET, EASTING 528-5431 MILLDEWS 90 West street Easting £82.000 a detached property with the benefit of full, gas-fired central heating. Lovely garden. Accommodation inc. spacious hall, roomy kitchen, 4 large bed- rooms, lounge, dining room, 2 baths. Telephone: 737-5860

BED and BREAKFAST B&B from £19.50. 543-2101; B&B (home-made beer) 632- 4321

ACCOMMODATION WANTED O.A.P. with parrot seeks comfortable room. Z 432 POST

Ex. 10 Read the dialogue and find out a) what information Angela Smiley wants to get from the landlord; b) what information she got from the landlord. First give the facts, then Angela’s impressions. Phoning a Landlord Angela is a student at a university. She is looking for a room to let. She saw an ad- vertisement and has decided to phone the landlord. Landlord: Hello. 6785423 Angela: I saw your advertisement for the room. Landlord: Oh, oh yes. That’s right. Angela: I wonder if you could give me some more informa- tion? Landlord: Yes, well, well, what would you like to know? 149 400 Angela: Well, I was wondering ... E r... What’s the rent? Landlord: £35 a week. Angela: And what does this include? Landlord: The room, obviously. It’s your own room. You don’t have to share. It’s a single room. You share the bathroom and you can use the kitchen, but there are no meals included. Angela: Right, uhm ... and what about heating? Landlord: No, no, you don’t have to pay for that. There’s central heating in all the rooms, so there’s nothing extra to pay there. Angela: Oh, lovely, and do you want the rent weekly? Is there a deposit? Landlord: You have to pay weekly, on a Monday. And there’s one-week deposit payable in advance. Angela: Right, that sounds fair. Are there any particular house rules, you know, that I’ve got to keep to? Landlord: What do you mean? Angela: Well, like what about guests and hours? Landlord: Oh yes, well you can come and go as you want, of course, but you must pay a deposit for the front-door key. That’s separate from the other deposit, I’m afraid. As for guests they should be out by eleven o’clock. We don’t like to say that, but we’ve had a bit too much trouble, so we have to say it. Angela: Right. Is it quite near public transport? Landlord: Oh, yes. Five minutes to the tube station, and the bus stop is just round the corner with buses running into town every ten minutes or so. Angela: Lovely, it sounds very interesting. Do you think I could come and have a look at it this evening? Landlord: Yes, of course. I’ll give you the address. Now, it’s 35 Chestnut Avenue, Walton. How’ll you be coming? Angela: By car. Landlord: Well, it’s just by the police station and the library. An- gela: Yes, well, I know it. If I come about eight, is that all right? Landlord: That’s fine. Could you tell me your name? Angela: Angela Smiley. Landlord: Right. I’ll see you around eight. Goodbye. Angela: Bye-bye.

Ex. 11 Complete the following. Make use of the words and phrases in brackets. 1. I’m quite unhappy about the room I live in (the rent is high, a long way from the University, to have to share, the landlady is fussy, hard to find cheap lodgings). 2. Mary is pleased with her new room (to rent a room from one’s acquaintance, the rent is reasonable, to have privacy, to keep to house rules, to have some company at home). 3. I don’t mind sharing a room with people of my age (to be cheaper, to pay in advance, to room together, to live apart from one’s parents, to have a lot of fun, to share household chores).

Ex. 12 Work in pairs. Ask your partner to describe where he or she lives. Try to use phrasal verbs, and idiomatic expressions in your questions and answers.

401 Ex. 13 A. Read the text and exchange your opinions about the advantages and disad- vantages of rooming together. Sharing a flat certainly has some advantages. To begin with, it should be cheaper, and if you are sharing with people that you get on well with, it is nice to have some company at home rather than being alone and on your own. Also the household chores are shared and that is very important. Particularly, when you are younger, and you are living apart from your parents for the first time, it can be very enjoyable to live with people of your own age, whose interests and life-style you share. However, sharing a flat does have some distinct disadvantages, and the main one is that the flat is not your own. So you cannot do what you want in it. What happens if your flat mate wants to play music? To a certain extent you have to be unselfish. What is more, there can be little privacy. I would sav that as you get older, it is probably bet- ter to live on your own. Having had my own flat for a few years, I would not like to have to share again. B. How is the text organised? What is the purpose of each paragraph? Which of the words underlined could be replaced by one of the following: on the other hand / in my opinion / first of all I especially / moreover / another point is that.

Writing Use the text as a model to write your personal opinion of sharing a flat.

Class Communication Work in pairs. Suppose one of you is a landlady who has a room to let, the other is a student who is in search of a room. The Landlady shows you round the flat Use: Sharing a Flat

Role-play Task 1 I’ve just come to see the room. You are welcome. Shall I ...? I’m wondering ... What about...? You don’t have to ... That’s great (lovely)... Do you want me to ...? That sounds fair (interesting)... That’s fine ... It looks attractive ...

Task 2 You’ve just seen the room. A friend of yours asks you about the impressions both of the room and the landlady. The impressions are favourable. Use: - How do you find the room? (a beautifully modernised flat, a built-in wardrobe, convenient etc.). - How much do you have to pay? - What do you think of the land- lady? What does she look like? What is she like? (talkative, sociable, a smiling type of a person,...)

Task 3 You are speaking with your mother (father) over the telephone. You are very un- happy about the lodgings. Prompts: the roof is leaking, it faces north, a great deal of noise, a kindergarten in front of the house, the bed is creaking, the roommate is too talkative. 402 Task 4 You try to persuade a friend of yours that it’s very enjoyable to share a room with people of your age. Your friend is of a different opinion. Prompts: to be cheaper, to have a lot of fun, nice to have company, to share house- hold chores, to have meals together, to have much in common etc.

Task 5 Make up a story. Try to use some of the following phrasal verbs and expressions. to be fed up with to be in two minds to do up to put up with to think over to see to to look out onto to make up one’s mind to throw out to get on someone’s nerves to move out / in to put up to look through to put in to come across

Time to Smile - Some people say you are indecisive. (Do you think you have difficulty in mak- ing up your mind? - Well, yes and no.

Saying you are displeased or angry > I’m very annoyed. > Oh no! > Oh dear! > Oh bother! (very mild) > What a nui- sance! > How infuriating / irritating! > really makes me cross / angry etc. > annoys / irritates etc. me. > really isn’t good enough. > isn’t very nice / pleasant etc. > I really hate. (very strong) > Oh, that’s great! (sarcastic) > Oh, hell, no. > Oh bloody hell! (swear words) > Oh damn! / blast! / hell! (swear words) > Hell’s bells! > Oh no, what next? > (really) makes me mad / see red / my blood boil. > What an idiot / fool etc. > Why on earth / Why the hell didn’t he ...? > I’ve had (just about) enough o f.... > I can’t stand .... > I’m fed up with... > That’s the last straw! > Look here, ... > This is extremely irritating. > Yes, I’m sorry, but there have been unforeseen prob- lems. > is most / very / extremely etc. annoying / exasperating etc. > I’m extremely / very / most etc. displeased / unhappy / angry etc. about. > I can’t say I’m at all pleased about / by ... > I will not put up with .... > ... is driving me mad / crazy

Saying you are sorry > I’m / 1 reallyam so/ very / terribly / awfully sorry (for / about)... > I’m sorry, it / that was (entirely) my fault. > I feel bad about... > Please accept my apologies fo r... > Not at all. May I say I quite understand your feelings about... > (Please) forgive me (for)... > I’m extremely sorry (for)... > I can’t tell you how sorry I am (for)... > I (really) do / must apologise (for / about)... > May I offer you my profoundest / sin- cerest apologies (for)...

Note: The following phrases will be helpful when you do Tasks 6 and 7:

Tasks 6 Work in pairs

403 Landlady You have an argument with your tenant. You want him / her to move out. Tenant Your Landlady wants you to move»out. You find it not fair.

Read the dialogue and complete task 7. The Noisy Neighbours Timothy: Psst! Joann! Joann! Wake up! Joann: Huh? What? What’s the matter? It can’t be seven o’clock already? Timothy: No, It's 1:30. It’s those people next door again. Listen! Joann: Oh, yeah. They must be having another party. Timothy: They must be waking up the whole block. And they have three young chil- dren. Those kids couldn’t be sleeping through that racket. It’s disgusting! Somebody should call the police! Joann: They're ail laughing. They must be having a good time. They never invite us, do they? Timothy: Joann! Joann: Yes, dear. What is it now? Timothy Listen! They must be leaving. Joann: At last! Maybe we’ll get some sleep. Timothy: I hope so. It’s nearly three o’clock. Good night, dear. Oh, no! Now they’re having a fight. Joann: That figures. They always have fights after parties. Timothy: Uh-oh! They must be throwing the dishes again. Joann: No, I think that was a vase, dear, or maybe the TV set - or both! Timothy: Joann! Listen. There’s someone in the backyard next door. Joann: Huh? It must be a cat. Timothy: No, it can’t be. It’s too loud. Joann: What time is it? Timothy: It’s quarter to five. Who could it be? I’d better take a look. Ooh! It’s How- ard, and he’s carrying a shovel. Joann: Really? You do not think he’s killed her, do you? Timothy: Well, we haven’t heard her voice for a while. No, she’s probably sleeping. Joann: But what could he be doing at this time of the morning? Timothy: If he has killed her, he might be burying the body! Joann: What! You do not think so, do you? Timothy: He couldn’t be planting tomatoes, could he? I am going to ask him what he’s doing. *** Timothy: Hello there, Howard. You’re up bright and early this morning. Howard: I haven’t been to bed yet. We had a party last night. I hope we did not keep you awake. Timothy: Oh, no, no. We did not hear a thing, nothing at all. I slept like a log. Howard: Well, it was a pretty noisy party. My wife knocked over the kids’ ham- ster cage while we were cleaning up. The poor hamster died. I am burying him be- fore the kids wake up.

Task 7 Work in teams of three or four. Act out the sketch ‘The Noisy Neighbours’. 404 A young married couple who have recently moved in next door are a nuisance to their neighbours. They have late parties, their dog barks at night, besides they bor- row things from you and forget to bring them back.

Writing 1. Look at the advertisements which appeared on the college notice-board last week. Are they easy to read? Can you say exactly what they mean?

Wanted Third person to share large central flat. Own room. £95 including bills. Con- tact: Angela Smith tel: 887-8895

ACCOMMODATION WANTED | Huddersfield Polytechnic | by September 26 | students will need Private Lodgings $ Bedsitters, Shared Houses or Flats | If you can help, contact in complete confidence the | Accommodation Office I The Polytechnic Queensgate for details and explanatory leaflet | Tel. Huddersfield 3455 | Ext. 2395 or 2396 (answer phone service)

ROOM TO LET Family house Convenientfor public transport Would suit student Treasonable rent Phone 345-567 - any time

2. Use the advertisements as a model to write a short notice for one of the following items: 1. You are looking for someone to share your flat. 2. You are looking for a flat. 3. You want to let your flat.

Revision and Consolidation I. A. Renting a Flat Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct position in the passage be- low. deposit fee flat advertisements self-contained landlord rent block references accom- modation agency The first thing I had to do in London was find somewhere to live, if possible a small, onebedroomed (1 )______. I didn’t want to share a kitchen or toilet; I wanted to be independent in my own (2 )______place. I decided I could pay a (3)______of £50 a week. I couldn’t find what I wanted in the newspaper (4)______so I went to an (5)______. They offered me a nice place. It was in a modern (6)___on the third floor. I had to pay the agency a (7)______, and the (8 )______wanted a big (9)______and (10)______from my employer and bank manager.

B. Buying a House condition detached estate agent terraced spacious builder semi-detached architect surveyor cramped removals Tony and Sheila’s first home was a (1)______house, one of a line of houses all connected. But several years later when they had a small child, they found it rather (2)______for three people. They wanted something more (3)______and so de- 405 cided to move. They went to an (4)______and looked at details of the houses he had to offer. They looked at a (5)______house (one of a pair attached to each other), liked it, and asked a (6) ______to inspect it for them. He said that it was in good (7)______, and they therefore decided to buy it. Luckily they sold their house quickly and soon a (8)______firm was taking all their furniture and other possessions to their new home. But already, after a couple of years, they are hoping to move again. Tony’s business is doing well and they want to get an (9)______to design a modern, (10)______house for them, and a (11)______to build it.

II. Explain the difference between: a) a landlord and a tenant b) a house and a bungalow c) ground floor and first floor

III. Put one of the following prepositions in each space in the sentences below. for at in on of through into with 1. She wanted a place______her own. 2. He’ll move______tomorrow. 3. He’ll move______his new flat tomorrow. 4. I share the kitchen______three other people. 5. The landlord asked the tenant______more rent. 6. My flat is______the top floor. 7. My flat is______a modern block. 8. The house is______good condition. 9. I looked______advertisements______the newspaper. 10. She pays a rent______£90 a week.

IV. Translate from Russian / Belarusian into English. 1. - У вас есть своя квартира ? - Да , нам 1. посчастливилось купить ее в про- шлом году . Она расположена во многоэтажном доме на улице Первомайской . 2. Боб не очень доволен своей квартирой . Дом расположен в новом районе , на окраине города . В квартире низкие потолки и пол покрыт линолеумом . 3. В этом году мы собираемся делать ремонт квартиры , т.к. у нас скрипят полы , обои выгорели , нужно привести в порядок окна и двери . 4. В квартире моих друзей много света , т.к. все окна их двухкомнатной квартиры выходят на юг ; окна большие , а потолки высокие . 5. - Когда вы переезжаете в новую кварти- ру ? - Я думаю , через месяц . Мы уже купили кое - какую новую мебель : стенку и диван с креслами для гостиной и кухонный набор мебели . 6. Я ищу комнату . Я видела ваше объявление , что вы сдаете комнату и решила позвонить . Мне бы хотелось получить побольше информации . 7. Дэвид очень рад своей новой квартире , т.к. ему удобно добираться до университета . Автобусная остановка как раз за углом . Плата за квартиру не очень большая. Дэвиду не нужно пла- тить ежемесячно , т.к. он заплатил за полгода вперед . 8. - У вас есть встроенная мебель в квартире ? - Да , у нас есть два стенных шкафа в прихожей . Я нахожу это очень удобным . 9. - У кого ты снимаешь квартиру ? - У своих дальних род- ственников . Мне повезло , квартира просторная и светлая , окна выходят в парк , и вид из окна прекрасный . 10. Мэри очень довольна своим новым холодильни- ком . Он очень удобный и занимает мало места . Мэри поставила его между мойкой и буфетом . 11. - Аня все еще живет у своей тети в Серебрянке ? - Нет , она переехала в общежитие и живет в комнате с двумя первокурсницами .


HOME (Part 3)

My Dream House

1. Listen to 4 speakers describing their dream house. Which speaker - would not like to have other people living nearby - would like to live somewhere that was partly old and partly modern - would not spend much time inside their dream house - doesn’t think they will ever get their dream house

b) Think for a few minutes about what your dream house would be like and make notes. What would it be? What kind of house or flat would it be? What special fea- tures would it have? In groups describe your houses. Whose do you like best?

Speaker 1. When I retire, if I can afford it, I’d love to live in a cottage in a pictur- esque village somewhere in the country, not too remote. The most important thing for me would be the garden – I’d like a traditional English garden, with fruit trees and lots of flowers – not too big, though. I’d spend my life in the garden, especially in the spring and summer.

Speaker 2. My dream house would be on the coast, by the sea, on a beautiful un- spoilt beach. It’d be modern and quite simple, with wooden floors and big windows, and from every window you’d be able to see the sea. It’d be quite isolated, with no neighbours for miles and miles. Can you imagine – just the sound of the wind and the sea?

Speaker 3. I’d love to have a big old town house in the centre of London, maybe one of those beautiful terraced houses with big rooms and high ceilings, and a lovely staircase going down to the hall. But the bathrooms and kitchens would have to be modern, because old ones are cold and a bit impractical. I’d need some help looking after it though so…

Speaker 4. If I won the lottery, which of course I won’t, I’d buy a big penthouse flat, you know, with one of those intelligent fridges which orders food from the su- permarket all by itself when you’re running out and a huge TV and music system – but all very stylish and minimalist.

AUDIO 4 A Dream House

Curtis: All right. So Spencer if you could design your dream home, what would it be like?

407 Spencer: I know exactly what it would be like. It would be all wood, old-style beach house on the ocean and on the sand. So it would have ocean front porches all the way around. The biggest thing is the porches because I don't really care about hav- ing, you know, massive extra rooms for guests or whatever like I want to be able to be outside. Like being outside is big for me.

I love screened-in porches as well. So that and a library. I'm a huge kind of book nerd, so I would love to have just a library with lots of different shelves and, you know, a couple of desks for studying. That's the dream home for me. What about you?

Curtis: Actually, I'm wondering about the outside. Would you paint the house or would you just leave it the natural wood color?

Spencer: I want a natural color. There's an island south that's all kind of pastel Easter egg looking colors and it's too much for me. Also too like all the beach houses in LA, they're all kind of too tacky for me. Like I don't know. I like kind of the old look kind of traditional style.

Curtis: Do you think you would use natural wood on it or a different material? I know that the beaches are really tough on the siding and paneling.

Spencer: That is true.

Curtis: Okay. What would th e kitchen be like in your dream house?

Spencer: I'm not much of a cook but I hope that my future husband is. So I would like to have a big kitchen for him. Lots of table space. I want one of those islands, you know, in the center of a kitchen where there's a marble countertop that has, you know, a couple of sinks and the ability to kind of put multiple different parts of vegetables or fruits out and about while you're cooking and preparing.

Yeah. I'd also like kind of a bar counter space as well so that people kind of pull up a chair and maybe help cook or maybe just be there for company while you're cook- ing.

Curtis: And how about your living room, do you have any ideas for that?

Spencer: Living room mainly just comfort. My parents had a living room in their house but it was all just really nice antique furniture and we were never allowed to go there. So it's kind of like what's the point of having a room in a house that you never go into?

So I would like a living room, yes, maybe with a fireplace and some antique furni- ture but nothing too nice that, you know, my child or my dog were to come in from outside could really like mess up. 408

Curtis: And how about your yard, do you have any ideas for a yard around your house?

Spencer: I want a lot of dogs. So I would like a big yard that they could be able to run around in, as well as if I have children, like have enough room for them to be able to, you know, slip and slide. So, you know, one of my best friends back home she had a yard that had a creek in it. And that was so much fun like growing up be- ing able to like catch different, you know, creepy-crawlies in the stream as well as have a messy or muddy day if we wanted to.

Curtis: And how about the bathroom?

Spencer: I want a massive bathroom actually. You know, my favorite shower in the world has like five or six different faucets and it's just massive. That gives you space. I'm kind of a clumsy person, so if I fall down I don't want to be able to, you know – I don't want to hit my head on anything.

I also like a big Jacuzzi bathtub. My grandparents have this really, really, big old porcelain tub that I swear like five people could fit into. So I'd really like to be able to have a big bathtub.

Curtis: Okay. Thank you.

VIDEO 3 Homes In the Fiture

Good morning. Today I'll be experiencing a taste of the future. From the latest in home design to incredible gadgets, I’ll be looking at how we could be living in the future. A hot shower is a great start to the day, but this is no ordinary shower. It’s using rain water collected from the roof and heated by solar energy, or heat from the sun. I’m surrounded by some of the most modern houses in the world. Each one has been built as an experiment, designed to test the latest technology and ideas for liv- ing. Some of these houses can evolve as people’s lives change. Thinking of having more housemates? Just add on another layer - like children’s building blocks. Peter White is the Marketing Manager of the Innovation Park, where the houses are built. ….. Amandeep: Peter, are these houses really a glimpse of the future? Peter White: They are. In the next few years, we’ll be living in houses that look like this. Amandeep: Just how much do they vary from ordinary houses? 409 Peter White: In some ways they’re very similar. The kitchen, the bathrooms, the televisions are just like now but the technology in the houses makes them much more energy efficient. ….. You may have seen the next invention in the movies, and it could mean no more lost keys in the future. It’s called fingerprint recognition technology. And it lets you back in. Now, this control panel is the brain of the house. You can set the temperature, and the shutters close automatically when it’s hot outside. And this is one of my favour- ites: you get to control the music in every part of the house. So how about a bit of this... Or... maybe we should go for this... Now, can you guess what this is? It redefines the simple... chair. This rocks - liter- ally. And it’s a library as well. So I can grab my favourite book and just sit back and relax. I think I could spend some time here. So would you mind coming back a little later? ….. I asked some people who are interested in house design what they would like to see in the house of the future. Woman 1: I would love a self-cleaning house. Man 1: I'd like an eco-house that uses renewable energy and doesn't impact on the environment. Woman 2: I’d like a device that could carry me up to bed when I feel tired. Man 2: I’d like a house where I could watch the football in every room. Woman 3: In my house of the future, I’d like a robot man that I can turn off. ….. It’s time to relax, and my favourite programme, Word on the Street, is about to start - and on a solar-powered TV! Homes of the future: Video UK -

Class Communication Task 1 What would your ideal home be like? First, work in pairs, then in teams of three or four. Use the following to help you: a) type of home, b) people who live there c) location

Situations for dialogues: 1. You ave visited your friend’s house and you’re impressed by it. Share youir impressions with your fellow-student. 2. You have just moved in to a new flat. Tell your fellow student about your old flat (you didn’t like it very much).

410 Приложение 1 Артикуляционная гимнастика Упражнение на открытие /закрытие рта 1. Закройте рот , сомкните губы . Опустите нижнюю челюсть как можно ниже , открыв широко рот . Закройте рот . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 2. Закройте рот , сомкните губы . Приоткройте рот примерно на одну треть . Приоткройте рот еще шире ( еще на треть ). Откройте рот максимально широко . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 3. Откройте рот максимально широко . Закрывайте рот поэтапно – сначала примерно на треть , потом еще на треть , после чего закройте его полностью . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 4. Закройте рот , сомкните губы . Выдвиньте вперед нижнюю челюсть . Верни- тесь в исходное положение . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 5. Закройте рот , сомкните губы . Несколько раз подвигайте нижней челюстью попеременно вправо и влево . Упражнения для губ 1. Сомкните губы . Откройте рот – губы ненапряжены . Снова сомкните губы . Произнесите энергично [ ммм ]. Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 2. Сомкните губы . Откройте рот – губы ненапряжены . Округлите губы . Снова сомкните губы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 3. Сомкните губы . Расслабьте их . Округлите губы . Слегка вытяните губы вперед (« трубочкой »), как при произнесении русского [ у]. Снова сомкните гу- бы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 4. Сомкните губы . Улыбнитесь , растягивая губы , но не показывая зубы. Снова сомкните губы . Теперь улыбнитесь , растягивая губы и показывая зубы . Чере- дуйте эти положения губ . 5. Сомкните губы . Растяните губы , показывая верхние зубы . Слегка вытяните губы вперед (« трубочкой »), как при произнесении русского [ у]. Снова растя- ните губы , показывая верхние зубы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 6. Сомкните губы . Слегка втяните нижнюю губу вовнутрь и вверх , касаясь ею верхних зубов , следите , чтобы верхняя губа не соприкасалась с нижней . Снова сомкните губы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 7. Сделайте глубокий вдох . Слегка втяните нижнюю губу вовнутрь и вверх , касаясь ею верхних зубов , следите , чтобы верхняя губа не соприкасалась с нижней . Выдыхайте воздух , произнося звук [f]. Повторите упражнение не- сколько раз . 8. Сомкните губы . Обнажите зубы , поднимая верхнюю губу вверх и опуская нижнюю вниз . Снова сомкните губы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 9. Сомкните губы . Слегка втяните нижнюю губу вовнутрь и вверх , касаясь ею верхних зубов , следите , чтобы верхняя губа не соприкасалась с нижней . Про- изнесите звук [f]. Затем слегка вытяните губы вперед и резко расслабьте их , произнося звук [w]. Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 10. Сомкните губы . Улыбнитесь , растягивая губы , но не показывая зубы . Округлите губы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 11. Возьмите небольшой тонкий листок бумаги и поднесите его к губам . Сомк- ните губы . С силой выдыхая воздух , произносите английский звук [p], вызывая 411 как можно более сильную вибрацию листка . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . Упражнения для языка 1. Откройте рот достаточно широко , чтобы был виден язык . Упирайтесь кон- чиком языка поочерёдно в нижние и верхние зубы . Повторите упражнение не- сколько раз . 2. Широко откройте рот . Коснитесь кончиком языка края верхних зубов , немного высовывая его между верхними и нижними зубами . Отодвиньте язык назад . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 3. Широко откройте рот . Коснитесь кончиком языка края верхних зубов , немного высовывая его между верхними и нижними зубами . Выпустите струю воздуха . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 4. Широко откройте рот . Прижмите кончик языка к внутренней поверхности верхних зубов , затем коснитесь им альвеол . Снова прижмите кончик языка к внутренней поверхности верхних зубов . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 5. Широко откройте рот . Положите переднюю часть языка на альвеолы . Сде- лайте глубокий вдох и выдохните воздух через рот , создавая таким образом шум . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 6. Широко откройте рот . Прижмите кончик языка к внутренней поверхности верхних зубов , коснитесь им альвеол , затем отодвиньте язык к задней части альвеол . Снова прижмите кончик языка к внутренней поверхности верхних зу- бов . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 7. Широко откройте рот . Положите кончик языка язык на альвеолы . Постучи- те им об альвеолы . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 8. Широко откройте рот . Упирайтесь кончиком языка поочерёдно в левую и правую щёку . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . 9. Широко откройте рот . Положите язык на альвеолы . Упритесь кончиком языка в нижние зубы . Затем упирайтесь кончиком языка поочерёдно в левую и правую щёку . Повторите упражнение несколько раз . Упражнения для мягкого нёба 1. Возьмите зеркало , встаньте спиной к источнику света , широко откройте рот , опустите язык как можно ниже и произнесите глубоко русский звук [ а] так , как если бы вы хотели показать ваше горло врачу для осмотра . Следите , чтобы мягкое нёбо поднималось , закрывая носовую полость . В этом положе- нии сделайте вдох и выдох . Чередуйте глубокие и неглубокие вдохи и выдохи . 2. Широко откройте рот . Вдохните и выдохните через нос . Вы увидите и почувствуете контакт между языком и мягким нёбом , которое опускается и за- крывает ротовую полость . Несколько раз вдохните и выдохните с открытым ртом . 3. Сомкните губы и выдохните через нос . Мягкое нёбо опускается и направля- ет воздух в носовую полость . Вдохните и выдохните через нос с закрытым ртом . Произнесите звук [ м] сначала не размыкая губ , затем разомкнув губы . Повторите каждое упражнение несколько раз .

412 Приложение 2 Фонетические особенности английского языка 1. Английская артикуляция отличается большей , чем в русском языке , напря- жённостью артикуляционного аппарата . 2. По сравнению с русским языком для английской артикуляции характерна меньшая лабиализация ; при произнесении большинства английских звуков гу- бы не выпячиваются и слегка растягиваются . 3. Кончик языка гораздо более активен , чем в русском языке . Одним из наи- более типичных укладов английской артикуляции является апикально - альвеолярный уклад : кончик языка касается или близко подходит к верхним альвеолам . 4. Английские сонорные ([m, n, l, ŋ, j, r, w]) более звучны , чем соответствую- щие русские звуки , и на конце слова произносятся протяжно , особенно после кратких гласных . 5. Английские глухие согласные произносятся более энергично и чётко , чем русские глухие согласные . Английские глухие взрывные согласные [p, t, k] пе- ред ударными гласными произносятся с аспирацией . 6. Английские звонкие шумные согласные ([b], [d], [g], [v], [3], [z], [d3]) про- износятся менее энергично , чем русские звонкие согласные . На конце слова английские звонкие согласные не имеют гласного призвука . 7. При произнесении английских кратких гласных необходимо быстро пере- ходить к артикуляции последующего согласного . 8. Английские согласные произносятся перед гласными переднего ряда ( на- пример , [ ɪ], [i:], [e], [e ɪ]) без палатализации . 9. Английские гласные в начале слова произносятся без твёрдого приступа . 10. После согласного [s] глухие взрывные p, t, k произносятся без аспирации : step, spend, scheme. 11. Все английские дифтонги имеют « замирающий » характер : интенсивность их произнесения ослабевает к концу звучания , и скольжение английского ди- фтонга произносится слабо , неотчётливо . 12. В многосложных английских словах ударение обычно падает на третий от конца слог . Гласная буква в третьем от конца ударном слоге , если даже она от- делена от последующей гласной только одной согласной , читается как в за- крытом положении ( то есто как краткий звук ): family [ ˈfæm ɪlɪ], Italy [ ˈɪtəlɪ]. 13. В большинстве двусложных слов ударение падает на первый слог : sister [ˈsɪst ə].


Приложение 3 Графические способы обозначения интонации







Приложение 4 Intonation Practice

1. They (enjoyed Wthe ′party ↑so much that Wthey (stayed at Wtheir ‘friend’s ‘place till midnight. 2. They (enjoyed Wthe ‘music so much that Wthey (discussed Wthe ‘opera ↑all Wthe ‘way home. 3. We (enjoyed Wthe ‘travel so much Wthat when Wthe (time of our 'departure came,| we (didn’t 'want to go home. 4. (Tom 'read Wthe telegram | and it (said Wthat his 'brother 'wanted Wthe 'document back. 5. They →red Wthe note Wthat (said Wthat Wthe 'project was to be 'discussed Wat Wthe 'council meeting | at Wthe →end of the De  cember. 6. We (wanted Wto 'find 'out Wthe ↑reason of his 'strange be( havior. 7.  They (thought ( that(the (man bad 'entered(the 'house(through the 'back (door. 8. (Why does(that 'story 'seem as 'exciting as((that? 9. He (says Wthat Wthe 'lecture was ↑so good W that Wthey (asked Wthe pro'fessor 'many ques- tions. 10. $What was(the 'reason of her 'high 'spirits(that ( night? 11.  He →told(the (man ( that he (liked(to 'go to for a 'walk with ( out(the dog. 12. We →thought(that he would be (free | when he (finished(the (work. 13. He (said Wthat Wthe 'car was ready. 14. $What is Wthe 'secret Wthey 'want Wto keep? 15. (What is Wthe 'reason of his ↑long silence this year? 16. It →turned out Wthat Wthey →didn’t W (think that | they (wanted(the 'project to 'start ( that 'very (month. 17.  (Tom 'found (out (that his( brother had 'failed(the (exam. 18. We( hoped(the 'man would 'find out(the (secret (that →very (day. 19. He (told Wthe 'man Wthat Wthey ex'pected Wthe 'project to be a success. 20. We (hoped Wthat Wthe 'film 'wouldn’t be as' boring as Wthe book. 21. Why does Wthe man expect Wthem to agree?

Приложение 5 Sentences for practicing consonant clusters s-∂, z-∂, d-∂, t-∂, n-∂, l-∂

420 1. She says\ /that\ /this task is\ /the most difficult one. 2. He thinks\ /that she is as\ /thoughtful as she used to be . 3. He asks\ /the shop assistant to help him find\ /t he right size. 4. He feels\ /that the moment has come. 5. Tom finds\ /the story as boring a s\ /that. 6. Jane was\ /the first\ /to enter the house\ /that night. 7. Harry feels\ /that\ /the story is not as true as it seems. 8. What is\ / the reason for his strange behavior? 9. Why isn’t\ /the coffee as strong as t he man wants? 10. He expects\ /the work to be finished\ /that very day. 11. She hopes\ /the task won’t be too hard and\ /they will cope with it\ /that month. 12. Why does\ /the doctor think so? 13. Why does\ /the bottom of the valley cost so much? 14. Sam hopes\ /the film is\ /the best one of the year. 15. Peter is as\ /thick-skinned as his father. 16. The new task is as complicated as\ /the old one. 17. Kate thinks\ /that it’s\ /best show of the year. 18. The film is as\ /thrilling as\ /the book. 19. Neither the first nor the second act of the play is as\ /thrilling as\ /the au dience tho ught. 20. They found out\ /that\ /the train was late. 21. She thought\ /that it wasn’t \ /the right time to start\ /the project. 22. He expected\ /the letter to arrive at\ /the end of the month. 23. In spite of the fact\ /that\ /the work was hard they didn’t want\ /to stop it. In\ /the afternoon\ /the weather suddenly changed\ /their plan.

421 Приложение 6 Introductory Phrases

Ordering arguments Disagreeing To start with … Yes, true, but... First of all/Firstly … I’m afraid I disagree / can’t agree Secondly, … with you. Another thing is that … I take / see your point, but... On the one hand … but on the other I see what you mean, but... hand … I’m not sure about that. On the other hand … I agree to some extent, but … The main reason is … I/m not sure about that. Another reason is … I can’t agree / go along with that. Well, the thing is that … I disagree. I don’t see why / how ... Clarifying your own ideas You must be joking! In other words, Surely you don’t think that... What I mean is . . . What I'm trying to say is . . . Responding to what someone has said Showing Understanding Do you? / Are you? Is it (the appro- I see. priate question tag from the state- I understand. ment) I get it./I got it. That’s interesting. Really? Giving your opinion I see. I think that . . . Oh, OK. I don't think that . . . In my opinion . . . Asking for clarification You may be right, but . . . Pardon? I may be wrong, but . . . Sorry? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Playing for time Sorry, I missed that. Let me see... Do you mean ...? Well, let me think, ... Does this mean...? Hm, let me think about that for a mo- Can you say it / that again, please? ment... Would you mind repeating that, I’ll have to think about it. please? How shall I put it? Could you repeat that more slowly, What’s the word for it? please? Could you spell that, please? Agreeing Yes, I agree with you. I completely agree. Summarising I couldn’t agree with you more. So what it comes down to is... That’s exaxtly what I think. And finally/ And on top of that … 422 I completely agree. The point I’m trying to make is... My point exactly. In short … I can go along with that. In other words … I thin k you’re right. To sum up … I suppose so. Absolutely. Exactly! I see your point, but … I see what you mean, but … Right. / That’s right. True. / That’s true. I suppose so.

423 Приложение 7 Speaking about preferences, expressing opinion etc.

Lead-in phrases Liking structures animals I’m actually quite keen on domestic pets Ok then... I’m quite passionate about vegetarian food Right, ok... I'm quite enthusiasitic dogs Alright... about... Well... I'm fairly/pretty keen on... Well, you know... I'm quite /pretty fond of... Actually... I am really into Well actually... I am really fond of I’m quite a big fan of I simply adore 1st pointing phrases I’m quite partial to ... in general I would say I’m totally mad about (that) I generally prefer (use only ... I guess that generally when comparing!) speaking I would certainly say that Disliking structures ... to start with… I'm not so keen on...... the first thing I should men- I'm not really that fond of... tion is that... I'm not much of a fan of...... to be quite honest, I would I totally detest... say (that) I really can't stand...... I suppose that for the most I absolutely loathe... part I would probably say that ... to be honest, I should really say (that) Of course I think I’d have to say (that) Certainly I would definitely say that Of course it goes without say- ing...... as far as I’m concerned… ... personally, I think… ...the point I'd like to begin with is that...... I could start off by saying that...... my initial point would be that...... I need to start off by point- ing out that...... the main thing you need to

424 know is that...... I suppose I should begin by highlighting the fact that...... you may (or may not) be aware that in fact...... I really need to kick off with the point that... Giving reasons is because I guess the reason why... it has something to And I guess this is probably do with the fact that because... And this is due to the fact that This could be because... This might be because... This is mainly because... This is due to the fact that... I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that....

2nd pointing phrases I’m also pretty passionate Another point which I could about... I am also pretty keen add is that... on A second feature which I I am fairly keen on should mention is that... As well as that, I could say that... On top of that I can also add that... Also, I suppose I should say that... But in particular, I would probably have to say (that) In addition to ... I suppose As well as this And I shouldn't forget to men- tion that... In addition to what I've just said, I can add that... Something else that I need to comment on is that... I guess I could also remark on the fact that...

425 Приложение 8 Song ‘Home on the Range’ "Home on the Range" is a classic western folk song, sometimes called the "unoffi- cial anthem" of the American West.Listen to the recording and read the lyrics. Say which phonetic phenomena you have noticed. Practice singing the song.


Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day Home, home on the range Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day

How often at night where the heavens are bright With the light of the glittering stars Have I stood there amazed and asked as I gazed If their glory exceeds that of ours

Home, home on the range Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day

Библиографический список 1. Баграмова , Н. В. О принципах отбора и организации лингвострановедче- ского материала при обучении второму иностранному языку // Проблемы ме- тодики преподавания второго иностранного языка в качестве специальности . — Владимир , 2001. — С. 11–18. 2. Бим , И. Л. Концепция обучения второму иностранному языку [ Текст ] / И.Л. Бим . – Обнинск : Титул , 2001. – 48 с. 3. Бондаренко Л. П. Basics of English Phonetics. Основы фонетики англий- ского языка : учебное пособие / Л. П. Бондаренко , В. Л. Завъялова , М. О. Пиво- варова , С. М. Соболева . –– М.: Флинта : Наука , 2009. –– 152 с. 4. Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка : Учебник . Для студентов филол . фак . ун -тов и фак . англ . яз . педвузов . — М.: Высш . школа , 1983. — 383 с. 426 5. Букреева О. М. Семантическое поле нисходяще -восходящего тона в мо- нологических и диалогических текстах // Вестник Челябинского государствен- ного университета . Филология . Искусствоведение . — 2011. — № 28. — С. 28– 33. 6. Ершова О. Максаева А. Английская фонетика . От звука к слову : учебное пособие по развитию навыков чтения и произношения .— М.: ФЛИНТА , 2014 — 136 с. 7. Иванова Н. К. Орфография английского языка . Spelling Spell. Учебное пособие . –– М.: АСТ : Восток – Запад , 2007. — 155, [5] с. 8. Ильинова Е. Ю. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка : про- странственное измерение и анализ . — Волгоград : Волгоградский государст- венный университет , 2002. — 162 с. 9. Карамнов А. С. Роль языковых стандартов в экспертной оценке учебных пособий по английскому языку // Вестник ТГПУ . — 2015. — № 1 (153). — С. 118 — 123. 10. Карневская Е. Б. Практическая фонетика английского языка : учебник / Л. Д. Раковская , Е. А. Мисуно , З. В. Кузьмицкая ; под общ . ред . Е. Б. Карневской . –– 3-е изд . –– Мн .: Симон , 2004. –– 356 с. 11. Касаткин Л. Л. Современный русский язык . Фонетика : учеб . пособие для студ . филол . фак . высш . учеб . заведений . — М.: Издательский центр « Акаде- мия », 2008. — 256 с. 12. Качалова К. Н., Израилевич Е. Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами . Москва : ЮНВЕС ЛИСТ , 1997. –– 717 с. 13. Киселёва Н. И., Лапидус Б. А., Мусланова Л. Г. и др . Basic Course. Базо- вый курс английского языка : Учеб . пособие . — М.: Иностранный язык , Изда- тельство Оникс . — 2008. — 624 с. 14. Китросская , И. И. Некоторые вопросы методики обучения второму ино- странному языку : автореф . дис . … канд . пед . наук : 13.00.01 / И.И. Китросская . – М., 1970. – 29 с. 15. Павлюченко С. Э. Особенности обучения будущего учителя второму иностранному языку // Современные технологии обучения иностранным язы- кам : материалы научно -практической конференции (24 марта 2011 г.) / Отв . ред . Л.Н. Уланская . — Бийск : ГОУВПО « АГАО », 2011. — 140 с. 16. Лапидус , Б. А. Обучение второму иностранному языку как специально- сти . — М., 1980. — 173 с. 17. Милованова Л. А. Формирование лингвокреативного мышления в кон- тексте диалога культур . // Известия волгоградского государственного педаго- гического университета . — 2010. — № 9. — С. 121-125. 18. Мурзинова И. А. Нисходяще -восходящий тон в английском обыденном дискурсе ( на материале кинофильма “Pride and Prejudice” (2005 г.)) // Перспек- тивы науки и образования . — 2014. — №4 (10). [Электронный ресурс ] URL: 19. Рыченкова Л. А. Фонетическая зарядка на уроках английского языка . Учебно -методическое пособие . — Волгоград : Парадигма , 2013. — 31 с.

427 20. Скачко Е.Ю., Кислякова Е.Ю. Методические рекомендации для студен- тов заочного отделения по теме «Nationality Words» с комплексом упражнений и приложением . — Волгоград , 2005. 21. Трубецкой Н. С. Основы фонологии / Пер . с нем . А.А. Холодовича ; под ред . С. Д. Кацнельсона . — М.: Аспект Пресс , 2000. — 352 с. 22. Фастовец Р. В. English Speech Practice (Challenge) Минск : ТетраСистемс , 2011. — 197 с. 23. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт высшего про- фессионального образования по направлению подготовки 035700 Лингвистика (квалификация ( степень ) « бакалавр ») URL: минобрнауки .рф / документы /1902 (дата обращения : 23.02.2015). 24. Филипченко М. П. Скороговорки на английском языке . — Ростов -на - Дону : Феникс , 2011. 25. Щерба Л.В. Фонетика французского языка . М., 1963. — 308 с. 26. Bowler, B. Cunningham, S. Moor, P. Parminter, S. New Headway Pronuncia- tion Course, OUP, 2000 27. Couper-Kuhlen E. 1986. An Intrioduction to English Prosody. / E. Couper- Kuhlen. — London: Edward Arnold. — 224 p. 28. Cruttenden A. Intonation. Second Edition. / A. Cruttenden.— Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. — 220 p. 29. Crystal D. 1969. Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English. / D. Crystal. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. — 390 p. 30. Crystal D. Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th ed. Blackwell, 2008 31. Harold T. Edwards, Applied Phonetics: The Sounds of American English. Cengage Learning, 2003 32. Kelly, G. How to Teach Pronunciation, Pearson, 2000. 33. Kenworthy, J. Teaching English Pronunciation, Longman, 1987. 34. Kingdon R. The Groundwork of English Intonation. / R. Kingdon. — L.: Longman, Green and co., 1958 — 272 p. 35. Marks J. English Pronunciation in Use. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. — 166 с. 36. O’Connor, J. D., Arnold G.F. Intonation of colloquial English. A Practical Handbook. / J. D. O’Connor, G. F. Arnold. — Longman, 1978. — Second edition. — 290 p. 37. Roach P. English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course. Third edi- tion. / P. Roach. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. — 283 p. 38. Sethi J, Sadanand K, Jindal D. V. A Practical Course in English Pronuncia- tion. — New Delhi, 2004. 39. Swan M. Practical English Usage. — New International Student's Edition. — Oxford: Oxford University press, 2005. — 653 с.

Словари 1. Ахманова О. С. Словарь лингвистических терминов . — М.: Советская эн- циклопедия , 1966. — 608 с. 2. Жеребило , Т.В. Словарь лингвистических терминов . —Издание 5-е, испр . и доп . — Назрань : Пилигрим , 2010. — 486 с. 428 3. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Cambridge University Press 2009 [Электронный ресурс ]. URL: 4. Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary. — London: Collins, 1990. — 1703 p. 5. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English = Словарь современного анг- лийского языка : в 2-х т. — М.: Рус . яз ., 1992. — Т.1 A—L. — 626 c. (LDCE). 6. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English = Словарь современного анг- лийского языка : в 2-х т. — М.: Рус . яз ., 1992. — Т.2 M—Z. — 1229 с. 7. The Free Dictionary [ Электронный ресурс ]. URL:

Звуковые и интонационные упражнения разработаны с использованием следующих источников и цифровых носителей : 1. Карневская Е. Б. Практическая фонетика английского языка : учебник / Л. Д. Раковская , Е. А. Мисуно , З. В. Кузьмицкая ; под общ . ред . Е. Б. Карневской . –– 3-е изд . –– Мн .: Симон , 2004. –– 356 с. + Audio CD 2. Киселёва Н. И., Лапидус Б. А., Мусланова Л. Г. и др . Basic Course. Базовый курс английского языка : Учеб . пособие . — М.: Иностранный язык , Издатель- ство Оникс . — 2008. — 624 с. 3. Marks J. English Pronunciation in Use. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. — 168 с. + Audio 5CD 4. Mortimer C. Sound Right! A Course in English Phonetics. — London Group Limited, 1975.

429 1. Прослушайте фразы и запишите их в транскрипции . Сделайте интонационную разметку фраз . Отработайте чтение фраз по разметке .

2. Прослушайте слова и запишите их в транскрипции . Найдите эти слова в словаре английского языка и проверьте , правильно ли вы их записали в транскрипции .

3. Прослушайте и запишите следующие пары слов в транскрипции и буквами . В чем их различие ? Какова смыслораз- личительная роль нейтрального гласного ?