
1 Read the text quickly. Then check () the correct words to complete the sentences.

____ / 0.4 point a. The text presents ______the internet. ( ) the history of ( ) information to understand b. It is divided into ______sections. ( ) three ( ) four

What the Internet Is

Understanding how the internet works The internet is a worldwide network of computers all connected to each other by telephone lines, cables and satellites. It’s like a huge library of information. On the internet, you can read the news, shop, pay bills, send emails, watch television programmes and more. […]

Using a The information on the internet is contained in websites and on webpages. To connect to the internet you need an Internet Service Provider, or ISP. Your mobile phone company, home phone, cable television provider or even your local supermarket chain can offer you an internet connection. A broadband internet connection allows you to access the internet. […] You view websites and webpages on a web browser. A web browser is simply a way of being able to view webpages. […] You can normally open your web browser from a shortcut on your desktop. […] At the top of the browser you will find an . To go to a website you need to put its address into the address bar.

Browsing the internet and using To explore inside a website you need to click on links. This is called ‘browsing’ or surfing the web. A website is like a book which has a front cover or home page, and lots of other pages, which are called webpages. A link can take you to a webpage in the website. A link can also take you to a different website. A link can be text, a button or an image. Links are highlighted so you can spot them. Your cursor will change to a hand when it moves over a link. BBC Learning. BBC First Click. Available at: .

2 Read the text again. Then match the columns. ____ / 1 point a. The internet is... ( ) a way to see webpages. b. People can do lots of things... ( ) can open a web browser. . You can get an internet connection... ( ) to explore inside a website. d. A web browser is… ( ) to go to a website. e. A shortcut on the desktop… ( ) they are highlighted. f. People type an address into the address bar… ( ) on the internet. g. Browsing or surfing the web is… ( ) on your mobile phone, for example. h. A home page is… ( ) it becomes a hand. i. It’s easy to find links on a webpage because… ( ) similar to the front cover of a book. j. When the cursor moves over a link… ( ) a network of computers that are all connected.

3 Read the text once more. Then answer the questions. ____ / 1.2 points a. How are the computers on the internet connected? ______b. What can people do on the internet? ______c. What do people need to connect to the internet? ______d. Where can people view websites and webpages? ______e. What are webpages? ______f. What can links do? ______


4 Use the words in the box to label the people in the descriptions. ____ / 0.5 point

computer literate • digital immigrant • digital native • technophile • technophobe a. Josh is 13 years old. He started using technology when he was 2 years old and he got his first tablet when he was 5. He was born during the age of digital technology. He is a ______. b. Jerry is 56 years old. He can use a computer and a smartphone. He uses these gadgets to surf the web, find recipes online and exchange messages with his family. He is a ______. c. Harry is 40 years old. He didn’t use technology when he was a kid or a teenager, but he learned to use a computer at university. Nowadays, he likes technology a lot. He is a ______. d. Sophia is 20 years old. She loves technology. She has a PC, a notebook and a tablet at home and she’s always with her smartphone. She’s studying Computer Science at university. She is a ______. e. Janice is 38 years old. She doesn’t like computers. She doesn’t surf the web and never buys anything online. She has a very simple cell phone, without internet access. She is a ______.

5 Complete the crossword puzzle. ____ / 1 point

6 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. ____ / 0.8 point a. I think this mouse is broken because I can’t click on / scan any icons. b. Can you download / scan a page of this book for me? I need to send it by email. c. Brianna can’t click / print the files because her printer is not working. d. You shouldn’t download / print this file. It might have a virus that can damage your computer.

7 Unscramble the letters in brackets to write words that complete the sentences. ____ / 0.7 point a. There is a ______(V E R E S R) at the company. It controls the computer network. b. You must have a strong ______(S W O A P D R S) to protect your information. c. My new tablet fell from my backpack, but its ______(C E R E N S) didn’t break. d. The address of our school ______(B T I W S E E) changed last week. e. I received your email, but I can’t open the ______(T A H M A C T N T E). f. I can’t find the ______(N L K I) to that text. Could you send it again? g. Did you see Ben’s ______(G O L B)? He posts interesting texts on it.


8 Complete the sentences with will and the verbs in brackets. ____ / 0.6 point a. I ______(go – neg.) to the mall tonight. I need to study. b. That gadget ______(scan) your pictures in seconds! c. Gavin’s parents ______(buy) him a new computer for Christmas. d. ______Avery and her friends ______(play) basketball tomorrow? e. Our ICT teacher ______(come – neg.) today. He’s sick. f. What ______you ______(do) when you get home?

9 Read the statements. Then complete the sentences with may or might and the prompts from the box. ____ / 1.2 points

be out of energy • go to the movies tonight • have a virus on it need to restart your router • rain later • travel abroad in the summer

a. Evan wants to see the new X-Men movie, but he’s not sure. Evan ______b. This website is really slow! You ______c. Isabelle got a passport and bought a big backpack. She ______d. My smartphone is not turning on. It ______e. There are dark clouds in the sky. It ______f. Jane’s computer is not working. It ______

10 Complete the short conversations with may (not), might (not), will or won’t and the verbs in brackets, according to how certain the action is. ____ / 0.6 point a. A: Formatting your computer ______(be – neg. – less certain) a good idea… B: Why not? I ______(create – very certain) a backup of all my files. b. A: Owen, take your umbrella. It ______(rain – less certain) this afternoon. B: OK, Dad, I ______(take – very certain) it. Do you know where it is? c. A: Gabriel ______(come – neg. – very certain) to the party tonight. B: Really? Why not? A: He ______(help – very certain) his grandma download apps.


11 Listen to some information about keeping email safety. Circle the words that complete it correctly. ____ / 1 point

People may send you emails to try and access your a. public / private information such as bank account or credit card details.

You may also get SPAM emails which are sent to thousands of people and usually advertise b. products or services / apps and software. To protect yourself against these types of c. messages / emails, follow these tips:

• Don’t open an email from someone you have never heard of. d. Read / Delete it immediately. • If you do open it by accident, don’t e. download / click on any links. Never reply to a SPAM email.

• You can f. stop / put a block on unwanted SPAM email on your email account – this will also g. download / block most fraudulent emails too. • Use an up-to-date h. antivirus / web browser as these can warn

you against sites that may try to gain your i. password / information fraudulently. • Don’t give away your j. password / information or any personal information. No legitimate company will ever ask you for your password.


12 What will the future be like? Write a paragraph with five predictions about technology or life in general. ____ / 1 point
